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Aaronson, Irving, 312 adowa, 600 ‘The Loveliest Night of the Year’, 312 Adventures of a Ten-Mark Bill, The, 182 Abba, 3, 309, 325, 496, 557, 615 Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, The, 422, music in Mamma Mia, 325 430 Abbado, Claudio, 615 Aeolian (see also piano: player), 97 Abdel-Rahim, Gamal, 599, 602–3 African-Americans, 8, 154, 158, 167, 311, Rhapsody for and Piano, 602 395, 414, 419, 423, 424, 440, 546 Abiam, Nana Danso, 592 confusion of the African and the Abstract Expressionism, 88, 344, 350 African-American, 160 accessibility(comprehensibility)( see also in Europe, 168 exclusion), 40, 45, 70, 91, 100, 110, impact on the musical, 322 152, 156, 168, 170, 179, 180, 183, 191, impact on Tin Pan Alley, 98 228, 246–8, 264, 298–9, 337, 364, 366, and National Socialism, 62, 174 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 375, 376, 381, racialized image of, 158 382, 389, 463, 467, 474, 488, 524 African ‘art’ music, 589, 590–3, 596–604, ‘acoustic theology’, 474 606–12 Adami, Giuseppe, 203 Afro-Celt Sound System, 497 Adams, John, 539, 540, 543, 544–5, 549, Agawu, Kofi, 601, 603, 604 551, 553–4, 615 Aho, Juhani, 103 Christian Zeal & Activity, 544 Panu, 103 The Death of Klinghoffer, 553 Akai S-1100 sampler, 564 Grand Pianola Music, 544 Albarn, Damon, 578 Harmonielehre, 549 ‘Waterloo Sunset’, 578 El Ni˜no, 554 Albert, Eugen d’, 200 Nixon in China, 553–4 Tiefland, 200 Shaker Loops, 544 Die toten Augen, 200 Adams, Stephen, 312 Albini, Steve, 565 ‘The HolyCity’,312 aleatoricism, see indeterminacy Adderley, Julian ‘Cannonball’, 404 Alfie, 502 Addinsell, Richard, 310 algorithmic composition (see also ‘Warsaw ’, 310 ), 465, 535 Addy, Obo, 602 All Girls Band, 316 Kukrudu, 602 Alpert, Herb, 311, 441 Okropong, 602 Tijuana Brass, 311, 441 Ade, King Sunny, 595, 596, 615 Spanish Flea, 311 Ad`es, Thomas, 3, 510, 615 Alex, Joe, 169 Adler, Guido, 254 Alfano, Franco, 202 Adorno, Theodor, 46, 73–4, 80, 86, 87, 116, Alfv´en, Hugo, 310 191, 195, 197, 230, 264, 272, 308, 340, Alternative TV, 559 341, 508, 522, 533, 601, 616 ‘Love Lies Limp’, 559 ‘The Ageing of the New Music’, 522 amadinda, 584 ‘Vers une musique informelle’, 533 Amar Quartet, 177


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amateur music-making, 12, 43, 109, 113, Ballet m´ecanique, 182, 219 146, 177, 311 Jazz Sonata, 171 discouraged, 65 Sonata Sauvage, 171 ambient music (see also electronic dance Transatlantic, 182 music), 555–6, 568, 573, 585 The Wish, 339 Ambrose, Bert, 315, 316 Antoine, 330 A-Mei, 36 ‘La Tramontana’, 330 American Bandstand, 430, 431 AOR (adult-oriented rock), 498 American Civil War, 6, 124, 125 Aphex Twin, 568 American Graffiti, 502 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 83 American Music Club, 567 Arditti, Irvine (see also Arditti String AMM, 470 Quartet), 12, 510 Amos, Tori, 568 Arditti String Quartet, 509, 510, 533 ‘Me and a Gun’, 568 Arel, Bulent, 464 amplification, 21, 23–4, 442, 465, 564 Arlen, Harold, 320, 616 Amy, Gilbert, 454 ‘Come Rain Come Shine’, 320 Diaphonies, 454 Armstrong, Louis, 130, 131, 132, 135, 136, Triade, 454 137, 140, 141, 145, 146, 149, 396, 616 Anatomy of a Murder, 407 ‘Cake Walking Babies’, 131 Anbruch, see Musikbl¨atter des Anbruch ‘Dippermouth Blues’, 130 Anders, Allison, 448 ‘Froggie Moore’, 130 Grace of My Heart, 448 Hot Fives, 132, 137, 140, 145 Andersen, Lale, 328–9 ‘Cornet Chop Suey’, 132 ‘Lili Marleen’, 328–9 ‘Muggles’, 132 Anderson, Brett, 578 ‘Potato Head Blues’, 132 Anderson, Laurie, 552–3, 588 ‘Tight Like This’, 132 ‘O Superman’, 552 ‘West End Blues’, 132 Strange Angels, 588 Arndt, Felix, 111 United States, 553 ‘Nola’, 111 Anderson, Leroy, 102, 310 Arnold, Billy, 168, 175 Blue Tango, 310 American NoveltyJazz Band, 168–9 Sleigh Ride, 310 Arnold, Malcolm, 310 ‘The Typewriter’, 102 Arrested Development, 573 Anderson, Marian, 425 Artaud, Antonin, 347 Anderson, Signe, 449 Art Ensemble of Chicago, 411 Anderson, Thomas J., 7 Art of Noise, 606 Anderson, W. R., 381 Ashcan School, 133 Andriessen, Louis, 40, 471, 545–6, 616 Ashley, Robert, 474, 476, 552, 553 Anachronie I, 545 Atalanta, 552 Anachronie II, 545 Now Eleanor’s Idea, 552 Hoketus, 545 Perfect Lives, 552 On Jimmy Yancey, 545 The Wolfman, 474 Mausoleum, 546 Ashton, Frederick, 183 Reconstructie, 471 Asian Dub Foundation, 562 De Staat, 546 Community Music, 562 Volkslied, 545 Asmussen, Sven, 140 Workers’ Union, 545 Asso, Raymond, 326 Andy, Horace, 575 ‘Elle fr´equentait la rue Pigalle’, 326 Animals, The, 419, 437, 559 Association, 439 animated film, 100, 107, 115, 133, 179 ‘Along Comes Mary’, 439 Ansermet, Ernest, 166, 616 Astaire, Fred, 112, 317 Antheil, George, 70, 171, 182, 219, 292, Atkins, Cholly, 434 339, 616 atsiagbekor, 600 Airplane Sonata, 219 Attali, Jacques, 502, 503, 504

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Atwell, Winifred, 314 Bach, J. S., 53, 157, 237, 241, 247, 252, 254, Auden, W. H., 207 265, 268, 269, 274, 295, 296, 389, 460, audience, 41–2, 95, 96, 100, 112–14, 115, 481, 485 155, 165, 180, 191, 195, 198, 199, 204, Art of , 254 205, 229, 232, 233, 246–8, 254, 264, Schoenberg’s version of the Prelude 268, 287, 289, 290, 295, 300, 302–3, and Fugue in E flat, BWV 552, 241 309, 324, 337, 350, 368, 382, 399–400, Webern’s version of the Ricercar from the 415, 431, 443, 467, 469, 485, 497, 509, Musical Offering, 241, 247 519, 524, 531, 535, 559, 589–90, 591 Bacharach, Burt, 329, 432, 570 fans, 399, 423, 443, 447, 478, 480, 490, ‘Magic Moments’, 329 491 background music: fanzine, 559 muzak, 308, 482, 483, 501 jazz, 134, 139, 145, 150, 315, 412 semi-audible, 482, 483 general public, 91, 105, 134, 190, 233, Bacon, Francis, 240, 245, 246, 286, 287–8, 303, 405, Baconiana, 271 482, 509 Baez, Joan, 439, 448, 449, 617 informed audience, 105, 482 ‘The Night TheyDrove Old Dixie listeners, 41, 116, 235, 370, 429, 481, Down’, 439 483, 488, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, ba˘glama, 20, 21, 29 500, 501 Bailey, Kathryn, 253, 254, 255 construction of, 479–81 Baker, Arthur, 566 mass audience, 66, 308 Baker, Chet, 403 Auer, Leopold, 50 Baker, Josephine, 87, 168, 169–70, 172, 176, Auric, Georges, 174 177, 313, 617 Adieu, New York!, 174 Bakunin, Mikhail, 546 Auschwitz, 208, 389 Bal´asz, B´ela, 182 Austin, Larry, 466 Achtung! Aufnahme!, 182 authenticity, 49, 130, 145, 147, 156, 171, The Adventures of a Ten-Mark Bill, 182 175, 204, 230, 245, 268, 293, 294, Ball, Kenny, 317 302–3, 317, 332, 408, 414, 419, 425, ballad, 105, 311, 312 427, 431, 434, 437, 439, 440, 444, 446, parlour, 110, 311 448, 484–6, 487–8, 490, 493, 497, 523, royalty, 110 536, 560, 563, 565, 567–8, 572, 584 Ballard, Hank, 429–30 constructions of, 12, 589–90, 591, 596 ‘The Twist’, 420, 429–30 authorship (see also ownership), 11, 13, 30, ballet, 101 270, 359, 434, 470, 471, 487, 499, 503, , 165, 166, 176 551, 587–8 Ballets Su´edois, 176 collective, 135, 272, 471–2 Bambaataa, Afrika, 572 Avalon, Frankie, 431 Ban, Jan Albert, 530 Avant-Garde (record set), 476 Vanitas, 530 Aveling, Claude, 312 Band, The, 12, 439 ‘Come Back to Sorrento’, 312 Band Aid, 568 Axton, Estelle, 433, 448 Banfield, Stephen, 324 Ayllu Sulca, 30 Bang on a Can, 502, 546–7 Aznavour, Charles, 313 banjo, 125, 163, 166 Bankole, Ayo, 597 Babbidge, Dora Dean, 177 Three Part-Songs, 597 Babbitt, Milton, 7, 46, 345, 379, 409, 455, Barbara (=Monique Serf), 328 464, 475, 525, 546, 617 ‘L’Aigle Noir’, 328 Philomel, 464 L’Ecluse, 328 Twelve-Tone Rhythmic Structure and the ‘Nantes’, 328 Electronic Medium, 475 Barber, Samuel, 111, 379, 408, 617 Vision and Prayer, 464, 546 Antony and Cleopatra, 379 Bach, C. P. E., 268 Knoxville: Summer of 1915, 379

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Medea, 379 Anthology, 576 Piano Concerto, 379 Let It Be, 560 Piano Sonata, 379 ‘Across the Universe’, 560 Vanessa, 379 ‘Let It Be’, 577 Barbirolli, John, 617 ‘Love Me Do’, 436 Barenboim, Daniel, 617 Revolver, 441, 576 Baresel, Alfred, 173, 176 ‘Eleanor Rigby’, 576–8 Das neue Jazzbuch, 173 Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Barnet, Charlie, 141, 142, 143, 402 Band, 332, 441, 442, 468, 560 arrangement of ‘Cherokee’, 143 ‘A Dayin the Life’, 560 Barraqu´e, Jean, 343 ‘When I’m Sixty-Four’, 332 Piano Sonata, 343 ‘Taxman’, 561 Barrie, J. M., 106, 207 ‘Ticket to Ride’, 329 Mary Rose, 106 ‘Yesterday’, 332 Barrister, Alhadji Sikuru Ayinde, 594 Beatniks, 400, 435 Barron, Bebe, 346 Bebey, Francis, 584 Barron, Louis, 346 bebop, 45, 148, 150, 397–401, 402, Barry, James, 308 403–4, 405, 406, 409, 413, 422, Barry, Jeff, 432 442, 444 Barry, John, 434, 618 Becce, Giuseppe, 106 James Bond theme, 434 Bechet, Sidney, 129, 130, 131, 135, 139, Barthes, Roland, 327 168, 619 Bartok,´ Bela, 4, 47, 50, 55, 75, 77, 83, 111, ‘Cake Walking Babies’, 131 115, 193, 244, 279, 301, 366, 378, 485, ‘Kansas CityMan Blues’, 131 515, 618 ‘Wildcat Blues’, 131 Cantata profana, 301 Beck, Jeff, 437 Miraculous Mandarin,77 Beckett, Samuel, 82 Basement Jaxx, 499 Bedford, David, 456 Basie, Count, 141, 142, 150, 317, 402, 618 Beefheart, Captain, 567 Count Basie Band, 143, 149 Captain Beefheart and the Magic Bassey, Shirley, 320, 327 Band, 567 Baudelaire, Charles, 6, 239, 347, 361, 481 Trout Mask Replica, 567 ‘Le voyage’, 361 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 5, 9, 51, 53, 62, 66, Baudrier, Yves, 289 93, 102, 106, 115, 206, 236, 238, 241, Bauhaus, 54 250, 257, 263, 268, 278, 372, 460, 461, Baum, Chris, 602 484, 485, 486, 493, 532, 544, 548 Baumol, William J., 55, 56, 58, 59 F¨ur Elise, 461 Bax, Arnold, 492 Piano Sonata no. 8 (‘Path´etique’), 93 BayCityRollers, 447 Piano Sonata no. 21 (‘Waldstein’), 372 Bayle, Franc¸ois, 465 Piano Sonata no. 32, op. 111, 115 BBC, 9, 32, 33, 310, 314, 315, 332, 337, 368, String Quartet, op. 135, 250 428, 480, 481, 530 no. 5, 115 BBC Symphony , 509 Symphony no. 6 (‘Pastoral’), 102 Beach Blanket, 431 Symphony no. 9, 206, 484 Beach Boys, The, 434, 439, 441, 448, 570, ‘Ode to Joy’, 544 571, 576, 618 Behague, Gerard, 291 ‘Good Vibrations’, 441 Behrman, David, 466, 476 Pet Sounds, 441, 576 Beiderbecke, Bix, 130–1, 132, 133, 135, Beadell, Eily, 307 136, 139, 140, 146, 149, 619 ‘Cruising Down the River’, 307 ‘Royal Garden Blues’, 132 Beatles, The, 45, 308, 329, 332, 418, 419, solo on ‘Singing the Blues’, 132 427, 428, 431, 434, 435–6, 438, 441, Bekker, Paul, 263 442, 447, 468, 491, 496, 498, 559, 560, Bel, Mbilia, 594 561, 570, 571, 576–7, 578, 618 Belafonte, Harry, 320

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Bellini, Vincenzo, 118, 119 Visage, 355, 464 belt (vocal technique), 112 Berlin, Irving, 96, 98, 110, 120, 163, 165, Ben Pollack Orchestra, 135, 141 317, 322, 323, 366, 432, 620 Beneke, Tex, 138 ‘Alexander’s Ragtime Band’, 98, 119–20 Benjamin, George, 51 Annie Get Your Gun, 323 Benjamin, Walter, 6, 104, 117, 518 ‘That Mysterious Rag’, 165 ‘Theses on the Philosophyof ‘White Christmas’, 317 History’, 518 Berlin Philharmonic, 191 Bennett, Richard Rodney, 619 Berlin Wall, dismantling of, 508 Bennett, Robert Russell, 96, 322 Berliner, Paul, 399 Bennett, Tony, 319, 329 Berlioz, Hector, 289, 600 Benois, Alexandre, 119 Berkeley, Busby, 96 Petrushka, 119 Berkeley, Lennox, 93 Benson, Ivy, 316 Bernhard, Paul, 173 Berberian, Cathy, 345, 355, 359 Jazz: Eine musikalische Zeitfrage, 173 Berg, Alban, 71, 77, 102, 115, 182, 188, 193, Bernie, Ben, 316 204, 228, 232, 233, 235, 236, 238, 239, Bernstein, Elmer, 108, 406, 620 240, 243, 244, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, The Man with the Golden Arm, 406–7 252, 253, 254, 255, 460, 600, 619 Bernstein, Leonard, 47, 51, 323–4, 379, Altenberg Lieder, 243 408–9, 492, 620 Chamber Concerto, 244 Candide, 323 Drei Bruchst¨ucke aus ‘Wozzeck’, 235 Chichester Psalms, 379 Four Songs, op. 2, 248 Prelude, Fugue and Riffs, 408 Guide to Pelleas und Melisande, 236 Symphony no. 2, The Age of Anxiety, 408 Lulu, 102, 239, 252, 255 Trouble in Tahiti, 379 Lyric Suite, 250, 252 West Side Story, 323–4 ‘Schliesse mir die Augen beide’, 244 Berry, Chuck, 426, 428, 435, 620 Three Pieces for Orchestra,71 ‘Maybelline’, 426 Concerto, 193, 248, 250, 251, 252, ‘Promised Land’, 426 255 ‘You Never Can Tell’, 426 Der Wein, 182, 232, 239, 250, 252, 254 Besseler, Heinrich, 262 Wozzeck, 77, 188, 193, 203, 235, 246, 252, Bhundu Boys, 490, 620 254, 255, 381 big band, 127, 134, 135, 136, 141, 142–3, Berg, Matraca, 427 144, 147, 148, 150, 156, 303, 317, 330, Berger, Arthur, 350 396, 398, 400, 401–2, 408, 410, 413, Bergson, Henri, 86 425, 426, 593 Berigan, Bunny, 141, 143, 149 and singers, 138 Berio, Luciano, 338, 339, 350, 355, 366, decline of, 397 455, 460, 509, 515–16, 539, 540, 601, Big Broadcast, 432 619 Bigard, Barney, 149 Chemins series, 516 bikoutsi-rock, 594 Chemins VI, 516 Bilk, Acker, 317 Epifanie, 339, 455, 464, 476 BillyBanks Rhythmakers,138 and IRCAM, 507 Binge, Ronald, 310 Laborintus II, 455, 464 ‘Elizabethan Serenade’, 310 Omaggio a Joyce, 355 Birtwistle, Harrison, 370–1, 456, 493, 509, , 516 510, 528–9, 621 Passaggio, 455 , 528 Un re in ascolto, 516 , 529 Rendering, 516 , 529 Ritratto di Citt´a, 338 The Mask of , 528, 529 Sequenza, 516 Melancolia I, 370 Sinfonia, 460, 516 The Second Mrs Kong, 529 La vera storia, 516 Secret Theatre, 528

