8:30 LegislaUn Leader• Senat or Willi&.ftl F. Knowland; Calltomia Senator ~ene D. Millikin, Colora4.o Senator Leverett Saltoostall, Ma.•each\lfftta Senator Style-s Brid.ps, New Hampshire Cong. Joseph w. Martin, Jr., Massachu.. tt Cong. Charles A. Halleck, Indiana Cong. Leo E. Allen; Illinoie Cong. Lealle 0 . Arends, Illlnoia Hon . Ce.orge H\lltphrft71 Secret&J7 of the Treasuey Hon. Arthur Sunaertield,. The Postuater General Hon. Sherman AdUl.8 Hon. Wilton B. Peraone Hon. Gerald Morgan Hon. Jam.ea Hagerty Hon. M\U"l"q Seyder Hon. Beyoe Harlow Hon. Howard Pyle Hon. Fred Seaton Hon. Jack Mart.in Hon. Homer Gruenther Hon. Earle Chesney Hon . Arthur Minnich lOz.30 (Mr. Rabb) 11:00 am The President. receiftd the membel"• of the cutin Section of the National Rehabilitation Conmiaaion of the American Legion. Mccm:mr, Robert M., Chairman, 1096 N. Holli~ton Ave., Pasadena, Ca.lit. KRAABEL, T. o., National Rehabilitation Dire~tor1 Legion Headquarter• ALTER, Judge Wilbur M., State Capitol, , BOOHER, Dr. Norman R., 44'1 E• .38th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana CALLAGHAN, E. J . , P. O. Box 1702; Helena, Montana CLAMAGB,. Edward, 1313 W. Randolph St., Chicago, Illinois CUFF, E. v., Ortonville, Minnesota CLOUGH, Fred A., Jr., 317 Water StMet, Augusta, ain• CONNORS, John L. ,. 264 ~-.ore Street, Hartford, Connecticut DMiIEL, W. c .. , P. o. Box 485, Schoolfield Branch, Danvtlle,. Va. DAY, Jamee V., 19 Pleasant StJ"eet, Kennebunk, Maine DIXb.Jf, Joseph F., Box 233, ?Jatchez, M!seissippi FOUST, J _ Ross, 11 Ea.$t Otterman Street,; Greeiisburg, Pennsyl•ania GLF.AOON, John s., Jr. , 3g South Dearbom tnet, Chicago., Illinois FULLER, Jep s., Adams Building, Port rt.hur; 1."exaa JONES, William H., Marianna, Arkansas KNIGHT, F. Clinton, .314 Parle Road, Alexandria, Virginia LOUGARIS, I. A., 20 Cladiano BuU

2:1S paa Hon. Arthur , C rm.an, Council of Economic /u:lvis&r8' Geceral John s.. Bragdon H0n . Shennan Adams (Discussed publle works) Governor Robert F. Kennon, M>uiaiana GoYe.rno-r lter J . Koh1er, i sconsin GOV< rnor J . Cale gga, DeJ.awa.re Gov rnol' L o A. Ha gh, Iowa General Luci Clq Hon, SheJ"lllail s Hon. Jack · . Hon. Howard Pyl (Appointment rranged by • Ad s)

Jsl5 p · HlolJn . 'Wtllia.m • C~pbell , R~publlean Sta.te Chainnan tor I~aho Hon. Sherman Adam.a PRESlD T'S PPO 1 S WEJ)NESDAY, CH 2, l 95S

8:30 (Hon. Robert Cutler) OFF THE RECORD (Hon. J es 7) (H .s.c. i ting)

9:.30 Honorable Jefferson C ffery, reti ·. rican bas dor to Egypt (Hon.. ray ieyder) (Mr. Cattery r u st.d this a oin ent .thr\l Protocol. A photograph was taken)

10:00 ( • Hag rty) 10:30 Press Conte ne ll:l5 am ( • H. Alexander Smith, i ) (Hon. Bernard Shanley) OFT THE ORD (Hon. Bryce Harlow) (Hon. Jack rtin)

11:30 Hon. Herbert Brownell, The ttom ry en ral Hon. Wilton B. ?ersona - in rt (Discussed on and oo ta ion )

12:00 Dr. Joseph s. avi.e, Pro£ sor t Stanfo Univ r tr Hon. rthur Burn , Chai n,, Council of "' ono c Advi er Ho • S e dams

12:07 (The resident, accompanied by- t he White House an to d t o

12:32 ( rrived Burning Tre ) (The resident had Luncheon with the following: ) {Senator Prescott .Bush, Connecticut) ( • Willi Flenniken, Colorado) ( • John McClure, Washington, D. c.) 1:10 (The President tee oft with s artners tor l unch) 4:10 (C leU!td lS holes)

( President, accompanied by • W .L4.JL..1..Q~ ... Flenniken and .. J Black, d parted Burning Tree and moto to the ihite House)

5:00 ( rriv · t the · ihit Hous )

(Mr~ Flonniken departed the hite Hous tor t h 1ashingt.o Nat1-onal Airport to cat.ch a 5:30 plane. Mr. Bla.ok al o departed the White Hou at this time) 7t 5S pa (The President and Mrs. Eieenhred to tbe 192_5. F Street Club, W'hel'$ they ati.med a Dinner given by the cret&rJ' of th I.nterior and Mr • Mclq) The i'ollolling ere pl'8s9tlt at the dimei-: ~ Chief Justic nd Mrs. rl Warren ct'Qt.&ey' o:t he Treasury Cl s. George Humphrey . · er tary of Defense and > .. Charle Wilaon The Post st.er General and Mrs. Arthur S rfi The ttomey General and l • Herbert Brownell Mr•. Ezra Ta.rt Benson ~retary or Conmerce and Mra. Sincla1r ' eka SecreULry or . bor and • Jame$ P. Mitcb•ll Seer itary or H.E.W. Oveta Culp HobbJ Mrs. Ha?'Old Staa$en The Dil-ector ot th au of the ·dget and s. Rowland liughea vemor and frs.. Sherman d•• neral d • Wilton B.. Penona Hon . Roberl C tler Hon. end Mrs. Arth\d" Flen1111q Hon. and Mrs. Philip Young Ron . · ter il1i _. - Under. eQretaf'y cf the Interior an Mrs. CJ.al"EQlce Davia

L S:OO am Senator llll • m land, Callromia.. had Breaktaet with t1"J President.

8245 am GoTernor Edwin c. Johnson, Colorado ( ion. Shentan d ) {GOT. Johnson esented a !iahing lie t o t he Preaident) 9:00 am (Hon. Sinclair eeka, Secreta.ey o.r Co ere ) ( Hon. Sherman Adams) (Discus ed transportation policy and t.he BlJbjecir ot trade fairs) • rd T. Folliard, President, Gridiron Club • ~shall c · il, ri.pps- o rd iance, Historian, Gridiron Club • Roscoe Drummond, Yor erald Trib\m • 1a.rk oot , th Newspapers o! · chi an, t ormer Preai ent or the Gridiron Club r. Fl.etcher Knebel, Cov1 e ewepaper , Chairman, aic Co •ttee, Gridiron Club (Extended invitation t.o t.he a1 ent t.o tt Gridiron Dinner on 7th) (Mr. Hagert7 sat in on the appointment)

9:30 National curity Counc l Hon. Herbert Hoover, Jr., cting · oreta.ry of State Hon. bert n. erson, for the cretary ot enae Brig. Gen. bert • Porter, Jr., for the Director, • O. A. on. ur S. e , Direct.or, o. D. M. Hon. George Ull hr9)', retary ot the TreasU17 Hon. Herbert. Brownell, the Attorney General Hon. Rowland R. Hughes, Director, 13ureau ot the Budget on. Lewis L. Straues, Chai.nlan, A. E. c. Hon. Val Peterson, Federal Civil De.tense dminist.rator Hon. J . gar Hoover, Chairman, Interde: rt.ment.a.l Intelligence Conterenc• Ron. J. alter Yeagley, Chairman, Interdepartmental Conmittee on Internal curit)r Adm. thur • Radtord, Chairman, J. c. s. Hon. Allen W. Dullee, Director, C. I. A. Hon. Sherman Adam.a, A sietant to the President Hon. bert Cutler, Special Asaiatant to the aidct Hon. Joseph • Dod.ge, Special asistant to the President Hon. elson cketell•r, Special Assistant to the Preai.dent Colonel ndrev J. Goodpaster, hite use St.aft retaey Comnander F.dward t . Beach, Nan.1 Aid to the 11dent Hon. J. Patrick 007118, l SC prefflltatiw on lntemal curit7 Hon. James S. Lay, Jr., &cecutive ret.a.r;y, N. S. C. Hon. S. Everett Gleaeon, Deput;y ecutive Secretary, • s. c. lli40 (Hon. Herbert Hoover, Jr., Under Secretar;y or ..,tate) OFF THE RECORD (Met with the ee1dent iJnnl.ed1at.ely following N.s.c. meeting) THURSDAY, MARCH J, 1955 Page 2

The Preli.dent gave a. Luncheon for the tollo'WUg Oong"•••u ALGER, Cong, Bruce, Texas 'NFUSO, Cong. Victor L. 1 New York ASHLEY, Cong. Tho - L., Ohio :Y, ~ ong~ illi H,, . sas B.Al.Jli ' CGng. John F., Jr., Califo~ BASS1 Cong, Perkina, ew Hampshire BASS, Cong. Rosa, Tenneeae• . T, Cong. ~ D., Jr., Ohie BELL, Cong. John J,, Te~s BL. / ong. Iris • , Georgia BOYLE, Cong. ~lee A,, Illinois BURNSIDE, Cong. M, G.,. West Virginia CHASE, Cong. Jackson B. • Nebraska . i WEAVER, Cong. Phil, Nebraska CLARK, Cong. Frank M., Pennsylvania 'CRAMER, Cong. -.i a., l.ot-ida DAVl:DOO , ong. Irwin D., New York DIOO , Cong . Charle C. , Jr. , Michigan Dll . , ong. H., A .. , J.1A~, Cong. Dant .· B. 1 t loride: ADAMS, Hon . nian PERSONS, lion. Wilton B. GRUENTHER, Hon . Ho r L 2:10 pa The Pre•ident, aeccnpani 'by • Char ee Tompkins, de- ~ the · te House and tor.d to hi~ ta:rm in Gettysburg, Pa ..

Ani.ved. at G-ettysbu:r · • The President and • Tompkin• were joined by Mr. Brock, • Ham.son and • Berkey and th y then inspected the house, rarm and $U.rrounding are •

6:)0 No furthe:r activity alt.er this time. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOIK~'fS FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 19SS I Hon. Rowland Hughes, Director, Bureau of t,be Budget Hon. el1K>n Rockefeller, Special Aesinant to the Preaid.ellt Ron. Sherm.an Adame

10:~ Slil Cabinet Meeting Hon. Herbert Hoover• Jr .. , Under cretaey or St•t• Hon. George Humphrey, Secre-t.ary or the Treaeuey Hon. Charles Wilson, Secretary ot n.ten• Hon. li•r'bert. BPOWnell, The Attomoy General Hon. Arthur Sumaertield, The Poetaairt.er Gener-al. Hon. Douglas Ka7, Secretary at the Interior Hon. True D. . re, Under Secretary ot Agricultllff. Hon. .Sinclair ••u, Secretary of 0Qll!P'l8J"Ce Hon. Jamee P. Mitchell, Secrttary ot tabor Hon. Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary ot Health,, Edue&tlon & Welfare Hon. Rowland Hughe•, Director, Burea.~ ot the ·get Hen. D. A. Fitsgerald, Acting Director, F. o. A. Hon. Arth~ s. Fleming, O. D. • nu.ctot' Hon. Philip Youq, Oha.iiman, Civil Serrl.c• Commi•sioo Hon. Arthur Bums,. Chairman, COQnoU or onomic Advi ..rtt Dr, &1 Ginz-'tMtrg, a. ..areh llireotor, National Ma.npow•r Council, Columbia Mr.. Gitol'ge Lodge,, Depart.aent ot Labor Maj. Gen. Howard a. ;qrder Hon • .Sherman Adam• Han .. Wilton B. P$1"aon Hon. Gerald Morgan Hon. Bemard Shanley Hon. Robert. Cutler Hon .. Neleois Rocketeller Hen. Gabriel Ha'Q&e Hon. Jack Martin Hon. Murray Sn,der Hon. Maxwell Rabb Hon .. Arthur Minni.eh The tollowing were absent t The Vioe Preai.d4tnt The Secretary of State The Secretary ot Agriculture Hon. Harold Stassen Hon . Jlenry Cabob Lodge, Jr.

