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L.E SHEET. 10 NEW TORIC HERALD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 18V9.-TRIP1 J worth in Savannah; Gulf Stream. Gharlealon; Centipede (from In port Fob 4, aebr Willie Mnrtln. Merritnan. from an4 G. John G. the uary 1( 1876. considered fll.OOO: $117,000 for and Bergen. He represented Eighth WHO KILLED PATRICK WHITE? bills receivable, regarded M worth $78,000; $'J14.000in Philadelphia1, Kmvldenro; aliipa Kaunar iKri. Brlatol; frgutala OBITUARY., ward, where he wee born, in the Board of Wflliiitrtiui iHri. llavro; hark a Truro (Br>. do; Svalen It Feb 11.Arrive*!, etennier City of Para. bills receivable of tlix o)«l Arm of Appluton, Noyes Ac 'end railed «» 3 PMi. He was also a member of the lloard ofSuperviaore. in cwh (Xori, Rotterdam: Lama Dunn iHri. Wloueeeterj Rotheaay Now York for Kio .liinelm Carpenter, Coroner Nolan yesterday commaneed bis inquiry Co.. considered aa worth fii.OOO; (14,000 (X «n. Kolkvanir (Noil, do; bri«« Koaauk. Hr |"R. Fell lit.Sailed, «teenier Herrauda iBr), He was a director in the National CityKdoration.bank taken the Arm U.ilway; " Jiih.m, WALLACE. ami was at the Four District cofirt room, Wtllianiaburg, into Mini (58,000 in lanuH and property by Hrltaiiuia. Harbadoa; arhra Maud, Cardouaa;Maraolllee:limn. Now York. MRS. JAMES W. and Moutank Eire Insurance Company, for debt, tbo prujterty being scattered over several Suaun I' Tliurloar. Bapua. St Jaiio, .Inn 2.V.Arrived. »chr« Florence Sliny, Ynn Death has called another from a large artistic President of the South Brooklyn Sawmill Company. the cause of the death of Patrick White, and after a States. In addition to the above assets there are ( leaf. Now York; Mk. koclieko, Juouer, do. His wifo died about two mouths ago. He leaves the examination to considered worth $60,000, Sailed 23tli. brlir Jainoe Miller. Packer. Illenfuofroe. and the obituary record of one who, three sons inueralof Mr. session of nine hours adjourned $170,000 in notes, pledged MARITIME MISCELLANY. Saoda. Feb 1.Arrived hark .lauieu Kitchen Br). Roy. Circle compelled and one daughter. The a* collateral. the memories tlie MCIonutni mmu next at two P. M. nolil«. Biirbadna: 'ochre Harry B Hitler, Petornun, Havana; although most identified with llergen Will take place trom Friday The affair* were into the hand* of Jauiea C. Madeira ,Kri. do. put Rtvamkb Timrah.The held on the (teamar Tlmaah Milter. to the Church, Twelfth street, of which he wu an older. White left his work, at No. 67 Murray street, this B. C. C. Corbiu survey in Hailed Jan Footer N of Hatterae; of a former generation, preserved Baylev, A. 0. Matthew, George Dubois, nri. at Savamiali ilwiorr reported). found tho veaael rlir 31. brtir Blanco (Brl. which attach city, about nix P. M. on Saturday, February 1, anu and Davis. K«>ud condition, and «lint alia auataliied no damaite in srnlnir Curtia Tilten. Shepherd, Port laud; reb .1, bark 11 da hour of *her departure the gruces Joaeph tlm tho nut attached to Znldti, Miller. New Vnrk. her MAX TIHHOT, M. D. reached No. 79 Mucker avenue, Williamsburg, up river, with tho exception that Tkimiiad . Araerlcue. to a truly womanly representative of home. tlio propeller became looao. for (Cuba), Kob «1.In port, brig Hooper, Dr. Mm Tissot. of Newark, N. J., died at hie a He wan taken to Philadelphia, lilg. profession. On Tuesday afternoon, at nor ocaiuiiui with fractured skull at midnight. Ktvaukk Miaataatrrt. having heen thoroughly overhauled, \ kt'X'Ia, Feb 4.Arrived, bark Staghound (Br), Kawcall, W. there yesterday, in hut forty-aevonth year,reaideuoethe Kantern District on and died on, la niTMiii advert land to tako Iter place on tho route botweoii shanghai. homo at Long Branch, Mrs. James Wallack Hospital Tueaday NEWS new Hod ford and tho Woatorn lalunda. a native of SHIPPING in and after a lingering illness. Dr. Tiasot waa Edward a aaloon was upon her long rest. She was born 1815, entered at Thursday. McSorley, keeper, Hark Maiih: IIktpoh II iGeri, Hoydnm, from Batavin [Pkr Stkauih WroMinn.l Hwitacrland, and studied medicine and surgery arrested on of concerned in the for .Macuaanr to load for Xow York, haa boon totally loot. Bkistoi., Jan 31.Sailed, Si Hilda. Bradv, St John.AB. was therefore at the time of her leave taking suspicion being Dual .lau trout for Zurich and Paris. Alter travelling and William Callahan, a fellow workman, who OCEAN STEAMERS. Hauk K M" Wooii (Hr). from Garden a a for »«w Jl-fautil, Kialto ia), Avery, Hull maiden name was Anne Vienna, matter, Mahonoy. York. , years of ago. Her sixtyfour this was his companion, wus held as a witness. I'ortlnnd, arrived ofT Charleston bar Kob 12, with