Iowa State Irish Feis Dance Competition the Band to Take Solos) and and There Are a Host of De- September 8, 2007 All Day Event
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Spring cleaning of the basement came about days. I hardly think we could have killed them four months late at my house, but better late faster if we tried. We had even named them than never, I say. After a decade of two pathetic Crush, Creature and Chuck Long. Chuck lasted brothers co-habitating in what became known the longest, but his violent spasms in the throes as “the compound,” I booted Brad from the of death were hard to watch when you didn’t roost a couple of years ago. Since then, much of know what was wrong and were helpless to his boxed-up life has remained as a permanent save him. Now, thanks to Wikipedia, I do know. resident of my basement. A year ago, another They were guppies. Apparently they needed a resident moved in. A lady. You know, the kind more oxygenated environment, i.e. an aquari- person who does ridiculous stuff like, uh, dust, um. The kid at the fish store clearly knew more and water plants. And, this month, after months about stocking shelves than caring for fish or of trying her patience, we cleaned the base- he would have told me that only anabantoids ment. It was really more of a purging (I need an (fish that can breathe atmospheric air thanks to old priest and I need a young priest). a unique organ called the labyrinth) can live in bowls. In other words, we should have got- Brad would be the first to admit that despite ten a Betta. Even goldfish will likely die in a promises to the contrary, he was never going goldfish bowl, by the way. So never put one to come for his crap. The only solution ... show in there unless you looking to only have him up at his house and deliver it. So we borrowed for a week. Here endeth the lesson. So I went dad’s truck. (Ain’t it great when dads have back tonight and they indeed refunded my trucks!) Brad had a massive collection of beer purchase, minus the price of the Betta I just cans from his ‘70s childhood down in the base- brought home. The girl tonight knew her fish! ment. Looks like a job for eBay. Then there were Since he survived the weekend, bags full of Army fatigues he’ll never wear I thought it safe to name him. again, but can’t part with. And 4,000 Meet Mayonnaise II. pounds of paperwork. Ugh! I say cross your fingers and I could write a whole torch it! article about my odor- iferously enjoyable trip I had some sentimental part- to the landfill. Interest- ings of my own. How many of you ing place. Not a great spent what had to have been hun- smell on a 90-degree afternoon. I dreds or thousands of hours making mix survived and in the end, Brad got tapes in the ‘80s and ‘90s? I have a heap of his comeuppance, the dump got cassettes, carefully planned out and recorded a mini-fridgerator and my mullet-generation to use up all the tape on both sides of the cas- music collection, and my basement got a vis- sette. And all themed something like “Metal ible floor. My body ached for two days after 3”, “Ballads 4” or “Yngwie Malmsteen.” Yikes! spending Sunday bent over down there. Oh, They must have been important because I can’t we installed new fluorescent lighting too. With believe how much care went into making the all the exercise equipment, cable TV and band hand-written case inserts legible and clean. gear (my band practices in my basement), it’s I’ve never written anything legible! I can’t even becoming a real guy’s room. I don’t have a ga- type with more than my index fingers. How- rage so I need to have my room somewhere. All ever, beware the speed of the double guns. I need now is a little beer fridge for me and the With a very heavy heart, into the trash ALL guys and I’ll never have to go upstairs again. the cassettes went. Even my Rush tapes. I had (There’s a shower and backyard access to the every album. Both store-bought and recorded- resurrected hot tub, mind you). Next on the list from the albums (which I did NOT throw out). is tearing out my coal bin so I can reassemble Those were, of course, recorded only on the my bar that is stacked in the corner. It still has most expensive metal tapes. No CrO2 in my coal in it from like a hundred years ago. Any- take rack. I was not forced to do this. I realized body need some coal? on my own that I would never listen to them again, as much as I loved them. I have