12:2S pa (Ron. Herl!>el"t Hoover, Jr., Under Secretary ot State) OFF TflE RECORD 1.2:30 - (Hon. ArthUl" S rtield, The Postmaste.- Genei-al) OFF THE RECORD

12:40 pa (General Nathan Twining, Chiet ot Sta.ft, u. S. A. F.) OFF 'l'RE RECORD

ltOO pa (LUNCH)

2:00 ?II Hon9 All.m • Dulles, Direc:t;ior,. c. l .. A. (Mr. Dulles reque•tecl this appointment) Page 2

2:15 pa The President received the following Baylor UntYersity Choir: PIT'IKA.N, Mr. Ralph D., Preeid.nt, Baylor Club ot Wa.llh+, D. C. BAlUO.DIA, Miss Martha, Conductoit BEASIBI 1 Cynthia BA.TES, Suq OORLEI, Bill BRA.St.Er, Bets BRADFIELD, Phil OBAVAN!l.E., Ja.n oom, JlJn COX, JMn CRISMAN, Fred CORBIN, Barbara DOUGLAS> Coker EDDntS, Dot. DOUGLAS,, Charlie EI.WARDS, Martha GLAZIER, Jo)lmQ' mETB, Joy HART, John mlAHAM, Billy Jean JAMES, George GOODALL, Valerie Ht:JDDLES'fON, Jim HAZELWOOD, ha KENNEDY, F~ank KAT, Sarah NETTLES, Joe LOJKfEFIELD, a.nq NU'l'L, Grady LOOAN, Su OGDEN, Marlon McGUIRE, Carolyn PARSONS, dy PromI.ts, Ann• PORTER, orman PE'l'Tt, Wanda. MURRAY, Harle OUVF.:ft, Mrs. Jet RF.ED, No:r:ria PRITCHARD, Patricia ROBB_DIS> ane ROOOEBS, Jan-e SOARBOROOOR,, Coil• SEX'l'Clf, Sylna SCUBOROUGH, Ed STURGEOB, Stevie SLACK, Hanell TAOOART, Glenna TRETHElMAY, John TANHD, Anabeth WADLEY• Hugh WAUCER, Saral.on SINGLETON, Don , WELLS, lla WILBER, arren WILLIAMS, aret " 2:)0 J:ll Mr. Jamee c. Ptrillo, President, American Federation ot Muaieian• (Hon- Gerald rgn) (Discus .ed: UN o~h•st.ra and t.he: tax question)

Sena\or ~ Gol.dlmter, Arizona {Hon. Howard Pyle) (Preeen\ed gi.tt ~ Kiwanis '.lntemat1onal)

(Mrs. Helen Rogers Reid, Pre.aident1 N w York Tribune, Ino.) OFP' THE REQORD {Al._10 known as Mrs.. Ogden Mills Reid)

('The Preetdent gaTe an OFF THE RECORD Stag Dinuer for tha following i ) Al.ESSAND.lWHI, aJ. ter E. . ANDIRSOll, Rober\ B. BRIUOfE,, SUJUe1 A. EGLl, William H. BUDDOll, Maj. Gen. John s. EISEKBONER, Dr. Milton s. HA.LL• Hon. · Leonard W. FRIDA!; MARCH 4i l95S

7;.30 OFF ·THE ltEOORD Ag Dinner ( Contin ed) HlL'l'Olf, Frank c. HIMES, Sv.irlee L. HOWMAN, Paul G. JOBES, W. Alt .on ANCJ, James J . P RXm, Andrew PA'fTOH, Willi J. ROCKSFELLER, Nelson A. SCARLETT, W:Ull J . STEPHENS,. Thoma . • toMPKINS, Francis N. WIUINSOli, Roy, Jr. THE PRESlDlBT'S APPOIN'iMEMTS SA'fURl)A!, MARCH ;, 1955

9:00 am &mator Horn&r E. Capehart, Indiana Dr. Milton s. ttenMwe.~, President, Pennqlvania sta:t$ 1CGll.eg• (Hon. red Seaton) - (Discus ed t.&ehnical aid program tor La.tin riea an housing probl a)

9tl5 Bishop 'l' a ff. lright, pisoopal Ili.shep1 WUmington, North Carolina Senator Kerr Scott, No-!"t.h Carolina Cong.. Her Pt. c . Bonnttr, ort.h Carolina Cong. Harold Cooley, o:rth Carolina Cong. L. H. FOllntai.n> N<)rth CaroU.na Oong. Charle B. ane1 North Carolina Col\g. F. el Carqle, North Ca.1"011.na eong . Charles R. Jonas, North Carolina {Hon. Bernard Shanley) (In'¥1.ted the aident to attend. a perro - ee ot "The Lost Colo117• at. _ teo, North Carolina, thi S'lla\er) Honorable Erie A. Johnston, Chairman_, International Develoiaen\ Advisory Boud, F. O. A. (Col. And J .. GOOdpastel') (Repert,ed t.o the P~sident on his recent trlp to th• Near- Ea&t)

The Pre1id9'1t lert the White House and mot.ore

ll:OO am The Prelidtnt and • e.. Eisenhower attended the aleYen o t clock Sel'Vice at the Nat-1onal Presbyterian Church

\ \ \ \, ..~ TliE PRESl DENT 'S APP OINT ENT$ ONPAY, M.A C - 7, 1955

Oeneral Carl Spaatc, U. S. Ah" or ce ( e*- > ...,,.., 9:30 a m Th-e Pre ident rec eived gr oup of Dhstingui hed Se " Crotlf recipient• and Commanders wh o pa r ticipa.t ed 1n the eei:z: re of the R•magen B:ridae on March 7, 1945. The fQUowbg were pre&ent; Mr. Mic:Aa•l Chincbar. Saddle lliver Towa•h{p, New Jersey Sat. 1/ Cl t>eU.ato, lJ1'otUC, N•w Yol'k (J' r . .Anthony SAUnele, Bronx, ew York Mr. Qeorc• P. Soumaa, Perry, Iowa Mr. Emmet 1. l\ul'rowa, Jeraey City, New Jer•ey Col. L eon&l"d Engeman, Camp Kilmer·, New Je1'•ey Lt. Oen. John W. Leonard, u. $ . Army ,(Ret.} San .A11tonio Oen. Carl Spaatz, u. S. Air F orce (&et. ) Hon. Chad•• E. Wilson, S ecTe~ry of l)efen1·e Mon. Robert $. Ander•on, J)eputy Sect"e.ta:ry of l)e.fe..nae Hoa. Robert T. St~ven•, Secretary of the Army Oen. Matthew B. R~ :l g.way, Chief of Si&llw U. S • .Army •i· Ci~n. CiUm.an c. Mudg~tt, OUtce CJl Chief ot -Staff, U.S. A.:ri:ny Mr. Anthony Mai-eh, Editor, The A rmy Thne•, Wath. , D. C. Mi-. K enneth Hechlel' (fo:rmer Army Hhtor~n) Col. Johll Verdin. U. S. A. F'. (&et.) Staff ol The l &rmy Thne• L t. Col. Harry D. Kight, Office o£ Army PubUe: lnfor~tion (Col. Andrew J . Qoodpa•ter» ,lQen. WUliain • Hoge· wa.• on du ty in Europe and wa• wiable to 'be pr•sent:}

10:00 am T he PTe•ident receiv-ed a group of National •·H Club Awards Wina--ere. 4-H Club Mem ber• Sara. Tra\lp.be:r, Tetin••••• ... Citizen•hip Winner Cepha• UHameoJl, Oeorgia - (;itiaen•hip. Wittner L eo Denese Corriveau, Mi.chiga.n .,. L eadership Winaer ltalph E. Laro&rt m, New York • L eaderahi:p Wlnnor Coleta Lou McAlUater, Oklahoma - ~chievement Winner Elden Holsapple, rndiana - Achievement Wtnne;r MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1955 Paae 2

10:00 am ational 4-H Club A ards hmera (Continued) National Committee on Boy• • Oirb Club ork, Chicaao, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Noble, Director Kenneth Ander•on, A••ociate Director r. and Mrs. Robert Quain r. Conrad Hilton U: ~- Department of Agricultui-e Ervin L. Peterson, Assistant Secretary Robert c illen, Aesi tant to the Secretary C. M.. Ferguson, Administrator. Federal Extension Service E. . Aiton, Director, • -H Club and TM Programs Fern Shipley, A1•ociate L.,ader, 4-H Club and YMW Programs (Hon. Murray Snyder)

Mr. Jacob S. Potoflky, Pree., Amal. Clothing orkere, CIO MJ'. Fr•nk Roaenblu, Secy-Treae. , Amal. Clothing Workers, cto r. David Dubinaky, Pres. Ir Secy-Trea•., lnt. Ladies' Garment Wor, er• Union, AFL Mr. Emil Rieve, Pre•., Textile Workers Union of Am., CIO Mr. Willialll Pollack, Exec. v. P., Textile Worker•, CIC Mr. -Arthur Goldberg, General Counsel, Cl r. Alex Rose, Preddent, United !latter•' Union, CIC Hon. Jamee P. itchell, Secretary of Labor (Hon. Gerald or1an) (Hon. axwell abb) (Dhcua•ed the •ubject of minimum w.age)

10:30 am Hon. John Foater Dulle•, Secretary of State (Reported on Far Eaatern tl"ip)

11:15 a lion. Arthur :Burn•, Chai~man, Council ol Economic Adviaera Hon. Gabriel Hauae (Uaual Monday appointment)

11:45 am Hon. Charles ilaon, Secretary of Defense (Ueual Monday appointment)

12:45 pDl The President received the Officer• of the Supreme Lodge, Order of Ahepa Stephen S. Scopa&, Supreme President, Ne York, N. Y. C. P. Verinh, Supreme V. P., Ne Haven, Connecticut Conatantine G. Gatsoa, Supreme Secy•• Lakewood, Ohio Socratea V. Sekle•, Supreme Treaa. , Pontiac, Michigan L ouis G. Maneaiotia, Supreme Qovernor, Pittsburgh, Pa. George J. Pappa•, Sr., Supreme Governor, Chicago, 111. Oust Ra)tua, Supreme Governor, Seattle, ashlngton Nick Kogo•. Supreme Governor, Vancouver, B. C., Canada Qregory M. Pahule•, Supreme Coun•elor, Miami, Florida (H n. Maxwell Rabb) MONDA , MARCH 7, 1955 Pa1e 3

1:00 pm The Pre•ldent gave a L&laebeon for the following member• of Con1ress: Cong. lnfleld K. Denton, lndlana Cong. John J. Flynt, Jr., Georgia Cong. Orvln B. Fjare, Montana. Cong. Danlel J. Flood, Pellnaylvan\a Cona. Edlth Oreen, Oregon Cone. Martha • Grlffltha. M\ch\gau Con1. Do Hayworth, Mlchl1an Con1. John E. Hendersotl, Ohlo Cong. W. • Hull, Jr, Mlsso"1'l Cona. Au1v.•t E. Johanaen, Mlchlaan Con.a. Joseph M. KU1ore, T•ld.• Cong. Coya Knuhon, Mlnaesota Cong. Richard E. Lankford, aryland Con,g. Ha.rria B. McDowell, J-r •• Delaware Cons. Torbert H. MacDonald, ••acb&&setts Co I• William E. Minshall, Jr., Ohlo Cong. Jamea C. Murray, lllinoia Con1. Henry S. Reuss, Wlaconaln Con1. Frank S. Thompson, New Jersey Cong. Charle• A. Vanlk, Ohlo Hon. Wilton B. Per•on• Hon. Bryce Harlow Hon. Jack Martin

2: 15 pm (The President departed the Whlte Houae and motored to Walter Reed Hospltal, where he had hl• shoulder X-rayed and then he vlaited wlth Oen. Cieorge Horka11 ln the privat'- :S.•t Wmg)

4:32 pm (The Prealdent ret~fted to the Whlte House)

5:30 pm Hon. Herbert Browuell, The Attorney Oeaeral Holl. Wllllam Rogel'•, Deputy Attortley General Judie Joaeph C. McGarraghy, Dlstrlct of Col1.1mbla Jtadae Benjamin F. Cameron, Flfth Circ11lt Court of Appeal•, Mlas. Judge Gilbert H • .Jertberg, U. S. Dlatrlct Ju4ae in Callforn\a THE :PRESIDENT'S AP OINTMENTS TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 19,S

Legiela.tive LeacieJ'• ~The PTe•ident did not attend thi• meetingl Hon. Richard Nixon, The ice President Sen. William F. Knowland, California · en. Stylee ~ddge•, New Hamp•hire Sen. Le.-erett SaHonstall, Massa¢hu•ette. Sen. Eugeiae Milliken, Colorado (Sen. Frank Carlson, Kansas) OU die ltecori Cong • .Joseph W. artin, 1r., Ma.as~~hu.sette Cong. Charle · A. Halleck. 'Indiana Cid Hctn. Oeol'g~ Hum rey, Secrehry of the Treaaul'y Hon. A ribur Sv.nunerfield, The Pos tJna• tel' General Hon. Philip Yo.ung. Chairman, Ci'Vil Sel"vi.ee Commb•ion Hon. WUton l}. J?ei-sorus Hon. Gerald Morpn Hon. Bernard Shanley Hon. .Jame• Hagerty Hon. Howard Pyle Hon. F l'ed Seaton Hon. Bryce Harlow Hon. Jack Martin Hon. .Mut"tay Snyder Hon. Hom.er Qruenther Hon. Eade, Chesney Col. Andrew J. Goodpaster Hon. A rthut Mbadch

11145 am Father Ve·rnou Oalla1he:r. Preaident. Duquf!sne Utli vereity Cong. Jamea G. Fulton,. Pennsylvania (Hoo.. Bet'n&'l"d • Shanley) (Father Q&llagher preaented the Pr.eside•t· •copy of Eesaye on 11 TTU.th and Fl'e.edom. "}

1a;OO Dr-. Eugen• CarsQI\ JUake. President. National Council ol the Churches of <;hriat in the U. S. Rev. Earl Frederick Adam.s, General Director, National Counctl of the Churches of Christ in the U. S. (Hon. •eJ'Jl.8.rd )d. Shanley) (Dr. Blake rep-c>rted to the President on hits Christmas Vi•it to the troops int.he Far Ea•t) TUESPAY, MAB.CH 8, 19$5

12;15 pm Billy Jennin.gs, 1955 Easter Seal Child _ Mrs. Jenniaas tBtUy's uiother) ~ov,,es Mi s Cathal'ine Bau.er, Director oi lnforrnation, 'the J(~tional Society fo-i: Crippled Children and .Adults, ln"C. Ufon. J'ames Hagerty) {Pre(lented the first Easter .· eah • ct. J'S. Eb~nhower w•s una · le to receive this group so the President took over this app6Jnt:znen.t)

1?00 pm The . re ident:. had Luncheon with Hon. Der11ar M. B~tuch.. THE P IDENT'S APPOINTM : TS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1955

7:50 am The Pl'e•ident left foJ' the Sulgrave Club where he attended a Breakfast given under the auapices of the W men'•· Divlaion of the Republican Natio.nal Committee

9:45 am (The Preaident returned to the Office)

Mi-. Henry G. ite1'. 3rd, Pi-eaident, ational Aasociation of Manufacturer• (M:r. William • Neal accompanied Mr. Riter} (Hon. Bernard M. Shanley) ll: 30 am Hen. John Foeter Dulles, Secretary of State

