Cultural and Linguistic Communication



1M.Si, Universitas Mercu Buana, West Jakarta, Corresponding author: Riswandi; e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract In addition, the 2019 election was relatively The issues of multiculturalism and subculture are different compared to the previous elections, developing in the events of the Indonesian elections in 2019 since in this election frictions occurred based on such as or equality in the fields of law, social, religion, ethnicity, culture, gender, regionalism, political, and cultural, human rights, honesty, justice, political choice, and unfair legal enforcement, so that psychological factors, and political choices. people tend to split. The problem of this research is related These frictions did not only hit the grassroots to the cultural perceptions of the Jakarta multicultural community, but they also hit the elite groups, community towards the events of the 2019 election. The case studied was the 2019 election and the primary data including the political party elites. was obtained through interviews with 8 informants from Some indications prove that there already were the Javanese, Sundanese, Bugis, Chinese, Batak and Betawi conflicts in the society by the appearance of some subcultures. Data were analysed using the Miles and terms in the mainstream media and social media Huberman models which included data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing / verification. The results that seem to represent the two camps of two showed that the cultural perceptions of the Jakarta presidential / vice presidential in the 2019 elections multicultural community were based on subcultural such as "religious detractors", "Cebong versus perceptions, in which the Javanese, Batak and Chinese subcultures tended to support Jokowi-Maruf Amin, while kampret", "mukidi", "chubby face", "sontoloyo", the Sunda, Betawi, and Bugis subcultures tended to genderuwo ". According to Saeful Mujani Research support Prabowo-Sandiaga. Non-verbal behaviour of & Consulting (SMRC), Saidiman Ahmad, terms subcultural members regarding the 2019 elections was oriented towards the Dominant Culture or Indonesian like this can divide the nation. In addition, much National Culture as part of Eastern Culture, and it was also information circulating in the community as seen influenced by their family background, profession and on social media, contains lies / "hoaxes". Social personal character. symptoms and terms like this have never appeared Keywords: cross cultural communication, cultural values, cultural perceptions, subculture. in previous elections in Indonesia. The Prabowo - Sandiaga camp stated that the 2019 election was considered dishonest and unfair 1. INTRODUCTION in the eyes of the law, so they sued Jokowi - Ma'ruf Amin’s victory, even though the lawsuit was In the 2019 general election in Indonesia the finally rejected by the Constitutional Court Judges. public discussed multiculturalism and The issues of injustice and dishonesty in the subcultural issues, namely democracy and electoral process apparently overlap with other equality in the legal, social, political and cultural issues related to subculture and multiculturalism, fields, human rights issues, honesty, justice, and also raising the demands and aspirations of the issue of law enforcement that is still "sharply marginalized groups such as lesbian, gay, down blunt upwards." These problems arise bisexual, and transgender people, as well as because the Indonesian people are factually a group, regional or tribal aspirations. The fact also pluralistic society, while some of the community shows that there are a number of areas where groups, including the participants in the 2019 Prabowo - Sandiaga had absolute wins such as election, feel that the has not Aceh, Riau, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, DKI, accommodated their aspirations. Banten, West, and West Nusa Tenggara, while

