How to Read, Study and Benefit from Papal

Contents What is an ...... 1 How to Read and Study an Encyclical ...... 2 Are Encyclicals Infallible Teachings of a ...... 2 History of Encyclicals ...... 3 Why Read Encyclicals if You are Not ? ...... 4 Links to Other Encyclicals and Lists of All Encyclicals ...... 4 List of Encyclicals ...... 4

What is an Encyclical The word encyclical literally means "in a circle." It is a letter intended to travel— to circulate. However in modern times it has become almost exclusively used to denote teachings from the Pope.

Comparing an encyclical to other kinds of official documents is a good way to understand the significance of an encyclical.

Firstly, when the pope makes a declaration of some article of faith or moral law it is given in the form of a , which is very formal and uses prescriptive and dogmatic language. These are rare in recent times.

Secondly there are Decrees, which address a very particular problem requiring precise response and action.

Thirdly there are apostolic letters and messages, which are characteristically pastoral, encouraging, and inspirational.

Encyclicals can have some features of all these categories but are generally longer; the thinking behind the statements is deeper and articulated more expansively. They are addressed usually to the whole (a few exceptions have been addressed to of particular nations) and it is understood that bishops will promulgate the teachings and make the encyclicals widely available.

Nowadays all the encyclicals are posted on the Vatican website and other websites of Catholic organizations. Encyclicals are exhortative in tone. They counsel and encourage and thus make clear that what is said is not to be taken lightly. They deal with complex social and moral issues and back up their claims with reference to the and to Catholic tradition and doctrines. While Encyclicals do not compel Catholics to believe and act in accordance with what is said, the expectation is that all Catholics (and it is hoped all people of good will) will use the teaching as guidance for their life and moral commitments.

The title of an encyclical is the first two words of the document in , the official language in which encyclicals are written.

How to Read and Study an Encyclical First, start with a prayer, and second understand what an Encyclical is especially why and when the encyclical you are about to read was written.

Doing a close reading, or as we would call it a “study of an encyclical”, would generally be a slow process. As you read through these encyclicals you might be struck by what a treasure trove of teaching they are on a whole host of issues: inspiration, inerrancy, interpretation, the literal and spiritual senses of Scripture, the role of the Scripture in the spiritual life and mission of the Church, and on and on.

Always pause and spend time to reflect on short portions. A straight through read from one end to the other, at one sitting would not only be laborious but your concentration would also be limited.

It can be difficult, but try to resist interpreting the encyclical through the perceptual ‘filters’ of your beliefs as they are amenable to your personal values, aka the upcoming encyclical on climate change.

But as you look around in secondary literature, both Catholic and Protestant, no one seems to be actually reading the encyclicals and engaging them. This is an odd situation, one that seems to be peculiar to . At least in Catholic circles, no moral theologian worth his or her salt would ever presume to speak about, say, the Church's teaching on contraception without reference to Paul VI's Encyclical Letter Of Human Life, Humanae Vitae (1968). Likewise, Catholic philosophers regularly make their students study John Paul II's Encyclical Letter On the Relationship between Faith and , Fides et Ratio (1998), in close detail.

Many of encyclicals would be better with a good commentary, because many can be hard to understand. Some commentaries are better than others, so make sure you are getting your money’s worth if you buy one.

Are Encyclicals Infallible Teachings of a Pope Another way of teaching – Papal – would not use the charism of infallibility. When the Pope issues a document that has his authority as Pope, it doesn’t mean that it bears the full weight of that authority.

Most encyclicals are not ex cathedra statements. To be an ex cathedra (infallible) statement, the teaching must bear the full authority of the Pope and be about faith or morals. The Pope can speak to different topics using different levels of his authority, though if he is teaching as universal pastor at any time, we are required to assent to the teaching. There are only two instances of the Pope using his entire authority to speak ex cathedra:

1. The into Heaven (1950) 2. (1854).

When something is declared infallible, we are obligated to have the response of the “obedience of faith”, because it has been declared part of the deposit of the faith. It is universally binding on all Catholics. Encyclicals generally do not define , but rather are the ordinary way for the Pope to teach and would not be extraordinary. Now, that doesn’t mean that there are not infallible teachings within the document, but it is not infallible declared. A common example would be that moral questions are generally not infallibly defined, but that does not in any way make the teaching less binding. Rather, infallibility is the gift of the given to the Church that allows it to recognize those that cannot be reversed in content (not wording) because they correspond to the “deposit of faith” from Christ and the apostles.

Papal encyclicals are diagnoses of particular historical ailments—the encyclicals speak about work (), the environment (Laudato Si'), religious freedom (), birth control (Humanae Vitae), the state and civil society (), development (Popularum Progressio, )—and as such, they offer different prescriptions.

History of Encyclicals The name of the encyclical that began this tradition also set the tone for the form of later encyclicals. , written in 1891 by Leo XIII and which many consider the fi rst modern encyclical, literally translates as "new things." It attempted (and succeeded) to bring to bear the old, old story of the Christian church on the new—and revolutionary— things that were happening in Europe during the Industrial Revolution. At the time Rerum Novarum was written, Europe was a seething mess of injustice, revolution, poverty, inequality, and instability. The massive industrialization of work and production, combined with wide‐scale urbanization, led to massive poverty, social dislocation, and a massive underclass that was largely uneducated, disenfranchised, increasingly resentful. It was also still predominantly Christian.

