Avenge Dally Ket PreM Sun l i n k i n g Y «r tlML.Week Ending ‘ April. I ^ , 4 9 4 ”...... Mcmbdr of the Andlt Bnrenit. ot’ClreuUHona Mnncheeter^A €Uy of ViUnge Charm

. VOL. LXXI, NO. 164 ^(CRaaai^^__A ISL U„ . , . MANCHESTER. p N N „ ESlDAY, APRIL.11, 1952. - . -•-.-tWskjl^-RAGES)- - y ' pricbjpIYr ^js^j^Holiday Xiuotity Foods ‘Aitroctiyely Prkod ^ - 4

9 H A N K L i $ f ...M « t « tiMiM, M l iiM fc lit WONDERFUL ImM , m lUii, M MHflin M . . . « f f m t m t For> Your ■■V ^ MNUINI *% Its. BUYS IN THE V H O R M IL NAM $7.2S VERY BEST Easter HORMEM Mseithcyumt^Geis^learmneeioQuUMAT^ffos^J^ f SMOKED — — ■■ ■; f „ —— ^—-—; li-'' — f-’-"''■ - ' ‘ ^ — r ' '-’V ■ ■ s srcVEITLAWE Negotiatorg Set PICNICS SWEET MIXED Lovett Tells RelcHMefl .T* NATO Com m ander COOKED PICKLES ‘Big Muddy’Flood Brevity Record "T/tcarkihasttffam READY*TO-EAT Survivors •/ p t. Munaan, Korea, April II— General He 27c Loss Hits Millions .(4b—Teuee aego^ateM.-- seL.:* ^ M a H A N t new-record for brevlt.v toda.v, PREMIER SPANISH PmEAPPLE CHUNKS dlapf^ng of their ^ djSJps J 4 « n < A M "PleiTerS. lir, 'April "Misisburi tii lib ’seobnds...... Is Released OLIVES BIRDS EYE SLICED It waa the sixth aiicceaalve III river flood swept toward communities today after da.v like that, leading an Al­ dropping here slightly overnight from its record crest of jujit 1 VVsshington, April 11—K/P) Idiami, Fia., April 11—(fl*)-r-The U. S. CcMbt Guard h«r® 8 o z. 4 9 c STRAWBERRIES lied spokesman to anggeat over 25 feet. The river level dropped half a foot between mid­ Communists may bo waiting i —Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- today picked up a radio report from its San Juan station that SNOW CROP night and ,8 a.m.—from 24.7,5 to for Inatructlnns from higher I Lower today received clear- there were 18 survivors in the crash of a Pan-American Alr- Beltsville ;e„to..4tiY.fc-up»hiA E u ro p ^ . ■atill refuaed to luiy thu creat haa TiawanI 8. Levle, added: comiRantl June 1. This frees f ( m r i f t H ) K pasacd. Flood atage la 15 feet. “ It's going to be a hot Sum­ . Fleischmann Combination The Big Muddy,'normally 1,000 Q m FPIlifts mer and a cold winter If they’re him to come home well in ad­ The Sah Juan CoaHt Guard station also relayed pfttss SNOW CROP .... ieet wide, aprfkd ovac flva .milea going to -try to outwalt - vance, of the .Republk&D .Na­ porta from there- that 10 bodiea bail been, picked up ^ DRY YEAST to engulf alt but three blocka of Each day this week a tional Coavention. and cam­ ocean and five others were counted in the water. nearby Fprt t*lerre and 30 blocka Considered .negotiating aubenmmltfee has paign for the GOP Presi­ ' 3 Pk*,. 9c ’ BROCCOLI SPEARS oT tijis South Dakota capital. gone through the formality of dential nomination. . New York, April 11—(d*)-=-A Pan-American Airways plane Paw 1881 Flood meeting, saying a few words The Kepublicans meet in STRICTLY FRESH Charlea Falea, an alert ^85 year and adjouming. 8lx aesalona with 69 aboard and captained by the husband of singing atVr COOKED READY TO By P robers have taken a total i-of SZ Chicago July 7. old Fort Pierre reaident, waa aak- The White- House announced Jane Froman crashed and sank outside the harbor of San Juan, SERVE WHOLE OR Miracle Whip MEAT DEPARTMENT eera:.'wiuad::her S A U C f - Bupporla'Tdea ' ' . On. June 7, 194S a transport A XIMITED ATVfOtJNT DF FUTX TmfiASTED TrATI>’E pected to be driven out when the lJp4:-5 Cents m announcement about that today. Company and tha CIO Cbmmunt- BONELESS HAM IN THE PIECE Lb. 89c 2 Toll Cans crest hits there about Monday. Members of Congress could 'use . Eisenhower formally assumed plane craahed Into the Atlantic It with impunity, since It normal­ off the coaat of San' Juan with a cationa Workerii' of America joUft- The downstream cities of the command -in Europe on April Washington, April 11^/P>— Floundering negotiations for ly announced the settlement. 2 Cans Omaha. Neb., and Council Bluffir. ly takes a, lot of voters and a lot Next 30 Days 2, 1951-;-so his letter waa dated lose of 03 livei. Moat df the vlc- of doing to fire them. exactly, a year from tfM time ha a settlement of the steel labor dispute led to reports today Uma were Puerto Ricans en route Full detail! were not revealed LAMB LEDS BABY BEPF LIVER Conservative as we are, we’re fully justified in esti­ la., girded against a -predicted immedlatery, but the basle for crest of 28.5 feet, soibe six feet -Morru, appearing before the took on the task of building a de- that the administration may go ahead and make its own wage lo New York Choice Quality subcommittee at an open 'session Washington, April 11 •— (flb — agreement w u reported by ^ s mating that we have well over a half ton of Easter above that which brought havoc fense«wall against possible (Com­ deal with CIO President Philip Murtay. Any such move is The world's woMt plana disas­ i,h. 85c yesterday, said he thought it waa Bread, cake and pie prices are go­ munist aggression. "At the moment the Industry ls ‘ union as a 12,T*cents hourly waga HEN TURKEYS hams ready for your selection! And where can you In the last great flood of 1943. ter occurred Msreh 13, 1060, at inersaae. ^ a good idea, that It might help the ing up during the next 30 days. He told Lovett: under government operation, there ■ s» t a •a's Cardjffi Walai, taking the lives of Lb. / y c FRESH find such a choice of FAVORITE BRANDS: Two Feet over DIkea Chelf group get a line on-Justice The Office of Price .Stabilization "I consider that the specific pur­ is no steel strike, the stcei com-.i I n -fd - I A c a g l a ¥ l f g g So .eoccer fans 'returning from a May 8«t Pattera If the forecast holds true, Mis­ department operations. (OPS) yesterday announced new pose for which .1 Was recalled have panics are managing their own | -a -iC ta U O . came in Dublin. • Any aattlsmant to Michigan, key PORK LIVER souri water will climb-two feet 11 i^T O 2311. SIK .,„Whlle-Morris failed to fiji-nljh., celling prices which will boost the been, ,,Iarg.elj:...qccpmpH«h.e(>i’. _ .plaotH-aaiL-finsnces- under .4mmist|l4.' ______.state.Jn ]ugaUstta]M;,wss. sspected - OUBUQIlE ■ w p e f W f r tbMi n ir ^m yeang' .aiiy' ••leaiSsy for. tbaHouae.probers' pride o f 4'tBW hY -Britsd 4b«dt bn* Elsenhower, World, war JCC lead-, federal nils, and Uis d i a l defense' RONBltESS ROUTED XATIVE JACK.MbsY’1-," T « » r r enwh •»: we agresiaeiits ' dlKea erected'after'that 'm6itt”re-' Chelf and Rep. Keating (R., N. cent, moqs experislS'e Cakes as'miich' er and a five-star gmMrral,-was on metal Is flowing.- . ORDERS ONLY- CONFECTIONERS cent disaster, as flve oenta. -Uu. lives of MIm FrosBsn and to fs LI. P R E M IE R ^ SWIFTS FREMIUM ARMOUR’S STAR Y.), said they had learned some­ inactive duty and president of Co­ All,vonn'e Guess . A union e- FRESH and BROWN The Red Cross had mobile power thing from Ms story' of events hutbsnd. Whils sba was flying te l spokesman said the VEAL TO ROAST Large, Tender, §weet ^ The new regulation covers lumbia University when Trumsn company'a last general Incnaae units and canteens en route to all leading up to his break with J, bread, rolls, fresh-baked cookies, How long this "status quo" will the war front, to entertain troops, OSCAR MEYER HORMEL asked him to take the European 'K ansas offer 14 to 17 a week would stand, PORK SHOULDER . the threatened areas. One such Howard McGrath, who w as the- assignment. retAalp is anyone’s guess. her plana craahed In Lisbon, Portu­ pastries, sweet-yeost-ralsed goods, with adjuatmenta. SUGAR BRIDHTWOOD FIRST PRIZE ■ unit waa in service at Fort Pierre Attorney General until. he fired doughnuts, crullers, pies and frozen I5^11e June T Is the effective -data Thn'Btfel Industry already has: ■ — r— • gal harbor. Osptaln Bums was a Lb. 7 9 c i.h. 43c PDAS after the water knocked out the, Morris. bakery items. of hla release, some of his support­ lost two attempts for fast court i-B y THE A880CIATED PRB88 co-plIot of the plane and rescued Upward* of 380,000 telsphons Better Buy Birds Eye „znaia.pqwar.pllanL, . -tw-, . Drasideiit. Truman, ‘whom Morr)a - It does not cover gene-pslty-less ers anticipate that he may be able, review of the legality of Preridentj, ,T h , tug-of-ballots bstWMn Bis- the badly injured enttrtainer- T b it workers across the nation have. FRESH e 2 Pkgs. : READY TO EAT: FULLY COOKED; TENDERIZED Volunteers, laboring through the has pictured as the only top. _gov- perishable items such as packaged to return to the United ' States rruman’s seizure orders ana at- e^hower's backers and Semtor Wse .Feb. 23, 1943. They were beeii Idtad in the strike. 1116 ma- 2 Cans i ir.1 £ vii 'i: /. jilght, kept ths.Pierre plant In op;^ em.n»ent pmclal to wmpaqiy .withlciackMa^ . .Wacutts. .pretMls , « somewhat.-, o«rUar,T-peendd«(l.-,.Jiia torncys anc ^shlM^ married in 1948^ ^ of tijes#jr e .n o M t i ^ ^ BREAST OF YEA’ PORK BUTTS cookies. Those pricee remain un- succesaor Is ready to- take over But for the momertf It seemed t t f ^ o n delegates centered today in After the Llefabh ciiisb, Mil I who stayed off the job to respscl 29e (OoBtlnued on Yage Fifteen) (ConUnoed on Page-Ten) changed sooner. government w a g firmly in control. ^ - Fromen spent three of the next of atriken' picket lines. Bell Sys­ Box iierven i. Lb. 59c 16% Over 1949. High Eisenhower asked for return to It was plain, however, that the Ohio Senator captured all five yasra In hospiUlA She got tem employee have been on strike ■N The ceilings are based on how ■TrumSn admtolBtratian recognized six delegate votes in three Keh- around by wheelchair and crutches, since Monday' In Michigan, N.ew -” ' Lb, 4 9 c f r e s h much 'bakers- h'av* raised prices ^ (CoaUnoed on Page Eight) it. had a bear by Abe .tall , ali4. .tucky dlstfict conventions yester­ but in recent yean, has not.bad to Jersey,-, northern (California . and 2A Pke».pkKs. 4 9 c PORK SFARERIBS during the last two years, and will wanted to let loose as soon as pos- day. Since bsekera of the two can- UM eitbsi 'Ohio to wage diaputea. At the sauM podw'^^ttp'pwy ■' B d U v i c O v i l -vary" -aomss'tbe ■eountiy .*' .. ■..■•-Traasttry -: ,-aUilav-,TlUs - cauid,r«Bty.-.4M:.-.acfiomc ditofes ,h «». ,wreea to, split-, fl,.,.-rWlMB.-yMfl:Eaak«a,£a^^SM-Maa Both Miss ' Fromqii: arid Oo^)llDt' The combination" of ’ the tw o ...... To Bnlre" - ' " PILLSBURY ' Those Who'have l^en 'Selling for STRAWBERRIES 16 0 1 ^ 4 9 e HALE’S In News, Radio Blackout more than this will have, to cut Net budget receipts, yi68,S40,- Bteelwnrktrs union. gates. The 30-member Kentucky Bums w sn tossed about 100 yards walkouts resulted to ‘ wideaprsiul Rllrnd nnd kweetened. BIB CORNED BEEF prices. 978.45; budget expenditures, S215,- Otherwise, without govern delegation will be filled out wlHj Into tha-rlver, sevenly.lnjursd. Idleness. * election of four -delegates-at-large However, he nfansged to reach __ Freah.J3rflmiid_ . La Paz; BoHvla, April-11—((ft - - . Bakera.may .figure. out- tbanew. 561,.782.87; cMK J^laSC#.; .WLRJ#-- ■■■■■■''T-k.-‘3 5 € ; - - ..■ C A KE M hX ■Wednesday • and- tha-' Rebels" ' XTi-r 281,891.31. Tomorrow:— , ber,"and hold her h ^ above Ifi* (OealtaBed oa Page B glit) s-. . Lb. 5 9 c .. —Loyal army troops and rebej#_ no'jnqed they are to control of Um prices and -put them' into effect (Continnad on Page Ten) BEST While, Golden, Chocolate immediately Jlf they desire, but Taft supporters have claimed .water. ■ FANCY BRISKET 'iitill battled for possession of La government. Paz Estenssoro had they will win 16 of the 30 dele­ Back Brohea SWEET LIFE OLEO PRICES AT HALE'S WILL START^AT Fax today, the third day "I n planned to leave for La Paz. Later they must compute new ceilings PURE LRD In Quarter. Pkg. COFFEE by May 10. gate votes. Afterward, they were both in Our Own Sugar Cured CORNFII BEEF revolution which erupted at dawa j reports said the rebels were being Elsenhower captured 20 of the Wednesday. Price Stabilizer Ellis Amall-said ’ the same. Uabon hoepilal for seven Oilmen Await . ! defeated. Airlines were not b od ^ delegates in - Kansas, his home monthe, Hla back; waa broken In Hicitefy Smoked (This dispateh, filed at 1Z:57 { tag any flights for La P a z.---- r i the.. Increase.s are-.necessary t/> .en­ Lb*. 29c 2 , bn 49c iA. 85c able members of the five-biUion- stale,: a l'a GOP convenHbit' to two plaoes, but he tociirred no per­ p.m. Bolivian time, was the first ! In Santiago, the newspaper La Topeka .yesterday. Taft got the manent Injuries. -LKAN CHlicW from La Paz since communica­ i^^Naclon, which often reflects gov- doUar-B-year bakery industry to Action o f make a-fair pi'oftf. 'Most bakerlea They saw’ each other fraiquently SACOH tions were blaeked but Wednes­ ernment opinion, said the revolt • The next big" ballot-gathering CORNFBBEEF day night). could be attribtited • to economic were . stIOH'ed a tempora^^’ emer­ N6w Red Plan on-Reich afterward, during her long period misery caused in part By United gency increase of 11 per cent last o f incapacity.' Nationwide StHke R m H ForQood Nos'ember. - . " (CoatlBued on-Page Bight) Lean Lb. lA. Buenos Aires, April 11 — iJP)— SUtes refusal to pay an equitable When they were married tn 5 9 c 8 9c . Victor Paz !>tensaoro, exiled lead­ Washington, April 11.—l 9 t ~ ’ on Germany. One British official March, 1948, In Florida, MlaS Fro-' On Future Decisioiiui price for tin. Bolivia ranks third Diplomata predicted today the to Germany commented: "There Friday er of the Bolivian National Revo­ In world tin production nnd tin is man lUU w on leg brues and used Of Wage Stabilirem Our Own Moke Small DEL MONTE SLICED lutionary party- (MNR), today in­ western powers very probably w ill, doesn't seem to be anything in this erutchee. She said tlren; 'Tm go­ Its chief source- o f revenue. reject Russia's new demand for a, (Russian) note that could make a I'­ FRESH CAUGHT r.ROTK & WFK5F.L terpreted the blackout 'bf-ndWT Because of failure to reach an ing to throw this bnes and these LINK SAUSAQE PREMIER from Bolivia ax evidence tbat a four-power conference on unifying. four-power talk possible.'’ crutches away by October.” , at Lbuls, April l l — Iewiah l^e of . --them hla views to be transmitted Washington, April era at* ewraltlng a decision by Otr- Fllilt «f HaiMoek MEAT SMALL PRE-COOKED HAM Report 200 Killed lists” were to blame for the re­ Nbrivich, dies aften -month’s ill­ The Atomic Energy rohmlsslon ' I.B. 65e Roundabout reports Indicated Russia also stood by her orlgi- j to.London. Paris and Washington announced today It Is .planning Damaged in jBlast Wags Stablllaatlon Board, he said, Whole or HhtHik Half. _ volt. , Tass said the monopolists ness, . Connectiput'a five sans- nal suggestion that the Big Four, ‘ for use-In preparing a response to. the mllltafy gbvernm'cnt of Gen. toriiims using eXperlmentaiiy "! constructlln of a new^ Mlllon 'OB whether It wUl conttoioa hear- ' SK1MJ£S.S Lb. 49c had failed to impose their, price not the United Nations,, should-de-'I Russia. inga ordOrad by. President f . Fillit of ^oje i-nagp; Bnlllyan was defeating,-the for- tin,- On- 3oUvia'> • .4tug wldely'i^tobffcised red didii^.Whelhet*-aU-^Oenmitt elecUiziiirt The'Uhtted''Stale* 'ttvors-!uirh-i . fors'salfible sHe to now coneen-' pwlaW iiW ^“ tn an'iffoit to setua'the OUB OWN MAKE -TASTY 'Tefcet forces inippbrted by -the The rebels had ahnoun^d they offering possible - hope In treat­ are.^feasible. "i ing down the latest Russian ,pro- MNR. Tbe BoIi-ylan embassy got (rated I* the Ohio river vollqy. , explosion Olid fire 'today damaged and 'aveift a strike. FRANKS OMPbtiltiry Dept, is Well Stocked had taken over the g ov ^ m en t ment of tuberculosis. bfficlals here, in predicting re- ^n/« poaal,438, butUUV ItIL- wantsWIKIIV* fullAUll AlUedy\lUCa V Froih Simits ITAUAN SAUSABE ....-WArd.:thaL,2()0. .parsons. Jurva^bsen. •without' 'blmdahed.'' mlfsitfitm.M. D, A..Kai ' ■‘'A“g8,'tB;«»''l«crw«wto''-geherhi‘ je«wn"“ -of ■ W " 'irIpiirtiKlflM'iy' W'anls' ,.. i>iy«VxPr*ai4«i,,of Ite EfiHBaiii < - -)iiUed.>''to-.»f%bttog''SUU- going vtn, ■ -(poveTn»dentY(toc«g FaRre(J W T e7 TSx: fUtW coTlKrtWflk TOt flrtf^ toe movhk; ''etojjlfiurtisa fi«d«tttohdftg is a •'sbp^btf in G#-' Top Grade Lb. yesterday. This Information origl- New Ooiywa, April 11,— Iffv— ' orkerf InUniAfonk] UnioB;' 6 9 c > LK 7 9 c inforcemenU moved In from qut- months _of Jlicnl yegr oyer same the final., d.eclglon will be taached A le e ------M kl - h i -h«s -JUiUxofity id —^ If* 4aNJM6ar^YOUHG-;WTUftKZY.Sr^^PRfiSHDRBSSfiD ta-taUis ... ,Mu(A-«lMM!hld«guhs,aiHi' small- aemai suite-Taa-.Ciaias{«iies''.'wlUamT4siBaB’ ' the* _____ way of Santiago...... ^^^'A-flafTejeetton- ptAse a tbuehy We wHy, Eva; 58. and anoHm' .eivillaaa searking.::da. - the.LS70- wStead-. . . , pounded-in the-mocntaln capital F. Connelly.; Mexico's Holy.Week British, French and German gov- problcKi,' It would have to^' be ton graft were burfied'andT4 auf' - N on l OommltiMat LWBONBERflffiS "The fight may last long If the emmenta. woman seriously injujrad In aie) S e le c t ^ ” i ’ AMD SMALL GHICKENS POR ROASTING, FRY­ ■through the night. The last di­ toll of trairic accident deaths phrased in puch 'a way aa to con­ accident on the Merritt Pnrkway ' tered from smoke inhalation. ‘;We certainly are not going'to .WlMla Haliock f army persists in trying to stamp rect reports Wednesday night stands at 53 persons. Note Not Satlafactory ING , BROtLtNG^ALL FRESH DRESSED POULTRY. out the Will of the people,” Paz vince western Europe that the here today. James -Hamilton, of Camden, N, breach what we consider a m om listed a toll of 18 dead and 60 in­ Airliner makes emergency land­ -British diplomsts also, took a Russian bid. fob German unity is Pint To Boko .Estenssoro told reporters. The jured and indicated the growing dim view of the Russian efforts to 3 5 c revolution broke out, sit dawn ing at Rochester, . N. - Y„ after merely a phony but dangerous JAPH STRIKE IN PROTEST' (Oeattnoed on P ogo Etoven) (Oonttoned aa Pag* Tea) ;s- FRUITS AND VEGETADLES FRESH SPINACH u 19c government forces were ■ getting piece of wing blows off and none arrange a four-power coriferenca propaganda move, and that the the. Upper haqd. Tokyo, April 11.—bYi--Abont Fresh Sea Scallops GOLDEN • ' SMALL. NEW, FIRM ‘ POPULAR LAMB SPECIALS: of A3 aboard Injured.. U. S. rtae move Some Republicans charged the stolen maps and orders Were Earlier another. Sucre station, May 15 of contract covering 18,- no reason Tor their refusal to fly a World War II enemy.. It sug-. wipito 60 days. It becomes law un­ MACKEREL GRAPEFRUIT ' For LEMONS 3 F.f17c OOtf employes— moat of them In laws In his iprogihm of mee man with foreseeing a Republicflt 3 29c only for a practice., exercise held theh under revolutionary control, has been given. Hatcher said all g'eated the U. S,, England. France segregatton. /' der terms of the Government Re­ victory to the 'fail electlona aad last month and “ had no strategic aaid the revolution had triumphed. New England . . . Chiang Kol-shek the offenses occurred during the and' Russia hold a conference to organization Act of 1949. SWEDISH SYRUP L b . 2 5 c ^■•JV”Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales delivers Good Friday sermon and moving to blanket thousandsrn or defense value.” But it Arent off the air shortly last 10 mys. work out a treaty along these BENTON, McCARiny E4)UAL 'The battle la expected to be de­ Democratic officials under OViB CALIFORNIA SUNKIST ORANBES BOILED h a m ' And the streetcleaner arrested StDr. -calls on Christiana to struggle to One of the lieutenants, the PIG' lines. ’ WaaWngton, April 'l l — OF)— cided to the Senate where since' Freahly Slleed Aa You^ Order. '/l Lb. 49c overthrow the C^pmmunlsts. Service protectUm. >■*; SWEDISH SALT for llfting.them—no Mata' Harl he . Seleme was Interior Minister in said, is AWQL after being re­ See Propaganda Move T v to neembers of a Senate Rulaa 1786 moat Senators have had the A . veteran ■ Democrat, a i t t — caid all he wanted was the brief­ the government, a milittuy junta Striking bus drivers br-'^kron stricted to the base. He had The proposal waa Immediately subcommittee said today Sena­ privilege of confirming federal George of (Seorgia prol PILLSBURV^ CALIFORNIA ASPARABUS, FANCY ORAPES which came into power 'i'l months HERRINGS case around them. He wanted to vote to work Easter Sunday to been picked up in a San Antonia viewed In. some circles as a propa­ tor McOarthy’s requested Inves­ officials "appointed by the Presi­ nounced hla opposition When yM buy Eotter bom at Hale’s this week, vbu'li •ell it. ago through a coup. . haul worshippers to and . from hotel while attempting to tele­ ganda move because unification is tigation of Senator Benton wlU dent by and with the consent of. RYE FLOUR The opposition pioliticaF chief. "If the Senato haa u y Each 25c NEW ONIONS, RIPE TOMATOES iHiJWHALCea »•» 8«nny Box Some The plans covered part of Allied church. . .Ford Foundatton ap­ phone President Truman and col- the overriding political issue he handled juat exactly aa its In­ the Senate.' for its raqmBsthUltiaa' % " .M A N O K s m Co n n -. propriated 322,331.736 in 1951 for vestigation of MoOarthy da- The '. aurpriaa raatganiiatlon hichy customer wiU get the Swifr’s BIG BUNNY' (Contlnned on F*go Sevea) . • (Oonttnoeil ob Page Fltteen) education and peace projects. (Continued on Page Seven) ^.1 (CanUaiiad aa Page Tea) aawded by Baatoa. plana aubmltted yeatarday .would (Ooatianad1 aa Viga : - -■ I ■ .if . 7' ! -■ ■ K ‘- ---A—

kjiilCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN« FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1952 -pr x .~ These forms, which are based on MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1962 commiulon Uiblad the requeet ot questionnaires used by the City of Everett A. Petten for change to "T GrA^t Gregan Pare Architect HsitfoEd ipJiyi.WiH'P.h In duatrtat-Zone of -land ore-W-ethe- architect, are designed to furnish This is the »hlp n m Miser Sunday fPoiri Tiff 10:30' MaiOkla. 'The MMiT-bC aishwuppier seri-ed 'here''prectiaing'' relL street now In Rural Residence the group with information rela­ p. h). In the vestry. Adult advisors St. Joseph's Cljurch In. Eaglevllle the PTA meeting Wednesday night Zone, List to Seven tive' to the experience, quallfica- Tfilmah Anmvei^ne^ Soutl^ Gdveiitry In charge will be 'Mrs. Truman O. will 'be a t 6:30 a.m. onl.v. with Mrs. Albert F. Kalbcc aa Zone Change sultry sidvtf girl Ireland and G,. Wailaca Moberg. NOTHING Before the executive session the Uons and background oT the firms, Mrs. Pauline Ll^ta 'There will’ be h,, meeting hf St. general chairntan. Pupila wilt pre-- commlsslbn held A -public hesirlng "Important Job" A . who died to the ef^mb^te Mr. Ireland will lead a dlscuaaioi) Mary’s GYO Tuesday night, ac­ sent a variety ehow next Week, edventrr 7-6281 on "la There A Life After DeaUtT"' Property at Main and which Issted about eight minutes. Bui Body Also Re-Opens The committee's deslrs to pro­ of the Mkster she loved! cording to Rev.'John C. Curtin, Thursday and Friday evenings, to Petitioners who requested two ceed cautiously on the matter of RtScall M cArthikFDR There 'will be a speiat period and leader. ----- =" raise further, funds for the class.' tures - The Joyous changes failed to appear to speak Door to Admit Possible ' F,iUter' Sunday aervloes of the refreshments afterwards. ' Some .‘.7F..ptjpils 'will-,be-g o in g ' Hr Chart^^ Designat­ selecting ah aivhUect for tha ne* ... The- church 'Bokril 'of • Chriafign' ■' ■ The-Kltchen OaniCTeTSTriO meet in favor; or the changw.-but’ op­ high school-Av'aa w prtsaed'by WR-^ By E 0 CRliiAGrt ; Ballons of thii d ay . as com ip. -jrim CAfi'gWsgatldwai' «i'ureK'wltt at the home of Robert'C. Hansen New York on ah' educational trip ed for liusiness llll position was heard and the re- 11 Moir« Applications ..begUt ...Vl'ith ,, an....BMt,fr..aunrlae,. Education will meet Monday at 8 before, graduation..— ----- Ham E. Buckley of the Board of ,jyjkihingtonp ..April: . l - wi8 'p.' rb.' at "the h'dm'e of' Mr. a'"4 "Mrs, •ren 'Pmdcer ' street; ’Saturday 'Xf-'F qtjests-" were later-dented:- '-’ttiejCT- EducatWH IVhlih'he^ MM ote groop It'e ahntveraary tline around the •>« forgotten by hietoiyrSwven If Service on the property of Dr. and a.m. to construct a hot bed. Mem- Spfftl of Ea^^terlime Property on the east side of were for change to business i;;one ' Acting General James .Mre. Dome A. MacLeaii onJ4onu- I^nneth A. Downing. that facing them "wais a very Im­ White House. ------t,lhey-at.e I'em em bei^ by theSroteta .'. T6i.7 chufehr mamberahlp ' now. b»r»::,h»ve; jast"J.5entifte0.44;.ye,'?? Main street at. the corner .of. Charr o f. , reaidence. .aone, prppertyy. ..on H. Sheeksy and W» ??,**'■ portant joto. We never spent on ' One y e a r, ngd' -;toaay.:;.;;^jjicttieijy “jn N ovem ^ : : ; 3 -ment Hill a t 8;6A a,- m. Neighbor­ U U e . s e ^ . and "made .'ap j^’prlaie. both Bides .of .Oakland sj^et. mlttee ■ liaat night supceeded'lii one. achool befont . anything, .near, ing-churches are invited; Rev.-Trir- totals- 3AI> te r Oak-becareie available* for-m ost •ghrflming to.iieven a list o f 23 ar­ ■ the'dhno'tin'cemen'l carte in the To hie own eui-prlse, Truman n^e Serrices of'.the Second Congre­ cards for them- In a few 'weeks WE PURCHASEII 0ROWER3 SURPLUS New^ Building tine what we're going to spend on this middle of the night—Harry Tn:- enjoyed being Pre.. three- generals. It waa on April 12, 1948, hown, either, ship .services. will -be xL-11 a.m. .at Charter O ak and W«Us. Street >^‘9* ■vrHh the htorth Branch of the thgt FnuikUn ;o.r Rnoaeveii:. aietfT h«ugh. h«Ti he M- :sb May 8‘, 4ha -ahurch^^U be a t • 46:4& a- .m. S frontage of about 300 feet and a Manchester Trust Company, lifo mieihberianhridtfees from the Board CMAHOllD WITH FRATD T here Ivni 'De 'hci church 'school Ihe church. ReVl'Tlegllieia A:. Mar- of Directors, ■ the Board of Educs- and Harry Truman became PresI- the Pre.aldent appearsppt .. In ., _____ robust on Sunday. MX Ireland w ill use rif^eld Will use ’.The Mesaage of the, depth of 168. ' opposition was voiced, dent. health. His Walatliife bulges a little MILIKOWSKI At a public heqrlng 'several The commission ’ considered tlon and the School Building com­ New Haven, April 11-M/rt—Dr; STARTS WEDHESDAY "Revelation Personified'' as his Empty Tomb." aa hla aermon topic. ciam - PIPES with blostom mittee, who constitute Sheekey's .There wasn't any anniversary male than hla doctor approves of, sermon topic. Anyone having There will he church achool aerv- weeks ago conalderable'op'posltlon several subdivision plans for resi­ John F. Morlco. 47, a chiropodist, . celebration at , the White House and his hair — more black than LIGHTERff — WATCHEH was. -voiced to . the. gone .change by 'board of advisors In the matter, was placed In the custody o t hla ' ' last y««r. ------—• —™ - house plants ,they would care to 10 CtXXyg-awrWALfclfrg- 69B MAIN S T ;~ T£L, 6029 dential developmettts. --r--n=i^Vr=rr pored over the applications. Illus­ gray when he tbok office- is most­ loan for the services IS requested officers of South Methodist attorney today after he waa The executive mansion- like the ly white now. But there's sn almost At St. M ary's'Church In .South Church, which Is lohowaver, .that Berlin, April ll-KSb—Michael But the committee decided THE CO-WEDS OF CENTER Ch UROH LyytixiA» OIL CO. these questionnaires are returned. be-in-eight. In Sl.OOO ball pending a coroner's VINCENT PRICE in MacArthur hackers say a. bloody Must ba able to operate wrecker, do minor repairs and TIL. 2.4STS—2 -4 m hearing. . , . * 1 ' Dr. t. A. Chotkowskl, medical “The Las Vegas Story” atalemate ha.s been brought al>out dre added handle road aervice. . PLUS: Ida Luplno b.v failure to follow the genetal’s Gfanh placed huge erderi months examiner, said Green died Instantly. proposals; To strike at Red air APPLY AFTER 7 P. M. Range and Fuel Hla b^y was found almost 30 feef ‘ Robert Ryan S hell C hateau bases in Manchuria, to the vMisr ago. Col the pick of the growing from the .probable point of Impact. “On Dangerous Ground” • WnXIMANTIC. CONN. Chinese Nationalist troops on Ooweri at lowest prices I Select yours Green's hat wss found 44 feet Formosa, to blockade the coast of with Jantzeh COOK'S SERVICE STATION Oil Distributors away from hla body and one of, his Red China. Had the general's poli­ to hove or give Jhls Edster...... MANCHE.S-rER.GREEN ...... shoes was located 80 feet away, 4—DAYS ONLY—4 cies been carried out, his support-, 3S3 Main StTMt according t«’ Bpwilal ConaUbla The KMd!*$ Lovajt ELLSWORTH “MIF MITTEN ers say. the war might have ended •Wore-Gwslous-of-Berlin, .- •m nA v-thrre^ MOV; thit GrbwB U |i^"" ANO H » S iV IH MtN W hW Ih Wcfoiy.'to UN:.'7'' The anniver.sary of MacArthur's Of ATHLETES FOOT a 95 etStER QIFt Leva IH The Boat hi Wring finds the general atiti aloof 1 Floor Shows' from all suggestions that he run SPRAY AFFECTED FARTS for President himself. 1^'s gettin!- fulipsi r0Kim SPECIAL write-ih votes, however, in varlou: HORNING aaff NIGKT little _____ M ' BANCINB SATURDAY t TO ...... 1 primary elections. And the Repub­ ore SALS AT jUflt licans- Senator Taft of Ohio In ouu« sue otPT. sToma IPIti Aiitomotive Parts VISIT KIDDIE SHOW EXOEUENT FOOD particular—expect him to speak PLTJS jtp for thrir'-ilcket In the eomihg catc alls riCTCiii ;SATURDAY" campaign. BurtbhV Will Campaign Needs (kluntermaii AT 2 P. M. Ti'uman has signed up definitely "plus-bra” Ib the marvelous new Jantzen as a rampalgner for the pemp:^ For a_ Better Buy 'Irttle DOORS DBCN a t 1:30 formula for a lovelier silhouette .,. . a tle- FEATCRINO Frits, though announcing that he BIG 5' ROT 5 PaM vacation and holidoyt. Sick kova, Ufa On one -thing won't be their candidate again - And cainpaignar Truman wilt- baj- in DIAMONDS veloped,bra. with, th^ lighteat, ,airieHt,.pat.T. fniuwnc ir BfBi C reir Shaver - ROY ROOERS tfieybdWilgr«« a vastl.v different.■man from the Beinfff&rKeiL'WsC" Where to dine Vice President who felt the uni­ Better Buy a ctitcd foam rubber a.saifits built right in end Yellow. W wookly. Tim* and ona-hoH for fima'ovtr 40 In “Under Nevada Skies” occasionally verse had caved in on him Just hours. Shop" Plus: Movie Race R eel' seven years ago tomorrow. to give your figure balance and rhythm. With Free Toys Even his critics will admit he's Keepsake 'There never waa a bra like thija . . . it GIANT POT for sizes 3-7 FUN FUN Also Loads of Cartoons not easily stunned an.v morc--and that he’s just about iixipo.saibIe looks natural, feela natural, wa.ahea easily, TUUPS WRITE BOX Z HERALD LAFOND BROTHERS to scare. ' DEWEY. ^ Burton's Childron's Shop—-841 Main Stregt NOTE: SATURDAY OUR The once self-effacing Senator, RICHMAN retains its shape . . . sizes .32 to 38, A and CURRENT PROGRAM WIUl, radiates s confidence, that seems'to STEAK HOUSE START IMMEDIATELY some people to border on cocklrtcss. | B j^ p s . . - in Jantzen ahsor.bent. Silky- .jyta.'.i,.,ae,ldom - tense.-.ou.twardly, - / \ i '■ . .9 1 M D N SG N f m a s s ; ■ AFTRRTViB-KraBIE'SHOW ...... at least—those days...... — feeling, nylonized nylon taffeta i3-96 COME CB and sea the "Sana Of . Pa.rtictila'rly. since his announce, ./ ...... ; ' - ^ - W Fun"' In action. Showsi Tbura., SUN., MON., TUE8. nient that he won't .seek re-elec­ Fri., Sat., San. "The laugh show Stewart Wendell tion, Trunian has given the Im­ f f \< % 1 of the East." Granger in Corey pression of being / relaxed even REASONS WHY V ' M George always wins our argu­ se'fence— to a degree that not even Grants Spoderf fvrdios* sovot yov>i|iMOf Tel. Monson 8227 “THE WILD NORTH” Franklin D. Roosevelt could r \ • ^ PLUS: “SHADOW IN ments when he says, “let's 3i?ttle ichieve In his latter days in office. KEEPSAKE FUN FUN THE SKY” this over a dinner at .CavSy’s .Tnh Not Finished ' ' IS YOUR ;\' Restaurant.” nANCHEtTta,0eHH. Does this mean th.vt he fee.Is ^ i IGANTIC USED CAR SALE! atAwuita Uvm < ihUL rJ:.-, hio-job la .ut;ftfr:t4te;:fle!d-.«f:-,<^n,d1d(^.ea .c:2-;Naliann11)rrAdV#ntt»d;':;:rrr" IIB,- VtBlMRnL-.... was to "get rid of his Attorney J^an Fetera Harriett NeUaa Speewf m i - Zapata*' Comes The PeneraJ. ,.T. Howard McGrath - a 3. Good Houtekeaping Seal GOT TO MOVE THEM WE NEED THE ROOM! "Here Come - ol Approyol; • Nelsons” «V !va” The "atm he had avoided faking before The Perfectly Natural Bra- l:tf - a;S0-lt:lt BDSINESS MEN’S LUNCH and, one he could have ald».stepped 4. NoHenoll/ Ettabliihad . Zapata!** Ntlaons''* this time. ' ' Sal., t *. Jljy r. Aaaert— 1;45"S:U SERVED DAILY 11 A, M. to 2 P. M. .___Hc_.foilowed _JJirough .hx .oj.der- prieei. LOOKl tOOKl LOOK! iri.e government seizure of lti» steel; 5. The Keepsoka Cartificata, Raa. **llead 4»f the River,** Teieh. industry to head off a strike --a bearing odr signature, GUAR­ '41 STUDEBAKER 4-DR. o,~. » $195 S«B.i **Raiid. Of Th* dlv^r" SATURDAY hlghlv controversial sctlon -fa-- re­ ANTEES, a perfect diamond. In tpchnlfainr CUP OF SOUP moved from , sny let's-let-fhlngs- FRANKyURTS and HOME BAKED BEANS drift policy. 6. Exchange privilege ii oi- '41 PONTIAC C. C. $395 BOSTON BROWN BREAD The fact annears to he that Tru- iurad if h/rned in |qtar on a JBLLO and COFFEE man. wlfafever hls opnonents mav Keepsake of greater value- '49 NASH 600 4-DR. m.~. m $1095 THURS., S and do eay to the contrary, f.s oon- FRL, «AT. 90c vincod he ha.s done a good inh as 7; The, only ring > ^ here are tlwse "DISTANT President and is determioed that choien to receive the '48 BU1CK SUPER 4-DR. .u.. „ $1195 nothing must hsnhen in the final DRUM^” Fashion AcodemyJ with Gary Cooper MONDAY months of his adminlstrstion to Awdrd. temper-saving^ money'’saving '50 BUICK SUPER 4-DR. $1895 Technicolor Spoil his record. , FRUIT CUP He clslms for nls adrninlstrstion Choose Your Keep- "TWO DOLLAR CORNED BEEF HASH WITH EGG '51 NASH STATS 4-DR. Gray, R, H. OD. $1895 BETTOR” the reedit foe oreventimr World joke Diamond Ring . ROLLS and BUTTiER W ar in. And he feels stich .sen- r ^ APRIL with 3 SHERBET and COFFEE with Confidtnet al 51 gauge ^ '36 DODGE 4-DR Black, R. H. $45 JOHN LITEL riA>26 85c NYLONS '39 PONTIAC 2-DR. Green, R, H. . . $295 aaitAaamdioff .^ I lk m P n c n E.M.LOFW S FROM 2'P.M .’TIL ?? IT’S FUN FOR ALL TRADING WILD UGway-Riehman '41 NASH 4-DR. Two-tone Green, H. $345 r PWfdOfATO fc£xl*M <« HARTFORD WHERET EST. 1906...... Grants plpctd huge orders monthsi ' a«««rvvd Nmitt Os Nsls Ksw." SOLIMENE, INC. ago.. Col the pick of Ihe' growing '48 NASH600 4-DR $895 Rv«t. ssd Nst. Mst. SI extr»| 767 MAIN ST. INSURED* AGAINST RUNS for any reason ^ ta o ever Mmb. tlirnafli MsU. ISo AT flowers at lowest pricesl Select yours AxtrA. VaII mtdm to F. DRIVE-IN DODGE and PI,jj;MOUTH f49 NASH AMB. 4-DR. , p. |U snnH fdrd: Ra- eoMT to hove or give’ 'this Easter.’" $1295 eUaa arM•ai4^*taa«, riaaafwl BtRLIN TURNPIKE '48 PACKARD CONV. ROUTES NEWINGTON MURPH TS coy,,. f-i- $1295 Tw n M eowi ifAiiv ALSO COMFAItE THESE TRICES 1 I’ M - .*1 » S I ' M STABtS^UNOAl ;iP»gk»»'Vf •v.'i'h' 1 hatWVJfsVtS'se'Ce ArCitfi.'e 'SO NASH RAM.i:dNyv 'Maroon, Ri laascRriitiir—vtA itEiroi^^

t r riMwaac&j.T'Ti-'AiM:; , ' .. ". ■r.'*."'".'T-, ' ‘ - ■ '.'ft rn "It’a One of Anterica'a T lx. WINDSOR LOOKS. 1068 ^iiiHiniiinMniniininmiPtnM^ Nothing l« woar GERANIUMS /5b NASH s t a t e ! 4.bRr ■'Z:n:'ii295 yineet DriwKln Thcatera" 534823534848482353235323892323534823482323 Maroon HYACINTHS. '50 Ford V-S C C $1395 OFENS TONIGHT R-RADIO, H-HEATER. OD-OVERDRIVE. Full Fashioned 1 FOR THE SEASON Your ,F.«mlly ^By CINERARIAS. • 11-49 Box Office 8:48 Taking Thom'Out to \ W :: ■ Insured leceuse: their protective Enish If snag reaiatanl COMPLETE CANDY ASSORTMENT PLUS UNHEARD OF Shew a t 8:48 nDinnor i. Eottor Sunday Imured eeceuae; reinforced double welt slrengthent garter points patented block over teaming hole prevents runt and keetie Featuring: Insured eeceuaei TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES teams straight EASTER BASKETS 49c e The Flneat'Screen At Insured leCeuaei^ high twist yam adds sheemesi and strength. Entertainment JELLYEGGS 25 c u lib e r a l TERMS.. . '• Proportioned lengths-regisiered serial number on each pair and ettiche^ e Completely Contour ChoeoliBta Marshmallow Covorod Bunnlts .... insurance card. • - '<-jr Paved Remp Area CoHo Wrapptd Chocolata BunniM . • 4 • V » • fin a n c e The Villa Louisa BANK RATES • lig h ter, Clearer BIRCH MOUNTAIN ROAD Colors: London Beige, Geneva Tan, Venice Taupe, Manhattan Dacorotod Chocolata Hollow Mould • ' • • e • • Picniree SERVED FROM 12 NOON to 8 P. M. Sun and White. e Immaculate Speedi- Auto Sales—Open S en iee Conceeeloo FEATURING HOME MADE RAVIOLLI, GRANT'S BASEMENT 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Daily STEAKS and CHICKEN Service Station . . . So get In your car. AU. LEGAL BEVERAGES GARDEN SHOP SALE 4 BOLAND MOTORS Come dreesed ae you ara PHONE MANCHESTER 2-8135 ^ Daily 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. . , . and bring tliq.young- NOW IN PROGRESS "YOUR H6MEfOWN NASH DEALER" atera . . . there'a no charge OOMmo SUNDAY / P I Sun.: 9 A. M. to 5 .P. M. 369 CENTER ST., AT WEST CENTER ST.—TEL. 4079 for ohUdrea under I t yeara DORIS DAY-GORDON MacRAE In "STA RU PT'' I h \ • f age. and "AS YOU WERE" Adverttfci in The H endd^tt P«yv . T. GRANT IvV ■! 't.' ' 815 MAIN STREET. y \ A

