ANNUAL REVIEW ISSUE 66: September 2015 - August 2016 Letter from the Chair Dr Helen Macnaughtan

Our academic members continue to work at the forefront of research, publishing an array of topics and pursuing a range of センター長便り - ヘレン・マクノートン scholarly and media activities across the fields of Japanese Studies 新年度にあたり、ジャパン・リサーチ・センターのス ーとの結びつきを広げるためにも、今後も日本の大学 タッフをはじめ、アソシエイト及び客員研究員、ご支 からより多くの客員研究員を受け入れるべくその体制 援をいただきました企業及び団体、また、ソーシャ も整えてまいります。さらに学生たちには、講義を通 ル・メディア等を通じて日頃ジャパン・リサーチ・セ じた学びや研究調査活動の指導においても研究成果を ンターの活動を支えてくださいました皆様には、ここ 還元できればと思っています。2016年度秋以降は、シ に心より感謝申し上げます。 ェフィールド大学ヒューゴ・ダブソン教授による明治 神宮秋季特別講演や一橋大学ブルース・アーンソン教 s we begin a new academic year I take this events and lectures lined up for this academic year, 2015年8月にセンター長を拝命いたしましたが、おか 授によるビーズリー記念特別講演も予定されておりま opportunity to thank all our JRC Members, including the Meiji Jingu Autumn Lecture to be given げさまで就任後の1年を無事に終えることができまし す。故津田かよ子先生のご厚意で始まりました津田特 Associates, Visiting Scholars, funding by Professor Hugo Dobson (University of Sheffield) た。これからの2年間もジャパン・リサーチ・センタ 別講演は2015/2016年度で終了いたしましたが、ここに A bodies, and followers of our JRC social and the WG Beasley Memorial Lecture to be given by ーのためにベストを尽くす所存です。この1年を振り ジャパン・リサーチ・センターより感謝の意を表した media sites for helping to ensure the JRC remains an Professor Bruce Aronson (Hitotsubashi University). 返りますと、2015年9月の英国日本研究学会の年次大 いと思います。 engaging and dynamic space for the study of Japan. Our JRC Tsuda funding has now come to an end, 会から始まり、明治神宮特別講演、津田特別講演、ま but we are extremely grateful for the past decade た週ごとに様ざまなトピックを取り上げましたセミナ ジャパン・リサーチ・センターの研究活動の成果も着 It has been a pleasure to serve as Acting Chair during of funding so generously gifted by the late Kayoko ーや研究会も皆様のご理解とご協力を得て無事に終了 実に出版されています。季刊誌ジャパン・フォーラム 2015-16, and I now look forward to stepping into Tsuda. し、2015/2016年度も実りある一年となりました。 の現編集メンバーでの体制も今年で3年目を迎えました the role of Chair for the next two years. I hope が、英国内外の日本研究者による最先端の研究成果の you will agree that it has been an action packed The JRC’s publishing activities continue to thrive. とりわけ感慨深かったのは、SOAS日本研究開始百周年 ご紹介を常に心がけています。学術書としては、ブル year of events, beginning with hosting the British The editorial team of Japan Forum enter their third を記念して2016年2月1日に開催されましたシンポジウ ームズべリ―社との連携によるSOASモノグラフ「近現 Association for Japanese Studies (BAJS) conference year at the helm of the journal, producing quarterly ム「ダルウッチ・ボーイズを超えて:SOASにおける日 代の日本研究」シリーズも、このほど10冊目を刊行す last September, followed by a full and vibrant weekly issues that reflect cutting-edge research from 本研究の百年」です。SOASの日本語学科の歴史の中 ることができました。また今年度のジャパン・リサー seminar series as well as the hosting of our annual international Japanese Studies scholars. And, the で、英日開戦後の政府からの要請に応じて急遽開設 チ・センターの収支ですが、今年度も純益を計上でき Meiji Jingu, Beasley and Tsuda lectures. In addition, research monograph series SOAS Studies in Modern されたSOAS日本語学科ダルウッチキャンパスで日本 ましたことをここにご報告させていただきます。この I was delighted that we were able to launch the and Contemporary Japan, in association with 語を学んだ「ダルウッチ・ボーイズ」たちのその後の ような収支報告を可能にするうえで大きな役割と果た SOAS centenary celebrations with our event ‘Dulwich Bloomsbury, has now published its tenth book. I am 英日関係や日本研究発展への貢献ははかり知れないも したのは2012年から2015年にわたって実施されてまい Boys and Beyond: 100 years of Japanese Studies at also pleased to report that the JRC accounts show a のがあります。百周年という大きな節目にあたり、「 りましたEUエグゼクティブ研修プログラムでした。 SOAS’. It was a particular pleasure to have Professor surplus, in large part due to our recent involvement ダルウッチ・ボーイズ」のおひとりでもあるドナル しかしながら、現状の研究費獲得状況は必ずしも順調 Ronald Dore and his family join us from Italy for this with the EU funded Executive Training Programme ド・ドーア先生とそのご家族を、先生が91歳になられ ではなく、潤沢な研究活動費が各メンバーに行き渡る centenary celebration, especially as he was also (ETP) for Japan between 2012 and 2015. I hope たそのお誕生日にイタリアからお迎えしてシンポジウ というところまではまだまだ課題がたくさんです。ジ celebrating his 91st birthday on the same day. It was this will enable us to offer some one-off fieldwork ムを開催できたことは、なによりも喜ばしいことでし ャパン・リサーチ・センターのさらなる発展のために a great occasion to be able to reflect on the past, and research grants to JRC academic staff and た。SOASのこの100年を振り返り、過去・現在・未来と も、運営方法や研究活動へのお知恵や経済的なご支援 current and future contribution and importance of postgraduate students this coming academic year. いう時間軸で日本研究の重要さを再認識し、これから を頂戴できれば幸いです。 Japanese Studies here at SOAS. However, the current environment for research の100年への決意を誓う貴重な機会となりました。 funding remains challenging, and in order to both 最後に、以上ご報告させていただきましたジャパ As the following pages in this Annual Review will sustain and further develop JRC activities into このジャパン・リサーチ・センターの年次活動報告書 ン・リサーチ・センターのこの1年の活動は、皆様 testify to, Japanese Studies learning and research the future, I welcome you to share any ideas for をご覧いただければ、日本研究の多様さと奥の深さか の日頃のご協力とご支援のたまものにほかなりませ remains exciting and diverse. Our academic programming and funding initiatives. ら、その面白さを実感していただけることでしょう。 ん。2016/2017年度も、運営委員会のメンバーであるク members continue to work at the forefront of ジャパン・リサーチ・センターのメンバー一同、第一 リストファー・ガータイス、スティーブン・ドット、 research, publishing an array of topics and pursuing The JRC flourishes because of your collaboration 線での日本研究を目指して、今後も研究及びその成果 グリゼルディス・キルシュ、ファビオ・ギギ、ジェー a range of scholarly and media activities across the and support, and I look forward to working with you の公表に精進し、さらに日本研究の枠にとらわれるこ ン・サボイ(敬称略)とともに活気のある1年にした fields of Japanese Studies. We continue to welcome all during 2016-17, in particular with my fabulous となく学際的な立場から、学術活動やメディアを通じ いと思っています。今後もどうぞ宜しくお願い申し上 Visiting Scholars from Japanese universities who JRC Steering Committee (Chris Gerteis, Steve Dodd, て、あまねく日本研究の紹介を行ってまいります。ま げます。 contribute to academic networking within the JRC, Griseldis Kirsch, Fabio Gygi and Jane Savory). Stay た、研究活動を通じたジャパン・リサーチ・センタ and our students continue to actively engage us both tuned in to our JRC website and to our regular JRC in the classroom and at our research events. Once Bulletin for all our activities coming your way this again, we have a tremendous schedule of seminars, year.

2 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 3 Academic Staff One of the largest concentrations of Japan specialists outside Japan

ECONOMICS FINANCIAL AND HISTORY LANGUAGES AND Dr Griseldis KIRSCH LINGUISTICS Senior Lecturer in JRCは、日本国外における日 MANAGEMENT CULTURES OF JAPAN Contemporary Japanese 本学専門家の最大規模の組織 Professor Costas LAPAVITSAS Dr Christopher GERTEIS Dr Noriko IWASAKI STUDIES AND KOREA Culture の一つであり、会員の研究専 Professor of Economics Senior Lecturer in History of Senior Lecturer in Language Expertise: Contemporary 門分野は 人類学、芸術、経 Expertise: Japan: theory of Contemporary Japan Pedagogy; Chair for Centre for Ms Yoshiko JONES Dr Midori Tanaka ATKINS Japanese culture with 済学、地理学、歴史学、文 banking and finance; history Expertise: Modern and Language Pedagogy Teaching Fellow in Financial Senior Teaching Fellow in particular interest in television; 学、法学、メディア学、音 of economic thought; the contemporary Japanese history, Expertise: Psycholinguistics, and Management Studies Japanese representation of “Otherness” 楽、言語学、政治学、社会 Japanese financial system especially the intersection second language acquisition, [email protected] Expertise: within the fictional media genre 学、と多岐にわたる。 [email protected] of consumer capitalism and language pedagogy historical memory; social and [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dr Satoshi MIYAMURA Dr Helen MACNAUGHTAN cultural history of the 20th Lecturer in Economy of Japan Senior Lecturer in International century; work and gender Dr Marcos CENTENO Dr Barbara PIZZICONI ANTHROPOLOGY Expertise: Development Business & Management [email protected] Lecturer in Film Studies Reader in Applied Japanese POLITICS AND economics; labour economics; (Japan) / Chair, Japan Expertise: Japanese fiilm Linguistics / Head, Department Research Centre [email protected] of the Languages and Cultures INTERNATIONAL Dr Fabio R GYGI labour-management bargaining; Dr Angus LOCKYER Expertise: Employment, of Japan and Korea Lecturer in Anthropology mathematical economics; Lecturer in the History of Japan STUDIES human resource management, Dr Alan CUMMINGS Expertise: Japanese applied Expertise: Anthropology of statistics; econometrics; Expertise: Modernisation gender and economic Senior Teaching Fellow in linguistics; language teaching Japan, material and visual research methods in economics and modernity in Japan; Dr Yuka KOBAYASHI development in Japan Japanese methodology; second language culture, medical anthropology, [email protected] world’s fairs, international and Lecturer in Chinese Politics [email protected] Expertise: Pre-modern acquisition with emphasis on popular culture, gender, industrial exhibitions Expertise: China and language, literature, and pragmatic aspects; linguistic embodiment and performance Dr Ulrich VOLZ [email protected] international politics; WTO; JRC Steering Ms Sonja RUEHL drama; Tokugawa theatre and politeness [email protected] Senior Lecturer in environment and human rights Committee Development Economics Fellow in Financial and Dr Martyn SMITH popular culture; the history and [email protected] [email protected] International Finance, Open Management Studies Teaching Fellow aesthetics of Japanese post-war • Prof Stephen Dodd Economy Macroeconomics, Expertise: Financial sector Expertise: Theories of nation, popular culture and subculture Dr Nana SATO-ROSSBERG Dr Kristen SURAK • Dr Christopher Gerteis Financial Market Development development in Japan nationalism and national [email protected] Lecturer in Translation Studies Senior Lecturer in • Dr Fabio Gygi and Stability, Development and and Vietnam, gender issues identity; modern Japanese Expertise: History of Translation Japanese Politics • Dr Griseldis Kirsch Transition Economics, Global in financing development, history Professor Stephen H DODD Studies in Japan, Intergeneric Expertise: International • Dr Helen Macnaughtan Economic Governance, East microfinance institutions [email protected] Professor in Japanese Expertise: translations (manga to film), migration, nationalism, ethnicity, • Mrs Jane Savory Asian Financial Markets in Vietnam Modern Japanese literature, Translation of oral narratives or culture , state and society in [email protected] [email protected] with particular interest in orality, Cultural translation, The Japan, qualitative sociology representations of the native relationship between translation [email protected] Dr Yoshikatsu SHINOZAWA HISTORY OF ART place (furusato), gender/ and power Senior Lecturer in AND ARCHAEOLOGY sexuality and modernity [email protected] CONTENTS Financial Studies [email protected] Expertise: Equity, investment, Dr Meri ARICHI Dr Isolde STANDISH STUDY OF RELIGIONS 4 JRC academic membership asset management, Senior Teaching Fellow Dr Akiko FURUKAWA Reader in Film and Media corporate finance Expertise: Buddhist Art, Principal Lector in Japanese Dr Lucia DOLCE 6 A tribute to Paul Webley Studies [email protected] Religious syncretism in medieval [email protected] Expertise: Film and media Reader in Japanese Religion 8 Members’ highlights from the academic year Japan studies with a special interest in and Japanese Expertise:Japanese religious 13 Japan Forum [email protected] Professor Andrew GERSTLE Japan and Korea, World Cinema Professor of Japanese Studies and the Transcultural history, especially the 14 100 years of Japanese Studies at SOAS Professor Timon SCREECH Expertise: Japanese literature [email protected] medieval period; Japanese Tantric Buddhism and the 16 Event listing Professor of the History of Art drama and thought, primarily Expertise: History of Japanese of the Tokugawa period, with Mrs Kaori TANIGUCHI esotericisation of religious 17 Bletchley girls art; painting; contacts particular interest in Bunraku Senior Lector in Japanese practice; Millenarian writings and prophecy; Kami-Buddhas 18 Event reports between Japan and Europe and theatre and the [email protected] in the 18th century; history of plays of Chikamatsu associations 23 Japanese roof garden science in Japan; the theory [email protected] [email protected] 24 SOAS studies in modern and contemporary Japan of art history LIBRARY AND [email protected] Ms Misako KANEHISA Mr Tullio LOBETTI 26 Honorary Appointments news and highlights Senior Lector in Japanese INFORMATION Senior Teaching Fellow 34 Kayoko Tsuda bursary (Japanese studies) [email protected] SERVICES Expertise: Study of religion in Japan 36 SOAS library report [email protected] Mrs Miwako KASHIWAGI Ms Fujiko KOBAYASHI 37 Mejii Jingu: research grants and scholarships Senior Lector in Japanese Librarian (Japan and Korea) 39 Sasakawa postgraduate studentships [email protected] [email protected] 41 School wide events 43 Connect with the JRC


Visit to Japan in October Tenri University delegation visit to SOAS in 2011 Visit to Japan in October 2010 At the Sir Peter Parker award ceremony 2010