Since 1854 (during the term of Pope Pius IX) there have been 240 encyclicals. However, it is noteworthy that the number of encyclicals written by more recent is less than the number written by earlier popes in this period. Pius XII (pope from 1939‐1958) wrote 40 encyclicals and Leo XIII (1878‐1903) wrote 87. John Paul II (1978‐2005) wrote 14 and Benedict (2005‐2013) only 3. The for these differences in numbers has to do with at least two factors: (1) The term encyclical has taken on a narrower meaning in recent times, so kinds of writings that were once called encyclicals are now named differently. (2) Recent Popes have more direct contact with Catholics around the world through different forms of media and through travel. Pope John Paul II was the first pope in recent times to travel outside the Vatican. Two officials presiding over separate bureaux still count it among their duties to aid the Holy Father in the drafting of his encyclical letters. These are the "Segretario dei brevi ai Principi" assisted by two minutanti, and the "Segretario delle lettere Latine" also with a minutante. But it was undoubtedly the habit of Leo XIII to write his own encyclicals, and it is plainly within the competence of the sovereign pontiff to dispense with the services of any subordinates.

Each Encyclical bears the mark of its time. Reading John Paul II's Centesimus Annus, for instance, against the backdrop of the breaking of the grip of helps you understand how its recognition of the tremendous good that markets can achieve is not out of step with the concerns about those same markets that appear in Benedict XVI's Caritas in Veritate, which was written after the financial meltdown.

Why Read Encyclicals if You are Not Catholic? If you're not a Roman Catholic, or not even a believer, why read them at all? They are worth reading for Protestants because—in a manner that contemporary Protestant writing still only dreams of attaining— they take the time to pore both through the Scriptures and through the breadth of the Christian tradition to testify to the person of Christ in life right here, right now. And readers who aren't Christians often find themselves intrigued, curious, and maybe just a bit attracted to a community that can talk with such depth and clarity about the anxieties of our age, and that presents a coherent and beautiful for the good life in an age that too often settles for a mere collection of shards

Links to Other Encyclicals and Lists of All Encyclicals‐directory

List of Encyclicals

Date Encyclicals (341) Author

Laudato si’

On the care for our common home 2015.05.24

ecology social Lumen Fidei / The Light of Faith

On faith Pope FRANCIS 2013.06.29 faith Caritas in Veritate / Charity in

On integral human development in charity and truth Pope BENEDICT XVI 2009.06.29 social Spe Salvi / Saved in Hope

On Christian hope Pope BENEDICT XVI 2007.11.30 hope / is Love

On Christian love Pope BENEDICT XVI 2005.12.25 love Ecclesia de Eucharistia / The Eucharist from the Pope JOHN Church 2003.04.17

On the Eucharist in Its relationship to the Church PAUL II Eucharist

Fides et ratio / Faith and Reason SAINT Pope JOHN On the relationship between faith and reason 1998.09.14 PAUL II doctrine reason

Ut unum sint / That They Be One SAINT Pope JOHN On commitment to 1995.05.25 PAUL II ecclesiology ecumenism

Evangelium vitæ / The of Life SAINT Pope JOHN On the value and inviolability of human life 1995.03.25 PAUL II bioethics pro-life

Veritatis splendor / The Splendour of Truth SAINT Pope JOHN On certain fundamental questions of the Church's moral teaching 1993.08.06 PAUL II bioethics

Centesimus annus / Hundred Years SAINT Pope JOHN For the 100th anniversary of Rerum Novarum 1991.05.01 PAUL II social Redemptoris Missio / The Mission of the SAINT Pope JOHN Redeemer 1990.12.07

On the permanent validity of the Church's mandate PAUL II Holy Spirit mission / The Social Concern of the SAINT Pope JOHN Church 1987.12.30 for the 20th anniversary of Popularum Progressio PAUL II social / The Mother of the SAINT Pope JOHN Redeemer 1987.03.25

Proclaiming the PAUL II Mary Dominum et vivificantem / The Lord the Giver of SAINT Pope JOHN Life 1986.05.18

On the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church and the world PAUL II Holy Spirit

Slavorum apostoli / The Apostles of the Slavs SAINT Pope JOHN For the 11th centenary of the evangelizing work of Sts. Cyril and Methodius 1985.06.02 PAUL II saint

Laborem exercens SAINT Pope JOHN On human work, for the 90th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum 1981.09.14 PAUL II social

Dives in Misericordia / Rich in Mercy SAINT Pope JOHN On 1980.11.30 PAUL II love

Redemptor hominis / The Redeemer of Man SAINT Pope JOHN On the Blessed Mary in the life of the pilgrim Church 1979.03.04 PAUL II ecclesiology Mary

Humanæ vitæ / Human Life BLESSED Pope PAUL On the regulation of birth 1968.07.25 VI bioethics social Sacerdotalis Cælibatus / Priestly Celibacy BLESSED Pope PAUL On the celibacy of the 1967.06.24 VI priest / The Development of BLESSED Pope PAUL Peoples 1967.03.26

On the development of peoples VI social

Christi Matri / Mother of Christ BLESSED Pope PAUL On prayers for peace during October 1966.09.15 VI Mary peace

Mysterium fidei / BLESSED Pope PAUL On the Holy Eucharist 1965.09.03 VI Eucharist

Mense maio / The Month of May BLESSED Pope PAUL On prayers during May for preservation of peace 1965.04.29 VI Mary peace

Ecclesiam suam BLESSED Pope PAUL On the Church 1964.08.06 VI ecclesiology

Pacem in terris / Peace on Earth SAINT Pope JOHN On establishing universal peace in truth, justice, charity, and liberty 1963.04.11 XXIII peace social

Pænitentiam agere / Doing Penance SAINT Pope JOHN On the need for the practice of interior and exterior penance 1962.07.01 XXIII fasting penance Æterna Dei sapientia / God’s Eternal Wisdom SAINT Pope JOHN For the 15th centenary of the death of St. Leo I: The See of Peter as the centre of Christian 1961.11.11 unity XXIII saint

Mater et Magistra / Mother and Teacher SAINT Pope JOHN On and social progress 1961.05.15 XXIII social Princeps pastorum / The Prince of the SAINT Pope JOHN Shepherds 1959.11.28

