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2 Sommario Contents

One of the finest voices of today was heard in London Front recently. You can read about CARLO BERGONZI's visit to • London, as well as about the man himself, in English and Cover Ita1; an on page 5. 1------1 CENTRE PAGE PULL-OUT 1985 CALENDAR -~ CON TUTTI I GIORNI DEI SANTI I 1 ----- SERVIZI SPECIALI GUIDES, REVIEWS AND LEISURE CARLO BERGONZI p.5 ARENA MUSICALE p.28 I AUTOSTOP p.25 HAVE YOU BEEN THERE? p.29 I, , . CINEMA p.30 ~ REGULAR FEATURES , MUSIC SCENE p.33 I' DUE PAROLE l p.4 SPORTLIGHT inc. A.I.F.L. p.34 I THE HILL p.lO ,• CRONACA DELLA COMUNITA' , p.12 CHILDREN'S PAGE p.39 , NEWS FROM ITALY p.21 MATRIMONI p.24 RICETTA/RECIPE p.42 I NOTICES / AVVISI COPYRIGHT 1984 BACKHILL, CHIESA DI SAN P,IETRO p.20 136 C1erkenwe11 Road, London E.C.1. • Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Ltd., CALENDARIO p.43 78 Bounds Green Road, London NIl 2EU.

I .~ ~ ~ ~bbonamento

, ,· L'abbonamento an~l,e' (10 edizioni) con The annual subscription (10 issues) inc­ , le spese posta1i, solo nella GB, costa luding postage, UK only, is £5.00. Rem­ £5.00. Ricordatevi che BACKHILL viene ember BACKHILL is voluntary and non-profit prodotto da vo10ntari e non a scopo di making and any additional donation you , profitto. Qua1unque vostro dorio ci aiu­ make will help us to continue this service , • tera a continuare.a servire la comunita to the Italian r.ommunity. , Ita1iana. I • I • BACKHILL Subscriptions •, 136 Clerkenwell Road London Eel ------• Name Date Name ••.....•••.•..•••...•.••..•...... ,. Data . Address Subs/Abbonamento o Please _Indirizzo . Donation/Dono o 'tick •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Total enclosed ••••• •• ••••• •• •••••••• • • •• • •••••••• ••••• Somma acc1usa . £' ••••••••• Cheques payable to: 'BACKHILL' Vag1ie intestati a: 'BACKHILL'

3 ue Parole

di, Don Roberto Russo·

CARIAMICI ~ Un'a1tro Nata1e ci unisce ancora ne11a preghiera e ne11'affetto reciproco; un a1tro Anno Nuovo ci apre le sue braccia. Dio ci guida ancora ne1 cammino de11a vita. Come sara la nostra storia ne1 prossimo anno? Quale sara 1a'nostra storia? Quanto durera?" Non 10 sappiamo; ma i1 fatto che non 10 sappiamo non e un motivo di paura e di sco­ raggiamento. La nostra forza e unicamente ne11a bonta, ne1l'amore, ne11a misericordia di Dio. La nostra fede ci aiuta a vedere in tutto un profondissimo atto di amore di Dio, che ci ha dOllat:o la vita .' eche ci aiuta a ricevere ~ogni giorno questo dono

" con gratitudine verso di Lui, e con impegno ne11a,vita che ci e stata affidata. It profondo senso di umi1ta che nasce da1 fatto di sentirci profondamente bisognosi del perdono e de11a misericordia di Dio, ci aiuta a incontrare e capire il nostro prossi­ mo, che e,un segno visibi1e e concreta de11a pr~senza di Dio ne1 mondo. La meditazione di queste parole che ci stiamo scambiando ci fa diventare piu buoni e mig1iora i1 mondo che e immediatamente intorno a noi e che, in certo senso, dipende anche da noi. Forse a1cuni di noi, vedendo tanto male e tanto egoismo intorno, si possono fare pren­ i • dere da110 scoraggiamento e, ta1vo1ta, le parole non bastano. Abbiamo bisogno di veder .' qua1che cosa di concreto, abbiamo bisogno di conoscere che e'e gente intorno a noi che ,i s'impegna con sacrificio. A110ra perche non facciamo una cosa mo1to be11a e mo1to ~em­ i p1ice? Diciamoci il bene che facciamo; scriviamo le cose belle e veramente significa­ I tive che mandiamo avanti ne11a nostra vita di ogni giorno. A1cupe vo1te saranno cose grandi che richiedono salute, soldi, capacita. A1tre vo1te s!~tratta d; cose mo1to semp1ici; visitare earcerati o,amma1ati. Seguire qua1cuno n~lla sua ~nfermita. C'e per esempio una vecchietta che si e presa cura di un'a1tra vecchietta che abita ne1 suo stesso pa1azzo e che e sola e para1itica. • \ Come. a1 solito, c'e tanto bene net mondo e noi non 10 sappiamo. Ci sono tante persone che, per esempio ne11afede, hanno dato un senso a1 do10re che ormai accompagna per sempre la 10ro vita. Tutte queste cose,fatece1e sapere; venite a dirce1e, oppure scrivetecele, o,chiamateci a casa. Ci penseremo noi a far1e conoscere attraverso• i1 nostro giorna1e BACKHILL. Sara un modo meravig1ioso dipredicare l'amore di Dio'e que110 de! prossimo; un modo non fatto di parole, ma' di una vita profondamente vissuta. " DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS I would like to start by sending you all my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We the older members of the community wish you all the best, l.n• •the hope that you may have a' life of happiness. " Through ,your experiences you will discover many obstacles placed before you. It is with this in mind that we wish yo~ peace, with your heart and .sou1 turned towards God. We hope sincerely that you will offer God all that, life brings you, on your way to Him. Be there ~ears of sorrow, or pr~yers of 'thanks; 'moments of good health or years of illness, th~re will be many, many different things, which man calls either good or bad. . Do try to remember, that there will also be moments of love in which God'is guiding you towards Paradise. Live these moments to their ~ul1est~ and keep them and treasur~ - "'~ -~ - . ,.' -,. them as a, part of ,your liyes.

4 .~", r ", I, • onzl Londra •

, I was well aware that I was listening to Turning to singers of today, Signor I one of the greatest singing legends of Bergonzi did not hesitate in categoricly f the post war era. The lone voice, with stating "we are in a crisis for tenors". p1ano• accompan1ment• from • Vicenzo Scalera However, it is not a "question of the filled Covent Garden with pieces from voice". Blame lay in two areas : Verdi, Bellini, Donizetti and Boito, as firstly, training methods have changed. did his si~ encores, among them Frede­ Nowadays singers go straight into roles rick's Lament, Lolita and the farewell whereas Bergonzi studied vocal training piece "Non ti Scordar di me". for two years before taking on a part. "One should begin like a child at nur­ CARLO BERGONZl is unanimously held by sery", learning the alphabet first. critics and public alike. as the holder of one of the finest voices today. He Secondly and most importantly, blame must has liquid beauty of tone as is the lay at the feet of conductors and on the worthy heir to the great ltalian tenors "competence of the opera houses",: Novice Caruso and Gigli. singers do not know how to steer their career and in their "need" they accept Understandably then, it took all my parts they should leave well alone. Time courage to wait at the stage door for and again theatres indiscriminately give • an autograph and a request if he would the wrong part to the wrong singer. Not kindly speak to the readers of BACKHILL all tenor voices are suited to Rodolfo, through an interview. Wednesday the Radames and Otello, consequently promi­ 14th must be an especially lucky day sing voice after promising voice is for me, as I soon arranged to meet. the "burnt. out" within a few years. These tenor the following Saturday. problems faced ,Signor Bergonzi himself but he was luckier (or shrewder) and Well Saturday came (eventually:), but my managed to refuse and avoid those roles nerves and apprehension were soon dis­ he knew were not right for him. pelled by Signor Bergonzi's ease and charm. He was born in 1924 in Vidalenzo, Although keeping busy Signor Bergonzi the province of Parma, Verdi heartland still finds a certain amount of spare and began his career as a baritone. time on his hands. He spends much of However, by 1951 he had"se1f-trained his this with his family, His eldest son is voice to tenor. Possibly:due to his a doctor whilst his youngest runs his . ' . b1rthplace, he admitted to my delight hotel/restaurant 'I Due Foscari'. He (though not surprise)', that. although he has lived in Milan since 1947 and from has great regard for other works he the time of Meazza has always supported "feels Verdi more than the others" and Inter. His leisure includes fishing and affectionally referred to the genius as running a small ,farm at Le Roncole "the father of opera". Consequently (Verdi's birthplace). within his 71 character repertoire Signor Bergonzi senses more affinity with His most pleasurable moment in his the Verdi roles such as Alfredo (La careerZ There were too many, but each Traviata),• Riccardo (Un Ballo in Maschera) one only lasted the moment or day. All • and Radames (Aida) all of which have rea­ in all it is "a life of sacrifice", but lised gold discs (as well as 11 Trovatore). would live his life the same again for When I tried to tie him to one record he the "satisfaction of the applause" and would recommend he felt his 32 Verdi tenor the love of one's public. ' arias was a "fond reminder" and he plans to Looking ahead to his busy future Signor complement this with a Vivissimo record as Bergonzi is awaiting the release of the a "gift of my career". first commercial recording of Oberto, This career has been littered with asso~­ Verdi's first opera. He has a tour of ciations with many fine artists including Japan, engagements in the States and some of the best conductors e.g. Serafin Italy which, hopefully, will include a " Giulini. and Karajan, with talented sopra- concert at the Arena at Verona next nos most. notably Renata Tebaldi with whom Summer. Amongst all this he has de­ he made may fine recordings such as his finite plans to return to London next newly re-released La Boheme. "A dear year in an opera and/or orchestral colleague" he described her with "the concert. voice of 'an angel". He found Maria Callas a perfect. artist who "always treated me Having recorded or performed most of well". Verdi's roles, two still eluded him: 5 - , ------;--c--c:-:-cc,,--;-,C:,,:C,:C,-:,- , Ote110 and Fa1staff. He believed he (Un Ballo in Maschera) e Radames. (Aida) could well sing them. but. the effort che. aggiunti a1 Trovatore hanno raggiun­ involved would mean. sacrificing much to'tutti i "dischi d'oro". of his repertoire. I hope the day of , • • sacrifice will come.~~e11. yqu never A110rche' chiesi quale dei suoi dischi know. for with a smile he summed up his eg1i raccomenderebbe midisse che i1 suo are with "we are' all mad"'. This conclu­ 32 "arie di Verdi" era certamente "un bel ded for me a meeting of a lifetime. ricordo" e che sperava di complementarlo Thank you maestro. from the heart. con-un altro vivissimo "dono della mia: c_arriera" . Questa carriera e' stata cosparsa di co­ noscenze con una miriade di grandi arti­ Ero piu' che mai consapevole che stavo sti. inclusi a1cuni tra i migliori diret­ ascoltando ad una delle piu' famose tori d'orchestra quali Tu11io Serafin. , . "leggende vocali" del dopo guerra. La Carlo Maria Giu1ini e Karajan. con sopra- voce solitaria accompagnata. al piano. no di grande ta1ento vedi Renata Tebaldi da1 maestro Vicenzo Scalera. riempiva la con la quale ha inciso dischi straordinari sa1a del Teatro dell'opera di Covent come quello di ultima distribtizione "La Garden con "arie" di Verdi. Bel1i'ni. Boheme". Descrive questa sua collega Donizzetti e Boito e. con' i sei "fuori "la voce di ange10". Considera Maria programma", tra cui'il Lamento di Fre­ Ca11as 'come una artista perfetta "che mi derick. Lolita e i1 "Non ti scordar di tratto' sempre bene". E da1la seguente 'me" come pezzo di addio. storiella sipuo ,. 'dedurre-'come il 'rispet-· to fosse,recip~oco'. I1 Sig. Bergonzi Carlo Bergonzi e' oggi unanimamente con­ racconto' che, durante una delle rappre­ siderato. sia dai critici come dal gran sentazioni di "Lucia di ,Lamermoor", al pubblico. una delle piu' belle voci dei Metropolitan di New York la Callas. piut­ nostri giorni. La dolcezza e armoniosi­ tosto che recarsi subito al suo camerino ta'del-tono della sua voce 10 fa'degno per cambiarsi. preferiva rimanere. quasi successore dei grandi tenori italiani estatica. ad asco1tare ne11'ultima scena. Caruso e Gigli. I1 suo successo e' do­ "Tombe degli Aui Miei". sussurrando a1 vuto a11a interpretazione. per la mag­ a110ra marito Menenghini. "Nessuno la gior parte di Verdi. che e' basata su canta come Carlo". quattro fattori principali: tecnica, dizione. decisione e stile. Scivolando con il discorso sui cantanti di oggi, i1 Sig. Bergonzi non esito' ad Comprensibi1mente. allora. ci volle affermare categoricamente "siamo in crisi tutto il mio coraggio e tutta la forza di tenori". comunque:• "non e' questione delle mie convinzioni per della voce". La colpa va vista sotto due attenderlo al "stage door" per avere i1 aspetti. Prima di tutto i metodi di in­ suo autografo e proporg~i la mia gentile segnamento sono cambiati. Oggi giorno i richiesta per una breve intervista a cantanti entrano immediatamente in ruoli beneficio dei lettori di BACKHILL. vari e diversi. mentre Bergonzi studio' "Mercoledi-' 14" deve essere un giorno per oltre due anni prima di accettare un fortunato per me poiche'. in breve. ruolo qua1siasi. Occorre "cominciare come arrangiai di incontrarmi con lui il un bambino all'asilo" imparando l'alfabeto susseguente sabato. E arrivo'. final­ prima delle parole intere. mente. i1 sabato famoso e, di fronte a11a • signorilita' e affabilita' con cui venni 'In secondo luogo la co1pa deve certamentle ricevuto dal famoso tenore ne1 suo alber­ "restare" ai piedi dei direttori di orche­ go. tutto il mio nervosismo e apprensioni stra' e alle specifiche "competenze dei I dell'attesa sparirono completamente. teatri dell'opera". I giovani ca~tanti non hanno la competenza 0 l'esperienza di Carlo Bergonzi nacque nel 1924 a Vidalenzo sceg1iere con di1igenza la 10ro'carriera , ., i in provincia di Parma. terra di Verdi. e. sotto 10 sforzo delle loro necess~ta • • Inizio' la sua carriera come baritono accettano ruoli 0 parti che farebbero bene aFrivando. ne1 1951. a.que11a di tenore lasciare'dove sono. Si continua ad assis­ " dopo intensi anni di studio e sacrifici tere a1 fatto che alcuni teatri dell'opera , personali. Dovuto probabilmente al paese assegnano. indiscriminatamerite. ruoli dove nacque. con mio grande compiacimento sbag1iati ad artisti non tagliati per i sebbene senze nessuna sorpresa•. d~sse cpe. ruoli medesimi. Non tutte le voci tenor­ pur avendo grande consi4erazione per a1­ i1i sono adatte ad interpretare Rodolfo tri" e. affettuosamente. giudico' i1 o Radames 0 Ote1~0 ecc. per cui. una voce . genio di Verdi come "il papa' dell'opera". dopo 1 'a1tra si "brucia" entro pochi anni. ; Di conseguenza, tra i 71 personaggi del signor Bergonzi serite piu' affinita' con I1 signor Bergonz~, posto.asuo tempo di ruo1i come A1fredo (Traviata), Riccardo fronte a simi1i problemi, riusici' a ~~- ~ 6 • pubblico. solvereli con intelligenza e anche un po' contatto umano con il proprio • di fortuna, rifiutando quei ruoli non Tirate le somme, e' sempre la "voce" ;>oche. • controUa l-'uomo. adatti alIa sua voce. • Oggi Carlo Bergonzi e' attivamente im­ , pegnato per mantenere alta la' sua "arte". Infatti con l'assegnazione di borse di ,, studio, dopo regolare concorso, egli • segue un gruppo novizi a Busseto, paese vicino a quello di nascita. Durante il prossimo dicembre questi giovani s tudend andranno in scena con la produzione di • "I Lom bard'":L. Un a1tro gruppo d':L g:Lovan:L•. '. .. • provenienti dall'America, frequenteranno nelle prime sei settimane dal prossimo anno, un corso intenso le cui materie di studio vanno dal perfezionamento dal "bel canto" alIa lingua italiana, ed ogni le­ zione sara' eseguita sotto la personale • attenzione del tenore stesso. •• ,• Anche se intensamente occupato, il Signor Bergonzi trova sempre tempo per trascor­ rerlo liberamente con la sua famiglia. 11 suo figlio piu' vecchio e' medica Guardando il suo futuro saturo di impegni, , mentre il piu' giovane gestisce l'hoteli • ristorante del padre vicino a Milano. il signor Bergonzi e' attesa del rilascio , Sin dai tempi di Beppino Meazza, (il ba­ del suo primo disco commerciale di Oberto • lilla del calcio it~liano del '~O) ha la prima opera scritta da Verdi. Ho poi, sempre "tifato" per 1 'Inter (naturalmen­ continua il tenore, un appuntamento al