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Tragoedia, 528 Boehm, Theobald, 211 Verses for Ensembles, 528 Bogdanovich, Peter, 328 Bizet, Georges, 106 Bohlman, Philip, 7 Carmen, 107 Bohme,¨ Franz, 295 Bjork,¨ 568 Bok, MaryCurtis, 171 Bjornberg,¨ Alf, 330, 331 Bolcom, William, 379 Blacher, Boris, 62 Bongo Maffin, 606 Black, Clint, 427 boogie-woogie, 545 Black, Stanley, 311 Booker T, see Jones, Booker T. Black and White Minstrel Show, 314 Boone, Pat, 429 Black Box, 565 Booth, Webster, 312 ‘Ride on Time’, 565 Bop Girl Goes Calypso, 432, 445–9 Black Mambazo, 588 Boretz, Benjamin, 525 , 407 Bosendorfer,¨ Ludwig, 60 Black Umfolosi, 588 bossa nova, 308, 407 Blackboard Jungle, 419 Boston Pops, 44, 310 Blackburn, Tom, 313 Boswell, Connee, 423 ‘The Ballad of DavyCrocket’, 313 Boswell Sisters, 423 blackface, see minstrelsy ‘Rock and Roll’, 423 Blake, Eubie, 322 Bottai, Giuseppe, 336 Shuffle Along, 322 Boublil, Alain, 325 Blake, Jody, 160 Les Mis´erables, 325 Blake, Michael, 608, 609 Miss Saigon, 325 French Suite, 609 Boughton, Rutland, 207 Let Us Run Out of the Rain, 609 The Immortal Hour, 207 Blakey, Art Boulanger, Lili, 109 Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers, 402 Boulanger, Nadia, 244, 269, 292, 293, 345, Bland, James, 125 621 ‘CarryMe Back to Old Virginny’,125 Boulez, Pierre, 51, 75, 239, 341, 342–3, 346, Der blaue Engel (The Blue Angel), 172, 302, 347–9, 350–1, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 328 357–8, 359–60, 362, 366, 367, 374, ‘Ich bin die fesche Lola’, 302 453, 454, 456, 457, 460, 464, 469, 475, Blesh, Rudi, 396 476, 509, 510, 511–12, 519, 521, 522, Blige, MaryJ., 563, 573 528, 531, 611, 621 Blitzstein, Marc, 323 D´erive, 512 The Cradle Will Rock, 323 Etude for tape, 611 Blood Sweat & Tears, 411 . . . Explosante-fixe . . . , 511, 512 Blossom Time, 205, 208 Incises, 512 blue notes, 126, 127, 179, 321, 395 and IRCAM, 506–7 bluegrass, 446 Livre, 348 blues, 126–7, 128, 138, 143, 148, 149, 166, Le marteau sans maˆıtre, 348–9 167, 169, 175, 176, 309, 322, 395, 402, Notations for piano, 512 421, 424, 440, 445, 446, 448, 490, 491, Notations I–IV for orchestra, 512, 522 586 Penser la musique aujourd’hui, 360, 475 British blues, 436–7, 441, 446 Piano Sonata no. 2, 341, 347, 349, 350 Chicago blues, 127, 139, 436, 437 Piano Sonata no. 3, 356, 358 countryblues, 436 Pli selon Pli, 360, 454 harmony, 115, 174 Don, 360 and jazz bands, 126, 127 Improvisations sur Mallarm´e I and II, 360 twelve-bar, 76, 400, 430, 434 Improvisation sur Mallarm´e III, 360 Blur, 565, 578 Tombeau, 360 ‘Waterloo Sunset’, 426, 578 Po´esies pour pouvoir, 358, 362, 464, 512 Blythe, Coralie, 158 Polyphonie X, 348 body, the, 156–7, 160, 350 R´epons, 511, 512, 522

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Boulez, Pierre (cont.) Breil, Joseph, 107 Rituel in memoriam , 454, The Birth of a Nation, 107 511 Brel, Jacques, 327–8 Le soleil des eaux, 342, 348, 353 ‘Les Bourgeois’, 328 Complainte du l´ezard amoureux, 348 Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in La sorgue, 348 Paris, 327 Sonatine for and piano, 347 ‘Le moribund’, 327 Structures Ia, 348, 350, 351, 357 translated as ‘Seasons in the Sun’, 327 Structures Ib, 348 ‘Ne me quitte pas’, 327 Structures Ic, 348, 350 translated as ‘If You Go Away’, 327 Ligeti’s analysis of the opening piece of Brendel, Alfred, 621 Structures, Book 1, 522 Breton, Andr´e, 82 Sur incises, 512 Brice, Fanny, 321 Le visage nuptial, 347, 348, 353 Brighter London, 315 Bourdieu, Pierre, 308, 324, 331–2 Brill Building (see also Tin Pan Alley), 329, La distinction, 331 432, 433, 440, 448 Bowen, William G., 55, 56, 58, 59 BRIT (British Record IndustryTrust) Bowie, David, 327, 498, 502, 556, 558, 560, awards, 491 565, 569, 578, 621 Britpop, 491, 578–9 Pinups, 560 Britten, Benjamin, 51, 55, 101, 207, 365, Young Americans, 560 366, 367, 368, 369, 370–1, 374, 375, ‘Across the Universe’, 560 377, 380–2, 383, 384–5, 386–9, 390, ‘Fame’, 560 392, 510, 622 Bowlly, Al, 318 Death in Venice, 388 ‘The VeryThought of You’, 318 Peter Grimes, 367, 380–1 Boyzone, 325 String Quartet no. 2, 383 Brackett, David, 318, 426 String Quartet no. 3, 384–5 Bradley, Dick, 442 The Turn of the Screw, 367 Bradshaw, David, 212, 223 War Requiem, 384 Brahe, May, 311 Broadway, 56, 64, 84, 96, 315, 322, 323, ‘Bless this House’, 311 324, 408, 435 Brahms, Johannes, 5, 47, 53, 60, 62, 238, Brooks, Garth, 427, 564 241, 242, 281, 460, 514 ‘The Dance’, 564 popularityof concerto in violin ‘Friends in Low Places’, 564 competition, 50 Broonzy, Big Bill, 127, 139 Branca, Glenn, 548–9 Brouwer, Leo, 456 Hallucination City, 549 Brown, Barclay, 216 Symphony no. 1, ‘Tonal Plexus’, 548 Brown, Earle, 344, 349, 356, 462, 476, 622 Symphony no. 2, ‘The Peak of the Available Forms I, 462 Sacred’, 549 Available Forms I & II, 462 Symphony no. 6, ‘Devil Choirs at the Centering, 462 Gates of Heaven’, 549 December 1952, 344 Brant, Henry, 7, 475 Four Systems, 356 Kingdom Come, 475 Novara, 462 Braque, Georges, 75 String Quartet, 462 brass bands, 127, 128, 134 Twenty-five Pages, 356 Brassens, Georges, 327, 328 Brown, James, 439, 440, 571–2, 573, 622 Brathanki, 496 ‘Cold Sweat’, 571, 573 Bratton, John, 314 ‘The Grunt’, 573 words for The Teddy Bears’ Picnic, 314 ‘It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World’, 571–2 Brecht, Bertolt, 180, 181, 189, 202, 294 ‘Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag’, 571 Brecht, George, 459 ‘Please, Please, Please’, 571 Saxophone Solo, 463 ‘SayIt Loud – I’m Black and I’m Water Yam, 463 Proud’, 439

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Brown, Roy, 423 Entwurf einer neuen Asthetik¨ der Tonkunst ‘Good Rockin’ Tonight’, 423 (Sketch of a New Aesthetic of Brown, Ruth, 433, 446 Music), 215 Brown, Steve, 129 Bussotti, Sylvano, 359, 461, 463, 623 Brown, Tom, 129 Pour Clavier, 461 Browne, Jackson, 565 Buster, Prince, 560 Bruant, Aristide, 326 ‘Al Capone’, 560 Brubeck, Dave, 403 Butterfield, Billy, 142, 143, 145 Gone with the Wind, 403 Butterworth, George, 111 Time Out, 403 Butterworth, Neil, 294 ‘Take Five’, 403 Buzzcocks, The, 559 Bruce, Lenny, 562 Byfield, Jack, 311 Bruckner, Anton, 62, 489, 548 Byrds, 439, 570, 571, 623 Brugmann,¨ Walter, 178 Byrne, David, 564, 569, 596 Brun, Philippe, 140 My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, 569 Bruns, George, 313 Rei Momo, 564 ‘The Ballad of DavyCrocket’, 313 Byron, Don, 497 Brunis, George, 145 Bryanston Summer School, see Dartington cabaret, 82, 92, 94, 111, 157, 171, 189, 313, Summer School 326, 327, 328–9 Bryant, Allan (see also Musica Elettronica Cacciari, Massimo, 517, 518 Viva), 466, 469 Il maestro del gioco, 518 Bryars, Gavin, 543–4, 554, 555 Prometeo, 517, 518 Discreet Music, 555 Cadman, Charles Wakefield, 111 Jesus Blood Never Failed Me Yet, Cage, John, 4, 6, 7, 45, 76, 210, 212, 216, 544 217, 222–3, 224, 342, 344, 345, 346, Phrygian Gates, 544 349–50, 351, 352, 355–6, 358, 359, Portsmouth Sinfonia, 554 455, 456, 462, 463, 465, 466, 469, 474, The Sinking of the Titanic, 544 476, 493, 510, 511, 513, 519–21, 524, Buckingham, Lindsey, 449 525, 540, 623 Buffalo Springfield, 439 Aria, 359, 453 ‘For What It’s Worth’, 439 Atlas Eclipticalis, 462 Buji´c, Bojan, 212 Bacchanale, 223 Bull, John, 456 Cartridge Music, 465 Bullitt, 413 Cheap Imitation, 462 Bulow,¨ Hans von, 60 Concert for Piano and Orchestra, 476 Bunyan, John, 373 Credo in Us, 223 The Pilgrim’s Progress, 373 Europeras, 519, 520–1 Burbank, Richard, 187–8 Europeras 1 and 2, 520 Twentieth Century Music, 187–8 Europeras 3 and 4, 520 Burdon, Eric, 437 Europera 5, 520 Burian, Emil, 177 First Construction (in Metal), 222 Jazz, 177 Fontana Mix, 359, 462 Koktarly, 177 Four, 521 Bubu from Montparnasse, 177 4 33, 465, 519 Jazz Requiem, 177 Freeman Etudes, 510, 521 Burkhard, Paul, 311 ‘The Future of Music: Credo’, 210, 222, ‘O mein Papa’, 311 223 Burmanniana, 271 Imaginary Landscape no. 1, 223 Busch, Fritz, 202, 622 Imaginary Landscape no. 3, 223 Bush, George, 43 Indeterminacy lecture, 476 Busoni, Ferruccio, 178, 188, 207, 212, 215, mesostic texts, 519–20 234, 263, 622 Music of Changes, 349, 351, 358, 521 Doktor Faust, 188 Roaratorio, 519–20, 521

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Cage, John (cont.) Night Fantasies, 513 Sonatas and Interludes, 223, 349 90+, 513 Variations V, 462 Sonata for flute, , cello, and , 346 harpsichord, 345 Cahill, Thaddeus, 215, 216 String Quartet no. 1, 345 , 215, 216 String Quartet no. 2, 345 Cajun music, 421, 426 String Quartet no. 3, 513 cakewalk, 156, 158, 160–3, 165, 167, 174, String Quartet no. 4, 513 177 String Quartet no. 5, 513 Calder, Alexander, 356 Symphonia: Sum Fluxae Pretiam Cale, John, 547, 560, 565, 569 Spei, 513–14 California Ramblers, 131, 139 Three Occasions, 513 California Time Machine, 469 Variations, 345 Callas, Maria, 623 Carter, Jimmy, 43 Callot, Jacques, 271 Carter, Ron, 404 Calvert, Eddie, 311 Carter, Sarah, 446 version of ‘O mein Papa’, 311 Carter Family, 424, 446 Calvino, Italo, 516 ‘River of Jordan’, 424 Un re in ascolto, 516 cartoons, see animated film La vera storia, 516 Caruso, Enrico, 198, 489, 624 Campoli, Alfredo, 311 Cary, Tristram, 339 Cannadine, David, 117 The Ballad of Peckham Rye, 339 Cannargiu, Attilio, 21 Casa Loma Orchestra, 135, 141 canon, 2, 42, 51, 52, 53, 54, 69, 76, 86, 117, Casals, Pablo, 43, 242, 624 198, 230, 269, 288, 365, 366, 442–3, Casella, Alfredo, 111, 214, 265, 269, 272, 455, 485, 486, 492, 509, 531, 532, 554, 273, 277, 279, 290, 624 558, 574, 608 Concerto Romano, 290 jazz, 123, 134, 397, 414 Paganiniana, 273 construction of and exclusion of Pupazzetti, 266 women, 445 Scarlattiana, 273 Capano, Frank, 329 Cash, Anita Carter, 446 ‘Tears’, 329 Cash, Helen Carter, 446 Cardew, Cornelius, 359, 469–70, 474, 623 Cash, Janette Carter, 446 Autumn ’60, 469 Cash, Johnny, 426, 624 ’61, 469–70 Cash, June Carter, 446 Third Piano Sonata, 469 Cash, Roseanne, 446 Treatise, 470 Castaldi, Paolo, 461 Caribbean islands, 124, 128, 140, 420–1 Anfrage, 461 and National Socialism, 62 Elisa, 461 Carpenter, John Alden, 111 Grid, 461 Carpenter, Karen, 446 Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario, 301 Carpenters, The, 329, 332, 567 Violin Concerto no. 2, 301 If I Were a Carpenter, tribute album to, 567 Castiglioni, Niccolo, 339, 461, 464 Carr, Ian, 396 Attraverso lo specchio, 339 Carrillo, Juli´an, 221 Sinfonie guerri`ere et amorose, 461 Carroll, Harry, 307 Castle, Irene, 158, 163, 170, 174 ‘The Trail of the Lonesome Pine’, 307 Castle, Vernon, 158, 163, 170, 174 Carroll, Lewis, 339 Castro, Fidel, 456 Carroll, Walter, 111 Catunda, Eunice, 352 Carter, Carlene, 446 Cendrars, Blaise, 175–6 Carter, Elliott, 345, 365, 379, 389, 455, 475, L’anthologie n`egre, 175 509, 510, 511, 512–14, 525, 623 Cr´eation du monde, 175–6 Double Concerto for harpsichord, piano censorship, 61, 562 and two chamber , 345 Centre Georges Pompidou, 506

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Cerha,ˇ Friedrich, 459 Chopin, Fr´ed´eric, 178, 188, 307, 461 Fasce, 459 Etude in E Major, op. 10 no. 3, 461 Spiegel II, 459 Christian, Charlie, 143, 149, 398 Chabelska, Maria, 165 Chuck D, 562 Chacksfield, Frank, 311 Cilea, Francesco, 116 Chad and Jeremy, 441 cinema organ, 97, 314 Chad Mitchell Group, 438 circus, 92, 94, 96, 115, 118, 157 Chadwick, George W., 100 civil rights, 428, 440, 445, 562 The Padrone, 100 Clapton, Eric, 419, 437, 624 Chaka Chaka, Yvonne, 605 Clark, Dick, 430, 431 Umbqombothi, 605 Clark, Petula, 320 chanson, 313, 325–8, 329 Clarke, John Cooper, 559 chanson r´ealiste, 307, 325, 326 Clarke, Kenny, 399, 556 Char, Ren´e, 342, 347, 348 Clash, 558, 559, 560, 570 charango,20 ‘1977’, 560 Charles, Jacques, 169 ‘Clash CityRockers’, 560 Charles, Ray, 425, 426, 433, 571 ‘Complete Control’, 558 Modern Sounds in Country and Western London Calling, 560 Music, 571 ‘White Man in Hammersmith charleston, 156, 167, 169, 172, 176, 213, Palais’, 570 408 class, 9, 10, 84, 110, 111, 117, 118, 128, 133, Charpentier, Gustave, 82, 100 153, 158, 189–90, 195, 198, 302, 331–2, Louise, 100 422, 423, 483, 557, 558, 561–2, 577 charts, see popularitychart Classic FM, 486 Chatham, Rhys, 540, 547, 548, 549 film music on, 486 An Angel Flies Too Fast to See, 549 Classics for Lovers, 486 Die Donnerg¨otter, 548 Classics from the Ads, 486 Drastic Classicism, 548 Claudel, 276 Guitar Trio, 548–9 Alcestis, 276 Chausson, Ernest, 60 Electra, 276 Ch´avez, Carlos, 222, 291–2, 293, 624 Oresteia, 276 Caballos de vapor, 291 clav´e, 420 Los cuatros soles, 291 Clayderman, Richard, 111 El fuego nuevo, 291 Clayton, Buck, 140, 143 Llamadas, 291 Clegg, Johnny, 605, 607 Sinfonia India, 291 Clementi, Aldo, 344, 459, 464 El Sol, 291 Informel, 459 Toward a New Music, 222 Clementi, Muzio, 262 Xochipilli-Macuilx´ochitl, 291 Clemons, Clarence, 566 Cheatham, Doc, 399 le Clerq, 314 Checker, Chubby, 429–30 ‘He Played His Ukulele as the Ship Went ‘The Twist’, 420, 429–30 Down’, 314 Chen Shiwen, 36 Cline, Patsy, 446 Cherry, Don, 406, 414 Clinton, Bill, 43 CherryFaced Lurchers, 605 Clooney, Rosemary, 320 Chicago (band), 411 Clovers, The, 433 Chiffons, 433 clusters, 214–18, 458, 459, 473, 515 Chigamba, Tute, 589–92 Coasters, 427, 433, 571 Mhembero Mbira Ensemble, 589, 592 Coates, Eric, 15, 94, 118, 310, 314 Pasi Mupindu (The World is ‘Calling All Workers’, 310 Changing), 589–90, 591 The Dambusters, 310 chill-out, 9, 333, 502 London, 310 chimurenga, 595, 604–5 ‘Knightsbridge’, 310 Chingodza, Musekiwa, 589–90 Phantasy, 94

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Coates, Eric (cont.) computer (see also : The Selfish Giant, 314 ), 345, 466, 507, 512, The Three Bears, 118 520 Coates, George, 552 microcomputer, 507 SeeHear, 552 Concert collectif, 471 The Way of How, 552 concert hall, 86, 220 Coates, Robert, 344 concert jazz, see symphonic jazz Cocker, Jarvis, 561 concerto, 92 Cocktail Music, 307 Condon, Eddie, 145, 146 Cocteau, Jean, 83, 165, 168, 174, 216, 262, Confrey, Edward Zez, 111, 176 276, 282, 326, 554 ‘Kitten on the Keys’, 111 La belle et la bˆete, 554 Conrad, Tony, 547, 551 Le boeuf sur le toit, 168 Early Minimalism, 551 Le coq et l’harlequin, 165 Slapping Pythagoras, 551 , 83, 169, 216, 219 Conringiana, 271 Coeuroy, Andr´e, 172 conservatories, 25, 48, 65 Jazz, 172 in the non-Western world, 18, 31–2, 36 Cogan, Alma, 320 hegemonyand the official musical Cohen, Leonard, 327, 565, 567 style, 32–3 I’m Your Fan, tribute abum to, Contemporary Music Review, 525 567 Conway, Russ, 111 Colahan, Arthur, 312 Cooder, Ry, 594 ‘GalwayBay’,312 Cook, Will Marion, 160, 168, 625 Cole, Cozy, 149 Clorindy, or the Origin of the Cakewalk, Cole, Gracie, 316 160 Cole, Nat ‘King’, 318–19, 329 Southern Syncopated Orchestra, 168 ‘Mona Lisa’, 318 Cooke, Sam, 425, 561 ‘Too Young’, 318 ‘Wonderful World’, 561 Coleman, Ornette, 405–6, 410, 413, 469, cool jazz, 402–4, 422 566, 624 coon songs, 98, 160 Free Jazz, 406 coon shouting, 119 The Shape of Jazz to Come, 405 Cooper, Martin, 391–2 Colette (Gauthier-Villars, Sidonie Copland, Aaron, 12, 44, 47, 63, 287, 291, Gabrielle), 174 292, 293–4, 302, 366, 369, 378–9, 408, collage (see also quotation), 178, 270, 275, 625 288, 338, 353, 354, 459–61, 472, 516, Appalachian Spring, 294, 378 520, 545, 578, 585 Billy the Kid, 293 collective composition, 471–2 Concerto, 378 colonialism, see imperialism Connotations, 378, 379 Coltrane, John, 404, 405, 412, 625 ‘Fanfare for the Common Man’, 378 Ascension, 405, 406 In the Beginning, 378 Blue Train, 405 Inscape, 378, 379 A Love Supreme, 405 Lincoln Portrait, 293, 378 Colyer, Ken, 317 Mexican Dance, 293 Comedian Harmonists, 171, 303 Music for the Theater, 408 commodification of music, 478, 479, 480, Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives), 378, 379 487, 503–4, 551, 592–3 Piano Concerto, 408 communism (see also Marxism and Soviet Piano Fantasy, 378 Communism), 207, 352, 456 Piano Quartet, 378 and religion, 109 Rodeo, 293–4, 378 dissemination of music under, 495–6 From Sorcery to Science, 291 L’Internationale, 353 El sal´on M´exico, 291, 293 Como, Perry, 307, 315, 329 Symphony no. 3, 378, 379 Composers’ Collective of New York, 292, The Tender Land, 378 293 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson, 378