292 Volume 9 • Issue 4, October / December 2019 • MULTICULTURALISM AND SUBCULTURE IN 2019 INDONESIAN GENERAL ELECTIONS on the other hand, Jokowi - Ma'ruf Amin recorded the history of the entry of major religions to the a total win in Central Java, , East Nusa land of Java, ranging from Hinduism, Buddhism, Tenggara (NTT), and Papua. Christianity, and Islam all turned out to be well received by local residents at that time 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (BERNADETTE, 2013). So, even though Javanese culture is not monolithic or not homogeneous, Javanese culture is considered the dominant The method of this research is descriptive culture, and coincidentally the Javanese people with the technique of collecting data through are the most numerous in Indonesia. interviews and observations of 8 key informants MULYANA & RAKHMAT (2005) suggest of the residents of Jakarta who have different socio-cultural elements that are part of cultural backgrounds (subcultures), namely from intercultural communication as follows: the Javanese ethnic group (2 people); Batak (1); 1. Perception Sunda (1); Bugis (1); Betawi (1); and Chinese (2). Perception is an internal process that we do The criteria or characteristics of key informants to select, evaluate and organize stimuli from the are as follows: external environment. There are some socio- 1. Know about the 2019 election cultural elements that have a large and direct 2. Above 30 years old influence on the meanings we build in perception, 3. Residing in Jakarta namely: a) Belief system; b) value; attitude; c) Data were analysed using the interactive Worldview; d) Social organization (MULYANA models Miles and Huberman, which stated that & RAKHMAT, 2005). there was an interactive nature between data or 2. Verbal Processes data collection and data analysis including data 3. Nonverbal processes reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing There are three aspects of nonverbal processes / verification (Sugiyono: 2009). that are relevant to intercultural communication, namely: a) Nonverbal behaviour; (touch; 3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE handshake; eye contact); b) Time Concept; c). Use of space The areas mentioned are subcultures referring IRHANDAYANINGSIH (2012) found cases to the dichotomy of SAMOVAR et al., (2010), such as minority religious sects that did not while the dominant culture is the Indonesian obtain equality recognition from the majority national culture, , religious group to which they were affiliated. clothing, and so on. Likewise, other sub-cultures that still operate In Indonesia, the dominant culture refers to underground, exist but do not dare to present the national culture (for example, Indonesian themselves because of the fear of the social language), while the subcultures refer to regional consequences of the majority cultural groups, cultures such as Aceh, Malay, Minang, Batak, such as gays, lesbians, and atheist groups. Betawi, Chinese, Sundanese, Balinese, Sasak, MUKMIN (2016) states that the developing Dayak, Maluku, Bugis, and so on. If Indonesian liberal democracy in Indonesia today is apparently is referred to as the dominant culture, then understood differently by people who have cultural, regional languages, such as Acehnese, Batak ethnic, and religious diversity because it is given language, Malay, Sundanese and so on are through state-centric mechanisms. Local-based referred to as subcultural cultures. democracy exists to provide a great opportunity for In a political context, there is a kind of public every citizen who has different identities to show perception that "the president must be Javanese", their existence in state life. On the other hand, the and this can be considered an indication of the state has the right to provide political goods and dominant culture, even though there are no they facilitate the needs of people who have different written provisions in the constitution (the 1945 identities. IRHANDAYANINGSIH (2012) found Constitution). For some people, Javanese culture cases such as minority religious sects that did not is seen as strong and 'elastic'. The proof is that obtain equality recognition from the majority

International Journal of Communication Research 293 RISWANDI, MORISSAN, Dan SOFIA AUNUL religious group to which they were affiliated. names of legislative candidates (although the Likewise, other sub-cultures that still operate latter are not all exactly known). This is said underground, exist but do not dare to present among others by the following sources: themselves because of the fear of the social "I know and pay attention to the name of the consequences of the majority cultural groups, such 01 presidential and vice-presidential candidate, as gays and lesbians, and atheist groups. namely Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin and Vice President A research conducted in Surakarta found a / Vice-President 02, namely - change in knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of . I get this info from mainstream Surakarta youth as a result of exposure to media such as television, as well as social media. multiculturalism issues in social media contents. In