Nov. 13The Anatomy of the ships. Dr. G. Henry Katz, Presi- terpersonal Relationships: The Psy- CHIID PSYCHIATRY COIJRSE Personality, I. Dr. Herbert Hers- dent, Philadelphia Psychoanalytic chology of the Group. Dr. Herbert kovitz, Director, Reading Guidance Institute, Instructor, Department Freed, Ass't Professor of Psychia- Clinic. of Psychiatry, University of Penn- try, Temple University, Chief of TO START NEXT SEPTEMBER Dec. 11The Anatomy of the sylvania. Psychiatric Service, Philadelphia Personality. II. Dr. Herbert Hers-. March 12The Psychology of General Hospital. kovitz, Director, Reading Guidance Interpersonal Relationships: New June 11Behavior as Amenable STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES WILL RECEIVE Clinic. Relationships. Dr. Paul Sloane, to Change and Improvement CREDIT HOUR Jan. 8The Psychology of In- Chief of Neurology and Psychiatry, through Proper Interpersonal Re- terpersonal Relationships: The In- Mt. Sinai Hospital, Philadelphia. lationships, Education, Therapy, terpersonal Relationship in the April 9The Psychology of In- Dr. Samuel A. Guttman, Director, A course in Child Psychiatry, Farley. Family. Dr. Sydney Biddle, Chair- terpersonal Relationships: The Re- Child Guidance Center of Lacka- sponsored by the Lackawanna The closing date for registration man, Education Committee, Phila- lationship of the Teacher, the Par- wanna County; Instructor, Depart- course is 31. The spon- University of County Child Guidance Center, and for the July delphia Psychoanalytic Institute. ent and the Child. Dr. 0. Spurgeon ment of Psychiatry, sors plan to the series for three Feb. 12The Psychology of In- English, Chairman of Depatrment Pennsylvania Medical School. conducted. by the Philadelphia Psy- years. If any student of Wilkes terpersonal Relationships: The Ef- and Professor of Psychiatry, Tem- All physicians are associated choanalytical Institute, will be attends for the three years he will fect of Physical Illnesses and Dis- ple University, School of Medicine. with the Philadelphia Psychoanaly- held in Scranton beginning Satur- receive three credit hours. abilities on Interpersonal Relation- May 14The Psychology of In- tic Institute. day, September 11, at 8 p. m. The Following is a list of lectures for lecture series will be held every the first course: second Saturday of the month and SATIJRDAYS- continue for ten months. Each lec- Sept. 11The Purposiveness of ture will be delivered by a person Human Behavior: The Psychopath- prominent in the field of Child Psy- ology of Everyday Life. I. Dr. Ger- chiatry, and will be one and one ald H. J. Pearson, Director, Phila. half hours long. Psychoanalytic Institute, Associate Any teacher or student of Wilkes Professor of Child Psychiatry, who attends all ten lectures through Temple University, School of Medi- Wilkes College will receive one cine. credit hour. However, the cost of October 9The Purposiveness of the course will be $12.50,, and per- Human Behavior: The Psychopath- sons taking the course to receive ology of Everyday Life. II. Dr the credit must take examinations Pearson, Director, Phila. Psycho- on the course from the Psychology analytic Institute, Associate Pro- Department of Wilkes, it was re- fessor of Child Psychiatry, Tempe cently announced b,r Dr. Eugene S. University, School of Medicine. Vol. 3, No. 4. WILKES COLLEGE, WILKES-BARRE, PA. Friday, July 30, 1948 COUNCIL PASSES PRE-MED REGISTRAR COUNCIL WILL HOLD OUTING BUDGET, PROMISES AUDITS ANNOUNCE S TOMORROW AT RUMBLE'S GROVE

The Student Council meeting of Jack Feeney of the social activ- MII)SEMESTER GRADES AND BUSES WILL LEAVE CHASE HALL AT 11:30 last Tuesday found all of the Cöun- ities then gave a report on the out- RE-EXAMINATIONS cil members ready and anxious for ing to be held tomorrow at Rum- work, but there was hardly any ble's Grove. Tickets have been Affair To Be Outlet For Swimming, Riding, Photography, Mr. Herbert Morris, Wilkes re- new business on the agenda. printed and students can pick them Singing Enthusiasts After the reading of the minutes up at the bookstore. Two tickets gistrar, has made the following an- of the previous meeting by scribe will be given to each student and nouncements concerning re-examin- By BILL GRIFFITH Dolores Passeri, chairman Tony those students who do not have ations and mid-semester grades. called on Meechak should in The Wilkes College Student Council will conduct out- Zabiegalski Ray transportation be front Re-examinations will be held on an of the appropriations committee for of Chase Hall at 11:30. At that ing tomorrow at Rumble's Grove. Jack Feeney, Chairman a report from that body. Mr. Mee- time, the buses hired by the coun- Saturday, July 31, at 9 a. m. All chak presented the budget of the cil will leave for the Grove. students taking re-examinations of the committee for this event, stated that buses will trans- Pre-Med Society. This group had Mr. Zabiegaiski stated that he must report to the Registrar's Off- port students who do not have means of transportation. The petitioned the council for the sum had talked with Mr. Manley who is ice in Chase Hall. Other students buses will depart from the front of Chase Hall at 11:30. of $66.00 as operating expenses auditing the books. A report of last for the surrent semester. Mr. Me- semester's audit will be ready next who have conditions and incom- The outing will appeal to one Hazieton. Take rout 309 (Wilkes- chak made a motion to accept this week. pletes but who are not in attend- and all. Rumble's Grove has a large Barre-Hazleton Highway) to the fresh-water swimming pool in pottery located on budget, seconded by Mr. Boyle. The