Nov. 13The Anatomy of the ships. Dr. G. Henry Katz, Presi- terpersonal Relationships: The Psy- CHIID PSYCHIATRY COIJRSE Personality, I. Dr. Herbert Hers- dent, Philadelphia Psychoanalytic chology of the Group. Dr. Herbert kovitz, Director, Reading Guidance Institute, Instructor, Department Freed, Ass't Professor of Psychia- Clinic. of Psychiatry, University of Penn- try, Temple University, Chief of TO START NEXT SEPTEMBER Dec. 11The Anatomy of the sylvania. Psychiatric Service, Philadelphia Personality. II. Dr. Herbert Hers-. March 12The Psychology of General Hospital. kovitz, Director, Reading Guidance Interpersonal Relationships: New June 11Behavior as Amenable STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES WILL RECEIVE Clinic. Relationships. Dr. Paul Sloane, to Change and Improvement CREDIT HOUR Jan. 8The Psychology of In- Chief of Neurology and Psychiatry, through Proper Interpersonal Re- terpersonal Relationships: The In- Mt. Sinai Hospital, Philadelphia. lationships, Education, Therapy, terpersonal Relationship in the April 9The Psychology of In- Dr. Samuel A. Guttman, Director, A course in Child Psychiatry, Farley. Family. Dr. Sydney Biddle, Chair- terpersonal Relationships: The Re- Child Guidance Center of Lacka- sponsored by the Lackawanna The closing date for registration man, Education Committee, Phila- lationship of the Teacher, the Par- wanna County; Instructor, Depart- course is 31. The spon- University of County Child Guidance Center, and for the July delphia Psychoanalytic Institute. ent and the Child. Dr. 0. Spurgeon ment of Psychiatry, sors plan to run the series for three Feb. 12The Psychology of In- English, Chairman of Depatrment Pennsylvania Medical School. conducted. by the Philadelphia Psy- years. If any student of Wilkes terpersonal Relationships: The Ef- and Professor of Psychiatry, Tem- All physicians are associated choanalytical Institute, will be attends for the three years he will fect of Physical Illnesses and Dis- ple University, School of Medicine. with the Philadelphia Psychoanaly- held in Scranton beginning Satur- receive three credit hours. abilities on Interpersonal Relation- May 14The Psychology of In- tic Institute. day, September 11, at 8 p. m. The Following is a list of lectures for lecture series will be held every the first course: second Saturday of the month and SATIJRDAYS- continue for ten months. Each lec- Sept. 11The Purposiveness of ture will be delivered by a person Human Behavior: The Psychopath- prominent in the field of Child Psy- ology of Everyday Life. I. Dr. Ger- chiatry, and will be one and one ald H. J. Pearson, Director, Phila. half hours long. Psychoanalytic Institute, Associate Any teacher or student of Wilkes Professor of Child Psychiatry, who attends all ten lectures through Temple University, School of Medi- Wilkes College will receive one cine. credit hour. However, the cost of October 9The Purposiveness of the course will be $12.50,, and per- Human Behavior: The Psychopath- sons taking the course to receive ology of Everyday Life. II. Dr the credit must take examinations Pearson, Director, Phila. Psycho- on the course from the Psychology analytic Institute, Associate Pro- Department of Wilkes, it was re- fessor of Child Psychiatry, Tempe cently announced b,r Dr. Eugene S. University, School of Medicine. Vol. 3, No. 4. WILKES COLLEGE, WILKES-BARRE, PA. Friday, July 30, 1948 COUNCIL PASSES PRE-MED REGISTRAR COUNCIL WILL HOLD OUTING BUDGET, PROMISES AUDITS ANNOUNCE S TOMORROW AT RUMBLE'S GROVE The Student Council meeting of Jack Feeney of the social activ- MII)SEMESTER GRADES AND BUSES WILL LEAVE CHASE HALL AT 11:30 last Tuesday found all of the Cöun- ities then gave a report on the out- RE-EXAMINATIONS cil members ready and anxious for ing to be held tomorrow at Rum- work, but there was hardly any ble's Grove. Tickets have been Affair To Be Outlet For Swimming, Riding, Photography, Mr. Herbert Morris, Wilkes re- new business on the agenda. printed and students can pick them Singing Enthusiasts After the reading of the minutes up at the bookstore. Two tickets gistrar, has made the following an- of the previous meeting by scribe will be given to each student and nouncements concerning re-examin- By BILL GRIFFITH Dolores Passeri, chairman Tony those students who do not have ations and mid-semester grades. called on Meechak should in The Wilkes College Student Council will conduct out- Zabiegalski Ray transportation be front Re-examinations will be held on an of the appropriations committee for of Chase Hall at 11:30. At that ing tomorrow at Rumble's Grove. Jack Feeney, Chairman a report from that body. Mr. Mee- time, the buses hired by the coun- Saturday, July 31, at 9 a. m. All chak presented the budget of the cil will leave for the Grove. students taking re-examinations of the committee for this event, stated that buses will trans- Pre-Med