On the rights of the manuscript


of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Specialty: 3309.01- Food production technology

Field of science: Technical sciences

Applicant: Azer Tapdig Taghiyev


1 The work was performed at Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

Scientific supervisor: doctor of technical sciences, professor Khasil Kamaladdin Fataliyev

Official opponents: - doctor of technical sciences, professor Mikail Akbar Maharramov - doctor of philosophy in technical sciences, associate professor Eliza Madat Omarova - doctor of philosophy in technical sciences, Aygun Arif Hajiyeva

Dissertation Council at FD 2.26 of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of The Republic of Azerbaijan operating at Azerbaijan State Agrarian University O.Orucov

Chairman of the Dissertation: Council: doctor of technical sciences, associate professor ______Tariyel Mahammad Panahov

Scientific secretary of the Dissertation council: doctor of philosophy in technical sciences, associate professor ______Vugar Tofig Aghayev

Chairman of the scientific seminar: doctor of technical sciences, professor ______Sakit Gambay Verdiyev


Relevance and degree of completion of the topic.. Currently, the main directions of the development of are to improve the quality, ensure the competitiveness, and export orientation of the products produced. It is planned to create a brand "Made in Azerbaijan", which will give preference to and wine products, as well as increase the export of wine from Azerbaijan up to 5 times by 2025. The area of the country's should be increased to 30 thousand hectares, the production of - up to 500 thousand tons, and the production of wine-up to 30 million decaliters. It is predicted that 30 p.c. of the grapes produced will be supplied fresh, and the rest - for the production of wines. In the globalizing world, along with other manufacturing indus- tries, there is a deep crisis and competition in the wine industry. The release to the market of the processed product produced in such conditions requires special attention and responsibility. The current state of the world market does not allow you to sell any range of wines here. It is possible to occupy a niche in the market only with high-quality varieties of wines that will appeal to the consumer. In this regard, the production of sherry wines made using a special technology is quite relevant. It should be noted with regret that over the past 50 years, no sherry wines have been produced in Azerbaijan, and such an important issue has been ignored. The determination of the assortment for the production of sherry in our country, the selection of yeast races, and the improvement of sherry technology are urgent tasks for us. Apparently, the field faces a scientific problem that needs to be solved, and its solution takes on a new scientific and experimental significance. Purpose and objectives of the study. The aim of the study is to improve the technology of preparation of sherry wines using grape varieties grown in local conditions. The research objectives include:  research and evaluation of grape and juice raw materials for sherry;

3  research of methods of preparation of wine material and regulation of its composition;  study of the process of sherry formation, the factors that affect it, and the transformations that occur;  hardware and technological support and determination of the economic efficiency of the improved technology. Research methods. With the help of generally accepted, new and modified methods of analysis, widely used in the chemistry and microbiology of wine, the wine material is examined before, during and after the fermentation process. The dynamics of yeast reproduction, the amino acid composition of the wine material, aromatic substances, volatile components, anthocyanins, polyphenols, etc. the amount is analyzed using modern analysis methods. Wine materials made from different grape varieties are fermented by different methods. Here, an improved hardware and technological scheme for wine production has been developed and tested. The necessary regulatory and technical documents are developed and approved. Experimental estimates were processed by the method of mathematical statistics. Main provisions to be submitted for defense:  experimentally based solutions of grape varieties for sherry and optimal juice yield options;  research and evaluation of heres wine quality factors;  solutions for the production of heres wine material from some local red grape varieties;  features of the regulation of indicators of the composition of wine materials made in different conditions for sherry;  factors affecting the sherry process and how to manage them;  the nature of changes in the chemical composition of wine materials during fermentation;  hardware and application efficiency of the production of sherry wines. Scientific novelty of the research. For the preparation of sherry wine, grape varieties and sherry yeast were selected and justified. For the first time in the production of sherry, the local red grape variety