te e orgogliosamente ha ricordato la Palazzo di S. Giacomo, dov'e' stato invi-' vittoria sulla Juve per 4 a 0 e ha gia' tato a cantare alIa presenza di membri . ' . ~ - d:Lment:Lcato la sconfitta ,subita dal . della famiglia reale britannica, un pros- l1ilano) • Tra i suoi passatempi preferi­ . simo tour in Giappone, impegni negli ti menziona la pesca e l'interessamento Stati Uniti e nella sua nativa Italia personale alIa gestione giornaliera del dove spera concludere con un concerto suo modesto podere situato a Roncole orchestrale. (paese natale di Verdi). Di tutti i ruole delle opere verdiane, Mi venue da menzionargli che quando stavo due sono quelli che ancora non ha inter­ parlanda con la sua gentile signora la pretato: Otello e Falstaff. E' convinto sera del mercoledi' prima "famoso 14" che potrebbe interpretare degnamente que­ questa mi disse che lui era nervoso. Da ste due personaggi, ma che per raggiun­ buon ed esperto marito risposo che "mia gere questo scopo dovrebbe sacrificare moglie e' piu' nervosa di me". Non nas-' "molto" del suo repertorio attuale. 10 cose, comunque, che durante i suoi 36 anni mi auguro che verFa' il giorno di fare de carriera artistica ha sempre sofferto questo sacrificio. Non si sa mai e, con • di 'pre-performance nerves'. Infatti egli un sorriso defini' la 'sua' arte con un e' oonvinto che questo sia un ingrediente "siamo tutti pazzi". I utile e necessario. Comunque sia la con- •• •• • SC:LenZ:Losa preparaz:Lone art:Lst:Lca, surro~ E con questa affermazione si concluse • gata dall'esperienza, fa si che durante quella che, per me, fu ed e' "l'incontro • tutto il giorno prima di andare in scena, della mia vita". parla il meno possibile, anzi 10 stretto necessarioJ Trascorre invece il suo tempo Dal profondo del mio cuore: GRAZIE • leggendo, davanti al televisore, recandosi MAESTRO! • al cinema 0 semplicemente ascoltanda sua moglie! Peter Bertonc;n; E quale e' stato il momento di maggior soddisfazione durante la sua carriera? Recommended Bergoni records.available on "Ve ne sono tropp:L,.anc h e se ognuno e' general release:- durato un solo attimo 0 un solo giorno". Tutto sommato "e' una vita di scarificio" 1. La Boheme (Decca KSK22) 2. Aida che pero' non ne cambierei un solo momen­ (Decca SXL2l67/9) 3. La Traviata (RCA to se dovessi riviverla, per la "soddis­ SER5564/6) 4. Un Ballo in Mascera (RCA fazione' dell' applau~o~' .ed il magnifico SER5556/8) 5. Decca Grande Voce (GRV 21) 7 • " .- ---. - .~.--c.c----c-.-,--~------;~~---=-----'.-:-,:-.-,-----,,,"',,"",,,:-::.--::-.:-,:-,.=-..:-..-C,:-,=-,,,-C-:-,-:.:::.-:-l, • ~ -~ • , .. " ~ .. '.- '. , • " ><,' "" "" ... . • • • • • , " • • , • TYRER High speed '- " " , colour ,• ROXBURGH &:CO printing· " ' '. " " Solicitors . , ,. 1 - , Whymark House, Whymark Avenue, HIGH ROAD, WOOD GREEN, N.22 Artwork • Plate­ (vie/no alia staz/one sotterranea Turnpike Lane) and: D~sign making


'Sterling Printing Company Umited Photo 78 SOunds Green Rd. typesetting London Nll 2EU .

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, .'

The ,H.ill" ,.' "

" • • • • COACH &.HORSESF/C 1950/5l.:SEASON; , . :Photo No. 1 • • , ' ~. ,--,_. ---"".-..;--~-, '-'-""'~~-"'~-~ , . 'J In this year ,we achieved,~ the honour < .' . of being winners of the 'London, ,. ,"

Sunday ,Premier Cup. The cup was • presented at• a ,dance run • by the league. '~r. F. Rizzi (Secretary) and,myself (Chairman) received the

cup from"0, ...~, Nr.,"_,~,,Quinn, Secretary~. , of.. - the Premier League. ' We were then informed by Nr. Quinn I that he had accepted a challenge I from Nr. W.G. Foster, founder of • the North London and Niddlesex , 'Sunday League to play a "Grand • Festival ofBEi,tain" match against I a selected side from his league. ---~- I Nr. Quinn had in fact, selected, I en bloc, the Coach & Horses team to represent our league and this Photo No. 2 was accepted by us. The venue was the High Beech Stadium, in Loughton and it was a great , honour for the Coach & Horses. , I 1, At this stage, I wish to present L· " , ' . two photos of the occasion of " ." winning the Pr~mie~ Cup.

Photo No. 1:.. the team that played at the Nerry Fiddlers, Beacontree. Back Row: (Left to Right)


Front Row: (Left to Right) • J. SHEEHAN, J. STALLARD, K. WARDEN, (Capt.), N~ MAESTRI, R. FARRELL Trainer: C. CAVEDASCHI • In Photo No. 2 • K. WARDEN, proudly holding the Premier Cup with the rest of the team, tra1ner• .and mascot, B. CERASOLI.

Now, on to an occasion which created a lot of interest in Little Italy~ The Coach & Horses Flc was proudly supported by hundreds of loca~ people who travelled by cars, coaches, At High Beech Stadium, the large and hired London ,Transport double crowd greeted the team as they took decker buses to the venue. We left' to the f1eld~. After a well contested' . - . , "The Hill" with plenty of spirit and match, the Coach did honour for confidence followed by such huge "Il Quartier'e Italiano'" by a fine . , ~ -.. - , s,upport. victory, winning 5 - 3. • 10 No doubt, many from Lit~le Italy will remember the occasion;~nd to this day" it is often mentioned'~for it was , , - , something which gave the sporting , followers at High Beech "Stadium, a special memory. The--photo• -0 • of , the team, officials and mascot taken , at High Beech Stadium~,

.-­ , Back Row: (Left to Right) ," , .

, -- "J F. RIZZI (Secretary), , , .SHEEHAN, • K. WARDEN (Captain), B, DROY, B. AMASANTI, J. DI LUCCA, P. CARINl, J. CERASOLI (Treasurer), P. MAESTRI (Chairman) •

; -- ' Front Row: (Left to Right) -- • - ' ., - • T. FUGACCIA, J. GUINES.~, D. D1 LUCCA. M. MAESTRI, R. FARRELL,""B., CERASOLl Grand Festival oi Britain Mat

f On that day, a sad man; Bob Amasanti North London & Middlesex was unable to play through injury and Sunday Football League P. Carini was brought :into the side and (At'ILlAT[O to LONDON SUNDAY fOOTBAU. ASSOCIATION) did justice to his selection. As men­ HIGH BEECH STADIUM. LOUGHTON. tioned earlier, the result was a ~ - ~ win for the Coach, ,goals scored by , J. SHEEHAN. D. DI LUCCA, .P. ...FUGACClA. SUNDAY. lrd JUNE. 1951. K.O.Sp,m. , J. GU1NESS. K. WARDEN. • •~ '~ • ", ·' , 1~I·ogl·amtne 'We-l'l done Coach & Horses:, II' Ol/icial •, , • • - - j I am also su~mittinga_pr~grammeand i NORTH'LONDON &: MIDDX. LEIlGUE admission, ticket for, the, Grand Festival I of Britain Match and no doubt you will v. A • • • . ' find some interesting X~ading. .. THE COIlCH, &: HORSES" :_IJW. _..... As requested by many t;~~.ders, I am giving you players names who through the 1950/51 FfJlI."J,u: W. C. Foster. Uq. -- "- season made the First--Team, from our , Second Team: ".' Chairman: Vice-Chairman :' C: Comb

att'lvita,'" "~:W' ..., ·della~~._".. nostracomunita.' ,"<" - •• ,';MESSA' DEGLI .ALPINI , ." ~. . 'Domenica 21 ottobre si e' cele'::" 'brata alla'Chiesa ai San Pietro , ~. '" -la ,tradiziomile messa dei: nostri •• • ~ 'Alpini; presenti gli adetti mili- ·tarl. ,dell'Ambas·ciata. ,,_ " H·' ~.' .' • 11 bravo coro alp;no, diretto da Padre Gaetano Parolin, 'ha ca~tato pe~' la,comunita~

"FOTOGRAFIE (diiFratelli Torri):

1n alto: membri dell'Associazione , -,------..' , . -.-..~. Nazionale Alpini (Sezione " '0( • , . ... - .\ d'Inghilterra) insieme , -".:i a Don Giuseppe dei . ~ I Consolata Fathers dopo ...... :..# ,,"'tl la messa. A destra: Dott. B. Roncarati, Presidente degli Alpini, legge all'altare.

(Gli Alpini erano presenti anche al Cimitero.Militare di Brookwood per la Commemorazione • dei Caduti "- vedete pagina 13 )

• . C.W.A •. DINNER AT CASA PALLOTTI On S?turday 20~h 9ctober, our hard working 'ladies organised yet another' function, .-" a ... drnner.,... to raise funds (which, are always needed) for St. Peter's.Church. Xhis is-what Padre Russ'o'-has written .about;,their effo't-ts: , . " "Pubblic;hiamo-unl!, fot'ografia delle nostre signore che hanno organizzato una festa a favore della Chiesa. Cori­ tente··per il· magnifico risultat'o" si' danno alIa pazza gioia come il loro parroco.

Ancor~ ripeto, .mi fa tanto piacere quando la gente organizza le cose per la Chiesa. ·Abbiamo bisogno ·di , soldi ma non abbiamo·il tempo di farli perch~ dobbiamo sempre pensare "ora e, subito" alIa gente che. e' in­ ·torno a noi e,che ha bisogno.di aiuto tlora".

Grazie per i soldi che ci date: siamo sempre a vostra disposizione per farvi vede're 'cosa ci facciamo." . 12 • BROOKWOOD 1984 Cronaca1

u.> Una chiara mattina d'autunno••• '-' < , '.. una cerimonia solenne di commem­ .-...... '- '-~"._. . "'.''!'>•• orazione al Cimitero Milftare di '<' Brookwood. Presenti le autoritd militari italiane, gli Alpini con il loro coro e vari rappre­ sentanti delle associazioni e .dei circoli italiani in Gran Bretagna:- (Vedete la foto). La Santa Messa e stata concele­

brata da Padre Toninello dei , Padri di Verona e Padre Russo , della Chiesa di San Pietro. l , I Si ha pensato non soltanto , ai soldati i quali riposano , nel Cimitero di Brookwood, ma anche a tutti i caduti di guerra.

