•VmiVKKS Ot»IH»l-TtJ*,TIICB. BKisiEB, daughter of L. Uannheimev, Eiq., both of USEMENTS. ; i LEE.—E»WA_D LBB, son of Hugh and Kate _*«. -VTTl 'SKMESTS. AWl?SE.1IR_TJ«. CRB OPPOBI U' NlW^Xi ffATrRi3jefTliii» SloW thie city. No carda, aged 3 years and % months. "ITAVKRLY'SrTaif A TRE, TH St. AND 6fH~AV? KPt,t»<0: Menu lecturing Has noit (or sale; large profits; San Francisco paper* please copy. Funeral from his parents' residence, 36 Washing­ ENDRRBONS STANDARD THEATRE. »u«ine**e* R _. C, Herald office. 14 HWM. HENDERSON Proprietor and Maaager LYONS—Hon gum.—Mr. 8o_. LYONS, of 78th at.. ton St., Monday. November 27, two P. M. J. U. BAVEBLY.. --.-_ ...... Mauager and Proortelor E D»OYLY CARTE'S OPBBA COMPANY. QTOCK AND FIXTURES OF A RETAIL. HAT AND New York, to Miaa EMMA HoBxaxa, of New Eochelle. LENT.—On Thursday, November 23. ABBAHAM LENT, EVERY EVENING AT 8:15 OCap Store in a thriving city of _0.U*J inhabitant* ; buei- a«ed 67 years. V i Kj-.KB BBB TTTT H It EBEK * tm BRR EEEB SATURDAY BATINKE AT 2 IS. >«•• established nearly 2U years; location the very boat In Funeral services at tbe Scotch Presbyterian H AA V VE BR THIIE AA TBBB GILKHRT and SULLIVAN'S lh»i»t applicant tan so.-ure a lucrative b .»i 6th av„ on Monday, November 27 inst., at half- Boss, inquire a? A. » MALCOLMMIN, No. 17_ Pearl •„, vember _, lss'.', at the I'uiversliy Place Chur.b. by il 11 AAA VY B R R J H H E AAA T R B B II „°°SV I' A A > » TTTT II V BBaa past ton o'clock A. M. Relatives and friends are in­ HA A VV E K U T I HK AAtRRB 11 O 0 L A A N N N T It "M E •r A. X. SUEFPRY. Wilmington. Dei ttn Lev. S. I>. Bnrchard, grandfatber of tin- bride, UA _ Bt*_kS CODMAS, daughter of Jamett Frenche, of Wa­ vited. Interment at Poughkeepslo, N. Y. A ¥ -_-n.fi R B L__L T U U EEEB A A * i » EEEB • 11 £ 9 i* A A X N N T II H PKCIAL' PARTNER, WITH Hji^OR *M OOO, BY A The mombers of tho Board of Trustees of tho West A A N N N T HHrTH EBB Sgold watch ease m«n.i!»cliir«r, to extend the business; terloo. N. I., to FaKDKKic H. CALKixh, of this city. AAA H N N T H H B only those willing to mass a permanent investment at a CmevAj-sUi—B_KD.— On November ill, 18IM, at the Side Savings Bank are requested to attend the i11l 8 80 6L A A funeral of their late associate, Abraham Lent, to ALLjrHIf °s>« N NN T H H E Hir i»Wf.t i),:,,il »d:lr»a Til OS. BENF1ELD. __i Madi- University Place Presbyterian Church, by the Bev. POSITIVELY EAST WEEK.' MATINEE u 00 LLLL A A N NN T U _ ___J tttii at, Brooklyn, V Y. li. it. Booth, EMMA A., daughter of Charles C. Beed, meet at the bank at ten o'clock A. M. I TUANKSCIVINO THAMKSOIvmO OR. rWHAbtT^ W*__r~TO COSKBoT WITS MR IN to OKOitas CutVAX.BUS, both of this city. GEORGE 8TABR, Prosldent. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK. TBE PEER AND TOE PERL Sbnaiueaa a thorough business man who haa influence Fox—Wi_oo_—Oa Thursday, November 23, by the JOBB A. HUDSON, Secretary. WEEK. DAY, _ P. M. ami cam give beat of city reference*. To aa«h a nan I Bev. H. M. San.le.is, at the reaidence of the bride's At a special meeting of tbe Merchant Tailors' t The stare under the direction ef Mr. Charles H arris. offer groat .mine esionl*. For particulars address FIN AN- Society of tbe city of New York resolutions of con­ Q- The music under tbe direction of Mr. Alfred Collier. C1AL. Herald office- Mutter, Mrs. 3 W. XL Clave, B»OAB H. FOX to K_I.A J. .>- Wiuox, daughter of William H. Wilcox, Jr.. all of dolence with the family and friends of the late Strephoa. Mr. W. T. CartUN. Abraham Lent were passed, and it was resolved that K K il BBB A L 9BB BEE OO 8_ ™ The Earl of Mount Ararat Mr. A. W. Wilkinson OAP FACTORY. NEAR." NEW YOB .; ESTABLISHED this city. No cardA, L 15 year*; machinery uorftci: part cash: owner retir- the mombers of said society attend the funeral of K K AA B BE B0 OB - - Tho Earl of Tolloller „ Mr. L. Cadwallader S O'CoHMOB— MCBPHT.—On Thursday. November 23. K K ft R R L _J_*. ROBERT A >K Y M« il" R, 2iH rtroadtwny, . their late President. In accordance with this reso­ A A _ B E E O O » • Private Willis Mr. Litbgow James at Su Cecilia's Church, by the Uev. N. J. Murphy, KK II R B A A L BBB REE 0 0 8_ Tbe train bearer _. Br. W. White O LET-STORE AT MORRISTOWN. N. 4 -BEST LO- O. 8. A., JoHKj, J. O'CoNBon to MART E., daughter of lution the members of the Merchant Tailors' So-» K K it BRB AAA L B B R R 0 0 * Tration in the city. esseelehy adapted tar fancy dry Sylvester Murphy. Eaq. ciety are requested to attend the funeral of their K K II R R A A L B_ B E E 0 J 8 r The Lord Chancellor Mr. J. H. Ryley pKTKua—MAKQCARDT.—On November 14, by Bev. late President. Abraham Lent, on Mouday morning, K K li _ i A A LLLL P BBB E E 00 S8. • lolnnUi* ..Mis* ManeJau.os Jars please address J. ! CAN Pi ELD. Marristown, X.J. at half-past ten o'clock, from tbe Scotch Presby­ The Fairy Queea _,. Miss Augusta Rochs John Johns, WILLIAM B. PBX-BS to ALICK 11. MA_- ORIGINAL, 8UCCE8SPUL AND MAGNIFICENT Celia...._ .Miss Mina Rowley HE CHAMPION~'_FF_BV_SCBMT_LlyUID DIS- qCA-DT, ot New York. terian Church, 14th St., east of 6th av.. without further notice. Leila ...Mist Kate Forstet Tpenser—VOT new ale, fresh norter, root boer „c: inds- 1'_OWMAN—BAI-XES.—On Wednesday, November 22, CO BBB OO OO K E Flola ;._ ..Miss Biiiie Barlow pos *bU-; the Kugisii and Canada pat m lor sale, the a. the residence of the bride's mother, by the Bev. A. J. CONNICK. ) C OR RO OO OKE P-ylll» .• Miss Sallie Babe* Champion Faucet, for wiuea, liq tors, cider, vinegar, ale, Dr. Bylance, LOUISE, daughter ot the late John Bal- MAI HEW ROCK, } Committee. C BEOOOOKK CHORUS OF PEERS. CHORUS OF FAIRIES. water, Ac. Send tor circular. LOCIS BERGEN, Patentee O RBB 0 O O O KK an 4 Sole Man a fact.; ivr. 414 East Jf.th St. ken. of this city, to BOBBBX S. PLOWMAX, of Brook­ THOMAS O. DENNY.) NEW SCENERY by O. W. DAYTON A SON. lyn. LTTHADRB—On Friday, November 24, BRNJAMIS 2 „5 5° °o OKK AM OBCUESTRA OF THIRTY-EIGHT MUSIC O JIANUFACTUBKUS.—WE HAVE AN OPENING SAMPSOS—EHBICH.—On Thursday evening, Novem­ LI ruACKit, 64 years of age. to represent tome good inmuf actured article, or would The funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon, C C R RO OO OKE EXTRA MATINEB THANKSGIVING DAY. TIntroduce and push any g«K>d novelty on «o_-tnis*i«n; hav­ ber _, at tne residence of the bride's parents, 144 CC E E OO OO E at Orchestra. »2; Balcony Chairs, *i 30; admission SI. 1> .i'i si., Brooklyn, by tho Bev. Dr. Wtn&pner, at one o'clock, from his late residence, No. 30 East «> ing a very large acquaintance we can give undoubted •—t- 18th st. Positively no flowers. CADEMY OPF MUSIC. PATW. Isfaction to any concern; higlteat reference*. Address CuABLitM W. SAMPISOX, of Ooorgotown, S. C, to AMK A 19TII NIGHT OF THE SUBSCRIPTION. MANUFACTURE NO AGENTS, Herald ofneo. ______ixt EuaicH. of Brooklyn. LOCKYEB.—On Friday morning, November 24, THREE THREE JAMI S LOCKYKB, aged 65 years and 2 months. Seventh appearance of Mine. ADELIN'A PATH. Sot'LK—SBC:OB.—On Wednesday, November 15, by GRAND MATINEB8 GRAND MATINEES TO-MOBROW (MONDAY), November 27 (first Ume this ilKADVEBTISER. A~THOROUGn BUSINESS MAX. Tiie funeral will take place from his late residence, • Bason). Rossini's Op >ra, desires toeitlsr into some u»laMishe.l business, or would the Bev. H. B. Lord, at the residence of the bride'a T 270 Delaucey st., on Sunday, November 26, at one THIS WEEK. IL BARBIEBE DI SiVlGLlA. loftn a connection with tha risht parlies: will Invest I»i- n.s. Savannah, N. Y., COBA K-VVKLLK SOD LB to THIS WEEK. Conte Almaviva Signor Ravalli; Figaro, Signor Ciempt- SsAAUO or more if uecosanry. Addroas PUSH, 3 fl Herald o'clock P. M. 'Relatives and friends are respectfully $TB*nK!t BUBKBTB SXCOB, of New York. invited to attend. Interment in Greenwood Ceme­ Collaj; Don Bassilio. Signor Monti; Dottoro Bartoio. Sig­ ptowu office. P nor Corslni, and Roaina, Mme, Adeline Pattl (wbo will f VAMNAMK—KICABI>.—On Wednesday, November 15, tery. WEDN ESDAY. 18S2, at Mariners' Harbor, 8. I-, by the Bev. W. K. introduce in tho lesson scene Arditi'e valae, "L'K»ta*i"l. wo VALUABLE PATRXTSI—ONE F<>B RAILROAD Somersetshire (England) papers pease copy. ears ami one for lubricating wagon wheels, for sale or Mane, GBOBUX VAKNAMB to LOUISB, youngest daugha^ THANKSG fviNU DAY, Director of Music Sigi or Arditl T MACIINN.—At the residence of her parents, 343 WEDNESDAY, November 29 (last time) Verdi s upoia, AND •xchange; will take Farm or Bunding Lots. Addrosa to ter of John A. lUearu. Esq., all ot SUten Island. West 58th St.. November 25. KATIE F., beloved IL TBOVATORE. As* tbttpaientee. J. A. BRUNS. MajOiattan Building, corner YucKas— BCSH.—Ow Wudnesday eveninjj, Novem­ AND SATU RDAY AT 2. BBtn st. nnd 'id av. daughter of Patrick F. and Fanny Maginu, in the Manrloo, Signor Nicollnl; Conte do Luna. 8_rnorGalassi; Perrando, Signor Monti; Asucena, Mm*. Galasst, and Leo­ ber 'li, at residence of T. 3. Buali. by Bev. O. T. 21st year of her age. THREE ORA ND BALLETS. WABTKD71i«Xi^iir iiTliiB SILEIIT OR AC- Clarke D.D Wild—VM II. YOUK-S to D_UA liUdU. nora, Mme. Adeline Pattl. Funeral services at Church of St. Paul the FRIDAY, December 1. debut of Mme. FURSCIIMABDl. »T live, with *li),0fW to $1^.j. UBOUUK ABBOTE, son of the late Dr. Henry Ab- on Thursday, Novomber 23, MABY E„ wife of Geoige DUNCAN, THE MAR"VE LLOb'S VENTRILOQUIST. gury, and Valentina, Mme. F'ursch-Mardl. Toys Confectionery and Klxiurus; Fulton St.. Brooklyn. Mauneritig, aged 67 years. Apply to HALL A SOX, :tji» Franklin u,\\. Brooklyn. bott. of Cniro, Egypt. GRAND PATTI MATINEB. luteruient in Greenwood. Funeral services "will be held in Ainslie Street THE FAMOUS MARTENS IN STYRRIEN TROIS. SATURDAY. December 2. at 2 o'clock, Verdi's Opera, \\TA"MTE_—FA"BTY"~L VD7 I'TlEFEBRED) WITH LA TRAViATA. ALBKBTS.—On Saturday, November 25. _U_JAS Baptist Church, on Sunday afternoon at twoo'clock. AMAZONIAN MA RCHES. GRAND TRANSFORM ATIOB. fl fl.OJUto join advertiser in tna.iu' ac ,;i t ung :i:id seU- MAUTTN.—On November 25. at the residence of his Violetta Mme. Adeline Pattl BBATBJCK. ekleat daughter of Bobert H. and Amtnl- (See special aunoiiBoemeut). tng face preparations, cosmetics, pomades, Ac. TOILET parents, 2,061 3d av., JAMES MABTIN, eldest sou of SECURE SEATS EARLY ARTICLES, Herald office. ade A. Alberta, aged 4 years, 11 months and 'j6 days. AND AVOID THE CROWD Box office open daily from 0 till 5. Funeral from tho residence of her parents, No. 290 Patrick and Elizabeth Martin. _ WANTED— GENTLEMAN WITH A FEW HUNDRED Rush av.. Hobokeu. N. J., on Sunday. November 26. Relatives and lrieuds are invited to attend the ^cTr7EMv^F^"us"icT PATTI MATINEE! II d-dlars to take the agency at Chicago and the North- at two o'clock P. H. Relatives and friends respect­ funeral on Monday, at one P. M. DECEMBER 4, M. B. C URTIS, SAM'L OP POSEN. Mr. Mapleson has great pleasure iu announcing he west of a first c:as* article for lire stationery trado. Ad has arranged with fully iuvited. MOOBE.—Friday morning. November 24, 1882. IJOU OPERA HOUSE, BROADWAY, NEAR 30TH ST. OTE1NWAY HAlUa. dress L. N W., Herald office. JOHN A. McCAOALL Proprietor and Manager Mme. ADELIN'A PATTI to appear in a ASIITWS.—On Wednesday, November 22. 1883, CAROLINE M., widow of Orlaudo J. Moore. B GRAND MATINEE. •xi'ANrK'D—VPARTKITK! "WITH i&^i.aiaTo EXTEND Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to Every evening at »:15_5, . Matinee Saturday at 2. Mr. HENRY E. ABBEY respectfully announces the JOSEPH Asaron. aged 53 years and 11 days. SECOND MONTH. SECOND MONTH. to take place on fl an established manufacturing business; proQts^Oper attend the funeral from her late residence, 17 East FIRST APPEARANCES in Now York- of SATURDAY NEXT. December 2, Funeral trom his late residence. No. 1,272 2d av., GILBERT _ SULLIVAN'S Mmu. CHRISTINE tent; only those possessing the means need answer; sales on Suuilay, November 26, at one o'clock P. M. 44th st., ou Mouday, -g-;tl> iust., at oue o'clock. on which occasion will be performed ter the last *.i mostly tor cash. Address JR., Herald office. now universally acknowledged best work, UN N II L SSS OO /«I< Verdi's Opota, Oldham (Englaudl papers please copy. MCCABTHY—Ou Saturday marniug, November 26, THE N N N II L S - NN 'ANTED.—PERSONS WITH A »MALL," CAP7TAL! s s LA TRAVIATA. BKNNKTT.—On Novembers, at his late residence, JOHN MCCABTHY. native of the^iarish or Ballay Mc- N N N II L S s N N i Alfredo. Signor Ravolli; Uermont, Signer Oalassl, sac vf*sh to come South and desire to eugngo in ss_ OO REE C_ _,&*_ BRB r*.!'.;__ N N N II L SS8 N N fac'.uring will do well to address letter box M, Provideuce, Bureau county, HI., THOMAS BBBKKrr, ltelligott. county Kerry. , in tho 61st year of sss Violetta, Mme Adcliua Patti. his age. s s O OR I C E P. B B a. ;-. N N N II L 8 s v ivillu. Tonn. of county Cork, Ireland. s O OB I E B B E v. _ II L Director of the Music aud Conductor Signor Ardil Relatives and friends are respectfully invited.to N NN s s NN Prices of admission (ou tnis occasion) Cork Exa-niuer please copy. ESS O 0 RRR BEU RRR EEK RHJB N NN II LLLL s e sss OO NN UAAN TE D—T> «n-TU E" iilGH "f B AN, W Ili I TlTTs attend his funeral, on Monday, November 27, at two O R Private boxes j51."> to $38 11 .'V... ' Ui invest or loan in a staple manufacturing BBBUKH.—November 25, in Brooklyn city, Trjsis E R R E a R IN GRAND CONCERT. MM P. M., from his late residence* 20 Greenwich st. s o OR .. „ K Parquet and balcony Five dollar* businessTclMi sfae go., i security and good salary. Address C. bEBiutN, president of Brooklyn Flra Insurance C E B R B 8 TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 28, Mer.tauiue circle Three dollar! 8 S o0 0 R CC BEES R JB EBBS _ B st 8:15 o'clock, and GOOD OPPOB*»NITY. Morald office. Company, aged 52 years. MOCBOBKY.—Saturday, November 25, DENNIS MO- 8SS I Family circle (reserved) Two dollars CBOBEY. in the 30th year of his age. MATINEE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, AT 2. BOOKKEEPER AS PARTNER, WlTII Funeral. Tuesday, 28th inst., two P. M., from Be- "The one unmistakable success of the season so far was General admission Two dollars WANTED—A Mmu. NILSSON will bo assisted by the following eminent Family circle One dollai II $4,tsUcaj>h. BRO )KL\N. 1SH Herald office. foriued Dutch Church, 12tti St., between 4th and 5th Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to scored by the Bijou eompany yesterday evening in 'The artists:— avs.. Brooklyn. attend the funeral, from his late rosideuce. 434 Sorcerer.' "—t>uu, Oftobor 18. Miss HOPE GLENN, Contralto; A LCAZAR, BROADWAY AND 41ST ST ANTED—HOLIDAY OOO US TO SELL OX COM- BIBBY.—On Friday, November 24, at the rosidonee Pearl street, on Mouday. November 27, at one P. M. "A moro merry unil complete performance has not boon M. THEODORE BiORKS l EN, Tenor, A Manager. If niis-ion iu Troy; largo store ana location. Ad^-»» A. R. SAMUELLS of bis son, Augustus Van Cortlandt, Esq-, Kings- NEW.—On Saturday morning, November 25, 1882, given iu any theatre for many a day."—Times, October IS. and THIS EVENING, AT », 8. A. I" . box l7_ lleralii office. Signor GIUSEPPE DEL PCENTE, Baritone, v t n g bridge. EWWABD N. BIBBX, M. D., in tho DJd year of Miss MAOOIE Y. NEW, only daughter of the late John GQ 11 L MM MM -"J RRR ;LI__ \lf AXTED-PAliTXER IX MAILWAY PUBLICATION Characters by Meters. John Howson, Digby Boll, George iu conjunction with the G G 11 L V.S NM 0 O R R A sf*l- his age. New, of Albany, N. Y. 01ml, Chas. J. Caiupii,-.!, George Schiller; Missus Made­ MENDELSSOHN ob'INTET CLUB . 1 if i_yiiig 4»i.<»> i aauuaSK; *_.5uO required; rare chance. The relatives and lrieuds of tho family are re- G 11 L M N N M O 0 R R E Address RAILWAY, Herald. Helaiives and friends are invited to attend the line Lucette, Luuia Joyce, Ln.ilo Weathersby, Julio de of . G II L M N NM O O RRR SEE funeral, at St. John's Church, Yonkers, on Monday, fjpectfully requested to attend the funeral services, Ruythor. CHARLES E. PRATT, Pianist. 0 CO II L M MM M O 0 R R i \|" ANT ED-A PARTNER TO TAKE" CHARGE." OP 27th inst., at two P. M. Carriages will be in waiting at her late residence, 236 East Gist st., on Monday Seats securea four weeks in advance. SCALE OF PRICES. G G If L M NN M O 0 R R _ If the flcsuacea and jilieo, with &">,{*X1, by a member of on arrival of tbe 1 o'clock train from Oraud Central afternoon, November 27, at two o'clock. The re­ JSXTRA MAflNEE THANKSGIVING DAY. Admission, $1; reserved seats $1 and $2 extra. GO 11 LLLL EMM DO R K Produce Exchange, who hai suae capital and a g nod eorn- mains will be taken to Albauy for interment. Sale of seats now progressing. AND HIS FAMOUS BAND OF SOLO ARTISTS"••re, s Depot. "XDISON SQUARE "THEATRE, 24TH S^FTTIJ'WAY. Box office- open from 9A.M. till 0 1*. M. nuatou trade ID ,'H-. Address COMMISSION, 1«_ Herald Albany papers please copy. Curtain rises h:iio sharp; Saturday matinees 2. TOGETHER WITH EMINENT VOCAL TALENT. OR office. BLACK. On Friday, November 24. ANNIE, beloved M SECOND GRAND CONCERT IN FOLLOWING PRO­ h ad; daughter of Bobert Black, aged 9 years, 2 months NICOLAS.—Suddenly, in Plainfleld, N. J., Wednes­ UNDlMlNLsHED SUCCESS -TRcTlTi-A_riLTO.\"A BACKUS'; OPERA HOUSE. GRAM ME :- ef the brilliant society Comedy by Brouson Howard. SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. ,B'wny and 2SHh st. Par- Tl^AXTED^imirANlFAOOOD BUSINESS MAN; TO and 24 days. day, November 22, CHRISTINA A. NICOLAS. B 1. Overture, "Statist Mater" ... Rossini II the ri.'ht part;. I will pay a fc.iod ralary aud give good THE SYMPOSIUM OF AMERICA. Relatives and friends of the family are respect­ Relatives and friends are resnoctfully invited to SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS, I ALWAYS GILMORE'S BAND. nn.mc.in ••' ->i •• il estate a* vii-'iritv for investment. Ad- 2. Cornet Solo, "Fantaisie Cleopatra" Doniare dr. ,•. 1XYESTMENT. Herald office. fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late attend her funeral, on Sunday .November 26. at half- SAN FKAN.LSCO MINSTRELS, | GREAT. past twelve P. M., from her late residence. No. 164 Mr. M. C. BENT. residence, 141st at., near Willis av., on Sunday, No­ SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. I NOW GREATER 3. Csvatina, "Robert, toi quo j'aiuie" Meyerbeer \\rAN'TEO— PARTXEli. VVlTH~CAlMTAL, IX AN ES- Franklin St., New York city. YOUNG SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. THAN EVER. II tal.li»tifd produce coinmiaaion house, to take charge vember 26, 1882, at twelve o'clock. Signers DE CARLO. BLOXHAM—On Wedueaday, November 22, JAMES PABSONS.