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“PRISCILLA AND AQUILA” VOLUME 27, NUMBER 4 INSTRUCTED APOLLOS MORE” AUTUMN 2013 PERFECTLY IN THE WAY OF THE LORD” (ACTS 18)” 23 The Trinity and the Eternal Subordination of the Son Francis Geis 5 Leadership of Women in Crete and Macedonia as a 29 Book Review: Alan F. Johnson’s How I Changed My Mind Model for the Church Aída Besançon Spencer about Women in Leadership Shirley L. Barron 17 The Authority of the Bible and the Authority of the 30 Poems: Nativity I—Incarnation, Theological Tradition Kevin Giles Nativity II—Child of Highest Heaven, and 19 Is God like a Totem Pole or a Circle? Why We Need Mary Waiting on Easter Morning Ruth Hoppin to Insist on Nicaean Orthodoxy to Avoid Falling into Christians for Biblical Equality Heresy William David Spencer www.cbeinternational.org Editor’s Reflections � When editors Ronald Pierce and Rebecca of course, understand that he was doing far more than merely Groothuis’s Discovering Biblical Equality making a claim to deity. He was stating a revelation: revealing came out in 2005, many were surprised to himself as equal with the Father. read its subtitle: “Complementarity with- How equal is equal? The word is actually an absolute term. out Hierarchy.” “Wasn’t that term ‘com- Absolute terms do not have degrees of absolutism. One is either plement’ already taken? Didn’t it already equal or one is not. It is like the term “eternal.” Someone or some- mean ‘hierarchical’ by its inherent nature? thing is either “eternal,” or not “eternal.” If it lasts a phenomenally Was this a case of co-opting a word and at- long time, but eventually ceases to be, like the Greek gods that tempting to redefine it away from its origi- could eventually die (a claim the Cretans even made for Zeus, nal meaning?” were the questions to ask. whom they believed was buried on Mount Ida, though other Those who took the time to check it out in Webster’s Unabridged Greeks maintained Zeus was indeed immortal, thus branding Dictionary may have been surprised to read: “1. something that “all Cretans” as “liars”4), then it is not eternal. It is like the state completes or makes perfect . 2. The quantity or amount that of being pregnant. One is either pregnant or not. One is not “sort completes anything . 3. Either of two parts or things needed to of pregnant,” or “somewhat pregnant.” One is either pregnant or complete the whole; counterpart.”1 one is not. It is like the word “unique.” In popular parlance, we That we are counterparts, completing one another (1 Cor hear folks refer to “the most unique experience I ever had,” or 11:11–12), should not have been such a great surprise. Genesis 1:27 “this is more unique than that.” But, such statements are misus- tells us male and female humans are created in the image of God, ing the term. There are no degrees to “unique.” Something is ei- and we see God employing the concept of counterpart in Colos- ther unique (one of a kind), or it is not. And it is like the term sians 1:15. There, we are told that Jesus Christ is the visible coun- “egalitarian.” Again, this is an absolute term. One cannot be a terpart of the invisible God, the eikōn, “that which has the same soft egalitarian. One is either egalitarian, or one is not. There are form as someth[ing] else,” a “living image”2 that completes God’s not degrees of “equal.” Each of these terms describes an either/or self-disclosing revelation by making the Great Unseen seen (John situation. In classical Greek, isos meant “equal in size, strength, or 14:8–11). No wonder the pious wanted to kill Jesus in John 5:18. number.”5 Equal meant equal. We are told he was calling God “his own father,” “making himself The Trinity is in perfectly equal, completing, complementary equal (isos) with God.”3 What his opponents realized is that, in his harmony. claiming descent from none other than God, Jesus was actually These days, when I begin my early morning prayers, I praise declaring himself to be God, as his “Father” was God. Christians, this harmony, appreciating each of the persons who make up the DISCLAIMER: Final selection of all material published by CBE in Priscilla Papers is entirely up to the discretion of the editor, consulting theologians, and CBE’s executive. Please note that each author is solely legally responsible for the content and the accuracy of facts, citations, references, and quotations rendered and prop- erly attributed in the article appearing under his or her name. Neither Christians for Biblical Equality, nor the editor, nor the editorial team is responsible or legally liable for any content or any statements made by