fact, I also know and pay attention to the The impact of exposure to the issue of characteristics of these two partners, namely if multiculturalism also depends on the initial Jokowi is thin, speaks quietly, incumbents, then conditions and personality characteristics of the Prabowo is well-built, passionate, firm and youth (RIYANTO, 2019). nominates three times as presidential candidate Considering that conflict may emerge in a ... My candidates know from the media, from multicultural society, NUGROHO (2013) argues neighbors, and there is someone I know directly that to minimize the possibility of horizontal (Interview with Ombun Suryono Sidauruk / conflict in Indonesia, there should be efforts to Batak, Monday April 22 2019 and Mulyanto / revitalize and implement the philosophy of Chinese, Saturday, May 4, 2019). multiculturalism in national and state life, because this philosophy is considered capable of Other speakers said the same thing about their accommodating differences and attitudes of attention and knowledge regarding the figures of tolerance among plural citizens, without having presidential and vice-presidential candidates 01 to lose cultural identity of each entity. and 02, as well as legislative candidates: The philosophy of multiculturalism needs to be revitalized by strengthening the political role "The presidential candidate 01 has a simple of the people before the state, civilizing public character, a former mayor of Solo, likes to be discussion when the process of making and blunt, his image is good, and his style of speech determining policies, optimizing the role and is rather slow, while the presidential candidate function of local institutions as instruments of 02 is disciplined because his background is conflict resolution and the state must be able to military, Soeharto's daughter-in-law, brave, be a catalyst in giving a balanced role of political emotional, like if there is a problem ... DKI economy to each ethnicity and culture. Thus, Jakarta DPRD I know H. Taufik from Gerindra, hopes for the establishment of social others only know at a glance, Rano Karno from harmonization will possibly be realized, friction PDIP Banten, H. Abdullah from Nasdem that leads to horizontal conflict can be prevented (Interview with Dedi Damhudi / Sunda, and non-violent politics can be put forward, so Tuesday, April 23, 2019 and Bondan / Java, that national disintegration can be avoided Tuesday, April 23 2019). (HELMIATY, 2013; KUMBARA & ANOM, 2009). Regarding the program or vision socialized by 4. RESULTS the Presidential Candidates 01 and 02 there was an interesting finding. The Chinese ethnic informant knew more about the Presidential A. Attention and Knowledge of the Subculture Candidate 01 program than the Presidential Society towards the Candidates / Vice-Presidents Candidate 02 program / vision, as they said, Based on interviews with informants at "Program 01 is KJP, infrastructure, Healthy different times and places, all informants know Cards, while program 02 I don’t remember their and pay attention to information about the names program”(Interview with Mulyanto / Tionghoa, and figures of the presidential / vice-presidential Saturday, May 4, 2019 and Puspita Hanny / candidates in the 2019 election, as well as the Chinese, Saturday, May 4, 2019).


Based on the sensations and attention of the of the phenomenon of the 2019 ? informant about the presidential and Puspita answers as follows vice‑presidential candidates 01 and 02 and "Yes, there is an effect, in my opinion, legislative candidates. when I first saw Ma'ruf Amin as "My perception of the presidential candidate Vice‑President 01, he was wearing a sarong 01 is clean, honest, populist, family background and all kinds of things, it was normal from is not problematic, while my perception of his own culture. I then thought and raised a presidential candidate 02 is persistent, resilient, question in my heart, Why should Ma'ruf never giving up, cool or at least wanting to Amin be dressed like that, while other portray himself like that (interview with Ombun people are dressed well. But this is from the Sidauruk, Monday, April 22, 2019) ... "My cultural thinking that I adhere to ... not from perception of the presidential candidate 01 was the culture of Ma'ruf Amin. Another an experienced president because now as a example, I am with my friend from Jambi, I incumbent, so knowing the ins and outs of dress as usual, but my friend always wears governance in the presidential environment, a sarong, there is a purpose, and I agree while my perception of