4 Madrasa, which does not have a lateral color, was used, for which effective methods of extraction of phenolic compounds were develo- ped. The preparation of sherry wine of optimal composition and qua- lity by gluing the juice and wine material and regulating the acidity is experimentally justified. For the sherry wine material, a hardware and technological sche- me has been developed that allows you to obtain a high-quality pro- duct with an optimal amount of juice output per unit of raw material and the intensification of the sherry process. Theoretical and practical significance of the study. Research and evaluation of raw materials for the production of sherry wines in local conditions, determination of the physical and chemical properties of the resulting juice, methods and means of rinsing, the optimal amount of juice yield per unit of raw materials, evaluation of the production and regulation of the composition of sherry wine material based on local and imported varieties, justification of the possibility of using some local red grape varieties for sherry, development of hardware that allows the production of sherry by various methods, considerations related to sherry production and processes occurring at this time, they are of theoretical importance for research in the technology of winemaking and fermentation, especially in the production of beverages of this type. Of practical importance for the wine industry are the research and evaluation of by grape varieties, modes and methods of better juice washing; the exclusion of phenolic compounds from the juice obtained from red grape varieties, the regulation of the composition, especially the acidity of wine materials produced in steppe and mountain areas, the development of improved technologies and technical means of fermentation, experimental justification of its regime parameters. Approbation and application of works. The main provisions of the dissertation were presented at scientific and practical conferences of the faculty, doctoral students and masters of the faculty of Agrotechnology of the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University (Ganja, 2016-2019), the International Scientific and Practical Conference at the Azerbaijan University of Cooperation

5 (Baku, 2018), the International Conference at the Ganja State Pedagogical University (Ganja, 2018), II and IV Republican scientific and practical conferences at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics at the conferences (Baku, 2018 and 2020), With a report at the international conference at the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University (St. Petersburg, 2020). Developed and implemented in JSC “Az-Granata” technology that allows you to produce high-quality Sherry wines, as part of an improved hardware and technological scheme. The use of the impro- ved technology allowed to obtain economic efficiency in the produc- tion of 1000 dal of sherry wine in the amount of 622.7 manat. The name of the organization where the dissertation work is performed. The dissertation work was carried out at the department of " Engineering and examination of food products” Azerbaijan State Agrarian University. The total volume of the dissertation with an indication of the volume of the structural sections of the dissertation separately. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, a list of references in the number of 152 and appendices. Which includes 33 figures, 52 tables and 2 appendices. The content of the dissertation consists of an introduction of 6 pages and 12687 characters, the first chapter of 32 pages and 55000 characters, the second chapter of 17 pages and 23702 characters, the third chapter of 56 pages and 81814 characters, the fourth chapter of 24 pages and 30657 characters, conclusions of 2 pages and 3995 characters, recommendations for production of 1 page and 404 characters, references 152 pages and 26773 characters. The volume of the dissertation is 158 pages of computerized text, the total volume is 240257 characters (213484 characters excluding the list of references and appendices).


In the introduction, the relevance of the topic, the problem statement and the general characteristics of the dissertation are given. First chapter. This chapter is called "setting the problem, goals and objectives of the study". It presents the new unification of wine

6 production, the history and current state of the production of sherry wines, research on the preparation of sherry by various methods, the state of the study of the sherry process. At the end of the chapter, the results of the research conducted on the production of sherry are summarized, the analytical review is summed up, and the goals and objectives of the work are determined. In recent years, there have been significant changes in the unifi- cation of wine products. So, previously, the concept of was understood as sharabs, in which the proportion of ethyl alcohol in the volume was from 8.5 % to 14 %. At this time, it was not allowed to add materials from the side that would raise alcohol in any form. However, recently it was allowed to increase the density of this type of wine to 16 x%, and in this regard, it was allowed to add condensed juice obtained from the grape variety from which the wine is made. At the same time, the concepts of ”wine with a geographical name“, ”wine protected by geographical indications“ and ”wine protected by origin" were clarified. Although sherry wines were first produced in Spain, research on it was carried out in almost all wine-producing countries. Well- known scientists of the world in this field M.F. Sayenko, M.A. Gera- Zelensky, A.A. Preobrazhensky, M.A. Botella, J.A. Moreno, T. Benitez, K. Dominguez, D.A. Gillen, S.N. Chervyak, V.G. Gerzhikova, B.T. Hristyuk, B.Ya.Averbukh, I. Dadashev and others are the authors of fundamental works on sherry wines. As a result of the research, a number of methods of sherry production have been developed. From the point of view of fermentation, these methods distinguish between veiled, i.e. fermentation carried out on the surface of the wine material; uninvited, i.e. fermentation with the preservation of yeast sediment; internal fermentation and combined (combination of uninvited and curtain methods) fermentation. Depending on the flow of the process, there is a distinction between intermittent and continuous, i.e. sherry in the flow. The numerous studies conducted were not at a level that fully covered the sherry preparation processes for all regions. So, in Spain and a number of Western countries, the preparation of sherry was based on specific varieties common in those conditions - Palamino

