
P ID TS TUESDl\Y1 8:30 LegislaUn Leader• Senat or Willi&.ftl F. Knowland; Calltomia Senator ~ene D. Millikin, Colora4.o Senator Leverett Saltoostall, Ma.•each\lfftta Senator Style-s Brid.ps, New Hampshire Cong. Joseph w. Martin, Jr., Massachu.. tt Cong. Charles A. Halleck, Indiana Cong. Leo E. Allen; Illinoie Cong. Lealle 0 . Arends, Illlnoia Hon . Ce.orge H\lltphrft71 Secret&J7 of the Treasuey Hon. Arthur Sunaertield,. The Postuater General Hon. Sherman AdUl.8 Hon. Wilton B. Peraone Hon. Gerald Morgan Hon. Jam.ea Hagerty Hon. M\U"l"q Seyder Hon. Beyoe Harlow Hon. Howard Pyle Hon. Fred Seaton Hon. Jack Mart.in Hon. Homer Gruenther Hon. Earle Chesney Hon . Arthur Minnich lOz.30 (Mr. Rabb) 11:00 am The President. receiftd the membel"• of the cutin Section of the National Rehabilitation Conmiaaion of the American Legion. Mccm:mr, Robert M., Chairman, 1096 N. Holli~ton Ave., Pasadena, Ca.lit. KRAABEL, T. o., National Rehabilitation Dire~tor1 Legion Headquarter• ALTER, Judge Wilbur M., State Capitol, Denver, Colorado BOOHER, Dr. Norman R., 44'1 E• .38th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana CALLAGHAN, E. J . , P. O. Box 1702; Helena, Montana CLAMAGB,. Edward, 1313 W. Randolph St., Chicago, Illinois CUFF, E. v., Ortonville, Minnesota CLOUGH, Fred A., Jr., 317 Water StMet, Augusta, ain• CONNORS, John L. ,. 264 ~-.ore Street, Hartford, Connecticut DMiIEL, W. c .. , P. o. Box 485, Schoolfield Branch, Danvtlle,. Va. DAY, Jamee V., 19 Pleasant StJ"eet, Kennebunk, Maine DIXb.Jf, Joseph F., Box 233, ?Jatchez, M!seissippi FOUST, J _ Ross, 11 Ea.$t Otterman Street,; Greeiisburg, Pennsyl•ania GLF.AOON, John s., Jr. , 3g South Dearbom tnet, Chicago., Illinois FULLER, Jep s., Adams Building, Port rt.hur; 1."exaa JONES, William H., Marianna, Arkansas KNIGHT, F. Clinton, .314 Parle Road, Alexandria, Virginia LOUGARIS, I. A., 20 Cladiano BuU<lillg, Reno, Ne"rad$ · MILLER, Watson B., 4704 Yua.a St.re.et, N. w., Washington, D. C. NAUMCWICZ, Chester F., 84.58 Piney Branch Court, Silver Spring, Md . ORR, A. Eugene, 210 Crater Lake Avenue, ed.tord, Oregon PRICE, Arthur W., 280 N. 3rd Street, Mt. Vemon, New Y.ork TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1955 Page 2 llsOO am ational Rehabilitation Com. of American Legion {Cont.) WALDRIP, w. Ba., The Detroit Bank, Detroit 26, Michigan ALSH, John H., 1020 Main Stree~, alt.ham, asachuetta HASLER, Harry L., Dorado, Kansa HORTON, C C., P. O. Box 1509, l ont.gcaery 2, Alabaa ~· .L......,... , j. • Ho rd BERRt, Hon. Frank, asistant Secretary of Deren.. tor Health and edicin• CUSHIBG, Dr. ·at.rick, Asaistant to Mr .. Berey CHESNEY, Hon. • rle llt30 am Dr. Milton • Eieenh er, President, Pennsylv 1a state Col.l.eg• 11145 .. The Preaident received the lllftlber• or the Boa.rd ot Directors of th• National Federation of ublioan Woaen ADA.MS, Mrs. Julie, 'f ylorsville, ort.h Carolina DER.SON, Mr • x1n E., .., York, ew York ! !KINS, Bet Lo , aehington, D. C. BACOH, ert Low, aahington, D. C. B NETT, a. i Jliam, Falls Church, Virginia BISHOP, Mrs. Roy T., Portland, Oregon BRCWN, a. Katharine