Iraqi Deputy Cites Arab Union Plan Risky Better N-Ban Than Held None
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II-IS ' / A rtnw Daly N«t fnM Ron . <• For t t » Week BadMl l l a n h t , U M H ib w m 4 m v ro««OMt of & WiMhM 13,957 8«Mr ind iMet^or ntai UeaUbn at fha Andit BaMM at Low M to M. M anehe^r^f^ CUy'of ViUage Charm \ tomowow. Hl|^ lo 40c ___________ _'.______________ i.. t o l .^ jd c x ii, n o . iS6 (TWELVE PACES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1968 (OloaoMM AdvorlMnc oo W) PiUCE FIVE CBNIS -1U.. Bidaiilt Letter Iraqi Deputy Cites State N ew s Left Unopened Roundup By Adenauer Arab Union Plan BONN, Germany (AP)—A Building Planned ■pokesman said today (%an> DAl^ASCUS, Syria (AP)- i The unity proposal was made Iraq’s deputy premier, All by Iraqi Deputy Premier All Sa cellmr Konrad Adenauer sent leh B1 Saadi, who came to Damas On Allyn S t Site back unopened a letter from alem el Saadi, said today cus to help Syria celebrate Fri plans are underway for an fo r m e r French Premier day’s bloodless coup. He proposed HARTF~m^D (AP) Georges Bidault asking for eventual merger or federation that Syria, Iraq, the United Arab Republic, Algeria and Yemen Charles H. Miller, who owns 6.1fo tm asylum in Germany. embracing Syria,. Iraq and'the f.f. .i •. United Af’ab Republic. form the unified command. extensive real estate in Hart n o ipokesnum n ld Uiat under El Saadi said the five nations’ ford, is asking the Zoning Qernuui low, political aaylum la Recent revolutions in both armies should be empowered to Board of Appeals for vari a queatlon for local authorities In Iraq and Syria have placed cross the borders of any of \he Dirksen Favors mi' Bavaria, where Bidault la under five states "in the event of being ances for a seven-story build '■'sJ police protection. Because of the admirers of U.A.P. President JF K Urges Gamal Abdel Nasser In posi threatened by outside aggres ing proposed on Allyn St., 'M m oUtlcal Importance of the case, east of Union Station. Ea added, advice had been asked tions of power. sion.” They also could intervene Blockage of from the Interior minister in If member governments were ’The request calls for variances 101 Saadi told a* Damascus news menaced by "an internal plot for lot size and for parking. It Bonn. No reply had yet been conference the Iraqi Communist Fast Action given, he added. backed by imperialism to topple is proposed to use the ground floor Oil to Castro party Is now "absolutely and com the progressive government.” of the building for business and ' Bidault, political chief of the pletely banned and will never be Vreneh terrorist movement sworn El SsMdl also urged the four coun .the upper floors for 120 apartment allowed to operate again because tries to Join Iraq in a council for units. WASHINGTON (AP) — O n T ax B iU . to eliminate President Charles de we regard it as a flfW d ^ m n OauUe, was located Sunday by political planning as another step ’The parcel includes a two-story Senate Republican Leader Ev *■■ {< of Moscow.” toward unity. commercial building at Allyn and erett M. Dirksen of Illinois m German police in a lakeside hide WASHINGTON (AP) — out near the 8wlaa border. He Syria’s new govetnment was Syrians gave a" rousing welcome High and an empty lot west of says he agrees with Presi urged to Join four other pro-Nas the building made bis request , for asylum at to the Iraqi delegation, whose gov dent Kennedy that a full President Kennedy’s adminis once. ser states In a Joint military com ernment seized power a month If the building materializes,' it tration sent its first annual mand as a step toward unltuig the ago. The Iraqi coup, like Syria’s would be the closest new apart blockade of Cuba would Adenauer’s 'spokoaman, deputy * A * manpower inventory to Con preiia chief Werner Krueger, said Arab sphere from the Atlantic to ment structure to the downto'wn amount to an act of war and Adenauer had appcu-enUy heard the Persian Gulf. (Contiiiiied on Page Elevea) business area. I don’t want to go to war.” gress today with word that a In advance what was In Bidault's But there could be a selective nation as rich as America letter. Flood Victim Buried blockade, Dirksen .said, a selec ... PRP should be ashamed to tolerate "The ehancellor did not accept NORWICH (AP) — Mrs. Madlyn tive quarantine of some kind six per cent unemployment. It,” lOiieger said. and that would be the end of This Chart was part of President Kennedy’s manpower M. Atterbury, 61, of 243 Broad report today. It .shows how output has soared in . 