7 de Jerez, Palamino Fino, Pedro Jimenez. And the varieties typical for other regions were not covered. This can also be applied to the races who also practiced sherry. Numerous studies have been conducted on the sherry wine, which is made exclusively from white grapes that are not related to red varieties. As you can see, the field faces a scientific problem, the solution of which is important. Second chapter It is called "Research methodology", which ref- lects the research materials, the structure and scheme of the research, the methods of analysis, the method of delivering juice and wine materials to the composition and quality required for sherry, gluing and other works. Local and imported grape varieties (Bayanshir, , Aligo- te, , Fetyaska, , Sauvignon, Madrasa) grown in local conditions, grape juice from them, wine materials, yeast races Sherry-20C, Sherry-96K for fermentation of wine material, rectified ethyl alcohol were used as objects of research. The scheme of the study includes three stages. The theoretical part includes the study of scientific, technical and patent information, the definition of objects and methods of research, the development of research methods, the definition of goals and objectives. The expert- mental part includes the study and evaluation of raw materials, the selection of varieties and the preparation of juice, the effect of washing and sticking on the influence of quality, the regulation of the composition of juice and wine material for sherry, and the study of factors affecting fermentation. Everget D100 Activa color uses Kolagel Clardan, an activated carbon and gelatin substitute, to extract colorants in wine materials and wines. Sherry is carried out using different yeast races, as well as dif-ferent methods. For the preparation of sherry by a veiled method, the sherry is pasteurized by hot processing at a temperature of 65 0C, and darkened to 16.5 % of the wine materials. It is then cooled to room temperature and infested with sherry yeast. Wine materials for fermentation by the method without curtains are grown by aging in yeast sediment for 12 months in uncovered containers with a mouth. At the same time, in the wine material, the internal fermentation is intensified by mass exchange of the settled part with the sediment.

8 The course of sherry is monitored by physico-chemical, microbiological and organoleptic analyses. The reliability of the obtained results, their theoretical and experimental compliance was ensured by a 3-fold repetition of the experiments at all stages of the experiment. The probability level of reliability Pe = 0.95. The results of the experiment were processed by the method of mathematical statistics. The hardware and technical support of the new technology is developed and its economic efficiency is calculated. Third chapter The so-called "Experimental studies", which reflect such issues as the selection and evaluation of grape varieties, the preparation of juice and wine material for sherry, washing, and regulation of composition indicators. The yield of the studied varieties ranges from 7.9-11.1 t/ha. Higher yields are observed in the varieties "Bayanshira", "Semillon" and "Rkatsiteli", less in the varieties "Aligote" and "Fetyaska". The weight of the grape bunch in the varieties ranged from 105 to 236 g. The average weight of the bunch was significantly lower in Bayanshira 236 g, Rkatsiteli 176 g and Somillon 151 g, while in the Aligote grape variety it was 111 g, in Fetyasca-105 g, in Sevignon- 105 g. As you know, the sugar content coefficient (the ratio of sugars to acids) plays an important role in the suitability of raw materials for technical purposes, and its presence in the range of 22-30 is considered a positive case.When looking at the studied varieties, it becomes clear that the sugar-acid coefficient varied in the range of 25.6-30.0 in the Aligote, Bayanshire and Rkatsiteli grape varieties and 32.2-33.3 in the Fetyaska, Semillon and Sauvignon varieties. Summation (conclusion) of the selection is characterized by the mass of 100 grapes and 100 seeds, the number of seeds in 100 grapes, the amount of lateral mass of seeds in 100 grapes, the peel and juice, the total indicator of the selection (the ratio of the mass of the lateral juice to the mass of the peel). The overall result is given (table 1). In technical grape varieties, the higher the structure index (the ratio of juiciness and pressing to the solid residue), the greater the juice yield when pressed directly

9 from the grapes. The structural index of the cluster for the studied varieties is different and ranges from 5.0 (Aligote variety) to 9.2 (Semillon variety).