Presidential Candidate because it is his habit and his experience is 02 was disciplined, courageous to make like that (Puspita Hanny, Ibid). decisions, not easily controlled, tended to be authoritarian , and sometimes this country Mulyanto and Puspita Hanny then explained really needs people who are authoritarian or the true values ​​of Chinese culture as follows: strong people”(interview with Ridho "The true values of​​ Chinese culture are based Azlam / Bugis, Tuesday, April 30, 2019). on the teachings of Confucius, namely 1) Not Desperate; Chinese ethics implies that fate can be B. Perception of Subculture Communities on changed by the person himself, through effort and 2019 Elections effort, without despairing people will achieve Chinese subculture success, 2) Advanced and Modern, Chinese Puspita Hanny as informant states Ethics in its concept encourages people to be In my opinion, human relations with God reformist and dynamic, new innovations, product are how we behave towards the people around development, structuring storefront space, us. For example, I am a Buddhist, in my religion, management renewal and systems, organizations God is formless, invisible, how we behave to must always change to a better direction, 3) parents is the same as we respect God. When I Jien's concept, that Chinese Ethics believes that respect parents, that means I respect God. So, God created humans with genuine attitudes. if I respect parents, I respect God. Likewise, Each part of the body and its role are bed linen of another example, respecting teachers, both the original characteristics by God Almighty. But spiritual and academic education, yes like that only a Prophet can use all that perfectly, 4) The ... In the context of relationships with other Concept of Love, Chinese Ethics says that love is people, when I socialize with other people, it love of man, and he is a virtue or kindness that cannot be separated from the guidance of is reciprocal, 5) Decency or Lee, this involves religion ... as well as maintaining good many things such as tradition, institutions, relationship, because we need each other, like written and unwritten laws, customs, and my relationship with my pet. Why? Because in conventions, 6) Truth or Gie, a socially feeling our religion, we are taught to do good, there is person usually behaves wisely and frankly, he compassion, love, how we treat the animal best. will say his opinion is simple about matters We must treat dog well ... there are guards and concerning the general good, and he will behave then demeaned” (Interview with Puspita consistently with his opinion "(Interview with Hanny / Tionghoa, Saturday, May 4, 2019). Mulyanto and Puspita Hanny, Ibid). When Puspita Hanny asked the following question, "Does the understanding of the cultural or When asked the following questions, "did the Buddhist values mentioned above affect the assessment understanding of the values of the culture or religion

International Journal of Communication Research 295 RISWANDI, MORISSAN, Dan SOFIA AUNUL of Kong Hu Cu influence the assessment of the Batak Subculture phenomenon of the 2019 Presidential Election?,Puspita The informant from the Batak ethnic group Hanny answered Ombun Suryono Sidauruk and regarding the ‘In my opinion, the values of Chinese values ​​of this Batak culture, Ombun said the culture were influential when I observed the following: phenomenon of the 2019 Election, especially “The cultural value that is the pride of the the presidential and legislative elections. In Batak ethnic group is Dalihan Na Tolu, which my opinion as part of Chinese ethnicity, for is a system of social relations in a very thick number 01 it seems he is trying not to harm family relationship (genealogical) and marriage. many parties, and trying not to sacrifice much This cultural value plays a role in regulating or be sacrificed ... whereas for number 02 I social relations among the three relatives think maybe this side is less visible '(Puspita functionally, namely the relatives of one tribe Hanny, Ibid) . (dongan tubu), relatives of the recipient of the wife or what is called the term boru and relatives Bugis subculture of the wife or known as hula-hula ... Dalihan na The source from the Bugis tribes, Ridho tolu in the system Batak culture is used as a Azlam, expressed his view of his culture as living order and at the same time a source of follows: motivation to behave. The cultural values of​​ this 1) siri is a life view aimed at maintaining to provide guidance for orientation, perception, and improving dignity and self-esteem, both