15 Kennedy reported that uneni- Bidault Is expected eventually Air Force Opposes Loss St., the last Norwich flood victim Fidel Castro. ployment is the No. 1 economic to be expelled to another country, The GOP leader said he had in years with rise in output per man hour largely responsi to be buried, was laid to rest fol ble for the gain. Employment has risen only 10 per problem, a situation wasting lives perhaps Austria or Swltserland, lowing rites at 10 a.m. today. mind blocking shipments of So- and unrealized production that bxtradlUon to E’rance seems un' volet oil to Cuba in Soviet ships— cent in the period compared with 60 per cent for output. Mrs. ’Thomas Moody, 23, of 66 (AP Photofax). could materially Increase the na , likely since he Is wanted Of Space Glider Project Lake St., another victim was bur if jit could be done in such a way tion’s living standards and Its political charge—treason—-and In led after services at 9 a.m. today. as not to constitute an act of war. ability to resist foreign tyranny. telirnaUonal law bars . extradition "If you shut off oil to cuba it Secretary of Labor W. Willard on pol ’The lour other flood victims who Rusk Statement litical charges. His presence EDITORS NOTE—In the pastAln motion, a review of the Dyna- were Imried Saturday, were Mrs. would strangle her economy,” Wlrtz submitted a thick report cm tn Bavaria put a new strain on year, the Air Force lost two of its Soar project and has told the Air Dirksen said in a radio-television manpower resources accompany French-West German relations. Edward M. Barrett, 46, of 22 interview. pet projects, the RS70 reconnais Force, in effect, to try to Justify Burghardt St., Mrs. Mae C. Robi- ing Kennedy’s own message to Brwln- Gerhardt, press spokes sance sMke plane and the Skybolt moving aheadwithlt. In another radio-television inter Capitol Hill. Wlrtz, meeting news man for the Interior Ministry, ex dou, 50,-of School St.; Alexander view, Republican Sen. Kenneth B. missile. Now a third' Air Force ’The Air Force—^which contends Fotx>l, 48, of 64 Waiti St.; and men at the White House, said hs plained that If the authorities de- program, the Dyna-Soar manned Keating of New York said Soviet Risky N-Ban had already used such words as there is no comparison between Mrs. Charles Roode, 44, of 30 Held .«lde to give Bidault asylum, a space glider, may be scrapped. the two projects—is , mustering Hickory St. ships are still carrying arms to intolerable, inexcusable and out regular residence permit will be data aind arguments to present to Cuba. rageous to describe the heavy un Issued to him as required of for By FRED a. HOFFMAN the tough-mmded Pentagon chief. "I think weapons can be offen employment levels. eigners who want to stay more Jury Gets Trial sive or defensive, depending on AP Military Affairs Writer Its mood was underscored by Better Than Both the President and Wlrtz than three months. None WASHINO’rON (AP)—The Air Lt. Gen. James Ferguson, the Air NEW HAVEN, (AP)—The fA o who is holding those weapons and urged quick action on Kennedy’s "Since he wants asylum,” Ger- Force faces possible loss or se Force’s deputy chief of staff for of David I. Shackney, first man what they Intend to do with tax cut proposals and^other pro hardt said,” he apparently wants vere cutback of another of its research and development, who ever tried for invc^untaiy servi them,” Keating said. “ Helicop grams to get the economy mov to stay more than three months.” ters can be used for perfectly in WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary^trlmmed its demand from 20 to cherished projects — the manned said “ we think It is a most critical tude in Cormecticut, was expected of State Dean Rusk told Con ing faster. He added that If asylum is not space glider called Dyna-Soar. part of tile national space pro nocent, peaceful pursuits, but we seven on-site inspections. Rusk to be placed in the hands of a U. gress today the United States is said the U.S. proposals are more Latest government data shows granted Bidault would be asked to Secretary of Defense Robert S. gram.” S. District Court Jury today. know they are not getting those 4.9 million unemployed out of a leave the country. He could only helicopters down there to fly civil warranted in running the risk^ rlgforous now than two years ago. McNamara reportedly has strong Death or major curtailmmt of Six oormts o f in'volantary servi of its proposals for a nuclear test work force of 66.3 million, or a be sent to a country willing to ae- doubts the space glider program the manned space glider w ^d ians from IRivana to Santiago.” Under the new proposals, he tude remained against the 52-year- ban treaty.