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Corea, Chick, 413 Crosby, Bing, 205, 315, 317–18, 319, 397, Corigliano, John, 549, 625 626 Corp, Roland, 332 ‘I’ll Be Seeing You’, 318 Corra, Bruno, 215 Crosby, Bob, 142, 143, 148 ‘Abstract Cinema-Chromatic Bob Crosbyband, 145 Music’, 215 ‘Bobcats’, 145, 148 Corrs, The, 567 Cross, Burnett, 219 Corti, Jean, 327 Crow, Sheryl, 488 Cortot, Alfred, 188, 625 Crowded House, 488 Costello, Elvis, 560, 565 Crumb, George, 460, 475, 626 Get Happy, 560 Ancient Voices of Children, 460 ‘High Fidelity’, 560 Black Angels, 475 ‘Love for Tender’, 560 Vox Balaenae, 460 ‘Temptation’, 560 Cruz, Ivo, 291 Cotrell, Louis, 129 Crystals, 433, 563 Cotton, Billy, 315, 316 Cube, Ice, 562, 573 Cotton Club, 133, 135, 138, 483 ‘The Nigga Yo Love to Hate’, 562 Cotton Club de New York, 313 Cubism, 77–8, 87 countrymusic, 45, 309, 332, 418, 424, and Africa, 611 425–6, 427, 431, 435, 437, 446, 448, and popular material, 83 490, 565, 571 cue sheets, 106–7, 192 cover version, 429–30, 557, 559–61, 567, Cui Jian, 35, 626 571, 574, 575, 576–8, 593 Cunningham, Chris, 568 Coward, No¨el, 322, 329 Cunningham, Merce, 349–50 Bitter Sweet, 322 Curran, Alvin (see also Musica Elettronica Cowell, Henry, 7, 45, 47, 214, 217–18, 219, Viva), 469 220, 221, 222, 223, 292, 329, 626 Curtis, Ernesto de, 312 rhythmicon, 221 ‘Come Back to Sorrento’, 312 New Music Societyof California, 214, Cynganeddwyr, Geraint Jarman a’r, 568 217, 220 New Music Quarterly, 217 DaCosta, Glen, 575 New Musical Resources, 218, 223 ‘Magic Touch’, 575 The Banshee, 223 Dacre, Harry, 93 A Composition, 222 ‘DaisyBell’, 93 The Tides of Manaunaun, 214 Dada, 186, 189, 216, 558 Pulse, 222 Dahlhaus, Carl, 1–2, 40, 116, 117, 242, Rhythm–Harmony Quartets, 218 508 Synchrony, 220 Dale, Dick, 434 United Quartet, 222 ‘Let’s Go Trippin’, 434 Crane, Stephen, 133 ‘Misirlou’, 434 Crawford, Ruth, 214, 218, 220, 626 Dale, Jim, 431 Preludes for piano, 218 Dallapiccola, Luigi, 272, 378 Ricercari, 220 Damia, 326 String Quartet, 220 Damned, The, 559 Three Songs, 220 dance, 157, 222, 400, 482 Cream, 626 dance band, 119, 123, 141, 166, 309, Creole, 123, 128, 129 314–17, 318, 322 Creole Orchestra, 129, 130, 142, 145 music, 127, 128, 134, 156, 175, 193, 239, creolization, see hybridization 315–17, 482 Crickboom, Mathieu, 50 social, 95, 123, 125–6, 139, 154, 156–7, crooning, 307, 313, 319, 403, 432 178, 315, 422 Cropper, Steve, 434 Dancing in the Street, 428 ‘Dock of the Bay’, 434 Dangerous Moonlight, 310 ‘Knock on Wood’, 434 Daniel-Lesur (Lesur, Daniel Jean Yves), ‘In the Midnight Hour’, 434 289

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Dankworth, John, 401, 409 Pell´eas et M´elisande,78 Improvisations for Jazz Band and Symphony ‘Le petit n`egre’, 163 Orchestra, 410 Pr´elude `a ‘L’apr`es-midi d’un faune’,78 Danzi, Michael, 172 Pr´eludes, 72, 88, 163 Dare, Phyllis, 157–65 ‘General Lavine – eccentric’, 163 Darin, Bobby, 323, 432, 433 ‘Minstrels’, 163 version of ‘Mack the Knife’, 323 Dee, Sylvia, 318 ‘Splish Splash’, 432 ‘Too Young’, 318 Darmstadt Summer School (Ferienkurse), 4, Deep Listening Ensemble, 543 6, 337, 339–42, 346, 351, 352, 355, 356, Dehme, Richard, 79 357, 358, 359, 360–1, 453–7, 461, 464, Weib und Welt,79 470, 471, 472, 475, 476, 508, 511, 515, Del Tredici, David, 55, 379 516, 522, 523, 525, 527, 534 Final Alice, 379 Ensemble, 471 Deleuze, Gilles, 494 Darrell, R. D., 133 Delibes, L´eo, 101 Darren, James, 431, 432 Delius, Frederick, 72, 73, 82, 88, 93, 105 Dartington Summer School, 337, 340 Brigg Fair,73 Davenport, Paul, 37 Hassan, 105 David, Hal, 329, 432, 570 On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring,88 ‘Magic Moments’, 329 Paris,93 Davidovsky, Mario, 464 Summer Night on the River,72 Davies, Ray, 566, 578 Dempster, Stuart, 543 ‘Waterloo Sunset’, 578 Denisov, Edison, 628 Davies, Peter Maxwell, 627 Dent, Edward, 233 Davis, Carl, 627 Denza, Luigi, 97 Davis, Clive, 411 ‘Funicul`ı – funicul`a’, 97 Davis, Don, 502 Depression, 63, 137, 141, 142, 148, 183, The Matrix, 502, 503 220, 292, 313, 422 Davis, Miles, 403–5, 406, 407, 411–13, 414, New Deal, 63, 287 627 Dermota, Anton, 206 L’ascenseur pour l’´echafaud, 407 ‘Dein ist mein ganzes Herz’, 206 The Birth of the Cool, 403, 409 Deslys, Gaby, 163 Bitches Brew, 412 Desmond, Paul, 403 In a Silent Way, 412 ‘Take Five’, 403 Kind of Blue, 404, 405 Desormi`ere, Roger, 342, 344 On the Corner, 412 Deutsche Grammophon, 476, 485 Davis, SammyJr., 320 DeVeaux, Scott, 4, 401, 402 Davison, Wild Bill, 145 Dexy’s Midnight Runners, 560, 574 Dawson, Peter, 311 It Was Like This, 574 Day, Doris, 320 ‘Dance Stance’, 574 ‘The daythou gavest’, 118 Dia Foundation, 550–1 De Falla, Manuel, 72, 277 Diaghilev, Sergei, 78, 83, 84, 165, 216, 266, Atl´antida, 277 628 Night in the Gardens of Spain,72 Parade, 83, 169, 219 De La Soul, 573 Polovtsian Dances,84 De La Soul is Dead, 573 ,84 Three Feet High and Rising, 573 Diamond, Neil, 440 Debussy, Claude, 60, 72, 75, 76, 78, 82, 86, The Jazz Singer (1980), 440 88, 101, 111, 114, 150, 163, 166, 174, Dibangu, Manu, 584, 589–90, 595, 596, 177, 212, 217, 237, 262, 263, 266, 346, 628 360, 407, 532, 627 Dick, Marcel, 243 Children’s Corner, 163 Diddley, Bo, 420 ‘Golliwogg’s Cake-Walk’, 163 Die Hard 2: Die Harder, 499 Jeux, 76, 78, 88 Dietrich, Marlene, 172, 302, 328, 329, 628 La Mer, 72, 78, 114 ‘Where Have All the Flowers Gone’, 328

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Dillon, James, 527 Dozier, Lamont, 433 D’Indy, Vincent, 72, 73 Dreiser, Theodore, 133 Jour d’´et´e `a la montagne, 72, 73 Dresher, Paul, 543, 552 Dire Straits, 570 Liquid and Stellar Music, 543 ‘Moneyfor Nothing’, 570 SeeHear, 552 disco, 319, 478, 555, 562, 563, 572, 605 The Way of How, 552 Disney, 118, 481 Dreyblatt, Arnold, 547–8 Fantasia, 481 Orchestra of Excited Strings, 548 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 119 Dreyfus, Max, 98 dissemination, 18, 45, 55, 92, 139, 167, 407, Drifters, 427, 433, 571 430, 435, 436, 482, 491, 503–4, 551, ‘Up On the Roof’, 433 604 ‘Under the Boardwalk’, 433 via technology, 40, 41, 52, 55, 110, 113, ‘On Broadway’, 433 125–34, 137, 139, 140, 168, 191, 247, drugs (narcotic), 213, 401, 406, 426, 311, 337, 423, 435, 468, 476, 484, 439, 441–2, 448, 449, 468, 478, 495–6, 508, 509, 535, 564–5, 595 501, 555 diversity, see pluralityand pluralism Drummers of Burundi, 592 ‘Dixie’, 107 drum ’n’ (see also electronic Dixie Chicks, 446 dance music), 487, 573, 575 Dixieland, 123, 129, 131, 134, 135, 136, dub, 487, 574–5, 576 140, 142, 143, 144–7, 148, 150 Dubas, Marie, 326 revival, 147, 156 Dubin, Al, 320 DJ, 483, 487, 493, 501, 565, 569, 572, 573, ‘You’re Getting To Be A Habit with 575, 576, 595 Me’, 320 djembe, 585 Duchamp, Marcel, 216, 506 DNA, 569 Musical Erratum, 216 Dobbri Saxophone Orchestra, 181 Duckworth, William, 543 Dodd, Ken, 329 Southern Harmony, 543 ‘Tears’, 329 Dudley, Caroline, 169 Dodds, Johnny, 130, 147 Dukas, Paul, 94 Dodecaphonic Congress, 340, 341 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,94 Dolmetsch, Arnold, 628 Dumont, Charles, 326 Dolphy, Eric, 406, 566 ‘La belle histoire d’amour’, 326 domestic space, 110–11, 160, 311, 479, 482 Dunn, Donald ‘Duck’, 434 drawing room, 92 Dunstable, John, 456 Domingo, Placido, 628 Duparc, Henri, 111 Domino, Antoine ‘Fats’, 425 Dutilleux, Henri, 389 ‘Ain’t That a Shame’, 425 Dutiro, Chartwell, 21, 589–90 ‘BlueberryHill’, 425 Dutrey, Honor´e, 129 ‘Walking to New Orleans’, 425 Dvor´ak, Antonin, 109, 110 Donatoni, Franco, 464, 628 Humoresque, 110 Donegan, Lonnie, 435 Dylan, Bob, 438, 439, 449, 565, 566–7, 574, ‘Rock Island Line’, 435 593, 629 Donizetti, Gaetano, 117 Biograph, 566 Donna Reed Show, The, 422, 431 Blood on the Tracks, 574 ‘Don’t DillyDallyon the Way’,97 ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’, 439 Doors, The, 576, 629 ‘Chimes of Freedom’, 593 ‘Light MyFire’, 576 Empire Burlesque, 566 doo-wop, 425 Good as I Been to You, 566 Dorsey, Jimmy, 132, 135, 141 Real Live, 574 Dorsey, Tommy, 141, 142, 319, 320, 397 Street Legal, 566 Doucet, Cl´ement, 168 ‘Tangled Up in Blue’, 574 Douglas, Steve, 566 World Gone Wrong, 566, 574 ‘downtown’ and ‘uptown’ distinction, 455, Dzerzhinsky, Ivan, 289 475 Tikhiy Don (The Quiet Don), 289

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Eagle Orchestra, 128 computer music, 466, 507, 511, 512, 520, ‘earlymusic’, 13, 49, 486 534, 535 Easthope, Martin, 111 electronic instruments, 56, 215, 216, 222, ‘Come to the Fair’, 111 223, 466, 506 Eastwood, Clint, 407 electronics with live performer, 339, 341, Bird, 407 354, 355, 464, 466, 512, 517, 535 easylistening ( see also light music), 9, 307, live electronic music, 222, 223, 455, 465, 308–9, 317–21, 323, 325–8, 331–3 466, 468, 470, 512, 535 definition of, 307–8 musique concr`ete, 216, 337, 338, 343, 465, ‘EasyListening Top Ten’, 329 466, 476 Ebb, Fred, 323, 325 tape loops, 467, 543 Cabaret, 323 tape music, 338–9, 343, 354, 355, 455 Chicago, 325 Elfman, Dannie, 629 Echo and the Bunnymen Elgar, Edward, 5, 51, 93, 102, 105, 109, 118, ‘Rescue’, 579 373, 486, 493, 630 Eckstein, Billy, 150, 320, 398, 401 Dream of Gerontius, 109 L’ecluse, 328 Enigma Variations, 93, 102 ECM (Edition of Contemporary Falstaff, 103 Music), 414–15, 493, 549 , 103 ´ecriture f´eminine, 534 Violin Concerto, 103 Eddy, Duane, 566 Eliot, T. S., 79, 82, 83, 86, 87, 325 Eddy, Nelson, 312 The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,79 ‘Indian Love Call’, 312 elitism, see exclusion Edens, Roger, 96 Elizalde, Fred, 139, 318 Edmond de Polignac, Princesse, 169 Quinquaginta Ramblers, 139 education, 43, 48, 50, 54, 86, 111, 233, 463, Ellington, Duke, 133, 135–6, 138, 140, 141, 507, 510, 561–2, 600, 609 142, 143, 148, 149, 150, 172, 396–7, Asian-Americans in music education, 65 398, 401, 403, 404, 407, 410, 429, 630 Egk, Werner, 62 Anatomy of a Murder, 407 Ehrlich, Cyril, 117, 118 ‘Black and Tan Fantasy’, 135 Eicher, Manfred, 414, 493 Black, Brown and Beige, 396 Eimert, Herbert, 338, 341, 343, 354, 476, ‘Clarinet Lament’, 144 629 ‘Creole Love Call’, 135 Eisenstein, Sergei Mikhailovich, 302 ‘Creole Rhapsody’, 144 Alexander Nevsky, 302 ‘Don’t Get Around Much Anymore’, 143 The Battleship Potemkin, 192 Duke Ellington Orchestra, 144, 483 Ivan the Terrible, 302 ‘East St. Louis Toodle-oo’, 135 Eisler, Hanns, 104, 189, 194, 229, 239, 629 ‘Echoes of Harlem’, 144 Ekyan, Andr´e, 140 ‘Harlem Airshaft’, 144 Elastica, 578 ‘Ko–Ko’, 144, 150 El-Dabh, Halim, 599 ‘Main Stem’, 144 El Din, Hamza, 601 ‘Mood Indigo’, 135, 136 Escalay (‘Waterwheel’), 601 Ellis, Vivian, 310, 322 Eldridge, Roy, 148, 150 Bless the Bride, 322 electric guitar, 149, 548–9 Ellison, Ralph, 400 guitar solo, 437 Eloy, Jean-Claude, 454 Electric Light Orchestra, 561 Equivalences, 454 ‘10538 Overture’, 561 Faisceaux-Diffractions, 454 electric organ, 97, 433, 437 Elton, W. J., 205 electronic dance music, 10, 487–8, 490, Emmett, Roland, 219 493–4, 501, 555–6, 585 Enna, August, 107 electronic music, 222, 346, 412, 413, 454, Eno, Brian, 502, 555, 556, 568–9, 630 457, 464–6, 507, 509, 517, 518, 521, Ambient I: Music for Airports, 555 547, 553, 593, 603 Discreet Music, 555

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Ensemble, 471 Fabares, Shelley, 431 Ensemble InterContemporain, 509, 513 Fabian, 431 Equals, The, 605 Fain, Sammy, 318 Erasmus of Rotterdam, 472 ‘I’ll Be Seeing You’, 318 erhu, 20–1 Faith, Percy, 311 Ernst, Max, 76 Faithfull, Marianne, 449, 594 eroticism, 85, 101, 102, 139, 170, 182, Fall, The, 559, 565, 578 197 Fanfare magazine, 58 Ertegun, Ahmet, 433 Fanning, David, 391 Escape from the Planet of the Apes, 413 Farcas¸, Dumitru, 496 Eshun, Kodwo, 572 fascism, 190, 207, 273, 287, 290, 336 E Street Band, 566 Fassie, Brenda, 606 ethnicity, see race Memeza, 606 Etude, The (periodical), 43 FatboySlim, 499, 576 Euba, Akin, 589, 590, 598–601, 608, 630 Father Knows Best, 422 Chaka, 600 Faulkner, William, 75 Modern African Music, 601 Faur´e, Gabriel, 71, 88, 93, 111, 112–13, 119 Scenes from Traditional Life, 599–600 P´en´elop´e,88 Europe, James Reese, 154, 158, 167, 168, Piano Quartet no. 1 in C minor, 111 315, 630 Fay, Laurel E., 384 Clef Club Symphony Orchestra, 154 Fazola, Irving, 143 ‘Dixie Jass Band One–Step’, 166 Feldman, Morton, 217, 344, 349, 351, 462, Hellfighters Band, 168 508, 509, 631 ‘LiveryStable Blues’, 166 Durations, 351, 462 SocietyOrchestra, 158 The King of Denmark, 462 Eurovision Song Contest, 3, 330, 331 Out of Last Pieces . . . , 462 Eurythmics, 565 Projections, 344, 351 ‘Sweet Dreams’, 565 Vertical Thoughts, 462 Evangelisti, Franco, 469 feminism, 525, 562 Random or Not Random, 469 Ferneyhough, Brian, 4, 457, 508, 509, 510, Evans, Bill, 403, 404, 631 527–8, 531, 534, 631 Evans, Gil, 404 Carceri d’Invenzione I, 528 Evans, Ray, 318 Intermedio all Ciaconna, 527 ‘Mona Lisa’, 318 Kurze Schatten II, 528 EverlyBrothers, 425, 426, 427, 429, 431, Lemma-Icon-Epigram, 527 435, 436, 439 String Quartet no. 2, 510, 527, 528 ‘Cathy’s Clown’, 436 String Quartet no. 3, 528 ‘Lucille’, 429 String Quartet no. 4, 528 ‘Please Mr Postman’, 436 Superscriptio, 527 ‘Til There was You’, 436 Terrain, 528 ‘Till I Kissed Ya’, 436 Time and Motion Study I, 527 ‘Twist and Shout’, 436 Time and Motion Study II, 527 ‘Wake Up, Little Susie’, 436 Trittico per Gertrude Stein, 528 Excelsior (band), 128 Unity Capsule, 527 exclusion, 190, 199, 232, 233, 412, 413, 453, Ferrari, Luc, 343, 465 463, 468 Etude aux accidents, 465 exclusion of young women, 110 Etude aux sons tendus, 465 exoticism, 84–5, 111, 124, 153–4, 170, 277, Music Promenade, 465 310, 352, 457, 483, 563 Presque rien no. 1, 465 exoticization, 35, 36, 596 Tˆete et queue du dragon, 465 expressionism, 80, 171, 180, 191, 229, 239, Ferr´e, L´eo, 327 264, 290, 372, 374 Ferrier, Kathleen, 631 reaction against, 261, 269 Ferry, Bryan, 560, 566 extended techniques, 458, 470, 473, 507 These Foolish Things, 560