nneq, Dayton, Ohio BURDICI'., '.ll"e. 11118.m F., 'allhington, D. C. CHIPMAN, a. Roscoe, Lebanon, New liaJll.pahire CLASBY, s• oily, aahington, D. C. CULBERTSON, Mra. William S., aahington, D. C. CURRIE, • e. Allie e, Dall.as, Texas DETWEILER, M.ra. • H., Haselton, Idaho DIRt 1 s. rett 1' • , Wa.9hington, D. C. DOHERTY, l s. chard, Bethesda, lar;yland Et.DEB, Mrs. arri90n, Chattanooga., Tennessee EUtnrs, Mrs. Dans, Washington, D. c. ELSTOH, s. R. aoa, ddletovn, Delaware ERP', a. Low 11 Ashton, Philadelphia, ennsylva.nia !!!VANS, s. Kenneth, rl!IC>n, I owa FARRitiGTO , r • Joseph, Washington, D. C. FLETCHER, a. ssie, Ta.yloreville, orth Carolina FRETZ, M:>s. Bet.t7, aahil'lgton, D. C. FOX, a. • • , Madiaon, isconsin FURLONG, s. Edwin H., So rsworth, New H shire GIBSON, a. Peter, Monroe, Michigan Gt.mm, r .. • Claar, ox US, Manka ...o, eeota GORE, Mies Louiee, air.fax Hotel, 8hington, D. C. GUNDELFIHGER, ra. P. E. Haselton, I daho DlsI ma, s. Thcnas, Sewickley, ennsyl vania JAMES, e. Roy E., Arlington, Virginia JORDAN, 1!1. n, Washington, D. C. ll'ARN , 11. C rroll D., a hington, D. C. KOCHERSP~ER, a. Edmund s., 'aahingt.on, D. C. KOEZE, ~ a. l bel"t S., Grand Rapid , . chiga.n LAMONT, e. c. 'W ., Bethescl , Maryland MAIL, • Irl, 1100 kegan Road, er!'ield.1 Illin 1• TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1955 National Federation ot publican W011l9tl MA !SON)· Mrs. Henryr L., Avoca, M:i.nmuota •.u·""'··vRGE, a~ Harold, st. Petereburg, Florida MDLLUOtt, s. Beatrice, Bost.on, Ma a.a.ohuset~• mELSQJ, Mr • A. H. Tulsa, Olclahoma · NEUBEFllER, Mrs. Harr'J', ' glewood, New Jersq OATES, r~. · ney M., Parkersbur , West VirginU. PACB1 rs. Pear,, iashington, D. C. P. I.LADA?, Mn. · ·· 1 Portland, Oregon PARKS, s. J .. :s., Pueblo,, Colorado PENLAND,. Mrs. Glady Leggett,, Berice,ley, Galitomia RHODES, Mre. John J., Wa.®ington, D. C. RIClWIDSON, Mrs. V ughn E., Sa.li wr:r,. Maryland ROSR, - • · Cha n, aahington, D. C. ROSENFlEI.J>, Mrs. William {., Towanda, Pennsylvania BUTJIJSRFORD, Dr. M. ~utse, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania SAHAGIAN, M • Lavon H.,, l,38 Lexington venue, Providence, R.l. SGHICHT, Mis · Frieda, st. Loui.s, Mis«>uri SOHOUlERER, Ji r • Melen., ingbDJnton, New York S , Yuki D e J., Jeffet'8on1 Oklahoma SIMPSCtl, • ahud M., shington, D. C~ SMITH., Hrs. · m ell., Louisville, Kentucky · TH, Mrs. J., Robert1 Alexandria, Vtl"ginia .................. ~, Mrs. Von L., Indianapolis, Indiana STEVBiSON, Mrs. Vernon L., Salt Lek City,, Ukh SlITASKI, Mrs. Anna Ma , Ha.J"tford, Corm.ecUettt TABER, Mrs. John, Dore.heater Hou e, Washington, D. c. VerMEULJ.i1i, s. " B., G:ra,nd Rapid$, "ehig&ll WANNER, Mrs. A. • , Gl n yn., Illinois ,S,. Mrs. William H. 1 ashington, D. C. nci.i~"'., ~s. Ra\YMond • , BO:sto , Massa.ehu."iett. WILLCOX, Mrs. O.. lak , En 1 ood 'lev Je:rsq WILSO ,. ... Su , Wa. hlngton, D. C, - WISE, Mi-s. John E., 1son. Wiseon i1'i ( SHANI..El', Hon. rna,rd) Hott. Joel T. Broyhill, Congres · - trotn Virginia Hon.. ~ all J. - erley-, Mqor of Alexandria, Virginia Mr., · ~rt F. Dawnhan, , President, Friendship