12:00 Hon. Dan Thornton, £o:rmer Oove:rnor of Colorado (Hon. 9ernal'd Shanley)

12:05 pm (The Preai ent, . ccompanied by Gov. l)a Thornton, departed the White House and motored to Burning Tree)

12t30 pm. (Al'rived at urnin1 Tree)

(The Pre•ident had Luncheon and played golf with the followin&!) (Governor Dan Thornton) (Col. Thoma• Belshe)

4:5S pm (The President departed . lU'nin1 Tree enroute to the White House)

s:is pm (Arrived at the bite H use) THE Pllli:SlDENT 'S APPOINTMENTS THURSDAY, MARCH 10. 1955 - 8:30 am (H011. llobe11t Cutler) (lion. J"amea Lay) OFF THE ECOllD (Mr. Dillon Ande.,a on) (Briefed the Pre•ident on NSC)

9:00 am en. Style• Bridae•, New Hampahire Sen. Norri• Cotton. New Hamp•hire Barry Elliott "CHlPPA QR.ANITV', llocheater. New Hampahire l'a. l'lobert Elliott, Cb.ippa Qranite'• M.odaer, llocbe•ter, N. H. M.r. Cheater Davia, Adn:iiniatl'ative Aaatetan.t to Sen. Norrie Cotton, from Peerfield, New Hamp•hi~e (Hon. Murray Snyder) {The abov• aroup came in to extend an invitation to tbe Pre•ident to 10 to New Hampehire for 150th Anniveraary of diacovery of Old Man of the Mountain in ..June)

9: 15 am Bon. Nel•on ockefeller, Special A••i8tant to the Preaid-ent Hon. Lewia L. Strau••· Chairman, A. g. C. (Mr. llockefeller requeated thb appointment to diecu•• peaceful u•e• for atomic enet'gy)

9:30 am The Preaident areeted the followin1 •tudent• of the Araonne School of Nuclear Science and Enpneering in the Jl09e (iarden: AltGENTlNA Cadoa Leon A d.lio Buchler, .Bueno• Aire•; of the Araentine AEC Emilio Oacar lloxln. Bueno• Aire•; of the A raentine AEC AUSTRALIA Ronald Kenneth Warner, Killara, New South ales; ol Auatt'alian AEC Allan Ralph annop WUaOh, Balm.oral,. New South Wal••· o! Auatralian AEC BELQIUM Pierre Jean arien, Chent; Officer Belpan Army Mercel Poaldn, Ucc:le, Belaium; Civil Engineer with Union Minier49 du Haut Katanaa Raoul Snoy, Br\laaele; Chief, Technical Dept. , Sodete de Traction et Electricite BRAZIL Boriaaa Cimblerl•; Braaillan. National lle•earch Council EOYPT Dr. Kamal·i:ldin Ab.mad Ufat, Cail'o; Phyaicbt, Univereity of Cairo Dr. Ounan H•••&n El Moufty, Cairo, Phyaiciat, University of Cairo Fil.AMC£ Andre Rene Oautier. Seine et Oiae, J'rancei Enpn.eer with Gommia••riat a l'~erpe .Atomlque Hubert L. Villier•, Pari•; Enatneer with Stein at B.oubabc THURSDAY, RCH 10, 1955 Paae 2 ... :'to 9: 30 ain A-rgonne School of uclear Science • Enatneerin1 " GREECE Kon•tantiae Doka•• A.the.a.; Captain of Technical Corps, Dir. of Enaine Shope, (ireek Army George Papadato•, Athem•. Qreek ini•tt'y of Coordination GU.AT EM.ALA (iustavo Rene Monaon, (iuatemala City• Producti.oo Superintendent, Laboratotio• Fryda, Ouatemala City INDONi.m..A Baiquni; Solo, lndoneaia; of T echnica.l .Faculty Gadjah Mada State University ISR.AU, Toel obert Cutmann,. llehovoth; Reeearch Chembt, l•rael AEC JAPAN lhara Yoehinod. Tokyo• Chief, Planain1 nit, R.eaearc:;.h Section, .Agency of lndu•trial Science • Technolop-. int.try of International Trade and Industry Akira Oyama, Tokyo; A••i8ta.nt Profe1aor Faculty of Ena., Tokyo University MEXICO Victor Florea alclonado, National Univ. of Mexico PAKISTAN Dr. Ahmed H11••ain; presently .. Fellowship National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada Dr. A. ll. Rana, Peshawar; Lecturer in Phy•ic•, Education Depaztment, Government oi Northweat Frontier Province PHILIPPINES Jose C. Toriree., Manila; Engineer with atlonal ower Corporation POllTUGAL lUcardo de elo Cabrita, Lisbon; Ile• earch Engineer Contto de E•tudo1 de Energia (I ' Nuclear, Lhbon SPAIN Lui• Jodra Gutierres: Chief. lndll•trial Chemie try Se:rvano, Junta de EneJ'gt& Nucleal", Madrid Joie lluis Lopes- Rua; Junta de Ener1ia Nuclear, Madrid SWEDEN Jan Erland Flinta; Phyeiciat of Swedilh A . .£. Co. SWITZ LAND Andrew Frederick Frituc:be, Winterthur; Jt~W""I employed a1 Enpneer by Adolph Saurer, , . ... ,1_~:..: ,t:J~ A. O., Arbon TllAJLAND Sangat ~udrakanchana, Bangkok; Senior Lect\lrer Phy1h:al Chemistry, Chulalon1korn Univ. Sukh&m rttanyaratha, Bangkok; Senior Lecturer Pby•ic•, Chulalonckorn Univ. U. S • .Atomic Energy Comniiasion Repreeentativea; Hon. Lewi• L. Strauaa, Chairman K. D. Nichol• Alionao T&mmal'o W. Kenneth Davil Dr. Norman HilberJ'y Everett Holle• THURSDAY, MAR.CH 10, 1955

9:30 am Arao.nne Sc::hool of Nuclear Science It: .Engb1eerin1 Foreip Opel'&tiona Adminiatration llepreaentaiive•: Dr. D. A. Fita1erald ichal'4 O. Land ,John Q. Hadan. Jr. Jo•ep M. Stoke• Adam mith Deertz:nent of State R.epre•entativea! Gerard C. Smitb Cieorae C. Spiegel (Hon. Jam•• C. Hagel'ty)

10:00 am ational Security Council Bon. Richard Nixon, The Vice J>reaident Mon. John Foater Dullea, Secretary of State Hon. Charle• E. Wilaon, Secretary of Defenae Jil'i1. Oen. Robert w. Poi-ter, fo-r tAe Director, F. O. A. Jlon. .Arthur S. Flemmin1, Director, o. D. M. Hon. H. Chapman oae, for the Secretary of the Trea•ury Hon. Rowland It. Hughea, Director, \1.reau of the Budget Hc>n. Lewie L. Straua •, Chairi:nan, A. E. C. Hon. Theodore C. Streibett, Director, U. S. I. A. Hon. llobert T. Steve'ft8, Sec:retacJ"y of the .Army Hon. Charle• Spark.a Thomaa, Secretary of the avy Hon. Jaine H. Doual••• Actiq Secretary of the Air Force Adm. Arthur . Rad.lord, Chairman, J. C. S. Gen. Matthew . Ridaway, Cbief of Staff of tbe Army .Adm. Robert • Carney, Chief ot a val Operation• Qen. Nathan F. Twi.nina, Chief of taff of the .Air Force (ien. Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr., Commandant, U. · S. M.. C. Mon. .Allen W. Dullea, Director, C. I. A. Ron. Robert Cutler, Special A••istant to the Preaident Hon. Joaeph M. Dodae, Special A••htant to $he Preaidellt Hon. elaon Rcx:kefeller, pecial .Aaaiatant to the P re•ident Colonel J\ndrew 1. Qoodpa.•tel', hite Houae Staff Secl"etary Hon. Jame• S. Lay, Jr., E:Kecutive Secretary, . S. C. Hon. S. Everett Oleaaon, Deputy Executive Secretary, • S. C.

12:50 pm (Hon. Cba.rlee • Wil•on, Sect"etary of Defen1e) (Saw the Pre1ldeat immediately followina the N. S. C. meeting)

ltOO pm (LUNCH)

2:30 pm (The Prealdeni left the White Hou1e and motored to Walter lleed)

2:50 pm (Arrived Walter eed Hoapital) TH DAY, . ARCH 10, 19 • Page 4 a. pm (The Preai ent 4epal'te

3111 pm. (Arrived .at the White House)

4:1S pm (Hoa• .John J. McCloy) OFF TH.E llECOllD

1~so p-m (The J"6siqent aave an OFF THE RECOlU) Stag PIJuler fo:v the tClllowina:) AD • She•tnan BAILU. , H'\J.& A cTliOLQMj; • .i'rank H. &ATOM, Fredrick M • .FLEMJ O, Lamar, Jr. OX; Donald t.. GOOD WI , Robert K. RALL, Leonard. w. KA L · W, :ryc;e • ~DALL. t>avid MITCHELL, Alb~rt . PA KE.B.t Cola Q. . EYNOLD . • Jtp:nets )4 • .0 . ELQl'F. Sbnon . ST W T. · • E. TO.DJ), Jo\lett o•• VINSON • . ailie W. WA N.EJl., Ha_rry M· WA . ·' JackL. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENT . RID Y. MA CM 11, 1955

8:JO am Congres man l c estlan. , a•hington (Hon. Berttard M. he.n.ley) (Presented m mber•hip c rd for Palm prings Golf Clul;r}

Ca~aet . eeti.ng Hon. icbar ixon, The ·ic Pre·aldent Hon.. J'ohn Fo•ter Du.ltea, Secret ry ·Of tate Ho1'. Geol'ge ltumphJ"ey, Secretary of t Tt"easury Hon. Herbert Brownell, The Attorney General Hon. Arthur Summerfield , The Postmaster Ge11er•1 .Hon. Douglas M.: y. eerebuy f the lntedor · Kol\. Esra Tait .B.euon., S~oretary of Agriculture Hoa. Sinclair eek•• Secreu.ry qf Com.mel"ee. Ron. Jan>.•• . Mitchell, Seer· ta~y of Labor Holl.. Qveta Culp Hobby, Secretary of Health. Education• Welfare HoL Rowla.nd H\lghes, Dir.,ctor, B reau of the u.dget Bon. J). A. . itagerald, Actbt I>We:ctor, • 0. A. Hon. Artb: r l mmi11g, rector, O. D. Mon. Philip Young. Chairroati, C. S. C. Hon. Arthur Burne, Chairman, Council of Economic Advi er• liou. Theodore treibert, Director, U. S. J. A . Hoii. Marjon Folsc,nn. Uucier Secretary of the Treaauy Mon. alter W. tewart, Council of Ew;o.nomic Adviser a Ml" . Robert Ki~. Admbliatrative A•ri•ta~t to the Vice President llea. William og rs, Deputy Attorney Oeneral Hon. Sherman .Adama Ho11. wuion erson• Hon. Robert C\ltler on. ·non Anderson llc.\n. Nelson ·ock.efeller Hon.. Bernard M.. hanley Bon. J•m s Hagerty Hon. Murra.y Snyder Hon. Boward Pyle llo•. hed Seaioa Hon. Gabriel Haug Hon. Jack MarUn Jlon. Maxwell Rabb Ho:a. Arthur IUU.cb. (The following were ab•ent~ The Seere.ta.ry of P fe·n•• {Jlef•n.ae D parttnel\t we.e not l"epresentecl) Tbe Directo.i-. F . O. A. ffQa •. Honry Cgbot Lodge, h.) _ lnAY, MA. CH 11. 1955 g 2 lQ~OO am. Con.gr swo~n Cecil • Harden. Indi na (Hon. Bomer Crueather) (Pr a n petition relative to a. fi-ood control project ia heT ~ $1rict. Arranged by Mr. :OTgan.)

·Oloc.. Arth r umm rfi~ld. he Postmaster Gel'leral) OFJ' T - 1\EGOlU>

10:15 am Hon. Philip • Bon 1. Amer.lea. · Am.bas ador to Colom'bia (n wly ppointed)

Hon. ilUatn McCbeaney Martin. J"l'., Chairman, Jaoar ot OoveJ"n<>l' , Fe-deral _ eserve Syste (,Arranged by Dl'. Hauge .. l'ea pointment a Chairman.):

10:45 am Hou. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of tate

11:30 am lion. Eva Bowring, former Senator c.,,.o ska (Mo • .Fred aton) l!:OO (llon.. Arthur Bul'ns, Chairman, Council of E¢Clnomic Advise.rs} (Hon~ ay:mond J. Saulnier, Consultant, Council of .Economic Advieera) (OFF THE ' ECORD)

1Z:4S prn Congres man alter H. Judd, Minnesota {Hon. Robert Cutler) (Jlon. Gabri 1 Hauge)

1:00 pm The- Prei,ident gave a Luncheon for the fo1lowb1g membe:rs ot Coogreea5 Cong. obert T. Ashmore, - th C roUna Mr • 1nseph . F rrington, awaii Co g. Kenneth l. Gray, nunois Cong. Ceorge !f.uddleston, Ir .• Al.ah ma Gong. Pat Jennings, Virginia Cong. Lester • lohnsofi, Wisconsin Cong. Geoi-ge S. Long~ Loui iana COng. William H. Natcher. Kentucky Ctn\g. Jam . Quigley, Petll18yl'7ania. Cong. Paul G. ogers, Florida Cong. Jamee Roos velt. California Cong • .1. T. Ruthe,-ford, Te•a.s Cong. Fre S¢b en.get. Iowa Cong. Eugene Siler, ntucky Cong. B. F. Sisk. caUfot"nia. Coiig. Charle• M.. Teague. Ca.llfornia Cong. • Keith Thoms n, Wyoming CoDg. T. J'ames Tumulty, ew Je-rsey FRlDA-Y, CH 11, l'JSS Pege J

ld)O pm CongreasiQnal Luncheon (ConthmedJ Cong. tewart UdaU, Ariaona Cong. Jbn right, Texas Cong .. Horb rt .Z~lenko, New York }Ion. Sh rman Adams Hon. Wilton • Person. Ho • yce Harlow Hos.. Homer Grueuther

o:n. l~bn Foster llee; ecretary of Sta.te Hon. Alleu Dullea, Direetor, C. I. A. Mou. obert Cutl ."I/ Adm. Arthv Radford, -Chairm n. J. C. S. Ad.in. obert • Carney, Chief of Naval . ratio s Ge'Jl. atha11 F . Twining, Chief of Sta.££~ U. S. A. F . Cot. dl"ew J. Goodpaster THE P ES1DENT'S APPOINTMENTS ATU DAY, MA CH 12, 1955

