Three Representedi Martyred Cardinal Called Model for Press Rites June 21 Convention Challenged to Rally Tremendous Strength For Julesburg For Hard-Hitting Battle Against Secularism in U. S. C lerg^en of the archdiocese and two Nebraska '+ ■+ - f + _ Members of the Press association are being challenged this morn­ dioceses will take part in the dedication of the new St. Ani; ing, Thursday, June 16, in the opening session of their national convention thony’s church in Julesburg on Tuesday moaning, June 21,; Officers of Press Association at 11 o’clock. ; \ in Denver to tal^e the heroic example of Cardinal Mindszenty as their model Urban J. Vehr will officiate at the dedica-l’ in the struggle against totalitarianism. They are given this challenge by the tion and will preside at the Mass that will follow the solemn . Rev. John S. Kennedy of Hartford, Conn., keynote speaker, who recalls that blessing of the new house-of worship erected at an approxi-1 before his imprisonment Cardinal Mindszenty called for “ Catholic self-as mate cost of $90,000. ’ ,: The celebrant of the Solemn surance, consolidation of all ' Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Catholic forces, increased Mass will be the Rev. Joseph Bosch': Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1949— Permission to Reproduce, Except on of Crook in the Denver archdio- ' Catholic social welfare activ­ Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. cese; , the Rev. Robert F. | ities, intensified educational Maron of St. Joseph’s, Chappell* work, intensified information, in the Grand Island ; sub-- deacon, the Rev. George Kodelkaj and extension of the Catholic of Curtis, in the Lincoln diocese.' press.-’! The Rev. Richard Hiestcr of Den-i i Frank Hall, director of the ver will be in charge of the" music.' j NCWC News Service, Jjine 15 in DENVER CATHOLIC The sermon will be delivered b y '; Denver presented a picture of the Very Rev. Harold V. Campbell,^ the vast news gathering forces pastor of the Blessed Sacrament ; made available to the in Denver. of honor' f press, and a graphic and startling to the Archbishop will be the Rev.j-i picture of its tremendous combined Herman K. Leite of Iliff and the! strength. The circulation of Cath­ Rev. Peter Moran of Peetz. The; ■ olic publications. Mr. Hall pointed Vicar General of the Diocese off out, has nearly tripled in 25 years, REGISTER Grand Island, the Rt. Rev. Monsi-' from 5,600,000 in 1924 to 14,- The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We ’gnor Antbn Link of Sidney, will 000,000 in 1949. Whereas there Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service Seven Smaller also be present. were in 1924 only 75 subscribers Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos. Price of paper 3 cents a copy. Following the Mats, a dinner to the NCWC News Service in five will be served for the visiting j.t countries, in 1949 the subscribers VOL XLIV. No. 43. THURSDAY, JUNE 16,1949. DENVER, . clergy in the basement of the ’ number 257 in 48 countries. church. Father Kennedy points out that In the evening. Archbishop Vehr , Catholic editors have to contend will confirm a class of 80 children '; not only with the totalitarianism of Communism, or even of Nazism Hundreds of Famifies Affected and 30 adults. All of the adults are and Fascism, but with a third cate­ converts who entered the church in >; gory that is as dangerous. the past five years. ;' These are the “ secularist totali- The Rev. Andrew Warwick ia t ' tarians who, if they allowed them­ pastor of St. Anthony’s. : selves any political label, would.. New Highway Wreaks “ The parishioners have been very choose ‘liberal.’ They are quite as generous in providing funds for, atheistic as the rest, quite as bent the church,” Father Warwick said. on regimenting and manipulating “ Already they have contributed;; man, quite as savage toward oppo- more than $60,000 in cash above 11 MAKING LAST-MINUTE plans for the I Paul. Minn., editor of the Caihohe*Dige&t and presi- .sition and unscrupulous in meet­ the normal expenses.” 1; r'o+v,«i;« A ____ dent of the CPA, and Francis A. Fink of Huntington, ing it. If you doubt this, look at Havoc in 4 Parishes Besides these cash contributions Catholic Press Association convention in managing editor of Our Sunday Vititor and Paul Blanshard’s American Free­ many of the parishioners have do- ;. dom and Catholic Power. By George Weldon his have been given evic­ be used is mostly vacant lots Denver June 15-17 are the Rev. Paul Bussard of St. I vice president of the CPA. tion notice. at the present time. There are nated labor that has saved easily . “ We make a grievous mistake The new Valley highway $10,000 in the over-all cost. j; in supposing that this book is through Denver threatens to Many homes in the Our Lady about three houses affected, but simply another blast of old-fash­ wreak havoc in four Denver par­ of Victory parish will be de­ the ryiettlement of the families The parish provides for 450. ioned bigotry,’’ continues Father ishes, particularly the Spanish­ molished, but city engineers esti­ involved is not expected to Catholics and the whole of Sedg- u i^egion Plans Information Days Kennedy. “ It is the manifesto speaking parishes of Our Lady mate that it will be several years cause inconvenience to anyone. wick county. Father Warwick esti- i (similar to Das Kapital or Mein of Guadalupe and Our Lady of before that section of the city is Father Blenkush’s delight at the mates that at least one-third of Kampf) of militant secularist to­ Victory. The road will also take reached. Meanwhile, many peo­ new park perhaps offsets some His people are from Nebraska, ■ talitarianism in the United a heavy toll in the Parishes of ple have been alerted to the fact of the woe emanating from the frorm both the Lincoln and the States.” St. Joseph (Polish) and Holy that they will be expected to other parishes. Grand Island dioceses. For Interested Non-Catholics In his very exhortation to . move. No dates have been as­ signed, however. Plans were laid by the in Denver at its his priests. Cardinal Mindszenty The area north from W’est gave what Father Kennedy con­ An official of the state high­ last business comitium meeting to hold days of information 36th avenue and Inca street is way commission says that the Englewood Work Progresses siders the perfect keynote for this already under construction and area south of W. 36th avenue Camp Malo for non-Catholics in several parishes in different sections of convention of the Catholic Press most of the families have been at Inca street is “for the fu­ Denver during the next 12 months, the program to get under association; moved out. ture.” The city is busy acquir­ In the section around West Parish Begins way in the fall. “ Let ut be pillar* of light. ing the right of way, but the It is the desire of the Denver Let u*, a* far a* we are able, 31st avenue and Navajo street Readied for Denver praesidia, advertising both four entire blocks are to be state highway commission does comitium, said W. H. Dee, presi­ prepare for the growth of the not expect to-touch it until the dent of the Denver group, to the instruction classes now being Kingdom of Chri*t, our King, razed, and it is estimated that Building New Classrooms held, and the dates, time, and place hundreds of families, mostly North Denver spur is finished. schedule information days through­ which i* the realm of ju*tice and Spanish-speaking Catholics, will The new highway will prob­ New Season out the year in all parishes co-op­ where information days are to grace . . . What we do, we do Even with the start of the summer vacation, eyes of be conducted. These cards will be affected. A prominent realtor ably run along the border sepa­ erating in the program. The pur­ for the freedom of the Church, rating Presentation parish from Accommodations for boy allow interested persons a choice in the section, Tom S. Eres, says officiala of the metropolitan area are turned pose of the program, he said, is for the *alvation of ouY people St. Joseph’s (Redemptorist). It of time and place, that the people are deploying all ahead to September when record enrollments are expected. campers are still available at to reach more people than the and our youth; for the *ake of will not affect either parish of the faults of the present system over Denver, wherever they can A new expensioii program is under way at the Holy Camp St. Malo for the Aug. present instruction classes are peace . . , To be a witne** for to any appreciable extent, ac­ of scheduling information days one find a place to live. “ It is not too 7-28 session but the opening capable of doing, and to lead those Chri*t’* *ake i* above all the cording to the Rev. Matthias J. Family school. Construction has started on the erection of at a time, thereby limiting the calling of prieit* and member* hard on tfiose who own their period, July 10-Aug. 7, is sold who want more instruction In the homes,” he said, “but there are Blenkush of Presentation par­ four classrooms for the grade school. They will be erected faith to the parish instruction number of possible attendants. of the religion* order*.” out The cement swimming pool many rentals in the area among ish. It is also expected to touch on the former,playground to the north of the church and i class nearest their homes or most Cardinal Mindazenty’s conduct flSe border of SL Francis de has been repaired in preparation Pilgrimage to Shrine people who do not have money to convenient for them to attend. is held up by Father Kennedy as Sales’ parish. Though the high­ will be joined with the church. ' . i for the opening, according to the buy. Many of them are finding it Planned for June 26 the example for the Catholic edi way will run within a few blocks The old red building behind the director, the Rt. Rev. Monsignor The program, he said, is one impossible to get a place to live.” Flynn’s jubilee he refused to allow ;; tor. “ It is obvious that he wrote of Our Lady of M t Carmel church and facing Tennyson street Joseph J. Bosetti, V.G. required of all Legion of Mary or­ A full schedule of activities for a purse to be collected for him but |; for the plain citizen. He dealt with People in the area between church, few if any of the pa­ and formerly used to house the ganizations, and it is the hope of Legion of Mary members and fam West 38th avenue and Fox street first and second grades is being insisted that any money raised be Camp Started Denver legioniiines to^.dtold a day ilies will begin on Sunday, June rather complex subjects in such a rishioners are expected to be af­ turned over to the remodeling of ' way as to make them intelligible^ up to West 40th have been noti­ fected. torn down and the property will be 27 Years Ago of information at least once a 26, when a pilgrimage to St. Fran­ fied that they must be out by turned into a school playground the school. So far more than $10,- ' month somewhere in Denver, ces Xavier Cabrini’s shrine will be to that plain citizen. All too often, 680 has been pledged with $7,000 Camp St. Malo is located in the I think, we are more lofty than in­ July 1. Throughout the whole New Park Is Boon The first and second grades wilt speakers for the occasion being made under the sponsorship of the area covered by the North Den­ occupy two of the new classrooms.'* *^*’**‘^5’ cash. South St. Vrain canyon at the supplied either by the pastor of Denver comitium with Our Lady cisive in our presentation to our To Presentation Parish foot of Long’s peak 72 miles from own people of the Catholic view of ver arms of the highway project This year will also see the inaugru- the parish or by the Legion of of Grace praesidium, Cathedr^ the people are under pressure to The city is planning a new ration of a second first grade class 400 Pupils Expected Denver and 13 miles from Estes Mary. parish, in charge. Miss Grace Pal­ issues of the day. We becloud with Park. It was founded as a summer leave. Mr. Eres estimates that park in the area close to Pres­ to handle the record enrollment In Englewood School mer, president of the CathedraJ verbiage rather, than bare vital entation church. Father Blen­ camp for the boys’ choir of Ca­ Parish praetidia asked to about 800 families in the Our that is expected. group, is chairman of the com­ meanings . . . kush says it will add immeasur­ Work i* progressing on ^ tha thedral pariah by Monsignor Bo­ obtain information from their Lady of Guadalupe-Mt. Carmel The new classrooms are ex­ pastors as to when, if possible, mittee. “ Again, he was masterly in deal­ area will be affected. The ably to the beauty of the par­ pected to cost about $76,000, ac­ now St. Louis school in Engle- ' - setti 27 years ago. Later, through ing with the opposition. He pinned wood, which is expected to greet the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. it would be most convenient tp Recent additions to the grow­ houses are close together and ish and the church, which will cording to the Rev. Leo Flynn, pas­ hold a day oT information in­ ing army of Denver’s lay apos­ down their utterances and picked the families are large,” he said, overlook the park. The land to tor. On the occasion of ‘ Father an en^llment of 400 pupils Oscar Malo, it was’ established as them ’ to pieces. He put their ac­ when climes gat under way in a camp for boys from 10 to 18. clude: Annunciation, St. Cath­ tles in the Legion of Mary are the heaviest toll will be taken in erine’s, St. Cajetan’s, St. Dom­ praesidia established at St. tions under a cry.stalline micro­ the Our Lady of Guadalupe the fall. The figure is based on The St. Ca'therine chapel at the scope and exposed their absurdity racent registrations. camp is a landmark along the inic’s, St. Francis’, Holy Family, Mary’s in Littleton, a junior parish. From China to Denver Loyola, St, James’, St. Louis’, praesidium at St. Elizabeth’s and evil. He contrasted their In all, the project in North The painting and the installation ; highway. It is built on a huge words at one time with their words Englewood; St. Philomena’s, parish, Denver; six junior prae­ Denver will involve 737 resi­ of electric lights and the acousti- ! boulder next to the road. The fa­ at another, their wards with their and Presentation. sidia at St. Augustine’s in dential properties and 199 busi­ cal tile ceiling in the new school ■ cilities have been improved'every deeds. . . . He allowed no lie to go year and all kinds of mountain As a part of the program, the Brighton, and a senior praesi­ ness properties, according to fig­ will be completed this week. unscotched. He countered every ures released by the City Plan­ The installation of a communi- j sports are available for the camp­ Legion oi Mary plans to print dium at Mother of God parish, lie with indisputable facts. When ers. The fee is $15 per week. cards for distribution by all the Denver. . ning nommission. cation system between the office ' charges were recklessly made, he In the St. Joseph-Holy Ro­ and classrooms and a master clock . called for proof. In all this he sary area construction has not connecting with the clocks in each J. could well be a model for us. The yet begun, but many families classroom,' and the laying of the Workshop Set At South Boulder Convent opposition should be handled con­ have been notified that they linoleum in the classrooms and cretely. must leave their homes. The asphalt tile in the corridors con- '; For Heights “ Once the battle was joined, he Rev. John Judnic of Holy Ro­ stitute the principal jobs that have ' Benedictine to Hold Conducted himself fearlessly. But sary parish says that about 15 to be completed to put the finish- ; - he did not abandon charity. Catholic families in his parish ing touches on the building. ; This August Through the often stormy land­ have already received eviction Desks from the old school are i ' scape of his writing there runs a notices. He estimates that this being sanded, stained, and var­ stream of the purest Christian love Loretto Heights college, Denver, Children's Camp in July will affect about 60 persons. nished for use in- th» new school. ; for all men, his enemies as well as is making plans for the fourth an­ “ It will be very bad for us,” he This will effect a saving of $5,000. !. nual guidance clinic and a second The Benedictine Sisters of the Plenty of good food and health­ his allies. . , . We can and should said, “ because the road will cut workshop on Catholic college edu­ Convent of St. Walburga in South ful meals are provided from the follow his lead in these particulars. right through the center of the Remodeling at St. Vincent’s cation for women during the latter Boulder announce that they will products of .the sisters’ own farm. Let us not confuse a militant Cath­ parish.!’ In SL Vincent de Paul’s parish part of August. operate a children’s camp for the The children have the oppor­ olic press'With a contentious Cath­ The Rev. John J. Guzinski of work is progressing in the re­ The Rev. Gerald Kelly, SJ., will ninth season through the month tunity to attend daily Mass, and olic press, a battle with a brawl.” St. Joseph’s parish .says he is modeling of the school. As a safety again direct the guidance clinic, of July. The German nuns, con­ religious instruction is available “ Finally, I would remark the having difficulty separating measure the open stairways will be’ ; ;| which will run from Aug. 17 to 23; duct their full-fledged summer for those who may require it. magnificent spiritual counsel and fact from rumor but he under­ closed off from the hall ways by but additional staff members, spe­ camp for children who' are too Further information concerning the soul-kindling appeals to be stands that about 16 families in fire doors. found in the Cardinal’s writings. cialists at the various levels of edu­ young to be accepted at other the camp may be had by writing The partitions at the north end cation, will assist Father Kelly as camps. the Benedictine . Mother Peerless in dialectic, he yet knew of the building on the first floor staff members this year. Reserva­ The camp session will be held Augustina, Box 234, Route 1, that more was at stake than argu­ Rev, Francis Hoefkens, will be torn out to provide addi­ tions for the clinic are coming in at the South Boulder home of the South Boulder. The phone in ment. Central and vital to the bat­ tional classrooms, two music prac­ so early this year that a large sisters and will last four week.s. Boulder is 137 J5. tle was the stirring and Beloved Jesuit, Is III tice rooma, and a kitchen for of souls.” crowd is expected. Approximately It- is .open particularly to girls 3,000 Relief Package* parish activities. 200 sisters from many states at­ from the ages of 5 to 12. The sis­ Whatever profits accrue from Well over a hundred delegates The Rev. Francis X. Hoefkens, tended last year’s clinic. ters are able to accommodate also the operation of their camp are had registered for the Denver con­ S.J., treasurer of Regis college, The college workshop, held for a small group of boys in the 5- applied by the nuns for a con­ vention by jress time, and the num­ Denver, for 40 years, is seriously the first time last summer, was en­ to-10 age group, if parents do not tinuance of their charitable relief ber was expected to rise to more ill at St. Joseph’s hospital. Burse Grows thusiastically received and those want to separate their children. < in work in Europe. Almost 3,000 than 125. ^ Every section of the Father Hoefkens suffered a attencjing asked for a second work­ Children at the camp follow a packages have been sent by the country is represented. heart attack at the college last shop this summer. It will be held regular camp routine and are nuns to needy converts and fami­ In the banquet at the Silver Friday, June 10, but had appar­ THREE DOMINICAN missionaries from China are By $100 Gift from .^ug. 24 to 31. Dr. Alphonse supervised constantly bv at least lies, mostly in Germany. Many G'lade of the Co*mopolitan hotel ently recovered from the seizure shown arriving at St. Dominic’s rectory and being greeted Clemens of the Catholic University have written heartrending letters Thur*day evening at 6:30 by Sunday. On Monday, June 13, Mr. Anonymous, one of the few one of the .eight nuns of the com­ by the pastor, the Very Rev. Peter O’Brien, O.P. of America will act as general munity. They are able to enjoy of thanks, telling the sisters that o’clock Archbiahop J. Franci* A. he suffered a far more serious at­ people who can be depended on to chairman of the workshop, which they would have perished without McIntyre of Lo* Angele* will tack and was removed to the hos­ Left to right are the Rev. Lawrence R. Dolan, O.P., Philadel- come through in a pinch, was the swimming, hiking, and other out­ hia; the Rev. Francis E. Kelly, O.P., Lowell, Mass.; and the Rev. will devote attention to college ob­ door activities and are- given in­ their help. deliver an addre** on “ Moral In­ pital, where physicians despaired lone contributor to the Poor Souls jectives and evaluation of the struction in various handicraft ’The Benedictine community, tegrity, the Key*bone of the of his recovery. His condition was ohn J. Ryan, O.P., Astoria, N.Y.; and Father O’Brien. seminary, burse in the past week. realization of objectives. works. which was established in Colorado Catholic Pre**.” reported unchanged at press time. + + + + • + Because of Anon’s generosity, how­ after the nuns had been forced to ever, the fund grew $100. The flee ^ e persecutions of the Nazis total now stands at $1,911. in Hitler’s Germany, supports it­ Communism Will Not Change Chinese Peasants, Say Priests The presence in Denver this Great Interest Being Shown self entirely by operating its own week of the national Catholic Press farm and dairy. 'The nuns appre­ association convention emphasizes In Regis Laymen's Retreats ciate any help that they can re­ Three Missionaries Fled From Reds in Motorboat the necessity of trained and quali- ceive from Colorado friends in fled leadership for the Church in The first of four laymen’s re­ Two other retreats flte planned alleviating the suffering of Euro­ By Don Eberlk fear that if they say anything, the ther Ryan, “ that the Reds will which is slowly beginning to today’s perilous times. No 'better treats at Regis college, Denver, for the summer, each for three pean war victims. They will wel­ grow.” With a toothbrush, a cas­ Reds will slaughter their families probably ignore the people and contribution to that leadership can will begin Friday night, June 17. days, July 29, 30, and 31, and come gifts of cast-off clothing, Hong Kong, a ci^ of 600,000 be made than the help given to the August 19, 20, and 21. The July sock, a breviary, and the in retaliation.” will be more concerned about There is room for a few more re- shoes, and other articles that people in normal times, rose to Archbishop for the education of retreat will be conducted by the might be usefnf to leas fortunate The missionaries believe the building future air bases.” priests to serve in northern Colo­ treatants in both this retreat and clothes on his back, the Rev. 2,000,000 by the time they left Rev. Henry Crimmins, S.J., regent people. Reds will have little, if any effect, Father Ryan said that only one by plane for San Francisco. rado. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr the second, which will begin a of the Creighton university med­ John Ryan, O.P., with Domin­ An additional income for the sis­ on the Oriental mind. Not only is per cent of China today is Cath­ ■The Dominican Fathers were has been particularly interested in week later, June 24. ical school. Father James Walsh, ters’ convent comes from the sale ican Fathers Lawrence Dolan olic. “ But this small minority is providing the very best opportuni­ there a radical difference in the told to leave China by their su­ S.J., professor of sociolog^y at of art objects manufactured by and Francis Kelly escaped in a fervent and devout. They think perior, because they were the ties for the training of his semin­ The Rev. Lawrence A. Chiu- Regis college, will be the retreat Sister Gertrude; a talented artist motorboat just before the Com­ dialect every 20 miles, but, in nothing of spending several hours youngest priests in the Fukien arians. This is especially evident minatto, _ SJ., who was scheduled master for the August retreat. munist forces entered Fukien in the community, H>r beautiful addition, fliere are estimated to before the Blessed Sacrament in province. Some day they hope to in his zeal to give graduate studies to conduct the first two retreats, One hundred and thirty retreat- little _ pljrwood cut-outs have won province in South China May 4. be about 500,000,000 peasants in addition to Mass on Sundays, if return and to carry on their mis­ to the greatest number possible. is ill in S t Louis and will be ants have registered for these re­ ■wide clientele among those The activities behind the Iron all of China. they are lucky to live within a 20- sionary work. In the meanwhile The seminary burses help ease his unable to be on hand. In his place. treats to date. Those wishing reser­ familiar with her work. A display Curtain in China remain a mystery “ The Reds will not change the mile radius of a mission. financial bu^en. Father Bernard J. Murray, S.J., they plan to leave Denver for their vations or information should of her work is maintained at the to the refugee missionaries. “ True, Chinese peasant, because he has “ The work of conversion is a respective homes before reporting Contributions may be sent to the of Creighton university, Omaha, write or call the Director of Lay­ camp for the benefit of visitors the peasants do escape,” said Fa­ will' direct these first two re­ become accustomed to changes of slow and patient process. 'Wars to their New York headquarters Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Chan­ men’s Retreats, Regis college, who would care to purchase me­ ther Ryan, the spokesman for the government for the past thousand have impeded the progress. What where they believe they will re­ cery office, 1636 Logan street, treats. GL. 3633. mentoes. grou^, "but they live in constant years. It is my opinion,” said Fa­ China needs is a native clergy, ceive parish assignment. Denver 6, Colo. 1 PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thursday, June 76, 1949