Director Sato and all the staff of the Meiji Professor Webley was always very Jingu Research Institute, are really sad to supportive of the Sir Peter Parker BIOGRAPHY hear the news of Prof. Webley. I recall Awards for Spoken Business Japanese 訃報:ポール・ウエブ his vivid way of speaking and humour held annually at SOAS and he hosted SOAS University of London has paid relationships with universities and and smiles. We would like to express our the Awards Ceremony from the first The JRC was deeply saddened by the レイ教授 tribute to its former Director, Professor funders in South Korea, Japan and China, sincere condolences to you all. year he came to SOAS until 2015 . He death of Professor Paul Webley, CBE, Paul Webley, CBE, who has passed away including Taiwan. Under his leadership always carefully studied the programme former Director of SOAS University of 元学長ポール・ウエブリー教授が0000年 aged 62. Paul joined SOAS in 2006 and the School significantly strengthened Moriyasu Ito (Meiji Jingu) and commented on how interesting London. Professor Webley took office as 0月0日、お亡くなりになりました。先生 served as its eighth Director and Principal its academic position. The study of the speeches were. I frequently met Director and Principal of SOAS in August は、2006年8月に就任され本学への多大 until 2015. Politics, Economics, Law, Business ------him at the annual Japanese Embassy 2006. In 2015, he was awarded a CBE な貢献をされただけではなく、高等教育 and Management, and Development celebration of the Emperor’s Birthday for his work as the leader of a renowned に関わる各種委員会の座長を歴任され、 Current SOAS Director, Baroness Valerie Studies grew apace in line with the and at the receptions for departing JET specialist institution, as an eminent ご専門の研究分野でもいかんなくリーダ Amos said: “Paul made a tremendous burgeoning interest in these fields among ポール・ウェブリー前学長のご逝去の報に participants. He was always surrounded economic psychologist, as a member and ーシップを発揮されました。また、言論 contribution to both SOAS and the wider undergraduate and postgraduate students 接し by SOAS students and students from chair of many influential bodies in higher の自由擁護の論客としても人望を集めた academic community - as an inspired from all over the world. The growth in 心よりお悔やみ申し上げます other universities and he would speak to education and as an unstinting champion 先生のご活躍は多方面にわたってきまし leader of our renowned specialist the number of students at SOAS was 明治神宮とロンドン大学との交流発展にご them of his experiences in Japan. At the of specialised research and of freedom of た。2015年には経済心理学者としての長 institution, as an eminent economic phenomenal, from about 2,000 to nearly 尽力賜わりましたことに感謝を表するとと Emperor’s Birthday Reception he mingled speech. 年の御功績により英帝国勲爵士(CB psychologist, as a member and chair 5,000 during his period of office. もに with Japanese people from all walks of life E)を受勲されています。 of many influential bodies in higher 遥か日本より謹しみてご冥福をお祈り致し telling them of his enjoyment of his stays Paul was always a great supporter of education and as an unstinting champion Paul was also a fierce advocate of the ます in Japan and of his love of Japanese food Japanese Studies at SOAS, attending and 日本研究の良き理解者として様々なジャ of specialised research and of freedom of importance of free and informed debate and drink. He will be sorely missed. helping out with JRC activities, asking for パン・リサーチ・センターの活動を支え speech. His work was fittingly recognised on some of the most contentious and 明治神宮 宮司 中島精太郎 our publications so he could personally てくださいました先生にはジャパン・リ in the award of a CBE in the 2015 New hotly disputed issues in a number of areas Yoshiko Jones (Coordinator of Sir Peter Parker read our work and display it in his office, サーチ・センター一同、心から感謝の意 Year’s Honours list.” of the world. Rev. Seitaro Nakajima (Chief Priest of Meiji Jingu) Awards, SOAS) and speaking fondly of his trips to Japan を表したいと思います。いつもジャパ ン・リサーチ・センターの新刊書を率先 and interaction with JRC colleagues and ------“As we approach our centenary in 2016- His inspiring vision for the School also してお読みくださり、研究室に伺った折 the Japanese Studies community (as ------17, SOAS can be proud to have had Paul led to the creation of two new institutes には、書棚に飾ってくださっているジャ the following tributes will also testify). Paul not only commanded the very as its champion and leader for the last - the China Institute and the South Asia パン・リサーチ・センターの本を拝見す He is much missed, and the JRC sends I am very sorry to hear the sad news. When highest respect within academia for his decade. He leaves a great legacy. Paul’s Institute, bringing together academics, るのは大きな喜びでした。日本への旅行 condolences to his wife and family. Professor Webley and Angus Lockyer visited scholarship, energy and commitment, warmth, generosity and loyalty was felt public servants, media and the business の思い出を楽しく語られ、ジャパン・リ Meiji Jingu, I was with them as a guide. I still but as Director of SOAS played a leading by all. The whole SOAS community of sectors to debate key issues of global サーチ・センターのメンバーや内外の日 Dr Helen Macnaughtan (Chair, JRC, SOAS) remember his calm as my wonderful role in the promotion of the School’s staff and students, alumni and friends and concern, thereby enhancing the 本研究者とも親しくお付き合いくださっ memory. He was a great supporter of Meiji Japan-related activities. He was so totally supporters are greatly saddened by his experience of our students. た先生にもうお目にかかれないのは、と Jingu as well. Please accept my sincerest engaged, so completely in command loss and our thoughts are with Julie and ても残念です。この場をおかりしまして condolences. of his brief and so well informed on the his family.” Former Chair of the Board of Trustees 先生のご逝去を悼み、謹んでお悔みを申 work of each and every member of staff - Tim Miller who worked closely with し上げますとともに、ご冥福をお祈り申 Taisuke Kadosaki (Meiji Jingu) qualities that I never failed to admire. But An economic psychologist by training, Professor Webley during his time at し上げます。 Paul graduated from the LSE with SOAS said: “Paul’s untiring commitment above all I remember him as someone both a first class honours degree and to the study of Asia, Africa and the ------who combined the ‘common touch’ with a on children’s perception Middle East has been an inspiration huge intellect, boundless generosity and of deception. He joined SOAS after 26 and a beacon to the internationalist I was always impressed how Paul was an the very deepest humanity. years of distinguished research, teaching spirit in this country. His passionate extremely kind, considerate person, who and leadership at the University of optimism, tempered by a psychologist’s was immensely proud of SOAS. He was Stephen McEnally (Senior Fellow, JRC SOAS) Exeter, where he served as Deputy Vice dispassionate understanding of behaviour very supportive of Japanese studies and Chancellor 2003-2006. and motivation, has enabled him to always seemed to know what our names have a significant impact on both higher were and what we were doing. In his first three years as SOAS Director, education and Britain’s engagement with Paul developed strong personal the world beyond Europe.” Professor Steve Dodd (SOAS)


SENIOR FELLOW Stephen DODD Lucia DOLCE Andrew GERSTLE Professor in Japanese Numata Reader in Professor of Japanese Buddhism Japanese Studies tephen McEnally, former CEO, Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, joins S the JRC as a Senior Fellow. Since returning from his sabbatical during Lucia spent the year on research leave, Andrew Gerstle was elected a Fellow of the academic year 2014-15, Stephen is thanks to a British Academy/Leverhulme the British Academy of Humanities and Stephen McEnally will join the back teaching at SOAS. In December 2015, Senior Research Fellowship. The award Social Sciences in 2015. This past year Japan Research Centre from he was invited to speak at a conference, has allowed her to work on a monograph he published three chapters in books, September 2016 as a Senior Fellow, entitled ‘The Translation of Timeâ’ (‘Jikan provisionally entitled “Of Monks and one in English and two in Japanese. The following a distinguished career o honyaku suruâ’) at the National Institute Embryos: Buddhist Embryology and Eisei Bunko Museum Shunga exhibition supporting UK-Japan cultural and of Japanese Literature, in . His Construction of the Ritual Body in in Tokyo (Sept-Dec 2015), based on the academic relations. During the presentation was turned into a chapter that Mediaeval Japan.” exhibition, was a great period 1979-2016, Stephen worked appeared in an edited book. success with more than 210,000 visitors. for the British Council (including Lucia took part in a number of international This year he has also been working to get appointments in Japan), the Japan In June, Dr. Nana Sato-Rossberg and conferences and workshops around a collaborative project started with Tim Foundation (London) and the Great Stephen ran a HEFCE-sponsored one-day the world. Among others, she spoke on Clark and Akiko Yano at the British Museum Britain Sasakawa Foundation. In a workshop on the development of academic “A Performative Approach to Buddhist on ‘The Role of Art and Literature Salons career spanning forty years he has skills for 20 MA and Scriptures: Ritual and Visual Practices of the in 18th and 19th Century Japan’. Plans are established key funding and cultural PhD students from Europe. He also served programmes supporting the ステフェン・ Lotus Sutra in Japan,“ at the Conference in a workshop at Nagoya University; gave being made for an initial workshop to take as Chief Editor of Japan Forum during the academic field of Japanese Studies Making sense of Religious Texts” at the a talk on the state of the field in the study place at SOAS on 5-6 September 2016. マクエナリ―氏 year, where one of his duties was to attend in the UK. Royal Nederlands Academy of Art and of ritual in esoteric Buddhism at Kanazawa the Association for Asian Studies conference Sciences, Amsterdam, 27-29 November University. 着任 in Seattle in April 2016 in order to promote 2015; was discussant at the workshop Following Stephen’s formal the journal and encourage submissions. Medieval and Early Modern Religious retirement in summer 2016, he will 2016年9月から、ステフェ In July 2016, he attended the East Asian work with the JRC in promoting Histories: Perspectives from Europe and PUBLICATIONS ン・マクエナリ―氏が上級 Translation Studies (EATS2) conference in Japan, at the Historical Institute in Trento the Centre’s on-going academic 特別研究員としてジャパ Meiji University, Tokyo, where he presented activities including annual (Italy), 10-12 Dec 2015; gave a guest “The Embryonic Generation of the Perfect ン・リサーチ・センターの a paper, entitled ‘Kokoro as a Queer Text: lectures, the hosting of academic talk at the Art Research Seminar of the Body: Ritual Embryology from Japanese メンバーに加わりました。 Through the Lens of Translation Studies.’ conferences and workshops, and University of Edinburgh, 21 January 2016; Tantric Sources,” in Embryology and (Re) マクエナリ―氏のこれまで This paper reflected upon his ongoing the building up of collaborative presented the paper “Doubling, Pairing, Birth in East Asian Religions, Anna Andreeva CHAPTERS IN EDITED BOOKES の経歴は英日の文化学術 research into translation studies. networks within the broader (Bodily) Combining: Translocal Models and and Dominic Steavu, eds. Leiden: Brill (Sir 交流の歴史そのものと言 Japanese studies and Japan-related Medieval Practices in the Forging of Tantric Henry Wellcome Asian Series), 2016. Representing Theatre: Text and Image in っても過言ではありませ business communities in the UK. Identities,” at the conference Multifaceted Kabuki and Bunraku’, Cambridge History ん。1979年着任のブリティ Stephen offers vital professional PUBLICATIONS Divinities in Japan and Beyond, Jerusalem of Japanese Literature, ed. Haruo Shirane, ッシュカウンシル(日本ブ and networking expertise, and will and Tel Aviv, May 29-31, 2016. et al, Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. ランチ勤務も含む)から、 actively advise and promote the Dodd, S. (2016). “Kajii Motojirō bungaku ni At SOAS she co-organised and chaired the 612-628;「春画における男色の描写」『もう 国際交流基金(ジャパン・ okeru mono no rekishi.” In: Kokubungaku conference Spirited Dharma: Exploring 一つの日本文学史』国文学研究資料館編、勉 JRC through attendance at key ファンデーション)ロンド events during the academic year. kenkyū shiryōkan, ed., Mō hitotsu no Nihon Spirit Possession in Asian Buddhist 誠出版2016年 (‘The Representation of ンオフィス勤務を経て、英 We very much look forward to bungakushi – Muromachi, seiai, jikan. Traditions, sponsored by the Faculty of Male-male Sex in Shunga’ in An Alternative 国笹川財団へと、2016年9月 working with Stephen. まで約40年間にわたるその Tokyo: Bensei shuppan, pp.182-196. Arts and Humanities, CSJR, CBS, and JRC/ PUBLICATION History of Japanese Literature, ed. National Meiji Jingû. She also took part in the SOAS/ Institute of Japanese Literature, Benseisha, 経歴は、マクエナリ―氏が Dodd, S. (2016). “Queer text toshite no British Museum workshop Late Hokusai: 2016), pp. 149-170; 「春画・春本の需要と鑑 英国における日本研究活動 ‘Kokoro’ – honyakugaku o tōshite.” In Yu, Thought and Society, 5-6 May 2016. Barrett, T. (2016) “Michael Pye, 賞」(The reception of shunga paintings and への経済支援や文化交流の A., Kobayashi, S., Nagao, N. and Sophia Translating Drunk - and Stark books)『春画』Japanese Shunga exhibition 基盤作りの功労者の一人で Research Organization (eds.), Sekai kara Last year Lucia was invited to take on a Naked: Problems in presenting catalogue, Tokyo, Eisei Bunko, 3015, pp. あることを物語ります。 yomu Sōseki “Kokoro”. Tokyo: Bensei visiting research professorship at Kanazawa Eighteenth Century Japanese 38-59. 今後は、本研究所主催の shuppan, , pp.98-111. University, which will carry on for four years. Thought”, Journal of the Irish 学会、特別講義、セミナ She spent large part of February and of Society for the Academic Study of ー、ワークショップ等に加 Dodd, S. (DUE SUMMER 2016). “Space July in Japan, where she was able to carry Religions (3), 236-249. えて、英国内における日本 and Time in Modern Japanese Literature.” out field research in temples in Kanazawa, 企業との関係強化など、ジ In Morton, L. and Hutchinson, R. (eds.), Toyama and the Noto peninsula, and ャパン・リサーチ・センタ Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese discovered exciting visual material hitherto ーのさらなる発展のために Literature. London: Routledge, pp.13-25. unstudied. During such research visits she ご尽力いただけますことを delivered the keynote speech “The Visual 大いに期待しています。 Practices of Buddhism: Ritual Iconography and Re-Signification of Visual Forms In Medieval Japan” at a symposium on Ritual in Medieval Japanese Buddhism; took part


Christopher GERTEIS Noriko IWASAKI Griseldis KIRSCH Helen MACNAUGHTAN Senior lecturer in History of Senior Lecturer in Senior Lecturer in Senior Lecturer in International Contemporary Japan Language Pedagogy Contemporary Japanese Culture Business & Management

While in residence as a Research Fellow at Noriko published a Japanese Reader “The In April, she completed editing a volume In September 2015, Griseldis participated Griseldis has been working as Japan Helen served as Acting Chair for the JRC Humboldt University of Berlin’s International Routledge Intermediate to Advanced with two co-editors, Peter Sells and Kimi at the JAWS conference at Boğaziçi Research Consultant for the critically 2015-16 and was proud to host the first Research Centre ‘Work and Human Life Japanese Reader: A Genre-based Approach Akita. The volume is titled “Grammar of University, with a paper in the panel acclaimed Amazon Prime adaptation of SOAS Centenary event, “Dulwich Boys and Cycle in Global History’, Chris had the to Reading as a Social Practice” in 2015/16 Japanese Mimetics: Perspectives from “Representing Nature and Technology in Philip K. Dick’s novel The Man in the High Beyond: 100 Years of Japanese Studies at opportunity to give lectures at the Free with Yuri Kumagai (Smith College). She structure, acquisition and transition.” The Japan” before she attended the conference Castle. The first season was released in SOAS” in February 2016. Following that University of Berlin and the University has also published two co-authored book edited volume was based on the Grammar of the British Association of Japanese November 2015, and she has since returned event, she has been working together with of Washington at Seattle, and the Tokyo chapters on teaching second language of Mimetics Workshop held in 2013, Studies at SOAS, with a presentation to the same role for the second season of Barbara Pizziconi to research the history of University of Foreign Studies. He also served literacy. supported by the Great Britain Sasakawa on “Dreaming of Dominance in East the series. the SOAS “Bletchley Girls”, a group of seven as discussant for the European Forum on Foundation, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Asia – Imagi(ni)ng China in Japan’s ‘Lost women serving in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Korean-Japanese History, held in Brussels; In January 2016, she was a visiting Foundation, and Meiji Jingu Japanese Decades’, in the panel “Rethinking the Force (WAAF) who were recruited to study the UFSP-GEAS Publication Workshop, researcher at Waseda Institute for Advanced Studies Research Grant. “Postwar” in Japan: Beyond U.S.- Japanese PUBLICATIONS Japanese at SOAS in 1943, before being organized by the URPP Asia and Europe Studies, where she collaborated with Encounters.” In March 2016, she attended sent to Bletchley Park. at University of Zurich; and an inaugural Ikuo Kawakami and Kazuko Miyake (Toyo the conference “Every Picture Tells a Story Kirsch, G. and Martinez, D. (2015). Japan as see: lecture held at the Oriental Institute of University) for a newly started project “移 PUBLICATIONS – The Visualization of Japanese History” an Assemblage. In: G. Kirsch, D. Martinez centenarytimeline/2016/04/14/the-soas- the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague. 動とことば(Language and Mobility)”. The at the University of Oslo. In April 2016, and M. White, Merry, eds., Assembling bletchley-girls/ In 2016, Chris was appointed Vice Chair first workshop for the project was held on Kumagai, Y., & Iwasaki, N. (2016). Reading she was invited for a talk at the University Japan: Modernity, Technology and Global of the Consortium for Asian and African 29 January 2016. words to read worlds: A genre-based critical of Sheffield, speaking on the topic of Culture. Oxford; Bern; Berlin, et al.: Peter Helen continues to research the impact Studies Unit of the International Center multiliteracies curriculum in intermediate/ “Nostalgia for a Lost Past – Imagining the Lang, pp. 1-19. of gender equality policy in Japanese for Japanese Studies, Tokyo University of advanced Japanese language education. Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere in employment and presented at the BAJS Foreign Studies where in academic year In Y. Kumagai, A. L. Sanchez, & S. Wu Japanese Television Drama”. Kirsch, G. (2015). ‘Relocating Japan? Japan, conference September 2015 and at Oxford 2016-17 Chris will be in residence as Visiting (eds.) Multiliteracies in world language China and the West in Japanese Television Brookes in February 2016. Research Professor. education (pp. 109-131). New York/London: She also gave a keynote lecture in May Dramas.’ In: G. Kirsch, D. Martinez, and M. Routledge. at the Romanian-American University in White, eds., Assembling Japan: Modernity, She is looking forward to hosting, on behalf Bucharest, to the topic “Who ‘We’ Are – Technology and Global Culture. Oxford; of BAJS and together with Griseldis Kirsch, Brown, L., Iwasaki, N., & Lee, K. (2016). Otherness, Nationalism and the Media”, Bern; Berlin, et al.: Peter Lang, pp. 113-133. the Joint East Asian Studies Conference at Implementing multiliteracies in the Korean at the international conference ‘Crossing SOAS, 7-9 September 2016. She continues classroom through visual media. In Y. Boundaries in Culture and Communication’. Kirsch, G., Manzenreiter, W. and Horne, J., as both JRC Chair and Co-editor of Japan Kumagai, A. L. Sanchez, & S. Wu (eds.) She has furthermore co-edited a volume, White, M., Katsuno, Hirofumi and Martinez, Forum at SOAS for 2016-17. Multiliteracies in world language education together with another JRC member, Dr D. (2015). ‘Afterword: Reassembling after (pp. 158-181). New York/London: Routledge. Dolores Martinez, as well as Merry White 3/11.’ In: G. Kirsch, D. Martinez and M. (Boston University), entitled Assembling White, (eds.), Assembling Japan: Modernity, PUBLICATIONS Japan – Modernity, Technology and Global Technology and Global Culture. Oxford, Culture (Bern, Oxford et al.: Peter Lang). Bern, Berlin, et al.: Peter Lang, pp. 231-238. Macnaughtan, Helen. (2016). ‘Jōki no Chikara, Shōhisha no Chikara - Josei, Suihanki, Katei Yōhin no Shōhi.’ In: Francks, Penelope and Hunter, Janet, eds., Rekishi no Naka no Shōhisha: Nihon ni okeru shōhi to kurashi 1850-2000. Tokyo: Hōsei Daigaku Shuppan-kyoku, pp. 85-113.