any author, but the legal responsibility is solely that author’s once an article appears in print in Priscilla Papers. Editor • William David Spencer Associate Editor / Graphic Designer • Deb Beatty Mel Board of Reference: Miriam Adeney, Myron S. Augsburger, Book Review Editor • Aída Besançon Spencer Raymond J. Bakke, Anthony Campolo, Lois McKinney Douglas, Gordon D. Fee, Richard Foster, John R. Franke, W. Ward Gasque, J. • Mimi Haddad President / Publisher Lee Grady, Vernon Grounds, David Joel Hamilton, Roberta Hestenes, President Emerita • Catherine Clark Kroeger† Gretchen Gaebelein Hull, Donald Joy, Robbie Joy, Craig S. Keener, John Editors Emerita • Carol Thiessen† & Gretchen Gaebelein Hull R. Kohlenberger III, David Mains, Kari Torjesen Malcolm, Brenda On the Cover • Triquetra symbol Salter McNeil, Alvera Mickelsen, Virgil Olson, LaDonna Osborn, T. L. Osborn, John E. Phelan, Kay F. Rader, Paul A. Rader, Ronald J. Sider, Aída Besançon Spencer, William David Spencer, Ruth A. Tucker, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen, Timothy Weber, Jeanette S. G. Yep Priscilla Papers (issn 0898-753x) is published quarterly by Christians for Biblical Equality, © 2013. 122 West Franklin Avenue, Suite 218, Minneapolis, MN 55404-2451. For address changes and other information, phone: 612-872-6898; fax: 612-872-6891; or e-mail: [email protected]. CBE is on the Web at www.cbeinternational.org. Priscilla Papers is indexed by Christians for Biblical Equality, the Christian Periodical Index (CPI), American Theological Library Association’s (ATLA) New Testament Abstracts (NTA), and Religious & Theological Abstracts (R&TA). In addition, Priscilla Papers is licensed with EBSCO Publishing’s full-text informational library products. 2 • Priscilla Papers ◆ Vol. 27, No.4 ◆ Autumn 2013 One God, revealed in the Bible, whom we worship as Christians. self in his now limited human form (John 14:28). But even while I thank and praise the Father, from whom comes every good and he is assuring his opponents his “Father . is greater [the same perfect gift and in whom is no shadow of turning. And I praise word meizōn] than all” in John 10:29, they still try to execute him and thank Jesus, who did not have to leave heaven, but did so, for blasphemy, “because,” as they explain, “you being a human coming into our world and suffering what we suffer, doing for us make yourself God” (v. 33), since he called God his Father and what we could never do for ourselves, dying for us to pay our pen- claimed that “I and the Father are one [hen]” (v. 30). The equal- alty of rebellion. And I praise and thank the Holy Spirit for con- ity with God remains, even as he is limited in human form and, tinuing to care-take us, equipping us with every gift we need to thereby, less than the Father in the attributes of deity: no longer serve the reign of the Great Triune God. omnipresent (when he was in Galilee, he e who would become more like the As a result, I am these days increas- was not in Bethany [see John 11:21]); no ingly troubled in my spirit whenever dis- WGod who created us need to strive longer omniscient (he did not know ev- cussions on the Trinity degenerate into for perfect harmony in our relationships, erything now [see Matt 24:36; Mark 13:32], contentious arguments over whether the loving one another with a selfless love that his humanity limiting his ability to search Father is supreme and the Son is sec- completes each other and rules out selfish the depths of the Father’s mind); and no ondary, or whether they are on the same contention. longer omnipotent (he could now die for plane, or whether the Spirit is just a lackey our sins [see John 19:30]). But all this he of one or both or has a full share in the Godhead, or whenever gave up out of selfless love. As in the creation of humanity, in the believers become completely absorbed in the Holy Spirit and the recreation of humanity, we see God working in perfect harmony. Spirit’s gifts to the exclusion of the other personalities in the Trin- The lesson is obvious, as the editors of Discovering Biblical ity, since that is the one who is working with us now. I fear we Equality so well knew. Equality is not something to be limited might all fall into a theological version of the political trap of the in others, nor is it something to be exploited. We who would be- Corinthians—pitting one person of the Trinity against another as come more like the God who created us need to strive for perfect they chose one leader against the others: Paul versus Apollos ver- harmony in our relationships, loving one another with a self- sus Peter versus Christ (1 Cor 1:12).