and definition of reality ... Operationally the as individuals and as social creatures. Other social relations that are built into the cultural cultural values inherent​​ in Bugis sukubangsa system of transition are carried out in the form are 2) Lempu meaning honest; 3) Getteng of careful behavior to relatives as high as or called means firm, courageous and strong in manat mardongan tubu, persuading behavior to planning; 4) Ada’ Tongeng meaning 'hold the recipient of the wife or known as elek marboru, on to truth'; 5) Temmapaisilaingeng which and behaving in a prostrate manner to the wife means' fair to all parties; 6) Pesse, defined of the giver or also said as somba marhula-hula as a subtle feeling in preserving the sense of "Then if asked to me, do I implement those cultural values ​​in everyday life? So the answer unity in the grief and anguish of every is yes ... But I can't judge, who can judge is member of the community; 7) Were or Sare, someone else, I can't judge myself. Later, if I say meaning that only by working hard without I carry out all of those values, it turns out that being bored can change one's fate "(interview other people say no. So those who can judge are with Ridho Azlam, Ibid). other people who interact with me as social Regarding the traits of a leader in Bugis or beings” (Interview with Ombun Suryono Makassar Culture, they are explained by Ridho Sidauruk, Monday, April 22, 2019). as follows: In Batak culture there are also cultural values​​ "The leader's philosophy is illustrated by that concern the criteria of a leader / king, as the teachings of the lontara with one attitude, explained by Ombun Suryono, namely the Leadership of the Leader. This "The criteria for a leader in Batak culture is philosophy teaches that the identity of a leader that he must be 1) Parbahul-bahul nabolon. with which he leads is not based on structural Bahul means a large basket to store rice, rice or relations that rely on the hierarchy of positions other crops. So the point is. the king / leader based on the power, even the arrogance of the must be generous, serve and protect, a good leader. But a believer must have a character listener, full of consideration, virtuous and who is wise and wise, have the sensitivity and with a great spirit; 2) Paramak Sobalunon, responsiveness in understanding the Amak is a mat made from pandan leaves which dynamics of the people he leads "(Ridho is usually held for guests who come. So Paramak Azlam, Ibid). sobalunon means the nature of a leader who is


willing / open to accept the arrival of the people The characteristics or values ​​of Javanese he leads. The character of the king must be culture regarding leadership, according to the populist, mingling with the people he leads; 3) two informants, are as following: Parsangkalan Somahiang. Disclaimer is a "1) Monocentrum, means that leadership is cutting board / wood foundation to chop meat. centered on a single figure. Javanese leadership Parsangkalan Somahiang in leadership is is single, which is centered on one person. The defined as a leader who constantly sacrifices for disadvantage is, once a leader disappears, the the benefit of others. Can also be interpreted as existing system will experience chaos, 2) a forgiving leader.4) Parpinggol Sohatuhilan, Metaphysics; that is always associated with Pinggol means ear, So Parpinggol Sohatuhilan metaphysical matters such as revelation, pulung, means a king who is not thin ears. It is not easy drajat, offspring, and so on. It's like the ability to believe in a one-sided report, let alone make to lead a capability, but it tends to be a miracle. conclusions and decisions without checking and 3) Ethical, meaning what is desirable is rechecking. A prudent king in weighing a case something based on good bad, but the real "(Interview with Ombun Suryono application concept offered is not at all shown. Sidauruk, Ibid), In other words, the values ​​conveyed are not accompanied by a kind of achievement method, Javanese subculture 4) Syncretic, meaning the concepts taken are According to Dianto Alif and Bondan as concepts originating from various religions speakers representing Javanese Culture, the which have an influence on the thinking in Java, values ​​of Javanese culture are the following: especially Islam and Hinduism. thought Islam "1) Belief / perseverance, in Javanese was usually adopted from Sufi teachings which society's thought, the planting of spiritual put forward the aspect of wara (away from the values in​​ each of its actions becomes the main luxury of the world) and