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At Can ,Be Made 4, DOCUMENT PESUNE ED 210 504 CE,010 776 T/TLE Microcomputer Hardwape. Energy Technology Series. DINSTITUTION Technical Education Research Centre-Southwest,Waco, -Tex. SPONS AGENCY Office of Vocational and Adult Educalion (Et) , Washington, D.C. BUREAU 410 498A1180027 PUB DATE Dec 80 CONTRACT _ 3'00 -78 -0551 NOTE 2.16p.: For related documents see CE 030 771-789and ED 190 746-761. AVAILABLE FROM' Center for Occupational Msearch andtevelopment, 601 Lake Air Dr., Waco, TX 76710 ($2.50per module: 4117.50 for entire course) .- EDRS'ipgIcE MF01 Plus POstage. PC Not Ayailable trot!EDRS. DESCgIPTORS, Adult Education: -*Analog Computers; Behavioral Objectives: Course tescrigtions: Courses; *Eigital . Computers: *Energy: Energy Contervation:'Glcssaries: Input Output: Input OutputDevices: Iatcratcry Experiments: Leariitg.Activities: LearningEodes: *Microcomputers: Postsecondary Education:*Power Technology: *Technical Education: Tut Year Colleges Conversion ('Fermat) Troubleshooting ABSTRACT This course in microcomputer hardware isone cf 16 courses in the Energy Technology Series de-iglopedfor an Energy Conservation-and-Use Technol curricului: Intended foruse in tro-year.jostsecondary te4Wicil-instittions toprepare technicians 4,foremplZyment, the coursesare also useful in industry fcr updating employees in coipany-spot training programs. Comprised ofseven modules, the 'Course surveys integrated circuit logic,.common electricil'and logical digital interfacing techniques,techniques for gettin/g digital and.apalog data into and out ofmicroccaputers, applications of these techniques to actual controlprotlems, data communication ideas, and microcompgter troubleshooting.fchtiques. Written by a technical expert and approved, byindustry representatives, each module contacins thefollowing elemt4s: introduction;" prerequisites; Objectives, subjectmatterg.exercises, labotatory materials',1aboratory procedures.(experimentsection fok hands -cn.portion), data tables (included inmost basic courses to help students learn .to collect or organizedata) °, references, and glossary, Module titles are Digital Components,Semi-Cctductor Logic 'Families, Input /Output Devices,and Techniques,Unalog/Eigital Conversion, Data Communication, Bus Systems, andTroubleshooting Microcomputer Components.' (YLB) * 1***It*******************####*********************** ***4***************. A Reproductions supp;ied by EDRS are thebest atcan ,bemade from the original document. **************** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *$k ** 0* * * * ** * ** *************. Y e 4e MICROCOMPUTER HARDWARE 4 TECHNICAL EDUCATION RESEARCH CENTER SW 4800 LAKEWOOCI DRIVE SUITE 5 WACO, TEXAS 76710 .t DEC. 1980 U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION e NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS s MICROFICHE ONLY 1 J \ FO ATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION MATERIAL IN CENTER (ERIC' HAS BEEN GRANTED BY IN. This document has been reproduced as rec eircl from the person of organization originating it Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction duality 's.,. Points of view of opinions Stated in this does TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES ment do not necessarily represent official NIE INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)" position or policy . fi 2 PREFACE ABOUT ENERGY TECHNOLOGY MODULES Thee modules were developed by TERC-SW foruse in two-yea postsecondary technical institutions to prepare technicians for employment andare useful in industry for up- dating employees in company-sponsoredtraining programs. The principles, techniques and skills taught in the modules,.basedon tasks that energy technicians perform, were obtained from a nationwide advisory committee ofemployers of energy technicians. Each module written by a technical expert and apprOved byrepresentatives from industry. A A module contains the following-elements: Introduction, which identifies the topic and often includesa rationale for studOPN,the material._ Rrerequisites, which identify the material a stUdent.should befamiliar with before studying the module. 'Objectives, which clearly identify hat the studentis expected to know for sat- isfactory module completion. The objectives, stated in terms of action-oriented behaviors, include such action wordsas operate. measure, calculate, identify and dcilne,:rather than words withmany interpret,atienst such as know, under- stand, learn and appreciate. Subject Matter, which presents the background,theoryand techniques supportive k to the objectives of the module. Subject matter is written with the technical student in mind. , Exercises; which provide practical problems to 'which thestudent Gran apply ,his new knowledge. Laooratory Materials, which identify the equipment requiredto complete the laooratory procedure. 