10 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 11 Academic Members News Highlights from the academic year Japan Forum Official journal of the British Association for Japanese Studies

apan Forum is the official journal of Barbara PIZZICONI Kristin SURAK the British Association of Japanese Reader in Applied Japanese Senior Lecturer in Studies Mini-Specialand Issue:the Beyond leading Fukushima: Culture, European Japan Forum at SOAS Media, and Meaning from Catastrophe Linguistics Japanese Politics journal Guestin Editor:the Jonathan multidisciplinary E. Abel Introduction: the measures of waves J Jonathan E. Abel field of Japanese Narratives ofStudies. collapse and generation: KomatsuSince Sakyo-’s disasterits first novels and the Metabolist movement William O. Gardner issue in 1989, Japan From mourning to allegory:Forum’s Post-3.11 Space Battleship primary Yamato in motion

objective has been Ikuho Amano to publish original Volume Narrating the cultural trauma of 3/11: the debris of post-Fukushima On 2 June, SOAS’s centenary was A first preliminary report on a three-year Kristin Surak enjoyed a productive year literature and film research in the Rachelfield DiNitto of Japanese Studies, 26 The end of literature and the beginning of praxis: - Ryo-ichi’s commemorated with the symposium: joint project on the development of as the Richarch B. Fischer Member at the Pebbles of Poetry Number making scholarship Takushi Odagiri on Japan available “Teaching and Learning Japanese at SOAS - ‘intercultural competence’, conducted Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton Perspectives to a global readership Japanese political studies: of where specialists are we? How did we get here? and Where are we going? 3 Volume 26 Number 3 T.J. Pempel and Michio Muramatsu

Past, Present, Future: Celebrating 100 years by Barbara Pizziconi and Noriko Iwasaki where she continued her research on September non-specialists. Book From reviews 1996 the journal has September 2014 of Japanese language pedagogy (and 20 of (Linguistics), was presented at this event. labour migration and investment migration. been published by Taylor & Francis, a major pedagogues’ training)”. Barbara’s opening Different aspects of the project were While at the Institute, she published publisher in the area of Japanese Studies. 2014 presentation revisited the school’s war-time subsequently presented at a colloquium several essays in popular venues, such as programmes, and included a very poignant of the AILA research network in which this the London Review of Books and the Los Cementing the place of Japan Forum in glimpse in the past thanks to abundant project participates (Besançon, France: 29 Angeles Review of Books, in addition to the Field, every three years responsibility of Welcome to ElizabethJoy - the newest member of the Japan Forum Editing Team! The JRC congratulates Emily study materials from that time kindly June), and at the AJE conference (Venice, completing several academic articles on the Editorial Board is awarded to a different Find out more donated to the school by Leslie Phillips, and Italy: 9 July). migration, as well as the tea ceremony. Chapman (SOAS PhD student and Managing Editor of UK Institution including a PhD Studentship the SOAS Japan Forum editing team) on the birth of her an interview from ‘SOAS Bletchley girl’ Mary alongside the role of Managing Editor. gorgeous daughter ElizabethJoy. Every. Current and former colleagues spoke During the academic year, Kristin gave about the periods 1990-2010, and 2010 to PUBLICATIONS two keynote speeches. At Ca’Foscari Following our successful bid, in September RJFO_26_03_cover.indd 1 Trim 189X246mm 7/9/14 9:03 AM today. In the afternoon, five presentations University in Venice, Italy, she addressed the 2014 the SOAS Japan Forum team - Dr. discussed academic research on Japanese Pizziconi Barbara and Miriam Locher (eds.) attendees of the international symposium Stephen Dodd, Dr. Christopher Gerteis, language learning and teaching, and 2015 Teaching and Learning (im)politeness, “The Culture of Tea in Japan.” And at Dr. Griseldis Kirsch and Dr. Helen SUBMITTING TO JAPAN FORUM showcased the great variety of topics and Boston & Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter the University of California in Davis, she Macnaughtan - started their editorial approaches to the study of Japanese that delivered the keynote speech opening the tenure with Emily Chapman, a PhD Student ジャパン was, and is, carried out at SOAS. Revisiting Pizziconi B. and M. Locher, 2015, new Global Tea Initiative to be hosted at in the Department of History, as Managing If you are interested in submitting to Japan our early and recent history together with Introducing the ‘Teaching’ and ‘Learning’ of that university. Editor. As we approach the end of our first フォーラム Forum, our Instructions for Authors can a large audience of some 60 attendees (Im)politeness, in Pizziconi B. and M. Locher year at the helm, this newsletter is a great be found in detail on the T&F website, made us feel immensely proud of the (eds.), Teaching and Learning (im)politeness. Kristin also presented invited lectures on chance to reflect on the months’ past. but in brief, we ask that manuscripts tremendous achievements of linguistic Boston and Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter: several research projects at a number of 英国日本研究学会の学術雑誌『ジャパ are submitted in English, are no longer scholarship in the Japan section, which 1-19. institutions spanning four continents. She ン・フォーラム』は、アカデミーの発 10,000 words (inclusive of footnotes gave us the renown language programmes spoke on investor citizenship at Princeton 行するオフィシャルな日本学研究に関 and references), cite both primary and and language pedagogy degree we enjoy Pizziconi B., 2015, Teaching and learning University, the Institute for Advanced する学際的な専門雑誌としては、ヨー secondary Japanese-language sources use today; it certainly spurred us on to continue (im)politeness: A look at the CEFR and Study, and the NYU Abu Dhabi Institute. ロッパ屈指のものとなっています。編 the Harvard Referencing style. in a tradition that alumni will still be proud pedagogical research, in Pizziconi B. and M. She presented talks on labour migration 集メンバーは、ジャパン・リサーチ・ of in many years to come. Locher (eds.), Teaching and Learning (im) at Cornell University, NYU Abu Dhabi, and センターのスティーブン・ドット、ク Please contact our Managing Editor with politeness. Boston and Berlin: Mouton de the University of Wittwatersrand. And リストファー・ガータイス、グリセル any questions, comments or feedback Gruyter, 113-151. she lectured on the tea ceremony at the ディス・キルシュ、ヘレン・マクノー [email protected] University of Washington, the University トン(敬称略)の4名に、編集長のエミ of California at San Diego, and the リー・チャプマン(SOAS博士課程、史 University of Hamburg. 学専攻)が加わり、2014年9月から編集 forum/ を担当しています。 Continuing her public outreach, Kristin offered expert commentary on the 本学術雑誌の強みとしては、その理 JRC role of cities in global migration at the From left: Kristen Purcell, Griseldis, Helen, 論と実践のバランスが取れた学際性が IN THE United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Christopher, Emily and Steve) あげられます。また、各号への応募件 MEDIA Global Forum held in Baku, Azerbaijan 数の数量もさることながら、その掲載 in April. Later the same month, she への採択決定には、年齢や社会的な立 A weekly round up of the news gave a talk at the UCLA Terasaki The strength of the Journal in theory 場を問うことなく、内容を重視する厳 coverage by JRC members. Center Global Japan Forum on labor and in practice is undoubtedly its 選な審査を実施しており、選りすぐり migration issues in Japan and East multidisciplinary nature and the rate and の質の高い秀逸な内容の論文が掲載さ Asia. quality of submissions assures us the Field れています。芸術、人文学、社会学は jrc-in-the-media/ is thriving. We have welcomed submissions もとより幅広い分野からの応募をお待 Kristin was also awarded a £50,000 from across the arts, humanities, and social ちしています。 research grant from the Leverhulme sciences from both younger researchers as Foundation to pursue a project examining well as established scholars. the origins and spread of citizenship by investment programs under which countries effectively sell citizenship or residence opportunities.

12 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 13 The story of the Dulwich Boys has been featured on BBC Radio 4’s Celebrating 100 years of Today Programme

It marked 100 years of Japanese Studies at Japanese Studies at SOAS SOAS, focusing on the story of the Dulwich Boys and their achievements, as well as 百周年記念シンポジウ celebrate the expansion and diversity of Japanese studies over subsequent decades. ム開催

The School received its Royal Charter in SOASにおける日本研究開始百周年を祝っ 1916 and the first students were admitted て、記念特別シンポジウムが2016年2月 in January 1917. Japanese language 1日に開催されました。まず冒頭のヘレ was taught from the outset and both the ン・マクノートンセンター長、バレリ army and navy sent students for language ー・アムスSOAS学長からご挨拶の言葉に training during the 1920s. However, the 続き、駐英日本国大使館を代表してご列 teaching of Japanese expanded in 1942 席いただきました林景一大使にもご祝辞 when the Board of Education, at the をいただきました。日ごろジャパン・リ behest of the War Office, established サーチ・センターをご支援くださってい a scholarship scheme for boys from る関係者各位に加えて、ダルウイッチカ secondary and public schools aged 17 and レッジのスタッフ、SOAS卒業生とそのご 18 to study languages critical to the war 家族にもご参加いただき盛会のうちに終 effort. Accommodated at Dulwich College, 了いたしました。 the ‘Dulwich Boys’ as they came to call themselves, attended language courses シンポジウムの進行役を務めていただ at SOAS every morning, and returned to きましたのはジャーナリストでBBCニュー the college each afternoon to study the ス特派員のニック・ハイアム氏で、第二 regular Dulwich curriculum. On completing 次世界大戦中にSOASダルウイッチ・キャ special celebratory event marking Guest of honour at SOAS University of their 18 months of language training, each ンパスに開講された日本語学科で学び、 100 years of Japanese Studies London’s 100 Years of Japanese Studies student was inducted into the military PUBLICATION その後の英日関係と日本研究の発展に多 was held in February 2016. The centenary event, Professor Ronald Dore, or intelligence services. By the 1944-45 大な足跡を残した「ダルウイッチ・ボー A discussion focused on the story recalled how it was the Japanese women academic session, there were 183 Japanese Japanese Studies at SOAS, University of イズ」と呼ばれるパイオニアたちのエピ of the ‘Dulwich Boys’ - a group of young teaching at SOAS who were crucial in languagestudents at SOAS including those London ソードをご紹介いただきました。また、 men who studied Japanese at SOAS enabling the young men to acquire empathy in the armed forces. The story of the Professor Andrew Gerstle and Dr Alan 「ブレッチュリー・ガールズ」と呼ばれ during WWII – noting their achievements, for Japan during the Second World War. Dulwich Boys has been featured on BBC Cummings (SOAS, University of London) る、1943年にSOASで日本語を学ぶために as well as celebrating the expansion and Radio 4’s Today Programme (01:41:27) and ブレッチュリー公園に派遣された空軍女 diversity of Japanese studies at SOAS over in the BBC Magazine. The article, produced Since its formation out of London’s 子補助隊員(YWAAF)の女子7名のお話に subsequent decades. The JRC Chair, Dr by BBC journalist Nick Higham, features University College and King’s College も及び、SOASで日本語を学んだ卒業生が Helen Macnaughtan, welcomed a diverse SOAS alumni the late Guy de Moubray, in 1916, the School of Oriental and これまでに英日両国の懸け橋として多大 audience which included staff from Ronald Dore and Sir Hugh Cortazzi. African Studies (SOAS) has had the overt なる貢献を果たしてきたことを再確認す Dulwich College, Japanese studies alumni Also featured are SOAS academics Dr purpose, more than perhaps any other る機会となりました。 and their family, as well as supporters Christopher Gerteis, Chair of the Japan University college, of serving the British of the JRC from the Japanese Studies Research Centre and Professor Ian Brown, nation. As its motto ‘Knowledge is Power’ またシンポジウムでは、ダルウイッ community. Special mention was also who is writing a history of the School to asserts, the School has had a mission チ・ボーイズのおひとりでもあり、英国 made of the ‘SOAS Bletchley Girls’ – mark its Centenary. to train experts and foster knowledge における日本研究発展の功労者でもある seven members of the WAAF (Women’s on the ‘Orient’ and Africa. From its ドナルド・ドーア教授がご登壇くださ Auxiliary Air Force) who were recruited beginnings, solid language training has り、この祝賀行事がさらに喜ばしいもの to learn intensive Japanese at SOAS in The event on 1 February 2016 been at its core, and this is certainly the となりました。この日はドーア先生の91 1943 before being sent to Bletchley Park. case for Japanese Studies. 歳のお誕生日。先生にはSOAS日本語学科 The JRC was delighted that eminent launched the SOAS centenary This essay will appear in a volume on 卒業生それぞれの世代の代表の一人とし Japanese studies Professor, Ronald Dore, Japanese Studies in the UK, edited by て、シンポジウムのパネリストに加わっ one of the Dulwich Boys, joined us on Hugh Cortazzi and Peter Kornicki, to be ていただき、ダルウイッチ・ボーイズ時 his 91st birthday to lead a panel of SOAS A podcast of the ‘Dulwich Boys and published in 2016 by Renaissance Books 代の楽しいエピソードをお話しいただき Japanese Studies alumni from across the Beyond: 100 Years of Japanese Studies’ under the auspices of the Japan Society. ました。SOASの日本研究者が一同に会し decades. The event was chaired by Nick even is permanently archived on the The editors have kindly given their 百周年にふさわしいお祝いの会となりま Higham, journalist and correspondent for JRC website permission for this essay to be put on the した。 BBC News, and opening speeches were ( SOAS website. given by Valerie Amos, Director of SOAS boys-and-beyond/) and freely available and Ambassador of Japan to the UK, to all. Ambassador Keiichi Hayashi.