MESSA DI COMMEMORAZIONE "ARANDORA STAR" - domenica 11 novembre La comunitd italiana si ·ricorda ogni anrio, in una cerimonia alla Chiesa Italiana di San Pietro, della sua tragedia 'persona1e' della seconda guerra mondia1e, cioe! il naufragio della nave "Arandora Star". Centinaia dei nostri connazionali persero la vita nella acque gelide del1~t1antico. ,Erano presenti alla Santa Messa l'Amba-:, sciatore, Dott. Cagiati e, signora, .insieme ad altre rappresentanti de11'e autoritd mi-,litari e civili italiane.(vedete lafotografia' sotto). . . ' , ". . '- --


11 Gr. Uff. Comm. S. Pini tiene la corona commemorativa; alIa sua sinistra i1 Sig. , Giovanni Pe11icci e alIa sua destra i1 Sig. Mario Giunnotti tutti e due onorati da11a citta' di Lucca, la quale ha presentato loro la ~edag1ia d'oro.

CONT ... 13 • , Cronaca '3 , ,

, CONV,EGNO ,CAMPAN:I/INAs'. ,~.,.,-,-- - .. " ...... ,'" , , . '.,., '. ~ . ~ , '.Come i.n'iziiltivadel' Piltro;uil:o ' '<','", •• ,"." , >,!NAS: e .dell'Associazione Cam'" ,pani nel Mondo, 'sie' svolto , .. . - . ~ ,""~~ "" 'a11a fine. Ai oi:'"oi?t;'e a Watford ,. '1 "inconl:ro regional,~ della Campania sut tema "I11ustra-' , . - ~- ~ . z10ne,della legge ,regionale e ap'piicazione dell'Art., 16, ,L.R. 'lZ3/84"in, v'lgore~pre~,so, ' > tutti i comun:L della Regione". , NELLA FOTO: (dadestra) - , --,' ..~ ~'-'-""''''''' • • . 'Oriofi:fo Spil:aleri; seg. gen. , CISL Avellino; Bruno J,_.~.. .' " ,Boch1cch10, seg. gen. CISL . e pr~sidente regionale INAS; ._~-> -Comm. -B.-Longinotti, presi­ dente FAIE; Rag. L. Rapa, direttore INAS Inghilterra. -

-CAVALIERI 01 MALTA 11 J novembre 1984,si ~ celebrata alIa Chiesa di San Pietro la cerimonia annuale , dei Cavalieri di Malta cui membri comprendono Padre Russo, Comm.- B. Long1nott1,.. i fratelli Costa e le loro moglie, e il Sig. Cacchioli. La messa e stata seguita da una bellissima festa al Royal Garden Hotel. NELLA FOTO: I Cavalieri di Malta, risplendenti nei -• , loro abiti, nella Chiesa di , San Pietro: , ~ . I - , • GIORNATA OELLA F~IE - EPILOGO , , ALIa riunione del direttivo de11a Federazione ­ delle Associazioni Italiane; England, tenutasi • •, il 20 novembre, il Presidente, Comm. B. . , - Longinotti ha consegnato 'a Padre ViCD, ,, . .- , direttore di Villa Scalabrini, la'somma di , ~afe' - £2;917, il ricavato de11a festa ai' !l-oyal' • d.H 7 ottobre. ,­

, " NELLA FOTOGRAFIA: il famoso. duetto Renee.e

.­ 'Renal:o:cimtano a11a festa della-FAIE •.La , " -' ',~ , ·serata.'l1a"'.. avuto .grande. successo; .la sal'a • . ." . " era affollata di gente iricantata dallo . spettacolo e dalle canzoni tradizionali; i ,• i 14 ~--_. LUCCHESI NEL MONDO DINNER AND DANCE AT THE CAFE ROYAL ·Cronaca 4 , • ..: L'Associazione Lucchesi nel Mondo • • Sezione di L~ndra ha tenuto il suo 11 .. Dinnner & Dance" annuale al Cafe Royal, Regent Street, sabato 10 novembre . • Nella fotografia superiore, il presidente dell'Associazione, Sig. Domenico Ferrari, pronuncia il suo discorso di ringraziamento e di benvenuto ai numerosi Lucchesi (ed i loro amici) intervenuti alla festa,

Tra gli ospiti c'erano il Sindaco di Lucca e l'Avv. O. Franchi, presidente del Comitato di Coordi­ namento delle Associazioni Italo­

Scozzesi. ,

DI NN ER AT THE HOUS E OF COMMONS - Saturday 17th November

As the c.l i c he' goes, it's not every day that you get· to dine at. the Houses 'of Parliament. Villa Scalabrini was the worthy cause for which the Dinner was, organised by Serafino Fiori and Fred Rizzi; both leading members of the Villa Scalabrini Fund­ Raising. Connnittee, they generously met all the expenses of the evening themselves.

Th~ host. fOr this unique occasion was Tom Torney M.P. who Idndly put himself at the disposal of-the organisers.

As the Ho~ses of Parliament. have played an important role in both world and national affairs, the guests were, on their arrival, treated to an interesting and enlightning tour of both Houses, their guides relating the hist9ry o,f this great place as well as rules of conduct. and procedure and anecdotes' of political life.

A fine meal followed', served in the Harcourt Room .by the House of Commons catering staff, with a raffle and brief auction to round off the evening.The guests were obliged to quit the precincts of Parliament by the civilised hour of 11 p.m•

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Connn. S. Fiori; Mrs. T. Rizzi; Tom Torney M.P. (recounting some anecdotes of his own) Mrs. Torney; Cav. Uff. F. Rizzi •

, ...., , ,

, -' ,• ~~. ~ , - '; , - . .-. ...".- , , " " , 'CATERING;from'50-1000 guests in West End Hotels; Banqueting'Suites; Boats; Marquees; Period'Coun­ try Homes, or the venue 'of your' c~oice. 'Also, wedding cars (including' vintage);' horse and car­ ,riage,; photography;' video; flowers; invitations , and bomboniere. • ,b.omhoniere , . ' • tulle ,'" .,' , I WINE AT CASH &CARRY PRICES , OR SUPPLY YOUR OWN. eonletti .,' ., SPECIAL RATES FOR-ASSOCIATION' DANCES. liori~-' ~-

Make your next function jour most profitable ever~ OllTA A VEAONESI S,rj.c, MILANO - ITALY For details telephone ,Stella any time on: .SALES AGENT, Maurine Sandler e 86. Old aro~pton Ad ~,South Kensingto~· SW7 ~ Tel,. ,01 ~ ,584 2352/730 2093 01-8881257

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, telefono -'

, •• _ i .. , < ' .' • 16 ASSOCIAZIONE PEDINA VAL D'ARDA Cronaca s Dcpo i Lucchesi (vedete pagina 15) e toccato alIa brava gente di Morfasso e, in particolarc, di Ped~na, ~i fcsteg­ giare la loro solidari~ta ed a~icizia al loro simpatico Dinner and, Dance annuale al Cafe Royal. , Si trovavano al tavolo d'onore il • sindaco di Morfasso, Sig. G. Molina, il Parroco di Pedina Don Luciano Zangrande, Dott. Vaciago (direttore dell'Istituto di Cultura a Londra) e sua signora, il Presidente della FAIS Comm. B. Longinotti ed altri nostri preti ed amici.

Nella fotografia in alto: membri del comitato dell'Associazione insieme ai loro ospiti.

Nella fotografia in mezzo: it Sig. Giovanni Cavaciuti, presidente del1'Associazione Pedina Val D'Arda, riceve a nome di tutta l'Associazione, dal Sindaco un simbolo di riconoscenza inviato dalla Pubblica Assistenza e Croce Verdc di Morfasso; l'Associazione ha organizzato una festa al loro bene­ ficio a luglio.

Nella fotografia in basso: .

il giorno dopo la festa, Don Luciano, ha celebrato la Santa Messa alIa Chiesa Italiana per i suoi parrocchiani ll rllondinesi •

I,, \ r ... !-. .' ". ( :'" ••

17 Cronaca '6 • CIRCOLO VENETO' 11 Circolo ha organizzato una festicciola sabato 17 novembre al Centro Scala­ brini, Brixton Road. I I Durante la festa il Pre­ , sidente del Circolo, Umberto Ballarini, ha con­ segn~to a Padre GianFranco dei Padri Scalabriniani, un assegno per la casa d; riposo per gli anziani, nell'ammoritare di £250. Nella foto si vede la 1 presentazione dell' I assegno ,fattaa nome del Girolo'Venet;o.

FASFA - RIUNIONE DEGLIEX-ALUNNI DELtA SCUOLA ITALIANA Un' a 1 tra buona iniziativa della Federazione delle Associazioni Scuola-'Famiglia (FASFA), la quale ha riempito ~na sala del Cafe Royal di ex-alunni dei Corsi di Lingua e Cultura Italiana,- vedete la fotografia in fondo alla pagina. i • , Presenti erano anche gli insegnanti dei corsi ed alcuni genitori. Gli ex-alunni sono venuti'. da varie parti del sud d'lnghilterra. - Hitchin, Reading, Slough, Watford, Londra. I Dopo aver vinto la vergogna (grazie in particolare al coraggio di due ex-allievi tutti", edue 'ora studenti'd'Italiano all'univers{taJ, si sono sentiti numerosi lnterventi'degli ex-alunni i quali hanno cercato di· rispondere a domande gene~ali relative ~i corsi - 1 a cne·servono? sono stati di 'aiut~ nella carriera? sono gestiti bene? • • •

> Non s; sapeva ~he cqsa aspettare all' incontro. Si, e sentita una certa mancanza di direzione; e' facile chiedere.' "che cosa volete?": 'non e' facil~ 'risponaer~. senza suggerimenti particolari. Cionono­ stante si pudvedere questo primo incon­ tro come ilpasso preliminare verso qualcosa di pi~particolare. Si e for­ mato un gruppo di giovani i quali s'incontreranno di nupyo per vedere come 1 e.. dove si pud portare avanti questa 1n1z1at1va... . •

.. , " • ...... L'Esecutivo della FASFA insieme ai due direttori della Direzione Didat­ tica di Londra e al rappresentante' del COAS1T di Londra~ • " "

18 ,--.~ ( • ~.M.I.R.A. (U~~.) DINNER & DANCE Cronaca 7

In the grand surroundings of the Dorchester Hotel, the Associazione Maitres Italiani Ristoranti ,e Alberghi (UK) held its 8th Cala Dinner and Dance on Sunday, 11th November to mark the 10th anniversary of the As'socia,tion in the ,UK and to comm'~orate the,Centenary: of the Italian Hospital. In the latter regard,Mr. Remo !,ardone of Enop~ia ;Limited. • <- presented to Avv. C. Colombotti, director the Public Relations Committee of the HospLtal, a giant-sized cheque for £8,006, the proceeds of a special sale of Entoria wines, donated for the benefit of the Hospital'(see the photograph below right) - hiding behind the cheque is M. Galvani, Chairman of AMlRA '(UK). Indeed, Lady Hambleden, Director of the League of Friends, was also a guest at, the Dinner, as was Mr. Mosiman, the renowned chef of the Dorchester." ,

The menu, for the evening included Sovrana di Pollo ai Tartufi d'Alba: the truffles for' , "',,\ this dish were obtained by a foraging party, including Remo Nardone, Fred R!zzi, Stefano' .' ". and Marco Fiori, despatched to Italy for that purpose. Below left: ':~omm. S. Fi?ri ' and Comm. S. Lavarini, Grandi Maestri della Ristorazione, with a verY'.valuable pLece of , fungus. '":l'". ., • • •

• ", r



By popular demand the Comitato,di Co-ordinameto delle Associazioni Italo-Scozzesi, under r the very capable direction of its President, Comm. Avv. Osvaldo Franchi, held its 8th conference at the Coylumbridge Hotel, Aviemore• • For the several dozen London who made the long trip north,. theit" stay in Aviemore proved to be an idyllic interlude in a sometimes hectic. Autumn.

I The conference comprised Holy Mass everyday, trips, car rally, bowls, scala quaranta, golf, ,. and many other social activities. On the serious side there was a session on various aspects of comparative Health and Social Security Legislation (UK/Italy), a talk by Pro£. Laura Olivetti on "VENEZIA: Problemi di Salvaguardia e Restauro" and a general round table discussion on Italian Associations in the U.K.

On each night of the three day conference the guests were treated to an,excellent dinner, one night traditional Scottish (with 'bagpipes and sword dancing), another night "Roaring . Twenties" with fancy dress, another night black tie. The express object of the last night's dinner was to raise funds for scholarships to assist students of Italian at the University of Glasgow to go abroad to study' and a substantial sum was duly raised.

