SS^S^Sf^^^SSSS Avenge Dally Ket PreM Sun l i n k i n g Y «r tlML.Week Ending ‘ April. I ^ , 4 9 4 ”.......... Mcmbdr of the Andlt Bnrenit. ot’ClreuUHona Mnncheeter^A €Uy of ViUnge Charm . VOL. LXXI, NO. 164 ^(CRaaai^^__A ISL U„ . , . MANCHESTER. p N N „ ESlDAY, APRIL.11, 1952. - . -•-.-tWskjl^-RAGES)- - y ' pricbjpIYr ^js^j^Holiday Xiuotity Foods ‘Aitroctiyely Prkod ^ - 4 9 H A N K L i $ f ...M « t « tiMiM, M l iiM fc lit WONDERFUL ImM , m lUii, M MHflin M . « f f m t m t For> Your ■■V ^ MNUINI *% Its. BUYS IN THE V H O R M IL NAM $7.2S VERY BEST Easter HORMEM Mseithcyumt^Geis^learmneeioQuUMAT^ffos^J^ f SMOKED — — ■■ ■; f „ —— ^—-—; li-'' — f-’-"''■ - ' ‘ ^ — r ' '-’V ■ ■ s srcVEITLAWE Negotiatorg Set PICNICS SWEET MIXED Lovett Tells RelcHMefl .T* NATO Com m ander COOKED PICKLES ‘Big Muddy’Flood Brevity Record "T/tcarkihasttffam READY*TO-EAT Survivors •/ p t. Munaan, Korea, April II— General He 27c Loss Hits Millions .(4b—Teuee aego^ateM.-- seL.:* ^ M a H A N t new-record for brevlt.v toda.v, PREMIER SPANISH PmEAPPLE CHUNKS dlapf^ng of their ^ djSJps J 4 « n < A M "PleiTerS. lir, 'April "Misisburi tii lib ’seobnds. ..... ................. Is Released OLIVES BIRDS EYE SLICED It waa the sixth aiicceaalve III river flood swept toward down.stream communities today after da.v like that, leading an Al­ dropping here slightly overnight from its record crest of jujit 1 VVsshington, April 11—K/P) Idiami, Fia., April 11—(fl*)-r-The U. S. CcMbt Guard h«r® 8 o z. 4 9 c STRAWBERRIES lied spokesman to anggeat over 25 feet. The river level dropped half a foot between mid­ Communists may bo waiting i —Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- today picked up a radio report from its San Juan station that SNOW CROP night and ,8 a.m.—from 24.7,5 to for Inatructlnns from higher I Lower today received clear- there were 18 survivors in the crash of a Pan-American Alr- Beltsville ;e„to..4tiY.fc-up»hiA E u ro p ^ . ■atill refuaed to luiy thu creat haa TiawanI 8. Levle, added: comiRantl June 1. This frees f ( m r i f t H ) K pasacd. Flood atage la 15 feet. “ It's going to be a hot Sum­ . Fleischmann Combination The Big Muddy,'normally 1,000 Q m FPIlifts mer and a cold winter If they’re him to come home well in ad­ The Sah Juan CoaHt Guard station also relayed pfttss SNOW CROP .... ieet wide, aprfkd ovac flva .milea going to -try to outwalt - vance, of the .Republk&D .Na­ porta from there- that 10 bodiea bail been, picked up ^ DRY YEAST to engulf alt but three blocka of Each day this week a tional Coavention. and cam­ ocean and five others were counted in the water. nearby Fprt t*lerre and 30 blocka Considered .negotiating aubenmmltfee has paign for the GOP Presi­ ' 3 Pk*,. 9c ’ BROCCOLI SPEARS oT tijis South Dakota capital. gone through the formality of dential nomination. New York, April 11—(d*)-=-A Pan-American Airways plane Paw 1881 Flood meeting, saying a few words The Kepublicans meet in STRICTLY FRESH Charlea Falea, an alert ^85 year and adjouming. 8lx aesalona with 69 aboard and captained by the husband of singing atVr COOKED READY TO By P robers have taken a total i-of SZ Chicago July 7. old Fort Pierre reaident, waa aak- The White- House announced Jane Froman crashed and sank outside the harbor of San Juan, SERVE WHOLE OR Miracle Whip MEAT DEPARTMENT e<Ltf anyone had ever aeen more mimitea. Toda.v’a ultra - streamlined Eisenhower's r e 1 e a ■ e, eflective Puerto Rico, toda.v.‘There was no immediate information aa to SHANK HALF .. .. Lb. water in the Miaaourl. I Wa.shington, April 11—^yP) June 1, by making public an ex­ the survivors. The line said the EGGS ■meeting followed the usual pat­ plsne, a, DC-4, carried 58 adults, tern. Chinese RlaJ. Oen. Haleh change of .letters Iwtwecn him and Grade A Large Salad Dressing r S . " r . - w . '. i- r . m . i - H ? r j"v..ug.t»r. Secretary of DefenDe I^vetL six Ipfanta and a crew of five. flood, cited tiT. wor.1 until now. conBidered borrowing New- Fang delivered a 60 word TTie Pan American office here .Doz.,..:-. ■- oration, MkL- Oen. -Willtam K.. ■ Eisenhower'r letter, dated April. ' T he Red 'Cross declared 12 Ne- bold ■ M bm rs queBtlonnaire 2,tasked..that said..four lifeboats were being’ re- Phone MeH ■ "Tliew fiHBitiiiirtiirlwjTi «iT • Knnd brt fn r« mmrtl ftimtty .