615 17th StrMt BttWMB WtIlOB CtlUernU •I Summer School of f GREETINGS I 1 To The SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER To Be Held in Cathedral Schools Served From 11:00 A-M, to SiOO PM, MEMBERS Choic* of Soup or Cocktail Child Brings ROAST SIRLOIN OF REEFj Classes to Beg Begin June 20;foth e r Flynn, Matbed Potatoes, Choice of Vefctablo O f The IndiTidually Baked Best Present CHICKEN PIE Experts on A^any-Sufc/ectS'^®'^'®*' Rolls, Salad, Dessert and Drink 8 5 To Fr. Flynn In Blessing Hirliy Crtu tl ths isnuli ft sir HibmiU srtsn CATHOLIC Prirsts Dinhic Room for Ptrtles—Phono CH. SSll By John J. O’Hayre E 4 0 0 SEATS • NO LIQUOR • ORGAN MUSIC! Silver anniversaries in the Are on Traveling Faculty (Holy Family Parish, Danvar) priesthood . . . such events have The parishioners were recipients oeauty about them. But the sil­ The 1949 Summer Schools of Catholic Action will open of the Apostolic blessing given by ver anniversary of the Rev. Leo the second session of its 19th year next Monday at Denver’s the pastor, the Rev. Leo M. Flynn, PRESS ASSOCIATION M. Flynn, pastor of Holy Family Cathedral schools. The opening sessions of the traveling at all the Masses Sunday, June 12. parish irfH Denver, had not only The Apostolic blessing was con­ j o H n s a n the beauty that usually accom­ school are being held this present w©ek at St. Louis univer­ ferred on Father Flynn on the oc panies such days, but also the sity, St. Louis, Mo. From Denver the school will move to casion of his silver jubilee in Holy STORAGE I mouino CO. a^ded beauty that came from Spokane, Wash., and after that to Family church May 31, M.aCAM. dk £€M/C i>ISW/\l%l€E ^ the tender heart of a four-year- San Antonio, Tex.; Detroit, Mich.; From 2:45 to 4:30 p.m'. various The Rev. William J. Koontz is ^jam siL Q iahkiL old boy. Gay Reed of 4440 Osce­ New York, N. Y.; Washington, D. individual classes are held again. visiting in the home of Mr. and ola street, Denver. C.; and Chicago, 111.; to conclude • Recreation Mrs. Charles Koontz, at Union MOVIIVO On tlie evening of Father an 8,400-mile apostolic expecition The midday get-together is a City, Ind. Flynn’s anniversary reception, on Sept. 3. . recreation period for the un­ Father Robert E. Walton ia vis­ the H oly, Family school hall CHURCH GOODS HOUSE Theme der the direction of a former Den­ iting in the home of Mr; and Mrs. For the Safety of Your Goods pulsed with nervous, happy ex­ “ The Christian in Action, Under verite, the Rev. Leo Wobido, S.J., William Stewart. citement Dignitaries from all of the sodality recreation depart­ the Auspice and Inspiration of the George Perry, Jr., infant aon of Use Johnson Service on Every Move parts o f the city and people Blessed ' Mary” will provide ment. Square dancing is always a Established 1902 1636 Tremonl Place from nearly every Catholic feature of these gatherings, which Mr. and Mrs. GeOrge P. Lawrence, * AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN UNES, INC. the theme for this year’s Summer Sr., with Matt and Terry Krurick home in the parish had come School of Catholic Action. The will be held in Denver in the T TA. 3789 Denver 2, Colo. "MOVIKG WITH CAES BVERTWHEBE" to show their love and affection home, 1617 as sponsors, was baptized June 11. words of this title are taken from Robert John, infant son of Mr. STORAGE - PACKING - SHIPPING for the kindly pastor. He the latest annual Statement of the Grant street. On three evenings, greeted each visitor individually too, there will be a recreation pro­ and Mrs. William D. Stewart, with Biahopt of the United States and Edward J. Walton and Mrs. Rose­ Phone PE 2433 Denver 221 Broadway with a handshake, a nod of his from the recent Apostolic Consti­ gram for students attending the gray head, and a few soft- school 8 to 10 o’clock. On Monday mary Rodney as sponsors, was bap­ tution of Pius XII on the tized Sunday, June 12. spoken words of appreciation. Sodality of ,Our Lady. To quote evening there will be a get-together The line of visitors was a long from the catalogue of the SSCA: party in the Knights of Columbus Mrs. Sarah Healy will be hoatess one, but at the end was little “ Yesterday under the now fallen home; on Wednesday evening to St. Rita’s circle at her home, Gay Reed, with eyes as blue and dictators, today behind the Iron there will be a Talent night in 4812 Newton street, Wednesday, sparkling as sea-colored rosary Curtain, uncounted thousands of Malo gymnaium; and on Thursday June 22, at 1:30 p.m. beads, and golden brown our fellow Christians are dying a night a farewelU party in the The Altar and Rosary society freckles as polished and shining thousand hideous deaths under the Knights of Coluifibus home. has discontinued the business and as tabernacle doors. With dim­ Satanic power the enemies of IndiTidual CUsiat social meetings until fall. The fol­ pled hands he held up to the God and religion. As Einstein ad­ The individual classes will be lowing members are carinn for the loveable priest a red toy truck mitted, while democracy was ap­ conducted by 12 Jesuit priests of sacristy during June: Mmes. L. loaded with bright new nickels peasing and education had sur­ the staff of the central office of Berger, William Dowling, M. Hen­ held in place by a canopy of rendered, religion alone challenged the Sodality of Our Lady and two ry, W. J. Koerber, C. J. Lovelace, clear Cellophane. .From behind the foe of human freedom. While lay assistants. D. L. Manes, E. O’Connor, and the red truck. Gay’s ' voice the good people took care of them­ The Rev, Thomas S. Bowdern, E. P. Stewart. The weekly care piped; "Here, please. Father selves, the bad people took over director of the department of so­ of the vestmeiits is in charge of (GST . . . this is to build the church Europe. Today the good people still cial education and the SSCA de­ Mmes. John Toohey and Elizabeth with. . . ” are taking care of themselves; the partment of the Queen’s Work and Salmon. The visiting of the sick After giving up the truck. bad peon people are taking over the for 25 years professor, dean, and committee for the current month [i-.y Gay rolled his tiny eye-lids half world. The challenge of the Ameri­ president of various Jesuit uni­ includes Mmes. Marie Ferri, Syl­ • . .. over his blue eyes, lowered his can Bishops to each of us is to ask versities, lecturer on education, re­ via Scott, and C. Heiderstadt, ourselves each day: ‘ What am I ligion, and , will he^d, and ’ searched the floor Mr. and Mra. Clyde T. Isenhart about Father Flynn’s feet. doing to build a Christian world?’ conduct courses on the “ Secret of ou pay nothing extra for the convenience will have their sons and daughters- Y. “ Well, now, , . . I.’’ They tell us we simply must vital­ Sanctity” and on the “ Spiritual Ex­ ize religion in our individual lives, ercises of St. Ignatius Loyola.” in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. resulting from the fine location of Boulevard Father’s voice faltered for the. Isenhart and Mr. aiid Mrs. J. B. first' time during the evening, in the home, in education, in our at Federal and North Speer. Boulevard is read­ The Rev, J. Robert Lyons, na­ Isenhart, and their son-in-law and an(j his pale blue eyes seemed daily work, in our civil life. The tional organizer of the Sodality of SSCA will show you how.” daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ily accessible from all parts of Denver and mistier than at any time before. Our Lady and associate editor of Merkel, and all the grandchildren suburbs, free parking at all hours, served by “ Well, now, that certainly is a Who May Attend the Queen's W'ork, and Action to celebrate Fathers’ day June 19. fine little truck, and you, you “ Who may attend the SSCA?” Now, will teach "The Sodality in trolley coach and tram. certainly are a fine little boy.’’ is a question that has frequently the Light of the Recent Apostolic Howard Isenhart and family, Gay’s mother squeezed his been asked in Denver. To quote Constitution of Pope Pius XII,” who have been, living in California, At Boulevard, every service is complete, re­ are returning to Colorado as chief little shoulder gently, and the again from the catalogue of the “ The College Sodality,” “ Sodality gardless of cost; there are no unexpected lad slowly lifted his head until .school; “ We wish to make it per­ Norms for Sanctity and the Apos- accountant of the Constru- he was looking into the priest’s fectly clear that anyone may come tolate,” and “ A Sodality Work­ tion company. Another son. 1 extras. (Jregory of the Alexian face. to the SSCA. Everyone is most cor- shop.” Brothers, who is stationed at Eliz­ While bending down and smil­ dially invited, and we mean just The Rev. Edward J. Weisen- ing, Father was thinking— You, that — everyone.” The SSCA is berg, profe.ssor of dogmatic the­ abeth, N, J., will not be . home The same personnel with years of experience my son, have just delivered sponsored by the central office of ology at St. Mary’s college, St. until after he has taken the final vows of his order, which will be and finest equipment used on every service. much more than shiny new the Sodality of Our Lady, but that Marys, Kans.; lecturer, director of nickels in your little red truck; by no means restricts attendance the Kansas State Sodality union, in March, 1950. you have , delivered some of to sodalists only. Anyone, young spiritualspi counselor of the Newman Mrs. A. A. Haberer aiid daugh­ God’s finest groceries. or old, lay or religious, Catholic or club at Kansas State college, and ter, Marlene, are visiting relatives Oh, C D a d d i^ — BOULEVARD Looking up, first at his non-Catholic, is most welcome. national chaplain of the Phi Kappa in Buffalo, N. Y. mother and then at Father Schedule fraternity, will treat “ What‘ Y TKontcu^ Flynn, Gay divided his bashful The Denver SSCA will open with Should Know About Mar^,” “ Ma­ in Elementary Schools,” “ How to smile between them. a Dialogue Mass in the Cathedral jor Truths the Christjan in Action Teach Catechism,” and “ Our Lady of the on Should Know and Live,” and "Dis­ of Fatima, the Perfect Teacher.-” Oh, (D addij.—Q h! Monday morning, June 20, at 8:30. ^ FEDERAL BLVD. at NORTH SP^ER - PHONE GRand \ k 2 b cussion-Study Clubs for the Chris­ The Rev. James MeShane, as­ This Dialogue or Community Mass The Denver Catholic tian in Action.” sistant pastor of Sacred Heart will be a daily feature of the sum­ SURPRISE D A D with the Famous Brands he knows and The Rev. Frederick L. Zimmer­ church, Denver, former member of mer school, Monday through Fri­ Res^ster man, director of men’s sodalities the Jesuit Mission band, and re­ prefers— from HIS OWN STORE! ^For 56 Yeats Published Weekly by the day. Registrations for attendance and associate editor of Action Now at the SSCA will be conducted in treat master, will treat “ Mental Cottrell's has been known as "T H E M an's Store of ITtt Tr«aont PL Catholic Press Society, Inc. and the Queen’s Worfr, will discyss Prayer” and the “ Life of Christ.” DENVER’S MOST Cathedral grade school, 18.30 Lo­ 938 Bannock Street, Denver, “ The Parish Sodality and Reli­ The Rev. Leo P. 'W’obido, editor Nationally Advertised Brands. BE SURE when you buy tS21 Tnment PL Colo. gan street, on Sunday afternoon gious Organizations for Men” and FROGRESSIVE and evening and throughout the of the Faculty Adviser, director of Dad's Gift! 411 R. nth At«. Subscription: 51 Per Year “ Directions Sodality Directors." five succeeding days. Owing to the The Rev. Edward Dowling, mem­ the “ Queen’s Workshop of the Air” Entered as Second Class and the recreation department of 404 R. lltb At*. Tact that the se.ssions in Spokane ber of the editorial .staff of the Matter at the Post Office, the Queen’s Work, will conduct a j IS47-4S HArktt StrMt must begin on Monday, June 27, Queen’s Wor/f and Action Now, or­ TAker ItTO Denver, Colo. "Radio Workshop in Action.” the usual “ Six Days You’ll Never ganizer of the -Sodality of Our Forget” will be limited to five in Dorothy Willmann, M. A., associate FRUIT OF THE LOOM Lady, member of the American editor of Action Now and Directors' Denver, and the regular tuition of Political Science association. Co­ Bulletin, organizational - secretary $12.50 will be reduced to $10 for operative Consumers, the American // for women’s and girl’s parish so­ all. For those who may wish to Newspaper guild. Council of Na­ dalities, author of Parish Sodality Bold Look" SHIRTS attend only part time, the tuition tional Municipal League’s, and Helps, and member of the execu­ is $3 for one full day, $1.50 for sponsor of Cana Conferences, will tive bureau of the International one morning or afternoon, 75 p^resent “ Some Tools for Human cents for one single lecture or Relationships,” a definition and Federation of Catholic Youth, will treat “ Sodality Instruction and . class. For priests and religious evaluation of social movements. $2-95 Probation,” “ Parish Sodality Un­ the part-time rates are $2 for one The Rev. Richard L. Rooney, di­ full day, $1 for one morning or rector of the parish department, ions,” and “ A Program for afternoon, 50 cents for one lecture editor of Action Now and associate Women’s and Girls’ Sodalities.” let’s im D&D or class. Mary Hartnett, assistant to the Sonforized . . . Guaranteed . . . and in the New editor of the Queen’s Work, will Night Lecture* di.scuss "The Christian in Action/’ (firector of the .“ Queen’s Workshop Pastel Shades Dad wants: Heliotrope, Salmon Pink, There will be no regpilar night "Mixed Sodalities,” “ How to Build of the Air” and the recreation de­ school sessions this year in Denver a Program,” an/i “ You Are Christ.” partment, will conduct a session in Almond Ton, Sky Blue, Pearl Gray and W HITE! “ Social Recreation for Sisters,” but Dorothy William and seyera The Rev. Robert E. Southard, di­ It is hoped that last year’s reg­ It takes all kinds of dads to make up the world— members of the staff will corfduct rector of the department of visual a sodality workshop for parish so­ aids, associate eoitor of the Queen’s istration of 964 students will and here ore Shirts to please every one of them! dalists atNCCS headquarters, 17th Work and Action Now, and author the 1,000 mark at next week’s avenue and Grant street, on Tues­ of pamphlets on religious subjects, SSCA. From present indications, something he wants! day and Wednesday nights. Infor­ will offer “ Helps for High School,” there will be more than 100 stu­ mation about these meetings can “ College Christians in Action,” dents attending from outside Den­ be obtained from Catherine “ How to Convert non-Catholics,” ver, with Colorado, California, Famous Brand TIES O’Brien, 1623 Washington street. and “ Love, Courtship, and Mar­ Minnesota, South Dakota, Ne­ Let him check the gifts he wants from this handy shopping memo- braska, Texas, and Kansas repre­ 50 Cana Lecture* riage.” $1 50 00 sented. Students last year came to *2 '3 then Mom and the kids con pick what thoir budget allowsi Father Edward Dowling, S.J., The Rev. Louis J. Twomey, di­ of the SSCA itaff will deli*er rector of the institute of industrial Denver from 21 states. two Cana Conference lecture* relations, regent and lecturer in Assisted by the Denver Parish Famous Wembly REGAL Mono­ PURE SILKS . . . ' and School Sodality unions, the He Checki in St. John’* *chooI hall, 620 jurisprudence at Loyola university Nor East in plain gram Ties with Hifid Paints by PENCOL “ GIFTS FOR DAD” Family Signs Here Rev. Aloysius M. Rieckus, S.J., of Monterey of Cali­ Here Elisabeth itreat, on Tuesday ,aw school. New Orleans, and grad­ shades and pat­ HIS Initial on and Wednesday nights, June 21 Regis college, Denver, is in general fornia. Full shapes uate of the institute of social sci­ grounds of Blue, and 22, at 8 p.m. The first, fbr ences of St. Louis university, will charge of arrangements for the terns. —unusual color­ Pipes—all kindi Denver SSCA. The wrinkle-less Red, Green, Tan. 1 the unmarried, it being spon­ explain the “ Social Challenge to ings and designs. sored by the Denyer Catholic The Personalized Ronton lighters Education,” "The Catholic Answer Tie American men Olh«r Fstnoui Brand Youth couneir; the second, for to the Social Problem,” and “ Com­ Dr* Gi Ja love! Tie! Ties low f i 11.00. married couplet, i* under the munism in Theory and Practice.” Cigars, Cigarettes, joint tponiorthip of the DenTer The Rev. Herbert 0. Walker, Sch aeable Cana conference and the Firit managing editor of the Queen’s Fine Pipe Tobaccos Fridaj Luncheon club. The Rct. Work, organizer of the Sodality of M cG REG O R . HOLEPROOF and Francii J. Syrianey, a«*i*tant Our Lady, and lecturer, will teach Optometrist Super Cord Jackets PHOENIX HOSE paitor at St. John’s church, it “ How to Start a Sodality," “ Get­ Favorite brand $ 1 3 5 0 00 (uperviting general arranga- ting Out the Sodality Paper,” and Specialist 55' to '1 whiskeys and cordials mant* for theta lecture* of Fk- “ Parliamentary Law,” For Visnai 4 Patch pockets — padded The Rev. Aloysius J. Hee^, na­ ther Dowling. No admission fee Eyo Care shoulders in cool rayon, fine Sox and Anklets — Nyloni will be charged for these two tional organizer of the Sodality of cord stripe. Sizes 36 to 46. galore! All weights. Shaving Lotions, Toilet Sets lectures, but a silTtr offering Our Lady in elementary schools, and Colognes will be collected after each. editor of the Junior Sodalist, the 310 M»4^ KE. 5840 ETeryone is welcome And InTited Children’s Moderator and Our Lit­ Hollywood "Rogue" "Ripon" Loafer Sox tle Messenger, and author of Jesus Tlio Arms IUU4 doMrT* to to attend the respective lectures. bo rtmomborodl whon you oro dU- at a New Low Price For Indoors and Out Razors (Schick or and I, the Illustrated Catechism, Regular Program tributinf your potroiuifo to tbo d((- 96 95 The program for the regular and Practical Helps for the Religion ’5 Remington • (front linos of bufinoss. daytime sessions of the SSCA it­ Teacher, will present “ The Sodality The original— Sport Shirt self is as follows: 8:30 o’clock. for golf and leisure. Tailored' Leather moccasin type sole Community Mass in Cathedral; in Hollywood — formerly -that really wears. • Pen and Pencil Seta 9:15-10:25, general sessions in Os­ $7.50. car Malo gymnasium, 1845 Logan street; 10:40-11:20 and 11:35- ARROW HANKS 12:25, various elective classes in GIFT PAJAMAS Whites and Fancies Men's Manicure and f the grade and high school build­ B.V.D, — Vnn Heusen — Pedicure Sets ^ ings; 12:25, lunch for the laity Pelatway ’’ K>% 35' „ 75; ... Other Gilts (school cafeteria will be open at 95 noon); 12:30-1 p.m., special ses­ 8uiW in9-\ fgfSOngllfian ’3 White cottons and^inens— sion for teachers and adults; 1 Buying Many formerly to $6.50. neat patterns, too! p.m., lunch for priests and reli- I i-.i. ;ious and midday get-together for faity. |ti\s*“ * I Town Hall Sassion Chitirisi An annual feature of the SSCA jaiaiW* ’ is the daily town hall session or Man Orders Filled. convention from 1:46 to 2:30 p.m. This is an open forum for the dis­ ,$3.00 Gift-Wrapped and cussion of any social problem that summer school . students wish to Oellvered bring up for discussion by the group. The Rev. Richard L. MNVIftliniDSIRUlBIUIK IRE RIRR’S STORE.S2I' SIXTEERTI Rooney, S.J.‘, of sodality teadquar- tors, former air force chaplain, a o R ci r. ROCK, p>«sMm will act as chairman at these ses­ >1534CNWonil» J Hioii>MAin5155'^ sions. Thurtday, Jun« 16, 1949 Offlet, 938 Bannock Streof THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Ttlephena, KEyitone 4205 PAGE THREE

Silver Jubilarian Loretto Heights Nuns to Aid What to do about money Something You'll In Making Pageant Costumes ^Every department in this bonk If Never Forget (Loretto Heights College, Denver) will be approximately $25,000. In organiied for the porooie of Sister Marie Anthony and Sister Marie Clyde, members professional hands, it has been es­ of the Loretto Heights college faculty, have just arrived in helping you with your financial timated that the staging would Midland, Ontario, Canada, where they will direct the design­ cost more than $100,000. It is Fa interests. You con deposit money ing and making of several thousand 'costumes required for ther Lord’s hope that the pageant S u m m s A the giant pageant. Salute to Canada, which will be presented will help its audiences to realize: in our savings department and the later part o f July. This Canadian pageant, which will prob­ That apparent tragedy can be dramatic and musical festival, the beg:inning of real gn*eatness; earn interest. You con borrow ably be the largest production he written and directed by Father has ever undertaken. that the willingness to die, to lay C /o iko Ik C kiio n Daniel A. Lord, S.J., will be pre­ Salute to Canada is a colorful down one’s life for one’s friends, money for essential purchoses. sented as a part of the great civic and the cause in which one be­ marque based on the ancient ax­ EV DENVER celebration marking tbo 300th an­ iom: The blood of martyrs is the lieves, are as important today as niversary of the death of the Jes­ seed of civilization." The cou ra«- it was 300 years ago; that the Red You can use our Bonk Money orders or Traveler's Checks, uit martyrs at Midland. ous martyrs, Fathers John De perils change its shape hut con­ The sisters -will work in con­ Brebeuf and Gabril Lalemant, tinues to strike at God, Christian CjcdthsuO ud S c h o jo h Special Checking Account, or Safe Deposit Boxes. For full junction with Margaret McDon­ who died to bring Christianity and ity, and democracy; that what the ough, who received her doctor of and civilization to the savage Hu- martyrs did was to the lasting details on services come in and discuss your problems. philosophy degree from tho Yale rons, were pioneers i.i the truest glory of Canada and that on what June 20-24 university school of the theater sense, for from their deaths em­ her modern men and women do and who is in charge of the sets erged a powerful influence that depend the future greatness of The silver jubilee of his and lighting for the pageant. Be­ built a great nation. Canada. ordination to the priesthood cause of the mammoth size of this The setting of the production While Sister MaAe Anthony and will be observed Sunday, June 19, civic, religious, and patriotic pro­ will be a great hill near the Mar­ Sister Marie Clyde’s summer task by Father James J. Regan, O.P., duction, effective use of mass and tyrs’ Shrine at Midland, Ontario, is probably the most thrilling, form « pastor of St. Dominic’s COLORADO color requires skillful planning in where Brebeuf and Lalemant were other Heights faculty members parisff, Denver. Ordained in 1924, the designing of both costumes buried. Four ledges in the hill, have also left for various parts Father Regan was the founder of and scenery. Sister Marie Anthony one above the other, will serve as a of the country to follow summer Blessed Martin mission for Ne­ will purchase the costume mater­ series of stages for the action, and, pursuits. Some have attended the groes in Amarillo and was for NATIONAL ials in Canada, d|rect a crew of ex in the climaxing scene, it trill be first general session o f tlrt Loretto many years its director. Father MiMlIt lio lltl oirosil l»

1 . L l i . ] rr - I

PAGE FOUR Office, 938 lonneek Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KSyitene 4205 Thursday, June 16, 1949

