\ '_ "* ' •v. K1W YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER _6, 1882.-SEXTUPLE SHEET. 15 •VmiVKKS Ot»IH»l-TtJ*,TIICB. BKisiEB, daughter of L. Uannheimev, Eiq., both of USEMENTS. ; i LEE.—E»WA_D LBB, son of Hugh and Kate _*«. -VTTl 'SKMESTS. AWl?SE.1IR_TJ«. CRB OPPOBI U' NlW^Xi ffATrRi3jefTliii» SloW thie city. No carda, aged 3 years and % months. "ITAVKRLY'SrTaif A TRE, TH St. AND 6fH~AV? KPt,t»<0: Menu lecturing Has noit (or sale; large profits; San Francisco paper* please copy. Funeral from his parents' residence, 36 Washing­ ENDRRBONS STANDARD THEATRE. »u«ine**e*<ablt«ho.l. A ldre-> R _. C, Herald office. 14 HWM. HENDERSON Proprietor and Maaager LYONS—Hon gum.—Mr. 8o_. LYONS, of 78th at.. ton St., Monday. November 27, two P. M. J. U. BAVEBLY.. --.-_ .........Mauager and Proortelor E D»OYLY CARTE'S OPBBA COMPANY. QTOCK AND FIXTURES OF A RETAIL. HAT AND New York, to Miaa EMMA HoBxaxa, of New Eochelle. LENT.—On Thursday, November 23. ABBAHAM LENT, EVERY EVENING AT 8:15 OCap Store in a thriving city of _0.U*J inhabitant* ; buei- a«ed 67 years. V i Kj-.KB BBB TTTT H It EBEK * tm BRR EEEB SATURDAY BATINKE AT 2 IS. >«•• established nearly 2U years; location the very boat In Funeral services at tbe Scotch Presbyterian H AA V VE BR THIIE AA TBBB GILKHRT and SULLIVAN'S lh<f «ity . junaii i1 lock mul no old uixidt; beat reasons (or MARRItD. Hw HAA V T _ B B TH HE AA TBBB NEW COMIC OPERA, OALBfRa—FMSOHK.—On Thurwday evening, No­ Church (Rev. Dr. Hamilton), on West 14tb st„ east of HIIHH A A V V EEK .BRR T HnnH EEB A A T EBB g£_ selling; _»*pt >»i»t applicant tan so.-ure a lucrative b .»i 6th av„ on Monday, November 27 inst., at half- Boss, inquire a? A. » MALCOLMMIN, No. 17_ Pearl •„, vember _, lss'.', at the I'uiversliy Place Chur.b. by il 11 AAA VY B R R J H H E AAA T R B B II „°°SV I' A A > » TTTT II V BBaa past ton o'clock A. M. Relatives and friends are in­ HA A VV E K U T I HK AAtRRB 11 O 0 L A A N N N T It "M E •r A. X. SUEFPRY. Wilmington. Dei ttn Lev. S. I>. Bnrchard, grandfatber of tin- bride, UA _ Bt*_kS CODMAS, daughter of Jamett Frenche, of Wa­ vited. Interment at Poughkeepslo, N. Y. A ¥ -_-n.fi R B L__L T U U EEEB A A * i » EEEB • 11 £ 9 i* A A X N N T II H PKCIAL' PARTNER, WITH Hji^OR *M OOO, BY A The mombers of tho Board of Trustees of tho West A A N N N T HHrTH EBB Sgold watch ease m«n.i!»cliir«r, to extend the business; terloo. N. I., to FaKDKKic H. CALKixh, of this city. AAA H N N T H H B only those willing to mass a permanent investment at a CmevAj-sUi—B_KD.— On November ill, 18IM, at the Side Savings Bank are requested to attend the i11l 8 80 6L A A funeral of their late associate, Abraham Lent, to ALLjrHIf °s>« N NN T H H E Hir i»Wf.t i),:,,il »d:lr»a Til OS. BENF1ELD. __i Madi- University Place Presbyterian Church, by the Bev. POSITIVELY EAST WEEK.' MATINEE u 00 LLLL A A N NN T U _ ___J tttii at, Brooklyn, V Y. li. it. Booth, EMMA A., daughter of Charles C. Beed, meet at the bank at ten o'clock A. M. I TUANKSCIVINO THAMKSOIvmO OR. rWHAbtT^ W*__r~TO COSKBoT WITS MR IN to OKOitas CutVAX.BUS, both of this city. GEORGE 8TABR, Prosldent. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK. TBE PEER AND TOE PERL Sbnaiueaa a thorough business man who haa influence Fox—Wi_oo_—Oa Thursday, November 23, by the JOBB A. HUDSON, Secretary. WEEK. DAY, _ P. M. ami cam give beat of city reference*. To aa«h a nan I Bev. H. M. San.le.is, at the reaidence of the bride's At a special meeting of tbe Merchant Tailors' t The stare under the direction ef Mr. Charles H arris. offer groat .mine esionl*. For particulars address FIN AN- Society of tbe city of New York resolutions of con­ Q- The music under tbe direction of Mr. Alfred Collier. C1AL. Herald office- Mutter, Mrs. 3 W. XL Clave, B»OAB H. FOX to K_I.A J. .>- Wiuox, daughter of William H. Wilcox, Jr.. all of dolence with the family and friends of the late Strephoa. Mr. W. T. CartUN. Abraham Lent were passed, and it was resolved that K K il BBB A L 9BB BEE OO 8_ ™ The Earl of Mount Ararat Mr. A. W. Wilkinson OAP FACTORY. NEAR." NEW YOB .; ESTABLISHED this city. No cardA, L 15 year*; machinery uorftci: part cash: owner retir- the mombers of said society attend the funeral of K K AA B BE B0 OB - - Tho Earl of Tolloller „ Mr. L. Cadwallader S O'CoHMOB— MCBPHT.