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Fiddler on the Roof, 578 foxtrot, 98, 99, 126, 156, 158, 169, 172, 174, Fields, Gracie, 314 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 183, 213, 408 52nd Street, 148 Francis, Connie, 320, 445, 446 film, 41, 84, 92, 94, 112, 118, 142, 154, 171, Franck, C´esar, 53 176, 181, 196, 199, 205, 206, 207, 208, Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, 195 213, 214, 299, 303, 308, 312, 338, 396, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, 565 430, 435, 501, 502–3 ‘Relax’, 565 film music, 44, 91, 92, 98, 104, 196, 231, ‘Two Tribes’, 565 232, 240–1, 302, 303, 309, 310, 318, Franklin, Aretha, 433, 440, 563, 571, 577–8, 332, 378, 403, 406–7, 467, 469, 479, 632 482, 503, 530, 554 ‘Border Song (HolyMoses)’, 577 film musical, 112, 114, 323 ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’, 577 Indian, 482, 495, 501 ‘Let It Be’, 577 silent, 137, 240, 338 Fraser, Liz, 575 music for, 104–7, 191–2, 310 free jazz, 7, 405–6, 410–11, 413, 414, 469, cinema pianist, 108, 199 545 sound, 96, 97, 104, 107–8, 137, 192, Freed, Alan, 423, 430 242–4, 310, 482 Freed, Ralph, 320 surround-sound systems, 500, 503 ‘How About You’, 320 pornographic, 207 Freeman, Bud, 140 Fingesten, Michael, 197 Freud, Sigmund, 80, 81, 86 Finnissy, Michael, 51, 457, 527, 631 Friml, Rudolf, 310, 312, 322 Finzi, Gerald, 111 film version of Rose Marie, 312 Firman, Sidney, 315 Frith, Simon, 443, 588 Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich, 631 Fritsch, Johannes, 460, 470 Fischinger, Oskar, 222 Modulation I, 460 Fisher, Fred, 320 Fuchs–Robettin, Hanna, 182 ‘Chicago’, 320 Fugees, 573 Fitzgerald, Ella, 401, 632 fuji, 594 Flanner, Janet, 169 Fullman, Ellen, 543 Fleetwood Mac, 449 funk, 440, 555, 571–2, 586, 605 Flesch, Carl, 50 Funnicello, Annette, 445 Fletcher Henderson Orchestra, 131, 135, Furtado, Nelly, 587–8 141 Whoa. Nelly!, 587 Fluxus, 463–4, 466, 467 ‘Hey, Man!’, 587–8 Flynn, Errol, 196 Furtw¨angler, Wilhelm, 51, 191, 207, 208, folk music, 46, 63, 157, 220, 435, 437, 234, 632 438–9, 448, 565 Futurism, 6, 77–8, 83, 84, 215–16 protest, 432 folk traditions, 119 Gabriel, Peter, 594, 596, 632 Ford, Henry, 170, 212, 213, 308 gagaku, 346, 457, 548 My Life and Work, 212 gaida, 20, 21 Formby, George, 312 Gaines, Chris, see Brooks, Garth Forster, E. M., 114, 115 game scores, 503 Howards End, 114 gamelan, 349 Forte, Allen, 99 Gamper, David, 543 Foster, Hal, 546, 550 Gandhi, Mahatma, 553 Foster, Stephen, 98, 110, 125 Gann, Kyle, 539, 547, 555 ‘The Camptown Races’, 98 American Music in the Twentieth ‘MyOld KentuckyHome’, 125 Century, 539 ‘Oh! Susanna’, 125 Garbarek, Jan, 414, 493 Four Freshmen, 434 Officium, 415, 493 Four Tops, 434 Garbuzov, Nikolai, 218 4X computer, 507, 512 Gardiner, John Eliot, 632

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Gare, Lou, 470 Getz, Stan, 407 Garfunkel, Art, 438–9 Gidget, 431 Garland, Judy, 317, 320, 632 Gilbert, L. Wolfe, 314 ‘Chicago’, 320 ‘Ragging the Babyto Sleep’, 314 ‘Come Rain Come Shine’, 320 Gilbert, Olive, 113 Garofalo, Reebee, 428, 442 Gilbert, W. S., 95, 99, 118, 321 Gaye, Marvin, 439, 632 Gilels, Emil, 633 ‘What’s Going On?’, 439 Gillespie, Dizzy, 150, 398, 401, 413, Gazzelloni, Severino, 359, 470 633 Gebrauchsmusik, 177, 229, 237, 238, 294 Gillett, Charlie, 423, 442 Gehlhaar, Rolf, 470 Giordano, Umberto, 116, 287 gender, representations of, 84, 158, 422, Inno Imperiale, 287 480–1, 519, 523, 524, 559, 562–3, Inno nazionale, 287 577–8 Giteck, Janice, 543 femininity, 76, 81–2, 84 Om Shanti, 543 feminization of genre, 320–1 Giuffre, Jimmy, 409 genre gendered female, 152–3, 169, 170, Glass, Philip, 40, 392, 467, 468, 469, 502, 179, 201, 326 509, 541–2, 544, 545, 549, 551–2, 553, identity, 562, 577–8 554, 556, 584, 603, 633 masculinity, 158, 179–80, 182, 431, 559 La belle et la bˆete, 554 Genovese, Eugene, 420 Einstein on the Beach, 541, 551–2 Roll, Jordan, Roll, 420 Glassworks, 549 genre, 18, 230, 247, 248, 262, 488–9, 493, Koyaanaqatsi, 554, 555 558–61, 566–7, 568, 576, 586, 589–90, Music in Contrary Motion, 467 591 Music in Fifths, 467 construction of, 482–3, 490–1, 593–5, Music in Twelve Parts, 541 596–7, 606 Satyagraha, 553 via technology, 424, 484–7 ‘Spring Waterfall’, 603 continuity, 37 Glinka, Mikhail, 266, 302 gender, 152–3, 169, 170, 179, 201, 326 Global Underground, 585 race, 424 ‘London Zulu’, 585 westernization of non-Western globalization, 8, 11, 65, 496, 501 genres, 29, 31, 32, 497 Globokar, Vinko, 456, 471, 473, 633 George, Stefan, 239 Laboratorium, 473 Gereformeerde Blues Band, 605 Glock, William, 340, 341 Gerhard, Roberto, 364 Godowsky, Leopold, 633 German, Edward, 95, 105 Goehr, Alexander, 77, 456, 633 Merrie England,95 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Gershwin, George, 96, 98, 99, 111, 116, 252–3 119, 154, 235, 322, 367, 408, 432, 444, Goeyvaerts, Karel, 341, 343, 346, 542, 554, 632 634 An American in Paris, 235 Pourque les fruits mˆurissent cet ´et´e (May the Girl Crazy, 322 Fruits Ripen this Summer), 542 ‘Embraceable You’, 322 Goffin, Gerry, 432 ‘I Got Rhythm’, 322 Goldkette, Jean, 135 Let ’Em Eat Cake, 323 Goldman, Albert, 443 Of Thee I Sing, 322 Goldsmith, Jerry, 413, 634 Porgy and Bess, 116, 322 Escape from the Planet of the Apes, 413 Rhapsody in Blue, 119, 154 Goll, Yvan, 180 Gershwin, Ira, 96, 322 Gollwitsch, Rupert, 206 Girl Crazy, 322 Gonella, Nat, 140 ‘Embraceable You’, 322 Goodman, Alice, 553–4 ‘I Got Rhythm’, 322 The Death of Klinghoffer, 553 Porgy and Bess, 322 Nixon in China, 553–4

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Goodman, Benny, 135, 137, 141, 142, 143, Griffiths, D. W., 107 148–9, 150, 316, 396, 402, 634 The Birth of a Nation, 107 BennyGoodman Orchestra, 140, 141, Griffiths, Paul, 301, 342 143, 149 griots, 584, 594 Goodman Quartet, 147, 149 Grisey, G´erard, 635 Goodman Quintet, 148 Groat, Andrew de, 552 Goodman Sextet, 148–9 Grof´e, Ferde, 134, 135, 170 Goodman Trio, 147, 148, 150 Groove Armada, 333 ‘Sometimes I’m Happy’, 143 Goodbye Country, 333 Goossens, Eugene, 107 Grossmith, George, 157–8, 329 Gordon, Michael, 546 Midnight Follies, 329 I Buried Paul, 546 Grossmith, Lawrence, 158 Trance, 546 Grosz, Georg, 69, 176, 189, 209 Gordy, Berry Jr., 433, 434 Grosz, Wilhelm, 181–2 Gore, Lesley, 447 Achtung! Aufnahme!, 182 ‘It’s MyParty(and I’ll Cryif I Want Baby in der Bar, 181 To)’, 447 ‘Isle of Capri’, 182 Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts, Jazzband, 181 447 ‘Red Sails in the Sunset’, 182 ‘You Don’t Own Me’, 447 Second Dance Suite, 181 Gorecki,´ Henryk, 40, 392, 456, 458, 549, Groupe de Recherches Musicales 634 (GRM), 343, 465, 471 Genesis cycle, 458 Concert collectif, 471 Symphony no. 3, 392 Gruenberg, Louis, 152–3, 178, 183 Gorky, Maxim, 288 The Daniel Jazz, 178 On Socialist Realism, 288 Jazz-Masks, 178 Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci, 567 Jazz-Suite, 178 Patio, 567 Jazzberries, 178 gospel, 110, 424–5, 426, 427, 429, 433, 437, Jazzettes, 178 440, 444, 567, 577, 588 Gruppo Nuova Consonanza, 469 Goths, 418 Guattari, Felix, 494 Gould, Glenn, 634 Gubaidulina, Sofia, 3, 509, 530–1, 635 Gounod, Charles, 93, 109, 312 Offertorium, 531 film version of Faust, 312 The Seven Words of Christ, 531 Graener, Paul, 62 String Quartet no. 2, 531 Graham, Brendan, 331 Zeitgestalten, 531 ‘The Voice’, 331 Guevara, Che, 472 Graham, Harry, 312 Guilbert, Yvette, 95, 327, 328 ‘Goodbye’, 312 Guiraud, Ernest, 80 Grainger, Percy, 152, 219, 221, 634 Gurney, Ivor, 111 Gramophone magazine, 58 Guthrie, Gwen, 563 Grandmaster Flash, 572, 573 Guthrie, Woody, 438, 635 ‘The Message’, 573 ‘This Land Is Your Land’, 438 Grappelli, St´ephane, 140, 635 Gwenzi, Gwanzura, 610 Grateful Dead, 412, 468, 635 Nyamaropa, 610 Grease, 422 gypsies, 140, 420 Green, Charlie, 135 music of, 321 Greenaway, Peter, 554 and National Socialism, 62 The Draughtsman’s Contract, 554 Drowning by Numbers, 554 Haase, Erich, 271 Greenberg, Florence, 448 H´aba, Alois, 176, 221 Greenfield, Howard, 432 habanera,˜ 165, 180, 420 Greenwich, Ellie, 432 Hackett, Bobby, 142, 145, 148 Grieg, Edvard, 106, 107, 111, 203 Hageman, Richard, 111

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Hahn, Reynaldo, 93, 322 Harrison, Lou, 222, 223, 636 Ciboulette, 322 Canticle #1, 223 Haitink, Bernard, 635 Fifth Simphony, 223 Hakmoun, Hassan, 602 Song of Quetzalcoatl, 223 Saade (‘I’m Happy’), 602 Hart, Lorenz, 96, 98, 118, 323 Wawshishijay (‘Our Beginning’), 602 ‘MyFunnyValentine’, 118 Halee, Roy, 563 Babes in Arms,98 Haley, Bill, 139, 331, 425, 635 ‘The Ladyis a Tramp’, 98 and the Comets 419, 426 ‘MyFunnyValentine’, 403 ‘Rock Around the Clock’, 419 Hartleben, Otto Erich, 80 ‘See Ya Later, Alligator’, 426 Hartmann, Karl Amadeus, 372 Hall, Edmond, 145, 146 Harvey, Jonathan, 528, 636 Hall, Henry, 314, 315 Harvey, P. J., 567, 578 The Teddy Bears’ Picnic, 314 Dry, 567 Hamm, Charles, 110, 317 Hatch, John, 308 Hammerstein, Oscar I, 96 Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman, 463, Hammerstein, Oscar II, 96, 322, 323, 476 366 Hauer, Josef, 243, 636 The King and I, 323 Hausmann, Raoul, 186 Music in the Air, 90–1, 116 Havel, Vaclav, 496 Oklahoma, 323 Havilland, Olivia de, 196 Show Boat, 96, 322 Hawkins, Coleman, 131, 135, 140, 148, 149, ‘Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man’, 322 150, 636 The Sound of Music, 323 Hawkins, Peter, 327 South Pacific, 323 Hawkins, Ronnie, 439 Hammond, John, 149 Hawks, The (aka The Band), 439 Hammond organ, 97, 433, 437 Haydn, Joseph, 47, 51, 65, 236, 242, 510, Hampton, Lionel, 147, 148, 316 530 Hancock, Herbie, 404, 412, 413, 595 L’isola disabitata, 530 Headhunters, 412 Hayes, Isaac, 502 Rockit, 413 Shaft, 502 Handel, George Frideric, 241, 268, Hayworth, Rita, 112 296 Haza, Ofra, 490 Concerto Grosso, op. 6, no. 7, 255 ‘Hearts and Flowers’, 94 Handy, W. C., 166–7 Heart’s Desire, 205 ‘Memphis Blues’, 166–7 heavymetal, 558, 559, 573 ‘St. Louis Blues’, 166–7 Hebdige, Dick, 443 Hanson, Howard, 379 Hedges, Anthony, 332 ‘happenings’, 349, 463 Heger, Robert, 51 Happy Days, 422 Heifetz, Jascha, 50, 636 Harbach, Otto, 317 Helm, Evrett, 340 ‘Smoke gets in Your Eyes’, 317 Helm, Levon, 439 Harburg, E. Y., 319 Helmholtz, Hermann von, 211, 212, ‘Old Devil Moon’, 319 224 hard bop, 402, 405 The Sensations of Tone, 211, 215 Hardcastle, Paul, 565 Henderson, Fletcher, 637 ‘19’, 565 Hendrix, Jimi, 419, 425, 442, 448, 468, 562, Hardy, Franc¸oise, 320 637 Harlem Hamfats, 139 Henley, Don, 566 Harnoncourt, Nikolaus, 636 Hennion, Antoine, 308 Harris, Roy, 63, 292, 303, 379, 408 Henry, Pierre, 343, 465, 637 Symphony no. 3, 292, 303 Symphonie pour un homme seul, 343 Symphony no. 4, 292 Hensel, Heinrich, 199 Symphony no. 6, 292 Hentoff, Nat, 405

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Henze, Hans Werner, 55, 339, 340, 354, Concert Music for Piano, Brass, and 372, 472–3, 637 Harps, op. 49, 295 Bassariden, 472 The Craft of Musical Composition, 375 Being Beauteous, 472 Funeral music for King George V, 295 Concerto per il Marigny, 472 Hin und z¨uruck, 181 1958, 472 Kammermusik no. 1, 177 Landartz, 339 , 274 Der langwierige Weg in die Wohnung von , 375 Natasha Ungeheuer, 473 Mass, 376 Symphony no. 2, 340 , 277–8, 294–5, 301 Versuch ¨uber Schweine, 473 , 181 Hepokoski, James, 69, 197 Ragtime wohltemperiert, 177, 274 Herbert, Victor, 100, 310, 322 , 295 Herc, DJ Kool, 572 Suite 1922, 177 Herlinger, Ruzena, 232, 239 Tuba Sonata, 376 Herman, Bongo, 575 Tuttif¨antchen, 177 Herman, Woody, 141, 142, 143, 148, 150, Unterweisung im Tonsatz, 295, 352 402, 408 ‘Vidit Joannes Jesum’, 376 Heron, Gil Scott, 422 Hines, Earl, 136–7, 398, 401 Herrmann, Bernard, 44, 108, 407, 502, 503, Hinton, Stephen, 238 637 hiphop, 47–8, 483, 490, 555, 562, 563, 567, Psycho, 502 570, 572–3, 586, 606 Taxi Driver, 407 hippies, 412, 439 Herskovits, Melville, 420 Hiroshima, 389 The Myth of the Negro Past, 420 Hitler, Adolf, 61, 174, 196, 206, 238, 255, Herz, Djane, 214 282 Heseltine, Philip [Peter Warlock], Hoch Conservatory, Frankfurt, 173, 199 183 Hodges, Johnny, 136, 143, 149 Hespos, Hans Joachim, 473 Hoffmann, E. T. A., 210, 220, 224, 271 Hesse, Hermann, 192 Fantasiest¨ucke in Callots Manier, 271 Der Steppenwolf, 192 Hofmann, Josef, 638 Heston, Charlton, 108 Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 101, 199, 276 Heykens, Jonny, 310 Alcestis, 276 Heyward, Du Bose, 322 Elektra, 276 Porgy and Bess, 322 Oresteia, 276 Hickman, Art, 134, 135 Hogwood, Christopher, 638 Hicks, Michael, 218 Holderlin,¨ Friedrich, 517 hierarchic organicism, 371 Diotima, 517 Higginson, HenryLee, 56 Hole, 579 ‘high’ and ‘low’ cultural distinction, 9, 61, Celebrity Skin, 579 82, 83, 94, 111, 117–18, 194, 207, 308, Holiday, Billie, 148, 149, 318, 322, 401 331–2, 480, 481, 488–9, 535 ‘I’ll Be Seeing You’, 318 High Society, 318 ‘Me, Myself and I’, 149 highlife, 596 Hollaender, Friedrich, 171, 172, 328 Hill, Dave, 478 Bitte Einsteigen, 172 Hill, Lauryn, 573 ‘Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuss’, 172 Hilliard, Harriet, 420 Holland, Brian, 433 Hilliard Ensemble, 493 Holland, Eddie, 433 Officium, 415, 493 Holliger, Heinz, 470, 471, 638 Hindemith, Paul, 81, 156, 157, 177–8, 181, Holloway, Loleatta, 565 190, 207, 229, 237, 239, 264, 269, 274, ‘Love Sensation’, 565 277–8, 279, 294–6, 301, 352, 371, 372, Holloway, Robin, 9, 10, 390, 391, 532 374, 375–6, 377, 390, 638 Holly, Buddy, 427, 428, 431, 638 , 376 and the Crickets, 427, 435