9200 am (Gen. Harold L. George, USAF, Ret'd) (Hon. obert Cutler) 0 F TH,E RECO .D (Hon, Dillon Ander•o1l)

9;15 am (Hon. obert Cutler) OFF THE ECO D (Hon. Dillon Ander •on)

9:30 am Hon. Dr. Manaour athi El-Kekhia, Minister of Libya (Hon. John F. Simmona) (Came in to pay bh reapect• and aay goodbye prior to bis departure for Libya. Will become Libya.'• firat Amba•eador to Italy)

(Jlon. Geol'ge Humphrey, ecretary of the Trea•uy) OFI' THE ECOlU)

10:10 am (Mr. Frank Donohue, Haaldna and Selle, New York) (-Mr. alter A. Rua.chmeyer, Maakin• • Sell1, N. Y.) 0 1' THE •ECO.RI> (Col. obert L. ch\lla)

10:20 am (Hon. ilton .ll. PeYaona) (Holl. Bryce Harlow) OFF THE ..ECORD (Hon. Fred Seaton>

10:40 am (Hon. 1oaepb • Do ••• pecial Asehtant to the Preeident) OFF THE ECO.RD

11 :25 am (Tbe Pre1ident departed the White Houae and motored to Burning Tree)

11:55 am (Arrive Burning Tree) (The Pree:ident had Lu11cheon and played gol! wit the following:) (Cong. Charles A. Halleck, IQdiau.) (Cong. Sid Simpaon. Illi1'.oi•> (Mr. Jamee Black)

4120 pm {The Preaide t departed Burning Tree accor:np nied by Mr. Jam.ee Bia.ck)

4t43 rm (The President stopped at the apartment of Mr. Black, 2101 Coanecticut Avenue, N. . )

(The President arrived at the White Houae)

8:00 pm (The Preeide'llt and Mr•. Ebenbower gave a Farewell .Dinner in honor of Hon. Robert Cutler• THE P ESIDENT'S A POINT TS SUNDA Y, RCH 13, 1951

ll:Q() am fie President :ttended the el "en

hnmediately followittg the Semc • S>r. El• c:m introdueed th Pt-e i oat to ~vin Boyd, @ Ev:angeHst from Texae. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOJ.NTMENTS MONDAY, M.AllCH 14, 1955

811.S am Se1.1ator William F. Knowland, California. had Brea.kfast '' ~] \ with the President · ~~1 9:30 am Hoo. Haro14 E. Stasaen~ Director. F. 0. A. r (Mr. Sta.a sen reported to the President et-n bis re.dent -,''\,~ . trip to the Bangkok Conference .,._ 40 minute•) 0 lO:li atn Bon. Arthur Burne, Chairman, Council el Economic Advhera Hon. Gabriel lla"ge (U•ual Monday appointment)

11:00 atn Hoa. Charles E. Wihon, Secretary of Defen•e (Uaua.l Monday appointment)

12:00 H. E. The Rt. Hon. Robert Ci. M•nzie11, The Prime Miniaitei- of Australia ff. E. The Amba•aador of Australia, Sir Percy Speru\ler Hon. John Foster Dulle"• The Secretary of State Hon. Living•tcm T. Me?'ebant, Aa•htant SecretaJ"y of $tate for European Affairs (Adm. Robert B. Carney, Chief of Naval Oper&Uone, attended Off the ItecOTd} {OM ho'-r ap oiatment)

1:00 pm The President gav e. Luncheon in honor of l'be Primo l\liniater of Aurtralia. The following were prescut: H. E. The tlt. Hoa. Robel"t O. Me11Siea, Prime MirdeteF of of Auatrali». ff • .E. The Amba• sador of Au.at"ra.U.a. Sb Pel'cy Spender The )1011. Athol G. Townley, M. P., Mlnhter of Air •ad Clril Aviation of Australia 'I'be Hon. Sir FJ."ederick Shedcle'*4 Sec~etary, Departm.ient of Defense of Auetr•lia The Hon. E. . Hicks, Sec;:retu-y, Depa.tt:rnent of .AU- of Auatralia. Tlte Hon. Artl\ur H. Tange, Secretary, Departmeat of External Affairs of Australia The Hou. A. D. McKnight. Se-cretary, Department of the Ar.my ol Australia The Hon. S. La.11dau, Assistant Secret&l:')'» De-partmcrat of Defense of Australia Mr. F. J. _lakeftey, CoUl).eelor, Embaa•y of Australia t. MONOAY, MARCH 14, 1 55 Page 2

hOOpm Luncheon • Au•tralian (C ntinued) Hon. Earl •ri:·en, The Chief Justice Hon. Sam Rayburn, The Speakel' Kon. John Foster Dullea, Secretary of tate Hon. .Esra Taft Benaon, Secretary of Agriculture Hon. Charle• E. Wihon, Secretary of Defenee Hon. Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce Hou. Jamee P. Mitchell, Secretal'y of Labor Hon. Harold E . Sta•aen, Director, F. 0. A. Sen. Walter F. George, Georgia en. Alexan er iley, Wiaconain Senator George D. Aiken, Vermont Senator H. Alexand r Smith, New ler e y Seiaator J. . Fulbright, Arkanaas Senator William F. Knowland, California Senator John W. Bricker, Ohio Senator Clinton P. Ander son, Ne Me co Senator Lyndon B. Sohn.on.. Texaa Cong. loseph W. Martin, Jr., ssachusetts Cong. James P. Richards, South Ca1·olln~ Con • obert . Cbiperfield, llltnoh Adm. obert JS. Carney. Chief of Naval Operations Hon. Living ton T. er chant, A shtant ecretary of Statf!

2:15 pm Hon. Ear& Taft Benaon, Secretary of Agriculture (Reported to the Pre•ident on hie J:eee11t trip to the C".aribbean Countries)

3:10 pm Hon. obert Anderaon, Deputy Secretary of Defenae (Hou. Sherman da a)

l:15 pm (The J>reaident departed the White House and motored to Walter ~eed)

3~)0 pm (Arrived alter Reed Hospit 1)

3:48 pm (The Pr 1ddent departed lter ee and motoYed to tb White House)

•:OS pm (Arrived at the bite House) THE PRESIDENT 1S PPOIN'l"MENTS TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1955

8:30 &tn Legislative Leaders Son. Uliam F. Knowland, Cali!onda Sen. Eugene D. 111Udn, Colorado Sen. Le'Vel"ett Saltonstall, Ma sachuJett Sen. tyles · ridges, ew Hampshire Cong. Joseph W. Ma.l'tin, Jr. , Ma ssachusetts Con . Charles A . Halleck, Indiana Cong. Leo E. Allen, Illinois Cong. L eslie C. Arerids, lllbiois tHon. Arthur mn:merfield, The P o tmaster GuerQ.1) (Se!\. F r ank Carlson. Kansas) 4Cong. Edwa rd H. ees, Kansa ) HQn. ~ra Taft . en•on, · ec:retary of AgrieultuYe Hon. She rm an Ada:tn8 Hon.. Wilton • Per ons Hon. Jatne·B Hagerty Hon. U?'ray Sn.yder Hon. Howard Pyle Hon. Jae Martin Hon. Fred Seaton Non. Gerald Moi-gan Hon. Bryce Hai-low Hon. Homer Qruenther Hon. E•rle Che•aey Hon. Arthur .Milulich (The Vice P re aident did not attend as he was out of the city) (The Poestm1Hter Qe:n. , Sen. Carlson and. Coaa. Ree• attended meeting Off the eco:rd) l0t45 am ff()n. J ,ames Scott Kemper {Fonnet" American Arnba sador to razil)

11 rOO a.in Gov•:rnor Theodore 1\. McKeldb:l, Maryland Mrs. Richard J. V alah (Pearl S. uek) Mr. B . L. England, President. Atlantic City Electric Company, 1600 Paci.fie Avenue,. Atla ntic City. New Jertey (Diseussed project for rnenta.lly retarded children)

12:00 Mon. V. K . Krishna enon. Leader o:f th lnd.i-.n Delegation o1 the General Assembly, United ations H. E . Oaganvihari Lallubhai ehta.. Ambassador of India Hon. John lfoster Dulles, Seel'etal'y of State (Appointment requested y the Sec:retary of State) TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1955 Page 2

12:45 pm (Hon. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State) (Kon .. Livingston T. Merchant, Aaabtaot Secretary ot State) (OFF THE RECORD)

12:50 pm Mr. James D. Z ellerbach (Hon. axwell · bb) (Mr. Zeller ach cam in to pay his r••})4ct•)

12:58 pm r. David Sarnoff, Chairman ot the Board .ad Director of RCA Communication• (Hon. James Hagerty) ( r. rnoff came in to pay hh r epecte)

1:15 pm (LUNCH)

2:00 pm (Hon. Nelson Rockefeller) OF THE llltCOlU> {Mr. Schreiber - tree man) (Dbcusaed tree• with the PJ-eaident for a few minute•)

7:30 pm (The President gav an OFF THE RECORD Stag Dinner for the .followiug:) Seyinour erkson George C. Bermingham Richard A. rown Paul C. Ca ot Eclward D. Crippa WiWarn . Crocker Georges F. Doriot (.Brig. Oen) George Friedland James C. Ha1erty Oeorge T. liansen William !l. Mackay Malcolm Mathe •on. Jr. Robert McLean James J'. Oates, Jr. Clarence B. Randall Jame• S. Schoff Charle• H. Tompldna, Jr. Claude 0. Vardaman James C. ood THE RESIDENT 1S APPOINT NTS WED SDAY, CH 16, 1955

8:30 am (Hon. obert Cutler) OJ' T COB..O (Hon. Jame• Lay) (lbiefed the r •i fltnt on N. S. C.)

9:00 am Hon. obert . st v ns, cretary of the rmy (Colonel Andrew J. Ooodpaater)

9:15 am Mr. Fr arus, Jr. , Pre eident, Federated Department Store a, I:ac. , Cincinnati, hio (Col. Andrew J. Goodpaater)

9:30 am Hon. Joseph D. Brennan, Coun• lor, Emb.a.ssy of Ireland Hon. John F. itnmona, Stat epartm nt / (Hon. ernard banley) ( res nt d eh rock. to the Pr et.dent for St. Patrick'• Day)

10:00 am (Mr. Hagerty)

10:30 am Presa Cont renc

11:00 am (Hon. ilton . Pers n ) OFF THE AECOIW

11:15 am (Hon. Oabriel u1e) (Hon. a.muel C. augh, Aamiatant Seel' tary of State) (Hon. inthrop Q. Brown, Couneelor for EconOinic Allairs, American Emhaaay in London - alao, Vice Chairman ot the Ninth Seasion of General Agreements on TarUf• and Trade at 0 n va} (O THE CORD appointment prior to departure for Geneva)

11:30 am Ho!'l. Thomas E. Dewey, iormer Governor of New York

12:00 Hon. John Foater Du.Uee, Secr~t•ry of State

12:30 pm (The P rea.iden departed the White Hou•• and motored to Burnin1 Tree)

12:55 pm (Arrived •t Burnin.g Tree)

1:10 pm (The Preaident had Luncheon with the following:) (M:r. llalph Pittman) (Mr. John cClure) (Cong. A. S. Herlong, Jr., Florida)

1:30 pm (Completed Luncheon) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1955 Page 2

1:35 pm (Tb reeid nt t ed off with hi• Luncheon partners)

4:37 pm (Completed 18 holes -- At the l th green, after completing game, the President met with &ob rt M. Clark, a memb r of the urning Tl' e Clu , who introduced r. William .M. Milla, aon·in-law of Al Flander•, tot e eident)

5:05 pm (The Preaident departe urrdi\g Tr e aad motored to the bite Houae, accompanied by r. John cClure)

5:40 pm (Arrived at th White Houae. r. McClure contblued on to hi• office at 15th and New York Av au~) THE P .ll.£SIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS THUltSl)AY, MAR.CM 11, 19$5

8:45 am Sena.tor Oeo:rge H. Be.ade.-, Ob4o (Hft. Jler1$td M. Shuley) (Hox.. Jack. Martin) (Hoa. Murray Snyder) (The Pte•iden.t aiped S~829. An Act lor peraolm..el ef ttl.e Armed Force• to train for, attend Utc.i participate in. the 2nd Pan American aamet, 7tb Olympic games, pines ol the 16th Olympic•. future PAft Am•ric.a and Olympic; aames and eel'tain other blteJ'siat.ioul sport•• c:otnpetition•.. and for other purpose•)

':oo am N.Uoaal Security Coundl - Met in the Pt'eaiunt•,a OlliC'.'e Hon. Herbert Hoover. Jr., Acting S cretary oJ State Hoa. Charle• E. Wilson, Secret&l"f of Defense Kon. Robert JI.. deraoa, Deputy Sacretary o.t &elenae Hoa. Arth\lr S. Fle.rnmin.g, I)i:rec:tor, 0, I). M. Mon. Lewis L. St.ra:uss, Cbairm&ll, A. E. C. Ho.a. Allen W. Dulle•, Director, C. l. Adm. Arthur . Radfo.-d. Chairmu, .J. C. S. Lt. Oe.ii .. Ilalph J. Canbte, Directot. Na.tioQ.1 Security Ageiicy Hen. Nelaou .R.oeke!eller, Spedal A••btant to th.e Pre •ldent Hon. Robert C.utler, Special A••iltaat to the Preaident Col. Andrew .J. Qooclpa.•ter, Whit• Houu Staff Secretary Hon. Jam s S. Lay. Jr., Executive Sec;retary, .N. S. C. Mr . .J. ll. KilUau.. Jr., Dir•e.tor,. Killian Com. Mr. • )f. Land, Member, .Killiu Com.