SAMSONITE Cincinnati Delegates to CPA FISHERMEN Faahiontone , Youth Council to Sponsor Talk F E L T S O L E S Vulcanixed Luggage ROY SYSTEM, INC. By Cana Conference Organizer 26 Broadway SPruce 4165 Typewriteri - Pen & Pencil (C«tholic Youth Council, DonTer) Sets •iTtlor first place The girls’ team St. John’s school hall, E. Sixth and Elizabeth street, will will play St.' Mary’s of Littleton be the scene of the marriage talk to be given by the Rev. Ed­ at 1 o’clock. WE MAKE KEYS Crown Jewelers ward Dowling, S.J., of St. Louis, next Tuesday evening, June Blasted Martin Club Sends Gunsmiths • Locksmiths 21, at 8 o’clock. ^ Thanks to Littleton Safe Repairing 424 E. Colfax ^ TA 6411 At the meeting of the Catholic Youth council Friday (Bleited Martin Club) Acrou StTMt frsB Cathedral evening it was agreed that St. John’s hall would be a con­ ^Members attending the dance Novelty Repairing given by St. Mary’s club had a Day er NItht Serrit* on Aata Kaye venient location for the evening lecture. The K-Ducat club of wonderful time and extend their Call TA. 9049 St. John’s and other Eastside parishes has agreed' to act as thanks to the Littleton club. Gun* and Ammunitioa Hand Made Gifts hosta and will furnish light «re­ - ! Sixteen members braved the freshments to those who attend. weather to have a wonderful time for all occasions Planned by CYPC bn a picnic at Maxwell falls. The . WEBER ARMS There will be no admission (Cathedral Young Peopla'i evening was spent in the home of 1942 Larimer TA. 9049 charge, but a silver offering will Club) Jim Coursey. Lee Dodge is respon­ Corn* in and be taken for presenUtion to Fa­ An event no one should miss is sible for the success of the picnic. broteta around ther' Dowling. the annual trolley ride to Golden. St. Joseph’s Young Peoples’ club j ONf STOKfiONl.Y will be guests at a dance. Don TK« Houa* of FIbo Tb* Jesuit priest, who is to be The CYPC has chartered'a street­ car that will depart from the inter- Craig. John and Hugh Doyle, Mary Imported MezicBB in Denver for the sessions of the Jane Gallagher, Jerry Omstead, Summer School of Catholic A c­ urban loop, 1426 Arapahoe, at Gooda and Barbara Wolf have been work­ tion, has graciously consented to 11:16 sharp. The cost is 51.26, which includes transportation and ing hard to make this evening a 'cutA jeitS t. give one of his famous talks on SUCCESS* Otto H. Gtnpach marriage for the benefit of un- luncheon served by women of St. Joseph’s parish in Golden in their June 19 there is to be a picnic ated with the Youth council, de Mexico new parish hall. The afternoon will at Apex, Colo. Anyone wanting to married young Catholics affili- be spent playing games, hiking, go is asked to contact Jerry Olm- 834-Mth St. Those who have heard Father and other picnic activities. stead, Mary Jane Gallagher, or Dowling, testify to his ability as The CYPC wishes to congratu­ Pat Svoboda. AH wHl meet qt an authority in his field. A for­ late St. Mary’s YPC of Littleton North high school on tho Speer Attention - Brides To Be mer newspaperman, Father for t^p “ Ozark .Jamboree” on last side at 10 a.m. All are asked to be Dowling brings a wealth of ex­ Nothing will “ dress up” thb Friday. The large delegation from on time as it is a long drive to BURNS-RIPS perience to his talks. Church more for youi wedding Jithedral and the other young peo- Apex. than one of Wegner’* Whit* OR TEARS The Tuesday evening talk by i/.e's clubs enjoyed themselves to There will be a program com­ Ai*le Cloth Runner*, laid down Father Dowling will be .the first the utmost and wish to thank St. mittee meeting Monday at 8 p.m., the aisle for the Bridal Party Eliminated by of two talks. On Wednesday eve­ Mary’s. at Jim Coursey’s 2542 Irving. New to walk on, from the door to French or Inweaving ning h^e will give another talk at The Catholic Youth council ideas would be greatly appreciated the altar. Si Roar Service—R«afonabI» PriMt St. John’s for the benefit of mar­ square dancing has been discon­ for the monthly calendar. HOSIERY MENDING REGISTERING FOR THE CATHOLIC Buaemeyer, business manager, of the Cincinnati Tele ried couples. This talk is being tinued for the summer. It is hoped, Jaclwand Ginny Prose, Maw * We aUo Furniah Press Association convention in Denver graph-Register, which boasts a circulation of some sponsored by the First Friday however, to have a big square Sebastian, and Bob Gallagher are Sidewalk Canopie* Luncheon club and the Denver Wednesday, June 16-17 are the Rt, Rev. Monsignor dance somewhere in the mountains in charM of the hobo picnic Tues­ Available only through your own 60,000. The secretary is Miss Philomena LeFort of Cana conference. It will also be a Edward A. Freeing, editor, and the Rev. Clement J. the Regieter staff. this summer for the fans who frol­ day, June 21. ‘ local florist, at reasonable cost. U iL & jt s u in silver offering affair. icked at St. Joseph’s hall through The regular meeting next Inweaving Co, Lady of Rockies Camp the year. Wednesday has been postponed. CARL A. WAGNER MFG. GO.. INC. Phone KE. 4409 This week’s softball game will 304 McClintock Bldg. Three Teams Undefeated Site for Field Day be played at Ninth and Columbine St, Mark's Club Card Circles Friday evening, June 17, af 5:30 Starts Summer Schedule 1554 Calif. 4 t the council meeting Friday In CYC Softball League evening it was announced that o’clock against St. Francis’ YPC. (St. Mark’s Young People’* Club) through the courtesy o f Monsignor Mary Anne DeClue will become A busy summer of activities for the bride of Jim Powers on Satur­ St. Mark’s club' starts with a wie­ Dr. D. C. Werthman Three teams are undefeated to trounce the Lady of Lourdes team, To Be Formed John R. Mulroy and the directors day, June 18. The ceremony will 25-10, and St, Anne’s of Arvada of the camp, that the All-Catliolic ner roast Saturday, June 18, at and Associate head the 10-team race in the Cath­ take place in Holy Ghost church Dedisse park. An invitation to this nose out St. ^Mark’s club 16-15. field day will again be held at Our olic Youth council softball league. Lady of the Rockies camp. at 9 o’clock. A reception will be “ doggie fry” is extended to all Dentifts The best game of the day was that held at the NCCS, 1666 Grant, at They are the Cathedral YPC, St. In New Parish The choice of this spot for regular members and also to all de­ between the K-Ducats and St. 2 o’clock. All CYPC memt>«rs are PLATES * Joseph's, and the K-Ducat club Ust year’s field day proved most linquent ones. The meeting place Louis’ of Englewood, with the (Mother of God Parish, Denver) invited. Congratulations are ex­ is Holy Family school,'the time 606 ISth Street 1206 15th Street with two victories apiece. former winning, 4-2. The game be­ acceptable, and it is a real pleas- At the monthly meeting of the tended to this popular couple, both 7:30 p.m. Despite inflation prices, KEyafone 8721 TAbor 8761 Sunday’s games saw Cathedral tween St. Francis’ and St. Jo­ “ *■*, be able to use the camp club members for some time. Altar and Rosary society June 13 , facilities again. As last year, the the charge is still the same, 50 seph’s was postponed so that the CYPC girls who have been as­ cents. Andy Martelon and Jack St. Francis’ club could take a it was planned to form small card day will begin with a Field Mass, sisting at the Infant of Prapie followed by a softball game, Toohey are in charge of the picnic. group of orphans picnicking. circles in the parish and from the nursery are reminded that they St. Mark’s softball team will .9 9 competitive races, and games. In the game played Friday eve­ are to report i for duty on the challenge St. Louis’ June 19 at proceeds to furnish utensils and A nominal charge of 15 cents a “W hy Pay, M ore’ ning, St Mary’s of Littleton beat dishes for the kitchen in the fourth Sunday instead of the third 3 p.m. The boys are striving to person will be asked. Each club Sunday as heretofore. Frances (Trademark) the Phi Kappas, 10-6. In a girls’ church basement. When the base­ boost their wins by scoring a vic­ game Sunday, St. Anne’s won a will make arrangements for the Schweiger, CL. 2661, is chairman. tory this Sunday. At present, the ment is furnished it is planned luncMs of its own members. Full free-swinging set-to from the Ca Girla who might be interested may team’s record stand at two wins to have general parish parties. The detalk will be announced later. thedral girls, 27-16. call her for details. and two losses. St.'Mark’s ® members of the society voted to J * Craig of the St. Francis WM. W. MYER DRUG STORES The schedule this week: sponsor a parish family picnic late The Camera club will meet at thriller to St. Anne’s on June 12 COUPANT Friday, June 17, 5:30 p.m. club is chairman of the'field day, 8 o'clock in St. Paul’s reading to the score of 16-15. There will in the summer to enable all mem­ and he is being assisted by Don Phi Kappas vs. St. Joseph’s at bers of the parish to get together room on Monday, June 20. be a meeting Thursday night, June Colorado Otoned Stores Mulqueen. The CYPC-Red Cross group will 13th and Colorado boulevard. shortly after the opening of the 16, of the initiation committee. Aiding Seminary Benefit meet at 6 :30 p.m. on Monday, June Rer. Charle* Kruger, S.J. Englewood 800 Santa F« Dr. St Francis’ vs. Cathedral at 9th church. The persons making up this com­ and Columbine. All clubs affiliated with the 20, at NCCS, 1663 Grant; ’Trans­ mittee are Kate Scardina, Darlene LEAGUE OF THE 30 South Broadway 15th and California Sunday, June 19, 9tk and Three new members joined the council are co-operating in the portation will be provided to Fitz- Gaglia, Veronica Hallinan, Gloria newly formed Mother of God 3933 W. Colfax 17tb & Glenarm Columbine benefit dance to be held at Elitch’s simons hospital and return. James, Chuck Sillstrop, and Don Sacred Heart Triduum St. Anne’s vs. St. Mary’s— 1 praesidium of the Legion of Mary. Gardens for St. Thomas’ seminary. A large number of CYPC mem­ Miller. _ p.m.— Field No. 1. The legion members are starting “ that many young bers plan to attend Father Edward The committee will plan the Immaculate Conception St. Francis’ vs. Phi Kappas— to recruit more active and auxil­ Catholics of Denver will aid this Dowling’s talk on marriage on thoughtful and gentle (???) initia­ 1 p.m.— Field No. 2. iary members. way of assisting the ex- Tuesday, June 21. tion for the 1949 seniors, Cathedral St. Louis’ vs. St. Mark’s— 3 p.m. In the past weeks generous progfram of the seminary. The Saddle club will meet at which will be held at the social Denver, Colorado Grm dm m tim § S eatora Elitch s management is turning the NCCS at 6:16 o’clock on — Field No. 1 donations were made to the par­ meeting Thursday, June 23, in Rev. Charles Kruger, S.J., ish by Mrs. Mary McGuire, Mrs. over the proceeds o f its Trocadero Thursday, June 23, for the trip to Holy Family hall. K-Ducats vs. Lourdes team— 3 Regis College Speaker HIGHLY-PAID, PERMANENT JOBS p.m.— Field No. 2. Veronica Fischel, Creighton Is­ ballroom to the seminary. Tickets Evans ranch in Indian Hills. The On the silver jubilee of ms or­ Girls’ Game, Sunday, June 19 rael, Mr. Miller, Miss Elizabeth a couple are available cost is $1, which includes trans­ dination, Father Leo Flynn was June 22, 23, 24 ARE W AITING FOR YOU St. Mary’s vs. K-Ducats— 1 p.m. Murphy, and J. Howard McCarty mrough all young people's clubs. portation and horseback riding at presented with Mass linens by ot. —^ield No. 4. Ihe dance will be held Tuesday the ranch. Bob Kramer, KE. 9808, Mark’s club as a token of esteem. Feast o f the Sacred Heart, I Hundreds of employers need trained operators of Burrough* j In order that arrangements may evening, Jan. 28. is handling reservations and de­ 'fiiuineiis Machines...... _ Team managers are asked to be made for a parish choir the The linens consisted of an amice, 7 :45 P.M. Silver Dollar Project tails. two purificators, a corporal, a ]^H, notify Trent O’Connor before pastor requests those interested in BENEDICTION.OF THE Friday evening If their teams are Members of the various clubs and a cincture. Thanks are heartily REGISTER IMMEBIATERY singing to call the rectory, RA. St. Francis' Club given to the mothers who made BLESSED SACRAMENT unable to play a scheduled game. 8782, and to leave their names are working in support of the proj for courses starting after your high school gradoatioo. and telephone numbers. ect that the council will sponsor Re-Elects Officers these linens. They were Choose from classes in the operation of (St. Francis’ Young Pohs, Sillstrop, Scardina, and Ma­ calculating, bookkeeping aiKi biiling Those who have not yet re­ at the Silver Dollar days. A dis­ Friends of Sick Poor play of a combination radio-phono- PeopU’i Club) honey. ... „ machines. Graduation certificates and ceived their parish envelopes will . Officers were re-elected at the The July planning committee free placement service provided. Write, have them by the week end if ^aph and other valuable articles IS being sponsored. The Silver Dol- monthly meeting of St. Francis’ was organized at the business phone or call today lor a descriptive To Have Special Meet they call at the rectory. The en Send Your Boy to lar days will be held on the grounds YPC 'Tuesday evening. The of­ meeting. Those who volunteered booklet of courses on the operation of The Friends of tbe Sick Poor Velopes turned over to us thus far ficers are: President, Don Mul- were Mary Frances Braaton, Shir­ Burroughs Business Machines. of the K. of C. clubhouse June 30, Aid society will hold a special through the kindness of the neigh­ and July I and 2. quee'n; vice president, Jim Mer­ ley Connelly. Rita Molloy, and Don meeting Saturday, June 18, at boring parishes have constituted a man; secretary, Rosemary War­ BURROUGHS OPERATOR SCHOOL substantial source of revenue. St Mark’s members are invited 2 o’clock, at Corpus Christ! con­ Sf. Joseph's Club Plans ner; and treasurer, Larry Higgins. Opwrofwd by Btrmwohi Adding i vent, 2501 Gaylord street, Den- A wiener roast planned for June to a' dance on Wednesday, June Eldorado Swim Party 22, at 8:30 p.m. in St. Josephs Dimt Cmimtam TOr. A large attendance is re­ Th» Amii HfiUd htr* dM*rv« to 23 has been advanced to Tuesday, 1722 Champa St. M A in 3284 quested, as important business bo rtiBomborod whan you oro liU- (St. Joieph'i Young June 21. Cara will leave from the church hall, riven-by the St. Jo­ seph’s Young People’s club. All are is to be taken care of at this tributinf your potronago to tbo dif- People’s Club) front of the school at 7 o’clock. Near Rocky Mountain Na« time. foront linos of buainoos. Coming events include a picnic A picnic will be riven for the urged to attend.______Springs Sunday, June St. Francis’ high school class of tional Park in the heart o f 19. All who plan to attend should 1949 on Sunday, June 26. Jim America’s most majestJe meet at the rectory at 1:30 p.m. I Morgan is chairman of arrange­ • ARMY Su rplus Swimmingj horseback riding, skat­ ments. e New Army Canva* A Q Q mountains at the foot of Don Mulqueen and Jim Mor­ ing, dancing, hiking, and other Folding Col ...... "B aO w Long’s Peak. summer sports are available it El­ gan will show movies at Fitzsimons • New Double Flay Army Pup Tie A String Around YOUR dorado. Those with cars are asked hospital on June 22. On June 29 Tent*, with polas A Q C to provide transportation. All driv. Hugh Kline and Bob Hartley will and *take* ...... "BaWW ★ ers will be reimbursed. operate the projector.. • Single Flay Army Pup Tent*, On Wednesday, June 22, St. The orphans’ picnic co-spon­ with pole* and 4 Q C 29th SeoAon Joseph s club will be host to mem- sored by St. Francis’ and St. (take*, u*ed...... C aW W Finger So You'll Remember Blessed Martin club Mary’s clubs Sunday was enjoyed New 7x9 flamaproof-water- and S t Mary's club of Littleton despite the rainy weather. Club proof Umbrella 9 A fa O fo r a dance in St. Joseph’s hall at members are looking forward to Tent* ...... O H e U U another such outing. 8:30 p.m. New 2-Burnar Members are still talking of the Coleman Store*. 9 .9 5 July 10 to Aug. 28 wonderful time had at the “ Ozark K-Ducat Box Sociol e Reproce**ed Army Jamboree” in Littleton last Fri- Proves Popular $15 a Week . thanks are expressed Canteen*...... - ...... • ^ (K-Ducat Young Paopla’t Club) e Reconditioned St. Mary’s parish, The box social held at St John’s 1 .9 5 Littleton. fiall Wednesday^evening was en­ Army Raincoat* ★ _ A hayride and dance at Glas- joyed by a large summer crowd e Wool Mummy Sleeping Bag* ler s barn proved grand entertain­ Many, surprises accompanied the with water- ^ Q C Under personal direction of ment June 15. The number of out­ opening of the boxes. repellent, cover W e ^ ^ door fans is increasing. The K-Ducat club has under­ e Reconditioned Army RT. REV. MONSIGNOR RESENTATIONESTIVAL St. Joseph’s club members visit taken the job of being host to McClelland 7 Q C war veterans at Fitesimons hospiUl the CYC lecture by Father Ed­ Saddle* ...... ■ JOSEPH BOSETTI several times a month. Girls work e New 4-Man Rubber ward Dowling, S.J., next Tuesday Care of Chancery Office at the Infant o f Prague nursery evening at St John’s. Light re­ Reft*. Q 7 C A one Sunday a month. Corporate freshments will be provided by complete ...... ^ * e w U Communions are a regular feature the club. A compltlt lin* •( tent* and canplnc 1536 Logan West Seventh Avenue at Julian Street •nppIlM. Writ* f«r frt* c«t*lofe*. "lembers in the club. Young The softball club will tangle t Camolics interested in the social, with the team from Our Lady of Denver 5, Colo. spiritual, and other activities of Lourdes parish Sunday afternoon Denver Army Store the club are cordially invited to at 3 o’clock at Ninth and Colum­ Corner ISth & Larimer St*. JUNE 23-24-25-26 join bine. The team is currently tied Complete Linen Service PE. 0905 Church to Be Dedicated SP. 9700 "■•xteri.' x'mrc-- Z " - 3 . HAM DINNER PLYMOUTH 5 to 8 a l l t h e t r i m m i n g s 5 q ^ * DeLuxe Fordor Sedon Restaurant Official AAA 1578 So. Broodwoy Re*taurant All The FRIED CHICKEN Hope Chest Fish Pond You Can Eat COMPLETE MEAL S'] .75 Livingroom Set Hams & Bacons Using FRESH Swift's Premium Chickens Thr** Mora Special* Qames ARCHBISHOP URBAN J. VEHR will officiate at the Look for thi MELROSE PUNCH BOWL on Display Cakes dedication of the new St. Anthony church in 'Julesburg Catering to Tuesday morning, June 21, at 11 o’clock. Priests of the DenvM archdiocese and the Dioceses of Lincoln and Grand Island will take part BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS in the dedication. The new-church, which is shown above, was erected at a cost of approximately $90,000. The Rev. Andrew Warwick la pas­ PE. 0905 - Banquet Room • Private Entrance • SP. 9700 tor of St. Anthony's, IA Thun^, Juni 16, 1949 Offkt, 938 l( :k SfrMf T H I DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TcUphent, Klyitenc 4208

Plans Are Laid Camp Montrita Remodeled DR. JAMES P. GRAY. For Presentation Optometrist VISUAL CARE Parish Festival EYES EXAMINED VISUAL TRAINING (Praiantation Pariih, Denaar) Optometrist Final plans have been made for the presentation festival, 212-13 Colo. Bldg., 1615 Calif. St to be held June 23, 24, 25, and Phone for Appointment 26. Ed Rider, festival chair­ TA. 8883 man, announced that ail com­ mittees have worked exceptionally hard thi* year. The construction on the new school and chapel that was begun last week inspired the wol-kers to make this festival a suc­ The Most Delicious ; cess in every way. A delicious ham dinner with all the trimming, including home­ made pies, wili be served Thurs­ Fried Uhickei^ day, June 23, from 5 to 8 p.m. The hope chest is the most com You Have Ever Eaten, ^ plete one ever displayed by Pres­ entation parish. It includes every < A M r ' L*rt«, Tonne. UlU-Ftd, Unjointtd. Golden Brown, Tmder, Dell- type of linen needed in a home cion*. Well Done, Served Doily *nd Sunday from 11:30 to I P.M. plus luxury items. The two-piece n o SeoU overstuffed set upholstered by F. CloMd Monday* L. Lee for the festival has appeal lOe Parklne Next De«r both for beauty and comfort. Mrs. W. Buchholz and Mrs. G Devinny wish to thank the many women who offered to bake pies CAMP* MONTRITA near Nederland, bratioB, which will be held June 80 and July 1 and 2, Goldra yLantem and cakes for the festival. will go toward the maintenance of the camp, which 1265 Bdwy, Near 13th Are. R e sla u ra n i K E. 1204 The children will enjoy esp’e- the camp operated by the Junior Catholic will open June 19. This year it is planned to install cially Tootles, the streamlined Daughters of America, has been completely re­ new plumbing with the proceeds from the booth. train; the children’s fishpond, and modeled. The entire proceeds from the Junior Cath­ The camp is open to girls from 10 to 16 years of the dart and balloon game. olic Daughters’ booth at the Silver Dollar days cele- age, upon approval. The Altar and Rosary society will meet Thursday,. June 16, in the home of Mrs. R. Newcomb at 1;3D p.m. School Traffic Plans Discussed JOE HUPPERT'S DRUG Men of the parish are requested (Mtmbor of 8t. LooU* Parish) to be on the church grounas next (Ciiri*t the King Parish, Denver) Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clennan James Potter, Jr. Sponsors were Saturday and Sunday, afternoons At the meeting of the Men’s spent the week end at their cabin Mary Anne' Gramke and Charlie Reliable Prescription Service to help with construction of booths club, held June 8 at the rectory, at Evergreen. for the festival. it was voted'to take the necessary Brennan. The paternal grandpar­ Cigarettes Carton: $1.53 On Sunday the summer school Dr. and Mrs. George Davis from steps to have pedestrian traffic Antonito, Colo., have been spend­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. James Pot­ Wines — Beers — Etc. class will receive First Holy Com­ signals put in use on Eighth ave­ ter, Sr., and the maternal grand­ munion. The following are in the ing the past week with Mrs. Davis’ nue and Elm street for all Sunday mother, Mrs. James D. Davis. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 426 So. Colorado Blvd. DE. 5898* dais: Bonnie Bakula, Francine services, and school stop signs as Miss Mary Johnson, the daugh-daugh­ South Dakota. Bngino, Margaret Campbell, Bon­ soon as school is opened m Septem ter of Mr. and Mrs. James J. John­ nie Dugger, Elaine Herrera, Eliz­ her. abeth Herrera, Carolyn Suazo, son, has been spending her vaca­ Rosemarie Smith, Elaine Tucker, Another student member of tion at Eldorado. Christ the King parish has Helen Perez, Marcella Valdez, Mrs. Thomas J. Flaherty of achieved scholastic honors. Miss Martha Valdez, Dorothy St. Peter. 1258 Grape street, has been en­ Sue M. Collins, the daughter of Jimmy Salazar, Ronald Ibold, joying a visit from her sister, Mrs. U l/uf, S eJtnoA dL ? Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins, a Ralph Frey, Ronald Fernandez, Carl Strmiska of Madison, Wis. junior at Cathedral high school, Claudette Fernandez, Patrick Mrs. Flaherty plans to accompany has been awarded a scholarship to Byrne, and Timothy Fernandez. Mrs. Strmiska on her return trip. Attendants will be Richard Camp­ Ripon college, Ripon, Wis. J4iss They will visit their parents in bell, Jimnjy May, Juanita Car­ Collins is specializing in speech Stanton, Neb., for a few days. denas, and Judy Salazar. Parents Raymond Hagerty, the son of Mrs. Andrew M. Hagerty, re­ Their brother will join them and of the children will go to the altar they will all go on to Madison for BERNARD'S WILL BE OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. ceived an LL.6. degree from Col­ with them and receive Communion the graduation of Mrs. Strmiska’s orado university law school Mon­ at the same time. daughter, Donna Jean, from Cen­ day evening, June 13. Mr. and tral high school. Mrs. Flaherty ex­ Denver's Largest ^ iy n i Dealer Mrs. Paul Quamberg of Rapid THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, pects to be gone about three City, S. Dak., the parents of Mrs. weeks. All, lt*s Service That Counts** Regis Grads Raymond Hagerty, came here for June 16, 17 & 18, in order that Everyone may shop for the graduation of their son-in-law, Mrs. George A. McCorison, Mrs. qualify Father's Day gifts at the time that's most con­ and will spend a few days seeing John Weber, and Mrs. Anthony MAIN A re Given Colorado before returning to their Karpisek assisted Mrs. C. F, Lam- venient for them! While you're shopping for Dad, don't home. berty in the care of the altars and forget to replenish your own stock of sportswear, fur­ 1335 Broadway 1314-1338 Acoma church during the past week. All Bill Laughlin, the son of Mr. are members of the Infant Jesus nishings and clothing . . . at Bernard's money-saving Doctorates and Mrs. Leo Laughlin, is home On CItU CniUr 3111 of Prague circle, which will have Four Regis graduates, one of from Creighton university in A prices! Omaha and will spend his summer supervision of the altars and linens whom had carried on his graduate for the month of June. work under Dr. E. A. Doisy, Nobel vacation with his parents. prize winner in 1943, received Miss Joanne Elliott, daughter of A splendid way for families al­ ■Ir their doctorates last week in com­ the C. V. Elliotts of 715 Fairfax, ways to be represented before the SPECIAL PURCHASE! RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. mencement exercises at three of is also home from Creighton for altar is to provide for the sanc­ the nation’s leading universities. her summer vacation. She plans to tuary lamps in the church and GENERAL TIRES Francis A. Jacobs, a graduate return to Creighton this fall. chapel. Those interested have been Actual $5,00 Values in of both Regis high school and Difek and Catherine ^lorroni and asked to call the rectory and re­ Regns college, was awarded a Jeanne Ely, all students at Colo serve dates. General Batteriei PhJ). degree in biochemistry at rado university, are home for their The Little Flower circle was en­ the commencement exercises of St. summer vacations. tertained by Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon, KRAFT RECAPPING Louis university, St. Louis, Mo., Rob Carmody, the son of Mr. Jr., in her home, 1230 Ash, Tues­ SPORT SHIRTS GENERAL, Tuesday, June 7. He had been and Mrs. Robert Carmody, was day, June 14, Bridge awards went Kraft Inspected working with Dr. Doisy, head of graduated from Regis last week. to Mrs. Harold Collins and Mrs. SQUEEGEE the chemistry department at the Mrs. J. A. McGinnes was host­ S. Miller. Mrs. Oscar Armstrong Buy for Father's Day . . . and buy for yourself while you Used Tires university, famous as the dis­ ess to the Infant Jesus of Prague was the recipient of the beautiful can stock up on fine quality Sanfocized rayon sports shirts coverer of the female sex hormone, circle in her home on June 8. Mrs. luncheon set, made by Mrs. David at this low price. C.T.A.C Ea»y Pay 1401 W. Gpifax TA 6604 theelin. Dr. Doisy was awarded R. J. Gillespie and Mrs. George Hambrick, and donated to the Lit­ the Nobel prize for his work on McCorison received bridge honors. tle Flower circle. Reg. $5, your cholee now... Vitamin K. This was the last meeting of this - Mrs. Harry Butler of St. Louis At the Catholic university, circle until fall. and Mrs. Abe Pruss of Ogden, Washington, D.C., commencement St. Frances Cabrini circle held Utah, have been guests of Mrs. on June 8, Gilbert W. Castellan, its last meeting until fall with a Perry Lancaster for the past week. who was graduated from Regis col­ luncheon at the Cosmopolitan Mrs. David Hambrick has been Cleaning at its Best lege in 1945, and James P. Hoare, hotel on Tuesday, June 14. After called to Chicago on account of $ O .98 who was ^aduated in 1943, re­ luncheon, the members attended the serious illness of her little ceived their. Ph.D. degrees in the the style show. Mrs. Richard Shay, grandson. ^ 3 DAY SERVICE field of chemistry. Mrs. Robert Hart, Jr.; and Mrs Baptized Sunday by the Rev. James R. Costello, a Regis grad­ Mary Carbone were guests. John W. Scannell was Sally Jo, uate with the class of 1941, who Mrs. A1 Roberts and Miss Peggy infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tlssut-wslght rayon gobordine! Fine ^ Pickup and Delivery received his master’s degree from Hickey won the bridge awards at St Louis university in 1942, was the last meeting of the Ave Maria Tegra wiavesl 594 So. Broadway — PE. 4686 awarded a Ph.D. degree in chem­ circle on June 8. The next meet­ Mrs. Rohan Zipper or button fronts! Two-way istry at commencement exercises ing of this circle will be in the at Notre Dame university. home of Miss Irene Koser, 1416 cellars in both wide-spread end long- SOUTH DENVER CLEANERS Dexter street, on June 22. Presides as pointed collar stylMl Mrs. James Austin extended the Bill Davoren Elected hospitality of her home to St. Button-less styles with pearl snaps Optometrut John’s circle on June 9. Mrs. A Court Meets end snap French cuffil eSfc'i and Optician A.B.C. DOLL SflOP As Oiftstandlng Senior J. Flouss and Mrs. Janres Kerr Flap or open breast pocketsi Mr. u d Mn. Jehii A. McCo.rt Bill Davoren. son of Mr. and were welcomed as guesjs. Bridge Court St. Rita 625, Catholic honors were awarded t SaTo nearljr 1.50 on this extra larfo tiia hamper—it'a Miss Damascio will be married 26% “ tall, 19%“ wide, 1 1 ^ " deap. Dnrablj eonttraetod. Slock or Made-to-Order Miss Gilkison was recently grad­ uated from East high school, to Robert Bruce Keating, son of Ha« duPont Pjrrolin pearl affect on lid. I« haaTjr enameled Pracioni Stone* District Attorney and Mrs. Bert Hand-made, all pure silk, foulards wicker, with fa»e]r de«i(n built around heae]r comer poiti. where she was a member of the and novelty patterns! Cat A Mounted Angelas staff, the Spotlight staff, Keating, in the Cathedral July 23. AIL whita, white and blue, white and jrellow, whita and Brand new arrivals In ace­ each, arhite and black, white and green, white and red. Star Sapphire* and Ruble* the _’49 club, the ski club, the egttlarijr 7.05. White Jackets, and the Seraph Sis­ tate satins and foulards. > ters. Before entering East high Holy Ghost Altar Uni! THE DENVXB — H0U8EWABE8 — FOURTH FLOOR Bring us your rough school, she was graduated from Colorful patterns on.light, stones to be cut and Blessed Sacrament school in 1945. Will Have Card Party Miss Gilkison won the freshman ^dark and white back­ polished. Tlie Holy Ghost Altar and competitive scholarship to Mills Rosary sociaty will sponsor a grounds! Solid color satinsi 305 Empire Bldf. CH. 2421 college in competition with hun­ dessert, lunch and card party 70 Broadway 1 Caddaa»”-KlvMM m dreds of other high school seniors Jana 23 in Holy Ghost hall, throughout the oountr/i Oeavatk heglBBlag at .1 p.a. rAGE SIX Office, 938 B< :k Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thursday, June 16, 1949; I Boy Leaders 56 Nurses Are Capped at St. Joseph's To Be Taught YOUR LAUNDRY $ 1 .6 5 This Summer 10 Pounds ••••••JL The New Haven, Cktnn.—Training for WITH FOUR SHIRTS FINISHED future readership is to be the gen­ Colorado eral theme of the 26th annual sum­ Goodhearfs Average Family Bundle . 10 Lbs mer school of boy leadership to be EAGLE held at the Knights of Columbus Average Cost Per Family Per Week — $1.65 center in Albuquerque, N. Mex., the week end of July 8-9-10 under the auspices of thd Knights of Colum­ "F lu // bus Supreme council Boy Life Dry Service^^ bureau. SHIRTS— laundered, starched, ironed to perfection. This intensive training session in FLAT W ORK— clean, fresh and neatly finished. youth leadership will be open to all WEARING APPAREL — wasted, tumble dried, usable Er«ry doy of th« y«ar th* Catholic men 18 years of age or as IS. older and will feature a thorot^gh Colorado EogU off«n iwift, do- indoctrination in all phases of Average Bundle includes 4 dress shirts, I tablecloth, pondobl* Mrrlce betwMn Don- Catholic youth work, including or­ 2 sheets, 2 pillow cases, 3 bath towels, 4 wash cloths, ganization and operation of a youth 3 shorts, 3 T-shirts, 4 pair socks. Tor and Wichita, Konsoi City program, planning activities, and ond St Louli. Thlf modem, oh- maintaining necessary relation­ So Much Dane for So Little Money! ships. In past years the training re­ eteel etreomliner hat reclining Consider the Saving of Time and Labor! ceived in the boy leadership courses chair coachet, grill coach, dining has been particularly beneficial to JOIN MORJE THAN 1,200 DENVER FAMILIES those volunteer workers in such lounge, tleeping cart and the NOW USING GOODHEART'S MONTHLY CREDIT programs as the parish CYO, fcnnout Planetarium Dome oore. scouting, and . -^PROMPT SERVICE^ All ore outfitted to make your The financing of the training Pick-up & Delivery of course is on an actual cost basis of trip pleaiant and comlortoble; the lodging and meals of the par­ Laundry or Dry Cleaning all hare a gradout charm we ticipants. Those wishing-to make remember— everything removable goes to arrangements for the necessary ac­ thinfc you will en)oy; all com­ commodations should write to An­ Goodheort's for better cleaning. bine to make the Colorado gelo Fabrizio, 707 S. Edith street, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Mr. Fabrizio PHONE Eagle a trorel treat in fine roil is the New Mexico state chairman GOODHEART’S troniportatlon . . . have you of Columbian Squires. BROADWAY LAUNDRY SP 4436 tried ut recently? Advance regi.strations may also © 387 SO. BROADWAY • 'W e Return All But The Dirt" be made through John J. Contwuy, % executive director, Knights of Co­ lumbus Boy Life bureau, New Convenient v Haven, Conn. CAPPING EXERCISES werfe held at the St. Joseph roll, Jo Ann Haszier, Mary Lucy and Maryruth Woody; fourth Fast Schedules hospital school of nursing, Denver, Sunday, June 12, for 56 row, Jacqueline Evans, Helen Morgan, Joyce Moore, Lucille Urich, 3 FINE STORES Lv, Denver...... 4;tOPI students having completed their preclinical course. The ceremony was Shirley Enney, Angeline Collins, and Evelyn Teter; fifth row, Farice 87 So. Broadway held in the Catherine Mullen Memorial Nurses’ home. The Rev. John Ochs, Nancy McKenna, Louise Wright, Rosita Saiz, Joan Dougherty, Ar, Kiniii City...... 6:4011 HUMMELS Regan, pastor of Our Mother of God parish, was the principal speaker. Kathleen Daley, Virginia Black, and Arlene Schalnus; and sixth row, 7!>3 So. University Blvd. Ar. Wichite ...... 7:0011 Denver’ s Leading The following students received their caps: First row, left to Margaret Jackson, Vvilma DeVries, Gloria Kochevar, Dorothy Sweeney, 15.50 Colorado Blvd. right, Sister Mary Christopher, Sister Mary Cordis, and Sister Marie Marilyn Reams, Eileen De Vorss, Anna Mae Cic; fast row, Estella Mas- Ar. St. Louii ....xc.:..12:01 PI Delicateoten James; second row, Yvonne Cresto, Shirley Ann Knight, Rita Murphy, carenas, Leuwella Lingo, Joan Potzner, Doris Schreiner, Patricia Har- Gertrude Maschinot, Louise Paulsell, Carol Scott, Emily Jo Wright, digan, Virginia Glascock, Loris Dobbs, Beverly Glanville, Luanne Hol­ DELIGOUS CAKES-PIES-ROLLS Family Size Patricia Murphy, and Betty Jane Kropp; third row, Helen Huitt, land, Loretta Horvat, Phyllis O’Connor, Colleen Lanphere, Anna Mae Lewis, and Vivian Christofano. Sold at Our 3 Stores Only J. N. Sanders Chicken Pot Pie Mary Ann Scariano, Ruth Schauermann, Ellen Seeley, Nancy Car- Gen, Agent Picnic Foods Lo Kota Study Club 515 Sevtnteenth St. Milwaukee Sausag^e QUALITY MEATS AND Denver, Colorado Blessed Sacrament Dads' Club HOMEMADE SAUSAGE CASSEROLES TO TAKE OUT Entertained at Luncheon OF ALL KINDS hOln 3239 311 E. 7th KE. 1986 KEyitone 7802 4483 Waihin(tOB Miss Ann O’Neil entertained Jcephln. and Wilt 8l.r