Feeney opened a discussion on ance during the summer have the plant the right- which there is a complete change hand side of the road. Turn right motion was passed unanimously. It buying some new equipment for option of removing the conditions was a far cry from the $200.00 ap- the Boys Lounge. The frequenters of cool, refreshing water every two at the plant, travel two miles and propriated to the club by the coun- and incompletes at a later date in hours, which will delight the would- be ready for an action-packed hap- of that institution have requested the September semester. be Williamses and Weissmullers' of py day. cil last semester. Students who re- some new cue sticks and chess sets. member the incident will recall that Mid-semester grades have been Wilkes. Two free tickets for the affair this budget was the one that caused The matter will be taken into con- reported to the Office of the Regis- No lunches need to be taken as will be given to each student. The quite a bit of trouble then. sideration by the council. trar by members of the faculty. Tony Zabiegalski and Ray Meechak tickets can be obtained at the book- All students receiving an unsatis- have spent the past few days work- store. factory grade in any p;rticular Committees in charge of the af- course will be notified by the ing on the menu. Tony says he has fair are: Jack Feeney, Chairman; French Embassy Weather Map deans, Mr. Ralston and Miss Hark- hired two cooks whose culinary ab- Refreshments - Tony Zabiegaiski er. It will be necessary for these ilities would put many a young -wife and Ray Meechak; Arrangements UN Posted In SLH students to report to the deans to shame. Adequate sheltered pic- Ed Boyle, John Burak and Geo. Recognizes when notified and at a later date. nic tables are available so that the Brody; Athletics - Bob Partridge Mr. Taylor of the Wilkes College More information is forthcoming connoisseur of good foods can eat and Tom Moran. Club of Wilkes i'hyics Department has announced in the next issue of the BEACON to his heart content, come rain or Line-ups of the Teams: that a weather map will oe posted concerning courses for next sem- shine. Mules Ponies each day in Science Lecture Hall ester, final examinations and sem- Horses can be rented at the stable lb,Porter Miller OFFER FILMS FOR USE IN fcr anyone interested in weather ester dates up to the '49 summer located across the road from the SbDragon Waters CLASSROOM in formation. semester. grove. (Not for eating, for riding.) cfJackson Kloeber An air-cooled dance pavilion, Sb Rhienhart Williams where dreamy and hot music will ssHuff Partridge Regular Film Schedule STUDENT COUNCIL RELEASES he played, should appeal to the per- pCelmer Blake or Sott Changed son who likes to trip the light fan- sfHendershot Feeney tastic. lfMarshall Krzywicki CINDERELLA BALL REPORT Are you a gambler? If so, come rfAnderson Florkiewicz Official recognition of Wilkes' to Rumble's and try your luck in cMoran Ralston language clubs by the French Em- the Penny Arcade or in the cinch uMorse Lewis and Supinski bassy has evidently been establish- The following is a statement of Income and Expeditures game that will probably be under- way. ed, for, largely through the efforts for the second annual Cinderella Ball. The total income from The photography enthusiast will of Miss Martha Silseth, the French the affair was $2,100, and total expense was $4,468.79. The find beautiful scenes and back- Wilkes Cancels Embassy has courteously agreed to net cost was $2,368.79. grounds for his pictorial studies; send the U. N. Club films which INCOME therefore, bring the Brownies and Safety Courses will be shown to the language stu- Receipts from Sale of Tickets $2,100.00 Leicas. For those who like to read 'neath dents on scheduled days during EXPENSES the shade of a stately tree or near The Wilkes College Bureau of class hours. Band, Tommy Dorsey $2,750.00 a gurgling brook, the stateliest of Safety, under the direction of The first of the French films are Rental of Armory 100.00 trees and the gurgliest of brooks Clemens A. Pell, disclosed that the scheduled for August 10. The pro- Rental of Ring for Bandstand 200.00 will be found at the Grove. two Safety Courses, General Safe- gram then will include the films, Federal Tax on Ticket Sales 349.60 Who will win the softball game ty and Driver Training, which were Forever Paris, Next Time We See Printing and Engraving 177.28 in the afternoonPartridge's Po- to have been available to college Paris, and La Marseillaise. Photographing 111.50 nies or Tom Moran's Mules? students and High School instruct- The second group of films, which Lighting (Emergency System) Wouldbe members of the Choral ors, have been canceled for the Gaulle, Men of 25.00 includes General JJe Decorations Club can demonstrate their abili- duration of the Summer semester. Marquis, and Sign of Victory, are 357.53 ties Sound Service while travelling to and from Mr. Pell pointed out the fact that scheduled for August 24. 