—THOMAS PABSONS, aged 49, at his resi­ EXTRA MATINEE THANKSGIVING DAY. of book* aud noancea. Addvjan A. B. 0.. Herald ullico. MRS. WINTHBOP. A Swedish Wedding March .Sodermun dence, 249 West 27th st. Instantaneous success of our Pastoral Comedy, GILMORE'S BAND. OABFIE—D, youngest son or William and Fannie AS YOU LIKE IT, | _ \\*"ANTED— A PARTNER IX A CIGAR KACIORY^ Bioxham, aged 1 year, 5 months. Funeral will leave on Sunday, at two P. M. 1- 5. Aria for Basso, "N011 pin Andrai" Mossrt 4 >a AS YOU LIKE IT yo II riinniiiif tirdor ac.d some eatablishod trade; mn»t bo Buried Friday, 24th. Burial private. PETTY.—At Rutherford, on Friday, November 24, Mr. EDWARD J. O'MAUONEY. eapahle to take cbarire of shop aud e.xchanpe best rofer- J'J (plain, and no water), | OS! 6. Grand Selections, "Gems of the Operas" Bellini BBADV.—On November 25, isai, TKBENCE BRADY, JOHN BBAUUCY, eldest son of Elenora and Oft late _£ (plain, and no water), | ?;>• Bii,-.;a coiiie prepared for business!. 22i tultuo It., up INTERPRETED BY A SUBERB OAST AND EMBEL­ GILMORE'S BAND. tiro pair of stairn. in the 72d year of his ago, a native of county Meatn, George W. Petty, in the 26th year of her age. „3 - AS YOU LIKE IT. _r° 7. Fantaisie for Piano on Webor s "invitation a la RADWAY.—Suddenly, at Faulkland, Del., Friday, LISHED WffH SUMPTUOUS SCENERY. AS YOU LIKE IT. | .» \r AM Hl>— A PART^BRT^WITrT~A~CA>ITAL~ BE- Ireland. '.'Temperature of auditorium fresh aud wholesome. Danse." I suslg 'KI> OVATION TO MRS. JERSEY LILY LONGTBEE BIRCU, Miss HENRIETTA MARKxTEIN. II tweoa K<«l and eJO.Uki. for wholesale boy Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to November 24, 18S2, ANNA JOSEPHINE, daughter of *.*iuteiinUsions $5 second*, 4 minutes, •>:". seconds. the Professional Beauty, in "hose aud doublet." 'tag attend the funeral. Iron his late residence. No. 522 Anua E. and the late Dr. John Radway. *»*Play ends IU.40. Seats secunid two weeks ahead. 8. Trombone Solo, "Les Folies Bergere." Iune* Kithint;; one having full ktiowlo Ice of the buaiueas pro- THE LOVELIEST' CREATURE EVER SEEN. Mr. F. W. 1NNES. EW, Ierred Aildresji A. V.. Herald office. Washington st., at oue P. M., on Monday, the 27th Notice of funeral hereafter. THURSDAY NEXT, ottru Thanksgiving Mntlueo. Hriiii; telescopes to iiualvze her features. THE PRINCE and the PRKS1DENT IN RAPTURES. 9. Bolero for voice Arditi \l' ANTED—A PARTXEK. IX A ~8M ALL_M"ANL'PA0 inst. RAINEB.—November 24, Mrs. ROSE RAINEB. rPUALlA THEATRE, 413 AND 4s" BOWERY. Mile. AMELIA DE BETTINI. I t" E j Funeral takes place from late residence, 54 10th HOUSES PACKED AND WINKING ROOM ONLY. IT luring basinets. *a 1th $;Xm; money not so much aa BBUSH.—Suddenly, at Yonkers, on Saturday, No- _. Unabated sucoess of tho Comedians, The aristocracy begging to act as "supers" in order to 10. Cavatina. "II Trovatorc." Verdi rnflt- *b;ecl as sfuod salesman; oue acquainted with the dry av., Mouday, 27th, eleven A. M. KNAACK and TEWELB. Signers DE CARLO. "nce. veiuoer 25, CHAKI.ES Y. BIUHH. be ou tho stu-.ro aud near Mrs. Kosaiind Longtree liiren, it I* and notion hous^a. Address WORKER, bos 124 Funeral on Monday, at eleven A. M., from his late RILEY.—Ou Friday, November 24, HENBY, son of KNAACE and TEWELE. SCREAMS OF ACUTE MIRTH REND THE AlR. 11. "American Patrol" (new). ..• Norn to Herald office. Ann and the late James Riley, in the 29th year of his KNAACK and TEWELE. See Mrs, Longtree's imported (.priite) "I'mf." GILMORE'STiAND. EX. residence. Warburton av. 12. Descriptive Song. "The Diver." Loder ANrBD—PARTNER WITH ByasfEs November 25, MATTXE BYBNES, daughter age. MORELAND RECITES THE SEVEN "EDGES" OF \y ~~$2S.li*> To cv-fuvM- Monday, Tue-.b.y, Wednesday and Thursday ovenings, MAN. • Mr. EDWARD J. O'MAUONEY. 10- If bar by car^o to ship from Southern nort; milis now of Matthew and Nettie Byrnes, aged 3 months and Tbe friends of the family are invited to attend the the Farce "Vain Wisiius" aud the oneact Operetta "Tenant 13. Euphonium Solo, "Theme aud Variations.''. .Donixoltl In successful operation. Addreau WESLEV SIs&OX, 44 10 days. fuueral, from the residence of his mother, 408 West and Barber." A glorious programme this week. Signor RAFFAYOLO. West '^4tb st. Sir Henry Bishop's glees introduced nightly. 14. Piano Solo. "Graude Polka de Concert." Gottschalk Funeral from residence, at Jobstown. N. J., Mon­ 31st st., on Sunday, November 26. at two P. M. WM. HAMILTON'S NEW AND POPULAR BALLADS. KR GRAND THANKSGIVING DAY MATINEB, Miss UENKIEiTA MARKa'lElN. red. "WANTED—A YOUNG LADY WITH SMALL CAP day, at two P. M. SCHAFEB.—On Friday morning, November 24,1882, SLAVlN AND FRENCH in a new sketch. on which occasion Klein. Jules, Galster, Adolpht and the Swaatnum's laughable parodies encored again aud again. 15. Coronation March, "11 Profeta." Myerbeer II it* to join a mechnnie in good establi^ho i business. CAMPBEXX.—November 24, ROBERT OAMPBEIX, in MINA. youngest child of Simon and Clara Schater, regular coinpauy will appear iu Audran's masterpiece, GILMORE'S RAND his 65th year. aged 2 ye»r» and 4 months. BACKUS AS THE YOUTH "ORLANDO." R« RECUliD, Herald Uptxwa. THE MASCO IT. Tho "Cork" Exchange's latest quotations. Musical Director Mr. P. S. GILMORE Funeral from his late residence, 3d av.. No. 1,191, Fuueral on Sunday morning, the 26th inst., at MONDAY, November 27, ATKINSON'S JOLLITIES. \Y ANTED— AN 'ACTIVE~~PARTNER ~ IX LITHO- THE MAS0OTT. "AS YOU LIKE IT." -*» II s^apUie steam print.nir: small capital required to the Sunday, one P. M. Relatives, friends. Park Lodge, nine o'clock, from 59 West 55th st. Please omit Every evening at8. MaUnees at 2 P. M. EXTRA MATINEE THANKSGIVING DAY. .\ I» Vijtht niau . rcjfcreocia. J. "A" li.. Herald office. flowers. The San Francisco Quartet's new selections. Admission 50c. Children 25c 111 515, P. and A. IVI., also members of the Caledonian XJEW YORK^cliORUS~ »l>Ci_TY7 Terrific earthquakes of fun. .So" \I"ANTED TO" BrY-FOR CASH, ANY~K 1ND 6F Club are invited to attend. SCBOENEKBXBOEB—On Saturday, at one P. M., 1.V THEODORE THOMAS Musical Director GREATEST MINSi'REL TROUPE IN THE WORLD. ^ERMANIA TH_ATBE7~BROAbWATASB 13TH 8T. AL. If poods, in sMiall or lar^e mi an tinea suitable tor holi­ CABPEMTEB.—On Thursday, November 23, 1882, JACOB SCHOENENPEBUKB, aged 64 years. Second SeasoU(lSS2-83.^ STEINVVAY HALL. RAPACIOUS LAUGHTER GOURMETS DINE AT 8 P. M CTAD. NEUEN'DORFF Director *} >; day trade. Address L. K., Ilii'sld Uptown offieo. FBANCIS B.. ouly son of the late Robert Carpenter, Notice of tuneral hereafter. WEDNESDAY tVENlNG, December 6. at S o'clock, MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2. SEATS SECURED" MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, ary ; FIRST TIME in this country, - SIEFKE.—On Friday, November 24, after a brief REIF-REIFLINGEN. •\ITANTKD—PABTSVB" IN T1IK libt"SB." FCRNISH- of Nyack. N. Y.. in the 35tn year of his age. UOWNODS' Sacred Trilogy, EW YORK CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, *~* tie- but pain£ul illness, JOHN JACOB SIKFEE, Jr., infant 5 EAtiT 14TH ST.. third door east of 5TU AV. Comedy in five acts by G. v. Moser. IT in^ hardware, d >wn t'.wn capital,, $4,111) to *l>i.00J Funeral Sunday, November 26, at two P. M., from Box office open daily from 8 A. M. till 5 P. M. Wanted, lnqaire ot E. G. III..ACE . liunald Huildine. his late residence, 399 Fbttbush av.. Brooklyn. son of John J. and Louisa S.eike, aged 3 mouths. THE REDEMPTION. (.Incorporated I860.) CHBumELD.—On Thursday, Novomber 23, JOHN M. Why should we mourn for tho child early called DR. T. AUSTEN PEARCE. MUS. D., OXON.. UT EVERY DAY. •\ir^TKl>-Xl*TRTxBlCwYTU A FEW THOUSAND The NEW YORK CHORUS and ORCHESTRA Soloists. will deliver two courses of Lectures during the present II dollars |-i a privalj Hotel, full of boarders. Address CUUISKIKLX., In the 45th year of his age. From the sin and the suffering of this darkened season at the NEW YORK CONSERVATORY, the first 0 world? Mrs. E. ALINE OSGOOD. FIRST EDITION AT 4 P. M A. ri.. b<>\ -UsJ Herald Cpiown offloe. Funeral from his late residence, No. 52 South Mrs. A. HARTDLGEN, Miss EMILY WINANT, lecture TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 28. at 8 o'clock. 8ECOND EDITION AT 7 P. M. Portland av., Brooklyn, on Sunday, 26th inst., at Though ties of affection may early be riven. Mr. OUORGr. SIMPSON, Mr. CHRISTIAN FRITSCH, ibe following lectures constitute the li 1 si course:—1. VOl XO MAX (ISRAELITE) WILLTsVEST^ ^7KVTTO Tho Genesis of Music, Sov. 28; 2. Oriental Music, Doc. 5; 1 $.">,(»»i in strictly legitimate mercantile business, or two P. M. Why wish back on earth the dear loved one in Mr. FRANZ REMlfERrZ, Mr. OSCAR STEINS, JOHN C. FREUND'3 would start new business wilb man having s&aie capital; Cincinnati papers please copy. heaven? Mr. JOHN F. WINCH. 3. Modern Music, Dec. 12; 4. Music iu the Future, Dec IU; SINGLE SEATS for the REDEMPTION can be obtained 5. Music as a Sensuous Art, Jau. a 0. Music uud Mind, Jan. am irood salesman nn-1 bo-'kkoept!i•; active, onortroiie. COKKX-S.—Friday, November 24, STEPHEN M., Relatives and frieuds are invited to attend the 10; 7. Music and Emotion, Jan. 23: 8. The Mysterious Art Ceittleinanly appearance; references oxjlmuifod. CITY youngest sou of Patrick J. and 'the late Jane Conk- fnneral, on Sunday, the 26th, at one P. M., from 135 on and after VV liu.MiSim, Nov. _H. at Steinway Hall. NEW DAILY. OR COl NTJCY, »« Herald I'ptuwn oYAve. The right of porfbriiiance of the REOLMPTLJN in this of Coin position, Jan. 30: 'J I he Orchestral Symphony, Feb. lui. aged 4 years and 11 mouths. Summit av., Jersey City Heights. coubtrv belongs to Mr. i'UODORE THOMAS by arrange­ tt; 10. Wtiut is Music? Feb. 13. Tickets for the courso, $3 PAYS FOR A FOL'K-LINE ADVERTISEMENT Funeral from the residence of his father, 342 3d SMITH.—On Friday, November 24, ELIZABETH M„ ment with NOVELsLO. EWER A CO.. of London. each, at the Conservatory aud at Poud's, 25 Uuiun square. _*i i_» C U SSS 71 CC 'in :i-i.'> newspniors. Send for catalogue. widow of Henry S. Smith and daughter of the late $10, av.. to-day, at two o'clock. The vocal score Wed by the Chorus Society is published HISTORICAL LECTURE ON THE SCIENCE *V\ NM u u S 8 11 C 0 E. W.'FOSTER, KJ Spruce *t.. New Y'ork. CBAMUKBLAIN.—Iu Brooklyn, N. Y., on Friday, No­ Philip J. Arcularius. by NOVELLO, EWER A CO., and is the ouly AUTHOR­ Aof teaching and an exposition of the most modern, sys­ L > ;- M u u s n C "l~(Ti\ FACTO"RIES7 DIFFERENT"SIZES'."FOR SALE", vember 24, 18»2. at the residence of Mr. H. J. Hard­ Relatives aud friends are respectfully invited to IZED EDITION. „_ tem of :.*!.' H u u sss 11 c attend the funeral services, at her late rosidenos, , ACQUIRING FOREIGN LANGUAuES in M M H U V 8 ii C JLVIUwith full Instruction for uiakint; all jirades '•' But­ ing, her son-in-law, Mrs. ANNA A. CUAMBEIU—IN, "B_RLE S~"TIV_U7I~TITEATRE, STU si'. Jl NN A 8 8 ii ter anj oloomarsarino; chum and worker patented for widow of the late Rev. Hiram Chamberlain, D. D., 584 Franklin av., Brooklyn, Monday, the 27th inst., will be given by u u c 0 A PROFESSOR EDMOND GASTINEAU, _ M M 11 00 makitit; ol«oaiarirarine without heat, patent pen.tin,-; formerly of Brownsvilie, Tex., aged 60 years. at three P.M. Interment private. ORAND CONCERT THIS EVENING, uu ass Dr. butter made by this process iu threo mmu'Os. Send fur diploma, correspondent Paris Prosse, and only teacher in circular. HENRY" Kl'U CO., 1K7 Oiambers »l. The funeral will take place Monday, November 27. SHSCKELS.—At Brooklyn, Friday. November 24, vocal aud instrumental. A constellation of beauty in a New iork authorized bv Dr. Richard S. Rosenthal to AND Tho funeral service, at which the attendance of rel­ Mrs. li. Si'KCEELS, aged 75 years. CHORAL CIRCLE. teach tne MEISTERSCHAFT SYSTEM, on MONDAY, ut O (J.T ~|t""AND~STBAl>Y BAN. JOIN EXPERIENCED atives and personal friends is requested, will be Fuueral will take place, from her late residence, MONDAY' aud daring tho week, the greatest attraction 3 uud "1% P.M.; ais 1 TUESDAY,3 o'cloc ., at his class ;>DD RR„ A MM M« A TO •pl'l'/coal dealer ia r«-e»taJbli»hiiiL" trails; S:i.tJJ0 year­ 415 Sackett st., on Monday, at nine o'clock A. M., over offered. Just arrived from Naples, the great and ouly rooms, 33 East 20th st. Admission free. See Instruction 1) D R F. AA M \ NM A A ly realised1.50 . NO CAPITAL, Heralu Uptown office. held at one o'clock P. M., at 357 Flatbushav., Brook­ HIOARKITE UANCERS. column. D D R R A A M N N M A A near ealite lyn. thence to the Church of St. Agnes, corner of The Brunette Beauties. Also grand production of D D RRR A A W N N M A A New LANCE ON TIME-WILL BUY Texas, Hartford (Conn.) and Vermont papers please Sackett and Hoyt sts., where a mass or requiem will WHITE Ci'-OOK. OELLUAMER'S THEATRE. A. M. PALMER. D D R R AAA M MM M AAA 6*>|W| CASII-BA use Uusiness, near City Hall, that V*'*'"Lodifint; Uu copy. be said. Tho frieuds of the family and of her son, GRANO OLIO MATINEES D PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED!!! D D R B A A M NN M A A will pay Sli' a day cssu if properly run. M JOHNSON, Bev. William A. Speckels, are invited to attend. TUESDAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND SATURDAY. The superior of any.American dramatic weekly. DDD B R A A M M M A A O i 2H Part rovr. room li > DAWLEY.—Suddenly, at'St. Louis, Mo., on Novem­ HE GRAND PANORAMA. ber 22, CATHVBINK, beloved mother of Wm. H. and STAAS.—On Thursday. November 23, after a short TImmense painting, by F. PHILIPPOTEAUX, of more NOW READY, No. 17. NOW READY, 10 pages. *•)() TO ***«> SECURES INTEREST IN PDPULAR illuess, JOHN H. H. STAAS, in the 46th year ot his than 2,1X10 squaie yards, representing au episode ot PRICE. 5 CENTS. John S. Daw ley, formerly of this city. THE SIEUE uF PARIS iN rV71. A. M. PALMER criticised (portrait). POOR BILLY AT ALL NEWS STANDS. LD- JsVM-MJweek'y Jouruat. WELL ESTABLISHED, Her- age. PRICE 2 CENTS. aid Uptown office. DELASY.—On Thursday, November 23, at the resi­ Exhibited by tha BELGIAN PANORAMA COMPANY, GRAY (portrait). The Rival Rosalinds (.illustrated). re- dence of his parents. 23 Vestry st.. JOHN J., young­ Relatives and friends of the family, also the mem­ 55th st. aud 7th av. A Forgotten Comedian (portrait), <•.•>-I ,-C HEAP AT"'5T>L:BXETHE—AMO'lfNT^sTtiTlT est son of Patrick and Annie Delauy. bers of Herrmau Lodge, No. 268, F. and A. M., aud Open daily (Sundays included) from 0 A M. to sunset. lolautue (illustrstious), Ac. Ac. The first Musical and Dramatic Daily Paper in the world. C'O'iUand day Restaurant; must be sold. IMMEDI­ Fut.erai on Sunday. November gti. at two P. M. Gehnder Froundschafls Bund, are respectfully in­ Admission, 5Uc. Children, 25c. ALL NEWS STANDS. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION, ATE. Herald office. vited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, . NO. 25 CLINTON PLACE. NEW YORK. DONOVAN.—Ou Saturday, November 25, MATTHEW OTEISWAY" HALL. IBLO'S GARDEN. EXTRA. —WANTED, A PAHTNKR WITH THIS M. DONOVAN, in the 5Sth year of his age. native of No. 58 6th av., on Sunday, November 26, at one THANKSGIVING DAY, THE YOKES. pHICKERlNG HALL. ; O TUEBDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1882, N •a•mountm , in i -_'i t manufactuiini; business. »».- Clonaailty, county Cork, Ireland. o'clock P. M. SAM FBANKO'S GRAND HOLIDAY MATINEE AT 2. tablislicu and covered by yeteul. Call ouly from 3 too P. Funeral from his late residence, 60 Gouveneur st., TUBLEY.—On Saturday. November 25, ALICE TUB- GRAND CONCERT, THE BELLES OK THE KITCHEN. "The Land of Iceberg*." M.. 2*2 Centre St.. np stairs. with the assistance of eminent artists. N-w York, on Monday.27th inst., at twoo'clock P. M. LEY, in the 73d year of her age. MERICAN ART GALLERIES, LIEUTENANT JOHN W. DANEMIOWER. U. S. N. H A Ad mission , $1 &t'iWi — PARTY" PRESSED FOR CASH TO co^T FANNING.—On Saturday evening, 25th inst., in his Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to tf Bast 23d st. (Madison square). Lecture ou the Jeannette exploring expedition. •••* Reserved seats 50c. eMra A L C*')* '"l.plcte Christmas orders will K've bonus of $!(*! 32d year, WILLIAM A., eldest sou of Edward and the attend the funeral, from her late residence, 332 East SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, AT 8 O'GLOCK. lor the prompt advance for one month: security value lat« Sarah A. Fanuiug. IWth st., on Mouday, November 27, at two P. M. TIBLO'S GABT__N7~ EXTRA. Exhibition ot First time iu New York. Sl.UOput up. WELLS. Herald Uptown office. Voss.—At Mount Vernon, on Thursday, Novombor TUANKSUIVTNO DAY, THE YOKES. ARTISTS' STUDIES AND SKETCHES Tickets, 5Uc. Reserved *e»ts, 75c. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to N NOvV OPEN. at the hall and Pond's, 25 Union square. ______^____ WITU 23. HABIUET, second daughter of the late John and GRAND HOLIDAY MATINEE Al 2, atteud the funeral on Monday morning, the 27th. at THE BELLES OF THE KITCHEN. One of the most interesting collections. S700.;Saloon , west sid>; rare ennnee for ri^-ht pai- ten o'clock, from the residence of his father, 226 Harriet Voss. Open - to d, 7 :3U to 10. TALAN'fA C AS 1N oT 155T H^sV. A N iPsIU AV. tlOS bTEINOUT, 22e* Bowery. Bowery. Tne remains will bo taken to St. Patrick's The relatives and friouds are respectfully invited EST NEW MUSIC—"LIGHT FROM HEAVEN' Admission, 25 cents. GRAND SACKED CONCERT. -'.VAN TE D—ON K" " (>R Mf>R H PARTXKOH. to attend the funeral at Trinity Church, Mount Ver­ (.Gounod), sung by Miss Thtusby. $1; "Eunctry Galop" AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Churcn (old Cathedral), where a solemn high) u»a.is (Adams)B im»). , 4»Jc.4Uc.;; "liaiigtr"Lenigtry March" (Muller)iMuller). 5oe5oe.. :• "Cradle Vr6T"lCE TO MANAGERS OF THEATRES Liberal errangoineula can be made now for balls, pie- with uko auiouut, !