On the missions, native clergy and lay participation XXIII mission

Grata recordatio / Plesant Recollections SAINT Pope JOHN On the : prayer for the Church, missions, international and social problems 1959.09.26 XXIII rosary social Sacerdotii nostri primordia / First Days of Our SAINT Pope JOHN Priesthood 1959.08.01

On St. John Vianney XXIII priest saint

Ad Petri Cathedram / To the Chair of Peter SAINT Pope JOHN On promoting under the impulse of charity, truth, unity and peace 1959.06.29 XXIII doctrine

On prayers for the persecuted Church Pope PIUS XII 1958.07.14 peace / At the Tomb of the Prince of the Apostles / 《宗徒之長》通諭 Pope PIUS XII 1958.06.29 On communism and the Church in China communism Miranda prorsus

On cinemas, radios and televisions Pope PIUS XII 1957.09.08 communication radio television Pilgrimage to Lourdes / Le Pèlerinage de Lourdes

On warning against materialism on the centenary of the apparitions of Lourdes Pope PIUS XII 1957.07.02 Lourdes Mary Invicti athletæ

On St. Pope PIUS XII 1957.05.16 saint Fidei donum

On the present condition of the Catholic missions, especially in Africa Pope PIUS XII 1957.04.21 Africa mission

On lamenting the sorrowful events in Hungary and condemning the ruthless use of force Pope PIUS XII 1956.11.05 Hungary peace Lætamur admodum

On renewing exhortation for prayers for peace for , Hungary and the Middle East Pope PIUS XII 1956.11.01 Hungary peace Poland / Sorrowful Events

On urging public prayers for peace and freedom for the people of Hungary Pope PIUS XII 1956.10.28 Hungary peace

On the devotion of the Sacred Heart of Pope PIUS XII 1956.05.15 Sacred Heart Musicæ sacræ / Sacred Music

On sacred music Pope PIUS XII 1955.12.25 liturgy music Ad Cæli Reginam / To the

On proclaiming the Queenship of Mary Pope PIUS XII 1954.10.11 Mary / To the Chinese People / 《致中華人民》通 諭 Pope PIUS XII 1954.10.07 On the supranationality of the Church, sufferings of the Church in China China Ecclesiæ fastos

For the 12th centenary of St. Boniface Pope PIUS XII 1954.06.05 saint Sacra virginitas / Holy Virginity

On consecrated virginity Pope PIUS XII 1954.03.25 priest religious / The Radiant Crown On proclaiming a Marian Year to commemorate the centenary of the definition of the dogma Pope PIUS XII 1953.09.08 of the Immaculate Conception jubilee Mary

On the 12th centenary of St. , the last of the Fathers Pope PIUS XII 1953.05.24 saint

On the condition of the Eastern Churches Pope PIUS XII 1952.12.15 Eastern Churches Pope PIUS XII 1951.09.15 On reciting the rosary Mary rosary Christus / Christ the Eternal King Pope PIUS XII 1951.09.08 For the 15th centenary of the Evangelii præcones

On promotion of Catholic missions Pope PIUS XII 1951.06.02 mission / Admirable Prodigy

On the crusade of prayer for peace Pope PIUS XII 1950.12.06 peace

On some false opinions threatening to undermine the foundations of Catholic doctrine Pope PIUS XII 1950.08.12 Bible doctrine evolution Summi mæroris

On public prayers for peace Pope PIUS XII 1950.07.19 peace / The Holy Year

On a program for combatting atheistic propaganda throughout the World Pope PIUS XII 1950.03.12 doctrine Redemptoris nostri cruciatus / Passion of Our Redeemer Pope PIUS XII 1949.04.15 On the holy place of Palestine peace In multiplicibus curis

On prayers for peace in Palestine Pope PIUS XII 1948.10.24 peace Auspicia quædam

On public prayers for world peace and solution of the problem of Palestine Pope PIUS XII 1948.05.01 peace Optatissima

Prescribing public prayers for social and world peace Pope PIUS XII 1947.12.18 peace / Mediator between God and Men

On the Sacred Liturgy Pope PIUS XII 1947.11.20 calendar divine office Eucharist liturgy Fulgens radiatur

On the 14th centenary of the most holy death of St. Benedict Pope PIUS XII 1947.03.21 saint Deiparæ Virginis Mariæ / Blessed Virgin Mary

On the possibility of defining the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a dogma of faith Pope PIUS XII 1946.05.01 Assumption Mary

On assuming more eagerly at the present time the care of needy children Pope PIUS XII 1946.01.06 children Orientales omnes Ecclesias / All the Eastern Churches

On the 350th anniversary of the reunion of the Ruthenian Church with the Apostolic See Pope PIUS XII 1945.12.23 Eastern Churches Ruthenian Church Communium interpretes dolorum / Interpreter of the Universal Anguish Pope PIUS XII 1945.04.15 Appealing for prayers for peace during May peace Orientalis Ecclesiæ / Eastern Church

On the 15th centenary of St. Cyril, of Alexandria Pope PIUS XII 1944.04.09 saint / Inspired by the Divine Spirit

On promoting Biblical studies, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Providentissimus Pope PIUS XII 1943.09.30 Deus Bible / Mystical Body of Christ

On the Mystical Body of Christ Pope PIUS XII 1943.06.29 doctrine ecclesiology Sæculo exeunte octavo / Eighth Centenary

On the 8th centenary of the independence of Portugal Pope PIUS XII 1940.06.13 Portugal Sertum lætitiæ

On the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the hierarchy in the United States Pope PIUS XII 1939.11.01 USA / Supreme Pontiff

On the unity of human society Pope PIUS XII 1939.10.20 peace Sacred Heart Ingravescentibus malis