, . . Thanks go from the 'Londoners" at the Convegno to their Scottish friends for the warmth . . of the welcome. 19 , ",--~~'------_"":"--~--~---~~I""': '''''_~ . ... . " ,.. • , ,

.phol)ed Orders Ac;c,~pted' . . ." • VISA + ACCESS

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• THREE PEOPLE were shot dead during • EKATERIN MAKSIMOVA, lead dancer in an attempt in Udine to kidnap the son of The Bolshoi Ballet, was found unconscious kitchen equipment magnate, Rino Snaidero, in a Cagliari hotel bath with her wrists Their target was unharmed in the shoot- slashed•• • GINA LOLLOBRIGIpA was awarded $90,000 • DARIO FO, the Italian play writer was for cracking a tooth ~n a fried shrimp allowed to attend the opening on Broadway she was served in Trader Vie's, a New of his play "Accidental Death of an York restaurant. The award covered the . ' Anarchist" after' the U.S. authorities loss of a modelling job as well as the lifted a ban on his entry; tooth. • ITALIAN play writer Eduardo de .TWO ITALIANS suspected of running a Fi11ippo died ,in Rome ages 84. De huge Ameri~an heroin distribution ring Fillippo wrote 45 plays with "Saturday, known as the "Pizza Connection" were Sunday, Monday" being his biggest, extradited to the U.S.A. from Spain. success. • TilE, FORMER deputy head of the Italian •A FORMER MAYOR of Pa1ermo has been Secret Service, Pietro Musemeci, was arrested for' alleged links with the arrested in Rome on corruption and ,arms Mafia and exporting capital illegally. charges. . .' Evidence has been provided by the • jailed informer Tommaso Buschetta. • TWELVE, PEOPLE ,were hurt, when a series of earth tremors hit'villages •A FIRE destroyed 15th and 16th on the slopes of Mount Etna. century buildings in Venice's historic centre. The blaze caused a four hour .SIIOPS, BARS and restaurants closed power blackout in the area round St. throughout Italy for one day in prot~st Mark's Square. No-one was injured. ,against a proposed Government tax reform Which, they'claim, would put thousands • AN APPEAL COURT in Florence upheld of them out of business. the conviction of Carol Compton, the 22-year-old Scottish nanny, for arson • ITALIAN Carlo Rubbia and Simon Van and attempted arson. She left Italy Der Meer of 1I0lland shared .the 1984 Nobel last December when her 2!-year jail Prize for Physics for helping discover sentence was suspended. one of. four fundamental. force fields in the universe.,


* Weekly service to Italy * Free quotations * Special rates Baggage or full For full details Ring Jefferson Farlas:- house-holds 181:01367,0045 21 •

Chiesa, di

LA VOSTRA CHIESA . YOUR CHURCH . Questa Chiesa e aperta a tutti voi. This Church is open to all of you. Why Potete venire, parlare con noi, fra di not come and talk to us or even maybe voi, stare con noi. Cerchiamo insieme, stay with us. Let us, as brothers, try fratelli di gustare l'amore di Dio, di to discover how to enjo~ God's love, migliorare la vita spirituale della how to improve the spiritual life of the Chiesa e della Comunita .State qui connoi­ Church and that of the Community. ~n potete ~vere un momento di pace per la spending a little time with us, your , . vostra an1ma. soul may find a few moments peace.

Cari giovani, quando volete parlare di Dear young people, when you feel that you Dio, quando volete conoscere Dia, ve­ want to tiilk about God,oi'perhaps feel' nite qui da noi, parlate con noi, state that you would like to get to know God nella nostra casa. Non vi vergognate; better, feel free to come to us, speak to ci possiamo aiutare gli uni con gli us, stay with us. Don't be shy.We can altri. €oraggio vi aspettiamo. help ea.~h other'. Be brave. We await you.

OGNI VENERDI' SERA ALLE 8. EVERY FRIDAY EVENING AT 8 Tutti quelli che vogliono, possono ve­ nire all'ufficio parrocchiale, 4 Back Hill. Leggeremo e preparemo insieme la

predica, della domenica per i nostri fedeli •

• UN INVITO AN INVITATION Quando volete, potete sempr.e venire ad If you wish, you are always-free and esaminare tutta l'organizzazione econo­ welcome to come and examine the economical mica, sociale, materiale e spirituale social, material and spiritual. organisation della nostra Chiesa. Viviamo insieme, of our Church. We live together, so accor­ quindi, aiutiamoci a raggiungere Dio in dingly ~e should help one another to reach tutti i modi. God in every way.

c'e un bel modo di riempire la prorpria vita e di fare del bene; cioe, diteci qualcosa. Le vostre esperienze di vita, di preghiera, di famiglia, di lavoro; i vostri ricordi. Diteci quello che volete faree quello che volete da noi preti e dal­ la Chiesa. Ci sentiremo molto piu uniti fra di noi e con Dio. , . Scriveteci, venite a trovarci, oppure telefonate. vi ricordiamo il nostro numero di telefono - 01 837 1528.

< There is one way, and a nice one at that, in which we can fil~ our lives, and at the same time do, some good; one way is by having a talk with us. Talk to us about ,the sort of things you may experience in life, in prayer, with your fa-:­ mi~y, t~ll • or perhaps even at work. You can us some of your memories too. Tell us also, what is you would like to do, and what'you would like ~s as priests to do, and what you. would like from the Church~ • It is in this way that we may find ourselves a lot more united, not only with one another, but also with God. You can write ,-to us; pay us a visit, or even if you prefer, phone .us. Our . ' ... ~ . ~ .. phone number'.1s as follows - 01 837 1528. 22 6ennaio 1985 Febbraio 1985 f1arzo 1985 -'--"""",...~-,.-..,..-~-,..,-..,---,.-,-:------i------r=------tI!~ ;0~d<~:,.~a~r.~;~1i;~'~1~:;;:J 1 V s.Severo IV s.Albino vesc. - 2::i:'M;t..;s"""""';i""a'"'"s""'i';;'ll;;";~;;;';--':';;;";e~"'s"';c-~';'--";-:;~-~- -- ~------2 S Presentaz. del Signore 2 S s.Simp1icio ------~------~~ - ---~~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~ 36 s.Genoveffa l'~ ~ 2!r9rQu~rE!~,iJi1ao~~.1) P;'s':.B{agior:yeic';'c ii;;t ~:.;.3 --~_... ~~ I ..... ,I~~, '-, ".- ." - . ~~-, ... ' -'" -,:.., '-' .'. -- -.t-.------r------1 4V s.Cri stiana 4 L s.Gil berto 4 L s.Casimiro/s.Lucio ------­• -- - 1------5 S s.Emilia 5N s.Agata v. e m. 5 ~1 s.Virgilio m. ------f~' D~'Eji{fa'il{r:iiJ:""RfJriotE7-1 -- s.Vittorino m. • .• -, -.~ .-.. " ..' ~ "N'., ,!..... '. " ",~.,' >':~. 6M s.Gastone 6M ------=------1------­, 7L s.Luciano 7 6 s.Coleta o 76 s.Fe1icita' m. o ------r------8M s. Erardo vesc. 8V s.Ciriaco m. 8V s.Giovanni di Dio ------~------10------9M s.Giuliano m. 9S s.Rinaldo 9S s. FrancescaRomana"s. Ezi 0 ------t .•' ,.'; ------," .:., -,> "'. -,.. ;;-: ------106 s.Aldo !l.O D, .(.Silvano ~ ~.... .::" ID D,:*Ldi;"':.·'J'. 1- ...... ' '-, •. .s , ... ",._~"., _ " ..... -- - r------_ --1-'- .":" ',' ,'-:' .;.',-:, .; ....' >. - -- 11V s.Igino papa 11 L Madonna di Lourdes 11 L s.Costantino re ------.------12S s.Arcadio 12 f" s.Candi do (] 12 M s .Orio m. -- _. ------13 M s.Fosca 13M s.Patrizia m. (] ------_.--_._---~------14 L b.Odorico da Pordenone 14 6 s.Valentino m. 146 s.Valeria m. ------15H s.Mauro ab. 15 V s.Faustino vesc. 15 V s .Luisa ------16 M s .Marcello 16 S s.Giu1iana 16 S s.Colomba ------176 's .Antoni 0 ab. ------s.Prisca s.Salvatore 18 V 18 L s.Simeone 18 L , ------i9 S s.Mario m. 19 N s .Corrado 19 ~1 s. Gi useppe sposo'(li ~lari a r- -. ------26 D .•.~~~F,ai>iarib.;·~;SE;basti~~J 20 M LE SAC RE CENERI • 20 i1 s.C1audia .. "'" ~.: - ' .. , ..".":;,. '\' .- :", :-.. :.::-:.~.'-:11 ------_.+-+------21 L s.Agnese v. e m. 216 s.Pierdamiano vesc . 216 s .Giusti niano vesc. • ------• --t-;------22M s.Vincenzo m. 22V s.Raniero 'l2V s.Benvenuto vesc. ------23M s. 11 defonso 23S s .Fiorenzo 23S s.Ottone ------r-, ------"~"";"" -.-'.-, , ...... ~ 0'-, -- 246 s.Francesco di Sales 24 P,V;dJJ~at~s.i~~ " ~ ------t·- "~" ---- .. ,,.~ , •.... _.~ 25V s.Demetrio 25 L s.Romeo 25 L Annunciazione del Sign. ------26S ss.Timoteo e Tito 26 M s.Arno1do 26 ~l s.Emanuele m. to--~ -.-. ------_.~------27. D i:s~;Ange~.a~Meri~i:r~ ...~...~ 27 M s.Gabrie1e dell'Add. » s.Romolo ab. . -. --,: 27M ------28 L s.Tommaso d'Aquino 28 6 s.Giusto 286 s.Sisto papa ------=------29 r1 s.Costanzo vesc. 29 V s.Secondo ------• 30M s.Martina v. 30S s.Irene. ------31 6 s.Giovanni Bosco 31 D'LE" PAL~E'" ~~"-: .~. ~¥ ~'~ '] t---.>. _, '.. -- _ -:".- ~-.-~ -'~ _ >•• ;. .. -- ....,~ ------136 C1erkenwell Road London ECl .·e--li·.·.:--'.·Oi·'- ii·-."~----..··ii·'..~=..-'..· -i.._ "-._.,,~;...... ;.~-~ _- __ ~- ,...;,;-;o_.;.; ~;.:_~ ...-' .. ',~, " . " ..'. '-"" .- .,.,",", .', -.,- , , .. Aprile 1985 Maggio 1985 1985 ------­.. - 1L 's;Ugo vesc, - -- - - .. -, .. --, ­ ------, , ------2M s.Leopoldo ------. ------_.. , .. .' 3H s.Riccardo vesc. ------=------. 4G s.Isidoro vesc. s.Fulvio vesc., o s.QuiriiJo . '., ------­ , . . 5V s.Vincenzo, , Ferreri o s.Bonifacio vesc. , ------, . , • 6S s.Urbano ·ab. S.Domenico'Savio - ---• ------­, . t! p, ;~P.A~9y~:',~~,NW~RE:~!oK~ s.Augusto s;Eugenia ------=-= ------"'------~------,--~.--- 'r~ ~: ~;~q~~~:.~~::~~~~:~£~~.~-''. i._:~~- .. ~ :..::.~'~.~'~~] s.Vittore s .Armando. -- , --- . ------9 f.1 s.Tancredi s.Cristoforo ------=, - s.Pompeo s.Antonino 10 r·' ·.00 a -=.-- ~~------_..--:. . ------11 G s.Franco s.Stella a ------I!""'------12V s.Giuliopapa a ~ .~ ~~~" :~~·;~'~~~ti~~ ~:,;"~~i~~j,~ij'~~..~".:] b.Guido da Cortona ------13 S ,s.Gi.ldo re 13L s .Flavio vesc. . . , . • ------,:~·s:~·il~ffib~~'to'- ~~v~s :C:'2' '~~ -" ';'>j ~1 !Lit D , .•.. ~ ... ", "~·'1.' 14 s.Mattia ap. 14 V' Sacro Cuore,di Gesti' J>--',:_ ';'. ,~',-" ... ~ •... '~ '~ .... '. '. K., .. ,. " ... _ ..... , , ' , --- , . --=------, ------l5L s.Cesare l5M s.Crescente m. 15 S ss.V.ito' e Hodesto 1II1J. ------I.' . . • ,,',------,'-' , --.' ,..--"""1- 16 M s.Bernardetta 16G s.Ubaldo !l6 b '$':F.erfticcio. '. :, "oo l' .,' ,<~~: :0''''; ..../-' V·"~'''II'('' ~' > " •. ~','. ~ ------­, ------17M s.Ermanno , 17 V .',s.Pasquale-'Baylon 17.,L, Barbarigo ------'r.------• ------18 G s.Ciro - s.Nico 18 S s;Adolfo 18 M s .Mar; ria • -'+~------~ _._---~------~~--• ------D':As~eri~i6n'rd~'i':si~·i6i:i!.19-- 19 V s.Emma, .[9 f1 s. Romua 1do . ".".' '. ~' ;,""_~!>. 'n'''·.... '~, ' •. <1"',~.' ••:1l.... ,-,,;::...,. "'~".~ .•' ' '." .,' • ------."------. -- - !' : --" ------, .. ' , 20 S s;Sara 20 L s:Bernardino da Siena 20 G 's.Gemrna, Galgani ., , .' . . . . - - --• ------. " ------.. " 2fti 21 f1 ss.Fabi6 eVittorio 21 V ,s.Luigi Gonzaga . --~~ "'~ '----_-:-...;----~-.--~---- ' ' ~. - , ------. -'--. - '. ,., ., ,"'.. , 22L ,s. Ada1berto , , , 22 M s.Rita da Cascia 22 S s.paolino vesc. --~~------~--- ~~'~~-,~--~~'~.~"~.~'~'~'~.~_.~~~~~;-~'~-~ ------­, -- - 23.N s.Giorgio ~ ~,;~~fi.~iif~~'1i:~:·· .. I. . 23 G, s;Se.verino , ':.d --. ------,._------• w • -- _. ~-~------. ,~-­ 24 ~, , s:EimiiJio 24 V, s.Amalia 24 L" Nascita'diGiovann;Batt.

