DENVER CATHOLIC the Sermon Will Be Delivered B Y '; Denver Presented a Picture of the Very Rev
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Three Dioceses Representedi Martyred Cardinal Called Model for Press Rites June 21 Convention Challenged to Rally Tremendous Strength For Julesburg For Hard-Hitting Battle Against Secularism in U. S. C lerg^en of the Denver archdiocese and two Nebraska '+ ■+ - f + _ Members of the Catholic Press association are being challenged this morn dioceses will take part in the dedication of the new St. Ani; ing, Thursday, June 16, in the opening session of their national convention thony’s church in Julesburg on Tuesday moaning, June 21,; Officers of Press Association at 11 o’clock. ; \ in Denver to tal^e the heroic example of Cardinal Mindszenty as their model Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will officiate at the dedica-l’ in the struggle against totalitarianism. They are given this challenge by the tion and will preside at the Mass that will follow the solemn . Rev. John S. Kennedy of Hartford, Conn., keynote speaker, who recalls that blessing of the new house-of worship erected at an approxi-1 before his imprisonment Cardinal Mindszenty called for “ Catholic self-as mate cost of $90,000. ’ ,: The celebrant of the Solemn surance, consolidation of all ' Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Catholic forces, increased Mass will be the Rev. Joseph Bosch': Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1949— Permission to Reproduce, Except on of Crook in the Denver archdio- ' Catholic social welfare activ Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. cese; deacon, the Rev. Robert F. | ities, intensified educational Maron of St. Joseph’s, Chappell* work, intensified information, in the Grand Island diocese; sub-- deacon, the Rev. George Kodelkaj and extension of the Catholic of Curtis, in the Lincoln diocese.' press.-’! The Rev. Richard Hiestcr of Den-i i Frank Hall, director of the ver will be in charge of the" music.' j NCWC News Service, Jjine 15 in DENVER CATHOLIC The sermon will be delivered b y '; Denver presented a picture of the Very Rev. Harold V. Campbell,^ the vast news gathering forces pastor of the Blessed Sacrament ; made available to the Catholic church in Denver. Deacons of honor' f press, and a graphic and startling to the Archbishop will be the Rev.j-i picture of its tremendous combined Herman K. Leite of Iliff and the! strength. The circulation of Cath Rev. Peter Moran of Peetz. The; ■ olic publications. Mr. Hall pointed Vicar General of the Diocese off out, has nearly tripled in 25 years, REGISTER Grand Island, the Rt. Rev. Monsi-' from 5,600,000 in 1924 to 14,- The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We ’gnor Antbn Link of Sidney, will 000,000 in 1949. Whereas there Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service Seven Smaller also be present. were in 1924 only 75 subscribers Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos. Price of paper 3 cents a copy. Following the Mats, a dinner to the NCWC News Service in five will be served for the visiting j.t countries, in 1949 the subscribers VOL XLIV. No. 43. THURSDAY, JUNE 16,1949. DENVER, COLORADO. clergy in the basement of the ’ number 257 in 48 countries. church. Father Kennedy points out that In the evening. Archbishop Vehr , Catholic editors have to contend will confirm a class of 80 children '; not only with the totalitarianism of Communism, or even of Nazism Hundreds of Famifies Affected and 30 adults. All of the adults are and Fascism, but with a third cate converts who entered the church in >; gory that is as dangerous. the past five years. ;' These are the “ secularist totali- The Rev. Andrew Warwick ia t ' tarians who, if they allowed them pastor of St. Anthony’s. : selves any political label, would.. New Highway Wreaks “ The parishioners have been very choose ‘liberal.’ They are quite as generous in providing funds for, atheistic as the rest, quite as bent the church,” Father Warwick said. on regimenting and manipulating “ Already they have contributed;; man, quite as savage toward oppo- more than $60,000 in cash above 11 MAKING LAST-MINUTE plans for the I Paul. Minn., editor of the Caihohe*Dige&t and presi- .sition and unscrupulous in meet the normal expenses.” 