■ <■' ia PAGE EIGHT. Office, 938 Bonneck Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitene4205 Thursday, June 16, 1949 WALT'S VARIETY Honor Pins Given Safety Patrol Drill Team New Card Clubs ST. ' PARISH 420 So. Colorado Blvd. Junior Daughters No Cltr Bilu Tax Patronise These Friendly Firms Shoes For the Family Sunday, June 13, 75 Junior Are Planned at Gothing - Dry Goods Catholic Daughters and their coun­ selors were gtests after Mass at CONOCO PRODUaS Notions a breakfast in the Holy Ghost hall, It’s a thrill Denver. Honor pins, indicating the St. Philomena's Lubrication — ,DeIco Batteries Dry Cleaning lt% Cash e Carrj number of years’ work accom­ Car Washing ti be reieibereiii OPEN EVENINGS plished, were ^ sen ted . (St. Philomena’s Parish, Denver) Mrs. Mary Rohan, vice grand At the meeting of St. Philo- regent of the Senior Catholic mena’s Altar and Rosary society W. A. (Dutch) THOMAS Daughters, and Ann Limacher, June 13 in the home of Mrs. W. Alameda & Logan PE. 9840 state chairman of the Junior Cath S. Byrnes, members voted to form olic Daughters, were the honored severtl new card clubs to begin . RA. 1818 guests. functioningfioni next season. Mrs. v>/FREE DELIVERY At the election of officers of Harry Zook agreed to act as chair­ BUCHANAN’S YOU WILL BE PROUD the Junior court, Carol Ann Burns man for the project. THEY CAME FROM Ch|;istian Bros. Wines 11 was chosen president; Patricia Sul­ Mrs. J, J. Flynn and Mrs. Abi FORGET-ME-HiOT livan, vice president; Shirley Te Holland were’ co-hostesses at the All Papalar Ba«n Maat, secretary; Lavonne Libonati, Wa Dallver FLOWER SHOP meeting, presided over by Mrs. 285 SO. DOWNING press reporter; and Jane Carv­ Helen Bishop, president. Mrs. Bol- PE. 1777 377 So. Bdw, alho, corresponding secretary. ger, Mrs. Bottinelli, and Mrs. On* of a lories showing stylo This was the last meeting until Warner were guests, and Mrs. Iteders In new automobiles September. Junior activities for W * ieT MERK'S the summer will continue at Camp Warner became affiliated with the society at the meeting. Montrita. WHEN The report of Mrs. Otto Kiene, DRUG STORE Information concerning th e parochial patrols is shown in the awarding of first, GET A THE DRILL TEAM of St. Vincent de corresponding secretary, who is teeing becomes a hordihip, camp may be obtained by writing second, and fourth-place trophies to St. Francis,’ CUT RATE PRICES j ill, was read by Mrs. Bishop. Mrs. Mrs. J. A. McDonald, Camp Mon­ Paul’s school safety patrol is show'n during St. Vincent’s, and St. Patrick’s, respectively. St. then fatigue, headaches, Pmeriptloni Afcormttlj Filled Bishop also gave the report for Winei, Brera Etc. — Fonntain trita, Nederland. its demonstration at the annual picnic for the Catherine’s also received a certificate for seventh Mrs. T. C? Rhoades, sewing chair­ lack of interest in work and AUTO LOAN! patrols of Denver schools at Elitch’s May 28. St. place, enabling the Catholic schools to take home 1300 So. Pearl SP. 7539 Vincent’s and St. Cajetan’s schools are the only four of the 10 awards made. The prizes are given man, which showed the completion play rdsult. of a new inset in the scalloped ones of the city that have combined their safety on the basis of promptness, efficiency, courtesy, and The training of your op­ patrols with the drill activities. St. Cajetan’s girls’ attention to duty under the sponsorship of the altar cloth by Mrs. D. G. McQuaid JACKSON’S team also gave a demonstration at the picnic. Den­ Safety Education bureau of the Denver Police de­ and the completion of small linens tometrist is a safeguard for COBBICTLYfITTEO by Mrs. Sanches. Cut Rate Drugs ver police, who sponsor the picnic every year with partment. At the second annual picnic May 28 all your eyes. the co-operation of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, members of the safety patrols of Denver’s grade Mrs. T. J. 'Vincent, chairman, PRESCRIPTIONS O M S S £ S gave an interesting report on the Wa Offer ■ Corapleta OpUeil Strrlce gave high praise to the Catholic schools for their schools were entertained with a program of games, Don't neglect your yearly FOUNTAIN SERVICE excellent safety patrol work. The efficiency of the rides, contests, and refreshments. meeting of the Denver deanery FREE PROMPT DELIVERY EXAMINATION, REFRAaiON, and the annual conference of the eye examination. Call 8P. 5415 Downlof A Alaatda + PRESCRIPTION + + + ACeW. AH Glm cf Blannfactured ia Our Own Ltbontorjr 300 Attend Mrs. Bishop expressed apprecia­ GEORGE W. HASTEN tion to Mmes. Wood, O’Brien, and Alameda Drug Store • Proporliofioit), l«w rotti on eldor Quick Repair Service Cbampions ip Safety Fisher for sanctuary work in the OPTO.METRISTS V. 0. PETERSON. Prop. ■todtU. Broken Lenses DupIIciled Oculist Prescriptions Filled Tabernacle past month. Mmes. Jordan, Halter, 5 Broadway PEarl 4668 Cat Rate Drags and Quihlivan volunteered to ’ as­ mSTALMENT LOAN DEPARTMENT HARRY M. LUSTie sist in summer months. “If pays to lake care of your Fountain Service School Supplies Society Tea eyes” Four Business Appreciated JOSEPH VOLOSIN Monsignor Higgins Alameda & Sq. Broadway for loons* state Reflstered Optometrists The annual tea and reception of Leads Discussion 936 16TH STREET KE. S«8S the Tabernacle society, Denver, was LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS held June 10 in the garden of the Monsignor William M. Higgins TEMPTATION home of Mrs. T. Walter O’Connor. discussed the life of St. Catherine Archbishop Urban J. Vehr was the of Sienna and led the closing Joyce Cleaners FOR FATHER’S DAY GIFTS honored guest. More than 300 prayer. Refreshments were served SEE guests and 20 priests attended. in the social hour to 35 members. ICE CREAMQHc John and Albert Nillson Guests were greeted by the host­ In H Gallon. Mr. Walter J. Kerwin This was the last meeting of the ess, Mrs. O’Connor; Mrs. James society until September, when the Beal Quality Fresh Eggs Associated with Knight, retiring president; Miss members will gather in the home FINER Eva Walsh, newly elected presi­ of Mrs. Tilbury. dent; and Mrs. J. Leonard Swigert, Broadway Creamery A number of items left in the CLEANING JOS. M. FISHMAN general chairman. 66 8«. Broadmiy church have been turned in to the 8P. 2665 Jeteeler and Optomelrist Mrs. T. A. Cosgriff was chair­ DIAMONDS - LOCKETS rectory. They may be had by call­ man of 'the silver offering assisted ing for them. 1284 So. Pearl WATCHES - by Mrs. Louis F. McMahon, Mrs. CROSSES - COMPACTS Instructions on Catholic doc ST. CHRISTOPHER MEDALS Joseph J. Walsh, and Mrs. Grant ROTOLO'S SP. 3662 MIRACULOUS MEDALS and CHAINS H. Wimbush. trine are given on Tuesday and SCAPULAR MEDALS Miss Anne Birmingham, chair- Thursday evenings by the Rev. Glasses on Credit man of the gold■■ collection, olli had George Evans in the rectory at 796 So. BroatJway 807 15th St. TA. 0029 one of the largest displays in j'ears. 7:45. The firnie H»ted here deserve to She was assisted by Mrs. George Diane Marie McNamara, niece be remembered when you ere dis­ Standard Gas & Oils tributing your patronage to the dif* Pope and Miss Alice G. Greed. pf Mrs. Leo Sibert of St. Philo ferent lines of business. Vestments were displayed by mena’s parish, visited Denver Mrs. A. E. Murchie, chairman, and to entering the Benedictine Get Spruced up her committee, Mrs. Agnes Harris, order at Atchison, Kans., June 11. Mrs. Mary Musstr, Mrs. J. B. She was graduated from ' Lillis for Spring Zinge, and Mrs. B. Lampey. high school in Kansas City, Mo., BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH Registration a n d membership this year. She resides in Independ­ Patronise These Friendly Firms Oar tailoring la tuned to tha tlmaa. were in charge of Miss Barbara ence, Mo., and is the daughter of Bach, assisted by Miss Sue Hally Mr. and Mrs. Leland Patrick Me THE CONGRESS and Miss Genevieve Shannon. Namara. She is 18 years old. CLOTHING CO. Fourteen new members were re­ ST. FRANCIS DE SALES’ school, Denver, safety The novena in honor of the ROSS VARIEH STORE ported. Sacred Heart began Wednesday SUITS AND TOPCOATS patrol boys are shown with their city-wide championship NOTIONS . INFANT WEAR Wfaf the Co-chairmen of the jefreshmenti evening, and will continue each “Special Attention to CIcr(7“ were Mrs. Eugene Dilullo and trophy. They are, front row, F. Burke, John Casey, R. Alexus, R. Hardware • To3rt Wilson, captain; James Casey, and J. Weber; second row, D. Kratz, evening at 7 :45 until the feast, Hall Ordera Mrs. Herman Seep. They were as­ June 24. The Very Rev. Waited sisted by Mrs. Albert Seep, Jr.; J. Smith, J. Switzer, D, Johnson, and C. Sekera; third row, S. Mona­ 2214-16 Kearney Doctor Orders. TF< Canavan, rector of the Cathedral 4!S IStb St. TA. «TI1 Mrs. Paul Horan, Mrs. Homer han, A. McCutcheon, and C. Penrick; and fourth row, M. Bann, T. DE. 4488 Tailor Made Reedj Hade Owen, Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald, Mrs. Murnan, E. O'Dea, J. Marriot, and J. Collard. St. Francis de Sales’ of the Immaculate Conception, is the preacher. Etienne Perenyi, Mrs. Thomas patrol rated first place in competition with 92 schools and was awarded Earley, Mrs. James Cummings, Mrs. the trophy at the annual picnic May 28 on the basis of efficiency, William Swigert, Mrs. 'Vincent promptness, and courtesy. The school winning the award three years NEW HOMES FOR SALE Carlin, and Mrs. Harry Swigert, in succession is to have permanent possession. 2 and 3 Bed Roomi in Park Hill Socialists Offica DE. 4266 Jr. Compltt. Real Eatata Strrica McCarty-Bqtterton Also assisting throughout the afternoon were Mrs. Harry Zook, Elect New treasurer; Miss Clara Courtney, Robert Noce Is Graduated JOHN F. BRUNO recording secretary; and Mrs. J, F, Realtor Toner, financial secretary. Officers 6107 E. 22nd Lincoln-Mercury Dealer There were guests from Boulder. From West Point Academy Longmont, Estes Park, Grand (St. Catherine’s Pariah, Denver) Junction, Lakewood, Brighton, Assured by 8 Cadet Robert Wilson Noce was ' - 0.; and Milwaukee, Wis. a W from the Falmouth, Mass., St. Catherine’s sodality, under Sales Service Parts graduated from the U. S. military high school, he was awarded a the title of Our 'Lady of the An­ Registered Phomioefrt^ academy at West Point last week. four-year scholarship to the Mas- nunciation, met June 9 in the Cadet Noce is the son of Major yo«r doctor's prescription will bo sachusets Institute of Technology. school hall, with Father Lawrence correetJg dispensed at Park HQl Fine Used Cars General and Mrs. Daniel Noce. He received his appointment to Banigan as the sponsor. The elec- Drag Compaiig . • • 6 registorad Father's Day West Point from U. S. Senator tin of officers was held, with re­ The firms listed here de­ p^rmadsts to senre yoa. Eugene Millikin of Colorado. sults as follows: Charlene Phelan, We prendig acknowledge IH per During the summer of 1947 eent acceptance by the medical pro* 1700 E. Colfax prefect; Shirley Connolly, vice serve to be remembered feeaion. doe to fair prieca, prompt Event Planned Cadet Noce went on a European prefect; Eleanog Phillips, secre­ •errict, and onqaMtloned aecnraeja. Denver, Colo. mission. 'While in Rome, Italy, he tary; and Gloria James, treasurer For OistlnetiTe Prisoa for Brldga had a private audience with His when you are distributing Parties and all othsr oceasioD»— Holiness, Pope Pius XII. Members Giving VISIT OUB GIFT DEPARTMENT your patronage in the dif­ DE. 4221 At St. Anthony's Robert is a great-grandson of Catechism Classes (St. Anthony’s of Padua’s Parish, Admiral Simon Newcomb, one of Denver) the world’s greatest mathemati­ The sodality has now started a ferent iines of business. new project and the members are V The Mother Cabrini circle will cians and astronomers (He dis­ : I i covered a 208-year error that had giving catechism instructions to celebrate Father’s day Sunday, the Spanish children near Brighton 1 June 19, by having a picnic in thrown predictions off since 1675). Cadet Noce’s father, Maj. Gen. and Fort Lupton, so that the young­ PNOM ^ m c e ^ W i . Washington park for all the mem­ sters may make their First Holy lATTlI bers, their husbands, and families. Daniel Noce, is an outstanding miliUry man. In 1942 General Communion. The sodalists go The circle’s next, meeting will be every Sunday morning to teach June 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the home Noce was given an assignment en­ tirely new to the ^m y. He was and instruct these children. of Mrs. Joseph Healey, 1910 S. Fed­ Among those who went June 12 eral. ordered to organize and train en­ gineer amphibian brigades. For were Charlene Phelan, Darlene The following women from the Gaglia, Gloria James, Kathleen Mother Cabrini circle attended the that service he received the U. S. Legion of Merit medal. He was Scardina, Shirley ' Connolly, Bev­ ANNUNCIATION PARISH W a i } blessing of the Mother Cabrini erly Bruno, and Pauline Arm­ statue: Mmes. Bath, Bunce, Bojd awarded the Distingui.shed Service strong. Any other sodalists who Patronise These Friendly Firms medal when on the general staff ing, De Paswell, Geary, Kerstiens, wish to help in this project should ip the European theater. For duty ORNAMENTAL WOOD Martinac, Reickert, and Nider. get in touch with any of the offi­ in the North African and Mediter- After Mass, they all remained to Robert W. Noce cers or Father Banigan. AND recite the novena prayers. ranian theater of operations he re­ Misses Margaret and Eleanor General Noc« is now stationed in ceived an Oak Leaf cluster to his _ The sodality hopes to have a STEEL FENCES Bchueth attended the silver tea Washington, D.C. Distinguished Service medal. For bigger and better organization this given by the Tabernacle society, He attended Christian brothers’ post-war service, as chief of staff year, and to plan more activities. On EASY TERMS if you wish SL Anthoney^ circle postponed college when his father^ was sta­ and deputy commander general of Those who wish to join are asked . PH0N6 its dessert-luncheon and meeting tioned in Memphis, Tenh., as dis­ the army service forces, a second to call one of the officers or Fa­ CHiaav 6SW for all the circles in the rectory trict engineer of the Mississippi Oak Leaf cluster was added to his ther Banigan. COS. U S m CXPiN ROCKY MOUNTAIN NURSERIES from Wednesday, June 15, to flood region. 'When he was gradu Distinguished Seivice medal; ' Communion Sunday will be June Wednesday, June 22. Offict of tht In recognition of his services in 19 in St. Catherine’s church and 1585 Bellaire St. FRemont 2862 The following were baptized by the military government and re­ all are urged to receive in the A MEMBER OF ST. DOMINIC'S PARISH INVITES TREASURER 7 :30 Mass. Father Michael Maher: CTTY AND COUNTY OF DENVER organization of occupied countries, YOUR PATRONAGE Daniel Arthur Bath, son of Mr. Manleipel Baildinx the University of Louisville in and Mrs. Conrad Bath of 3390 W. DENVER, COLORADO Louisville, Ky., granted General Mississippi, with Mr. and Mrs. Lex*l No. M-221 Noce an honorary doctor of laws M L CARMEL The firms iisted here de­ Conrad Bolding as proxy sponsors NOTICE OP PURCHASE OF REAL degree. DRUGS PRICES IN O EN Via for Leo Deschen and Ursula Bel- ESTATE AT TAX SALE AND OF 63 BROADWAY APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE General Noce haa had two serve to be rem em bered ley: OF TREASURER’S DEED private audiences with His Holi­ Roeeo Carbone GRand 9049 Michael Thomas Hallahan, son TO WHOM IT HAY CONCERN, and ness, Pope Pius XII. when you are distributing of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hallahan Rocky’s THE MAY CO. more mpecially to Aubrer Milner (Also General__ JCL______Noce ______was honored______with___ of 3356 W. Dakota, with William known os A. Milner), The Moffat Tunnel Cleaning & Tailoring your patronage in the dif­ ,STORRE Improvement District, City and County of the following foreign decorations: George Egloff and Lucille Egloff 1320 W. 38th Ave. ferent lines of business. >401 FRANKLIN ST. as sponsors; Denver. Lateran Cross of the Vatican State; You and each of you are hereby notified Great Britain, Order of the Bath; Elizabeth Ann Reno, daughter that on the 2dth day of November, 1920, SUITS MADE TO ORDER SONORA RADIO of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Reno the Manager of Revenue, Ex-OfficIo Treai- Brazil. Order o f . Military Merit; Alteratlona Remodelinf urer of the City and County of Denver and Belgium, Croix de Guerre and of 1109 S. Western, with Chris A. Stata of Colorado, told ‘at public aalt to Tamburcllo and Grace Taraburello Order of the Crown; France, Le­ City and County of Denver, tha applicant, gion of Honor, Croix de Guerre, as sponsors. who haa madt demand for a Treaaurer’i CHRIST THE KING PARISH Formerly Sold for 199.95 and Croix de Guerre with palm; ■ I Mrs. David Culp of 3030 W. Deed, tha following deacribed real astau, ST. PHILOMENA'S Paironi99 These Friendly Firms Arkansas is ill in the hospital. sitnata In tha City and County of Danver Italy, Order of the Crown of Italy, I' : and Stata of Colorado, to-wit> Lota Ten Order of Sts. Maurice and Lazains, IL, (10) to Twalva (11) Inclusive, In Block I i Slxtaan (16). Platts Farm. Tliat aald tax Silver Medal for Military Valor, 1.95 Frank AntonelU W. L. (Spaad) Hiegtt GOOD CLOTHES NEED tale was mods to satisfy the delinquent and Medal of the Volunteers of f 99 General taxes aaaetted against said real Liberty; Poland, Gold Cross of NOT BE EXPENSIVE estate for the year 1929: that said real Merit with swords. FOR . a You save 100.00 on this wonderful AM-FM Radio- catata was taxed in the name of A. Milner; that tha statutory period of redemption Robert has one sister, Mildred, RONNIE BRYAN fe- Phonograph. Its handsome styling, flawless tone, and explrdil November 2Sth, 19S3, that t)>e wife of Col. P. Melody, now sta­ quality performance makes it a value unsurpassed! THE samt haa not baan radsamed: that taid tioned in Germany. His uncle Col. property may ba redeemed at any time bt- COLD BEER OFFERS YOU Eight-tube model with cabinet in blonde or mahogany I fore a Tax Deed la Usued; that a Tax Dead Robert Cavanaugh, was stationed will ba laaued to tha aald City and County until recently at Fitzsimons Gen­ ENGLISH of Denver! lawful holder of t^d eertificate, eral hospital. He is a nephew of CALL FR. 8881 on tha 10th day of Saptambar at 12 o'clock noon, 1040, unleaa tha samt baa been re­ Lillian Noce. principal of Bryant the Rx of Automotive Service deemed before 12 o'clock noon of aald date. Webster school, and of James. Cana and Bottlea TAILORS WITNESS my hand and seal this Hat George, and Clara Marie Ngce of 901 FIFTEENTH STREET day of May, 1949. Denver, and David Noce of San EAst 4766 8TH AT BIRCW (Seal) Combine Quality and Styla First Publteatton June t, 1040 Francisco, Calif. Lost Publication Juna 16, 1940 General Noce is now deputy di­ TED'S THE MAT CO. RADIOS—U BROADWAY. PE. SMI at Prieaa You Can Afford Open all day Sunday. 7:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. By BOY W. CASS, rector of the department of logis­ 8504 E. Colfax Oaputy Troaturar. tics in Washington, D.C.