: ■’■-j-i- ./ - J '- h

* A ^ ____ .’-I-'

• V ____1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,'MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, A P R ^ 11,1952 PAGE FOUR , V . , ■ ». ~t . Mstl' rgtunTg "aTe ‘.mttH 'comMiS li»i grader* -.with,, alx . montha,. tecYlcTT Aclivale Aii^ tffiit "~ In the Air National Guard,and col­ Nurses Sponsor-—- MANCHESTER UVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER.'CONN,.FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1952 PAGE FIV^ W o t e d D r a n i a S l a y , Next week he will /five a full re- 1) l>ort Math a break Sown of flgurea lege graduate* with one year mili­ tary aervlce after Dec. 7, 1941, or Rummage Sale DOOFIMC AtU CpnnApril20 \ hlch will, give an Individual re* Of -National Guard elx month* Alri National > Guard V " rsT-'.-'.. Church Charles Gebler, a atudr chase of equipment for thp cqmlng uled for tonight' haa been-poatT - USKSS! ifarfio a n d TTf poK fo r each town, aa well la thh I\C.SIDIHC Easter HYmn -Sing w o o g - j w o aervlce during the paat two yeara. ent at the University of'Connecti­ Sunday SchooTfi season waa diaguaaed. John Dris­ poned. Tile next regular meeting KMtMB StaadM^ Tim* WNfiOhrCh. • total for the chapter. Andover, cut, gave a hiost Interesting talk coll was named to Investigate in will be held.on April 25. an eve- Hartford, April J l— Major Gen­ ' Connecticut men who wish to The. Mancheeter Regietered A. A. DION, INC. Storm; April—IW-Baall Ra#h-- Cblumblm and Hebron make up the on-Wild, birds and showed movieilif i ,! c'orpor.Bllng'... the ..LilUfi League,. !riing. meeting at the. home of. M rx -Ootumbta- C h a p t e r ...... eral k'raderlck G. Relnche; .«,h* Ad­ apply. lor.;Ui*.-conrsa .and commia.- /^Unsiri),’, ,^e^pclatiinriL I f :.i!ppnn<>ring Program at ;1: twiie.: The; tiojed g u r b i irtslpr,’ 300, AntuBW.At. :..„. ..Tel data 'pnd alides: ' ...... !. .Cqachif9..j;p.f,, the. fqur jeams; were .P.McWiy,H.6rr,‘»9n,.. Mra. Reginald L. Lewla will jutant generaf, today announced *lon»' m*y-do ap by reporting In k rummage 'sale- on ' Thursday; V g ltt—w h a t —Fird Waring. gcreen and radio, w i ll' Vlalt the the activation of 8118th Air Baae Mr. and Mrs, -Harvey B. Clough chosen. aa'fdiiowaV During a meeting of Abe Miller 4OA-W0NS«MihtCal.;PtP*r8!TI.,-.-~™ again, head.. the. CalumbLa. .CaiehU person Monday night* betweetj April.J17. at.9..B-..m.. in St: M ary’.* ___ .y Trio, ?,,iW Arnvy.,.vvlll!apon,. :■ -Concordia ■■ laitheran - chureh'S' •an*,''George--Donohue -*nd Wolff ^TtiJ-WDRC-Nawitlma. ■'irhlverllty'of ■Conne'ctXcIlt'6n SUh-' S^uadfom CohneetltiUt A ft Nation­ 7’;36 '*rid S'mr ' By writing to 'Col­ nave “t'Ctuifflea '16 Tcnabd ccstfef roar Tti'e»a*y'eifning' g — nomH Teacher Aaaoclatlon aa ita pfeal* pariah house. A variety of mis- .Sor:'a community Barter hymn ring B<’bets; Broad Brpok Yankees, w n c —SukuUl* Wlf*. WHAT—Nawa; Coftaa Club. ■ al Guard. The unit will be located onel ^orge P. itane, Chlef-of- ,aft'er^<_thc wiptJ^C months spent.„Bt Sunday school Easter program, nntlng committee, composed j> f WTtCO-Oood -Mwening- Oood Muale. day, April . 30. for #_RP>*rAm. Of dant;..JUlra.. .W., Sb.Piarca. wUl. con­ ceTwhedUf; TtofB srgin F eir^' eTothi Lmiis Tj'ovost;; "Br o ft d Brnotr rat.Btamard FWH-'Htttford, effect Stalf, Air Jetton,. Headquarfari .111 ,l?*hF*r Park,. weatiicr .permiL- their hiamc in !^L jpetersburgb. Fla. "iie t .‘there Be Light" .wlllVba ^ d Ed'rirard PMtuia. .Ch*rl«*. Bna.*i WtlOaBpb. d-T a mm 11 c -Interpretattoiig: i*nd tinue- a a ' vice . plreeldeflt and; MraJ :,ui*. wju.fbe. on' iwuer:. jl:.:..:.!';::.::— Glanti, " James R'lriall 'and Sh*p- Ho.wSrdJBejtMH,; E(a^4 Webaterc ■- WDRC-'®t txini« WKNB—Morning S ^ Ia ir ITeWgr Ceorge Pederaon jaa "'llreiiaureVi live May l . 'i t also wax announced ind H e a ff q u a f t m Section,' Packard - tin#, ■ Ka'rter-Sunday.'morning at' . Mca,~Mablc .Spli^.. of .Stafford, at 4 b’cloeh-Easter aftemooh.-The atorlea of the theater. Miss Priacllla Peabody Is chair­ a'^ys' Kh'ort' Seco'ri'dS; "J!ames Tar'r- Alfred' Armstrong and Herbert SA VE 1 0 % BY CAiPNjS NOW WONS-Waalliar; Honry Hl-JInx. Tlie only change in the offlcera that the A ir Baae Flight E„ Con- CTANG. Bralnard Field, Hartford. 6:30 o'clock. , . called on several o f ,hcr Tollarid Sunilny school- choir, directed' by 7 ,U_WTIIT-Morning Davollon. Mr. Rathbone'a appearance on necUciit A ir NaUcnal Guard, will - _ . -'V 1 man of the committee and is being friends Wednesday. ' . ell and John Driscoll! Tlie Little Rose, wa* named .to prenent a WONS^Srwa...... which were elected at Tueaday assisted by Miss Lillian Napoli, THLINDERBOir Bandma-xter C. Peter Carlabn, Mrs. Elizabeth Walters, wilt sing League will, start ita practice here W o 5 £ ^ < k 5ownffy’» Mu»lc Shop. WTIC—Boh Slaala; Waalhar. the Campua at Storm la part of the be deactivated April 30. Offlcera A brush .demonstration Will be for the first time. slate o f carididatei at the annual WORK OUARANTEED night'a meeting In Yeomana Hall WOMAN, BABY HlilST Mrs. Martin 'Caprilozzi, Mra. Ed­ wall known aa a' competent leader Saturday, the t.lnjc and place to 0 f,»*_WDRC—R»itl« Horrl^ 7 isa—WTHT—Top nl tha Morning. iinlveratty’a convocation . a e r I e a and‘men of the latter'unit will be held at the Hicks Memorial meeting nn May 13, V;: l.tSlI.Vl’PHC—TonhM KHjrhfn. WTIC—B'.b Slaala—Morning Watrh. 'la |n the aeoretarlal poaltlon. Mra. mund H. Brown and Mrs. Michael o f alnging, win direct the alnging 'Their selections will be: "In Jo- be, announced later. The season w n c —Tounp WWdor Bfown. WDRC—Old *lualc Box: Nawa. which aponaom program.a each 'John Pringle waa elected to this transferred to the Sll8th. Danielson, April 11—(S’)—An el­ Engine has o f fom ou B hymna of the church School on April 21 at 8 p. rriv'Fho sep's Lovely Garden," "Clirist for During the Women’* Bowllrtg WTHT—Bob *• Uoyd. year which featyrea noted enter- The activation makes possible Wilk. , ' will open May-30 with games at • TERM M RRANDEfe WCPC—Nawa; Good Morning, Oood office to aucceed Mra. Sawyer derly woman and n, email baby having to do with the resurrection. proceeds of thl.s project will be 'the World We Sing,” a'nd "Thou Lo.ague hanqUet'last. week Mra. . w ccc-N fw »! M;;!*':- Muale. tainera, lecturem and arttata. direct A ir National Guard com- Anyone wlahing to contribute turned over to the hot lunch pro­ Broad Brook arid South. Windsor. Gladys Daley received a trophy-for Medbury who refuaed re-alactlon. were critically Injured when the articles to the-aale is requested up to 25 % fewer The Citadel Band and Songsters Whose .Almighty Word.'' Recita­ The opening games will he ■• *i«»l?vroN8—rUyUmi' ChlMron. WO.NS—Hanry'a Hl-JIna. The noted actor Nvlll preaent hla mltiiona in the grade of aecond gram of the flchdol. ■' '' tions and songs by the smallcr high average, 98..1, for the aeaaon. liSS—WTHT—A'eathar. 'William Innea and Ceorge Par car In which they were riding waa to Contact one of the aboye mem­ will support with special music. played Tuesday and TIu'irstlay ^ WKNB'^R*‘QU^t progmrn on Sunday In Hawley Ar- lieutenant for eligible young men 'Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Clough, Trophle* were also received by • EXPERIENOE WONS-'-Waathar. ’ troa were named aiidltora for the struck by a train at a crossing bers or lesive them at the parish chlldren will be a part of the pro­ who wlah to enter pilot .training. working parts It If hoped that Uiht project will o f ToUand,. Cepter amtounce .. the gram.; . — ■. _ ...... nights. The .four teams_w;ill_ par- Mr*. Pat Trij^ MUs Klale Enas inor.y. at A p. m.. whhdi- will perjnlt aiMulal checking of- the aaaoeia- here, Mrs--Nellie I. Wood, TT- of hdule. wedneaday A lg b L ...... ?iwO§£5SdmSriU^^ Under"a recently inaugurated pro­ «fo m ' -denpmlnatiorial .lines -and engagemenU " of '.their daughter,' ileipate in iSe! jyfemorial' Diay pai^ arid! Mrs. Barbara 'Piirce: 'The W’KNB-Nrwa; Sporla DIgaat. . majfiy pai-efit*' vuitlnfi their.Tiong irarTa bhoka: * ‘ ' '■ -*...... Deyville, hospital officials sail/, Acting as "program.! con'imiltee B ? . r = gram, young men seeking such that a large number of people of Doris, Iq Alexander 'Tobiasson, son Bile iri South Windsor. I.Aurels and the Mothers* Club re­ i W O E 1 9 » . WONS—Nawa. ■■'a ,* and dau'shtera to attend. ' The meeting voted to cater to The total Catch of U. S. com­ are Mrs. Edward Walters, chair­ WHAT—Sloiir Odf'"- WTHT—Nawa. commissions will be given the reg­ may lose a leg. The baby. Ray­ than engines all churches will be able to attend. of Mr., and M ra Karl Tobiasson, Di'rectors for the teams for the ceived award* for first and second t WONB—Of»on HnrnM. the Wllllmantic Hotary Club for a mercial flshei’y producta in 1991 man, and Mrs. Robert Werner, WTIC—Nawa. mond. Briere. Ift-montha-old, re­ In the event of' bad weather the also of Tolland'Center. coming year are: Wapping Indl place teams. • jXj_WHAT.^Cr»>»h.v'» WHAT—Newa. _ , dinner meeting which will be held ular one-year pilot training course Miss Helen SIbrinsa and Mra. w ilC -rron t r *t* r «rrrtl. ceived a fractured skull and bad amounted to about 4.4 bUIton . gerylee 'tvlU.Jifi.xpnducted-Jn__the -.^Rev; .WiUiaro,-C,- H.- -Moe,- ehap-_ ;ans. Ralph-Wetherell, firorgc-'-Don--: % g,4I_WDRC—Shoppara Bpaelal.. tir Yeomang- H «,.;"-V i pbiihite •• •- -..... - “ of comparable Margareta McMullen, - ...... Nhtw' ih'r OmrtCT;— ^---- WTIC—Nawa. fleers will be returned to the Con Salvation Arm y Citadel. . lain of Tolland County Jail, has A cordial invitation is extended ohue, W alff Roberta, Donald Har­ ■‘w h a t —Band by Damand. , T l b l u t n b i a committee comprised of Mra. Lew­ WPRC—Mtmory Lana, \yoN8—Hanry'a Hl-JInx. necticut A ir National. Guard upon I'ecelved a key and a six-inch, five- to all. ‘ . rison and Douglas Grant; Shep­ WOHB^WIli Btll Hlckoek. WCQC—Leroy. is. Mrs. Joseph Laisky. Mtt. Irving p o w e r ! pound lock from the owner In St; ard's Short Secon■ aprisott.- Greater Hartford, .area: met at the AitthOfly ■" Talhml,'" JHhn WCCC—1» Hundred and M HIta. of jnhn and Josephine (Baemr) cVialrnrian to be prepared with an ^ WTTC—Newf. ■■ with one year active military serv­ deMarcarte and W. S(imner,Simp- er who at one time made a wooden Town , Hall Monday evening and Lang. Haepid 11101088. Lawrence WTIC—Spin >m Agtln. Schafer. She was married to annual report at that time. Who Owns One diacuaaed the duck hunting season. , : C T T = r r a ic U y Stio^rt'il & a r . WKNB—Nfw»: Polohli. ice after Dec. 7, 1941; high school Bon aervlng aa finance chairman. key and escaped. Ezra Chapmw, Loftus and JnitttButenss. The Lit­ Christian Oehlers In New ' York Among the. organization* repre­ WTHT—No School TodAy. A dental clinic for pre-achool graduates -with two yeaix college; Mr, dcMarcarte and Mr.. Simpson son of Sherman. Chapman, w a a ja tle League ban^Wet will be-held w S liS ^ ^ ^ W " Baranac.'a. WHAY—ItAltan ProgfAm. .September 4. 1889 and came here children is scheduled for April ,21 BEUEVOIG!! were briefed on plans for local jailer at the time. , sented were t he South Windsor WONS-Nawa. Air National Guard warrent offi­ April 16 at' the' HedgCa in New a bride, and has lived ever njid 22, Mrs, W. E. Plijrce, welfsre YOUR NEIGHBORS HAVE TOLD YOU, '■v ca/npai^ a meeting of all The c.mcer drive-in Tolland has Landowners' Protective Associa- |a|g'.-.^VDRCT-RACftrd RpvIaw. since. Mrs. Oehlers was proud of cers- and to top three enlisted Britain. ' MARLOW’S FOR EVERYTHING — MARLOWS FOR EVERYTHING — MAfiLOWS FOR EVEKYI*H VVON8—Bhoppora PAfAdA. /. ' chairman, ,hSa announced. . 'Tbla .chairmen and finance chairmen of started, with Mrs. Idella Horn snd tion, the Wetheresfleld Game Club, 4JuufadU.tiimtuUut-Mrma.A.n>-«.e9™Qi TPntc'inaY be. attended-b y apyuliit" ■.~:.-./jiy,}^ y t fuTd'iiTrtr.'itt"the'*awtt'‘wo’':'' Wty.‘'EmUlT ''W.:‘'XaW!i|th'"HrtH«’i1gC'|''t*t^^»d*»trtmyy';,Bp-eara. He wax a retired pearl but- ing Waters." The nearby fish- and fc@ "«ci'5 u »n d . t;. S. A. Ui4»—WO.NS-FAmme Fair. At prien that after soalng or* hard te beliove game rlnha' reprexenlal ive'a .willJiC. BUrnhani, Qi'aHIVe'd' mcriibei'a "of I .Friday at .3:30 p, m. Rev. Ben­ land: during . tha .next. .flva.. . .daya, - ahutrlOB...... — - ■ ■:■;.... $2423 ■^.. -----porters- have-already been- sec rutt­ ton.maker, - He-waa-a-foumleF-and' the irack, fttyCcf," bAskenrifn', baa*:' H :«H;^WI>]lC^lBe4‘x-rrittend7 - ^ jamin St.vfinr paatbif of St. Patil's contacted by John .Malln relative ■ WTWF^dWehkrd -Diamond; .-rrv!rsr WKNB-Nawa: mo cnub, Saturday through next Wednea- Delivered In Alancheater ed. Others wl.shliig to Join may charter member .of the CSA Socie­ WHAT—Cota Olaa CTiih, ' Altar flower* for the ball arid girl'* basketball teams WTHT—French Pmgram. Epls»-opai Church will officiate. day7.,.wU[ avecaga. two to alx. de-. lnune• 'WONS—Orara Flalda Show. : nni. week and warmer again by the JI-IS Kaat Center St., tel. 6191 their Tolland home. WDRC—Tha Blr Tima. Cioas Fiinil drive,'aald Wedneaday Force. In Tripoli, and Frank Kalas held In the Comnjunity Hmise. ard Della. Bernard!, accordionist. 1I..1#—WCCC-11 lIuttdrAd and W HUa, middle o f the week. OPEN DAILY 9;S0 to 9 EXCEPT SATURDAY 'TIL 6 Open Every Night XTntll 0 The monthly meeting of the Group .singing will' be led by-Miss T WHAT—David Rdaa Cnndurla. WONS—Conn. College. thel the local campaign haa been Daughters of Upion Veterans of of Tolland; fivo, daughters. Mrs. On May 7 there will be a concert Precipitation during this period • . Saturday Until 6 P. M. Antonina Dzlob, music eiipervlsor. S |:«g—WDRC—Paul Waatmi Show. WDRC—OlvA and TahA.. Jual about eoinpleteil with returns ANDERSON ...... the,:.Ciyll. Vias^& s held..!, a t . the, J')6ep.h.,,c.6ri»Jt»T»aiio 'Prtttrnira. ' of o v ir II,20n; blit thsl because Of ..OflWKNMO'OSEill" ' ■ ■Ybung o f TOIland; aix grandchil­ ' it.' 'Aiie'n'"FBmjiy'4' ■ •■^Evergreert- LtM gk.' A !"F;' *n d a .‘ S w n c —Mario L an * Show. WTIC—Hollywood Love Story, six tenth.* of_an Inch occurring as home of Ihe^lfehior vice pre.oideht, •M WHAT—Nawa; Nlta t'atr^ WKNB—340 Club. a mall campaign to aunimer real- IS8 Eldrldge St.— Tel. 8486 "WHERE IT COST LESS TO‘b E BETTER DRESSED" Mrs. Careie Ayers. Mra. Maude dren and. two great grandchildren. The cast of the!mln.strel show of M., visited Daskam' Dodge of 1 WONS—Nawa, Out ol tha Thundar. 11:44—WONSt—IlArA A to Vrterant. denla, not carried on other years, showers late' Sunday or- Sunday St. Francis of Assisi Church is re­ Glastonbury Wednesday night.' 1 Clough/rind Mrs. Ayers were ap- The funeral was . held Wednesday t •,»(>_WTHT—Mr. DIalrlat Attorney. WHAY—RoaonI Program. he asks Indulgence on a final re­ night and again towards the mid­ Read Herald Advn. afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Tol­ hearsing every week for the show The entered apprentice degree , WTiC—Short. Story. Afternaan p o ln i^ delegates to the depart- I WDRC—Robert « ’a Waxworka. lease of figures until nest week. dle of the week. • land Federated Chiirclj, with Rev. '(yhtch ■wilTbe given May 1 and 2. was exemplifled^. by Worshipful lliO# *-WDRt^THAatAr of Today. ifarCrinvehtion to be Imid fiTlh^ ’ "TTONB—AfhWd Toreerltaynrw;"— ■ ond Hotel, Hartford, April 23 and William C. H. Mqc, pastor of the > During a meeting o f the Trl-Vll- Master Edward Tapley and other l4:gg-WDRC—Nawa; Capitol CloakWCCC—DIao Jockey. WKNB—Newa: Movlr TlniA, 3.4-.... Each...w,?mbcr. ,q.f, ..the, tcnLJs; church, officiating. Burial was in lagt? Little. Lesgue directors Mon­ officers of Evergreen Lodge. Room. -v'WONS** WTIC—Robert MMoiitfpmpry ■Ntwi; wnijr^LaRDaa Program. ing with her daughter. Mrs. Grace » BinjUarii. . ^ . WrCT—Ne^a. V, WHAT-MHa Wai\*Alrh. WTHT-Swedlah Program. D. Clough. William JDarling. their ^•Vif 1 »:U j4j^_\VTIC—Pro —WTIC—Pro •»nd Con, WKNB—Man on the Street ' son,, has recently been promoted H it*—NaWa_on all atalloM. WONS-Bliik Croaby. to sergeant In the marines. He is llJl»*-WTI!T—Lnt<* Rob H Doyd. -. WTIC—Farm Forum. AT NO EXTRA COST stationed at Cherry Point, N. C. 5 WHAY-NlRhl W«tfh. IJtIg—WKNB—Perry ('omo. WONS-^Rrk'i WAXworki. -^VCCC-7:MuAk for Milady. THO Me*' Leila S. Hall has returned s i WTIC—N>.wa. WONS-^erenade in Blue. a tmd Ita -soft collar ^ ...... ,ft;pm I??rt,,Hayen_jyhere. jihe ,.w^^ lUiM—WHAT^NIffht ,'4Ti • !,. cailied on'acc’ourit .'of M • VVTIC-aMxrUi* Corpm Rho#* . Vltwpd from Jupiter, thr rarth Illness o f her daughter. Miss Ber­ ui l«.iW-^-WTHT—N<‘Wa. would never K«t far >hough from nice A. Hall. BEST FORM WONR—N«*irA. the direction of the eun to be a___«WTIC—N * ------i-wa: MuaIc. Mrs. John H. Steele has spent TsmarAow vlalble with eyea auch « « oura. over two weeks In Stow, Mass., kaifst#—WTIC—Nawa: JfrAnk Atwood. where she was the guest of Mr. m*p \VHAT?-N«WHAY—Naww‘‘»:a: RRurelufaI Roundup. BRAS ifrM» S :r h - WONfk-HenrjHe------Hl-Jln*.- and Mrs. Ira Creelman. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ackerman ® ‘’ -lif^^Tpr^HurHov'^ivvareel, ' have- returned to Tolland after NYLON. COTTON ( b AVTIC—WralKer; Frank Alwcmd. IN M.\NCHESTF,R ’ . e spending the winter at Daytona "■■•r -*■' Beach; 'Fla'.'"' A N D SATIN H. A t the laat meeting of the $1.00 Ladles Aid Society, of the Federati

j -Television, L O N G BRAS BENSON’S $1.BM2.98 FOR ’ !2 4:00—K*t« Smith SlJoir. For the Kiddles ^ BEST FORM Arthur Drug Stom ^ 6;30—Howdy Dood.v, - • PHILCO V, SUllona of thP* Cro**. Large Assortment Ar 4t«3S— For/font,! . —World Nfwa Today, • i'tl.EVlSION GIRDLES 5 sri$:^Sp‘oft swftnrlir;...... •REFRIGERATORS 7:00-'KukIa. Fran A Olllt. N YLO N LA C E 7:15—Th« Qoldbfrira. IR 7:3B—Thoim Two. • RANGES $3.fS ;45—Cam#l N^wa Caravan* ?:00—Mama. •RADIOS WE ARE TRADING 2^ Wo Tho rropk. ^ ♦ 00—Tho Bla Story, SA TIN ond^ N Y LO N tfj AtflOr^Tha Aldrich Family. WILD V'V PaOtOO—Cavalcadr of Sporta. PROMPF SERVICE _ $ 5 .0 0 ^ t WO 45—Oreatrat Flfhta. /.( lu ! ■ /'ll W/ M /'/ I \ SOLIMENE. INC. |a^l:00—Man -Afahrat OHma. —; 80—Newa. Moria Tima. Tour Dodge-Plymouth Dealer SlZtoS. 36 to M Tamorrow 5 a , m . Qi0:0(U,Botlty Crocker. CALL 3535 iI0:80—Super Clrcua, |ll:00-wnd am Hickok. ''wTvng, MtfClemens! ! 4l:80~Smmn' Ed. BENSON'S, INC. h-ta-tata-NO-NHa-M Top. Irnakemyoivn , \ 1:00—Boaton Black le. »/ 1/ ' N//|7 / / 1:80—Tanka ra. Dodfera. washday weather o NYLON with my GLOVES I REM Yi HOSIERY Nylons, Fabrics, TemembeT“I Suedes and Kids. WJien Classes . ypU ;, ca n ■ -J: // our santatfonai ■ From now. until Metfiorixl Dxjr g Assotted colors. 'It'' . and end-ali;woirrie&.afiQWt3^^ ^ '■ 'ilmuttnlli'or'iHSSplC'ldl e s rw ^ -ig •r*s- . Pcesi^rifiecl with jBtf^One purport—to pay 1 — ...... ■;' S3 'T h e Amenot’oTiiMTtum .ofXa ' - 'fj- V. ». f irmfiyRnrrf. ' ' - ' J the revolulionery Van Heiuen Century r b a a Icmg, hard Somehow, ifi t comfort to xee g •hirt through ■ '15-month wath-wear , . . visit MANCHESTER OPTIICAL. Sele^ There are no clotheslines lo put up and IN THE text: Offieial" reitdt-t o u r - V a » - H e « t « » ,.lheit_» fecautifiiLBtP'*’*'’’^ * *** 0 the memory of thtt petton— J th e fcames you dFsire from our varied and tVn/iirv thirl up to firire ax'many wear- take down7Dust, dirt, an'id smdkib can't 1: tangible evidence of a love that J attractive display—in gtyles to suit every ,ingx and Vaihingt ax the other ihirtt letted, soil your clothes. Your finest things oome^ ttill livei in ih«.he*rt* of family 1 NORTHWEST SECTION and at no extra coit! IX'hal'x nutre. Van Heiiieri ATTRACTIVE taste. Our extensive experience in optical and friend*. ^ J Crnlury ihirt it tlir unlV xhirt with the toft out fresh, clean, fluff-dried, and wrinkle^ It haa been our privilege to prq- g Famous Groco Moo and ' work assures you of precise ctMnjjounding of collar that ‘'u-on't wrinlile ever". W ith ou t HANDBAGS, free ... ready for ironing. In fact, towels, lect the monument investota of J Monday, April 14 your prescription and proper fitting. ’ tlarch or itayi tliii luarvelout thirt collar re- ' ' L». ’ 9^ MonchMtar Quoiiry ‘ j pajamas, and bedspreads can be folded this community for many yean J Corde, Faiiie, Leflther, htainx neat and wrinkle-tree all 24 hour* o f the with the 1>e5t in monument de- v (And Finishod on Tutsday Whtn N* c «ss«h y ) I* davr—all iu life! Patented one-piece collar feeli away without ironing. iign,*nd matetiali. We fully" f - ' ' , n. • Daytime and evening aheera Plastic aud Straw, in a toft ax fine, linen around your neck. Yet our guarantee our work regardfeii.of * If you liv* an ony of th* strtata in this section have your paper oiit, * Full fashioned fine assortment of colors. Vim Hrunen Century shirt costs no more than See them at your favorite electrical tiie Of price. If we can be of any ^ on Monday. Proceeds from these collections of paper serve to other shirts! service during these great days $ • Mew Spring thadM ' N appliance store. ~ buy new equipment for the Manchester Memorial Hospital. o f memory, do'not-heaittte to' jjj * First quality only. O n ly ^ 3 ^ * call oa ut. Jll MAGAZINES — PAPER AHD PAPER CARTONS PICKED UP , IF PUT OUT AT THE CURB " Super Value! FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY . anchester p t ic a l PLEASE NOTE; Collecrtons W8I Be Mode As Scheduled Roin or M O C o. Pair 8 8 c LEONARD M. GRACE, Licensed Optician Compare apd Save Shine — Unless It Rains In o Downpour. ^ e t o e i fliarlow’t alao. featurea TV-adver» 747 MAIN ST. — TELEPHONE '2-9021 * SAPORITI CJUfOUSEsSON LOOK FOR THE MANCHESTER PAPER SALVAGE JRUCIU. tiled Lady .I^mpthlre hoeleryr NEXT TO STATE THEATER I i M c . : M EM ORIAL CO. ^ WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Tel. 7733 I CLEARLY iDENTIHED BY SIGNS ON EITHER SIDE! ' GIVE YOUR WASTE PAPER TO THIS WORTH>WHILE PROJECT! . -V .. 4 KstMtfimna t ftmili MmmrU JWt^CMwaev^. F t

■ 1 ...... ■X-■■'•>' 7 7 F ”>-•-.V .nifcrr-lf ri, n ..f'


as terms o( present officials ex­ "dlsprilerly conduct." MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNh FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1952 ^ e s t ‘War’ Plans'^ Job Shift Plan pire, or the offices become vacant Six Airmen Balk Hatcher said no reason was glV' Joins Travelers Truman aald the plans cannot an for refusal of the atx to fly* Jwt iovered in Italy Stirs Arguinent “.rightfully be opposed on the . On Order lo Fly the San Antonio Light aald today Europe, tnd dwell th the hope th»t daring. But what Is the truth about 11 Local Meii_Get 'X grounds that they help or harm “ maintenance of plane* at the t>it« country, w:ould not *«e c t- hlmT Soms motherly old Insur- The Poet’s Column" any political px>upa." baste . . . has been ujidtr firt in 'N l: ^ ^ (Con'tibU^'^oni Psge l^|e One},,...... ItopubUiAPa. .who.haye.jiot held, ■ _ . jobwtoort recent, montha." , ...... iMk., W hat, they. ,dP.not, Jprs.D A- TrHwito: -to»4*e-Blf«U . . " ^^omotcrobleiii *nd...edh? our iim cAhiis: a i ^ t as much xe'di, But A brown blr4 sang In my ap> hiEve Tjeen pfom bt«t“ Br Pratt - * northeast-Italy-as-far--as- -Uidine pecu a RepubUcan victory iir No^ ■ Hatcher-said-the officer left the Tfi^19S2 Tax aub defe.ated.’* 7 ^ ______base-without permission; the mprn- k iU ^ when. two.colUd^. in-.tbn.iUr. Jt»BCh«ter. Conn. cern. he well i i s BHUeh prob-_ freedom as^ p goldfish. pletree, . * I ' ;, linq was . thrown. hack... by.. vemberi" Sen; M w d t tft-S;- -D.t .Whitney . Aircraft...., .WiUlam,,. .JP, •" 'siron'g .'iiup^'rt fo r tli* tcorginl- thg following the telephone inci­ north of San Antonio la »l month.: A^-hird some what good ar* dwlnn. genera] manager, announc­ armor 'and fhfantry. Their dis­ said. " I don't think Congress will lem.' 'Blit thdjif’ might Ttmte thit-the appearance had bem kept a close sation -fcam.c from three younger dent. Hatcher said the six officers Publlfhti-*. they. ed today. They are among 21 Con­ adopt any legislaUv* ledgerdemaln Ruiinlnne »re not slow to nee norne secret until they were recovered who have refusail to fly had fllert fodmltd October 1. IMt____ Just for a cat some easy prey T necticut employes recently pro­ 'id Be Kept Open Until Democratic Senator*, Monroney of by which are blanketed in a lot of He said charges would be invojvenient for themeclve* In It, , by Italian police. patronage' jobholders." brought against the remaining applications seeking' Runpenslon O p e n F o r u m moted a t PAW A. Oklahoma, Moody of Miclii^ah and from flying. All. are under study M evidenced by their negotUtlpn II ..Sh'ut* Oft Information five men and a - trial date set if end HoIMiye. Enlenjd «t th» I do not seem to have the words, Promoted to divisional auperin- Humphrey of Minnesota. Republican Senate leader except One, which wa* turned The phase of the maneuver* Inveatigatlona by a reviewing of textile order* at the Moscow To, say how lovely are the birds, tendent were Herbert Keefe, 163 Bridges of New Hampshire agreed «ond ekly. by Carrier prd,. that Russia'p Jacob, Malik ha* ^I^lltered, One Tear S1S.1 Purchasing Depsrtmeht be estsb- sky. 52 Phelps rosd, to group leader at Na "They cannot be related to cur­ W ill Back Truman formation officer for the crew ing. hpelled out, before the tTnited Na- lished at .our Hall of Record* and For He love* them Just a* much the Southington plant. rent or -contemplated defense. Sen.' Edwjn C. Johnson (D., New Englanders were the first training force, said one of the six All six ..officers who-refuse^ to MKMRRR o r tlQn*,pi»arm*ment Cpmml[ssl(m^^ that this department be put under as I,' . Promoted to . general fpreman,j j)lans,” a Jieadquarters statement Colo.1., who .often knows what the .to .extract...the: oU-iromjiwihadsn, efficeia-wh» tofuaed to go-aloft fiy aro World • War I I veterans. re­ ___TflU. ASBQaATBP, The cardinal r* a fed"subset, ' aaVd. "The'ri It wrote' finlii to the The A»* V faith, in bureaucratic government, AM riihls of republlcAtlon of epectsl IV Italian police arrested Dario Ber- WlUlani O. WIm Iow, Jr. cept dispensation of all msterisis. an^. . Robert E. Forbes, 139 Vamon whlOh ts the ohild of Civil Service, Ispstehes herein sre also reserved, . The dove I* a cloud floating on tonl, 29-year-oId atreetcleaner In »'upplies and equipment, necesMfy '— blua,...... , street, and'W illiam E. Moore, 13 William G. Winslow, Jr., of 99 So I guess 1 will vote with the ThTittw 'tire South Main ■stfef Man- lo lead test englnecr.'and John A. ciated with The Travelers Insur- Chairman McClellan (D-Ark.) In*.ibilshers' . ,Itfpr*»enUtlT*S! _ ------»-1{j„,pectlon Tb* "o f all plant* producing ^ _ true. 'The im.ually reliable^Rome howa-. ■ • — -r"W *w chpalec ba.. rigidly ,ay*w^i**d. ,hy Craig, • 176. Summit.' itreat, was aacq ,C,oj*pitntc?, a# g , 'fleld sujtet-* o f tlte;4!tenat6-:Oontintlteie ijn' ddv-. -ateiiHo" energy, from, th* taw The . -blackbirds ■ -and 'Cmw* •** - paper 11 Tempo told- thts story-of l^Agent. night at Its peak, “ ppomotejl 'to' forem tm ;"- ...... visor, casualty, fidelity, surety, fire cmWieh't dpefat'foh*, which terlal to the finished product.” I .further submit that It would the documents. handle the plans before a Senate And gray bird* are dawn wheneytr; An officer fldentity undisclosed) and marine lines at the Hartford NUMBER AUDIT- BUREAU OF become the duty of this Agent to vote, opposed them, saying: Reprcscntatlyes of the interna- It's bleak. “ left the briefc.ase behind, aftef a branch ofllce. H e was, recently CIRCULATIONS. . ______Inspect and-'exemlne all pieces, of " I think It's a itiistake to let tlongj authority would, Malik con-' f’.war” conference In the clfy hall graduated from a. casualty, fidel­ The Herild Prinliri* Cninpsny. Ine.; equlpnipnt before they are dis­ The Savings Bank ity, surety, fire and marine ' Insur­ policy-making officials be selected tinjued, "have access to lill plants at Remanzacco, a town of 3,500 tuumes no flnsncltl reeponelhlllty tor carded and replaced by new pieces And now I hope, that you too see. ance course, at Travelers’ home by the Civil Servlcq commission typorrsphleel * Ir.,!?: .producing,...... stockpiling...... - an4_uslng Why bird* bring such' great Joy to In Udine province. ’ like kind;____ LOAM . ‘ 7 " nfiTjce sehnol...fori agenlsn r , - A departmehC'oT'IiarWnT'T^^ Dark, BIrh, Cultivated A graduate, of Admiral Billard The President, In his message In Th* B\it still there's so much mare ta When he returned for the port­ pinnf* Which exploit atomic ener­ appear* to me must be essential Academy in 1044, Mr. Winslow to Congress covering the plans, Grade No. 1 8<.00 cu. yd. folio, it W HS gone. Diipley sdeertlslnr elpfln* hours; to the proper and economical con- say, • - was graduated from the U. S. said It was too great a burden on f o r Mondey—1 p. m. rrldev. gy,. ’ But r il do that another day, ^ * Grade No. 2 $2.00 cu. yd. Berlbnl, meanwhile, had hap- Par TiMsdsy—I p. m. Nondsy.. ,4uot of. any. buslnei*.------... —---- - Metehant Marine Academy.In 1947. tba. President and tha.Congrass.. to T T ic y wilt have the possibility Delivered In Truck ■ 'penc'd ■lhT6"'lh'd Vcoh'f6fencF''rb6rii. and served with the U. S. Navy as pass on all appothtmenta and For Wedneidty—I p. m. Tueedey. The Town of Manchester spend* V I; ____ For Thureday—I p. m, W-edneed*y, to get to know -th?- ' prmliictlon Lead Lota—Order Now A MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK - and took this unexpected prize a lieutenant, ’ Junior jrrade. ~ His confirmation’s, adding! "apprdximsl'ely three querters: of a And to'yoii, I want to say, ■ ■ For Frldey—1 P. m. Thurediy. home with him. previous business experience has "Relation's between the Presi­ For Beturday—1 p. m. Frlrtey. operations to an ,extent necessary unllllon dollar* a. yesr for various Always be singing apd gay. NUSSDORF "He would hpve, but been as a marine underwriter dent and the Congress ought not CUeelfled deei.llne: 10:» *. m. each for control Items which would some under the And like the bird In my appletree. he heard of griv e charges that day of publlcetlon except Beturday— supervision of such a department. You too will be Joyous and free. with the Aetna Fire Insurance to be complicated by the need for f.a m. ______"They \yill conduct, the weigh­ CONST. C O . would be placed against him and c-irilng to agreement on the selec­ The cost of maintenance of a Company. ing, urftasui'lng ■ mid different Elaine Morin Phone #408 hurriedly burled the briefcase tion of a host of field officials In Friday^ April 11 Purchasing Department should be He is married to the former Pa­ BhaVyJilS of atomic raw materials, , Grade 7, and' documents in an open field,” tricia Ann Louabrough of Stam­ position's where ' policy Is not In the neighborhood of ten thou-, the paper *aid. material*, and half - finished JBuckland School ford and. the couple has a daugh­ made." BOYS’ SANFORIZED EASTER The Double Standard sand dollars annuslly. M ilitary officials said the papers ter, Susan; age 2; He 1* assist­ He said the- plan would apply producta. They wlU have the right It Is my opinion that the rela­ appeared intact. Police 'said they The Wall Street Journal, the ant Scoutma^er of Boy Scout gradually over the next few years to ^demand froni the government tively <'mall cost for the maln- found no evidence that Bertnnl Txoop almemticr -of tbe- m m m m BWiHaWKSSIM .Other: of - any rtat e '^ rimis^nformstlon- : tenadee mf such m:..-idtrpXrtment Ih'tfd had 'ahy'Contact with forel'gn Marlner,* ...Clu.b of Cqnpqgtlcu.t,____ cuMlon of the process hy whU'h and reporla on the activities of wmuld be small when It la compar­ ''s'burcea;. ■ American., action. *otft*Umea/idc ed to the amount that would . )je During the war, however,,he had plants producing atomic energy feat* American policy; saved. been a member of the . Garibaldi PTA Schedules ' ’ and the right to Verify this Infor I. submit that this be dune and L partisan brigade. Many of Its SUPPORT THE Discussing Our atleiupt to em­ matlon." that our hew Town Manager con­ members were Communists. First Rehearsal ploy two Standards at the same That deaeriptlon from Malik sider U highly essential to the WHITES, FANCIES, tlip ' In the field of foreign'trade ought ’.P do much to dispel One economic operation of our Town. X, GIRL SCOUT. ^ tJ le „ one standard the one by Very re-apectfully, . S e t o n d Scout Activities ■ All the members of the 'Ver- PLAIN COLORS general asaumptipn which has ac' Df. A. B. Moran. planck School,. PT A .-wrUo ore Inters ikh, ytte. urge the natloni^.. of tualljj^ been 'Bomewrftar'unfair to S IIE S _8 » 1# S h i p m e n t csted in taking part in the Ver- CliOKiL rope... to lower .trade, .barriers ■Russia "th e, assumption-that Rus­ -— Rottner "Beat" ----- Theme tor PT A planrk Variety Shoiv are Ttivited long themselves-and the other sia has been refusing to concede To the Editor; to attend the -first rehearsal Wed­ SIZES 2-7— $1.69 Model N A llH 11 on ft. model The njecting of the Board of Di­ nesday, April 16, in iHe school aii- standard the one by which wc kny antisfactory system of int'er- The Washington PTA will meet SALE Jwap. raialnif our own_ ta riff bar­ rectors at the _Verplanck School - -THc.sday at-8-i>.- nvT.-in--the- k inder- ,d|tm1um.._Thosc .who. l.lkfi_tc> ,sing, nationsl -inspection -for- -atomic fast evening' li'toughf to liilnd A would enjoy learning a dance rou­ R to ^ your new GB fireezer ‘ with ' riers— the Jouihal also found that garten room of the white building. at First National Stora, cnei'gy...... remembrance -of th* -old-— town The meeting. .w.m, tine, can play an . Instrument or .AtlHi worth- of-Lraxan.tood* of. your. _ .O.tS!:..lpLlpw!ag.. .pf .the latter staim^ • For 'what, paper .conceBaiona-aro maeUnga- which - Jisod.. to..he..held ■Boy' Bcbtit and'Cub Seoul aettvr- who have a specialty act are itr g - Mom Stre^ , and A & F ■td>mCTrt~v~."twwler'*av « llal»ln~~to-'Tmi' ed to attend. through C'oIIb at a 20n^ saving ard tends to undo the work of our worth, Russia yielded on th* in­ In the High School Hall, when tles. Store, East Center St. own Marshall Plan m'iIli,ons. -the. "Big Foui-*' of Manchester's T Scout demonstrations will be On the Steering committee, BOYS’ WOOL FELT over retail price* . , . pay for food spection issue long ago. I f the big pollticlanli held the reins of pow­ presented luider the supervision of Mrs. Edward Feltham, Mrs. Paul and frencer on one easy payment 'T h e U. Ax” l**y* Bie Journal powers .were really Interested In er. As had been mentioned In Seoutnja.ster Harold Clendaniel, Willhido and Mrs. Frank . Mellen plan . . ;'B A V E . . . SAVE . . . itorlal, "has preached removal getting together on a system of 'Tile Herald It was the prediction Assistant Scoutmaster Donald represent the parents; h^rs. C3eo SATURDAY, APRIL 12 SAVEl trade barriers in Europe and international control of atomic that Mr. Martin would be appoint­ Bennett. Cubmaster Ward Krause Living.stone. Mrs. Marjorie Man­ ed, and'this Is a proven fact this sur and Joseph Tripp, the teach­ 9 A . M. to 5 P. M. expansion of markets as one energy and Itx uscs, the inspection and committee chairman of the morning after the show of show* Boy Scouts. Felix Mozzer. A film ers. Robert Johnston will direct the chief alms of It* post-war issue could not hold them apart had been staged in a beautiful on Cubbing will also be shown. the show. omic policy. But.' America's The main issue aeparating pur hall, filled to-eapacity to witness A ll parents and members are DRESS HATS the greatest drama yet exhibited ■ • • « practice- la far from blame paper poaltloil on atomic control cordially invited to attend. Re- - SMALL AND BIG BOY_____ ~ ~...whon .lookad At . Alongside. -from- thUrt'.of'-Riissla i » the-issuc -ip-.nij; --.v -freh“ fhe taxpa'yers' angle, and he Ahoutd mer. It will also nullify Ru.salan and American positions be complimented by all for hls BUNNIES TOc And up convictions. All 3 lUeh of what our billions In for- on' loternatinnal controls. All that The best of all speaker* in my FIRST QUALITY aid are Intended to accom la larking is the^ real will and de­ Judgment was Mr. Rottner who Chairs plUh. • sire to give up the capacity to tried to. harmohfze the meeting BASKETS 59c Up For “ “ Diir tmpbrl" rMlrTcCrdns dri ■wagpuiomrcrwai-. ' anil set AmusTlettntte Hmlt -on the ragatarly- SEAMLISS^^HESH amount to spent for the audit, ... - . .. tr.'.:: .-v.'.' .Tttl- - dairy products have alrea'dy and W'c should have the audit ■deS- $98.00 - CHOCOLATE draam yelps of-pain- from' 10 coun­ - • : Poor LHHe -Proniofer nitelv for the benefit of all. Me, Crookett abatained from tries. Many of thern, like Italy and One of the ntpat spectacular' en­ voting on the town manager be­ X. WHITMAN SAMPLER EASTER EGGS the Scandinavian nations, had terprisers and promoters of the cause he explained he wSa not in i and 2 Lbs, y o u P a y ' ';a. YJBioated cheese exports to the U. S, day Is Cletm McCarthy. Hi* ex­ favor of the salary. He got a 25c And Up at the urging of our own Marshall big hand from the audience and ploits are all Texa.s-sli^^e exploits. CANDY CUPBOARD Plan officiala. It our markot is Watching hla operations, one could won many friends and votes for , ' • - 9*- •'1^ • .Y closed to what they can produce Ilia future campaign. 1, i and 3 Lbs. After Down Payment . . . for all of the Item* above , . ,'goa gain the feeling that the day of As an observer of polUicS local- CHOCOLATES SAVE ON THIS Bell to Ua, how can they pav ojd-atyle adventure la not |iay for. them afl at Colla'i with the money you’ll aave M Jhmd Iv for the past .30 yoarrf'I would % In Gay Easter Boxes REGULAR 1.19 bills alone. . - the coal, cotton add wheat yet dead. Oil and hotels—they 'are like to sound the warning. If thqj ^ CANDY CUPBOARD they muat buy here with dollars ? the McCarthy apecialtlea. * Republican party Is to carry on ■ '/j Lb. Eggs at 59c QUAUTY Iri office in Manchester we had q $ I»0 0 And Up ’ W ill American aid forever make What was our disilluaionment. Eight styles of one-and-ttvorof-a-kind Sample Tomlinson Chair# ALL SIZES up the difference between what better start cleaning house and dO' selected at the January Market! A high back barrel, a Sheraton then, not lojig ago, to read that it. no'W. ■' ...... ALL ATTRACTIVELY' titer earn-and wfiat they spend the Equitable Life Insurance So­ Yo\irs truly. ' " fallback and A third lounge ebaii^ npt shown, are also included! GIFT WRAPPED Hew Summer Colors Pair higeT , / ciety of the United Statea, which An Independent Republican. The four Sheraton table styles arte perfectly scaled for 18th Cen­ Hard Surface 'T t Is certainly IncoRSialent, to I* , an insuranpe .company, had tury living rooms. Make perteei gifts, incidentallr! Solid mshogany set . trade, bai^era restricting tiak^q o'ver’ the. management -"of ■ ~ base.s with beautifully grained mahogany plywood tops. ' HORTH END m iA ’r's Tine REAL Piucife rope’s eahiing power hei^ with the MtjCarlhy Oil and Gas Cor; ON YOUH HOCSBT fjMyqdwhile, jlpting 'vast sutn* porAtion a»d.:ofAh« famaua-Sham-* FHARHAPT ift. yif-.hthht tb conc^.j:itrpp.e^. rp i^ Hotel o f J^OUatoh.. Youdl find our eumiMtsat '.tpprslsers well qnallffad to . ■ Open Sunday* '' oiler gap.’ • ' . It seemed , t^at McCarthy’ owed ■ Tables b' *»w' 'VV^ Rt» ^*> Ir)sa;y-y5-iv.' regularly A llhport, restrictions. ,• There size loan. 'In the amount ^ s o m e Remember, there I* aensr any oMIgation when ton oall a moral and paychoiogirai aide. $34,000,000. He had bceiy/meeting AMESITE, ASPHALT, T A R ^ $25.00 fo l.' -- (Worth $1.00) WithfEyery 2 We have hammered endlessly hla Interest paymenty aheer 142^ East Center SA S E E T H E HIGH SCHOOL ART E XH IB ITAN OUR MAIN STREET S lf,0 W WINDOW ALL* THIS WEEK M T worse-^pouiice 1 ' on imsj|inative genius and business Manchester ' ' ' " ____ . ■ ' ■ r ■ ■ ‘ ■ ■ - ■ ' - ■ \ . ■ - - ' *"• • ' .. . I \ iu^yAnr-agary