-~-~---~------~ -~ -,+-'~~~'-~------~------,~ ------,~·~·M~r~cr,:e~~:~,."" .,'~ -- - ,. '"., . .. 25 '6 :' ., ."". 1 25 S' s.Flav.iano 25 M s.Guglielmo ...... ~'I:""~ :: .. ' .. ~. :.~:;, . -. ,',h~.", ;".0 .,:. ,.' ._-'-' .., ., - . - _.. ------'--v '.'- ..- ..- ,------_..'. '," ., -- " . ,,' '",....--­'" ------~----~----- 26V s.Bianca, , 26 D,.···PENTECOSTE-'•• «, , . 26 f1 s.Rodolfo vesc. , , , ',' .. ~ ....,..... ' ~ "" .~ .. ,,., ..'" -- . , ------, , , --, ------, . . 27 S , s.Zita 27L s.Oliviero G' s.Cirillo vesc'. , . , 2Z ~ -~------~------, , --_._-----~---~------' ~ Ils;2Vftal:~: ~~" ------_. - . •.2 "~"'" ~",,-""'.'.'" ,,,. ---.' 28 ~1. s .Emil io 28 V, s.Marcella m. --, -"I,..------,, .. '." ,., 'k". '.J ------., ------• ------29 L s~ Caterina, da SiEma ~1 s.Massimino vesc. 29 S ss.Pietro e Paoloapp;. 29 . . ", , ,'" -- -~-~---~---~------_.---~------i 30 M s.Sofia 30G s.Ferdinando' re. , , ------. . J- 31 V s.Si-lvio vesc. , -- ,A------, r

" Luglio 1985 Agosto 1985 Settembre. .. . . 1985 ------1 L s.Dino 1 G s.Alfonso de Liguori • , ·

- • • ------• , ------• - • , - -- 2M s.Settimo m. o 2 V Perdono d'Assisi . ------..------·- 3 M s.Tommaso ap. 3 S s.Lidia 3M -- - 1------_ • - , 4 G s.Ulderico vesc. · ~rGiova~~i, ;vJanhky'2.i 4M s.Rosa da,Viterbo D '·..-" .. " ".' "'~_~~~. ~ .'."- 7 s.Gaetano · . ., -- -"""'.!i.,-,----...... ------8L s.Adriano papa 8 G s.Domenico (] l? p, ------9 ~1 s.Veronica Giuliani s.Romano 9L s.Sergio,papa 9 V -+-If--~"-----~-, --~..:.".;;.- ----. ------• -- -• - - 10 M s.Felice,m. Cl s~Lorenzom; 10 M.'s.Nicola ,da, Toleiltino 10 S · '. ~ I ' • ' . • .. . •• . --t-·t------~------. ",. . . ------,. ~." .,~.,." ... " .. , '-'. '" ~,' ~,'.~ '.' ."~ '. ~ -~ - '''''::::i~~ s.Benedetto ab. '" seti'·,·.1~,.",.. ra "d ,,:.;~~l'AsS'fs,"o.._{··,·~:-7;:i; 11 M.s.Giangabr,iele • llG II D '.;s..•.. >.- .. " .. . •. ~ t·· , ,. '.·~.'C' ."., ... ", .'~~."'•••.,,''''' •. ',~ .. -~.+-i~.-·---~-':""---'::----"";;'------.. ------12V s.Arduino 12 L s.Gilberta 126 s.Silvino vesc. .. . ------'~ '.~ - . - " .' " ------.. - - , s. Enri co re ..s:GioVanhi. Cr;i sostomo .. 13S 13 M s:Cassiano ·vesc. BV •• • 7" ".' ...... • '. ='t:-:i=-:=~;=:_-.=~",..".,~-,....------. . --­" .. -= ------. , -- - !~l ~: r~.·~f~~i'~l.r~t~~~-~:~~~~;r1~~-.:~~ ~ s.Massimil iano Kolbe 14 S ta: .Santa ,Cr:oce. 1 14 M , • ... ~. ------• . . .. • .. ~". ~~ :~'~ ·~:·d ------,...., ., ....,.. ,. .. --...,,.,,.,>< .,"1 - 15L s.Bonaventura !1.5 G' ~'Ass.Uii~i oneidi/f1~,rilt;V~ ~ ~ ~iI:~~~~~)p~t~~~~~i~~~~I~~~1 11"-,-:: • ,.,'.;.~ ...... ,•••• ,s..?"';<.. ,-,","'4, , .. ~ • • --+'4~:;:;.;;.:~,- , ------~------. ------· • MADONNA DEL CARMINE 16L ss .Corneli0 e Cipriano 16 M 16 V s.Rocco ·.l,~., ------•• - -,---_._..;..~ ------~--~-- -- • • s.Alessio - 17 M.Stimmate'di s:Francesco 17M .17 S s;Giacinto " ' )' ;0. .. • , ------~- ---::-"'7"-~ • - --r';··t-- • ------­ ~" "_'··'·:"'·"i··'·"~"''''·">'-- _, ..?>-. '.' - r'-'" . .•-',' - ...e~ . ' ...... '.~ 18 G s.Federi co vesc. D ;s.:f:l mp'~ra tn.c~'c6' 18 M" s.Giuseppe da Copertino 18,...~ " .. ,c,_.~"' __' ... " _"_. ."'.". --- -'----'------~------. - - - 19 V s.Tecla' 19 L s.Mariano: 19 G s.Gennaro·m: ------.. ' ' " ..' 2QS s.Aurelio vesc. 20 V s.Susanna m. ab. ~ 20 M s.Bernardo " .' . " ~------~----:".---,:" ,.~~-:- '.".'~:,'.; ~,'-'- ,,~,-, ~ -- - ..... -r-:., ,-','-+,-;------..)O...",-...... ;-- -•• J•• ------"s··~:E·l:l· '0'" . :';"', . .., : 'D 1;.• " /,._~, .. '' ,'''j.,.y, : Ss.Matteoap~ .~ n. , .. ,<"',". ' X 21 21." • ...... ,.~ ...... ' ~, .. ".-\._...... '.....~~~,,~":,., ~, ...... ' ••·V... ·"''''' 21 M s.' Pio papa . .. " ------,...... j "."...... '. "",,'i;""t.~:"".. :'~---.... '\o;.~: ...~'i..~ " "-. s.Maria Maddalena 22 D ~s,~Mau'nfzr6;~m~' .,:~~~~:~ ~;.' 22L 22 G s.Fi liberto ...... , .".~ ~.~__ '.;,~.;.) ~ .,_,,~, ~."" '~.: -;. J'A" ~-;'''''--9'z_••, ' ... , --t'':;'f";;;;~------> ------23M s.Brigida 23 V s.Rosa da Lima 23 Ls.Lino papa .' , ------• -·~r-r-'------24 t1 s.Cristina S • s.Bartolomeo ap. 24 t·, s.Gerardo vesc. 24 ------~ "'~'.'-,," '~<," ------t ....,..: .-'.. • . .•... - . , t "":lt~·'-·,,:;,,";'~-,,-f-?"~'·"" '...J,. ..:-",'t , ap~ " "" ~. i": . "",-,,,0,: 25G s.Giacomo U ~ ~: 25M s.Baldovino , D, s. OV.l co~ ... re" 25 .' " ';[,,' • .. · "' ..., ... , ,-."..... ,...... -.. ------• .. . --..------.... ------26 V , ss.Gioacchino e Anna 26 L s.Alessandro m. 26G ss.Cosma e'Oamiano ------, ------,~------~----- s.Valeriano vesc. 27 V s.Vi ncenzode I 'Paoli 27 S 27 M s.Monica . ". - ,', ' . -- -:t,-,..,----.------.------.. ------~~ '~ ~~·~~~~)~,ff,~~&~:~,ip~~~~;~i~l:~i?~ ~~. S s.Everardo. J 28 M s.Agostino vesc. 28 . ~ ------s.Marta v. D ~;~s~i ~heJ..e, ..~~a,~ct~.l~;:(· 29 L 29 G s.Sabrina 29t>., .''::.. J ",..,~: C,... ~ Raffae1e~arc ;CL·,.i, ------> "'"r·.,-- ~.,,, s.Donatella 0 30L s.Gir61amo dott.. 30M 30 V s.Arsenio • ------~------~--~-- 31 M s.Ignazio di Loyola o 31 S s.Raimondo ------, " , ' , '.-

,Ottobre, , , 1985 •N()vembre 1985 Dicembre 1985 ---. -~. ------" ~ ------~r·~'~·I.,.'~j:~~:~~~-'-~A-~.V~'~~'~~,~,' ~,'-~---~,,--1 1 M ,~.Teresa di, Gesu r .[j: ,v :~Y!TI:;r$A.N~r:. ' '. ' '] , ' {JJ._ " " ------­, . ------,ss.Ange1i Cus'todi IDEFUNTI 2M . .... - 2 S TUTTI 2 L ------, ------~---- 3G s.Edmondo I~ Qs.'~~~ard6 'vesc'~ '" J 3M s.Francesco Saverio -- - ~----~~----,-----~-----~- - - . , . ------Q 4V •s.F.rari'cesco d' Assisi, 4 l s;CarloBorromeo, , 4M ------~~------~--, , ------~------,-,------~ - "'-,-----,------5S s~Placido m. 5M b,Ruggero Q 5 G,s,Aureliano m. , ' , ------~Brun~ ~b;, ' ", ---~P1 -.""'"; - ~--"""':---~------~------[,6 D' :'5 ~', ~,.,. 6M s .Beatri cel 6V s .Nicolo' da Bari .. ' ... , ,. ,. ,.>,,' .....:•., ••- .. 0,;."",...,.",.,;.,,,1 '.' " , , . ., ..~ ' -~~------,------. , ------­ -­'" 7 L Madonna 'del :RosarioQ 7 G : s.Ernestoab. 7 S .s~Ambrogio vesc. I " ., •• '"-'i'-I-', '"' --',"".~-"------,., .. '. - '-r~,';t~;,b.,."'"t:~="';k~~~-;i'"·~~:i:,,::-~i~,.,.'~~·~~'~':""()"":-n"::'~~~:d11~J. 8 MS';Marzio '8 V ------s:Goffredo, vesc. .. . _ \ .... H~w... JO ... ".;:,,"1 ~", : .. d,.' '.~ - 0_"< '. -- ~.~~--~-~-~~---~-~--~~~-- -.:-: - r---~~----.:..------..;.------s.Denisvesc. 9 S s.Oreste,m. 9M - , 9 L s';Siro vesc. """':._;..,;.,---..;.-~;;.------~-- -- . '. '. -- - 10 G s;Daniele,m; ------10 M'" Madonna. di Loreto , ---~------~------=-=------~.~----~-~--., .... - ... -~------11V s.Germano . s.Martino, vesc. .s.Damaso papa , 11 ,L ' '" 11M . , '" --, ­ , ~ , , ~ ------, , - -- 12 Ss------.Serafino s.Renato-s.Livino ------,', .' 12M .'12 G s.Giovanria F.rancesca • ------~+-~,------t--+~------~ j)~ r§j~~af~,9' ':.,: J 13 M'" s.Diego 13 V s.Lucia v. e m. ------~------­ -- --=--" ------­ ------• s.CaHistopapa 14 G,s'.Alberico 14 S :s.Giovanrii d. Croce 14 L ~ ,- - " • " , , " , . , , f'"",+-""'-' . , .. ------=------• ------. ------'s.Teresa,d'Avila J.5 V..s.A1berto Magno ilSi:i Cl.ifdfAYv~rito . '" ". "] , ' l5M , , .~. , ._- ••. .'. -,0, , "" . _, ,'._ . '." " ------=------" '-.," , - --- ,s ,Margheri ta M.Al'. ------• s.Albina 16 H .' 16 Ss.Gertrude. 16 L , .. ------'" , ------'~~,-~--~------17 G ',s,Ignaziom. s.Lazzaro • . '. ." ,~ " 17M -- -v.'------• • -- ~._-~-~---~------18 V I s. Llica ev~ s.Adele '"'. '. , .' . 18 M - , . ., ~ . _------" , ------s .Laura s.Fausto m. s:Dario m. 19. S'. . '. . 19 G ~------~-t·~,t------~------~6 .s.'~e~~,.i,H~,:: 20 V s,Liberato'm. i\ .,":,",'] • - ---'" -­ --, . ",------21 L s ~Orsola-s ;Celina Madonna della Salute. . ' , ~ ~ _~~~~~-~an~si~---__------=------­• • ------22 M,s.Donato vesc. s;Ceci~ia v. e,m. ~~ :~di 'AVv~rito , . ~ ; .' . ..l ------" , - - 23 M's.Manlio.,.s;Odetta s.Clemente romano s.lvo , , 23L ------,+------'------24 G s.Enzo s. Irma, , . 24 M . . .; , ------­, ' -- ~- ';NATA.LE~E~'------25 V"s.Daria, 25 L' s.Caterina m. gs gGNORE' •J , , ••'< .' ~,.~' '. ,,'~, •• - , ., --• ­ ------, ------"'4 26S ,s;Florio 26M s.Leonardo 26 G ,~LSTEfANQ 'protqmartire ". ~ ...... ".-'.,.,"",,,.,,.,- ... , ,".t ~------~-~------~,i,: b,' ~~.~·.~S,a,:~i.ria~·: -' ...... "-' ~- ":.-. ~~~'·'.~1, • ------s.Massimo. vesc.o 27 Vs.Giovanni ap. , o ,~;';';;-::"':''-'. ,~h. ~. ~ 27 M , t- '-l'" c;'t "", .. , ,," ,. <" 1 --. '" - - _. ------28 L ss.Simone.e.Taddeo ------s.Giacomodella Marca ss. Innocenti· . -. . 28 G , 28 S , ~ '. ",. . ------g9D.,~~rit~~~amiqjia,------s;NarCi, , so vesc. s.Geraldoab. '. 29 M , 29 V , I ""-!'4.~"--'-o~....;.;..~~...;..:.~-~,- --'" ------s.Celsinovesc. 30 S s.Andrea ap. 30 L s .Liberio.v.esc.~ 30M , . ------, ------s.Vo lfango 31 M' s;Silvestro papa __~_ _L_, , _ 31 G , . , ------

• • ------

• San Pietro


LUNEDI' 24 DICEMBRE - 10.00 a.m., Messa. A Mezzanotte vi sara la Messa Solenne Cantata de11a Nascita di Gesii.