•> prospect Central America of requiem will be offured for tho repose of his soul. non, on Monday, November 27, at eleven o'clock Soug';"' iDulcken), sung by Miss VYiuaiit, .'mc; "Queen's nics, Ac. * $800health, spor. t and w, ait AR.i.Sl KA. Herald oH'r: Inter.uent in Calvary Cemetery. A. M. Carriages will meet the 10:10 train from throughout the and Canada. L Lacej Handkerchief" pot pourri (Catenhusen), 75c; "Mar- GERKEN _ HEDDEN. _»1 Itfiik —VTA'NTED. WORKING OR BCSINKBB POSXEU.—On Noveinner 23, WILLIAM H. FOSTEB, Grand Central Depot. Intermeut at Woodlawn. gory • »,-.-Daw. " lO.....o K»veu). , Sue. vl." M "\J.partner to extend th-j mauatacture of baao- in the 4»d year ot his age. WALSH.—On November 25, CATBABINB WALSH, wife WILLIAM A. POND A CO- 25 Union square. Unprincipled parties formerly in my employ have stolen IGHTH ANNUAL tails, plenty of ordups on hand: shop running on full a copy of my play, "THE MIGHTY DOLLAR." I hereby E HOLIDAY HOP, Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to of Thomas Walsh, a native of Lismore, county ^REMORNE GA_tD_NS, lUJ WEST 32U ST?! warn all parties concerned in presenting the piece that I THANKSGIVING DAYt t luao. Address W. il. CARR. 130 North Portland av., Brook­ J iuncliou of Broadway and OtL av., New York. AFTERNOON AND KVENING. lyn. attend tho funeral, from his late residence, No. 326 Waterford, Ireland, aged 75 years. C will prosecute them to the extent of tho law. I nave placed West 20th st-, on Monday, the 27th inst., at half-past The relatives aud friends of tho family are invited 75 PRETTY BARMAIDS EVERY EVENING. the matter iu the hands of ray attorneys, who have full TAMMANY HALL, EAST 14TU ST. TJtC"fl V B." GEX TEE L PARTN K R : GOOD twelve P.M. Interment at Woodlawn. Please omit to attend tho funeral, from her late residence, 362 THE BON TO|i RESORT. ADMISSION FREE. powor to protect my interests. • address, business experience, livery and sale 1BLO s GARDEN. EXTRA. SLOOa; flowers. East 56th st., on Tuesday morning, at ten o'clock, "ULTAN DlVAjT-U BOWERY. N"EAii^T__sl'OM SI'.— TUANKSG1VINO DAY, THE VOKBS. table, long o»lablislied; stoca new: money secur-.-d; UO 50 pretty barmaids. Admission free. W. J. FLORENCE. N knowleUjie necessarv. M ALON K. V13 Duano st. k HANK.—On Friday. November 24, MADBICK PBANE, thence to the Church of St. John tho Evangelist, S GRAND HOUDAY MATINEE AT 2, THE BELLES OF-THE KITCHEN. son o: Caroline Frank, in tho 22d year of his age. where a solemn requiem mass will be offered. AYMARKET.BTU AV. AND 30TUST~ . fl F. MACKAY, THE DLSTINGUISUED CHARACTER —PARTNER WANTED " INTHlT Cl")AL Funeral on Sunday, N vemuer 26, at ten A.M., WISDOM.—On Saturday, November 25, ROBEBT A. BIJOU Or' TERPSICHORE. •SOCIETY DAN- • Actor, will give particular attention to instructing businoss; ti.UX) tons can be sold annually; ir Iactors and amateurs in special characters. Elocution For Other Adv«rti».uieuts Under ThU $1,200. from 1.6U1 3d av. Friends aud members of Emanuel WISDOM, in the 62d year of his age. SANTE." l'ROMANADE CONCERT EVERY NIGHT, lieaAliug S«« Wext Page. rc^lerencos rei|Uired. Address B. O., U.*\ 1J9 COMMENCING AT l> O'CLOCK. AxiMi-SlON, 26C. analytically and thoroughly taught. Freuch and German first cii (lice. Lodge, >o, 1, C. O. T. 8., and Ceres Frauer Vercin are Fuueral services will be held at his late residence, accent corrected aud the perfect articulation of tbe Eng­ Herald respectfully iuvited to attend. 30S East 21st St., at two o'clock P. M.. Tuesday, TDYLSOF THE" KING. lish elementary sounds practically taught. Plays revised NJ_W JstlBAC. -jWj TO $2,I»X> CASH WILL BUY A.N K.VIAB- and directed for either public or private exhibition. Resi­ ,# )\ f\llisbed i)r.-ss and Cloak Triuiiuluir Msnufac IULLEB.—On Tuesday, November 21, ISADOBA, November 28. Relatives and friends, also members RECITALS youngest daughter of the late Captain F. G. Cam- of Atlas Lodge, F. and A.M.; Manhattan Chapter by dence 15o Weat 30th st. •• » VIOLET I PLUCKED WHEN BUT A CHILD." t-ry good located an.l in first class order; a good slock KB. SIDNEY WOOLLETT, _x_"Vi lieu Autumn Loaves Turn Rod and Gold," "Papa's of(Sil Silk on handhand.. SBEL1G A MAYER, 0i»7 Broadway. erou and wife of J Ames F. Fuller, of this city. and Manhattan Commandery are invited to attend. XKT — MRS. EMM A WALLER. i HI ii.n_ •II.WIIIIWBI .in.— " '"'' —- -mrm— -mum !!• . • iwniai at Picture in the Locket Mother Wore." "Cradle Isu't Empty, Fuiier.il from her late residence, 22U East 105th st., TURF CLUB THEATRE, ff.XHB GREAT ACTRESS AND ELOCUTIONIST, Baby smiled," "Dreaming in the Moonlight." All -tusie KSTAB- on Suuday, at half-past oue P. ML WANTKUJ 'FO P»rttCHAShu~ SATURDAY and WEDNESDAY MORNINGS in DECEM­ prepares ladies for the stage. S0O West 23d st. store*." - r2.000.u-:bo d inaiuifacturiug buaiuoas; wili bear BER. hogir.uiug Decouibor 2, at 11 _0. "Mrs. Waller is oue of the Ural ef livjag artists."—Dr. GEBVAIZE.—On Saturday, November 26, IIATTIK, Shelton McKettxiu, Philadelphia Press. filHE NEW MUSIC. exauiiuati.in. Call i »o« P. M. youngest daughter ot Virginia and the late Francis "*^ppH7ift7uRA>'mc^ piTsil WAUONT"ALS O BACK- Tickets for couite of four, with reserved seat, $2 50, for RICHARDS, 71 Yartck St...thir d loft. -fVsrouuds and Accessories, cheap for cuth. Address sale at POND'S, _> Union square. ' "The superb acting of Mrs. Emma Waller scarcely leaves 1 Patrol or tbe Guard March. S. Marksteln _C_ w N u ,J A N Kxfc K A. Gervaise, aged 22 years and 3 mouths. COHANS, 1,316 3d av. room for criticism."—Now York Herald. Old Home down on the Farm, G F. Dubois AUa, ' T> 7v 111 \ — * ' ^ - * ' *>** c E D Pu y ni" Funeral from her mother's residouce. No. 400 West IG INDIAN WIGWAM, CORNER SSTH ST. AND "Mrs. Waller must be reckoned among the first of living Stolen Glaucoa Walls, M. W. Ely 4Uc $ _,,\"vM".cian. a young graduate or gentleman wisb 31tU st„ on Tuesday, November _, at oue o'clock P. * NTIQUE PURNITURE, TALL CLOCKS, BOOKS. BHroadway.—Every night. Wednesdays aud -atunlays tragediennes "—Hot. to 11. Travel lor. On the White Sea sand- (descriptive), Harrison Millard 5uc. ing to study nicdttiue as partnor iu a urivat - l.yinr in .Paintings, Engravings, Pianos, Silverware, old Chiua, Maliuee. I4HJ genuine wild Indians (40). iu a uovel and Life of a Sail«r Free (baritone), A. E Warren e_c. Hospital. For partiiculars apply to E. DANIEL, r»l Xaa M. Interment at Woodlawu. UriArc a-Hruc' . Curiosities, Ac. LAVVLER'S, 1,373 Broad­ highly ititoi ostiug eiitertuinmeut. Big Indian Circus ; six EW YORK MUSEUM. 210 BOWEBY. 210, For sale by all music aoalers, or sent post paid. •aa st. GILCUBIKT.—AtMorriatowu, N. J., on November 24, way , near 37th. diffureut tribes represented—Pawnees, Apaches, Wurin N between Spring aud Priuce. sl'EAR A DEHNHOFF. 717 Broadway. JAMES GiLCHBiwr, in the 54th year of his a.e. FORD BROTHERS. 1 - - — • — —— ••—' ... — -, • _ _:'»> >'M"|kik|k CAPITAL WANTED AND AN ACTIVE 18ba, CUABLES M. GILLETT, iu the Outh year of his LD STYLE OR BEOL'LAB BREVIER TYPE. OR THANKSGIVING DAY, THE V0KES. Send full particular, price, Ac, N GRAND HOLIDAY MATINEE AT 2, " AG^rc"l«u"NClTTN_rTuDY; EVBNINO PARTIES trait, gilt Frame. $35. EMPIRE CITY COPYING CO. »J.IM M/mati to take the business inanak'eniont and O „ui*U Job Office. aud fairs attended; tend for illustrated catalogue. B $ age. Steamer Ac tpuleo. Aapiuwall for New York. COLUMBUS, Herald office. THE BELLES OF THE KITCHEN. M 1^15 Broadway. entire auancial control of an tiluslatod pubiicaliuii: tne UBABAM.—In Boston, November 22, WILLIAM P. ___ _ Audrese J UDD'S Magical Repository, U8 John St. b.-«i city referoMea. Address A. V. D.. Herald Uptown GBAHAM. aged 55 years. AND CYLINDER DESK WANTED—UIVE DE- RADY'S DABC1NG CLASSES, DAY AND EVENING, OB CHBISTMA8 GIFT.—ONE OP TANQUKREYi office. _ • __^_^ 100 West -4th st., corner Broadway. "LOCU7TIO_T^IS_~M7NN-E SWAYZE, FORMERLY life »Uo crayon portrait; ouly $15 Seud lor circular Is GWXNNE.—At Morning View, N. J., Friday, No­ Oscrip tnui and price. Address CYLINDER, box _1 B teacher of elocution iu Vaasar College aud for ten F __^ ^.___- - ^ riaSITL'sil AND Herald nUieo. Professor BRADY guarantees the Walts in five private E 2S5 Fulton st., Brooklyn. N Y. L B r(JK vember 24. MABY GWYNNE. widow ot late George lessons; all hours; $6. years an instructor in New York, receives pupils at bar $ Gwvnne, age 52 years. 11/ ANTED—SECOND HAND PARLOR DESK, ROLL- Classes now forming tor Indies, children and gentlemen. rooms, 113 Eaat 14th s_ Classes forming. ¥S_ON_ IN"OIL PAINTING, LANDSCAPB, FLOW" «J.»>Ul'.Lease of a BoardiuK House, full of good pay li mis or sliding top, abou.bout threth e and a half foot wide; er*. decoration of plush aud silk, with careful lastrue- iug boarders: established _> years, in K«od location; Sot ire oi funeral hereafter. IL SOGNO WALTZ SONG, Ltiou in drawing; studiaa from nature to rout. 7 Weal t«__ give description and correct price. CYLINDER, Herald AMMANY HALL, THANKSGIVING DAY. THUR3- 1 BY MME. MURIO-CELLI. satisfactory reason* given; none but cash otfora con- HAMILTON.—Thursday, November 23, ABCHIBALB office. • t., room 12. •idered. Address D. V. 14. Herald office. Tday, November 30,1882; eighth annual holiday hop, At Dlt-on _, Poud's and at publisher's, *"» riUi—SAUX»N AND BILLIARD HALL ON Git.wun iiAMXLfON, at St. Johulaud, L. 1. afternoon 2 to 7, eveniug S to 2. ESSONS GIVEN IN -PASTEL AND CRAYON POB- Funeral Sunday, 26th inst., at St. Johulaud, ANTED—A SECOND HAND MEDIUM SIZED PIRR * IS Irving place. i).«JlH».li>e Bowery. Ct*ar Stdrcs, Groceries. Ba­ Mirror, in good order. Address J. MORRISON, U5 7 traits at the Ladies' Art Association. 24 Wast 14„ st. $ W "ESME RISM.—INSTRUCTION GIVEN; ANY INTEL ONARCU , LESSENS GIVEN FOB STAGE OB LApply Mouday and Tuesday afteruoou*, or address FA- keries, furnished Houses, corner Liuuur Stores at jreat UASLEHCBKT.—Ou Friday morning, November 24, 6th av. sacrifice, STEINGliT, _» Bowery. M ligeut person can learn to Meameriss successfully. ACiCIAN J parlor, and will engage to give special ea­ VARGER NEW ELL. 125 East Sod st JAMES HASLEBUBST, in the 59th year of his age. MESMEli.203 Herald Uptown office. ^ Funeral from his late residence, 751 St. Mark's \TJANTED—A GOOOO< D SECOND HAND NATIONAL ter 23 jeare. I tertaiameuta. Address r ROBERT N1CKLES, 158 West _5th st.. Now York citj HOTOGBAPHS MADE OF GROUPS AT YOUR REEL place. Brooklyn, ou Sunday, the 26th inst., at two II Sewing Machine. for harness. W. DAVIS. ilTANTED— A LAD"Y^ Iliro_SH TO PLAY LEAD- deuce on Thanksgiving; also houses photograph***. FIVE CENTS TO STATES" ISLAND. o'clock P. M. Relatives and friends respect!ully In­ 410 Market St., San Francisco. II lug part in strong comedy company now forming. _»/

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street - Fulton New York 13069 '. I'*1 '"'.»,•! www.fultonhistory.com * •

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_. ... . • - - •- • j —* "• — • • • • • . • . ...

his countrymen. In estimating the Influence of : sWiw**W«*»_ OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. TRAVTELLKIIS' GUIDE. BoB^-4to*waBswf. 9*V Wm, wwawW'-wt thh;,:.h»to S«S»S»^MSIIWS>SJI saws •» ^ass^sj^Sjs^ss^Ssss^^aswaii^eai^aaaaSa^ai ^isvwsv s..,s>,.i»wia i»s,,swse mtm m THE PULPIT. these three great editors one must needs be familiar Jsf0ff6S Hunt. "* ^FRoVLivk'RPwi:: l l< t /Sailing from New York sad Antwerp every Saturday. fssfmr AND iioitwALk * ii.11 with the whole range of affairs through which they . Funeral to-day, at two P. M, from 1M Bloecker at, Pram Mawtes- Imi.y (Sundays axeepted). tbe palaee iron steamer parsed. With Mr. Weed the reading p-blic have Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited. fnm Portland—* A SCOTIAN. Deeeetberh. NKDBRLAND ., Saturday, December 2. U A, M. PKGASU8 leave* pier 1 Sortn River at 2 45 P. M , East ICOST1NCED FBOM EIGHTH PAGE.] Press Beltissoi ihYNKSIAN, December A ZEKLAND Saturday, Docemoer 9,8 HO P. M. 23d st. at 3 P. M , connecting a< Wilson Point with DAN. grown into a sort of filial admiration of his spirit KBXABUB.—At the residence of his brother-in4aw. „.jig at Halifax, N.S. Saloons, stateraotas, smoking and hate rooms amidships. BURY AND NORWALK R JLBOAD. Freight r«ceived I — •a a man and bis genius as a patriot. What tht~e James MeKenna, 69 SklUmaa si. Brooklyn. Joaa J. fan stssaaers are ipsnrasssad far safstnead speed, snd First cabin, $H0 and $75; second cabia. $0*1; excursion. te all points an Deubsry aad Norwalk Bail read. Tateagh provided the debt la paid off at Its present rat*. editors said and did haa entered into our national KBLABBB. In the 35th year of his age. flttod up with all iaiaroveiaeuts conducive te the comfort tsskst* far sale aad baggage ehacksd. We should rejoice, aise, that thousands of voters Ufa and will there remain aa a part of our heritage. Funeral will take place Tuesday, the Mth inst, ef passengers • II II ; from the above number, at nine A. M.; thence to St. Cabm passage, $50. $70 and $80. .Steerage at tews* aaJaCPsaJi*

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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•VmiVKKS Ot»IH»l-TtJ*,TIICB. BKisiEB, daughter of L. Uannheimev, Eiq., both of USEMENTS. ; i LEE.—E»WA_D LBB, son of Hugh and Kate _*«. -VTTl 'SKMESTS. AWl?SE.1IR_TJ«. CRB OPPOBI U' NlW^Xi ffATrRi3jefTliii» SloW thie city. No carda, aged 3 years and % months. "ITAVKRLY'SrTaif A TRE, TH St. AND 6fH~AV? KPt,t»<0: Menu lecturing Has noit (or sale; large profits; San Francisco paper* please copy. Funeral from his parents' residence, 36 Washing­ ENDRRBONS STANDARD THEATRE. »u«ine**e* R _. C, Herald office. 14 HWM. HENDERSON Proprietor and Maaager LYONS—Hon gum.—Mr. 8o_. LYONS, of 78th at.. ton St., Monday. November 27, two P. M. J. U. BAVEBLY.. --.-_ ...... Mauager and Proortelor E D»OYLY CARTE'S OPBBA COMPANY. QTOCK AND FIXTURES OF A RETAIL. HAT AND New York, to Miaa EMMA HoBxaxa, of New Eochelle. LENT.—On Thursday, November 23. ABBAHAM LENT, EVERY EVENING AT 8:15 OCap Store in a thriving city of _0.U*J inhabitant* ; buei- a«ed 67 years. V i Kj-.KB BBB TTTT H It EBEK * tm BRR EEEB SATURDAY BATINKE AT 2 IS. >«•• established nearly 2U years; location the very boat In Funeral services at tbe Scotch Presbyterian H AA V VE BR THIIE AA TBBB GILKHRT and SULLIVAN'S lh»i»t applicant tan so.-ure a lucrative b .»i 6th av„ on Monday, November 27 inst., at half- Boss, inquire a? A. » MALCOLMMIN, No. 17_ Pearl •„, vember _, lss'.', at the I'uiversliy Place Chur.b. by il 11 AAA VY B R R J H H E AAA T R B B II „°°SV I' A A > » TTTT II V BBaa past ton o'clock A. M. Relatives and friends are in­ HA A VV E K U T I HK AAtRRB 11 O 0 L A A N N N T It "M E •r A. X. SUEFPRY. Wilmington. Dei ttn Lev. S. I>. Bnrchard, grandfatber of tin- bride, UA _ Bt*_kS CODMAS, daughter of Jamett Frenche, of Wa­ vited. Interment at Poughkeepslo, N. Y. A ¥ -_-n.fi R B L__L T U U EEEB A A * i » EEEB • 11 £ 9 i* A A X N N T II H PKCIAL' PARTNER, WITH Hji^OR *M OOO, BY A The mombers of tho Board of Trustees of tho West A A N N N T HHrTH EBB Sgold watch ease m«n.i!»cliir«r, to extend the business; terloo. N. I., to FaKDKKic H. CALKixh, of this city. AAA H N N T H H B only those willing to mass a permanent investment at a CmevAj-sUi—B_KD.— On November ill, 18IM, at the Side Savings Bank are requested to attend the i11l 8 80 6L A A funeral of their late associate, Abraham Lent, to ALLjrHIf °s>« N NN T H H E Hir i»Wf.t i),:,,il »d:lr»a Til OS. BENF1ELD. __i Madi- University Place Presbyterian Church, by the Bev. POSITIVELY EAST WEEK.' MATINEE u 00 LLLL A A N NN T U _ ___J tttii at, Brooklyn, V Y. li. it. Booth, EMMA A., daughter of Charles C. Beed, meet at the bank at ten o'clock A. M. I TUANKSCIVINO THAMKSOIvmO OR. rWHAbtT^ W*__r~TO COSKBoT WITS MR IN to OKOitas CutVAX.BUS, both of this city. GEORGE 8TABR, Prosldent. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK. TBE PEER AND TOE PERL Sbnaiueaa a thorough business man who haa influence Fox—Wi_oo_—Oa Thursday, November 23, by the JOBB A. HUDSON, Secretary. WEEK. DAY, _ P. M. ami cam give beat of city reference*. To aa«h a nan I Bev. H. M. San.le.is, at the reaidence of the bride's At a special meeting of tbe Merchant Tailors' t The stare under the direction ef Mr. Charles H arris. offer groat .mine esionl*. For particulars address FIN AN- Society of tbe city of New York resolutions of con­ Q- The music under tbe direction of Mr. Alfred Collier. C1AL. Herald office- Mutter, Mrs. 3 W. XL Clave, B»OAB H. FOX to K_I.A J. .>- Wiuox, daughter of William H. Wilcox, Jr.. all of dolence with the family and friends of the late Strephoa. Mr. W. T. CartUN. Abraham Lent were passed, and it was resolved that K K il BBB A L 9BB BEE OO 8_ ™ The Earl of Mount Ararat Mr. A. W. Wilkinson OAP FACTORY. NEAR." NEW YOB .; ESTABLISHED this city. No cardA, L 15 year*; machinery uorftci: part cash: owner retir- the mombers of said society attend the funeral of K K AA B BE B0 OB - - Tho Earl of Tolloller „ Mr. L. Cadwallader S O'CoHMOB— MCBPHT.—On Thursday. November 23. K K ft R R L _J_*. ROBERT A >K Y M« il" R, 2iH rtroadtwny, . their late President. In accordance with this reso­ A A _ B E E O O » • Private Willis Mr. Litbgow James at Su Cecilia's Church, by the Uev. N. J. Murphy, KK II R B A A L BBB REE 0 0 8_ Tbe train bearer _. Br. W. White O LET-STORE AT MORRISTOWN. N. 4 -BEST LO- O. 8. A., JoHKj, J. O'CoNBon to MART E., daughter of lution the members of the Merchant Tailors' So-» K K it BRB AAA L B B R R 0 0 * Tration in the city. esseelehy adapted tar fancy dry Sylvester Murphy. Eaq. ciety are requested to attend the funeral of their K K II R R A A L B_ B E E 0 J 8 r The Lord Chancellor Mr. J. H. Ryley pKTKua—MAKQCARDT.—On November 14, by Bev. late President. Abraham Lent, on Mouday morning, K K li _ i A A LLLL P BBB E E 00 S8. • lolnnUi* ..Mis* ManeJau.os Jars please address J. ! CAN Pi ELD. Marristown, X.J. at half-past ten o'clock, from tbe Scotch Presby­ The Fairy Queea _,. Miss Augusta Rochs John Johns, WILLIAM B. PBX-BS to ALICK 11. MA_- ORIGINAL, 8UCCE8SPUL AND MAGNIFICENT Celia...._ .Miss Mina Rowley HE CHAMPION~'_FF_BV_SCBMT_LlyUID DIS- qCA-DT, ot New York. terian Church, 14th St., east of 6th av.. without further notice. Leila ...Mist Kate Forstet Tpenser—VOT new ale, fresh norter, root boer „c: inds- 1'_OWMAN—BAI-XES.—On Wednesday, November 22, CO BBB OO OO K E Flola ;._ ..Miss Biiiie Barlow pos *bU-; the Kugisii and Canada pat m lor sale, the a. the residence of the bride's mother, by the Bev. A. J. CONNICK. ) C OR RO OO OKE P-ylll» .