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Hollywood, 44, 95, 107–8, 114, 120, 196, rock, 419–21, 424, 435–6, 444–5 202, 206, 302, 313, 318, 325, 406, 432, and Western art music, 436, 442, 468, 499, 501, 554, 579 502 musicals in, 96, 313, 432 and non-Western musics, 563–4 Holst, Gustav, 5 Tin Pan Alleyand film music, 317 Holt, Simeon ten, 542 Western art music, 268, 296, 535 Canto Ostinato, 542 and folk, 193, 260, 289, 296, 298, 302 Honegger, Arthur, 109, 174, 638 and jazz, 152–83, 239, 260, 269, 292, King David, 109 294, 296, 545 Joan of Arc, 109 and non-Western musics, 222, 301, Sonatine for clarinet and piano, 174 349, 546: African, 514, 600, 611–12; hook, 94 Japanese, 8, 457; South American, ‘Hootchykootchydance’, 94 274, 290–6, 352 Hopkins, Claude, 169 and popular music, 152–83, 193–5, Horkheimer, Max, 191, 195 252, 294 Horlick, Harry, 311 and rock, 456, 468, 502, 545, 546, Horn, Trevor, 565 547–9, 556 Horowitz, Vladimir, 43, 638 Hyde, Alex, 172 house (see also electronic dance music), 493, Hylton, Jack, 156, 168, 312, 314 573, 595, 606 ‘He Played His Ukulele as the Ship Went Hovhaness, Alan, 549 Down’, 314 Howarth, Elgar, 456 Howlin’ Wolf, 437 Ibrahim, Abdullah, 608, 639 Huber, Klaus, 639 Ice T, 573 Huber, Nicolaus A., 534, 639 Ich glaub nie mehr an einer Frau, 206 Hughes, Robert, 87 Ichiyanagi, Toshi, 462 humour, 129, 139 identity, 25–6, 36, 79, 236, 244, 255, 433, Humperdinck, Engelbert, 106, 329 529, 557, 561–4, 567–8, 572–3, 576, K¨onigskinder, 106 577–8 Hunter, Alberta, 126, 316 national identity( see also nationalism), 64, Hurley, Steve ‘Silk’, 565 115–16, 155, 157, 170, 191, 266–7, ‘Jack Your Body’, 565 269, 303, 312, 313, 330, 331, 372, 373, Huxley, Aldous, 210, 212–14, 215, 220, 221, 456, 589, 591–2, 593 222, 223–4, 225 If I Were a Carpenter, 567 Brave New World, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, I’m Your Fan, 567 220, 221, 222, 223–4, 225 immigration, see migration and human Brave New World Revisited, 213, 223 movement Island, 224 imperialism, 25, 35, 85, 109, 481, 588, 589, Jesting Pilate, 214, 221 591, 596 hybridization (see also hybrids), 9, 497 and culture, 9, 11, 594 politics of hybridization, 444–5, 563–4, impressionism, 45, 71–3, 79 586–9, 596–7 improvisation, 11, 50, 107, 136–7, 147, 156, creolization, 421, 423, 445 167, 175, 192, 303, 319, 359, 395, hybrids (see also hybridization): 398–9, 402, 403, 404, 409, 410, 411, African musics, 33–4, 593–5, 606, 607 412, 466, 469–70, 489 African art music, 597, 598–602, church organist, 108 609–11 composition, distinction between, 463 and Western musics, 584–9, 594–5, free improvisation, 469, 493, 494 603–4 jazz solo, 131, 134, 135, 147, 315, 399, jazz, 124 400 and Western art music, 144, 150 indeterminacy( see also stochastics), 4, 212, jazz fusions, 404, 405, 411–13, 414, 415 216, 224, 349, 351, 357–9, 360, 410, musical, 323 454, 457, 458, 465, 469, 519, 520, 526 and pop, 324, 325 Institut voor Sonologie, 465

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institutions, 18, 20–1, 22, 29–30, 49, 84, James, Harry, 142, 143, 149, 317, 319, 402 190, 191, 230, 232, 234, 336–8, 461, Jan and Dean, 434 506–8, 513, 521, 523, 535, 608 Jan´aˇcek, Leoˇs, 47, 101, 115, 639 research, 465, 507 Jancks, Charles, 461 instruments, 20–1, 22, 29–30, 216, 221–2, Janowitz, Otto, 232 564 Jardine, Al, 434 new instruments, 216, 466, 506 Jarre, Jean-Michel, 311 radios, 223 Oxyg`ene, 311 turntables, 223 Jarre, Maurice, 640 typewriter, 216 Jarrett, Keith, 414 International Composers’ Guild, 190, 217 jazz, 4–5, 8, 45, 46, 87, 99, 111, 115, 119, International MonetaryFund, 592 123–51, 192–3, 197, 213, 303, 309, International Societyfor Contemporary 311, 313, 317, 318, 319, 321, 366, Music (ISCM), 178, 190, 233, 235, 264, 395–415, 422–3, 425, 428, 432, 433, 340, 346, 453 435, 436, 441–2, 444, 469, 479, 482, Internet, 337, 478, 479, 494, 498, 499, 500, 483, 486, 488, 489, 490, 493, 494, 495, 504, 508, 535, 565, 574 497, 545, 560, 567, 594, 605, 607 illegal music downloads, 499 and communism, 62 intonarmori, 215–16 definition of, 4, 130, 134, 142–3, 155–6, IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et 315, 395–7, 398, 411, 423 Coordination Acoustique/ fans, 134, 139, 145, 150, 315, 412 Musique), 506–8, 509, 510, 511, 512, in film, 406–7, 408, 413 520, 534 and gender, 315 Ireland, John, 111 head, 143, 149 Irele, Abiola, 603, 604 jazz solo, 131 Irving, Sir Henry, 105 and National Socialism, 62, 174 Irwin, May, 95 as Other, 171 Isaac, Heinrich, 254 and race, 8, 123, 128, 149, 315, 400, 406 IsleyBrothers, 428, 436 Jazzband-Musiker-Union, 171 ‘Twist and Shout’, 436 jazz-rock fusion, 404, 405, 411–13, 414, Ives, Charles, 6, 13, 45, 47, 70, 76, 84, 103, 415 217, 218, 219–20, 224, 225, 345, 639 Jazz Singer, The (1927), 240, 310, 314, 431 The Celestial Railroad, 219 Jazz Singer, The (1980), 440 ‘Concord’ Sonata, 219 JBs, The, 573 Emerson Transcriptions, 219 Jefferson Airplane, 448–9, 640 First Orchestral Set, 220 Takes off, 449 In Re Con Moto et al., 219 Jencks, Charles, 523 Largo Risolutos, 219 Jerger, Alfred, 195 Symphony no. 4, 218, 219 Jessel, L´eon, 321 Tone Roads, 219 ‘Jesus bids us shine’, 110 Universe Symphony, 219, 224 Jezek, Jaroslav, 176–7 Iwamoto, Yoshikazu, 22 jiti, 604 jitterbug, 142, 317 Jackson, Al, 434 Jobarteh, Amadu Bansang, 592 Jackson, Ellis, 316 Jobarteh, Malamini, 592 Jackson, Jack, 316 Jobin, Antonio Carlos, 407, 640 Jackson, Michael, 498, 568, 639 music in Black Orpheus, 407 History, 568 ‘Desafinado’, 407 Jackson, Milt, 402 ‘The Girl from Ipanema’, 407 Jagger, Mick, 419, 436, 437, 449, 565 jocho, 604 Jalowetz, Heinrich, 240 Joel, Billy, 422 Jam, The, 561 ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’, 422 ‘Start’, 561 John, Elton, 577 James, 569 ‘Border Song (HolyMoses)’, 577

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Johns, Jasper, 349 Kagel, Mauricio, 453, 455, 461, 464, 473, Johnson, Bill, 129 474, 641 Johnson, Bunk, 145, 146 Acustica, 473 Johnson, Charles, 177 Anagrama, 453 Johnson, J. J., 409 Hallelujah, 474 Johnson, James P., 136 Heterophonie, 455, 461 ‘Carolina Shout’, 136 Match, 461 Johnson, Robert, 446, 640 Music for Renaissance Instruments, 461 Johnson, Scott, 553 Scheisskl¨ange, exploration of, 473 John Somebody, 553 Staatstheater, 461 Johnson, Tom, 544, 550 Tremens, 455 Jolivet, Andr´e, 289, 640 Kahal, Irving, 318 Jolson, Al, 180, 314, 431 ‘I’ll Be Seeing You’, 318 The Jazz Singer (1927), 240, 310, 314, 431 Kaiser, Georg, 180 ‘Ragging the Babyto Sleep’, 314 Kalahari Surfers, 605 Jone, Hildegard, 253 kalimba, 606–7, 609 Jones, A. M., 585 K´alm´an, Emmerich, 47, 321 Studies in African Music, 585 Die Cs´ard´asf¨urstin, 321 Jones, Booker T., 434 Die Herzogin von Chicago, 321 ‘Booker T and the MGs’, 434, 560 Kamen, Michael, 499 ‘Green Onions’, 434 Die Hard 2: Die Harder, 499 ‘Time is Tight’, 560 Kancheli, Giya, 493 Jones, Daniel, 339 Kander, John, 323, 325 Under Milk Wood, 339 Cabaret, 323 Jones, LeRoi, 400, 406 Chicago, 325 Jones, Thad, 402 Kandinsky, Wassily, 76, 120 Jones, Tom, 329 Composition, 120 ‘Delilah’, 329 Kane, Helen, 315 Jones, Quincy, 640 Kante, Morey, 641 Joplin, Janis, 442, 448, 469 Kantner, Paul, 449 ‘Me and BobbyMcGee’, 448 Kaprow, Allen, 463 ‘Mercedes Benz’, 448 Karajan, Herbert von, 366, 484–5, 492, 641 Joplin, Scott, 125, 154, 160, 163, 640 Kaye, Buddy, 307 Jordan, Louis, 139 ‘Till the End of Time’, 307 Tympany Five, 139 Kaye, Carole, 448 Jordanaires, The, 425 Kaye, Lenny, 560 Jouannet, G´erard, 327 Nuggets, 560 JoyDivision, 559, 579 Kaye, Sammy, 142 Unknown Pleasures, 579 Kayn, Roland, 469 ‘She’s Lost Control’, 579 Keita, Salif, 593, 594, 641 Joyce, Archibald, 315 Kelemen, Milko, 456 Joyce, James, 54, 75, 76, 82, 347, 519–20, Keller, Greta, 329 534 kemenc¸e, 29–30 Finnegans Wake, 75, 519 Kemp, Ian, 375, 376, 390 Ulysses, 534 Kennedy, Jimmy, 314 juju, 594, 595, 596 words for The Teddy Bears’ Picnic, 314 Jules, Judge, 572 Kennedy, John F., 43 Juluka, 605, 607 Kennedy, Nigel, 486 Jung, Carl, 80 Kennedy-Fraser, Marjory, 311 jungle, 573 Songs from the Hebrides, 311 Kenton, Stan, 150, 402, 484, 485 Kaempfert, Bert, 311 ‘Artistryin Rhythm’,484 Kafka, Franz, 339 Kenton in Hi-Fi, 484 Kafui, Kenn, 599 Keppard, Freddie, 129, 147

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Kern, Jerome, 95, 96, 98, 99, 105, 112, 118, Koger, G´eo, 313 119, 317, 322, 366, 432, 641 ‘J’ai deux amours’, 313 Music in the Air, 90–1, 116 Kokoschka, Oskar, 81 Show Boat, 96, 322 M¨order Hoffnung der Frauen,81 ‘Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man’, 322 Kolisch, Rudolf, 234, 262, 265, 642 Sitting Pretty, 119 Kolisch Quartet, 235 ‘Smoke Gets in Your Eyes’, 317 Komeda, Krzysztof, 407 ‘TheyDidn’t Believe Me’, 119 Knife in the Water, 407 You Were Never Lovelier, 112 Komorous, Rudolf, 456 ‘DearlyBeloved’, 112, 114 Kong Jiabing, 23 Kessler, Harry, 189 Konitz, Lee, 399 Ket`elbey, Albert, 102, 310 Konius, Georgii, 218 ‘In a MonasteryGarden’, 102 Kontarsky, Alfons, 471 ‘In the Mystic Land of Egypt’, 310 Kontarsky, Aloys, 471 Khan, Nusrat Fateh Ali, 30, 31, 641 Konte, Dembo, 592 Khumalo, Bakithi, 587, 588 Kooning, Willem de, 344 Khumalo, Mzilikaze, 608 Koons, Jeff, 46 Kidjo, Angelique, 594, 642 Kopelent, Marek, 456 Kienzl, Wilhelm, 200 kora, 584, 585, 589–90, 591, 592, 603, 609, Der Evangelimann, 200 610 Kilar, Wojiech, 458 Korner, Alexis, 437 Diphthongos, 458 Korngold, Erich Wolfgang, 13, 44, 84, 106, King, Albert, 437 108, 188, 195, 196, 200, 202, 204, 206, King, B. B., 139, 437 208, 302, 502, 642 King, Carole, 432, 440, 448, 565 The Adventures of Robin Hood, 196 Tapestry, 440 Eine Nacht in Venedig, 188 King, Freddie, 437 The Sea Hawk, 502 King, Martin Luther Jr., 577 Die Tote Stadt, 196, 200 King Kong, 108, 120 Das Wunder der Heliane, 195–6, 200, 202 Kingston Trio, 327, 438 Koussevitzky, Serge, 643 ‘Seasons in the Sun’, 327 Kouyante, Kausu, 592 Kinks, 441, 578 , 555, 643 ‘Waterloo Sunset’, 578 Trans-Europe Express, 555 Kirshner, Don, 433 Kramer, Lawrence, 84–5 kitsch, 116–17, 206 Krauss, Alison, 446 Klebe, Giselher, 354 Kreisler, Fritz, 50, 310, 643 Klee, Paul, 279, 347, 348 Kremer, Gidon, 531 Kleiber, Erich, 235 Krenek, Ernst, 154, 157, 178, 181, 182, Klemperer, Otto, 50, 207, 234, 642 194–5, 196, 204, 229, 237, 238, 239, klezmer, 27–8, 497 273, 277, 292, 301, 340, 476, 643 Klimt, Gustav, 41 Jonny spielt auf, 178–80, 181, 182, 193–6 Auditorium at the Old Burgtheater,41 ‘Jonny’s Triumph-Lied’, 179 Klose, Othmar, 312 Karl V, 277, 301 ‘Hor¨ mein Lied, Violetta’, 312 Kleine Symphonie, 180 Knepler, Georg, 1–2 satirized in Schoenberg’s Von Heute auf Knowles, Alison, 463 Morgen, 182 Knussen, Oliver, 510, 642 Schwergewicht, oder die Ehre der Nation, Kod´aly, Zoltan, 173, 642 180 Koechlin, Charles, 176 Der Sprung ¨uber den Schatten, 178 Koenig, Gottfried Michael, 453, 465, ‘Tanzstudie’, 178 476 ‘Toccata und ’, 178 Funktion, 465 Kreutzer, Rudolph, 50 Klangfiguren II, 453 Kronos Quartet, 602, 608 Terminus, 465 Pieces of Africa, 602, 608

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Krupa, Gene, 147, 408 Leadbelly(Huddie Ledbetter), 424, 435, Kuh, Anton, 207 644 Kunda, Jali, 584 ‘Rock Island Line’, 435 Kunstjazz, 155 League of Composers, 235 Kunz, Charlie, 314 Leath, Vaughn de, 315 Kurt´ag, Gyorgy,¨ 643 Leave It to Beaver, 422, 431 Kuti, Fela, 594, 595, 643 Lec¸a, Armando, 291 Kuti, Femi, 586, 594 , 54, 344 Blackman Know Yourself, 594 Led Zeppelin, 644 kwaito, 586, 606 Lee, Brenda, 320, 446 Kwenda, Forward, 589–90 Lee, Peggy, 320 Lee, Spike, 407 Labi, Gyimah, 597, 598, 599 Mo’ Better Blues, 407 Dialects, 597 Leeuw, Reinbert de, 471 Concerto, 598 Reconstructie, 471 Labroca, Mario, 354 L´eger, Fernand, 175 Lachenmann, Helmut, 473, 509, 518, 644 Cr´eation du monde, 175 Salut f¨ur Caudwell, 473 Legge, Walter, 489 Lack, Th´eodore, 163 Legrand, Michel, 644 Ladysmith Black Mambazo, 563, 587, 588, Leh´ar, Franz, 96, 191, 203, 204, 205, 206, 644 207, 311, 321, 644 Laforgue, Jules, 80 Frasquita, 204 Laine, Frankie, 320 ‘Hab’ ein blaues Himmelbett’, 204 Lamb, Joseph, 125 Friederike, 321 Lambert, Constant, 157, 183 Die gelbe Jacke, 204 Concerto for Piano and Nine Players, 183 revived as Das Land des L¨achelns, 204, Elegiac Blues, 183 205, 206 The Rio Grande, 183 ‘Du bist mein ganzes Herz’ (You are my Lambert, Donald, 136 heart’s delight), 204 ‘Land of Hope and Glory’, 118 The Merry Widow,96 Landowska, Wanda, 644 Paganini, 321 Lane, Burton, 319, 320 Lehmann, Lotte, 200 ‘How About You’, 320 Leiber, Jerry, 427, 432, 433, 446 ‘Old Devil Moon’, 319 ‘Hound Dog’, 446 Lang, David, 546 Leibowitz, Annie, 448 Are You Experienced?, 546 Leibowitz, Ren´e, 340, 343, 347, 645 Lang, Eddie, 140 Leigh, Mike Lang, Fritz, 191 Abigail’s Party, 331 Metropolis, 191 Leip, Hans, 328 Langey, Otto, 107 ‘Lili Marleen’, 328–9 Lanner, Josef, 309 Lemmy, 572 Lanois, Daniel, 569 Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 288, 300 Lanza, Mario, 312 Lennon, John, 431, 436, 441, 443, 560, 565 Larkin, Colin, 327 Lennox, Annie, 565, 645 Encyclopedia of Popular Music, 327 Lenoir, Jean, 311 Larocca, Nick, 129 ‘Parlez-moi d’amour’, 311 Lasker-Wallfisch, Anita, 208 Lentz, Daniel, 543 Last, James, 311 Leoncavallo, Ruggero, 100, 116 Laswell, Bill, 595 Lep´ee, Louis, 326 Lauder, Harry, 95, 312 Lerner, Alan Jay, 324 launeddas, 20, 21 My Fair Lady, 324 Laurel and Hardy, 307 , 83, 174, 183, 190 Lavelle, James, 576 Letts, Don, 558 Lawrence, D. H., 76, 221 Westway to the World, 558