..'."•V -»-’-T-


” iin. • » ! Tflrs "d(i^iee«t'ilK a~ I»a Itfjl'J«5*iefkYy ■ fit ■ « » piuiiiMri: Y 'xna'T Have tarferrhur ^ ^ S E 'E iG H t TEKNCEBBIIER” EVENING' HER ALDT HANCHBSTEB.1 ^urreiii Pulilfcs year. Fremont Wilson of TalcoU- Is beesuaa thers ara.ustiBl1y too .clpTElefct ‘Ike,’ Co-Chairm en o f ^LiKhtg on Night’ 'juildlng’s sprinkler system quick- brought the fire under control. vine may be -called for .a permit. few. men available in each com- W E ARE pany-re-aticeessfully combat a Are. RevE^iiatiB. Women Are Told -Linnevold’s Topic Id fire ooeurred In a resl- The. fire- hsMetf is- extremely high ^ WILR^ ^ ^ ^ iiigf W rofcs ThdtRetuiTi Dike. Built Around Farm' IJjO'vettTell-sl Phone Men lenho^^whlch etarted in a chimney now and burning should be done The combined forces of the three ,\nd mier spread to surrounding only when neceseary and -only after companies always attend Area tq Wlllioin Hackett, membership South Coventry, April 1.1—(Spe­ hsrtltlon)i^The five reroslnlng fires all precautions are taken. In all case they are needndi A?, a result SOUMENE. IN ci\ fl,r?if'..*W.,.te|nght iinde'r ^ cojllrol DODGE and PLYMOUTV - ehoinnHt-of • th e .Elaenhowac for. cial).;,-Bernard.-, .to>,jr«»,n!F.n.t.i:oned ;|nas-iW VfrJ)** ...... - -1 Democr.atif. cornipM.on'-;. by, .:P»»i4r * r« . . . „ t — larly from him, which dwell on hla mortat Ubrary.V *I1ie 'jraW Ihr - i - f _ ordered home in Fcbru- .'f. ... . ■ .k-". ' y Ing it possible to put Eisenhower'! vlted. hls sponsoring organleatlon desire to return to America, (Continued frotn Page One) (Continued from Page One) -These letters also indicate that name on the ballot in Connecti­ ib ia is toe third in a series of a i i e ^ nilitre to fiilflU the meetings: on go.vernment to be conditions of the .program under ■-■-—i life has been made - difficult for '■inactive" status. This will restore Western Electric is a.manufac­ S'..- cut. which he was brought to this coun-1 him since his fetiirn to Germany him to the position he had before turing subaidiary of the American Addressing an open meeting of sponsored by the board o f trustees of the library. Alfred J. Hunkih S y haa notVyen up his dream of ty the fael that his being ordered he took on the command, and will Telephone Sc Telegraph Company, the club at its headquarters at 539 ^ S t o ^ m e r l c a . : home before the expiration of his, which also controls the Beil tele­ Main street last night, Hackett has arranged for the speaker. maintain his military connections. Doerliur who was here under an : scholarship has beep interpreted phone system. said that if the people of Man­ In that status, Elsenhower- will chester want the. national admin-' Bgrletdtural program sponsored by i there as a disgrue. be subject to some military regu­ May Return Tomorrow the National Orange, has written Seeking .lob istratlon to be changed, the first- lations.:----- — ' Michigan’s striking switchboard, -Mends In Manchester from -ids' Mrs. Strack said "the tope of his operators and maintenance men step. is to get .EUsenhower's namq Talcottville home in Altenkustadt, Germany, letters” is that people in his home This could place limitations on on the ballot in the state. 'To do town bejleve he had dohe some­ campaign discussion of past mat­ are expected to return . to work that he atlll drcame of coming "no later than tomorrow,” a union this, he said, the women aa well On Wednesday evening, AprU back to this country but that, his thing “ wrong” here and that this ters of high policy which still re­ as the men are needed. has made it difficult for him to get mained claaeilied. as secret, even spokesman said. But he added if 16, the Golden Rule Club will have premature return to Germany has -Western. . saectric strlkei* ..stiH Prior to the meeting. Hackett, placed him In disfavor « home. a job. ' She said that she was not though WS~ reasofts' for - actiAl- :<(vbo" is' e'dn'ducling the' "club's" drive Oieir mtsntoiy meeyngTitrTiurTsi* mllltary secrecy no longer exist, i were picketing exchanges their The German youth AVae ordered pure, from his letters whether he lines would be respected. , . to increase its membership, wel­ cottvllle CTongregatlonsl Church. home Feb. 29 for what the Grange hnd gotten any sort of employment It Eisenhower had resigned his comed several he-w members. A brief business meeting will be .yet An,.-unc0nfIrnved. rumor sped During the' meeting, the mem-' caHed his failure to live up to the commission, there would have beeiL around negotiation headquarters held at 7:30 p. m. followed by a condiUone of the lirogram under , Hans sailed for Germany Feb. 29 no link, no regmaHons remalnlhg bershlp chairman gave'a report on .Toflf^h P. N«vlAr Studio Joseph r. Nsylor Studio that the Western Electrlt strike Dr. Robert'M. Raymirn Joseph P. Naylor program at eight. The jpeaher will which he was brought to Ahvcrlca. after last-minute appeals for help An earthen dike around thU famiatead at Blencoe. la., krops flood waters from the Mississippi to create roadiblocks in whatever was on the' verge of settlement in the Elsenhower campaign in town, to two senators and a governor and Burnham Batson, the group's be the well-known cartoonist and Amateur noxer zH'cr.tempQcaiily in-band. . JllenCott. la.about 80. miles south af.Sioux Citj'».-Flood crestjs rxpwled. political course he might choOse. .New.Y.qjcH. ne^qtiationan^qf . o a . the . .puidoor, .editor. .of .tUs,.. ..Courant. { - • B(it 'KIM*; .whh WM an amatewr- Twoved'MrttieaK'^He- had anket} k'a a pr'ScCfcaf mailer, h'ow'everi ■financial chatrmarr, gave report ' -Dr.- -Robert -M.- -Rayburn and Jo- i Isad. corps - will . cculeb- outlying In tatter efty early In week (AP Wtrephoto). , basis of the Cw'A-Mlchigan Bell areas. However, before any call Is cniff knight. Mr. Knight's pro­ 1 boxing champion in Bavaria, and senator William Benton, through the .battling over ,Jhe Republican agreement.. on the condition of its treas- seph'P. Naylor, co-ghairmen of the j wlMt oonttmtetJ h^ .boxlt*^ h«»,;W^^^ ,amt(OTla\offlcii In .Hartftatsd, tO Jii- • ury . And ..;-exprefiaCd .thAclubia made, the workers' will be looking gram Is called Chalk Talks. Mr. nomtnatioit tjr-eertntn re move into r Michigan teleplrone-wagcs 'irow "Lights On Night” re be held Sun- | for a' Welcome light shining bill- Knight Iv hire wen kn'own' for liu - r m 1 Ueved that it was his participation tercede. with the Grange and the a new phase with Elsenhower's re­ , U. 8. N»Vy Photo. range between $3J and $90 a week, thanks to the public "for all con­ tributions given in money and time day, April 19, for the benefit of side the home. human Interest stories appearing 1 in the sport .twhich,, caused the State, Department on his behalf. Three Receive turn. Yeoman. L. H .' Dforlcoh^ the basic average hourly wage be» ! Grange to take the action it did. The matter was also brought to Strategy Shift Marks to advance the Ike cause.” the local cancer fund, announced ; "Residents ran join in the fight in toe Courant. The Golden Rule In Europe, he has been remote ing-about $1.43. The 12.7 average It was also announced last today that more than 2(M public \ against cancer by making sure a Club invites everyone to attend. I ■ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heavisides the attention of Sen. Henry Cabot' from the hurly-buriy of the strug­ Rc-cnlistlng for six raoVe years added will give them about $l.-55. J of 87 .Baldwin road and Mr. and Lodge of Massachusetts and Act­ H onor M edals in the Navy, is Lorraine. M. Morl- night that an Eisenhower rally spirited-persons have volunteered | light outside the house, ts oh and The Talocttvllle fire deparllnent gle. The' .settlement- was announced their service! to help in toe novel b.v contributing ns llbe'r'ally as pos­ has been called on seven time' In ■-< Mrs, Benjamin A. .Strack Of North ing Governor Edward N. Alien. coni, yeomtin, third class, WAVES, jointly by Walter Schaar, Wlchl- would be held April 17 at 8:30 in ■I xe. USN. -dauf hrep-->«#--Miv-and ■ Mr#,- -Center, Park.:...,____ . ■aoLcitatioiL.-to.75, o,^^^ sible to the fund. Eve.ry soilcltor 4ha..'laaL.fouctcr.n. dajCA..ifi„toe.. Ah-.. and disadvantages; On the - on» John a : Moriconrof' 1077 Main have donated the usC of their auto­ ''wBr'‘'Stave*”dfftclaV'.Meof(nei^ s'enCe" Of Deputy " Chief John- ‘Tal- New .Tf o r k Democrats --Peeking Truman Presents High­ hand, he has not been under, pres­ and Homer D. Swander, chairman mobiles. and will have official cancer re^ New Haven, April 11—()P)-r Street. of Michigan Bell's negotiating cott who, Is hospitalized. Captain election as convention .delegates sure to express hlroreif on the de- The co-chairmen revealed de­ celpt books.' Wilfred Kent has directed the local Group to Ask found Kefauver favored for the 94 est Award^AP.„.Mar^^^^^ Let ’Em Starve Shifts of strategy by both runlons The okth< was administered by committee. ^ Plan Panel Session -velopments-’of the. day—sudh.. as L t.-« ; M. Frediani,- USN Yeo"- tails of the on* night affair in.the . (‘From, the spirit, already dis­ fire department,'One of The" fire* a«le(fftTe v6lMr-0‘f'lh e 118 hskid and Thanagement—Tekturbd the , Agree 'on Terras played by the hundreds of Volun- And Two Soldiers Pennies were not needed in Connecticut phase of the curreflt the steel situation—as have others man Moriconi is serving with the joint statement which follows: occurred at the: Aldon ’ Spinning to list their first tliree preferences, in the race. Schaar said ths two sides )tBd For Bowers PTA "On Sunday night, April 19, starl­ teeriblgho have come to our assist­ Bigger ScBool 24 answered.- Kefauver got only parking meters Ip Manchester strikes in the communication in­ flag allowance of the Command- Mill. The fire, started in a atorage dustry today as both We.stem On the other hand, he has not agreed on “basic issues,” includ­ ing at 7 p. m., over 200 workers ance we feel certain ‘Lights On four hrsts, Stevenson three and Washington, April 11—(flV-Two today iipcause Good Friday is a er-in-Chlef, Pacific and U. S. Pa- Night' in Manchester wUI prove a room on the ground floor of toe Union and Western Electric em­ been in close contact with the ciflc'Fleet at Pearl Harbor. T. H. ing the inter-city wage differen­ will begin the coverage of every there was a long list of possible soldiers and a marine, today join JegnI holiday In the State of tial!!. The April meetlfig of the Bowers street in Manchestec and a motor- shining success.” o x i v Keeney Parent-Teacher Connecticut. ployes remained away from their American people and, with the. favorite sons. - the select ranks of Medal of Honor jobs.' ■ party leaders in states and local Complete .details remained to be PTA will" be held in the_ school ttClub to Present 1 P e t i ­ ——.- — -* - '■ wearers. ' According to the State worked out, it waa said, as the President Truman arranged to In tUa Western. Union strike, communities. Expect B ritish auditorium on Monday, at 8 p. m. Britain, was arrested on the W II-' Register and Manual, legal the New Haven, office remained Asks Ike’s Views two teams 6f negotiators prepared bur Cross, highway by State P o -! tion to Tqwn Directors present the nation's highest award holidays in the state arc New ■> Edgar Noel, program chairman, Scouts’ Hunt 1 7 J e w e l locked *nd picketed. The office in A sample of the sort of things to go into a joint meeting. Settle­ liceman Robert W. Anderson yea- I — to the new Korean war heroes in Year's Day, Lincoln’s Blrthda.v, ment followed a 24-hour period has arranged for. an iqteresting A request that another project Spifister Kills a Whits' House ceremony at 12:30 Hartford was, however, declared into which Eisenhower may have Fight Prom ise teWay fo r speeding. Washington's Birthday, Me­ ■open by the company-'-the first of to mix on his return was afforded during which federal and state panel discussion on the subject Tomorrow, 1 P. M. be present,.phase of p. m.. (e.s.t.) morial . Day, Independence .Day (nediat.ora .huaUed baxdr and forth . :‘V\'hat ..Do-, W a, Want o f.. Ekluca- '. Margaret, ..Pencheff,. ,34.. of . ,. . 58 The wlhn'srii. Who are among the aa-oaUed iiojMn cities" to-be 'today- b y - a demand from ...Rep. Chestnut street, was arrested for W ater-Proof W ateli — Im -ported By ..toe school, bunding .eitpansipn pro­ (ITourth of July), Labor Day, named-ln Connecticut___ beriyeert_ separate., sessions .0f. the 'tlon?” Members of the- panel are Ag^d Father the fewitbat Itve to sec ;the award, Powell < D-NY) that, the Senate "Tomorrow af.term>oni weather a: stop, sigh vioiatton at Ch.eatnut .•os-.'ph r gram will be submitted to • the- Columbus Day, Armistice Day, ■ Because bf.thc ‘lack or coopera­ Labor committee Invitfe Else'nhow-: Diplom atic Sources Say ■company and the nhion. ■ • H:rs. Paul Bdrli, YfrA. Rfchard are Army Lt. Lloyd L. Burke, Christmas and the day desig­ Baseler, Mrs. Raymond Schaller, permitting, The Girl Scout Blaster and Church streets by Police Chief Board of Directors. probal)ly at the Stuttgart, Ark., Army Corp. Ro- tion "by telephone workers,” the .er to give his views on' the "all- Pledge W ill .Eliminate Presumably the wage agree­ Woman Driven to Burn nated by the governor as a day Weatarn Electric strikers called- ment will cost Michigan Beil in Saul Sllveratein, Robert Spencer egg hunt will be held at Memorial Herman .O. Schendel. exein et directora' meeting Tuesday night. UolTo P. Hernandez. Fowler,. Cal., importoht question” of civil riglits Frank Fitrphy of no certain ad­ K O LE X — A MMCUAELS of fasting and prayer, ru.ito- olf picket lines, arbun'4 telephone "as soon as he becomes '“ Mister, of $7,500,090 a year. Michi­ and Philip Clarke, with Mrs. Field from l , to 3 o'clock. All Naylor The Parent Teachers' Club of Condenincdl H om e and and Marine M/Sgt. Harold E. \Vh' Doubts of Europeans Frank' BatstOne serving as moder­ dress and Fred Shea. 49, of no cer­ maril.v Good Friday ; and . the company buildings in' Connecticut Eisenhower.” gan Bell placed that value on its the Keeney Street school voted at son, Birmingham, Ala. day designated by the- governor ■— :—' ( ator. Brownie, Intermediate and Senior tain address, were taken Into cus­ after one day'of acUuity. Powell said In a statement he . London, April ll-—(/P)— Diploma­ original $4-$7 weekly' boost offer. Its meeting Tuesday to present ii Murder with Shotgun Members Of their families were as a day of Thanksgiving. The Bowers School Cub Scouts Scouts will take part and prizes tody ^^.-tterday by Pfi'.rolmen Because Michaels made o special purchose, we offer you the fomous Tietitloh, algned by residents of expected to attend the ceremony. There were pickets at the West­ had requested Elsenhower's views tic source.'! reported today Britain Will Follow Bu)<> ^ V . /. r ii i » ' - IU ", ' ■ HoM on to them pennies. ern Electric distribution ce'nter in In Ohio where some 12,000 Bell will conduct a Food-Sale in the will be awarded for the prettiest George P. McCsughCy and Wil­ that surea; requesting, an lns|>cc- Auburn, Calif., April 11 — rs. n body. They had already found the fighting with the 1st Cavalry Di­ American people will stop voting The guarantee would not alter on the boBi.s of progress to date, Dickinson, 58, vice president and Arrival of Families people at work there are "largely the practical" military picture in row morning until 5 o ’clock at 1 Brownie flag, donated by the club, body of her father, Peter, 78, and vision Inst October. Burke, who is for a candidate who cannot Indi- "we definitely will have a long general counsel of the Pennsyl­ was accepted by Mrs. EwaUl surmised that she had also perish­ members of the supervisory staff Western Europe. Five divisions of strike.'!- ; night, ,Girl Scouts from Troops 4, now assigned to the infantry cen­ .'cate to the people what he be- vania ireilroad, and an assistant 10 and' 57 will sell their cookies in 1 Jackie, and Mrs. Corrlne Pocket t’s ed in the blaze. Bonn, Germany, April 11—()P)— but include a nuAibcr of members British occupation troops are sta­ The union is demanding 19 to 23 Secretary of Commerce and an ter at Fort Bcnnlng, Ga., won tlio of the union.” liev'cs in.” these two stores. i first and second grades won the Admits ■Guilt Distinguished Service Cross, The West German Government Powell, a Negro who has been tioned jn West Germany and . an cent hourly laises and has turned assistant Attorney Oeneral in to* 1 attendance banner. Rcfrc.shmcnts Miss DlcklnfOn ducked back Crutchfield said that the Con- attack there certainly would In- down a company offer estimated early years o f ' the Roosevelt ad- Bronze -Star and Purple Heart for flatly refused .today Jto help the negtlcut Aaaoctatinn „ of_,'.Einrlsts, acti-ve in suport o f antl-diacrlmi- -Were aeived by-Mra. Gerard. SnilU)., .Into the- woods,- -Imt was-grabbed eartle'r‘'1her“ol8m lit KtSrta.' volye -these forces.- at 12l» .«ent« an - hour. -CWA "rntnistratloTi. Bom- In-Treppe. Md. • Mrs. , Hlrsm Lovejoy ,|>nd Mrs. il. S. Army conic bcUvern its has agreed to take purchases of liaUo'n l'a'i^BlaUoftT sugg^ that, J E W E L E R S . by Ward as soon as she put down Patatrooper Hcrnande* of the tiglaenhowcr, after, his. return, to But the promise i.s expected to members now make an average New York—Miss Bessie Locke, S I L y Eft S M I T H S 1 hi C 1 9 0 0 ’i Nlchblas DoPellce. ■ a shotgun she was caffylhg. He '.■foldicrs beiqw-ser'gcant rating and flowef* by ■ telogram for- ■ Ea.ster, have Important psychological ef-!^7-53 hourly, founder of the National 'Kinder­ Police Arrests 18Xth Airborne Regiment eii- with toe indivMuid flortstir calling civilian life, employ .on his staff ». ——'------^------*— said she readily admitted the m.nxed 'a lone stand with a one- their wives. fects In the parliament.^ of the six garten a.saociatlon (NKA) and a Hartford and telegrams to the "a Negro, whom I am sure will Dean W. CThlke, 22, of 648 East 958 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER shooting and starting the Are. man bayonet charge against at­ Tlio Germans turned down an have to be a Republican,'' to help nations, some of which have had leader in the promotion of . kinder­ jiolhts concerned being sent from gartens throughout the country 60 The sheriff gave this back­ tacking Reds in nighttime battle Army request that no more tourist there. ' answer questions about civil grave doubts about the treaty now WU Strike Off Center street, faces a violation of visas be -given to dependents of years ago. Taft Leads Ik^ ground end account of MLvb Dlck- Inst May. Haney Ciomhients rights. being drafted to link the six na­ rules of the . road count ln\ Town l’'son's actions: ■ Army personnel below the rank of Sgt. Wilson was everywhere In E. M. Haney, president of Local By June 1 only 148 of the Re­ tions in the European Defense At 337 Offices LARSON r i t e s MONDAY Court tomorrow morning. He waa v .y." -V. i.-y.7; i v f . r 4»e:$vay^ rla)ia for the new Fo.Iapru the thick, .af the. .fight. Jn- Kproa setgeant. 37, - eowHtiereial - "Telegraphers (immunity-(.EDCL . . U, ,S. Ariny regulations do not publican National: conventioh’a L,- arrested by Patrolman Prlmd sJPor Kentucky, call for. the flooding of the Dlck- last April. Wounded four times,' he Union, AFL, a.Sscrted this morping 205 delegates will remain to be France and The Nethe'rlands jn^n ranch prop^^^ ___ authorize Army ,, ttanspqrta.tlpn Hamden, April llr-(Ah—;Funer- Axqadeq, «n.M—-Even in the was agreed to in the" 1948 Brus­ company gave no figure aa to how Latest in Date John C. Gdmbatz, 33 of New Blui i'r-i. will mclil you Mc.iitjf-rsliip Agrei-uunl . I.c(iuu- .-■■ ! morning she got up. cooked break­ undctql-mlned. Dsmage was re­ the same courtesies as any other ‘‘16 Onta an Hour” Korean mud, home is what you many it claims have returned, to among write-ins. tourist. sels Treaty. bill to. due- Dill'll F'!■ oll'iicnl o;.icn; m-.-nUi iil AjinI only lui.i N( )W The survey coVered 21 dally and fast for her father, and then- shot ported slight. -r ‘‘Inatead of 50 cents art hour in­ make it. West Germany, however, is not work. However, it said employes Styles - -teveh sW»ckly-newspapeta,_JNew!i- him .with A-douhlt-Jsartlcd tootgun _DiscLQsuceL.ot the jiBe._Qf_ .work _ Now the Army must take toq crease, employes are asking only And the U. S; Seventh Infantry a signer o f either and- the^ six-na­ at its Oklahoma City offifce, came problem directl.v. to the soldiers. Regiment has come up with some­ papers In four of the .state's 21 while he-ate. being done on the Requln is pro­ ifor 16 certts an hour and a uni­ tion army, wav conceived’ as a back en - masse this morning, by Flower Map counties did not provide specific Then she spHnklqd' the liouse hibited Under security rcj^ilattons. All who have their families here form work week of 40 hours, thing; new In battle line hpuslrig^- order of Hkirl Ellis, local CTU as tourists have- been -ordered to a prefabricated bunker. , ■ method ,of linking German troops I, OUT qnd MAIL TOPAYt -pereenUges,---"-a^-i-^,i ■ , . with kerosene aiul- s«t" U-on: Tiro. bgjrod on a 48-hour pay scheduie and arms potential to.'western 'de­ president, i ' ' • In Gay Colors Friend--Docs your wife econo' report their arrival smd register for all employes," he said. Bunkers are reinforced holes in 1 2 , , The newspapermen in 19 coun­ . She planned'to kill herself, she fense. TTie company quoted Ellis as ties , who prMlCtcd Eisenhower told Ward, but after reloading the nUze 7 their addre.sse.s in Germany.. ,, ■ He said that Western Union no­ the. ground which give the foot sol­ j*aying he issued the back-to-Work. I iUf.'A. would win gauged tt,_ all the \Vay gun, was unable to pull the trig­ Man—Oh, yes, we have to do , Vnoffiglal estimates sav possibly tices of the, opening . of offices diers a maximum of cover in order after conferring with na­ MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION from a tight squeeze a land­ ger.. without' prattlcally everything I 10,000 families are here as acro.s.s the country are a "false other words a roof oyer their tional CTU officials in Washing­ slide. Two counties predicted Taft Dickinson, her father’s sole need. - - tourists. presentation” as these offices are heads. Manchester ton and bacatisC of "conditions __ I hereby opply for porticipotion in ths benariti of CONNECTICUT HOSPITAL SERVICE, INC. in oecordonct would win narrowly. survivor, was lield for investiga­ "manned entirely by supervisory TTie Seventh's assembly line Is prevailing only' at the Oklahoma with,ths tsrmi and conditloni ipeciSed in the RULES AND REGULATIONS, I underitond that such opplicalion will no), personnel who obviously cannot just behind the froht.,T\v6 platoons I A similar poll in Illinois last tion o f raiirdcy. She was e,xaniined City office." ■ , —, J be effective until the dote of the Cerliricole of Me'mberthip Agreement iiiued to me. I certify the following aniwiri and week was only J.12 per cent dff last night by pa.vchlBrriaU in the hope to . handle even ‘emergency’ cut the lumber to specifications message traffic.” act by the forward soldiers. Date Book There- was,no amplification of I statementi lo be true. """ . the actual results. . . county jail. Later she was expect­ “ Picket” Adils-Support tills, and' no hnmcdlate comment N. J. Picture Muddle ed to' be token to DeWItt State With the removal of Communi­ . The bunker kits are delivered Tuesday, ^tpril 15 from toe unionl Tl)e New_ Jersey , election Was Hospital for-further mental tests. cation Workers of America, "CIO, complete. The assembly line even BIRTH I complicated by Taft's unsucccss- pickets from Southern New Eng­ sends along a representative to ex­ Annual concert of the G Clef It ia asking for wage boosts and I ' ■ ful- attempt to withdraw from the land Telephone Company buildings, plain how it’s put together. Club, Emanuel Lutheran Church. other-benefits wqrbi an-estimated ■ NAME. . DATE. ballot in a dispute with the.alate'a the -strike situation in Cohpetticut - Ail the infantrymen. have to do AprU I i, 18 and 19 $20 a week. The company says ■"? Lait Name— PRINT First Nome— PRINT Middle Initial Month. ..r.Doy Yeor Qoy.-Alfred B. Drlseoll; reverted to the status of early this is to have a nroper site hole dug. ' Elpworth Lisaguer'a present# -preaent wage! avoragtag $72.;,7 a TMt dissolved his blew Jersey O b i t u a r y Week , The frontline soldlera, usually tion of "The Mikado.” Bowers’ week are adequate.- ' headquarters but th.ere arO;reports "We're going to concentrate on cut their own machinegup slots to School. »' HOME ADDRESS Male □ fem ale-n ' . . ■- -■of. an undercover cam psl^;there West Haven, and help ojll’ there,"" fit their partIciilST field o f fire. Saturtoiy, April 19 I Street bnd No.^ City ond -lonit' .Sto*e I'.;- . by his .hackers. Joseph'R. Mathis, preslUefit of Lo-' Qther openings ore .maids .before­ Young Democriaiic Club testl- .1- . :..1 ■ No poll of Demociratlc s'ciitimcnt D e a th 's " cal 129, said this morhibg:. "W e’re hand. raonial'dlnner and dance. Rainbow i.....:.'f '■ I" also going toppnd men. to.up-state I. was taken in Nj^w^'Jersey since MaJ. Walter M.-Turner, Sanford, Inn...... -5ingla Q ...... Morriad Q . a „ uWidowed. 0,„i:-....-.„.,Pwqrtfid.Q;"..7;'. . .-.Separahicl O — -- .'4 • -e-:i Sen.- Estes -K-ofauVer 'of’ Tenltessw ■ ...... :"TT--iiHk 'Saglld'' ■" " ... ‘New ■'Yffrk;'^ Fitr,’ B im •Battaiiw’ edmiti'aMffsr; "7— -:AJi»4r: Sfi- and- 2»- -■■■7- ■ --Tgr v' , . . ^ ' • , ' . ' ' ' . * F^lXY AUTOMATIC OVEN i : K^auver’ h iia cd ’ eastward? to^ borough road, Glastonbury, died center is cbvei^ .by (2W A ■ Local job was turned over to'Lt, Henry Yesterday” at ' Bower? ^ School’. TIEveryone * *■ (ri;*on»'»e'tf-ernployed' Q'^ - Unemployed'iQ "RtWrej Q . ’ , ' I f iqjMfwwst- _ . i' I ■ I Aejats-'?.. Minwing -a. .Jong ’ stalletiw ajt». j»i^tenani:.e;,wdrttr «d . Ntusea' "--"taction- - ' am employed hy> ...... eBipl^iskhy.ihUfitiar.------'. ''ijjj "gyp exiiiaih-: era who are normally on. duty, Splf'inglirtd, .Mass. .< Saturday, April 26 I Utness. - ii ' # FULL s £ 40 INCHED WIDE (Name and Addrets of'Firm) ■ed spares turnouts in Portland by Bom in Wedmonte, Italy, on throughout the state. ' | The only problem facing ■ the Merry-Weds sprihg aemi-formal saying the Tennessean wa* mak­ Get. 17, 1871, he had been a resi­ Mathis said that Western Elec—, regiment now is how it will sal- dance. Masonic Temple. 8 p. m. • ROOMY STORAGE COMPARTMENTS I trlc employes had'been changing i vage the deluxe bmvkera* fn the jVVedneiiday. April SO ing only a oneiday stopover, there dent-of Glaatonbdry fo r -53 years. Married '■' r My wife(husbond Ii lelhemployed □ Unemployed □ ' Retired Q • , , I to set up arrangements tor a long- He was the senior partner of equipment from maniisil to dial and; event of a move to another sec- Dramatic presentation of "The I installing other equipment in the i tor. Robe," South Methodist Church, pertont complete.^ ■ . or' ■ ' Number of personi . ar campaign visit before Oregon's Frank Sagllo and Son's, poultry ______»m p ln y .I hy thit firm. _ | May 16 primary. Kefauver visits and fruit growers. following towns, and that such At present the assembly line is 8 p. m. this section also | is employed byi. Boise, Idaho, today. He' leaves hla wife, Mrs. Joanne work in these offices is now at a not worried abput this. Elvery ef­ May 2 and S (Nome and Address of Firfh)* • Other political highlights: Trossello .S a g l l o ; four sons. standstill: New Haven. Hamden, fort is being made to supply each Center Church Co-Weds' musi­ 1. -Kefauver's northern Califor- Charles R. Saglio, John L. Saglio, Seymour, Madihon, Milford, Ouil- position with the finest-in battle cal comedy, "Fiddle Faddle-,” 'Ver- CHECK TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP tnla supporters'dropped a fight to and Henry Saglio, all of Glaston­ ford, Branford, West Haven, Nau­ front housing. planck School. 8696 ■ APPLIED FOR: Individuol (No Moternity) □ Husband 8. Wife (Maternity Included) 't] . Fomily (Maternity Included) □ \ keep .a ,3'free choice': slate headed bury and Hugo T. Saglio of Hart­ gatuck, Iteriden, Bridgeport, Dari­ 12-42' ■- ,by State Attorney General Ed- ford; and one daughter, Mrs. A. en, Stamford, New Milford, Mew deluxe As Shewn J iW’iC. ' uund G. (Pat) Brown oft the J-une EdwArd D o g a n of Yokohama, London,'Norwich, New . Britain, IWM Soft draping on the skirt adds Husband or wife and all UNMARRIED' CHILDREN UNDER 19 YEARS of age must T ■cr> Cl- S California primary., -Japan. - Bristol, Torrihgton. Hartford, East pinuiH lw m a note -of style and cHarm to this be listed billow to be included under yqur membership; I 2. Gov. Adlal A. Stevenson’s F u n'e r a 1 ' arrangements, in Hartford, and Windsor Locks. slim, lovely frock for special press secretary said the Illinois ctjarge of the Holmes Funeral FEMALE HELP WANTED "dress-up occasions. Finish cross­ Here is a pleasant way to leant First Name Middle Initial Birth Date Month Year t MAIL TO I executive will clarify hla political Home, 400 Main street, are incom­ MAY LIFT 'TV FREEiSR Comp/«l« with p/oftic cvr/«rii over . etosing ’ and cascade with' the flowers which characterize J,» i a plete. . • . . . “ Huslsand" □ -jp L an a next week. Mentioned large novelty buttons. each-, state as well aa create a « DIRECT ENROLLMINT DDT. I ■he :,'f ' “ ■tfongly as Truman's choice for Washington,’ April 11—(4b— handsome wall panel for your 1. Wife □ The Fs^ral Commiiniratlons The conTrMton ore saying goodbye and bur -We'll hand you a FREE full-size Pattern No. 8696 in,, a sew-rite the Democratic nomination, Ste­ on home. e Son • O venson has said repeatedly he is a conunlaaion'(FCC) will lift the exponsion progrqm is about completed, package of Lilt—after inter- perforated pattern in sizes 12, 14, CONNE.CTICUT F u n e r a l s freeie on n ew t«4^\'l8ion station 2. ' >-■. Doughtef'. O candidate for “Governor of nUnois . . ' "V ■ •“ etiing 10-minute demonstralio'n 16,' 18, 20; 40, 42. Size 14, short Pattern No. 5256 containa hot •* and that U ,11.’' But he refused construction next Monda), goy- of any hew sleeve, 4 yards of 39-inch. iron transfer, for design, material 29-50 10‘00 ; - Sod • . Mrs, Selma Erlrkson eijimental > sourcen said today. W f nbbd machine operators and inspectors. • to say he would not accept noml- rei^rements, stitch lllurtrations 3. Daughter' Q ' BLUE CROSS aatlon. Funeral services for Mrs. Seims There was no official announce­ For tills pattern, send 30c ia and color chart. n Eriekson. widow of Andrew Erick­ ment from the FTO. coins, -your name, address, size de-; Down Delivers "8. Gov. Earl Warren of Cakfor- Experience hot necessary ds vire hove to train Per Mouth Pays for it ' ' ■*■ P -ata, the OOP Vice presidential son", who died Wednesday morn­ •Iredi and the Pattern Number to Send 25c in coins, your name, 4. Daughter Q , \34s' Whitney Av«. ing, were held this afternoon at'S" FIRE . STRIKES CHURCH you. We offer steody work, employe insure Sue Burnett, Manchester Evening Bominee In ■ 1948. said in a New address and the Pattern Number .■ Son Q o’clock at the Emanuel -Lutheran once program. llmiltdl Cem* In InSoyl Herald, 1150 Aye. Americas, New to Anne CMboL Man'cheiter ^ e - . Now Hovon. Conn. Tork radio, interview last night Church, with the pastor of the Daughter □ . that he is Interested only in seek- Boston, April 11—(Aa——Fire York 36, N. Y. ning Herald, 1150 Ave. Americas, 5. ' Inv■ ■ the PresidencyTVr«Mnnrr, thistKia year.7, ohuroh, Bev. Carl E. .Olson, offi- broke out shortly nfte* 1:30 to­ New Y6rk 36, N. Y. 4.*Tsfft?id r.' , 'ialing. ..The soloist, Mrs. Elsie day In St. Ambrose Catholic Send 25 cents today for your Send ne money with Appiketton. 4.L Taft told reporters in Colum-.Colum- Gustafson, was accorhpanied at Apply In Person ' 'eopjf of Basie Fashion '62. It Anne ^CaBot's New ' Album of BROWN’S DEPT. STORE I bus yesterdajr he plans to wage a Ctaurch which u-as filled with ‘ the organ by aarence Helslng. 'iplrpho.-ie operator Mrs. Robert Broun and her dog, “ Picket." worshipers attending Good. Fri­ shows you how to make your Needlework ts chock-full of grahd I SIGN HERE . DATEi. 1, careful campaign in bis home Burial was in the Blast. Cemetery. warerobe do double duty with eoo- 769. Main St. Wiilimonrie Td. 3-4534 •taie for Ohlo’t May 6 primary Join the line of strikers at the Belleville, X. J„ exchange os snitch-, day services. First reports said SPENCER RUBBER PRODUCTS cb. WATKINS designs, plus exciting features and Bearers were Carl Erickson, board workers went out on strike against the New .lersgy B,->ll Teiq- the flames, were In the vestry to nomicSl, time-saving styles Gift a gift pattern printed In the book. against Stassen. Write-ins are Harry Erickson, John Erickson. boned. phone Co. Some 10,000 operators were reporefil *ut in New Jersey, the left of the mala altar. The ^ CHAPEL STREET C ^ pattern printed Inside. 25 qenta. 25 cents. M A A ^ A A . . . Burton Carlson. Nila Carlson and a. An Aa^idated Press poUl o f' Ragn|f Gustafson. along with other strHiers In Miehlgaa, Ohio and California. (NBA church U located on Adonu 'r'elepboto). . ' strirot, In the Oorehe*ter sectloli. .-r* .