Fire Engin Company, Alexandria, Virginia (Hr. Jack La , tart reporter for Al xandria Gazette) (Pr-es~ted th• President with a C rt1fieate of Honora17 eral:>eJ'Bhi.p to the Frtendmli.p Flre -ine Company tound«l. b,r Georgtt Washington in 1774) ltOO, pa TlM. President gave a Stag Lunch cm !or the new Senators. AU.OTT, sen. Gordon, Colors.do BARKLEY, sen. Alben w. Kentucky BIBLE Sen. Alan, ebrask:a. CASE, Sen. Clifford P., New Jerse'JT C - • en. t orris, ?S Hampshire - TIS, Sen~ Carl T., ~ el>ra ka TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1955 P ge 4 1:00 Stag Luncheon for new ator$t (Cont .. ) HRUSKA, Ben. Uolll&n L.. , Nebraska , Sen. Patrick V., Michigan ...._,, ... ..,"", s E., Iowa NlllJBERGl!:Jl, ~ • Richard L, Oregan 0 ' MAllO!fl«, n. Jose C. ; · yoming SCOTT, en. • K~i"t'a North Carolina TatlRMOND, • ro , South Carolina PERSONS, Hon. Wilton B. ILLVJ>lUr'~, Hwi. Gerald MARTIN, Hon. Jack . HARUY T, Hon. Dryc.e 2:1S paa Hon. Arthur , C rm.an, Council of Economic /u:lvis&r8' Geceral John s.. Bragdon H0n . Shennan Adams (Discussed publle works) Governor Robert F. Kennon, M>uiaiana GoYe.rno-r lter J . Koh1er, i sconsin GOV< rnor J . Cale gga, DeJ.awa.re Gov rnol' L o A. Ha gh, Iowa General Luci Clq Hon, SheJ"lllail s Hon. Jack · . Hon. Howard Pyl (Appointment rranged by • Ad s) Jsl5 p · HlolJn . 'Wtllia.m • C~pbell , R~publlean Sta.te Chainnan tor I~aho Hon. Sherman Adam.a PRESlD T'S PPO 1 S WEJ)NESDAY, CH 2, l 95S 8:30 (Hon. Robert Cutler) OFF THE RECORD (Hon. J es 7) (H .s.c. i ting) 9:.30 Honorable Jefferson C ffery, reti ·. rican bas dor to Egypt (Hon.. ray ieyder) (Mr. Cattery r u st.d this a oin ent .thr\l Protocol. A photograph was taken) 10:00 ( • Hag rty) 10:30 Press Conte ne ll:l5 am ( • H. Alexander Smith, i ) (Hon. Bernard Shanley) OFT THE ORD (Hon. Bryce Harlow) (Hon. Jack rtin) 11:30 Hon. Herbert Brownell, The ttom ry en ral Hon. Wilton B. ?ersona - in rt (Discussed on and oo ta ion ) 12:00 Dr. Joseph s. avi.e, Pro£ sor t Stanfo Univ r tr Hon. rthur Burn , Chai n,, Council of "' ono c Advi er Ho • S e dams 12:07 (The resident, accompanied by- t he White House an to d t o 12:32 ( rrived Burning Tre ) (The resident had Luncheon with the following: ) {Senator Prescott .Bush, Connecticut) ( • Willi Flenniken, Colorado) ( • John McClure, Washington, D. c.) 1:10 (The President tee oft with s artners tor l unch) 4:10 (C leU!td lS holes) ( President, accompanied by • W .L4.JL..1..Q~ ... Flenniken and .. J Black, d parted Burning Tree and moto to the ihite House) 5:00 ( rriv · t the · ihit Hous ) (Mr~ Flonniken departed the hite Hous tor t h 1ashingt.o Nat1-onal Airport to cat.ch a 5:30 plane. Mr. Bla.ok al o departed the White Hou at this time) 7t 5S pa (The President and Mrs. Eieenh<IW•r de-parted th · White House and lllQtc>red to tbe 192_5. F Street Club, W'hel'$ they ati.med a Dinner given by the cret&rJ' of th I.nterior and Mr • Mclq) The i'ollolling ere pl'8s9tlt at the dimei-: ~ Chief Justic nd Mrs. rl Warren ct'Qt.&ey' o:t he Treasury Cl s. George Humphrey .
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