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Levine, James, 645 Lipson, Steve, 565 Lewis, George, 146 Liszt, Franz, 47, 51, 78, 107, 187, 461 Lewis, JerryLee, 425, 426, 428 Liebestraum no. 3, 461 Lewis, John (see also Modern Jazz Les Pr´eludes,78 Quartet), 402–3, 409 Little Richard, 645 Lewis, Meade Lux, 425 Liu Tianhua, 21 Lewis, Mel, 402 Live Aid, 568 Lewis, Myra, 428 Livingston, Jay, 318 Lewisohn, L., 300 ‘Mona Lisa’, 318 The Eternal Road, 300 Lloyd, Marie, 95 Leydi, Roberto, 339 ‘Don’t DillyDallyon the Way’,97 Liberace, 314, 645 Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 3, 47, 118, 309, Lichtenstein, Roy, 46 324–5, 646 Liebermann, Rolf, 409 Cats, 325 Concerto for Jazz Band and Symphony Evita, 324, 557 Orchestra, 409 Jesus Christ Superstar, 108, 324, Ligeti, Gyorgy,¨ 389, 453, 455, 458, 459, 325 461, 464, 473, 509, 514–15, 516, 522, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour 528, 531, 542, 584, 585, 645 Dreamcoat, 324 Apparitions, 453 Phantom of the Opera, 324, 325 Atmosph`eres, 458, 514 Sunset Boulevard, 325 Aventures, 461 Lo, Ismael, 594 Boulez’s Structures, Book 1, analysis of the Locke, Josef, 311–12 opening piece of, 522 Loesser, Frank, 47 Le grand macabre, 514 Loewe, Frederick, 322, 324 Horn Trio, 514, 515 My Fair Lady, 324 Monument-Selbstportrait-Bewegung, 514 Logothetis, Anestis, 463 ‘Selbstportrait mit Reich and Riley Lomax, Alan, 34, 585 (und Chopin ist auch dabei)’, 514, Lombardo, Guy, 142, 315 542 His Royal Canadians, 315 Nouvelles aventures, 461 London, Kurt, 104 Piano Concerto, 515 London Sinfonietta, 509, 510, 513 piano ´etudes, 515 Loos, Adolf, 54 Po`eme symphonique, 464, 514 Lopez, Ray, 129 Requiem, 455, 461, 473 Lopez, Vincent, 315 Trois bagatelles, 464 Lorca, Federico Garc´ıa, 352 Violin Concerto, 515 Loriod, Yvonne, 341, 646 Volumina, 459 Lortat-Jacob, Bernard, 21–2 Die Zukunft der Musik, 464 lounge music, 307–8 light music (see also easylistening), 3, 9, 92, loungecore, 307 102, 193, 307, 308–12, 314, 317, Louri´e, Arthur, 264 321–5, 330, 332–3, 489, 560 Love, Courtney, 579 definition of, 307–8 Love, Mike, 434 folk music influence on, 311 Love, M’pongo, 594 rock music influence on, 311 Love Life, 101 Lincke, Paul, 310 Love Parade, The, 313 Lincoln, Abraham, 292 Løvland, Rolf, 331 Lind, Jenny, 60 ‘Nocturne’, 331 Lindberg, Magnus, 3, 645 Lowe, Frances, 478, 479 Lindsay, Vachel, 178 Lowry, Vance, 168 Lion, Jah, 575 Lucier, Alvin, 476 ‘Soldier and Police War’, 575 Ludwig II of Bavaria, 60 Lippman, Sid, 318 Luening, Otto, 338, 345 ‘Too Young’, 318 Luk´acs, Gyorgy,¨ 561

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Lukesch, Rudi, 312 Mahler, Gustav, 45, 51, 56, 60, 76, 83, 93, ‘Hor¨ mein Lied, Violetta’, 312 103, 104, 118, 119, 120, 200, 202, 232, Lulu, 447 241, 257, 275, 368, 370, 374, 387, 460, Lunceford, Jimmie, 141 489, 511, 516, 532, 647 Luter, Claude, 146 revival of, 13, 40 Lutoslawski, Witold, 364, 366, 389, 456, Symphony no. 1, 104 458, 646 Symphony no. 2 (‘Resurrection’), 103, Jeux v´enitiens, 458, 646 232, 238, 460 Trois po`emes d’Henri Michaux, 458 Symphony no. 3, 93 Lutyens, Elisabeth, 346, 646 Symphony no. 6, 93 Lynch, Jack, 578 Symphony no. 8, 118, 119 Lynn, Loretta, 446 Symphony no. 9, 93, 387 ‘The Pill’, 446 Symphony no. 10, 119, 200 ‘You Ain’t Woman Enough to Take My Mahotella Queens, 606 Man’, 446 mainstream, 4–7, 10, 83, 286, 290, 303, 367, ‘Your Squaw is On the Warpath’, 446 401, 432, 436, 443, 444, 514, 539, 540, Lynn, Vera, 317 541 Lyttleton, Humphrey, 146 common practice, 475 Second Viennese School claim to Maal, Baaba, 646 the mainstream, 5, 228–31, 257, 279 Mabuse, Sipho ‘Hotstix’, 605 Maitrier, Louis, 326 Chant of the Marching, 605 ‘Elle fr´equentait la rue Pigalle’, 326 MacDonald, Ballard, 307 Makeba, Miriam, 588, 647 ‘The Trail of the Lonesome Pine’, 307 makossa, 594 MacDonald, Jeanette, 312 makwaya, 604 ‘Indian Love Call’, 312 Malipiero, Gian Francesco, 115, 272, 273, MacDowell, Edward, 111 352 Machaut, Guillaume de, 13 Cimarosiana, 272 Mˆache, Franc¸ois-Bernard, 343, 465 Gabrieliana, 272, 273 Maciunas, George, 463, 464 Vivaldiana, 272 Mackintosh, Cameron, 118 Mallarm´e, St´ephane, 75, 347, 348, 360 MacMillan, James, 493, 549, 646 Malle, Louis, 407 Maconchy, Elizabeth, 647 L’ascenseur pour l’´echafaud, 407 Mad Professor, 575, 576 Mamas and the Papas, 439 ‘Light MyFire’ (remix), 576 Mami, Cheb, 595 ‘Radiation for the Nation’, 576 Mamma Mia, 325 Maderna, Bruno, 338, 339, 340, 341, 352, Man with the Golden Arm, The, 406–7 353, 355, 464, 476, 511, 647 Mancini, Henry, 311, 413, 648 Don Perlimpin, 339 Peter Gunn, 413 Musica su due dimensioni, 341, 355 Pink Panther, 413 Ritratto di Citt´a, 338 Mango Groove, 605 Madonna, 35, 488, 498, 567, 568, 585, 647 Manic Street Preachers, 565, 578 Immaculate Collection, 568 Manilow, Barry, 332 Maeterlinck, Maurice, 86, 101, 103 Mann, Aimee, 566 La vie des abeilles, 103 Mann, Barry, 432 Pell´eas et M´elisande, 101 Mann, Thomas, 48, 114, 115, 119, 200, The Blue Bird, 106 244–5 Magazine, 559 Death in Venice, 388 Magogo, Princess, 609 Dr Faustus, 114, 244 Mahavishnu Orchestra, 413 The Magic Mountain (Der Zauberberg), 200 Mahlasela, Vusi, 586 Mantovani, Annunzio Paolo, 310–11, 648 Wisdom of Forgiveness, 586 Manuel, Peter, 420–1 Mahlathini, 606 Manzoni, Giacomo, 354 Mahler, Alma, 200 Mapantsula, 605

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Mapfumo, Thomas, 33, 589–91, 595, 604–5, Protection, 575–6 648 ‘Karmacoma’, 575–6 Chamunorwa, 604 Matchless Recordings, 494 ‘Chitima Ndikature’, 604 Mathis, Jonny, 320 Maraire, Dumisani, 606–7 Matisse, Henri, 69, 106 Kutambara, 606–7 Matrix, The, 502, 503 march, 93, 125, 156, 160, 163, 167 Matsch, Franz, 41 marching bands, see brass bands Auditorium at the Old Burgtheater,41 Marcus, Greil, 558 Matsudaira, Yoritsune, 346, 457 Mar´e, Rolf de, 176 Bugaku per orchestra, 457 Marinetti, Filippo, 82, 215 Umai, 346 Futurist Manifesto, 215 Mauriat, Paul, 311 Marley, Bob, 648 Maxwell Davies, Peter, 370–1, 390, 456, Marr, Johnny, 571 461, 493, 529–30 Marriner, Sir Neville, 488 The Beltane Fire, 530 Marsalis, Wynton, 413–14, 648 Revelation and Fall, 461 Marshall, Ingram, 543 St Thomas Wake, 461 Fog Tropes, 543 Strathclyde , 530 Martin, Dean, 320, 329, 330, 333 Strathclyde Concerto no. 5 for violin, Martin, Frank, 109, 472 , and string orchestra, 530 Martin, George, 427, 436, 441, 576, 649 Symphony no. 1, 530 Martinu,˚ Bohuslav, 176, 329 Symphony no. 4, 530 Jazz Suite, 176 Symphony no. 7, 530 Preludes, 176 Vesalii icones, 461 La Revue de cuisine, 176 Worldes Bliss, 370, 530 3 Skizzy modern´e tancu, 176 May, Billy, 143 Martirano, Sal, 474 Mayall, John, 437 L.’s G.A., 474 Maybelle, 446 Martland, Steve, 546 Mayerl, Billy, 314 American Invention, 546 Mayuzumi, Toshiro, 457 Babi Yar, 546 mazkhande, 605 Shoulder to Shoulder, 546 mbalax, 593–4 Marvelettes, 436 mbaqanga, 586, 588, 604, 605, 606 ‘Please Mr Postman’, 436 Mbaw, Ch´erif, 593 Marx, Karl, 300 Kham Kham, 593 Marxism (see also communism), 266, 545 mbira, 20, 21–2, 33–4, 585, 589–93, 604–5, Mascagni, Pietro, 100, 116, 287 606, 609, 610 Cavalleria rusticana, 100 mbube, 586, 588 Nerone, 287 Mbuli, Mzwakhe (see also Equals, The), 605 I pagliacci, 100, 208 McCarthytribunal, 378 Masekela, Hugh, 588, 589–90, 649 McCartney, Paul, 431, 436, 441, 565, 576–7 M∗A∗S∗H, 422 McClary, Susan, 1, 7, 8, 81–2, 525 Mason, Barry, 329 McCormack, John, 312 ‘Delilah’, 329 MC5, 545 mass market, 42, 46, 118, 550, 560, 561 McGuire, John, 543, 544 mass production, 522 48 Variations for Two Pianos, 543, 544 Ford, 212, 308 McLaren, Malcolm, 558 Massary, Fritzi, 95 McLaughlin, John, 413 Massine, L´eonide, 165 Mchunu, Sipho, 605, 607 Massive Attack, 567, 575–6 McVie, Christine, 449 Massive Attack: Singles, 575 McVie, John, 449 Mezzanine, 576 MDC, 587–8 No Protection, 575, 576 ‘SunnyTrumpets’, 587–8 ‘Eurochild’, 576 Meale, Richard, 457

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Meck, Madame von, 60 Metronome, The,43 media (see also radio and dissemination: via Metternich, Prince Klemens von, 61 technology), 317, 484 Metzger, Heinz-Klaus, 40, 356, 358, 459 broadcast media, 22, 24, 31, 41, 478, 486 Metzger, Ludwig, 339–40 mass media, 153, 155, 553 Meyer, Leonard, 540 Mehring, Walter, 328 Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 300 Meinunger, Bernd, 331 Meyerl, 111 ‘Ein bißchenFrieden’, 331 ‘Marigold’, 111 Meisel, Edmund, 192 Michael, George, 488 Melachrino, George, 311 Michaux, Henri, 358, 361 Melba, Dame Nellie (Helen Porter microphone, 23–4, 211, 318, 319, 489 Mitchell), 99, 489, 649 microtones (see also tuning), 124, 125, 126, Mellers, Wilfred, 442, 443 221, 224, 517, 541, 547, 607 MelodyFestival, 330 Migliacci, Franco, 330 Melody Maker, 139–40 ‘Nel blu, dipinto di blu’ (Volare), 330 melos, 105 migration and human movement, 25, 36, Memphis Five, 130 65, 98, 123–4, 129, 167, 207, 219, 255, Mendelssohn, Felix, 106, 109, 178, 196, 485 344, 406, 411, 421, 422, 595, 606 A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 196 exile, 101, 266, 277, 280, 321, 343, 607 Mengelberg, Misha, 471 immigrant musics, 44 Reconstructie, 471 Europeans emigrating to America, 98, Mengele, Josef, 208 108, 126, 219, 255, 292, 302, 314, Menuhin, Yehudi, 649 323, 336, 344 Mercer, Johnny, 320 Jewish music in America, 25 ‘Too Marvelous for Words’, 320 music for tourists, 28–9, 36 merchandizing, 195 touring musicians, 28, 29, 36, 113, 160, Mersmann, Hans, 229 168, 170, 313, 426, 427, 435, 606 Messiaen, Olivier, 8, 51, 108, 221, 289–90, Miley, Bubber, 135, 136 300, 301, 304, 336, 340, 341, 342, 343, Milhaud, Darius, 5, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 344, 348, 354, 365, 371, 389, 413, 457, 168, 175–6, 214, 229, 244, 269, 276, 473–4, 649 329, 408, 525, 650 L’ascension, 300 Le boeuf sur le toit, 168, 175 Chants de terre et de ciel, 221 Caramel Mou, 175 Chronochromie, 473 La cr´eation du monde, 175–6, 408 Couleurs de la cit´ec´el`este, 474 Notes sans musique, 175 Les corps glorieux, 221 Trois rag-caprices, 175 Fˆete des belles eaux, 221 Mille Plateaux, 494 Hymne au Saint-Sacrement, 300 Miller, Glenn, 138, 141, 142, 303, 316–17, Modes de valeurs et d’intensit´es, 348 396, 397, 650 La nativit´e du Seigneur: neuf m´editations with the ArmyAir Force Band, 316 pour orgue, 289, 300, 301 Chattanooga Choo-Choo, 303 Les offrandes oubli´ees, 300 Glenn Miller Orchestra, 142 Quatuor pour la fin du temps (Quartet for the In the Mood, 396 End of Time), 301, 340 Moonlight Serenade, 396 Sept Ha¨ıka¨ı, 457 Miller, Mitch, 427 Technique de mon langage musical, 301 Mills, Florence, 183 Le tombeau resplendissant, 300 Mills, Irving, 429 La transfiguration, 474 Mills, Kerry, 160 Trois petites liturgies, 342 ‘At a Georgia Campmeeting’, 160 Turangalˆıla-symphonie, 371, 474 Mingus, Charles, 407, 410, 650 Messing, Scott, 280 The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady, 410 Metallica, 478, 504 Epitaph, 410 Metheny, Pat, 413, 414, 488 Mingus Ah Um, 410 Offramp, 413 Shadows, 407

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minimalism, 10, 366, 392, 455, 466–9, 502, Monteverdi, Claudio, 13, 262 507, 508, 509, 514, 525, 539–56, 584, Monteux, Pierre, 651 611 Moody, Dwight L., 110 minstrelsy, 88, 98, 119, 124–5, 153, 160, Moore, Bill, 316 163, 169, 172, 179, 180, 195, 314 Moore, John, 322 minstrel show, 94, 95, 154 Moore, Thurston, 549 Minturn, Neil, 376, 377 Moretti, Raoul, 175 Miracles, 433 Morgan, Lee, 402 Mission: Impossible, 413 The Sidewinder, 402 Mistinguett, 313, 321 Morgan, Robert, 13 Mitchell, Joni, 448, 565, 650 Morita, Akio, 481 Mitchell, Louis, 168 Moroder, Giorgio, 555 Jazz Kings, 168 Morricone, Ennio, 308, 469, 651 Mitchell, Mitch, 427 Morrison, Jim, 419, 442, 448 Mitchell, Tony, 564 Morrison, Van, 437, 566 Mitropoulos, Dimitri, 650 Morrissey, 570, 571 Moby, 585 Morthensen, Jan, 459 Play, 585 Nonfigurative Musik, 459 modal jazz, 404, 405, 412, 422 Morton, Benny, 143, 149 Modern Jazz Quartet, 402–3, 407 Morton, Ferdinand ‘JellyRoll’, 129, 130, ‘The Rose Truc’, 403 131, 136, 140, 145, 146, 166–7 Sait-on jamais (No Sun in Venice), 403, 407 ‘Black Bottom Stomp’, 131 modernism, 5–6, 54–5, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, ‘The Chant’, 131 75, 78, 79, 82, 87, 101, 108, 114, 115, Red Hot Peppers, 131, 145 116, 119, 120, 153, 155, 160, 183, 186, Mosolov, Alexandr, 61, 218 188, 190, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, The Iron Foundry (Zavod), 218 201, 202, 204, 206, 207, 208, 212, 218, Mossman, Ted, 307 229, 230, 262, 263–5, 278, 279, 280–3, ‘Till the End of Time’, 307 290, 291, 292, 295, 369, 371, 466, 493, Motown, 428, 433–4, 435, 440, 447, 448, 506, 531, 534, 558 571 after the Second World War, 249, 282, Mougin, Stephane, 140 361–2, 366, 455, 456, 466, 493, 506, Moulin Rouge, 313 507, 508, 509, 511, 513, 514, 515, Mouquet, Eric, 585 516–17, 521–7, 531–2, 534–6, 540, Deep Forest, 585, 586 542, 573, 579, 599, 611 Mouskouri, Nana, 320 in architecture, 523 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 13, 51, 53, 62, moderate modernism, 268, 369 66, 83, 199, 236, 241, 257, 271, 471, and politics, 189–90 481, 554 and political left, 352, 354, 464, 472–3, Mtshali, Isaac, 587 474–5, 516–17, 518, 522 Mtukudzi, Oliver ‘Tuku’, 33–4, 35, 604–5 reaction against, 40, 55, 518, 531–2 Tuku beat, 13, 34 modernity, 92, 154, 173, 179, 181, 287–9, Tuku Music, 605 369, 522, 536, 587 ‘Wake Up’, 605 Modugno, Domenico, 330 MTV, 482, 501, 564, 568 ‘Nel blu, dipinto di blu’ (Volare), 330 Muir, Lewis, 314 Mole, Miff, 130, 132 ‘Ragging the Babyto Sleep’, 314 Monckton, Lionel, 95 Muller-Siemens,¨ Detlef, 508 Mondrian, Piet, 76, 279 Mulligan, Gerry, 403 mondum´e, 589–91 ‘MyFunnyValentine’, 403 Monet, Claude, 71, 87, 88 multimedia, 349, 463, 494, 499, 500–4, 519, Monk, Thelonious Sphere, 150, 398, 405, 520, 521, 553, 554 650 Murail, Tristan, 651 Monn, Matthias Georg, 242 Murnau, F. W., 191 Concerto per Clavicembalo in D Nosferatu, 191 major, 242 Murphy, Gerard, 176