A Thandoy, Jun« 16, 1949 Offie*, 938 Bannock Stroot THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Ttlaphena, KEyifona 4205 PAGE NINE Wedding in St. Dominic's Dorothy Shay Has St. Vincent's Has The Thing to Do musements ♦ Dining Lakesido Billing When You Can’t Afford Dioappointment Enjoy an Invigorating Drive A Vacation' School Dorothy Shay, the “ Park Avenue ill Hillbil^,’* will appear at Lake­ to Recreation side’s El Patio ballroom one night Attendance of 31 only, Saturday, June 18, for her first and only appearance in Den­ The Holland House I (St. Vineant da Paol’a Pariib, ver. ' Danrar) Recognized as one of the na­ (Formerly known as The La Ray Hotel, No changa BOGGIOS The vacation school of St. tion’s outstanding entertainers, in ownorthlp, management or policy) Vincipnt de Paul’s parish opened Dorothy Shay skyrocketed to popu­ PARISVt'^ on June 13, with 31 pupils in at­ larity both because of her talent FAMOUS FOI FINI INiOY THI WISfS tendance, and will continue until and beauty, and her appearance— FOOD StmO IN A MOST IIFUSHINO Friday, June 24. Twelve of the decked out in the very latest Fifth IN GOLDEN COCKTAIl lOUNCI CiACIOUS MANNH children will receive their First avenue finery while singing touch­ TREMONT AT BROADWAY (kimmunion in the 8 o’clock Mass ing old English madrigals, catchy FOR LUNCHEON OR DINNER on Sunday, June 26. mountain ballads, or the bright in­ You'll Like the Food, Service and Atmo$phere * K l. 9618 * CH. 2494 ^ The regular meeting of the spirations from the citizens of Tin t Pinochle club will be held each Pan Alley. Dining Roomi Open Daily Thursday evening until the end of Miss Shay will be backed up by From 12 to 2 at noon — 5:30 to 9:30 P.M. June. Griff Williams’ orchestra, featur­ William Smith flew to Las Ala- ing Bob Kirk, Wally King, and the Sundoys and Holidays From 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. mitos, Calif., Monday, and returned twin Carroll sisters, Mickey and Pkone Golden 66 for Reiervation, or Jnit Drive Out in a naval air reserve cruise Tues­ Sheri. The famous orchestra will and Coma In! day. be at Lakeside for one more week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood are . All of Lakeside's other attrac- HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW COFFEE SHOP?- the pai-ents of a girl. Marilyn 6ons—20.outstanding rides, ^ames, It is open from 6:30 in the morning until 1 at night. Louise, born June 1. The maternal and amusements on the midway, randparents are Mr. and Mrs. f oseph Schrefer. and professional midget racing Before a Nuptial Mass' in St. MISS LILLIAN GOLESH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday and Wednesday nights— Vincent de Paul’s church June 11, Peter Golesh, 2012 Federal boulevard, became the bride continue to have their devotees. ; \ Vivian Frances Gusty, daughter of Lt. Victor Holthus of the U. S. army in a ceremony Saturday, May of Mr. and Mrs. John Gusty of 21, in St. Dominic’s church. 9731 E. 17th avenue, became the The ceremony was a candlelight wedding in the late afternoon bride of Richard L. McGrath, son conducted before the Communion railing by the pastor, the Very Rev. Y of Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. McGrath ^Tom Burke's Wtlnat to Ooinr't Klnot Peter O’Brien, O.P. The matron of honor was Mrs. Maxine Meade, a of 1302 S. Elizabeth street. Father cousin of the bride. The bridesmaids were Betty Ann Zavislan and WeVTER Friday Fishermen; Louis Mertz officiated at the cere­ Kathleen Holthus, a sister of the bridegroom. mony and offered the Mass. GARDEN COLBURN HOTEL Everett Holthus, a brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and LUXURIOUS ROOMS The bride, given in marriage by for A t t e n t w n z her father, was gowned in white Richard Golesh, a brother of the bride, and Harold Meade were at­ G ood Foods COCKTAIL LOUNGE satin, cut with a sweetheart neck­ tendants. Little John Robert Jelniker, a nephew of the bride, was ring- NEW COFFEE SHOP bearer. . The bride was given in marriage by her father. end line and long sleeves. She wore a Thirst Quenching lOtb ATanna at Grant mantilla veil. She carried white The bride wore shimmering white satin with imported lace bodice, She carried a satin covered Missal topped with a white orchid. Drinks Every Friday ( and other day*, too), MAin 6261 AffCMificr^ Of iPPiriTi; orchids with her prayer book. ,Her O. 6. CBBI8B. MaBtan sister, Mrs. Mary Breit, was ma­ The bridesmaids wore dotted swiss over green satin and carried H t4 Broadway Johnny Ott has a prize catch . . . prize trout tron of honor. The bridegroom’s braided baskets of lilacs and daisies. . . . live lobster . . . jumbo shrimp . , . brother, Leo C. McGrath, was best After a brief wedding trip the couple embarked for Germany where Lt. Holthus will serve for two years before returning to this snapper . . . swordfish . . . fresh crab . . . man. 'The ushers were Kenneth abaione ... choice salmon . . . oysters. . . any Gusty and Lewis. McGrath. country. Lieutenant llolthus’ home is in Ludell, Kans. ______Fathers . MertZ', and Eugene seafood a fish lover could desire. O’Sullivan and 26 r e 1 a t i v e s at­ And that’s not all . . . he has prize tended a breakfast in the home of Lady of Lourdes School Swim in CUan, Heated white wine . . . giant cockt^U* . . . long the bride’s parents. .A reception Drinking Water dnnks . . . bonded bourbon . . . lold scotches was held in the afternoon in the Mon. Thru Navy club and terrace at the Park Sife of Summer Classes . . . all to make dining the pleas^ire it always Lane hotel. Friday J/j Navarre. Come in on Friday. McGrath served nearly five years (Our Lady of Lourdes have been erecting will be blessed Evenings, Also Sun., Mon'., Tue*., Wed., Thur*., and Sat. E delweiss with the marine corps and is now Parish, Denver) and dedicated.The Rocks, of course, 7 to 10 p.m. attending Colorado university. Eighty children are attending will take the prominent place at Sat. & Sunday 1644 GLENARM • OPEN 11 A M to 3 A M Out-of-town guests included Mr. summer school at Our Lady of the ceremony. The shrine will be 1 to 6 p. n. «— Rccomnwndtoi by Dtmcnn Hinw^ and Mrs. Harold Gray of Chey­ Lourdes school. Classes began completed in June and the dedica­ 7 to 10 p. nu enne, Wyo.; Mrs. Jane Miller of last Monday and will continue tion date is scheduled for early in Adults 6 0 <^, Children 3 5 ^ Open every dssyPrteauassimgnomT Blisbfield. Mich.; Mrs. Mary God- in morning sessions for eight the month of July. The men of the THE sell of Winslow, Ariz.; and Mrs. weeks. Betty Ford, a graduate Rocks club will learn the special PROGRESS PLUNGE Pat Smith and daughter of Chey­ of Colorado State Teachers’ col­ Lourdes hymn before July and JIM ’S TAl'ERN will sing during the procession. A 1300 W« Plorldo WMtwooJ 818 enne, Wyo. lege, is teaching about 40 of the 8 Blkt. W. rod. Bird. 1727 TremaM P U ^ After a wedding trip in the children reading, spelling, and colorful progrram is now being Ft, Logan Bob at Alaraada A Bdory, LI//VC0EO/V arranged for the big day. BBER — WINE - MIXED DRINU mountains, the couple will make arithmetic. Virginia Kimm, also their home in Denver. of Colorado State Teachers’ col­ 128 BROADWAY Jack McGrath, who was injured lege, is teaching art. Joseph JAMES M. DELOHBKT in an auto accident recently, was Folkner of the S. Broadway able to return to his home this greenery, a landscape artist, is week. teaching two groups of children a course in nature study. The children attend the summer school from 9 to 12 each week­ STILLWILL’S CAFE BEST FOLKS OF ALL day, Monday through Friday. «EAT-AT-THE-eALL" The Altar and Rosary society > UNDER XEW MANAGEMENT ♦ 1942 Broadway Joa M. Bland, Mgr. will hold a bridge party at the Pub­ Serving Delicions Full Course Dinners Hall Hotel Coffee Shop lic Service company on Tuesday, RE-MODELED June 21. There will be a table and One Half Southern Fried Chicken .. M ” U tl Cortit Strt«t special prizes. Members o f the "kA A A A A A i committee in charge of the June Tender Juicy Thick Steaks party report that all tickets have Ten Other Entrees to Choose From already been sold. The ways and Denvar'i Mo»t Popular Closed Cool Refrethiag means committee, under the lead­ Lunehe* SOe to 60c Tuesdays Mixed Drink* ership of Mrs. Jerome Pierzina, is in charge of the party. Hostesses THE KI1IGHTS OF COLUHIBUS for the bridge party arc Mmes. Boles, Caffee, Dwyer, Fennelly, \ Kimmins, Luhnow, McCurry, Oy- ler, Young, and Zancanella, St. Joseph’s circle of the Arch­ bishop’s guild will have a family athering on Sunday afternoon, f une 19, in the Center house. Mrs- Fred Thompson expects about 30 to attend the Sanday afternoon gathering. HAS BEEN REOPENED TO THE PUBLIC Men of the Rock of Lourdes club held their June meeting in the Center house June 13. Reports on the work of the bazaar were given at the meeting. Plans were also outlined for the forthcoming dedi­ ADVERTISING B cation day when the shrine they Eileen Curry Bride-Elect Help Bui/cf COLORADO and UTAI (Formerly Located at 5420 W. 44th and 32iid at Lowell Blvd.) W ith pride in its own home territory, the Rio Grande annually spends a quar­ f ter o f a million dollars to publicize the scenic beauties—and the agricultural, Smoitetl JOnutement Path mining, and industrial resources — of Coloradq and Utah. By stimulating travel on the “ Main Line thru tJ\e J>SUdlJUULL . . Rockies”—and encouraging the devel­ “FOOD opment o f new industries in the terri­ SEASONS” tory—the Rio Grande is contributing to THE BEST BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEONS the over-all economy o f the region. For j HOME FOOD FREEZER the progress and prosperity o f the Rio AND Grande and its home territory are all 3ummer, Winter, Spring or mutually interdependent. Prosperity Foil, you con hove a wide choice makes payrolls; payrolls make oE ioodi for your fomily ond'your prosperity. gueiii. It'* done with a H O M E FAMILY DINNERS IN TOWN FOODFREEZERI 9 With fhii new home con-’ venience, you con Freeze Freih foodi juti purchased, or grown Helen Anne Smith, daugh in your own garden. Also, foods ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas which you buy already frozen M. Smith of 1320 S. Josephine con be stored in your H O M E street, will become the bride of FO O D FREEZERI James Lawrence Balagna, Jr., of Also • A HO M E FO O D FREEZER Florence, on July 2 in St. Vincent brings greater enjoyment and de Paul’s church, Denver. The marriage will be celebrated before additional food saving*. by the Very Rev. Gregory Smith, SPECIAL PARTIES, BANQUETS, TEAS, AND RECEPTIONS iiiiiiitimrs uncle of the bride, who will offer the Mass. Miss Smith is a member of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Nurses and is a graduate of St. - 4 - Francis de Sales’ high school and CENTRAL TRANSCONTINENTAL the Seton school of nursing. v Mr. Balagna, who served two years in the U. S. navy in the Pa­ cific in the war, is a graduate of 1575 Grant S t. Phone TAbor 1480 SERVING COLORADO the Holy Cross Abbey school in I : €) Canon City and is now attending AND UTAH • tUito, i. ZUto. Denver university. He is the son PiMe Servtes Cotnpany of Colorado of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Balagna, Sr., of Florence. T949 FOUR DOOR PLYMOUTH SEDAN SILVER And Mdnu Other Valuable Items on Display

FUN G A L O R E i , COUNTRY STORE - GAMES - BOOTHS j I ; I JUNE 30—JULY T & 2nd—16th & GRANT—Benefit Knights of Columbus Charity Fund 1 '

A l l PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bonnoek Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, June 16, 1949

