THE OCCULT WAR Exploring the Hidden Components of History and Current Events By Dr. Harrell Rhome This is the color illustrated eBook edition. With exception of illustrations, Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved. Harrell Rhome, d.b.a. Eagle Publishing Company.
[email protected] 1 The Occult War is published as an ebook on line, in MSWord and Adobe pdf formats, and also in print. Ebook Edition $5.00. Use PayPal
[email protected] Bound book Edition $25.95 postpaid. Add $10.00 if outside USA. All books are autographed on request. Use PayPal or send U.S. cash, checks or Money Orders to Harrell Rhome POB 6303 Corpus Christi Texas 78466-6303 USA. 2 ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Dr. Harrell Rhome lives on the Texas Gulf Coast, where he researches and writes about current events, overlooked and ignored history, true-crime stories, world religions and metaphysics. Among other things, he has been described as a Revisionist philosopher. Harrell's articles appear in print publications and online. He is a contributing editor for The Barnes Review historical magazine (Washington, D.C.), columnist for the Jeff Rense Program (USA) and for the Nationalist Times newspaper (Las Vegas, NV), a contributor to New Dawn magazine (Melbourne, Australia), Tsunami Politico online magazine (en Espanol y Ingles desde Buenos Aires, Argentina), Gnostic Liberation Front (USA, www.gnosticliberationfront. com), and other venues. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS AN INTRODUCTORY WORD. ―YOU MUST BE MAD OR YOU WOULDN‘T BE HERE.‖ CHAPTER ONE. EXPLORING THE REALITIES OF THE OCCULT WAR. CHAPTER TWO. THE STRATEGY AND TACTICS OF OCCULT WARFARE, THE MAGIC AND METHODOLOGY OF MIND CONTROL.