MARTEDI' 25 DICEMBRE - NATALE: • Messe al1e ore 9.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m., 11.00 a.m. Solenne Cantata da1 Coro Grande de11a Chiesa. 12.30 p.m. Messa cantata dai giovani per· tutte le famig1ie. 7.00 p .m. Messa.

MERCOLEDI' 26 DICEMBRE - Abbiamo solo la Messa delle 10.00 a.m••

LUNEDI' 31 DICEMBRE - Abbiamo la Messa alle 10.00 a.m., e alle 7.00 p.m ••

MARTEDI' 1° GENNAIO - Abbiamo la Messa alle 10.00 a.m., alle 11.00 a.m., e aUe 12.15 p.m.'.


A1exandra Marziano Michae1 Nico1aides Carme10 Bruno C1audia Kersey Giuseppina Scibetta Natalina Amato Grazie11a Affinita Dominic Oragano Cassandra Coward Julia Pearcey Lillo Vainella Sa1vatore Alii Lia Cannone Danie1e Varani Robert Secchi A1fonso Deufemia Sophie Mancuso Luisa Nocerino Ivan Espa , \ , • HANNO UNIlO LE LORO VIlE DAVANTl A DIO NEL MATRIMONIO Pietro Sartori - Rita Piccioni Mark Armstrong - Joanna Mar1no• Antonio Sartori - Susan Dowling

• RIPOSANO NELLA PACE DEL NOSTRO SIGNORE Si1vina Maestranzi Mada Bird Ronald Maw Maria Sa1voni Mary Ann Louise Sartori • 23 • , atril11oni, • ....<,;;" , , , • , ..'


On Saturday, 25th August 1984 ~ 3.00 p.m. RICHARD NUNN and MAR] LORETTA CARINI (see photo right were married. Padre Carmelo ar. Padre Russo officiated. Whilst • Maria (a Secretary at a Hungari Bank) is Italian, Richard (who works for British Telecom) is -< English and he had to read a .- • • • • , piece in Italian. Padre Carmelt "".' • • " made h1m fee1 grea~ when, af~er Richard had read his piece, Pad) Carmelo said "Hey bravo - you even look like an Italian now:"

Maria's parents are Gianni and • Caterina Carini who come from • Garfagnana, Lucc~.

The reception was held at the City Yacht Restaurant, Moorgate, following which the couple en­ joyed a magical three-week honeymoon in Paris, Lyons, Florence, Pisa and Stresa.


• • 11 29 settembre 1984 si sono uniti in.matrimonia alIa Chiesa di San Pietro la bella coppia FRANCESCO LOMBARDO e MlRELLA.FANTONI. C'erano quattro damigelle, Sandra Fantoni, Anna Fantoni, Sandra Fantoni eJSandra·Pascarella ed un pagetto, Antonio Pascarella.

I genitori di Francesco e, alcuni parenti sono venuti dall'Italia per il matrimonio. Gli sposi andranno ad, abitare in Sicilia. ( . •

..- . • • • • - . • • Pbtrick:~s St. • International .SchoOI I •

ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURS&S , .' 1'" • • • .AT ALL LEVELS , Mor:-niI19'!nd afternoon classes • • • ~. ' . ~ 24 Grea,t' Chape1 Street"' London"W1V 3AF - tel': 01-734 2156, 01-439 0116 , ~ " _" ,- )- _. " . . I .•

. , • • • • • • • " 24 Autosto

ALFA ROMEO ARNA JOINS BRITISH, RANGE Alfa Romeo's British-market range for 1985 is strengthened with the' arrival of the Alfa Romeo ARNA, a compact family saloon with an introductory price of £4350 which is substantially less than the Alfa 33 1.3 currently the lowest priced, Alfa Romeo. The Arna derives its name from ,. ARNA (Alfa Romeo Nissan Autoveicoli) . " which is the joint-venture company L .. ' formed by Alfa Romeo and Nissan to assemble, in Italy, a car which com­ • bines a Nissan body shell with the classic Alfa Romeo flat-four engine, The car is equipped with a five­ transmission and front suspension speed gearbox, rack-and-pinion first seen in the Alfasud.• steering and low profile 165/70-13 tyres. :,There is a choice of six Bodies for the Arna are assembled at body colours and the Arna will be sold with Alfa Romeo's six-year a new factory at Avellino, east of Naples, from panels supplied from anti-corrosion guarantee and Japan. Final assembly and testing 12 months Alfacover. takes place in Alfa Rameo's Pomi­ • Mr, Rinaldo Hercolani, Execut1ve gliano plant alongside the Alfa 33s ,and Sprints. Chairman of Alfa Romeo (Great Britain) Limited, says: "The , Arna gives our network a product The Arna' 1.2-1itre SL is equipped to extremely competitively priced at a high standard, its specification £4350, and below the cost of many includes such items as tinted glass, of its direct competitors, and halogen headlamps, adjus~able steering_ .. peopll\ ~iU ,be-pleasantly surprised front'~ea~ wheel and headrests, and . at the Arna~s quality as well as split-fold rear seat. the' driving pleasure it offers." It's power' output of 63 bhp, the most powerful engine under 1200 cc on the The Arna was on display at this year's U.K. market, give a good combination Motor Show at, the NEC: Birmingham along of performance and economy with a with the impressive Alfa 90. maximum speed of 93 mph.

FIAT DUCATO STRIKES GOLD A Fiat Ducato Minibus'won the Gold Award for Minibus/Coach conversions • between 12 and 17 seats in the International Coachwork compet1t1on,• • organised by the Institute of British Carriage and Automotive • Manufacturers (IBCAM) in conjunction with the British International Motor Show. , . This is the first time ever that the'­ same combination of manufacturer and conversion company has won the.award at two consecutive Motor Shows - , the same vehicle won this award in - . ' • 1982'. <' •• • . " 25 •

" ... • ·•, , Volette viaggiare tranquilli, puntuali e a • •• • prezzl economic. , • " ' " • • !-a vostra risposta eI'agenzia ita~iana • • MUNDU'SAIR TRAVEL LiD. VOll CHARTER E DrllNEA • A PREZZI RIDOTTlSSIMI • • PER TUTTA l'EUROPA: • • • E lE PRINCIPAll CITTA' ITAllANE MUNOUS AIR TRAVEL LTO • .5 Peter Street • London W1V.3RR Tel: 01·4372272 (Vlclno al mereato Berwick Street. Soho) I Slamo In ollre Agentl per vlaggl !errovlarl In lulla Europa 1 " l'Agen,ia di Collocamento per Alberghi e Ristoranti

R. BISCI EMPLOYMENT----~~-- ---~- LTO. - ~ - -._- - .----'. - ._--

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27 , • • • • 'rena------, , . -.- . • • usicale~~" :::t---

. 'Christmas comes hut once a year••• ' For some voices of the past, HMV have J Ab! The Christmas tree, the crib on the released an album of record1ng.' of the. . ' . .. - window shelf, the smell of the pudding, late and great CLAUDIA MUZIO. these ar~ fine wines, crack of chestnuts, the taken from a particular time, 1934~1935, I crackers, the hangovers, alka seltzers, a year before she died at the early age the panettone and Asti Spumante. I'm one of 46. In this period of her life, her of those that turns into a big softy at performances were fewer and fewer, and my favourite time of the year. The fami ly, she sang with only one lung, though home. Mind you by the time you read this from these recording you would never r shall be in Tauton doing a Christmas know. show but ~ hope to have returned for the Big Day. Her voice was rich and with a certain in­ describable tang. No-soprano, not even This month I thought I would help you by Callas, has sung like this on record. 7he recommending some records that I'm sure puzzle of why we have waited for over --<--- ·anylover of: good"music: would appreciate' fortyyears"for"the' record' doesn 'c:'make rece1v1ng.•• passages like Addio del Passato from La Traviata any the less moving, true or At. the top of my list goes the first heart breaking. No wonder she earned the recitaL album by GHENA DIMITROVA. She title "La Divina Claudia". made her debut at Covent Garden in Sep­ tember in Puccini's Turandot. Her voice Kiri te Kanawa has realeased an album of is that. of a true dramatic soprano. Her FAVOURITE SACRED SONGS. Some people find vocal power'has to be heard be- her stage performances too cool, but • • lieved.• Sh~ must. be one of the most. ex- there is no denying the quality of her voice. On this record she sings panis An­ . citing prospects there is and this record ; gives yo~ some, idea of what I am talking gelicus, Ave Maria, 0 Wings of ~ong'and about. It includes arias from Aida, Mac- Let the Bright Seraphin (the number she beth,• La Gioconda'and,• of course, Turan­ sang in that famous hat at ~he infamous '-. dot. wedding a few years ago!).. Recommended .

, . .' • .~ • .. -/ -, ' , . ' ..•• . One more, the new complete recording of ..'" .' Verdi's MACBETH with Renato Bruson and Maria Zamoieri. Too late to get into it • • • now, but this is a Macbeth to have and

• • Ch~istmas '.' one that would adorn any , ','• . <;,~ ','". • • stocking (including mine, Santa!). .",,' •• ' ,I D1m1trova "". "' Bruson,is the best Macbeth since Gobbi ., ..: " ... L :~:.-' '. ': A Christmas and Zampieri sounds like a young Cossotto. surpr1se• . , '..' Well, must be off. Got to learn my lines. I'm playing an'oii slick in Somerset- the things I do to keep my body and soul together!! See you again in 1985 (already?).

1. Ghena Dimitrova (HMV EL 27-00611) 2. Christmas Stars - Tebaldi, Sutherland, CHRISTMAS STARS - an excellent record of· Price - (Decca .411 867-1) Xmas music. The 'celestial bodies being 3. Claudia Muzio - (HMV EX 29-01633) the three sopranos Tebaldi, Sutherland 4. Sacred Songs - Kiri te ·Kanawa and; Price.. With Ave .Maria, .Silent Night·" (Philips 412 629 lPH) Mille. Cherubini in Coro, this makes a 5. Macbeth - Bruson, Zampieri (Philips wonderful record to play on Christmas 4121331/1). Eve when you can (if possible on Christ­ mas Eve) take a glass of wine or Some­ thing similar and just relax and get in Mario Renzullo the mood ,for the· day. '28 ------::c---' - Heathrow Airport. So we have to look locally for' the 'neighbourhood equivalent • Have for quality, quant~ty and thriftiness. Lead on to the Penang Satay House, Turn­ • • pike Lane's answer to the previous three • You qualities: :: • • The Penang Satay House is small so booking is imperative. Thus nine members of A.I.E. A.C.A. (see first paragraph) enjoyed a Been delicious meal one autumnal evening quite recently. We took with us Yoon, a Malaysian himself, hoping that he would There! guide uS wisely, as wisely he did. We started with mini spring rolls which we elegantly dunked into a sauce. Then onto PENANG SATAY HOUSE, Malaysian and Singa­ the Satay, a type of Eastern kebab:: porean Restaurant; 27 Turnpike Lane, Yoonhadordered a mixture of beef, chicken London N.8. Tel: 01-340 8707 and prawn which proved·to be a popular choice. The Satay was then dipped into I had, been attracted to this restaurant a sauce in which peanuts predominate,very' after reading a glowing review in a local traditional and very tasty:! The Satay Haringey "freebie" newspaper. However, was accompanied by cucumber and pitta before I called together "The Anglo Ita­ bread. All disappeared quickly. Yoon lian Curry and Eastern Appreciation had ordered a variety of main course Society" I thought I'd better try to dishes so that we could get a real taste find out what Ma1aysian cuisine was all of popular Malaysian dishes•. about. Along came Twice Cooked Pork (£2.20); Thus I "read up" via Marika Hanbury-Tenison Sambal Prawns (£4,80); Lemon Chicken (£2) She had once spent, 2! months on Borneo and a Mild Beef Curry (£2.20), together and later was a cook, for an expedition with copious amounts of boiled rice. f to Sarawak. She whetted my apetite when Needless to say all of this was 'devoured she wrote that, Malaysia is one of the most with the usual group enthusiasm. Half of I exciting countries in the world from a the group (who had been in training) • gastronomic point of view because of the decided to give the, coconut pancakes • many varied cuisines that, go to make up with ice cream a try. The pancakes were the national dishes. She went, on to served cold and were green coloured: write that the basic Ma1aysian cuisine ~ __ They were.filled with shavings of is founded on rice, rice and more rice; coconut. The ice cream was British dry fluffy white rice, golden brown fried vanilla:! An unusual sweet: Those rice or thick, glutinous and sticky rice: self sacrificing souls'.who did without: fresh vegetables, a small amount of meat, sweets had coffee. The rest of us were fish or poultry, high seasonings, spices too full. With never ending pots of tea and herbs, rich sauces that often have a or Tiger Beer. The bill came to about sweet and sour taste and a wealth of £8.00 a head and was excellent value: , fruit to end up with. Pickled or fresh vegetables are served at every meal and a I am pleased to hear that the Food Critics standard Ma1aysian style supper will pro­ of "The Standat:d" mi.d '!The Sunday Times" bably (apart from the basic boiled or have both vis{ted the "Penang Satay House" fried rice dish) consist of four or five and written it up. Though .their articles I, other dishes. superceded mine, their visits, ,I am sure, did not!: Being a well-travelled lady, Marika Hanbury-Tenison thinks if you want, to see Talking of silly, Agrifoglio wrote that I and taste the whole range of Malaysian am semi-addicted to Barbara Cartland foods at one time then the place to go is novels in an article a couple of issues one of the open, cooked food markets which back. Wrong again Agri - I've never read suddenly blossom into life when the sun one in my life. Just not my scene I'm goes down in many places like the Orchard afraid. The thought of the authoress' Road Car Park (known also as the Cold silver bouffant hairstyle, plastered Storage Market) in Singapore or Glutton's make-up and all that pink chiffon material Square in Kua1a Lumpur. (Edera and Agri-' has put me off her books. You must be fog1io please note these names'ready for mixing me up with my dear friend and your your expedition south eastwards in early elder sister, Gerri. Just her cup of tea: 1985). Unfortunately those of us lumbered • ! with hefty mortgage repayIDents cannot these days manage't;o travel further than ,La Si gnori na 29 - ~ ~. 0 0 , , 0 . . . ~: . • • •• • •• •• • •• •• •• :_-".- •• • ',' -~~~--- • ,• • .~--- ,,-0 -