—. i iiimitt- Hnrriaon - replied - with- two covsrwi'Tnar thircfssK but braaka'ahd! lowa’ count'i^^^ 'lecHniQue' Tn" Qiefr ’ probe br words nnd It wns nil over. pfopriate action” for his release boned nnd benvier-mented . you c«t morn men^t nnd lea* vute.. STAHL-MEYER CANNED HAMS areas aa - the unrelentjng, torrent approximately June .1 . -Lovett's that.toformation reaching here didj the .Wstice Department The aillmtanre of Haleh's 80 not. indicate, whether. Uier*. Were.' ■ twirled southward. In South- Da­ CHilrman Chelf'fD., Ky.i; of 'a xvorda was that the Reds hhVe' •latter said that had- been - done. O e « ; ' Dwight D." Elaenlnnrer.: (right)- Bapreme Commander of Strike I.^tler’a Exchanged survivore on them', COOKED, 9 to I I LB SIZE Lb.79e kota, 13 counties fought the raging judiciary aubcommittee told news­ the correct way to settle the Allied Fowers In Europe, whose resignation will be elferth'e June I, river and its tributaries. Flooda^ men some thought would be given In releasing these letters, Presl- la.shown with Oen. Alfred 51. Oruenthrr, his chief of staX and report- The crash occurred five miles 5 LB. TO 6 LB. SIZE troubles and If the UN Com­ deiiilal Secretary Joseph Short northwest of the harbor entrance ’ also were reported in North Da­ to adopting the questionnaire de­ mand didn't have any new rtll.v his choice aa a successor lo his NATO post. (NBA Radio-Tele- kota, Minnesota and Montana.''' vised by the ex-comiption hunter. told reporters there also had been at 11:02 a. m., eji;t. Th'e line said ^ [ a n STAHL'MEYER CANNED HAMS Ideas let's recess until Satur- an exchange of letters between .the plane "ditched and sank.” It[ ______ DRAWN, OVEN READY Damages from the pverflowa It was this questionnaire- da.x'. Harrison agreed to the mounted into- the nUIlionif^of dot- through which Morris proposed to President .Truman., and . Elsenr bad Aaken off for New ..York.. i „ ., ,,,. .. '.recess.^; .. - hower, He said -Uie-President's rn■mPR •' • • • • k..... • • • • • • 6!^_.y9, :$IZ|,:;:,2:- ■ m $5,99, 'lanj.' '■ ",' ' r ; find but all about government offli Reaew: Craft on Way — ] » .! ^7 ‘ m " " ARMbUR’S dais' outside incoma their gam­ letter was In long-hand and added: A Ooest Guard PBY amphibian MjchigXh 8 strike of At South SIdux Oity, Neb., the "Both letters were personal and I W « dso havt larger birds, 10 to 13 lb. siu if you Cloverbloom Evaporated OCEAN SPRAY flood pushed through a dike yes­ bling activities if any. and how Hint U. S.toMaleir reacue plane wae reported on the telephone workers was seijjBS 4%LB.^ZE Can $449 many fur coats their families had very cordial and will not be made terday to drive out 250 families. pubUc.” water over the ecene of, the atnk today, apparently opening the prefer. ■ _j-i_ The Red Cross also reported: acquired—that helped get him tog. T h ree-other- plSnae -wer) fired )vU-b dazzling suddenness last Bakery Prices Short had'ho newiTas to Elsen­ way to isstce natibpitiry in the M ILK CRAKBERRY Sioux City, la., readied plana to hower's successor in the defense hovering over the epot and boast FOSTER RPANDCOOKID • week. ;____ _ _____ _______.___ JLahtir Wage Deal we^^ telephone industry. |"Sr:v -care: fo ro n e Uttnisand'famtitearax*' :commaad:: Jik- aaid '.H>era:.'wiuad::her S A U C f - Bupporla'Tdea ' ' . On. June 7, 194S a transport A XIMITED ATVfOtJNT DF FUTX TmfiASTED TrATI>’E pected to be driven out when the lJp4:-5 Cents m announcement about that today. Company and tha CIO Cbmmunt- BONELESS HAM IN THE PIECE Lb. 89c 2 Toll Cans crest hits there about Monday. Members of Congress could 'use . Eisenhower formally assumed plane craahed Into the Atlantic It with impunity, since It normal­ off the coaat of San' Juan with a cationa Workerii' of America joUft- The downstream cities of the command -in Europe on April Washington, April 11^/P>— Floundering negotiations for ly announced the settlement. 2 Cans Omaha. Neb., and Council Bluffir. ly takes a, lot of voters and a lot Next 30 Days 2, 1951-;-so his letter waa dated lose of 03 livei. Moat df the vlc- of doing to fire them. exactly, a year from tfM time ha a settlement of the steel labor dispute led to reports today Uma were Puerto Ricans en route Full detail! were not revealed LAMB LEDS BABY BEPF LIVER Conservative as we are, we’re fully justified in esti­ la., girded against a -predicted immedlatery, but the basle for crest of 28.5 feet, soibe six feet -Morru, appearing before the took on the task of building a de- that the administration may go ahead and make its own wage lo New York Choice Quality subcommittee at an open 'session Washington, April 11 •— (flb — agreement w u reported by ^ s mating that we have well over a half ton of Easter above that which brought havoc fense«wall against possible (Com­ deal with CIO President Philip Murtay.
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