14 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 15 Event Listing 2015-2016: annual lectures, conferences and the weekly seminars series SOAS Bletchley Girls

SEMINAR SERIES WINTER TERM KEY EVENTS Lecture n 1942, after efforts to alert the War 25 APRIL 2016 Office to the shortage of Japanese 6 JANUARY 2016 Graham Holman (Sumitomo speakers, SOAS had started putting Dr Radu Alexandru Leca (Sainsbury Performance Corporation Europe Group) I together Japanese language courses 10 SEPTEMBER 2015 The Ever-Evolving Business Model of for the Armed Forces. When the war broke 先に触れたJRC主催の講演会は、毎週 Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts The Tale of Genji Theatre Recital: A Fleeting the Sogo Shosha out and requests for personnel suddenly 40名を超す出席者に恵まれた。参加者 and Cultures) Spring Dream became urgent, short courses were quickly には専門分野の知識を深めるだけでな Japan’s Shifting Position on Maps of organised to provide service personnel く、日本についての全く新しい見識を the World in the Late Centenary celebration with very specific skills. The story of some 得る機会を提供してきた。多岐にわた 13 JANUARY 2016 Dinner Dulwich Boys and Beyond: 100 Years of these war-time students has to some る本講演の主題は、学際的な日本関連 Dr Brigitte Steger (University of 7 OCTOBER 2015 of Japanese Studies at SOAS extent been documented, and the special 研究のテーマが驚くほど幅広いことを Cambridge) Welcome Dinner for Visiting Scholars 1 FEBRUARY 2016 cohort known as the “Dulwich Boys” 示唆している。 When did the Japanese become Panelists: recently celebrated. However, it was only punctual? – Timing day and night in • Professor Ronald Dore (Dulwich in the course of this celebration, literally in designed for the RAF. Their training in Japanese history Conference Boy) its last minute, that a serendipitous remark Japanese language consisted of six months 10-11 SEPTEMBER 2015 • Sir Hugh Cortazzi (Wartime by a member of the audience offered a (only three months for Mary Wisbey) of British Association of Japanese Studies Language Student) AUTUMN TERM 27 JANUARY 2016 glimpse into a slice of history that had been intensive study of military terminology Dr Christopher Harding (University of conference • Mr Martin Hatfull (Diageo, SOAS forgotten. Service women had also been and documents, with no digressions Edinburgh) Foreign Office Scheme Alumnus) trained at SOAS and, as is often the case, into frivolities such as greetings or basic • Ms Caroline Bennett (moshimoshi, 7 OCTOBER 2015 Buddhism, Politics, and Japan’s First they had made a contribution which had conversation routines. They were tested Psychotherapists: 1930s - 1960s Symposium SOAS Alumna) never been fully recorded. every two weeks, and failure to achieve 75% Emily Anderson (San Diego Museum 10-11 OCTOBER 2015 • Ms Branwyn Darlington (Harro of correct answers meant they would have of Man) Deconstructing Boundaries: Is ‘East Asian 3 FEBRUARY 2016 Foods, SOAS Alumna) to leave the course. They practiced their Empire for God: Alternative Visions Art’ Dr Rajyashree Pandey (Goldsmiths, • Professor Laura Hein (SOAS Japanese characters on small flash-cards for a Modern Japan Keynote speakers from Japan included: University of London) Centenary Fellow) on the bus to and from SOAS daily, but • Yoko Hayashi-Hibino (Agency of 21 OCTOBER 2015 The Translatability of Western were not allowed to take any other material Cultural Affairs) Peter Matanle (University of Sheffield) Categories for Reading Medieval outside of the classroom. Later at Bletchley, • Masaaki Itakura () Achieving the Depopulation Dividend: Japanese Narratives Workshop they were all assigned to separate blocks • Atsushi Miura (University of Tokyo) Evidence and Experience from Japan’s 19 MARCH 2016 – 21 MARCH 2016 working on various aspects of Japanese • Doshin Sato (Tokyo University of the Shrinking Regions 17 FEBRUARY 2016 BAJS/JRC Translation Workshop code-breaking. Mary Wisbey updated the Arts) Dr Tomoko Tamari (Goldsmiths, Translations From The Japanese Japanese call sign index and Eileen Clark • Arata Shimao () 11 NOVEMBER 2015 University of London) History Of The Senses helped produce a dictionary of Japanese Professor Neil Jackon (University of The Birth of the Department Store in military terms. The seven WAAFs became Liverpool in London) Early 20th Century Japan: life-long friends, meeting regularly as a The Meiji Jingu Autumn Lecture Le Corbusier and Japan Mitsukoshi and Consumer Culture Workshop group for over fifty years. Quite remarkably, 14 OCTOBER 2015 31 MAY 2016 - 3 JUNE 2016 Lifestyles they never discussed any details of their Organised in partnership with the Sainsbury Reading Edo Period Texts 18 NOVEMBER 2015 work with one another, until the 50th 2 MARCH 2016 Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and • Professor Peter Kornicki Associate Professor Yuma Totani anniversary of their meeting. (University of Hawaii) Dr Fusako Innami (Durham University) Cultures (SISJAC) (Cambridge University) Re-sensing Kawabata in the 21st Jordan Sand (Georgetown University) • Dr Jenny Preston (SOAS) The Burma-Siam Death Railway and the Bletchley Park was not just focused on century - with a focus on House of the Between Imperial Capital and World City: British War Crimes Trials at Singapore German codes, and two-thirds of the Sleeping Beauties and One Arm The Tourist’s Tokyo a Century Ago The “Jappy WAAF” at SOAS, 1943: clockwise from back row left: Peggy Jackson, Mary Wisbey, Margaret Brabbs, Bletchley workforce were women. The 2 DECEMBER 2015 Eileen Clark, Cicely Naismith, Evelyn Curtis, and Denise 9 MARCH 2016 “Jappy WAAF”, as the seven girls used to Professor Robert Hoppens (University of Gifford-Hull. call themselves, were never sent to the war Texas Rio Grande Valley) Dr David Hughes (SOAS University of The Annual Tsuda Lecture London) 24 FEBRUARY 2016 Photo courtesy of Valerie Salmond and Adrian Barker front, and never visited Japan. From the Ōhira Masayoshi and Sino-Japanese (daughter and son of Eileen Clark) days of their Japanese course at SOAS, they Relations in the 1970s The evolution of traditional Japanese Laura Hein (Northwestern) folk song in modern Japan Reckoning with the 20th Century: 60 Years worked in secret and kept that secret for most of their lives, among themselves, and 9 DECEMBER 2015 of Tomiyama Taeko’s Art A group of seven women serving in the with families and friends alike. Professor Ian Nish 10 MARCH 2016 Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) were Japan’s Year of Opportunity: The Eiko Gyogi (Kayoko Tsuda Bursary recruited to study Japanese at SOAS in Barbara Pizziconi & Helen Macnaughtan ‘Twenty-one Demands’, 1915 Recipient 2015-2016) WG Beasley Memorial Lecture Translating “Japanese” Culture in the 26 NOVEMBER 2015 1943, to be then sent to work in assistance wish to thank Valerie Salmond and Adrian Language Classroom Naoko Shimazu (Birkbeck College) of the war effort. They were told they may Barker for bringing this piece of history ‘Japan’ in the Western Imagination: A be posted to the Far East, but instead they to the attention of SOAS and the wider 16 MARCH 2016 Voyage of Ideas into the Past ended up in the very hub of British code- community, and for the photo of the Dr Christine Guth (Royal College of Art) breaking, Bletchley Park. “Jappy WAAF” taken at SOAS. Barbara and Demythologizing Washi: The Craft of The seven WAAFs – Mary Wisbey, Eileen Helen will be writing a further piece on this Papermaking in Early Modern Japan Clark, Evelyn Curtis, Cicely Naismith, story following an interview with the sole Sasakawa Studentship Programme Denise Gifford-Hull, Margaret Brabbs surviving SOAS Bletchley Girl, Mary Every Reception and Peggy Jackson – were enrolled in (nee Wisbey). a short Japanese course specifically


Conference participants came from various backgrounds, such as British Association for Japanese Studies (BAJS) history, Korean art history, and Chinese art history. Annual Conference 10-11 SEPTEMBER 2015 Through the two-day conference in 2015, questions relating to methodology in (re)constructing a broad history of East Asian The JRC hosted the BAJS Conference in September 2015. A total art had also been addressed in this symposium. A wide range of of 230 conference delegates, including established academics backgrounds were represented in the audiences, not only people and PhD candidates representing a broad range of UK, European with East Asian and European Art history backgrounds, but also and Japanese academic institutions attended the two-day event. contemporary artists, art critics, sociologist, and international There were some 40 panels in various fields of Japanese Studies relations; furthermore people gathered together from East Asia, the scheduled, enabling around 150 scholars to present their latest United States, and Europe, and exchanged and shared their ideas research in the fields of Japanese literature, film & media, history, during the discussion time and built new scholarly networks during The Tale of Genji Theatre Recital: A the symposium. politics, gender relations, employment, art, business and culture & Fleeting Spring Dream took place at SOAS society. The Japan Foundation kindly contributed funding to the on 10 September 2016. Founded in , event and sponsored the plenary session. Professor Aaron Gerow 2006 the ensemble has performed more This symposium attracted a wide range of scholars who have been than ninety times and played to a full not only interested in Japanese art but also the relationship with from Yale University gave a plenary lecture titled: Theorizing the house at SOAS. Theory Complex in the Japanese Film World. East Asian art history, and also the new framework of ‘East Asian Conference For more information on the British Association for Japanese Deconstructing Boundaries: Is East Asian Art History Studies (BAJS): possible? 10-11 OCTOBER 2015 The JRC, together with the SOAS China Institute, the Centre of 英国日本研究学会開催 This symposium should be identified as, not only the second Korean Studies and the Centre of Taiwan Studies, will also host the phase of the previous June 2013 ‘International Modern Japanese Joint East Asian Studies (JEAS) Conference at SOAS, 7-9 September 2015年9月にジャパン・リサーチ・センター主催の英国日本研究学 Art History Symposium – New Boundaries in the Study of Modern 2016. For more information: 会の年次大会が開催されました。英国及びヨーロッパ、日本の研 Japanese Art: Extending Geographical, Temporal and Generic 究機関から研究者及び博士号取得候補者総勢230名の参加となりま Paradigms’ – generously supported by JRC Office, JSPS London した。2日にわたり、文学、歴史、政治、美術、ジェンダー、雇 and SISJAC (Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and 用、ビジネス、美術、文化と社会など、40あまりのパネル・セッ Culture) - but also as a further development of study with the key ションに分かれて、幅広い分野からの参加者による日本研究をめ theme, ‘Deconstructing Boundaries in East Asian Art and Japanese ぐっての活発な議論が繰り広げられ、盛会のうちに終了いたしま Art History’. した。これは国際交流基金(ジャパン・ファンデーション)のご 支援により実現したものです。総会講演はエール大学アーロン・ The aim of this symposium was to give insight into the changing ジェロ―教授に「日本映画研究をめぐる諸理論の体系化を目指し boundaries and concepts of ‘art’ in Japan and East Asia. We て」というテーマでご登壇いただきました。詳細は、英国日本研 especially hoped to illuminate the exchanges and dialogues that 究学会のウエブをご覧ください。 took place among the artists of Japan and other East Asian nations.

The birth of East Asian art history could not have occurred without the symbiotic relationships among various groups of artists. Papers have challenged the existing geographic, temporal, and generic Art’ and the definition of ‘Art History.’ Moreover, the symposium paradigms that currently frame the art history of East Asia. What speakers have shown a completely new way in which to see was the relationship between artistic production and political and analyse Japanese Art History to people that are engaged in discourse? What role did abiding cultural legacies play in the Japanese studies in Europe, as well as to stimulate audiences From left to right: Caroline Rose, Christopher artistic development of East Asia at large? At this conference, the with the newest topics in Japanese art history. The presentations Gerteis, Helen Macnaughan and Stephen discussions regarding deconstructing the boundaries of East Asian and exchange of information about research topics have given a McEnally art was expanded to include scholars from Chinese and Korean art rare and important opportunity for, in particular, young scholars history. to create close relationships in the near-future, and to develop intellectual communications beyond countries and their study The symposium offered three key themes: Constructing the idea of areas. East Asian Art in Japan; Japanese Academies as a Centre; and War and Body, presented by a total of sixteen speakers including five After successfully completing this symposium, the anthology by keynote speakers from Japan. speakers will be published during FY2017.

This symposium was expected not only to enhance the awareness of East Asian Art studies from the global point of view, but also strongly to promote study and research for young scholars and students in Japan. Therefore, three representative Ph.D. candidates from Japan presented papers along with prominent scholars. Both senior and junior scholars presented their research in order to stimulate the development of further studies in the area. The

18 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 19 Below: Jordan Sand, Associate Professor of Japanese History and Culture at Georgetown University in Washington, DC delivers the Meiji Jingu Autumn Lecture

WG Beasley Memorial Lecture speaker Prof Naoko with Sir Graham Fry

From left: Prof Stephen Dodd, Naoko Shmazu, John Beasley and Graham Fry

Professor Laura Hein (left) wtih Dr Helen Macnaughtan (right) at the Annual Tusda Lecture reception in February 2016 JRC annual Professor Laura Hein lectures

The Meiji Jingu Autumn Lecture WG Beasley Memorial Lecture With Professor Jordan Sand (Georgetown University) Professor Naoko Shimazu (Birkbeck) 14 OCTOBER 2015 26 NOVEMBER 2015

The Meiji Jingu Autumn Lecture was held in October 2015, an Professor Naoko Shimazu (Birkbeck) gave the 2015 W.G. Beasley annual event which has been sponsored through the generosity Memorial Lecture on 26 November 2015. It was very warmly of the Meiji Jingu Intercultural Research Institute since 2008. This received. Her lecture, entitled ‘‘‘Japan’ in the Western Imagination: year’s lecture was part of the Meiji Jingu/SISJAC lecture series titled A Voyage of Ideas Into the Past’, explored the way in which ‘Japan’ Annual Tsuda Lecture Tokyo Futures, 1868-2020. The JRC welcomed Professor Jordan came to be constructed as a system of knowledge in the Western ビーズリー記念特別講演 With Professor Laura Hein (Northwestern University) Sand, Georgetown University, who gave a lecture titled: Between imagination throughout the last four hundred years, from the time 24 FEBRUARY 2016 Imperial Capital and World City: the tourist’s Tokyo a century ago. of the so-called ‘Christian Century’ in the sixteenth century to the 今年度も公益財団法人東芝国際交流財団のご支援によるW・G・ビ twentieth century. ーズリー記念特別講演が実施されました。この特別講演はSOASの The 10th Annual Tsuda Lecture was held in February 2016, and In addition to supporting this Autumn Lecture series, Meiji Jingu 歴史学研究者ウィリアム・G・ビーズリー名誉教授(1919-2006 marked the last in this series which ran from 2007-2016. A very also generously funds annual postgraduate student scholarships We are very grateful to the generous support of the Toshiba )の御功績をたたえて開始されたものです。ビーズリー教授は英 generous donation of support from the late Mrs Kayoko Tsuda has and research grants for JRC academic members. As always, we International Foundation, which make The W.G. Beasley Memorial 国における日本研究発展の功労者であるばかりでなく、SOASとは enabled the JRC to host this annual lecture series as well as offer a were delighted to welcome Mr Sato, Director of the Meiji Jingu Lecture possible. This annual lecture, created in 2013, provides an 深いつながりのある先生でした。1947年から極東歴史研究の講師 Tsuda Bursary to a promising final year PhD student in the field of Intercultural Research Institute, and members of his team to SOAS opportunity to commemorate the life and writings of SOAS historian としてSOASで教鞭をとられ、1954年からは教授となられ、歴史学 Japanese Studies, for a period of ten years. The final Tsuda lecture for the event. We remain grateful for their ongoing support of Professor William G Beasley (1919–2006). Professor Beasley was 科と極東研究学部の学部長を歴任されました。また、1978年から was given by Professor Laura Hein (Northwestern University) who Japanese Studies research at SOAS. not only a leading figure in the development of Japanese Studies 1983年まではジャパン・リサーチ・センターのセンター長も務め was hosted by the JRC as a SOAS Centenary Fellow during 2015/16. in Britain, he also had strong links with SOAS. He was appointed られています。 Her lecture was titled: Reckoning with the 20th Century: 60 Years to the post of Lecturer in Far Eastern History at SOAS in 1947, and of Tomiyama Taeko's Art. appointed in 1954 to the post of Professor of the History of the 明治神宮秋季特別講演 Far East. During his tenure at SOAS, Professor Beasley headed the History and Far East departments and the founding Chair of the 津田特別講演 今年度も明治神宮秋季特別講演が2015年10月に開催されました。 Japanese Research Centre (1978-83). これは明治神宮のご協力により2008年より交流活動を行ってい 第10回目を迎えた津田特別講演が2016年2月に開催されまし A audio podcast of Laura Hein’s and Naoko Shimazu’s るものです。この特別講義は、明治神宮で「東京の未来:1868 In her Beasley lecture, Professor Shimazu considered the changing た。2007年から故津田かよ子夫人のご支援によりスタートしたこ lectures are permanently archived on the JRC website -2020」と冠して実施されているレクチャー・シリーズの一環で images of ‘Japan’. She began from the first impressions of the のシリーズですが、この2015/2016年度で最後となった講義にはノ ( and freely available to all. もありますが、SOASでの2015/2016年度の特別講義では、ジョー Jesuits during their stay in Japan during the sixteenth century. She ースウエスタン大学ローラ・へイン教授(2015/2016年度SOAS百周 ジタウン大学ジョーダン・サンド教授に「帝都から国際都市へ: noted how travellers such as Isabella Bird and Rudyard Kipling 年記念特別研究員)に「20世紀を振り返って:芸術家富山妙子の 一世紀前の旅行者から見た東京」というテーマでご登壇いただき during the late nineteenth century added a distinctly Victorian 60年」と題してお話しいただきました。 ました。 interpretation of ‘Japan.’ And she explored how conditions of modernity during the twentieth century refined further the western understanding of ‘Japan.’