-~------~-~---~- ~ ~--~-~~~

~ Cinema 0 0 •• •• 0 •••••••• . - '.. . ' •• • • ••••••••••• • , With t~e 28th Lond~n'F~lm ~es~iva1 ~ur~n? 'were ovet:stretched, especially. ·the moun- • . ". , • November and December .there is·a 10t,~0 ta1n• -scene.• . • ~- '" '.' ,,. • wri~e.about this month: so· let me~not . ." - 1 waste~ another word ~ of iritr'6duction.~ RO,si said, that having 1ived"with Carmen , ~ , ' for two years 'he had naturally fa11en·'in • For Eder~'s sake, ~bFie~.mention and a love with her, (the character that is). picture of THE NATURAL' starring Robert If that is the case then love must have , . , Redford as Ray Hobbs • Robert Duva1 blinded him.when he made the choice of • plays a leading sports journalist and Ju1ia ~Migenes-Jones as tne lead role with G1enn Close as Hobbs' childhood sweet~ whom he is still content •.. • heart. It is an easy-g~;ng"but never­ theless enjoyable, film:of the American She was vocally outclassed by' those version of Roy 9f. the Rovers. with base- around her and, a1thoug~ ~she conveyed ball, -rather than· soccer, being the physical eroticism, her face and charac­ central sport. Redford manages to span ter lacked. the necessary mysterious from a lad in his late, teens to a man in charm and beauty. Placido Domingo (Don his thirties. Possibly not Redford's Jose') who deserts the army for.his love most memorable film, but certainly of Carmen, sang well, but couldn't be • ·not:!!.~Ilg t.o. b~ '!sllilmed ,of•. ~ ~b1amed.~for-not .looking-entirely__ convinced_ of Carmen's attraction. Faith Esham, Micaela, (Jose's childhood sweetheart) embarrassingly outsang Migenes-Jon~s. Neither can I fault the singing or acting of the Toreodor, Escami1lo (Ruggero Robert Raimondi). Redford Apar~ from questioning some of the sing­ ing and acting my other complaint must be aimed at director, Francesco ·Rosi. \ He laid great; stress on bringing out the character of the Spanish temperament and environment and yet failed to do so. ,'-:"" ...... ,; Rosi, unfortunately, used little imagi­ nation in his camera work and, rather For those non-sport enthusiasts, don't than taking the bull by the horns, he be' put off by the baseball. That's all lacked the courage of his convictions and an excuse for pleasantly predictable, remained middle of the• road. uncontroversial, violent1ess, family entertainment. Just one thing - our The only comparison I can make of CARMEN 'News From Italy' correspondent made an is with Zeffirel1i's LA TRAVIATA. interesting point that I, too, can't , ~ ~. . ' Another opera wh~ch I had never heard • understand ; the PG rating. or seen in its entirety. Howe~er, the latter was visually captivating which is Next was another in the 1ine.of filmed • so essential in cinema. The acting was ~ . ~ • •, operas:, .,CARMEN. This much' used and credible, the length correct, the music • • abused work has recently been the subject at the correct pace. Unfortunately, ~n of interpretation both on the • ~ . various degrees, CARMEN lacked these , large and small screen. Let us 'hope qualities especially Lorin Maazel's that Francesco Rosi's adaptation has omittance of any fire and pace in the • finally laid it to rest. mUS1C. Signor Rosi (CRISTO SI E' FERMATO A Francesco Rosi also commented during his EBOLI) said in'his interview after the interview that one can never achieve .preview, which I. attended, that he feels perfection, but that he had got as close one. should approach' tliis subject not to it as he could with CARMEN. Frankly, with the view of filming an opera, for' it wasn't close enough. that would.beimpossible, but treating a "film scored by the music' of .Sydney Schanberg said, after;the view­ . Bizet". Well then r would question why ing of KlLL~GFIELDS, that ~t was prob­ he allowed 'the film. to trundle on for ably the first time that a western film 'company had focused attention on the an extra uncomfortable.. , 35. minutes~ , if it • wasn" t to accommodate Bizet's music. Cambodian natives themselves as• indi- I As a consequence,' som~of the scenes vidual people and riot just.abstract 30' ---' ------,--..,.-,----",--::::-c---,-----,-,--_=;:::_ -'-

images'for other political gains ­ ~.~ ,Seeing the he's right. f- reality • , , tnat lay Whatever may have from behind-- . the the publicity surrounding it, KILLING ~ J"'"' politics FIELDS is not-an APOCALYPSE NOW-about flJli and cine- Americans destroying masses of people rl§!R < ~41~tic myth- or the psychological and emotional I "l~ology, KILL­ problems facing them when COMING HOME. ;. \ 'R:. - ".ING FIELDS .... ~~ is not a " ".", The film began some years ago when David political "Chariots" Putt:"am picked up the true ~, film. It storY,based on Sydney H. Schanberg's ~~~is as P~t- articles in the New York Times, especial­ , 'tnam sa1d ly one item called "The Death and Life "a film about,friendship". of Dith Pran" • This divided into two Pran (above)- never once:hesita~ed in distinct parts firstly Pran's loyalty putting his life on the ~in~,for'the man to his friend up to the time the Khmer he served. His love and selflessness was , Rouge entered Phnom Penh and secondly a lesson for all. , • • his experience. when ,being held and then The axis came from the unprofessional . " escap1ng from the Cambodian Communists. Dr. Haing S. Ngor, a man whose personal life paralelled those of Pran himself. Puttman obtained 'the services of Roland How he stuck by a journalist to whom he Joffe in his first film as director. owed nothing and then, when captured, Bruce Robinson supplied the words and never once resorted to violence but was Mike Oldfield the main body of music. ever gentle and patient, despite all the This modest $l5m film was sponsored en­ carnage he had seen. tirely by British funds and Sam Waterson • (Sydney Schanberg) was th~ only dominant There may be pitfalls in praising KILLING American. FIELDS., Most, of you may expect a DEER HUNTER spectacle and wonder what the fuss Roland Joffe believed the British element was all about. The lack of documentary was important. "It gave us an opening~ ,. background focuses even more intently the It is difficult for Americans to be comf­ central theme of this story. "A film ortable with the South-East Asia experi- about friendship" and a caring man's ence."Tb"e1r task was not to JU'dge will to live. either side in 'the conflict, but, "of Agrifoglio- Bosco


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32 -~------~---::-

and "The Deportees Club", Elvis luxuriated J in heartsongs "Love Field","The Only Flame In Town". and a genu1ne..tear Jerker "AI"1son." The list goes on and on, and that's just J what h~ did, infact the music lasted for , almost-,three hours, including a couple of • encores of 20 minutes each when the greatest living Englishman played solo ­ just Elv n' his six string.

The remarkable thing was that~once he'd stopped his marathon stint, and the lights went up there he was: conspicuous by his ~ ~ absence and silence. A huge void unfillable *-). by almost any other individual musician. On the way home, it didn't matter how loud 1 turned up the volume of the car usic Scene cassette, the recorded version was invar­ iably tame by comparison to the man on stage yielding up his passoin and ego to He strolled onto the large stage and im~ the hungry crowd. mediately encouraged the seated audience " to get up and come down to the front of 1 mentioned in passing Costello's album, the stage. "This' is not a church meeting, but it was not the only LP to be released this is a rock and roll show. This is by him this year. Costellophiles will be real life ••• not showbusiness". Who, but gladenned to learn that a whole pile of Elvis Costello could thumb his nose 'at rarities (eg, 'B' sides, American singles, the hand that feeds him with a consist­ deleted tracks) have been tacked together ently aggresive display of self-righteo~ to form the rather splendidly titled'''LO usness? Here he was, at the Dominion Bloody Marys And 10 Hows Your Fathers". Theatre, dedicating "Worthless Thing" to Tacked together, they unfortunately are, the pop music industry, here he was, , / for it seems to leap from one phase of • declaring a startling indictment on the Elvis' career to another and back, string­ (abuse of ) power of the media with "Pil~s ing together in the process such diverse and Soap", here he was decimating Western songs as "Watching 'The Detectives","Stran­ politics with the, crushing sarcasm of gel' In The House" and a moody version of . "Peace, In Our Time" subtly altering the "Clowntime Is Over". ~ That quibble aside, lyrics to stay ,?ne 'step ahead: 'There's·. the album is a goldmine: o£ particular note already one spacem~n in The Whitehouse/ are "Radio,Radio" and "Just A Memory". Buy What~ d',you want ,the same one again for'. now - definitely Christmas stocking , material! Xhis.was not, indeed, showbusiness. This 'ludi Strambe11 a was brood and sweat. I swear, the energy . " - that man uses in each performance would ""',.. , , " .. '.." '. < -' - - light Aberdeen for a week! Unlike last .. , ~, year's dance~all tour, which featured the TKO horns, Elvis is playing this year in t , ' more·conventional auditoriums and with I ~ , just The Attract~ons to back him. 1 say .' , I 'just' in the comparative sense and not f ~ , I as a term of criticism••• they followed , • l ", • his every mood move with incredible , • -I precision: when he was laid back, they , .~ I, were loose and when he was tight they . i • •, 1 they wound up like an elastic~ band:'..but, , ~~" \ t, my, what a band! ,• ;\ 1 • • • j As one would expect from Costello, the , songs were a broad selection from his own varied selection (he really is spoilt for choice) as well as some covers plucked out of the -decades past. As well as rockers like "Every Day I Write The Book" and from his last album,('Goodbye Cruel World', • released earlier 'this year) some real

~, firecrackers like "Sour Milk, Cow 'Blues" > ! . ' . ~ - I 33 s, . ortlight

'Richard.• 'Evans• writes, •..

, Those who read the Daily ,Mail will be potential. A magic wand was waved and much. more familiar with the whole sorry within weeks the girl was transported saga of Zola Budd than y~ur correspondent. half way acro~s the world, set '~p in an As I understand the position she will expensive house and was running for a now live in South Africa but run compe­ club in Aldershot with Olympic Gold shin­ titively only in this country - which is ing in her eyes. Every time she'raced very nice of her. she was whisked away by bodyguards, just in case she should have the misfortune It's rare indeed for the wife and I to to come into contact with any of her converse on.matters perta1n1ng• • to sport, fellow competitors or the Great British but this issue has proved the exception public. to the rule. It all began before the Olympics when the AAA Championships were Of course there was massive media atten­ tion and the pressure on ,the girl was so being screened on TV. I could be heard • shouting for the English girl which immense that perhaps it is hardly surpri- 'prompted"Mrs~cE.. to spring"to"Zola -sing"she-:seems--now-to--have--had"enough' of' Budd's defence - a stance she has been this carnival. But if one accept~the taking ever since. benefit of running in the supreme con­ test one must pay the price of all that In Los Angeles it was the one race which goes with it. . I wanted an American to win (the fact that Ms. Decker was more attractive is perhaps On reflection, however, perhaps my inbuilt both an unfair and chauvinistic reason), hostility would have been better directed , . ' but I ask you, how could anyone really at all those parties who allowed such ~ ",. • regard Budd as truly representing Great situation to develop. The newspaper con­ , Britain? One felt sorry .for her over the tract, including a diary during the Olym­ , "tripping" incident with· the.favourite pics and the house, must all have been whose post-race behaviour left a lot to irresistable'to a young girl especially if be desired•. I must say,' however, there there was .parental encouragement and was rough justice when 'the G.B. medal in support. In my view the girl should'have ~he race was.~on, instead, by one of our been protected ·and the worse thing of all nat1ve• runners. was asking her at a tender age to give up her home country and become ~ British citizen. How can the speed wit~ ~hich this nationalization procedure was carried .' • • through ever be justified? How could the poor girl have had sufficient time to South Africa make up. her mind properly where she wan­ or Britain, ted to live? Are we that desperate for Miss Budd? a Gold Medal? Would anyone else with the same ,background but not the same talent . ' , ,• have been nationalised so quickly? •

I accept we are a cosmopolitan country and that, in time, numerous people may qualify. to minor play for England, but as with Allan, Lamb in cricke~, strict residential requirements must be compiled with, otherwise the whole concept of a • person representing their coun~ry will be reduced to the level of farce. But .how did a~l th,ese Olympic hopes deye­ lop? Well, one day there was a young 17 year old South African .girl under the 'Perhaps.,rather ·than develop his squad by ·strong influence. of her father who was no~ma~ methods, Bobby Robson should really showing a prodigious talent, but there be trying to get and Karl ' , .. her~~ome.'. was a ban on country wh1ch pre- Heinz Rummenigge nationalised before the • v~nted her from realising her full 1986 WOi;ld Cup. ,• 34 - ,, On the subject of football, at long last England do seem to be fulfilling their ItaIsport '84••• potential as evidenced by that marvellous 8-0 away win in Turkey. I have always • FRANCESCO MOSER announced that he felt that we perform best at international will compete in the Tour of France ne~t level when we play to a 4-3-3 system and year, ten years after hi!! first and only with a world class midfield the side must previous performance. The Italian vete­ now be considered-a major force to be ran set the new world one-hour, record reckoned with. in Mexico and won the Tour of Italy this season. • FIFA has closed its inquiry into allegations that representatives of Italy's 1982 World Cup winning squad Rummenigge ­ paid Cameroun to fix a match during the finals in Spain. FIFA said' its in­ Playing for England in '86 vestigations "produced 1)0 evidence to • substantiate allegations that the Ita­ 1ians'had bribed Cameroun to ensure the 1-1 draw".