3o.00 the grove, singing the oldtime fav- since the Safety Education classes Miss Silseth has announced a Rental of Chairs and Moving of Piano 58.48 orites. would consist largely of high change in the regular series of for- Gleaning Services and Fireman 30.00 Students who did not go to the school instructors who are, at pre- eign films being shown in Chase AwardsCinderella Girls 80.20 Winter Carnival were sorry they sent, on their vacation or involved Gardens: Policemen and Guards 75.00 had not attended. This outing pro- in other duties, necessary atten- On August 25Crime and Pun- Miscellaneous ExpenseJ. Feeney 25.35 mises to be as much fun as the dance would be practically impos- ishment replaces Madam Bovary. Thespians Services 7.50 Winter Carnival; so put on the old sible. These courses are to be 1 Blumen aus On September May 14Entertainment for Band 91.35 clothes and come to Rumble's. All available in the latter part of Sep- Nizza replaces The Merry Wives that is needed to make this outing tember to all who are interested. of Windsor. the best TOTAL EXPENSE event of the semester is There will be no tuition charge Many of these films are com- 4,468.79 your presence. for the Driver Training and Ekiuca- manding high admission prices in Rumble's Grove is located about tion class. However, students in PDFNew Yorkcompression, theatres. OCR, webNET optimization COST using a watermarked$2,368.79 evaluation halfway between copy Wilkes-Barre of CVISION and (continued PDFCompressor on page 2) 2 WILKES COLLEGE BEACON Friday, July 30, 1948 sion is but an interchange and free flow of different ideas WILKES CANCELS SAFETY and opinions presented in a healthy, robust manner. We must (continued from page 1) always keep in mind that only in a democracy can opinions this class must possess a learner's permit or a driver's license. The . . . and given a hearing! be freely expressed course consists of class work and Germany and Japan made the fatal mistake of thinking actual 'behind-the-wheel training. TED WOLFE that our differences of opinion were signs of degenration Successful completion of this course Editor-in-Chief entitles the student to teach driv- and decadence. ing in the public secondary schools VINCE. MACRI The lesson to be learned: Democracies, though they ap- of Pennsylvania. Associate Editor pear weak, divided and uncertain, are highly resistant to any The General Safety course re- of the usual GARFIELD DAVIS FRANK EIWAZ form of external threat, danger or menace. There are those quires the payment Sports Editor Business semester hour fee. This course who could profit greatly from such a lesson in these troubled covers industrial, farm, pedestrian MARCELLA NOVAK CHARLES REIF times. and all other fields of safety prac- Faculty Advisor Faculty Reporter Edward fin Wasilewski tices. Both courses will lead to provi- News Staff sional teacher's certificates to teach Bill Griffith, Earl Jobes,' Bill Kashatus, Tom Lasky, Ruth Lawlor, these subjects in public schools. Art Spengler, Ed Wasilewski, Russ Williams, Don Folimer Mr. Pell stated that starting Sep- John Burak, Marty Blake (Ed. Note: In keeping with our promise to print some of Brookside tember, driver training teachers in W. Jones' literary achievement (BEACON, July 16) in this issue, we all public schools must have six in these subjects. EDITORIAL hereby present one of that poet extraordinaire's great masterpieces.) hours credit

IVORY TOWER OR TOWER OF BABEL WOULD-BE POETS - TAKE HEED! By CRAFTSMEN "The world is too much with us . . . " That is the wail BROOKSII)E W. JONES of a considerable group of educators in this education con- of a poet is awfully rough: ENGRAVERS scious The life nation. No food, live in a garrettthat sort of stuff. * These are the Ivory Tower Thinkers; and their ideals While he racks his brain to dream up a lyric and goals revolve about an absolute freedom of unperturbed That will be epic or humorous, or perhaps satiric. 20 North State St. Phone 3-3151 erudition. Their notion of a scholar it would seem is one He gets for his labor very little money, who is removed and sheltered from the hubbub and confu- (Something like that can be quite unfunny.) sion of everyday life; who is steeped in the love of Greek and Whilst he pursues his poetic bent, his rent? Latin classics; and who faces a quarrelsome world with a How does he manage to pay H. A. WHITEMAN philosophic calm of one familiar with the eternal truths. Consider the case of a poet named Poe: in quest of dough, of such was the vogue in When his landlady approached Until the turn the century, How did he resolve the tense situation? & CO. INC. the education of our bright, young people. Graduates at that Write a poem for her commemoration? time entered the more learned and scholarly professions: Seems to me such antics just wouldn't go. Wholesale leaving the management of the more rough and tumble af- Edgar wrote lyrics to Annabel Lee fairs of business and politics to the less educated. In her kingdom beside the stormy sea. Paper and Stationery But a brash, young, up and coming nation flexing its A lot of fun for anyone, newly-found sinews after successful and decisive participation But what did he use for do-re-mi? Wilkes-Barre, Pa. in World War 1, was entertaining new ideas as to how its There's no denying that the game's so rigorous promising, young citizens were to be educated, too. It discourages all but those most vigorous. As a result, the free elective curriculum was introduced For how many will continue into our schools of higher by howls To exert brain and sinew learningaccompanied In a racket where reward is so sadly meagerous? of protest from the keepers of The Ivory Towers. And the invaders didn't stop there. They demanded You flounder around in iambic pentameter, trochaic tetrameter, that colleges and universities 'produce graduates who were Or you muddle through trained for specific vocations, to be employed as specialists And the only end you ever achieve: in various fields of business, industry and government. The Unappreciative guys (my favorite peeve) you smoking hashish? classicists quickly one Will snidely inquire, "Are BISCUiT Co. dubbed the new school as suffering Or are your poems just naturally Odgen Nashish?" from "specialists". * The controversy roars on, with