- ' ^ A 5 S ', ■ ' . Vi ■ >r

U>A*t-j MANCHESTER EVENIKG HER ALP,. M ^CH ESlE Bt ;COjm .2 :, _PAGE,BLEYEN MANCOTSTBR EVENING HteRALD, M ANGHEST]^ CONN, FRIDAY, APRIL 11,4952.: but was refused by Judge James B. otosr avidsnee In. the case would havs convicted ^mlCh., State Politico y' Murphy In Bridgeport Superior Hint U. S. to Make Plat^Suprem e Court Appeal Smith Receives 0>tirt. By tola time the date of '^te iiaid'lt was hard to raUon- Quiz Plans '‘'’'J execution had been changed again- allae’ Mlta Springer's claim that Labor .Wage Deal Execution Stay to give Smith time to prepare his she wanted to get back to Lowdsn Classified Advertisements Oi^ Liquor Perm it ^ - Francis Danaher Joins peMUon,...... becgjiaa.smito’A, trial, M , Truman's seizure of toe steel in­ A lt peopia admire, -upheld an appeal by a group of- thereJs a. specific prbviBloa In thA. 1 BaWwin’a Job.------— i dustry; 'said 'he 'was not' passing -xvas'.eohedukd. to- die in- the .«1ec> tion .for:4 on .toe.bgait. * Call. 2-8651. new copper plumbing, nevv/'Timken bouse. Real' bargain “ at gi'.oOO. seizure. zoning regulations themselves. A. ■■ Asked In A va^io interview last ' o f Miss Springer’s claim, saying Jt'a lin'portarit I'o Neither 'one seems to' work, so I Manchester residents from the ac­ night If “the President thre.w you • “If I can be o f »ny kelp to toe judgment on the merits of the la; trie qhair during the week ot April oil Imtner, beautiful Ule kitchen Call Coventry 7-6609. Dispute Legality liquor permit may be transferred group, then I’ll do what I can, n»M Hniloubtedly, .he...a.a appellanL-.aa o r toe UiiltiW Sttfes and all "the watciwnan - at - the ■ Indian Harbor ^ O A D 8T* And k’lWtiGtO' " Mutraj^ slUck'sleaclfaSny fb' the surmount. T t1 s eonsUfered’ to" hfe" a cislon follow: on which I banked. That was my . .ccnventlon on May 26 and 2i will ittietodiew Wrigley'eSpearmint daily kLoads of parking spatd ' Farms an(i lanii for Sale 71 ' - “ GILMAN R E A t r y ^ " : Phone 6278 well as Wlganowske. power of the federal government Yacht Club, Greenwich, July' 23, Wags StablUaation board-suggeati- nervous or emotional disorder. The Meanwhile a legal question-ex- . “Zoning coneenu the use . of spe­ one . weapon — toe PresidentiM elect aJ naw ooromlttee,„and the E»IAB-BURN r e a l t y - behind labor’s effort to push xip 1949.-during, a .burglary/.. He wae Remember, t. the goodneis oi WAPPmia—.An mmellent 29 acre 851 Center Street ed settlement terms of 17 1-2 cents exact ca-iiSe Is not known. Lsts as to whether Wlganowske cific existing buildings and lots power of dlsciplinihg people who committee will thSn nawe a chalr- first sentenced to die Nov. 20.1980, A N D " ISIrigley’ii Sp/’ rnurit Cnetring Gum k farm with a completely renovat­ WANTED—Your property to selL fin hour Increa’sea in pay, plus the Probably, some children are dan move his business back to 35 and proposes to stabilize these would not comply with my re­ steel wages is stabilization'of toe man. . „ ■ economy ? Does he think the Pres­ l-ut this was extended to O’et. 29, xcked by thx repu .atioa of a company ed nine room house. Bama and nione 2-218i3 or 2-3035 Reliable buyers waiting, ^ th ' easb union shop and other concessions. bom predisposed to the disorder; Oak street, a 'location he left property uses. Its ultimate pur­ quests for documents and infor- IVaota RoalUve Leadership 1961, when Smith appealed to the RAN G E OIL -hat hat been making quality chewingchewini Jtor four, live, six, seven room sin­ , Going Into a meeting of the that ill they may be called, a when the board granted the ex­ pose is to confine certain classes matfon.’’ , Some of those reported to be op­ ident's schizophrenic interest in rtun-rond nothing d ie —for genera tOhacoo aheda. ly-*-»— r - -- -Krothigsi "PhonsrlitlOT: BUT ...... to . do huslness. the nop-conform- erection of new ones are jneonsiat- Sion and Chclf'said he_w1Il be ry;,_ .. .tlon, whereas Baldwln.and Gover­ IlkV^usH, Lupton asserted toe terra in Alabama, claimed she lied oa the package. hone President’s seizure of the steel in­ EQUIRMENT “ He described the board meet­ probably inborn. ing use may have been . legally eht' with that ob]^ct. rqlled for further testimony after“ nor ixxige are backing General during'Smlth’i ’trial In order to get AftaraoMia / OUTSTANDING VALUES AN AGENCY with a list of ready ing aa "routine” for a report on Sex plays some obscure part as discontinued. ' "Eventuall.'^ such uses are elim­ the House returns from Its Easter Eisenhower, but one member of dustry was .bad judgment. even with George Lowden, an ac­ ."Tra^c,’’ Lupton/calUd It. - Hottsw for ahio — 72 tauyera waiting -for-4, 6, a, 7 developments'of'~thg")B8t few days.' "there’ are nearly five 'Times as Ih Tila aeclBlon.“ "tlib' judge said inated- according to'th e spirit of recess, April "22. ’ ^ ... ' ' — llie'gfoup gays - the dissatisfaction complice In the case. Estimates On Request SIX ROOM GAPE COD room and 2-famlly houses. Call Home Balk on Unions many boys who stutter as there that a hearing of the hoard June the zoning Ia)v8.” Unidentifletl Attorney with Baldwin does not stem frqm Lowden is now serving a life Oil hot water heat, fireplace, Bomhelm A Smith, Agenta. 6946- "The matters excluded by the ASKS LEADERS SUPPORT CALL’ 6716. . o - Some steel corijpanies reportedly are girls. Children of the "stutter­ 11; 1961. brought out thqt an apr. It was also revealed that aii un­ that. e . sentence for murder.after plead­ . SIX ROOM COLONIAL shower, combination storm win­ were willing to grant some form er-type" may live for a long time plicaUon had been turned down' CJourt (which; were offered In evi­ identified Justice Department at­ Tliat statement was made, by Norwalk, A p ril'.11—OR—Mans­ ing guilty to second degree murder dows and doors, Bendix automatic of union shop, or compulsory without developing any speech de­ once before and that “no evidence dence by coupael for th e ‘defend­ a u rle s P. Harper of Middlebury. field D. Spra^e of New Canaan during the burglary. 2-12U7 JUST Ei^T OF BOLTON N OTC H B RI D G E^^ O U /l 44-A Brand ‘ new, located, on quiet FOR QUICK RESULTS In selling torney was closeted with the com­ says that if he can convince Re­ or-sa ••I washer. House is in excellent con­ union mcmber.ship Srmngemgnt. fect, unless they have some shock of changed conditions was pre­ ants) such as different traffic con­ mittee for about an hour to sup­ deputy State Comptroller, -who Shannon sought a new trial on irno-. residential atreet. Three rooms and dition and priced at 813,600, your property call Suburban or accident vhlch upsets their sented." ditions prevailing at the hew loca­ complained that toe "present lead­ publican voters that he would be a lavatory on first floor, three bed­ Realty Co., Realtora, 641 Main but one or two firms balked at ply information concerning "a the liasia of Miss Springer's claim, .It thi.s. nervous system. Then something The local hoard gave three rea- tion and better parking ,7acllitlea ership is not positive enough or good candidate for'U. S. Senator, rooms and tile bath up. Nice view SEVEN ROOM DUTCH street. Call 8216. subject about which Morris was the leaders of the party ought to otv) An indication of how hopeless happens which brings out the'dif­ sotIs for granting the exception pt at the new location are not mat­ Interrogated.” ■ fighting enough.” o f Hartford from living room pic­ COLONIAL and GARAGE ficulty for the first time. the time of that hearing. ters upon which the _ Board can Harper himself has been men­ abide by toe voters' decision. ture window. SELLING YOUR Property? Con­ the industry felt about the situa­ Keating said: Sprague, one of five candidates Oil steam heat, automatic hot tion was seen in the moves ■ of There are two stages In the. de­ 1. There would be no Increase base its decision to grant a vari­ tioned as a possible candidate for tact the Enieworth Mitten Agen­ ance.” "His testimony will either be. for the Senatorial nomination, water heater, Venetian blinds cy, or any Hanchbster Real Es­ Benjamin AiJrlcss, president of velopment of ' stuttering. T h e In the number of outlets, It- being made public .by a vote of the com- state chairman, hut Be indicated RECAP ARTHUR A. RNGFLA throughotit,''- -Bendix ■ - automatic chances of- ■ shopping the ' trouble ------he wasn't Interested. .He said yos- -told too Republican Town commit­ tate cbncerii becSiise it stands to U. 8. sice) 'Company, the largest ihlttoe or the witness will be tee last night that he was willing washer, storm wlndovw, screens ore much greater In the first stage that It ia t o bave.elac-. ..terdW', bpweyer, that he \yould like Realtor . reasqn thst ,thex.l«n!».lK Manches- prod.uccr,,HejillsciiMcd, prices .with. caHod In - an- 'open -session- -week- to return to the State Central "to ’submit m y case to a Jury 'Of A75 Main-Bv:^ and doers, yard beautthilljr land- Price Rtabillaer -Eilis A mail, talk­ Ihair befmo aiuclety and feelings 'of trie refcige'rafprz, deep-freezers,, after next."...... sMiMK].' Outdoor-ilreplace. Priced tar property-best. GaU t(m -isila> cdmihlUee, o f which" he ■was a voters.-” ----- ■ Phone Office 6440 , worth Mitten Agency. 6930 ed with Steelman, then told re­ inferiority have developed. A stut­ radios and televisions in our He and Chelf declined to speci­ Ijelow 81,^ ing direeUy :5*flth; the: union. -. ;• .s,.: .thc-pcaWeni.___— . 1 -...... KSbw How fu'il bath sabond floor, three bar -h eia-b v^ ^ five to, nine rooms Ehccellent lo- , This would be a high, price for Moreover, Secretary Sawyer re- Got 166J)00 In 1938 arage, 8I6,B00. Down paynfent, catlona.' For appointment to bee peateii only yesterday he had ho McLevy haa been running for _ SAOO. ■ ■ ■ a '‘neutral” Germany, outside the f any of these homes contact T. j. liveaterh power orbit, 'but"'som e Intention, at-least for the pres­ governor every two years, usually - Your Old= Furs Crockett, Real Elstate Broker, of­ feared Russia might be inclined ent, of changing pay rates or receivii^ between 20,000 and 40,- 333 M A IN STREET MANCHESTER NEW SEVEN ROOM BRICK fice 8416. residence 87B1.' to pay it In view of the definite working conditions for stcelwprk- OOO votes' throughout the state. Four bedrooms, large closeta, two progress-, -being.— made , - by....ths- .ers,____ ;...... ::...... “____ ^ , There was notable excepUon._,.ln baths, garage. Lot 100’ x 126'; NEW SIX Room Garrison oolbntal. West...... And .Ttiuman said he wanted In­ 1638 when' scandals'tbuened' both Three bedrooms, tile bsth, Are- Handy to achoola, buaineaa, trana- Th'e Russian reply to this March dustry and.union to get-together, the major parties, and more than ortatlon, 822,000. Down payment, 'place. Nice location.- Price 8l6.- 28. note w’as sent to Washln^on, rather than the government" nego­ 165,000. voters cast ballots for Mc­ 8,600. 900. About 86,000 down-payment. tiate a wage Increase. 'The Presi­ Levy. free luxuriant lawnl r London, Paris and Bohn, and made Since .the governorship was James J. Rohan A Son, Realtors. pubU(r: yesterday; ' In many re­ dent did not rule out an eventual 7483. government-fixed wage raise, how­ made a four-year office beginning NEW SIX ROOM S m oU S — spects It was more nearly a dud with ths 1950 election and tots Is than a bombshell. ever. CAPE, STOLES Brick coiiatruction, ' attached gB' RESIDENTIAL Building lots In Debate oh the ^Iztirc’s legality the first even-numbered year with rage IH. batha, 818.600. Down pay- A. snd B-Xonea .with. uHUtiee, In no gubernatorial “election, there SETijr STITDY d e a d l i n e ' contlmwd -In <^gress.- Sen. Gape- OR - • imeni, ■87,'fioo...... -- ...... -..... ’ Manchester. Phone 6273. - hart (R., IndO said "we’re in a has been 'much speculation about Geneva, April 11-^' (/fi—A UN what McLevy intends "lo do. commission today ghve Russia un­ mess becaiiSe the government Is ‘ NEW SEVEN ROOM RANCH— BUNGALOW — Manchester Green, -joining labor in a one-way, street Thus 'far he had kept his own area—A few atepx oft East Center til Aprtl- 2T to Jet the commission council,- and no date has yet been Large lot. excellent location and Into Germany's Soviet, zone to in support of ail its demands." view, 836,000.' Down payment street. Near bjis, school and On the other hand, Sen. Morse 'V v} set for toe Socialist nominating JACKET stores. First floor has 5 finished study the possibilltv of free elec­ conyentlan. . - 100 810,000. tions throughout Germany. (B.; Ore.) defended the seizure, rooms, living room 12 z 16,‘din­ It' seems obvious that Republi­ LBS. ' Thb commtaaion qet the dead-, skying Truman would have failed *ovteriiir> in on - ing room, tile kitchen; complete­ his duty if he'd allowed a strike. cans would welcome McLevy’s en­ 8 6-2 STYLED AS YOU LIKE^ NEW THREE BEDROOM ly remodeled, with modern metal Una In a fourth letter requesting RANCH'—Attached garage, 816,' admission from Gen., V. 'I. CKu- try Into the Senatorial race on the THIS FERTILIZER ESPECIALLY 900. Down payment, 86,000. cabinets aind sink. Tile bath, new Ikov, Soviet zone commandv**. He Mothballs are said to keep tools NORTH END PHARMACY theory that most of toe votes he FOR A S LITTLE A S peach fixtures and shower. Two failed to answer the other three. from rusUng. The mothballs ab­ would draw otherwise would go to ADAPTED FOR MANCHESTER LAWNS bedrooms, all rooms recently Unless- he lct.s the' gthup in by sorb the Tnfrtsture that produces 4 Depot Square — Tel. 2-4C*36 Benton: - SIX ROOM SINGLE—Basement renovated, two unflnUhed rooms -the oxidation. Freese expressed hts views on H UES 50c ^ HYDRANGEAS $L00 recrestton room, Bendix, combina­ the deadline, thejf said they \^ould second, floor. Insulated. Com­ Wind up' their wotX'^and report the situation in a-letter to Jolui 1 .nasi tion'storm sash snd screens, 81 A- pletely rewired and all new fix­ Morris, Bridgeport a t y comptrol­ 200. Down painnent, 84,000. failure to the U N / The commis­ TUUPS 25c - HYACINTHS’ 50c tures and extra outlets Installed. sion already haa'Visited West Ger­ ler, declining an invitation to at­ New copper tub|ng. Timken oil many. . y ' ...... tend the Socialist party’s 32nd an- DRICONURE . TWO FOUR FAMILY HOUSES b'eaUniPayaUfia, Rotco. cumhina- nurt dinner tomorrow.. He. said he LARGE ASST. CORSAGES $L00 —Zoned for buMness, 818,600 and Uon windows, electric water heat­ LU CK Y LA D Y had another commitment. NATURE'S OWN FERTILIZER 8*2,000. er. Garage 12 x 22, Btanley over- ■ ■ bcad' i^ ix.'- AmeBlti'-tlriver -Lot OUnien Awnit AUTOMATIC SERVICE - “ “ ...... - LUPOV BAYS BUSH " ’ "' i. l , , Wqaton.. Apelj,.- The. la, .A COMPLETI.UNI QE :;jCut:Pqw^S; SiOft fiQV@?TRY,!$-i:;, btoto.. kdghsraoA. -.h ■ew four room single. Bath, heat, pancy. Pi^ce 814,000. Call 4664 Aifttioii'ti'fV W SB bor.. dispute .in. toe -steel Jnduotiy l a u n d r y wfiivajx.naxw,-..* vSW.* : ',tlma Saturday ot>; REPAIRS .>4^D R£MODEUNe---Oii« ioueb. uf > « ;''';''(Oo'atiaaa4 .tiote/.'i'iia'.Owil!' ;':'., ffOTTCII W iltffIJ fMT^ and ydnf^ oiit-datM furs, jhave new'-beatity and extra lifev commitment to the government: at There’s subtle-magic in the hands.of our skilled furrlefs . . . “ ■ For Appointment Please Call Lots for Sale 73 . YOU DO IT OR DROP AND PICK UP least for a reasonable tlmfe,” BY WOODRUFF OF MILFORD whether it’s a small repair or a complete remodel . . you BUILDING LOTS. Fins rssideq Knight said. ^ . ------WHILE YOU SHOP Rayn«|d E. 8oniiai OH ttal locations.' Reasonably priced' "If they don’t go ahead with the can be assured of. leisurely work, lUdividua] service and beau­ HOWARD R. HASTINGS Inturanc* Agency tiful results. Manchester 2-1107 Suburban Realty Co., Realtors, (WSB) hearings, then a strike <>24 W ASHERS ~ 6 DRYERS UWN RAKES, CARDEN RAKES, lyu M 541 Main street. Phone 8215. deadline can -be set noto*' ■ TTANCHESTER— New six room , ’’I Ubderstahd the Wage Stabili­ Main and Maple Stf.— At Hrst Notional Stores -Fir* — Auto Lif* Greenhouse colonial modem In every detail. TWO LOTS, southwest corner of zation Board will annoupce a time HOES, CULTIVATORS, HOSE, Js;9'. Beat of eonstructioh. Nice loca­ , Irving- street and Wlndemere and place for further hearings In SOUTH MANCHESTER 98g Main 8b—TeL 6460 ANDfLORIST; .noil tion. Sale price 816,800.' Many atreet. Inquire 270 Oak street. the very near future.” SPABINC FORKS, SHOVELS ftSAFE FUR STORAGE 302 WoodbriJge S+reet — Telv 2-5947 other listings. Call The Ellsworth Knight threatened a nationwide Mitten Agency. 6930. IXJT P'OR Sale,, Near new achool, strike when oil industry represen­ Open Evenings to 9 — - Open All Day Sunday utilities. Size 100’ x 165’. Corner ■'V'AhI tatives failed to show up In St. WHEELBARROWS, STEEL $14.95 Bring your coat in TODAY for .' * * imjc.'i 8CANCHESTER Green—One year lot. Reasonabla Inquire 47 .Cot­ Louis yesterday for a hearbig by BODY AND young. Very attiwcUve three bed- tage street. a WSB panel seeking informa|ion You too, cat) strike “paydirt” with a .classified ad. . . just . f room rawih, spacious living-room, for a recommendation for a settle­ FERTILIZER SPREADERS $7.95 Up an accurate FREJE ESTIMATE, or dining air, oheerful kitchen, color­ ask the man who runs one! There’s many a nugget waiting If -b- ^ ment. The hearing was adjourned • # (T , . * ^ FENDER REFAIR ed tile bath. Radiant heat, at­ LARGE LQ'T, 100 X 400. Coventry. and referred" to, the WSB Ip Wash­ ./ MEN WANTED UWN MOWERS, ROLLERS Slllfil , tached garage, patio. Convenient­ Priced reasonable. Phone 2-1184. ington. for you in the want ads . . . things you nOfed . . . services '5! ly located. Ovmer transferred. PHONE 2-7889 BUILDING— 20' X 30’, three years Seek Hourly Boost Now'is the time to fix Call Warren Howland, 8600, or ' The oil workkrs—memberz of you want... bargains galore! Join the (ftlv:! old, lot 60’ X 185’. 82,500. Phone l^ r tomporary and parnianant woHt in wart- those dents or paint your OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL AT YOUR HOME IJ-isH Indng L. Kelman A Co.. Realtors, 2-1377. CiO, AFL and Independent unions STEEL CASTING RODS Hartford 6-0826. ’ ■—: my ' ."gold rash’’ 'i . . read and uise our classified ads car. No job too big or too OUR OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS MAY —era seeking pay Increase of 25 housing and outside oporotions. Exporfenca r ir t u cents an hour, plus other benefits. d ■ sinal]. Our experienced AIRCRAFT WORKERS. Avoid regularly. Phone 5121—-write or bring BAMBOO ELY RODS REVERSE PHONE CHARGES .1 ..I? Suburban for Sate 75 Their, present average, wage Is unnoeassory. bodymen are at your serv­ )”Taii the tranaportatlon problem. . East 82.16 an hour. ice. Stop in today for esti­ Hartford offera you a bnmd new IN BOLTON, several desirable yodr ad to our Classified Ad departmenLy LIBERAL TERMS ■'aqzD ‘ About half of the. 250,000 work- A' mate. Gape Cod,, full cellar, plaMer places, nicely located. Moderate­ era represented by the unions REDUCED OFF (iiaw walM, AmaslUr driveway. 30-day ly priced. New 6 foom ranch, could be called out on strike now. quo'jo , ecofipancy. For appointment to large lot, 89,500; In Vernon,. 5 Contracts covering the others alill Your Dodge and 3 »-» aoe call agent 2-3161. I rooms, 2-car garage, 88,000. R. ore In force, Knight explained. THE BURR NURSERIES S « n i ' O. Denton Agency. Phone 6724. A strike which would paralize Ho m e Hunting r Gome and look ' Plymouth, Dealer Msnehester Plumbing & Suppjy Co. too 1. :v| ' at our lovely little lakeside home the nation’s oil Industry twice has BOLTON, Tolland Road— Four- been postponed, the last time Call Mr. FouRinar, 4 1 ^ Soturday momins “If It'S Hardware We Have It” da W . 'j? J o f six rooms at Andover Lake. room ranch, % acre lot, artesian liattrljrBtrr lEurttittg IrralJi ROBART’S - q r a O r-| Completely modern. Priced right March 6 when Ibresident Triiman or Mondoyl " F. T. BLISH. 'Jr., Pres, and Treas, well, view, trees. Only 89,900. L. asked the WSB to ibtervebe and SOLIMENE, INC. At 810,760. Agquandt. Pbonq Oov- 377 MAIN STREET TEL. 4425 66 PRATT STREET. HARTFORD F. DeMara, Builder. Mancbeater make a prompt teconnnendatlon 634 Center Street ■ ontiy 7-6917.. 6420. for a settlement. A I -J" '■s*-, SCjy.-- wc:-. .

'' 3 PAGE TWELVE V.B-.V---"’**”'*''" '^llANCHEaTJUft EVEMUNG EEKAJUG# .MA^^fE.ESJTER, pO N N , .T O lD A r,^ KANCHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1962 "PAGB THnUM Bf - '

caka to Exalted Ruler Allen at the ville Baptist Church will hold its ment warns South Korean gov- dinner which preceded the buaincss final rehearsal for the E u t(r Can­ Top Insurance Man Truman Took enlment to make Internal reforms.- Rockville sesaton, the next exalted ruler hav­ tata tomorrow at 6:30 p. m. at the (Note: The Korean war began a THE ARMY ond NAVY CLUi ing the unique experience of being church. Htijle more than two months D PRi NEW. installed Into office on his birth- ConducUng Drive P o s t 7 3"Years ..•.n«r,».,Ai;^'.>.-,.- rvTW-' J*.. dsy...... Thfl,. . Arm y, .aervlce. _ rlU2. JflSl-rt.MacArUuir.supv Plaee Contract Honor List Unit is conducting Its annual ap­ txirtcra blast Truman for firing Principal AUerT L. Dresser yes- peal for funds In Rockville during Ago^ Tom oiTOLU Far East commander. U. S. war­ In RevalujatioR tOday announced the Honor Roll the' m on th -of 'A7mi. The tynsiHif ships reported rahssihg In Medi­ St Ihe Rockville High School for being sought lx 33,000.'----- terranean ter-counter threat " Of Ir ■ ^ ■ • -''■' the third-quai-ter. ■ - All named on .Claude A- Mjlllg Is chairman o* ^ Washlt}gton.-'-.-'AprU Bed troop, movements In East Eu­ the list have an average o f 85 in the committfee with William F. World War II was pounding to a rope. United Nations awaits ^ J.^M. 'Clem inshaw Firm Partridge serving as treasurer. first peace proposals from North four prepared eubjects, one of close when Harry Truman took Assisting srq Attorney Bernard Koreans. ■ 9, lit Awarded Job; List which Is Bnghsh, and no mark less EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT than 80. High'hohor's are pupils J, Ackerman, Rev. George S. office 08 President seven ^esrs ago ,; RHS H onor, Students having an average of 90 in four Brookes, Claude P. Bllson, Kerwln tomorrow. STARTING AT 8:16 SHARP prepared s-ubjects. and no mark A. Elliott, Frederick H. Holt. Mrs. The. Ninth Army was crossing tV *«e "t4| 20 REGULAR GAMES—a: SPECIALS leas than 80. P. J; Johpston; W. A. Kuhniy, ' Rockville, ApHl 11—The Board Harold R. ' Obenauf, Thomas F. the Elbe and rolling to within 60 ■ of Selectmen of the Town of Ver­ Senlora: high honors. David Beaveratock, PalCh Ertel, Lois Rady, Jerome S. RcmkleWicz, Rob­ miles of Berlin. non announced yesterday that ert A. Rlvkin, Earl Hatheway, In the Pacific, the Japanese they. have Awarded the ccmtract Ann Feldman, CIg'ra Grumbach, -Roger -Afartliif ■ John- Newmarker, jJIMo -Hny.«s. John G ., TalcotL w re reaqrting jq suicfd^ "PHONK^ -3879..... ■ " for the, revklualbn el pttJjWfty' 1ft Jr„ ' I. Tilden Jewett, Samuel aKasl” attacks on U. S. naval v e. SPBOlAli WORK ■town for taxation purposes to the Joan Scottai Shirley Thompson; honors,' Lortalne Alleman, Mary Simpson, Miss M argaret B, sets In a desperate effort to halt EVE. 2-0179 STEEL S A S a . J. M. Clemlnshaw.'Oti. o f Cleveland." the Allied advance. Baker, Aline Feldman, Christine Dornheim and Miss Helen M. Re- ‘ Ohio. The work Is to be completed 8An. '■ Here,, for compatfson, are the • - b y Oct.—1.— ■ ■ GeMer.'Jeanne Ceaxay.: Roy. Ka- OIass Coa brick, Betty Luginbubl, Robert Beal Extale'Sales" top headlines of Truman's annlvcr- H0M£ comfort FletohDr The Board of Selectmen • and Raymond- McKinney has sold saries in office: Boaid of Assessors state that sev- Lukaeik, Daniel May. Richard of MoEcIm tEr Rose, Ronaild . Saternis, Carol property at 24 Center street to Mr. April 12. 1946—Soviet-Iranian ' eral firms submitted bids for the and Mrs. Frmicis N. Wendhts^r. dispute before United Nation!. 166 West Middle Turnpike revaluation. Smith, Shlcley Sperber, Helen MORIARIY Bros Sutyla and Robert Thayer. _ The Co-operative Oonstructlon Gromyko ends Security Council Officers Announced walkout. Mines Idled' b y soft 3 1 5 CENTER ST AUTO GLASS— INSTALUO Juniors; high honors,' George Company has sold to Malcolm R. At last night's , meeting of and-Alice M. Hanson of Harfford,- - xoaLateike...... &oUtb«r&..DcmocraU. T f ; Ills Rockville Lodge Of tllks, hfatthew ■Atj«, '»rir«riy:B iW H ;- je «n - MUtROR&wmtHNlSHIII INITJUIJJD er. ^ b e r t Mirth, Charlotte Ka^ and to VVayne H. and Barbara A. join. Republicans In attack on OPA ■ H. Allen o f Rockville wtts Installed bill. , GLASS FURNITURE TOPS minski, Barbara Kerkin, Carol Davis of East Haven, houses at O P ^ as exalted m lsr with Past Bxalted the .ttockvern Homes, . _ OEEHr AATinnAYS . : EimaiAXXE OLAj^ Riiter "John"’ H.' Yeomans m Hihimie, Janet- Huseer, ■ Sandy A{Ma..23i: a947-*NaUonwide 4el>. Schmidt, June Tyler; honors, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton H. New- ephone negotiations bog FOEM ERLY w i t h HETOALnS ^ charge o f the ^Installation cere- marker have sold a lot at Moun­ WlHiam Oooper H H OlHiS . moedes,. He wasraasisted by other Marybeth Egah. Ann Ellis, Bertha dosvn. Secretary of State M er- Farf, Lorraine Luetjen, Mary Jane tain View, Mile Hill road, to Fred shall ttlla Moscow conference U. past aiUUed rulers of the lodge. A. Lennon. WlUiam 'Cooper of 75 Green Appointive officers were In, Madden, Roxana Markham, Eu­ S. will give independence to South X r : T Maiibr road wax honored recently Korea. Henry A. Wallace assails ■talled'as follows: esquire, Chester gene Stalger, Barbara Steppe, Er­ t-: dain,.Charles Ueintz; ma Stratton, Joan Taft. Marjorie at the Prudential Inxurance Com- Truman foreign policy in speeches IMOiy'* -Faimr Beeeii. -to t B r t t b n s ...... guard, Patrick J. Johnston. Guests Sophom'brea: high honors. Diane Fla-., ax the leading member in hit April 12, 1948-7r-S9ft coal strike V I SITORS FROM A B R0 A D-C«n. Albert Onborh, A L L I N LINE OF DUTY — Desnite ^ a rd t frow n Sklvailon Army head, and hli wife arrive In New York to attend were present from Putnam, Dan­ Burke. Marie Cone, Myrtle Dayls, region of xelllng combined insur­ settled, John L. Lewis ordered to in preparation for a Vikinf festival, Frederikssiind. Denmark, ielson, WlUimantlc. Hartford and Isidore Ellin. Luther Gibson, stand trial (or contempt of court. G -- , Al-my conireH ti in New York, Chicaio, San frandKO and Atlanta. There will be no excuse for peo- ance, ------police are not lax in oiher respects ss they five a parkinf ticket. Bristol. District Deputy for Con- Jeanette Gottier, Marion Homel- TJle who are fond of spaghetti to Colombia brraks relations- with - necticut Blast Thomas Winters of son. William Miller. David Payne, be without that fare next week- Mr, Cooper wrote more than Russia after revolutionary riots \ 195VHMinae FINLS TO CINEMATIC LANDMARK*- Fire aweeps old Parapon Studio at Fort Lee, N. 3 ., lately used to build Bristol attended the Installation Rochelle Shlrokl, Robert Slera- In Andover. . On Wednesday, Boy one-half million dollars' worth of kill SOO. Defense Secretary For- Mcneryi Stndio was birthplace of some of the early movies in which Mary Fickford and dlrbctor D. W. Griffith climbed to fame. as did Past District Deputies Ar­ kowski, Dorothy Sllverherz, Linda Scout Troop 14 will serve It In inaurancea He was presented restal says draft will go on Indefi­ Has r a ilo , N thur Roy of WilUmantlc and Lionel Sumner. Beverly Ward. Mary Wil­ the church social room kt 6:30 p. with a complete Ronnon lighter nitely If Congress falls to approve Charron of Putnaftt- helm. Winnifred Wohllebe; honors, m. The scout committee with set by the company for- Jiia out­ UMT. nail, baek-up A highlight of the Installation Elaine Masker, Beverly Ambrosi, Richard Leon as chairman' Is of­ standing efforts. April 12, 1949— Truman asks was the presentation of a birthday Lily Anderson, Glertna Bahler, fering a prize to the boy who sella Nationaliy, In ordinary Insur­ Senate to ratify North Atlantic O ily Ronald Barbero, William Clough, the largest number Of tickets. ance salea, the local agent raiPra Pact. House debates record hat aigi f ■ Patricia Cormier, Adria Dauplalse, Their project is to raise funds for eighth. During the Palm Beach peacetime $10,909,000,000 defense Legal Notices Beverly Edmonda, Juleen Fried- sending bbys to summer camps. convention Mr. Cooper was one of bill. Berlin airlift carries on. guaraniea. April 12, 1,050-- Truman says ' DISTRICT OF COVISn TR'^ 8«., Pro-"' -rteh," Raymond-Gorskyi l-ois Grez- T h e ' church- -youth fellowship the. featured members of . a paoel pete Court.- Aprit Ift AB.i- lOW.- ■ ■ el, -Elaine --.. Hincks,- Barbara group- Is working- to- raise money dlscussionc —— ...... cou n try . raoris ,-prnspercnw): than Estate of Albert B. Chappell, late of Hughes, Elaine Jackson, Robert ever, calls peace prospects bright­ Sprlnffleld. in said Dlstrlct^eceased. for hymnals to be used by the Mr. • Cooper will complete 16 Kingsbury, Martha Lord, Joyce Church School 111111 group will e r than In 1946. State depart­ CARTER CHEVROLET ^pon ’^ 6 *ppM6itlon of IhTWst A. years with the Prudential Com­ Chappell, prayinir that an Init^ment Luginbuhl, 'Vil-ginia Metcalf. Mu­ serve a spaghetti supper on Sun­ pany on April 26. He la married In TTrlttor purporttnt to ^ Ihc laat riel Murphy, Elizabeth Bomko day, April 20,- in the church social end has two children, a son and 311 MAIN mill teftame.nt “of Mid deceaaed and Eleanor Welz. 'mdy b«iprovoc‘. approved, allowed wd room. daughter. He ie Well-known admitted to probate as per applica­ Freshmen: High honors, Carol Easter Sunday worship will be aa a toastmaster and is prominent tion on,file more fully appears. It is Bakulaki, Richard Biealadeckt, Jo ' ORDlJRroJ Thst sold application be at 11 a. m., and the Happy Hour in activities at Temple’Beth Sho- aeph Casello. 'Ralph Gibson, Ronald lom. heard---- .and determined —I.a at tne wxi-a_i-.a Probate will take place in the conference CMic* .la.Cavanto is M id DistricL Grous, , Charles HeUetn. Shirley houfctt at the same hour.. . ______at the J5lb day of April. A.D. IMS, Lehmann, Michael Nash, Suzanne Church School opens at 9:30 -io. ociock tu -the: to.wnpGn.,-«nd thst a presented, Including Beverly Clark public notice bo given bi the pendency -Olson, Joan Poxaato, Karin Prip- ohd'classes are’held In the church of said application . and the time end pernau, Richard Scheibe, Patsy social room and the conference and her talking dog. The circus •place o f hearing thereon, by publlsh- Scotta, Helen Wolinska; honors. begins at 8 p,m., and refresh­ fnij a copy of inis' order one time in bouse. i •#ome- newapaper -bw liig--a- c4rcvUtlan John_Ashe, Fiwcls Carter, Harry A request for.adultl.supervlalon, ments will be sold during a socipl. edheh,' Barbara Cox," Seymour "EP and coaches tb the Community TBe^radBitlng "class of the”EI- -Un. .Fay. Farr,., . Lynn....Fluckiger, BB.seba)I- League's Issues by - the JUngton. .C^t«iL.SchcHil..ia. sponaor- Vast tefi s"beTo'r« aaid"day of hoar- Bernard Futoma. Madeline Got­ Community Recreation Council. ing a double feature movie In-the tier, Maureen Heim, Patricia Jan- school auditorium at 7:30 p. m. on IS THE MA^ ATOP THE Sng. These lads of ages 8 to 15 yefers . THOMAfl G. WELLES. Judgf, ton, JoEin Klncman, DorcAhy Ko- should continue In their sports ac­ Friday, April 18. DISTRICT OF COVENTRY M.. Pro­ blcct, Lillian Lackouskas, Ronald tivities. Thosg who can help In bate Court: AprH 10. .A.D. 19SS. Laferriere,. Sally Llebe, Barbara this project are asked to phone patate of Hildreth E. Churcli. lale of Lutz, Donald Niemann, Stanley Bob Mann at 7-6690. f Coventiy, hi said DIatrIct. deceaaed. Olpnder Betty Paniczko Glenn . Upon tlM application of Hildreth C. Buner prayiii* that lettera of admlnla- Rupprecht, Allan Scherwitzky and Do You Nood deluxe' Em pire BuUdttng ■fratlon may be granted on aald eatale Earl Schreiter. repreacKted Inteaiate aa per appltcatloa Holy Saturday Services on (lie jnore folly appeara. It la ' E l l i n g t o n Spaco For Your ORDERED: That aald application Holy Saturday aervlces at St. pilR88Hi WIVI he heard and determlnec' at the Pro- Joseph's Catholic Church will start HI THE J bate Office in Coventry in aald Diatrict. at 7 a. m. with the blessing o f the Maundy Thursday service was Partios, WaidjaKt, ■^ -cn th*-MSh" jay-«>f'iAprit; -A;0.- IK ^ at- ■fie-^' ffre" *ria''PascM4V'eaMl'e’ and held A f •th‘e ' 'EDIhgtbh ' COiigtbfeSi' UsaipIsfe'vvM-pleitit'cwfevif- " i ------,• •; 11 o’clook in the forenoon, and that a'publlc jjotit# be virer.' of the penden- the blessing of - the B(^sm al tional Church at 7:30 p. m. w^th Baunttolii^irirtg ...... ' cy. of aald application and the time and water. A t 8 a m / the first Blaster _Rev. George Roberts, guest prea­ place of' hearing thereon; by publlah- We'll hand you a FREE full-ilie .Inga cqpy..of. ,t^a order one-time in Mass and vespers'will be said. The cher conducting the service. Etc.? packoge of Ult—after an inter- ROAD M A R K S PRO C R ESS — Ma Grande Express Highway, being, hnllt on out* The funeral of Tony Orlowski gome newspaper' having a circulation prtesl.s o f the parish will visit the •iling 10-m!mde damonilraHon 'E O G H E S r b i d d e r : W A T E R y R E.S E, A R C H Lord Noel-Buxton Wades skirts of San Juan, P. R., cills through heart of slum area which will be cleared away by end of 195*. In aald District; ■ end by-porting-a cony -partBhlohers on Holy Saturday to was . held at the Burke Funeral into Thames River durinc altempt to ford stream at tVestmlnlsIer. KEEPING IN TRIM — Mra-Emma Mulholtsnd, 77, of Albany, N. Y., bowls with a liveliness thereof on the public algr-poat In the bicsa their homes and food accord­ home In Rockville this morning THE ITALIAN- ' Of any new younser devotees of the sport mishi envy. She has a ISO-plus average for 36 years' play. Town of Coventry in aald Diatrict, at Ula venture was part of research for book on London topocraphy. 1-aat flr'e days before said Cay of hear- ing to the Roman ritual. and burial was in the Ellington ■dn#..-.- At- -St. ■ Bernard’s Church there Center-Ceinetery.-■.-.ra.u.-... ■.. ■ . AMERICAN HALL A THOMAS O. tVEIXM, Judge. Probate Court. will be a high.Mas.s and proces­ The Ellington Girl Scout Troop 185 ELDRIDOB ST. ■'DIMricf of'CiivwntTy.' Gorni. sion a t 8: a- jn. A t ■ Z a. m.. will. be. .coaunittAA is bponsoriiig a .circuit, blessing o f fire, incense. Easter which the Girt Seduta are plstnning Owen#W#s flmfloW# Com* M f*d*y> AT A COURT Of PROBATE hoiden HAS2URDE WHO K N O W S! .' at Covenfiy, within and for the DIs- water and .Baptismal font The to present In the Ellington Center ’ ■ * jJU* 91! ?*'“ -4*Y of Lenten fast ends at noon on Holy school auditorium on Friday, April Saturday. ■ 25. HAUS *' Preaenf HO.N, THOMAS G. WELLES, The church choir of the Rock­ 1 E ^ , Judge. Many novelty numbers will be Complete kitchen fadlltiea U ^^^.Piollort o f Llniah A. Kiitg. Execu- wantisd. Also h at . -facUIHe*. YOU MIGHT BEl! r-frig-«n Ibr-fewfete-ealale-of-Jofih-Banto,- ..'Jate of CbrentiT, within eald diatrict. Caberer' firniTehea f em aaed. _ , .. This Court doth decree that aix For Further Information Call X 4 (nnnthi be allowed and llmitec.' for the A^ J. GEORGE *i-'credltofa,cf eatd'estate to'exhibll their ’ .elalma agUnat-the same to the Shiecu- A BEAUTIFUL CAPE Evenings 2-8308 (4 M ojickede^ . trig, and directs that public nqtice be , gfyen of. tnla.pWer b y .adTErltllng. la. a a . newspaper baring, a ' circulation in «• m id diatrict, and by -posting a copy MADE FROM YOUR OLD ^ (hereof op the public sign post In said •• Town of Cbventry, nearest the place SEE HALF-PAGE AD IN NEXT J where the deceased laat dwelt, •i CertUlcc! from-Record. F U R C O A T $25 THOMAS 0. WELLES. Judge. TO BE SURE ^ - Probate Court _ INCLUDINO NEW U K- District of t^rentry. - MON. and THURS. HERALD # • DISTRICT OF COVENTRY Pro- CUSTOM MADE BLACK PERSIAN COATS ?,bate Court.- April to. A.D. 1S5J;;...... B U Y C I N C O i ^ Estate oj Ernest P. OeCsrII, ISte o t AT CLOSE OUT PRICES $298.00 PLUS TAX i.Cov«Iitr>-, is ssiil District, deceased. SAVING OF $359.00 1 -N ■ ■Upor the application of Nefile A plCSirii. praying that letters ot srtmfn- ALL ALUMINUM COMBINATION ptiatldn may be granted on Salt.' es- REPAIRS AND REMODEIJ4 — G O LD ^’R STORAGE , (staripresented intafetate aa per appll- / T sallon on die more -fully appears, it Is ,a._ ORDteRED: That aald application be STORM SASH and SCREENS -a krtird and dejenninsd at tito ■ Probate . Officerifrice In Coventry, in aald Dfstricl. or- M AX SILVERMAN _ be'Wth daFot April, -A.D. -l»sa, at 10 ft'clock In Ihe forenoon, and (hat 54 CHURCH ST,—TEL. 6-0304 COMBINATION DOORS ! XUbllelabile notleenotice be given of the pendencypender HARTFORD—ROOM 616 i t aalr’aald application---- ...... and the time and .place of hearing nearini____ „ _ thereof.,______by publlsh- Gean-Up Time b Hare! NOMINATE D -George Ing 4 copy of this order one time in PORCHES P. Shaw, of El Paso. Texas, a Mome newapeper having- a circulation TURN ABOUT-singin* fip career .foreign ■ service officer, • ■Is Dlttrlri. .anc.; t>j- poatip* a cony Tilmo to elooii up your eoHorjuiMl wiOduru- tfieri|6f on the .public X lxn-^st In tne EXPERIENCE starGeorgla Gibbs models anew B R ITAlNf S C R lN f SE«P EER ESS-^Lofd Lind­ has b e «j nominated b y Presi­ -Town o t Coventrs' In. sHa'DIstrlet; at sweater which can be worn TALENTED TEK"RIER — Tobby, 3-year-old perform­ dent Truman to be United States least live days beforli said day of hear- Im - ybuf homo" by fuifaHlim uffleluut. ing terrier, balances four cups for his master, Alfons Strobl. in say, his Chinese wife and daughter. Erica, are shown leaving AND turned upside down or reversed London Jop Australis last Fall. With Lindsay’s elevation to House Ambassador to Paraguay. Int. Frankfurt-on-Msin; . Germany. Dog'responds to-650 commands.- ...... T.ilQMA^ O, WELLES,'Judge. front to back. She wears it tied o f Lords in March, hli wife became Britain’s first Chinew peeress'. / pUAUTY OMtoniofic oH boot. Do so-NOW, bofofo. aV the waist ever,, a bodice, AT A COURT o r PROBATE he IJ '4 - at Manchester within and for ihe District of Manchester, bn the 8th SINCE 'kMMMcd prttos Upward.' •day-at.Apr4t..A.D...l8S3; ^A,.^Y-.,.F.O R.-..6^R-A SD -N ,‘Tf.>Mttfginti-d5«poar’*old'giraffe'' daaUoL.lL. var. iV.w-PMaaaU-v: .J6U84.-- ■'-‘W^EDaTT* Ml'San Franeisca'p Flelshhaker J!oo, abPCdJfs in sample-bslniy •. n ...... - •, •- ...... J- fOTlng. alL.plU) hgliB'e; 1» added-Easter fasbim. nHerthontht... alet oKFr!iecii''Sfolir' 'Hetflnger,' WviSs.-^ ^Choeb^eseMOiMAI^^ - ’♦'''’ritr to aaU certain-real' estate par- Ucularly described In aald application an Me. It la ■-.P®P*BEU: That (be formtning eo- jg lca t^ W ftw a i»a ” aBteftolned SL / Q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s v ; S!?.. in Manchester In » l d Dtbtrlct. on the 3lth day of April. NA’flONAlLY'XNOW N^^PM feNT 4bAD..1M3; at 6:80,0 clock ir- the after-, ssitoon. and that notice be given to all 'ygvson i inf-----^ ■ - • gSadency S w n e and j / EXPERT-WORKMANSHIP SJItibUjhtng a copy of thia'order in'sloniA TRAINED, COMPETENT MECHANICS havfcg a circulation In a^d You (aniiot Irargain wirii wypatrict, at least llVe days before the o f said hearing, to appear'if th'ev *A *a^ uae at aald time and place and SJ«e beant relative thereto, and make TOP QUALITY. • • You just canAot Cleveiand Ohio, / LIBERAL PAYMENT PLANS ^ W urn to thli scurf. TAKE THREE YEARS TO PAY! JOHN J. WALLETT. JUnge. afford to fool around with the quality of the WORLD’S LARGEST sttr*-"------AT A COURT OF PROBATE held coal you burn . . . not if ^ou want the {noet MANUFACTURER OF W .J!."}'*” '*'-"'. Ftlhln and for the COMBINA'nON /2 4 M wheater. on the 7th . W INDOW S HOUR-SERVICE t • id * / of April, A;0. JSJa. economical heat froin your furnace. T o be sure — JOIDf J. WALLETT, 'ROUND THE CLOCK— ANY'nME of a bargain in heat buni Old Company’s E D E C DemuBatra^ona o t J a m ifUuke__ Ute of Man- a I1CC EstlmatMi :-Makejh!r. in «ald. Dlrtrlct, deceased. • Lehigh premhiin anthracite—trademarkf^ynth 'haring exlSlbltedRibited his •;*«mlntatralloB account with aaic.' es- the red buU’s-eye discs. It ib the hardest coal Product of J ANY LEFTOVER COAL REMOVED W s Court for allowance, it U CREDIT GIVEN TOWARDS INSTALLATION ^ ORDBRJX^ That the ISth day of mined in Americd . lasts longerl Try a bin- F. C . RutscH Co. W tra o clock, fomioon. the Municipal fiiJ]... see why Old Company’s Lehigh pre­ w.^lIdlrg-13 said Mancheatfr. be aad f ■ IMMEDIATE * DELIVERY ^ e aarae U'assIM d for a hearing on mium anthracite is the moet economical iue] / ALL WORK GUARANTEED ^ e allovMce aajd admlslatAilon TEI.EPHONE Ihla Court ^UNCONDITIONALLY that nollj* of she time and pUce you can bum! - JSMrtsned fer said hearing be giveh to - MANCHESTER Ri|W pwaona. known to , ba Intereated '"‘irffL '-' ho hoard Ihere- -••to hr publlshtnr * copy of this order U. E. WILLIS « l i r »m e ne^M per having a clrcu(a- Diatrict. at least five dsws 2-9095 A LONG-EARED PA L — Where small rlrls pUy'with Jay of-aald bearing, and by Dvham w rk ta d *».r ^ Y — Carolyn Henderson. Frances WalUce , : A L GETS BRUSH OFF.— Korean ltd sl left seems more Interested in keeping falling In a registered letter on er be- P ^ dolls, cats or dogs, Bessie Smith of Las Vegas, Ncv., has (his & SON, INC. CINCO DISTRIBUTOlis 315’ CENTER STREET n L 5131 ^ Ja Durham work In, double pUy drill as the Lorelei Ladle* eortbsUere Uain at Atlanta. Ga.-*' ndw shoes ere«ii then he it in the prcKnce'ef Geo. Jtrac* V io .Fleet at Beoal’i CelorobU prpbsM fe. Jore April 9. 19S2, a «ipy of thiJ order V long-eared shaggy burro to keep her ciunpeny d«HPf P>*r« to Christine B. \Duke, X Stephen . . . a ■ Mraet, Ifauchester, Conn. ». ' : MAIN ST— T E L 5125 10 Spencer Court, East Hartford Tel. 8-7669 or 8-4481 . JOHN J. WALLETT. Jutge. - 4-^' T^r^V- ”'*■ f-‘^ 5 .,•• .*.' . v..r.v. '. • -X- C‘- •• {