Table 1. Summary (final) count by grape varieties

Weight, g 100 number 100 weight of grapes, gr. Final Varieties 100 100 of seeds in Lat with seed peel indicator grapes seed grapes, pcs. juice Bayanshire 297,3 3,6 206 8,2 14,8 203,0 13,7 Rkatsiteli 214,0 2,1 190 4,0 12,7 173,3 13,6 Aligote 138,0 3,4 166 5,6 11,5 148,9 12,9 Fetyaska 114,7 2,8 155 4,4 11,1 139,4 12,5 White 112,5 3,5 129 4,5 9,3 115,2 12,3 Sovignon Semillon 254,4 3,6 161 5,8 3,6 151,6 32,1

In technical grape varieties, the higher the structure index (the ratio of juiciness and pressing to the solid residue), the greater the juice yield when pressed directly from the grapes. The structural index of the bunch for the studied varieties is different and ranges from 5.0 (Aligote variety) to 9.2 (Semillon variety). The weight of 100 berries varied from 112.5 to 297.3 g. The varieties White Sauvignon (112.5 g), Fetyaska (114.7 g) and Aligote (138 g) are characterized by the presence of small berries, while the varieties Rkatsiteli, Semillon and Bayanshir are of medium size. Spectra and literature data, visible in chromatography grape juice Bayanshire, suggests that the peak points labeled a, b and c can be derived hydroxybenzoate acid, and the peak, labeled d, may belong to corecontrol or glycoside corecontrol (fig.1). The wine of sherry made from juice of various extracts obtained from 1 ton of grapes, a noticeable difference in mass density of aromatic substances (fig.2). As can be seen, as the juice yield increases, there is an increase in the mass density of higher alcohols, esters and aldehydes. If in the 1st case the content of aldehydes was 61.2 mg/dm3, then in the 2nd- 78.3, and in the 3rd-86.1 mg/dm3.

10 minute

Figure 1. Chromatogram of juice obtained from the Bayanshir grape variety (wavelength 280 Nm): 1-catechin; a, b, c-derivatives of hydroxybenzolic acid; d- derivatives of cisresveratrol

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3

Figure 2. Effect of juice yield on the amount of aromatics for sherry wines: 1-45-50 al/t juice output; 2-55-60 dal/t, 3-70-75 dal/t - Mass density of aldehydes, mg/dm3; - Mass density of esters, mg/dm3; - Mass density of higher alcohols, mg/dm3; - Mass density of terpene alcohols, mg/dm3.

11 A similar situation is observed in the amount of esters: I-67.3; II-72.1; III-86.7 mg /dm3. The increase in the amount of grain alcohols and especially terpenes became more noticeable. In the first case, this is observed at an increase of about 40, and in the second about 100 mg/dm3. Another important point to note was the growth of phenolic compounds at this time, especially in its polymer form. This manifests itself as the main factor preventing sherry production in the wine material in the future. Given the above, the first type of juice fraction was used for sherry. By washing with various combinations of adhesives, the color parameters of the Bayanshir and Rkastel juice samples were determined. Comparative evaluation showed that the resistance index of the Bayanshir variety is higher than that of the Rkatsiteli variety. The highest rate when considering the options was observed in the combination of gelatintan. The treatment of wine materials with Polyvınylpolypyrrolıdone (PVPP) resulted in a decrease in the total number of phenolic com- pounds in the varieties by 14-28 mg/dm3, while the polymer phenolic compounds decreased to zero in other varieties, with the exception of the Rkatsiteli grape variety. In the course of research, it turned out that there are not enough nitrogenous substances in the samples of wine material. This factor can be explained by the lack of nitrogen in the soil. Given the importance of nitrogen for sherry, nitrogenous food sources were used - an aqueous solution of ammonia, yeast autolysates, or preparations based on ammonium salts. The introduction of drugs into the juice before fermentation and its effect on fermentation were studied. During fermentation, pure yeast solutions were used. In the control version, i.e. fermentation carried out without adding anything, lasted 15 days, and in other versions-no later than 13 days. Among the preparations were phosphate- containing additives, which accelerated the fermentation more, and at this time the fermentation ended after 11 days. Given that nitrogenous substances also play an important role in the subsequent fermentation process, studies have been conducted to eliminate this at the expense of natural raw materials at no additional cost. As you know, red juices and wine materials are

12 richer in nitrogenous substances than white ones. With this in mind, their use in sherry was considered. But to do this, the juice or wine material must be cleaned of excess phenolic compounds. The optimal amount of drugs used for this purpose was determined experimentally. This amount was 80 g/l of Everget D100 Activa Color activated carbon and 70 g/l of Kolagel Clarda modified gelatin. The color measurement of materials treated with Activa Color and Kolagel Clarda was carried out in Hunterlabda (Model D-9000 Color Difference Meter). In Hunter, a-price shows red and green, b-price shows yellow and blue. L measures the degree of light or clarity (opacity). The price varies from 100-full white, 0- black. The results of the analysis are shown below (table 2).