all sorts of new con- Wilkes-Barre. Pa. cepts of education ranging between these two extremes being proposecland rejected. We are quite certain at any rate . . . if we do not have Campus Merry-Co-Round the best educational system in the world, at least we are con- by marty blake RECORDS ducting the greatest experiment along these lines. '7 VICTOR And how goes the battle today? What with ole Jupe Pluvius on mittee deserve a vote of thanks for DECCA Sol, shapes up as a gala affair. The battle lines are drawn most clearly between those vacation and his cousin, King what COLUMBIA who favor what they term "progressive education", which taking over the throne, the major- According to rumors, the Mayor of ity of our education-seekers have Grant Street, Nick Dybach, has and Accessories is little more than a student undergoing a given college course deserted OUR TOWN on weekends hired his own private bus to trans- at his own speed, the only qualification being that he satis- and trekked to Atlantic City, Wild- port his second-place Draft Dodg- THE--- factorily pass the examinations. wood, Asbury Park, etc. . .Hamid's ers to the spread . . . A tip to the required On the other hand, Pier seems to be getting the big refreshment committee: Keep Al Campus Record Shop we find those who propose the study of the One Hundred play from Helen Williams, Patsy Morse away from the food, especial- W. NORTHAMPTON ST. Battisti, the clams. 14 greatest bos in recorded time over a four year course at Boyd, Norb Olshefski, Jo ly Phone 2-0740 Don Williams, Larry Pelish, Norm JACKPOT DEPARTMENT: - the college level as the ideal of a liberal arts education. Hughes, Doris Brier, and a whole Vince Macri proudly exhibiting his Most institutions it seems have sought a compromise be- host of Wilkesites . . . It must be A in English 201 . After making tween a general education in the liberal arts and specialized the climate down there since Mike 349 photostatic copies of the paper, now is contemplating opening training in limited fields. To specialize fully the student Kosik and Paul Thomas have been he seen making the long journey each up a stand to peddle papers . work in . we have Bungling must pursue post-graduate most instances. and every weekend . . When ques- Methinks another THE A recent innovation has been the setting up byindustry tioned on their motives, the boys Franklin in our midst.. SNAPSHOTS: Two-Ton Feeney of its own training schools. Accepting college graduates as blush and sigh "It's a sin to tell lie" . . . Well shut my mouth. sliding into third base during a re- promotable material; these industries then provide the MAIL BAG DEPARTMENT: - cent Clowns-Beacon game . . . Re- most promising among them a thorough technical training, Happy to receive a note from one siderits of Dunmore reported an BOSTON STORE of the trumpet men in Master Dor- about same time, thence utilizing them as specialists or experts within the or- earthquake the sey's crew who wished to be re- and, as yet, no word has been re- ganization footing the expense of the education. membered to all the students at ceived from Harvard or Yale where bewildering educa- Wilkes . . . Also he said to thank Notwithstanding this diversity in two of the seismographs in the tional institutions, the average student finds that by judicious all the members of the Student Men's Shop Council for that nice party the world are located . . . Phil Nichols, selection of available cour offered, and by diligent study RJJLERS gave the band at the Johnny Burak, and some other he can secure for himself w1at can be considered 'a fine, well- Hotel Sterling . . . He said that character named Anderson have the boys were pleasantly astonished formed a trio (singing, that is) has everything for the rounded education by any standards. Those students, espe- Imagine to get paid $2750.00 Maybe they'll name them Phil cially, who know what they want, and what they are goin.g for a band and then to have a par- Nichols and his red hot pennies. college man's needs. to do with it. ty thrown in their honor . . . Need- Seems to have been quite a cele- less to say, he stated he and his bration at Danny Boyle's the other from ties to suits. Now the cry has been raised in many quarters that the cohorts would be very glad to come night. . .Everybody THAT'S ANY- state of American education is nothing less than a state of back . To Wilkes College? ? ? BODY ATTENDED.. anarchy. To the casual observer or the prejudiced eye this No, to the party at the Sterling THANKS HEARTILY TO NICK FOWLER, DICK MUTTEN FROM A GLUTTEN: DYBACH FOR LETTING THE claim may seem to hold some validity. But to those who are Any student who doesn't partake of CLOWNS DEFEAT HIS DRAFT- well-informed and familiar with the workings of a true dé- the feed at Rumble's Grove tomor- DUNKER'S-er-DODGERS. AND WALKER mocracy will be far from dismayed. row ought to have their head (as (Ed. Note:We are not respons- well as their stomach) examined, ible for the grammar (or language) PDF compression,What appears on the OCR, surface web to be optimization conflict and confu- using The Student a watermarked Council activities corn- evaluation used in Mr. Blake's copy column.) of CVISION PDFCompressor P'riday, July 30, 1948 WTLK OQLJEGE BEACON UN Club Offers IRC Meeting Medical No Commercials MUSIC,' MAESTRO Toni ht Modicums FOLLMER By JOHN BURAK By DON What is so rare as a day in July? Now check this! Reese Pelton, or- John Faneck, president of the the "Colle- THE WHITE PLAGUE whereby successful treatment is The anwser is not"two days in ganizer and leader of International Relations Club of gians" dance band, is