20 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 21 Event Reports The convenors reflect back on events Japanese Roof Garden A place of quiet contemplation and meditation

Panel discussion Workshop Abenomics and Currency Wars Reading Edo Period Texts: Professor Koichi Hamada SOAS Japanese Manuscript Workshop 20 JANUARY 2016 With Professor Peter Kornicki and Dr Jenny Preston 31 MAY - 3 JUNE 2016

On 20 January 2016, the Japan Research Centre, the SOAS The SOAS Japan Research Centre held a four-day Kuzushiji Department of Economics, the Japan Economy Network and the Workshop from 31 May to 3 June 2016. The workshop was a London Asia-Pacific Centre for Social Science co-organised a follow-up from the successful 2015 International Symposium on lecture and panel discussion on ‘Abenomics and Currency Wars’. Media and Materials in Early Modern Japan, co-organised by Radu Professor Koichi Hamada – the Tuntex Professor Emeritus of Leca and Doreen Mueller with the support of the JRC. Economics at Yale University and Special Economic Advisor to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe – started the discussion with The workshop generated huge demand and was oversubscribed his assessment of the Japanese government’s strategy of reviving with 23 participants. We were overwhelmed by students’ and the Japanese researchers’ need for reading early modern printed books and economy manuscripts. Many participants were postgraduate students and with a researchers from SOAS, Oxford University and the University of East programme Anglia who will use their kuzushiji reading skills to access primary comprising sources for their research. We also had professional participants the ‘three including librarians (British Library, SOAS) and Japanese Embassy arrows’ of employees. monetary easing, fiscal Feedback from participants shows that the majority found the stimulus and workshop very useful, particularly the well-structured workshop he Japanese-inspired roof garden part of the Japan 2001 celebrations. subsequent manual and the teaching method: two-hour intensive reading at SOAS, University of London consolidation, sessions delivered by Prof Peter Kornicki, a leading scholar in his was built during the Japan 2001 The newly built garden and structural field, and Dr Jenny Preston, who is championing the study of From left: Ulrich Volz, Koichi Hamada, Andrew Filardo and T celebrations and was officially reforms. early modern Japanese texts in the original among SOAS BA and Andrew Rozanov. opened by the sponsor, Mr Haruhisa Handa Whether in the rain or the sun, the garden Professor MA students. The workshop also had the benefit of the use of (Toshu Fukami), an Honorary Fellow of the has a lot of character. Its character also Hamada’s talk kuzushiji dictionaries acquired with remaining funds from the 2015 School, on 13 November 2001. It provides changes with the time of day and the was followed by a lively panel discussion in which he was joined symposium. an area away from the noise and bustle of season, so it is worth a repeat visit! by Andrew Filardo, the Head of Monetary Policy at the Bank for London streets, where visitors can relax and International Settlements, and Andrew Rozanov, Associate Fellow Participants valued the two different teaching styles, which meditate. Planting has been kept to a minimum, for International Economics at Chatham House. The panel was introduced different approaches to reading kuzushiji. Participants with lemon thyme used in a chequerboard chaired by Ulrich Volz from the SOAS Department of Economics. pattern at the north end of the garden and ジャパン・フォー the climbing wisteria to provide cool shade ラム during the summer. The purple flowers of the wisteria also provide a splash of colour THE JAPAN 英国日本研究学会の学術雑誌『ジャパ when they bloom in late spring. Various ECONOMY NETWORK ン・フォーラム』は、アカデミーの発行 types of stone are used in the garden: The garden is dedicated to Forgiveness, するオフィシャルな日本学研究に関する a sweeping curve blends the original which is the meaning of the character The Japan Economy Network (JEN) 学際的な専門雑誌としては、ヨーロッパ rectangular sandstone with the irregular engraved on the garden’s granite water was established in July 2015 and aims to 屈指のものとなっています。編集メンバ green slate; the central area of raked silver basin. promote research on the Japanese economy in ーは、ジャパン・リサーチ・センター grey granite chippings has regular slabs comparative perspective and facilitate exchange のスティーブン・ドット、クリストフ of basaltic rock alluding to a bridge over Peter Swift, a designer with experience of between researchers with an active research ァー・ガータイス、グリセルディス・ flowing water; the island stones in the adapting Japanese garden design principles interest in the Japanese Economy. The JEN is キルシュ、ヘレン・マクノートン(敬 gravel areas are Larvikite from Norway; dark to the British environment and climate, an informal network open to researchers from 称略)の4名に、編集長のエミリー・チ grey pebbles from a contrast in colour and conceived the garden as a place of quiet academia, think tanks, international organisations, ャプマン(SOAS博士課程、史学専攻) texture to the formal granite edging and to contemplation and meditation as well as central banks, governments, NGOs and the private が加わり、2014年9月から編集を担当し the chequerboard planting. sector. The JEN is hosted by the SOAS Department a functional space complementary to the noted the need for sustained kuzushiji reading practice and it is ています。 of Economics. Gallery and its artistic activities. hoped that these workshops will be repeated. In the words of SOAS Opening Times 本学術雑誌の強みとしては、その理論 PhD student Naama Eisenstein: “The ability to read cursive Japanese In 2000 Mr Handa offered to finance the For further information on the JEN please と実践のバランスが取れた学際性があげ The garden is open to the public when the (kuzushiji) is becoming fundamental in the study of pre-modern and creation of a Japanese-style garden and the have a look at the JEN website : られます。また、各号への応募件数の数 Brunei Gallery is open, normally Tuesday modern Japan. This intense four-day workshop was a wonderful designer Peter Swift from Planit EDC Ltd. 量もさることながら、その掲載への採択 to Saturday 10.30am to 5pm except when start, giving us tools for further study. We can only hope that now was engaged to design and implement a 決定には、年齢や社会的な立場を問うこ exhibitions are being changed or during that the importance of kuzushiji has been recognised, there will be suitable scheme. more workshops and courses offered.“ となく、内容を重視する厳選な審査を実 private functions. 施しており、選りすぐりの質の高い秀逸 The new garden was built during the な内容の論文が掲載されています。芸 Admission to the garden is free. summer of 2001 by Ground Control Ltd., 術、人文学、社会学はもとより幅広い分 Billericay, Essex with stone supplied by CED 野からの応募をお待ちしています。 Ltd, Thurrock, Essex, and was opened as 22 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 23 EDITORIAL Team SOASの日本近現代研究シリーズ SERIES EDITOR SOASの日本近現代研究シリーズでは、新しい研究 SOAS Studies in Modern Christopher Gerteis (SOAS University of London) 論文の発表やこれまで英語になっていない学術論 文などの翻訳活動を行っています。私たちの目標 EDITORIAL BOARD: は、日本の歴史や政治、文化に関する優れた論 Stephen Dodd (SOAS University of London) 文、更に審査をパスした学術論文等を活字化する Andrew Gerstle (SOAS University of London) and Contemporary Japan ことです。詳細はこちら Janet Hunter (London School of Economics) soasstudies/ Helen Macnaughtan (SOAS University of London) Timon Screech (SOAS University of London) Naoko Shimazu (Birkbeck University of London)

The SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary We welcome proposals for new books in the series. Supported by Japan series features new research monographs as Published by If you would like to discuss contributing, please get in touch well as translations of scholarship not previously with the series editor at [email protected] available in English. For more information: 2015-2016 PUBLICATIONS

Japan’s Postwar Military and Civil Society: Contesting a Better Life Politics and Power in 20th-Century Japan: The Reminiscences of Miyazawa Kiichi By: Tomoyuki Sasaki (Eastern Michigan University) By: Mikuriya Takashi (Open University of Japan), Nakamura Takafusa (Tokyo University)

This book details the interactions between the SDF and civil society over four decades, from Miyazawa Kiichi played a leading role in Japan’s government and politics from 1942 until the launch of rearmament in 1950. These interactions include recruitment, civil engineering, 2003, during which time he served as Prime Minister, and also as Minister of Finance, disaster relief, anti-SDF litigation, state financial support for communities with bases, and a Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of International Trade and Industry, Director General fear-mongering campaign against the Soviet Union. By examining these wide-range issues, of the Economic Planning Agency, and Chief Cabinet Secretary. In this oral history the book demonstrates how the militarization of society advanced as the SDF consolidated autobiography, he discusses with candor and detail a wide range of topics, including his its ideological and socio-economic ties with civil society and its role as a defender of 1939 visit to the United States, recovery policies during the postwar occupation, the San popular welfare. While postwar Japan is often depicted as a peaceful society, this book Francisco Peace Treaty, and Japan’s role in international organizations such as GATT and challenges such a view, and illuminates the prominent presence of the military in people’s OECD, and gives a thoughtful insider’s view of six decades of Japanese politics, closing with everyday lives. his thoughts on Japan’s role in the 21st century.

Japanese Taiwan: Colonial Rule and its Contested Legacy Debating Otaku in Contemporary Japan: Historical Perspectives and New Horizons Editor: Andrew D. Morris (California Polytechnic State University) Editors: Patrick W. Galbraith (Duke University), Thiam Huat Kam (Rutgers, University of New Jersey), Björn-Ole Kamm (Kyoto University) Japanese Taiwan provides an interdisciplinary perspective on these related processes of colonization and decolonization, explaining how the memories, scars and traumas of the Debating Otaku in Contemporary Japan disrupts the naturalization and trivialization colonial era have been utilized during the postwar period. It provides a unique critique of of ‘otaku’ by examining the historical contingency of the term as a way to identify and the ‘Japaneseness’ of the erstwhile Chinese Taiwan, thus bringing new scholarship to bear contain problematic youth, consumers and fan cultures in Japan. Its chapters, many on problems in contemporary East Asian politics. translated from Japanese and available in English for the first time explore key moments in the evolving discourse of ‘otaku’ in Japan. Rather than presenting a smooth, triumphant narrative of the transition of a subculture to the mainstream, the edited volume repositions ‘otaku’ in specific historical, social and economic contexts, providing new insights into the significance of the ‘otaku’ phenomenon in Japan and the world.

24 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 25 Honorary Appointments Visiting Scholars and Resesearch Associates: Sept 2015 - Aug 2016

PROFESSORIAL RESEARCH RESEARCH ASSOCIATES Dr Rajyashree PANDEY VISITING SCHOLARS Dr Eriko MOTOMORI Dr Julia OBINGER Goldsmiths, University of London Meiji Gakuin University University of Zurich ASSOCIATES Research: Medieval Japanese literature and April 2015 - March 2016 September 2015 - February 2017 Dr Oleg BENESCH Buddhism Associate Professor Tadasuke FUJII Research: Historical sociology of childhood Research: Political Activism, Ethical University of York [email protected] in modern Japan Consumption and Sustainability, Political Professor Gina BARNES [email protected] Consumerism, Social SOAS, University of London Research: Early Modern and Modern September 2015 - August 2016 Dr Jonathan SERVICE Movements and Protests Culture in Japan, Research: State formation; agricultural Japanese intellectual, cultural, and social Research: Comparative political economy, Research: History of music theory; Prof Yukiko NAGANO State and Society of Japan transition; urganisation; landscape history. History of Japan and China in bureaucracy in Japan, public policy, urban structures of perception and changes in School of Human Science, Senshu [email protected] archaeology; East Asian archaeology transnational and comparative contexts politics mentalité in Japan University especially Japanese archaeology and [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] April 2015 - March 2016 Professor Shinichi SHIRATO prehistory/photohistory Research: Rural sociology. Comparative Meiji University [email protected] Dr Ayumi FUJIOKA Dr Penelope FRANCKS Dr Lone TAKEUCHI Sugiyama University Family Study: Japanese Rural Families and Research: Comparative study about the role Research: History of ideas in Early-Mid Communities (ie and mura). Comparative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Professor Neil JACKSON University of Leeds April 2016 - March 2017 Heian Period Study of Japanese and Balinese Rural (CCI) in the regional economy; comparative University of Liverpool Research: Japanese economic history, Research: The intercultural contact especially rural economic development [email protected] between British and Japanese theatre Societies, Families and Communities of a study about the distribution policy related to Research: C19 and C20 Architecture Variety of Ethnicities in Asian States [Note city planning and management [email protected] and the history of consumption and the [email protected] consumer Dr Sarah TEASLEY that ie and mura are italics] April 2014 - March 2016 Royal College of Art [email protected] [email protected] Professor Peter KORNICKI [email protected] Professor Tomoko HASEGAWA Research: History of design and built University of Cambridge April 2016 - March 2017 space in modern Japan, with an emphasis Associate Professor Kazunori NAKAJIMA Professor Hiroshi TANAKA Research: Cultural history of Japan before Dr Christine GUTH Research: Media and Culture in 1960s on media, technology and institutional University of Hyogo Daito Bunka University 1900, with special interests on the history Royal College of Art Britain (with regard to the cultural formation; design and architectural theory; March 2016 - March 2017 28 March 2016 - 31 August 2016 of the book in East Asia (Korea and Vietnam Research: Japanese art and design history transformation into Japanese teenage gender and design; the history of new Research: Environmental Economics Research: History of Japanese Applied as well as Japan), women’s education and collecting and collections; productions and radio audience). Research interests covers materials research and application and Policy Assessment, Applied General Linguistics and Language Policy in UK. literacy, and the history of medicine and of consumption across cultures Japanese youth culture as a reflection of [email protected] [email protected] cultural in the 1960s. Equilibrium Analysis, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Constrative Linguistic Studies (Chinese, Thai cartography Applied Econometrics, Health Economics Language), Japanese Educational History & [email protected] [email protected] Dr Monika HINKEL Dr Ellis TINIOS [email protected] Language Policy in UK. University of Leeds [email protected] Professor Ian NISH SOAS, University of London Dr Wakako HYODO Research: The illustrated woodblock- Professor Reiko NEBASHI-NAKAHARA London School of Economics Research: Woodblock prints of the Meiji era, Hyogo University printed book in the Edo period; representing Meiji University Dr Megumi WATANABE Research: International history of northeast especially the print artist Toyohara Kunichika 20 September 2015 - 19 September 2016 China in Edo-period books and prints; the August 2015 - December 2015 Ryukoku University asian in 19th and 20th centuries [email protected] Research: The study of nonprofit actor prints of Kunisada organisations accounting system and the Research: Intercultural communication April 2016 - March 2017 Dr David W HUGHES [email protected] study of nonprofit organisation’s accounting studies: transnational families, Research: Gender issues in the agricultural Professor Naoko SHIMAZU foreign students career planning and sector: an international comparative study Birkbeck, University of London SOAS, University of London history. Nonprofit organization accounting Dr Carla TRONU communication issues in multinational [email protected] Research: Political, social and cultural Research: Ethnomusicology; music of in the and the influence in Autonomous University of organinzations history of modern Japan, and Japan in the East Asia especially Japan; Japanese folk Japan and the Unites States searches what Research: History of Japan (early modern) [email protected] Professor Kazuyo YAMADA wider world and theatre music; music and linguistics; it is and Japanese religions; production of May 2016 - June 2016 [email protected] Indonesian gamelan and Javanese street [email protected] music sacred space in Japanese cities; history Dr Shuk yee NG Research: The employment policy and of Christian missions in Asia; history of Asia University social movement for gender equality in the Professor Evgeny STEINER [email protected] Professor Mitsuya KATO Nagasaka, Macao and Goa 1 September 2015 - 31 August 2016 UK Research: Muromachi epoch arts (especially Komazawa University Dr Olga KHOMENKO [email protected] April 2016 - September 2016 Research: A comparison of corporate [email protected] Ikkyu and his circle); Ukiyo-e prints; history governance in Japan, and Europe, and the of Western collections of Japanese arts Research: Post war Japanese History of Research: Relationship between Natsume Dr Stephen TURNBULL United States. Through the comparison [email protected] Advertisement & consumerism in Japan Soseki’s novels and British arts including [email protected] Akita International University Pre-Raphaelite paintings and poetry of Japan, Europe, and the United States, Research: Japanese history and religion as well as interviews with researchers Professor Yuriko TAKAHASHI [email protected] Dr Barak KUSHNER [email protected] from each area, one can understand what Research: Classical Chinese philology and is actually occurring in the respective phonology (Shuowen Jiezi focusing on University of Cambridge Dr Rinko MANABE Dr Akiko YANO countries, and where the problems lie in the process of annotation by Duan Yucai Research: History of Japanese propaganda, April 2015 - March 2016 Research: Early modern Japanese art each and computerization of the Xu Yuan’s Text) Sino-Japan relations, comedy, and food Research: Sociology of education, gender and culture [email protected] and modern Chinese literature (Lao She history and education, career education [email protected] focusing on his Christian background) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Princess Akiko of MIKASA Oxford University Research: Japanese art; western collections of Japanese art in the west