YOUR VISION AND SUCCESS Altar Unit Plans Will Entertain at Carnival Edward Burke ELDER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY! Succcit is the result of the ability to absorb information. Guy Elder, Contractor Since 85% of yonr information comes through your eyes, your Luncheon Meet Heads HNS in Industrial and Commercial Building success will be measured by your ability to see well— a condition 175 VaUejo St. PEarl 8930 ; that can be assured only by frequent eye examinations. At St. Francis' Loyola Parish SWIGERT BROS. (St. Francii de Sale,’ ParUb, (Loyola Parith, Denver) Denver) The Loyola Holy Nahie society 1550 California Optometristf KEyttone 7651 The Altar and Rosary society elected Edward Burke as the new Batter yigion will hold a covered-dish luncheon president. Bernard Prochazka was Good Service chosen as vice president. John M. T O c jJ tu f in the high school cafeteria on Fri­ for Every Age At Right Price* Evert will be secretary-treasurer. day, June 17, at 1 p.m. All mem The Loyola Altar sodality met hers are cordially invited to attend I ‘d d l GLASSES INDIVIOUALLT STYLED on June 14 to bring to a close this, social. the work of the past year.'All the Mrs. 0. Wienecke, president, details pertaining to'the Altar so­ will preside at the business meet­ dality booth at the Loyola bazaar ing that will follow. As there will were discussed and volunteer work­ be no meetings in July and A u^st, ers were solicited for each of the Requiescant a large attendance is urged. Mrs. four evenings of the bazaar. all types ol securities, spedalizing in those'bf die J. B. Glavins will be in charge of THEODORE I Mrs. Emil Frei is in general Rocky Mountain Empire. the program. A meeting of the League of the charge of the refreshment booth. We deal in government, munidpal, and co^ In Pace Mrs. W. J. Wade will assist her by Sacred Heart will be held Tues­ poration bonds, preferred and common stocks. day, Jifne 21, at 2 p.m. in the as­ taking charge of the booth contain­ HACKETHALl JOHN DRISCOLL, USB Sherman. Fa­ ing the cozy corner prize. Sunday sembly room of the rectory. Our statistical department will be glad to ana* ther of Mamie Lane Sarbacb, Ellen wul be the Communion day for Lewli. and Genevieve La Valle, Denver, lyze your list of holdings and make suggestions. MORTUARY I and Kathleen Ohman, Seattle. Wash.: Grade School Girls the sodality. grandfather of Patricia Greer and Ronald Form 4-H Club The Loyola bazaar booth chair­ William O’Brien, Associate | 8cavo. Denver, and John Ohman, Seattle; men met on Tuesday evening and great-grandfather of George Greer 111: A group of eight girls from St. 1449-51 Kalamatb St, uncle of Jack and Michael DiiBcoH: and concluded the final arrangements. brother of Hannah Farrell, Mli\nie Francis de Sales’ grade school Reports on the progress made by Phone MAln 4006 | Coumey, and Bess Sheehan. Requiem started a 4-H club. They chose the chairmen and workers of each MEMIER CHICAGO SoSW CfRTH Mata was offered In St. John's church sewing as their project. The girls ■■nmnnnninninniiiiniHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinm June* IS. Interment Mt. Olivet. W. P. booth were received. The bazaar Horan & Son mortuary. will call themselves the Spinning is expected to be a great success. STOCK EXCHANGE MINNIE SCHMIDT, formerly of 2944 Spools. At their first meeting SULLIVAN:-, Federal boulevard. Mother of John A novena' preparing for the Call a Schmidt. Denver; W. J. Schmidt, Port­ June 11 the group elected the Feast of the Sacred Heart will be­ land. Ore.; and Mrs. Cecilia Sebaub, following officers: President, gin on Thursday. The Litany of & Trinidad. Requiem High Mass was of­ Peggy Guein; vice president, the Sacred Heart will be recited ZOISE CAB fered in St. Dominic’s church June 14. Rita Moonfey; secretary-treas­ KEystone 6241 Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mor­ after all the Masses. IVUin 7171 tuary. urer, Patty Guerin; council re­ Vacation School Started Prempt, Conrteooi Serrtes INVESTMEN’ CATHERINE D’SPAIN, at Fort Sam porter, Mary Ann Rohling; news Parents whose children at­ CHEAPER RATES Houston. Tex. Wife of Howard D’Spaln; reporter, Vera Lou Jacques; song 2-WAY-RADIO daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank tend the public schools were CLEAN NEW CABS O'Brien, sister of Francis, Joseph, and chairman, Gloria Bordigan; pro­ contacted last Saturday by Ann JOHN J. SU U IVA N . m s. Thomas O'Brien. Sister Mariam, Mrs. gram chairman, Diane Dwyer; and Doherty, Jeanne Roach, Frances Lucille Saindon, Dorothy Wilmot, Mar recreation leader, Mary Ellen Car^ JERRY BREEN garet Sebastian, and Dolly Tanaska. Re­ JANICE ANN (left) and Mary Ann Werb, acrobatic Lee, and Patricia Catlett and quiem Mats was offered in St. Dominic's roll. The leader is Carlene Lilley. dancers, will entertain at St. Dominic’s carnival, June were reminded to send their church June 11. Interment Mt. Olivet. The following girls of Brownie lyEW LOCATION Ted Day mortuary. June 23 to 25. children to the vacation classes group 302 took part in the fly-up in catechism which began Mon­ ARTHUR J. MOLLOY, S539 Vine, ceremony in Washington park last + -f + + -f " 1004 15th St. Husband of 'Ada Molloy; father of day morning and will continue Yvonne and Carol Molloy; brother of week, which promoted them to in­ for three weeks. ^ Mrs. Archie T. Fourcade, Emmett P., termediate scout rank: Jacqueline NOW OPEN James T.. and Daniel B. Molloy. Requiem These classes are being taught Mass was offered In Annunciation church Duran, Patty Sue Elliott, Patsy by Sister Elizabeth Patrice and June 16. Interment Mt. Olivet. George Frede, Marjorie Goddard, Ann Sister Team Slated Sister Marie Emily under the P. Hackethal service. Marie Hemcher, Betty Kastn*, VIOLA £. ANDERSON, wife of Wen­ djjLection of Sister Agnes Maria. H I o n u m e n t s dell Anderson of 4431 Lincoln street. Patsy Keegan, Elaine Kersteins, Classes are being held from 9 We hare erected many beauti­ Sister of Catherine, Francis, Thomas, and Geraldine Kurtz, Joanne Loughry, until II, Monday through Fri­ ful monuments in Mt Oliret Leo McGrail, Mrs. F. A. VanValkenburg. Margaret McCarthy, Rosella Pet- For St. Dominic's day. Mrs. Aiieen Lenhart, and SSrs. Berna­ Cemetery. dette- Doud. Recitation of the Rosary run, Jeanette Sheridan, and Ger­ Father Ray Connell, S.J., of wit] be Thursday, June 16. in the mor­ trude Weador. All intermediate Marquette university, who has A. T. THOMSON tuary. 17th and Clarkson. Requiem Mass troops are attending day camp at been a visitor at the rectory for a will be offered in the Cathedral Friday, Washington park. 600 Sherman St. TA 8018 June 17. at 10. Interment Mt. Olivet. Carnival June 23-25 few days, is now making his an­ DOMINIC FIGLIOLINO, husband of PTA officers and members of nual retreat at Regis college. Ann Figliolino; father of Andrew (Biff) the council of the past school year Father Bernard McMahon, S.J., Figliolino and Mrs. John Mastroianni: (St. Dominic’a Parish, Denver) substantial contribution to the brother of John Figliolino and Mrs. honored Mrs. Mark Behan, past professor of philosophy at St. Mary ZIPPER REPAIRS Elizabeth Losasso; brother-in-law of president, at luncheon in the One of the feature acts of the sanctuary fund for the upkeep of of the Lake seminary at Munde­ On Almost Any Garment or Article »Mrs. Mary Figliolino; grandfather of Knights of Columbus dining room free attractions at St. Dominic’s the altar. TTie gift was made to lein, III., and brother of Mrs. John Vernon Donaldson and Rosalyn Hirsch. Father O’Brien by Mrs. Minnie Solemn Requiem Mass was offered In June 15. carnival will be the acrobatic danc­ M. Evert, is a visitor at the rec­ Our Lady of ML Carmel church June 18. The PTA is co-operating with ing of the sister team, Janice and Coursey, chairman of the circle. tory. He will give a retreat to the ROY SYSTEM, INC. JOHN P. KILL. 19 S. Knox court. Son Mary Werb, daughters of Mr. and Barbara Jean Roach, daughter SHOE REPAIR of Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Hill; and the CPTL in the TB x-ray project nuns at St. Clara’s orphanage. in the Metropolitan building, of­ Mrs. David Werb, 1895 Dover of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roach, 2939 Father Stanley Kalamaja, S.J., 21 Broadwir SP. 4 US brother of Mary Louiio, Edward J., and Maxine A. Hill. Requiem Mass was of­ fering services from June 21 to street, Lakewood. The talented sis­ Grove street, was awarded a schol­ prefect of studies and discipline at fered in Presentation church June 16. ters will appear each evening of arship to Loretto Heights from Interment Mt. Olivet. July 2. The following have already St. Francis’ Indian mission in South ANNA McBRIDE, 50 W. Cedar. Sister signed up with Mrs. Herman the carnival, which will be held on St. Joseph’s high school. She will Dakota, and the son of Mrs. S. J. of Marie Weidt and Rogene Dugan. Re­ the church grounds June 23, 24, be remembered in the parish as a Kalamaja, stopped off to say Mass quiem Mass was offered in St. Francis Doyle: Mmes. Cloypool, Dunst, Johnson, Mensik, Martin, Marvel, and 25. graduate of the 1945 class of the at Loyola and visit his mother and de Sales' church June 14. Interment Mt. parochial school. Olivet. McCarthy, and Stromsoe. Any Their act will vary each evening sister en route to give a retreat BEATRICE M. MILLIGAN, at North woman wishing to co-operate by with a novel and interesting rou­ The Holy . Name society and to the nuns at the parish in Welby. Platte. Neb. Mother of Mrs. Harry Sisters Margaret Eleanor, Mar­ H e r e , every Catholic service is super­ Wedeking; and grandmother of Eliza­ offering a few hours’ service within tine. On the opening evening they Ushers’ club held their monthly beth Wedeking. Requiem Mass was of­ these dates is asked to call Mrs.' will Resent a mechanical dance, meeting Thursday, June 9, at garet Pierre, and Jean Patrice have vised by Francis J. Cervi, former student fered in St. Leo's church June 11. In­ Doyle, SP. 2536. with little Mary Ann, 5, being the which time they made final plans gone to El Pomar to make their of St. Thomas Seminary. terment Mt. Olivet, mechanical doll and Janice, 10, for the coming carnival. Louis annual retreat. EDWARD J. ROGERS, W. 44th and Capitol provide! complete, beautiful and Kipling. Father of Leo. Donald, and being the block maker. Other eve­ Monge, secretary, read the min­ The Rev. Edward P. Murphy, Glenn Rogers; also survived by two Busses Are Available nings they will present tumbling utes and the appointments of the S.J.,'baptized Sandra Jane Guiry, memorable Catholic service at a central loca­ grtfTfdsons. Requiem High Mass was of­ dances' and modern variations. various committees working for infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tion— and at costs any family can afford. fered In Holy Family church June 14. Interment Mt. Olivet. They have been trained by Miss the carnival. It was announced Joseph P. Guiry, Jr. The sponsors Ask for illustrated booklet deKribing Capi* YO U HAVE M E T the inevi­ To St. Cabriai Shrine Florence Harrison and will be ac­ that all volunteer workers for the were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. tol's facilities and services. Furnished without games and attractions should re­ tability of your own,passing by German Editor Jubilarian companied by Daniel Di Donato. Guiry. obligation. Denverites are reminded that port on the three nights of the the purchase of insurance and Munich.—The Rev. Alois Wurm. Other free attractions will be Mrs. Martin J. Golden enter­ bus transportation is available carnival. tained the Mother Cabrini Pi­ the making of your will. Make one of Germany’s most beloved the comedy pantomime given by priests, has observed his golden every Sunday afternoon to the Otto Pribyl and his son, Richard. nochle club in her home on Mon­ one more provision consistent Corporate Communion jubilee. He is widely known as mountain shrine of St. Frances This act, too, will be different day evening. Prizes were awarded ’with your provident regard for Will Be June 19 to Mrs. Joseph Krause and Mrs. CAPITOL mORTUARV editor of the monthly magazine Xavier Cabrini in Mt. Vernon each night of the carnival. For your family. Select a lot in the Seele. Although 75 he still carries the children there will be magic The sodalists will receive Com­ Francis Koneeny. canyon, west of Denver. Busses The July party will be held in I4th Avanua ai Lincoln (0pp. Siata Capiiol) KEysIona 0281 cemetery of your choice and on hus manifold priestly and edi­ tricks displayed by ^ local boy munion in the 7:30 Mas.s Sunday, leave the terminal at 17th and June 19, in observance of Father’s the home of Mrs. Francis Koneeny. torial tasks. Glenarm at 3 o’clock and return magician under the mysterious erect thereon a family monu­ billing of “ Houdini, Junior.” day. Following the Mass they will Mr. and Mrs. Golden and family ment which will appropriately to town at 5:15. The cost of the and Mrs. Eugene Steele are leav­ German Catholic Day The advance applications for have a breakfast of coffee and 'w w w w w w w w vr w w w nrww •^wwwwwwwwm round >rip is- $1.25. doughnuts in the church audito­ ing on Thursday for a vacation 'I extend the memory, prestige Frankfurt.—Bishop Aloisius J the baked ham dinner to be The third annual pilgrimage rium and a business meeting to dis­ trip in California. and influence of your name 1^ Muench of Fargo, N. Dak., Apos­ to the ’s shrine will be held served by the women of the parish CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING tolic Visitator in Germany, will on the opening night, Thursday, cuss final plans for the coming yond present life spans. Do this this year on Sunday, July 10, carnival. Miss Elaine Nielsen, pre­ sing a Pontifical Mass on the clos­ June 23, have been unusually 4 now. It will add so much to under, the sponsorship of the fect, will preside. X-Ray Society Elects ing day of the Kaiholikentag, the heavy. The dinner will be served the comfort of those who sur­ Fourth Degree assembly of the The sodality ia-co-operating with assified Ads National German Catholic conven­ Knights of Columbus. Details of from 4 to 8, but it is urged that It will pa; jroa to read ALL of tha following advertiaemeDts. vive. the Su m m e r School of Catholic Mercy Hospital tion to be held Sept. 1 to 4 in the pilgrimage -will be an­ guests come early to be assured of a complete dinner. Accommoda­ Action, and the members are mak­ Bochum, Westphalia. He will ad- nounced soon. ing preparations for participation Sister Mary Albert, who has dress an outdoor mass meeting tions will be available to serve 500 JACQUES BROTHERS g;uests at one time. Service will in the special two-night institute ^ e n in charge of the x-ray depart­ FEMALE HELP WANTED to be attended by 300,000 persons. Becomes Bride ment at Mercy hospital, Denver, DRUGGISTS Since 1902 stop promptly at 8 o’clock, since arranged by Miss Dorothy J. Will the workers will be served in the mann, national director of parish for the past 15 years, was elected HOUSEKEEPER wanted in modern Deliver MONUMENTS OF ClSTINCTION Martyrs in Heart sodalities. Miss Patricia E. Pimpl, third vice president of tne Amer­ rectory. Give references with first letjur. church auditorium. Tickets may be rOUR PHE8CRIPTION8 Reply to Box 1620-K. The Resister. I 28 E. 6th Ave. AL 2019 New York.— Persons who under­ vice prefect of the Denver Parish ican X-Ray society at the organ­ procured at the door on the after­ will ba filled correctly at go a "martyrdom within the noon or evening of the dinner. Sodality union, and a member of ization’s convention in San Fran­ BRICK REPAIRS heart”—a change from the path of Adult tickets are $1, and children’s St. Joseph’s sodality, is making ar­ cisco on June 9. WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY rangements for the members of BRICK REPAIRS: Specializing In . sin to the road of righteousness— tickets are 50 cents. Sister Mary Albert was accom­ pointing and repairing, also caulking giid were compared to the martyrs who the sodality to attend a dinner in Ph. SP. 9766 1096 South Gsylord St. The booths are being erected by panied to the convention by Sister painting. DE. 6650. WALTER EVANS. give their lives for the faith by honor of Miss Willmann. The din­ 946 Steele. ! COLD SPRING the men of the parish, and this Mary Francis, superintendent of MONUMENTS the Rev. Thomas J. O’Donnell, ner will be held Tuesday evening, Mercy hospital. The nuns left June TOWELS & LINEN SUPPLY year several novelties will be pre­ June 21, at the Catholic Charities WANTED TO RENT IttAUTIFUL OMIIIKS C.S.C., of the Catholic university sented. The young women will 5 and are expected to return to in an address on the Hour of annex, 17th and Grant street. Denver the latter part of this THE RAINBOW LINE OF GRANITES have in their booth an array of PLEASE I Youns eoupl. cmploynl at itw- Faith program. • Local members of the sodality may week. MOUNTAIN TOWEL A ’SUPPLY CO. Uter, n«d furniab^l apartnioit electrical appliances which will make reservations for the dinner Servica fumishad for Officaa, Barbere, be presentea on the closing night, with privat. bath. Gall: KE, 4205, Exti L by calling Miss Pimpl, GLendale ReaUuranta, Stores, and Banquet. Saturday, June 25. 'These articles To Be Professed PAINTING Well'Knolun Catholic Personnel 1011, or Miss Catherine O’Brien B W. BECKIUS, Manatrer are an automatic electric roaster CHerry 6918. which cooks a whole meal; a waffle As Dominican 1227 Cnrtli St. MA. 7960 HONEST—Roof and trim painting. Ba^it The Rosary Holy Hour will be Land. TAbor 1007. ! iron, a double toaster, and a press­ held Friday night from 7:30 until ing iron. 8:30. It will be conducted by the FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS The grocery store, under the di­ Rev. John B. Dering, O.P. The O iU u f e ^ 3 PUMP Filling Station. Living Quarters. WALLPAPER hanging, painting, rection of Mrs. J. H. Fraher and sermon will be delivered by the ing. Call K.E. .6793. Mrs. Joseph McCloskey, will pre­ Rev. Joseph G. Forquer, O.P. Fol­ 3 Lots. Equipment. Property. Garage, Grease Pit A Parking Space. 6 Years sent many articles of canned lowing the services confessions will If You Want to | goods, both home canned and regu­ be heard. Eetab. Business. Quick Possession ready to go to Work^ 17.500.09 will handle. Pri­ lar packs. The novelty booth of Girl Seputs SELL OR BUY the Rosary Altar society, will con­ vate Owner. No Realtor Pee to Pay. Jim's REAL ESTATE-CoII tain many valuable fancy pieces, Have Picnic Service. 3737 Downing SL. Denver. linens, and embroidered articles. The women of the society have Girl Scout troop 165 held a EDWIN E. DAVIS sent out an appeal for workers to mother-daughter basket picnic at Rugs Cleaned & Repaired O'Neal & Son | assemble at the church auditorium Jefferson park, 23rd and Clay RA. 7055 436 Broadv|acr Licensed Funeral Director street, Thursday afternoon, June Beautiful rugs from old materials. Large Friday morning, June 17, at 11 variety of aires. Rugs and furniture cleaned o’clock to help put the kitchen 9. The mothers prepared the lunch­ eon, and the scouts played baseball and repaired. Sewing. Binding. North Den­ Loretta Rowe and James equipment in order and to ar­ ver Rug Factory. 3626 W. 3Snd Ave.. America! Pennant | Mulqueen were married in range the dishes and services for and other games. This was the last GRand 7089. Evening calls by appointment. St. Catherine’s church, Denver, in the dinner the following Thurs­ scheduled meeting of the troop Paul Hebart, prop., member St Doralnlc'a Mfg. Co. I a double-ring ceremony. The Rev. day, The women have requested for the spring season. Mrs. J. R. parish. LETTERING AND DECOBATINOj Robert Syrianey officiated in the that the members and the volun­ Preston was the leader of the pic­ OF ALL ATHLETIC UNIFORMS] Mr. Davis, who lives at 3945 King Street, is well known nic arrangements and of the scout w w ww w w ^w ' Nuptial Mass. teers bring their donations to the CHENILLE LETTERS. EMBLEMSj troop. in Catholic circles, having been a member of St. Cather­ country store and to the fancy AND MONOGRAMS j The bride, daughter of Mr. and The Rev. Wilfred G. Hoff, O.P.. ine's Parish for the past five years and a member of the booth when they come to assist in Mrs. Galen E. Rowe, was given in a native of Denver now assigned CARY’S ► 534 nth 8L. Fontlns Bnlldlng. KE the preliminary work Friday.* Knights of Columbus for ten years. He is active in Parent marriage by her father. to Blessed Sacrament parish, Mad­ Many games will be offered for 1500 S. BROADWAY Teachers organizations and is a member of the Holy The matron of honor was Mrs. ison, Wis., has been spending a the amusement of the adults and Name Society. Galen E. Rowe, Jr., of Delta, and few days with his mother, Mrs. ART VEIOTTA M USk the young people, with suitable bridesmaids were Sarah Ann Rowe Joseph Nachbauer. He left Tues­ Walter Ingoing (above), ^ We P a j Cash | An alumnus of Penn College In Oskaloosa, Iowa, and the and Pat Mulqueen. Pat O’Day was prizes for the winners. Among the day to visit with relatives in Grand STUDIO 11 Graduate College of Mortuary Science in St. Louis, Mr. skiU games will be a new game of son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ing the maid of honor. Charles Dunst Lake before returning to his as­ For Used Furniture Teacher of Haweiien.and SpazjUk' Davis has nearly 20 years experience in his field. His was best man. Ushers were Tom, darts for the youngsters. Refresh­ signment in Madison. ling, 3133 Vallejo street, Denver, ments will be available on t h e will make his simple profession of Guitars, Violin, end MendoUA I thoughtful direction has earned him a host of friends Charles, and Don Mulqueen. The Rev. John J. McDonald, and rounds and will include cold O.P., River Forest, 111., assistant VOWS in the Sat­ 1735 W. 34th At.. GL«ndal. T73S among the many families he has served. A breakfast was given for the f rinks and sandwiches. A Plymouth urday, June 25, at the Dominican MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS wedding party and a reception was editor of the new Dominican pub­ automobile will be on display. house of studies. River Forest, DI. PE 4914 RA I4U Th. firms list.d h.r. d.sirva ^ held in the afternoon in the home lication, Cross and Croton, is stay­ SUMMER SCHOOL OPEN He entered the of the Do­ b. r.m .m b.r.d when you ara di^- of the bride’s parents. After a short ing at the rectory while attending erts EVEsmss mt 9 r.a. tributing j(our patronage to tha dll-. Th* (ummer school for grad* the sessions of the Catholic Press minicans a year ago and has now wedding trip the couple will re-< completed the necessary course for farant lines ol business. side in Denver. pupils who attend public school association. , openad Monday morning, June The Rev. Leo C. Gainor, O.P., candidates in the Dominican order. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 13, at t h a school, W. 25th was called this week to Lancaster, In religion he will be known as ESTATE OF FRANCIS X O'CONNOR. CHECKER CABS «lw known u Frank X. O'Connor, Utnltl and Grove. It is being taught in 0., because of the death of his Brother Antoninus. He will now IncompoUnt No. 8SS87. two sections by the sisters. All brother-in-law, Luke Mambourg of start his first year of philosophy Also Sightseeing Trips ^ 16th ol Bouldtr Node* ia hereby given Uiat on the 11th the parents who have children that city. and will continue his studies of ED DUNDON TA. 22&3 day of Hay. 1849. letteri of comervator- philosophy and theology until pre­ le h ihip were iaaued to the undenigned ai attending pnblic school are eoDMrvator of the above named estate and urged to take advantage of this pared for the priesthood in 1955. mORTURRIES all peraoni having clalma against said opportunity for their children Death Comes to Sister His college work was taken ah estate are reuuired to file them for allow­ to prepare for their First Com­ Loras college, Dubuque, la. He is WE HAVE MOVED ance In the Copnty Coart of the Oity and Of Cathedral Parishioner County of Denver. Colorado, within six munion and to learn the rudi­ a graduate of the Cathedral high raontha from saM date or said claims will ments of their catechism. The' Whrd has been received in Den­ in Denver. His early school work ha foravsr barred. school is conducted each week­ ver of the death of Mrs. George was at St. Dominic’s grade school. ABEGG-FELLOWS P rinting Co. B. C. HilUard. it.. day morning (exApt Saturday) Yopp of Paducah, Ky,, sister of Spttr at Shtrmcin CoDsarvator His parents and his aunt, Mrs. A. Glendale 3663 Catholic Begistar from 9:30 until 11'o ’clock. Mrs. E. H. Wurts of the Cathedral C. Carroll, 2928 Federal boulevard, 1454 W ehon ^in R e a r ' • Denver • K E . 4 0 5 4 MaUed 6A2/4* The St Albert circle made a parish. expect to visit him in the summer. Thursday, June 16, 1949 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE ELEVEN

The Denver Catholic Register PreBldent-—-JL -~ - ___Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. Editor______^ _ R t Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., Ui.D., Jour.D. Hana^ng Director...... „...Rev. John B. Cavanagh, M.A., LittD. Hear Associate Editors— Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A.'; Linus Riordan, A.B., Latt.M.; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A.; Rev. John Ebel, M.A.; Rev. Robert Kekeisen, M.A.; Paul H. Hallett, LittD .; Art Editor, Leo seven words: Put the news in the Canavan. Editorial Assistants: Robert H oj^ A.B.; Jack Heber, A.B.; Note to a first paragraph! Two Weeks of Opportunity Paul Hennessey, M.A. (Jour.), M.A. (H ist); James Kelly, A.B. When writing your story, watch your language. Why say a mar­ By Rev. John B. Ebel satanic ower of the enemies o f ASK and LEARN New N otary religion. As Einstein ad­ ried man is survived by his widow, Catholics of Colorado^ and sur­ / ^Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. mitted, while democracy was ap­ By Rev. James B. Hamblin for example. She would not be his rounding states, have the opportu­ peasing and education had sur­ widow unless she survived. Why re­ nity of taking part in two impor­ Published Weekly by The news copy from 32 dioceses rendered, religion .alone chal­ peat the idea? For the same reason tant events in Denver within two KOA is heavy these days with notices of lenged the foe o f human freedom. THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) it is redundant to say a couple are weeks. The first is the national the election or installation of new While the good people took care 938 Bannock Street, 1 the parents of a son or a daugh­ convention of the Catholic Press oMicers for various parish and of then[iselve8, the bad people took Telephone, KEy^one 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 ter. Say parents of a boy or girl association, which brings to Den­ 10:45 diocesan societies and clubs of ver more than 100 editors of Cath­ over Europe. Today the good .peo­ every type. Most of them dump . . . Remember the unchangeable ple are still taking care of them­ Subscription: laws concerning number, too. olic periodicals. The second is the the job of reporting activities into Plural subjects take plural verbs, Summer School of Catholic Action, selves; the bad people are taking EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT 75 cents per year in Archdiocese of Denver. thd lap of a totally unprepared over the world. singulars take sin^lars. which will be held in Denver for $1.25 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. member. In the interest, then, of Why say Mass will be at 8 a.m.? the second consecutive year. “ The challenge of the American better service to the societies and Bishops to each one of us is to ask Is it ever said at 8 p.m. in your It is indicative of the g^rowing Thursday, June 16, 1949 fewer hunks of hair torn from the ourselves every day: ‘What am I Questions on religion submitted by the radio parish church? The a.m. is super­ strength and importance o f the doing to build a Christian world?’ heads of the copy readers, 4nay we fluous. Fpr the same reason one audience answered on the archdiocesnn broadcasL offer a few sug^gestions to the new Church in an area where but some They tell us we simply must vital­ should not say “ evening services correspondents? Old ones might 20 years ago the Klan held sway ize religion in our individual lives, OFFICIXLi archdiocese o f DENVER are at 8 p.m.” If it is evening it that the Rocky Mountain West, read this with profit, too. in the home, in education, in our Booklets on Catholic Church available free of cost ^The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. has to be p.m. Why repeat it? . . . with Denver as its center, has been Let Us begin with the begin­ daily Work, in our civil life. The to aU inquirers. We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ You would be surprised, tob, how receiving in recent years more and SSCA will show you how.” ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or ning— of the story, that is. There few people ever read a dictionary. more attention from national must be a special place in purga­ These are days of opportunity those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. Before you put a hyphen in a Catholic quarters. The National for the Catholics of this area. They We hope The Register will be read in every home of the tory reserved for the correspond­ word, for example, make sure it Conference o f Catholic Charities, WRITE TO ent who does not leave at least an are opportunities that may never Archdiocese. takes one. It very likely is written the Catholic Liturrical Confer­ inch of clear paper at the top of come again; surely everyone who We urge pastors, pardnts, and teachers to cultivate a taste in as one word, or the phrase may be ence, the Catholic Biblical Asso can will take advantage of them. ASK AND LEARN, Station KOA, the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. the page. You see, the makeup two words. Some words have al­ elation of America, and now the man has to designate just what ternate uses. In that case, follow Catholic Press association have all Denver 2, Colorado * URBAN J. VEHR, kind of type is to be used for the Jan. 29, 1942. Archbishop of Denver. the style of the paper. The phrase, held their national conventions in headline and the first words of vice president, lor example, is al­ Denver in little more than the past Archbishop Beran the headline (the slug, we call it) ways written as two words in the decade. must be written in next to those Register. If you write it vice-pres­ Let us hope that the Catholics In Nee' people who are paper writes the title of books, publication date of your paper. Get ready for next winter’s heating now this easy way. mentally sick.” But the question in the incidence of sex crime, that training in Catholic Action a spir­ the Apostles, who were present Install your Killam Gas Conversion Burner now. Finance undar have also witnessed the expansion plays, etc-, in with capitals and “ Last Tuesday” may mean several itually stimulating experience. with Jesus when He gave Himself is: Why the phenomenal spread of small letters, you are only creat­ Tuesdays unless your paper is FHA. Your first payment will not be due from 60 days. this type of mental sickness? Why of popular picture weeklies. Of in Communion the first time, is Clean out coal dirt forever, and be all ready for next fall’s chill these picture magazines, almost all, ing difficulty when you write printed in the same week. To be The tfieme of this year’s sum is it that it is not found in Ireland, mer school is “ The Christian in being attacked because he repre­ days with cheap automatic heat. even the most reputable, make them all in capitals. If the paper safe give the exact date— Tues­ or was not found to anything near Action Under the Auspices and In­ sents Christ and the things of more or less a commodity of femi­ does not use quotation marks, the day, June 14. its present extent in the America spiration of the Blessed Virgin Christ. The persecuted prelate is nine undress. quotation marks you put in will Type your story if at all pos­ Archbishop Joseph Beran of of 60 years ago? have to be taken out. By the way, sible — double spaced (to leave Mary.” This is a follow-up of last Moreover, though it is true that year’s theme, taken from the Holy Prague, who, reliable reports say, K iiia m r A % b u r n e r c o . the ordinary way for indicating room for corrections). If you must is following surely in the foot­ most sex criminals are mentally The Fifth Gospel that certain words are to be ital­ write longhand, then triple space. Father’s battle cry for “ Action MANUFACTURERS AND HEATINft ENGINEERS sick, these perversions are also Now!” steps of Archbishop Aloysius By Rev. Francis Syrianey icized is to underline them. And Finally (and let it be understood Stepinac and Cardinal Josef found in those who suffer from no so, you should underline only those I have no quarrel with the natives The Rev. Thomas S. Bowdem, 260 BROADWAY RAce 2871 psychic defect. Even those who Two years ago when the CathO' Mindszenty— both victims of evil lie Press association held its an­ words you know (not think or of Scotland — I saW Brigadoon S.J., director of the SSCA, in men, both heroes of Christ. The are mentally sick can repress their speaking of the theme and purpose nual convention in Boston, the wish) should be italicized. twice), never use scotch tape on Communists in Czecho-Slovakia perverse .sexual appetites, if the of this year’s sessions, says: “ We distinguished Archbishop of that It all boils down to reading the copy you are sending to a news­ are employing their usual tactics defect has not attained too high paper office. Pencils will not write must be ready to be the North a degree. Whatever else President city, the Most Rev. Richard J. paper for which you are writing, to stamp out religion. The schools Cushing, told delegates that they with the special object of finding on it, and some marks must usually American martyrs of today. Yes­ A, Stearns’ words mean they indicate terday under the now fallen dicta­ are being dragged into godless Red were responsible for the “ Fifth its style on various usage of cap­ be made. Use paste, pins, or paper government influence. A new that moral considerations, the clips, but please, not scotch tape! tors, today behind the Iron Cur MORGAN, LEIBMAN & HICKEY Gospel.” itals, quotations, and italics. And State Church, “ free from foreign appeal to the free will and spiritual We hate the stuff; it makes us un­ tain uncounted thousands of our r training, form a scanty part of Today, as delegates from across you will not get away with varia­ domination,” is being organized. INSURANCE SINCE 1897 the country gather in Denver for tion if the paper is carefully edited happy. Anjd we prefer to be your fellow Christians are dying a thou­ current plans-to meet a frighten­ happy servants. sand hideous deaths under the Church property is being taken another such convention it is well —as the Register is, for example. with consummate injustice. Per­ ing situation. ALL LINES OP INSURANCE J. Edgar Hoover may be ex­ to recall the full meaning of that Another word about the begin­ haps the piece de resistance is the pected to know more of the causes tremendous charge. It is a charge ning. The headline of a story is, You Are the Catholic Church publishing, by Red authorities, of repeated in the words of Pope Pius Gas and Electric BldSa Phona TAbor XS9I \4 of crime than most college presi­ by custom and common sense, al­ istence for two million years— a government circular for priests XII to the editor of the magazine, By Rev. John Cavanagh dents or even psychiatrists. Ten most alway written concerning the Politicians often like to drag in and look at your neck!” and faithful to inform them “ cor­ America, in which the Holy first paragraph of an item. It is years ago he blamed the ^owth — when it will serve their purposes Chesterton and Sheed have rectly” on matters concerning Father made it clear that he foolish, then, to bury the news, of sexual and other criminality — vague references to our “ (Chris­ stated the exact case in rather which they have been “ misin­ among youths chiefly on indecent would have the Catholic press con­ the thing that is different, down in exact language. You cannot blame formed” by lawful Church author­ cern itself particularly with “ the the second or third paragraph. For tian heritage,” the “ Faith of our literature. At that time filthy Fathers,” the “ Christian Basis of the medicine if you do not take it. ities. Incidentally, the government publications were circulating cankers that weaken the body example, what news is there in the And you cannot blame the doctor recently squelched a pastoral bul­ politic in its national and inter­ fact that such and such society Democracy” and the like, all fine among 60,000,000 readers, a half mouth - filling phrases whatever if you do not follow his directions. letin that was being written by of the nation. Certainly they have national life.” met June 14? Every society meets; And the politicians are wrong. Archbishop Beran, on the score His Holiness went on to out­ every president presides. Only if they mean. And this it is which not diminished since then. bothers us: What do they mean? It is not a Christian world; the that newsprint is scarce. William Lecky, the famous line some of these evils: State they do not is it news. But not The paramount need among Can we be called a Christian na­ heritage of the past is fast being author of the History of Europeav absolutism, exaggerated national­ every society elects officers, plans dissipated by irreligious or antr members of the Church today is Morals, gave as one of the four ism, racial injustices, economic this or that project, or has a par­ tion? Is this a Christian world? Is mutual assistance, especially by there anything left of the Chris­ religious educailon, whether for­ unselfishness, whether individual ticular guest speaker. Those are mally in our pagan schools, or in­ prayer, in the death struggle with or national, “ that makes it im­ the things that make your meeting tian heritage? And what has hap­ the forces of antireligion. The pened to the Faith of our Fathers? formally in our pagan press, radio, possible for an honest, faithful different; those are the things movies, advertising, social habits, facts are clear: Never before was CATHOLIC RADIO LOG that are news. They should, then, workingman to provide a decent Opponents of our faith often and daily life. there so definite a line of demar­ Station KOA home for his family . . . and to in­ be put in your first paragraph, in­ seize upon this very point to Father Keller of Maryknoll has cation between the promoters of sure his family’s future against deed, in your first sentence. And scream that Christianity has CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday, made something of a stir recently good and the instigators of evil. the more burdensome effects of there is nothing particularly newsy failed; that it has been found 4 p.m . with his fast-selling and fast-mov­ Catholics must remember this: hard times, sickness, and old age.” in a blow by blow account of that wanting. To this rather jejune ob­ Archbishop Beran is for them a ASK AND LEARN— Sunday, ing book, You Can Change the Granted, the Catholic press is meeting. It does not make any dif­ jection Chesterton has provided World! His thesis and main objec­ symbol and a fact. He is a symbol 1001 BANNO ALpine 047B 10:45 p.m. ference whether the different, the faced with many problems, not the the final answer. “ Christianity has tive is one that should interest our in that he represents the Church Station KVOD least of which is the rising cost of newsy feature of your gathering not been tried and found want­ readers. He proposes in a word, in his land; he is her spokesman, EVENINGS PEarl 5091 production. The severest critics of happened first, last, or in the mid­ ing,” he replied with his usual in­ her shepherd, and her defender. HOUR Of f a it h —Sunday, dle of the hour. Tell the world to get Christianity tried, to put it the Catholic press are the working sight and his unusual flair dor to use, to pve it a fair chance to He is a fact in that, as an individ­ 9:30 a.m. about it first. Leave chronolog^y journalists themselves who pro­ twisting an old phrase into a new show what it can do. ual, he is suffering for Christ; Station KMYR to the historians. Newspaper read­ ■SERVICE, TRANSFER & STORAGE C0.4, duce it. Higher standards in news­ meaning: “ It has been found dif­ This is where you enter the pic­ and if one member of the Mystical ers like to know what happened SACRED HEART PROGRAM gathering, writing, editing, and ficult and not tried at all.” ture. Body suffers, all the members suf­ 2101 15th Street \ —Weekday* at - 7:30 a.m. news presentation are needed. and who did it. Only then do they One of our ablest contemporary fer, for the members of Christ’s care why, where, and when. In Do not complain about how ALpine 2378 Sunday at 12:30 noon. More competence should be evi­ apologists, the publisher, author things are “ going to pot.” Do not Body are joined, in woe or joy, Station KFEL dent in feature articles and edi­ through the supernatural “ sympa­ WAREHOUSING LOC^AL HAULING fanned carefully, and brought to and lecturer, Frank Sheed, an­ moan ineffectively about Commu­ AVE MARIA HOUR— Sunday, torials. To accomplish these ends, thetic nervous system” of the CARLOAD DISTRIBUTING the point where the flame can cast swered the attack in his own highly nism and atheism and immorality 5:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. ^ larger and abler staffs must be se­ personal way one afternoon in and the breakdown of family life grace of God. cured. new fire on the earth and become FAMILY THEATER — Wed­ Hyde Park, London, when he had etc., etc. Start with an examina­ It is the obligation of Christians It has been said that it takes a new light for the world. nesday, 7:30 p.m. just finished at talk for the Cath­ tion, not of your neighbor’s con­ to aid one another along the wide information, high intelll The Catholic press may not bear olic Evidence guild. A frowsy- ASK FR. LORD— 9:45 to 10 science but of your own. , trouble-strewn path to heaven. gence, and sound judgment to pro­ the character of inspiration proper looking unkempt old duffer You are the Catholic Church, Prayer is the best helping hand a.m. daily Monday through duce a good newspaper, and these to the Gospels, but in these days shouted at him from back in the The Catholic Church is not some that can be offered. It is sure; it Friday over FM. DID YOU KIYOW talents do not come cheap today. of mass dissemination of the crowd, “ Christianity has been in vague, general term. It is simply never loses its grip; it is always Station KLZ More incentive and more encour­ printed word, we cannot doubt existence for two thousand years, all of you, good or bad, zealous or strong, because the hand that CHURCH OF AIR — Sunday, agement should be supplied to that the Holy Ghost will guide and and look at the world.” Said sluggish; its fate under God is in helps in answer to prayer is ex­ That the Finest Floor Wax aad 8-8:30 a.m. likely candidates. Where the de­ guard those who turn this medium Frank, with a twinkle in his cool your hands. tended by God, who knows no de­ sired spark is found, it should be to the honor and glory of God. blue eyes, “ Water haa been in ex­ Recognize your responsibility. feat Cleaners Are Made in Denver? Also Waxing'Machines, Disinfectants ;; Take the ILLS :: and Insecticides . . . at Wholesale Prices :: From Your BILLS