in search of Wilkes College, has announced that effected, a discussion of later symp- June", nor "half a worm in an Some week's is talent for his little group. This coluin devoted to toms is unnecessary. apple", but, "a full half hour pro- long-needed changes are in store, an important meeting of that or- a brief summary of one of the Treatment of cancer resolves it- is your op- ganization will be held this eve- most important problems con- self into three main fields: X-ray, gram of music and entertainment so you musicians, here with no commercials". portunity to do something besides' ning at 8:00 in the lounge of Chase fronting the American public to- radium therapy, and surgery. X- this band. Surely there Hall. All members are requested day. The acts presented herein ray is successful in destroying pri- The fifth broadcast of the "On talk about are some fine vocalists in this school to attend this meeting. cannot be stressed too often; the mary, stage growths and checking Wings of Imagination to South who would be in- stakes in this game are too high. the progress of late stage growths, and community America" series will give you just terested in forming a trio to ap- BLUE. Roy Eldridge has re-record- What are these stakesand why thus prolonging life for a time. "Collegians". There so high? They are our very lives. Radium therapy is similar in ap- that. It won't be necessary to eat pear with the ed his AFTER YOU'VE GONE Salomey (made will be some instrumental changes, Bunny * * * plication to the X-ray technique for Sam's with the with a takeoff on the late new wonder ingredientmeat) or too, if there are any tenor sax or Berigan's theme, I CAN'T GET People shudder when they read both are used in the treatment of willing out kin cancers. In addition, radium, take 'your bicycle home for service trumpet men to try for STARTED waxed on the flipover. descriptions of the Black Death or to tune in Station WHWL at 10 positions.. Get in touch with this Benny Goodman, the "swinging bubonic plague which swept Europe either in hollow needles or in its or with Mr. Pelton if gas form (in containers) is often A. M. Saturday, and enjoy the columnist chamber music" artist, has done a in successive centuries through the music of Jose Iturbi with your you're interested, and an interview third terrific arrangement of THE Middle Ages. They became lulled, used to destroy malignant growths of a deeper nature. The most dras- burnt toast. will be arranged. Reese says' you WORLD IS WAITING FOR THE however, into a false sense of secu- This broadcast will find Miss Sil- SUNRISE on the back of a new rity by the idea that medical science tic of the three treatments is sur- won't make a fortune playing for gery. Surgery is rarely em:ploed seth and crew in Santiago, Chile one, SHIRLEY STEPS OTJ1. The has advanced to the point where where they will give a Jose Iturbi him, but it's a good spot for extra distinctive style of 'Charlie Ventu- Such disasters are forever banished in primary stages of cancer - cash and playing enjoyment. rather it is held in reserve as a 'recital with a dash of Tschaikov- ro's tenor sax shows up in JACK from the realm of actuality. Now sky. * * * LOT and CHARLIE COMES ON, we must begin to realize, most of last-ditch weapon in most cases of advanced growth. In the hands of If this program is as successful This week it's time for a rapid done by his quintet. Other popular us belatedly, that a new scourge, as the preceeding programs of the record review for you jazz fans. jazz tunes include GOOD ROCKIN' a White Plague, far worse than a specially-trained surgeon sur- rounded by the most modern oper- series which have evoked favorable "Jazz"that's swing gone long- TONIGHT, KING 'SIZE PAPA, the Black Death is now upon the comment from places as far as 50 hair;strictly "long gone" iausic, MESSIN' AROUND, RECESS 'IN world. And, in this instance, medi- ative and clinical equipment, the scalpel has often spelled victory miles distant from Wilkes-Barre (a and not just any fast tune you can HEAVEN, 35-30, and X-TEMPER- cal science is completely shackled, sneak preview of the script prepar- whistle while short-cutting through ANEOUfS BOOGIE. for the scourge is taking one life when all else has failed. * * * 'Of all the defense weapons used ed by Miss Silseth promises it will the graveyard. Several re-issues of every 3 minutes, and if not checked, be), it will rank highly in your jazz classics have appeared in re- We're looking for some quick will by the cancer specialists, perhaps re- eventually claim the lives of Gee - I - liked - that-program scrap cord racks this month, along with sponse to Pelton's call for talent, 17 million American people or one the greatest is Truth. Through the book. some entirely new work nd new so dust off your tonsils and let us out of every eight now leading a of newspapers, pamphlets, versions. A principal re-print is hear you sing pretty healthy existence. medium for the people. radio and movies, the true picture You cannot believe all you hear, the Louis Armstrong favorite, I This Killer is known by the sim- but unfortunately you can repeat CAN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING A of its evil power man usually lands a soft job ple nameCancer. of cancer and all it. BUT LOVE, and BLACK AND the hard wa.y Cancer is a disease characterized can be painted. Scaring the public by a malignant tumor or growth, is NOT the aim of this program, the cells of which multiply so rap- idly that the surrounding tissues but rather the dissemination 'of are destroyed by wasting away practical knowledge about cancer NATION-WIDE SURVEY SHOWS that