1 1.aooratory Procedures, 'which15the axperiment,section, cr, "hands-on"portion, of the modufe (indluding step-by-step instruction) designedto reinforce student learning. :re Inc:L.del in most modul,es for tho Cir'st volt- or ba,.:, CCUrye_ neln.:ne -ztudent no4% to and :r4int:.: "-Zooronces.;e:,t1;,ns for ,unolomen:L-v stJuto-. me,J,uro, tale ,; me .. to in,. ' or is zsloa it :1 .0 ---,at Ire Inc . : 1r t . c.t :o o , at * CONTENTS I Preface Table of Contents MODULE MH-01 Digital mponents MODULE M -02 Semi-Condu for Logic Families MODULE MH-03 Input/Output Devices and Techniques MODULE MH-04 Analog/Digital Conversion 4 MODULE MH7O5 Data Communication MODULE MH-Ob Bus Systems v MODULE MH-07 Troubleshooting Micrcomputer Componerits t 'I ) 4 S. k ENERGY TECHNOLOpY ecut CONSERVATION AND USE MICROCOMPUTER HARDWA MODULE mi+oi DIGITAL COMPONENTS 4 4 TECHNICAL EDUCATION RESEARCH CENTER'=SOUTHWEST 4800 LAKEWOOD DRIVE, SUITE 5 WACO. TEXAS ,76710 Copynight, 1979 by the Techncca4 Education ReseanlhCenter - SW. Punted in the Un<teld States oi America. AU nightsnesenved. These mate/U.42s, on pants theneoi, may not be nepnoduced<A any ionm without petm<ssion. Copynight on these mate/U.:2s is da<med only during thepen<od oi development, test and evatuat<on, unless mathon<zatcon<s gnonted oy the U. S. oi Frbic/tinn to claim copynight also on the Foe cnionmation on the st.2:41:4 2i the copyn<gnt datm, ;ontaat e,ithen the zopynight pnoonletonVC the U. S. 0i- iice oi Education Thematt.U4 724contained he/nein Amite developed punsuant to a ton- pact the OCiice,o6 Education,CI .--SDepanonent---oi-4 F4ncat<on and :geliane: Ptoject No. 498AH0027, C.:mt.:act Mo. 780551. ,:on.c,"=to,t.s f.t.n.d.w.X.azutgsuet. pro; eras unden pvennm soonsonsnip ane zAcounaged to express inedy theca pnoiessional judgement <A the ....rm.:act the pnoject. ?amts Oi VkalW OVA4C44 stated do not, theneione, necessanily represent .0i6ice ai Education ,:oshti:n D. 6 9.4 4. IP> INTRODUCTION Computers are logic devicescomposed of a vast array'of elementary logic gates. These gates oftenare used singly or in simple combinations incomputer support circuits such . as memory, input/output and clocks. This module investgaves the logical properties ofthese gates andsome of the basic digital circuits thatcan be made from them. PREREQUISITES The Student should havecompleted the course in Micro- computer Operations and have theability to us d.c. instru- ments and to breadboard integratedcircuits (IC). OBJECTIVES Upon completion of thismodule, the student shouldbe able to: 1. Predict'output from multiplegate circuit schematics by using truth table's and standardlogic symbols. 2. Uetine the following terms: Microc9mputer. a b. Large scale integration (LSI). c. Hardware, d. Software.. e. Arithmetic unit' f. Cipck and control unit. ..,y Memory. ! h., Data. i. Instruction. MU- 0i/Page 1 Central processing unit (CPU). k. 'Prim'ary memory.. 1. Secondary memory. m. Location. n. Address. d. Read only memory (ROM). p. Random access memory (RAM). q. Peripheral. r. Digital signal. s. LeKelesignal. t. Pulse signal. u. Gate. v. AND gate. w. OR gate. NOT gate (or inverter). y. ,NAND gate. z. NOR gate. aa. Exclusive OR gate. ,bb. Non-exclusive OR gate. cc. Inversion bubble. dd. Adder. 41; ee. Register. ff.- Buffer act. Flip-flop. hh. Set-reset flip?flop: ii. Trigger flip -flop. jj. Master-slave flip-flop. J-K -(steerable) flip -flop. 11. Program counter. mm. Leading 'edge. "'"--4, nn.-- Trailing edge. 41. Page 2/MH-01 oo. Identity, function. pp. Serial parity. I I , - I. MH-01/Page,3 SUBJECT MATTER. CHANtES.AD THECOMPUTER'S COMPONENTS Since the first generation'ofdigital tomputer hardwiare appeared in,the 1940's, themomentum of changing corriputr technology 'has grown aten 'ever - increasingpace,. The challenge fortechniciansinvolved withcomputcr __Hardware, includingtechnicians ip energy conservation and 1 V a use, is to keep abreast_of-these rapidly-changing 4'pvelop- ments. ?his introductory course in computer hardwaresummarizes- the basic logic components found in all digitalcomputers, as well as basic digital electronics and simpletroubleshooting technique. Students should realize,however, that in this environment of technologicalchange, the hardware, encountered in the field will bewide-ranging inappearance and function. The term. "microcomputer"refers to a digital computing device that utilizesan advanced solid-state micropcessor. Microprocessiirs 'Werefirst'introduced in 1971as a result of Large Scale Intevatiow (LSI) technology, which enabledthe -construction of a 'single silicon- Integrat.ed Circuit (IC)con- taining the miniaturized logic devices required bycomputers, which will be detailedin this course. Hardware refers tothe physicalcomponents and circuitry that make-up a digital computer. Software refers to'programs,
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