Documents on East Timor from PeaceNet and Connected Computer Networks Double issue Volumes 36-37: March 13 - June 26, 1995 Published by: East Timor Action Network / U.S. P.O. Box 1182, White Plains, NY 10602 USA Tel: 914-428-7299 Fax: 914-428-7383 E-mail PeaceNet:CSCHEINER or
[email protected] These documents are produced approximately every two months and mailed to subscribers. For additional or back copies, send US$25 per volume; add $3 for international air mail. Discount rates: $10 for educational and non-profit institutions; $6 for U.S. activists; $8 international. Subscription rates: $150 ($60 educational, $36 activist) for the next six issues. Add $18 ($12 activist) for international air mail. Further subsidies are available for groups in Third World countries working on East Timor. Checks should be made out to “ETAN.” The material is grouped by subject, with articles under each category in approximately chronological order. It is also available on IBM-compatible diskette, in either Word for Windows or ASCII format. Reprinting and distribution without permission is welcomed. Much of this information is translated and supplied by TAPOL and BCET (London), Task Force Indone- sia (USA), CDPM (Lisbon), CNRM, Free East Timor Japan Coalition, Mate-Bian News (Sydney), East Timor Ireland Solidarity Campaign, ETIC (Aotearoa), Australians for a Free East Timor (Darwin) and other activists and solidarity groups, but they are not responsible for edi torial comment or selection. TABLE OF CONTENTS HISTORICAL ISSUES.................................................................................................................................