luaa of Jan through Europe he came to OF DEPA RTURE FROM NEW YORK FOB THE MONTHS aaila. Dvm.im. 3<>.Sailed, TalUman. Baker, Delaware It was one which she made famous in the extensivelyThe first witness examined was Hugh O'Uellly, a DATK8 Breakwater; J a in en New Orlennn. Waring. a commission aa OF FKHKUARY AND MAIM'H. 10 from I'eiiku, llrnliaiu. of her career. Her first in 1HA1, and obtained countrysaloon keeper, of North Fifth street, Williamsburg, Bark Maithuvklm (Ital). at Now Havon Kob hivKHniiiL, Jau 31 Arrived,, Kaperance. Sliediar; early stages professional in the New York regiment had woollier off tho coast and loat ({I, Wnlta. Anatrian been dead surgeou Eighth Heassistantinto whose saloon white and Callahan spent the time Stnimrr. Suit*. Qjftcr. Alexandria, K. heavy Bailiinoia; Piilinae, Kliaa, Pennacola; husband was William Sefton, who has now of volunteers. Colonel Blanker iu command. P. M. to a few minutes nine homo aniall apara. lal. Humor, Norfolk. Palermo 103d New York from half-past eight pust Sailed Slat, Margaret, Wllnnn. Ht John NB. a of a century. Uo was a tragedian, afterward served as surgeon of the o'clock of the 1st inst. Both the men were then Oily of Now York.. Feb 13.'Liverpool.. 131-33 Rroad* ay Haiik Klohknck I'ktkcm. at Sogua 2d inat from Jan nearly quarter command at the Fort lit. 72 with Inat ou tho Loxno.N, 31.Arrived. Victoria (al. Young. Now York. of an regiment, and waa with that drunk, and White fell thero and scratched his face on State of Georgia... Feb (ila-cow... Broadway lumber. dork load paaaaite. Pascagoulii,MoriLLii, Juu and frequently divided the honors evening After the war lie settled in Les-dnc Fob 13.' llainbnrir.. til Broadway i 2 had 31.Arrived, Cluruiutml, Smith, St John, Fisher engagement. the sanded floor. ; rtH Hmi<! Apria (Br), at Havana Kob fro.n Honaacola, Nil, for Olnegow. in tho of Sew York a but no childreu. rho Queen Feb 13.1 L'vorpoul.. Broadway weather on tho anil loat dork load of lumber. with her early history Newark. He leaves wife, The medical testimony showed that no physician Bolivia Fob 13. Ullaairow... 7 Howling Green heavy passage Wallack was tho wife for Units Darin at Roaton from Matunxaa. Ckookiiavk*. Jun 31.The Surnriae, from New Orleana. theatres. When the eldes was called in by White's thirty-six hours, (><tor ...a Feb 13. Bremen ... 2 Howling Green Owrn, reports:. ill for had the where he died. Feb 13. 37 Kob It. ilamoa Rrooka. of Maryland, anamnn, fell from tho put ordera, limit atnve.lnat tat I a and encountered of the National Theatre, at the corner of JAMEK DOUOHEBTY. and then he was sent to hospital, Germanic Liverpool.. Broadway Ion a very atrnug gale. In which ahe made a little water. manager The that the cause of Wyoming Feb 18 Liverpool.. at» Broadway Jibhooui and waa drowned: dun ID. Int 23 '*>. (Mi. passed The and t'liurch streets, about the year 1342. slio N. hospital physicians testify Green a bark of about 71 ill or MHO tons burden, in ballaat and Hlaney ItrotlierH. nrrivod here, had temporary rudder Leonard James Dougherty, a resident of Paterson, J., a head with some such Batavla Feb 10. Liverpool.. 4 Bawling fixed, nod intended to tow to waa a member of his company. It was probably death wus blow on the weapon Greece Feb 1!». London rttt Broadway alio appeared to bo furoign. Hreuioii. hut ia detained by died He was an earnest democrat and had as a hammer. abandonetl;the Hoard of Trado until a proper rudder la fixed. one of the greatest dramatic organizations of the yesterday. Alaatia Feb lit London.... 7 Howling Groan IIric Maoism (Br), atranded on Xlol'i Ledge, uear Her was manner. He John H. Claflsaeu said that on the corner of Canada Feb lit. Ilarr*..... 33 Broadway waa Harwich. Juu 311.The Bombay, from hreraen for kind that ever existed in New York. acting filled several offices tn a satisfactory XB, Hooted laat weok. Liverpool, which went Key taleut exhibited a of the Board Withers street and Union avenue he called for the Adriatic Feb 2<t Liverpool.. 37 Broadway ^ Writ, aahnro'on the Hunfleet Sand, haa been Versatile, and her well inherited was tax collector, a member County 72 Mt-iiK* sktii .v Todd, from Pensacoia, ana .lonn a a.oru attainted off and brought Into thia port. for in characters that ranged from low eomedy to the of Freeholders and of Streets. police and walked two or tlir«e blocks to look tor an Stat.of Penn'al'v'a Feb 211. (ilan^row... Broadway frnm St John, Nil, at Havana. both lint deck load. Agreement itselfis Superintendent officer. When he returned he found the injured H'leland F'eb 2t>. Hamburg.. til 4troadway aalvago, JC7U0. highest tragedy. Her m 4hcr was a Placido, who City of ltlrhiuond.