• Miss Sallie Babe* Champion Faucet, for wiuea, liq tors, cider, vinegar, ale, Dr. Bylance, LOUISE, daughter ot the late John Bal- MAI HEW ROCK, } Committee. C BEOOOOKK CHORUS OF PEERS. CHORUS OF FAIRIES. water, Ac. Send tor circular. LOCIS BERGEN, Patentee O RBB 0 O O O KK an 4 Sole Man a fact.; ivr. 414 East Jf.th St. ken. of this city, to BOBBBX S. PLOWMAX, of Brook­ THOMAS O. DENNY.) NEW SCENERY by O. W. DAYTON A SON. lyn. LTTHADRB—On Friday, November 24, BRNJAMIS 2 „5 5° °o OKK AM OBCUESTRA OF THIRTY-EIGHT MUSIC O JIANUFACTUBKUS.—WE HAVE AN OPENING SAMPSOS—EHBICH.—On Thursday evening, Novem­ LI ruACKit, 64 years of age. to represent tome good inmuf actured article, or would The funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon, C C R RO OO OKE EXTRA MATINEB THANKSGIVING DAY. TIntroduce and push any g«K>d novelty on «o_-tnis*i«n; hav­ ber _, at tne residence of the bride's parents, 144 CC E E OO OO E at Orchestra. »2; Balcony Chairs, *i 30; admission SI. 1> .i'i si., Brooklyn, by tho Bev. Dr. Wtn&pner, at one o'clock, from his late residence, No. 30 East «> ing a very large acquaintance we can give undoubted •—t- 18th st. Positively no flowers. CADEMY OPF MUSIC. PATW. Isfaction to any concern; higlteat reference*. Address CuABLitM W. SAMPISOX, of Ooorgotown, S. C, to AMK A 19TII NIGHT OF THE SUBSCRIPTION. MANUFACTURE NO AGENTS, Herald ofneo. ______ixt EuaicH. of Brooklyn. LOCKYEB.—On Friday morning, November 24, THREE THREE JAMI S LOCKYKB, aged 65 years and 2 months. Seventh appearance of Mine. ADELIN'A PATH. Sot'LK—SBC:OB.—On Wednesday, November 15, by GRAND MATINEB8 GRAND MATINEES TO-MOBROW (MONDAY), November 27 (first Ume this ilKADVEBTISER. A~THOROUGn BUSINESS MAX. Tiie funeral will take place from his late residence, • Bason). Rossini's Op >ra, desires toeitlsr into some u»laMishe.l business, or would the Bev. H. B. Lord, at the residence of the bride'a T 270 Delaucey st., on Sunday, November 26, at one THIS WEEK. IL BARBIEBE DI SiVlGLlA. loftn a connection with tha risht parlies: will Invest I»i- n.s. Savannah, N. Y., COBA K-VVKLLK SOD LB to THIS WEEK. Conte Almaviva Signor Ravalli; Figaro, Signor Ciempt- SsAAUO or more if uecosanry. Addroas PUSH, 3 fl Herald o'clock P. M. 'Relatives and friends are respectfully $TB*nK!t BUBKBTB SXCOB, of New York. invited to attend. Interment in Greenwood Ceme­ Collaj; Don Bassilio. Signor Monti; Dottoro Bartoio. Sig­ ptowu office. P nor Corslni, and Roaina, Mme, Adeline Pattl (wbo will f VAMNAMK—KICABI>.—On Wednesday, November 15, tery. WEDN ESDAY. 18S2, at Mariners' Harbor, 8. I-, by the Bev. W. K. introduce in tho lesson scene Arditi'e valae, "L'K»ta*i"l. wo VALUABLE PATRXTSI—ONE F<>B RAILROAD Somersetshire (England) papers pease copy. ears ami one for lubricating wagon wheels, for sale or Mane, GBOBUX VAKNAMB to LOUISB, youngest daugha^ THANKSG fviNU DAY, Director of Music Sigi or Arditl T MACIINN.—At the residence of her parents, 343 WEDNESDAY, November 29 (last time) Verdi s upoia, AND •xchange; will take Farm or Bunding Lots. Addrosa to ter of John A. lUearu. Esq., all ot SUten Island. West 58th St.. November 25. KATIE F., beloved IL TBOVATORE. As* tbttpaientee. J. A. BRUNS. MajOiattan Building, corner YucKas— BCSH.—Ow Wudnesday eveninjj, Novem­ AND SATU RDAY AT 2. BBtn st. nnd 'id av. daughter of Patrick F. and Fanny Maginu, in the Manrloo, Signor Nicollnl; Conte do Luna. 8_rnorGalassi; Perrando, Signor Monti; Asucena, Mm*. Galasst, and Leo­ ber 'li, at residence of T. 3. Buali. by Bev. O. T. 21st year of her age. THREE ORA ND BALLETS. WABTKD71i«Xi^iir iiTliiB SILEIIT OR AC- Clarke D.D Wild—VM II. YOUK-S to D_UA liUdU. nora, Mme. Adeline Pattl. Funeral services at Church of St. Paul the FRIDAY, December 1. debut of Mme. FURSCIIMABDl. »T live, with *li),0fW to $1^.j. UBOUUK ABBOTE, son of the late Dr. Henry Ab- on Thursday, Novomber 23, MABY E„ wife of Geoige DUNCAN, THE MAR"VE LLOb'S VENTRILOQUIST. gury, and Valentina, Mme. F'ursch-Mardl. Toys Confectionery and Klxiurus; Fulton St.. Brooklyn. Mauneritig, aged 67 years. Apply to HALL A SOX, :tji» Franklin u,\\. Brooklyn. bott. of Cniro, Egypt. GRAND PATTI MATINEB. luteruient in Greenwood. Funeral services "will be held in Ainslie Street THE FAMOUS MARTENS IN STYRRIEN TROIS. SATURDAY. December 2. at 2 o'clock, Verdi's Opera, \\TA"MTE_—FA"BTY"~L VD7 I'TlEFEBRED) WITH LA TRAViATA. ALBKBTS.—On Saturday, November 25. _U_JAS Baptist Church, on Sunday afternoon at twoo'clock. AMAZONIAN MA RCHES. GRAND TRANSFORM ATIOB. fl fl.OJUto join advertiser in tna.iu' ac ,;i t ung :i:id seU- MAUTTN.—On November 25. at the residence of his Violetta Mme. Adeline Pattl BBATBJCK. ekleat daughter of Bobert H. and Amtnl- (See special aunoiiBoemeut). tng face preparations, cosmetics, pomades, Ac. TOILET parents, 2,061 3d av., JAMES MABTIN, eldest sou of SECURE SEATS EARLY ARTICLES, Herald office. ade A. Alberta, aged 4 years, 11 months and 'j6 days. AND AVOID THE CROWD Box office open daily from 0 till 5. Funeral from tho residence of her parents, No. 290 Patrick and Elizabeth Martin. _ WANTED— GENTLEMAN WITH A FEW HUNDRED Rush av.. Hobokeu. N. J., on Sunday. November 26. Relatives and lrieuds are invited to attend the ^cTr7EMv^F^"us"icT PATTI MATINEE! II d-dlars to take the agency at Chicago and the North- at two o'clock P. H. Relatives and friends respect­ funeral on Monday, at one P. M. DECEMBER 4, M. B. C URTIS, SAM'L OP POSEN. Mr. Mapleson has great pleasure iu announcing he west of a first c:as* article for lire stationery trado. Ad has arranged with fully iuvited. MOOBE.—Friday morning. November 24, 1882. IJOU OPERA HOUSE, BROADWAY, NEAR 30TH ST. OTE1NWAY HAlUa. dress L. N W., Herald office. JOHN A. McCAOALL Proprietor and Manager Mme. ADELIN'A PATTI to appear in a ASIITWS.—On Wednesday, November 22. 1883, CAROLINE M., widow of Orlaudo J. Moore. B GRAND MATINEE. •xi'ANrK'D—VPARTKITK! "WITH i&^i.aiaTo EXTEND Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to Every evening at »:15_5, . Matinee Saturday at 2. Mr. HENRY E. ABBEY respectfully announces the JOSEPH Asaron. aged 53 years and 11 days. SECOND MONTH. SECOND MONTH. to take place on fl an established manufacturing business; proQts^Oper attend the funeral from her late residence, 17 East FIRST APPEARANCES in Now York- of SATURDAY NEXT. December 2, Funeral trom his late residence. No. 1,272 2d av., GILBERT _ SULLIVAN'S Mmu. CHRISTINE tent; only those possessing the means need answer; sales on Suuilay, November 26, at one o'clock P. M. 44th st., ou Mouday, -g-;tl> iust., at oue o'clock. on which occasion will be performed ter the last *.i mostly tor cash. Address JR., Herald office. now universally acknowledged best work, UN N II L SSS OO /«I< Verdi's Opota, Oldham (Englaudl papers please copy. MCCABTHY—Ou Saturday marniug, November 26, THE N N N II L S - NN 'ANTED.—PERSONS WITH A »MALL," CAP7TAL! s s LA TRAVIATA. BKNNKTT.—On Novembers, at his late residence, JOHN MCCABTHY. native of the^iarish or Ballay Mc- N N N II L S s N N i Alfredo. Signor Ravolli; Uermont, Signer Oalassl, sac vf*sh to come South and desire to eugngo in ss_ OO REE C_ _,&*_ BRB r*.!'.;__ N N N II L SS8 N N fac'.uring will do well to address letter box M, Provideuce, Bureau county, HI., THOMAS BBBKKrr, ltelligott. county Kerry. Ireland, in tho 61st year of sss Violetta, Mme Adcliua Patti. his age. s s O OR I C E P. B B a. ;-. N N N II L 8 s v ivillu. Tonn. of county Cork, Ireland. s O OB I E B B E v. _ II L Director of the Music aud Conductor Signor Ardil Relatives and friends are respectfully invited.to N NN s s NN Prices of admission (ou tnis occasion) Cork Exa-niuer please copy. ESS O 0 RRR BEU RRR EEK RHJB N NN II LLLL s e sss OO NN UAAN TE D—T> «n-TU E" iilGH "f B AN, W Ili I TlTTs attend his funeral, on Monday, November 27, at two O R Private boxes j51."> to $38 11 .'V... ' Ui invest or loan in a staple manufacturing BBBUKH.—November 25, in Brooklyn city, Trjsis E R R E a R IN GRAND CONCERT. MM P. M., from his late residence* 20 Greenwich st. s o OR .. „ K Parquet and balcony Five dollar* businessTclMi sfae go., i security and good salary. Address C. bEBiutN, president of Brooklyn Flra Insurance C E B R B 8 TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 28, Mer.tauiue circle Three dollar! 8 S o0 0 R CC BEES R JB EBBS _ B st 8:15 o'clock, and GOOD OPPOB*»NITY. Morald office. Company, aged 52 years. MOCBOBKY.—Saturday, November 25, DENNIS MO- 8SS I Family circle (reserved) Two dollars CBOBEY. in the 30th year of his age. MATINEE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, AT 2. BOOKKEEPER AS PARTNER, WlTII Funeral. Tuesday, 28th inst., two P. M., from Be- "The one unmistakable success of the season so far was General admission Two dollars WANTED—A Mmu. NILSSON will bo assisted by the following eminent Family circle One dollai II $4,tsUcaj>h. BRO )KL\N. 1SH Herald office. foriued Dutch Church, 12tti St., between 4th and 5th Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to scored by the Bijou eompany yesterday evening in 'The artists:— avs.. Brooklyn. attend the funeral, from his late rosideuce. 434 Sorcerer.' "—t>uu, Oftobor 18. Miss HOPE GLENN, Contralto; A LCAZAR, BROADWAY AND 41ST ST ANTED—HOLIDAY OOO US TO SELL OX COM- BIBBY.—On Friday, November 24, at the rosidonee Pearl street, on Mouday. November 27, at one P. M. "A moro merry unil complete performance has not boon M. THEODORE BiORKS l EN, Tenor, A Manager. If niis-ion iu Troy; largo store ana location. Ad^-»» A. R. SAMUELLS of bis son, Augustus Van Cortlandt, Esq-, Kings- NEW.—On Saturday morning, November 25, 1882, given iu any theatre for many a day."—Times, October IS. and THIS EVENING, AT », 8. A. I" . box l7_ lleralii office. Signor GIUSEPPE DEL PCENTE, Baritone, v t n g bridge. EWWABD N. BIBBX, M. D., in tho DJd year of Miss MAOOIE Y. NEW, only daughter of the late John GQ 11 L MM MM -"J RRR ;LI__ \lf AXTED-PAliTXER IX MAILWAY PUBLICATION Characters by Meters. John Howson, Digby Boll, George iu conjunction with the G G 11 L V.S NM 0 O R R A sf*l- his age. New, of Albany, N. Y. 01ml, Chas. J. Caiupii,-.!, George Schiller; Missus Made­ MENDELSSOHN ob'INTET CLUB . 1 if i_yiiig 4»i.<»> i aauuaSK; *_.5uO required; rare chance. The relatives and lrieuds of tho family are re- G 11 L M N N M O 0 R R E Address RAILWAY, Herald. Helaiives and friends are invited to attend the line Lucette, Luuia Joyce, Ln.ilo Weathersby, Julio de of Boston. G II L M N NM O O RRR SEE funeral, at St. John's Church, Yonkers, on Monday, fjpectfully requested to attend the funeral services, Ruythor. CHARLES E. PRATT, Pianist. 0 CO II L M MM M O 0 R R i \|" ANT ED-A PARTNER TO TAKE" CHARGE." OP 27th inst., at two P. M. Carriages will be in waiting at her late residence, 236 East Gist st., on Monday Seats securea four weeks in advance. SCALE OF PRICES. G G If L M NN M O 0 R R _ If the flcsuacea and jilieo, with &">,{*X1, by a member of on arrival of tbe 1 o'clock train from Oraud Central afternoon, November 27, at two o'clock. The re­ JSXTRA MAflNEE THANKSGIVING DAY. Admission, $1; reserved seats $1 and $2 extra. GO 11 LLLL EMM DO R K Produce Exchange, who hai suae capital and a g nod eorn- mains will be taken to Albauy for interment. Sale of seats now progressing. AND HIS FAMOUS BAND OF SOLO ARTISTS"••re, s Depot. "XDISON SQUARE "THEATRE, 24TH S^FTTIJ'WAY. Box office- open from 9A.M. till 0 1*. M. nuatou trade ID ,'H-. Address COMMISSION, 1«_ Herald Albany papers please copy. Curtain rises h:iio sharp; Saturday matinees 2. TOGETHER WITH EMINENT VOCAL TALENT. OR office. BLACK. On Friday, November 24. ANNIE, beloved M SECOND GRAND CONCERT IN FOLLOWING PRO­ h ad; daughter of Bobert Black, aged 9 years, 2 months NICOLAS.—Suddenly, in Plainfleld, N. J., Wednes­ UNDlMlNLsHED SUCCESS -TRcTlTi-A_riLTO.\"A BACKUS'; OPERA HOUSE. GRAM ME :- ef the brilliant society Comedy by Brouson Howard. SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. ,B'wny and 2SHh st. Par- Tl^AXTED^imirANlFAOOOD BUSINESS MAN; TO and 24 days. day, November 22, CHRISTINA A. NICOLAS. B 1. Overture, "Statist Mater" ... Rossini II the ri.'ht part;. I will pay a fc.iod ralary aud give good THE SYMPOSIUM OF AMERICA. Relatives and friends of the family are respect­ Relatives and friends are resnoctfully invited to SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS, I ALWAYS GILMORE'S BAND. nn.mc.in ••' ->i •• il estate a* vii-'iritv for investment. Ad- 2. Cornet Solo, "Fantaisie Cleopatra" Doniare dr. ,•. 1XYESTMENT. Herald office. fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late attend her funeral, on Sunday .November 26. at half- SAN FKAN.LSCO MINSTRELS, | GREAT. past twelve P. M., from her late residence. No. 164 Mr. M. C. BENT. residence, 141st at., near Willis av., on Sunday, No­ SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. I NOW GREATER 3. Csvatina, "Robert, toi quo j'aiuie" Meyerbeer \\rAN'TEO— PARTXEli. VVlTH~CAlMTAL, IX AN ES- Franklin St., New York city. YOUNG SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. THAN EVER. II tal.li»tifd produce coinmiaaion house, to take charge vember 26, 1882, at twelve o'clock. Signers DE CARLO. BLOXHAM—On Wedueaday, November 22, JAMES PABSONS.—THOMAS PABSONS, aged 49, at his resi­ EXTRA MATINEE THANKSGIVING DAY. of book* aud noancea. Addvjan A. B. 0.. Herald ullico. MRS. WINTHBOP. A Swedish Wedding March .Sodermun dence, 249 West 27th st. Instantaneous success of our Pastoral Comedy, GILMORE'S BAND. OABFIE—D, youngest son or William and Fannie AS YOU LIKE IT, | _ \\*"ANTED— A PARTNER IX A CIGAR KACIORY^ Bioxham, aged 1 year, 5 months. Funeral will leave on Sunday, at two P. M. 1- 5. Aria for Basso, "N011 pin Andrai" Mossrt 4 >a AS YOU LIKE IT yo II riinniiiif tirdor ac.d some eatablishod trade; mn»t bo Buried Friday, 24th. Burial private. PETTY.—At Rutherford, on Friday, November 24, Mr. EDWARD J. O'MAUONEY. eapahle to take cbarire of shop aud e.xchanpe best rofer- J'J (plain, and no water), | OS! 6. Grand Selections, "Gems of the Operas" Bellini BBADV.—On November 25, isai, TKBENCE BRADY, JOHN BBAUUCY, eldest son of Elenora and Oft late _£ (plain, and no water), | ?;>• Bii,-.;a coiiie prepared for business!. 22i tultuo It., up INTERPRETED BY A SUBERB OAST AND EMBEL­ GILMORE'S BAND. tiro pair of stairn. in the 72d year of his ago, a native of county Meatn, George W. Petty, in the 26th year of her age. „3 - AS YOU LIKE IT. _r° 7. Fantaisie for Piano on Webor s "invitation a la RADWAY.—Suddenly, at Faulkland, Del., Friday, LISHED WffH SUMPTUOUS SCENERY. AS YOU LIKE IT. | .» \r AM Hl>— A PART^BRT^WITrT~A~CA>ITAL~ BE- Ireland. '.'Temperature of auditorium fresh aud wholesome. Danse." I suslg 'KI> OVATION TO MRS. JERSEY LILY LONGTBEE BIRCU, Miss HENRIETTA MARKxTEIN. II tweoa K<«l and eJO.Uki. for wholesale boy Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to November 24, 18S2, ANNA JOSEPHINE, daughter of *.*iuteiinUsions $5 second*, 4 minutes, •>:". seconds. the Professional Beauty, in "hose aud doublet." 'tag attend the funeral. Iron his late residence. No. 522 Anua E. and the late Dr. John Radway. *»*Play ends IU.40. Seats secunid two weeks ahead. 8. Trombone Solo, "Les Folies Bergere." Iune* Kithint;; one having full ktiowlo Ice of the buaiueas pro- THE LOVELIEST' CREATURE EVER SEEN. Mr. F. W. 1NNES. EW, Ierred Aildresji A. V.. Herald office. Washington st., at oue P. M., on Monday, the 27th Notice of funeral hereafter. THURSDAY NEXT, ottru Thanksgiving Mntlueo. Hriiii; telescopes to iiualvze her features. THE PRINCE and the PRKS1DENT IN RAPTURES. 9. Bolero for voice Arditi \l' ANTED—A PARTXEK. IX A ~8M ALL_M"ANL'PA0 inst. RAINEB.—November 24, Mrs. ROSE RAINEB. rPUALlA THEATRE, 413 AND 4s" BOWERY. Mile. AMELIA DE BETTINI. I t" E j Funeral takes place from late residence, 54 10th HOUSES PACKED AND WINKING ROOM ONLY. IT luring basinets. *a 1th $;Xm; money not so much aa BBUSH.—Suddenly, at Yonkers, on Saturday, No- _. Unabated sucoess of tho Comedians, The aristocracy begging to act as "supers" in order to 10. Cavatina. "II Trovatorc." Verdi rnflt- *b;ecl as sfuod salesman; oue acquainted with the dry av., Mouday, 27th, eleven A. M. KNAACK and TEWELB. Signers DE CARLO. "nce. veiuoer 25, CHAKI.ES Y. BIUHH. be ou tho stu-.ro aud near Mrs. Kosaiind Longtree liiren, it I* and notion hous^a. Address WORKER, bos 124 Funeral on Monday, at eleven A. M., from his late RILEY.—Ou Friday, November 24, HENBY, son of KNAACE and TEWELE. SCREAMS OF ACUTE MIRTH REND THE AlR. 11. "American Patrol" (new). ..• Norn to Herald office. Ann and the late James Riley, in the 29th year of his KNAACK and TEWELE. See Mrs, Longtree's imported (.priite) "I'mf." GILMORE'STiAND. EX. residence. Warburton av. 12. Descriptive Song. "The Diver." Loder ANrBD—PARTNER WITH ByasfEs November 25, MATTXE BYBNES, daughter age. MORELAND RECITES THE SEVEN "EDGES" OF \y ~~$2S.li*> To cv-fuvM- Monday, Tue-.b.y, Wednesday and Thursday ovenings, MAN. • Mr. EDWARD J. O'MAUONEY. 10- If bar by car^o to ship from Southern nort; milis now of Matthew and Nettie Byrnes, aged 3 months and Tbe friends of the family are invited to attend the the Farce "Vain Wisiius" aud the oneact Operetta "Tenant 13. Euphonium Solo, "Theme aud Variations.''. .Donixoltl In successful operation. Addreau WESLEV SIs&OX, 44 10 days. fuueral, from the residence of his mother, 408 West and Barber." A glorious programme this week. Signor RAFFAYOLO. West '^4tb st. Sir Henry Bishop's glees introduced nightly. 14. Piano Solo. "Graude Polka de Concert." Gottschalk Funeral from residence, at Jobstown. N. J., Mon­ 31st st., on Sunday, November 26. at two P. M. WM. HAMILTON'S NEW AND POPULAR BALLADS. KR GRAND THANKSGIVING DAY MATINEB, Miss UENKIEiTA MARKa'lElN. red. "WANTED—A YOUNG LADY WITH SMALL CAP day, at two P. M. SCHAFEB.—On Friday morning, November 24,1882, SLAVlN AND FRENCH in a new sketch. on which occasion Klein. Jules, Galster, Adolpht and the Swaatnum's laughable parodies encored again aud again. 15. Coronation March, "11 Profeta." Myerbeer II it* to join a mechnnie in good establi^ho i business. CAMPBEXX.