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Murphy, Turk, 145 Ndodana, Bongani, 608–9 Mursal, Maryam, 595 Rituals for Forgotten Faces (IV), 609 museum, 86, 506 N’Dour, Youssou, 585, 593–4, 595, 596, 651 museum culture, 65, 506 The Guide, 593 music hall, 92, 94, 95, 111, 157, 160, 312, ‘Chimes of Freedom’, 593 313, 314, 325, 441, 479, 482 Set, 593 status of score in, 95–6 Ndubuisi, Okechukwu, 597, 598 Music Man, The, 436 ‘Atuak Ukot Odo’, 597 music theatre, 94–6, 99, 118 ‘Onye Naku na Onuzo Muo’, 597 music video, 500, 501, 502, 564, 568 Negus, Keith, 308, 595 Musica Elettronica Viva, 468, 469 Nelson, Ozzie, 430 musical, the, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 106, 116, Nelson, Ricky, 430–1 208, 309, 311, 322–5, 479, 482 ‘Hello, MaryLou’, 431 book, 95, 96, 102, 118 ‘Traveling Man’, 431 dance in, 324 Nelson, Rudolf, 172 film musical, 112, 432 neoclassicism, 55, 71, 76, 101, 156, 190, stage musical, 112 229, 237, 239, 244, 251, 260–83, 289, Musical America,43 290, 336, 361, 369, 372, 374, 408 Musical Leader, The,43 in jazz, 414 Musikbl¨atter des Anbruch, 152, 172, 190, 273 neo-Romanticism, 4, 183, 249, 508, 531–2, Musil, Robert, 54 549 Musorgsky, Modest, 69, 288, 302, 554 Neue Sachlichkeit, 171, 178, 189, 229, 237, Musso, Vido, 143 238, 323 Mussolini, Benito, 273, 290 Neumeyer, David, 375, 376 Mutamba, 610 Nevin, Ethelbert, 111 muzak, see background music: muzak ‘Narcissus’, 111 new complexity, 4, 457, 527 Nancarrow, Conlon, 218, 223, 509, 514, New Grove (second edition), 327 546, 651 New London Orchestra, 332 Studies for Player Piano, 514 New Music Quarterly, 217 Napier, Diana, 203, 204, 205, 206 New Music Societyof California, 214, 217, Napoleon III of France, 64 220 Napoleon, Phil, 130 New Orchestra, 310 Napster, 504 New Orleans, 123, 127–9, 131, 138, 147, Nath, Pandit Pran, 550–1 403 national anthem, 109 New Orleans Rhythm Kings, 130 National Dance Company New Romanticism, see neo-Romanticism (Zimbabwe), 589–90, 591, 592 New York – Montmartre, 313 National Dance Troupe (Gambia), 592 New York School, 224, 344–5, 349, 355, National Dance Troupe (Tanzania), 591 356, 358, 456, 462, 466, 476 National Orchestra (Cameroon), 591 Newman, Alfred, 651 National Socialism, 5, 61, 62, 101, 183, 186, Newman, Ernest, 103 194, 196, 200, 206, 255–6, 280, 294–5, Newman, Randy, 565 321, 328, 336, 372, 397 Niblock, Phil, 547 and African-Americans, 62, 174 Nichols, Red, 131–2, 139, 140, 141 and the Caribbean, 62 Five Pennies, 131–2, 135 Degenerate Music Exhibition, 256 Nicks, Stevie, 449 and gypsies, 62 Nicole, 331 and jazz, 62, 87, 174 ‘Ein bißchenFrieden’, 331 and Jewish people, 174 Nielsen, Carl, 5, 70, 72, 77 nationalism, 24, 65, 70, 73, 193, 197, 238–9, Helios Overture, 72 256, 266, 273, 276–7, 280, 287–96, Nietzsche, Friedrich, 82 298–300, 408, 604 Nijinsky, Vaslav, 78 Naxos, 58, 492–3 Nikisch, Arthur, 652 Ndebele songs, 604 Niles, Abbe, 133

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1968, upheavals of, 454, 472, 558 experimental, 359, 461, 462–3, 469–70, Ninja Tune, 494 509, 510 Nirvana, 652 in education, 463 Nixon, Richard, 43 limitations of, 470 Njoku, Johnston Akuma-Kalu, 589–90, 591, discrepancybetween perception and 597 notation, 514 Nketia, J. H. Kwabena, 597, 598, 599, 602, rhythm, 73–4, 461, 514, 584 611 Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg), 80 Antubam, 597 Novello, Ivor, 112, 207, 311, 322, 653 Dagomba, 599 Careless Rapture, 112 Suite for flute and piano, 598 ‘WhyIs There Ever Goodbye?’,112, Twelve Pedagogical Pieces, 599 113–14 Volta Fantasy, 599 The Dancing Years, 322 Noble, Ray Glamorous Night, 322 New Mayfair Orchestra, 318 Perchance To Dream, 311 ‘The VeryThought of You’, 318 ‘We’ll Gather Lilacs’, 311 Nono, Luigi, 340, 341–2, 346, 351–4, 359, Novembergruppe, 180, 189 361, 453, 456, 464, 472, 474, 508, Nyanga, 587 516–18, 533, 652 Nyman, Michael, 6, 540, 543, 554, 653 Al gran sole carico d’amore, 516, 517 The Draughtsman’s Contract, 554 Das atmende Karsein, 517 Drowning by Numbers, 554 Canti di vita e d’amore: sul monte di , 540 Hiroshima, 472 Cantiper tredici, 353 Oakenfold, Paul, 595 Il canto sospeso, 353, 516 Oberammergau Passion Play, 108 Contrappunto dialettico alla mente, 472 Offenbach, Jacques, 95, 178, 191, 321 Cori di Didone, 353 Ogden, John, 456 Epitaffio per Federico Garcia Lorca, 341, 352 Ohga, Norio, 484 Espa˜na en el coraz`on, 341 Oldfield, Mike, 311, 492 Bandiera rossa, 352 Tubular Bells, 311, 492 La fabbrica illuminata, 464, 472 Oliver, Joe ‘King’, 129, 130, 131, 135, 136, La floresta ´e jovem, 472 140, 145, 653 Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima, 517 Creole Orchestra, 129, 130, 142, 145 Incontri, 353 Oliver, Paul, 436–7 Intolleranza 1960, 354, 472, 516 Blues Fell This Morning, 436 No hay caminos, hay que caminar, 517 Oliveros, Pauline, 465, 543 Omaggio a Gy¨orgy Kurt´ag, 517 , 221 Polifonica-Monodica-Ritmica, 341, 352 O’Neill, Norman, 105–6 Prometeo, 517, 518 The Blue Bird, 106 Ricorda cosi ti ha fanno a Auschwitz, 472 Mary Rose, 106 Sar`a dolce tacere, 353 one-step, 167, 176 . . . sofferte onde serene . . . , 517 Op-Art, 467 La terra e la compagna, 353 opera, 92, 99–101, 102, 105, 106, 112, La victoire de Guernica, 353 116, 119, 179, 479, 482, 489, Noone, Jimmie, 129, 147 552 Apex Club Orchestra, 147 comic, 94, 95 Nørg˚ard, Per, 652 Italian, 93, 115, 202, 273 Norrington, Roger, 652 rethinking, 354, 461, 516, 520–1 North, Alex, 406, 652 Savoy, 321 A Streetcar Named Desire, 406 Zeitoper, 174, 179, 194, 196, 239 notation, 11, 18, 73–4, 222, 223, 589–91, operetta, 92, 94, 96, 101, 102, 105, 175, 180, 600, 602 191, 196, 197, 202, 204, 208, 309, 311, graphic, 216, 344–5, 356, 359, 459, 312, 314, 321–2, 324 462–3, 465, 469–70 orchestrator, 95, 322

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Orff, Carl, 62, 115, 276, 297, 372, 653 Genesis of a Music, 222 Carmina Burana, 62, 297 ‘Monophonyis Expounded’, 222 Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Ptolemy, 221–2 Chained), 276 U.S. Highball: A Musical Account of Slim’s Original Dixieland Jass Band, 130, 139, Transcontinental Hobo Trip, 221 144–5, 156, 167, 168, 169, 315, 395 Parton, Dolly, 446 Original Memphis Five, 130 Parys, Georges Van, 175 Ormandy, Eugene, 43 Passe, Suzanne de, 448 Ornstein, Leo, 216, 218 pastiche, see parodyand pastiche Ory, Edward ‘Kid’, 129 patronage and support, 58–9, 64, 66, 337–8, Osborne, Nigel, 534 343, 344, 350, 506, 507, 508, 513, 535, Otte, Hans, 542 550–1, 603 Buch der Kl¨ange, 542 subsidy, 45, 53, 54, 56–7, 58, 59–60, 66, ownership (see also authorship), 45, 58, 498, 368, 475, 493, 494, 523 502, 570 Germany, 61–2 copyright, 18, 30, 34, 479, 498–9, 504, Soviet Union and Eastern 520, 565, 571, 573, 578, 587–8 Europe, 60–1, 62–3, 64–5 royalty, 60, 110, 203, 429, 492, 498, 571 United States, 63 Ozawa, Seiji, 653 Western Europe, 63–4 Paul Sacher Foundation, 508, 513 Pace, Dani`ele, 330 Pavese, Cesare, 353 ‘La Tramontana’, 330 Payne, Jack, 315, 316 Paganini, Nicolo,` 50 Paynter, John, 463 Page, Jimmy, 437 payola, 430 Page, ‘Lips’, 145 pedagogy, 69 Paik, Nam June, 46, 463–4 Peel, Graham, 118 Palestine, Charlemagne, 547, 554 ‘Bredon Hill’, 118 The Lower Depths, 547 Penderecki, Krzysztof, 55, 389, 456, 458, Strumming Music, 547 473, 476, 654 Palm, Siegfried, 471 Dies irae, 473 Palmer, Robert, 550 The Dream of Jacob, 389 Pan-African Orchestra, 589–92 Fluorescences, 458 The Pan African Orchestra, Opus 1, 592 St Luke Passion, 389, 473 Pan American Association of Composers Stabat mater, 473 (PAAC), 217, 220 Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima, 458 Panaiotis, 543 Violin Concerto no. 1, 389 Panassi´e, Hugues, 139–40 Pepper, Harry, 312 pantomime, 94, 95 ‘Hear MySong, Violetta’, 312 Panzeri, Mario, 330 Parahia, Murray, 654 ‘La Tramontana’, 330 performers Paramor, Norrie, 311 autonomyand volition, 355, 359, 470, ‘O mein Papa’, 311 503, 510 Parker, Charlie ‘Bird’, 150, 398, 399, 401, lack of autonomy, 468 404, 653 performer-composer, 50, 467–8, 471 Parmegiani, Bernard, 465 performer-songwriter, 427, 428, 439, parodyand pastiche, 107, 165, 262, 265, 448, 565–7, 569 266, 268, 269, 324, 325, 499, 544, 551, royalties, 498 585 Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista, 83, 266 Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings, 111 Perle, George, 525 P¨art, Arvo, 40, 549, 654 Perry, Lee, 574–5 Partch, Harry, 7, 212, 221–2, 224–5, 546, Arkology, 575 654 ‘Bad Weed’, 575 Barstow: Eight Hitchhikers’ Inscriptions, 221 ‘Grumblin’ Dub’, 575 ‘Bitter Music’, 221 ‘Magic Touch’, 575

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Perry, Lee (cont.) Plato, 546 ‘Police and Thieves’, 575 player piano, see piano: player ‘Soldier and Police War’, 575 Pleasants, Henry, 319 Perry, Mark, 559 Pleasantville, 422 Perspectives of New Music, 475, 524–5 pluralityand pluralism, 4, 7, 11, 14, 76–7, Perspectives on Musical Aesthetics, 525 86, 87, 88, 103, 186, 192, 198, 230, 237, Peter Gunn, 413 249, 262, 268, 273, 275, 286–7, 288, Petersen, Paul, 431 303, 366, 379, 392, 454, 455, 460–1, Petit, Buddie, 129 493, 515, 525, 531, 535–6, 579, 584–9, Les petits Walkers, 163 600, 601 Petrassi, Goffredo, 513, 654 Po´esie et chansons, 327 Petty, Norman, 427 Po`etes d’aujourd’hui, 327 Pfitzner, Hanz, 5, 62, 70, 187, 196, 207, Polanski, Roman, 407 208, 263, 287, 492, 654 Knife in the Water, 407 Palestrina, 70, 187, 196 Polish sonorism, 456, 457, 458 String Quartet in C minor, op. 50, 287 polka, 110, 126, 141 Symphony in C major, op. 46, 287 Pollack, Howard, 293, 378 Violin Concerto, op. 44, 287 Pollack, Lew, 311 Philip, Robert, 13–14 ‘Charmaine’, 311 Philips, 484, 495, 499 Pollini, Maurizio, 517, 655 Philips, Sam, 426, 571 Pollock, Jackson, 88, 344, 350, 562 Phillipot, Michel, 343 Pomus, Doc, 432 Phiri, Chikapa ‘Ray’, 587, 588 Ponchielli, Amilcare, 116, 314 Piaf, Edith, 326–7, 328, 655 La gioconda, 314 ‘L’Accord´eoniste’, 327 ‘Dance of the Hours’, 314 ‘La Belle Histoire d’amour’, 326 pop art, 507 ‘Elle fr´equentait la rue Pigalle’, 326 pop music (see also rock music), 42, 46, 123, piano, 111, 125, 211, 311, 425, 480, 609 330, 332, 488, 501, 604 Africanized, 599, 608 in film, 502–3 jazz, 136–7, 403 popular culture, 191, 361, 524 player piano, 92, 97, 123, 125–40, 168, popular music, 47, 120, 138, 192–3, 302–3, 223, 514 317, 366, 478, 486–7, 545, 546, 557–9, prepared, 223, 349, 493, 531, 607 579 stride, 98, 111, 125, 128, 136–7, 138 and modernism, 82, 524 Piazolla, Astor, 655 popularitychart, 329–30, 396, 423, 490–1, Picasso, Pablo, 75, 76, 83, 87, 88, 165, 166, 497, 558, 571 216, 611 classical charts, 486 Parade, 83, 169, 219 demarking genre, 426–7 Pickford, Mary, 165 ‘EasyListening Top Ten’, 329 Piern´e, Gabriel, 310 Porter, Cole, 99, 176, 320, 322, 323, 366, Pilcer, Harry, 163 432, 567, 655 Pink Floyd, 498, 655 ‘I’ve Got You under MySkin’, 320 Pink Panther, 413 Kiss Me Kate, 323 Piranesi, Giambattista, 528 Within the Quota, 176 Piscator, Erwin, 182 Portishead, 575 Piston, Walter, 379 Dummy, 575 Pistone, Dani`ele, 174 positivism, 211, 212, 215 Pitney, Gene, 320 postmodernism, 40, 78, 270, 282, 380, 454, Pius X, 109 460–1, 502, 514, 515, 524, 526, 534, Pixies, 565, 567 540, 544, 545, 551, 553, 584–8 pizmon, 25–7, 28 postmodernist historiography, 187 Pizzetti, Ildebrando, 111, 290 Poulenc, Francis, 93, 111, 374–5, 379, 655 plantation, 124 Dialogue des Carm´elites, 374 plantation melody, 124–5, 127 Oboe Sonata, 374 Plastic People, 496 La voix humaine, 374

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Pound, Ezra, 54, 82, 87, 361 Symphony no. 6, 377, 378 Pousseur, Henri, 346, 355, 475, 476, Symphony no. 7, 377 655 War and Peace, 300, 377 Fragments th´eoriques I, 475 Zdravitsa,61 Rimes, 355 Proust, Marcel, 82, 86 Powell, Bud, 137, 656 psychedelia, 442, 468 Praetorius, Michael, 461 psychoanalysis, 81, 82, 296, 297 Pratella, Balilla, 215 discoveryof the unconscious, 80 ‘Manifesto of Futurist Musicians’, hysterical woman, 81–2, 84 215 Public Enemy, 562, 570, 573 Preminger, Otto It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Anatomy of a Murder, 407 Back, 573 The Man with the Golden Arm, 406–7 ‘Rebel without a Pause’, 573 Prendergast, Roy, 104 Puccini, Giacomo, 71, 94, 100, 101, 112, Prentice, Charles, 113 115, 119, 197–8, 202–3, 206, 273, prepared piano, see piano: prepared 657 preservation, 31, 32, 33, 36, 50, 52–3, 198, La boh`eme, 100 414, 485–6, 494, 496, 508–9 La fanciulla del West, 119 Presley, Elvis, 45, 139, 425, 426, 427, 428, Madama Butterfly, 100, 112, 113 431, 435, 436, 437, 443, 447, 560, 561, Tosca, 94, 100 571, 656 Turandot, 202, 203 ‘Don’t be Cruel’, 571 Pulp, 561, 578 ‘Hound Dog’, 446, 571 , 118 ‘(Marie’s the Name) His Latest punk, 418, 478, 490, 492, 494, 523, 546, Flame’, 561 547–9, 557–61, 562, 564, 570, 578–9, Previn, Andr´e, 320, 656 585 Pr´evost, Eddie, 470 Purcell, Henry, 554 primarytext, 329–30, 441 Pushkin, Alexander, 266 Prime Time, 413 ‘primitivism’, 115, 154, 160, 163, 169, 175, qaww¯al¯ı,30 177, 179, 192, 212, 291, 297 Quechua, 30 Prince, 656 Queen, 557, 657 Prince Far I, 574 Queen Latifah, 573 Prine, John, 565 Quilter, Roger, 93 Procter, F. F., 312 Quinn, Eimear, 331 Professor Longhair (HenryRoland ‘Roy’ ‘The Voice’, 331 Byrd), 425 Quinn, Freddy, 320 programme music, 92, 102–4, 105 Quinquaginta Ramblers, 139 progressive rock, 11, 442, 443, 468, 490, quotation (see also collage), 178, 252, 270, 523, 555, 558 293, 516, 544, 559–61, 578, 607, Prohibition, 133, 148 609–10 Prokofiev, Sergei, 61, 190, 293, 298–300, 302, 371, 374, 376–8, 656 race, 84, 110, 124, 128, 146–7, 153, 157, Cantata for the Twentieth Anniversary of the 158, 160, 170, 179–80, 315–16, October Revolution, 299 419–21, 422, 423, 426, 427, 428, Cello Sonata, 377 429–30, 433, 434, 439, 440, 444–5, ‘Classical’ Symphony, 377 448, 562, 563, 571–3, 577–8, 602, Hail to Stalin (Zdravitsa), 300 605 Lieutenant Kij´e, 299 Creole, 123, 128, 129 The Love of Three Oranges, 377 and exoticism, 124, 153–4, 169, Peter and the Wolf, 299 589–90 Piano Sonatas, 377 and jazz, 8, 123, 128, 149, 169, 400, 406, Romeo and Juliet, 299, 377 411, 483 Semyon Kotko, 300 racism, 173–4, 194–5, 589–90 Symphony no. 5, 377, 378 representation of, 98

