A Contribution to Hudson Bay Lowland Ethnohistory

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A Contribution to Hudson Bay Lowland Ethnohistory FISHTNG STATIONS AND THE LOW COUNTRY: A CONTRTBUTION TO HUDSON BAY LOI^II,AND ETHNOHTSTORY By KENNETH R. LrsTER, B.A. A Thesis Subnitted to the School of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts McMaster University o Copyright by Kenneth R. Lister, September 1996 LIBRARI UNIVERSITY MCMASTEN MASTER OF ARTS (1996) McI'IASTER UNIVERSITY (Anthropology) Hamilton, Ontario TITLE: Fishing Stations and the Low Country: A Contribution to Hudson Bay Lowland Ethnohistory. AUTHOR: Kenneth R. Lister, B.A. (McMaster University) SUPERVISOR: Dr. WiIIiam C. Noble NWBER OF PAGES: xxi + 498 l1 ABSTRACT The Hudson Bay Lowrand - often referred to in fur-trade rrow records as the country, - has been the subject of much research within the naturar sciencesl however, research pertaining to the regionrs human history and ecology is not as well advanced. This study employs ethnohistoricar methodology integrating ethnographies, exploration literature, fur-trade records, archaeological data, and Native advisor consultations in an atternpt to elucidate curture history and patterns of Native occupation within the Lowland region. Hudsonts Bay Cornpany fur-trade journals, reports, and maps indicate that within the Lowrand the rndian popuration harvested fish at ttfishing stations, where rweirs, were constructed, naintained, and operated. Fur-trade records in conbination with inforrnation provided by Native advisors illustrate that fishing stations were operational on a year-round basis and that fish played a significant rore within Native economic strategies. Based upon an 1g15 severn District report and acconpanyincJ rnaps, recorded fishing station locations were identified on the shamattawa L.Ll River and at the southern junction of spruce Lake and the North washagami River. Activity areas at these fishing station locations yielded evidence of substantial occupation over tine and space and they provided insight into economic strategies and adaptations. l-v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research that forms the foundation of this thesis was made possible through the generous financial assistance of the ontario Heritage Foundation; the Northern science and Training Research program, McMaster university; and the Royal ontario Museum. without this support, fierdwork in the north wourd not have been possible and to each of these institutions r extend my sincere appreciation. The planning and preparation for the fierdwork periods, their imprementation, and the phases of anarysis and writing that followed hrere not accornplished in isolation. on both professionar and personar grounds r am indebted to nany individuals who have kindly provided information and advicer dS werl as encouragement and support. At the onset, r would rike to thank Dr. wiltiarn c. Noble for offering to be my supervisor and for supporting northern archaeol0gy where returns are not always guaranteed. More years ago than r care to remember, a young undergraduate shyly produced a rfind, for Dr. Noblers identification. Taken in hand, and after careful consideration, the find was identified - graciously _ as a uniquely shaped Dundas Vattey rock. Less than auspicious beginnings notwithstanding, over the years Dr. Noble has encouraged and directed rny enthusiasm for ontario archaeology and r am indebted to hin for his continuing support and guidance. rn addition to Dr- Noble's rore as supervisor, r would like to thank Dr. David Darnas and Dr. Trudy Nicks for serving on my thesis comnittee. A1I three members of the connittee have provided valuable comments resulting in a thesis greatly improved with the incorporation of their suggestions. For many years r had the honour and privilege of working with the late Dr. Edward s. Rogers. over the three decades prior to his death in 1988 it is likely that most students of northern studies would have found thernselves at one tirne or another sitting with hands folded in Dr. Rogersr Royal Ontario Museum office. Engulfed within a canyon of books, papers, letters, and artifacts they wourd have found his enthusiasrn for the north infectious and r wourd like to acknowledge rny appreciation to hin for sharing his knowledge and wisdom, for providing guidance, and above arl, for his friendship. v1 Appreciation is extended to the officiars of the Hudsonrs Bay cornpany Archives for permission to cite their records- specific appreciation is extended to shirlee Ann smith, Judith Hudson Beattie, and Debra Moore for their interest and advice. rnclusion of three maps from an 1815 severn District Report is with the permission of the Hudson's Bay cornpany Archives for which r am gratefur. particurar gratitude is expressed to the fierd crevr, Paur Tagon and susan wurtzburg, who consistently worked _ often times under difficult conditions - with a keen sense of purpose and dedication. Due to their companionship and affection for the north country 1ittle was felt of the isolation that can be part of northern archaeology. To the pirots of Leuenberger Air service, Nakina, and Forde Lake