more college from lack of a blood supply. In as contrasted with theoretical and other words, the blood supply of experimental knowledge. The pub- students smoke Chesterfields than the tumor is insufficient to supply lic must come face to face with a both its own cells and the healthy few ertinent facts and meet the any other brand cells of the surrounding body tis- issue squarely. Some of the facts sues. The length of-time required are these: for this break-down depends on the Cancer is not contagious or type of growth, its location, age of infectious. the patient, and the condition of Cancer itself is not hereditary, the tissue, among other factors. althoigh a certain susceptibility to Cancer never develops in healthy cancer is often transmitted through tissues which means that any con- inheritance. dition which results in a breakdown Cooperation between patient of normal cells may be laying the and physician is absolutely neces- groundwork for the disease. sary since early diagnosis is the Early symptoms, if they can be only chance for cure. referred to as such, again depend Cancer is primarily a disease upon the location and type of of adult and old age, but no age growth. Cancer is rarely painful is exempt. Figures show that the in its primary stages, a fact which greatest danger lies between the only partially explains why pa- ages of 45 and G5. tients delay in seeking medical ad- The results of amazing experi- \\ vice when an abnormality is dis- ments in the past have helped but covered. A false sense of pride and have not solved the problem. More shame actually account for most hospitals 'and laboratories and of the delay. more wonderful modern instru- Early diagnosis of cancer is of- ments like the electron microscope "CHESTERFIELDS ARE ten possible with the presence of and the mass spectography are other manifestations at a few of needed. Work with atomic isotopes MILDER THAi'S WHY the sites more commonly affected. must be expanded and more young Briefly, in the breast, a lump is scientists must be trained. Yet the THEY'RE THE BASEBALL felt beneath the skin; in the lip, financial response of Americans to MAN'S CIGARE1TE" a raised sore with a hard base; in such a task has been shameful. the tongue, cheek and floor of the In the shooting war from Pearl muth, an ulcer with hard edges Harbor to V-J Day, $317,000,000,- and base painful if irritated b.y 000,and 280,000 lives were expend- salts or seasoned foods; in the skin, ed. During the same period our a small, non-healing painless ulcer, country lost 607,000 lives from OF THE PITTSBURGH PIRATES enlargement or ulceration of a pre- cancer and expended only $2,000,000' CO-HOLDER OF THE " RECORD" existing mole or wart; in the sto- in the war against it; more than IN THE mach, indigestion coming on at a twice the casualties and only fairly regular interval after inges- 1/159,000 the expenditure! tion of food, often relieved by vom- Since V-J Day, the amount ex- iting. pended has been increased approx- WHY.. I smoke Chesterileld. Naturally, many of these symp- imately 600%, but it is not enough. FROM A SERIES OF STATEMENTS BY PROMINENT TOBACCO FARMERS) toms are not exhibited by cancer Perhaps, in time, as more personal Llggett & Myers buy tobacco that's good alone, however, their frequent ap- losses are felt, our moral and fin- color, thin leaf, mild and sweet. Nobody pearance in cancer cases indicates ancial obligations will be met. At pays more for their tobacco. the immediate necessity of skilled any rate, always keep in mind this I've been smoking Chesterfields for medical attention. Because early fact. To have cancer is not a dis- quite a while. When you smoke one you diagnosis is usually the only means graceit is a misfortune. get a smoke.

TOSACCO FA*MR, OWINSSVULL KY. There is No Substitute For Frank Parkhurst, Inc.

QUALITY *' General Insurance FRANK CLARK * Jeweler Miners Nat'l Bank Bldg. 63 South Main Street Wilkes-Barre, Pa. JjLWAYS MILD111 BETTER 'J'AS'I'ING f.mIE1 StOK1( PDF compression, OCR, web optimization usingCopyrht a 1948,watermarked LIGGEIT & Mi TcMcco evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 4 WILKES COLLEGE BEACON Friday, July 30, 1948 MILLER GIVEN PERMANENT Wilkes Releases oiisois SPOT AS ASSISTANT Grid Schedule By GARFIELD DAVIS Beacon Sports Editor WILL HELP PROCTOR FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL, Following is the Wilkes football schedule for the coming season: GOLF TEAMS Sept. 1O-HSat. Bloomsburg S. T. C. Clowns Maintain Fast Pace victory by the not-so-close count (N) at Berwick In Softball League of 18-S. Thomas M. Miller, assistant football coach last season, Sept. 25Fri. St. Francis College To the surprise of no-one in par- The big question remains: Who's (N) at Meyers Stadium ticular, the powerful Clowns have going to beat the Clowns? At first has been chosen to hold down that position on a permanent Oct. 2--Sat. Hartwick College taken the lead in the intra-mural glance the answer appears to be: basis, according to a recent announcement by head coach at Oneonda, N. Y. softball league, and have maintain- nobody. However, many times in George Ralston. Miller will olso act as assistant to Ralston Oct. 23Sat. Mansfield S. T. C. ed that lead over three full weeks the past seemingly invincible teams at Mansfield, Pa. of play. Featuring brilliant hurling have been defeated on days when during the basketball season. And if present plans material- Oct. 3OSat. Lycoming College by Tanky Celmar, with an occa- the right combination of luck and ize, he will head Wilkes College's first golf team, to be in- at Williamsport sional assist from Manager Marty