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Nov. 13The Anatomy of the ships. Dr. G. Henry Katz, Presi- terpersonal Relationships: The Psy- CHIID PSYCHIATRY COIJRSE Personality, I. Dr. Herbert Hers- dent, Philadelphia Psychoanalytic chology of the Group. Dr. Herbert kovitz, Director, Reading Guidance Institute, Instructor, Department Freed, Ass't Professor of Psychia- Clinic. of Psychiatry, University of Penn- try, Temple University, Chief of TO START NEXT SEPTEMBER Dec. 11The Anatomy of the sylvania. Psychiatric Service, Philadelphia Personality. II. Dr. Herbert Hers-. March 12The Psychology of General Hospital. kovitz, Director, Reading Guidance Interpersonal Relationships: New June 11Behavior as Amenable STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES WILL RECEIVE Clinic. Relationships. Dr. Paul Sloane, to Change and Improvement CREDIT HOUR Jan. 8The Psychology of In- Chief of Neurology and Psychiatry, through Proper Interpersonal Re- terpersonal Relationships: The In- Mt. Sinai Hospital, Philadelphia. lationships, Education, Therapy, terpersonal Relationship in the April 9The Psychology of In- Dr. Samuel A. Guttman, Director, A course in Child Psychiatry, Farley. Family. Dr. Sydney Biddle, Chair- terpersonal Relationships: The Re- Child Guidance Center of Lacka- sponsored by the Lackawanna The closing date for registration man, Education Committee, Phila- lationship of the Teacher, the Par- wanna County; Instructor, Depart- course is 31. The spon- University of County Child Guidance Center, and for the July delphia Psychoanalytic Institute. ent and the Child. Dr. 0. Spurgeon ment of Psychiatry, sors plan to run the series for three Feb. 12The Psychology of In- English, Chairman of Depatrment Pennsylvania Medical School. conducted. by the Philadelphia Psy- years. If any student of Wilkes terpersonal Relationships: The Ef- and Professor of Psychiatry, Tem- All physicians are associated choanalytical Institute, will be attends for the three years he will fect of Physical Illnesses and Dis- ple University, School of Medicine.
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