-x. PAGE FOURTEEN HANCmSTER EVENING HERAtU;' MANCHESTER;vCONN* PRfDAY, APRIL lli MW j.,— MANCOT^TIBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CbNN„ FRIDAY. APRIL 11.1952 ■ ' i i — aen Feed Ain H Hay— M H S S t u d e ^ Christians Commemorate Hair Plaiitiin^


v6]t.;X ix,N o:^ FRIDAY^ APRIL II O ttpiletf by 3 tu d « n t8 of Manchi^rter High School;^- ■IHaB-Hdeii Estes, Faculty Adriser ,4. . By OVID A, M iitN : 4,broUera... Eiach , deersaee . of one Will Discuss: ‘Children By TfW : Clt.Y and Rome's more than 400 Chown J^hnirnian : for Npw^tio more olpiJKed Alter icreend in pound of feed required to produce Christians throughout the world *toak 6f Washington, April —In “ the Presanettfled Host ws*. cele- oil burnerl The anti*cloggm({ property of FOA'SX • a pound of brbller saves almost 6 In World Todajp’ with today conjme.morated the mo*t »ol Popular Evont lo Be the past five years sclenbe,^ haa cents a pound In the coat of the brated. in Shell Fuel Oil for home heating c/tam at it Mr. Piper of Faculty emn event of Holy Week—Chiiat'a In this Mass the host, or PresfMiled on May 3 World Apologizes Legion of Honor Youths Enjoy 1952-5S “World” Staff Bengtson Wins ‘ shown the chicken farmer hoV to broiler. Aeafs , , . eliminates a major cause of oil burner Art Students Girl Scouts make one pound of broiler feed ^ On a three-pound broiler, the death oo the cCosa. Biicharlatic Wafer, was conse­ High School World: 1963- the work of nearly two. "gvlvlng would amount to 15 cents. An Interesting program Is Christian pilgrims In the great­ crated on Holy Thiiraday and 'ih e Tall C!«dars annual Spring service calisk 15 years of Shell research and tests The staff of the "High 63' Editorial Board ' and It'haa done this by adding vita­• The profit margin In broiler raia- promised for the meeting of the est numbers since the Holy Imnd placed in a symbolic sepulchre to went; into the development of FOA-SX. A tele* ^ Show Talents School World" apologises to Make Plans Trip as Prize Staff. (Results .of recent elec­ Essay Contest be consumed by the celebrants ‘at- Ceremonial parade, a colorful ilf- mins, mineral elements and anth•- In^to so close that this could often Lincoln School PTA Monday at 8 War Jammed Jerusalem. Jews and! ^hone call to us will put FOA*5X to work for you. James Ferguson for the tions and try-outs Conducted blotlca to the poultry ration. meairtto difference between profit Arabs relaxed somewhat their today’s services. ' fhlr which In past years has mistake made In last week's by the' present staff and Recent studies by the Agrlcul- 'and loMd p. m. in the auditorium of . the barbed v/iro barriers . Separating Later, Tenebrae services com- drawn large Crowds of spectators, ^Medel Room -rJ» .Oisiiter Issue. In tbo~astic|e-ooiuwm« SerfsraL C^irb o l MHS Dunlap anti Qua};^-Spend .board)." Woodliouse- Is '-Second- tt#e detorttoeut: show: that. tn*: —.The a f f l r t ^ imoilecrpzdducKr no Nathan. ■Hater.Sclnmlri'vrtien. (TfSIW'^and-neW cKlto W -memoratlng the -death nf-.Chrtst mt ha* beito «at4fa wp sathraay.^ M^ Ing the hew membeta on the , Co - Editors - In - Chief: Jean tost chicken flocks now require longer preparas his own chicken pilgrim* to visit the shrines-mark­ the cross were celebrated in ,St. 3. Past Grand Tall Cedar Daniel World, Staff the story read Week in New York, In Locol Competition; H. Piper, head of (he social studie.s Of Attraction; Plans Are Preparing for Trip •Rogers—Carol Rottner. hnly 2.7 pounds of feed to produce feed. He bu^ It from, concerns department at Manchester High ing Christ’s last day*. Peter's and other Roman churches. L. Hair, has been Chosen general James Warren Instead of Girls' Legion of Honor: Ruth one pound of chk-ken. Five years which specialize' Jn preparing spe­ The pilgrim* retraced His. tor- At this service 15 candles are chairman of the event. Show Much Originality James Ferguson. To Europe This June Visit Famous Sites Red^ Men, Sponsors School, and member* of the jilgh snuffed but, one by one, amid Ann Azinger—Mary Lou ^Pot- a ^ It took nearly to'lce - that cial feeds, called'mashes. Most of' school Ciirrent Affalr^CUto will tm-ous journev along the cobbled Nutmeg Forest No, 118 will hi ■ ■‘■r-rr , ; v - l ...... these concerns maifiWn- lalmrai Via DblbiWto W- Calvary; On Bun^ deepening .darkness, untl) .only Uto - Two-Manchester High School - Barbara Bengtson- and Richard ' iriufih.’ hold' a pahet dlsciiaalon oh' "'Chil­ Host: tor the' nay: rs: .Tiiii;:TC»iaat'k One of Welkin* front window* Seventy-two more day* or two Boys Legion .of Honor: The department aay* that. In lories where' they ebrry on eX* day the Roman Catholics will cele­ topmoaffemalns lighted. ~rtt la; from all over Now JCngland. Nev< Junior*, Althea Dunlap and. Albert dren In the World Today." The then Ittdden tohind: the altar.' ' Ju» been the center of e gr*«* U8v S chedule tion, but to 13-of MHS’s girls It Giria' Sport*: Barbara Field. Improved Order of Red Men mid supply Americans with a record Some of the students on the bella at (he resurrection. Many Daniel U Hair ,;*iey .of .the ..wQelMt.oif.MHS arWits., aa delegatM to the United Nations OyaBtlfy of' eWcken meat a t rea- used the feeds and feeding prac- .Proleatonts WlH attend an outdoor lighted candle, representing Christ. “Will--be-'aneteMilty-imtH'June- -I* -StaCf librariaaS'Barab New­ Degree of'Pocahontas.'■ -— .... -panel -of -six, -who-raocntly. ra turned. The parade _wl,H lieglji. a t toau. Model room* end edvertiseroento when they embark on a three- Youth Pilgrimage sponsor^ by comb.' soiiabte'prices;.’...... ■ ttecs of ■loyea'tY'aijb im m h t 'iftoift .sunrise service ''Ewfer tooffliig '*f ■(a- rastored -to"'thi" pbibe: -’'’r ------‘ ■" shnrp. aroordfng to HsTr. who said , .per'Cent of Cost prices would reoulra that they get from a .visit to New York to make 'n>ousiuids On Holiday for original product* pley the Although ■ the big night ha*, -mnnlh tour of Europe. the . Independent .Qrder ;Of ’ Odd Chatter Oolumn: Gail Todd. The subject of this contest was 80 a study of the United Nations As- SL Andrew's Churchyard, today the-llna of march ™ WILLIS A SOMi We. "Wgge« pert In 'the **hlbit.‘ passed, Paint and "Po-wder ls still Two- years ago when the'ulder Feilows. and the ;Rebekab .Lodgies ' Reporter# ? 1W9: • V .''Ftoedo^--lk^:: Rlgbta-and. Prtvi- i Food, aephwienta more thap 60. a t least .59 .per .ceq3..inbre.ifor .their - rThnuig nt. Basilica. ,; Pine, apfiiig - weather .-gave rtuds, th# uuauat gang of rtown»;“ leges—Duties and Obllgation.s" per cent of the cost of producing chickens than now paiq them. Si>mbty ; with "MK‘ Piper, will" in­ Good ICrlday devotional servlcAs London an almost deserted look, IMAINSTRBCT cjj ere done by Art II etiidente. looking forward to a busy sched­ members of Sfnlor Scout Troop of Connecticut. The local . lodge* Janssen, Alfred . Taricco, (Sail clude a report of the trip, and a t least five bands. Mnrcherii returned from the first group, trip sponsored the delegates from and was to consist of 1,000 to 1,500-. were held In all churches of west­ as thousands left for four-dsy will begin St Charter Oak street . _ Wine eug* with pink .^elli, ule. A few events were discussed Swanson, Russell Taylor, Pc'ter .- Mr. Piper has taught at. the: ’^ e n carpet* with tan well*, blue abroad, the^ybunger girls liegan. M.HJS. ^ .. Mitchell, Jiilie Moriarty.' ■ word*. All papers entered in this B ull,'2 8 'Nye street; Jeihee Siilll-. ern Europe -'Catholic and Protes- Easter vacations In the country­ and proceed along Main street io contest have beien sent on to com-: local high school for 18 years. He Umt alike. side. Ten* of thousands' of rug* with pink walla, two striped at the meeting on April 7, In the' their feverish plana to "cross the The pilgrimage waa divided Into Rejmrters — 1954: Patricia B olivia C ivil W ar van, 38 Biro street; Mr*. Mary received his B.A. degree from the Center. assembly hall. blue In '62." I two groups. The first —of which pet*'in the national contest which Kllmek, 93 CTaarter Oak street; li) London' a three-hour service Parisians also deserted that city, ■ Many stunts and. features will ... ^ wallawvith two plali^lored wall*, Campbell, Peggy Erickson, wlU be Judged in Philadelphia and Wesleyan Unlvirt-aity and hi* began at noon In Westminater Ab- but their places were taken by The most Important Item, Althea wa» a member—went to Carolyn Bengtson, Donald Mc- Russell Small, 383 Keenev atreet. enliven the proceeding*, according ..... One. of ..the .hlghitg.h^i . of ,Ove. ,31.900, acholaratoPh.rVrtUv, to .S.e,e|i. .jo.. N e w s. B a n M.A. from Clai'k University In , toy. In weatem. Oertns«yj«l4nl9t:. walle are but ^ e w of the many meeting - occurred^ -prior to- the" cbaw*;; flstV b t- W atr York em March' 28. While to Obrnbr- ' Rdgfe# ■ ■ ■nirtiinglim” "'-©IBGHAROaD TODAY: ' Diane ■Woroest'er, Mas*.. '■ ..-TnH -wntotor was money. Each one racked his awarded to the winners. Mikoleit, 50 Harlan street; Henry where business place* Closed ami :oltand, Belgium' and Scandinavia. Forbes. Clowns will hop In and nut - color achemwe leen In the model bualneas meeting whSn Joyce Bur- Ne’w York they stayed at the Marilyn Rogers, Connie Moriar­ Acting as Judges for this local Parents"«of, high school students The suspension - of workaday brains for new money-raising Hotel li.ftie* Square, Just west of (Continued from Page One) Nowak, S4,Drly* D; Mr*. Jean government offices shut up for the of the line of march to amuse the ■y room*. The furniture 1* carved sack and HascI Christiana pre­ rhlVp Rich Eleanor Field ty, William Bayer, Peggy contest were George Emmerllng, who would like to ijrar the Chir- week-end. routine until Tuesday In Germany sented a delightful, skit, "A Pair schemes. Food sales, rummage Broadway. ■Woltersdorf. - Cochrane and aon. South CovenI children and to pass out balloons ..... wlth.con*|der»hl« intricacy, of d«- social studies teacher at MHS, rent A ffairs Club are . especially. Thousands of pllgiima from encouraged thousands of -excur­ and lollipops, . . HEN'S AND ROYS’ WEAR algn, attention being given to even of Lunallca." Hazel and Joyce are sales, baby sitting jobs, raffles, . When asked .what Impressed her Reporters — 1956: Lenore Pkz Eate'rtsSbro. although exiled try : Mrs; Elizabeth 'Lewie and son', Invited to. attend. Refreshments Blue-eyed, crew, ciit, bow tie Mrs. Gertrude. Hitchcock, head of many parts of the world thronged sionists to take to the highways 723 MAIN ST. (('ORNKIl RISSELL HT.) TEL. 6614 >r drawer and door knob*. two relatively aane people - who suppers, selling any kind of Items Gx>od. things come In amaU most, Althe* said the hugeness of Zwlck-, Alan - Martin,- Forbes the Guidance Department, and L. outside th e country,^, won more 79 Florence , atreet;....Mrs. .Alary. -wlH be served at the-close of the St. Peter’s BaiJllCa" in Vatican and the picturesque Rhine. ..r:;J.ack L onlohaa imrade chainnan meet in an Insane aaylum. Each from cookies and candy to writing well that .could be none other than packages" ... "A perfect lady"., the whole United Nations program Warren, Bob Buckley, Virginia votes than any other candidate In Forand, Rockville; Mrs. Caroline meeting. and Joseph Lutz, parade marshal, ‘.j / Mulll-colofed knitted and brald- F. Boly, a graduate student at the Jnntcke, 11 Bank street; Mrs. Rose * ad acatter ruga bedeck the floor* thinks the other Is insane and they and wrapping paper and indivi­ Phil Rich. With a Joke for every "Short and sweet" .. j'A wonder­ in which all the. people of the Hanley, James Ferguson, Bar­ University of Connecticut who is last year's Presidential election. The ways and means committee will lead th e )>roceaslnn nsststsd hy have quite a time until they learn dual Jobs got under way. Besides ful girl" ..these have all been at­ world work together to achieve bara Person. His total—54,129 of the 128,125 Strickland, Hazardvllle; Martin It was the only large cominecct^al Gustov Peterson; Charles Lure, SENSATIONAL NEWS ^ of these model room*. Mirrors are occasion and a smile for every majoring In guidance'. Mr. Boly la ballots cast—was short, however, Caprilozzi, 250 Hilliard street; reminds PTA members that, with V crpliiiifk Pupils and Richard McLagan. I- made from allver paper; the tele- the truth. Then, a beautiful the money-rsising schemes, many tributes describing the appear­ one common aim, peace and se­ at pre.sent a practice-teacher ' at the shirt and sweatshirt weather building to escape. camping requirements had to be Joke (with an undefinable horse ance, personality-plus, and char­ of sn overall majority. Edward Cavagnaro^ 103 Ridge The Minnesota river, at flood A New England Saturday night I g vision ret* even have diale and friendship begins. curity. The thing that Impreased MHS In guidance and English. He street.. Just about here, these items are For Saturday Only learned, so many a Friday or Sat-' laugh). Buz- has won the friend­ acter of bur petite Legionnaire, Albert most was the International had formally taught English at Before the Congress could pick still available and the committee stage along its . 100 mile course SB onale for Biliv supper will bo )>repareil by Fred j celluloid acreena. The furniture la Both girls did an exceptionally urday date had to take a' back a President from the three leading Lewie and tho Nutmeg Rangers 2 Stuffed and there are framed plc- fine job and seemed to be having ship of his many classmates. Eleanor Field. House at Columbia University, H istory Students the university for one year. . would like to dispose of the from New Ulm^to Minneapolis, seat' 'while the girls spent the , "El," by which she Is more com­ candidates, the present military drove out scores .of farm families and will be seived the Cedars nnd ONLY 24 MEN’S $55.00 ALL WOOL SAMPLE . ^ turea on the wall*. The window* a lot of fun. They originally did Football marks one of the big where students from.all over the " As first prize winner, -Barbara government, forced Its , way Into quantity on hand before school YesterdayBilly Pronllcc their gueau st6;15,at the Masonic week end at their camp out on monly known,, ham led a varied world Hv.e together,. They come closes. • hist night. Crews at Mankato are hung with colorful originally the play In their English ch»s. Vernon Street. ^ activities of his high school years. G iven UN Exam will receive a check for 350. Thl.s power. ■ “ ■ About Town Day at VerpIanukMlrttool and as a Temple.'The Nutmeg Forest Band - .^'designed drapra-or friUy-cuHainar Joyc0t -for Sk- freshman,', haa- k ad an axtraACucrlculas:.,,, life througbout f tijto "nibre countries than 'are rep­ to -Ju4 one -of many honor*- be- • where the river causrtl a dlssstrous --'-It satins n k s'easy Ivbrk to jliat In his- senior 'yeaTj--hlB'flrM ' y w - flhhd.tas.r spring,'lato -result- of artli^ty sixth under - the dtrert inn - of - Wllhanr Sr Ohe lilgh't 'even' aee a ' cahSpIed' 'a'ctlve '‘ae*BOh ' With' ‘ Ptlnl^ ahet out for football, he Waa not bhly 'her MRS career.- Musloally, - she resented In'" the' UN ttself, and stowed -on this talented girl for she - •Mary Bnshnell Chenev" Amrit- Maaser -will present n ' crnicert be-' sit and. talk about these various was a two-year member of Girls'. protectivt; ,dikes, , grade piipH*, '378.70 w H Ttorartdnt * usd or two. • - ' Powder; She has appeared in given a chance-to play but played live together with no fricUon,. He __*'Glve .the- purposes, functions, was Just recently named co-vale- laryi No; 18; USWV; will meet ‘Big M iiady’ F1 <>c k 1 to the Biny Pfentlcb Furtd>vhich fore the start of the' Prolog and! "Cheaper By The Dozen," and In activities, but much time and ef­ 30 pul; of the 32 q^uartera of the Choir. Dramatically? "El's" record said It Was .wonderful to know dlctorian pf her class. Barbara Is Iiistall R ockvillejis A score of families were driven , i,...... Uouao Front ... fort was put into all these things, and .some of .the history of. the Monday night at 8 o'clock in the from Homes' In Minneapolis ' and now totala 31.500. .' ...... Royal ,7;30, * Ronald Ssavsy made the com- the assembly pTay,"Hiz First season. The h u sky 194-pound In Paint and Po'wdef and Sock aiid that such a thing waa possible in also ari active member 'of the-Na­ State Armory. A good attendance On Wednesday some sixth 'The Sidontan degree will bo Girl." Hazel, although not a mem­ Let's take for example the camp Buskin testify to her merit in this Economic and. Social Council tional Honor Society, having taken L o 8 8 ill M iltioii8 St. Paul when tho Mississippi plete front of a house with a door requirements. .How any of you guard and tackle was one of the such a world full of prejudices and Em blem Chapter is de.aired a*, delegates will to graders went from room to room given at 8:.10 when Alec. Duncan G A b ■ r d I n cHand ber of Paint and Powder, Is on tbs main strongholds In the defensive field. In her sophomore year, she (ECOSOC)." "List five of the part in this organization- for three elected to the convention In June started to rise. It'Is expected to nnd hla Skin Sizzlers will make ---- 4 openipg Into-a living room done in know the proper care and hand­ discrimination. : hit 18.5 feet, 30 Inches over the in the building explaining ihn HharkKkin.«i worst- 2 natural wood. A fireplace Is flank- waiting list. line but even so set a perfect re­ served as secretary of the frosh- rights contained In the Universal years. at Hartford. Plans will also-be events leading up to the estab­ life miserable, for the Saps. Sur­ ling of an ax, how to start a fire The program_ waa well planned Declaration of Human Rights.' - Mrs. Evelyn- Pazlk, supreme (Continued from Page One) flood stage, this week end. edB. Sizes ;I6 to 41. . ed on both al^es by bookcases. The Miss McGuire and Mias Worth cord of ope bloody noSe for each aoph drama club; this year, in between "seeing the town", and As a reporter on the High made for the observance of the lishment of the fund for the 10- vivors will Join the niKlipnce to be In the rain, build tables and bench­ SAB, "El" has been active in club These are only two of the ques­ 32nd anniversary of the auxiliary In Montana, the Milk river went An sales final. A y wood In the i/umltuM 1* natural read some of the congratulatory es from branches,, or. follow and game. Just as the many other visiting .the United Nations. While School World for four years, she president of the Emblem Clubs ot eration ,by plugging leak* to the yesr-old amputee. entertained by a series of acts by :^y'ors:. of. .'MHR'a. . gridiron,. Buz. meeting .plays .an.d..aa..'cbaltman. a t tions from the - three-hour ^ h iiaa:.giRlne(l..much: experience', .'to., ah!l:.fhe, .annual.Thuirte.r..‘lh e chati up 18-inches at Malta last-night — ^ and the uph»»Much. notes'. which.. w ere.. received. ~ >n- blaze trailsT Sure, '"tt' an ’ sounds at; the ' Untied'-Nations they at­ -Amerie*. aselsted • by Mrs.-A^ina 'Sandbag dikes.' " ...... but' was 'fapnrtair dropping iM tH* - . Vestertlsy. tlie'y -re(ui’ne)--'Prefer­ tryouta ,ipT freihmeff;.’fifctten 0 A? ..stagB libbnMsjr; 9T..'^is''. iear.'B im puUUadiftgl'mcni^ hrary. This, sam e-taat. was being- tion of .I'A Connecticut. Yankee, to. . of Rockvile. Lodge. .136F._BEPB. .Earl, of.Bolton., and.M iag.Jane.D. ";JV ater: jnaificatlun ■ -plants: were;: , ,At.JFargo.„N.-T>....tha .Red rivet. - ^ furniture U In Ueacliad wood.; and-Miss Claire Olds, the girls and about the present Interpretation taken In high"kctiools All' over the King Arthur** ' Court:""'Barbara ' served 04 stbut#' durihg-thetostaF Crockett of North' Etoi atreet are Hit a 24.5 level, seven and ttne half ence to: ttae:plscemeot"ot"goviern^ f Underneath the bay window are officers,,and the annual picnic. their leaders have woyked hard group, he showed a tremendous member of Junior Y-Teena last rushed In late yesterday as the meat contracts goes to the Daniel­ With Donald McComb aa chair- amount of ambition and leadera- system. 'This was one of the moat country at the same time. was chosen as a member of Cur- • lation. enjoying a motor tour of Florida. feet above, flood stage, despite Fivn gras* fires brought out RAINCOATS — '1 bookahelvas. along the choppy sea of failures year, Eleanor is now spending Interesting parts of the whble pro­ murky flood au-ept into the last of son area, Federal Difense Mobl- companies of the 8MFD yealc-tdoy. Barbara Esten made * pink and man. Jack Loeffler, Larry Duff, ship. He Jokingly brags about hi* Late In February all the stu­ rent Affairs Club to visit the Unit­ Mrs. Marian Friedrich Is the At F ort Lauderdale' they vWlted four, wells supplying Pierre. Offi­ temperatures • tliat slowed the SMALU 5tKD., LAIlOF and huge successes. Finally the some of her spare time as High gram. • ed Nations with seyen other mem- new president. Her aaaociale offi­ with Miss Crockett's brothef, lizer John R. Steelman told - the Company 1 went lo Preston white bedroom. Following the Dolores Dubanowskt, Gall Bowers, importance by saying "They, had School-World typist and in Current dent's who wished to take this UN cials hoped the more than one mil­ melting of snow. Weather fore­ Naiicy Cole, and Ormand Weat are time haa almost arrived. For the L ater in the .week, the delegates exam signed up with Mr. Piper tors recently. cers are Mrs. Marie Kabrick, Thomas Crockett. casters predicted a 34 foot crest governor yesterday. Steelman said drive. Company 2 was called to -q latest fashion trend, Barbara pap* four seniors In the group, June to .elect three boys to take my A ffa ir* Club. meetings, outside of lion gallons In reservoirs would the area needs now and diversified the conimittee In charge of plan­ place next year," sat In on a subcommission study­ and early In March they received In her essay, Barbara stressed Junior past president; Mrs. Helen suffice for cooking and drinking and serious flooding within the Nathan road ahej wn* forced to * ered three of her-wall* with grey. seem* both doubly close and doub­ school, "El" is a. member of St. ing "Freedom of Information" for Griffin, vice president; Mrs. Ju.s- Temple Chapter, OES, will con­ Industries for the "long run- ....Im put up a good fight to keep flames ■»The fourth wall is striped with ning a Boclal event. To fill , the remainder of hla time several booklets on, the United Na­ the importance of taking part in until the flood recedes. next week there and at Moorhead. Marilyn Rojgers, '64. ly far off, but bo th at aa It may Mary's YPF; she served as secre­ the LTN. At that particular time, tion^ The two booklets were: "Ac- tlne Scher, financial secretary: duct a rummage sale in the Ma­ Minn., across the river. provement”. of the syea’* econ- from reaching homes In the area. grey, green, white, and pink. all pf them are anxious to be off Buz has taken part in Jimlor and tary and vice president in the last the affairs ot the -government to Rererd Volume . Senior Hl-Y and Varsity M Club. the subcommission was going oyer tlM 'foc Peace, a layman’s guide preserve our freedoms. In a Mrs. Lena Davis, trea-surer; Mrs. sonic Temple. Thursday, April 24, Ken Darmer. field agent with For the first time since-the Mis­ omlc situation. Company 4, responded, to thfeo , Beverly Bristol tried her talent on this fascinating adventure. two years. the Associated Press report. Julia McCarthy, recording secre­ and has appointed Mrs. Virginia (k)V. Lodge saya a conference calls at 64 Oaroner street, 203 ■ a t a den. Her stuffed furniture Is Ho has also been active for'thrce by Marie and Louis Zocca, and the comparison, she shewed hpw a the U. S. Geological Survey, said souri river flooded at Bismarck. To atari off, June 19, the girls English IV, French II, Modern Mr. George Hill of the Publt^" "United Nations Charter.” Each free man must work for his free­ tary; ' Mrs. Viola Burke, cor- Lewis of Wadsworth street as will be held In Danielson to dlscura Highland street and the corner ht ; high-backed. In front of the flre- Singers C hosen and their .leaders will leave for years in the track team in the respondfng secretary: * marshal, chairman.' . the Missouri running at a rate N. D., last Sunday, trains were “Amerock Colonial shot put event. "- Problems and Current Events- — Relations Department of,rthe student who expected to take the dom. She also named, the dif- of better than 500,000 cubic feCt running on the main .line of the the future of the area on April Wyllls *nd Pdrtcr streets,* all for ...... L.pihice there la. A.*ro*llsftnlglnv,,,o?. ..(Jusbec,. .Canada,., whara-they- .wUI. her - marks-kv-these-present -' -aub-. •Worto 'Health""-opganlzatlejl- •ex­ Mr*. Esther. Spialman;-flr*t assist"^ -18.-- Bteciman- sald-Uie-priority-for C ft E I N E 7 H A R D W A R F ' -wood;'- • ------'.'"His subieicts Mils' yea? iii'JtEercbl" test-also-received « -icopy "of the rtfrent ■freetfoma 'Which' ■’w.e:;'ha'v'e;''' ~ b fr:; gccdna. •;<)r ■ 3,750,two gsiions. .Northern '.TrartBC,. BWHeh',; /fit " -FoTA ll State spend a day waiting to get on the 'jects, a* well' as prevlou* sched­ plained...h b w his orgahization "United Natltms Survey for 1951." in the United States ’dbtalhed ant marshal,' - Mr?. Eva Unites: 'Mrs; Rldhard Byers of-l-i* Green revlous high mark since records contract ptacemeiit heCorae*; effeC; t.. Magaaine spreads, can., wrap- boat. By June 30, they will arrive lege coui'se are; English, Physics, second, Mrs. Shirley Clemion; Manor road has been elected leader P th at s r ^ remained Idle because Solid.Geometry, Mechanical Draw­ ules, Bided Eleanor, In .achieving a works and some of-rtbetr accom- On the morning of March 27. 45 through Work ~ an d ' development! were' started in' 1928' was 281,000 of w a shout a and weakened tt-ve as soon a*'detail* can be- AHTtHNIIC COlONflAt BESICN - MICHARIUlir JlOSIlifi ‘ pers, and'posters comprise the ad- In South Hampton, England. position on the Class o f '52 Honor pHahments. He brought oUt th* chaplain, Mrs. Mary Keeney; his­ of the newly organized Strickland ; vertialng campaign of the display. ing and Modem Problems. students, armed with sharpened She ended hef essay by saying, cubic feet, or 2,107,500 gallons per bridges, processed. Following IS a list of students London will be the first stop and Roll. - fact that W. HyO: Is independent pencil's, erasers, pens, Ink bottles, "Eternal vigilance is the price of torian, Miss Frieda Kabrick; first group • of the Second Congrega­ ' Steamers connect the magaaine ad from there the girls will travel up Along the musical end. Buz haa guard. Mrs.. Mary Moone: second tional Women's League. Mrs. second In 1943. ' chosen by Q. Albert Pearson to Whenever Eleanor. Isn’t "buzz­ of the UN -in its administration and plenty of paper, sat in the liberty." Coast Guardsmen manning a TRAIN KIU..S BABY ;_-i or poster it*. alleged product. one coast af«Ekigland to Scotland been , quite interested in drums, ing around",lA and around MHS, but ■worksx'bloHely with the UN, guard, Mrs. Mary Josephlac: or­ Roger , E. Crafts, of 206 Wood- ' One reads of the quality and gtxid- taNb psTt trt the Connecticut AH playing for a local fife and drum high school library and received 'Taking secqnd' plaice honors, fleet of boats and two helicopters and Ireland and Aeome down the. fbe wbiles away leisure momenta Mr. H lU ^ld the World Health their final instructions before ganist. Mrs. Anne Murphy. bridge street has been elected sec­ late yesterday rescued 20 persons neaa of such things as "Veronica's Slate Chorus nex.t October: opposite side, From England the corps every chance he gets. Richard Woodhouse will receive as Trustees, one year, Mrs. Rena retary. Waterhury.. April ' 11— (4>) •— •' M artha EMann and Oall- Mceamn^ and,.*ba adroit-, Orgatozatlon has, more, ntemljeirs. .taking, .the. .UN, exam, .Each, stu ­ hi# -prize -325; u..- •Dick- to-an "oettoe - who undetasUnvated .tbe',helgh.t. of Elaine -Goitotte; -Js 1*?*# TataHy, In­ "T VegatliBia' varieties" by Heiett- gfrla ‘wni 'clro'sa"' the' Engllaii ’6tian- '■■TfW bthei'' past' tinies ’ Include' than the UN. ■'Morin;'’two yekrt.'M rs." Rose" Va- the flood and attempted to remain < OuUmet, "Buga Bunny's Carrots" with Joyce Jarvis, alternate; Nao- ted to us with a slight grimace, dent signed a pledge saying that member of. Current Affairs club luzzi; three years, Mrs. Suzanne A daughter was born at ' the jured when she darted In front nel to Belgium and Holland. Sey-- basketball, football, tennis * and' 'Although, everything thus far he had no previous knowledge of in their waterrsoaked dwelling* s G araW D onabiiw . V'Bawlra's. ..ORl Wfd’hhA*' "iwd. w iu tj^ l, swimsalngi wbila-ibe-Bed. Sox- and "Of .course, there’s always home-r and recfiotiy visited the. .UN with , .. qarfaaeoodint, Nospltal xtmaday, e*«l M: ;tb* giri*. bova- pea p*)s - la- yl' 'rk’'Tbf' a'' pa’stjtnbr’." ‘ Tmd - 'been-- perfect, ■ Mother ■Netwe' ■ celery Soup" by Sandra Doutt, with Josephine Cavalerl, alter­ many of these countries, and .Chicago. Bears get his support In 6 'Oie- test 'qhestltm* ‘ahtf'that' he' re­ seVehal'memtobs "of't'ne''club;-Dick Rockville, Mrs. Matyy Lally; pres* and. Mrs. Steven Connors of 109 She ran across the nate; Charlep Cronin and Bernard Nat "King" Cole and his drpamy pulled an old trick, rain. Wednes­ ceived no help In answering the has also participated in Sock and correspondent, Manchester, Mrs. High street, Rockville. r^ o cted th at one wdman handed_ tracks "trying to beat the train.” ., "Heavenly . Shampoo' by Betty everyone la most''curious to meet tho major sports. In Individual day waa a day of sightseeing; the .out, firet a baby and then a bowl' \ ..... ^..Johnson, ."Sterilised Soldier Safety Lyons with David Stone, alter­ rendition of. "UhforgettabUr rate questions: Buskto, the Junior an<; senior dra­ Agnes, Kabrick , , police said, .’rte train, pulling oiit th e m ,______. lists.:. In. their respec­ Statue of Liberty, Fulton Fish ■' After signing the pledge before -of gold- flah- (romi an attic dormer f; I^ a ” by Shirley Bleu,- "Pop's Pop- nate; Verner Gustafson and. Philip tive fields, Dom DlMaggio, .Sugar i fefveiif ‘T like It’’’ frbm "El.” matic club, and Science Club. A dinner preceded the Inslalla- Duplicate bridge will be played of ’the statlbn, w*a "going qpi.v IZ Qrtward agalPj the "crew" will This popular- -la;)*"-.also ' favors Market, Wall SUeet^rO{itoatow% the,exam, began, each student was In. organizing ..hla- eeea y sU ic k ' ^window.,. , ' py Pop Com" by Beverly fhlstol, DuBther- -with vpani Gagnon- as g o to Germany for a few day* aba Ray, Ratph Fl4b'nf^n,‘And^hlbbr- ttotr ceremony, during which tohtght- at 8 iI5 at Tmkee H*lh ■ -All hour, an official, said. - '■ "P. 'ky’a PIckeled t’eppers'' by their alternate. classical music—ej^'ecially Chppln. the Bowery. ' arslgned a number and throughout (fivided It Into fpur parts, basing Kabrlck’s orchestra furnished mu-- bridge -players are welcome to in.iuVance mien today gave un­ V - .Ir9.m._GerjWihx„to P.arls,.Ftance, .'h.cskai...ani.. jent , by ^;-L sU r-ja : the. week,^.^. official _^U m a tea of ;one__milliqn •""'■r’Kary TamaRran;'"'Tfart*a flyairty' '‘'■The^tfynutw-fflr=perth!lpst«m-W Jolrniiy Ray," — DHief TkVdrtt^e«4rid ;tha-- tost -be j*maibed--A..nuiab>r.>- each .OB .aome..histarical. fact...One-.. ...siet-Mrs,-' G«eirg».;H>... WlUlama. o f . pacUclpateTn- ' tbeee- weeklyT-teue- 6UA COMFeAVL DiSriA. the Symphony -orchestra and the TOT tWtf s ir ekpebse pgid w^^ more rich —,-bhocoIate milkshake* Ubn visrted the American'Miasibn thls was done ,ln order that there of these memorable experiences ■ Manchester, first supreme presi­ naments. dmiare’-’dam age' t tfie" cities.' ' Candy" by Joyce Rosaett,p, 'JPtek- the National Headquarters of Girl For the future, BuZ has bis eyes to the .UN (the offices of Warren with business pla’cea—80 per cent •, eled Hg"* Feet" by Ronald Sea band will take place during the Scouts, N. Y. and Steaks, (But not together., would be complete Impartiality In was Pearl Harbor and Dick point­ dent from Connecticut, gave a " ; 'Key...... month of April, with results to be on a career "Dr the business end .of. puh-leaZeM, f*r instance.' Austin),-the-delegation from ChUa correcting the exams. ■ Mr, - Piper,' ed out that it was each man’s •cocktail patly lo honor of Supreme Manchester Juvenile Grange-No, of., them Inundated!.7T",*ufffrtnc. Two Weeks In Paris construction and plana to study and the-delegation from Pakistan duty to serve In the armed forces heaviest loss. Virtually no flood in­ * Conogos "YOUR STORE OF FRIENDLY SERVICr ; Painting by Art I, HI. and IV announced 'the following moflth. Tlie two weeks in Paris will be He? future? Well, with her cap­ along with other memben of the President Mrs. PazlH and her 5.Y will meet tonight at 6:30 at Jean Rogers 'S3 business administration at UConn. Important Issues were discussed faculty. Judged the papeio! In'order to preserve and protect marshal preceding the dinner. Tinker Hall. The degree will he surance Was carried because pre­ . - - students for the Scholastic Con- spent at a i*mrt^wide_conferepce_ Phil Is the son .,pf_Mr, and. Mrn.^ tivating personality alone,'Eleanor miums were considered prohlbl- ; . teat are also on display.— ------^ hi-BBstired-of •« bappy onc;^-Add-to there and opinions exchanged. Early-thlg week. the two highest his country and keepjt free.. Dick 'Itoyto'ere-hcc,house_guesti..Y’h||e jiutj)n_for.the.pmj»se-dfJnlUalJng- i?. * Cuf Flowrt PHONE 4148 ■with"glflsTrom alT parts of'the’ Philip Rich of 140 center street. 'TTie'' pilgrimage■ vT arte ff tfie used General Douglas MicArthur.'s 4n list* span A^ph ' T.^. CsrAZi* naur **an*fMBfaa ATra Wttn/»Ia Uive;"'"’------, Ed Grimsson'a abstract Inter- world, and the Manchester group this her willingness to work and papers weris sent to the United In this area. Mrs. Geprge L. Grazi- new candidates. Mrs. Francis Al. Grossman Radio City • Music where they famous quote. '.'I shall return," tq adlo of Henry street la the only Tanner, state Juvenile deputy of Army engineers refused to give : Open Dally 7 A. M. lo \P . M. Including Wednesday ‘ pretatlon of existence is' on dis­ Soph. Y -Teens will, be representing the United abltlty to win. and we afe certain Nations in New York CJlty, where estimstea until merchants can re- ’ *, Gayty Dteorafod -crl 5^afi,rH-rv "Til Ntlon play; aa are Verlle Morrlson's'orl- -7 ' saw the world-famous Rockettes, they, as well as papers from all emphasize h'Is points. other past supreme president trt Quinnebue Pomona No. 2, . will States. The two weeks will not that "El" will be aucceartui In the Firestone television ‘show. turn to their establishment* and i ginally-deslgned costume plates of be’spent entirely In Paris though. her plans. A Job In Pratt A Whit­ the’ high schools In the U.S., will In -summing up his essay Dick this state. She 1* the present su- visit for inspection. piniiMil w rt Fott«i(i Ftants Plan Fun N ight Rockefeller Center, Empire State said, "Because we have the right ' preme chairman of resolutions. assess the damage done hy silting teen-age dresees. There are 10 little trips that take ney Is « possibility for "El" upon ■be Judged for the national winner. V from the tip to six feet of water Otlicr Exhibits Building, and many more points of t* exercise out.rights as a citizen FIRE DESTROYS HOl'SE aeveral girl# of different national­ her graduation. . interest In New York. They ate at The ttrst^3xe is a. standing to many storea. * E M to r U l iM pick Haselton's crayon of feeth- ities to vlalt various parts of E ditorial Eleanor is the daughter of Mr. or 3500, second prise Is 3100. Otu-. under the Constitution, of the '^Cemplata wil* pietilr cvriarri At the recent Sophomore the Hotel Times Square dining United States an,d the laws of the North Cblebrook, April 11—OPl J. P. Holland, manager of- the era la outstandingly rsallstle. Also Teen’ meeting on April 1, "Be Pre­ France. . When the little trip , la How l ^ y *ome of us are and and Mr*. Fred Field, who reside at room, the Sk>ane House, the Auto­ dents placing among, the top 14, H ospital N otw Northwestern Bell Telephone Com: Spring Houitoltanina YES on exhibit are Harold Huff's over, the girls will spend a little state and of. the community In . -—Fire - early - today totally de-!! pared” was the warning given to ■we do .not realize It. 89 Ridge street. mat, the Brass Rail, and Fraunces contestants in the country will be- atroyed the frame home of Joseph pany, said ereWa were. working and Spring Shoe Aa-N*toing We'll a FREE full-iize BUILDiNIi MATERIALS . ' ' Statue of Liberty, Charles Braun's time at Boams, France, whire eligible for scholarships offered Which we live; and to engage in the Junior HUY by the. sophomore ■Wfen we have health, the only Elinor Hussey, ’52. Tavern where General George whatever occupation'we may law­ Fatlents Totlay: 121. -Rowley here. When Colebrook vol­ around the clock with five large Jeia the tpriei per*4a —• whh - package of Lltt—ofler on inter- „ water color of trucks, and Norma girls concerning the Fup Night they, will do, aome service work, Washington bade farewqll to his by a number of leading colleges, pumps' to keep seepage water out. LUMBER FUEL ' Thierren'a landscape. such as rebuilding and.decorating.. things we can think about are en- fully foIl6w; to be free t(5 travel, ADMITTED YESTERDAY: unteer firemen arrived at the theca Ikat -leek Ilka saw, etting. 