simple life to lead a thing, because all things that occur in human true life "(Dianto Alif and Bondan, Ibid). life do not escape God's will; 2) Achievement (hopes and ideals), to achieve a purpose in life, Sundanese subculture it takes an effort that includes hard work and The resource people from the Sundanese a request for God. The intended application is ethnic group, Dedi Damhudi, said, realized through several actions, namely The Sundanese cultural values ​​regarding prayer and practice. Prayer as the basic leaders and leadership are as following: attitude of begging is a self-approach to the "In Sundanese culture, a leader is defined as a Creator so that one's wishes can come true. center surrounded by followers. Relationships and Laku is a form of application of prayer leaders here are dependent relationships, where according to Javanese understanding, which the center / leader has a higher position than his emphasizes itself in the process of approaching followers. The relations are both superior-inferior, God; 3) Patience, the emergence of patience the leader above and followers below. In Sundanese according to Javanese ideology, recognize the culture there are 10 characteristics that must be existence of lust, nrimo, and patience. Rila, is possessed by a leader or prospective leader called the first step to consecrate the heart through dasa pasanta, namely as follows: 1) For; meaning happiness; Nrimo, emphasizes 'what is there' that the leader gives the understanding of the from factuality in life, accepts everything usefulness of his command to his subordinates so happily; Patience, is spaciousness that that there is a common perception, 2) Friendly; embraces all contradictions, 4) Harmony, meaning that the commandment is delivered in a Javanese ideology that always prioritizes friendly and refined manner so that those who are harmony of life always encourages its people governed feel valued as human beings, 3) Hookeun; to strive for all forms of kindness and good it means that the confidence of the person being relations with each other "(Interview with governed can be grown by respecting their creative Bondan / Java, Tuesday, April 23, 2019 achievements, 4) Pesok; meaning that leaders need and Dianto Alif , Friday, April 26, 2019). to often conduct friendships to lure the hearts of

International Journal of Communication Research 297 RISWANDI, MORISSAN, Dan SOFIA AUNUL

those they lead and create feelings of calm, 5) Asih; terms of speaking, the king must be truthful it means that the person who is governed has a and accurate; 3) Ulah dengdek topi; means sense of responsibility, the leader must show a king, not actually in favor of one group affection to his subordinates, 6) because; meaning or individual, but must be based on justice the leader of therus has compassionate nature and and truth; 4) Heunteu cueut kanu hideung, gives more value to his subordinates, 7) Mukpruk; heunteu ponteng kanu koneng, not yellow meaning that leaders need to give trust to canoe skipping; It means almost the same subordinates, so they feel valued in their abilities, with dengdek topi, a king is not biased, but 8) Ngulas; meaning that the leader is required to consistent in running the government on raise awareness to subordinates so that they do the principles of justice and truth not carry out work because they are forced to, 9) "(Interview Damhudi Smith, ibid) Miserable; meaning the leader in criticizing the Betawi Subculture work of subordinates must be done in a way that M. Nasir, as the informant explained about is wise, thorough, and wise, 10) Ngala-angen; it the views of the Betawi ethnic group regarding means that the leader also needs to be stale to leaders and leadership as following: attract subordinate sympathies, for example by "Because Betawi culture is heavily influenced asking about family conditions. The ten by Islam, the leadership values in Betawi culture characteristics can be said to be basic abilities that are influenced by Islamic thought, namely 1) must be possessed by a leader or prospective leader Siddiq; meaning honest, true, high integrity and (Interview with Dedi Damhudi, Tuesday, awake from mistakes; 2) Fathonah, meaning April 23, 2019 at Puspitek Serpong). intelligent, highly intellectual and professional; 3) Trustworthiness, meaning trustworthiness, In addition, culture also is a saying or proverb legitimacy and accountability; 4) Tabligh, which and in the kepemimipinan the guidelines are as means always conveying the minutes of truth, following: never hiding what must be conveyed, and 1) " Sagolek pangkek, knot firmly, meaning communicative "(Interview with M. Nasir, that it is white and white, yes that is black Tuesday, April 23, 2019, at Puspitek LIPI is black. That is when the king had made Serpong). keputusn, yes it is, cannot be contested; 2) A. Non-verbal Subculture Processes in the Ngadek sacekna nilas saplasna; means in 2019 Election