9:45 a.rn Spef:ial National Sec:Ut"ity Council Meeting OFF TliE !\ECORD ht the Jlroade&Jting R,oom at the White House: Hon. Her'be rt Hoover, Jr. , Acting Se~reiary of Stat~ Hoa-: Charle• E. Uson. Secretary ot Delenae Hou. Harold E. Sta•••n, l)irec;tor. F. 0. A. Ho!lA Arthur S. Flemming, Oir•ctor, O. D. M. Hoa. Geora• lfl.PDphrey., Secretary o1 the Treasu~ Ho11. Row-land R,. Hugaea, J>irecto-1'. Bveau of tho Budaet Adm. Arth1lr W. Radford, Chairman,. J. C. S. Hol\. Allen W. Dullea, .Director, C. I. A . .Hoa. N l•o1' Rocke£oller, Special .A1ui~aat to tho President Moa, Robert CuU•r. Special A•aiataat to the President Col. Andrew 1. Goodpaster. White Hou•• Sta.fl Secretap.ry Han. Jame• S. Lay, Jr .• Exea&ive Secl."etary, N. $. C. Hon. s. Everett Gleason. Depu_ty E¥ecutive 5ec:s.-eta.ry, N. S. C. THU&SDAY, 17. 1955

9:4$ OF H. S. C. (Coutinued) Hon. townell. The Att rney neral Hon. . Stra.u a, Chairman,, A. :&. C .. Mon. ohert _. Allder so , Deputy Seet-eU.ry f l)efe.n•e Hop. Theodore G. Stl'•ib l'tt D:h-•ctor, ti. S. t. A. Hon. l. Ed ar Hoov ~; Chair •n. ~•J'd.•p&rtmental JllteUigeacctt Conference Hon_. J. -alter Yea.gley. Chainnan~ lnterdepar-tme.ntal Committee o• 1'tltemal eeu.. Uy ' ·Lt. G~neJ>al .Harold L. George Hoa. J. Patri¢k Coyne, N1.1C tntemal Securtiy Jlepre1enta.ti'1'e Hon,. Robe-rt T. Stevens, Secreta.ry of ill• .Al'l:Py Han.. Thoma.a S. Gate•, Acting Se¢retal'Y 0£ the Mavy Hon. Tre•or Qard1urr,, fo-r the Secretary of th~ Ah: Force Geo. a.tthew &. Ridgway.. Chief of St•ll ot tlle Azmy Adm. ltobert B. Camey, Chief of Naval Operation• Gen. athan F. Twinhig. Chief of Stall of the Air Fot-ce .Lt. Geo. ll~ cC. Pate. Acting Comm.Q,dan.t, Q. s. ~•line Cot!p• Hon. Donald A. - ~l•H,. Asatftant Secretary of DelC!SnP Hon.. J'.am.ea H. Smith, Jr .• Assittant Secretal'y of tM Nt.vy tor Alr HoD. rank H. Higgins, Aw~i stant Secr•ta.ty Qf the Anny Hon. o'bert Bowie, State Department 1'l"'ig. Gf.\h. C. K. Bonee,eel, Defense DepAtrtment 1'ril· Oen. obert VI. Porter., Jr .• F .. O. A~ Hon. William Y. Elliott, O. D. Hon. H. Chapman , ose, T reaaury D.epa.ttme · t Maj. Qen . .John K. Gerhart, Joint Chiel• ot St&U Hon. 1\.o ert Am.ory. lr.• C. I. A.r Hoa. Elmer Stpta, Opei-ation• Cool'-clinaUilg .Board H '!l. Charles E. Hel•on, A . C. Hon. arrett McDonnell, Jusdc-e De,..J-tm.•at Hon. blph. E. Spe•.-. F. C. D. A. J, . Killian, Jr .• Dlre.ctor, taerin C<.n:n. 1. B. Fisk, Deputy Director, Steerin1 Com. J. H. Doollttl•, ember, Steering Com. L . A. DulSrid e, Membel", 0 u 11 L . 1. Haw rth, ember. ,. 0 H. O. Holloway. " 11 E. H, Land, M-ember, n ' ' . C. Sprague~ Conaulta.nt, u 11 Lt. Got. Vt cent Fol"d. t:J. • A. . ,, tee·rblg Com.. ».v:id Z. Becklet', 0. 0. M .• E,g;eetttlv.t Stall, Ste ring Com.

12:30 pm Qeneral Omar Bradley, tJ. s. A. (ReVd) (Holl. Fred . Se1t.~011• THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 Page 3

12:50 pm QQvernor Lane Dwinell, New Hampshire (Hon. Sherman dam•)

12:55 pm Sen.ator Clifford Ca•e, New Jer•ey (Hon. Sherman Ad.am•) (Hon. Wilton Jl, Peraona) (Hon. F:red Seaton)

1:00 pm The reaident aave a Luncheon for the followin& Members and Former Member• of Con1resa: AUClllNCLOSS, Con1. James C., New Jeraey BAKEWELL, Hon. Claude J. , former Cong. from Mhsouri CASE, Sen. Clifford, New Jersey, former Con1re••rn.&Jl COLE, Hon. Albert M., Houeing It Home Finance Ad.ndnbtrator, former Con1resaman from Kansas COLE, Con·1· W. Sterlin&, New Tork COTTON, Sen~ Norris, New H&mpabire, former Con1ressman DENNY, Hoa. Harmar, Member, c. A. B., for r Coagre••man from Penn•ylvania J'OllD, Con1. Gerald R. , Micbi1an HERTER, Gov. Christian A., Ma••aChuaetta, former Congresunan from Maaaachusetta HESELTON, Cona. John, Ma•sachuaetta HOPE, Cong. Clifford R., Kaaaas JAVITS, Hon. Jacob, Attorney Oeneral of New York, former Congr • amaa from New York JUDD, Cong. Walter, Minnesota KEAN, Cona. Robert W., New Jeraey MORTON, Hon. Thru•ton B. , A••i•tant Sec:r•tary of Stat , former Co111re ••man from Kentucky PROUTY, Cona. Winston L. , Vermont R.l.EHLMAN, Con1. R.. Walter, N•w York SCOTT, Cona. H\l&b O. , Penn•ylvania SITTLER, Hon. Ed.ward L., former Congr ••man from Pennsylvania TOLLEFSON, Cong. Thor G., W&•hington ADAMS, Hon. Sherman' PERSONS, Hoa. Wilton SEATON, Hon. Fred It.ABB, Hon. Maxwell CHE NEY, Hon. Earle

2:1S pm (OFF THE RECORD MEETING WITH THE PRESIDENT:) (FLEMMING, Hon. Arthur S. , Director, O. D. M.) (HUGHES, Hoa. Rowland, Director, Bureau of the Budget) (BACK, Gen. Geol'ge I. , Chief Sigi.al Officer) (STt1ROIS, Maj. Gen. S. D., Jr., Chief of Engineer•) THU SDAY, .M CH 17, 1955

Z: l5 pm {OFF THE . CORD ETING - Contmued) (PAUL, General Willa.rel S. , Ret1d .. ., 0. D. M.> (MARTIN, -r. Jamee, O. D. M.) (ADAMS, Hoa. Sherman) ( EACH, Co.:mma.nder Ed;wa:rc;l) (000 PASTE • Col. Andrew J.)

3:00 pm Jtott. X>an Thornton.·· for1uer Govemol' of Colora.G.o Mr. Jack a.Dning r. Mark Kramer (Hon. ~nard M. Shanley}

3:20 li>lll (Hon. endell . llarnes. Admini1;tr&tor, m"ll ~sines& Adrh.) (H<>tl.. .Fred S~aton)

3~30 pm Mr. Colon Alfaro, of SJilanla. (Hon. Wilton B. Peraon.$). (Mr. Alfaro h former Amba sa or of c;'\la.do.r and is old friend of the Pie1ii ent. Ca.me U. to pay ~a l'eapeets)

7:10 pm (Tbe Pre iden.t departed the ·hite Hoas and motored to the 1925 Street Club. wh~1·e he attended a. buffet suppe~ given by the Bu$ines Advisory Council)

Th following came to the hite Hou e and esco;rted the President to the Supper: Hon. Geo7ge Humpbr.ey. Secretary of the Ti-eaaury Hon .. Sinclair eek , Secl'etary of Commerce Hon. Bernard M . Shanley M:to. Aka 1 Niels n r. Harold ao SC ns in. Chairman, BusineJI Aclvi·BOTy Council. Preaident, Owenlii-·CO:ltning, Toledo. Ohio THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS FRIDAY, ~ARCH lS, 1955

8:30 am Mrs. O•wald . Lord ';, -to,," (Hon. Bernard . Shanley) ., as1 (Reported to the Pre •ident on her recent trip

9;00 am Cabinet Meeting Hon. Herbert Hoover, Jr., Under ttcretary of tate Hon. arion .Folsom, Under Secretary of the Treaaury Hon. Charle• E. Wilaon, Secretary of Defea1e Hoa. Herbert Brownell, The Attorney Oeaoral Hon. Norman Abrams, Aaaiatant Poatmaater General Hon. Douglaa McKay, ecret&ry of the Interiol" Hon. Ezra Taft Benaon, Secretary of A rlculture Hon. Sinclair eeks, Secretary of Commerce Hon. James P. Mitchell, Secretary of La or Hon. Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary of Health Education a. Welfare Hon. Percival rund.a e, Deputy Director of Bureau of the Budget Hon. Harold E. ·taaaen, Director, F. O. A. Hon. Arthur S. J"lemining, Director, 0. D. M. Hon. Henry Cabot Lod e, Jr .• Al'l\baaaa or to the U. N. on. Philip Young, Chairman, Civil Service Commiaaion Hon. Arthur Buraa, Chdrman, Council of Economic Adviaera Hon. Edward F. Howrey, Chairman, . T. C. Hon. tanley N. Banea, Aasi ta t Attorney General Bon. Sherman Adanu Hon. Wilton B. Pereon• Hon. Gerald Mor an Hon. Jame• Hagerty Hon. Be1'1'&rd M. hanley Hon. Robert Cutler Hon. Howard Pyle Hon. Murray Snyder Hon. .Maxwell Rabb Hon. Arthur Minaich The followina were ab ent1 he ice re aident Th ecretary of State The Secretary of the Treaaury The Poatmaater General The Director, Bureau of the Bud1et

11:15 am The President received the followin me bera of the National Voluntary Mortgage Cr dit Exten•!on Committee: COLE. Hon. Albert M. (Chair.man), Adrniniatratoi-, Hou•ina • Home Finance Agency (Appt arran ed through r. Cole) CARPENTER, Mr. Norman, Second Vice Pre1ident, Metropolitan Life Ina. Co .• l Madiaon Ave., New York 0, New York FR.I.DAY, MAACH 18. 1955 Page 2 ll:lS am National Voluntary Mortgage Credit Exten•ion Com. •continued) CLARKE, Mr. . A., Pree., • A. Clarke Mortaaae Co., -· /,.(- --~.. 1518 . alnut Street, Philadelphia 2, a. . 1,,..-. - _, DIXON, Mr. Ira. Member, Home Loan Bank Board, Wa•h. , D. C. ~~: ~~ GOODYEAR, Mr. George S., 216 We•t Second St., Charlotte 2, N. C. '~\:.:~n· - ~) HALEY, Mr. E. . , Pre•., General Mortgage Coi-p. of Iowa, · · 10 21 Fleming Jllda. , De• Moine• 1. Iowa HELD, D-r. Harry, Vice Preaiclent, The Bowery Saving• Ba.Aka, ew York. New York HUGHES, Mr. ll. Q. , Immediate Pa•t .Pre aident, NaUonal A•aociatioa of Home Builder•, P. O. Box 1638, ampa, Texaa MASON. Hon. Norman P., Commiaaioner, F. H. A. MOlUUSON, .Mr. W. Franklin, Exec. Vice Prea., Fir•t Federal Savina• II Loan Ae1octatioa, 610 - 13th St., N. . , Waah., D. C. MUNMJCllLYN, Mr. HeJU'y :t., 1mmediaie Paat Preaident, Natiow Retail Lumber Dealer• Aaaociation, Bennettaville, S. C. PICKENS, Mr. John M., Vice Preaident, Unioa Planter• ational Bank, Memphis, Te!lheaa e REILLY, Mr. Joha A., President, Second at'l. Banlt. Wash., D. C. lUEFLER, .Mr. infield, Asst. to the Chairm&11,, Federal es rve Bd~ S EENEY, Mr. T. J., Acting Aaaiatant Deputy Administrator, Office of Loan Ciuara.n.ty, Veterans Adm., Waalaington, D. C. TAYLOR.. Mr. Thomas T .• President, rud ntial . ederal Saving• It Loan As oetation, 1 ZS South ain Street, lt Lake City, Utah WALKER. r. Oliver . , reeident, allter &c Dunlop, Inc,, l ZOO - 15th Street, . , aehington, D. C. VlESER, r. Milford A. , Vice Pr sident, Mutual Benefit Life tnaura.nce Co., 300 Bi-oadway. Newark 4, New Jersey VJNER, Mr. Arthur . , Executive eeretary, Voluntary Home Mort1a e Credit Program, 1626 K Str et, • W. , Waah. , D. C. (Hon. Bryce Harlow)