On the rosary Pope PIUS XI 1937.09.29 Mary rosary Nos Es Muy Conocida

On the religious situation in Pope PIUS XI 1937.03.28 Mexico

On atheistic communism Pope PIUS XI 1937.03.19 communism

On , the Church and the Pope PIUS XI 1937.03.14 communism social Vigilanti cura

On motion pictures Pope PIUS XI 1936.06.29 communication movie Ad Catholici sacerdotii

On the Catholic priesthood Pope PIUS XI 1935.12.20 priest

On the oppression of the Church of Pope PIUS XI 1933.06.03 Spain

On the of the Church in Mexico Pope PIUS XI 1932.09.29 Mexico Caritate Christi compulsi

On the Sacred Heart of Jesus Pope PIUS XI 1932.05.03 Sacred Heart Lux veritatis Pope PIUS XI 1931.12.25 For the 15th centenary of the Nova impendet

On the economic crisis Pope PIUS XI 1931.10.02 economy

On in , fascism Pope PIUS XI 1931.06.29 Italy

On Reconstruction of the Social Order, for the 40th anniversary of Rerum Novarum Pope PIUS XI 1931.05.15 social Casti connubii

On Christian marriage Pope PIUS XI 1930.12.31 marriage Ad salutem

On the 15th centenary of St. Augustine Pope PIUS XI 1930.04.30 saint Divini illius magistri

On Christian education of youth Pope PIUS XI 1929.12.31 education Quinquagesimo ante Pope PIUS XI 1929.12.23 Sacerdotal jubilee Mens Nostra

On the promotion of the spiritual exercises Pope PIUS XI 1929.12.20 spiritual Rerum orientalium

On the reunion with the Eastern Churches Pope PIUS XI 1928.09.08 Eastern Churches Miserentissimus Redemptor

On reparation to the Sacred Heart Pope PIUS XI 1928.05.08 Sacred Heart Mortalium animos

Promoting true religious unity Pope PIUS XI 1928.01.06 ecumenism

On the persecution of the Church in Mexico Pope PIUS XI 1926.11.18 Mexico Rite Expiatis

For the 7th centenary of the death of St. Francis de Assisi Pope PIUS XI 1926.04.30 saint Rerum Ecclesiæ

On Catholic Missions Pope PIUS XI 1926.02.28 mission Quas Primas

On the Feast of Pope PIUS XI 1925.12.11 calendar Sacred Heart Maximam gravissimamque

On French diocesan associations Pope PIUS XI 1924.01.18 Ecclesiam Dei

For the 3rd centenary of the death of St. Josaphat Pope PIUS XI 1923.11.12 saint Studiorum ducem

For the 6th centenary of the canonization of St. Pope PIUS XI 1923.06.29 saint Rerum omnium perturbationem

Declaring St. Francis de Sales as Patron of Writers, on the 3rd centenary of his death Pope PIUS XI 1923.01.26 saint Ubi Arcano

On the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ Pope PIUS XI 1922.12.23 social Fausto appetente die

For the 7th centenary of the death of St. Dominic Pope BENEDICT XV 1921.06.29 saint In præclara summorum

On the 6th centenary of the death of Dante Pope BENEDICT XV 1921.04.30 poetry Sacra Propediem

On the 7th centenary of the of St. Francis Pope BENEDICT XV 1921.01.06 saint Annus iam plenus

Appealing for help for the child war victims of Central Europe Pope BENEDICT XV 1920.12.01 Europe Principi Apostolorum Petro

On conferring upon St. Ephrem the Syrian the honour of Pope BENEDICT XV 1920.10.05 saint Spiritus Paraclitus

For the 15th centenary of the Death of St. Pope BENEDICT XV 1920.09.15 Bible Holy Spirit saint Pacem Dei

On Peace and Christian Reconciliation Pope BENEDICT XV 1920.05.23 peace Paterno iam diu

Appealing for help to the children of Central Europe Pope BENEDICT XV 1919.11.24 Europe In hac tanta

For the 12th centenary of the union of Germany with the Apostolic See due to St. Boniface Pope BENEDICT XV 1919.05.14 Germany saint Quod iam diu

On the Future Peace Conference Pope BENEDICT XV 1918.12.01 peace Humani generis redemptionem

On Preaching the Word of God Pope BENEDICT XV 1917.06.15 preaching Ad beatissimi Apostolorum Principis

Appealing for peace Pope BENEDICT XV 1914.11.01 peace Singulari quadam

On labour organizations SAINT 1912.09.24 Germany labour Lacrimabili Statu

On the conditions of Indians of South America SAINT Pope PIUS X 1912.06.07 South America Iamdudum

On the Law of Separation in Portugal SAINT Pope PIUS X 1911.05.24 Portugal state Editæ Sæpe

For the 3rd centenary of St. Charles Borromeo SAINT Pope PIUS X 1910.05.26 saint Communium Rerum

For the 8th centenary of the death of St. Anselm of Aosta SAINT Pope PIUS X 1909.04.21 saint

Pascendi Dominici gregis SAINT Pope PIUS X 1907.09.08 Condemning doctrines of Modernism Bible modernism Une fois encore

On the separation of Church and State in France SAINT Pope PIUS X 1907.01.06 France state Gravissimo officii munere

Forbidding Associations culturelles SAINT Pope PIUS X 1906.08.10 France Pieni L’Animo

On the clergy in Italy SAINT Pope PIUS X 1906.07.28 Italy annis

Condemning the Mariavites of Mystic of Poland SAINT Pope PIUS X 1906.04.05 Poland Vehementer nos

On the French Law of Separation SAINT Pope PIUS X 1906.02.11 France state Il Fermo Proposito