unusual skill was riding with the next spring. Nov. 6Sat. Rider College Blake, and heavy hitting by just opposing team. One of these days itiated at Trenton, N. J. about every player on the team, the it might even happen to the mighty Miller is known locally as one of TO ASSIST RALSTON Nov. 12-Fri. Steubenville College Clowns have rolled over all oppo- Clowns. the few bright lights on an other- (N) at Kingston Stadium sition. Strangely enough, the Mules vs. Ponies at wise dismal-performing profession- Nov. 19-Fri. King's College Clowns had to work hardest to win Rumble's Grove Tomorrow al football team here in Wilkes- (N) at Kingston Stadiuiii over two teams which thus far have Tomorrow's outing, to be spon- Barre. An excellent pass-snatcher, (Possible game with National been the league's weakest - the sored by the student council and to Miller was as well a capable de- Farm College from Doylestown, Dorm and Beacon squads. be held at Rumble's Grove, will fensive end. His football career Pa.., on Oct. 9 or Oct. 16 which McKie and his Dorm aggregation feature an extensive sports pro- dates back thirteen years, begining are open dates.) started it by extending the Clowns gram. There will be a large fresh- at the Milton, Pa., High School, (N)night. to a 12-11 count. Then, last Wed- water pool for the swimmers, and where he played four years. He so can then played football and basketball nesday, the Beacon team was riders rent horses at the stable a and across the at Fork Union Military Academy lies from colorless listless impertinent as to lead the Clowns road from the grove. team to a fighting team that is fast by a 7-5 score going into the sev- One of the highlights of the aft- in Virginia, and attended Hampton- ernoon Sydney College for two years, par- becoming one of the teams to be enth inning, which ordinarily would will be a softball game be- reckoned with in future years. On have been the last. The Clowns tween Tom Moran's "Mules" and ticipating in basketball, football, golf and track. Miller then got in Monday, the Phillies announced saved their winning streak by put- Bob Partridge's "Ponies". Both had been named ting two runs across in the seventh teams re loaded with the best tal- some more football while at the that Chapel Hill Pre-flight School, hav- to replace Cooke as the Phillies to tie the game, then going on to ent to be found on the teams which manager. Sawyer, the manager of win in the tenth. make up the intra-mural softball ing enlisted in the Naval Air Corps at the start of World War II. Toronto in the Marty Blake started on the hill league. Each team has a full quota has been playing pro ball since for the Clowns, and was amazed of sluggers, and a free-hitting con- Miller's next football stop was at 1934, but this is his first job in the the number of pesky Texas Leagu- test is expected (in spite of the a berth as end with the Philadel- phia Eagles of the National Foot- majors. ers that bounced off the bats of the fact that Tanky Celmar will be on RUSH And when the mound the Mules). ball League. He was discharged FOOLS IN DEPT. scribblers. the Texas for Either in will Marty Blake from the Navy in 1943, and a year Sawyer's stay the majors Leaguers had reached the point of or John Sott will hurl be shortlived, and he will be re- monotony, Jack Feeney, Beacon for the Ponies. later, with the Eagles, Miller gave the New York Giants and the pow- placed by an experienced manager hot-corner man, introduced a bit Castellani Meets Kronowitz such as Bill McKechnie, coach of 2 er-laden such un- of variety with a screaming home- At Armory August Chicago Bears TOM MILLER Indians. run over the center-fielder's head. Rocky Castellani, known locally comfortable afternoons that he the Cleveland Tanky Celmar ended the uprising as the "Fighting Marine" and vari- won two Outstanding Player signed as assistant football coach * * * when he came on in the seventh ous other euphonious sobriquets, Awards for his excellent perfor- of the college grid squad. He also Turning from major league and proceeded to mow 'em down gets what is known as the "big mances. found time to turn in several stel- baseball to the intra-mural softball three swings per man. test" at Artillery Park the night In 1945 Miller was traded to the lar performances as an end with league, whoever picks the all-star Perhaps the most interesting of August 2 when he goes against Washington Redskins, and spent the Wilkes-Barre Barons profes- team shouldn't overlook Jack Fee- aspect of the game, however, was Herbie Kronowitz, Brooklyn mid- the next season with the Green sional football team, doubling as ney, third baseman on the Beacon the hilarious base-running of the dleweight.Kronowitz is on the out- Bay Packers. It was while he was line coach for the pros. team. Feeney fields flawlessly, and Clowns. Some confused maneuver- er fringe of the list of top-notch a valued member of this team that At the present time Miller is his hitting is timely. In addition, ing on the bases cost them four middleweights, and a victory for Miller decided that what he wanted serving as instructor in charge of his enthusiasm is contagious and runs, when, on two occasions they Castellani could put the Rock in a was a college education, and came Wilkes College physical education ha spread to the rest of the teams. had home-runs nullified because position where he can get bouts to Wilkes. classes at the YMCA. He assumes The Beacon team also has the out- the man on base at the time the with the country's outstanding Upon arriving here Miller was his football duties September 1. standing shortstop in the league in mighty blows were struck failed to middleweight. Chet Dragon. Another Beaconite touch all bases. In the tenth in- Kronowitz is a tougher cookie who started late but is the Beacon's ning, however, a Clown runner than any opponent Rooky has met Rickie Ashburn is George "Blan- managed to circle the bases in the to date, and will certainly give THE ket" Brodie, par excel- approved manner, and won the Castellani an interesting night. lence. game, 8-7. A frightening afternoon Operating on the theory that we P. S.