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A PAGE TWELVE Office, 938 Bannock Stroot THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Talephona, KEyifone 4205 Thursday, June 16, 1949

At USO-NCCS Breakfast Communion ■ m ■ I ■ H omemaker^s I For Nurses ■ ■ Of Sick Poor ■ Department | ■ Patronisa Theta Raliabla and Friendly Firma (Arebdiocefan Council of Catholic Nuriei, DsnTcr) i l J ■ni^ii^iannual corporate Com­ munion wiU^ be held for the ac­ tive m e m b e ^ o f the Mother Perpetual H6lp guild Saturday, June 25, at 8 o’clock at Mercy hos­ pital. The breakfast will be given by Mrs. Sally Morrissey, Jr., at 2364 S. Humboldt street. Transportation may be had %y calling Miss M. Schueth, West- wood 1-474-J, or Mrs. Addie Ol­ son, EAst 8712. The guild was founded by the Rev. John Regan, spiritual direc­ tor of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Nurses, in February, 1948. The active guild members pledge four hours a month of nurs­ ing care to the sick poor; associate ^ u n s L Month of Recommended Firms members, those who cannot accept active membership owing to family cares or ill health, pledge a Rosary Dinnerware Values ‘ for AUTO a day for the spiritual welfare of the sick poor. Our Annual June Sale gives you Anyone interested in the guild your choice from a wealth of should call Mrs. A. Olsen, pre­ SERVICE fect, at EAst 8712. dinnerware patterns, sets and An honorary membership has openstock ... at startling sovings! been formed for non-Catholic nurses who would be interested in being active guild members. Six­ A GROUP OF THE GUESTS at the ward O’Connor, Maj. E. L. Beasley, Lt. Col. M. A. teen nurses worked 20 hours on Buckley Bros. Motors one case and 40 hours on another head table at the Communion breakfast Fellhauser, Col. W. A. Schulgen, the Rev. (Major) IStk and Stout Street* John R. Maguire, O.S.B.; and the Very Rev. Raphael the past week, making a total of u Sales - STUDEBAKEB - Service held Sunday under the sponsorship. of the USO- 16 nurses working 60 hours for NCCS is shown in the photo above. Clergy, mem­ C. McCarthy, S.J. Standing at the microphone is B. AUTO REPAIRING ON ALL MAKE CARS A TRUCKS Maurice Byrne, Denver USO-NCCS director, who the sick poor. EXPERT BODY AND PENDER WORK — Ql/ALITT PAINTINO bers of the military personnel at neighboring posts, Mrs. Pauline Woolman enter­ and civiliana ^ho aid the work of the NCCS In Den­ acted as toastmaster. 8TEAM CLEANING - WASHING - LUSmCATION SERVICE Other guests at the head table who are not tained the bridge club in her home, ver were guesta of honor. 2806 S. Cheroke*y*at 8 pim. June‘ 660 So. Broadway — New Location — RA. 2826 Left to right at the head table are Peter J. Wag­ shown include the speaker, the Rev. Charles For­ TILE LAYING ner, Mrs. L. A. Higgins, Mrs. John F. Murtaugh syth, O.S.B.; the Rev. Francis Syrianey, Col. Louis (^. Gibney, and LL Col. H. A. Brayshaw. * ' (hidden in photo), Miss Isabelle McNamara, Ed­ ASPHALT TILE Ables-Davis Motor Co. + + + + ! , Fr. Gardiner as Low as 7^ ea. [ " " u s E ^ ^ Top Quality for the Choosey Buyer Buy Clean Used Cars Githolic Men in Service 9x9 Block Specialized Automotive Service . . . Texaco Gat & Oils To Speak on We furnish and you lay 3520 E. Colfax at Monroe — FR. 2761 Radio Program Are Urged to Be Leaders il— or tee tcill do the fob MAM complete. The Rev. Harold C. Gardiner, RADIATOR WORKS S.J., literary editor of "Amer­ Colorful and Practical Ridliton RemoTcd from Car and Making Their Faith Live Roplactd ica,” a Jeauit weekly, will be the speaker on the Denver edition Floors for your basement. Cleanlnt — Roddlng — Rocorlng ample and word they can exem­ Rtpalrinf of the Sacred Heart radio pro­ Service personnel and USO- plify the Catholic ideals they 947 Bannock (Rear) KE. 2805 gram, to be broadcast over sta­ National Catholic Community profess. FOR FIrat Door N. of V.F.W. Bldg., tion KMYR at 12:30 noon Sun­ Service volunteers celebrated 9th and Spoor He said that Catholics must IDEAL BUILDER'S SERVICE CO. day, June 19. the first annual NCCS Com­ EXPERT take as their motto the words of 200 BROADWAY PE. 8070 AUTOMOTIVE Father Gardiner will speak on munion Sunday June 12. the popular song, "Anything you AUTO REPAIR "Heart of Jesus, Burning Furnace The Communion Mass was said in can do, we can do better,” in SERVICE Ail Makes of Charity.’’ A special recording Holy Ghost church, with the Rev. challenging his audience to vivify of "Cor Jesu,” transcribed by the Easy Tima Payments Joseph V. Downey, S.J., of Regis their lives by the truth of Chris­ JAMES H. CURTIS LYNN F. CURTIS Le Clerc college choir, will be the college as celebrant. tian teaching and the grace of a visit Denver's featured music of the program. Northwestern Auto Go. After Mass the crowd was Christian lift. The opening and closing numbers Mr*. Addie Olton LEADING SERVICE 549 Broadway TAbor 6201 will be sung by the Jesuit scholas­ transported in busses to the Seated at the head table as Knights of Columbus hall for guests of honor were the Very tics’ choir of St. Louis U. 14. Miss Alicia Gholson won first C EN T E R breakfast. Entertainment included Rev. Raphael C. McCarthy, S.J., The Rev. J. Clement Ryan, S.J., prize and Maj. L. Bacchier won THEiSLUE POT ducts by the Fitzpatrick sisters, president of Regia college; the second prize. Where You Get is director of the program. Sharon and Sheila, and solos by Rev. (Major) John R. Maguire, ILETfmgumair The Spiritual Study club will C A BIN E T and R E PA IR SHOP Miss Bernice Archer, accompanied Catholic chaplain at Lowry air Quality at o have a picnic supper before the by Miss Eileen McCarthy, all force base; the Rev. Francis Syri­ business meeting June 16 id the — Features — Navy Mothers' Clubs members of the USO-NCCS va­ aney: Col. W. A. Schulgen, Lowry Fair Price! home of Mrs. Josephine Hayes, riety show. executive officer, representing CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 3726 S. Acoma. Any members UIVPAINTED FURMTIJRE ‘ To Honor Officers The Rev. Charles L. Forsyth, Brig. Gen. Warren R. Carter, who UPTOWN MOTOR CO. wanting to come should call O.S.B., chaplain and spiritual was unable to be present; Col. 1908 BROADWAY CH.5626 Mrs. Marie Dowd, KE. 1951, tele­ 1518 COLORADO BLVD. PHONE EA. 2652 A reception honoring Comdr. director of the Newman club Louis G. Gibney, commander, phone committee. Cbpitrl Earl W. Brown and Lt. Arthur H. at the Colorado university, spoke Colorado-Wyoming recruiting serv­ Mrs. Geiger, ways and means Bilderback of the Denver navy re­ on "The Role of Religion In the ice; Lt. Col. M. A. Fillhauer, Lt. COOLING SYSTEM Service.” Father Forsyth was a Col. C. M. Rumsey, Lt. Col. J. R. chairman, has asked that money And cruiting station will be given by chaplain of two years’ active serv­ Levering, Lt. Col. H. A. Brayshaw, from the sale of tickets for the TILEPHONE TABOR S191 BRAKE SERVICE Navy Mothers’ clubs 264, 462, and ice in Leyte, where he was Fitzsimons General hospital; Maj. Silver Dollar days be returned as 13TH & BROADWAY • DENVER 14 Yttn Etfirlinci a Modm Euliniat soon as possible. Mail returns to IKRRG'S PRIHT (0. 719 at 8 p.m. Saturday, June 18, at wounded, Luzon, New Britain, and Stephen Sukovich, Maj. E. L. her at 1320 -E. 13th avenue. A 'Shllliri Rdvite m licoritlng Froblimi^ Myers Radiator & Brake the Coronada club, E. 16th ave­ New Guinea. He has the distinc­ Beasley, Maj, Charles W. Giffin; Tho firms listed here deserve to tion of winning five combat stars, large attendance is expected June nue and Clarkson street, Denver. Mrs. John F, Murtaugh, presi­ DAVE - DELL be remembered when you ere dis­ Shop the Purple Heart, the Silver Star, dent of Archdiocesan Council of 30, July 1, and July 2 at the tributing your patronage to the dif­ Knights of Columbus hall. ferent lines of business. 1512 W. Alameda PEarl 6710 Comdr. Brown plans to retire and the invasion arrowhead. Catholic Women; Mrs. L. A. Hig­ shortly after serving 30 years in In his sermon Father Forsyth gins, NCCS representative on Vet­ Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan the United States navy. He will be pointed out that in every civili­ erans’ Administration voluntary and children are on vacation. succeeded by Lt. Bilderback. zation it is always the men who service; Mrs. Bernice Adams, Mrs. Marian Hutman ia a pa­ ’49 Dodge Job-Rated Trucks State and city officials, naval must take the leadership. He supervisor of NCCS junior hos­ tient in St. Joseph’s hospital. dignitaries, and close friends will called upon Catholic men, particu­ tesses; Miss Isabelle McNamara, Vernie Stehno, class of ’45, is Immediate Delivery on All Body be on hand to wish him well on his larly those in the service, to make president of the Archbishop’s recovering in St. Joseph’s hospital forthcoming retirement from a long their faith a living part of their guild; Peter J. Wagner, faithful from injuries received in a car Moclels'and Styles and useful naval career. everyday lives, so that by ex- navigator, Fourth Degree Knights accident. of Columbus; Edward O’Connor, Mrs. Josephine Hayes’ daughter, grand knight elect, third degree Mrs. Ruth Reifsneider, is a pa­ Knights of Columbus; Miss Doris tient in St. Joseph’s hospital. James Motor €o. Elitch's Ball on June 28 Knopke, president of the NCCS Audrey Needhan has recently junior hostesses; Miss Bernice returned from the East, where she FOR HOME OR FARM 1278 Lincoln Street K E. 8221 Archer, chairman of the USO- was called home by the death of To Benefit St. Thomas' NCCS variety show; Ralph Hay, her father. manager of the K. of C. building; Catherine Wagner was recently ROCKY MOUNTAIN Yonr Friendly 24-Honr Service John Zigler, president of St. Jo­ discharged from St. Joseph’s hos­ S t Thomas’ seminary will be the sole beneficiary of a ball seph’s Young People’s club; Wil- pital where she recuperated from to be given Tuesday, June 28, in the Trocadero ballroom at Elitch’s liam Robertson, president of the a broken arm. SEED CO. Gardens. Patrons will dance to the music of Bill Petrie’s orchestra K-Dukat Young People’s club; and The ACCN extends to Lillian ' I* at Your Sarriee HAm's TEXACO siRvici from 9 p.m. till midnight Castres its deepest sympathy on HARRY FLEMING. Proprietor Walter Hyland, as.sistant manager This social affair, made possible through the generosity of of the K. of C. building. the death of her mother, who 1949 Catalogue Note THACO ind FIKESTOXE MIOOUCTS. SPEER BLVD. AT BANNOCK the management of Elitch's and sponsored by the newly formed B. Maurice Byrne, USO-NCCS passed away June 2. LUBBICATION and WASHINS TABOR 9222/ Available St. Thomas’ seminary auxiliary, was planned to help defray ex­ director, toastmaster, expressed Josephine Stoll will leave for penses of several improvements made at the seminary, and to thanks to the Catholic chaplains her home in North Platte, Neb., P. O. Box 388 swell the fund being set aside for the construction of a nuns’ con­ and NCCS volunteers for their for a two-week vacation. vent at S t Thomas. The new convent will house sisters who will contribution to the success of the Sister M. Semeon is taking a 1325 ISth St. MA. 6134 LOGAN GARAGE prepare the food for the seminarians. breakfast and the overall USO- course j*i care of the premature Tickets for the ball, set at $1.60 per couple, may be obtained NCCS program. He likewise paid at the university of Colorado. Expert Repairing on All Makes from Mrs. Wilfred Eyre, president of the auxiliary, residing at tribute to the service personnel Also enjoying vacations out of 100 S. Franklin. Several parish rectories also are able to supply . the state are the following: Mrs. Complete Body, Fender and Paint Dept. for their large turnout He said tickets. Barbara Hassion, Miss Frances ^ Wheel Balancing and Front End Alignment that in so doing, they were exem­ plifying the ideals of the NCCS, Pengrey, Miss Eileen Allstun, and JOHNS-MANVILLE 1 275 So. Logan SP. 3811 Cheyenne Bishop Will Sail "Love of God and country.” Mary Cullen. ______COiVIPOSmON AND ASBESTOS For 'Ad Limina' on June 21 Book Rental System ROOF§ ^ For any type Home or Building k The Most Rev. Hubert M. Paul. Ad Limina visits are made Newell, Bishop of every five years. DRIVE SPIKES INTO Scheduled to sail on the same ASBESTOS SIDING S Cheyenne, will sail for Rome on ship are John J. Mitty By Cathedral PTA Call KE. 5236 tor FREE ESIMATES k the Queen Mary June 21. He will of San Francisco and Edward make bis first ad limina visit to Howard of Portland, Ore.; Bishops i THIS TUBE YOURSELF the Vatican to report on the af­ Charles D. White of Spokane, fairs of his diocese and to pray Wash.; James J. Sweeney of Hono­ Inspired by Pastor^ R.H.KimballCo.^ at the tombs of Sts. Peter and lulu, T. H.; Robert J. Armstrong of Sacramento, Calif.; and Thomas loot Midland-Saving* Bldg., DenveiVXelo. K. Gorman of Reno, Nev. The Very Rev. Walter J. Canavan, pastor of the Cathedral The itinerary will include a i>il- parish, Denver, knows the magic word. It is “ MOTHER.” A tenderly 5 We have a machine which enable* . * sweet reference to the memory of his own mother set in motion Jobn*-IUnTlU* Fraackl*** Applicator* you to force a sharp spike into a ^ grimage to Lourdes, France; trips to other countries on the continent, machinery, at Cathedral school, which has established a $6,000 General PuncUu-e-Sealing Tube, and You Can Have text book rental system designed to smooth the furrows from the withdraw it, as often as you want. and visits to England and Ireland on the return voyage. brows of mothers when school time rolls around and the purchase The tube will not lose a single pound ^ " A guaranteed factory re­ of books places a heavy tax on the family budget. of air! Try it today 1 built engine installed in This story finds its beginning in September, 1947, when Father ! Stopover for DPs Canavan attended his first PTA council meeting. Remembering the Here is an your car, by ns or your Richmond, N. Car.—A building sacrifices his mother made to give a Catholic education to her favorite garage, for as little that formerly served as a Bene­ family. Father (Canavan asked Qie mothers assembled to “ please dictine Sisters’ convent has been think about establishing a text book rental system here at Cathe­ as $7.00 monthly. turned over to the Richmond Cath­ dral.” The PTA immediately announced that this was their project olic Resettlement council for use for the year aiwlTrt~the close of the term had $1,000 In the trea­ as a stopover place for DPs arriv- sury as a n u ^ u s of operation. ing here. Laymen have furnished Thatness than one-sixth of the original cost remains to be Denver Engine and decorated the building. paid is only a small factor in this PTA accomplishment The love and the labor that have gone into it are the great intangibles with­ Rebuilding and Recipe for Just Laws out price . . . taken from the hearts and lives of mothers whose New York.— The best protection hearts and lives are already full to overflowing. Supply Company men have against enactment of un­ The book depot is in the basement of the grade school build­ just laws IS their choice of law­ ing. One room is for grade school books and the other for high 965 Broadway, Denver makers who recognize God's laws, school books. There is adequate space for storing repair materials AC. 4811 the Rev. Francis X. Sallaway de­ and steel filing cabinets for records for the project. The unit clared on the Catholic Hour pro­ and ira procedures are the work of the PTA. It is co-ordinated with gram. . the school under the direction of the principal. Except for the inventory and the ordering of new books the fawndrettal rental system is in readiness for the fall term of school SpeciaUeing in Quality Plumbing and Heating Repain NATIONAL AUTO BODY & RADIATOR CO. The Cathedral PTA wishes to make grateful acknowledgement FKANK J. NASnjEY. Uerabir 8t rrsaeit d* Salt* Ptriib to the mothers whose assistance during the month of May helped SLATTERY & COMPANY JOE KAVANAUGH RADIATORS, BODIES. HOODS AND FENDERS accomplish Uiis “ minor njiracle.” They are Mmes. G. Mohrbacher, REPAIRED AND MANUFACTURED F. Haas, L. Gilbert, J. Gannom W. May, P.-Fitsgerald, V. Hatpin, Plumbing and Heating Contractors Repairinf Wreck* a Specialty (2aallty Palatiaf G. Schwarts, H. Collins, W. Jones, E. Dewhurst, J. Colaiano, R. JOHN 4. CONNOR, Pr«*lduit ROBERT F. CONNOR, VIo* PrtfUtaM Lincoln at 7th Ave. TA. 1261 Niekless, F. Pepper, J. Pierson, W. Kelty, J. Keeps, L. Courtney, 1726 MARKET STREET PHONE MAIN 7127 or 7128 Phone TA. 2918 12 E. 8th Ave. and A. Overstreet. Thursday, June 16, 1949 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone4205 Seminary Auxiliary Six Regis High Seniors Regis Prof. Religious Books Finding Sets Meeting June 21 Given Post In Charities Annex Awarded Scholarships Greater Popular Interest The St. Thomai Saminary By Engineers ,auxiliary will meet Tuetday (Regis High School, Denver) scholarship to Colorado university; By Paul Haixett to guide his customers. The suc­ morning, June 21, in the Catho­ Scholarships to higher educa­ Marvin Blaski, 2760 W. 40th The Rev. T. Louis Keenoy, SJ., T h e business in Catholic cess of top-sellers like Thomas lic Charitia* annex, Denaer, at avenue, was Offered scholarships tional institutions were awarded to assistant professor of chemistry at books is not following the stock Merton’s Seven-Storey Mountain 10:30. to the University of Cincinnati and market, it is moving along with and other Catholic books proves six Regis high school seniors at the Regis college, Denver, was elected Colorful Colorado — Playground of America^ Mr*. aW. G. Eyre, precident, Northwestern university; Earl secretary-treasurer of the Colorado the revived interest in religious it. will preiide. Thit it to be a close of the academic year, it was Decker, 3042 W. 38th avenue, a Engineering council at the regular books, says Bill Holub, the per­ A well-selling book put out ▼ary important meeting, and announced by the Rev. Paul F. scholarship to Regis college; Frank meeting Wednesday, June 8. sonable young publicity direc­ by the Bruce house runs about THE HAPPIEST SPOT IN COLORADO Barrett, 1326 S. Milwaukee, was tor of the Bruce Publishing Co., Mrt. Eyre hopei all members Distler, S.J., principal. L. M. Robertson of the Public 20.000 copies. Some of limited will make an effort to attend Leonard Carlin, 643 Clayton offered scholarships to the Univer­ Milwaukee. In fact, he says, interest may have no more than sity of Minnesota and the Colorado Service company was chosen presi­ there would be a greater market and at many at possible will street, was gpven a scholarship to dent, and John McGowan of the 2.000 sales. The best sellers Now Open for Season make returns on their dance Denver university, Frank Bel­ School of Mines; and James R. for Catholic books right now if move in the direction of the Peterson. 2919 Elm street, won a American Water Works associa­ most church goods houses were tickets. monte, 4439 Quivas street, a tion was named vice president. 100.000 imark, a figure actually scholarship to Colorado A. and M. awake to their own interest in attained by Father Murphy’s Come Up For the college. Father Keenoy has long been ac­ bringing Cath’olic books'to their Scarlet Lily, which was published tive as a member of the Colorado Carlin, the son of Mr. and Mrs. readers’ attention. in the paper shortage years, and Time of W\Our Life! L. V. Carlin, is a graduate of St. section of the American Chemical This would be only smart could haye sold better. Non- Swimming John’s grade school and has been business on their part, Mr. fictional books usually trail the active for four Holub explains. Well-written novels in volume of circulation. Horse Back Riding years at Regis books of Catholic interest make For so well-written and popu­ Roller Skating i Colorado Springs high school in the a natural appeal to the Catholic larly styled a publication as National F o r- and even the non-Catholic pub­ Neill’s Makers of the Modem Picnicking ensic league, lic. They have only to be plenti­ Mind. Mr. Holub thinks 15,000 serving as presi­ fully stocked, prominently dis­ a satisfactory figure. dent in his last played, and sold by someone Mr. Holub, who probably lost year. He was also who has enough interest in them the “ owicz” at the end of his a member of the name when be was in the army sodality, an offi­ air force, is not only a pro­ ELDORADO cer in the student Denver Youth moter of his company’s books, council, a mem­ he is an excellent judge bf what SPRINGS ber of the stu­ is being published in the Cath­ Leonard Carlin dent newspai^r To Get Award olic field, especially as it affects "The Family Resort” staff, and chairman of the senior the reactions of the public. He program committee. He was vale­ Among civic and youth leaders criticized t h e indiscriminate dictorian at the recent graduation selecting the local winner of the plugging for a book like Graham exercises. Popsicle Youth award June 15 Greene’s Heart of the Matter, It’s Get-A(quainted- Belmonte is the son of Mr. and were Father James Moynihan, despite its admitted merits. Mrs. F. J. Belmonte and a grad­ Bert Keating, district attorney; “ When, for instance, the author uate of St Catherine’s grade Dave Garland, baseball represen­ in that book makes his hero w ith - school, from tative; Harold Mac Arthur, man­ commit suicide and offer the which he won a ager of safety; and Allie Feld' resultant damnation up to God, Home-Movies" Week two-year scholar­ man, fire chief. The committee was the reader is going to wonder ship to Regis high organized by Thomas Flood of the how that can square with Cath­ sm»ln our Cine-Kodak Department J. D. Cronek C. D. O'BHea school. He was Nugget Boosters’ club. The award olic doctrine. Greene himself Rev. T. Louis Keenoy MAY REALTY active in the Na­ will be made at the Nugget Boost­ admits he does not write Cath­ tional Forensic society. He served as chairman of ers’ banquet, Monday, June 20. olic books. It is not enough to New to homo movies? Our itoff will help league and the The award is given annually in PERmS-SHEABEB the section in 1945 and as national praise the intrinsic merits of a you get started "right." Old hand? sodality and was large cities throughout the U.S. book. If its nature makes it I « — -Cka« ■•as REALTOR councilor in 1946. editor of the year to a boy or girl between 7 and 17 unsuitable for general recom­ You'll enjoy looking over the whole 102 No. Tejon INSURANCE • LOANS book, the Raven. The aim of the Colorado Eu who has done some outstanding mendation that fact should be fascinating line-up of Qne-Kodak He was also on gineering council, founded in 1919, deed of heroism or leadership. The noted.’’ equipment,.; the student .coun­ is to co-ordinate the work of the local winner gets a $100 bond, a The Bruce Publishing Co. is fFe Specialize in Ute Theater Bldg. cil and was an Frank B.lmonta various technical, scientific, and gold medal, and a certificate. The by far the largest in the Cath­ Cine-Kodak Magazine Cameras active leader in square-dancing engineering organizations, to pro­ national winner gets a four-year Clergy Wear olic field. Mr. Holub estimates Colorado Springs, Colo. circles. mote the welfare and professional scholarship to Syracuse university, that the potential buying circle 3-second magazine loading, f/L9 Suits— Topcoats Blaski, the son of Mr. and Mrs. standing of the members, and to Syracuse, N. Y., presented by Bob of the Catholic book, together lumenized lenses— interchangeable MAIN 1898 foster a more general recognition Frank Blaski. is Feller of the Cleveland Indians or with the convert and the non- with wide-angle and telephoto Cassocks, Etc. that the engineer has available his representative. a graduate of Catholic, represents a buying accessory lenses. (W o have them Regis high school public-spirited services and coun­ The award was first given last public well over 30,000,000. He ZECHA & ADAMS where he had sel to offer in civic matters. year. It was promoted by Bob doubts th ^ a city the size of all.) Built-in exposure guides, Conoco Service Station been actively en­ The 19 technical, scientific, and Feller, and the national committee Denver would support an exclu­ choice of speeds including slow ALEY DRUG GO. gaged in the engineering societies are repre­ includes: Bishop Bernard Sheil, sively Catholic book store, but mofion. The “Bght" (left) $ 163.' science, radio, sented in the council, and each Auxiliary of Chicago; Monsignor said there was no question of The "Sixteen" (right) $175. PRESCRIPTION literary, and Nicholas Wegner of Boys Town, their success in cities of large member organization appoints or Prices (nclude Federal Tax; DRUGGISTS hobby clubs. He elects a representative and an al­ Walter White of the NAACP, Catholic population like Chicago Phoa* Main tSO 131 So. Tejou St w a s treasurer ternate to engage actively in the Perry Como, and Bob Hope. The or Milwaukee. COLOSADO SPRINGS and trophy win­ deliberations of the council. The famous Monsignor Flanagan of Mr. Holub was in Denver this Nvrul. At *, at Cuho la PeaAra ner on the bowl' affiliated scientific groups in Colo­ Boys Town was on the original week for the Catholic Press as­ Kodascope Pro|ectors ing team and rado approximate 4,000 members. committee. sociation convention. **f/ Vour Needs Are Electrical Marvin Biaaki copy editor of the Kodatcope Eight-33 BUCK SPORTING student year book. Projector (left)— for Call Main 939” Decker, the son of R. L. Decker, 8mm. home movie WIRINO-FIXTUBES AND BKPAiRS is a graduate of GOODS CO. 23 Franciscan Nuns Celebrate shows. Lumenized f/2 “Brerythlng for ETiry Sport" St. Catherine’s Berwick Electric Co. school and won lens, 500-watt lamp. $75, Phone Main 930 J. D. BERWICK letters at Regis Kodascope Sixteen-W Proje