The results of the study can be illustrated through the following table:

Political Subculture Hand-shake Eye contact Proxemic Time Perception Preference Appropriateness Linear and Javanese Yes Sometimes Pro Jokowi to culture circular Appropriateness Linear and Sundanese Yes sometimes Pro Prabowo to culture circular Appropriateness Linear and Batak Yes often Pro Jokowi to culture circular Appropriateness Linear and Betawi Yes often Pro Prabowo to culture circular Appropriateness Linear and Bugis Yes Often Pro Prabowo to culture circular Appropriateness Linear and Chinese yes sometimes Pro Jokowi to culture circular


5. DISCUSSION syncretic leadership values, and there are also cultural values ​​about leadership which are symbolized into proverbs (Sundanese). Subcultural communities pay relatively high Family and school social organizations have attention to the phenomenon of the 2019 election. an influence on the Jakarta multicultural This can be seen from their knowledge and community in response to the 2019 Election understanding of the names of Presidential and phenomenon. The internalization process that Vice-Presidential Candidates 01 and 02, names they obtain in their families and schools results of candidates, as well as the programs or visions in thinking patterns and the ability to use of these two candidates. language that is typical / typical to the ethnicity, The belief system, the attitudes, worldview, where these individuals come from. This is and the perceptions of the Jakarta subcultural evidenced by the unique terms of reference that community can be known after they communicate belonged to the ethnic group which were used their views on aspects related to the 2019 election. when they described what had happened. The symbols, concepts, and categories contained The research results from the side of social in the culture of Jakarta’s subcultural society are organizations that underlie or guide the revealed when they perceive the phenomenon of statements / communication of the speakers the 2019 election. regarding the phenomenon of the 2019 election The concepts are Jien, love, Kesusilaan / Lee, are appropriate and strengthened by the results truth / Gie (Chinese); Siri, Lempu, Getteng, Ada of the research that focuses on verbal processes, Tangeng, Pesse, and Were / Sare (Bugis); Dalihan namely those related to thinking patterns and Na Tolu, Dongan Tubu, Boru, Hula-hula (Batak); verbal language. This is in accordance with the Belief, Achievement, Patience, and Harmony theory in cross-cultural communication which (Java); Useful, Friendly, Horokeun, Pug, Asih, states that, language is the main tool used by a Karunya, Mukpruk, Ngulas, Nyusep, and Ngala culture to channel knowledge / beliefs, values, Angen (Sunda); and Siddiq, Fathonah, Amanah, and norms. Language is a tool for thinking and and Tablig (Betawi). for interacting with people, without language Subcultural community members tend to be people cannot think, and function as a mechanism obedient and obey their cultural norms and for communication and guidelines for values ​​in order to get appreciation from their understanding social reality (MOLEONG, 1998). culture. So, here the process of encoding messages The members of the subculture also and emotional or evaluative meaning and the acknowledge that sometimes, because of their frame of reference of the participants of the profession and personal character, the factors communication takes place. that become the understanding of the culture are Subcultural communities pay relatively high not always practiced. This is what Ombun attention to the phenomenon of the 2019 election. Suryono, said: "I as a lawyer have never kept a This can be seen from their knowledge and distance from my client, this is the demand of understanding of the names of Presidential and my profession that I must be close to the person Vice-Presidential Candidates 01 and 02, names I want to help". Likewise, the observation of of candidates, as well as the programs or visions Puspita Hanny (Chinese) and Ridho Azlam of these two candidates (RAHARDJO, 2012; (Bugis), both appear to be extroverted, so they SYAIFUDDIN, 2006). are more open in answering each question, and