Vol. 44 No. 2 Page 36 LONDON BOROUGH of LEWISHAM
Vol. 44 No. 2 Page 36 LONDON BOROUGH OF LEWISHAM MEETING OF THE COUNCIL 26 MAY 20 10 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Council of the London Borough of Lewisham held in the Council Chamber, Lewisham Town Hall, Catford, SE6 4RU on WEDNESDAY, 26 MAY 20 10 at 7 .30 p.m. Present Chair of Council (Councillor Anderson ) The Mayor (Sir Steve Bullock) COUNCILLORS ADDISON, J.A. FEAKES, A. MASLIN, P. AFFIKU, A. FITZSIMMONS, P. MILLBANK, J. ALLISON, C. FLETCHER, J. MORRISON, P. AMRANI, S. FOLORUNSO, J. MULDOON, J. BECK, P. FOREMAN, P. NISBET, M. BELL, P. FOXCROFT, V. ONUEGBU, C. BEST, C. GIBSON, H. OWOLABI -OLUYOLE, S. BONAVIA, K. GRIESENBECK, S. PADMORE, S. BOWEN, J. HALL, A. PASCHOUD, J. BRITTON, D. HARRIS, M. PATTISSON, P. BROOKS, D. IBITSON, A. PEAKE, P. CLARKE , S. JEFFREY, S. SHAND, T. CLUTTEN, J. JOHNSON, D. SMITH, A. CURRAN, L. KLIER, H. STAMIROWSKI, E. DABY, J. LONG, M. STOCKBRIDGE, R. DAVIS, V. MAINES, C. TILL, A. DE RYK, A. MALLORY, J. WISE, S. EGAN, D. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Whittle. 37 1. Election of Chair of Council RESOLVED that Councillor Madeliene Long be elected Chair of Council for the municipal year 20 10/ 11 . Councillor Long in the Chair 2. Appointment of Vice -Chair of Council RESOLVED that Councillor Michael Harris be elected as Vice -Chair of Council for the municipal year 20 10 /11 . 3. Election of Mayor RESOLVED that the report concerning the election of Sir Steve Bullock as Mayor be noted. 4. Election of Councillors RESOL VED that the report detailing the election of 54 Councillors be noted.
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