On Catholic Action in Italy SAINT Pope PIUS X 1905.06.11 Italy Acerbo nimis

On Teaching Christian Doctrine SAINT Pope PIUS X 1905.04.15 catechesis education Iucunda Sane

For the 13th centenary of the death of Pope Gregory the Great SAINT Pope PIUS X 1904.03.12 saint Ad diem illum lætissimum

For the 50th anniverary of the definition of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception SAINT Pope PIUS X 1904.02.02 Mary E supremi apostolatus cathedra SAINT Pope PIUS X 1903.10.04 On the restoration of all things in Christ Dum multa

On marriage legislation Pope LEO XIII 1902.12.24 marriage Fin dal Principio

On the education of clergy Pope LEO XIII 1902.12.08 priest Quæ ad nos

On the Church in Bohemia and Moravia Pope LEO XIII 1902.11.22 Czech Republic Miræ caritatis

On the Holy Eucharist Pope LEO XIII 1902.05.28 Eucharist Quod votis

On the proposed Catholic university Pope LEO XIII 1902.04.30 education In amplissimo

On the Church in the United States Pope LEO XIII 1902.04.15 USA Urbanitatis veteris

On the foundation of a seminary in Athens Pope LEO XIII 1901.11.20 Greece Reputantibus

On the language question in Bohemia Pope LEO XIII 1901.08.20 Czech Republic Gravissimas

On religious orders in Portugal Pope LEO XIII 1901.05.16 Portugal Graves de communi Re

On Pope LEO XIII 1901.01.18 society Tametsi futura prospicientibus Pope LEO XIII 1900.11.01 On Jesus Christ the Redeemer Omnibus compertum

On unity among the Greek Melkites Pope LEO XIII 1900.07.21 Eastern Churches Greek-Melkite Church Paternæ

On the education of clergy Pope LEO XIII 1899.09.18 priest Depuis le jour

On the education of the clergy Pope LEO XIII 1899.09.08 priest

On to the Sacred Heart Pope LEO XIII 1899.05.25 Sacred Heart Quum diuturnum

On the Latin American Bishops' Plenary Council Pope LEO XIII 1898.12.25 South America Diuturni temporis

On the rosary Pope LEO XIII 1898.09.05 rosary Quam religiosa

On civil marriage law Pope LEO XIII 1898.08.16 marriage Peru Sæpe Numero / Spesse Volte

On the suppression of Catholic institutions Pope LEO XIII 1898.08.05 Italy Caritatis studium

On the Church in Scotland Pope LEO XIII 1898.07.25 Scotland Affari vos

On the Manitoba school question Pope LEO XIII 1897.12.18 Canada Augustissimæ Virginis Mariæ

On the of the Holy Rosary Pope LEO XIII 1897.09.12 association rosary Militantis Ecclesiæ

For the 3rd centenary of the death of St. Pope LEO XIII 1897.08.01 saint Divinum Illud munus

On the Holy Spirit Pope LEO XIII 1897.05.09 Holy Spirit Fidentem piumque animum Pope LEO XIII 1896.09.20 On the rosary Mary rosary Satis cognitum

On the unity of the Church Pope LEO XIII 1896.06.29 ecclesiology Insignes

On the Hungarian millennium Pope LEO XIII 1896.05.01 Hungary Adiutricem

On the rosary Pope LEO XIII 1895.09.05 Mary rosary Permoti nos

On social conditions in Belgium Pope LEO XIII 1895.07.10 Belgium Longinqua

On Catholicism in the United States Pope LEO XIII 1895.01.06 USA Christi Nomen

On propagation of the faith and Eastern Churches Pope LEO XIII 1894.12.24 Eastern Churches mission Orientalium Dignitas

On the Churches of the East Pope LEO XIII 1894.11.30 Eastern Churches Iucunda semper expectatione

On the rosary Pope LEO XIII 1894.09.08 rosary Litteras a vobis

On clergy in Brazil Pope LEO XIII 1894.07.02 Brazil Inter Graves

On the Church in Peru Pope LEO XIII 1894.05.01 Peru Caritatis providentiæque

On the Church in Poland Pope LEO XIII 1894.03.19 Poland

On the study of Holy Scriptures Pope LEO XIII 1893.11.18 Bible Non mediocri

On the Spanish College in Pope LEO XIII 1893.10.25 Spain Lætitiæ sanctæ

Commending devotion to the rosary Pope LEO XIII 1893.09.08 Mary rosary Constanti Hungarorum

On the Church in Hungary Pope LEO XIII 1893.09.02 Hungary Ad extremas

On seminaries for native clergy Pope LEO XIII 1893.06.24 mission seminary Inimica vis

On Pope LEO XIII 1892.12.08 freemasonry Custodi di quella Fede

On freemasonry Pope LEO XIII 1892.12.08 freemasonry Magnæ dei Matris

On the rosary Pope LEO XIII 1892.09.08 Mary rosary Quarto abeunte sæculo

On the Columbus quadricentennial Pope LEO XIII 1892.07.16 mission Inter gravissimas / Au milieu des sollicitudes

On the Church and State in France Pope LEO XIII 1892.02.16 France state Octobri mense

On the rosary Pope LEO XIII 1891.09.22 rosary Pastoralis officii Pope LEO XIII 1891.09.12 On the of dueling Pastoralis

On religious union Pope LEO XIII 1891.07.25 Portugal Rerum novarum

On capital and labour Pope LEO XIII 1891.05.15 labour social In Ipso

On episcopal reunions in Austria Pope LEO XIII 1891.03.03 Austria Catholicæ Ecclesiæ

On slavery in the missions Pope LEO XIII 1890.11.20 mission slavery Ab Apostolici solii / Dall’alto dell’Apostolico seggio

On freemasonry in Italy Pope LEO XIII 1890.10.15 freemasonry Italy Sapientiæ Christianæ

