July 14, 2019 5th Sunday after Pentecost 1st Sunday of Advent S T. J OAN OFA RC CATHOLIC CHURCH Traditional Latin Rite Parish of the Diocese of Boise Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Preliminary rendering of the new St. Joan of Arc Church Mass Times Contact Information Sunday 7:30 am Low Mass 773 N 11th Street, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 9:30 am Sung Mass (208) 660-6036 www.stjoanarc.com 12:00 pm Low Mass Sacramental Emergencies: (208) 446-8339 5:00 pm Low Mass Pastor Fr. Dennis Gordon, FSSP
[email protected] Weekdays 6:30 am, 12:15 pm Assistant Fr. Michael Flick, FSSP Pastors
[email protected] Fr. Andrew Rapoport, FSSP Saturday 6:30 am, 9:30 am
[email protected] Fr. Joseph Terra, FSSP Confession Times Chaplain to the Carmelite Sisters 45 min. before each Sunday Mass Project Travis Rawlings Manager
[email protected] 30 min. before each daily Mass Secretaries Linda Bushling
[email protected] 4:00-5:00 pm Saturday Kyle Ford
[email protected] Mass and Event Schedule Events Mass Times & Intentions Young Adults, meet at Fine 7:30 am: Pro Populo Sun., July 14th Brewed after the 9:30 am Mass 9:30 am : Private Intention 5th Sunday after Holy Hour, 3:00 pm 12:00 pm: Private Intention Pentecost 5:00 pm: Private Intention Mon., July 15th 6:30 am: Private Intention St. Henry the 12:15 pm: †Joaquin Tena Emperor, Confessor 6:30 am: Private Intention Tues., July 16th 12:15 pm: Carmel of JMJ Feria 6:30 am: Private Intention Wed., July 17th 12:15 pm: Private Intention Feria Thurs., July 18th Holy Hour, after the 6:30 am Mass 6:30 am: Private Intention St.