11:30 am T e Presid nt met with the follQVlin Government, Sta.te and unicipal Officials to diacuss the con umer int rest in the atural Gaa Issue: lLEY, Sen. Alexander, Wis co sin ( ppointmen.t arranged at the request of en. iley) HOOVER, Hon. Herbert, Jr., Under Secretary ol State FLEMMING, Hon. Arthur . , Di ctor, O. D. M. BANKS, John C. , City Attorney, Denver, Colorado BllOADUS. Hon. Andrew, Mayor of Louiavill BRO N, Peter Campbell, City Co11poration Counsel, N. Y., N. Y. CALLO , William G., City Attorney, aukesba, Wiaconein FREED • Abraham L. , City Solicitor. hiladelphia, Pa. ONECK. Stewart, Deputy Attorney General. Wbcon•in LEE, Jamee H., A••t. Corporation CoU11eel, Detroit, Michigan LEVIN. Harvey, Deputy City Solicitor. Philadelphia., Pa. FBJOAY, M C 1 , 1955

11:30 a.m unicipal Official . (Continued) LOC R; Ralph . , Director of La , Clev landt Ohi MO Tl.MER, John J., Corpoi:ation Counsel, Chicago, Illinois O'L AR.Y, Henry. State Public S rvice Commi ion, adison, h. P OCTO , David .• City Coun lor, Kansas City, i • uri RHY harles, Coun el, National ln•titute f unicipa.l La. Office re irat Asshtut City Attorney, 'lwauke .. is. on. ernon, Attorney G n ra.l of isconsin LE, :nson, representing Mayor Ben eat of · a.shville ZEIDLE , Hon. ank, Mayor of ilwaukee, Wisconein (Hon. Sherman Adams) ( on. Oerald organ) (Hon. B rnard anley)

12:43 pm (The Pr aideat departed the bite ouse, accompanied by Oen. Snyder, and motore.d to Gettysburg. )

l~35 pm (AJ'riv d C ttys "'rg -- re &ined over ght) THE PUSIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS SATURDAJ, MAR.CR 19, 19 5

11:05 &Ill (The P r esident d e arted Ge ttysburg and root o:red to the h.ite Hou · )

l :07 p01 (A:trived at the bite Hou111e)

6x50 pm .(The President departed the hite House ed. motored to the staUe·Jr Hot 1)

. 6t55 pm (Arrive d at th tatle r Hotel. T he President •ttead•d the White Hpuse N ws Photagraph r s Dh\ner)

11~15 pm (The r sident depa.rte the Statler Hotel and · oior d to th Whit.e Kouae)

11:!0 pm {ArrP· d a~ the White Hou e ) THE PllESll)ENT'S APPOINTMENTS UNDAY, MAB.CH 2D. 1955

11~00 am The President and Mra. henhower att nded th eleven o'clock Sel"Yice at the N&.tional F re byteriaa Church. THE l> SIDE.NT ~s APPOINT ""NTS ONDAY, MARCH Zl, 1955

10:00 am Hon. Lewi• L. Stra\l&•,. Cbai.rman, A. . c. (Col. Andr w J. Goodpaat r)

10t30 am Admit-al A1'th\U' .. Radfotd, Chairman, J. C. S. {U aual onday appointment) lltOO am Hon. Arthur urns, Chairman., Coundl o£ Econornh: Adv.ii•ers (U eual Motlday appoi:ntmcu:tt) (Dt'. Hauge wa• out of to"W"a)

Hott. Cba~les E. iliao:n, SecJ"eta:ry of !e •• Hon. Robert ~de.raon, Depllty Seer tary ol Defei:u1e Ron. Herbert Hoove~, J~. , UndeJ' Secretary ol State Hon. Donald B. Duncan. Office of Chi f of Naval Opera.tiotn1 {Secretary WUso.n's lJ&ual Monday appoUitr.nent)

12:30 pm (Mii, BenJa.min F-.irle ~ had Luncheon with the Priutidetit) (OFF THE CORD)

i!l5 pm Hon. R. Douglas Stuart, Arn. rican Ambassador to ean..da

2~3 p {0 F THE RECORD Ul\EAU OF TW: BUDGET P • SENTATlON) (ON SURVIVORSHIP . ENEFITS! ) Uiort. Pe:tcival _ rundage. I) puty Director., JSuxe•u f th~ Bud.g~tJ (Mr. P. S. Hughe.a, Bureau of the udget) C r. Roger Jones, ureau of tho · udg t} t r. _· chael arc:h, BlU"eau of th udget} (Hon. Ca.rt r Burges , A aistant ecl'eta~ of l)e!ea.-e) (Capt. J. a. lloyt.. • S. Navy) ( r. Lorne Ke.ntlecly. Department of D f :nse) (Col. William A. llomrick, DepartlllJ nt of Defense) ( aj. Gen. Howard McC. Snyder) (Hon. ilton B. Per oai ) (Han. Brye Harlow) (Hon. Fred weaton) (Col. AndJ"e J. Goodpa t r)

4:00 pm Hon. Walter te. a.rt, C uncil of Economic Advi•ei-s ~ . . . THE PRESI.t>&NT'S APPOINTM NTS TUESDAY, MARCH 2Z, 955

(Mon. Nel•on Roc:kefeller had B.reaktaet with the P .r.eai4•at) (OFF THE RECORD)

8:30 am Legisla tive Lead rs Hon~ lUchai-d Nixon, The Vice Pre•ident Sen. William F. l(nowland, Cali.fol"n! Sen~ i\lg~ne D. Mi1U.kin. Colorado Sen. , Ma•aac.twseU• Sen.. Styles Bridge-». New liampshir Sen. Frank Carlson, Jtanaas Cong. Joseph l"tin, Jr., Maaaachueetta Coag. Charl • A. Kall ck. Indiana Cong. Leilie C. Azends, Jllinoi · Cong. L o E. All n~ lllinob Coug. dward Re $, Kus.as Ho.n. Charles M. Mook, Jr., l>4tputy Poetmastel' Geliel'&l lion. Philip Young,, Chah-man. Civil Servie Commission Hon. She rrnan Ad&111 s Hon. Wilton B. P rson• Hon. Gerald organ Hon. Ja.rn s Hagerty Hon. Fred Seaton Hon, Bryce Rarlow Mon. Ja~k Ma:r~ln Hon~ Murray Snyder HQn. Hornsr Oruenther Ron. Earl Chesney R°'n. Arthur Minnich

(Mr. Lee Ga.rlingt (Col. Robert Schulz) (Mr. Lee Garlington la •on o1 Dic:lt Garlingtotl wb.o 1# a per•onal !rlend of the President)

10:00 am lion~ John F .oat~r Dulles, SecTet&ry ol. St.ate (A.rrbged a.t the requeat of Secretary Dulles)

10:30 am Hon. John Shenuan Coo})4'r. newly appointed Ametic&A .A.rnbaeaador t<> India and NepAJ.. (Appointment arraag d at the r que t of Amba sador Cooper)

'J'he President later gl'eeted Mr•. John Sh.ennan CoOl"lr ud Mon. Oeorge Allen, fo11mer Amedee Ambaa~adoJ' tQ lndi•. TUESDAY. MARCH 2i, 1955 Paa• 2

10:45 am Congresawom&J:l Fr&lfee• P. Boltoa, Ohio

11:20 am (Mr. and Mrs. William Oatel!I an th:ree oya) OFF THE UCOR.D (Bon. Sherman Adalll•) · · · (Mr. O•tee la Director o! St. Pa.ul•e Scl:lool in Con.co.rd, Kew Hampshire.. Gov. Ada.ms brought them in to tneet the Pre •ident. )

Tho Pre •1d•nt left the White }lou11e and motoi'ed to the D·i•tric• Red Cro•• Builct.tna where he estended gr••ting• to the rnembere attencling t#e a=qal meeting of The Adverthitlg CouncUt J»e.

12:15 pm Hon. Harold E. Stat•en. Dire~tor, F. O. A. .. lcOO pm (LUNCH)

2:15 pm Mr•. aarbara Ward Jackaon (a write?') Hon. Nelsun B.ockelelletr THE PllESIDENT'S APPOJHTM MTS WEDN!:SDAY, MARCH al. 195.S

7:50 a.m The Preaid.ent left for the Sulgrave Club wher-e he attended a Jlreaklut gi.veu under th• auspice• of the lfl.qmen' e Dlv\•lotl of the R.epubUc-.n National Committee.

Mr. A.. Walton Cole, Editor, Reuteis. Londo!\ (Hon. Murray Snydel')

9:40 am l..t. OenA Lyman L. Lemnit~er. Deputy Chief o! Stan !or Plan• and R••earch (Col. Andrew J. Goodpaster) lOtOO arn (Mi-. X.;erty)

10:30 am Pre•• Conle1'ence

11:15 a:rn {Mr. and Mt"•· AJ•x Jex, Utah) (Hoa. llen•t'd M. Shanley)

(The he•tdent departed the White Houae and motQred to Burning Trae}

12:10 pm (Arrived. Burning Tl'ee)

12:20 pm (The Pre•ident bad Luncheon with the tollowmg:) (WUUam l"'lemd.kea, Denver Colorado) · (Robert Clark) (John Mc::Clute)

1Z:45 pm ll.:§) pm

3:40 pin (Completed 1.8 hole•)

4:18 pm (The Pl'e•ideut de,.rt 4 Burning Tree accompamed by WUllarn Flenniken ud Jame• Black)

4:44 pm (Arrlsred .a.t the White House. Hi• guest• were driven from the White Hou•• to their re•pective de•tinations)

7:!0 pm (The Presid•nt gave u OFF TliE RECORD Si.1 Pinne:r tor the. following:) AL.VORD. Ellsworth O. ll.ATTLR;, John 5. BUNDY,. Harvey ff. WEDNESDAY, MARCJt 213, 1955

7:SO pm (OFF THE UCO.RD Stag Dinner • Continued) DY&D, Rea.r Aclmh·-.1 Rieh.a!'d E. JJYll S , Hon. James 'Ji', CAR.MIC _ L, Dr. L•onard catNO, Hon. Cyrus 5. CLAll.K. Qeneral M•rk W . .DlC _ Y, Dt'. John S. FAR.LEY~ lion. Jame,• A. GRU.ENTHElt, Gen. Alft-e-d M. HARll.IMAN, E. l\Oland LINDBJ!:llOH, Brig. Gell. Curle•-A. McELROY, Neil MOONEY. Edward Ca.-diaal PA LEY. Hoa. William D. WHIT AKER~ - D:'. .B•n. T. ~"QO jJRU.P'F, Rol>'art W. STAS N. Bon. Harold E. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS THURSDAY, MARCH Z4, 1955

8:30 am (Hon. Bobert Cutler) OFF THE RECORD (NSC Briefing)

9:00 am Hon. Bernard Baruch (Hon. Gabrlel Hauge)

9:30 am (Hon. Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce) (Mr. QuUford Dudley, Jr. , Prealdeut, Life and Caaualty Inaurance Company, Na•bvllle, Teune•••e} (Mr. Paw Mountcaatle, Chalrman of the Board, Llfe It Casualty lnaurance Company, Na1hvllle, Tenneaaee) (Mr. W. C. Grant, Columbua, Oeorgl•) (Mr. W. R. Mann, Mlaml, F lorida) (Mr. J. W. Murray, Elizabethtown, Kentucky) (Mr. J. B. Waehlugton~ Keftnett, Mlaeourl) (The Secretary of Commerce brought ln the top officials of the Llfe &t Caaua.lty lnaurance Cornpa?ty to meet the Preaident OFF THE RECORD)

9:45 a m (The Prealdent presented the Natlonal Secu.ri.ty Medal and Citation to Mr. Kermit Rooaevelt, Jr., OFF THE :RECORD. The following aho attended thl• preaentatton:) (Mr•. Kermlt ltooaevelt, Jr.) (Kermlt Rooaevelt, aon) (Jo~than .Rooaevelt, aon) (Mr•. Kermit Rooaevelt, Sr.) (Hon. John F o•ter Dullea, Secretax-y of State) (Hon. Herbert Hoover. Jr •• Under Secretary of State (Hon. Loy H•nderton, Deputy Under Secretary of State) (Hou. Allen Dullee, Director, C. l. A.)

10:00 am Natlo11al Security Councll Hoo. Rlchard Nixon, The V\ce Preaident Hon. John F o•t•r Dulle•, Secretary of State Hon. Chad•• ~. WUeon, Secretary of Defen•e Hon. Harold E. Sta••en, Director, F. O. A. Hon. Arthur S. Flemmlng, Director, O. D. M. Hon. George Humphrey, Secretary of the Trea•ury Hon. Herbert Brownell, Jr. , The Attorney General Hon. Percival Bl"undage, Actlna Director, Bureau of the Budget Hon. Lewi• L. Straus•. Chairman, A. E. C. Hon. Theodore C. Strelbert, Director, U. S. 1. A. Col. L\lclu• D. Clay, Jr., Department of Defenae THURSDAY, MARCH Z4. 1955 Pag Z

10:00 am National Security Council (Continued) Lt. Colonel H. . StJ"ong., Department of. Defense Major .R • .13. Shearer, Department of Defense Admiral Arthul" W. Radfot-d, Chairman, J. C. S. }ion. Allen . Dulles, Director, C. I. A. Hon. obert Cutle.r, Special Assistant to the Ptesiden.t Mon.. Joseph M. Dodge, Special Asshtaat to the President Hoa. Nelson aoc:kefeller, Special Assistant to the Pres.ident Col. ~drew J . Goodpaster, White House Sta.fl Sec:retary HQn. Jame S. Lay., Jr., Executive Secretary, N. S . C. flQn. S verett Gleason, Deputy Executive Secretary. . s .. C.