—November 24, ROBERT OAMPBEIX, in MINA. youngest child of Simon and Clara Schater, regular coinpauy will appear iu Audran's masterpiece, GILMORE'S RAND his 65th year. aged 2 ye»r» and 4 months. BACKUS AS THE YOUTH "ORLANDO." R« RECUliD, Herald Uptxwa. THE MASCO IT. Tho "Cork" Exchange's latest quotations. Musical Director Mr. P. S. GILMORE Funeral from his late residence, 3d av.. No. 1,191, Fuueral on Sunday morning, the 26th inst., at MONDAY, November 27, ATKINSON'S JOLLITIES. \Y ANTED— AN 'ACTIVE~~PARTNER ~ IX LITHO- THE MAS0OTT. "AS YOU LIKE IT." -*» II s^apUie steam print.nir: small capital required to the Sunday, one P. M. Relatives, friends. Park Lodge, nine o'clock, from 59 West 55th st. Please omit Every evening at8. MaUnees at 2 P. M. EXTRA MATINEE THANKSGIVING DAY. .\ I» Vijtht niau . rcjfcreocia. J. "A" li.. Herald office. flowers. The San Francisco Quartet's new selections. Admission 50c. Children 25c 111 515, P. and A. IVI., also members of the Caledonian XJEW YORK^cliORUS~ »l>Ci_TY7 Terrific earthquakes of fun. .So" \I"ANTED TO" BrY-FOR CASH, ANY~K 1ND 6F Club are invited to attend. SCBOENEKBXBOEB—On Saturday, at one P. M., 1.V THEODORE THOMAS Musical Director GREATEST MINSi'REL TROUPE IN THE WORLD. ^ERMANIA TH_ATBE7~BROAbWATASB 13TH 8T. AL. If poods, in sMiall or lar^e mi an tinea suitable tor holi­ CABPEMTEB.—On Thursday, November 23, 1882, JACOB SCHOENENPEBUKB, aged 64 years. Second SeasoU(lSS2-83.^ STEINVVAY HALL. RAPACIOUS LAUGHTER GOURMETS DINE AT 8 P. M CTAD. NEUEN'DORFF Director *} >; day trade. Address L. K., Ilii'sld Uptown offieo. FBANCIS B.. ouly son of the late Robert Carpenter, Notice of tuneral hereafter. WEDNESDAY tVENlNG, December 6. at S o'clock, MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2. SEATS SECURED" MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, ary ; FIRST TIME in this country, - SIEFKE.—On Friday, November 24, after a brief REIF-REIFLINGEN. •\ITANTKD—PABTSVB" IN T1IK libt"SB." FCRNISH- of Nyack. N. Y.. in the 35tn year of his age. UOWNODS' Sacred Trilogy, EW YORK CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, *~* tie- but pain£ul illness, JOHN JACOB SIKFEE, Jr., infant 5 EAtiT 14TH ST.. third door east of 5TU AV. Comedy in five acts by G. v. Moser. IT in^ hardware, d >wn t'.wn capital,, $4,111) to *l>i.00J Funeral Sunday, November 26, at two P. M., from Box office open daily from 8 A. M. till 5 P. M. Wanted, lnqaire ot E. G. III..ACE . liunald Huildine. his late residence, 399 Fbttbush av.. Brooklyn. son of John J. and Louisa S.eike, aged 3 mouths. THE REDEMPTION. (.Incorporated I860.) CHBumELD.—On Thursday, Novomber 23, JOHN M. Why should we mourn for tho child early called DR. T. AUSTEN PEARCE. MUS. D., OXON.. UT EVERY DAY. •\ir^TKl>-Xl*TRTxBlCwYTU A FEW THOUSAND The NEW YORK CHORUS and ORCHESTRA Soloists. will deliver two courses of Lectures during the present II dollars |-i a privalj Hotel, full of boarders. Address CUUISKIKLX., In the 45th year of his age. From the sin and the suffering of this darkened season at the NEW YORK CONSERVATORY, the first 0 world? Mrs. E. ALINE OSGOOD. FIRST EDITION AT 4 P. M A. ri.. b<>\ -UsJ Herald Cpiown offloe. Funeral from his late residence, No. 52 South Mrs. A. HARTDLGEN, Miss EMILY WINANT, lecture TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 28. at 8 o'clock. 8ECOND EDITION AT 7 P. M. Portland av., Brooklyn, on Sunday, 26th inst., at Though ties of affection may early be riven. Mr. OUORGr. SIMPSON, Mr. CHRISTIAN FRITSCH, ibe following lectures constitute the li 1 si course:—1. VOl XO MAX (ISRAELITE) WILLTsVEST^ ^7KVTTO Tho Genesis of Music, Sov. 28; 2. Oriental Music, Doc. 5; 1 $.">,(»»i in strictly legitimate mercantile business, or two P. M. Why wish back on earth the dear loved one in Mr. FRANZ REMlfERrZ, Mr. OSCAR STEINS, JOHN C. FREUND'3 would start new business wilb man having s&aie capital; Cincinnati papers please copy. heaven? Mr. JOHN F. WINCH. 3. Modern Music, Dec. 12; 4. Music iu the Future, Dec IU; SINGLE SEATS for the REDEMPTION can be obtained 5. Music as a Sensuous Art, Jau. a 0. Music uud Mind, Jan. am irood salesman nn-1 bo-'kkoept!i•; active, onortroiie. COKKX-S.—Friday, November 24, STEPHEN M., Relatives and frieuds are invited to attend the 10; 7. Music and Emotion, Jan. 23: 8. The Mysterious Art Ceittleinanly appearance; references oxjlmuifod. CITY youngest sou of Patrick J. and 'the late Jane Conk- fnneral, on Sunday, the 26th, at one P. M., from 135 on and after VV liu.MiSim, Nov. _H. at Steinway Hall. NEW DAILY. OR COl NTJCY, »« Herald I'ptuwn oYAve. The right of porfbriiiance of the REOLMPTLJN in this of Coin position, Jan. 30: 'J I he Orchestral Symphony, Feb. lui. aged 4 years and 11 mouths. Summit av., Jersey City Heights. coubtrv belongs to Mr. i'UODORE THOMAS by arrange­ tt; 10. Wtiut is Music? Feb. 13. Tickets for the courso, $3 PAYS FOR A FOL'K-LINE ADVERTISEMENT Funeral from the residence of his father, 342 3d SMITH.—On Friday, November 24, ELIZABETH M„ ment with NOVELsLO. EWER A CO.. of London. each, at the Conservatory aud at Poud's, 25 Uuiun square. _*i i_» C U SSS 71 CC 'in :i-i.'> newspniors. Send for catalogue. widow of Henry S. Smith and daughter of the late $10, av.. to-day, at two o'clock. The vocal score Wed by the Chorus Society is published HISTORICAL LECTURE ON THE SCIENCE *V\ NM u u S 8 11 C 0 E. W.'FOSTER, KJ Spruce *t.. New Y'ork. CBAMUKBLAIN.—Iu Brooklyn, N. Y., on Friday, No­ Philip J. Arcularius. by NOVELLO, EWER A CO., and is the ouly AUTHOR­ Aof teaching and an exposition of the most modern, sys­ L > ;- M u u s n C "l~(Ti\ FACTO"RIES7 DIFFERENT"SIZES'."FOR SALE", vember 24, 18»2. at the residence of Mr. H. J. Hard­ Relatives aud friends are respectfully invited to IZED EDITION. „_ tem of :.*!.' H u u sss 11 c attend the funeral services, at her late rosidenos, , ACQUIRING FOREIGN LANGUAuES in M M H U V 8 ii C JLVIUwith full Instruction for uiakint; all jirades '•' But­ ing, her son-in-law, Mrs. ANNA A. CUAMBEIU—IN, "B_RLE S~"TIV_U7I~TITEATRE, STU si'. Jl NN A 8 8 ii ter anj oloomarsarino; chum and worker patented for widow of the late Rev. Hiram Chamberlain, D. D., 584 Franklin av., Brooklyn, Monday, the 27th inst., will be given by u u c 0 A PROFESSOR EDMOND GASTINEAU, _ M M 11 00 makitit; ol«oaiarirarine without heat, patent pen.tin,-; formerly of Brownsvilie, Tex., aged 60 years. at three P.M. Interment private. ORAND CONCERT THIS EVENING, uu ass Dr. butter made by this process iu threo mmu'Os. Send fur diploma, correspondent Paris Prosse, and only teacher in circular. HENRY" Kl'U CO., 1K7 Oiambers »l. The funeral will take place Monday, November 27. SHSCKELS.—At Brooklyn, Friday. November 24, vocal aud instrumental. A constellation of beauty in a New iork authorized bv Dr. Richard S. Rosenthal to AND Tho funeral service, at which the attendance of rel­ Mrs. li. Si'KCEELS, aged 75 years. CHORAL CIRCLE. teach tne MEISTERSCHAFT SYSTEM, on MONDAY, ut O (J.T ~|t""AND~STBAl>Y BAN. JOIN EXPERIENCED atives and personal friends is requested, will be Fuueral will take place, from her late residence, MONDAY' aud daring tho week, the greatest attraction 3 uud "1% P.M.; ais 1 TUESDAY,3 o'cloc ., at his class ;>DD RR„ A MM M« A TO •pl'l'/coal dealer ia r«-e»taJbli»hiiiL" trails; S:i.tJJ0 year­ 415 Sackett st., on Monday, at nine o'clock A. M., over offered. Just arrived from Naples, the great and ouly rooms, 33 East 20th st. Admission free. See Instruction 1) D R F. AA M \ NM A A ly realised1.50 . NO CAPITAL, Heralu Uptown office. held at one o'clock P. M., at 357 Flatbushav., Brook­ HIOARKITE UANCERS. column. D D R R A A M N N M A A near ealite lyn. thence to the Church of St. Agnes, corner of The Brunette Beauties. Also grand production of D D RRR A A W N N M A A New LANCE ON TIME-WILL BUY Texas, Hartford (Conn.) and Vermont papers please Sackett and Hoyt sts., where a mass or requiem will WHITE Ci'-OOK. OELLUAMER'S THEATRE. A. M. PALMER. D D R R AAA M MM M AAA 6*>|W| CASII-BA use Uusiness, near City Hall, that V*'*'"Lodifint; Uu copy. be said. Tho frieuds of the family and of her son, GRANO OLIO MATINEES D PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED!!! D D R B A A M NN M A A will pay Sli' a day cssu if properly run. M JOHNSON, Bev. William A. Speckels, are invited to attend. TUESDAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND SATURDAY. The superior of any.American dramatic weekly. DDD B R A A M M M A A O i 2H Part rovr. room li > DAWLEY.—Suddenly, at'St. Louis, Mo., on Novem­ HE GRAND PANORAMA. ber 22, CATHVBINK, beloved mother of Wm. H. and STAAS.—On Thursday. November 23, after a short TImmense painting, by F. PHILIPPOTEAUX, of more NOW READY, No. 17. NOW READY, 10 pages. *•)() TO ***«> SECURES INTEREST IN PDPULAR illuess, JOHN H. H. STAAS, in the 46th year ot his than 2,1X10 squaie yards, representing au episode ot PRICE. 5 CENTS. John S. Daw ley, formerly of this city. THE SIEUE uF PARIS iN rV71. A. M. PALMER criticised (portrait). POOR BILLY AT ALL NEWS STANDS. LD- JsVM-MJweek'y Jouruat. WELL ESTABLISHED, Her- age. PRICE 2 CENTS. aid Uptown office. DELASY.—On Thursday, November 23, at the resi­ Exhibited by tha BELGIAN PANORAMA COMPANY, GRAY (portrait). The Rival Rosalinds (.illustrated). re- dence of his parents. 23 Vestry st.. JOHN J., young­ Relatives and friends of the family, also the mem­ 55th st. aud 7th av. A Forgotten Comedian (portrait), <•.•>-I ,-C HEAP AT"'5T>L:BXETHE—AMO'lfNT^sTtiTlT est son of Patrick and Annie Delauy. bers of Herrmau Lodge, No. 268, F. and A. M., aud Open daily (Sundays included) from 0 A M. to sunset. lolautue (illustrstious), Ac. Ac. The first Musical and Dramatic Daily Paper in the world. C'O'iUand day Restaurant; must be sold. IMMEDI­ Fut.erai on Sunday. November gti. at two P. M. Gehnder Froundschafls Bund, are respectfully in­ Admission, 5Uc. Children, 25c. ALL NEWS STANDS. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION, ATE. Herald office. vited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, . NO. 25 CLINTON PLACE. NEW YORK. DONOVAN.—Ou Saturday, November 25, MATTHEW OTEISWAY" HALL. IBLO'S GARDEN. EXTRA. —WANTED, A PAHTNKR WITH THIS M. DONOVAN, in the 5Sth year of his age. native of No. 58 6th av., on Sunday, November 26, at one THANKSGIVING DAY, THE YOKES. pHICKERlNG HALL. ; O TUEBDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1882, N •a•mountm , in i -_'i t manufactuiini; business. »».- Clonaailty, county Cork, Ireland. o'clock P. M. SAM FBANKO'S GRAND HOLIDAY MATINEE AT 2. tablislicu and covered by yeteul. Call ouly from 3 too P. Funeral from his late residence, 60 Gouveneur st., TUBLEY.—On Saturday. November 25, ALICE TUB- GRAND CONCERT, THE BELLES OK THE KITCHEN. "The Land of Iceberg*." M.. 2*2 Centre St.. np stairs. with the assistance of eminent artists. N-w York, on Monday.27th inst., at twoo'clock P. M. LEY, in the 73d year of her age. MERICAN ART GALLERIES, LIEUTENANT JOHN W. DANEMIOWER. U. S. N. H A Ad mission , $1 &t'iWi — PARTY" PRESSED FOR CASH TO co^T FANNING.—On Saturday evening, 25th inst., in his Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to tf Bast 23d st. (Madison square). Lecture ou the Jeannette exploring expedition. •••* Reserved seats 50c. eMra A L C*')* '"l.plcte Christmas orders will K've bonus of $!(*! 32d year, WILLIAM A., eldest sou of Edward and the attend the funeral, from her late residence, 332 East SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, AT 8 O'GLOCK. lor the prompt advance for one month: security value lat« Sarah A. Fanuiug. IWth st., on Mouday, November 27, at two P. M. TIBLO'S GABT__N7~ EXTRA. Exhibition ot First time iu New York. Sl.UOput up. WELLS. Herald Uptown office. Voss.—At Mount Vernon, on Thursday, Novombor TUANKSUIVTNO DAY, THE YOKES. ARTISTS' STUDIES AND SKETCHES Tickets, 5Uc. Reserved *e»ts, 75c. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to N NOvV OPEN. at the hall and Pond's, 25 Union square. ______^____ WITU 23. HABIUET, second daughter of the late John and GRAND HOLIDAY MATINEE Al 2, atteud the funeral on Monday morning, the 27th. at THE BELLES OF THE KITCHEN. One of the most interesting collections. S700.;Saloon , west sid>; rare ennnee for ri^-ht pai- ten o'clock, from the residence of his father, 226 Harriet Voss. Open - to d, 7 :3U to 10. TALAN'fA C AS 1N oT 155T H^sV. A N iPsIU AV. tlOS bTEINOUT, 22e* Bowery. Bowery. Tne remains will bo taken to St. Patrick's The relatives and friouds are respectfully invited EST NEW MUSIC—"LIGHT FROM HEAVEN' Admission, 25 cents. GRAND SACKED CONCERT. -'.VAN TE D—ON K" " (>R Mf>R H PARTXKOH. to attend the funeral at Trinity Church, Mount Ver­ (.Gounod), sung by Miss Thtusby. $1; "Eunctry Galop" AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Churcn (old Cathedral), where a solemn high) u»a.is (Adams)B im»). , 4»Jc.4Uc.;; "liaiigtr"Lenigtry March" (Muller)iMuller). 5oe5oe.. :• "Cradle Vr6T"lCE TO MANAGERS OF THEATRES Liberal errangoineula can be made now for balls, pie- with uko auiouut, !•> prospect Central America of requiem will be offured for tho repose of his soul. non, on Monday, November 27, at eleven o'clock Soug';"' iDulcken), sung by Miss VYiuaiit, .'mc; "Queen's nics, Ac. * $800health, spor. t and w, ait AR.i.Sl KA. Herald oH'r: Inter.uent in Calvary Cemetery. A. M. Carriages will meet the 10:10 train from throughout the United States and Canada. L Lacej Handkerchief" pot pourri (Catenhusen), 75c; "Mar- GERKEN _ HEDDEN. _»1 Itfiik —VTA'NTED. WORKING OR BCSINKBB POSXEU.—On Noveinner 23, WILLIAM H. FOSTEB, Grand Central Depot. Intermeut at Woodlawn. gory • »,-.-Daw. " lO.....o K»veu). , Sue. vl." M "\J.partner to extend th-j mauatacture of baao- in the 4»d year ot his age. WALSH.—On November 25, CATBABINB WALSH, wife WILLIAM A. POND A CO- 25 Union square. Unprincipled parties formerly in my employ have stolen IGHTH ANNUAL tails, plenty of ordups on hand: shop running on full a copy of my play, "THE MIGHTY DOLLAR." I hereby E HOLIDAY HOP, Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to of Thomas Walsh, a native of Lismore, county ^REMORNE GA_tD_NS, lUJ WEST 32U ST?! warn all parties concerned in presenting the piece that I THANKSGIVING DAYt t luao. Address W. il. CARR. 130 North Portland av., Brook­ J iuncliou of Broadway and OtL av., New York. AFTERNOON AND KVENING. lyn. attend tho funeral, from his late residence, No. 326 Waterford, Ireland, aged 75 years. C will prosecute them to the extent of tho law. I nave placed West 20th st-, on Monday, the 27th inst., at half-past The relatives aud friends of tho family are invited 75 PRETTY BARMAIDS EVERY EVENING. the matter iu the hands of ray attorneys, who have full TAMMANY HALL, EAST 14TU ST. TJtC"fl V B." GEX TEE L PARTN K R : GOOD twelve P.M. Interment at Woodlawn. Please omit to attend tho funeral, from her late residence, 362 THE BON TO|i RESORT. ADMISSION FREE. powor to protect my interests. • address, business experience, livery and sale 1BLO s GARDEN. EXTRA. SLOOa; flowers. East 56th st., on Tuesday morning, at ten o'clock, "ULTAN DlVAjT-U BOWERY. N"EAii^T__sl'OM SI'.— TUANKSG1VINO DAY, THE VOKBS. table, long o»lablislied; stoca new: money secur-.-d; UO 50 pretty barmaids. Admission free. W. J. FLORENCE. N knowleUjie necessarv. M ALON K. V13 Duano st. k HANK.—On Friday. November 24, MADBICK PBANE, thence to the Church of St. John tho Evangelist, S GRAND HOUDAY MATINEE AT 2, THE BELLES OF-THE KITCHEN. son o: Caroline Frank, in tho 22d year of his age. where a solemn requiem mass will be offered. AYMARKET.BTU AV. AND 30TUST~ . fl F. MACKAY, THE DLSTINGUISUED CHARACTER —PARTNER WANTED " INTHlT Cl")AL Funeral on Sunday, N vemuer 26, at ten A.M., WISDOM.—On Saturday, November 25, ROBEBT A. BIJOU Or' TERPSICHORE. •SOCIETY DAN- • Actor, will give particular attention to instructing businoss; ti.UX) tons can be sold annually; ir Iactors and amateurs in special characters. Elocution For Other Adv«rti».uieuts Under ThU $1,200. from 1.6U1 3d av. Friends aud members of Emanuel WISDOM, in the 62d year of his age. SANTE." l'ROMANADE CONCERT EVERY NIGHT, lieaAliug S«« Wext Page. rc^lerencos rei|Uired. Address B. O., U.*\ 1J9 COMMENCING AT l> O'CLOCK. AxiMi-SlON, 26C. analytically and thoroughly taught. Freuch and German first cii (lice. Lodge, >o, 1, C. O. T. 8., and Ceres Frauer Vercin are Fuueral services will be held at his late residence, accent corrected aud the perfect articulation of tbe Eng­ Herald respectfully iuvited to attend. 30S East 21st St., at two o'clock P. M.. Tuesday, TDYLSOF THE" KING. lish elementary sounds practically taught. Plays revised NJ_W JstlBAC. -jWj TO $2,I»X> CASH WILL BUY A.N K.VIAB- and directed for either public or private exhibition. Resi­ ,# )\ f\llisbed i)r.-ss and Cloak Triuiiuluir Msnufac IULLEB.—On Tuesday, November 21, ISADOBA, November 28. Relatives and friends, also members RECITALS youngest daughter of the late Captain F. G. Cam- of Atlas Lodge, F. and A.M.; Manhattan Chapter by dence 15o Weat 30th st. •• » VIOLET I PLUCKED WHEN BUT A CHILD." t-ry good located an.l in first class order; a good slock KB. SIDNEY WOOLLETT, _x_"Vi lieu Autumn Loaves Turn Rod and Gold," "Papa's of(Sil Silk on handhand.. SBEL1G A MAYER, 0i»7 Broadway. erou and wife of J Ames F. Fuller, of this city. and Manhattan Commandery are invited to attend. XKT — MRS. EMM A WALLER. i HI ii.n_ •II.WIIIIWBI .in.— " '"'' —- -mrm— -mum !!• . • iwniai at Picture in the Locket Mother Wore." "Cradle Isu't Empty, Fuiier.il from her late residence, 22U East 105th st., TURF CLUB THEATRE, ff.XHB GREAT ACTRESS AND ELOCUTIONIST, Baby smiled," "Dreaming in the Moonlight." All -tusie KSTAB- on Suuday, at half-past oue P. ML WANTKUJ 'FO P»rttCHAShu~ SATURDAY and WEDNESDAY MORNINGS in DECEM­ prepares ladies for the stage. S0O West 23d st. store*." - r2.000.u-:bo d inaiuifacturiug buaiuoas; wili bear BER. hogir.uiug Decouibor 2, at 11 _0. "Mrs. Waller is oue of the Ural ef livjag artists."—Dr. GEBVAIZE.—On Saturday, November 26, IIATTIK, Shelton McKettxiu, Philadelphia Press. filHE NEW MUSIC. exauiiuati.in. Call i »o« P. M. youngest daughter ot Virginia and the late Francis "*^ppH7ift7uRA>'mc^ piTsil WAUONT"ALS O BACK- Tickets for couite of four, with reserved seat, $2 50, for RICHARDS, 71 Yartck St...thir d loft. -fVsrouuds and Accessories, cheap for cuth. Address sale at POND'S, _> Union square. ' "The superb acting of Mrs. Emma Waller scarcely leaves 1 Patrol or tbe Guard March. S. Marksteln _C_ w N u ,J A N Kxfc K A. Gervaise, aged 22 years and 3 mouths. COHANS, 1,316 3d av. room for criticism."