Weather Fer AH Department! Variable cloudiness today, * chance of a brief shower; high SHadyside 14)010 in 90s. Fair tonight and tomor- row. Low tonight, in 30s. High tomorrow, about 60. See page 2. An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership Since 1878 7C PER COPY • PAGE 0NE Issued Daily. Monday through Friday, tnlered »a Second Class Matter RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1960 VOLUME 82, NO. 170 »t the Pout Offlcc at Red Bank. N. J., under the Act ol March 3. 1879. Three On Council More Pilings Industrial Unit Against Plan: Gray Bell Labs Sinking? Builders Say NOJ Made 'Political HOLMDEL — Contrary to RED BANK — Mayor George rumors prevalent here during the A. Gray last night said at least Separation last few days, the foundation of three Borough Council members the new $20-milUon-dollar Bell Football': Cole are opposed to a plan presented Labs research center is not sink- by Urban Planning Associates Is Dead! ing out of sight. EW SHREWSBURY — Coun- calling for a $3,440,000 urban re- ilman Donald Cole, at last Officials of Western Electric, newal program for the central MATAWAN — The separa- ight's meeting of Borough Coun- which is building the plant, con' Local Courts business district. tion movement is dead! II, read a statement protesting ceded yesterday that work has The mayor said the three coun- The Citizens Committee for fiaking the borough's Industrial been slowed on the project be- Cilmen had called him following Better Borough Schools an- To Air Boat longress into a "political foot- cause of "unforeseen" subsoil publication of an editorial yes nounced yesterday that it will problems, but said that the situa- l." terday in The Register requesting support new legislation to be tion can and will be rectified. Violations As an official of the Borough the Mayor and Council make introduced by Assemblyman md on behalf of the taxpayers some statement as to their feel- Clifton T. Barkalow and will Rumor had it that some of the TRENTON (AP)—State boating if New Shrewsbury, I would like pilings had struck an under- ings about the plan. not make an attempt to ap- officers, faced with a Supreme make a public appeal which peal the recent state decision ground riverbed and were sink- The mayor said he hoped to Court decision scuttling the five- believe is long overdue," the against separation. ing fast. see general public opinion of the year-old N. J. Navigation Court, itatement said. The Barkalow proposal, now plan grow before the governing Not so, John W. McGowan, will seek to bring violators be- "I feel so strongly that the being drafted, will permit con- body expressed its feelings on Western Electric construction en- fore local magistrates for the est interests of the Borough are solidated districts to convert to '.he UPA report. gineer, told The Register yester- time being. jeing jeopardized, that perhaps regional districts—with school Salvatore A. Bontempo, state No Identification day. ven at this late date a portion operation costs divided on a conservation and economic de- Mayor Gray declined to say "It's not the best subsoil in the f the damage may be corrected per-pupil basis. velopment commissioner, an which of the six councilmen told world," he said, "but it's not and the extension of any further Said Donald T. Day, commit- nounced the move after a con him of their opposition to the that bad." f unhappy publicity avoided. tee spokesman, "We still feel ference yesterday. "» refer, of course, to the re- plan. The governing body is all- the borough would be better The engineer said ths problem He said that if harbormaster: cent articles, including an editori- Republican. off operating its own school 'is that much of the subsoil is and power vessel inspectors are 1, regarding the Industrial Con- The Register editorial pointed system but the state Board of marl — a clay-like substance uncertain which specific munici fess that have appeared in ths out that the redevelopment plan Review has made it impossible found in Holmdel, Marlboro and pality has jurisdiction, they wii: ocal papers. Charges and from Urban Planning Associates to separate without a lengthy neighboring areas. seek added details of 'he boat- counter-charges, claims and de- was presented March 7 and since legal battle which might cause SNARLED IN MARL —Aerial view of the new Bell Laboratories Research Center Good for Farming ing violation and consider bring- nials have flowed in such pro- that time no official statement too much delay of our needed Marl is good for farming—it ing a complaint in County Court, usion that the very program we has been issued by the govern school building program." foundation in Holmdel, where construction has been hampered by underground marl contains calcium carbonate and The Supreme Court ruled Mon- look to as a medium to reduce ing body. Mr. Day termed the Barka- beds. Engineers of