On Christians as citizens Pope LEO XIII 1890.01.10 social society Quamquam pluries

On devotion to St. Joseph Pope LEO XIII 1889.08.15 St. Joseph Magni nobis

On the Catholic University of America Pope LEO XIII 1889.03.07 USA Exeunte iam anno

On the right ordering of Christian life Pope LEO XIII 1888.12.25 moral society Etsi cunctas

On the Church in Ireland Pope LEO XIII 1888.12.21 Ireland Quam Ærumnosa

On Italian immigrants Pope LEO XIII 1888.12.10 USA Paterna caritas Pope LEO XIII 1888.07.25 On reunion with Rome of the Armenian Church Armenian Church Eastern Churches Sæpe nos

On boycotting in Ireland Pope LEO XIII 1888.06.24 Ireland Libertas præstantissimum

On the nature of human liberty Pope LEO XIII 1888.06.20 freedom In plurimis

On the abolition of slavery Pope LEO XIII 1888.05.05 slavery Quod anniversarius Pope LEO XIII 1888.04.01 On His golden jubilee of priestly ordination Officio sanctissimo

On the Church in Bavaria Pope LEO XIII 1887.12.22 Germany Vi è Ben Noto

On the rosary and public life Pope LEO XIII 1887.09.20 Italy rosary Pergrata nobis

On the Church in Portugal Pope LEO XIII 1886.09.14 Portugal Quod multum

On the Liberty of the Church Pope LEO XIII 1886.08.22 Hungary Iampridem nobis

On Catholicism in Germany Pope LEO XIII 1886.01.06 Germany Quod auctoritate apostolica

Proclaiming the Extraordinary Jubilee of 1886 Pope LEO XIII 1885.12.22 jubilee Spectata Fides

On Christian education Pope LEO XIII 1885.11.27 education Immortale Dei

On the Christian constitution of States Pope LEO XIII 1885.11.01 state Superiore anno

On the recitation of the rosary Pope LEO XIII 1884.08.30 rosary Humanum genus

On freemasonry Pope LEO XIII 1884.04.20 freemasonry Nobilissima Gallorum gens

On the religious question in France Pope LEO XIII 1884.02.08 France Supremi apostolatus officio

On devotion of the rosary Pope LEO XIII 1883.09.01 Mary rosary Cum multa sint

On conditions in Spain Pope LEO XIII 1882.12.08 Spain

Auspicato concessum Pope LEO XIII 1882.09.17 For the 7th centenary of the birth of St. Assisi saint Etsi nos

On conditions in Italy Pope LEO XIII 1882.02.15 Italy Licet Multa

On Catholics in Belgium Pope LEO XIII 1881.08.03 Belgium Diuturnum illud

On the origin of civil power Pope LEO XIII 1881.06.29 state Sancta Dei civitas

On mission societies Pope LEO XIII 1880.12.03 mission Grande munus

Adding the liturgical feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodius to the Universal Calendar Pope LEO XIII 1880.09.30 calendar saint Arcanum divinæ

On Christian marriage Pope LEO XIII 1880.02.10 marriage Æterni Patris

On the restoration of Christian Pope LEO XIII 1879.08.04 philosophy Quod apostolici

On Pope LEO XIII 1878.12.28 social socialism Inscrutabili Dei consilio

On the evils of society Pope LEO XIII 1878.04.21 society Quæ Patriarchatu BLESSED Pope PIUS On the problems of the Chaldean Catholics 1876.09.01

IX Chaldean Church Eastern Churches

Graves ac diuturnæ BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Church in 1875.03.23 IX Switzerland

Quod numquam BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Church in Prussia, 1875.02.05 IX Germany

Omnem sollicitudinem BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Greek‐Ruthenian Rite 1874.05.13 IX Eastern Churches Ruthenian Church

Vix dum a nobis BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Church in Austria 1874.03.07 IX Austria In magnis illis BLESSED Pope PIUS On the irregular consecratoin of Kaspar I. Rinkel as of Harlem 1873.12.27 IX

Etsi multa luctuosa BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Church in Italy, Germany and Switzerland 1873.11.21 IX Germany Italy Switzerland

Quartus supra vigesimum BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Church in Armenia 1873.01.06

IX Armenia Armenian Church Quæ In Patriarchatu BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Church in Chaldea 1872.11.16 IX Chaldean Church Eastern Churches

Ordinem vestrum BLESSED Pope PIUS Lamenting that in some places the decisions of the were opposed to 1871.10.27 IX Vatican I BLESSED Pope PIUS Sæpe Venerabiles Fratres 1871.08.05

On thanksgiving for 25 years of pontificate IX BLESSED Pope PIUS Beneficia Dei 1871.06.04

On the 25th anniversary of his pontificate IX

Ubi nos arcano Dei BLESSED Pope PIUS On 1871.05.15 IX Papal States

Respicientes ea omnia BLESSED Pope PIUS Protesting the taking of the Papal States 1870.11.01 IX Papal States

Quo impensiore BLESSED Pope PIUS Threat of excommunication to the Armenian Church 1870.05.20

IX Armenian Church Eastern Churches Apostolici ministerio BLESSED Pope PIUS Naming an apostolic co‐visitator for the Armenian Church 1870.04.05

IX Armenian Church Eastern Churches Multiplices inter BLESSED Pope PIUS Reorganizing the ecclesiastical hierarchy in Ecuador 1870.03.23 Ecuador IX Non sine gravísimo BLESSED Pope PIUS To the patriarch of Constantinople on the situation of the Armenian 1870.02.24

IX Armenian Church Eastern Churches Iam vos omnes BLESSED Pope PIUS Inviting the separated Christians of the Catholic Church to restore unity 1868.09.13 ecumenism IX Arcano divinæ BLESSED Pope PIUS To all the bishops of the world, exhorting them to attend the First Vatican Council 1868.09.08 Vatican I IX Ex quo infensissimi BLESSED Pope PIUS Concession of decorations to the Papal Military and the French auxiliary troops by its 1867.11.14