-Ted Wolfe is a "feared" for the lads, but another successful have as much right to take flyer man at the plate. one, at that. as the next fellow, we'll take SPORTLIGHT * * * Draft Dodgers Fail Rocky on a ten-round decision. EARL JOBES To Halt Clowns SHORT SHOTS Congratulations to the Wilkes- There's an old sports maxim Softball League Highlights Poop Barre Barons on finally finding which holds that the fans like to Waters chugging from first to The strange noises you hear in mark in 1923. someone they could beat. Tuesday see the high-riding teams knocked third on a teammates single, and the background are the shouts of * * * night they overwhelmed the Wyo- the third-base coach suggesting the experts who picked the Boston During the ming All-Stars with a 12-1 victory. off their perches. This doubtless past week there were * * * applied when the game between the game be held up "while we get Red Sox to win the American several developments in the base- the Clowns and the Draft Dodgers the piano off Waters' back" (minor) league pennant coming ball world that will affect the out- Ex-light heavyweight king Billy came up last week, many persons Hank Anderson getting his quota out of hiding to say "I told you come of the National (major) Conn has officially announced that rooting for the Clowns to get their of hits in every Beacon game and so". The Red Sox, currently the league pennant race. There was he will attempt a come-back in the come-uppance at the hands of the wondering when the rest of his hottest thing in baseball, seem to quite a shakeup in the managerial fistic profession. He is currently in Dybach crew. The Clowns, however, mates are going to start hitting.... be unstoppable at the moment, but setup in the league. As everyone training in Texas and will soon en- had their hitting caps on for this Al Morse pitching a fine game for they still have the Yankees to con- knows by now Leo "The Lip" Dur- gage an as yet unknown opponent game, while the Draft Dodgers the Draft Dodgers and helping his tend with. A lot of the students ocher was released by Brooklyn in a bout there. played very loose ball afield, all of cause by belting two prodigious will resent this snub of the "Ane- and replaced the well-liked Mel Ott which resulted in another Clown homers over the left-field fence.... mic A's", but after the A's finish as the pilot of the Giants. The same Dorn Yanchunas sadly shaking his their current trip thruogh the day the Phillies announced that head after being robbed out of a West, they will probably find that was being replaced DEEMER & CO. homer by an amazing one-handed, the "Honeymoon" is over. temporarily by . In For. leaping catch by the Draft Dodger * * * the case of the Giants, it is hard School and Office Accurate and Depend- center-fielder. Bill Veeck, the colorful owner of to understand why they picked the Supplies able Nationally Famous the Clevenland Indians, and suc- Lip for Ott's job and by-passed cessor to Larry McPhail as the out- such men as Bill Terry, one of the Watches standing showman in the big best managers they ever had, and GIFTS AND For. - leagues, is once again in the lime- who is supposed to be anxious to USE GLENDALE light. His latest deal was to bring get back into STATIONERY Dia- baseball. In addition Certified Perfect the legendary "Satchel" Paige to to Terry, if the Giants wanted a mond Rings 0' Devo- WOODLAWN the big leagues. The irony of the fiery manager, they didn't have to tion whole thing is that for twenty look any further than their own For years "Satch" was considered one broadcasting booth where Fordham Wilkes-Barre, Pa. DAIRY PRODUCTS of the greatest pitchers in baseball, Frankie Frisch holds forth every Up-to-the-minute styleB and yet he had to wait until he was day. in Fine Jewelry well "over the hill' before he got * * * into the majors. This is certainly As for the Dodgers, they seem to ON an indictment of our national game. have found themselves since kindly Easy Credit at No Ex- In a democracy one doesn't expect Burt Shotten took care of the team, tra Cost *** to see a man's ability thwarted by and have climbed into 3rd place. the color of his skin. Whether or With Shotten at the helm, the Ab- See Compliments not Paige can help the Indians is bott and Costello routine of "who's problematical, but his presence will on first" will be a thing fo the past. of help the Indians set a new atten- The Bums should again be in posi- FIRST! dance record. Maybe this was tion to challenge the Braves and Veeck's reason for bringing Paige Cardinals for the National League TAKE liP :TO 5 MONTHS into the "majors" at this late date. bunting. TO PAY WITH KNIFFEN * * * * * * Aside to "Hank" Anderson and The case of the Phillies is equal- MERCHANDISE *** Mr. Partridge. In 1916, the A's set ly confusing. Ben Chapman was 75 South Main Street a major league record by losing 20 given credit for doing a good job WILKES-BA RRE straight games. They also have the with the material he had to work PDF compression, OCR, web optimization usingdubious a watermarkeddistinction of tying thisevaluation with. Chapman copy changed of the CVISION Phil- PDFCompressor