Studying Shoot and Root Architecture and Growth of Quercus Ithaburensis Subsp
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Studying Shoot and Root Architecture and Growth of Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis Seedlings; Key Factors for Successful Restoration of Mediterranean Ecosystems Étude de l’architecture des parties aériennes et racinaires et de la croissance des semis de Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis ; facteurs clés pour une restauration réussie des écosystèmes méditerranéens Thekla TSITSONI*, Marianthi TSAKALDIMI, Maria GOUSIOPOULOU Laboratory of Silviculture, Department of Forestry & Natural Environment, School of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment Aristotle University of Thessaloniki P.O. BOX 262, University Campus, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece *Corresponding author: [email protected] Received: 19 January, 2015; First decision: 28 March, 2015; Revised: 2 June, 2015; Second decision: 20 July, 2015; Revised: 28 August, 2015; Accepted: 30 September, 2015 Abstract belowground morphological characteristics and growth rates of container Quercus ithaburen- Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis is a sis subsp. macrolepis seedlings outperformed species of high ecological importance. It forms those of bareroot ones. Shoot height, root some of the few deciduous oak forests in the collar diameter, shoot and root growth rates, eastern Mediterranean zone, is well adapted to number of first order lateral roots and the tap Mediterranean conditions and warm dry peri- root of the container seedlings, showed signifi- ods, develops a deep root system, regenerates cantly higher values than those of the bareroot easily after fire and is used in many restoration seedlings. The high number of first order roots projects. However, information on the nursery and the long central root of containerized seed- production method of Quercus macrolepis seed- lings would facilitate seedlings’ uptake of soil lings and the growth and architectural develop- water and nutrients and confirm that they have ment of these produced seedlings is limited. In a better chance of survival in degraded areas. order to select the best cultivation method to However, the results obtained are not enough produce high quality seedlings, the objectives to discourage the production of Quercus mac- of this study were to a) investigate shoot and rolepis bareroot seedlings. The influence of root root architecture of seedlings of Quercus itha- pruning, seedbed density and fertilization on burensis subsp. macrolepis and b) compare the the bareroot seedlings quality, deserve future growth rates of the seedlings which were grown investigation. as bareroot (i.e. propagated in raised beds) vs. containerized in the nursery. The results of the study showed that both aboveground and Mots clés : taux de croissance des racines, chêne Valonia, racines latérales de premier ordre, Keywords: root growth rate, Valonia oak, first contenant, pot, semis en plein sol, semis en order laterals, container, bareroot. parterre ou plate-bandes. ecologia mediterranea – Vol. 41 (2) – 2015 25 THEKLA TSITSONI, MARIANTHI TSAKALDIMI, MARIA GOUSIOPOULOU Résumé – les semis en plein sol ont montré un taux supé- rieur de croissance des racines (Root Growth Quercus ithaburensis, sous-espèce macrole- Rate – RGR) au début, mais par la suite le RGR pis est une espèce d’importance écologique des semis en pot a dépassé ce premier ; majeure. Elle est à la base des quelques forêts – le grand nombre de racines de premier ordre de chênes à feuilles caduques de l’est du bassin et la longue racine centrale des semis en pot méditerranéen ; elle est bien adaptée aux condi- assurent ses apports en eau et nutriments tions chaudes et sèches de la Méditerranée, provenant du sol et confirment qu’ils ont des développe un système de racines profondes, se meilleures chances de survie dans des zones régénère facilement après un incendie et est uti- dégradées ; lisée dans certains projets de restauration écolo- – afin d’éviter que des racines ne s’enroulent gique. Pourtant, peu d’informations existent sur pendant la production des semis dans des ses besoins écologiques, et encore moins sur tout pots cylindriques, l’utilisation de pots plus ce qui concerne sa propagation et méthodes profonds est conseillée ; de production en pépinières. Afin de produire – cependant, plus de recherches sur l’influence des semis de très bonne qualité, pouvant être 1) des dommages faits aux racines lors de utilisés pour des projets de reforestation ou la transplantation, 2) de la densité du lit de de restauration réussis, les objectifs de cette semences et 3) des apports de nutriments sur étude étaient de a) enquêter sur l’architecture les semis en plein sol sont nécessaires. des parties aériennes et racinaires de Quercus ithaburensis sous-espèce macrolepis et b) com- parer les vitesses de croissance des semis ayant crû plein sol vs. en pot durant l’étape de pépi- nière. Les résultats de l’étude ont montré que Introduction les caractéristiques morphologiques aériennes et racinaires ainsi que le taux de croissance des semis ayant grandi en pot ont surpassé de loin Q. ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis grows les performances de ceux de plein sol. mainly in the central and eastern part of Plus spécifiquement, les conclusions de cette Mediterranean basin and particularly in SE recherche sont les suivantes : Italy, S. Albania, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Pal- – la hauteur des parties aériennes, le diamètre estine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon (Figure 1). des collets ainsi que le taux de croissance des Large forests with old Q. ithaburensis subsp. parties aériennes des semis en pot ont montré des valeurs supérieures à celles des semis en macrolepis trees existed during the past in the plein sol, à toutes les dates de prélèvement Mediterranean zone of Greece, in Pelopon- des données ; nesus, Attica, and the Aegean islands (Gris- – le taux de croissance des parties aériennes pos 1973). During the last decades, activities (Shoot Growth Rate – SRG) de tous les semis such as conversion of forests to agricultural étudiés a diminué tout au long de la période d’étude, mais celui des semis en pot est resté land, illegal lumbering and overgrazing have supérieur à celui des semis en plein sol, à confined Q. ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis toutes les dates de prélèvement ; to small-forested patches or to isolated Figure 1 – Geographical distribution of Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis. 26 ecologia mediterranea – Vol. 41 (2) – 2015 Studying Shoot and Root Architecture and Growth of Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis Seedlings; Key Factors for Successful Restoration of Mediterranean Ecosystems individuals in the interior of forested islets Oak plantings may be established by direct in lowland and semi-mountainous agricul- seeding in the field, but the success of such tural fields (Pantera et al. 2008; Pantera & operations has been inconsistent for many Papanastasis 2012). Compared to the past, species. For that reason, the vast majority of the species currently has an ecological rather oak plantings are established using seedlings than economic importance; it forms some grown in nurseries (Allen et al. 2001; Jacobs of the few deciduous oak forests in the east- 2003; González-Rodríguez et al. 2011). ern Mediterranean zone (eu-mediteranean, The establishment of transplanted seedlings of Quercetalia ilicis zone) and certain of these woody species, especially oaks, in degraded forests are included in the “Natura 2000” Mediterranean environments may be aided by network. It is well adapted to Mediterranean nursery treatments that promote the develop- conditions and warm dry periods, develops ment of a deep and well-structured root system a deep root system, and regenerates easily (Green et al. 2005; Tsakaldimi et al. 2009). after fire (Pantera & Papanastasis 2012). In the past few years, there has been a grow- Several authors argue that root morphology ing interest for the species to be included in and growth may provide an effective indica- reforestation as well as in restoration projects tor of seedling performance (Davis & Jacobs (Zaady and Perevolotsky 1995; Tsakaldimi 2005; Tsakaldimi et al. 2005) despite the fact et al. 2000; Tsitsoni et al. 2011). However, that these measurements are destructive, labo- information on the nursery production meth- rious and time consuming. The elongation of ods of Quercus macrolepis seedlings and the the taproot and new root growth during the growth and architectural development of these first season after field planting is extremely produced seedlings is limited. Actually, no important for seedling survival under the relevant research on seedling production and Mediterranean climatic conditions. Moreover, quality of the subsp. macrolepis seedlings was root regeneration is of critical importance to conducted. A detailed knowledge of how the the establishment of planted seedlings. New production methods affects seedlings quality root growth enables the seedling to establish of the species could contribute to better seed- a functional connection with the soil and lings’ outplanting performance. thereby overcome the water stress imposed by transplanting (Burdett 1990; Krasowski The two important factors that limit the estab- 2003; Grossnickle 2005). lishment and growth of woody seedlings in Mediterranean environments, particularly in Among the commonly assessed root sys- abandoned cropland and in deforested areas, tem attributes of hardwood seedlings are the are excessive irradiation and reduced water number of primary first order lateral roots availability (Rey Benayas & Camacho-Cruz (FOLRs) and root system fibrosity (Davis & 2004; Valdecantos