—On Thursday. November 23. K K ft R R L _J_*. ROBERT A >K Y M« il" R, 2iH rtroadtwny, . their late President. In accordance with this reso­ A A _ B E E O O » • Private Willis Mr. Litbgow James at Su Cecilia's Church, by the Uev. N. J. Murphy, KK II R B A A L BBB REE 0 0 8_ Tbe train bearer _. Br. W. White O LET-STORE AT MORRISTOWN. N. 4 -BEST LO- O. 8. A., JoHKj, J. O'CoNBon to MART E., daughter of lution the members of the Merchant Tailors' So-» K K it BRB AAA L B B R R 0 0 * Tration in the city. esseelehy adapted tar fancy dry Sylvester Murphy. Eaq. ciety are requested to attend the funeral of their K K II R R A A L B_ B E E 0 J 8 r The Lord Chancellor Mr. J. H. Ryley pKTKua—MAKQCARDT.—On November 14, by Bev. late President. Abraham Lent, on Mouday morning, K K li _ i A A LLLL P BBB E E 00 S8. • lolnnUi* ..Mis* ManeJau.os Jars please address J. ! CAN Pi ELD. Marristown, X.J. at half-past ten o'clock, from tbe Scotch Presby­ The Fairy Queea _,. Miss Augusta Rochs John Johns, WILLIAM B. PBX-BS to ALICK 11. MA_- ORIGINAL, 8UCCE8SPUL AND MAGNIFICENT Celia...._ .Miss Mina Rowley HE CHAMPION~'_FF_BV_SCBMT_LlyUID DIS- qCA-DT, ot New York. terian Church, 14th St., east of 6th av.. without further notice. Leila ...Mist Kate Forstet Tpenser—VOT new ale, fresh norter, root boer „c: inds- 1'_OWMAN—BAI-XES.—On Wednesday, November 22, CO BBB OO OO K E Flola ;._ ..Miss Biiiie Barlow pos *bU-; the Kugisii and Canada pat m lor sale, the a. the residence of the bride's mother, by the Bev. A. J. CONNICK. ) C OR RO OO OKE P-ylll» .• Miss Sallie Babe* Champion Faucet, for wiuea, liq tors, cider, vinegar, ale, Dr. Bylance, LOUISE, daughter ot the late John Bal- MAI HEW ROCK, } Committee. C BEOOOOKK CHORUS OF PEERS. CHORUS OF FAIRIES. water, Ac. Send tor circular. LOCIS BERGEN, Patentee O RBB 0 O O O KK an 4 Sole Man a fact.; ivr. 414 East Jf.th St. ken. of this city, to BOBBBX S. PLOWMAX, of Brook­ THOMAS O. DENNY.) NEW SCENERY by O. W. DAYTON A SON. lyn. LTTHADRB—On Friday, November 24, BRNJAMIS 2 „5 5° °o OKK AM OBCUESTRA OF THIRTY-EIGHT MUSIC O JIANUFACTUBKUS.—WE HAVE AN OPENING SAMPSOS—EHBICH.—On Thursday evening, Novem­ LI ruACKit, 64 years of age. to represent tome good inmuf actured article, or would The funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon, C C R RO OO OKE EXTRA MATINEB THANKSGIVING DAY. TIntroduce and push any g«K>d novelty on «o_-tnis*i«n; hav­ ber _, at tne residence of the bride's parents, 144 CC E E OO OO E at Orchestra. »2; Balcony Chairs, *i 30; admission SI. 1> .i'i si., Brooklyn, by tho Bev. Dr. Wtn&pner, at one o'clock, from his late residence, No. 30 East «> ing a very large acquaintance we can give undoubted •—t- 18th st. Positively no flowers. CADEMY OPF MUSIC. PATW. Isfaction to any concern; higlteat reference*. Address CuABLitM W. SAMPISOX, of Ooorgotown, S. C, to AMK A 19TII NIGHT OF THE SUBSCRIPTION. MANUFACTURE NO AGENTS, Herald ofneo. _______ ixt EuaicH. of Brooklyn. LOCKYEB.—On Friday morning, November 24, THREE THREE JAMI S LOCKYKB, aged 65 years and 2 months. Seventh appearance of Mine. ADELIN'A PATH. Sot'LK—SBC:OB.—On Wednesday, November 15, by GRAND MATINEB8 GRAND MATINEES TO-MOBROW (MONDAY), November 27 (first Ume this ilKADVEBTISER. A~THOROUGn BUSINESS MAX. Tiie funeral will take place from his late residence, • Bason). Rossini's Op >ra, desires toeitlsr into some u»laMishe.l business, or would the Bev. H. B. Lord, at the residence of the bride'a T 270 Delaucey st., on Sunday, November 26, at one THIS WEEK. IL BARBIEBE DI SiVlGLlA. loftn a connection with tha risht parlies: will Invest I»i- n.s. Savannah, N. Y., COBA K-VVKLLK SOD LB to THIS WEEK. Conte Almaviva Signor Ravalli; Figaro, Signor Ciempt- SsAAUO or more if uecosanry. Addroas PUSH, 3 fl Herald o'clock P. M. 'Relatives and friends are respectfully $TB*nK!t BUBKBTB SXCOB, of New York. invited to attend.
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