1Z:45 · m d:miral Alldre Georges Lemonnier. r-anking officer of the French Navy (Adm. Lemonnier requested this appointment thru Protocol. He is personal friend of the President. having bee:n Chief oi. the aval General Staff under the rench Committee o! National Liberation and. since Mas-ch 1951. Naval Deputy l\.t SHAPE)

1:00 pm (Th hesident g~ve an OFF TSE !Ui;COR.D Luncheon !or the f'ollowing rnexnbera of the White House resa:) Merriman Srnith • UnUed Press Marvin Arrowsmith - Aa•ociated Pr~&• llobert Clark ... International News Servic• William Lawl'ence ... New York Times Robert Donovan ... New Tork Heralci Tt'lbun.e Francis Stephenso.n - New York Daily ew• LauTence urd - Chicago Tribune William Knighton· Baltimore Sun Garnett Horner· .. Washington Star Edward T. Folliard - Washington Post and Time• Herald Kenneth H. Tu.mer - Atlanta J ourna.1 dwin Darby .., Time Magazln John Suth rland - U. S. News a.n4 World Report y Schel'e r .. NBC Charles Von Fremd • CB Henry Burroughs - AP Photos Stanley Tl"etick - UP Photos. Arnold Sachs .. tN:P Photos Abbie Itowe Bruce Hoertel •CBS-TV (Cameraman) Uton Bittenbender .. CBS-TV (Sound man) L•roy Anderson .. N&C-TV (Camera.manl .John Hofen ... NBC-TV (Sound man) THURSDAY, RCH Z4, 1955 Page 3

1:00 pm (OFF THE BECORD Pr se Luncheon) Continued Thoma• Craven. ox Movletone New• (Cameraman) Arthur Lodovlchettl • lt ox Movleton~ Newa (Sollnd man) Alfred Slmou•on - elenewa (Cameraman) Oeorge Gurlach - elenewa (Sound man) Hugo Johnson • Pa amo"1\t New• Harry Tuaan er - Unlveraal New• Mllrray Alvey • arner-Pathe News Cleveland Byan - lectrielan Hon. Sherman Adam• Hon. Jamee C. Hagerty Hon. Murray Sny er Hon. Wayne Hawk.a

Z: 15 pm The Prealdent wltne•••d the awearlng-ln of Hon. Kevln McCann, a• Speclal Aaalatant to the President. The following were alao pre-aent: Mr•. Kevln Mccann Mr. Dougla• Mode• Waahlugton Attorney Dr. and Mr•. Qother. Alumni A•aoclatlon (Defiance College) Hon. Edmu._nd F. Manaure, Adm\nletrato.-, Q. S. A. Mr. Frank Luther Senator George Ji. Bender, Oh lo Cong. Cliff Clevenger, Ohio Member• of the White Houae Staff

Zt30 pm Hon. John Foster Dullea, Secretary of State Hon. Llvlngatou T . Merchant, Aaalstant Secretary of State THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS FRIDAY, MARCH ZS, 1955

7:45 am (The following had reakfast OFF THE RECORD with the Prealdent:) (Hon. R\chard Nixon, The Vice President) (Hon. Herbert Brownell, The Attorney General) (Hon. Leonard Hall, Chairman, .Repu.bllcan Natloul Comrnlttee) (Hon. Sh•rman Adams) (Hon. WUton B. Persons)

8:50 am Dr. illiam B. A &ma, President, The Aramaic Bible Fo'1ndatlon Mr • .Norman • Yena.n (Owner of the Blble) Dr. John Shapley, Catholic Universlty (Aramaic Scholar) Dr. Edward R. Elaou Mr. Barter, Vice Preaident, Hartford Accldent •Indemnity Company Mr. Bruce alrd, Pre11ldent, Natlo al Savings Tru&t Co.; Wa.ah., D. C. (Hon. (]abrlel Hauge) (Brought to the White Houae the oldeat known New Teetament written in Arama1c before lta publlc unvelllug)

9:00 am Cabinet Meeti.n1 Hon. ich&rd Nlxon, The Vlce Pres\ e t Hou. John Foater Dulles, Secretary of State Hon. George Humphr y, Secretary of the Treasury Hon. Cha.rles E. WU 011, Secretary of Defenae Hon. Herbert Brownell, he Attorl).ey General Hon. Charle• R. Hook, Jr., Deputy Po•tmaster General Hon. Dougla• c y, Secretary of the Interior Hon. Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture Hon. Sluclalr Weeks, Secretary of Commerce Hou. Jame• P. Mitchell, Secretary of Labor Hou. Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary of Health, Edueatlon • Welfare Hon. Percival 5rundage, Deputy Dlrector. Bureau of the Budget Hon. Harold E. Sta••en, Director, F. 0. A. Hon. Arthur 5. Flemming, Dlrector, 0. D. M. Hou. Pblllp Young, Chalrman, Clvll Service Comml8elou Hon. A?'thur Burns, Chairman, CouncU of Ecouomlc Advlaer• Hou. Henry F. Hollaud, Aeetstant Secretary of State Hon. Sherman Adam• Hon. Wilton B. Peraon• Hon. :S.raard Shanley Hon. Howard Pyle Hon. Gabrlel Hauge Hon. Bryce Harlow Hon. Robert Cutler Hon. Nelson .Rockefeller Hon. Murray Snyder Col. Andrew J. Goodpaster Hon. Maxwell Rabb Hon. Arthur S. Mlnnich FlUDAY, MA:RCH ZS, 1955 Page 2

9:00 am Cablnet Meeting (Contlnued) The followiag were abaent: Hon. Summerfield Hon. .Rowland R. Hughe• Hon. . lr.

11:00 am The Pre•ident recelved the following repl"e•entatlve• of Amerlcan Vol!.llltary Socletle• cooperating in the Unlted St&tee Escapee Program: BECKER, Mr. A. G., lnternat\onal .Re•cue Commlttee CALKINS, Mr•. J. Blrd•all, Yol.ln& Women'• Chrlatian A•aoclatlon COLE, The Hon. Fellx, American Frlenda for .Ruaetan Freedom ELLIOTT, Mr. Roland, Church Wodd Service FISHER, Mr. Joel. American Or1anlzatlo11 for Rehabllltatlon through Tral11ln1 GALLAN, Dr. Walter, United 1.Jkralnlan American Relief Commlttee GA.RSlDE, Dr.• Aid .Refl.laee Chlueae Iutellectuah GltEENL~IGH, Mr. Arthur, Uialted Hlae KONClUS, ltt. Rev. Monalpor Joseph B., United Llthuantan Rellef Fl.lnd of Amerlca LAGODZINSK.A, Ml•• Adela, Amerlc&n ltellef fo: Poland OWEN, Mlse Charlotte E., American Council of Voluntary A1encle• .ROBBINS, Mias Jeannette. American Jewish Dlstrlbutlou Committee TABOR SKY, l)r. Ivan, Amerlcau Fund !or Czechoslovak .Refugee• TOLSTOY, Ml•• Alexandra, Tolstoy Fouucl&tlon VANDEUSEN, Dr. ltobert, Lutheran World Federatlon WAGNER, Mr. PeteT, United Fr lend• for Needy People of Yu1oalavia WYClSLO, Monalpor AloyahH, National Catholic Welfa.re Conference STASSEN, Hon. Harold E., Director, F. 0. A. CORSI, Mr. Edward, State Department WABBEN, Mr. George L., State Department HOUGHTON. Mrs. Dorothy D., Deputy Director for Refugees, Migratlon and Voluntary Aa•letanc:e, F. O. A. CASHIN, M1'. Richard ., F. O. A. DAWSON, Mr. Lau.renceA., F. O. A. GLAZIER, Mr. Ezekiel L., F. O. A. McCAHON, Mr. Wllllam H., F. O. A. SOBOTKA, Mr. Clement J., F. O. A. WILLIAMS, Mr. L . .Ro1er, F. O. A. (Hon. Maxwell abb)

11:30 am Hon. Arthur S. Flemming, Directol', O. D. (Commander Edwai-d L. Beach) (Commander Beach remained for only part of the appointment) FlUDAl', MARGR 25., 1955 J>.age 3 ia:oo Ml'. Tbomat J. Culto, National Com. .rna.nde~. CathoUc War Vetera.na of the 011\ted State11 Reverend Johft J. Wallace, National Chaplain Mr. Boearlo Scll>\Ua, E:x;ecu.tlve D\re~tor CHon. Be:rurd M. Shanley) (Hon. Earl• Cheaney) . (Extended -.u lnvltatlon to the Pre•\dent to att•nd their · NatloQa.1 Convention ln A1,1g'lat and dlacqeaed. their program tQ popularl$e tho laat stanza of tac Star Spanaled B.ann•r)

12;30 pm Hon. Orie L. PhiJllps, Chief J'ldge, U. S. Court of Appeals. Denver, 'Color&dQ (Hon. Bern&J"d M. Shanley) (Appoltltm•ut sugg•&ted by Mr. Loyd Wright, Pr.esldeu:t. American a.r A•aoclatlon - re Brlcke:r Amendment)

hOQ pm Seu. William F. Knowland1 Caltforn;ta,, had t.wu:heott. with the President.

Mr. Lion•l Chevrler, Prealdeut, St. Lawrence Seaway A~thorlty, Ottowa, Canad& M:r. Lewls

2:30 pm Hon. George liumphrey, Secntary of th.e T?"e&alU'y

3:15 pm Hou. Len .to'%'dan, Cha.lrman, Intef'n&t\ow Jolat Commiaelon (former (lovenio~ of Idaho) Jton. Sherman Adams THE PRESIDENT'S APPOIMTM&NTS SATURDAY, MARCH Z6, 1955

9il5 am Hon. John Foster Dullea, Secretary of Sta.te Hon. Herbert Hoover, Jr. , Under Secretary of State (Rem.ained until 9:40 a. m. ) lO:l'Jam (The President a.nd Mrs. Eisenhower departed. the White House and motored direct to Gettysburg, Pa. )

1Z:l5 pm (Al'ri ved Gettysburg)

3:17 pm (The President and Mra. Eisenhower departed Getty•burg and motored direct to the White House)


The President and Mrs. Eisenhower remained. at the White House all day and did not' receive any official visitors. 1 HE PRE lDENT ' S APPOINT NT ON AY, ARCH 28, 1955

:15 am (The followin had r e akfast OFF THE RECORD with the Pl'esident:) (Cong. John T abe r, N w York) (Hon. ryce Harlow)

9:30 am Admiral Arthur W. Radford, Chairman, J . C. S . (U 1ual onday appointment)

10:00 am The Pr aident received the Mernb r s of the Pr aid nt' Commission on Veterans' P nsions (G.tn. radl y was appointed Ch irman of this Commission on March 5, 1955. Appointment waif arranged through Gen. radley) The following were pres nt: BRADLEY, Gen. Omar . , Chairman ADAMY, Clarenc G. , of Arlington, irgini•, Fi ld Director of the National Citizens Committ e for Educational Television DONOVAN, illia.m J., of ew York City, New York, Attorney and World War ll Director of the Office of Strategic S e~vices HAWLEY, Paul R., of College Corner, Ohio, Director of the American College of Surgeons JENKINS, Martin D., of Baltimore, aryland, President of Morgan State ollege PETERSEN, Theodore . , of Hillsborough, Cali.forni,a, Pre•ident of the Standal"d OH Company of California THOMPSON, John S., of Glen Ridge, New Jeraey, Vice Chairman of the !Soard, Mutual Benefit Life ln•urance Company (Hon. Sherman Ad&lna)

10:30 a.m Hon. Gabriel Hauge (U•ua.l Monday appointment ·Dr. Burns waa out of town)

11:00 am Hon. Charles E. Wilson, Secretary of Defense (Uaual onday appointment)

12:00 H. E. Sianor Mario Scelba, The Prime Minister of Italy H. E. Profeaaor Gaet&llo Martino, The Italian Foreign Minister H. E. Signor Manlio Broeio, The Ambassador of Italy H. E. Signor Massimo Magist.J:'&ti, Chief of Political Affair• Department in the Italian Foreip Office Signor Paolo Canali, Secretary to th Prim Minister Hon. John Foster Dullea, Secretary of State Hon. Clare Boothe Luce. American Ambassador to Italy Hon. Livingston T. Merchant, As aiatant Secretary of State (Lt. Col. Vernon Walters, Interpreter) MONDAY, MARCH ZS, 1955 Page 2

1:00 pm The Preaident and Mra. Ehenhower gave a Luncheon in honor of H. E. The Prime Minister of Italy and Signora Scelba. The following w re resent: H. E. The P riru ini ter of Italy and Signora Scelba H. . The oreign Unister of Italy and Signora Martino H. E. The Ambaseador of Italy and Signora Broaio Dr. art 1 m o i one - Che e Cabinet of the IFO Sign as im a · t:i:a i - Chief of Political Affairs Department, lFO Signor PaolonC&J'lali - Minister Plenipotentiary and Secretary to the Prime ini ter T e Vice res ident and Mrs. Nixon T he Seer tary of Stat Th Secretary of D fen e and Mr~. 'W' ilson Hon. and Harold E. S tassen Sen. a d r . alter F . G orga Sen. a d Mrs. _xander il y Rep. and Mr . Jam es . Richard Hon. a d rs. Livingston T. Merchant Gen. and Mrs. Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr. Gen. and rs. Carl A. Spaatz Hon. and rs. Eug ne R. Bla.ck Hon. Clare Boothe Luce Ml'. Henry Hon. and Hon. and r . Hon. and Mri. Homer Ferguson

2:15 pm The Pr s i dent and r . Ei nhower received Lt. Colonel William F. Sant lmann, Lea.de!' of the U1'it d Stat s Marine an in the P r 1ident offic . (Col. Santel ann is r tiring after 3Z y &?' of Service. He ha• played at official functions in the White House since 1940) h following were also p:esent: Gen ral Lemuel C . Sh pherd, Jr. Commander Edward L. Beach

2:30 pm Governor Milward L. Simp n, Wyoming en. Fra.U A. Barr tt, lJ yom.ing Cong. E. Keith Thomson, yoming (Hon. Sh rma.n Adams) THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS TUESDAY, MAB.CH 29, 1955