IX performance in the battle of Mentana

Levate BLESSED Pope PIUS On the afflications of the Church 1867.10.27 IX Poland Venerablis BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Church in Russia 1867.10.17 Russia IX

Meridionali Americæ BLESSED Pope PIUS On the seminary for native clergy 1865.09.30 IX seminary South America Multiplices inter BLESSED Pope PIUS Against the masonry 1865.09.25 freemasonry IX

Quanta cura BLESSED Pope PIUS Condemning current errors, accompanies the Syllabus of Errors 1864.12.08 IX heresy BLESSED Pope PIUS Maximæ quidem 1864.08.18

To bishops of Germany reunited in Bamberg IX Germany Ubi urbaniano BLESSED Pope PIUS Russian persecution of Cathonlics in Poland 1864.07.30 Poland IX Multis gravissimis BLESSED Pope PIUS Canonical norms to follow in the dioceses of Sicily 1864.01.28 Italy IX

Incredibili afflictamur BLESSED Pope PIUS To bishops of Bogota on persecution in New Granada 1863.09.17 IX Chile Colombia

Quanto Conficiamur Mœrore BLESSED Pope PIUS On promotion of false doctrines 1863.08.10 IX doctrine

Maximæ quidem BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Church in Bavaria 1862.07.09 IX Germany

Amantissimus humani BLESSED Pope PIUS To bishops of the Eastern rite on the care of the churches 1862.04.08 IX Eastern Churches Iamdum cernimus BLESSED Pope PIUS On Italian revolutionaries 1861.03.18 Italy IX Multis gravibusque BLESSED Pope PIUS Denouncing the non‐ratification of the signed by the Grand Duke of Baden with 1860.04.24

IX the BLESSED Pope PIUS Novos et ante 1860.03.26

Protesting Victor Emmanuel IX BLESSED Pope PIUS Nullius certe 1860.01.19

On the need for civil sovereignty IX BLESSED Pope PIUS Maximo animi 1859.09.26

Protesting the occupation of Emilia by the troops of Victor Emmanuel II IX BLESSED Pope PIUS Ad gravissimum 1859.06.18

On the necessity of the Holy See having temporal power IX

Qui Nuper BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Papal States 1859.06.18 IX Papal States

Cum Sancta Mater Ecclesia BLESSED Pope PIUS Pleading for public prayer for the Papal States 1859.04.27 IX Papal States

Amantissimi Redemptoris BLESSED Pope PIUS On priests and the care of , the Mass and its fruits 1858.05.03

IX Mass priest

Cum nuper BLESSED Pope PIUS To bishops of Sicily on care for clerics 1858.01.20 IX Italy priest

Singulari quidem BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Church in Austria 1856.03.17 IX Austria

Optime noscitis BLESSED Pope PIUS On episcopal meetings 1855.11.05 IX Austria bishop BLESSED Pope PIUS

Cum sæpe 1855.07.26

IX Inter graves BLESSED Pope PIUS On the of the Immaculate Conception on December 8 1854.11.01

IX calendar Mary

Apostolicæ nostræ caritatis BLESSED Pope PIUS Urging prayers for peace 1854.08.01 IX peace

Optime noscitis BLESSED Pope PIUS On the proposed Catholic university for Ireland 1854.03.20 IX education Ireland

Neminem vestrum BLESSED Pope PIUS To the clergy and faithful of Constantinople on the persecution of Armenians 1854.02.02 IX Armenia

Inter multiplices BLESSED Pope PIUS Pleading for unity of spirit 1853.03.21 IX France

Probe noscitis venerabiles BLESSED Pope PIUS On the discipline for clergy 1852.05.17 IX Spain

Nemo certe ignorat BLESSED Pope PIUS To bishops of Ireland on the discipline for clergy 1852.03.25 IX Ireland

Ex aliis nostris BLESSED Pope PIUS Conditions for obtaining indulgences in the extraordinary jubilee of 1852 1851.11.21 IX jubilee

Exultavit cor nostrum BLESSED Pope PIUS On the effects of the Jubilee of 1852 1851.11.21 IX jubilee BLESSED Pope PIUS Si semper antea 1850.08.14

Thanking the European monarchs IX

Nostis et Nobiscum BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Church in the Papal States, condemning attempts to undermine in Italy 1849.12.08 IX Italy Papal States Quibus quantisque BLESSED Pope PIUS On the reestablishment of the Holy See in Rome 1849.08.12

IX Rome

Ubi primum BLESSED Pope PIUS On the Immaculate Conception 1849.02.02 IX Mary Non semel BLESSED Pope PIUS Against the attempts to proclaim the Republic of Rome 1848.06.23 Italy IX BLESSED Pope PIUS Romani e quanti 1848.03.14

On maintaining the public order and respecting the institutions IX

Ubi primum BLESSED Pope PIUS To religious superiors on the discipline for religious 1847.06.17 IX religious

Prædecessores nostros BLESSED Pope PIUS On aid for Ireland 1847.03.25 IX Ireland

Qui pluribus BLESSED Pope PIUS On communism, faith and religion 1846.11.09 IX communism

Inter Præcipuas / Tra le principali Pope GREGORY XVI 1844.05.08 On biblical societies, condemning non‐ societies Bible Quas vestro

To bishops of Hungary on mixed marriages Pope GREGORY XVI 1841.04.30 Hungary marriage Afflictas in Hispania Protesting Spanish interference in the appointments of the ecclesiastical hierarchy and the Pope GREGORY XVI 1841.03.01 recent suppression of the religious orders Spain Augustissimam