—Now York Herald. Old Home down on the Farm, G F. Dubois AUa, ' T> 7v 111 \ — * ' ^ - * ' *>** c E D Pu y ni" Funeral from her mother's residouce. No. 400 West IG INDIAN WIGWAM, CORNER SSTH ST. AND "Mrs. Waller must be reckoned among the first of living Stolen Glaucoa Walls, M. W. Ely 4Uc $ _,,\"vM".cian. a young graduate or gentleman wisb 31tU st„ on Tuesday, November _, at oue o'clock P. * NTIQUE PURNITURE, TALL CLOCKS, BOOKS. BHroadway.—Every night. Wednesdays aud -atunlays tragediennes "—Hot. to 11. Travel lor. On the White Sea sand- (descriptive), Harrison Millard 5uc. ing to study nicdttiue as partnor iu a urivat - l.yinr in .Paintings, Engravings, Pianos, Silverware, old Chiua, Maliuee. I4HJ genuine wild Indians (40). iu a uovel and Life of a Sail«r Free (baritone), A. E Warren e_c. Hospital. For partiiculars apply to E. DANIEL, r»l Xaa M. Interment at Woodlawu. UriArc a-Hruc' . Curiosities, Ac. LAVVLER'S, 1,373 Broad­ highly ititoi ostiug eiitertuinmeut. Big Indian Circus ; six EW YORK MUSEUM. 210 BOWEBY. 210, For sale by all music aoalers, or sent post paid. •aa st. GILCUBIKT.—AtMorriatowu, N. J., on November 24, way , near 37th. diffureut tribes represented—Pawnees, Apaches, Wurin N between Spring aud Priuce. sl'EAR A DEHNHOFF. 717 Broadway. JAMES GiLCHBiwr, in the 54th year of his a.e. FORD BROTHERS. 1 - - — • — —— ••—' ... — -, • _ _:'»> >'M"|kik|k CAPITAL WANTED AND AN ACTIVE 18ba, CUABLES M. GILLETT, iu the Outh year of his LD STYLE OR BEOL'LAB BREVIER TYPE. OR THANKSGIVING DAY, THE V0KES. Send full particular, price, Ac, N GRAND HOLIDAY MATINEE AT 2, " AG^rc"l«u"NClTTN_rTuDY; EVBNINO PARTIES trait, gilt Frame. $35. EMPIRE CITY COPYING CO. »J.IM M/mati to take the business inanak'eniont and O „ui*U Job Office. aud fairs attended; tend for illustrated catalogue. B $ age. Steamer Ac tpuleo. Aapiuwall for New York. COLUMBUS, Herald office. THE BELLES OF THE KITCHEN. M 1^15 Broadway. entire auancial control of an tiluslatod pubiicaliuii: tne UBABAM.—In Boston, November 22, WILLIAM P. ___ _ Audrese J UDD'S Magical Repository, U8 John St. b.-«i city referoMea. Address A. V. D.. Herald Uptown GBAHAM. aged 55 years. AND CYLINDER DESK WANTED—UIVE DE- RADY'S DABC1NG CLASSES, DAY AND EVENING, OB CHBISTMA8 GIFT.—ONE OP TANQUKREYi office. _ • __^_^ 100 West -4th st., corner Broadway. "LOCU7TIO_T^IS_~M7NN-E SWAYZE, FORMERLY life »Uo crayon portrait; ouly $15 Seud lor circular Is GWXNNE.—At Morning View, N. J., Friday, No­ Oscrip tnui and price. Address CYLINDER, box _1 B teacher of elocution iu Vaasar College aud for ten F __^ ^.___- - ^ riaSITL'sil AND Herald nUieo. Professor BRADY guarantees the Walts in five private E 2S5 Fulton st., Brooklyn. N Y. L B r(JK vember 24. MABY GWYNNE. widow ot late George lessons; all hours; $6. years an instructor in New York, receives pupils at bar $ Gwvnne, age 52 years. 11/ ANTED—SECOND HAND PARLOR DESK, ROLL- Classes now forming tor Indies, children and gentlemen. rooms, 113 Eaat 14th s_ Classes forming. ¥S_ON_ IN"OIL PAINTING, LANDSCAPB, FLOW" «J.»>Ul'.Lease of a BoardiuK House, full of good pay li mis or sliding top, abou.bout threth e and a half foot wide; er*. decoration of plush aud silk, with careful lastrue- iug boarders: established _> years, in K«od location; Sot ire oi funeral hereafter. IL SOGNO WALTZ SONG, Ltiou in drawing; studiaa from nature to rout. 7 Weal t«__ give description and correct price. CYLINDER, Herald AMMANY HALL, THANKSGIVING DAY. THUR3- 1 BY MME. MURIO-CELLI. satisfactory reason* given; none but cash otfora con- HAMILTON.—Thursday, November 23, ABCHIBALB office. • t., room 12. •idered. Address D. V. 14. Herald office. Tday, November 30,1882; eighth annual holiday hop, At Dlt-on _, Poud's and at publisher's, *"» riUi—SAUX»N AND BILLIARD HALL ON Git.wun iiAMXLfON, at St. Johulaud, L. 1. afternoon 2 to 7, eveniug S to 2. ESSONS GIVEN IN -PASTEL AND CRAYON POB- Funeral Sunday, 26th inst., at St. Johulaud, ANTED—A SECOND HAND MEDIUM SIZED PIRR * IS Irving place. i).«JlH».li>e Bowery. Ct*ar Stdrcs, Groceries. Ba­ Mirror, in good order. Address J. MORRISON, U5 7 traits at the Ladies' Art Association. 24 Wast 14„ st. $ W "ESME RISM.—INSTRUCTION GIVEN; ANY INTEL ONARCU , LESSENS GIVEN FOB STAGE OB LApply Mouday and Tuesday afteruoou*, or address FA- keries, furnished Houses, corner Liuuur Stores at jreat UASLEHCBKT.—Ou Friday morning, November 24, 6th av. sacrifice, STEINGliT, _» Bowery. M ligeut person can learn to Meameriss successfully. ACiCIAN J parlor, and will engage to give special ea­ VARGER NEW ELL. 125 East Sod st JAMES HASLEBUBST, in the 59th year of his age. MESMEli.203 Herald Uptown office. ^ Funeral from his late residence, 751 St. Mark's \TJANTED—A GOOOO< D SECOND HAND NATIONAL ter 23 jeare. I tertaiameuta. Address r ROBERT N1CKLES, 158 West _5th st.. Now York citj HOTOGBAPHS MADE OF GROUPS AT YOUR REEL place. Brooklyn, ou Sunday, the 26th inst., at two II Sewing Machine. for harness. W. DAVIS. ilTANTED— A LAD"Y^ Iliro_SH TO PLAY LEAD- deuce on Thanksgiving; also houses photograph***. FIVE CENTS TO STATES" ISLAND. o'clock P. M. Relatives and friends respect!ully In­ 410 Market St., San Francisco. II lug part in strong comedy company now forming. _»/

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street - Fulton New York 13069 '. I'*1 '"'.»,•! www.fultonhistory.com * •

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_. ... . • - - •- • j —* "• — • • • • • . • . ...

his countrymen. In estimating the Influence of : sWiw**W«*»_ OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. TRAVTELLKIIS' GUIDE. BoB^-4to*waBswf. 9*V Wm, wwawW'-wt thh;,:.h»to S«S»S»^MSIIWS>SJI saws •» ^ass^sj^Sjs^ss^Ssss^^aswaii^eai^aaaaSa^ai ^isvwsv s..,s>,.i»wia i»s,,swse mtm m THE PULPIT. these three great editors one must needs be familiar Jsf0ff6S Hunt. "* ^FRoVLivk'RPwi:: l l< t /Sailing from New York sad Antwerp every Saturday. fssfmr AND iioitwALk * ii.11 with the whole range of affairs through which they . Funeral to-day, at two P. M, from 1M Bloecker at, Pram Mawtes- Imi.y (Sundays axeepted). tbe palaee iron steamer parsed. With Mr. Weed the reading p-blic have Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited. fnm Portland—* A SCOTIAN. Deeeetberh. NKDBRLAND ., Saturday, December 2. U A, M. PKGASU8 leave* pier 1 Sortn River at 2 45 P. M , East ICOST1NCED FBOM EIGHTH PAGE.] Press Beltissoi ihYNKSIAN, December A ZEKLAND Saturday, Docemoer 9,8 HO P. M. 23d st. at 3 P. M , connecting a< Wilson Point with DAN. grown into a sort of filial admiration of his spirit KBXABUB.—At the residence of his brother-in4aw. „.jig at Halifax, N.S. Saloons, stateraotas, smoking and hate rooms amidships. BURY AND NORWALK R JLBOAD. Freight r«ceived I — •a a man and bis genius as a patriot. What tht~e James MeKenna, 69 SklUmaa si. Brooklyn. Joaa J. fan stssaaers are ipsnrasssad far safstnead speed, snd First cabin, $H0 and $75; second cabia. $0*1; excursion. te all points an Deubsry aad Norwalk Bail read. Tateagh provided the debt la paid off at Its present rat*. editors said and did haa entered into our national KBLABBB. In the 35th year of his age. flttod up with all iaiaroveiaeuts conducive te the comfort tsskst* far sale aad baggage ehacksd. We should rejoice, aise, that thousands of voters Ufa and will there remain aa a part of our heritage. Funeral will take place Tuesday, the Mth inst, ef passengers • II II ; from the above number, at nine A. M.; thence to St. Cabm passage, $50. $70 and $80. .Steerage at tews* aaJaCPsaJi*D 8T^ 120 EAST, NBAB 4TH AV.-PART1K8 UV bodies of tne wicked? To them, indeed, it will be, EAVER LINEv-NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL. W ipal elevation there will be greater financial pros­ at half-past ten o'clock, trom the. Scotch Presby­ for Quseastown and Liverpool. 2Oing in their awn hen** have large treat Roam aad as the Gospel says, a day of wrath, tribulation, terian Church, Uth st., east of 6th av, without B NOTICE.—The ataamsr* *f this Hae take the laa* rente bsll Room, on second aad third floors, with Board. perity than ear cities have ever seen. % here now cloud* and -misery. We are assured, on Divine further notice. Lake Winnipeg Dee. 1 I Lake Chasaplala Doc. 11 recommended by Lieutenant Maury, U. 8. N., on hath the authority, that there will be devastating wars, Lake Manitoba JDoc23| Lake Huron Jan. 3 homeward and oat ward passages. TH ST., 50 WB.vr.—HANDSOMELY FURNISHED •ne fortune is made there will be a hundred for­ A. J. CONNICK, ) Reams, with Board; table aad appointment Irat famine and pestilence, and that the earth will be All comparatively new steamers. Sail from Pier 41 BRIIANNIO Saturday, December 2. 11 A. M 281 tunes made. Business prosperity depends upon MAI HEW ROCK, 5 Committee. North River. Cabia, 555. Steerax*. *»: prepaid. f35. ADRIATIC „ Thursday, December 7. 2:30 A M class: table Board. saturated with the blood of its inhabitants aa fore­ J. TER KULLE. Gaa'l Pass. Act., 11» Broadway, M. Y. THOMAS O. DENNY,) GERMANIC ...Saturday, December 16, i>:SO A. M OA AND*8*rEiUiT 12TH ST., NEAR BROADWAY.— eo__d«aee between man and man. Waen all dis­ runners of that awful day. Think, then, and think 1 LCDLOW.—Ou Sunday, November 26. of heart dis­ MERICAN MAIL LINE. . ,„ CELTIC..... '. Tharsdav. Deeember 21.2 P. M. CrirProat Rooms, with excellent Board. $10 to $18 fo* honesty and fraud are gone oat ef commercial often, while yet it te time, of this day of reckoning. ease, ABABXXXA LUDLOW, daughter of Gulian Lud­ Rate*.—Saloon, $80, $SO and $100. Return tickets en two; siagle. $5 to48. circles thorough confidence will be eatabliahed and ANORTH AND SOUTH AMERICAN STEAM NAVI­ reasonable terms. Steerage—Pram th* eld country, $30; You have it in your power to escape the terrors of low, deceased, in the 80th year of her age. WEBT* WASHINGTON SQUARE—ROOMS, WITIt that dreadful dav. Remember thy last end and GATION COMPANY. from New York, $28. mightier successes achieved. Ever since the 8th of Funeral private. PROM flER 1 NORTH RTfER. Saloons, staterooms, smoking aad bath rooms areplaead 38Ii Beard , for genUewea aad wive*, er single gsntleaxea ; November politicians have been trying to cipher thou shalt never sin. is the injunction of the MBTMTXB—On November 26, SCTAS MBBBTJ, the POR GRBYTOWN, LIMON, COUlN. amidships, where the noise and tustioa are least, affording refareacoa. a degree of eomtert hitherto uaattaiaahl* at sea. ant what waa the cause of the revolution in Ameri­ apostle. May our souls die the deatn of the just. widow of Robert Merkle, aged 72 years. BAVANILLA AND CARTHAGENA. WEST 19TH ST.-LAUGE. FURNISHED BOOM, Relatives ami friends are respectfully Invited to STEAMER BELLTER, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7. These steamers carry neither cattle, sheep nor pigs. third Soar, front; an other rooms; flrst class Board. can politica Wail, in aome States it meant one thing attend the funeral, from the residence of her This staamor has superior passenger accommodation. For inspection ot plans or other information apply at 50 perhaps and in aome states another thing, but I Por freight and passage apply to the company's office, 37 Broadway, N*w Yerk. ' 3D AV.—P0RXISBED PA BLOB, WITH BED. nephew. John C. Boyd, No. 62 Uth St., South Brook­ A. C. LOMBArtJ»'S SONS. Gen. Ax'ts. 15 Broadway. K J. COR 1 IS, Ageat. . room, Gsrmaa Board, gas aad bath, to gentlemen ol tell you what it meant all over. It meant that the MAlttUAGliS AM DKATBd. lyn, on Monday. November 27, at two o'elook P. M, ERMUDA AND WEST INDIES. " C. L. B A RTLETT A CO . Agents. Bostsn. marrie57. d eonptos. people of the United States are infuriated at the Moons.—Friday morning, November 24, 1882, BARKIT A CATTEL. Agents, Philadelphia, CABOUHX M, widow of Orlando J. Moore. B QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. O.IO WEST 3tTH ST.-SINGLK AND DOUBLE fact that the officers of government and those who MARRIED. Rebvtives and friends are respectfully invited to PROM COMr"ANY*S PIKE (NEW). 47 NORTH RIVER, ^OASTWIBH STEAJMLSH1PS. ii TO Rooms with Bosrd; terms, $5 aad upward: ap> have the arraugement of these things keep the taxes BLOOMFIKI-D—OuvKa.—At the residence of the FOR BERMUDA. pointments fauUless. attend the funeral from ber late residence, 17 East S3. ORINOCO A.. November 30 II1ARLES ON. SAVANNAH, FLORIDA np when they might go down. (Applause.) A hun­ bride's parents, 314 Cumberland at., Brooklyn, N. Y., 44th st., on Monday, rfth inst, at one o'clock. and the South aad Southwest, G. WILSON, CATERER, 113 W i ST ^ltl.-»Aky FOR ST. KrTTS. ANTIGUA, DOMINICA. MARTINIQUE, .illes served with meals to any part of th* city. dred million dollars more than necessary taxed out on Saturday, November *sf», 1882, by the Rev. i. B. MOCBOBXT.—New York Pressmen and Feeders* ST. LUCIA, BARBADOS AND TRINIDAD. at 3 P. M., as follows :- R Thomas, MABTHA S„ daughter of Richard Oliver, to SS. BERMUDA December 2 Via Charlestea, Via Savannah, of the hard working population of this country and Union are respectfully invited to attend the funeral In PrlvB>te~Fumlllee. JAMBS M. B_c>u_r_u->. NO cards. of DENIS MCCBOBBY, from 464 Pearl st, at one P. M. Per rreisbt, passes* *r insurance apply to from pier 27 North River, from pisr 35 North River, EAST 29TH.—ELEGANT PARLOR, RBCOND A. E. OUTERIJUIDGE A CO., Agsnts. foot Park place. foot of Spring st. stored up aaa temptation to public offioialal By order P. DA8M0ND, President. CITY OF SAVANNAH, Boor, five lu;ht rooms; private bath: $15 sing!* 51 Brosdway. SANTO DOMINGO, 11 ly; $30 double; private family. The only way to keep the Congress of the United DIED. MCGCIBB.—An anniversary requiem mass will be LEYS A ALDEN, WI Broadway. Wedwesday, November 29. Tuesday, November 28. CITY OF COLUMBIA. CHATTAHOOCHEE, States from misappropriating J5t),0i0,oou out of the BBLLMBB.—Sunday morning, November 26, FBBD- offered for the repose of the soul of the tote JOHN ORDEAUX LIMB. " OQ W**~ST*~S»TH ST.. NEAR BROADWAY.—Pl/MNtau! national Treasury ia to have no surplus in the Treas­ MCGTJIBB, in St. Mary's Church, Hunter's Point, B Saturday, December 2. Thursday. November 90. OOed Rooms, with first class Board, in private French EBICK BSIXM-B, aged 3i years. Long Island City, on Tuesday, November 28, at nine NEW YOtti AND BORDEAUX DIRECT.' JAS. W. QUINTARD A CO., CITY OP AUGUSTA. family. ury to steal. (La tin liter and applause.) Iu this The funeral will take place from the residence of CHATEAU LAP1TTE, 4,000 tons about December 30 Agents. Seturday. December 2. coming Congress the republican party will have an­ o'clock A. M. . .,','::.-:'.:-."•-:.. ', —— •:,: 3 his brother-in-law. Henry Hansen, at No. 300 Pearl CHATEAU LEOV'lLLE. 4,000 toss ahent January 20 H. TONGE, Jr., BOARD AND LODGING W.U.TEU. other opportunity of putting down the taxes, and if St.. Tuesday, November 28, at two P. M. PETTY.—At Rutherford, N. J, on Friday, Novem­ Cabin, including wines, $80. steerage, including- bed- Agent. ber 24, JOHN BBADUET, eldest son of Elenora and the they do not pnt down the taxes the revolution in VERITAS Lonox, 734, F. aim A. M.— BRKTHBXN— diu»f, Ac. $25. IN8UBANCE one-quarter of ene per cent. It effected OARD WANTED—BY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, Massachusetts and Hew York this autumn will be You are hereby summoned to attend our regular late George W. Petty, in the 26th year of his age. KUNCH. ED YE A CO., I P. LR BOULANGBE, by 2 o'clock at the Union office, er by 3 o'clock at piers be­ Bbetween 3d and Uth avs. aad 14th and 28th sts.: terms only aa a snowflake compared with the avalanche of Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to 27 8. Wm. »L. Freight Aitt*. I 46 Beaver St.. Pen. Pas. Agt fore day of sailing, premium may be collected at destina­ not to exceed $15 por week. Address W. E. D.. Post ernes communication this evening to take action on the ~Tu~~~ARD LINE. tion ; otherwise it must be paid by shipper*. box 1.347. popular indignation. death of Brother Frederick Bellmer. attend his funeral, from the Grace Protestant Epis­ \) NOTICE.—LANE ROUTE. Por freight or passage apply to the agsnt* ef the respec­ THK C.BJtAT JUBILEE-. JUHN W. SOKELX* Master. copal Church, Rutherford, Monday, November '27, at WEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. VIA QUEKMSTOWN, tive linos on th* pisr or to ANTED—ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, B? one o'clock. Train leaves Chambers st. at twelve single gentleman, between 123d and 138th sts. and In that better time tite churches of Christ will be J. N. JOHNSTON, Secretary. KRO.V PIER 40 NORTH RIVER, W. K. RHETT. General Agent, W more numerous and will havo greater influence for o'clock. CATALONIA Wednesday, November 29. 8 A. M. Great Southern Freight and Passenger Lin*, Union office, Madison and 7th avs. Address J. C, 588 Herald Uptown BBBOXM.—November 35. in Brooklyn city. Turns RADWAX.—Suddenly, at Fanlkland, Del, Friday, GALLIA. «. Wednesday, December 6,2 P. M. 317 Mrosdwsy. office. good. Now. even ministers of Christ sometimes C. BKHOKN, president of Brooklyn Fire Insurance SERVIA 2 Woduesday, December 13, 7 A.M. —-,. ' S3 ,.:.', : • :——i— • ,' '•" J for e: their brotherhood. There is not room enough Company, aged 62 years. November 24, 1882, ANNA JOSEPHINE, daughter of 8CYTHIA Wodnesday, December20, 1 P. M. ROM WELL LINE POB NEW ORLEANS DIRECT.— HOTELS. Anna E. and the late Dr. John Radway. Steamer KNICKERBOCKER. .Saturday. November 25, in the churches for one-fourth of the population. Funeral. Tuesday, 28th ins*., two P. M., from Re­ Cabin passage, $00, $S0 and #100. steerage tickets to A fashionable church is a place where a few people Relatives and Iriends of the family are invited to aud treni all parts ef Europe at very low rales. Freight at 8 e'clock P. M„ tram pisr t> North River. "— BOULEVARD' BOTBAVBWTH "St. ANDliffoAI? formed Dutch Church, 12th sL, between 4th and 6th and passage office, * Bowling Green. Freight received daily. Through hills ot lading given .way, overlooking Contral Park.—Most beautiful spot come in—if they do not want te be crowded they a vs., Brooklyn. attend the fuueral, on Tuesday, at eleven o'clock A. A M, from ber late residence, 58 East 67th st. VBRNON H. BROWN A CO.. Agents. to principal point* on the Mississippi and R*d rivers. iu the city; slegaat Rooms, wltii meals, on tb* American can have a whole seat to themselves—and listen to BIBBX.