8130 am Legislative Leaders Hoa. Richard Nixon, The Vice President Sen. William F. lUlowland, C•li!onda Sell. Eugene D. Millildn, ColoJ'&do Sen. Leverett Saltonttall, Ma••achuaetts Sen. Styles Blfidgea, New Ha.mpshii"e Sen. Frank Carlson, Kan•a• Cong. Jo•eph W. Martin, J'r .... Ma•••chuaetts Cong. Charles A. Halleck. Indiana Cong. Le•lle C. Arend•, lllinoh Cong. Leo E. Allen, Winob Cong. Edward H. Ree•, Kansas Kon. Ai-thur Sum=erfield. The Postma•ter General Hon. Norman Abr*1n•. Assistant Po•tm•eteJ" Geaeral Hoa. Eugene J. Lyon, A•shtant Postmaatet' Oen.eral Hon. Philip YoWlg,. Chairman., Civil Service Commi1aion ff.on. Henry Holland, A•tdatant Secreta.Ty of Stat Hon. Cl&J'ence Randall Hon. Sherman Adam.a Hon. Wilton B. Per11011s Ho~. Gerald Morgan Hon. Berna.rd. Shal11ey Hon. Jam.es Hagerty Hen. Howard Pyle Holt. Bryte Harlow Hon. Gabriel Mauge Hoa. Murray Snyder Hon. Jack Martin Hon. Homer Qruenther t(on. Eat-le Chesney Col. Andrew J. Goodpaster Hon. Arthur Minnich

10:30 am Hon. Van Heuven Qoe-dhart. UN Wgh Commbeion.er fof' efug•es Hon. Chi-iatophet' H. Phillipa, Deputy Assbtalit Sec1'eta.ry of State for International Orga.nizadon Affalt"'a Han. Maxwell Rabb (Appointm.e!U requeated by Di'. Ooedhart and recommended. by State Department a1 demonstration of the i.ntaretJt of the Adminiatl"&.tion in the High Commiseione:r's refugee program)

10:4$ am (Admiral l'lobe'l"t B. Carney, Chief of Naval Operations) OFF R.ECOJU> TUESDAY. MARCH 29, 1955 Page Z

11:00 am Mha Ruth Ann Lilley preaented the President the firat Buddy oppy of the 1955 Buddy Poppy Sale• Campaign 1ponsored by the Veterans of Foreian Ware. The following were alto present: National Commander Merton B. Tice, itchell, South Dakota Mr. and ra. Charles E. Henry, Mana.1er, VFW National Home, Eaton llapids, ichigan Mra. Ruth Lilley, Mother of Ruth~ Lilley, VFW National Home, Eaton Rapids, Michigan Mr. Omar Ketchum, Manager, V ashington National Olftce, Waahington. D. C. (Hon. Earle Cheuley} ... ~0 11:30 am The President witneaaed the awearina.-m o! Hon. Theophil C. 11asi Kamrnholz aa Oenetal Counsel, National Labor Relation• Board. The following were alao preaent: Mr•. T. C. Kammholz Robert Kammholz Carolyn Kammholz ~ r. and Mrs. William F. Price, Highland ark, Illinois Mb• Joaepbiae. Walker, Washington, D. C. Hon. Simon E. ~obelofi, The Solicitor General Sen. Everett McKinley Dirksen, Illinois Sen. Lister Hill, Alabama Sen. H. Alex&llder Smith, New Jersey Cona. Graham A. .Barden, North CaroUna Cong. Marguerite Stitt Church, nlinois Cong. Samuel K. cConnell, Jr. • Pennsylvania Hon. George M. Humphrey, Th Secretary of the Trea•uJ"Y Hon. Sinclair Weelta, Secretary of Commerce Hon. Walter Williama, Under Secretary of Commerce .Mr. Lothair Teetor, Department of Commerce Mr. Louis S. Rothachild, Department o1 Commerce Mr. Philip A. Ray, DepaJ"tment ol Commerce Mi-. John L. KUcullen, Department of Commerce Mr. B. Allen !lowland, Department of Commerce Hon. Jame• P. Mitchell, Secretary o! Labor Mr. Arthur Larson, Department of La or Mr. occo C. Siciliano, Dep&rtment of Labor Mr. J. Erne at ilkins, Department of Labor h• lice K. L opold, Department of Labor Mr. Stuart Rothman, Department of Labor Hon. Guy armer, Chairman, National Labor elation• Bo•rd Hon. Abe Murdock, Member, National Labor Relations Board Hon. Ivar H. Peter•on, Member, Nation.al Labor Relation• Board Hon. Philip y Rodgers, em er, National Labor Relation• Board Hon. Joseph F. Finnegan, Director, Federal Medication II Conciliation Hon. Boyd Stewart Leedom, Rapid City, South Dakota Hon. Clarenc B. Randall TUESDAY, MAR.CH 29, 1955 Page J

11:45 am Hon. George . Perkin•, newly appointed U. S. Permanent Representative to NATO (Col. Andrew J. Goodpa1ter) (Appointment requested, through Protocol, by Mr. Perkin• before departing to take up hia duties ill Paria where he -.rill .a11ume charg of the USRO mia 1ion)

12:00 (Hon. Harold E. Staeaen, Director, F. 0. A.) OFF THE RECORD

12:45 pm (Hon. Nelson Rockefeller) (Hon. J'oaeph Dodge) OFF THE a.ECORD (Mr. Stacy May, New York) (Dinner briefing)

l :00 ptn (LUNCH)

2:00 pm (Dentht)

l:OO pm Hon. John oater Dullea, Secretary of State

4:30 pm (Hon. Herbert Brownell, The Attorney General) (Hon. William R.ogera, Deputy Attorney Oeaeral) (Hon. W&rren L. Joa~u. Jacluonville, Florida) (Hon. William E. Miller, Middle Diatrict of Tenne•••e) (The Attorney Oe1terf.). requested t'hia .appointrnellt to pre1ent two new Judge• to the President)

7:30 pm (The Pr ident gave an OFF THE RECORD Dinner 'Latin-American' for the following:) .Hoa. amuel . Ander eon. As ahtant Sect'etary o! Commerce Hon. W. Randolph Burgess, Under Secretary o! the Treaaury Ho1a. Arthur .F. ul"l)s, Chairman, Council of Economic Advi•e~• Sen. Homer E. Capehart, Indiana Hon. J seph M. Dodge. pecial Assistant to the President Maj. Gen. Flen E. Edaerton. Export-Import Bank Hon. Gabriel Hau.ge. Adrnuustra.tive Assistant to the Preaident Hon. Henry F. Holl.and. A11istant ecretary of State Hon. H rbert Hoover, Jr. , Under S cretary of State Hon. George M. Humphrey. Secretary of tbe Trea•\lry Hon. Nelson A. ocke!eller, Special Assistant to the President Ho11. Harold E. Staaaen. Director, F. 0. A. Hon. Samuel C. a.ugh, Aasistant S cretary of State Hon. inclair eks; Secretary of Commerce Mr. Jo eph P ter Grace, Jr. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOIJqTMENTS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30. 1955 L

7:50 am The President left for the Sulgra.ve Club whei-e he attended a. Breakfa t given under the auspices o:f the Women's Division of the Republican National Committe .

9:15a.m Hon. Homer Fer uson. American Am assa.dor to the- Philippine$

9:10 am Mr. J'ohn C. Haga.ft. Jr., re ident, Oeorge C. Marshall Researcb Foundation. luc.

Oen. WWiam Hammond MUton, Jr., Superintendent1 Virgtnia Military Institute (Hon. Arthur Minnich) (Discus ed plans of the Geor·ge C. Marshall Research F oundation, appointment requested through Senator Byrd)

(Mr. Hagerty)

10:30 am Press Confe-rence

11:00 am r. :llli&m V. Griffin. Pre ident, English-Speaking Unio-n of the Unit d Sta.t s (Ho11. Arthur innich) (Appointm nt r.ecommended by Philip Young to discus• the xchange program being carri don y the English-Speaking Union)

lZ:OO (Hon. Robert Cutler) (Hon . .James Lay) (NSC :Brie!ing)

Th.e Pl!'esident gave a Luncheon !or the following memberfll of Congre$sr Hon. John Fost r Dulles. Secretary of State Cong. Cad Albert,. Oklahoma Cong. Ledi C. Aredns, Illinois Cong. Clarence Cannon, issouri Cong. Robert B. Chiperfield, Illinois C ng. Thomas S. Gordon, Illinois Cong. Joseph . Martin, Jr. , Massachusetts CQng. J'ohn . McCormack, Massachusetts Cong. am Rayburn, Texas, The Speaker Cong. James P. Richard , S. C. Cong. De ey Short, Missouri Cong. John Taber, Ne York Cong. Carl Vinson, Georgia Cong. John M. Vorya, Ohio Hon~ ilton :a. ersons W DNES AY, MARCH 30. 1955 P a ge 2.

2:50 pm (M r. A llan Hoover, brothe r of Hon. Her bert Hoover , {Hon. Shennan dame) (OF""' T CO )

2:51 pm (Th~ P r esident departed the bit e lf,ous and ot or e d to Burning T.ree.)

3:15 pm (At'l'ived Bu rning T r ee)

3:30 pm (The President teed ofi ith the !ollowing:) (Gen. William. H.. Milton, Jr., Superint en dent, V . MA I.) (Colonel Thom a 8elshe )

5;4S pm (C om ple ted 18 boles)

6: 10 pm (Departed, Durning T r ee ud motored to the White Hou1te)

6:lS pm (Arrived at the White House) THE PltESlDENT'S APPOIMTM£NTS THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1955

8:45 am (Coug. Leoa H. Gavin, Pennaylvazda) OFF THE UCOIU> (Bon. ryee Harlow) (Cong, Gavin pre•entecl a picture to the Pre•ident)

9~0-0 &m {Mr. Jlobert Burroughs) OFF THE R.ECOJU) (Mr. Ralph Cake)

The President received the following b1 connection with the opening of tile Amedcan Caacei- Society Drive: Master Leroy CUl'tis .. Denver. Colorado - presented Sword of flope Emblem to the President M:ra. M~U'Y Curtis,. Denver, Colorado Qov. alter 1. Kohler, Ckairmu of the Board of tho Sodety .Mr • .Toh.a McCall. Denvel'. Colol."'&do, Dlvhi<»n of the Soeeity Mt. Clifton &. Read. Director of Public B.ela:tioa• 1)!'. Brew•ter S. Miller, Director of Profeaeion&l .Education (Hon; Sherman Ad.a.ma) (Hon. Bern.ard Shanley) (Mon. Murray Snyder)

9:45 am (Hon. Sherman Adams) (Hon. Oabriel Hauge)

10:00 am Nation-1 Sec;urity CoW'lCil Hoo. lUcurd Nixon. The Vic President liol.\. John i"olter Dulles, Secretary of State Hou. Cha#le• E. . Uson. S•cretary of Defen• Hon. Harold E. Stassen, .Director, F. O~ A. Hoa. Arthur S. Flemming. Director. O. D. M. Hon. George Hwnphrey, Secretary o.f the Tre..aau.ry Hon. J. Walter Yeagley, !or the Attol"Dey General Mon. Arthur E. Summerfield. the Postmaster Qenenl Hon. Sinelai.r Weeks, Secretary of Commerce Hon~ Percival 11.rundage, Acting Directo;r, Bureau of the Budget Ron. Theodc:>re C. Streibert, Director, Q. S. I. A. Hon. Herbert Hoover, Jr., Under Secretary of State Hon. l'lobert B. A.nde.r•oa, Depqty Secl"etary of Defen•e Hon. H. Struve Heneel, A•aiatut SecreMJ'Y o! Defense Hoa. Charle• C. Finucane, Actin1 Secretary of the Arrny Kon. Cbal'lea Spark• Tho.ma s,, Secretary ol. the .MayY Hoa. Harold E. Talbott, Secretary of the Air Foree Admiral Arthur W. Radfot"d, Chairman, J. C. S. Ge:n. Matthew B. JUd,._y, Chief ot Stall ol the A.rmy A4miral B.ob rt . C•raey, Chief ol Nav•l Operatiou THURSDAY MAACH 31, 1955 Page 2 io :oo arn ational Security Council (Continue ) General Nathan F. Twining, Chi I ot Staff of the Air Fo.rce General Lemuel C . Shepherd, Jr.• Commandant, U. S~ . C . Hon. Allen . Dulles. Director,. C. I. A. Hon. Robert Cutl ~. pecial As ht.ant to the President Bon. Joseph M . Dodge, Special Assist t to the Presid~nt Hon. Nelson ockefeller, peci l ssbtMlt to th-e Pl' sident Col. Andrew J. Ooodpast r. bite Hous Stall Seer tary Hon. James Hagerty, hite Hou.s res Secreta'l"y Hon. Dillon Ander on. N. S. C . Con ultant Hon. J. Patrick Coyne, SC Repre tattv on hitetnal Security Hon. J am es $. Lay, Executive Secret ry, N. S. C . Hon. S. EveJ'ett Gleason, Deputy El(ecutiv Secretary

12:45 pm Governor illiarn O. tra.tton., lllinoi (Hon. Sherman Ada.ms)

1:00 pm The President gave a Luncheon for the following member of Congre•s: Hon. John Foster Dullea, Secl'etary of tate Sen. Styles BJ:"idges, New Hamp hire Sen. Earle C. Clemente, l

3:00 pm Cong. Overton Broolu, Lol.daiau Cong. Joseph . Martin, J•. , Mae s&chusetts Cong. Sid Simpson, lllluois Co.-g. :f'Tarik E. Smith. Misabaippi (Hoa. Bryce Harlow) (Extended aa invitation to the Pre aident to attend Amlu.al ConYentio:a ol the Natioul l'Uver• al)d Hal'bora Congress at tbci Mayflower Hotel, .)'une l•t 07 2nd)

3:16 prn (The t"eeident, accomp&hied by Gen. Snydef'. d-ep.atted the White House ud motored to Walt~J' Reed) THUllSDAY, MAROH 31, 1955 Page 3

3:35 pm (Arrived at Waltel' R.eed Hospital)

4:17 pm (The Fresident, •cco.mj>anied by Gen. Snydet, departed Walter .Reed and motored to the ?bite Mouse)

4 ;35 pm (Arrived at the White 'House)

7~50 pm (The Pre sideut and Mrs. .Cheahower departed the White Mouse and motored to the home of the Sec!'atary of Comrneree and Mrs. Weeks t where they attended a dbmel' given ~- ,honor of. Hon. Robert Cutler)