Pope GREGORY XVI 1840.12.21 Appealing for funds Probe nostis

On the propagation of the faith Pope GREGORY XVI 1840.09.18 evangelization Commissum divinitus

To clergy of Switzerland condemning the German state interference in Church affairs Pope GREGORY XVI 1835.05.17 state Switzerland Singulari nos

On the errors of Lammenais Pope GREGORY XVI 1834.06.25 doctrine Quo graviora

To bishops of the Rhineland on the 'Pragmatic Constitution' Pope GREGORY XVI 1833.10.04 Germany Plura post

On the jubilee of 1833 Pope GREGORY XVI 1832.12.02 jubilee Mirari vos

On liberalism and religious Pope GREGORY XVI 1832.08.15 doctrine Cum primum

To bishops of Poland on civil obedience Pope GREGORY XVI 1832.06.09 Poland state Summo iugiter studio

To bishops of Bavaria on mixed marriages Pope GREGORY XVI 1832.05.27 Germany marriage Inter gravissimas

To the Armenians of Constantinople Pope GREGORY XVI 1832.02.03 Armenian Church Alli dilettissimi sudditi

On cultural reforms in Italy Pope GREGORY XVI 1831.03 Italy Chiamati della Divina Providenza

On cultural reforms in Italy Pope GREGORY XVI 1831.02.09 Italy Litteris alto

On mixed marriages Pope PIUS VIII 1830.03.25 marriage In supremi apostolatus

On jubilee Pope PIUS VIII 1829.06.18 jubilee Pope PIUS VIII 1829.05.24 On his program for the Pontificate, asking for prayers of his bishops Quanta lætitia Pope LEO XII 1827.02.13 Scotland Quo graviora Pope LEO XII 1826.03.13 On societies Charitate Christi

Extending the Jubilee to the universal Church Pope LEO XII 1825.12.25 jubilee Ad plurimas easque gravissimas

On the Basilica of St. Peter Pope LEO XII 1825.01.25 basilica Quod hoc ineunte

Proclaiming the Universal Jubilee of 1825 Pope LEO XII 1824.05.24 jubilee Ubi primum Pope LEO XII 1824.05.05 On his assuming the Pontificate Præclara quam

Withdrawal of faculties from French bishoprics Pope PIUS VII 1820.05.16 France Vineam quam plantavi

New bishoprics in France Pope PIUS VII 1817.06.12 France

Il trionfo Pope PIUS VII 1814.05.18 Vix nova a nobis

New concessions Pope PIUS VII 1809.02.27 France Ecclesia Christi / La Chiesa di Gesu Cristo

New distribution of dioceses in France Pope PIUS VII 1801.08.15 France Tam multa

New arrangements in French hierarchy Pope PIUS VII 1801.08.15 France

Ex quo Ecclesiam Pope PIUS VII 1800.05.24 Diu Satis

To bishops of France on a return to Gospel principles Pope PIUS VII 1800.05.15 France Charitas

On the civil oath in France Pope PIUS VI 1791.04.13 France Inscrutabile

Pope PIUS VI 1775.12.25 On the problems of the pontificate Salutis nostræ

Proclaiminig a universal jubilee Pope CLEMENT XIV 1774.04.30 jubilee Cum summi

Proclaiminig a universal jubilee Pope CLEMENT XIV 1769.12.12 jubilee Inscrutabili divinæ sapientiæ

To all Christians on proclaiming a universal jubilee Pope CLEMENT XIV 1769.12.12 jubilee Decet quam maxime

To bishops of Sardinia on abuses in taxes and benefices Pope CLEMENT XIV 1769.09.21 Italy Summa quæ

On the Church in Poland Pope CLEMENT XIII 1768.01.06 Poland Christianæ reipublicæ

To bishops of Austria on the daners of anti‐Christian writings Pope CLEMENT XIII 1766.11.25 Austria In dominico agro

On instruction in the faith Pope CLEMENT XIII 1761.06.14 catechesis Appetente sacro

On the spiritual advantages of fasting Pope CLEMENT XIII 1759.12.20 fasting Cum primum

On observing canonical sanctions Pope CLEMENT XIII 1759.09.17 canon law A quo die

On unity among Christians Pope CLEMENT XIII 1758.09.13 ecumenism Ex omnibus

To bishops of France on the apostolic constitution Pope BENEDICT XIV 1756.10.16 France Ex quo primum

To Greek‐rite bishops on the Euchologion Pope BENEDICT XIV 1756.03.01 Eastern Churches Allatæ sunt

To Eastern on the observance of Oriental rites Pope BENEDICT XIV 1755.07.26 Eastern Churches Quod provinciale

To bishops of Albania on Christians using Mohammedan names Pope BENEDICT XIV 1754.08.01 Albania Muslims Cum religiosi

To bishops of the States of the Church on catechesis Pope BENEDICT XIV 1754.06.26 catechesis A quo primum

To bishops of Poland on Jews and Christians living in the same place Pope BENEDICT XIV 1751.06.14 Jews Poland Apostolica constitutio

On preparation for the Holy Year Pope BENEDICT XIV 1749.06.26 jubilee Peregrinantes

To all the faithful proclaiming a Holy Year for 1750 Pope BENEDICT XIV 1749.05.05 jubilee Magnæ nobis

To bishops of Poland on marriage impediments and dispensations Pope BENEDICT XIV 1748.06.29 marriage Poland

To bishops of Italy on and other dishonest profit Pope BENEDICT XIV 1745.11.01 Italy Nimiam licentiam

To bishops of Poland on validity of marriages Pope BENEDICT XIV 1743.05.18 marriage Poland Quanta cura

Pope BENEDICT XIV 1741.06.30 Forbidding traffic in alms Ubi primum

On the duties of bishops Pope BENEDICT XIV 1740.12.03 bishop