them all Cohabitator’s note: Bryce may say that with on CD now, or, more importantly, on my iPod. the addition of a mini-fridge he would nev- Goodbye dear friends, you served me well. er want to go upstairs from the basement again, but this female would like to think We found a goldfish bowl while we were clean- that the bugs would not be stellar long-term ing. It used to house our 365 office fish back company and he would wander upstairs in 2001. So we got a hankerin’ to resurrect it eventually. The smell of cookies would and got some fish. Bad idea. They died it three probably lure him. The 365ink crew... faces you already know! Tim Brechlin Mike Ironside Tanya Graves Ellen Goodmann Kelli Kerrigan Ralph Kluseman Gary Olsen Matt Booth L.A. Hammer Chris Wand Pam Kress-Dunn Joey Wallis In This Issue of 365ink ... ISSUE # 36 Irish Hooley / Last Blast: 4 AUGUST 9 - 22 Community Events: 5 - 7 Arts & Culture : 8 - 11 Fine Arts Players / DMA Opening New Diggings Festival : 13 Summerfest/Four Mounds: 14 Live Music Listings: 16-17 Wando’s Movie Reviews: 18 Mural Inspirations: 19 Mayor Roy Buol: 20 Giving Voice: Pam Kress-Dunn: 21 Bob’s Book Reviews: 22 Mattitude: 23 Eating Healthy: 25 The A Factor: Crossword / 26Sudoku: 27 Trixie Kitch: 28 Dr. Skrap’s Horoscopes: 28 Comedy: 30 CFA New Season: 31 The Inkwell Publisher: Bryce Parks ([email protected]) Editor: Tim Brechlin ([email protected]) Advertising: Kelli Kerrigan ([email protected]) 563-451-9365 Ad Design: Tanya Graves ([email protected]) Photography: Mike Ironside, Joey Wallis, Ron TIgges, Bryce Parks Writers & Content: Mike Ironside, Tim Brechlin, Ellen Goodmann, Bryce Parks, L.A. Hammer, Chris Wand, Mayor Roy Buol, Matt Booth, Robert Gelms, Angela Koppes, Pam Kress-Dunn Graphic Design & Layout: Bryce Parks, Mike Ironside, Tim Brechlin Special thank you to: Jim Heckmann, Bob & Fran Parks, Kay Kluseman, Bob Johnson, Todd Locher,Dave Blake, Everett Buckardt, Julie Steffen, Sheila Castaneda, Tom Miller, Renae Gabrielson, Christy Monk, Katy Brechlin, Ron & Jennifer Tigges and all the 365 friends and advertisers for all your support. You are all 365. Dubuque365 • 210 West 1st Street, Dubuque, IA, 52001 Office Phone or Music/Events/Movie Hotline 365 @(563) 588-4365 All contents (c) 2007, Community, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Roy Buol Ron Tigges Robert Gelms Brad Parks Angela Koppes Bryce Parks We’ve hidden 365’s WANDO somewhere in this issue of Dubuque365ink. Can you find the master of movies buried within these pages? Hint: He’s tiny and could be anywhere ! Good Luck! Win ners get a free warm fuzzy felling in your belly! - WE HAVE WINGER ON OUR COVER. AWESOME. 4 AUGUST 9 - 22 SUMMER’S LAST BLAST 8 • AUGUST 24 & 25 3RD ANNUAL IRISH HOOLEY • AUGUST 25 by Tim Brechlin been extremely active in their own individ- Colorado, he began playing classical guitar, ual endeavors since they parted ways, and and in 1979, with two friends, he traveled We’ve had a heck of a summer so far, seeing the two reunited will be a special to New York in the hope of getting a record- haven’t we? DubuqueFest and the Bud- treat for audiences of Summer’s Last Blast. ing deal. His group, then named Wingerz, weiser True Music Kickoff to Summer, opened for bands like Twisted Sister, back in May, seem like they were only but never struck it big and then re- yesterday. Are we really at the third of turned to Denver after 8 months. four installments of All That Jazz? Yes The members went their sepa- ... the summer months are wrapping rate ways after the move back, up, and soon we will have that das- but Kip, still wanting a record Sahara, the band was re-named to Wing- tardly villain known as autumn con- deal, returned to New York in er after discovering that another band fronting us. But that doesn’t mean we 1982 and slept on the living had the name. The debut album was cer- have to lie down and take it! No, sir, room floor of producer Beau tified platinum, and it cranked out four we are going to end this summer Hill. It was during this time hit singles. The heavy metal sound was with a bang, an explosion ... a that he met studio guitar an instant hit, and the band’s follow-up blast, if you will! Two great fes- player Reb Beach, who would album, In the Heart of the Young, was an- tivals are scheduled for Friday and later become a key member other success, also going platinum. The Saturday, August 24 and 25, in the of the band Winger.