Table 2. Features of asset processing influence

of the color of their materials Name of wine materials Cabernet Color Madrasa Hadogni Saperavi dimensio Sauvignon ns before after before after before after before after proces proces proces processi processi processi processi processi sing sing sing ng ng ng ng ng L 6,07 21,4 5,11 16,4 1,02 8,01 1,15 11,2 A 6,65 -8,05 7,77 0,08 4,41 6,65 3,12 6,15 B 0,09 9,12 1,03 3,05 0,08 1,11 0,05 0,09

Analysis of the size of the color shows that, although after processing Activa color wine materials obtained from some varieties (Saperavi, ), mostly retain their color, in other varieties (Madrasa, Hadogni) this has led to significant changes. Discoloration was observed in the wine materials of both Madrasas and Hadogni. But more vividly this grape variety "madrasa" showed itself. It turned out that the wine material obtained by the “white method”from the Madrasa grape variety has a delicate taste and a delicate bouquet, and can also give a positive result in eliminating nitrogen deficiency. Then the resulting material, depending on its composition, is introduced into the sherry separately or in a blend of white varieties. In our conditions, in warm regions, there is usually a lack of acidity, and in foothill and mountain areas, the acidity is higher than normal. In addition, in some years, due to unfavorable

13 climatic conditions, the normal ripening of the grapes does not occur. As a result, grapes are harvested that do not meet the conditions, in this case, the grapes are obtained with a lower sugar content and high acidity. It is known that in conditions of low or high acidity, the process of sherry does not take place or is very weak. Therefore, the regulation of acidity was noticed during the study. One of the most effective methods of reducing the hardness of acids during titration is to reduce the acidity by biological means. But since the bacteria can not function effectively in the medium of wine material with very high acidity, it is necessary to first treat it chemically, and then biologically. In this case, the chemical method involves reducing the acidity to such an extent that under such conditions, the microorganisms are able to bring the process to an end, actively developing. The reduction of acidity is biologically carried out by lactic acid bacteria, which convert malic acid into lactic acid and thereby provide a reduction in acidity. The wine contains 4 genera and 9 species of lactic acid bacteria. But studies show that the spontaneous flow of the process with natural microflora is associated with a number of risks. Therefore, pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria were used for this purpose. When the acidity in the sherry wine material decreases biologically, a change in the composition is observed along with the acids of other components (table 3). Apparently, when the acidity decreases biologically against the background of a decrease in malic acidity in the White table wine material, both from a mixture of Bayanshir and Aligot, and from a mixture of white varieties, an increase in lactic acidity was observed. In the process of , there was practically no fundamental change in the amount of tartaric and succinic acids. It turned out that in this case, the improvement in the quality of the wine is achieved by increasing its stability. At the same time, the absence of malic acid in wine to a certain extent reduces the likelihood of mutations associated with bacteria. As a result of the transformation of dibasic malic acid into monobasic lactic acid, the sharp acidity of the medium decreases, and a soft taste is formed, characteristic of lactic acid accumulated in the medium.

14 Table 3. Influence of the acidity regulation in the Sherry wine material on the composition parameters



3 Üzvi turşular, q/dm mg/dm3


, h%



Examples of




Alchogol Shugar ml General Free acidity Wine Apple Milk Amber Aligote Before lowering the 9,8 0,11 91 13 3,18 8,7 4,15 3,11 0,41 0,26 acidity After lowering the 9,7 0,11 16 9 3,40 6,3 4,15 0,81 1,0 0,26 acidity Before White table 10,2 0,17 96 14 3,18 8,5 4,10 3,80 0,23 0,36 wine material After 10,1 0,17 54 8 3,30 6,5 4,10 0,63 2,10 0,36 Bayanshira before 10,5 0,12 64 6,0 3,10 8,6 3,76 3,5 0,36 1,10 After 10,3 0,11 58 5,1 3,3 6,4 3,76 0,51 1,20 1,10