10-minule ddmonttration \) they plan to have on April 16. 'tertatnment, mo\'«y and things troops. ^m.e states offer state prizes to educate ourselves, and to strive Alex Wilson, 24 Knighton street;^ scene, the house was ,a mass of Impty cut yeur theejdara^— bride Crafts I display consists pf.hand- Fhirther plans to do with the After the trip and the service ranging from 35 ot 350. of ony new ^ . 3 3 6 N. MAIN 5T. M A N C H ESTER TEL. 4 1 4 5 work is done, all the girls wilt re­ which will help ourselves out. Sophs Trium ph On the final day, each delegate for our o*n competence and hap- Marsha Smlili. 36 Thomas-driveT flames. ua tha thaai that nteiT7raI*e end >H0P palnted boxes and envelope open­ Fun Night- the, Y-Teeners are glv- spoke for three minutes on the - This year, as haa been the cus­ Several Winsted firemen with­ re-finlihine . . . aperti ihaet tc er*. The boxes are colorfully paint­ turn to Paris for a worthwhile- }Vhen he have healWi, everyone lineas, it is our duty and obUga- Mrs. Esther Cuneo, 122 School IM. their -ylotlma were dlscuased else hss belter ^tngs than we trip or any. phaae of it. The out­ tom for the past several years, the lon to preserve, protect,-and de- street; Joseph Henderson, 152 Bls- out apparatus,'the_aaalsL. sia rcadiad far Hm tint tea . . . ed and Vkfhtshed; some haveflow- and the group, went through a and Interesting evaluation. From , I n S w i m M e e t Cuirent "Affalr.e'’’CIub will award Paris the girt* will retrace their have. "The grass la always green­ standing speakers of the group fend the.Constltiition of the Unit­ eell street;. Miss Mildred Bartley, ance of the Colebrook volunteers. nis-evar kttli and’lee-ihia aaltt. ‘•lA>adbig Floflnta'(Ance 1912" -e r t and names painted on them; sketchy rehearsal. Joan Boyle, er on. the other side of the fence.'.'. were chosen, a boy and a girl. prizes of 35 and 33 to the two stu ­ ed States; to obey Its laws, to 140 Eldridge street; Miss- Mary Rowley, a lumber dealer here, Strut Into Sprint pa'iactly akad. tome are psddbd or llhed. . ' chairmen, .and her committee of etepa a little In order to visit dents receiving the highest mark. has ' been spending the past few 8 East Center Mt__.Tel. 5103 Switzerland. Ae most people When we have health we want For the third consequtive year, After the talks, dlimer was e-erv- make ourselves at all times as an Woods. 93 (toarter :h^ ■T*es';'-i(o'- ''.toe' •-eg';. Vyi*,.,.... for themselves or their cipthes. witne-aed In the Rec pool. Excep- FINDISLL offers a ’NEW ■ students are grateful to Mr. Swan- proved to. bk very entertainini *n4,'.‘ince wc know what they are. Both delegates enjoyed the trip The MH8 Benou Potter, '53. George, do It.” Why, not for a in the 40-yard free style aiid Bart­ • ' ■ * • -R4 ■' schnols. ' ' Coach Thomas Kelley of the MHS DISCHARGED YE-STERDAY: equipment. The Nelsuii family took this trip Murphey. Mary Qulnten,' Cafol ley, Brown, Fontaine and. Mark- iog pcfloic* U poor econ­ HAH during their vacatton In August Ann Robinson, Pat Shirer, Ajfn change be "George'! and do some The 50-piece band was under Baseball team has., hopes for a Robert Carson, 52 Wells : street; gbod ? Kam'ip the 160 free atyle relay, all the^dlrectlon-of Waiter B. Beeler. good season. Among the vetesana Mrs. Mary Ewosa, 73 Fairfield omy. Call on your Doctor of 1948. The one week excursion Thrall. Betty Ann Trotter and of the Sophomore team. Frbshmen B rennan Speaks 1!l$0 DtSOTQ CUSTOM 4-OOOR began -at Boston where the NeU. Nancy Weir. ^ • When those collections go A cornet solo was glven^ by are Oiptain Steve Bellln^lrl, street;- CTmore Humphries,. 46 at the first auggeslion of $ 1 a0 0 Per blind BINGO taking-honors were Lord In the STATIONERY sons took a boat, the Yarm'oufh, Jean Hanaen '53. around from class to class we pan Mr. Cutler In the march entitled, Pinky Hphenthal, Dick Day, Birch street; Charles Klebosais, 8 illaeaa. Timely aid may AIRMAIL . NOTER put In a dime instead of a nickel 200, Warren In the century free T o V arsity M "The Debutante," while the first Harold Carlion, Bernie Alemany, Mintz court; Stanley Tonski, 15 for siandard* size blind*. Mlnl- ■^tsU tO'Nov* Scotia. The retiirn trip style and Styles tn the backstroke -prevent needleea sulferlng EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 7:45 195C DODGE MEADOWBROOK M O O R x e ;a d in o b r a n d s took the family down the Cabot I and when we do not we are hurt­ baritpne player was featured in Walt Kosakowski, Jim Minicuccl, Broad street; Fred Andreoll, Jr., mnm order for plek-up and de­ MOMItU YOU ing nobody but ourielves.) event. The other two first* were "From the Shores of the Mighty Tom Corcoran, Roy McGuire, Pete 91 Birch street;' Mrs.- Lucille Ss- —.save money, too! Be ll verv Sh.qo. ■■ Trail, through New Brunswick and Y -TeensPIaii . captured by the Juniors medley, Bill Brennan, well-known um­ Toy, 7 Ashland street; Graham Irtlur Drug Stores Bar Harbor and along the New Some needy person could have PVifle.” Hie WhlsUlng. Bobby" M a n n e d , . Bill England, Jim / sure to bring us preacrip- hM ithitr-lookini 194$ PLYMOUTH SDBURBAN . relay team of "McKenney, Nichol­ pire throughout ^nnecticut and Roach, and Red Case. . England coast. taken that dime and used it much a resident of Man-eater, gave an was put forth by the piccolo solo­ fiooi for conipouDding.- ORANGE HALL' Fashion Show more wisely -than we. could l)ave son -and Lassow and . by Don ist. Although three are lettermen re­ Peggy Erickson '54. Ntchdlamt,, also of the Juniors, In Impressive talk t« the Varsity M more beautiful hoirl'^ » -posstbly used It. We may need the Club, Mopday evening .at the higb- The band played the "March turning from 'every pA-ition, ques­ PerflOHal Notices | Weslowh Pharmacy 1943 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS UODPE dime' but not as badly as the the 100 breast stroke'race. tion marks still are in Mr. Kelley’s 459 H artford R d._Tel. 2-9946 ot MOUTHANVOUg MONlV SACK F^mhloni! Fashions! Fashions! G. P. school. Chief of the baseball ruling Winds,” the "Shawl Dance,!' a needy. Spanish number, "American mind. He has to find a good fast' ; - t“ In Mempriam (Corner McKee St.) NOW IS THE TIME Come one, come all to the com­ The Navajos, who need finan­ and officiating in the Nutmeg ARE YOU BUILDING A NEW HOME state, Mr. Brennan demonstrated Youth,” "Oquld,” "March Poco,” third, shortstop and secqnd base Tel. 4M i Let famous Formula 9‘s “minute 1947 DeSOTO CUSTOM 4-UOOR ' TO GET YOUR ' ing preview of spring and summer cial aid; the drives for' research to combination and a sturdy outfield. Tn lovinjr nt^mory of Robert J. miracle" give new, radiant glamor POODLE CUT! fashions, a complete show of what Senior Y -Teens raahy Interesting points concern­ "Pines of pe Appiar Way," .and flN D U l MANUrACTURINO CO. REQUIRING A SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM? find the'cause of many sicknesses, wound up with the ever popular Another big problem is next Vt'Moon irho paued awey April 11, to.-your hair. Follow e*»y 'direc­ TICKETS FOR Is and what Is not. being -worn the library which needs financial ing rules which are -a source of OiM). ^ ■ Af Manchatfar Groan 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE 4tDR. constant controversy during the ’National Emhlehi'' march. year's team. Because of the on­ " INSIST tions for 30 days... youHf be POODLE CUT! this year. aid, are all excellent, worthy D esign B askets happy you've found Ih'e This fashion sbow is bbing pre- baseball season. . Among these TTie.^membetzr of the high school coming double sessions, the frerh- God MW th« roAd wan feUirg rough, ON A bfcKINNEY BROTHERS' canses.-Ihvo.of the three Indirect­ man and sophomore classes; ’will. ' The hlllR were hard to rllmb. "hair care to end all hair ‘THE MiKADO’ Regukiriy $1.50 'sented by thcNdtonlm- Y-Teen and ly help -the dopator to help .the were the pIck-off motion of a pit­ band thorougMy enjoyed the con­ He fently cloied hia w«ar>' eyea, SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM caresf 1946 DeSOTO 2-DOOR has as its sponso'rs, "Burton's. The school. cher, the infield fly ruling and Il­ cert and are looking forward to be unavailable.' so this year the And whiaj^red “Peace be l!hine,** Easter waa certainly in . air present sophomore cla.*il wflll have BECAUSE SPECIAL - date for this show is April 18. A „ If we were the needy how help­ at the last Senior Y-Teen meeting, legal interference on a double their own concert, which will be to ' Wife and chUdren, • ** .4 ROWERS SCHOOL jcgular sport d4nce'will follovir. ful the money would be, and how April 7, as the girls decorated and play. ' the latter part of May, wlth'ho'sa to be rounded into ahspe t« assure . . ______Grandchildren. (1) System engineered nnd to: .*>.*•-SItl FORMUU - AUDITORIUM The models ar* Janice Mear- thankful we would be for the extra filled a number of Saater baskets A lively discussion followed, o r «f doing as good a Job, and helng a strong nine, next year. To ac­ CORRECTION . stalled by specialists .giving 'H m tl.M SHAMFOO man, Mary Lou Willard, Nancy bit of change. We should always, to be distributed among the pa-, many of the boys are priming for under the' direction of l|r. Vaders, complish this, Mr. Kelley ' plans In Memoriam . ' . fyou n,Job THAT LASTS. ] E 1 2 L VAIUS PCS Kennedy, I^ricta Taylor, Connje an Improved JV schedule. Iii lovlhf memory of', our dear FBE8H FROZEN ^ $1.00 put ourselves In the place qf the ilent^ at the Manchester Convales­ this year's Red and White base­ It Is expected they will. " mother. Mre. Sarah Matrhrtt, who died (2) Reasonably priced. Anyone APRIL 17.19 Olenney, Nancy Folsy, Mary Beth ball season and were anxious to Coach Kelley expects to have ran afford Ibe BEST. S4.US Sill POIMUU 0 with the purchase of any less fortunate and analyze their cent Homes. ' Alfred Taricco, '53. April n. 1»SI. , plui 12.00 SMAM^OG home permahent refill. McAdams, Cynthia Agnew, Jean predteamentv Many original creations were clear up many points of the dia­ most trouble with Bristol - and (3) You get the benefit of onr. 10- Call the Church Office 8334 Colombat, Jean Hansen, Nona A wonderful mother, woman an<.'aid. ^ $6.95 viAiuf poi Think of them. the result of - this project. The dec­ mond-game. Profeasor—Why don’t you an­ Meridep. Practice started Mondjy One who- »-ae better, Ood never made. STRAWBERRIES 41e y rn r' aervlce plan, cleaning lim ited Time Only. Gruaha and Rhyllls Mastropletro. We know that the future of the Baseball films were shown fol­ at Mt. Nebo, where all home games' Due to an error la composition, the above Item was Incorrectly periodically at n 10% dtecount. •Hm ROY MOT' W orations consisted of purple and swer me ? . A-wonderful worker, an loyal ant.' true. Barbara SUverstein will act as country lies In our hands. Why not yellow streamer* and were used in lowing the discutoion. The films Fr^m iui—I did, Pcofesaof. I will be, played, and the Indtont will One In a mlllliui, that mniher waa you, advertised In. onr Thnrsday a d 'a t 29c. The correct price la 41c. Waterproofing of ceUarsl.... I ,N fc O R P O ll A f t narrator •tn describe the creations. make dur luture a bright, happy various way*. disclosed many 'ot the "close shook my head. '' have to be rekdy to roll on April Juat Ir.- your tod«menl. a)waya right. Septic Tankc, Ceeapoole fan n ed . NORTH END 5 Read Herald Advs. JAMES' All are Invited' to this fashion one by giving and oat. always re- Flans for the mother-daughter. jjilay's" of the most recent World ■profeeaor---Rut you don't expect 23 whan they meet Willlmantic Roneat and liberal, aver uprtoht Plugged-eewere cleaned electHcnlly. OPEN EVENINGS 143 Mato 8b—TeL 2-5701 review. .pOn’t miss It.- :eivii^ 1 tea were------also discussed------— a at t tUE*’ Scries in' fast and alow motion, me to hear it rattle away up here, up to the Thread City. Leved by your frienda. and all'whom - - Nancy F o U y r’52. you knaw, POPULAR SUPER MARKETS PHARMACY Walter Koaakowakl '52 meeting, —Ngncy Fotay, '52. Dick D ay V'S3 do youTv ' \1 Quay, '63. A Wonderful mother.- that mother waa DeSOTptand PLYMOUTH ^ t yntie 4 D op^'Sqnarb Tet. 2-4585 : -U74 M AIN STREET MuKIniiBjf Bros. StwagB Disposal Go. 241 NORTH m a in UT. Hr. 004 Hra. Abram HstcbatL 180-162 PEABL STBEKX . - TELEPHONE 5309. - Pay Your Electric Bill* Here -*■ X: X .'r Si- ‘ ' X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES^I^ CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL x,tvmt*f 70'»’»-ii I •« ►rrno'.i. x; # • - DressenSays THE PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1952 • W in o r 1*086 Hits for NeiV Kluttx in Clutch Job. Is Safe JU . ■ -Fy Legion to Sponsor Team H a n d H id e Englifih Teachers Note EARLW.YOST Brobklyir,- April Think ..."In National Little Uoop 1 - Coilects __ Jipoeta Editor— Ohuek-Draaaen - svon't be-back -#§- .Brooklyn .maAiiijgar In .1903 If .the Dllwar&i-Cornell-Qucy . Post Philadelphia -rr. .(N EA)— r Dodger* io#e the National (.eague -102. American Legion will - English teachers no doubt- are Syracuse Catcher ITNUBSS A MIBAOUS happeni,., veteran#, ..non* of. whom aeeraed pennant thi# yearT sponsor an entry In the base­ atufflhg their students' ears Red Wiiigs Cop Action Starts 1 Nickname “ trigger, the, . . Bpoton Red Sox willptl find them-1them ^ optlmirtic gkipper about Boudreau, the coming much Some do. ball Little League program \n with cotton again. Not Chuck, though. Manchester thia seaSon. Little DIsay Dean is back hroad- Over Indians M Memorial Day eelve# in the eecond dlvinion in the i,e ws* a year ago, "I don't think I ’m on any apot,” League President RuasPlI Paul caitlng baseball—spilt. Infini­ Plavoff Tilt final American League atandlnga I did not car# to venture #ny com- he aaid today before departing for made the announcement today. tives and all. B.r ED ^ R R IO A lg *' AsMcInted Proea Sports-Writer . Carey, Unspoiled Bonus eome October. 1 meat ‘“e coming r#M except the Yankee Stadium where the The Legion ■ entry complftes ■ The' Incredible pitching star T —; R.d ' that "New York, Cleveland and Brooka .were to hooli up with the of yesteryear warmed up for Seven National. League., mana- Tim e - Clock Confusion With Twin Bill Manager Idiu Boudreau " ^ed y^,u ^e plenty tough." the membership In the Nation­ . hts radio campaign cijvertng a gara were thinking that, wriL may­ Sox appear t® ”ave htUe, li*^ *® *; william# h»d a toUgh day try- al League. Other entries in the New York — (NBlA)-i-A n d r e w Crops Up in 3 to 1 .,"1 think we’re going to win, but new loop are Manchester Auto Phtll)es-Ttgers exhibition game, be they could spar* a llttla.ayrB- Arthur Carey Jn. the iM t ball play­ All. eight heftd coaches jhaye by., their llrtleM performance , keep hla-cap, and gtove-JlA I doo't . thlnk. It's ft matter of hav­ Bgaln»t the Yinernational Teague Parte;' Red and 'While,' and- ■ - Dean. . .c^led^^Al—.Federnf f,. .pathy ,.Iftr jteKL,,jhir()ch«&.,. Ute- er signed hy the late and great LcilestMBAzMing Rati .Sttifiley. Gup Trium ph .been sclBcted for 'teamir In -Man^ ing to.. Tlgefa’ ' roolfle'" aecoh'd sacRef, barasaed - manag*r -of ‘ thr-’ohanj- i Springfield Cube laat Wednesday Morlarty Brothers. The Na­ fcout, Joe Devine. Chester’s U ttle League baseball field during the batting drill to get "The way I figure ,it Is that I tional League will play . Its "Frllternorf' and "Federal- plon New YorH Olanta. He had The Yankeee pat() thie fine broth Montreal, April 11—(IP)—The afternoon in the Bay State. his autograph. When the boya .won more gamea than that other hhff,". while the Phils' Richie lost Monte lrvln and WUll* Maya, program this season. Thwe will be There was no hustle and life on gamea-at Rohertsoji Park. of a lad' 160,000 to t hU signature. Can Be Mighty Con^ night of the tlme-cldck confusion' atarted to tug at hie shirt,' Ted fellow (Burt .Shqtton). His club Ashhurn became “Aaplrln." two-thirda of hla regular outfield, .. fh), .you , see, thp. wprid Cham­ four team's In {he Amelciin League the fclub to epCak of.- Thie 1»" Jogged.;, to. " the 'clubhmiae Until won *9 ta_ 19.56, a.nd^.last year, we and. MUiat manager .can afford that and-Detroit-Red Wings' -S-l victory arid a like number of. entries in the- ...... When- Andy--Hahaen- warmed pions giai In for ih e bmus. bui^ess, ibraftge wV the' Red 'Sox. perafaifttime,"tine. wdii 97,'cbimtihg that 6iie in the up in the sort of a blow? too. ' ' Washington,' April 11—(IP)—- • There were no particular, sur­ dyer Montreal Canadlens became National • League. Play starts on contenfiere for the past five year# j Police protection at the park playoff. i don't know how the •But upon.thinktag it ail oVer to­ Memorial Day with a doublehead­ cluh'a bull peH, Dia observed; Nothing but the fleet. , Now suppose Eszard Charles beats prises among the ratings, except part and parcel' of Stanley Cup after grabbing the bunting In waa terrible. Once, before the front office figures It, but 1 hope Sports Mirror "Hansen I* now warming up day, they went back to feeling aor- Prospects like .Andy Carey keep perhaps that the NBA found such hockey history t,oday. er at Memorial Field. 1946, have a large crop of rookies game atarted. Boudreau ordered they look at it. my way. for the dnclnnatl Reds." Ha O' fof themaelv*# all except Jersey Joe Walcott whep they . Coaching, the American League the premium party alive, a large number of boxers worthy Little-Tony t-eswiCk’s two goajs" and newcomer# trying to make all hi# player#, off the field when ”1 expect 96 will be enough to was reminded of hla error, - Brookl^rifa Chuck Dresaan, who rbeet for the heavyweight boxing teams will be Harold Geer with win thia time. It iiaually la and Today A Year Ago - Light­ stilt thinks the Dodgera ewUl win- Carey is one of the comparative of special mention. supplied the bulk of the scoping good. the youngster# itarted to pick up - - • • !53?eU,'-'.'- he said, ■ "them -Phll- champfonship of the world June 5. the Yankees, Elot Solomonson-:- glove#, ih. the' outfield, bate, from, I expect we'll .win 96.,’’. . _ - weight. champion Ike Wtlllams th.e-.pot.'*.... handful .o f bright, bonus, .babies Does: Walcott ■ then become the- . For examplCv .tuh.e. ^ugsr . P.ay recorda for the firet game of the- . . poaton..behind the.crafty pitch-, 1 lle# have awful "red "atocklnga. who has not been spoiled by hav­ Robinson,' the middleweight King. Re'd £>6x, Ed ' UrdwTi—CftrdlhaTs, ,the b»t rack, and #11 atray ball#. "‘^Dfeisen'i tea'iii aeema ”to be a’on gff easy 16-tolmd' '-... ing .too muchitnunay^v lA this, first ■- .The . NBA ..rated iftve .boxer# ■ as and Jack •Fraher-*-Dodger#, The '"Ftnally the undermanned'fore# of comiRfttalty aet, and he has . at­ B0h:- BI!lo« to take m W f apot, flrtil chsnbe'at'the tttfcT ' '■ OfflblKT 'f 1 « e k i e fteY ' Cappy Kinder In' ths' ninth, had' little ■ Five" Year.* Ago; — - Bfily Fox place. logical contenders for his title, American Leaguers will call Me­ gendarmes shuttled everone off tached only one " i f to hla prv-'’ but he hiu decided to gl6e’'Dlek And then suppose thls'-match is Layne of New York was the storm trouble beating the Hat place Cuba scored a knockout over George ' When the 20-year-old Carey, topped by Randolph Turpin of morial Field their home base of of a year ago, 6. to 4. Parnell la the Playing field except authorised dictiona of a pennant. That cotv- Wakeflald, .who hM Playod In Juat made, and Walcott wins, does center of. the. timp-block shenani­ cie'fn's ;,(31em Jftbihe, a young fel- Kochan lii tl.s seventh'round of freab from the .Saint Mary's of England. He held tlm title Brrefly, gans last night. X operations. V. etlll one of the American League'# persona. about all .four corners of the coun­ ■ChaHes'become the man’ tfibsl en­ Ronnie -Daigle will coach Mori- iow vi’ho joined the Dodger# late their light, heavyweight bout In Califcmia camptu, checked Into titled to fight for the champion­ winning It from, Robtpsoh and One outstanding question was top 'flipper#. Dropo la determined to come, Ba tryout,irjrouu. Thia1 nia wiuwill h*o* metha last ' e pre-training season camp and then losing It back again. 20 .21 arty Brothers’ entry in the Na­ back after a dismal 1951 season in last season and won six games. Madlaon Square Garden. ' onene for the former UnlVeraity o' ship 7 whether th^-teams played or Highlight of the afternoon waa He figures Lablne. out to take Tsn Veatis Ago — Southern Pfioenlx’ Adams Hotel In Febru­ when, if ever, will this mara- In addition, the NBA said six rninutes in the final period. This tional League, Dr. Walter Schardt a towering by Walt which he batted but .239. The big MlchlgIlchlgan nonua baby. • H* wo.i ary 'M laat year, he immediately middleweights a r e outstanding Bob Brady — Red -and White, Cliff MagnuSon moose from Moosup looks in great up the slack left bv the departure California's trackmen defeated tunLirned down b)r.a*VMml oUwr ma- th»p matchrinaki.?ig; eml.,7„ questiqpuhad ft he*iring„ on the . Dropo , high over.; .th#. - ,.leXU^ of■'26-ganie -winner Don ■ Neweombe- Stlifttr'..;K«pWr ra ' W tl2 This thought comes up today be­ thd'another TO ratb Ah ■HdnlnliWb yahkmg of. (Jahadiens' goalie so ---:-M"afirmerter A'ttt«f "Parts, «ml Le- shape"' ahd has been hitting lh!» Oallfornta 81 2i8 tb' 49 ' at Jor league teama. Lone representative from Man- land "Huck" Ellis—American Le­ fence, Clyde yollmer also hit hard to the service. Berkeley, Calif. worth'of Steak and trimmings per cause of the National Boxing As­ mention. , sin 'potential scorers could go into aa did Ted Wlillame. The latter ball hard and often in spring The way Durocher haa been cheyter in organized baseball this gion. National League will play Its "If Labine’# arm la okay all Twenty Years Ago -— Chick waving hla magic wand, it ^13^.40 4 r lU.I V«4avC..C.| II sitting. ■ sociation quarterly ratings. Rocky Graziano, who fights Action and try to tie tip the game collected three hits—double - and training games. Dropob big bat Sugar Ray for the title Wednes­ games at Roberiaort Park; , can mean a higher finlah than fifth year, he'll win a# many aa New Hafey, KoldouT "National ' League - ' By BEANS REARDON wouldn’t ' be a aurptra* to " are , bripk wtU tbrpwinc runner Everett Kell of the Athletics out and Ihen But not for sjong. Sponsor De- These ratlng.s, announced yes­ \vhlle Detroit'led, 2-1. season. Bob Brady of 42 Overland two alnglBr—before calling It combe,” theorized the Brook aklp- plcktnn: sUll another baae-rynner off flret base In An exhibition |;ama terday, show Walcott at the top day night, got a poor report .card When the game appeared Lo go Geer and Fraher are head for the Sox this season. With Wll- batting champion, was traded by 24 Year* In National League Wakefield come through. Al- vine promptly Carey in hand, drive is off to the wars again quit#. Aa uaual, be' waa booed and per. ”He'H be -even better-than Quastton: With th* haaas-load- a t West Palm ficaoh. IWaldelphla won, however,- J-S. ■ (N EA ),...... 'warning the ybuiilfster- that he of the heap. Ju st "beneath him is- from the NBA. He was set down into overtime, the crowd o t 141538 coaches-of- a year ago who art re­ liama departing May 2 for active tbe St. Loiita Cardinal's to " the though Tha Lip is eountliig oh hid as the tenth best of the fhiddle- with Syracuse in th# International turning to their respective teams, cheered each time he strolled to duty In- the Marine Air Corps, Newcombe becauae he'll pitch C3ncinnsitl Reds for two players Willie Boland, right,-'hand ride# Hopllte to < no»e victory ed, th* pltchar step* on th* rub­ newest acquialtioh for pinch-hit­ could eat his-way outvof the ma­ Charles, the man he fought five hi Montreal Forum looked on be­ more often. I'll be able to aend times end then finally defeated weights, outstanding, but'no logi wildered. When the siren sounded League. the Yankees and Dodgers. the plate. someone will have to "take up the and an undlaclosed amount of Four Jack# In a alx-furlong dash at Jamaica. Nick Combcit’a ber, In aet poaltlon facing the ting chorea at the moment," Dick ARNOLD WINS 8 victory over the New Haven jor, leagues as easily ait-vhe could "Veni Stephen# couldn’t move off him in to relldfe. Newcombe batter, but' accidentally drop* could fill May*' ahota if he look# fumble and fan himself hvto the with a. seventh round knockout in cal contender. the crowd was roaring In Indigna­ The 28-year-oId local catcher Sqlomonson moves up from assist­ batting slack, l i t could be Big money. ' “ haiided whaeVing got nothing hut place. (NEA). ; State Teachers. Traillnfr 6*4 ant Coach to. head coach of the ■ dime «t third ba*e. Jimmy Pler- didn’t like to relieve.” the ball. What’s good. He’i been pounding the ball minors. Father Devine Teel'eP)— The when the eighth Inning started, Still hanging around the in history Japan may come up goal. ' Timekeeper Layne was ern Association laat season and ■Red Sox. Brown, a former Man­ #all * t ahortatop and Ted Uplcq th* penalty? with authority and haa banged "'b ats of . Dirk Gianeello and Jim Arnold got two runs on Gian- a list of horrible examples. . at second base appear at least otie fiiliuck, he flgurea he’a belter off Answer: "The out three hit* in hia four trip* to Carey atarted fighting for s li^ fringes, hoping that either Wal- with a world tam p ion boxer. hustled from the Forum under pi»- posted a .270 batting average chester High first baseman and a SHOlU HERB AND THRRR this year than laat no matter how -Caulfield drove In the winning sello’s double and Gisnsello him­ 'CoU or Charles, or both, give up. Yoshlo Shfral, rated the No. 1 tection, the crowd howling louder member of the Silk Oty entry in or two years away as a major Each of Six Top Ranking Contenders pitcher taahmece! the plate, Intludlng two in yeater- 6 ing and the place on top which he while knocking in 70 runs, Wesleyan and Connecticut he look# at It. ' runs yesterday ps the Arnold* C I- self came home with the winning Rocky Marciano and Clarence challenger-In his division. Is going and louder with hundreds trying Brad,v broke in with Hartford the Twl League; is the only new league DP combination. Pler.''all. pitrher lal day'a 4-0 triumph over the Cleve­ le fe baseball team ecored a 7 to run when Caulfield singled. Is so rapidly earning. a native of Waterbury, had a poor launched their Connecticut baae- charged with a land Tndlahi. This year's Grapefruit ,Le*g^«! Henry, rated at No. 3 and No. 4 to fight Dado Marino, the world's to reach the timer's bench. during the 1943 season and caught face although he helped assist In amonp'tne' heavywetjfhts.'...... STILt DETROrrS GAMYT day at -the- plate and -afield blew ball. aeaaana. this . aftarnoon . a t - Boast at Least One Key JRetfornier balk, the. ra»- T h e ataht# 'hiid been taktagreg. • hai^Vy had eommehced’ Its nin be­ flywthjiht'-chinipldh;' •- ' with the "CapitaT Cl t.v’'s chSiflpl'o'h- tbe'pr'ogriifrt last summer...... Storra. Laat year the Huskies The game was allll Detroit's, Dalgle coached the Cards a year one ball that led to the Cubs only ner*— advancing ular paatlng* fronr the T ribe m fore, the alx.-foot. one-Inch,. .190- ahip squad during the 1944. cam- won. 2 6 - to 8 In a game called at Hustling Bra veil"" aJter fiOr-Vor 6X If' you. pjreferXrolh- ■paign. ..x ago. but d^ided to, shift, to the. fun luid thbn came back W..:m4k* one bfUte. toeir cro**-coun}.ry tour- and the pound Carey -had acquired the the plav of the game on "a two ! ‘ h* 'end of six Innings. Satur- New Ybfli, April 11—(il - Each Q. Who said New York win waa only the third nickname. Digger, which Is a per­ Sulky Drivers Must Hare utes of hard-hitting, open-play He is married and ha* one North End league this term. Doc Thump Red Sox Bob Feller, Early Wynn or Mike litm* If the Red. Box are to go See Our "hockey. The first-game victory daughter Bob has been a Man­ Schardt IS an Bs.soelate of Dr. hopper bit to high right. Jimmy I ‘ he UCohns play Brown in of the irix top ranking contenders Garcia fall to repeat their 20-game anywhere in the race. ' "A. .baU player In 14 game* Imtween the two fect one-word description of the' , More Thitn Horse Senfie Brawl Marks - _1—.wa .Wall a • wla I r^rorovidence., Plalnvtlle Stadlufii should quit meant a sizable edge in the short chester resident for the past two Amos Friend and is a comparative grabbed the ball and his throw for the major leagii-i pennanta seaaona of '51. The dSatlny of the Chicago teams, hardly a record to bring Recruit-of-the-Sprlng. That's what Sunday will be the site of Grand haa whan -it feSla as Joy to the front office of the de­ the Irishman from the Moraga series, with the second game com­ years. During the off-season he newcomer to Manchester. Msgnu- Ji-af arrived a shade ahead of- the Boston. April 11- (X5 -T h e Easter flgurea to be the big gun White Sox rbata with OreStea Ml- Outstanding San Francisco;^ Calif. — ing up tomorrow night on the National pleasure car races. There at least ons key player who can if aJI the. baae- fending champions. Hills is—a digger—at third base Ice Playoffs was employed at. the Rciyal Typ®' son has been a main figure In soft- batter for the oilt. will be three races, with a 100 lap hustling Boston Braves held the in the Indiana'* attatk. Tha big noao. The flashy Cuban must du­ (N EA )^N eal Boaiidnien, one same ice. ivriter Company lij Hartford. IKKW DIMAGGIO and Billy mythical Boston baseball cham­ settle the flag races. queatlon la whether his left knee, plicate hla sensational work last Ilnea run up­ Blit It waa a noteworhty one. and the plate. He's a scrambler of of the more skilled' sulky ball at the North End for many feature rounding out the holiday hill T" Neither team scored in the years after a long pareer as a Goodman, counted upon to play pionship today after edging the Laat year the dojieatfra observ­ which underwent aurgery laat win­ yegr ff the Sox are to furnish a at that, for the Olanta. Larry Collection the Pepper Martin type, but even drivers on the-west'coast, was opening period. But. at ..3;27. pf race progranr Mrst e'i'ent start# A. Rahe Ruth Janaen and Max Lanier, a couple at. this .tender age mucb. nio^e. ac- New_ H aven Ciqitain am i baKball and softball player;-. Ellis 'regularly-.,did. not. get Into.action, ‘Intra-clty .rival Red Sox. 6-4 for ed f hal Bob^; Thqm,rtro and Monte ter, will. aland, up. H e. mlaaed. the rsal'thraat to the Yankeaa and Ini. , ... asked W explslit the senVfc of the seirond periodi little-Tony came at. ?,;.3.0;..:,WNHC-.Ty lit .Weiy .Ha­ Q. " Whun did 'cbmpllshed and polished. King FaVonetl fs best known as "a football player at Pynchm) Pfrrk.- 'Donr was' nn ven will carry the Arthur King- their' third atmlght exhibition innran* nrat 29; games last year dIUl'a fdf ' Oli’ ■ AmefTfiln LeafuiS , -of-Duropher'a-top elbowmen. ’dcm-' his harness racing success. Referee Are Involved; galloping in to grab the first goal. hand but Goodman was at hia verdict over the American Irvin would have to have big year# and the club lost 17-of them. De­ flag. Ladles' Day he- Rnana Reardon onatrated mldaeaaon form • In Because the New York Ameri­ Said Neal: with Silk City. He has al.xo played Del Flanagan lightweight bout for the New York Giants to win ■ come fashion- Tony's next, at 7 :59 of the baseball with Andover lii the In- - home. Johnny Pri-ky, another LeagOers. spite that he drove In more than whitewashing tha hard-hitting In- can Leag\ie brass always has in­ Jets Scored 4-1 Win period, was a long shot from just Over Flanagan 10 o’clock from St. the They were correct. Both ! abl*. JH. hMabftlH--- r. - ‘‘Well, in the first place, you ter-Cou.nty L e a g u e . ______probable regular, pla;-^ only the Nlck'a Arena. King is a 2 tO-1 Each team banged out nine hits 100 r u n * . ______^______n a ■ *_ a a 9ii4i» ^Wh==^gBn»9n went thrfiraUaix' sisted that Its hired help look like insl.dC- the Montreal: blue-line. He -'-.1' ______"y"eaTeriTay in "Braves "Field, "bur'the" "attnrtTs "haa"'gre'it"yelr#"'ah'il IhF" /»• AB iNEdrRR iHltHY^fwg Inning* and'- have . to. bs_ smRLter_tJmn. th.e^ ., . choice to win. .Current edition of ' Berra, voted .the 'Xinaflcan they-juet-stepped-f^onra-bandboxr took a pass frpm Glen Skov and alert Tribe got the most mileage Giants did go on to win. League’s ntoat valuable plgyer last UTayg toKcport ivnnirn admitted free to the 10 . Indiana to face him: Laditr Carey haa to be issued a pair of bhrse!" ^ w Haven, April, 11—(>ri—A N«(w York. April 11.—(M —Ar- Total farm output in 1951 ha's Prior to the game the w riter: magazine haa an interesting wild b>8Wi that landed a player in let drh’e. Goalie ' Gerry McNeil’s out of lla baae runners and finally Heading this year's key men are year, take# J o e . DjMnggtft',t_ Pnlfl-UrQumla , the JU uilA flnljlhad.jiii p«nts ..dally, Ag,aih„after..the .faiih.-% thuc-rKing. mmlng;,,far..,-n,t,llghtT, .beetr ...43 .TWT....-C.ent-. ; ...'1K.U1 . the, play the Cleveland clubr lh«<> In -poUca-tolls.: and sent Uto referee to view; was .blocked and the puck out and talked^^wmi many of the Urmp" . : 'Tim'Cohkhe,'Look sports -poahad --over'the clincher In the tha #ame''I2iom»in'ahd' Bob E R ib ll!" ;aa"tfie' vBlg bt-lhe -YankaeA For Duty JIiy-17 Th* Dodgers mdhaged' to pull' Ion of John t.ebriafrt Martlfi whistled through a maze of play­ weight title shot, is a 12 to 1 favor­ above .the 1935-39 " average "’"aiiJ ihe National League. one out of the . fire, overcoming a hospital 'brought a riotous end '______' ______. editor, pick's the Cleveland Indiana eighth inning. of the Giants. Clem Labine of the That, means he probably will also this young man is-covered with running and diving catch of the ers right into the net. nearly A per cent above 1950. Rookie first sacker George take over DlMaggkva cleanup spot Q. When was baaeball’a first the Weahtngton Senater#, 4-3, aft­ dirt in no time at all. Brooklyn second' baseman's foul Ing to a game in the final playoff ite to score his sixth straight vic­ and New York Giant# to win the Brooklyn Dodgera, Bob Lemon and the Canadiens fought bpek and Tom Crowe— the Braves.’ batting, leader in the lineup, yogi haa no great Montgomery, Ala., April 11—(45 night game staged? er trailing. 2-0, after three (ta- , You never saw a player dive for at St. Petersburg's Lang Field on series of \ Eastern Hockey tory at Del Flansgan's expense to­ blueball pennant with the New Luke Easter of the Cleveland In­ League h ere.. ■ Johnson finally slapped In' a re­ uith a aingle and "double—^^walked dians. Yogi Berra, of the New desire for that role. —Willie Maya lost hla last appeal A, The flrat night game dalea hing*. Barter Chrie Van Cuyk a ball BO fa r—and get It, The Apr. 2. ' ■ night in the main ten rounder at York Yankeea and Brooklyn liaek to Septemher of IRM. Ama­ The" score—Johnstown Jets 4, bound of Bert Olmatead's shot. with one out and then 'meed homie York Yankees, Curt S'mmons of Simmons, back from the Army, was the winner. Bob Newion, at Bombers, Jackie Robinson and That ended the scoring until the St. Nicholas arena, Notice NEW TIRES i Dodgera In the tunnenip spnta. . to Alabama State Selective Barv- teur oliih* met. at Nantaakel There isn't enough light In the New Haven Tomahawks 1—was L’il Arthur seems to have re­ from flrat baae on Willard Mar- the and Ed­ la expected to team up with Robin 43, atarttag hia, fifth term \rith thoae who saw it still talk of his timing muddle. With McNeil out , Laraine Day Durocher, wife of Ice headquarters. Reach, Mass, With the aid of arc the Nats, hurled the laat ttaae- • !T1 day for Carey to practice. BUI almost oi’erlooked last filght in the gained some of the zip that once i the Giants' manager, aay* the ahall’a two-bagger. die Stanky of the St. Louis Card­ Roberta aa the top pitching pair In Dickey hits from 60 to 70 of the nets. Ted Lindsay took Sid Town of Bolton Junior Stephens had a big day the National League. Philadelphia T he ysupg New York Giant cen­ llghta along the field Ihev Were Innings and sent nine Dodgera In excitement that saw en8.T°f*^be- catapulted him high among the Notice is hereby given that on I Otanta’ will win the National inal-. grounders at a rattle in hls,direc- rink bleacherites tearing up their Abe.l's pass and drove the puck at bat. belting a towering homer in Manager Eddie Sawyer is banking ter fielder must report for induc­ able to go nine Inning* between a row back to the bench. into the open cage. ranking lightweights. The Toronto April 2, 1952, the Zoning Commis­ i League flag this aeaaon becauae Thomson, who Isat.year struck 5 and 9:80 p< m. The tion, gets a bang out of the Ala- seats to shower the Ice with p^es .Negro, by sweeping his last five 1 the fifth with Ted- Williams all his pennant hopes on the young tion into the .