—On Friday, November 24» at the residence Reduced passage te New Orleans:—Cabia,$40; steerage, or European plan. Families can mate reasonable term* a sermon warranted to bit no man's sins, and to SCHETKY.—At Philadelphia, on Sunday, November ENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY. $20. Principal Texas points, $25. for the winter. of his son. Augustus Van Cortlandt, Esq., Rings- BETWEEN NEW YORK ANii- HAVRE. music by a choir warranted to sing tunes that no­ bridge, EPWABP N. BniBY, M. D., in the 920. year of 19, after a long illness, Rev. GBOBOE P. SCBXTXY, G Apply to CLARK A SEAMAN. pi*r9 North River. D. D, in the 59th year of his axe. Company'* pier (new) 42 North River, foot of Morton St. 'BBOTSrORD HOTEL CORNER 38TU ST. AND8TH body knows— (laughter)—and then after au hour and a his age. Travellers by this line avoid both transit by English ACKSONVILLE AND FER»ANDI*A, PLA. TOUCH- Aav.—Elegant family Rooms to rent; bail Rooms fo* halt of indolent yawning go home refreshed. Belativea and friends are invited to attend the SCHOENEMBEBOKB.—On Saturday. November 25, railway and th* discomfort of crossing the Channel in a ing at Port Royal, S. O—Steamer WESTERN TEXAS, gentlemen, $7 per week. (Laughter.) Every man feels better after he haa JACOB OCHOKNEHBEBUEB, aged 64 years. small boat. JPiday, December 1, 3 P. M funeral, at St. John's Church, Yonkers, on Monday, PERE1RK. Berry..-. Wednesday, Nov. 2U, 8 A. M. passage and general information apply to BERDEEN, BROADWAY, CORNEB~~lST ST., NEW* had a sleep. (Great laughter.) In many chnrehes 27th inat., at two P. M. Carriages will be in waiting Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to Por freight York/—Handsomely furnished Apsrtinents te let, the music is simply a mockery. I would prefer the attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 218 AMEKIQUE. Santelll Wednesday, Dee. ti, 1 P. M. C. H. MA LLPS; Y A CO., Ageuts, office, pier 20 East River. A on arrival of the 1 o'clock train from Grand Central CANADA. Praiigeet Wednesday, Dec 13,7 A. M. singly and en suite, at reasonable rates. hearty, out-breaking song of a backwoods Metho Depot. West 31st st, on Tuesday, November 28, at half-past PICARDIE, Kortier. about December IA ORGAN'S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS RAILROAD nine A. M. AND STEAMSHIP COMPANY, COMMERCIAL HOTEL (EUROPEAN AND AMfcKI- dist camp meeting. (Applause.) In that time of BRADT.—On Saturday, November 25,1882, after a RATES Of PASSAGE (iaeladinx wine):—To Havre- M ( which I apeak no midnight carousal, no lager beer SMITH—On Friday, November 24, ELIZABETH M, Per New Orleans and Texas. z'ran plans, daily. $1 and $2 5U). Brosdway Washington short illness, JOHN BRADY, aged 42 years. First cabin, $10> aad $S0; second eabiu, $60; stsarage, For New Orleans, from pier 38 North River. place and Mercer.— Superi$y accommodstions tor into saloons, no distilleries where they make the three wiuV w of Henry 8. Smith and daughter ef the late $2ti, including wins, bedding and utensils. guests; location unexcelled; inducements offered families. Funeral on Tuesuay, at two o'clock, from bis late Checks, payable at sigbt, ia amoants te salt, on the Stesmship LONE STAR. Wednesday, Novsmbsr 29, and X s. Look into some of the city balls of thla coun­ residence, Clason av. and Dean at., Brooklyn. Rela­ Philip I. Arcularius. steamship MORGAN CITY, Saturday, December 2. taking Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to Kanque TransatUatique at Paris. ARLE'8 HOTEL—PIRST*CLA8S ACCOMMODATION try and see to what a low. ignorant crew city poli­ tives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. frslxht for New Orleans, Mobile, all Missisrippi River for tb* winter only, for gentlemen, at $10 50 per week tics are often abandoned. It would be better attend the funeral services, from the residence of RETURN TIUKETS AT REDUCED RATES. points, Galveston. Houston. Indian..la. Victoria, Cuero, E BRUSH.—Suddenly, at Yonkers, on Saturday, No­ LOUIS DE BEB1AN, 8 Bowling Green. Corpus Cbristi, Brasos Santiago and erownsvUle aad all (Room and Board); a few family Rooms at reduced rates. in some of our cities to torn oat of the jails vember 25, CHARLES T. BBCSII, aged 46 years. her brother-in-law, Thomas C. Higgins, 684 Frauklin the petty criminals and put in their places some of av., Brooklyn, N. Y, on Monday, the 27th inst, at T UION LINE irNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Texas railroad station*. OTEL DEVONSHIRE, 42D ST., OPPOSITE'GRAND Funeral services at his late residence, 185 War- F FOR QUEENS-TOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Insurance through to New Orleans under open policy of Central Depot, New York.—Everything new; Booms, the monsters of iniquity who drive the roan spins burton av., Monday, November 27, at eleven three P. M. Interment in Greenwood Tuesday C From pier SB North River, foet of King St. " the line, halt per cent. 50oH. aud upward. through the streets so swiftly that honest men have morning. WYOMING .sails Tuesday, Novembers, at 7 A. M. Por freight or other information apply te A. M. Relatives and friends are earnestly invited. R V1 NO HOlTSEi BROADWAY AND 121H 8T.— to leap to get out of the way. (Applause.) All those Trains from Grand Central Depot, 7,7:30,8,8:46, SHABBY.—On November 25, suddenly, at 170 ARIZONA sails Tuesday. December 5. at 12 :30 P. M. BOGERT A MORGAN, Agont*. ABYSSINIA ..sails Tuesday, December 12. at ti A. M. pier 38 North River, foet North Moure st. Americas plan; $2 to $3 per day; elevators aad all im­ thiURS are going to be righted. I expect to live to 9*511 A. M. Bleecker st„ ROBEBT, youngest son of Frederick provementsI ; excellent family hotel; Rooms, $1 upward. see the day. I think I hear in the distance the and Mary Saarey, aged 4 years, 6 months aud 17 WISCONSIN ...sails Titesdsy, December ly. at noon. — Bcnaa.—Sunday, November 26, at her residence, ALASKA salts Tuesday, December 2ti, at 5 J» A. M. LD DOMINION r~Tl~AM*Ini7p iOO^MPANY. Dinner, 5 SO to 7:3tl, 75c. rumblings of the King's chariot. Not always in the 122 Smith st., Brooklyn, MABI-ABI.T. widow of the days. Cabin passage, $flO. $H0 aud $100. according to location. Pier 28 North River (now number), foot Beach st. minority Is the Church of God going to be or good Funeral from the residence of his uncle. 22 Mor­ OFor NORFOLK, PETbRSBURO and RICHMOND direct, ~ ARRAOAN8ETT HOTEL (EUROPEAN PLAN). aT late James Burke, In her 49th year. Smoking room, bathroom and piano on each steamer. In­ West 2Stb si. men going to be. The streets are to be filled with a ton st.. at one P. M, Tuesday, 28th inst. Relatives termediate, $40. Steerage at low rates. TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 8 P. M., and N - • ' ' 3 Funeral from St. Agnes' Church, corner Hovt and Draft* *a Ireland, England and Scotland at low rates. for NORFOLK every FRIDAY at 3 P. M. regenerated population. Three hundred and sixty Sackett sts., Wednesday, 29th inst., at half-past nine and friends are invited. FlKMTl UK. bells in Moscow rang when one prince waa married, SPBCBELa>-At Brooklyn. Friday. November 24. WILLIAMS A GUION. For RICHMOND via WKST POIN r (fraight only). MON- A. M.; th nee to Flatbuah. Relatives and friends ' 2« Broadway, N»w York. DAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3 P. M. bat when righteousness and veaoe kiss each other in are respectfully invited. Mrs. B. Spxcxaxs, aged 75 years. Steamers for LEWE8, Del., and REHOBOTH BEACH nil the earth ten thousand times ten thousand bells CAXK-DKN.—On Friday morning, MABX A., wife of Funeral wiU take place, from her tote residence, BEAT WESTERN 88. LINE—PIER 18 E. R— I'O and connecting railroads, MONDAY aad THURSDAY at A." shall strike the Jubilee. Poverty enriched, hunger 416 Sackett st,, on Monday, at nine o'elook A. M., Bristol.—Take foods and passengers to Cardiff. New­ 3 P. M. John Camerden. port, Ooneester aud all points in the British Channel. Through passenger tickets and hills of lading te all fed, crime purified, ignorance enlightened, all the Funeral services at 365 West 31st st., this (Monday) thence to the Church ot St. Agnes, corner of SS. CORNWALL. December 9, for Avonmoath. paints. Iasuranoe effected at lowest ratee. seed. morning, at half-past ten o'elook. Please omit Sackett and Hoy t sts., where a mass of requiem will SS. DEVON, December IS, for Avonmouth. General ofiiee, 107 Greenwich st. ^^^ f GRAND flowers. be said. The friends of the family and of her son. Cabin passage, plO and $70. Prepaid steerage certiS-, <*- -» Rev. William A. Speekels, are invited to attend. eate*.$26. Return tickets at tav-orablo rates, b'or freightsi * EXAS *LINl;>*OR"*GALVBSTOl*f VIA KEY WEST — HdUDAY THE PEOPLE'S CALL. CABSOXX November 25, aged 80 years. MABOABET, or passage apply te W. D. MORGAN. TO Sooth st. * TSteamers leave pier 20 East River 3 P. M. widow of Christopher CarroU, of Monastereven, Voss.—At Mount Vernon, on Thursday, November Steamer GUADALUPE .Saturday, December 2 EXHIBITION. BELATIOMS OF PASTOBS AND CONOR EGATIOX8 r county Kildare, Ireland. 23, UABBIET, second daughter of the late John and PRCIAL~NOT"fOE*"~.'r HE GUION MAIL STEAMKB Through hills of ladisg given to Galveston, Braso* San­ J DI3CC8BBD BY BBT. JAMBS CHAMBERS. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to Harriet Voss. SWYOMING, Captain Douglas, leaving pier Ne. 38 North tiago. Brownsville, Indianola, Corpus Cbristi, Houston attend the funeral, from her Into residence, 310 2d The relatives and friends are respectfully invited River, foot of King at , for Quoenstown and Liverpool, on and all Texas railroad stations. "The Purpose of the People's Call** was the topic to attend the funeral at Trinity Church, Mount Ver­ Tuesday, November 28, at 7 A- M., precisely, has superior Per freight or passage and general information apply te av„ Monday morning, November 27, at ten o'clock, accommodation for cabin, intermediate and steerage pas­ chosen by the Be v. James Chambers for bis first non, on Monday, November 27, at eleven o'clock 0. H. MALLORY A CO., Agents, pier 20 East River. to the Church of the Epiphany, from thence to Cal­ sengers st low rates. WILLIAMS A. GUION. No. 20 I BAUMANN BROTHERS, Sunday discourse to the congregation of the Calvary vary Cemetery. * A. M. Carriages will meet the 10:10 train from Broad w SJN TU.AVELLKUS' tiUIDK. CHASX On Saturday, November 25,1882, at the Grand Central Depot. Interment at Woodiawn. 1 Presbyterian Church, Bast 111th street, which has WALSH.—On November 25, CATHARINE WALSH, wife ~1NMAN LINE"—BOVAL MAIL STEAMERS POR -A.—A. residence of her daughter, Mrs. Edward 8. Howard, I QUEENgTOWN AND LIVERPOOL PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. lately called him to its pastorate. His text was No. 19 Monroe place, Brooklyn, Mrs. ROSANKA TYLKK of Thomas Walsh, a native of Lismore, county CITY OF MON I' RE AL... .Thursday, November SO, 9 A. M. A. On aad after October SO, 1882 22 AND 24 EAST urH SI., from Acts x., 29—"Wherefore also I cams without CPASX. widow of the late Paul Chase, in the 96th Waterford, Ireland, aged 76 years. •CITY OP BERLIN Saturday, December tt, 2 P. M, train* leave Naw York, via D*(bresses aad Cortlandt st. u. : year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited C1TV OP RICHMOND. ...Thursday, December 14,8 A. M. ferries, as follows:— gainsaying, when I was sent for. I ask. therefore, Stealers marked * do not carry intermediate passen­ «>- Funeral services private, by request of the de­ to attend the funeral, trom her late residence, 362 Por Chicago. 8 A. M. every day except Saturday, aad 8 NEAtt UNION SQUARE. with what intent ye sent for me?" Quito too fre­ East 56th st, on Tuesday morning, at ten o'clock, gers. P. M. every day. New York and Chicago limited, com­ ceased. Prom pier 36 (new number) North River. Cabin passage, posed of dining, smoking and sleeping cars, 9 A. M. every­ *- : * quently, he said, little or no account is taken of CBAMBKBXAIN.—In Brooklyn, J*. Y., on Friday, No­ thence to the Church of St. John the Evangelist, $60, $80 and $100; intermediate, $40. STEERAGE, $28; day. For St. Loui*. 8 A. M. and 8 P. M. every day. Fur where a solemn requiem mass will be offered., sV what lies In the minds of the people when they vember 24, 1882, at the residence of Mr. H. J. Hard­ prepaid, $30. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. Nas. 31 and 33 Cincinnati, 8 A. M. and 8 P. M., except Saturday, and 8 ing, her son-in-law, Mrs. ANNA A. CKA-BBBL-IN. WELLING.—Ou the 26th inat, at Linden, N. J, af­ Broadway, New Yerk. P. M. avery day. I WILL OPEN ./ choose a pastor. Too frequently it happens that widow of the late Rev. Hiram Chamberlain, D. D., ter a lingering illness, CHABLES N. WELLING, aged Philadelphia offlsa, No. 105 South 4th st. Baltimore and Washington limited express ot Pullman :! formerly of Brownsville, Tex., aged C6 years. 66. arlor cars, week days 10 A. M., arrive Washington 4 P. the reason of the failure ef an enterprise is never MPERIAL (JEBMAN MAIL—HAMBURG-AMERICAN S!.; other express trains via B. and P. R. R., at 5:15 and ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1882, THEIB known until it has fallen, and it is found that The funeral will take place Monday, November 27. Interment in Washington Hollow on the 28th I PACKET COMPANY'S LINE FOR PLYMOUTH, LON­ 8 ao A. M., 3:40, « P. M. and 12 night via B. and O. H. It., 35TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY EXHIBITION OF The funeral service, at which the attendance of rel­ inst. DON, CHERBOUBG (PARIS) and HAMBURG. 1 aud 7 P. At., and 12 night; Sunday, via B. and P. K. R., j USEFUL ORNAMEN i AL AND Aiti'lsiTC PURNI-1 God bad something against it. While motives are atives and personal friends is requested, will be Poughkeepsie papers please copy. GELLERT...lhups, Nov.301 RUGIA Ths.es., Dec 14 5 A. M. and tf P. M. aud 12 night, via B. aad O. R. IL, TUBE. THE EXHIBITION THIS SEASON WILL WIELAND...These., Dec. 7 | BOHEMIA Sat., Dec. 10 7 P M. and 12 night. _ COMPRISE THE LARGEST AND RICHEST LINE always mixed there is generally some ruling one that held at one o'clock P. M., at 357 Flatbuah av., Brook­ Members of Polar Star Lodge, No. 246, F. and A. Rates (to Paris extra)—First cabin, for sailings before OP FURNITURE EVKR SHOWN TG THE PUBLLC, M, are invited to attend the funeral of Brother Well­ Ticket offices. H-tt) aad 944 Broadway, 1 Astor llonso and lyn. April l,$70-$SO; second cabin. $8<»; steerage. $30. Round fool of Desbrossss aud Cortlandt sts., 8 Battery place. 4 OR DISPLAYED BY ANY HOUSE IN THE UNITED gives tendency to the life of an undertaking, and so ing at Washington H dlow, Dutchess county, N. Y. trip at reduced rates. Steerags from Europe, $24. Send STATES. THEIR MAMMOIH BUILDING, MEAS­ a question is always pertinent as to the motive Texas, Hartford (Conn.) and Vermont papers ploase Court st. and Brooklyn Anuex station, foot of Fulton : t., copy. Train leaves Grand Ceutral Depot, Tuesday, 8 A. M. for Tourist (lunette. Brooklyn; No*. 114, 118 and 118 Hadsen St.. Hobokan; URING 75 BV SOS FAET. 18 8TOUEED BY ALL with which a church issues its csll to a pastor. DECKER.—On Sunday, November 26, GARBETT P. WISDOM.—On Saturday, November 26, ROBEBT A. KUNHARDT * CO., C. B. RICHARD « CO., Station, Jersey City. THAT TASTE, FANCY AND AMI COULD DESIGN Some people are moved by external circumstances Geuaral Agents, General Passenger Agents, CUAS. E. PL'Gil, J. R. WOOD. IN FURNITURE, AND RANGING FROM INEX­ DBCKKB, eldest son of Daniel C. and Annie M. WISDOM, iu the 62d year of his age. 01 Broad st., New York. 81 Broadway, Now York. PENSIVE TO THE ItiCHEst MADE, THEIR as a ch>ck by its weights, and they display seal for Decker, aged 35 years, 5 months and 2s days. Funeral services will be held at his late residence, Osnersl Mansger. General Paas'r Agent. the church from a purely outside business motive, STOCK BEING SO LARGE if WOCLu BE IMPOS­ Funeral services at bis late residence, 76 Kosci­ 308 East 21st st., at one o'clock P. M„ Tuesday, MPERIAL GEBMAN LINE. —FOR BRIDGEPORT DA1LY.-STEAMER CRYS SIBLE TO ENUMERATE THE ARI1CLES TO BE because they think It is conducive to sobriety and usko St., Tuesday evening, at half-past seven o'clock November 28. Relatives snd friends, also members I NORTH GERMAN LLOYD A .1 AL WAVE leaves pier 35 East River. 3 P. M.; 23d. SEEN IN THEIR MAGNIFICENT sroHE, AND ALL good order. Then there are people who are only on Interment at Staten Island. of Atlas Lodge, F. and A. M.; Manhattan Chapter STEAMSHIP LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, East River, 3:10 P.M. BRIDGEPORT leaves Catharine ARE INVITfcD TO EXAMINE SAME AND CON­ the lookout for entertainment in church. They only SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. •lip 11:30 A.M. Pan. (steamar CRYSTAL WAVE). 35c.; VINCE THEMsELVES THAI' THEY HAVE FOiJND DOMZOAM.—November 26, DANIEL M. DOHEQAN, Jr., and Manhattan Commandery are invited to attend. excursion. 50e. THE PLACE WHERE THEY CAN BUY JUST seek an intellectual caterer when they choose a pas­ youngest son of Daniel M. and Sarah A. Donegal*, DONAU....SatuH*»y. Dec. 2 1 MAIM Saturday, Dec. 16 tor. They do not want mental food, but mental ELBE Saturday, Dec. » \ WHAT IS NEEDED AND AT PRICES LOWER aged 5 years. JD)AifCIN« AUADHMIfCS. First cabin *. $100 —FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON.—MAMMOTH THAN CAN BE SOUND ELSEWHERE, AND AT pleasure; not nourishment, but excitement. Taste A .palace stonmers BRISTOL and PROVIDENCE leave ONE PRICE ONLY. ORDr.KS TAKEN NOW IN Fuueral from the residence of his parents, 41 Atf\T>KMvT Second cabin. BO pior 28 North River, foot of Murray St., at 4:30 P. M. daily, is what they want, not teaching. This I call Eastern Boulevard, between 59th and 60th sts., this A —OAKflBK'S UANCI.NU TENDED FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS TO BK DELIV­ j.\. 44 Wast 14th st, between 5th and uth ava Steerage. ta »•*• 30 Sundays included. Connection by Annex bast from ERED DECEMBER JZS WILL HAVE PROMPT AT. dimipation—being drunk, not with wine, but Monday, November £7, at one P. M. Returu tickets at reduced rates. Prepaid steerage cer­ with that nameless craving which betokens a life Private aad class lessons all h«Mra. Brooklyn sad Jersey City at 4 P. M. Pares reduced. TEN HON ANii BE DELIVERED FREE OP DONNICLLY.