COMPLIMENTS OP 2 Cincinnati Priests McConnell's Pharmacy OLSON & BENBOIV Guests of Archbishop The Friendly Drug Store on the Corner PLBG. & lITG. CO. ^ Phone 30 Eatea Park, Colo; mm Two priests of the Archdiocese snranmmmitmsinmmnimiHiittimintmMiimuniiHiita w iiiiiuiiawiHwiiiiiMtiMmmmnNwn 116 North Weber Su Qyiolors Snc. of Cincinnati, the Rev. Jerome B. O’Regan and the Rev. Ferdinand ^el. Main S066 J. Vonderhaar, are in Denver as the guests of Archbishop Urban LUMBER J. Vehr. Father O’Regan is pastor of St. Patrick’s parish, Bellefon- Complete Line of BRIGHTON taine, 0., and Father Vonderhaar is pastor of Visitation of the Building Materials Blessed Virgin Mary parish, PURINA FEEDS — FARM SUPPLIES — SANITATION DAIRY SUPPLIES Eaton, 0. Flooring 9 Paint. 9 H.rdwar* Brighton Hatchery and Farm Store ESTES PARK LUMBER u a IV I 878 N. MAIN ‘ hotel 838-W CO. COLORADO G. E. C..ay, Mgr. Phon* 48 FREE DEUVERT FORT COLLINS glemuood springs This past week, 23 Franciscan and the aspirants, who presented Francis’ hospital, (kiloradb Sisters of the various missions in a very delightful program consist­ Springs; Sister M. Stephania, teacher of the Indians at Jemes, the states of Colorado, Nebraska, ing of a play. Camouflage, in three / N. Mex., for 39 years, at present New Mexico, and Kansas met in acts ana a rainbow and gypsy superior at M t Elizabeth retreat, The firms listed here de­ VISITORS ARE ALWAYS Denver in the St Joseph mother- dance in full costume. house of the Franciscan Sisters for Morrison; Sister M. Antoniana, £jofjuipnm d^ serve to be remembered WELCOME AT a joint celebration of diamond, The jubilarians are; Diamond, nurse, the past 22 years, infirma golden, and silver jubilees. Sister M. Scholastica, teacher and rian at S t Anthony’s orphanage, when you are distributing organist, for the past seven years SHINN'S PHARMACY There were 27 sisters' in the Albuquerque, N. Mex.; and Sister your patronage In the dif­ she has been ormnist in St. Jo­ M. Antonella, teacher, the past Picnic Supplies - Sporting Goods NORTHERN HOTEL COR. three groups, but four of them seph’s hospital, Omaha, Neb.; and ferent lines of business. were unable to travel to Denver; 10 years superior and teacher at PH. 92 F t Collin.. Sister M. Ladislaus, domestic work Maydale, Kans. General Hardware they, however, celebrated at their in various schools and hospitals; .■ (omfortabi* accommodations! Silver; The following are teach respective mission places. Among for the past 21 years she has been these groups were two diamonof, era, who were stationed in Ne­ Paints In F t Collin* on Hiwnj* 87 a n j 267 seamstress in St. Mary’s hospital, braska the past years: Sisters M, 12 golden, and 13 ailver jubilar- Columbus, Neb. ians. Gemma, Garsenda, ClotUdis, and DREILING MOTORS Golden: The following are sta­ Richardis. ESTES PARK HARDWARE A Solemn Mass was celebrated, tioned at Mother of Grace hall, Bnick and G.M.C. Spaeialitt. — Salas and Export Sarvica with the Rev. Barnabas Myer, The following teachers in New Denver: Sister M. Bertbolda, supe­ Mexico: Sisters Lucins and Ma- Elkhom Avenue Phone 195 Let Vs Porcelainize Your Car O.F.M., of Cuba, N. Mex., as cele­ rior of the retired sisters there; brant; the 8ev. Bernard Cullen, jella. Telephone 626 iwImmiRf Ir tha world’s Sister M. Solana, domestic work Sister M. Colette, teacher in deacon; and the Rev. Henry Foley, before retiring; Sister M. Mein- largast warn wotar pe^l subdeacon. The Rev. M a 1 a c h y Olpe, Kans.; Sisters M. Eustochia ulpha, domstic work before retir­ and Mcinrada, domestic work; the Kane, O.F.M., and the Rev. Fa­ ing; Sister M. Caecili^na, music bian Joyce, O.P.Mi, were acolytes; former stationed at S t Joseph’s U )s L S J ta h n a teacher before retiring; and Sister convent mother-house, Denver; the and the Rev. Jerome Weinert was M. Nicolina, nurse before retiring. master of ceremonies. latter at Sacred Heart Cath^ral AURORA Sister M. Ethelberta, pharmacist achool, Gallup, N. Mex.; Before the High Mass, the Rev. in various hospitals, at present in Nurses: Sister M. Erharda, su­ Edward Leyden addressed the jubi- S t. Mary’s hospital, Columbus; pervisor of TB affiliates, S t Fran­ larians, after which the chapl chaplain. for Ladies and Children IrtCTMtloil Sister M. Leo, teacher, the past 15 cis’ hospital, Colorado Springs; PURSE BROS. NEW FASm ON the Rev. Richard Hiester, blessed years employed in offices of hospi­ Sister M. Odolina, supervisor of the wreathes and crowned the jubi- tals, at present at St. Mary’s hos­ OB department, St. Joseph's hos­ Also Complete Blouse , Cleaners & Dyers larians, who then renewed their GROCERY & MARKET pital, Columbus; Sister M. Ther­ pital, Omaha, Neb.; Sister M. A1 & Lingerie line JOHN Be JOHNSON vows. The Rev. George Forquer, esa, seamstress, the past 27 years phonsla, supervisor of surrica GROCERIES - MEATS — FRUITS O.P., and the Rev. Damen McCad- VEGETABLES Offic* Ptani for RESERVATIONS f«o year stationed at St Thomas’ orphan­ floor, S t Elisabeth’s hospital, Lin Op«n travel agosi or phoM . . . don were in the sanctuary. age, Lincoln, Neb; Sister M. Alex­ W. Elkhom Ave. tTM East Oeltax Am Ph. Aatm. US IHU Eut OoUn coin, Neb.; and Sister M. Camilla, IN K. AJUa.4* A.., Aim. U DENVER, AComa 2021. At 7:30 p.m. the jubilarians andra, domestic work in schools floor supervisor, S t Francis’ hos­ Year 'Round Dora Jean’s were entertained by the postulanta and hospitals, at present in St pital, Grand Island, Neb.

uL PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyatone 4205 Thuridoy, dune 16, 1949 At Dedication of Our Lady of the Mountains Church, n HOME INSULATION omemaker’s Estes Park Department Johns-Manviile PalroniM Theta Reliable and Friendly Firmt 10 Rock Wool For Your Summer THE COMFORT STILES Reduce! Heating Coilt up to 50% McVeigh Company A Johns-Manviile Installed Job Will Last a Lifetime PAINTING AND ELECTRIC SERVICE DECORATING Wiring - Lighting CONTRACTORS Home Insulation & Improvement Co. IS28 Inca K£. 0718 16 W. 13th Are. Phones AC 4624.25 1100 Larimer TA- 6875 JUST OFF BROAOWAT

METAL WEATHER STRIPPING . . . CAULKING Completely Automatic IS r«an Expwlinet Interior • Exterior Painting SatUfaction Guaranteed LAWN SPRINKLING SYSTEM Phpns CH. 6S81 Small Down Payment. Use Your Credit— 36 Months to Pay Denver 6, Colorado ADAMS & WILDING Let Our Trained Landteape Detigner Consult JFith You 1042-44 Santa Fe Drive 1158 California KE 160^ No Obligation. PHONE OR WRITE THE BEST IN LUGGAGE Of JlU Kia(b PLUMBING CRANE FIXTURES EYEREH 0. NORD & SONS YOUNGSTOWN STEEL Landscape Design and Construction KITCHENS Injtallera A DlEtrlbotorE in tho Mountain SUtaa. AUTOMATIC WATER HEATERS 15 Yaara In tha SprinUar Botineaf. Free Parking in Rear 3125-27 EAST COLFAX AVE., DENVER, COLO. PHONE DE. 5021 DEALERS WANTED K n n il L R. Fry Plbg. & Htg. 1S41 rw tr. 324 8. BDWt. RA. I8S1 JUSSEL J. A. Johnson & Son Let Us Help You W ith Your Electric Co. Eitablithed 35 Yeart 1163 California St. • Gutters • Sheet Metal Electrical Contractori . • Gas Furnaces Call AL. 1743 for Re-Modeling Jobs A GnarantMd ElKtrlcal Job * Gas Conversion Burners 709 E. 6th Are. KE. 4031 or Your New Home Electrical Contracting & Repairing . ^ ; -F iji- ■ Nq Job Too Big or Too Little

CARL J.STROHMINCER PRINCIPALS IN THE DEDICATION of the new Our Syrianey, the yery Rev. Walter J. Canavan, the Rev. Joseph Koontz, NORTH DENVER IIMBERCO. Lady of the Mountains church, Estes Park, are shown in the Very Rev. Eugene O’Sullivan, Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, the Rev. fT* Elncfrlc C o m p n R y SETH F. GREELEY, Mgr. Llc«ns«4 and Bonded front of the church following the ceremony Thursday, June 9. Priests Richard Duffy, the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph J. Bosetti, V.G.; the in the picture are, left to right, the Rev. Francis J. Kappes, adminis­ Rev. Roy Figlino, the Rev. Robert Hoffman, the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Member National Electrical Contractors Ass’n. No. Speer Blvd. at Zuni GL. 3607 trator ; the Rt.' Rev. Monsignor Matthew J. Smith, the Rev. Robert Charles H. Hagus, and the Rev. Bernard Cullen. 1178 Stout St. AC. 5733 + + + + + + Dependable Plumbing & Heating Co. Our Lqdy of Mountains Church Dedicated, ELECTRICAL WORK Let Us Do^our Electrical Work All Plumbing and Heating Installations Solemn Mass Celebrated in Estes Pork Wiring and Repairing Another gem of mountain church architecture was added C. £. Bohannon - 4700 W . Colfax - A L 1444 beautiful mountain structure. He pastor’s sister. Miss Clare Ann of All Kinds to the property of the Archdiocese of Denver with the dedica­ also paid high credit to the few Kappes of Columbus, 0., to Wil­ tion June 9 of Our Lady of the Mountains church in Estes Catholic families of Estes Park, liam Van Vorst. It was held Tues­ Park. Following close upon splendid dedication ceremonies, whose work and sacrifice contrib­ day morning, June 14. uted so much to the completion of LYNCH ELECTRIC 22 Catholics, half of them adults, received the sacrament of the edifice. Finally, he extended CABINET MAKING Confirmation in the first such a special word of commendation ceremony ever held in the moun­ asj the original cost of $2,000 for to the pastor, Father Kappes, for 35 Jesuits Ordoined COMPANY Sanctuary, Sacristy, Church Equipment tain community. the first church and its property. his vigorous and inspiring leader­ Office, Store and Tavern Fixtures Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of­ The preacher pointed out that ship in directing the construction 1721 East 31st Ave. ficiated in the dedication rites and the erection of the beautiful new of the church. In St. Marys, Kons. Denver, Colorado presided at the Solemn Mass of­ Excellent Workmanship at Lowest Cost church was another proof of the A large modern rectory on the (RegU Guild, Denver) fered in the new church, which observation of the non-Catholic rear of the church building will Call GLendale 3830 for Eitimate was filled to the doors with citi­ June, the month of the Sacred KEystone 0309 (Shop) English historian, Macauley, who be completed in furnishings at a Heart, is a treasured month, al­ JOS. J. LYNCH, SR., PROP. zens of Estes Park and summer traced the glorious history of the later date. MAin 6958 (Home) tourists. About 60 priests attended ways, in Jesuit institutions, but Licensed Electrical Contractor Church beyond the proudest reigns A delicious dinner was served particularly in Jesuit seminaries, ACE FIXTURE & EQUIPMENT CO. the ceremonies. The Loretto Sis­ of empires. Another link in the un­ to the visiting clergy at the Mcr- ters who teach catechism in the where it marks the days of ordin­ H. J„ Guitav, and A. M. Abromeit 3358 PECOS ST. broken chain was forged with the Graw ranch outside of Estes Park. ation for those who have spent 13 community also were present. erection of the mountain church. The Confirmation was conferred The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph devoted years in preparation. This In his talk at the dedication the by the Archbishop that afternoon year and this week, in the Im- Bosetti offered the Solemn Mass, Archbishop paid special tribute to at 4 o’clock, assisted by members assisted by the Rev. Roy Figlino, mUfculata chapel in St. Marys, the architect, John K. Monroe, and of the visiting clergy. Kans., 35 Jesuits were ordained to K N O m PINE deacon, and the Rev. Robert Hoff­ the contractor, Justus Roehling, The first wedding to be held in man, subdeacon. Deacons of honor the sacred priesthood by the Most Wall Board — Flooring who were responsible for the the new church was that of the Rev. Ignatius Glennie, Bishop of BmDdcl to the .Archbishop were the Rev. Roofing Richard Duffy and tiifiiVery Rev. Trincomalee in Ceylon, himself a Eugene A. Sullivan. The Very Jesuit of the New Orleans prov­ Rev. Walter Canavan was assist­ Boosters' Club Planning ince. Benjamin Moore ant priest. The Rev. Bernard Cul­ Denver claims Colorado’s or- len, the Rev. Joseph Leberer, and dinand this year, the Rev. Tim­ epaint Points— Vdrnishes the Rev. Francis Kappes, pastor othy J. Cronin, S.J., son of Mr. Enamels of Loveland and Estes Park, were Two Socials in Englewood and Mrs. Timothy C. Cronin of masters of ceremonies. 3634 Eliot street, who were at Picket Fence Material The sermon for the occasion was (St. LouU’ ParUh, Englewood) Chnrch weddings this week, St. Mary’s for the ceremonies. given by the Rev. Edward Breen, The SL Louis Boosters’ club, an united Carl Mobley and Elizabeth Father Cronin will be in Denver Floor Sanders to Rent who called the dedication of the organization of young married Lexa, with Virginia Laybourn and this week and will offer his mountain church a worthy succes­ couples in the parish, is planning Caswell de Freese as bridesmaid First Solemn Mass in St. Cath­ sor to the dedication of temples two get-acquainted parties in the and best man; and Stephen Joseph erine’s church on Sunday, June . ECONOMY LUMBER & HARDWARE TAbor 1393 1721 LAWRENCE to God from the time of King Solo­ school hall Friday and Saturday of Shuster and Mary Lucille Lesage, 19, at 10:30 o’clock. That eve­ 350 So. Colorxdo Blvd. Eaiy Payments DE. 5495 mon in ancient Jerusalem, to King this week. Friday night, at 8:30, with Rosalie Maricey and Matthew ning a reception honoring Fa­ St. Louis in 13th century Paris, there will be a games party in the Shuster as bridesmaid and best ther Cronin will be held at Re­ down to the present day. hall, to which all are invited. A man. Both the bride and bride­ gis college from 7 until 9 s ft fk w ifipsw .iqpso aiqpN Q Father Breen gave a detailed general invitation is extended to groom are recent graduates of o’clock, when his friends, and history of the faith iii Estes Park all for the social on Saturday Colorado State Teachers’ college at the friends of the Cronin fam­ from the time of the first White night, at 8:30. The Saturday social Greeley. ily will have opportunity to settler until the present. He will be in the nature of a “ Hobo’' Miss Betty Markey, the first greet him. stressed that the new church party, with a prize for the best woman to be graduated from Regis A week later, on June 26, mem­ cost more than 50 times as much college, is a member of St. Louis’ bers of the Regis guild will have BURNERS costume. Everyone is urged to sup­ parish. Stove and Furnace Parts port these affairs. their usual homecoming at Regis Johi/ D. Mahoney, who has just college, when the Mass will be of­ Still Available Twenty-two pupils enrolled in the religious vacation school this completed his junior year at Regis fered by Father Cronin at 9:15. For^the sake of economy and satisfaction CAS FURNACES week. Classes run from 9 to 11:30 college, was presented with the After the Mass, members of the each morning. Campion Physics award for his Regis guild will be the guests of The Geo. A. Pollen Infants baptized Sunday were outstanding work in scientific the president and faculty of the Company Gene Alexander Leigh, son of Mr. study. college at breakfast, with an op­ portunity later to meet Father 1533 Lawrenct Street and Mrs. Alexander Leigh, with He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. demand DFC burners TABOR 1321 DENVER, COLO. Edward Vincent and Helen Vin­ James Mahoney of 1800 W. Girard, Cronin. cent as sponsors; William Lau­ Englewood. He attended St. Louis’ Since this breakfast comes in rence Karlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. grade school and St. Francis’ high the vacation season, when the col­ Laurence Karlin, with Norbert school, being graduated with the lege does not have its full quota From Your Heating Contractor piven and Josephine Hopper as class of 1946. John was an honor of aid, Father Stephen Krieger, sponsors; Margaret Martinez, student and received a four-year S.J., gruild moderator, is asking daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil scholarship at Regis. that reservations be made by guild There are DFC burners for nearly Martinez, with Walter Pytlinski He is vice president of the Math members and Jesuit relatives not CLEANING and Marie Del Cupp as sponsors club at college. later than June 22 at Regis col­ every application FREE HOTB PROOFING lege, GLendale 3633. + .4 - -I- + -f 2 Pc. Living » . a QK Room Suite ’P 1 n * '” large or small— BEAUTY AND COJBFORT WITH Thoroly Cleaned ■ V Up Grade School Champions , SCHAEFER AWNINGS Famous Rug & domestic, commercial, industrial. THE SCHAEFER TENT & AWNING Furniture Cleaning Co. DFC burners reflect 41 years ______1541 ARAPAHOE______TA. 6569 1542 Blake of combustion experience! Satisfied Users Tell You for IS THE BEST DFC BURNERS Are Job'Engineered

There’s only one for the motley . complete design and engineering . . . one for the show— when it GarHenette Hose departments are maintained comes to paint, and that's DUTCH Because Gates Gardenette ' t BOY. Our satisfied customers will Hose weighs only as much as ordinary hose, it won’t sink tell you bow DUTCH BOY gives down into soft dirt and dig up IN D E N V E R . your home.a lift! Restores old sur­ new grass. That’s why we rec- faces . . . Creates new beauty. OQunend Gardenette—made with Choose ReAdy-mixed DUTCH BOY Nylon cords—lor all new lawns. Tints or Purest While here now I TJTu> 50 Feet $10.75 DENVER FIRECLAY ( ompantj -- Complete Line Available at FALBY'S DFC c,„ u— University Park Lumber Co. OtNVf R COLO 1) i A PAINT & HARDWARE THE ST. LOUIS grade school baseball i St. Philomena’s last Friday by the score of 4 to 3 1810 So. Josephine PE. 2435 32 Broadway— PE. 2940 team won the southside parochial cham- | Undefeated St Louis’ was coached by Bill Apgar of J*?? pionshlp when it eked out a victory over undefeated [ Port Logan.— (Photo hy CteytiD I LL* ’