Subcultural cultural perceptions can be seen "straight forward in communicating". from statements such as "the identity of a leader So, besides being obedient to cultural values​​ with whom he leads is not based on structural or and norms, members of the subculture are also hierarchical relations, but a leader must have a pragmatic in practicing them in everyday life. wise character, sensitive and responsive in Therefore, it is only natural that today many understanding the dynamics of the community regional subcultures or cultural cultures in he leads" (Bugis). In Javanese Culture there are Indonesia are being eroded by the modernization somemonocentre, metaphysical, ethical, and trend. There are children, who are today called

International Journal of Communication Research 299 RISWANDI, MORISSAN, Dan SOFIA AUNUL the millennial generation, who cannot speak the towardsthe members focused on the language of the area where their parents come dominant culture or Indonesian National from (LILIWERI, 2009). Culture as part of Eastern Culture, was also The tendency of political choices of subculture influenced by their profession and personal members towards certain presidential / vice- character. presidential candidates in the 2019 election is in accordance with the guidance and demands of the References cultural values ​​which later can influence the BERNADETTE, B. (2013) Religi Orang Jawa. Kompasiana. attitudes and policies of the winning presidential Available from: and vice-presidential candidate. This proved to be bernad/551c113b81331111039de1d1/religi-orang-jawa- true, not long after Jokowi - Ma'ruf Amin was masa-akulturasi-budaya-jawa-agami-jawi-gerakan- declared victorious, Jokowi immediately said that mistik-magic-ilmu-kebatinan-serta-memahami- he would prioritize development in areas where konstruksi-sosial-tradisi-islam-lokal?page=all [30 he won, namely Central Java, East Java, NTT, Bali, October 2019] and Papua. The public will certainly interpret, that HELMIATY, H. (2013) Dinamika islam singapura : menelisik pengalaman minoritas muslim di negara other areas where he lost completely, such as Aceh, singapura yang sekuler & multicultural, Toleransi, 2 (1), West Sumatra, Riau, Banten, will not be noticed. pp. 87-99. IRHANDAYANINGSIH, A. (2012) Kajian filosofis 6. CONCLUSIONS terhadap multikulturalisme indonesia. Humanika, 15(9), pp. 1-8. KUMBARA, A.A. & ANOM, N. (2009) Pluralisme dan Based on the results of the research and pendidikan multikultural di Indonesia. Jurnal Jantra, discussion as stated in the previous section, 4(7), pp. 531-539. conclusions can be drawn as following: LILIWERI, A. (2009) Prasangka & konflik: komunikasi 1. The subcultural belief system, values, lintas budaya masyarakat multikultur. LKIS Publishing attitudes, and worldview guide and demand House,Yogyakarta. MOLEONG, L. (1998) Metodologi penelitian kualitatif. the perception of the 2019 election Remaja Rosda Karya Publishing House, Bandung. phenomenon. Javanese, Batak, and Chinese MUKMIN, B.A. (2016) Politik multikutural di indonesia; subcultural communication behaviours membangun konsolidasi demokrasi. Jurnal Pusham tend to support Jokowi, while subcultural Unimed,8(2), pp. 1-22. Sundanese, Betawi, and Bugis tend to MULYANA, D. & RAKHMAT, J. (2005) Komunikasi antarbudaya: Panduan Berkomunikasi Dengan Orang-orang support Prabowo. Berbeda Budaya. Remaja Rosda Publishing House, 2. Experience in the family and school becomes Bandung. the determining factor behind the subcultural NUGROHO, H. (2013) Multikulturalisme dan politik members’ political communication when anti kekerasan. Jurnal Pemikiran Sosiologi, 2(2), pp. 1-10. referring to the 2019 election phenomenon. RAHARDJO, M. (2012) Studi kasus dalam penelitian kualitatif :konsep dan prosedur. Universitas Islam Negeri 3. Members of subcultural communities are Malang Press, Malang. able to use the regional language from which RIYANTO, B. (2019) Media sosial dan multikulturalisme. they come from, and through a typical Jurnal Research Fair Unisri, 3(1), pp. 188-195. thinking process they are able to interpret SAMOVAR, L.A, PORTER, R.E. & MCDANIEL, E.R. the phenomenon of the 2019 election by (2010) Komunikasi lintas budaya : Communication between Cultures. Penerbit Salemba Humanika Press, Jakarta. using their regional language. SYAIFUDDIN, A. F. (2006) Membumikan 4. The nonverbal behaviour of the members of multikulturalisme di Indonesia.Jurnal Antropologi Sosial the subcultural communities oriented Budaya ETNOVISI, 2(1), pp. 3-10.

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