Adding a small amount (25-30 mg/dm3) of sulfite anhydride, eventually gluing and filtering, or pasteurizing the wine material also gives good results. It was found that the optimal pH for the develop- ment of the sherry curtain is in the range of 3.2-3.4. In such a material, the optimal change in titrated acidity can be considered in the range of 5-7 g/dm3. Even in our country, juices from vineyards grown in lowland regions often attract attention for their low acidity. Wine from such grapes makes the body unbalanced and can easily get sick. Here in the production of wine materials, this issue is particularly acute. All available academic research in this area proves the inadmissibility of acidity below the minimum limit. To increase the acidity, tartaric acid was added to the juice or wine. This improves not only the taste and harmony, but also the color of wine samples with reduced acidity. The improvement in color is due to the stimulating effect of acids on the solubility of the coloring substances of grapes. Also, a blend of low-acid materials with high acidity of the material has proven itself well. Fourth chapter This chapter is devoted to "Improving the hard- ware and technological scheme of production based on the results of

15 research". According to the hardware and technological scheme (fig.3), developed on the basis of experimental studies, wine materials and alcohol are mixed, transferring from the tanks-1,2,3, in which they are located, to the blending tank-4 and bringing its density to 16.5 x%. It is placed at rest for a certain time, then fed from there to the heat exchanger-5, and from there by the pump-6 to the aerobic fermenter-7, where the internal fermentation process takes place. The purpose of this work is to ensure the enrichment of the wine material with nitrogenous substances due to internal fermentation. If the curtain is served on sherry, the wine material can be fed directly into the sherry-8 machine in a thin layer, without passing through the fermenter. The nitrogen-enriched wine material from the aerobic fer-menter is fed through a three-shaft tap to the fermentation tank in an unfixed manner (at the same time, yeast from the yeast apparatus-10 is fed to this tank -9) or to the fermentation apparatus in a thin layer for fermentation with a curtain-8. If sherry is obtained by fermentation -7, then the wine material fermenter-7 is able to be transferred directly to the collector tanks. Wine materials distilled in different ways are pumped into storage tanks in the order of priority-11,12,13. Wine materials aged in different ways are collected separately in collection tanks. From here, the wine materials are sent for further technological operations. The mentioned hardware and technological scheme ensures the simultaneous flow of the sherry process by various methods. The resulting fermented wine material was rated 0.2-0.4 points higher than the control one. Wine materials obtained from various grape varieties, as well as samples made by blending (using Madrasa wine materials in an amo- unt of 10-15 % with white wine materials), were delivered to sherry. The sherry neck was “veiled” by the sherry method, stored in yeast sediment in unfinished containers and grown under a veil of yeast. The processes occurring in both cases had the same direction, but with the veiled method, they were noticeable with greater intensity. Observations have shown that the higher content of aldehydes occurs in the period of 45 days from the beginning of sherry. At this time, the aldehyde content averaged 586 mg/dm3.


17 In the course of observations after 100 days, there was a decrease in the content of aldehydes by 92 mg/dm3, which was 494 mg/dm3. At the end of the sherry treatment, it was found that this amount decreased to 276 mg/dm3. This decrease in the amount of aldehydes is associated with their conversion in the process of sheresization into closed acetals-dioxanes and dioxolanes, as well as ketones. Apparently, the increase in acetals occurs against the background of the reduction of aldehydes. Towards the end of the process, the ratio of aldehydes to acetals was 1.01.The subsequent increase leads to a decrease in the quality and typicality of sherry. The importance of this case becomes clear if we consider that the amount of aldehydes and acetals and their ratio to each other are one of the main criteria that determine the course of sherry. It turned out that esters play a special role in the typicality of sherry wines, along with aldehydes and acetals. It is believed that volatile and saturated esters are involved in the formation of the bouquet of wine, and non-volatile-in the formation of its taste. The indicators of the composition of the resulting wine material, depending on the yeast race, were different in different periods of fermentation. Analysis of the results shows that the formation of aldehydes and acetals was higher in Sherry-96K. Despite the fact that the sherry was carried out with the same starting material, the mentioned race was positive in terms of the amount of both aldehydes and acetals for 180 days. As the sherry continued, the ratio of aldehydes to acetals decreased. Organoleptic analysis of the manufactured sherry samples showed that the best practices samples are close to the analogues produced in Spain. The proposed hardware and technological scheme has successfully passed production tests in Az-Granata LLC. In the study, the economic effect was 622.7 manats per 1000 gal of wine.