Society. This group had Mr. Zabiegaiski stated that he must report to the Registrar's Off- port students who do not have means of transportation. The petitioned the council for the sum had talked with Mr. Manley who is ice in Chase Hall. Other students buses will depart from the front of Chase Hall at 11:30. of $66.00 as operating expenses auditing the books. A report of last for the surrent semester. Mr. Me- semester's audit will be ready next who have conditions and incom- The outing will appeal to one Hazieton. Take rout 309 (Wilkes- chak made a motion to accept this week. pletes but who are not in attend- and all. Rumble's Grove has a large Barre-Hazleton Highway) to the fresh-water swimming pool in pottery located on budget, seconded by Mr. Boyle. The Feeney opened a discussion on ance during the summer have the plant the right- which there is a complete change hand side of the road. Turn right motion was passed unanimously. It buying some new equipment for option of removing the conditions was a far cry from the $200.00 ap- the Boys Lounge. The frequenters of cool, refreshing water every two at the plant, travel two miles and propriated to the club by the coun- and incompletes at a later date in hours, which will delight the would- be ready for an action-packed hap- of that institution have requested the September semester. be Williamses and Weissmullers' of py day. cil last semester. Students who re- some new cue sticks and chess sets. member the incident will recall that Mid-semester grades have been Wilkes. Two free tickets for the affair this budget was the one that caused The matter will be taken into con- reported to the Office of the Regis- No lunches need to be taken as will be given to each student. The quite a bit of trouble then. sideration by the council. trar by members of the faculty. Tony Zabiegalski and Ray Meechak tickets can be obtained at the book- All students receiving an unsatis- have spent the past few days work- store. factory grade in any p;rticular Committees in charge of the af- course will be notified by the ing on the menu. Tony says he has fair are: Jack Feeney, Chairman; French Embassy Weather Map deans, Mr. Ralston and Miss Hark- hired two cooks whose culinary ab- Refreshments - Tony Zabiegaiski er. It will be necessary for these ilities would put many a young -wife and Ray Meechak; Arrangements UN Posted In SLH students to report to the deans to shame. Adequate sheltered pic- Ed Boyle, John Burak and Geo. Recognizes when notified and at a later date. nic tables are available so that the Brody; Athletics - Bob Partridge Mr. Taylor of the Wilkes College More information is forthcoming connoisseur of good foods can eat and Tom Moran. Club of Wilkes i'hyics Department has announced in the next issue of the BEACON to his heart content, come rain or Line-ups of the Teams: that a weather map will oe posted concerning courses for next sem- shine. Mules Ponies each day in Science Lecture Hall ester, final examinations and sem- Horses can be rented at the stable lb,Porter Miller OFFER FILMS FOR USE IN fcr anyone interested in weather ester dates up to the '49 summer located across the road from the SbDragon Waters CLASSROOM in formation. semester. grove. (Not for eating, for riding.) cfJackson Kloeber An air-cooled dance pavilion, Sb Rhienhart Williams where dreamy and hot music will ssHuff Partridge Regular Film Schedule STUDENT COUNCIL RELEASES he played, should appeal to the per- pCelmer Blake or Sott Changed son who likes to trip the light fan- sfHendershot Feeney tastic. lfMarshall Krzywicki CINDERELLA BALL REPORT Are you a gambler? If so, come rfAnderson Florkiewicz Official recognition of Wilkes' to Rumble's and try your luck in cMoran Ralston language clubs by the French Em- the Penny Arcade or in the cinch uMorse Lewis and Supinski bassy has evidently been establish- The following is a statement of Income and Expeditures game that will probably be under- way. ed, for, largely through the efforts for the second annual Cinderella Ball. The total income from The photography enthusiast will of Miss Martha Silseth, the French the affair was $2,100, and total expense was $4,468.79. The find beautiful scenes and back- Wilkes Cancels Embassy has courteously agreed to net cost was $2,368.79. grounds for his pictorial studies; send the U. N. Club films which INCOME therefore, bring the Brownies and Safety Courses will be shown to the language stu- Receipts from Sale of Tickets $2,100.00 Leicas. For those who like to read 'neath dents on scheduled days during EXPENSES the shade of a stately tree or near The Wilkes College Bureau of class hours. Band, Tommy Dorsey $2,750.00 a gurgling brook, the stateliest of Safety, under the direction of The first of the French films are Rental of Armory 100.00 trees and the gurgliest of brooks Clemens A.
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