^rmed Force# May sion of the Town of Boltoq grant­ ! thev have ( ) "the best pitching aboard and then amacklng a two- perhaps the most significant home southpaw who sparked the Phils 17. stats Selective Services Dlrec- Bpahn menda Mick scooping up the ball of wood and metal. • X .bouts, boosted his record to 51 vic­ i in the league"; ( 2) a hitting pow- ed the application of L., T. Wood run- flifigle -In-, the e«veoth.-to..*vas. run. |r^ ..bSjSf be l}..^.hl#tpryj.^ . Mrrles -td-thelr- first .flag Jn..a5-yeax*,wlUt. Jor„ .il*n)iMi . T.-johnaon. wuiolmcnrt were with.a aplendld.piir.otbanda.. The . ..League. PFesident— -Tom. Lock­ tories and-seven-defeats. e r ■ ■ ws Tor uie^-exfefiifibb-’« f ' 'Jr a u M ': a'nd*''-'f'SV''''great -Teaifn t1ie"nraviesf foad, Boti mMst' ‘ a#-- big fellow would bat all day. If hart said he would- make a de­ Flanagan, on the other hand, the score. 4-4. . 17 victories In 1950. With Sim­ that ruling yeatorday. after, turn­ JackieBohm sc^^^^^ ■ filij"'...... Sjmiiioiis Talks business zonp to include the entire spirit.” . ■ . Yem Bickford .will hurl. for.the sume the lead role now that Monte mons Jh... to*. Army- Jtha. Phili ing, down Maya'..i'equaat for datar- Red ; Sox, S-4^..d*»I>)te ft on#-on that were poBSible, and when he rision In. New York today on what seem a to be slipping; -The fancy prbpe'rty of L. T. Woo'd situated Irvin ' Is ' s'dMIned with a broken Isn't s-wlnging his right-hand, long-- to do about defenseman Joe Dcs boxing 23-ycar-old St. Paul scrap­ Tribe when this city feud re.#umeX dropped to flfth last vear. ^ ment becauae of dependents. Maya' home run by Junior . Stephens.- Contract Today, on the Northerly side of Routes 44 CRUISER tomorrow in Fenway Park for the ankle. That role proved too much KEY TO INFIELD home la in Birmingham. To Bat Fonrlli In the only .other ^ m e bet- ball, bat, he works at third base. son, the Tomahawks’ captain from per once wa,s rated an outstapding and 6, consisting of 12 acres, n)®re of-a burden for 'Thomson in 1949 ’50 OLDS ROCKET Niagara Falls, N. Y., accused of prospect; in the lightweight divi­ fourth clash of the five-game aet. Stanky, making' his bow as a M.aya, who will be 21 May 6. major league cfiibs. the Phllai Struck on the temple and fiat- or less, and particularly bounded Plua Tax Lou Boudreau will u»® «n a>l- and 1950 when the Giant# unload­ phia Philltsa hipped the- Ga tened in practice in Atlanta. Carey deliberately dumping Referee sion. big league manager, la the key to *.'>>’* he t* Ufa chief support of . New/ York, A'prtI 'll"—(A5— Philadelphia, April 11—(Ah— and described as follows: 606x16 LAND SURVEYING ond rookie line-up except for,Williams, ed their big gun-—Johnny Mize the entire Cardinal infield. ' I f Ed- four of his nine brothers and sis- a six-innthg c'ohtaat cftlled to der- begged to r e m ^ in the thick of Mickey SIowick«lnto the boards. , who was given his But after going through his first J,s.c)|ie. .Robinsonstill ,ia slated to S2^*cri(fttr Ufibefttrii,'DH- ’ha*" drop­ ., -.'Easterly. priapeEty«,0f - E aeja X''”" - CIV a ENGINEERING -and .WaUtec.Caoper... - dto can play--100 games -at--aeoend U rs,aiv aunt--who- reared-hlm, -her n it, tha .Uana. to-m tok. «. ..^•1 '.lr>^ “ 8 8 ” things. - ' -...—i.-L-.- ' Lockhart' told -newrsmen i t •* 'xvas .hnVdridltWfiai ■"rSleasIf "by" 'fh's HOCKEY PLAYOpi^ ^ " Elliott, acquired-from the’ Boa- bis swltcnad from foiiHh'lbrrhlrd' Lucky for the Thlls. ; Tha Cakda blghjy possible he xvould Irfipose a ped five of his last seven starts. Lodge and Holbrook Pond and EXCHANGE WITH base. It would enable him to use daughter and two of the daugh- Carey, a good-looking chap, is Army ■j'esterday. 1# expected to Shekatqff,. in .parl by e sc h ;^ u th - BECAPPABLE.TIM .iqp, .Braves, earlier.^Uija T^feje must In the Brooklyn Dodgers' hatting Icored twlcft In the MVenth tojgo 5 PmuMtgcr Coupe-rDark greeiip lifetime ban on the player,. ,, meat .>wUh-. owner-..Bqb Carp«nt<)r ;,,jBoUi,hit,.hard-With the.,left, hand Edworcl i. Davhi J f i • ■driSeiT' ■MtmhfSF'Cmhrtey-'-Oifwaait' ifilBindluI of -BO .pravloua atiiric-oat but King's, right and speed give er1p''"hy''Siitfe'ffighway No. e'shtf' fill Trvin's' ahota ii'nil’l Wonte'' re'-‘ versatile players In - the game. ,al unemployed. ati'KftC ‘b b t 't t 'r ■p fp rb 'fw iita '^ hydramAttb ....."■■"'•"'poLit.i;;':';:"..... "" of the Philadelphia PhllUes today Detroit 3, Montreal 1 (Detroit said today. In their time a t bat. ao th* ac£r* third sacker, although he performs New Haven police arrested Des- him the edge over Flanagan, The 44 an Johnstown 4. New. Haven 1 made Irvin the moat- -valuable or two place# in th'e standings. Colonel Johnson said after talking ta four gamto with minor leag^ie held him in *500 bail. ‘While Des- from the Army at Camp. Kilmer. ttag well at the. No,. 8 po#(Uon, ", PiFatea' Hall-of-Famer. said Joyce, o f. the State.' - o f . Con­ BROAD .ST. IXU. geitSA Tftk 7#1» (J.Qhnalqwn leads .final , best-of-7 Giant In-1951.- Bob, a third base­ The- Tlgera will depend -a. graat JWUb...tha Negro, atar hers , yaster- inuadsi., ‘EM .; rhllidelphlg , ’51 PONTIAC Bon' went to police'Tieadijuartefs; N. J., Y'esterd’ay, he said he waX series, 3U). day, ' ■"‘‘But' RoWhioh' 'ciUi "ifo' 'more stopped Greensboro of the Case'y. graduated from Alameda Slowick w:ent to New Haven hos­ necticut, of Woodford," o f. Oole- man for the past five yes'i-a, will deal on Art Houttenian, their 19 considering a trip to Philadelphia 4 -geme- winner «#'-*980=who-4a. b«Clt:;:j=cci4*ya,: jptW-.-wa* YOtad 'tba" Na­ Ihings wHh; the- h *t '-th*n Snld*L.’l. Unit League;-fi-fi*, ■ftod': the Highi' mnro»» th e -b i^ - ■-frowF San pital;- Phymclan# ■ trerfteir 'Him' foe from" W h o m e“at'FT^^ ;TOan. -in.-r »;iba€b.- ;and ,-Nflttbc. Ijlay." lafb'field" and'-bat -in- -the- im­ said Dreasen, "an d could b* more W i’ri Itttt fDDflRg erly by property now or formerly portant fourth slot. • with the cliib after a year In the tional Lteagiie rookie of the year White Sox had to go 10 Innl “C H IE F T A ir Francisco, played only freahman what attendants described as a Allentown. In 1951, failed to pass an aptitude valuable hitting third." before . whipping the Atli ball a t . Saint.. Mary'?, where he slight laceration,, of Martin. LEMON BIG INJI'N service. S-Oe»r—Light blue bottom, dark "I plan in. uniform SaLur-: With Ted Williams all set to re­ te«t at hla-flrat pre-lnduotloh -ex­ Crackers of tha Southern . was coached by Johnny Vergtz, The Jets and Tomahawks, feud­ day," Simmons said, ’'when the YfE’RE TRADINC ■ • Said' changd -of Zone shall be­ Lemon, who' had a ao-so 17-14 ' . E L U O IT -TO IT-AY blue top, radio and heater. come effective, April 1.5, 195;?. record last year after three join the Marines, the spotlight amination. He waa re-examined tlon, 10-9. who third-based the Giants into ing most of the season, are sched­ Phils play an exhibition game „ Kanm_Cli3!:---/5prU- r T h e.WoeW Chap>P*w» Nam Ti uled to pday the fifth game in their SOLlMfENE. INC. ^ inning Commission atralght. 2Qrgame..wlnnlng aeasens-. falls on Walter Pro^, the W m sf - - —111 8i a ft- - KO--- ’ft# the World Series of 1933. with the (Philadelp.hi.aJ_.Athle.U5S, baseman miiaf produce the big 'WWB'ToTiT dr "Coloh'et Rtanabn’"* Bntl EillOlt« InD ri€W iOrK-L#lRni* YankMg^and' the Detroit-'"T l Johnny Verge* ,outdid himself, best of seven champlonshtp play­ IFthlhigs go right, I should be tak­ DODGE an» PLYMOUTH Oscar Kreysig, Chairman must have a big year. He Is ex­ newest outfielder, aa expected-to Dated April 2, 1952 pected to take up life alack should blows formerly provided by Wl|- decision, Maya rommenled that h# weren’t so fortunate. The Yi WEMBLE\'-UVIVERSITY and then some, In Andy Carey, or offs series here Sunday. The Jets ing ray regular turn In a couple of waa "ready to go in" for his tWo- make hla dehut today agatnat the dropped a 6-8 verlct to the Bi ’58 OLDS ROCKET every trained observer who has lead 3 to I. and need one more vic­ weeks.” year-hitch. Cleveland Indiana. more Oriole* of the Intematti seen the newest Yankee star is tory to clinch the. title. T h e 22-year-oId southpaw de­ He said lie will play hall until ' OElginally, Bob figured on flying League and the Tiger* , were t ARROW - BEAli BRUMMELL dead wrong. Johnstown officials said after clined to discuss the terms he Mav-17, to* Induction date. from th* coast, but he mftised med by the Chattanooga Look the game that because of the con­ wouM set • before Carpenter—ex­ "That’s my living," ha added. plane connections, and had to take of the Southern Assodatlon, 6- ALL THE FAMOUS MAKES duct of the crowd last night, they cept to say that he is " -not Inter­ At Our Manchester Pontiac Dealer ship. a train. Manager Leo Durocher might try • to get the Sunday 4-Door—Dark green, fully equip. ested in any bonus clauses based Four of every five, .automobiles said he would aend Elliott into ac­ Britain now produces *boutl40 game shifted to Johnstown, on how I qiake out this year.” "made In Britain afs exported to tion . immediately in the cleanup per cent of all thg food ah* obn- Mister! we're ready and'W-aitinjg with the aroartest, most 1>ed, -meKhaalcally excellent. Local Sport So mpeh. debris, IHcluding "heavy "I don't expect. any contract NATIONALLY Aj^l^RTlSED countries overseas. , apot In the batting order. abmee. colorful selection of tlea In our history. AH the patterns to bring Very clean.-' ' pieces of meta'l, sailed onto the Ice trouble" with ifr. Carpenter." out the best In every Easter outfit. STRIPES. POLKA-DOTS, around the Johnstown net. that the Simmons’.,return to the Phils _L PRINTS, OEOMETRICS, FOm-ARDS and PLAIN COLORS. C h a tte r Jets refused to go on with the from'service, with the 28th Infan­ BRANDS— RtRST O FF gariie. After several minutes' de­ try Division in Germany Is expec­ 1 / 3 JOEY ACOORNEBO is a sprint­ ity, Johnstown was allowed to de­ ted to bolster the club’s chances QUALITY — FRESH STOCK ’50 MERQURYJ-OR. er -with the 4&niverslty of Con­ fend the opposite net and the In - the National League pennant 1 ^ 1 . 0 0 necticut track team UlTs spring. game continued. race. ___ . * GUARANTEED « p Metallic gray, plastic seat oosn THIS IS ITU Adolph Grimm is a two-milep with FULL FACTORY WARRANTY ere, heater, Immaculate. ' Coach Carl Flacher'a squad.. * EASY TERMS WOMEN ARE INVITED to 6ALGH is Your ANOTHER BEHER BUY AT BALCH’S ^ D o n 't 1>on't register and attend the Little EASTER BASKETS TAKE^' 18 MONTHS TO PAY ^ O L D S “88” 'Lieague basebait'-umpires'' eebooi which wlU get underway Wednes-,' 39e ts MAO 1949 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN X SIZE LIST SALE PRICE* 4-Doo.r Sedan — Light green daj’ night «t 7 o’clock at the Blur. Radio and heater, “ Cl A . A. C ' Wcat aide Rec> Any man Interest-. plastte- am t covers, wMt« aide .Stock\^i0^ .U-ass. .- v.,- ;- .2 0 * 1 j0 - " '> " :,- .-'.'13.40-"^ ^ iq.. umpiring. :U|. .tittie. League ^ Easter Plants^l Up ,. 6 0 0 * T 4 ; V " H i It! "waHsL radio, heater, hydramatlc play la urged to attend the aer- 1951 CHEVROLET STYLELINE DELUXE . 6 5 0 x 1 6 2 4 . 8 0 1 6 . 5 5 drive. ' •> Sion. Alt umpires who will work ■,. ,Gr«pting; Cards For :, 'lii'.tbe American and'■vJratkmiiyf'i All Occasions . stock No.: NT-188...... ^ 1 0 / 0 2 4 JO • 1 6 . 2 0 .little . LMguM. this. :«ef#9a .huia.t Id" ’i’-dWT". ’-i-'.'g-risas-'ft 6 5 0 x 1 5 '-f'" attend the school. A BETTER DEAL 1pr• 9 P. M. MOTOR SALES CHILDREN MAY BE StiRtk EiMfrMit Ubtraltriw GLENNEY’S , S E E N A T Middia Tumpik'e Bfitt T eL S -1124 789 MAIN STREET West Ceijiter at Hartford 61 UNIOH STREET MS ciiiu ittm attenfm m m ea t i . ^ * Road . ' H L 2 . 2 8 7 0 i O i P . ' T ‘ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1962 ...... •.'-..f:* • ^ ______• • ______• - • . ■■■_____ - ■ •' : ...... - - -t...... DAILY GHOS8%WID I*U555SiiB------:oiftbURW*T^ BY J;R. WTLLiAMBltnHt«>ARDlNG HOUSE ; with MAJOR HOOPt® Anawef to Previous Puul* MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1952 OlET A THAT’S A PlitTV PAGE EIGHTEEN HA-HA/ 1 43^A , l'V £ 6 0 T A HOT U6-A\MK.' HeAMSMStiBANDeR/ n r-iL u a 1 lAu gh VVHEN I 1-o o k . LAUGH WHEN PIG BACK AT [Maws FLA6H,0/)CLE ARE VDO 30KIN©? NO. X SCB Equin* Exf^mtnt Sense and Nonsense Househoid Goods SJk AT o w e f f "IHESe^LF- LOOKAJ HIM, AND IF PARDOnI. VDU AREH’T / — CAHT SCO ABtomobilco for Solo 4 Automobito* lo r Sato 4 ] AiitoinobUes for 8«to _ i BuIMIng—ContracUag 14 Help Wanted-r.Femile 85 .Boat* and A ccomoHm 46 SOME OFTM* HE’S TOO FAT- -. Ne Mystery. -. - El fle n u n aasra k* never OILIW SOUP COCP& _ ME, UNCLB'AMOS ' BRIEF •IHS LAD OH THE any comfort smoking in the BUltdPBR-Oarpenter—Flrat >.cla*a WAITRESS Wanted. Steady work, MOTOR BOAT and trailer for NEW O. E Refrigerator modtl N. BUT THCV HAPOA CO IT THINGS THEY HEAPED TO ■MUkONTAL 81 Withers (4ise Herrington In the Boston c l e a n CARS 1941 PONTIAG Club Coupe, heat­ THAT BIRD,. SACRfeO .FlNAtny OF A . r-irar itatuvirai i Post) until Mrs. Scram parked heb glg< work. New homes: Blueprinta good pay. The Tea Room, 885 sale. Thompson boat, 1948.. Evln- B. 8., was $249. now $179. Five TO KEEP -yOO BABES SHOULP HAVE GET IT, TM’ IPbpular 82Tumoutw*r4 IT Clwifinl er, radio. Good condition, good year guarantee on sealed uanlt. .... JM(?ROVEP KI.P I.S R E 6 6 ie TRAHSACTiOH UiHe OORG' « , Research has shown that th* aratUi on tha mantle and snafen- TOM BROWN HAS THE ;....PEICED LOW.. , tlrea. small Sown payflieitt,- sai- • avallable.r A.lao alte«tloa», - ■ rei, ..Main.atreeL ■ , . ’ rude motor, 2214 h, p., also' 1848. FROM lOiaseTTIbiTO ' All Ih'A-1 'coiidltton.' Reaaonable.- -Colla'Construotiofv. and.Appliance . OIL- OK. WASnbl’.n^- y .OM BUTw.' RIGHT./ . DePLAStER, ,r-»-.TeLL Him THERE’/S NO ..equine. __..VkllTKlAL.... mair'who whittle* while h e vrofke- -ed the weodwork. -• . Written Guarantees ance $8 weekly. Calao Service paira, 'garagiaa, etc. Phone Oo.fc. MORE « e NSE in h is CLERK TYPIgT needed for amall Phone 2-35??. 249, Broad eve;__ AKl' KEEP 10 0 OUT / FOUND EM I’LL HAVE WHO t r a d e d VOO • remeles of the iwithas I doesn’t produce *a .much as tha ^livertiwmienis REAL u s e d CAR- VALU ^,iaSOiiGhevrdet Club Goi;®«b-« j5 18M Dodge coronet 4-Dr.—Gyro. modal. Round bobbin,. ..reverse BACK.' OF udillSIANA.' nympha if soiirpusa,-phd Kla ’ ttm* 'Im T •^* 8:15 A; M. to 4:89 P. M. OOO m ile(h^l,096. > “ ■-mechahiclally perrecti 9.000 imllear “ragea. doVmera, "llterattoha'’ ' and ona TyTl*wWter Co;, 178 Church Jewelpy , 48 dleplaasure at I lU t 1U ^ matlc drive, radio, heater. 4,800 street, Hartford. stitch, rews over pins, ail attach­ nileilerato iP w riM d - m wasted.' —...... - Employer—'Who told you thad mile*. Juat like new. Famous Make Power Mowers Original owner. Call 8076. No Jobbing. Luck Sc Peterson. Tel, LEONARD W. 'fOSTN^aler, re­ dealer*. Manchester 4028. ments Including patch-o-niaitic UPate-coiored $ English 11 Give UCUck beetle you could neglect your office - COPY CLOSING TIME Briggs and Stratton Motor Vva,NTED—Houseworker, 5 day pairs, adjusts watches^m ertly. darner. Worth $244, sacrifice for l I Lendad 1851 Chryeler Windeor Club Coupe sta teaman ISErecte 36 Height of . Magnate—My boy, there . ar* duties Just ^eaus* X kissed ,POR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Save Up To 15% 1941 NASH, One owner car. Me­ WE WILL nnlah your uhflnished week. Hour* 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Reasonable prlcea. Open ogUy. $139. Will take $2 weekly. PhonC pmpeiiy • D ttofdar 23 Simple these animals two things that are 'Wtally'nsess- mics In a while ? —Loaded with extraa. 5,120 Thuraday eveninga. 139 S] mile*. Jiiit like new. Good tirei. chanically sound. Elconomical rooms *0 you can have mor* Call 7913.' ■ 7691, USummw (»y) » Qualified 2« Hawaiian is meaaurad In sary If you are to succeed in busi­ Stenographer—My lawyer. MON. THRU PRl. COLE Mo t o r s —4164 tranapurtation. Must aell. $200. room for yburaelf and mbresvalue atreeL Phone 2-4387. 17 Backs o< necks eifoU va precipice ness. GREIST buttonhole attach- 19:80 A. M. I860 Chryeler Windsor 4-Dr,--Ra- CAJ^O— 2^0980 Call 2-0233. for your home.- Phone 2-0726. 9 Dinara U Marks to. 37 Youtta Son—What ara they dadT Some ' mea alwaya wear din, heater. Excellent family car.- Help Wanted— Mato 36 jpr rotary sewing machine, IiuUa shoot at 39 English rlvtr Magtiate—Honesty and. aaga- 91 and 436 Center St. Fuel and Feed 49-A also neW ^etal box camera. Tel. 10 Auatate clothe# they ahould, even to ? SATURDAY 9 A. M. All new tlreii. 1951 MERCURY two-door aedan. lODiipatck IlRebuffcr 31 Venerate 41 CoMed fabrics cily- ' convlct’a suit. r ...... Loaded. TM« -oner-ie nearly-new. Florisls---‘Narseries , 15 SEABOSWD-'HiMweaar «ui "for ..2-2843-. ------— iLr..- Ultidarautca: 'ttSpeaker. 43Lov* to enaas 8on-“ What is . honesty ? 1850 I d a y ’ Sdib iA'^AFE PLACE TO BUY IS BaeaiieeUke'’ voini ooopiEitA'noN w i l l Only 8,000 mile*. Local .one owner .-w a n t e d ! ^ ’ ; ; ' ■ ' stove, furnace or fireplace. Call ' under grass USack 48 Pedal digit Magnate- Always —no m a 11 er Dad--If my daughter haa acj Coupe—A real anaaiy car. New USED CARS car, fully guaranteed. Save real 10.000 EASTER Plant* at reason-- BENGAL CombihaUon gas and BB AFPREOIATED A^l MECHANIC ' , Leonard Oiglio. Phone 7083. thair aaddlas UDanos step 34 Kind of Uvs 47 Naval I(eb.) what haptwna or how adversely It ceptad you, why come to me?{ white tires. Extra good trade-in. money on this one. See .Bob able - pricer. Hydrangea*. $1; oil range, with »lbv» pipe, 60 may affect ybq—always keep youf Moat are one owner, low mlleag# gallon oil drum and Aand, $25. 1 UN** Swain—I’d like some advlc* o ' car*.'Prevloua owners re*- Oliver, Center Motor Sale#, ..461- hyjuUnth's. .500-;. lUUps..25c:.lUle*. leThla animal word once you have given it. the advlaablltty of marrying her 1848 Niilih Sti^r 600 4-Dr.—Tta- 50c; cut dowers, $2 per docen; CaU 6263.''"" ■ r-1 I r r Bon—And. sagacity ?,iL.... DIAL512T dfo, heater, Seal cover*. queafc Maln .atreet. ' b e s t o f W O R k iN G Garden— Farm-Dairy ——'ttsfnal- r r- " —-V- g large assortment of corsages at CONDITIONS i Products 50 ClOUBLE maple bed, Reinforced., . MPtaya on ' Magnate—Never give it, -Associate yourself with persons 1951 Dodg'a Coronet—Radio and $1 each. Including tax. Open eve­ d ft 1847 Pontiac Club Coupe — Extra coll spring, mattress optional.^ w o fd e . of quality If you esteem your own heater, gyromatic, two tone blue. Auto Accessories—^TirM 6 a n d P A Y WELL RCyttED COW^manure, for f4wrFFff..*i'ihil clean. Radio, heater. nings *til 9, all day Sunday. Mc- 17 Bom On a )>arty telephone' out- of reputation, ,1 Loot and Found 1 your lAwna and. gardens. Order It Phone 7306. n. K Price 12,179.. TIRISS. Brand new take-off a. .Flrat Convllle'a Greenhouse*. 302 J ’,(7vviUjaM4 UOrlanlal poro North Bay, Ontario, some sub- 1840 T>tymouth Deluxe 4-Dri- -One 'Wobdbrtdge atreet, or-2-5947. now—$10 a loa i delivered. Phone THE OLPE5T PEUP u. *... Stranger—What tort, of q case rotn JD — D4amonNT NOCKIE.' w~ aefk-T-t wouldn’t want to ssyi Storage 10 teriaia. Workmanship guaran­ I ..a.:-,-. ------—. BALED HAY tor aale. W. B. Wll- N0CKIE-A-A8 U A — ^ is. used _JK—. - 1---- listening, m: --v*-—— Gypsy Phone 5f01. THOUGHtHAD -nMEfYHE < OKE fiAME LEFT-A-ANPIM »E 60lHeT» V <»KAV-m i r the Jury’a verdict will eettle that. s a l e s m a n , ' ^ perienced only. A ty rlde*< e( THB PROSPBCt Hill ScBool for 1948'Me r c u r y club coupe. Ihctre grearf. Radio, heater. Price $1,514. teed. A. a : Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn Itams, Bolton, Route 44. Phone 2- GlUFMapoV eOMR IEHMP-MTHINK WASHIHflTOM V All the complalnerii told about man who can seU new and used 1?66. AWARTON . these equlaaa B young cliUOren. Pre-Klndergnrten, nice condition. Lustrous gyeen GARAGE FOR Rent. Inquire 575 atreet. '?hone. 4880.. WARD’S GARDEN tractors.. Full MY THUMfi' TM m r i y m JMTOunrAN060 home/ _L hearing a clock ticking near the Little Fallow—Key, mister, dM cars and appraise used cars. Must U At this place « KindorgKton. " ..paint Inspect this car,.Nope.lM|t- 1949 Dodge 'Wayfarer—Radio and :. range . o f . sixes.- 27' attachments "open phone.” With this a* a due you loss a wallet ? ' „ . Ont;sb atraet, «r call g u a r a n t e e d Robhng ipd robf ti# aggreriiive *nd-'wlHlng. ' A FIVE OR SIX-tons of Well cured 37Lollmr *V*rlday. Transportauon funiu ter anywhere. Douglas Motors, ' "Keateri btaclc, white wall ttre*. available. Buy on Ward's month­ ■ L the manager of the telephone repairing. Gutters '«nd condlic- . good opportunity in '’a small loose hay; $25 at the barn. 284 UBaesoniiig' • • Scotaman-r-Noo tbot j/o mmUMt «d. Mr* U l* Tybur, director. 333 Main. j, Price $ i„ m ly payment plan.’^only 10% down. IP co'mfMiny mad* an: 'Invefitliatton torA Coughlin 7707. . dealership. Salary and commis­ Lake atreet. Phone 2-2961. A. E. 40Mt*a Oardaer It, 1 did. And then he feel ;¥hone 2-5767. Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 l',4 - 2 HP Hoe-Trac-with tires, p and found that an elderly . lady hts jxickets anxiously. Did ye flnt 1948 CHEyR.pLET fleetline Aero. 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4- sion. If not capable of earning Fish. 41 Stormad. r • i to.. -——--- ■ ‘'i—' Dr.-^Radlo, heater, gray; Price $164-.50 ; 2V4 - 3 HP Chpr-Trac 43 Sailor had found the telephone receiver it? BAUiAKO'S Driving School. M»n- Extra special condition. 1946 over $8,000 yearly do not -apply. i made a good "darhlng hall" while Little Fellow—No, I Just wantqd cheeter'* olde»t 'rhouemnd* of *c- Chevrolet Fleatmaater aedan. For­ $1,042. ; ' BOY’S 28" 'Bicycle with two speed ' Roofing 16-A Mcaure Autb Co.,. 373 Main VERY GOOD chicken manure for With tires', $224.50; 4 HP 'Plow- 44 Profited r p H Trao with tlrea $289.60. -Mont­ repairing the family's .winter to asa hoW many have .loat tbam. t>«a*ht free liutroctlon Hour*. mer local owner, Dougia# Motora, . ahift. Reasonable. ca ir2 -9 l4 i,'' - sale. Take it from pile. Call Rock­ 46Powerful ■ ROOFING..Specialising In'repelr- ■’street.'' .... ~ atoeklngst You’re- the 16th today. , rHundtede o f itttifled etudenU. 333 Main. ville ‘5-7604. gomery Ward, 828 Main' street, expleatve id ‘ SOLIMENE, Inc. ' Ing roofs of all kinds. Also new ri For appointment telephone 2- DUMP TRUCK ■driyer.'i' wanted.' Manchester. 4* $iegs 19.10 CHEVROLBTS, tudora, for- Dodge-Pl.vmouth Cara Wanted AQtos ropfs. Gutter work. Otlmney* -2M5. ______Job-Rated Trucks Apply Colla TJonstructlOn, 349 it Island In New n u CARNIVAL BY DICKTURNB^ dors, deluxe*. Radio'*, heater*. All Motorcycles cleaned, . repaireo. 28 years’ ex- Broad street. Rousehfllld Goods 51 BOLENS POWER-MO hand trac- Yorkbay 834-Center Street 12 -.gjcrience. Free estimate*. Call tor with JO" lawn mower and 42" S a VIS r o o m for rider* to South- In extrf nice condition. Fully MR. a l b e r t o f ln | ^ . let jthlft. Tel. Delbert Or- guaranteed. Douglaa Motora, 833 Phone 5101 or 5102 WANTED—Good, clean, local used Howley. Manchester 5361." s'nov/ plow. Used 3 seasons. In John BY EDGAR MARTIN ALBERT’^ FURNTTURE CO. good operating condition. Save !B(' AND HER BUimiES mtt, 2-1258 after 5. Malh. ■ Safe Place To Buy Used Cara cars, qarke Motor Sales, . 301 CARPENTER and all around help­ SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH Broad. 'Phone 2-2013. _ .1., CTIUGHLIN ROOFS stay on iii wishes ; to meet a reliable - person $100 on new price. R. E. Beach, er wanted. Call 2-4239, evenings. SURE. SOD DOtbS fPRINO aeanlngT It win be GET BETTER VALUE ON 1951 BUICK -Special aedan. Radtiv any kind of storm! .For guaran­ TO TAKE .OVER 143 Boulder Road. Phone 2-449.1 V W .W lS .VOO ElEtM 466 NRt..9D07.BV66VNS’.i . MiOarJf jrpu j»tart pow to collect Business .Sei^ces Qffsred 13 teed roohng 'call Coughlin, Man- after 7 p. m. or Saturday mom- ■ Ml your old cltrtne»,__rags,- carpet* A BETTER USED: €AR . -can.mrianga-.iTS payfnent*: •- of ■eheste'f TTVt. ‘ ...... * WANTED—Carpenters -xnd- help­ 3 ROOMS PURNITUHB TO hVOMS $22.84. Douglas Motora, 333 Main. - and mattraaaaa. Volunteer woth- ' AT . CARPENTER will frame undqlsh- ers. Call 2-0253 after .1 p.^m. with.” Westlnghou*e’’ Electric Re­ I DO', A'DDAKiCE.D OUTSTANDING Values in good tra will pick them up at your 1940 NASH jour-door, Good condi­ eb tipataira rooms. Reaaonablei frigerator, "Bengal’’ Comblifat(on CV9«&& ? BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. ' Call i-4291.-. Heating—Plumbing . 17 BAKER WANTED. Full .time Range, “ Universal" Washing Ma- used Oliver Caterpillar, Massey- Joor Saturday .morning. April 18. tion, $150, Quick rale. Can be seen Tou’H be helping the Cancer workAelx days a week. Apply 'chlne, "Emerson" Television set— Harrla, Allls-Chalmers, Farmall 1951 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan— at 134 Charter Oak street. REFRIGERATION Service, com­ PLUMBING and heating. Fum- Federal Bake - Shop, 885; Main fund. too. also Includes Bedroom Set, Living tractors. Used pultlvstors for Powerglide. mercial and domestic. See oUr aces, oil burners and boilers. street. ' Room set; Dinette Set, Rugs, Farmail M. F .12,-F220, Allls- 1948 BUICK 4- t Jj.rpna.#. turh rys.. —-A4: The'-Gveen-'-—T-7— ■■ ehtiec keuseholda.- -Let-us-mtlte" ■ c«im i.' ■car be aeen aneir 6 p. m; "6044;- - •-» . Fresh frdxen. Ready anytime. and heater. Priced ■ way below Phone 2-4022, evenlhgi 6186 or you ah offer, 'rile Woodshed. 4M2 Dodge— eJ”! beater, 2- celling. Clarks Motor. Sales, SOI at 170 Hilliard street. ^ 8109...... Onter for Easter. Schaub's .Tur­ ^ d ^ r deluxe. Low ianlleage. A big Open 9 :30 to 6 Phone 2-3154. ~ . . Broad. 1942 PLYMOUTH four-dTOr. Good Moving—Trucking- key Farm. 188 HtllMown Road. I saving. HAHN’S Furniture rednishtng end Evenings '7:30 to 8 :30 U Sl Plymouth Cambridge—With 1941- dHEVROtaT 2-door. Fin# running condition. Price $275. ..repairing. l^rnlce* made to Storage 29 CHICKS. Small and started. 7/9.000 miles. Like new. (Phone 7252 after 5, ■White and Barred Rocka. Carlson' WANTED--Girl’s, sidewalk bike. A. r " condition, aarke Motora, 301 order. Phone 2-9533. MANCHESTER PACKAGE Deliv- WHY Pa y m o r e ? Benson'a has Call 8609. .T.CM2 /T. a. s « y. a Nl ad I ■ Broad rtreet. Open, evenings. Farms. Phone 6971, corner Sum­ W' TV at the- lowest prices Ih ^etyf. MAVE SEEN CHECK TUEAt CHBIE.THE DOCTOR $*>5; and long distance moving, pack­ able and standard typeWritera. street. Tel, 3535. UMDEK6IM4XP44NCE MtoVE HAD A MILO CON- CURI^l and Cab—Extra clean truck. 1?51 Ford Tudor 8 Cyl.—Radio'and A REAL BUY ^ The automatic 'and tank. Call 2-2719._ , CHBOc BVBityrmM , ONTHE64NCE gratoful?" BUGS BUNNY ing, crating and storage. Service All makes of adding, machine* CIK4ION— A 4PACE TRIP Ready for work. 1950 Btudebaker Champion Tudor heater. -' stainless steel ball-bearing clothes REASONABLE — 1937 Coldspot colonelel-sdn— TNEyAamVEPAT THE PLATFOHM 48 P&Jnouth Club'Goupe—Radio to all.psrta of the u. S. Call sold or i^nted. Repairs on all EWEH 44IPPUEE POCK VK6TERPAY. MOW WOULD BE RI^RY. H-MURRV UR, EUEd.YOO'RR WMSfT D-PO If. v o o A in n Sedan-;;^I^uipped. 1830 Ford Cklb Coup* 8 CyU— line requiring, no .clothes pins. - electric refrigbratm’ in good run- Wa n t e d —^Any,-. old , makes- : o f FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER NOO ^*SNT «IV*4» M « and heater'. A swell little car. Radio and heater., overdrive. - 5t'87.- m H ford' 6--'M«3.--- : makes.'Hafiow'*:" oam tuostto Z'VE AI9REP PR. Stretc'h.proof, rust-proof wire— a .btog.ontoL ,«l8o.Jhav4.g)U atovd^in •miKT Y Nd MOT 47 Plymouth Bualness Coupe. .l?.4L;S<5iitr.h«ker:Comnwndet 4^ 1950 M emiry Sport Sedih” Radio; ■ product of'the Uhlrtd 'Steer Cb: T U tto a a tr . TO t a k e YOUR PLA*E- Sedan—Ekjuipped.. : - • fair condition for $5. Call 3414. Call af ier 6 p.- m. 2-1506. ft^^jSOT EOlNBr 'NRINtr 46 D ^ ge Custom 4-Dr.—Radio heater, overdrive. For free demonstration without BOLTON — Building stone and T O U E im / Painting—Paperinif 21 flagstone. Bolton Notch Quarry. and h.eater. A-1 condition. 1941 Ford Tudor 8 — Radio and obligation call 2-0968. 1949 Ford Tudor Sedan. Phpne 2-0617, SlydcainiUie;.:.equlpped: - heeler,-- __ __ Wolcott cm washing machines, ice, Good workmanship. Reason­ K20.96r;Watkin'#-Bros.. 935 Main U-'Dodge +-Dr.—Radio and heaU 1949 Ford'IHidor 6 Cyl.—Radio and vacuiim cleaner*, . motors, small No. 1, $3 cu. yarl^^ GrsderNifcii: tfeTHwr. -psnraX Parkrng.” PHoire~ able price; 'D. y St” ■ Frecheft’e. $2 cu. yard.' Delivertd in truck' street. er. Fine condition. 1948 Chevrolet Convertible Coupe. appliance*. Pick (ip and delivery.- 4724. heater. Phone 7630. load lots .Order now. ‘ Nuasdorf Hudson : 4-Dr,—Good trani' 1946. Ford Tudor 6 Cyl.—Radio-and . A-1 repair. Sales. ISO' Main 1947 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan. - Construction Co.'Phone 3408. BENSON’S Can improve your TV SII^OLE ROOM, excellent loca- nrtatlon—8195. heater. ' . * Phone 8597. • PAINTING, Paperhanging. No reception my replacing your worn f / 'Job too amall. Estimates ofi out­ tlon, on bus line. References ex­ 40 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan. 1947- Studebaker 4-Dr.'Sedan. 19.19 Olda Sedan—Heater. SEPTIC TANKS for immediate de- out antenna lead-in with new side painting. Call 2-0726. changed. Reasonable, Call 6930. 39 Plymouth 2-Dr. 1940 Buick Sedan Radio and POWER BURNERS and Range livery 300 gal. $51.50; 500 gal., wire. Call 3635 for service. Chevrolet Opera Coupe. ^ Many Others To Choose From Burnefa expertly cleaned and heater. $72.50 ; 275 gal. oil tank with 14 O GARDEIN Drive. Furnlahed 38 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan, 1940 Plymouth Tudor—Heater. torvlced.. Let ua aervlce and re­ 88 Chevrolet Sedan—Radio and TRUCKS pair your washing machine or re­ Repairinir 22 gauge, $58.50; 30 gal. automatic room with kitchen privileges. 1939 DeSoto Sedan — Radio and FLORENCKi'. Combination . stove, Couple or woman. Inquire after- PRISCILLA’S POP The Under-Privi'eped BY AL VERMEER heater. Good condition. heater. frigerator. Metro Sendee. 2-0883. gas water heater; $104.50. 10% 1949 studebaker H Ton Pick-up. MATTREaS. Your old mattreaaes- down, balance -monthly. .Mont­ oil and gas, 4-4. Phone 2-8854. 5 p. m. .r. 35 Ford 2-Dr.-*Excellent motor. 1948 Ford—Platform body; 1% ton, 'atertllaed and renihde like new. . .SOMVMOTMER' HOW COME WE 1948 International. Panel 14 Ton., new 'tires, new paint. . ANTIQUES Refintthed Repairing gomery Ward, 828 Main, Man­ Ls r a b b e d t h e m o p , NEVER HAVE Save At dona on iny furniture. TIemann, Call.'Jones Furniture and Floor chester. FOR RENT—Double room, nicely 1?39 Ford - Platform body I ’ l ton. ------^ ------i USED APARTMENT sixe gas . furnished.’ One or two' pirsonir, AND WAULED ANV FUN AT, 1948 Studebakgr IH^Ton Chassis. 189 South Main atreeL Phone Covering. 38 Oak. Tel 2-1041. O FF AND... OUR HOUSE I BARLOW MOTOR SALES NEW LAWN Mower, used few stove; -Reasonable. CaII -2-8273. -near bus. Rhone 7987 after 5 p. Wapplng. Conn: DILLON SALES and 5643. ' m. or Sunday, CHORCHES MOTOR SALES times. Inquire 202 East Center WE BUT and sail good used furni­ pen Until 9 P. M.. and Sundays SERVICE W'tNDOW SHADES made to order Private Instructions 26 street after 3. t I - Phona*404 ----- Studebaker Sales and Service .....319 Main Street ture, combination ranges, gas ROOM FOR COUPLE, kitchen and instailtd.. ;V*n«ttan bitnda STXRT. tnvlsibl* ReWeavlng busi­ ranges and neatera. Jones Furni-. 80 Oakland St. Manchester ------Telephone 518.1 and curtain-rods. 24 hour service. POWER LA WM Mowers.' EeSy" to privllegar. Near Cheney*. Inquire 1|42 PONTIAC fpuT-door. Radio ness at home. Earn $5.00 an hour operate. Easy to own. Buy on ture Store. 36 Oak. Phone’ 2-1041. 224 Oiarti't Oak atreetr. Phone U d heater. Excellent condition. Telephone 2-9483 1950 CHEVROLET four doors, Estimates gladly ' given. Fagan In spare time. We teach and fum- terms, balance _moo.thly,.18’Lgas 83ea ~ M eed under celltng. - Clarke two doors, cirb coupes. Five Window Shade Oi., Route 44- M lah everything. Writ* "Weaver’s DIVAN,- T ^ ehalrs; twbi -maple Motor Salea. 301 Broad atre^^. BEFORE YOU Buy a used rMitic aiito- heater, clean. Onl;y $876. Agricp lawn, $2.56 50 lb*: Land FOUR ROOM Semi-furntriied CalUng Mr. Yates BY LESLIE TURNER i*thtt*6 how our .bfildhotdo^ w a Hot* o41 ” lb ' |2J».’ -PlkWte'’’»-*i«ih('' ** Fleetllner—Like'. jnew.' YOUR, own gai^en, Rent a hose 50’ 7.9S. Gladiolue hulbs,. 10 Apply morning*. 7 Walker street. HAPM’T RecOOEREP hCCOtkPUCB IM THItf CMLfilitfy. AafiMT MAWeD TAT*5 AT 0«CE. OFFICER' IF KE TOONERVILLE f o l k s BY FONTAINE FO; 4^y.ClmqmlaL.JDijitiW IT PUT NJDH*UE‘EM BEEM a fter COOUIWA for MOHlHcj/ COWFlMd ; '»(tai(yTtiteTi.'*6Bseto'2MefciiaOT MIS WEARY PUMWM DIOMT \ Hb WASTtX? SOS/ S N 0 RIN 6 f . .-)N»d'-x.haBd-.;»aHarai.'::-apw ^*ra.- e-‘WmibOd-'«BkF‘W’'‘,''$^'.-T4|yrt^^ir’eiofflUiMttoiv Mov»'S-*wl -A"' ‘ ipart'mra t-^ ^ tv ------if swflff'Wgisjw Mft-T»wSTat«SKri&«E;ni«^ i'ts.-tii-'iT'j: 8846 ■ blue. plaattP jSeaX toyeiaivTop. :'aweap«ea«»^-.alckle:.> baw.. .^rsiary. inca""oil burner*; two - 8 ______rf'V lA/uaic’i e / —■ i . condt«6n-£-$1.19S. ' ' toole, insect aprays^.’ilawit’ moW" large ftdW*, '$lS5 a month’. 'A 4- '49 Chev. Aero—Heater—$1195. mowe'rs’, lawn carta and chain (L im C H T O N B iw and - variety era. Rest-a'-rol1er!'$l per day. jugs, $26. Phone 2-1669. B E Q U I'R K S a m 'UiriBBiLLA A KAmifiiOAT' 1948 CHEVROLET AERO Mwa. Call 7958. Capitol Equip­ V ^ rsid p ln g an enelLent business. room sparlment, $ lio a month. ✓ { Real nice car. 1947 "Fofd Tudor—New motor and Disston spring' steel lawn. rake, ■49 GMC K 'Ton Pickup. ment Co., 38 Main street. Good lMMr—-you SIORE DOHMY/ $295 SCRANTON SALES and GIRL WANTS FIFTY-TWO cinder blocks; 8 x 16, 6988. TOEflOS H0U5B A5 PLACk LAdfiTUtMlT/ C*MU5EMTC*R/ n u m y . truck, four rpeed transmission. s ' .SERVICE FLAT FINISH Holland window store. UuM have driver’s license. fler’s. Open every night ’tH 9' p.- A l-KriaJO place ^ FLOOR ALL 5H.TE1F \ ^ conscious/ 1947 CHEVROLET BUSINESS Like new. Speclal this week/ Only shades made to meaaure. All $10. Also one 11.00 x 20 truck m. All day Saturday 'til 5 p. m. FOR REINT—Snack bar with Ilv- . FOR HI5 LOOT... 1 Tolland Turnpike at Pleasant working conditions tire. Call 2-8224. OVSR WITH RIVER COUPE $1,075. Clarke Motor Sales, .301* Partter Street metal Venetian blinds at a'new Chance fa r quick advancemenL Ing quartera New Bolton Road. A nice buy at Broad. Open evenings. loW price. Keys made ‘while you SIMMONS ' HIde-a-Bed davano Phone 6389. ^ $696 AS la Call .Willimantic 3-5276 between PEAT HUMUS. Excellent soil eon- style. Call 3-2806 from 8:30,a. m. wait. Marlow*A 9 and 6 for appointment: Ask for dltioner—top- dressing. Phone 1961 CHEVROLET Fleetlln# de­ Mrs. Chartier. until 2:80'p. m. ■ • See ■ luxe tudor.-dtadio, heater, aignal 1947 PLYMOUTH airnial. deluxe WEAVING of bums, moth holes 6516. Wanted to Itont 68 J______i;______PARLOR HEATER with 9" Flor­ lighta, slip cover*, etc. Beautiful four door. Lustrous black finlah. and tom clothing, hosiery runs, WANTED—On# shirt press opera­ "BUD" !mICHALAK ence burner, .Westinghquse re- URGENTLY Needed, 4 or S room The Working Man's Friend dark green. Douglas Motors, 333 Real sharp inride and out; This handbags repsUed, . Upper re­ tor, 5-day week. Ehiperience not Boats and Accessories 46 friferator, in good condition, Res- ■ rent by young couple with 3H Main. one juat can’t be duplicated* any. placement, umbrellas repaired, necessary. Good pay. Benefits. HARTFORD ROAD USED CARS where. See Bob Oliver today. Cen­ men’s shirt collar* reveried and sonable. Phqne 3318. year old daughter. Phone 2-2196, at the Calao SUtion Apply in person. New Model YOU SAVE $40 to $70 when you 1924 MODEL Ford pickup. Take ter Motor Sales, 461 Main atreet. replaced. Marlow’s Little Mending buy Sea King outboards, - ’’Neu­ Hartford Road Laundry, TZ Summit. UOfTTGOMERY Ward, 2 yeRi;a MANCHJESTER Executive —very a look at Oarke Motor Salea, 301 Shop.'- tral’’ -5 HP is up to $40 under Open Until 9 P. m . Broad atreeL 1948 PONTIAC 8-cyllnder, hydrm- old deluxe gaa range, $70. Seven urgently needs 4-6 rOom unfurn­ WANTED—One full time house­ comparable motora, 12 HP ’’Gear­ pieOe walnut dining aet, $15. Call ished apartment in Manchester 1947' CHEVROLET' club coupe! matlc. 1948 ftontlac 6 cylinder keeper, live in or out, board and 1951 CHEVROLET TudOr deluxe, 6undinK>»Contraetl^ i? shift’’ is $70 under. Shift-controls .8119.-' ’ . area, reasonably priced. Personnel d i i L J S L . -'i; radio, heater, excellent condition aedanettea; deluxe models. Fully room and salary to be arranged mean improved maneuvering. 5 fathom green. Powergllde. Radio, equipped and priced to eell. See Dept., Chmiey Brothers, Mem- throughout aarke Motor Salea'" beater, fully equipped. Low mile­ CARPENTRY—All types, expert Apply Vernon Inn at the Talcotfi HP. $150. 12 HP. $239. Montgom­ OLS3TWOOD dehnu gas range, chester, Tel. 4141, Extension 267. 801 Broad street Bob Oliver. Center Motor Sales, work. Prompt service. No Job too villa Rotary. Call Manchester 2- ery Ward, 838 Main street, Man- age. lik e new. Call 2-0588. 461 Malh iireeL table top. Good condition. Reduc­ ,.r§ small. Phone Rockville 5-5759. *21fi for details. Chester.' r. r ^ ed for quick Mlc, $80. Cali-2-8594. OTHER A b VS. ON PAGE 10 . / ■ FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1952