26 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 27 Honorary Appointments Highlights from our Visiting Scholars and (Professorial) Resesearch Associates

Gina BARNES Oleg BENESCH Eriko MOTOMORI Tomoko HASEGAWA Tadasuke FUJI Prof Research Associate Research Associate Visiting Scholar Visiting Scholar Visiting Scholar

From 12 October 2015 to 31 January 2016 The Japan Research Centre and library During the last half of her sabbatical at The third edition of her book: Takeichi In September 2015, Tadasuke joined SOAS Gina was affiliated with the Department resources at SOAS have been key to SOAS (April 2015-March 2016), Eriko Hideo and Akihiko Haruhara eds., Seminar as a JRC visiting scholar. SOAS provided of Japanese History & History of Ideas, Oleg’s research since moving to the UK, translated my previous papers on historical Mass Media in Japan 3rd (Nihon Hyoron him with a very peaceful and comfortable Graduate School of Humanities at Kyushu and he has started, completed, and am Japanese childhood into English for an Shya) In Japanese was published. She is environment, where he was able to University. Hosted by Prof. Ellen van continuing to work on several projects international audience. With the help of writing 6 Chapters (9 Chapters in total). concentrate on his research work. The Goethem, she participated in Kyushu that have benefitted from this support. colleagues and students from JRC, she was university’s library was excellent. It has an University’s “Program to invite World Top- This includes, most recently, a book co- able to finish rough drafts of three papers. enormous collection of books on Japan Level Researchers, Progress 100”. This authored with Margrit Pernau, Helge At the workshop, “Childhood, Education, and other Asian countries, with many involved teaching Japanese archaeology, Jordheim, et al: Civilizing Emotions: and Youth in Pre-1945 Japan - and Beyond” written in Japanese, so his research could leading students on fieldtrips, giving four Concepts in Nineteenth-Century Asia and (23 Nov 2015, University of Manchester), advance very smoothly. It was a great public lectures, and conducting my own Europe (Oxford University Press, 2015). This she presented one of these papers, “Beyond pleasure for him to be able to go there. research on tectonic archaeology. That book examines the transnational history the Dichotomy of Adult-Control and While at SOAS he has written several papers research resulted in a paper on “Tsunami of concepts of civility, virtue, and emotion Child-Centered: A Struggle from Historical about Japanese political economy from a Archaeology” at the Society for Applied that moved throughout Asia and Europe Sociology of Childhood,” and had an comparative perspective. The library was a Anthropology, Vancouver 28 March – 2 in the late nineteenth and early twentieth intensive discussion about how to look at valuable resource and these papers will be April 2016, and in convening a panel centuries. children’s published soon. on “TephroArchaeology” for the World writings/ Archaeology Congress (WAC8) in Kyoto in SOAS has also been an invaluable resource narratives Tadasuke also participated in numerous August 2016. While in Japan, she also gave for a book he is currently completing in the JRC seminars. The topics covered in a lecture at Okayama University on “Kibi together context of these seminars were very interesting, archaeology in an international setting”. with Ran pre-war covered a range of areas, and reflected At the Boston SEAA7 conference (Society Zwigenberg Japan. the interdisciplinary nature of the JRC. for East Asian Archaeology), Boston 6-12 on the However, he was most impressed by a June 2016, she co-authored a presentation history of Eriko also presentation given by Professor Ian Nish on “Early Beadstone Body Ornaments in Japanese enjoyed have presented, which was thorough East Asia and their antecedents 2: Kofun– castles in attending JRC seminars and communicating Tomoko participated in the Spring and detailed. He learnt a lot about how a Nara” with Ari Tanizawa. Meanwhile, she the modern with colleagues of Japanese studies. The Conference of Japan Society for Studies in researcher should be from his sincere and gave lectures on Japanese and Korean period, similarities and differences in perspectives Journalism and Mass Communication at earnest attitude. He is grateful for SOAS archaeology, and Chinese history, in the provisionally between Japanese studies and Japanese Tokyo University, Hongo Campus 18 June giving me this precious opportunity. SOAS Diploma in Asian Art courses, April– titled sociology, my field, gave her multiple 2016. The title of her paper was “Youth and May 2016. Citadels of viewpoints. Back in Japan, she is now Mass Media in 1930s Modernized Tokyo LONDON LIFE Modernity: struggling to finalize the three drafts by Reflected in Diary Entries: An Analysis of Proclaiming adjusting them to sociologists overseas as Book Reading and Movie Going Activities” London is famous for a lot of beautiful BOOKS the Past and well as researchers of Japanese studies. green spaces, for example, Hyde Park, The Reclaiming She also particpated in the conference, Green park, The Regents Park, St James’s Barnes, Gina. 2016. Archaeology of East the Future Other than these, she interviewed a few International Association for Media and Park, Kensington garden, and so on. In Asia. ebook edition. Oxford: Oxbow Books, in Japan’s prominent researchers in British sociology Communication Research 2016, Leicester, addition, there are many other open spaces Feb. 2016. Castles. of childhood and visited several British UK 27-31 July 2016. The title of her paper in this city. Despite being in the middle Over the associations for children and museums on for Popular Culture Working Group is of a big city, these parks and gardens are past year, Oleg has presented this research childhood. “Cultural Transfer of the Western Popular very quiet and calm. Tadasuke loves these at conferences and invited talks in Japan, Music in Japan: A Case Study of Midnight places, and would often walk around the US, Canada, Denmark, and the UK. LONDON LIFE Radio Programs for Youth in the Late when he had some free time. Also, since There is more information on this and other 1960s”. many have good playgrounds, he would projects on my website: www.olegbenesch. Eriko had a wonderful year in London and sometimes bring along my daughter. She com visited as many museums as possible, really loved it. whether they were related directly to her Oleg is based at the University of York research or not. Among them, the special Moreover, people in London are very kind allowing him to visit regularly and take part exhibition on child migrants at the V&A and friendly. Although Tadasuke could not in events and life at SOAS. The members of Museum of Childhood, the Foundling understand English very well, many people the JRC, and the SOAS community more Museum and the Ragged School Museum helped him with kindness in my daily life. generally, were incredibly welcoming and were closely related to her field, the history Thanks to their help, he felt relaxed in this made this interloper from across the street and sociology of childhood. The exhibitions atmosphere and enjoyed life in London. feel very much at home. helped her to understand how British That is most valuable memory of his visit. society started its modern attitudes towards children, and then institutionalized the sentiments.

28 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 29 Honorary Appointments Highlights from our Visiting Scholars and (Professorial) Resesearch Associates

Ian NISH Monika HINKEL David HUGHES Peter KORNIKI Olga KHOMENKO Rinko MANABE Prof Research Associate Research Associate Research Associate Research Associate Research Associate Visiting Scholar

BOOKS Peter gave lectures at Tôhoku University, In September 2015 Monika presented a David represented SOAS as a Special Visiting the John Rylands Library in Manchester 2015-2016 academical year was good and Thanks to the JRC members and staff, The History of Manchuria: A Sino-Russo- paper at the annual conference of the Professor at Tokyo University of Foreign and the Kokubungaku kenkyu shiryōkan productive year for Olga. She is completing Rinko met many researchers from other Japanese Triangle, 1840-1948, 2 vols, British Association for Japanese Studies Studies from October 2015 through January in Tokyo, he presented papers at the ‘Early research about history of consumer culture countries at seminars and social tea party. Renaissance Books, June 2016 (BAJS), held at SOAS. The title of her paper 2016. Modern Japan: Approaches, Perspectives, in Japan. Olga published article at the The JRC seminars she attended gave her was: ‘Enduring Inspiration: The Influence of Projects’ meeting in Frankfurt and the ‘East magazine of University of Wien about “New a lot of intellectual stimulation. To discuss ARTICLES Ukiyo-e on Contemporary Art’. In April 2016, the British Forum for Asian Manuscript and Print’ workshop at look” for a better life: Japanese women with researchers in different fields was very Ethnomusicology held a panel and wine the University of British Columbia, and and post-war advertising of cosmetic and interesting and exciting. And thanks to the ‘Japan’s Splendid Opportunity: Twenty-one In January/February 2016 she ran a course reception for David in recognition of his gave a keynote lecture at the ‘Comparative perfume” (Minikomi, vol.85). SOAS staff and library, she could access and Demands of 1915’ in International Studies, on ‘Masterpieces of Japanese Art from the many years of service; more than a dozen Perspectives on Materiality and History of analyze some dataset collected in the UK. STICERD LSE, IS/2016/586, May 2016, British Museum’ at Morley College. former SOAS Music students were in the Book: China and East Asia’ workshop in Also, on 26 of April Olga gave a talk at the She has already had some Japanese dataset pp.19-34 In May 2016 she got invited back to the attendance. Philadelphia. University of Central Lancashire, Preston which means she can compare the effects V&A Art & the City year course to give two about «Advertising happiness to japanese of VET in Japan and which is lectures on ‘Edo’ and on the “V&A Toshiba During academic year 2015-16 David gave ARTICLES women: post war magazines and ideology”. proving very useful for her research project. Gallery of Japanese Art”. public lectures/seminars at Cambridge Olga is still teaching four courses in Kyiv She also contributed again to the V&A’s University, Sheffield University, the Royal Kornicki, P. F. (2015) ‘Tsushima: Japan Mohyla Academy National University and LONDON LIFE Arts of East Asia: Japan course. As part of Anthropological Society, SOAS and twice at seen from the margins – archives, books, working on scientific book about history the ‘Culture of the Townspeople’ day she Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. He also ginseng’, The Japan Society Proceedings of consumption, women and happiness in Rinko went to England with her children, gave lectures on ‘Ukiyo-e’ and ‘Hokusai performed on the Laotian khaen mouth 151: 54-69. Japan. and they enrolled in state schools for a year. and Hiroshige’. And for the ‘Pictorial Arts of organ as part of a symposium on Asian Therefore, Rinko had to go to school as a the Edo Period’ session she presented two instruments at Kunitachi College of Music, Kornicki, P. F. (2015) ‘Korean books in This academical year Olga also started to mother. Teachers, staff, and parents were so lectures on the Kano School and on Rinpa Tokyo. Japan before Hideyoshi’s invasion’, Journal study at MBA course as a part-time student kind to them, and helped them a lot. From art. of the American Oriental Society 135: 587- in order to deepen her knowledge about this experience, Rinko was able to compare His chapter on “Japan” was published in 593. economics and have a broader picture the educational system and school life in After having been involved with the Michael Church (ed.) The other classical on history of consumption she is doing England and Japan. This experience was Japanese and Korean Art module of the musics: fifteen Great Traditions (Boydell & Kornicki, P. F. (2015) ‘Fukun katsujibon research about. so interesting. Now, she will start to report Postgraduate Diploma in Asia Art at SOAS Brewer, 2015), which received the annual Shoshitsu kinkōshū’ to Baiju no shuppan about this experience. since 2008 as a lecturer, Monika joined the Royal Philharmonic Society Award for katsudō: kokatsujiban shūen no kaimei ni ARTICLES module in September 2015 as a tutor. Creative Communication in 2016. mukete’「附訓活字本『諸疾禁好集』と梅壽 の出版活動 — 古活字版終焉の解明にむけ “New look” for a better life: Japanese ARTICLES He continues his activities with two て」Biblia『ビブリア』144: 1-17. women and post-war advertising of Monika is currently preparing an article Japanese music ensembles that he cosmetic and perfume”, University of Wien, titled ‘Ukiyo-e Re-imagined: Ukiyo-e and established: the SOAS Min’yo Group and the Minikomi, vol.85 Contemporary Art’, based on her BAJS London Okinawa Sanshinkai. During 2015- CHAPTERS IN EDITED BOOKS conference paper, for the Journal of 16 one or both groups have performed Japonisme. in London (several times), Liverpool, Kornicki, P. F. (2015) ‘Chinese Texts Manchester, Copenhagen, Paris and Tokyo. in pre-modern East and South- East Asia’. In Tim Wright, ed., Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese, (New York: CHAPTERS IN EDITED BOOKS Oxford University Press) URL: http://www. Hughes, D. 2015. “Japan”. In: M. Church, chinese-studies ed., The other classical musics: fifteen Great Traditions (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer), Kornicki, P. F. (2015) ‘The role of non- 74-103, 363-4. commercial editions in the diffusion of Chinese texts in East Asia’. In Michela Bussotti and Jean-Pierre Drège, eds, Imprimer autrement: le livre non commercial dans la Chine impériale (Paris: EFEO), pp. 675-687. As part of the Diploma course Monika organised a study trip to the East Asian Kornicki, P. F. (2015) ‘Presenting the Great Art Museum in Cologne and the Langen Foundation near Neuss, pictured here. An Learning to the public in Edo-period Japan’. amazing building, designed by renowned In Ann Cheng, ed., The Great Learning in architect Ando Tadao, housing a great East Asia (Paris, Collège de France), pp. collection. 307-319.

30 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 31 Honorary Appointments Highlights from our Visiting Scholars and (Professorial) Resesearch Associates

Hiroshi TANAKA Eliis TINIOS Stephen TURNBULL Megumi WATANABE Kazuyo YAMADA Akiko YANO Visiting Scholar Research Associate Research Associate Visiting Scholar Visiting Scholar Research Associate

