Introduction Chapter 1
Notes Introduction 1 See L. Kibblewhite and A. Rigby, Fascism in Aberdeen - Street Politics in the 1930s (Aberdeen: Aberdeen People's Press, 1978); N. Todd, In Excited Times: The People Against the Blackshirts (Whitley Bay: Bewick Press, 1995); D. Turner, Fascism and anti-Fascism in the Medway Towns 1927-1940 (Kent: Kent Anti-Fascist Action Committee, 1993); and D. Renton, Red Shirts and Black: Fascists and Anti-Fascists in Oxford in the 1930s (Oxford: Ruskin College Library Occasional Publication, No. 5, 1996). See also S. Gewirtz, 'Anti-Fascist Activity in Manchester's Jewish Community in the 1930s', Manchester Region History Review, Vol. 4, No. 1 (1990) 17-27; and N. Barrett, 'A Bright Shining Star: The CPGB and Anti-Fascist Activism in the 1930s', Science and Society, Vol. 61, No. 1 (1997) 10-26. 2 See J. Jacobs, Out of the Ghetto (London: Janet Simon, 1978); and M. Beckman, The 43 Group (London: Centerprise, 1993). 3 SeeN. Branson, History of the Communist Party of Great Britain 1927-1941 (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1985). 4 See R. Benewick, The Fascist Movement in Britain (London: Allen Lane The Penguin Press, 1972); D. S. Lewis, Illusions of Grandeur (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1987); and S. Taylor, The National Front in English Politics (London: Macmillan, 1982). 5 R. Thurlow, Fascism in Britain, 2nd rev. edn (London: !.B. Tauris, 1998). 6 C. Bambery, Killing the Nazi Menace (London: Socialist Workers' Party, 1992) pp. 29 and 34. 7 See Lewis, Illusions of Grandeur, esp. ch. 5. 8 Thurlow, Fascism in Britain, p. 256. 9 R. Griffin, 'British Fascism: The Ugly Duckling', in M.
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