reflections on the state and civil liberties in Europe vol 23 no 1 | March 2013 Austerity, democracy and civil liberties Discipline and discontent: coalition government extends “slave labour” welfare policy Chris Jones, page 3 Kick ‘em all out? Anti-politics and post-democracy in the European Union Leigh Phillips, page 9 Austerity policies also cut rights and liberties in Spain Peio M. Aierbe, page 20 Using the Italian crisis to impose control: a shift towards a fiscal surveillance state? Yasha Maccanico, page 22 Golden Dawn and the deafening silence of Europe Jerome Roos, page 26 Collective punishment and pre-emptive policing in times of riot and resistance Nick Moss, page 28 Belgian ‘municipal fines’ cause growing dissent Kees Hudig, page 30 Statewatch PO Box 1516 London N16 0EW UK tel + 44 208 802 1882 twitter @StatewatchEU email
[email protected] example in Italy [see Yasha Maccanico] where the “technical” government’s measures to combat tax-evasion include com- pulsory bank accounts, financial surveillance and profiling Signs of the times against the “redditometro” (income-meter), limits on cash transactions and IDs for infants. Ben Hayes Nowhere is the “shock doctrine” more evident today than in the powers that EU institutions have exercised and accrued It seems appropriate that the first of our newly thematic in the name of dealing with and preventing future crises. This Journals should focus on the nexus between austerity, civil volume of the Journal includes a lengthy essay on “anti-poli- liberties and democracy. The financial crisis that began in tics” and “post-democracy” by Leigh Phillips which suggests the banking sector five-and-a-half years ago has devastated that the EU, already suffering from a long-standing crisis of European economies.