Jiancbs?t?t - w'M*"''* m 9e*->;.ee- ■ Arwaige 1)811^ Net Th« WcRther "O' average- hospitalized case Is less For the Week Ending Anyone heving any donations for Members of the Senior Club; with the lowered value of the dol­ April S roraeoal of U. S. WaaUier I the ruminate sale which Senior Gif la Friendly Society, are reques­ One ot Three MaWs Urges Joining lar than it waa SO years ago.” ted to' nieet a t S o ’clock to i^ h t airl S«»tit Troop 8 ir haidhip mt M'r. Slover urged all reirtdehts Fair, continued cool to ^ y , ligilF the South Methodist Churohf Tuef- at the comer of Bigelow and Main of the area served by the Manches­ 1 B , 4 9 4 : Amon( the divorces frented ^ streets’to go the'HolInes Funeral In Blue Cross ter Memorial Hospital and who.'are rain Sunday morning, fair by day 'morning at B 'o'clock is re- Menber of the Audit '''Superior Cewrt in Hertford yes- (etted to contact elthef Norma Home to- pay -respects to Mrs. Ra- not enrolled In Blue Cross to apply ^ E C O r O^S aftetnoen...... •' terdey'-wuh one- to-Dorothy. ,.W< Ire;'-'ltd'-BieeeB" ettiet,--er- xSal. Fox. -^whoM „da,ught«£„.l« A j for • nwnfberahip-during- the.-Blus. BarcM of Clrealations member of the club, M m w ketiery^A C ity^^ Village Charm ■ Wylot of this towri from Anthony Janetll^edford, 497 Spring street, ,Pig|i, , Fi-, Cfoaa direct enrollment program. < - ■ I - . • ,• ■-■y- • -.-six9- •• - 4-« ...... „wl»*«iwur»mw,»wvi*»< N ^Brtteiii «n the •ShErtH'e^rcIei Wlir h i cHtsr td'f: ■ 'fpis o^'ortunlty fs''1iv«BlBMe' ddif- •laSS OFHRP ^ graundf of intbleroMe cruelty. The Cyp Club of the ~ Cpnter nAncial .Problems ..of ing thVntonth of April only and is 6 o p e n to - :«iUzcAs-. a t ^ Oonnactlcut. VOL. LXXl, NO. 16$ jgB sstfl*^. AdverHatag .M Page 1*) . MMCWISTER, S ATURD ATi. APRIL 12,1952 CrWJSLVE PAGES) : PRICE FIVE CENI8 epl. Robert fcN.^ntohr, .son of Church will attend the-Baaterrsun- PaUentBj Slo yer Stater rise service-at the Ooncordie buth- who ara. not jellgfble .for group en­ “WITH A SONtm IIY HEARF’ - - Mr. and Mrs. FrwWs Contois of rollment. For the first time there KOWINfl AND 79 Summer street, is currently as­ cran Church at 6 a. m. -Sundayl Jane Froman ;,;,i4Collowlng'the eervice the membe.s "The Manchester Memorlsl hos­ is no age limit and no health ques­ signed to Amarillo Air^For pital la interested in helping the tions asked, he pointed put. HARROWINB Base, Texas, as a student^the of the-'-Clcb will attend the break- patient meet-the coat of hla and Union Shop Eisenhower'g Own Words jet mechanics school. He fact at the Fmenuel Lutheran hlS family's hospital care,”' Wil­ “DELICADO” ...... Stan KsntM Phone Men A . iu n c R transferred to Amarillo fr«, Church a t 7 o’clock. < liam P. Slover, administrator of the bospltal, aald today, "Daily NEW. CROP OF VOONQ “MOONLIRHT IN VERMONT’ Tcl. 2-9S4.1 nr 3914 Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Texas. Leonard A. Johnson, radar tech­ the problem which our hospital CHICKENS Margaret Whiling Issue Bars Weigh FuU nician, third class, USN, Is on his must face is how to help the pa­ ■V way to the combat.xona for.tha aa-. tient-solve thU.flnSflPlsJP.rpfelem, cond time. He lij ’fhe’ son 6f Mr. The answer - which has- provided- IJstea li> tiieee r w ^ and Mrs. Axel Johnson of 31 the most equitable and satisfying ROASTERS-9-59C lb. MANCHESTER^-WCCC. > Steel Truce U; S. Strike Cambridgo street. answer Is membership in the Blue Cross plan,” he continued. CAPONS—68e lb. "Care in our hospital is more Special Prices For Freezers ' Washington, April 12—(/P) W ashington, April 12—{I'P) ' Members of. Nulnjcg Forest, coatly- today, but the length of .atay * Delivery- hi Manchester -i-: - — The .^pmpulsory : union Top officials of the CIO •Tall Cedara of Lebanon, are "re-" Is shorter and chances of recovery G^minunicatidna w orkers queated to meet tonight at 7:30 at Friday Evenlngt rhembership issue was re- g reater..' Miracle drugs, greater V ported .today trr be the main tea* wenLMljto session today -to the Msaontc Temple to proceed technical skills, new asceptlc' A L L S P E E D S 3.3, 45, 78 R .P.M . ffSHn aamgameat a* Siqpir from there In a body to the Holmes method^' and the development of H; £ FRINK^ . stumbling block of both an discuss the^ssibility of call­ Funeral - Homs to pay laat- re- tby .ppromm.ivly Jiuic 1st. ing a natijohi^e telephone hew' equipment, all expensive Ih Sullivan Ave.—Wapping 130 CENTER ST. PLENTY OF FREE PARKINC. agreement between the seized : uyion my return ta tlu Ui specta to Mrs,. RachaV. Fqa/.-\y!3P.%. .Uwmselvta,.. .have so shortened ..the a trik e .-. sons, John and William Fox, are , .leL-Alancheatez 715B .,. -Hitael indust ry a lid t he go v«r n- tin jAuu&'-auiard'pr': May Sttceewl EisPHliDwep-- patient's stay, that the cost of the ment, and between the gov­ It would be aimed af't(j''ring the members of the order, . sMrCs»i,or «n) Supreme Headquarters, Al­ tafson, soprano, of the Emanuel Bowers ' school auditorium under thrown up around Bell telephone —The Pentagon toda) be (fan lied Powers in Europe, April auspices of the Ep.worth Leag;tie holding out against it. Lutheran Church. The attendance The union's executive --board exchanges'. Western Klectrio -is preparing for a Preaid 12— Gen. Dwight D. prlr,e Will bj furnished by John of the South Methodist Church. Miss FaTlOt, the daughter of Mr. bluntly-warned last night that its a manufacturing'Ri'ibsidlary of. A, request that it recommend Eiftenbnwer said today he ha« Sommers. * Easter ■ patience was "not inexhau.'tible” T. and T„ which also-co.ntrols the and Mrs. Leon G. Fallot of ^ 2 ' Bell system in the three states. successor to Gen., Dwight D. "not the slightest informa­ Laurel street, was gradyleMS, ^ ■ "Even though we have settled fill the post, "poesibly far bettite. formed Lions Club of Storrs at the the eighth grade, and piano at an "The 'time is” overdue," the ^tpom ICiteB;- FsatSfsm- Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway meeting last night at Altnavelgh, our strike a'gstnst the Michigan than 1,” he told a new* conferenea early age. During her career in unlon''» executive board said In a 'traihikjiltni D. C. Bell Company. Western Electric and Gen, Alfred M. Gruen- The names of his Chief of Staff, Spring HIU. Storra. The Storra high school, she sang with the First quality full fash­ resolution, "for a settlement based s... club haa been designated the 100th ioned nylon hosiery in picket lines wlU remain up in that ther. Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther, and. of Round Table and A Capella choir on the. (Wage Stabilization) state ■ and elsewhere across the , Technically Gen. Elsenhow9sr’s the Far Rastem Commander, Gen. Uona Club in .Connecticut. and two, years with the Girls’ Spring colors, Semi and ■ board's recommendation-’'.” Reproduced, above are the tint and last pnragraplM at Gen. Du’Ight - Tl; .Kteeiihower's r te tte r . to. Defense,' Secretary - L arett -, requMt-?' country," he sstd^_ ' suTCeatpr could^ TO from any of Matthew B. Ridgway;. have b: constdiiratlun for the. Job iff Attenttc ltert''qiminander to succeed .Oen, WARNIN cent pay boost, the union ahop and- ' B'eiriie polht'ed oiit.' that tele­ IKrfght D. Elsenhower. . Ike has saked to be-^^lleved of hi* command was oitebunci^ yesterday, dte 8 Howard of Hartford and sings In other benefits estimated by the In­ preme Commsnder of the United phone workers still are on atriks Nations forces In Jspsn snd by June I, (NEA'Telephoto*). said; ' . ' CAR OWNERS the Connecticut Opera Chorus, dustry to worth an extra 8 ',4- In Ohio, northern California and 1. He would be home in A h iM ^ WATER REPELLENT JACKETS cent hourly'per worker. The work­ New .lersey. Korea - -chosen by President Tru­ 'Kansai, by June 4—33 days before 52 Die in Crash man when he ousted Gep. Doiig- GET THAT FRONT ers now have earnings averaging Michigan's shutdown was set­ the Republican national cohvefe- about *2 an hour. tled yesterday on. the basis of a Iss MscArtJiur — or Griienther. tion. ' END CHECKED NOW J^esideiit lTniiJl#n's' gdminiirtra-’: 12,.7te#ni;; horirly'.pay Hike instead Eisenhower’s . present chief of 2: He has not made any definite w f h m t #y*r bcMl ta out WE ARE TRADING s tif f ." ---- -— ...... Sioux City Brae We will Inspect, tighten and sd- tlon. which seized the steel indus­ of the'' 2S cent’s tfi'e 'li'nlon' de­ 'jiitahs' id 'camphlj^'' fo r'In e ' Plrilli' try last 'Djesday, wa.’i reported to manded. Beirne said this settle­ Await IteqUeefe dentist nomination, and- until he and colors to eheoM from. SIim 34 ^ 50. Juat caster, camber And tt>e-ln. WILD The Dcfeme department’s cur­ On Dodge and Fi.vmniith Cara be perfectly willing to give Mur­ ment would he used as a general yes "I sm not going to dtscuM THIH MO.NTH’8 ^ 4 : Q C pattern In the other disputes. rent behind-the-scenes move to anj^ltjito of pdlitlesi .questions, so SPECIAL FOfe YOUR , EASTER_PARa p e . ray ^he WSB’s "money” proposals, SOLIMENE. INC. but unwilling to grant the uriib'h - San Juan, Puerto Rico, Ap*"*! —^The Coast Guard ' Fallirrc ti r g e t inich- agreements, reimmmend an officer for-Supreme For Record Flood 8101—Center Street—8102 —Priced RlgU$ 5 . .Up— Wheein halwwed .>vl»h..hur.^n^ Hew atylM In top handle pouch or bo.xey shapes In new pleated shop—a matter frequently criticiz­ .said today there is “practically no hope” of finding alive any he added, would result lii sn In- Comihand of the Allied Pow-ers^n 3. He resign his commla- electrnnio machine, | 2.00 per failles. Atso plastic calf and genuine leatbers. Colors navy,-bl*ok, ed In Congress. bfnupfei'sehjnHlifi^lftgititheCaii'ibbean’ifsbHrk-TilledMiUvau- tenatneatlnn nf'th* strike nx-er the .aUiaaa.a-llv£:at^ general.U. h*.is red,.gre.en, pastel shades. . weekend. . (ContlnuM on Page Seven) [ Omaha:,. N ebr nominated by tne^epUhllcane for wheel., ■ - ...... ■' <•-...... ■With Murray standing fast on kee Deep after the crash of-a Pan-American-airliner full of 'tKe 'PrSfal3ency'"so*SiatWoul'd the union shop and a full realiza­ New York-bound Easter vaca­ Not Enough a slow movTifig avaTahcFe, rolletl rerentlcsaly at flood revels andT Call for Appointment 8101. Ohio Bell sail It felt the Michi­ be “free to speak, IlKbvMy other tion of WSB’s recommendations, tionists. That put the toll of dead ,. .. ■ - higher along nearly 1,000 miles of the Missouri river today. cillsen,. on any subject.’^ YOCB neither the steel industry, as- the or prcaiimed dead at 82. I- pita! -and -Miss -Froman—weeping; anticipation of the hlatoric 30 foot. ___ to.JbrcakJtha.neW* hirateU. lo. the -■*------M b lh er W 'l i Teitp^^ ...... Tonr’wiiar'.to-Tirtnfc--' 'czjBxt CT^c.ted 'jiexl ,'5;hu£iSaay.._IE-j nervous -and- shocked—Aew to. an -jg-y; , ” — ...... - ■" «r 'hair'ehoiigV: rejffmewwuon; 'Tfiare''because,' tHe""ed‘ur « ’TO .other- NATO -oommanders th a t diS' EVENING IN PARIS COLOGNE . ...^ Ea. $1.00 anniversary by his bedside. Two National Guard companies waa leaving. ■ A report- received at A-rica, enough of being told what, to were called out a t 'Omaha. sated, the Democratlc-conlrolled Most of the dead and missing Chile, quoted undisclosed sources Senate haa ao far refused to "ac­ Eisenhower told these .70 hanK Allied Planes w eie Puerto Ricans. Seven of the Air Force Set think, say and do, enough- of their Army engineers ordered a bitten military officials yesterday, TABU COLOGNE . . . $2.00 64 passengers and all five of. the ss sa.ving an election will be held habitual violation of the ’dally mighty effort to add at least two cept” the state budget needs as shortly before the W ashing^ on- in Bolivia within five months. pracucespractices ofor democracyoemocracy to which ,d(,ed protection atop the established by Budget Director crew camo; from the United States -Par -Eatenssoro polled more nuoncement was mads. HAZEL BISHOP LtPSTlOK .;...... $f.l0 .—New 'York. Pennsylvania, Minne­ To 'CUp’ l^OOOj * ^-mlles-iirTevee ptotecOhg Cbun^ NotEiionglr to votes than any other candidate In The committee released the ment on that point, which would sota, and Ohio. cil Bluffs. The levee height now be the basis for estimating revenue brought tears to the,.eyes of svary REVLON.NEW LIPSTICK ...... $ 1 .1 0 presidential elections last May fl transcript yesterday of Kazan's ranges from 29 to 31 feet. man there. Whole F-nmlly Killed but' failed to win an overall ma­ Flying Officers tqstimony given at a closed ses­ needs, the Lodge administration Simulated Flowe/s Sustain Attack One whole fam ily. of Fhicrto Other rivers played supporting Fareu-ell Vislte FRIENDSHIP GARDEN . ' jority. Before the Congress could sion Jan. 14. believes it would be futile to at­ The generat'^will leave April W for coat ,and suit wear. Colorful bunches in-idoiets, roses, garden Ricans was wiped out. The father. iShoose-'among the three leading Ksgan directed such Broadway roles in the tragic flood dram a in tem pt -a special session. bouquets, etc. ' ; - Pedro Brignoni, 45. of 133 West Washington, April 12—-(/P)^The which at least five midwestern 10 Million Apart for Brussels to begin a ssriss of topping Tokyo, April 12—(di—Ameri- candidates, a military junta forced Air Force probably will ground productions aa "Streetcar Named farewell v'lsltano the NATO c*iri- COLOGNE, AND LIQUID PETALS ., . . . $1.50 . ca’s top air commander In the Far 112th street, Brooklyn. N. Y.. had state* were cast today but ' (he During th* regular legislative flown to San Juan to bring back its way. In, voided the election and more, than 1,000 flying officers this Desire.” "Death, of a Saleaman’.' tale in Europe. East-said today his forces could abpltshed Congress. and "All My, Sons.” In Hoiiywod, Missouri played'the Vlllanous ipad, session of 1951, Democrat* and LOOSE POWDER CASES .. ,...... $ 1 .0 0 hla wife' and six children after a flJeal year, but only a handful for A newsman who flew over .the Weir were some 110.000,000 apart "If I should he nominated I shall for each attack Communist bases 'in Man- two-year separation. The fate of the ousted military refusal to fly—-the reafon for a he directed "Streetcar Named De­ promptly submit to the President 5 9 c and $1.00 ...... churls -at- least -once -but probably chiefs was nol-jjlear. I t - was -rs-i sire," -"A -Tree - Orows- in- Brook­ river in the .Sioux. City, oreji. catlecL hn' thaic .budget figures; Demncrata it- 'One babjww'as ' ■'aaved'--biit^ ''be­ smaM-scale m utiny o f « x ; 'airineh paseed a budget which,they said m y rsstgnatibn firowi" thfc armed SUTTQN DEODORANT STICK ...... T , 59c could not sustain siich attacks. came an' orphan. He is Mark van ported that some met yesterday at San Antonio. lyn,” "(Jentleman’i AgreemenL” service*,” he laid.. ., Lt. Gen. Otte P. Woyjand said with rebel leaders outside the clt.v "Boomerang.” and "Viva'Zapata.” (Continued pn Page Seven) was "in balance,”’'while Weir con­ PLUS ’TAX Daalen. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Most will be taken from flying tended and Repiibllcans agreed, ”I should then be free, to speak, his Far East Air Force (FEAF) Leo van Daalen of St. Paul. Miiin., snd agreed to a cease-fire to halt status. Air Force spokesmen said, Kazan said the thing that final­ like any othei^citizen, on any sub­ would need reinforcements If the the battle, which was taking a ly forced him out of the party was that it Was 210,000;000 in the red. ject. both are missing. Missing also are for medical reasons—lack of With Governor L^ge and Weir Korean war were carried across .Mr. and Mrs. Juan Jenefsky,. of heavy toll of lives and destroying flight proficiency or, particularly its efforts to gain control of -the Rltenhower’s retirement from ' the border to Red bases as has many homes on the city's out­ Oroup Theater, a now defunct off­ Father, Two Boyg now contending the state Is run­ 812'Huro‘n avenue, Dayton. Ohio. among older mep. lack of physical ning some 88.000,000 In red ink, th# NATO onmmand-r-at hi* qwn often been adyocated. All the crew survived. Besides skirts. fitness., , shoot.of the Theater Guild and an request—was approved by PiesL Report 1,000 Killed Feared Drowned the state is looking for money to "We are tailored just about to Burn they are first officer William They .'said ?34 officers were re­ organization cited as" a Commu­ meet pay-hour benefits promised dent IVuman.. « the Korean war,” Weyland told a Thomas Hutchins, 30, of Peckvllle, Unconfirmed reports from moved from flying status during nist front organization. As’a five star general, hows^rj PLAID Oruro, Bolivia, heard in Arica, state employes. Putting a 40-hour news conference. "We are not Pa.; third pfficer Jack R. Laubach. the first liolf of . the fiscal year. West Haven, April 12—iA5—A work week in effect at state Insti­ tailored for a world war out here." 34>'of Bloomaburg,- Pa.r purser said^-1,000 persona-ware, killed -and Gmb’ -* sijiall percentage -of‘’ the (Contimiail Fage-S«ve»)...... father and'tw o .boya. one of them - (CenHnaed on Page Seven)- more than 3,000 wounded in the, tutions may cost over 11,000,000, And, he aald, an attack -on Man­ Alfred Perez, 33. and steward total—expected to top 1,000 by the grandson of a former Metro­ while the-raises recommended-in PLUS churia "would be liable to set off” Rene Torffu, both of New York fighting which, begsm a.t dawn, year’s and, on June 30—-would. b« politan opera singer, arc believed the Job classtfiratlbn stmly af* es­ , World War III. City. Wednesday. removed because of refusals to fly to have drowned when their light timated to cost 82,000,000. The new , The Reds have enough power to 'nie survivors . included Mrs. The insurgents opened the viol­ or requests to be grounded, they skiff overturned.Jn choppy waters pay scale, expected to be approved make a ’’strqng bid” for mastery Novetah Davenport of Hastings- ent struggle by seizing the gov- emphasized. News Tidbits of Long Island Sound off this town sometime in May. ivUl . be made - cf the Korean, iStteS;, W eyland amid- The'Six lisuienante at Randolph Itete-yestfnday::;. '..H .li- ■retrooctlW to A p in :li • r: BoUelws r - ‘ DOTS But they do noLtiPve that mastery (ContUiiiied on'Itege Three)’'' ' (CoAtinoed oii jhkgii iChrM)' Ail*' FOree 'Siise, ' Sari Antdhii), ' Who Mlsuln^ Bre Carl H. Knoit, 43, The money the state must get to refused to fly included a pilot who Ciiheil fcom AP Wire* from the AP ^Ires now .'A nd he ffnDbted they could a carjMnter for the Southern New finance,the state employe ', bene.- yn ' p«aeu;^9aMy 'will -iuiv*?: 4a ' ' Hah airfields far enough forward." Sir' .Sarvapalli,' India’s retiring son. Richard; Wr and 'Garry I>e “ squeezed" from the present budg­ CAN’T SEE HUSBAND j ! l,Ost 121 Planes navigators'and a radac.pperatoi-, Grelm, 14-year-old alnger, and lix,have been. n . a vashM Sa* OUIUIISSambassador to Moscow, who con- et through'economies. - Snn Jonn, Puerto Rioo, Apel) , - 1 VVS ^ t new Weyland said his force haa pre­ BY THE, ASSOCIATED PRESS asenices begin at 5:30. As many aa Maj. G en.tJ. K. Lacey,' com­ smash Vietmlnh “ rest camp” kill­ nay* plane crash |n wblol| ff- Plain or trim backs with Inside oi- whip seams. Colors' white, vented the Reds from establish­ 50,000 have attended in the past. ing, seven iuid taking 200 prison­ sugar pink, navy, champagne, black, wheat. ing air bases In North Korea or Songs will echo across the manding the crew training air (Continued on Page Seven) (Continued on Pagd'Seven) persons -are believed, to haval iMpotiihjilHiMr At Indianapolis, about 28,000 force, said disciplinary action ers. perished. mountainsides and fill the ,church4 Forest fire threat in Mossachu- (Continued on Page Seven) ea tomorrow in memory of the rq- are expected for the 30th annual sunrise service at Indianapolis (Continued on Page ’niree) sstta reaches danger point in FEAR 77 LOST topcoat surrection of Christ many ports of state, Forestry Di- ssav $1.25 ' to _ $3*98 pr. — llKnisands of Americem will Monument circle. ,There also will Oslo, Norway, April 12— - ■ ■ -t g gather at- aunrias services at be an "Easter'triumph” play aL recjtor Raymond J. Kenney says.. Taft Forces in Kentucky Indiana -Stats Falrgrouiids. .coli­ Air Fores asks that picture* not F e a n Increased here today thait.,' Sprue* up for spring in a "full, free~fitting, fashion- ChildrehTall white fabric gloves, slipon styles pair $ 1 Reds Must Yield, parks, shrines add outdoor amphi­ 77 NerKegiana aboard live seal .00 theaters across the country. seum. , Expect Tornadoeg be token of its two new jet bomb­ N ear Ringe, N. H., .colorful se'r- ers being test-flown soon. hunting vessels have, perished ^ Because they wear like iron, have high immunity'to Churches, small and large, plan­ Sweep of 20 Votes Arctic waters north' of Icelaafc right" Kuppenheimer topcoat! The ' Allied Aide Says ned special Raster devptionals. Vicea begin at' 4:45 a. m. at the Ths 200,000th American ao.Mier Cathedral of the Pinea, a non-sec- In 4 South States to be rotated from Korea,''will ar­ They are a week overdue repertjr" wrinkling and need a minimum of maintenance, - The annual Easter parades, on Ing back from their Arotio.eace' new Kuppenheimer topcoOtings hrrve ' . C 'M unsan, Korea, Aptll 12—yp)— Htth avenue in New 'York, on Con­ terian outdoor shrine dedicated to rive In Washington Sunday for two- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ■ Taft leader’s months-old predic­ they're easily the nation's top choice for aheavy United Nations and Communist U. S. dead of all wars. Washington, April 12—()P)t-The day vacation aa gucat' of the Army Senator Robert A. Taft’s vic­ tion. Former' Federal Judge ptditlon. .'ijjfr? necticut avenue in Washington, W eather ‘Bureau said today plenty of lively ‘Vye interest." Come Handkerchiefs' for Easter truce negotiators went thrpugh and on fashibnable g r e e ts In oth­ Some 500 Protestant youth* . Japanese population will ex- tory-flushed forces went into Ken­ (jharles I. Dawson of Louisville, duty" suit—and definitely a smart buy. But they’re' the merest, flicker, of the motions have arranged hilltop services at “severe local storm* with possibly cred 100 .million by 1004 l)Llt in­ tucky’s Republican convention to­ outspoken foe of the New and IRAN PROBES BIUTISHBB" H’l smart boslritss er cities will draw, their usual a feiY scattered torriadoes are ex­ Fair Deals who started organizer la IvIM a in, slip one on, and tee the difference Colorful prints, dainty Swiss handkerchief and all while With today, each waiting for the othef ^o\vds, and the kiddies will hunt Arlington, Maas. The annual sen- creases at present rate, Jspaneae day with almost all of th# state’# Tehran, Iran, April 12— lace edge or cut work embroidered. to auggeat a compromise. ice on Cadillac mountain, near Bar pected to develop” .this afternoon government snnbunces. 20 . presldentioi-nominating votes tion work for Taft last year, has source close to P rendee MoJ"; KuwaaStlmor dressy enough to take you anywhere, any time. colored eggs.' and evening in parts of four south­ wtrtrobo "They’ve got to give,” eald Maj. Harbor, Me., haa been -moved to Sen. Kefauver says he cah whip won. maintained right along the Ohioan hammed M oeand^ bnM V ' . in yourtelfl This U plaid with a difference I A happy flurry of woven But it is the pageants, and pas­ the lowlands at nearby Seal Har­ ern'states. any BepottUcan Presidential nomi­ The Senator from neighboring would get 19 of Kentucky's 20 na­ •eS! We've got your sue, model, color! Gen. William. K. Harrison, UniM sion plays, and massed choruses, the Imninn goVenmrjM- aqugre dots give it B-'manner all its own. And for all its Nations sub-delegate. bor this year, because of snow on It specified the area as "the nee, but "if by chance” he doesn’t Ohio had 15 delegate Votes assured tional delegate vofea. vestigating alleged 2 9 c t o $ 1.00 each in outdoor arenas from Maine to the mountain.’' ' southeastern half of Arkansas, Eisenhowqr forces sought unin­ dainty prettinesa you can send this blouse off to the Communists showed no signs of California, that- will combine with get the Democratic nomination he to one for Gen. Dwight D. Elsen­ and plots” by the British * MW Kupp*nb«im«r topcoat* for tprins yielding. At each of thq seven Site of First Seri'Ice western third of TenffefSee, north­ will, fully support whoever does hower This bettered Taft’s 1948 structed delegates leaning toward d’Affalres George laundry. 'That’s because it’s styled of combed woven ging* brief sessions this week they lug- chiirchea in setting the religious > Two choruses of 550 sing[ers, 'and ern Mississippi and extreme north­ ... . Connecticut Chamber of Com­ record when he halved Kentucky’s ' the general. him . . . ever lovely, ever washable. Convertible Johnny tone. ^ ern Louisiana.” Taft Gains 14 Votes The Informant gteted .a reepss unless the UN 250 vrhite-robed children,. ranked merce announcea its annual. ban­ national convention delegation was accaned of pin , collar . . . action-back pleats . . . monotone plaid?. Sizes Command had something to. pro-, -Expect 75,000 ih the shape of a cross, will partic­ -‘■Persona living In this area quet, on May 20 will be addressed with Gov. Thomas E. Dewey on Taft swept four district conven­ At a natural amphitheater, In ipate in sunrise services at Los tions yesterday. He got two dele­ "sunpected ' eiemeat 32 to 40. Matching visor cap . . . .$1.26.. pose. should watch for further advices by John Foster Dulles, expert on the first test of' strength at Phila­ Persian Gulf provlaoo < an investment in good appearance Ooe Minute Seiwlan the age-worn Wichita mountal'ns Angeles’ lily-bedecked Hollywood early this afternoon,” a niomlng international affairs. delphia. gate votes' In each, after winning Tods.y*s meeting took only one near Lawton, Okia., 7S,000.o^_ex- ^w l. About 20)000 are expected. advisory said. Defense department identifiea 40 The final four delegates—dele- three straight district meets the Green Stamps Gjveh’With Cash Sales minute, the shortest this week. pected for the 27th annual Eaiater ' Another probable 10,000 will At the same time it reported mors battle easualtie* In K orea- gates-at-large—were to be chosen day before, for a total of 14 votes. FOOD WE GlVE green StjAMPS Total tjjn«-> for the seven sessions pageant, which- starts a t 1 a. m, flock to the Rose Bowl at Pasade­ that weather conditions it re­ 10 killed 29 wounded and one In­ this afternoon in the state conven­ His other nominating vote for Washington. A p^ Ur 38'fHlnutes. They would have A cast of 2J)00 performs until sun­ na, where a choir of SOO will fur­ ported last night "are no longer jured , . . Prime Minister Tags Er- tion HVhere Taft leader* confident­ the national convention opening'An ’ Meats and edible M i token leas time if the. generals rise. I nish music, and 10,000 more ore favorable for tornadoes- in Mis­ ia i^ r of Sweden arrives in .Wash­ ly claimed 1,448 of the 1,703 dele­ (Jhluigo July 7 and. £lisenhower’s pushed IvholeaaJoi. Atop San Francisco’s - 938-foot souri or the northwestem' half of ington for oh unofficial flire-day gates. ' down three tel (Ooatiwied O B Fogs Eight) ML Davidson, under a hug* cross. (jOontteUed oai Tpge Two); Arkansu.” « vleit A sweep would bear out a top (Ooffttaiied oa Pags Elgkt)' during thn -week < I • \K-r, - L l .