— On Sunday, November 26, at her Wtilu tsairbt rapidly. tificates, $24. Steamers sail from pier between 2d aad 3d CHARGE. of selfish desires. But than there are those who Soirees .Monday sad Saturday eve-nines. sts., llouokou. N.J. ~ LB AN* BOATS *r~P*WPUr« LrttB I t-J) RE W AND residence. No. 11 West lstn st., SARAH DON YKLLT, in jRICHS * CO.. No. 2 Bowling Green. ST. JOHN lesve pier 41 North River, foet of Canal St., In choosing a pastor have it uppermost in the 70th year of her age. A faithful governess for Escli pu|)ii reoeivss Individual instruction. OEL1 A their minds to secure one who will help Art of Usaetog Complete, now read?, 5uc. ARSKILLES-rlTALIAN LINE (LINEA KABRE).— every waek day at 8 P M. 26 years in the family of the late Israel J. Salomon. Extra Holiday Hop Thanksgiving Day. BAUMANN BROTHERS, them to have a good time. They want their minis­ MTh* splendid steamship ALESIA, ot 4.000 tons (new, "T B"~~D~)0BD RATES.—TICKETS TO KANSAS e>- ter to be a sort of walking sociable, and if they do Relatives and friends are invited to attend the Afternoon and evening, fatniasuy Hull. first voyage), sails from Herbock Storos, Brooklyn, Dec. ACity, Denver, St Paul, San Francisco and points West; : fuueral. on Tuesday, November 28, at ten A. M.. S, for Genoa and Marseilles direct. To be followed by tbe also Florida and Texas; all classes, rail and steamship; not get much of the "feast of reason" they will be from St. Francis Xavier's Church. Interment at LLEN DODWOBTil'a SCHOOL fQK OANOINO. BRITANNIA (ne*) Voc 27. Pin* cabin accommodation* curium with the "flow of soul." Far be it from me Mo. tin 1 Fittn avenue. So.oxj routs*; maps snd infuriuatien; write fur rates. 22 AND 24 EAST Hi 11 ST.. Calvary- AClasses for children will commence October 14. Classes at $75. J. TER KUILE, General Passenger Agent, LANSING'S Ticket Office, 3sJ7 Broadway^ to underestimate the social aspects of Christianity; IU Broadway, New York. DONOVAN.—On Saturday, November 25, MATTHEW for gentlemen will commence October 16. Private Les­ " "—POR" ~ BRIDGEPORT—STEAM KB RO.sK D ALE t 4 but the danger is not of neglecting but of abusing M. DONOVAN, iu the Sath year of his age, native of son*. Sou circular for terms, Ac. Dodworth's Saw Laa ONARCH LINE—NEW YORK AND LONDON, it. of making the church a sort of club room, with cars will be published In a few days. A •leaves pier 39 Bast River at 3 P. M.; from 3tst st., Clouasilty, county Cork. Ireland. M MARV LOUHA Tuesday, November 28 East River, 3:15 P. M. daily (Sundays excepted). NEAR UNION SQUARE. -f the pastor for its president. But there are above Funeral from his late residence, GO Gonveneur st.. T STAITDAKD HALL, 1,47(1 BROADWAY, THK MONARCH A, Saturday, December 9 -e* ail these a sot of motives that may be called super­ liue.tdaucini; room in Sow York, Mr. l)h ..UIMO'S GRECIAN MONARCH Tuesday, December 28 JLTfsUtsL XTSX1 NO ~L1 NB DIBJsOT. New York, on Tuesday, 28th inst., at two o'clock P. M. A From dock adjoining Pavonia ferry, Jersey City. Boats leave daily (Sundays excepted) from foot of Har­ natural. There arc people who hunger and thirst Dcquii).—On Sunday, Novenibtr 26, JANE DCGUIP. clasMs moot daily and Monday and Thursday evening-*. C alter the growth of the knowledge and grace of God, Superior accommodations for steerage. Pr«uaid ticket* rison st., pier 34 North Riv*r, at U P. M.. fur CATSKILL Funeral trom her late residence, 267 West 43d st., -WALLACK'S DANCI.NO CLAS8K8, GRAND $3 loss than by say other first class lias. aud intormediato landings; for STUYVESANT aad *-~~z " " " -"! not only In their own hearts but in those of their on Monday, at one P. M. .opern House. -J3d st., silt av.i class aad private tui­ Pur freight or passage apply to ATHENS, TUESDAY. TH UBSDAV and SATURDAY. »"-FURNITURE*, PUBNIIUEE, FUBN1TUR& fellows, and this ia the only true motive that can tion; pareuts invited to visit; family reception Saturday PATTON, VICKERS A CO.. 85 Brosdway.. A.AT SACRIPIC'E. AT SACBIPIUB, EAULK.—On Sunday, November 26, 1882, Commo­ OR~**NE~vF*HAVEN-*sfEAMEK S JOHN H. STARIN CONTENTS OP FIVE STORY HocaE direct the life of a church to fruition. evening*; admission by ticket; Harlem branch, t2Dtu St., aud ERASTUS CORNING, from pi*r 18 North Biver, dore HKMBT EAOXB, U. S. N., in the 33d year of his 4th av. Send for circulars. AVIGAZIONB GBKERALE ITALIAN A F 834 WE-->T 23D ST.. NEAR STH AV. age. N SOCIETA BlUNITE FLORIO K RUBATTINO toot Cortlandt St., U P. M. daily, except Saturday. STEIN WAY A 8GN8 P1ANOFOKTE, EDITORIAL POWER. Notice of funeral hereafter. T BROOK88'DAM01NO ACADKMV, 801 BUOOMB intend despatchlg* the following first class steamers OB TRENTON AND PHILADELPHIA CA.ii.NtT UPRIGHTS, WINDSOR. FANNING.—On Saturday evening, 26th inst., in bis A si.—Private and class. Walts in a very few lessons. from the Mediterranean piors. between Fulton and Mall VIA BOUND BKOuK ROUTE. Parlor Suits, in raw silk, 875; do., $45; Centre Table* TOB DAILY KEWSPAPEB THE ALMOST TJNIVEB- street ferries, Brookly u :— STATIOF N IN NEW YORK FOOf LIBERTY 8T„ N. E. Cabinet*, Easeis, Rockers. Easy Cbairs, Oil Paintings' 32d year, WILLIAM A., eldest son of Edward and the A T MR. TBENOB'S.'BKOADWAY AAD 8*0 8T. VINCENZO KLORiO ....12:30 P. M. November 2» ». Adults are rapidly taught tbe NEW WALTiStsi. COMMENCING JUNE 28, 1*82. Brouses, Bookcases, Chamber Sat*, $75; do., $25; Mat _A_ BDUCATOB OF THK WOBJJD—SXBMON BT late Sarah A. Fanning. AR0H1MEDE...X...... December 13 Lesve New York 7 :45. »30, It -.15 A.M.; I J», 4, 4 sSO, tt asses, spring Beds, Cabinet and >ofa Mode, $15; Carpets Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to Children the rudiments aud fillACKS of the dance. Lossuns every day aad evening. 8«nd for circular. For Gibraltar, Marseilles, Genoa and Naploa. 5:30, 7:12 P. M. Sundays. 8:45 A. M.; ft :30, 12 P. M. 25c.; do., ooc.yaru; Dining Room and Kltchaa Parattare _ BBV. DO. PORTER. attend the funeral on Monday morning, the 27th, at Through tickets by the company's steam*rs issued to Leave Pkiludelplus. corner tub snd Greene sts.. 7;3C, Aden, Bombay, fttegapor*. Batavla, Calcutta and other ~ "Editorial Power, as Illustrated ia the Lives of ten o'clock, from the residence of bis father, 226 A WX. MACOKEUGOR, 112 5TU AV. S:3ti, a:3o. 11 A. 41.; 1:15, 8:45, &:40,8:45. 12 P. M. Sun­ AJ.JAMEA S B. McNAB, 747 Broadway and 303 Mercer at.— Bowery. The remains will be taken to St. Patrick's ; V Private and class lessons. 8c> circular. Points in the far Bast. days. 8:30 A. M.: 6 -.30. la P. M. Bay mood. Greeley and Weed," was the title of the Cabia pasHage.975 and upward. Steerage, $32 and up­ Leave 3d and Berks sts., 5:10, 8:20. 9:1ft A. M.; 1. Hil), Pine Furniture, Carpets, BeJdiag, «c, Ac, Aa. House* sermon preached last evening in the Bedford A venue Churcn (oid Cathedral), where a solemn high} mass RADY'S DANOIXO CLASSES, OAV AND EVENING. ward, as to ports, r raigbt and passengers taken tor 5:20,8:30. 11:30 1'. M. Sundays. 8:15 A. M.; 4:30 P. M. and apartment* furutslied to order ou liberal terms. of requiem will be offered for the repose of his soui. 10.1 Wast ali h st., corner Broadway. Terms—Cash or special credit. &»fonned Church, Brooklyn. K. IX, by the Be v. Dr. B Adriatic, Black Sea, the Orisut and Par East Leave Trenton, Warren aud Tucker sts., 1:25, U :2-1, H :ii3, Inter .oeut in Calvary Cemetery. Professor BRADY guarantees the waits in Ave arivata I'll It LPS BUGS, a CO.. Agents, 54 snd 58 Broad st. 0^6, 10:OS, 11 31 A. M.; U4&, 8aJ4. 7 5*8 P. M. San- ** NT! QUE l~U~tt*NrT~U~RE.--THB PI NEST ANflT Elbert S. Porter. Dr. porter took for bis text the Fu'*\—On Saturday, November 26, JAMBS FIFE, in lessons, all bears, $.1. L. W. MORRIS,General Passenger Agent, 50 Broadway. days. 1:25. 0:18 A. M.; 8:15 P. M. Classes sow forming far ladies, children and geatlemen. Alargest assortment in the city at SANDERSON A words •.—"Many shall run to and fro and knowledge the 62d year of his age. \TBW^YORK'"^ND—CUBA MAIL GO. IIASNCOCE, H. P. BALDWIN, VO. '8. 1,142 Broadway. ______G.J». * P. A. P. * R. ft. B. G. P. A. 0. K-R. efN- J. •hall be increased in the earth." He spoke of the Relatives and friends of the family are requested riAKL MARWHVti SCHOOL POK DANCING, tJ7 MADL IN STEAMSHIP COMPANY POR HAVANA DIRECT, -PARLOR BEDS—THE "JAPANESE,• BuME advanced civilization of the present day and to attend his funeral, on Tuesday, November 28. at *oa av. Send for circular. ONLY WEEKLK LINE OF AMERICAN STEAMERS. OB NORWALK AND DANBURY DAILY —srE~AMER A •thing uew; also Payne's Sofa aud Lounge Beds, lol two o'clock, from his late residence, 256 13th St., be­ From pier 18 East River. 3 P. M. AMERICUS leaves pier 27 East River, near Peck slip, 4th sr. •aid that the whole world was now in mo­ "~UMAB."3 LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'* PRIVATE SS. SARATOGA. Saturday, December 2 F tween 4th and 5th avs., South Brooklyn. class, Tuesday and Ki-iday. Academy, 342 Went 35th 2 : i5 P. M , and foot 31st St.. hast River. 8 P. M. Connects tion and that everywhere was seen an D SS. NIAGARA..A..... Saturday, December 9 with Danbury sue New Haven roads aach way. Reduced N***J'~UM!TKD DKMATD POR SBOOSD HASfl a dent pursuit of knowledge. Among the fort most FUBBC&H.—On Sunday, November 26, Brum B. st.; three wslues guaranteed; $S; lady assistance, SS. NEWPORT... Saturday, December 18 faro, 15 cents; excursion, 25 eeuts. AFuruitui e of ail descriptions; highest prices paid, of the agencies that have brought the world to this FcBBUsa. in the 79tb year of his age. jlERNXNDIPTDXNCING ACADEMY. 182 EASTSSTH FOR SANTIAGO DE CUBA AND C1ENFUEGOS. ANHALI. 4ds-aav. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to 1 SANTIAGO Tuesday. Decembers ORWICH LINE TO BOSTON, WORCESTER. stage of development, he continued, is the great I st tbaalf nuildiurf).—Classes forming; private Lessous Nashua, Portland aad th* East. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL PATENT TURR> attemi his tuuerat services, at his late residence, 441 any hour Reception Tuesdays. Send tor circulars. JAMES E. WARD A PP.. 113 vvaii st. N ish Bed Lounge, «3o, cost $50 two weeks age. WEED, daily newspaper, and it is not much to say that ia East llSth St., on Wednesday, November 29, at half- The uew irou steamer A our country the newspaper baa grown to be the VSiMUiY'S SCHOOL OP DANCING, CUKGKESS VTASSAU, N. P., AND MATAN«"AS, CUBA. CITY OP WORCESTER, 41«» We»t 57th *t. past seven P. M. Interment private. I'littil. 3d av., 17th »t. Classes Tuesday*, Thursdays. IN CITY OK 8AB ANTONIO ....November80 almost universal educator. We diet aguish between C STATE OF TEXAS December 18 without exception the most oiagaut boat on the Sound IOB'PERTHWAIT'S; 153. 155 AND 157 CHATHAM HE GAUL—At Elisabeth, N. J., Saturday, Novembe so.ni tor circular. and the favorite CITY OF NEW YORK, /Now York: 4t.«<, 410 and 412 Fulton St.. Brooklrn.— papers that simply gather and diffusa news and 29, law, Lieutenant G. N. P. GAUC. SOU of the late CITY OF KAN ANTONIO Decemhsr28 leave pier 40 North Elver, foot of Watts st. (next pisr C those which sre acknowledged as organs of opinion. ADAM*8 CAROLA MALVINA. P~B*OM THE ROYAL STATE OF TEXAS..... January 11 Fumitar*. Carpet*. Bedding, Steve* *c; immense as­ Gilbert B. and D. M. Gale. Opera Mease ef Dresden, i. now terming v*r? select C. H. MALLORY A CO.. *r B. W. PARSONS. above Desbrossss street ferry), daily, except Sundays, at sort meat; low prices; easy terms. There cannot be many leaders for any host, how- M 4 JO P. M. Funeral Monday, November 27, at two P. M„ from classes for ladies and gsutieiaen in calisthenics, plain . pier 20 East River. IGHTEEN PARLOR "TiTrrs IN PLUSH. RAW 81_._. sver large. New York, by virtue of its wealth the residence of his brother, K. J. Gale, 1,148 East and fancy dauciag;. also cbildrea parties int-truetei for N. B BAN ANTONIO sails Novomber 3U. 10 A. M. XJ'KW YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON BIVER earuivals. Kor est ticulars address 23 East 14th st. (Fro- JN RAILROAD. Eren aad hair cloth, at one bait value; aise ali kind* of and its enterprise, is more a political Jersey st., Elisabeth. Trains by either Pennsyl­ ~ ATIGNAL LINE—FROM PIER 39 NORTH RIVER. tin and after November 8, ititsi, trains will now Furniture. Storage rooms828 3d »v. vania or New Jersey Contrail Railroad. bishar College). leave Grand centre than Washington. There have been N LONDON tVictoria Docs). Central Depot as follows:— O LDlNtiT"~BED3 -U B A D*J*U AB*T ERS F5E TH? at toast three great newspapers winch have GKMVAXZK.—On Siturday, November 25, HATTIE. ~~UJfTlUhia', eg LRXtNGYON AV.-ALD DANCES GREECK...Nov.MSi,8A. M. | HOLLAND...Dec. 6. % P. M.. t-ur Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo positively taught ia »ue term; iirst lesson private, FOR LIVERPOOL AND yUEENSFOVVN. and ChicaKo. iot3u A. M. daily, sxsopt Sunday, and 8 and F"Champion Automatic;"also Portable Reservoir Desk. exerted a constant influence on the formation of youngest daughter of Virginia and the late Francis M Washstands and Oaorless Commodes. HALE A sULBUBsT A. Gervaise, aged 22 years aad 8 months. without charge. EGYPT..Dec.2.H>:30A. M.I ENGLAND.D*c.l6,9:30A.M. V P. M. avery day. Par Bedeto, CteveUna, Toledo aud UAS 1 7uu public opinion and public policies. It is conceded ,„ »,.,. Cabin, $80 to f1l>: outward tickets, $^H; prepaid steer- Chicago; also st. Louis, PASl LIMITED EXPRESS. 8:4M ___*_ m*! *'" CO- Broadway. Funeral from her mother's residence. No. 400 West A. M. 9v«ry day. For Cinuiuuati, ludiaoapoli* aad St. that the Naw Yuan Hsnaui stands &r»i in the enor­ 34th st., on Tuesday, November 28, at one o'clock P. KILLY'S SCHOOL POB DANCING, 578 &TH AV., as* tickets. $2S: being $2 less than on most Hues. OLDING BEDSTEADS AT MANUFACTURERS* mous enterprise w hieh it exhibits trom dav to day R• lupontte Windsor Hotel.—Classes meet Mondays aad P. W. J. |lt RST^M*u*gei\J30 and 73 Broadway. Louis 10:30 A. M. daily, except Sunday, aad . He bad Relatives and friends are invited to attend his D'UUTE FRO* h TO 8, From BeMP'-aacisee. 1st aad Brannau sts., ?»c. CITY OF ToKlO sails Tuesday. December 5. 2 P. M. at 4:30 P. M., arriving in Boston at 0 A. M. advaaee fee*, licensed lawyer. a singie eye for single issues and impressed bis own funeral. Tuesday next. 28th inst., eleven A. M. Take mam % Lunch 18 te 8. SSs. PBOVIDENCE LINE, for freight uuly, steamers leave FREDBRiCk KING, SB Beat ate street. personality upon the great paper he controlled. His cars foot Chsm era at, "AM. Daniel Carpenter Don't forget the most popular and bast oyster house in Excursion tickets between baa Francisco and Yokohama pier 28 N. 8.. foot Warren St.. 4:30 P. M every week dap. Lodge, 643 F. aud A. M. in v. tea. the city. 'ITJO PROnPEi;T Concert avery at tortious and BSOLUTE DIVOBCE8. QUIETLY. WITHIN A active sympathies ana bumanitartau schemes often- ensuing. luu and 1UH Last Mth st . near 4th av. For HONO»*!*(*L „ S]RW ZEALAWD aad AUSTBAUA. PECIAL LOW RATES. JACKSONVILLE, BAIL OB Amonth; tacempatlbility, ali causes; legal evsrj where; times betrayed him into tne e.prfswioa of opinions GWYKMB.—At Morning View. Half a Ferry, N. J., CITY OP SYuN Y sails Saturday, December 18. 2 P. M . stsam,. N«w Orleans, Gslvaslou. Montreal, St. Louis no money until granted. *-~~ I. "•..• S which was* not accepted by bis associate* in public on November 24, inst., MABY GWYMBB, widow of a or ea arri ef London mail at Baa Praneiseu. and ail point* Wast aad South. Philadelphia, tl 76. BUMBO ADAMS, 181 Broadway. George Gwyune, sged 62 year*. Fl«g AMTW Per freight, i age or general information apply at WEBB'S eut rate ticket office, 288 Broadway, apposite Tne relatives and friends are invited to attend the EYMOUR UAVDiFS^ETCHlNGa eeatpaay's o die tbe pier foot ot Canal St.. North River. City Hail. Branch U. a. M. Accident Asso., *m,UuU B-5 BSOLUIE DIVOBCha-isPiiEDILY, LKA*0_ABLT. II. i. BULLAY. Superintendent. weakly indeuiuity ; it 80 day, *tu per year. o,ui*tiy, legaiiy; ne eooneetion with any „thor estee. Thurlow Weed was a diplomat—a student of men— funeral, trom her late residence, on Tu*»dey, .No­ S A VEKY COMr-LETK COLLECTION is w es ax­ A MABaHALL CHASE, 887 Broadway vember 28, at eleven o'clock A. M.; thence to Holy hiottiot. sttho moms of KREDRR1CK KEF: le, gs D" LINK OP STEAMSHIPS. rpROT BOAT-aJlTUEHS' L1NB*^BW STEAMER! i—3 an acute diareraer of methods by which policies East Blxteeata at tL'nii.n square). LAGUYRA, PUERTO CABELLO. 0CEA00A __ "lirli)_i)ui. """••-•" were to be effected, lie was in fact the pacificator Trinity Church, Ho bo ken. Please omit flowers. B'"PO'B 1 SARATOGA and CITY OF TROY laave pier 44 North Ones dady till» F. X. ND BABACAIBO. Btv*i% foot of Christopher sV, dally (except Saturdayi, at of hi* party, allaying asperities and aahduing ani­ HABPaaeo*.— On November 26, MAS* B, beloved im pier 38 East River. " T'ftf»Nl_H rN^r^ATX^BALLT "'wTj^u'ifkWLCt wife of Joseph Henderson, sged 33 years. 8 P.M. Sunday steamer toeeae* at Albaay. -t-gittee medical, baaloeas ctairveyaal; reveals evei mosities so common to political itte. Mr, Weed «0*X AS» WOOU. CARACAS.... ember 2» 1 CAR.VlIA' Jsnusry S had political foes, but no personal enemies. He Funeral 27th inst., at two o'clock, from her lata VALENCIA... bar 181 VALENCIA.,....Jaaaery 30 piCKBTB TO FLORIDA, BERMUDA. NAJSSAU^ CUBA, Utiag. Mme. BODL1NG, tut 14ta st., soraer 6th av residence, 249 av. B. Thesaaaw a summers, built specially fur the iBealee aad the West ladies at LEVsfi ALpEN^a was singularly clean in all that pertained to do­ r accommodation, for passengers. mestic and social life. No wonder, there­ HATCH.—on Sunday morning, the 2uth inat., BUTE pUill Staass Efo4Hat.W«MMl Paetery, foot ef WMft a*.. trade, have v Jeart*t offices, 207 Broadway, New York; IB Btate *L, Eestoa, Mass.! ,*eraer Bread and Chastest eu.. Phlla- fore, that as he grew in years be should Wiua. wife ot Edward 8. Hatch. East Miser, aud Kot your Wood at taetury prices; ordsrs Per freight iMtv is the eanidenca and affections of a o tice of funeral serv tee* uoreafter. fSftsUSWaaa* Gaash,'»:, MaMstala;'^ a^VaUaate laie^tteJ^1*1 ^IJ-il^lwf'.eraS^ater-eraSTf* ^ W^^v»vw| w.w*^»w^^»^»»^a»a^ -"^" ^a* as ^^m^ w ^ww^a^wsp^s^sv a>amswwss>-SSawss^^awfeajS

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