• EX-INTERNATIONAL, Roberto Bettega, was seriously injured in a car crash on the Turin-Milan motorway.

• TIlE, MAYOR of Brindisi has been put under house arrest after the discovery There is, however, a blot on the horizon­ that he gave an unauthorised 186 million .war which is currently raging between lire to the local third division football Southampton's Mark Wright, Steve Wi11iams club for ground improvements. and their 'Panager Lawrie McMenemy. As regular 'readers of this column will know, • ITALY'S AZZURRA syndicate are pre­ there is no greater fan of Big Lawrie than pared to spend E7 million on their 1986­ yours truly. By the same token I have 87 America's Cup challenge according to long been advocating the case for an old the group's managing director, Riccardo fashioned wing-half to play for England Bonadeo, . I (Williams) and a skillful central defen­ I I der (Wright). .ORLANDO PIZZOLATO, a 26 year old student from Vicenza, raced from anony­ Let us hope all parties dust themselves mity to beat the 18,365 field in the r down and settle their differences for the. New York City marathon. good of both Southampton and England. • CHINA won all but the men's doubles • title at the 11th Italian Table Tennis Merry Christmas and a prosperous (Broomy Open Tournament held in Venice. A Bank for the 1985 Grand National) New Swedish pair prevented a Chinese clean Year to you all. sweep.

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, ';~t~nglo Italian Football, . ' "eague... ' .~~.. ".'- .'~ . .. . Belg~um. ~~. .. LEAGUE TABtES/ClASSIFICA,AS AT 11/11/84 A total of 8 teams took,part , t>~ _. • ,-' ,t;h~';competition" and they came from Spa1n, ;' DIVISION 1 Pt G vi> PFS _H~~!an?, ~taly, Switzerlano, H~ngary; and , . ' , .. PtP WL D'F A wh~ -, , , Belgium, were represented by two , , • ' . - • , • , CARNEVALE: • 0 'teams,> ,one from the French'speaking part , 13 7 6 1 35 3 of 'Belgium, and ,the other 'from the 'F~e­ - • • ITALIA WASTEELS ~ish • 7 5 3 I' 1 19 10 .speaking part of the country. The PILGRIM, AIR' Anglo I'talian Football League had been 6 5 2 1 2 13 8 invited to represent England • • ' , ARTIZAN ,GIEFFE.. 6 6 2 2 2, 14 12 • The Anglo Italian League team consisted JUVENTUS WOKING 6 ·6 '2 2 2 19 22 • • • • mainly of ,play!!rs taken.from the ~econd • • A.C. NAPOLI " 4 ·4 1 ·1 2 7 8 division, none, of whom nad ever competed in this sort of'S ~ side competition be­ F.C., VALTARO, • 2 5 1 4. 0 '10 11. , fore. The 'sort of football which '~as to , , C. 1. L.S.E. INAS 0 6 0 6 0 3 46 be played in this tournament consist;ed of , S a side indoor football, 25 minutes , DIVISION 2 Pt GVPP FS each way, played under UEFA rules~ Each , , • ,Pt PWLD FA team was allowed a squad of eleyen ',' .. - - .. - .. , - .. ... players'; all'of-'whomcould-play~during A.F.I.N.S: '8 4 -4 0 0 14 2 the course of a game, by means of what ST.PETERS 'YC 5 3 2 -0 1 20 2 is known in this type of tournament as 'flying substitutes': • GARFAGNANA, 5 4 2 1 1 16 6 MAZZINI 'GARI. 4 4 2 2 0 11 17 The teams were accomodated at a school - STIMM. WILLS. 3 5 0 2 3 7 12 just a few miles outside Aarschot, the , Anglo Italian Team being housed right F.C. INTER 1 6 0 5 1 9 38 next door to the Italian team. This of course lead to instant friendship!; be­ Linea Italica Ltd., Sportsmanship CUR tween the rival players. Division 1 , The team manager and coach, R.Nante had • CARNEVALE ..• 8.25 warned his young team that with the sort of experienced-opposition that awaited ITALIA WASTEELS 8.40 them, they sho~ld not have any illu­ i sions about going out and winning any of PILGRIM AIR 8.16 , , , the games. Instead he tried to impress ARTIZAN GIEFFE 8.71 on the team that they were to go out and , enjoy themselves, and at the same time JUVENTUS WOKING - 8.16 learn from the experience. , , ' A.C. NAPOl:i- 8.33: • • , The team went 9ut to. prove hi~ wrong, F.C. VALTARO 8.33 and so they did. As the results below , • • C.1.L.S.E. INAS 8.00 show, they actually won one game, and • • • • , managed to do extremely well, finishing Divlsion, 2 , above 'both Italy and Switzerland. A.F.1.N.S. 8.60 For a team of such little e~perience of ST.PETERS YC 9.00 this type of tournament, it was ·a great ~ GARF.AGNANA joy to see them as well as they ac- - -, .~--~ ~ 6.85 40 -- ,·~tuaHy-di:d-:"Well-done~A':I·:F':'I;~·~-~-'-·.------. MAZZINI GARI. • 8.33 • • PLACINGS:Win~ers~Be~gium(Flemish); STIMM. WILLS. 9.00 FINAL RunnersUp-Hungary; 3rd-Belgium(French); F.C. ,INTER 7:85 4th-Spain; 5th-Holland; 6th A.I.F'.L.; 7th-Italy; 8th ~witzerland. ANGLO 'ITALIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE REPRESENT Sportsmanship Trophy awarded to 'Spain. Most, Popular Team.Trophy'awarded to Italy. - 'CocaCola Trophy for most -remarkable team n r . awarded to Anglo Italian Football League. The Anglo Italian Football League were ANGLO ITALITAN F.L. TEAM AS FOLLOWS­ invited to take part in this years Ju­ R.Sharon;A.Buffolino;S.Ciangola;A.Kappock; F.Cardinale;D.ScognamilioJR.Mar~hesi;G. nior EurpPean S a Side Championships • which this year were stage 'in Aarschot, :Mariario;G~pellice;N.Cenriamo;F.DelraMalva. , 36 - ,

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37 '------_. ---- • • , ·ASSOCIAZIONEFAMIGLIE.ITALIANE. _. '. . NEW SOUTHGATE., 'wishes Fratelli Fr.arychi a 'Happy Christmas

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> • &Golden New Year from the Golden 'Girls O.G.1. 1984 •

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" Elencati troverete 48 parole natalizie. Tocca localizzarle: per ai'utarvi abbiamo " gia' segnalato due parole. Vedrete che le paroie potranno essere scritte dall'alto verso il basso 0 dal basso verso l'alto, da destra verso sinistra 0 vice versa. , BUON LAVOROl

ABETE . CANDELE FAMIGLIA MIRRA PANETTONE SLITTA ALBERO CANDITt FESTE MUSCHIO PASTORE SPUMANTE ANGELI CENONE FICHI NATIVITA' PECORE, STELLA ,/ ASINELLO COMETA GIOCATTOLO NEVE PIFFERI STRENNA BABBO NATALE CULLA GROTTA NOCI PRANZO TORRONE BETLEMME DATTERt INCENSO OROV'" PRESEPE, VACANZE BUE DECORAZIONI MAGI OVATTA REGALO VISITE CAMMELLI DONO MEZZANOTTE PAGLIA RENNE ZAMPOGNE • EROCEPStTTONAZZEMEI INOIZAROCEDETEBAISR • ASTRENNAILGAPASTORE • TNL I HC I FNORE BLATLET I C G I E A C 0 AZ S BAN E 0 0 G T VCUETCTRSEOSEB AA IAOLLTRTRNIVETOGTLO TADNLIAPANETTONEAOE Christmas, or Christ Mass, is ASPUMANTEVLCIOELCNZ when we celebrate the birth of N{S T E'l L A)L EE0MN0CA0EN Jesus Christ. It was 'originally celebrated on January 6th, but CEZZILLEMMACAINRIUA in the fourth century A.D. the , tESTEOEMNGONODRAGBC date of Christmas Day was changed I to December 25th. This was' a ALPIFFERINLCEOORCAA good time for the newly converted PASZAMPOGNELTET ISIV heathens to celebrate Christ's birth, for the day marked the , SAILGIMAFAEROIHCSUM winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, and was a day on which many pagan gods were honoured. Presents have always been given at Christmas: before Christian­ , ity came, offerings, were made to heathen gods on December 25th. In the Bible story of the nati­

vity, the, three'.,Kings brought gifts to the infant Christ. 39 i

• , I .,I

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PRIVATE CHAPEL OFREST , Head Office: also at: • 45I..ambs Conduit St.,WC1 41 Monmouth St.,WC2 Tel:405 4901 14 Watford Way,l~V4 '405 2094 ·166 Caledonian Rd .• N1 41 • - ,.;. . Ric:etta ,Reci' , ,. • PANFORTE• PER NATALE PANFORTE FOR CHRISTMAS •

Ingredienti Ingredients • • 100 gr,mandorle 40z almonds 50 gr nqcciole . 20z hazelnuts (!lb with shells) 1 cucchiaio scarso di cacao in polvere 1 level dessertspoon cocoa

, ! cucchiamo cannella in polvere ! teaspoon ground cinnamon ! cucchiaio spezie ! teaspoon mixed spice ,, 75 gr farina J oz plain flour • 175 gr scorza d'arancio, cedro, 'limone 60z carton mixed peel condita 50z sugar 125 gr zucchero 5 tablespoons honey 5 cucchiai di miele 1 tablespoon icing sugar) for topping 1 cucchiaio zucchero a velo e • ! teaspoon cinnamon ) ! cucchiaino cannella in polvere

Metodo Method Scottate nell'acqua in ebollizione le Blanch the almonds and hazelnuts in mandorle e le nocciole. boiling water. Peel them and place in 0 o Pelatele e mettetele in forno 190 /No. 5 preheated oven 190 /No.5 for about 5 • • per circa 5 minuti. Trittatele. m~nutes. Coarsely chop them.

Tagliate la frutta candita. Mix the almonds, nuts, chopped mixed Unite le maridorle, le nocciole, la peel, cocoa,, flour mixed spice and cinna- frutta candita, il cacao, la farina, mon·together. le'spezie e la cannella. -Put the sugar and honey in a heavy sauce­ Mescolate tutto quanto per bene. 'pan. • In una pentolina pesante mettete 10 Cook over a moderate heat, stirring con­ zucchero ed il miele. tinuously with a wooden spoon until a Mettetela sul fuoco moderato - sempre little of the mixture forms a ball when mescolando con un cucchiaio di legno. dropped into a cup of cold water (about Lasciatela fino a quando versando un 10 minutes). pocchino del composto in una tazza di Remove from heat and add to the nut ~cqua fredda si formera' tina pallina . mixture and mix together. dura (circa 10 minuti) • • , . Versatelo nel centro della frutta,, . Turn into an 8" flan ring which has been incorporatelo perfettamente. lined ,with,non• • stick• .parchment paper. Mettete il composto in una, tortiera di To spread the mixture evenly use your 20cm 'che avete foderato' ,di ostie. fingers which have been dipped in flour. " . 0 Per poter stendere bene il composto Bake in oven. 150, /No. 2 for 30 minutes. infarinate le marii. Allow to cool. Remove paper•. 0• Cuccinatelo in forno 150 /No.2 per 30 Cover the top with icing sugar and • • m~nut~. c~nnamon.•

• Lasciatelo raffredare~ , , And a Merry Christmas to you all. Spolverizzate il panforte con 10 zucchero a velo e cannella.

i 'MRS. M.G. 42 --- - ~ Calendario , Prossimi Avvenimenti Della Comunita Dicembre

SABATO 22 • O.A.P. PARTY, Casa S.V. Pallotti DOMENICA 23 KlDDIES' PARTY, Casa S.V. Pallotti


LUNEDI' 31 - i\SSOC. AMICI 01 CASANOVA, Cena e Ballo, Cafe Royal : ,, - ASSOC. AMICI 01 CASANOVA, Dinner & Disco, Cafe Royal - TRE VENEZIE. Dinner & Dance, Portman Hotel (I'\~m al Churchill Hotel) 1 • " - ST. PETER'S SOCIAL CLUB, Dinner & Dance, Mount Royal Hotel - ASSOC. SANTA FRANCA, Criterion Hotel, Dinner & Dance - CLUB ITALIA, Dinner & Disco, 20 Brixton Road - MAZZINI-GARIBALDI CLUB, Dinner & Dance, Cafe Royal

Gennaio , martedi' 8 V.S. LADIES' COMMITTEE, Bingo 800, Club Italia, Brixton Road , • sabato 12 FESTA DEGLI ALP 1Nl ! •, sabato 19 V.S. LADIES' COMMITTEE, Supper Party, 7.30, Club Italia martedi 22 V.S. LADIES' COM1lITTEE, Meal at Topo Gigio Restaurant followed by Teatro Febbraio

sabato 23 ITALIAN HOSPITAL BALL, Grosvenor House Hotel


Padre Gonella della Missione Cattolica Italiana di Enfield e ' stato nominato recentemente Monsignore.


Una diecina di giovani veneti, appartenenti al Circolo Veneto, Scuola di" San Marco in Albion, trascorreranno dal 16 al 23 dicembre una settimana ospiti della regione e della Associazione Padovani nel Mondo. • , • •, Questo viaggio fa parte dei scambi culturali ai sensi della legge regionale. , Auguriamo buonviaggio e tante buone esperienze a questi nostri giovani. ,'. 43 ·, Q- • ,! i I < , ~ ~

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