1984-85 Dec-Jan 84-85

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1984-85 Dec-Jan 84-85 CINECITTA Vi informiamo che da quando abbiarno ., cambiato l'impianto stereo, siamo aperti • pALLE 21.00, ALLE 3.gg Le altre sere la discoteca~~ a disposizione per party privati. Per piu arnpi detagli tel • .)~ .1'~.\\ ( • .... :':'" .'.....:. ~S=E~P~O~R~T~A~T~O~I!..-!L~T~A~G~L!.,,!I,£A~No!!D~O~~C~O~N~V!.lO:L,I=---!2A~C:.:!I,,-!:No!!E!i!.:C~I.=T..=!T~ .. , . yI DA DIRITTO A UN COCKTAIL. • • 74 Welbeck Street, London wi , ENTRANCE ON MARYLEBONE lANE 01-9352794 2 Sommario Contents One of the finest voices of today was heard in London Front recently. You can read about CARLO BERGONZI's visit to • London, as well as about the man himself, in English and Cover Ita1; an on page 5. 1---------------1 CENTRE PAGE PULL-OUT 1985 CALENDAR -~ CON TUTTI I GIORNI DEI SANTI I 1 ----- SERVIZI SPECIALI GUIDES, REVIEWS AND LEISURE CARLO BERGONZI p.5 ARENA MUSICALE p.28 I AUTOSTOP p.25 HAVE YOU BEEN THERE? p.29 I, , . CINEMA p.30 ~ REGULAR FEATURES , MUSIC SCENE p.33 I' DUE PAROLE l p.4 SPORTLIGHT inc. A.I.F.L. p.34 I THE HILL p.lO ,• CRONACA DELLA COMUNITA' , p.12 CHILDREN'S PAGE p.39 , NEWS FROM ITALY p.21 MATRIMONI p.24 RICETTA/RECIPE p.42 I NOTICES / AVVISI COPYRIGHT 1984 BACKHILL, CHIESA DI SAN P,IETRO p.20 136 C1erkenwe11 Road, London E.C.1. • Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Ltd., CALENDARIO p.43 78 Bounds Green Road, London NIl 2EU. I .~ ~ ~ ~bbonamento , ,· L'abbonamento an~l,e' (10 edizioni) con The annual subscription (10 issues) inc­ , le spese posta1i, solo nella GB, costa luding postage, UK only, is £5.00. Rem­ £5.00. Ricordatevi che BACKHILL viene ember BACKHILL is voluntary and non-profit prodotto da vo10ntari e non a scopo di making and any additional donation you , profitto. Qua1unque vostro dorio ci aiu­ make will help us to continue this service , • tera a continuare.a servire la comunita to the Italian r.ommunity. , Ita1iana. I • I • BACKHILL Subscriptions •, 136 Clerkenwell Road London Eel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Name Date Name ••.....•••.•..•••...•.••..•....... ,. Data . Address Subs/Abbonamento o Please _Indirizzo . Donation/Dono o 'tick •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Total enclosed ••••• •• ••••• •• •••••••• • • •• • •••••••• ••••• Somma acc1usa . £' ••••••••• Cheques payable to: 'BACKHILL' Vag1ie intestati a: 'BACKHILL' 3 ue Parole di, Don Roberto Russo· CARIAMICI ~ Un'a1tro Nata1e ci unisce ancora ne11a preghiera e ne11'affetto reciproco; un a1tro Anno Nuovo ci apre le sue braccia. Dio ci guida ancora ne1 cammino de11a vita. Come sara la nostra storia ne1 prossimo anno? Quale sara 1a'nostra storia? Quanto durera?" Non 10 sappiamo; ma i1 fatto che non 10 sappiamo non e un motivo di paura e di sco­ raggiamento. La nostra forza e unicamente ne11a bonta, ne1l'amore, ne11a misericordia di Dio. La nostra fede ci aiuta a vedere in tutto un profondissimo atto di amore di Dio, che ci ha dOllat:o la vita .' eche ci aiuta a ricevere ~ogni giorno questo dono " con gratitudine verso di Lui, e con impegno ne11a,vita che ci e stata affidata. It profondo senso di umi1ta che nasce da1 fatto di sentirci profondamente bisognosi del perdono e de11a misericordia di Dio, ci aiuta a incontrare e capire il nostro prossi­ mo, che e,un segno visibi1e e concreta de11a pr~senza di Dio ne1 mondo. La meditazione di queste parole che ci stiamo scambiando ci fa diventare piu buoni e mig1iora i1 mondo che e immediatamente intorno a noi e che, in certo senso, dipende anche da noi. Forse a1cuni di noi, vedendo tanto male e tanto egoismo intorno, si possono fare pren­ i • dere da110 scoraggiamento e, ta1vo1ta, le parole non bastano. Abbiamo bisogno di veder .' qua1che cosa di concreto, abbiamo bisogno di conoscere che e'e gente intorno a noi che ,i s'impegna con sacrificio. A110ra perche non facciamo una cosa mo1to be11a e mo1to ~em­ i p1ice? Diciamoci il bene che facciamo; scriviamo le cose belle e veramente significa­ I tive che mandiamo avanti ne11a nostra vita di ogni giorno. A1cupe vo1te saranno cose grandi che richiedono salute, soldi, capacita. A1tre vo1te s!