1. The sugar-acid coefficient was in the range of 25.6-30.0 in the grape varieties Aligote, Bayanshire and Rkatsiteli: and in the varieties Fetyaska, Semillon and Sauvignon-32.2-33.3. The berry index is 32.2-33.8, the content of impurities in the bunches of

18 varieties varies between 2.1-5.7%. The amount of peel was within the normal range for all varieties, that is, less than 10%. 2. For the sherry wine material, when the juice output from one ton of grapes increases, there is also an increase in the mass density of higher alcohols, esters and aldehydes. If in the 1st case the content of aldehydes was 61.2 mg/dm3, then in the 2nd-78.3, and in the 3rd- 86.1 mg/dm3. At this time, an increase in phenolic compounds and especially its polymer form was observed. It is important to remove the sherry wine. 3. The use of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVPP) led to a decrease in the total amount of phenolic compounds to 14 mg/dm3 in the Bayanshir grape variety, 28 mg/dm3 in Rkatsiteli and 20 mg/dm3 in Fetyaski. The amount of polymer phenolic compounds in other varieties has been reduced to zero, with the exception of the Rkatsiteli grape variety. A decrease in the integral index of oxidation (OIG) was observed in the experimental samples compared to the control ones and did not exceed the established threshold for non- oxidized wines in all samples. 4. For the first time, the red Madrasa grape variety was used for the production of the Sherry wine material. In order to discolor the resulting juice or wine, as well as to exclude phenolic compounds, the optimal dose of activated charcoal Everget D100 Activa color (80 g/hl) and modified gelatin Kolagel Clarda (70 g/hl) was determined. 5. With the use of the madrasa grape variety, the necessary amount of nitrogenous substances important for fermentation was provided in the wine material. Depending on the grape variety, the total nitrogen content in wine materials ranges from 236-293 mg/dm3, and amine nitrogen-110-174 mg/dm3. The use of the obtained wine materials by blending individual or white varieties gave a positive result. 6. The differentiated technology of regulating the acidity in wine materials in accordance with the grape variety and the zoning of cultivation is justified. The main advantage among the acids belon- ged to tartaric acid, and its amount in the wine material of Bayanshir was 51.72% of the total amount of acids. In the Fetyaska grape varieties, the proportion of tartaric acid among the 6 acids was

19 53.33%, and in the Rkatsiteli grape varieties, respectively, 54.54%. Another acid that has an advantage after tartaric acid among the acids was lactic acid. 7. Samples of wine materials were grown by the method of lint- free aging in yeast sediment for 12 months in unclosed containers with a neck. It turned out that the reduction in the amount of alcohol occurred in all wine samples. This was mainly characteristic of the sherry process, which manifests itself as a result of the oxidation of ethyl alcohol to acetic aldehyde. 8. It was noted that the experimental samples taken under the curtain of sherry for 6 months compared to the original wine material, especially the wine sample obtained by blending, underwent more profound changes. At the same time, there was a decrease in the alcohol content by 1.8 x%, and the amount of the brought extract-by 2.5g/dm3. Studies show that such profound changes are associated with the successful course of the heretization process. 9. As a result of the conducted research, a hardware and technological scheme was developed that ensures the simultaneous flow of the sherry process by various methods. Wine materials that have undergone fermentation by various methods are collected separately in collector tanks and sent to further technological operations. The obtained sherry wine materials were rated 0.2-0.4 points higher compared to the control ones. By improving the technology of sherry wines, an economic efficiency of 622.7 manats per 1000 gallons of wine was achieved.

Recommendatıons for producers

 Selection of grape varieties for sherry and the use of certain more optimal options and schemes for the preparation of wine materials;  The use of reasonable parameters that allow you to obtain sherry wines from red grape varieties;  Introduction of efficient production technology and its hardware, ensuring the production of high-quality sherry wines.