The theme of Megumi’s research is an Kazuyo’s research is on the employment After the fascinating and academically Hiroshi feels very fortunate to have been SISJAC and Chuo University workshop In September 2015 Stephen Turnbull international comparison of gender issues in policy and social movement for gender gratifying experience of four years as a given the chance to conduct overseas Ukiyo-e in Edo-period publishing culture. attended the conference ‘Japan: Pre- regards to agricultural labour. To date, she equality. During her stay in SOAS Kazuyo Leverhulme Research Fellow at SOAS for research at SOAS. He would like to thank Sainsbury Institute, Norwich. 10 April 2015. modern, Modern and Contemporary - A have taken an investigative and sociological would like to read books, collect necessary the Leverhulme Trust funded research everyone concerned for giving him this Paper: ‘Adapting Chinese books for the Return Trip from the East to the West. approach toward illuminating the structure materials, discuss her research with project ‘Sexuality and Eroticism in Japanese great opportunity. This will be a good Japanese Market: a study in bibliographic Learning in, about and from Japan’ at the of gender issues in Japanese agriculture. academic researchers and activists, and Shunga (Erotic Art)’ (2009-2013, led by change of pace from his daily life, and he translation’. Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University in With respect to the results of the research, attend many seminars. Andrew Gerstle, SOAS, and Tim Clark, British wants to make sure that he spends his time Bucharest, where delivered a paper about the experts on agriculture support in Africa Museum), which culminated in a special effectively. Graduate Summer School on Early Modern his research into Japan’s sexual shrines. have pointed out that there is the same She is very glad that she is allowed to use exhibition in 2013-4 at the British Museum Written Japanese. Emmanuel College, The official launch of his book on the same structure of gender problems in agriculture the wonderful SOAS Library as it has been ‘Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art’ In 2004, Hiroshi spent a year at SOAS as a Cambridge. 7 August 2015. Keynote topic: Japan’s Sexual Gods, Shrines Roles between Japan and Africa. very useful for her research. She plans to and publications of the exhibition catalogue visiting researcher, so this will his second address: ‘The illustrated book in early and Rituals of Procreation and Protection join seminars on gender issues and LGBT (subsequently translated into Japanese time here. Hiroshi has spent some parts of modern Japan’ (published as Volume 49 in Brill’s Japanese In order to accordingly overcome gender study. She hopes to enjoy the opportunity and published by Shōgakukan in 2015) his career doing long-term research and Studies Library earlier in 2015) took place issues in Japan’s agriculture, Megumi to talk about these issues with other and a special issue of Japan Review No. education in Thailand and in China. Yenching Library, Harvard University. in November at SOAS. In January 2016 intends to first perform an international academics! 26 – Shunga: Sex and Humour in Japanese His specialty is in linguistics, especially Lecture: ‘Hokusai’s books: Art and Stephen Turnbull was the guest of the US comparative study based on reference Art and Literature (2013, International Japanese language, in the areas of syntax, Commerce in nineteenth-century Japan’ Navy War College in Newport, Rhode Island documents with the aim of further research Research Center for Japanese Studies, discourse analysis, contrastive study and where he presented a paper entitled Wars development. She believes that this study LONDON LIFE Kyoto), in October 2015 Akiko started comparative language culture. His recent ARTICLES and Rumours of Wars: Japanese plans will ultimately not only benefit agriculture, a new job at the British Museum, in the research works are “A Study of Japanese to invade the Philippines, 1593-1637 to but also lead to an understanding of the Kazuyo’s has been focusing on Japanese Japanese Section, Department of Asia, as Grammar from the Viewpoint of Compound TInios, E. (2015). ‘Hokusai and his an audience of senior naval officers. He structure of gender issues in general labour. labour history, especially the operation of ‘Mitsubishi Corporation Curator (Japanese Words ” and “Japanese and Japanese blockcutters’. Print Quarterly Vol.XXXII. also gave a public lecture about samurai This holds great significance for Japan, a the labour market, wage systems and labour Collections)’. She is grateful to SOAS and Language Education in time of War .” He pp.188-191. at Boston University. He spent the month country which continues not to progress movements from a gender perspective for the Japan Research Centre for providing has donated these two research books to of April in Japan doing fieldwork for a towards an elimination of labour inequality. many years. her with a stimulating research environment the SOAS library as a gift. Tinios, E. (2016). ‘Greater than Utamaro: the forthcoming book on the ninja as a cultural SOAS is at the forefront of Asian and African with access to the excellent SOAS Library Fame of Utagawa Kunisada’ phenomenon. In May 2016 Stephen, studies, therefore she is convinced that she During her stay at SOAS I would like to and other University of London libraries, During this stay, as part of language policy 歌川国貞の評判 歌磨を超えた浮世絵師 a widower for fourteen years, became can gain more knowledge and academic understand similar/different aspects about and a variety of seminars led by specialists history studies, Hiroshi conducted literature (訳:倉橋正恵) engaged to be married to the Reverend inspiration during my stay. social change between the UK and Japan. of each field, that inspired and enabled research for comparative studies of English Ukiyo-e Art No.171, pp.113-95 (English) Marlene Wilkinson, whom he first met as an For example, how to recognize future me to continue working on my projects and European language affairs and policies. pp.30-39 (Japanese). MA student at Leeds in 1990. The couple labour force from the discussion of whether in the field of early-modern Japanese art His objective for conducting research in will marry in September. LONDON LIFE to remain within the EU and around what history. Her research focus now is the Britain was to directly feel and pick up a Tinios, E. (2016). 北斎とその彫師 (訳:赤間 issues unionists and activists organise strikes cultural networks in the late Edo period sense of diversity in the linguistic culture of 亮). Ritsumeikan University, Art Research In London, many public seminars are or campaigns. Kyoto/Osaka region involving artists, poetry British society, which is in itself very diverse vol.16. pp.39-44. BOOKS held. She participated in the seminar that groups and scholars, both professional and and in constant interaction with foreign Turnbull, Stephen The Gempei War 1180- Lynsey Hanley spoke amateur. A focus will be the substantial cultures. In the past couple of years, he 1185: The Great Samurai Civil War (Osprey about her book titled number of paintings and prints in the has started writing a novel in his spare time Campaigns Series, 2016) “Respectable: the British Museum. She hopes that SOAS will from doing research. Being in direct contact experience of class”. continue to be a research partner next door with the London’s culture and people was a That was highly and look forward to collaborating in future great nourishment for his creative activities. suggestive content. research projects. Because she was Another objective of Hiroshi’s stay, in born into a small addition to his research, was to think farm family in Japan, about post-war reconciliation. After WWII, and she experienced Japan had developed its economy without class changing. It settling its wartime responsibilities. As a was very difficult result, Japan has disputes, often emotional, for her to be an with its neighbours in relation to the past. academic researcher. I Although a short stay, Hiroshi was able Therefore she would to visit many places and see the depth of like to write down British culture himself. Hiroshi looks forward her experience to continuing his relationship with the referencing her book. centre in the future. Stephen Turnbull with his financée Reverend Marlene Wilkinson,

32 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 33 2015-2016 Kayoko Tsuda Bursary (Japanese Studies) Eiko GYOGI PhD degrees at SOAS involving any aspect of Japanese Studies Working Title: Translation for Intercultural Education in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Case Study of Elementary and Intermediate Japanese Students

n 2006, the late Mrs Kayoko Tsuda pledged to The impact the funding has had on Japanese studies MA at Waseda University in Japan. Much of the Mrs Tsuda’s generosity gave her a strong 2014-2015 support the SOAS Japan Research Centre (JRC) is far reaching. Western scholarship on kabuki had focussed on motivation in the sometimes difficult final Iris HAUKAMP and its PhD students through an annual £10,000 the actor, and the contributions of playwrights to months to finish the project. Moreover, the Thesis Title: A Foreigner’s I donation for a period of ten years from 2006 DUNCAN ADAMS KAYOKO TSUDA the construction of kabuki, but Alan considered Tsuda lecture provided the possibility to present Dream of Japan: The to 2015. All at SOAS and the JRC were saddened to Duncan’s research, carried out with the support BURSARY that playwrights had an equally important part to her research to the JRC and to receive valuable struggle over power and learn of Mrs Tsuda’s untimely passing in 2012, but of the Tsuda Bursary, looked at sexual desire play. His interest in traditional Japanese theatre feedback. authenticity in a German- have remained proud to have continued the work in the fiction of Mishima Yukio. It attempted to The bursary was itself had been sparked by the classes he took with Japanese coproduction that she had committed to fund in her memory. put Mishima’s treatment of desire in context, by created through the Professor Andrew Gerstle in the final year of his KIGENSAN STEPHAN LICHA comparing his fiction to other contemporary generosity of Ms undergraduate degree at SOAS in the mid-nineties. During the time Kigensan was supported by 2013-2014 This generous gift provided a £7,000 bursary each discussions of desire in fiction and non-fiction Kayoko Tsuda. the Bursary, he was able to write two main Jennifer COATES year to a promising PhD candidate in financial need (including journalism and medical writing). It differed FRANCESCA DI MARCO chapters for his thesis. The first was an extended Thesis Title: National during the final stages of their research, contributing from previous research in the prominence it gives The Tsuda Bursary allowed Francesca to complete discussion of Sôtô Zen Dharma transmission Crisis and the Female towards programme and university expenses, and to Mishima’s treatment of desire and in its attention her PhD thesis within a year. She could devote her rituals. The second presented a historical and Image: Expressions of ensuring that they could focus entirely on the quality to his popular fiction, which generally receives little time entirely to the last chapter of her research and textual overview of Sôtô Zen kôan traditions. Trauma in Japanese film of their final submissions during what was the most critical attention. then to the final writing of the whole thesis. Thanks He also formulated a theoretical approach to 1945-1964 critical period of their studies. The remainder of the to the award, she could dedicate time to research the interpretation of kôan. This approach treats funding was targeted at supporting the on-going JENNIFER COATES in the most effective manner, while not worrying them as fully linguistic artefacts and analyses 2012-2013 running costs and academic activities of the JRC, Jennifer’s research – ‘National Crisis and the Female about her financial situation. their function in terms of performative and Alessia COSTA and in particular sponsoring the Tsuda Lecture Image: Expressions of Trauma in Japanese Film 1945- metaphorical modes of discourse. Thesis Title: Bodily programme. This annual lecture series bolstered 1964’ – aimed to address film’s effect on the viewer The topic of her research was the study of the Assemblages: the Moral, the JRC’s work towards our aim of disseminating during periods of national crisis. discourse on suicide patterns in post-war Japan. In addition to completing his PhD, Kigensan Political, and Informal knowledge and understanding of the rich culture, Most existing research, despite a variety of also had the opportunity to present research Economy of Japanese history and contemporary practices of Japan to the The generosity of the Tsuda bursary also allowed her theoretical approaches, has analysed suicide largely at a number of international workshops held at Organ Transplants. broader scholarly and academic communities, as well to visit many universities around the UK and present as an unchanging expression of traditional Japanese SOAS. as interested members of the general public. my research at workshops and conferences for young values. By contrast, Francesca highlighted the 2011-2012 scholars. In January 2014 I co-organised a workshop changing relationship between the presentation of BENEDETTA LOMI Jenny PRESTON at the University of Leeds, presenting my research suicide, or the act of suicide, and the representation Benedetta’s research analysed the worship Thesis Title: Nishikawa Our donors have a profound and participating in round table discussions on theory of suicide in the media and other sources, of Batō Kannon 馬頭観音 (S. Hayagrīva), the Sukenobu: the effect on the work of SOAS, none in Japanese studies. Such experiences encouraged unveiling the conditions under which the historical horse-headed, wrathful form of the Bodhisattva engagement of popular Jennifer to situate her research productively in the appearance of suicide is formed, reinterpreted and of Compassion, stressing the interactions and art with socio-political more so than those who support wider field of Japanese studies, and allowed her to reinvented. Finally, she explored the recent growth discontinuities of its occurrences within the discourse scholarships and bursaries at the meet many researchers who gave invaluable advice of suicide manuals, websites, and chat rooms, esoteric and folkloristic tradition. and created further opportunities. in order to understand the extent to which this 2010-2011 School. Through the Kayoko Tsuda contributes both to new patterns and recurrent Thanks to the Tsuda Bursary, she was able to Kigen-San LICHA Bursaries we have been able to ALESSIA COSTA anxiety. work on two crucial chapters of her thesis Thesis Title: Esoteric During the final year of her PhD, thanks to the and complete the final draft of her research traditions in late medieval ensure that the most promising precious support of the Tsuda Bursary, Alessia was EIKO GYOGI in 2010. The Bursary also allowed her to Japanese Sôtô Zen candidates are able to make the able to complete the research for her PhD thesis Eiko’s thesis examines the use of translation concentrate fully on the writing-up during Buddhism on organ donation and transplants in Japan. Her activities in beginner and intermediate Japanese 2010, and relieving her from financial worries. most of the unique educational thesis – ‘Bodily Assemblages: the Moral, Political, language classes for intercultural purposes. Her She is thankful to her benefactor for their kind 2009-2010 opportunities SOAS provides, and Informal Economy of Japanese Organ interest in this topic grew out of her experience as a generosity, and to the JRC committee, for giving Benedetta LOMI Transplants’ – addressed anthropological relevant Japanese teacher and a professional translator. her the possibility. Thesis Title: Practicing a regardless of their income, status questions concerning the use of the human body in Ritual Image: the worship or family background medical technology by looking at the case of organ Eiko’s PhD studies have been made possible through JENNY PRESTON of Batō Kannon transplants in Japan. financial support from scholarships. Tsuda Kayoko The bulk of the research for Jenny’s thesis on Bursary enabled her to focus on her research the Kyoto artist Nishikawa Sukenobu had been 2008-2009 The Tsuda Bursary proved a great incentive to the throughout the year without being troubled by completed at the time she received the Kayoko Francesca DI MARCO Our donors have a profound effect on the work completion of her work in view of the final viva. The financial concerns. Thanks to the Bursary, she was Tsuda Bursary, but much of the drafting and Thesis Title: Discourse on of SOAS, none more so than those who support fund was an important asset that greatly helped in able to cover tuition fees, living costs, and travel the final positioning remained to be done. The Suicide Patterns in Post- scholarships and bursaries at the School. Through the the process of analysing the bulk of findings and costs for attending and presenting her work at bursary provided a massive incentive to take the war Japan Kayoko Tsuda Bursaries we have been able to ensure data collected in Japan, and in drawing the various various conferences. work over the finishing line, and an important that the most promising candidates are able to make theoretical strands of the thesis into an original and welcome opportunity – the Kayoko Tsuda 2007-2008 the most of the unique educational opportunities approach to the topic of organ donation and IRIS HAUKAMP Bursary lecture – to share some of the more Duncan ADAM SOAS provides, regardless of their income, status transplants. Iris’ thesis, ‘A Foreigner’s Dream of Japan: The radical aspects of the research with the SOAS Thesis Title: Schoolboys, or family background. The award has created a struggle over power and authenticity in a German- community. It also gave Jenny the latitude to Toughs and Adulteresses: valuable educational opportunity for Japan-focussed ALAN CUMMINGS Japanese coproduction’, re-evaluated the bi- draw the various strands of her thesis into a Representations of Desire scholars, while enriching the scholarly and academic For his PhD thesis, Alan decided to focus upon the national film project The Samurai’s Daughter (Die cogent whole, to chase down difficult readings in the Fiction of Mishima community focussed on this diverse and expansive great kabuki playwright, Kawatake Mokuami and Tochter des Samurai, 1937, Fanck) and New Earth and obscure references in the images that had Yukio. topic for the benefit of all at SOAS, the JRC, and the the theory and practice of Japanese playwriting (Atarashiki tsuchi, 1937, Itami). been parked and could so easily have been left global academic community working on Japan. in the 19th century. Alan was first drawn to the to drift. This proved a huge asset in the final 2006-2007 topic of kabuki playwriting while working on his The JRC’s support and feeling of obligation towards positioning of her argument. Alan CUMMINGS

34 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 35 From the Library Meiji Jingu Japanese Studies Research Grants One of the world’s most important academic libraries for the study of Asia Research Grants for SOAS staff to promote Japanese studies

2016/2017 RECIPIENTS

Dr Fabio Gygi (Lecturer in Anthropology) Dr Noriko Iwasaki (Senior Lecturer in Language Pedagogy) Project title: Neuro-Orientalism: Cultural Difference and and Dr Barbara Pizziconi (Reader in Applied Japanese the New Brain Sciences in Japan Linguistics) Amount awarded: £1,200 Project title: Study abroad in Japan and intercultural and personal development The project is an exploratory pilot study that looks at the Amount awarded: £1,000 ways in which the new brain sciences (neurology, cognitive psychology, and cognitive neuroscience) are appropriated The 2014-2015 Meiji Jingu grant we obtained for our he Library holds some 160,000 monographs for Japanese and made locally salient in Japan by proffering new project titled ‘Study abroad in Japan and the development studies. There are over 1,000 Japanese language The Library was supported by various individuals and institutions in the UK and Japan during the 2015/16 academic year: explanations for difference and uniqueness. The aim of this of intercultural competence’ was instrumental to start up periodicals, some 300 western language periodicals, and project is to look at a) the ways the brain is understood as our plan. We were able to collect and analyse data from T over 500 audio-visual materials for teaching and research encultured in the context of Japanese brain science and b) our BA Japanese student participants prior to their period • The Library has received financial support from the Sainsbury in Japanese studies; the online catalogue is available at: the ways in which this knowledge is disseminated and put of study abroad. We have collected further data during Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (SISJAC) to acquire materials on Japanese art and culture as in previous to (political) use by the mass media. The popular genre of their year abroad (in January and in June this year) and are years since 1999. Over 50 titles were acquired, including variety infotainment in Japan has led to the emergence of currently in the process of collecting their post-year-abroad Utamaro = UTAMARO THE BEAUTY (2016), and Edo jidai a series of Geinō “scientists” such as Dr. Nakano Nobuko data. We are now seeking support to hire English-Japanese shomin bunko (vols.1-8 and 49-56, 2012-2015). who peddle a very simplified and often nationalised version bilingual assistants for the transcription of year-abroad • The Japan Collection received 135 Japanese language books of scientific discourse, in which cultural difference between and post-year-abroad data. The transcription of data in on international relations and political history from Emeritus the Japanese and the rest of the world is located in the the programme called ELAN, specifically developed to 図書館 Professor Ian Nish (International History at LSE). The donation brain. analyze multi-modal language data, is a prerequisite for includes several titles not held by any UK libraries, such as the subsequent data coding and analyses, which need to SOAS図書館では、約16万の日本研究関連の文献や研究論文を所蔵 Kindai Nihon sensōshi (in 4 vols., 1995). draw systematically from the whole of the data set, now しています。日本語の定期刊行物は1000種類、欧米の言語による • The Art Collection received many exhibition catalogues comprising of hundreds of hours from three data sessions ものは300種類を数え、さらに500を超える日本語教育や日本研究 published in Japan from Mrs Marie-Therese Barret, which have per participant. のための視聴覚資料も所蔵しています。オンラインによる資料検 filled gaps and further enhanced the Collection. 索はこちらをご参照ください:http://lib.soas.a.cuk/. Jiyeon Wood (Subject Librarian for Arts and Multi-Media) attended the JAL Project 2015 workshop organised by the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 16-27 November. MEIJI JINGU JAPANESE STUDIES The Library subscribes to major research databases including RESEARCH GRANTS FOR SOAS STAFF Japanese language newspaper databases (Asahi, Nikkei, and Fujiko Kobayashi ([email protected] ) Yomiuri), JapanKnowledge, Zassaku Plus, and CiNii. External Grants are offered to assist full-time academic staff members of the members are welcome to use these databases in the Library. JRC, SOAS, to promote Japanese Studies. Subscriptions to the Japan Times Archives and the Japan Times Online began in June 2016. To secure access to the databases, the Funds may be used for personal research, conferences, etc, or to Library is keen to set up a consortium subscription with the UK/EU purchase research-level books for the SOAS Library. Group projects libraries. are acceptable, but should be submitted in the name of one representative individual. The Library includes an extensive collection of pre-modern texts and prints including some 300 woodblock print books and over Total subsidy of up to £2,200 will be offered in any one calendar 500 prints, and some Japanese manuscripts are held in the Archive year, for the duration of the agreement, to be divided between section; details are found in in the SOAS Library successful applicants. Awards will be assessed according to their (Chibbett. 1975) and Catalogue of Japanese Manuscripts in the importance for Japanese studies, as interpreted by the Steering Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies (Yasumura. Committee of the JRC. The Committee, together with the approval 1979). The SOAS Digital Collection now provides high quality of Meiji Jingu, will decide who the successful applicant will be. digital images to support research. Over100 ukiyo-e prints and some manuscripts, such as Kokin wakashu and Nara e-hon (Heiji Further information: monogatari and Hogen monogatari) are included.