1; r'o+v,«i;« A ____ dent of the CPA, and Francis A. Fink of Huntington, ing it. If you doubt this, look at Havoc in 4 Parishes Besides these cash contributions Catholic Press Association convention in managing editor of Our Sunday Vititor and Paul Blanshard’s American Free many of the parishioners have do- ;. dom and Catholic Power. By George Weldon his parish have been given evic be used is mostly vacant lots Denver June 15-17 are the Rev. Paul Bussard of St. I vice president of the CPA. tion notice. at the present time. There are nated labor that has saved easily . “ We make a grievous mistake The new Valley highway $10,000 in the over-all cost. j; in supposing that this book is through Denver threatens to Many homes in the Our Lady about three houses affected, but simply another blast of old-fash wreak havoc in four Denver par of Victory parish will be de the ryiettlement of the families The parish provides for 450. ioned bigotry,’’ continues Father ishes, particularly the Spanish molished, but city engineers esti involved is not expected to Catholics and the whole of Sedg- u i^egion Plans Information Days Kennedy. “ It is the manifesto speaking parishes of Our Lady mate that it will be several years cause inconvenience to anyone. wick county. Father Warwick esti- i (similar to Das Kapital or Mein of Guadalupe and Our Lady of before that section of the city is Father Blenkush’s delight at the mates that at least one-third of Kampf) of militant secularist to Victory. The road will also take reached. Meanwhile, many peo new park perhaps offsets some His people are from Nebraska, ■ talitarianism in the United a heavy toll in the Parishes of ple have been alerted to the fact of the woe emanating from the frorm both the Lincoln and the States.” St. Joseph (Polish) and Holy that they will be expected to other parishes. Grand Island dioceses. For Interested Non-Catholics In his very exhortation to Rosary. move. No dates have been as signed, however. Plans were laid by the Legion of Mary in Denver at its his priests. Cardinal Mindszenty The area north from W’est gave what Father Kennedy con An official of the state high last business comitium meeting to hold days of information 36th avenue and Inca street is way commission says that the Englewood Work Progresses siders the perfect keynote for this already under construction and area south of W. 36th avenue Camp Malo for non-Catholics in several parishes in different sections of convention of the Catholic Press most of the families have been at Inca street is “for the fu Denver during the next 12 months, the program to get under association; moved out. ture.” The city is busy acquir In the section around West Holy Family Parish Begins way in the fall. “ Let ut be pillar* of light. ing the right of way, but the It is the desire of the Denver Let u*, a* far a* we are able, 31st avenue and Navajo street Readied for Denver praesidia, advertising both four entire blocks are to be state highway commission does comitium, said W. H. Dee, presi prepare for the growth of the not expect to-touch it until the dent of the Denver group, to the instruction classes now being Kingdom of Chri*t, our King, razed, and it is estimated that Building New Classrooms held, and the dates, time, and place hundreds of families, mostly North Denver spur is finished. schedule information days through which i* the realm of ju*tice and Spanish-speaking Catholics, will The new highway will prob New Season out the year in all parishes co-op where information days are to grace . What we do, we do Even with the start of the summer vacation, eyes of be conducted. These cards will be affected. A prominent realtor ably run along the border sepa erating in the program. The pur for the freedom of the Church, rating Presentation parish from Accommodations for boy allow interested persons a choice in the section, Tom S. Eres, says Catholic school officiala of the metropolitan area are turned pose of the program, he said, is for the *alvation of ouY people St. Joseph’s (Redemptorist). It of time and place, that the people are deploying all ahead to September when record enrollments are expected. campers are still available at to reach more people than the and our youth; for the *ake of will not affect either parish of the faults of the present system over Denver, wherever they can A new expensioii program is under way at the Holy Camp St. Malo for the Aug. present instruction classes are peace . , To be a witne** for to any appreciable extent, ac of scheduling information days one find a place to live. “ It is not too 7-28 session but the opening capable of doing, and to lead those Chri*t’* *ake i* above all the cording to the Rev. Matthias J. Family school. Construction has started on the erection of at a time, thereby limiting the calling of prieit* and member* hard on tfiose who own their period, July 10-Aug. 7, is sold who want more instruction In the homes,” he said, “but there are Blenkush of Presentation par four classrooms for the grade school.