Lodge and charter Air service, Hearst, r extend thanks and respect. Research in isorated areas of the north is dependent upon the skirls of these ,unsung herosf! and r am in debt to their willingness to touch down in unknown and potentially shallow waters. r an grateful to George Hunter, former chief of the weenusk Band, and to the people of winisk for their hospitality. r wourd especiarly rike to thank Louis Bird, John Michaer Hunter, John crowe, John chookornolin, and vl_1 Antoine Gurr for their patience and for sharing their insights and memories. r am also indebted to Louis Bird for acting as interpreter and for showing me much kindness. Gratefur appreciation is extended to the Moosonee office of the ontario uinistry of Naturar Resources for providing logisticar support. Thanks is extended to Dr. Ken Abraharn and John Thompson for sharing their information and ideas. The late Bill Hutchinson deserves a speciar expression of appreciation for his interest, support, guidance, and, assistance. f am indebted to a number of specialists for generously providingr their time and expertise. Betty Erey, Bill Fox, Dr. Janet springer, and Dr. peter von Bitter provided chert identification. patricia Austin, Dr. Dare calder, and cathy yasui undertook the faunar analysis. carbon sarnples were identified by Dr. John McAndrews and identifications of botanical specinens were supplied by Deborah Metsger. Finalry, neutron activation anarysis of the copper specinen was provided by Dr. Michael wayman. To each of these specialists r extend my sincere appreeiation. Along the path many farnily members, friends, and colleagues have sornehow known when to push, when to carry, and when to 1et go. r trust they know who they are and r am viii gratefur for their insight of this kind and for their constant support. My parents, Alrna and Bill Lister, have been a devoted source of encouragement and have provided bracing in ways beyond which they probably know. Through the gentle nudge to the wisdorn of sirence this work carries their influence and r am in debt to their patience and sense of vision. From the beginning, Joyce has shared my enthusiasm for the north country, its rand and its people. with copies of Janes swain's maps spread over the f100r, it was Joyce who first identified the section of the shamattawa River that later came to form a major section of this thesis. often left to rnaintain the home fire, r am in debt to iloyce's strength of spiritr dS well as to her commitment for balance by gently insisting that my pursuits in the field of Anthropology be commensurate with, not ecrips€, ny farniry responsibilities . Final heartfelt appreciation is directed to ny two daughters, Adrienne and Meredith, who represent a welr of inspiration- you have taught your father the real meaning behind a smile and with a touch of your hand you reinforce John Donne's notion rrNo that man is an isrand, entire of itself . fl ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEIT{ENTs v LIST OF TABLES . xiii LTST OF FTGURES . xviii CHAPTER ONE: AN INTRODUCTTON To THE PROBLEM AND RESEARCH STRATEGY CHAPTER TWo: THE HUDsoN BAY LOWLAND ENVTRONMENT: PHYSTOGRAPHY, CLTMATE, VEGETATTON, AND FAUNA 25 fntroduction Physiography 25 Clinate 26 Vegetation 31 Fauna 36 Marnmalia 40 Aves 4L Osteichthyes 47 51 CHAPTER THREE: FISH WEIR' FISH BASKET; FTSH TRAP-WEIR 55 CHAPTER FoUR: SHAMATTAWA RAPIDS srTE (cblj_2) 81 fntroduction Stratigraphy o...91 89 Level i_ Level 3 . 9L Dates 95 Lithics 98 Chapter Summary 99 L67 CHAPTER FIVE: WASHAGAMT POINT SITE . ]-74 fntroduction o . Area A o L74 Introduction t78 Stratigraphy ]-78 181 Euro-Canadian Artifacts Faunal Remains . L82 . L86 Area B fntroduction zo2 Stratigraphy 2O2 Date 2o3 Lithics 204 I"tly: copper . 2Os Modified Bone and Antler 24s Faunal Remains 253 Chapter Summary 258 282 CHAPTER SrX: coNclusroN . 286 APPENDIX A: CABTN TSLAND SITE Log Cabins . 298 Tent Frames .300 . 304 Storage Racks .305 Snoking Rack .306 Ground Scatter .307 APPENDTX B: SHAMATTAWA Askiikan ASKITKAN SrTE (cbrj_1) .311 Tentm^-! FrarneF--- 313 Tent Bases 318 Storage Racks 327 32L Snoking and Srnoking/Cooking Racks Faunal Remains 322 323 APPENDTX C: LITHTC ATTRTBUTES 325 APPENDIX D: SHAMATTAWA RAPTDS SfTE (cblj_2) RETOUCHED EDGES: IJNTFAdTAT, . 374 APPENDfX E: SHAMATTAWA RAPIDS SrTE (cblj_2) BIFACES: QUANTTTATTVE allo CHARACTERTSTICS Quairrarrvn . 376 APPENDTX F: WASHAGAMT porNT_qITE (Gbr9_1) IREE DTSFIGI'REII{ENTS . 381 APPENDIX G: WASHAGAII{I POINT SITE (Gblg-l) HEARTH: IDENTTFTED MAMMALIAN REMAIN' . 382 xL APPENDTX H: WASHAGAIT{I POINT SITE (cbr9_1) HEARTH: TDENTTFTED avrau-ngl,tArNs 387 APPENDTX T: WASHAGAI{I poINT srTE (cbrg_l) HEARTH: TDENTTFTED OSTNT6HTHYES REMAINS . 3g2 APPENDIX J: WASHAGAIT{I pOrNT SITE (cbrg_l) RETOUCHED EDGES: UNIFACI;,L 3g4 APPENDTX K: WASHAGAIT{I porNT SITE (GbI9_1) TEST SQUARES: FAIJNAf,-nU,lifUb . 395 APPENDIX L: wASHAGAt{r porNT SITE (cbrg_l) TEST SQUARES: TDENTIFIED AVIAN REMATNS . 396 APPENDIX M: WASHAGAMT porNT srTE (cbrg_l) EXCAVATED UNIT, LEVEL 2: FAITNAL REMAfNS . 3g7 APPENDIX N: WASHAGAMT porNT SITE (Gblg_l) EXCAVATED UNIT, LEVEL 2: -IDENTIFIED MAMMALIAN REMAINS .
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