36 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 37 Meiji Jingu Japanese Studies Research Scholarships Sasakawa Postgraduate Studentship MPhil/PhD programme involving research on Japanese Studies Sponsored by the Nippon Foundation and the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation

Marth TSUTSUI Ai FUKUNAGA Lois BARNETT Robert James SIMPKINS Meiji Jingu Recipient 2016-2017 Meiji Jingu Recipient 2016-2017 Sasakawa PG Studentship Recipient 2016-2017 Sasakawa PG Studentship Recipient 2016-2017 INTRODUCTORY REPORT INTRODUCTORY REPORT INTRODUCTORY REPORT INTRODUCTORY REPORT SASAKAWA POSTGRADUATE MEIJI JINGU STUDENTSHIP Thesis Title Thesis Title SCHOLARSHIPS Thesis Title Thesis Title A Documentation and A Different Type of Tea: British 2017-2018 An Investigation of Audience Playing in Koenji: Making Description of Disappearing collecting of ceramics for Responses To and Motivations street music in a Tokyo The Sasakawa Predicates in Southern Amami- Sencha Tea Gatherings from for the Use of Western-Inspired Neighbourhood Postgraduate There are two Oshima Meiji-era Japan, focusing on the Costume in Japanese Cinema Studentship, made scholarships available, British Museum and Maidstone (1923-39) Programme of Study possible through the each one valued at Museum Collections PhD in Anthropology and generosity of The £7,000 in total. Sociology Nippon Foundation and the Great Britain Scholarships are for Outline of Project Outline of the project Programme of Study Introduction Sasakawa Foundation. one year only, but it PhD Film StudiesPhD Film Studies Robert’s thesis follows the is possible to reapply This project will examine and document polite Examination of the representation and reception of lives of buskers that perform in Kōenji in central SOAS can nominate if an award recipient speech forms in the endangered Ryukyuan language the late Edo period ceramics collected in the late Introduction Tōkyō. Buskers’ status as both street performers up to three students has demonstrated Amami, spoken on Amami Island. 19th century to the early 20th century Britain. Lois’s research examines the role of Western-inspired and part-time workers set them apart from for studentships of outstanding potential costume (as opposed to indigenous Japanese styles deeply engrained societal norms regarding £10,000 (untaxed) for research. Please Introduction Introduction such as the kimono) in Japanese cinema between lifetime employment and render them the subject note that this I propose a project to explore the morpho-syntactic 1923 and 1939. She aims to explore industrial and of an ongoing moral panic about freeterism Eligible programmes scholarship cannot strategies of Amami predicates in formal registers. Despite the rich range of expression and the directorial motivations for including Western (underemployed freelancers). In Kōenji, the include: Any full- be held during the This language is currently only spoken by elders and high quality of its products, Japanese ceramics costume in Japanese cinema of this time period, deviance associated with underemployment and time Postgraduate Extension of Writing-Up is no longer transmitted to children. produced in the later 18th to mid-19th centuries alongside the responses of audiences to its inclusion. appropriation of public space is challenged by Taught Masters (Continuation) status. (later Edo period) are surprising understudied. The ultimate aim of the project is to ascertain musicians through structures of performance and Degree Programmes All varieties of Amami are endangered and vary This lack of attention is in sharp focus to the the place of Western costume and fashion within a sense of agency distilled in the notion of mobility. (new admissions, i.e. Any full-time MPhil/ widely at all linguistic levels (Niinaga, 2015). many studies conducted on early and middle Edo Japanese society during this time period via its Street performers assimilate this discourse into starting a Masters PhD programme Therefore, existing documentation and description period produced ceramics (early 17th to mid-18th relationship with film and consequently its place selfmanagement, self-promotion using social media, Degree at SOAS in where the student will of one variety does not even begin to scratch centuries) particularly by Japanese academics within the global sphere. The project considers not and non-monetary forms of exchange that facilitate September 2017) with be working on some the surface in terms of necessary fieldwork to be and art historians. This inconsistency might be only the involvement of entirely Western outfits camaraderie and strong senpai-kouhai relationships a dissertation on a aspect of Japanese conducted. Amami has polite forms, which attributed to the value placed on tea gatherings and onscreen, but also the inclusion of Western-derived of dependency. They also create clear strategies for theme connected with Studies at SOAS is while by no means unique in , the utensils for matcha (powdered tea) chanoyu accessories featured within otherwise conventionally ‘progression’ in the subtly hierarchical musical world Japan. eligible. are also not universal. This project will examine practice to the detriment of sencha (steeped) tea Japanese dress formats (for example the pocket they inhabit. Whilst it is tempting to frame the story Any full-time MPhil/ polite verb forms/predicates and honorific suffixes gatherings that was heavily informed by Chinese watch, the hat and the fur stole) in order to discuss of those he has come to know in Tōkyō as one of PhD student (new and prefixes of predicates in Amami, and compare Qing practice. The intention of this PhD proposal the semiotic role of fashion onscreen in reference subculture, youth deviance and spatial tensions in admissions and current Further information: them with corresponding verb predicates in non- is to re-examine in depth ceramics from the to the concept of Western fashion objects as public areas of the city, 路上ライブ (rojō raibu or SOAS MPhil/PhD polite speech. Currently, knowledge and use of premodern to modern period both in the public “signifiers of modernity” persisting since the Meiji ‘performance on the street’) is also an activity which students) whose thesis these forms have been rapidly decreasing within the and private domains that were used in sencha tea era.The research questions the role of the sartorial incorporates a savvy for entrepreneurialism and topic focuses on any registry/scholarships speaker community. gatherings to redress that imbalance. in articulating conceptions of Japanese modernity echoes standardised views regarding work ethics aspect of Japan. by examining the semiotics of dress onscreen in and hierarchical social relationships. Consequently, Current Masters This project will explore patterns are identifiable The dissertation addresses four major themes: conflation with interwar Japan’s transcultural media the young men and women who take to the students enrolled in in honorific suffixes and prefixes of predicates in firstly, an examination of Japanese kiln production climate and the employment of an interdisciplinary streets walk a fine line between maintaining and Year 1 (of a two-year Southern Amami-Ōshima, while also examining the in the late Edo period and how the products reflect approach which consults not purely film- or commodifying their authenticity as street musicians. full-time Masters differences in usage, form and context between consumer demand is addressed; secondly, the fashion-related theoretical bases but also historical, Their collective stories suggest an involved Degree at SOAS) in polite and casual speech. shift between early modern and modern ceramic anthropological and gender-based approaches. engagement with their future which contradicts 2016-17 and entering production and an analysis of underlying factors popular images of an apathetic youth, and instead Year 2 in 2017-18 are Research will be conducted by means of mixed is addressed; thirdly, British collectors and their Lois been most fortunate to have received the highlights a series of attempts to maintain a sense also eligible to apply. exploratory qualitative and quantitative research, researcher on late Edo ceramics is examined with Sasakawa Postgraduate Studentship for the first two of control amid rising social inequalities and in anticipation of the possible sample size being a focus on understanding how their concerns years of her PhD studies, a resource which has been uncertainty in Japan. small. The aim will be to build a documentary are reflected in their collecting and publishing truly invaluable to her. It is needless to say that Full details available at: corpus containing observed communicative events, practice; finally, how Japanese sencha utensils without the Foundation’s input she would not have staged communicative events, and elicitations. This and sencha practice was understood. These four been able to embark on this course of research at corpus will be compiled through semi-structured research themes combine to provide a new insight all. Alongside the Studentship’s role in financially awards-and-grants/ techniques, including participation/observations, into a neglected period of ceramic production supporting my study in terms of helping towards her individual interviews, and elicitation activities with and collection that was pivotal for the emergence fees and living costs, what the grant has truly consultants. of modern Japanese ceramic production and afforded her is the time to reflect upon and examine reception. her research aims and the academic landscape in which she intends them to fit.

38 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 39 Sasakawa Postgraduate Studentship SOAS School wide events Sponsored by the Nippon Foundation and the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Networking with the wider community

Michiko SUZUKI New link with industry Sasakawa PG Studentship Recipient 2016-2017 Images INTRODUCTORY REPORT A new link with industry was established with the delivery of training The London Asia Pacific Centre for Social Science for the senior management team of the company Miller Brands on Chōjū ryakugashiki (Abbreviated drawings of birds and beasts). Osaka, Japanese business culture at their headquarters in Surrey earlier this The London Asia Pacific Centre for Social Science (LAPC) is 1813. Frederik Anderson collection. Thesis Title year. The need to understand how to deal with Japanese business a joint initiative between SOAS and King’s College London. History of Disaster, Recovery, contacts came about when Asahi, Japan’s largest brewer, closed The Centre coordinates a range of research, outreach About the artist and Humanitarianism in Wartime a deal to buy the Peroni and Grolsch brands from SAB Miller in and public engagement activities which focus on the Asia Kitao Masyoshi (1764-1824) was a ukiyoe artist of the period and Japan, 1931-1945 February 2016. Following a request from SOAS alum Katie Harding Pacific Region from a cross-disciplinary perspective across illustrated many novels. He was also a pioneer of a new style of who works for SAB Miller, Dr Shinozawa Yoshikatsu visited the social sciences. From this distinctive position, it aims to drawing manual called ryakugashiki, which marked an important point Introduction company’s HQ to advise their senior management team. combine depth of empirical coverage while advancing key in the development of this style of illustration. The sketches of birds My project explores the wartime theoretical debates in the social sciences. The centre will and animals, printed in six colours, show aspiring artists, amateur and humanitarian relief activities host regular seminar series, workshops and conferences professional alike, how to capture their various shapes with the greatest of the Japanese Red Cross featuring international scholars examining comparative Asia economy of line. Society (JRCS) personnel, and Pacific political and economic systems, regional economic their involvement in the International Red Cross integration, international relations of the Asia Pacific and EU- and Red Crescent Movement between 1931 and Asian relations. Among others, the LAPC has received funding 1945. Most historiographies of the Red Cross have from the Japan Foundation to cover the costs of the first year been dominated by a West-centred narrative of of the Contemporary Japan Speaker Series. humanitarianism. However, an epistemological framework of Japanese humanitarian activities The Centre was launched on 19 November 2015 with an during World War II was temporally and spatially event entitled ‘Quo Vadis, Asia Pacific?’ which was attended far beyond our traditional historical discourse. The by speakers and guests from King’s, SOAS, universities of JRCS had wide networks with a range of agencies Warwick, Oxford, and Cambridge, the LSE, Chatham House, in wartime Japan, while they preserved contacts and representatives from the South and North Korean, with the International Red Cross and other Red Japanese and Chinese governments, as well as from the Cross Societies outside Japan during the series of Foreign and Commonwealth Office. SOAS scholar Dr Ulrich imperialist wars that led up to the World War II. The Volz, Senior Lecturer in Economics and a JRC member, organisation itself was at a crossroads, and individual joined a panel of experts from the University of Warwick and aid workers acted behind the scenes. Thus, one of Griseldis Kirsch has been advising Big Light Productions on the Chatham House to discuss ‘Where is the Asia Pacific heading aims of the research is to examine the history of JRCS making of The Man In The High Castle, aired on Amazon Prime. after the Global Financial Crisis?’. wartime humanitarian activities in the global history The series is produced by Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Alien) and Frank discourse. Spotnitz (Hunted, The X-Files) and explores an alternative history where the Axis powers won the Second World War. Set in the United In order to add to the historiography of the Japanese States in 1962, the East Coast is Nazi occupied (Greater Nazi Reich) Empire and World War II narratives, this study of and the West Coast is Japanese occupied (Japanese Pacific States). wartime humanitarianism seeks to re-interpret some The screenplay was adapted from the acclaimed novel by Philip of the wartime landscape of wartime mobilisation K. Dick, the writer who inspired Ridley Scott’s sci-fi blockbuster surrounding the JRCS. The organisation itself Blade Runner. As the need for advice on cultural and historical struggled to operate relief activities while maintaining matters in regards to the Japanese side of the story arose, Big Light the Red Cross’ international claim of neutrality. Productions (co-producers of the project) contacted Dr Kirsch to Although there are a large number of wartime advise them on cultural and historical accuracy in the plotline of the historiographies, operations of aid workers have series. Sarah Wyatt, Script Editor at Big Light Productions said: “Dr generally become lost to the historical narrative. Kirsch’s advice and guidance was invaluable to our understanding Therefore, this project re-explores wartime history of the Japanese characters and culture. We relished every moment through the lens of ‘humanitarianism’ with the aim she spent with us and every utterly fascinating email we received, being to recover voices of aid workers, and throws with so many gems we could incorporate into our world.” light on the history of the great silence of humanity.

This research project may allow scholars of Japan, and perhaps the Red Cross itself, to better understand the extent to which the institution’s relief activities were, and were not, in accord with its institutional mission.


SOAS, University of London is the only Higher Education institution in Europe specialising in the study of Asia, Africa and the Near and Middle East.

SOAS is a remarkable institution. Uniquely combining language scholarship, disciplinary expertise and regional focus, it has the largest concentration in Europe of academic staff concerned with Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The SOAS Japan Research Centre is Bulletin Archive On the one hand, this means that SOAS the forum for Japan related activities scholars grapple with pressing issues - at SOAS University of London. democracy, development, human rights, The principle role of the JRC is to Events identity, legal systems, poverty, religion, @soascentres social change - confronting two-thirds promote, coordinate and disseminate The JRC hosts a comprehensive of humankind while at the same time information relating to the academic programme of high quality and well remaining guardians of specialised study of Japan across the disciplines, respected interdisciplinary activities, knowledge in languages and periods and and to act as a resource for academic, including a weekly public seminar regions not available anywhere else in governmental, non-governmental series, international conferences, the UK. and business constituencies with an performances, film screenings, [email protected] interest in Korea. This makes SOAS synonymous with workshops and receptions. intellectual enquiry and achievement. It is a global academic base and a crucial JRC Annual Review Full events programme: www.soas. resource for London. We live in a world Current and past editions of the of shrinking borders and of economic JRC Annual Review are available to CONTACT US and technological simultaneity. Yet it download from: Centres & Programmes Office is also a world in which difference and We welcome you to become part of the 現在SOASにて学部生500名余り、 newsletter/ The Centres & Programme Office is regionalism present themselves acutely. SOAS experience and invite you to learn 院生100名余りが日本及び日本語に part of the Research and Enterprise It is a world that SOAS is distinctively more about us by exploring our website. 焦点を当てて学際的に学んでおりま Keep updated positioned to analyse, understand す。欧州における当分野の研究機関と Office (REO). This directorate at SOAS and explain. しては最大の学生数となります。 If you would like to receive information works across the School to secure about the Centre’s activities and external funding and income, to Our academic focus on the languages, Admissions research news, send an email to support research excellence, and to cultures and societies of Asia, Africa [email protected] facilitate knowledge transfer. and the Middle East makes us an indispensable interpreter in a SOAS Library Please put JRC bulletin in the subject complex world. header. Research

SOAS, University of London Thornhaugh Street Russell Square Produced by the SOAS Japan London WC1H 0XG Research Centre, SOAS University of London

• JS / TA / DT, Centres and Programmes Office • Editors: Dr Helen Macnaughtan and Jane Savory • Translations: Tomoko HASEGAWA • Printed by: SOAS Print Room

42 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/JRC SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 43 Thornhaugh Street Russell Square London WC1H 0XG Tel: +44 (0)20 7637 2388