20 The main provisions of the dissertation are reflected in the following published articles: 1. Heydarov, E.E. Alcohol consumption and its role in human health / E.E.Heydarov, A.T.Taghiyev // Azerbaijani Agrarian Science. - 2016, №2, - pp. 88-90. 2. Taghiyev, A.T. study of the possibilities of production of sherry wine in Azerbaijan / A.T.Taghiyev // Azerbaijani agricultural Science, 2017, No. 1. - pp. 117 - 120. 3. Taghiyev, A.T. Distinguishing features of the production of wine materials /T.A.Tagiev, H.K.Fataliyev //Azerbaijani agricultural Science, 2017, №4. - pp. 180-183. 4. Taghiyev, A.T. Research of some factors influencing the quality of sherry wines / A.T.Taghiyev, N.H.Fatalieva // Azerbaijan Agrarian Science, 2018, No. 1. - pp. 96-99. 5. Taghiyev, A.T. Research of sherry wines in Azerbaijan / ma- terials of the International scientific and Practical conference "Problems of ensuring food security of the independent Azerbaijani state and improving the competitiveness of the agrarian sphere”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. Azerbaijan University of Cooperation. - Baku, - 2018. - pp. 617-619. 6. Mammadov, B.A. Study of the effect of cryopreservation on the chemical composition of the wine /B.A.Mammadov, A.T. Taghiyev // Materials of the II Republican scientific-practical conference on the Azerbaijan State Economic University, Baku - 2018. - pp. 88-90. 7. Taghiyev, A.T. Production kresovich wines by biological cul- tivation / A.T. Taghiyev/ materials of the International conference on topical problems of modern natural and economic Sciences, Ganja state University, Ganja - 2018, Part I - pp.379-380. 8. Taghiyev, A.T. Influence of grape yield and mechanical com- position of aging on the quality of sherry wines / A.T.Taghiyev. //Scientific works of ASAU, No. 1, - 2019. - pp. 33-36. 9. Taghiyev, A.T. Research and evaluation of raw materials for sherry wines / A.T. Taghiyev, H. K. Fataliyev // Collection of news of the Ganja branch of ANAS. - 2019, No. 1.- pp. 222-225.

21 10. Taghiyev, A.T. The study of the possibilities of obtaining sherry material from grapes of the Matrassa variety / Technique and technology of food production: materials, XIII International Scientific-Technical Journal. conf., April 23-24, 2020, in 2 volumes, / A.T.Taghiyev, K.F.Imanova, Kh.K.Fataliev /Institution of education "Mogilev State University of Food"; ed.: A.V.Akulich (ed.) [et al.]. - Mogilev: MGUP, 2020. - Vol. 1-pp. 91-92. 11. Taghiyev, A.T.. Influence of terms and conditions of matu- ration on the quality of the sherry wine material // Materials of the IV Republican scientific and practical conference” Prospects for the development of food and light industry in our republic and the challenges facing it " / A.T.Taghiyev, H.K.Fataliev. (December 08, 2020), - pp. 181-183. 12. Taghiyev, A.T.. Justification of some requirements for wine cooling /A.T.Taghiyev, K.V.Baloglanova / Beer and beverages, 2019, No. 3. - pp. 24-26. 13. Taghiyev, A.T. Research on the production of sherry-type wines in Azerbaijan/A.T.Taghiyev, Kh.K.Fataliyev //International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research, 2020,no.4.- pp.48-54. 14. Mammadova, S.M. Production of functional products using grape processing residuals / Mammadova,S.M., Fataliyev, H.K., Taghiyev A.T. [et al]. /Food Science and Technology DOI: Dhttps: // 10.1590/fst.30419, pp. 1-7. 15. Baloglanova, K.V. Research of phenolic compounds in apple juice / K.V.Baloglanova, A.T.Taghiyev, Kh.K.Fataliev [et al.]. / Winemaking and , 2020, No. 2. - p. 19-23. 16. Mammadova S.M. Research on the use of grape pomace for the production of functional products/Scientific support for the de- velopment of agriculture in the context of import substitution: col- lection of scientific papers on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Development of the agro- industrial complex on the basis of modern scientific achievements and digital technologies". - Ch.I / S.M. Mammadova, A.T. Taghiyev, A.R. Mammadova [et al.]./ SPbGAU.- SPb., 2020. (St. Petersburg- Pushkin, January 23-25, 2020). - pp. 122-124.


The defense of the dissertation will be held on «26» may 2021, at _1100_ at the meeting of the Dissertation council FD 2.26 under the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University.

Address: Az 2000, Republic of Azerbaijan, Ganja city, Ataturk avenue, 450.

Dissertation is accessible at the library of Azerbaijan State Agrarian University.

Electronic versions of the dissertation and its abstract are available on the official website of the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University.

Abstract was sent to the required addresses on « 26» _april_ 2021.

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