Western Electric reported yesterday that piling had shifted can be used as a fertilizer—but day that the Navigation Courl our taxes could easily be de- The Red Bank Community low proposal "a compromise" not so good for construction, par- was in the executive branch ol stroyed. Chamber of Commerce has gone but said the committee will and work has been slowed down pending correction of the situation. cularly heavy construction. government, not the judicial on record as favoring the plan. back it and seek its earliest branch, and thus unconstitutional Non-Partisan A speakers bureau has been set posible adoption in the Legis- 'The Bell center will be "Four years ago an Industrial ories high. Navigation Chief Peter J. Gan up by the chamber to outline lature. 2 Injured non told a newsman the decision Committee, later retitled the In- the recommendations contained School costs in the consoli- "We are not going to get the creates many problems because dustrial Congress, was conceived in the plan. Nearly a dozen or dated district here are divided lading capacity we had Hoped," "There is always a question of and formed on a non-partisan ganizations have held meetings on a tax ratable basis. When Crane lid Mr. McGowan. jurisdiction when you're out on basis. Its aim was to create an to hear the chamber's presenta Separationists have pointed The engineer revealed that 6,- the water." atmosphere that would attract tion. commercial and industrial rata- out that while the borough 100 pilings already have been He noted that the Manasqu'an bles. Mayor's Statement pays half of the school costs, Cable Snaps ;unk for the foundation. River flows through six munici When the plan was presented the township has a majority of Asked "Is that a lot?" Mr. Me palities in two counties and the "Much exploratory and ground HOLMDEL — Two construe, (See RED BANK, Pg. 2) the students. iowan replied: Shark River through four munic work by all parties involved, tion workers are in critical con- Democrats, Republicans, elected "Well, with good subsoil you ipalities. dition today in Riverview Hos- and appointed officials has been would not have to drive' any pil- Gannon said volunteer harbor- pital after being struck yester- accomplished. Now when we are ings, so that will give you an masters usually cannot leave day by a boom on a crane at on the threshold of reaping the Street-Side Fashion dea of what is involved here." their regular jobs to appear in the Bell Laboratories Research County Court, and County Cour benefits, the entire program is The work—insofar as pile-driv- lenter here. calendars are crowded. in jeopardy because of the politi- ing is concerned—has been halt- According to hospital authori- Bontempo said he will confei cal ambitions of a few. It is a ed, pending completion of a new Show on Tomorrow ties, Braulio Oliverio, 35, of 905 with Attorney General David D shame that the future tax re- survey of foundation conditions. Bound Brook Ave., Manville, suf- Furman to consider what th duction prospects of an entire RED BANK — Shoppers here fered several fractured verte- Soil specialists Moran, Proctor, state can do legally. Also un borough are secondary to these will have a chance to see the brae and ribs, and possible in- ducsser and Rutledge, Madison der review will be the legal II ambitions. 1960 Easter fashions on parade Union Beach ternal injuries when a cable on .ve., New York, are the consult- ability of "Magistrate" Franl "I have personally contacted Saturday, at 1 p.m. a 25-ton crane snapped, causing ints for the revaluation. Walsh, who decided most of th' these people in the past request- About 40 men, women and chil- the boom to strike him. Mr. McGowan said too many 1,000 cases in Navigation Cour (See FOOTBALL, Pg. 3) dren will wear the latest in fas- Gets Funds Elvin Jones, 46, of 166 Cath- pilings have been driven to con- hions at a show in front of the erine St., Red Bank, suffered sider, at this point, the instal- Two Resign Monmouth County National Bank. back cuts and possible interna lation of a floating foundation. For the youngsters, who are For Planning Injuries. Not Necessary probably more interested in can- CANDIDATE GREETED—Sen. Clifford Case was in. Both men were employed by dy Easter eggs than fashions, UNION BEACH - This bor- That could have been done in the Nicol Construction Co. troduced by Frank F.BIaisdell, former Middietown May- the beginning," he noted "but at Council, Board Air the Retail Trade Board of the ough is one of four state mu Red Bank Community Chamber The men were taken to the or, before speech at last night's rally of the Middietown this stage it would be impossible nicipalities which will share i hospital by the Lincroft First Aid and probably not necessary at of Commerce will have Easter a $31,475 grant given by the Ur Republican Clubs at McGuire's Grove.
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