~tratta d; cose mo1to semp1ici; visitare earcerati o,amma1ati. Seguire qua1cuno n~lla sua ~nfermita. C'e per esempio una vecchietta che si e presa cura di un'a1tra vecchietta che abita ne1 suo stesso pa1azzo e che e sola e para1itica. • \ Come. a1 solito, c'e tanto bene net mondo e noi non 10 sappiamo. Ci sono tante persone che, per esempio ne11afede, hanno dato un senso a1 do10re che ormai accompagna per sempre la 10ro vita. Tutte queste cose,fatece1e sapere; venite a dirce1e, oppure scrivetecele, o,chiamateci a casa. Ci penseremo noi a far1e conoscere attraverso• i1 nostro giorna1e BACKHILL. Sara un modo meravig1ioso dipredicare l'amore di Dio'e que110 de! prossimo; un modo non fatto di parole, ma' di una vita profondamente vissuta. " DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS I would like to start by sending you all my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We the older members of the community wish you all the best, l.n• •the hope that you may have a' life of happiness. " Through ,your experiences you will discover many obstacles placed before you. It is with this in mind that we wish yo~ peace, with your heart and .sou1 turned towards God. We hope sincerely that you will offer God all that, life brings you, on your way to Him. Be there ~ears of sorrow, or pr~yers of 'thanks; 'moments of good health or years of illness, th~re will be many, many different things, which man calls either good or bad. Do try to remember, that there will also be moments of love in which God'is guiding you towards Paradise. Live these moments to their ~ul1est~ and keep them and treasur~ - "'~ -~ - . ,.' -,. them as a, part of ,your liyes. 4 .~", r ", I, • onzl Londra • • , I was well aware that I was listening to Turning to singers of today, Signor I one of the greatest singing legends of Bergonzi did not hesitate in categoricly f the post war era. The lone voice, with stating "we are in a crisis for tenors". p1ano• accompan1ment• from • Vicenzo Scalera However, it is not a "question of the filled Covent Garden with pieces from voice". Blame lay in two areas : Verdi, Bellini, Donizetti and Boito, as firstly, training methods have changed. did his si~ encores, among them Frede­ Nowadays singers go straight into roles rick's Lament, Lolita and the farewell whereas Bergonzi studied vocal training piece "Non ti Scordar di me". for two years before taking on a part. "One should begin like a child at nur­ CARLO BERGONZl is unanimously held by sery", learning the alphabet first. critics and public alike. as the holder of one of the finest voices today. He Secondly and most importantly, blame must has liquid beauty of tone as is the lay at the feet of conductors and on the worthy heir to the great ltalian tenors "competence of the opera houses",: Novice Caruso and Gigli. singers do not know how to steer their career and in their "need" they accept Understandably then, it took all my parts they should leave well alone. Time courage to wait at the stage door for and again theatres indiscriminately give • an autograph and a request if he would the wrong part to the wrong singer. Not kindly speak to the readers of BACKHILL all tenor voices are suited to Rodolfo, through an interview. Wednesday the Radames and Otello, consequently promi­ 14th must be an especially lucky day sing voice after promising voice is for me, as I soon arranged to meet. the "burnt. out" within a few years. These tenor the following Saturday. problems faced ,Signor Bergonzi himself but he was luckier (or shrewder) and Well Saturday came (eventually:), but my managed to refuse and avoid those roles nerves and apprehension were soon dis­ he knew were not right for him. pelled by Signor Bergonzi's ease and charm. He was born in 1924 in Vidalenzo, Although keeping busy Signor Bergonzi the province of Parma, Verdi heartland still finds a certain amount of spare and began his career as a baritone. time on his hands. He spends much of However, by 1951 he had"se1f-trained his this with his family, His eldest son is voice to tenor. Possibly:due to his a doctor whilst his youngest runs his . ' . b1rthplace, he admitted to my delight hotel/restaurant 'I Due Foscari'. He (though not surprise)', that. although he has lived in Milan since 1947 and from has great regard for other works he the time of Meazza has always supported "feels Verdi more than the others" and Inter. His leisure includes fishing and affectionally referred to the genius as running a small ,farm at Le Roncole "the father of opera". Consequently (Verdi's birthplace). within his 71 character repertoire Signor Bergonzi senses more affinity with His most pleasurable moment in his the Verdi roles such as Alfredo (La careerZ There were too many, but each Traviata),• Riccardo (Un Ballo in Maschera) one only lasted the moment or day. All • and Radames (Aida) all of which have rea­ in all it is "a life of sacrifice", but lised gold discs (as well as 11 Trovatore). would live his life the same again for When I tried to tie him to one record he the "satisfaction of the applause" and would recommend he felt his 32 Verdi tenor the love of one's public. ' arias was a "fond reminder" and he plans to Looking ahead to his busy future Signor complement this with a Vivissimo record as Bergonzi is awaiting the release of the a "gift of my career".
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