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Rachmaninov, Sergei, 5, 71, 73–4, 88, 103, Ravens, 423 109, 116, 189, 657 ‘Rock All Night Long’, 423 The Bells, 88, 109 Rawicz and Landauer, 314 Piano Concerto no. 3, 73–4 Reagan, Ronald, 492 Symphonic Dances, 116 Reconstructie, 471 Symphony no. 3, 116 record producer, 427, 487, 488, 494 radio, 52, 57–8, 92, 97, 111, 123, 133–4, recording, 52, 57–8, 92, 123, 130, 131, 132, 137, 154, 191, 206, 211, 234–5, 302–3, 133, 188, 198, 202, 211, 303, 308, 311, 310, 312, 332, 368, 423, 427, 430, 315, 324, 325, 423, 427, 428, 435, 479–81, 482, 484, 497, 564 478–9, 482, 484–5, 489–94, 497, AM, 423 498–9, 507, 568–70 FM, 423, 441, 476 as the primarytext, 329–30, 441 pirate radio, 491 digital recording, 485 radio bands, 315 fidelity, 569 radio drama, 338, 339 gramophone, 97, 197, 204, 206, 211, radio music, 300, 310, 339 302–3 signature tunes, 310 jukeboxes, 139, 482 support for modernism, 337–9, 342, 344, multitrack, 441, 485, 487, 493, 520, 564 346, 476 mix, 489, 574 Radiohead, 578, 657 remixing, 487–8, 494, 499, 557, 569, ‘The Bends’, 578 574, 577 Raeburn, Boyd, 150 studio technologies, 311, 412, 487, 584 ragga, 490, 606 recording and reproduction ragtime, 98, 110, 115, 120, 125–6, 128, 136, equipment, 479, 480, 483, 141, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 488–9 163, 166, 167, 169, 171, 174, 176, 178, and private space, 500 180, 192, 407 recording formats, 498, 564, 574 Rainey, Ma, 126, 127 compact cassette tape, 495, 564, 595 Raksin, Daid, 108 Compact Disc, 57–8, 483, 484, 485, 492, Ramin, 307 495, 509, 535, 564, 574, 596 ‘Music to Watch Girls By’, 307 Compact Disc reissues, 10, 574, Ramones, 545, 548, 559 576–7 Ramuz, C. F., 165–6 DAT, 499, 500 Ranaldo, Lee, 549 45 rpm single, 423, 428, 476 rap, see hiphop minidisc, 499, 500 Rap´ee, Erno, 107, 172, 311 78 rpm, 485, 489 ‘Charmaine’, 311 stereo, 441, 484, 485, 489 Motion Picture Moods for Pianists and 33 rpm LP, 428, 485, 489 Organists, 107 recording industry, 53–4, 97, 142, 154, 478, rat pack, Sinatra, 320 498–9, 558, 564, 595–6 Rathert, Wolfgang, 280 awards, 491 Rattle, Simon, 657 cross-subsidywithin, 493, 494 Rauber, Franc¸ois, 327 independent record company, 148, Rauschenberg, Robert, 349 491–4, 558 Rautavaara, Einojuhani, 493 women in, 448 rave, 213, 483, 586 Red Hot Peppers, 131 Ravel, Maurice, 5, 69, 84, 85, 93, 101, 111, Redding, Otis, 440, 571, 658 150, 174, 188, 212, 216, 237, 261, 263, ‘Mr. Pitiful’, 440 374, 510, 657 ‘Respect’, 440 Daphnis et Chlo´e, 84, 85, 101, 261 Reed, Les, 329 L’enfant et les sortil`eges, 174, 188, 216 ‘Delilah’, 329 Sonata for violin and piano (1927), 174 Reed, Lou, 565, 574 , 264 Reger, Max, 262, 263 La valse,93 reggae, 490, 559, 574, 594, 605

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Reggio, Godfrey, 554 Richards, Keith, 436, 565 Koyaanaqatsi, 554, 555 Richmans, Jonathan, 560 Reich, Steve, 392, 467, 468, 469, 502, 509, Richter, Sviatoslav, 658 539, 540, 541–2, 543, 544, 546, 549, Riddle, Nelson, 96, 318, 319 551, 553, 554–5, 556, 585, 611, 658 riff, 142, 143, 147, 316–17, 319, 396, 398, The Cave, 553 402, 404, 405, 406, 412, 440 Come Out, 467 Rihm, Wolfgang, 4, 508, 509, 511, 532–4, Different Trains, 553 658 Drumming, 541 Dis-Kontur, 532 Four Organs, 546 Fremde Szenen I–III, 533 It’s Gonna Rain, 467, 553 Gesungene Zeit, 533 Music for Eighteen Musicians, 541, 542, 543, Kein Firmament, 533, 534 549, 555, 556 Klavierst¨uck no. 5, 532 Piano Phase, 467 String Quartet no. 3, 532, 533 Reed Phase, 467 Sub-Kontur, 532 Tehillim, 549 Vers une symphonie fleuve, 533 Violin Phase, 467 Riley, Bridget, 467 Reid, Jamie, 558 Riley, Terry, 467, 468, 502, 541, 542, 543, Die Reihe, 357, 475, 525 545, 554, 659 Reinecke, Carl, 271 In C, 467, 468, 541, 542, 543 ‘Mozartiana. Eight Little Piano Pieces on Keyboard Studies, 467 themes byMozart’, 271 A Rainbow in Curved Air, 541 Reinhardt, Django, 140, 658 Rimbaud, Arthur, 347, 472 Reinhardt, Max, 196, 300 Rimsky-Korsakov, Georgy, 218 Reinhart, Werner, 238 Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay, 659 religion, 108–10, 300–1, 473–4, 531, 577 Rinoc¸ˆ ´erose,ˆ 487 REM, 488, 498, 567, 570 Ripellino, Angelo, 354 Automatic for the People, 570 Roach, Max, 399 Reprazent, 487 Roberts, Lucky, 136 Respighi, Ottorino, 103, 118, 266, 272, 290 Robertson, Robbie, 439 La boutique fantasque, 266, 272 ‘King Harvest (Has SurelyCome)’, Rossiniana, 272, 273 439 revue, 95, 171, 207, 313, 314, 315, 321 ‘The Night TheyDrove Old Dixie La revue n`egre, 168, 169–70, 172, 313 Down’, 439 ‘La danse des sauvages’, 169 ‘The Weight’, 439 Reynolds, Allen, 564 Robeson, Paul, 311, 659 rhythm, 125, 128, 129, 138, 139, 160, 218, Robinson, Heath, 219 224, 269, 291, 293, 296, 301, 345, 349, Robinson, William ‘Smokey’, 433 352–3, 399, 420, 440, 514–15, 541, Rochberg, George, 55, 379, 460, 509, 597–601, 602 532 symmetry, 301 Contra Mortem et Tempus, 460 rhythm and blues, 139, 402, 411, 418, 420, Second String Quartet, 460 421, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 431, 432, Third String Quartet, 460, 532 433, 436, 437, 439, 440, 442, 444, 445, rock music, 6, 115, 139, 309, 319, 320, 324, 446, 447, 545, 571 330, 331, 411, 469, 482, 483, 485, 486, rhythm section, 128 487, 489, 493, 495, 497, 523, 545, 572, Rice, Timothy, 21, 324 604 Jesus Christ Superstar, 108, 324 rock & roll, 366, 418–49, 491 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour in film, 431–2 Dreamcoat, 324 , 427 Rich, Charlie, 426 origins of the term, 423 Richard, Cliff, 325, 431 Rockabilly, 308 Richard, Little, 425, 429 Rodemann, Albert, 342 ‘Tutti Frutti’, 429 Rodgers, Jimmie, 424

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Rodgers, Richard, 96, 118, 322, 323, 366, Rouse, Mikel, 585 659 Dennis Cleveland, 585 Babes in Arms,98 Failing Kansas, 585 ‘The Ladyis a Tramp’, 98 Roussos, Demis, 331 ‘MyFunnyValentine’, 118, 403 ‘Forever and Ever’, 331 The King and I, 323 Rowe, Keith, 470 Oklahoma, 323 Rowland, Kevin, 560, 574 The Sound of Music, 323 RoxyMusic, 555, 560, 568 South Pacific, 323 Rozsa,´ Miklos,´ 44, 108 Rodney, Red, 399 RTF (radio), 337 Roerich, Nicholas, 73 Rubenstein, Anton, 60, 178 Rogers, Roy, 446 Rubinstein, Artur, 166, 660 Roland-Manuel, 266 Ruders, Poul, 660 Roland TR-808 drum machine, 564 Rudhyar, Dane, 214, 216, 218 Rold´an, Amadeo, 220 Paeans, 218 Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock and Rufer, Josef, 5, 74, 340 Roll, 558 Ruggles, Carl, 214, 217, 218, 220, 660 Rolling Stones, 46, 419, 436, 437, 448, 493, Men and Mountains, 218, 220 559, 565, 570, 571, 659 rumba, 430 Rollini, Adrian, 131, 139 Run DMC, 573 Rollins, Sonny, 488, 502 Russell, George, 409, 661 Alfie, 502 Lydian Chromatic Concept of Tonal Romanticism, 261, 288 Organization, 409 reaction against, 261, 262–3, 269, 273 Russell, Pee Wee, 145 Romberg, Sigmund, 322 Russell, Ross, 398 The Desert Song, 322 Russell, Willy, 325 The Student Prince, 322 Blood Brothers, 325 Ronettes, 433, 569 Russian Formalism, 268, 269 ‘Be MyBaby’,569 Russian Revolution, 189–90, 277 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 63 Russolo, Luigi, 215–16, 217, 222, 225, 661 Roppolo, Leon, 130 The Art of Noises, 215, 216, 217, 222 Rorem, Ned, 111 Risveglio di una citt`a (The Awakening of a Rosas, Juventino, 312 City), 216 Sobre las Olas, 312 Rzewski, Frederic (see also Musica Rosbaud, Hans, 234, 235, 338, 344, 660 Elettronica Viva), 469, 474, 546 Rose, David, 310 Attica, 474 Holiday for Strings, 310 Coming Together, 474 The Stripper, 310 Ros´e Quartet, 53 Saariaho, Kaija, 534, 661 Rose, Tricia, 573 Lichtbogen, 534 Roseanne, 431 Lohn, 534 Roseberry, Eric, 384 Nymph´ea, 534 Rosen, Charles, 660 Sabine, W. C., 211 Roslavets, Nikolai, 61, 218 Sablon, Jean, 313 Rossi, Tino, 313, 326 SACEM, 498 ‘Petit Papa Noel’, 313 Sacher, Paul (see also Paul Sacher Rossini, Gioacchino, 266, 272, 278, Foundation), 337, 513 553 Sacher Foundation, see Paul Sacher P´ech´es de vieillesse, 272 Foundation William Tell,99 Sadler, Eric, 570 Rostropovich, Mstislav, 366, 660 Saint-Sa¨ens, Camille, 106, 110, 263 Rosza,´ Miklos,´ 660 L’assassinat du Duc de Guise, 106 Roth, Ernst, 111 ‘Le cygne’, 110 Rotten, Johnny, 557, 559 Sakamoto, Kyu, 320

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Salinger, Conrad, 96 Schenker, Heinrich, 86 Salt ’n’ Pepa, 563 Scherchen, Hermann, 234, 235, 340, 344, Salvation Army, 110 352, 357, 662 Salzman, Eric, 269 Scherliess, Volker, 280 samba, 308 Schiff, David, 513, 514 sampling, 552, 553, 561, 564, 569, 572–3, Schiffer, Marcellus, 172, 181 585, 586, 587–8 Schiller, Friedrich, 46 Samson, Jim, 6, 77–8 Schillinger, Joseph, 219 San Remo Song Festival, 330 Schmidt, Franz, 109 Sanchez, Michel, 585 The Book with Seven Seals, 109 Deep Forest, 585 Schmitt, Florent, 88 Sanderson, Wilfred, 311 La trag´edie de Salom´e,88 ‘Up from Somerset’, 311 Schnabel, Artur, 662 Sandoz Project, 586 Schnebel, Dieter, 372, 474 Sangare, Oumou, 594 Choralvorspiele, 474 Sankey, Ira D., 110 f¨ur stimmen (missa est . . .), 474 Santana, Carlos, 442, 661 Schnittke, Alfred, 530–1, 601, 662 sanza, 611 Concerto grosso no.1, 531 Sarfatti, Margherita, 290 Symphony no. 4, 531 sargam, 30, 31 Schnultze, Norbert, 328 Sarno, Louis, 589, 591–2 ‘Lili Marleen’, 97, 303, 328–9 bayaka: The Extraordinary Music of the Schoeck, Othmar, 111 Babenz´el´e Pygmies, 589, 591 Schoenberg, Arnold, 4, 5, 6, 52, 60, 69–70, Satie, Erik, 6, 83, 157, 163, 165, 166, 174, 72, 73–6, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 86, 183, 216, 261–2, 374, 502, 552, 661 87, 88, 102, 111, 115, 120, 180, 182, Parade, 83, 163–6, 169, 216, 219 187, 189, 190, 196, 200, 203, 204, 207, ‘Ragtime du Paquebot’, 163, 165 212, 214, 219, 222, 228, 230–1, 233, , 261–2 234–5, 236, 237, 238, 239–45, 246–8, Sonatine bureaucratique, 262 249–52, 253, 255, 256–7, 264, 265, Sports et divertissements, 165 274, 277, 278, 279–80, 282, 286, 301, ‘Le tango (perp´etuel)’, 163 340, 341, 342, 346, 347, 348, 352, 374, Saunders, Rebecca, 3, 534 375, 376, 383, 406, 460, 510, 532, 662 CRIMSON – Molly’s Song I, 534 Accompaniment to a Film Scene Molly’s Song 3 – shades of crimson, 534 (Begleitungsmusik zu einer Sauter, Eddie, 150 Lichtspielszene), op. 34, 231, 234, 240–1, ‘Superman’, 150 249–50 Savage, Jon, 558 Bach’s in E flat, Sax, Adolphe, 211 version of BWV 552, 241 saxophone, 134, 211 Cello Concerto, 242 Scaliger, Joseph, 271 Chamber Symphony no. 1, 340 Scaligerana, 271 Chorsatiren, op. 28, 237, 265 Scarlatti, Domenico, 266, 273 ‘Composition with Twelve Tones’, 242 Scelsi, Giacinto, 459, 508, 661 Die eiserne Brigade, 246 I presagi, 459 Erwartung, 76, 81, 86, 248 Quattro pezzi per Orchestra, 459 Fantasy, op. 47, 50 Scepter, 448 Five Orchestral Pieces, op. 16, 72, 74 Schaeffer, Pierre, 216, 337, 343, 465, 662 Four Orchestral Songs, op. 22, 243 Symphonie des bruits, 343 Die gl¨uckliche Hand, 69, 243 Symphonie pour un homme seul, 343 Gurrelieder, 88, 102, 200 Trait´e des objets musicaux, 465 Die Jakobsleiter, 219, 243, 246 Schaeffner, Andr´e, 172 Klavierst¨ucke, op. 19, 120 Jazz, 172 Moses and Aron, 231, 301, 341 Schat, Peter, 471 ‘National Music’, 228, 239 Reconstructie, 471 Der neue Klassizismus, 265

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Schoenberg, Arnold (cont.) Ironies, 176 Ode to Napoleon, 352 Ragmusic, 176 Peace on Earth (Friede auf Erden), 231, 232, 6 Esquisses de jazz, 176 238, 247 String Quartet no. 2, 176 Piano Concerto, 279 Suite, 176 Piano Pieces, op. 23, 243 Suite dansante en jazz, 176 Pierrot Lunaire, 76, 80, 82, 102, 278 Symphony no. 2, 176 satirized in Krenek’s Jonny spielt auf, 178 Schuller, Gunther, 4, 316, 320, 410, 411, Serenade, op. 24, 233, 243 663 Six Pieces for Male Chorus, op. 35, 240, and ‘third stream’, 409, 410 247, 251–2 Schuman, William, 379, 408 Societyfor Private Musical Schumann, Robert, 93, 203, 208, 271, 274, Performances, 190, 233–4, 236, 237 532, 533 String Quartet Concerto, 255 Kreisleriana, 271 String Quartet no. 1, 383 Tr¨aumerei, 208 String Quartet no. 2, 340 Schwabach, Kurt, 328 String Quartet no. 4, 249 ‘Das lila Lied’, 328 Suite, op. 29, 248, 251 Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth, 206, 663 Suite for Piano, op. 25, 243 Schwarzwald, Eugenie, 234 A Survivor from Warsaw, 102 Sciarrino, Salvatore, 663 Symphony, op. 21, 342 Scott, Derek B., 76 Theory of Harmony,81 Scott, James, 125 Three Folksongs for Mixed Choir, 247 Scott, Ronnie, 401 Three Satires, op. 28, 237, 265 Scott, Stephen, 543 Variations for Orchestra, op. 31, 235, Minerva’s Web, 543 248 Scottish Chamber Orchestra, 530 Verkl¨arte Nacht, 79–80 Scotto, Vincent, 175, 313 Von heute auf morgen, op. 32, 182, 239 ‘J’ai deux amours’, 313 Wind Quintet, op. 26, 243, 346 Scruton, Roger, 78 Scholes, Percy, 480 Sculthorpe, Peter, 8, 457, 663 The Listener’s Guide to Music, 480 SDSA Chorale, 608 The Listener’s History of Music, 480 Searchers, 570 Schonberg,¨ Claude-Michel, 325 Secombe, Harry, 311 Les Mis´erables, 325 Second Viennese School, 5, 45, 87, 196, 202, Miss Saigon, 325 217, 526 Schonberger, John, 315 claim to the mainstream, 5, 228–31, 257, ‘Whispering’, 315 279 Schonberger, Malvin, 315 construction of, 236–7, 244–5 ‘Whispering’, 315 Secret Garden, 331 Schopenhauer, Arthur 187 ‘Nocturne’, 331 Schreker, Franz, 13, 181, 194, 200–1, 202, Sedaka, Neil, 432 207, 663 Seeger, Charles, 214, 215, 218 Der ferne , 200, 201, 202 ‘Tradition and Experiment in [the New] Der Schatzgr¨aber, 200, 201 Music’, 218 Schroeder, John, 308 Seeger, Pete, 328 Schubert, Franz, 188, 257, 383, 472, 516 ‘Where Have All the Flowers Gone?’, 328 Octet, 472 Seiber, M´aty´as, 173, 409 fragments for Symphony no. 10, 516 Improvisations for Jazz Band and Symphony Schuch, Ernst von, 199 Orchestra, 410 Schulhoff, Erwin, 157, 176 Sekles, Bernhard, 173–4 5 Etudes de jazz, 176 Sellars, Peter, 553–4 F¨unf Pittoresken, 175 The Death of Klinghoffer, 553 H.M.S. Royal Oak, 176 Nixon in China, 553–4 Hot Music, 176 Selvin, Ben, 315 Hot Sonate, 176 Semba Tropical, 589–90, 591

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Senghor, L´eopold S´edar, 600, 601 Shore, Dinah, 317, 320 serialism, 47, 73, 74, 76, 77–8, 86, 180, 190, ‘I’ve Got You under MySkin’, 320 228, 236, 237, 239, 240, 246, 247, Shorter, Wayne (see also Weather 248–55, 264–5, 279, 282, 340, 343, 346, Report), 404, 413 347–8, 351, 352, 353, 355, 359, 369, Shostakovitch, Dmitri, 45, 55, 61, 197, 375, 378, 390, 409, 410, 454, 457, 459, 288–9, 297–8, 299, 366, 368, 369, 460, 469, 521, 530, 544, 546, 599, 600 370–1, 373, 375, 377, 380, 381, 382–7, and the musical mainstream, 4, 5, 228–31, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 489, 531, 241–5, 257 664 perception and reception of, 77–8, 350 Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, 61, symmetry, 253–5 288–9, 297, 299, 382 total serialism, 4, 342, 345, 348, 349, string quartets, 383, 384 357–8, 464, 521, 545, 611 String Quartet no. 2, 383 Serkin, Rudolf, 234 String Quartet no. 3, 383 Serocki, Kazimierz, 456, 458 String Quartet no. 15, 384–7 Segmenti, 458 symphonies, 383 Sessions, Roger, 345, 379, 408, 525, 663 Symphony no. 4, 197, 297–8 Sevˇcik, Otakar, 50 Symphony no. 5, 197, 297–8, 382, 383 sex, 133, 423 Symphony no. 7, 197, 382, 383 Sex Pistols, 557–8, 559, 570, 664 Symphony no. 10, 391 ‘Anarchyin the UK’, 557 Symphony no. 14, 384 The Great Rock ’n’ Roll Swindle, 559 Shreffler, Anne C., 156, 252, 254, 256 ‘Holidays in the Sun’, 570 Shuker, Roy, 329 ‘JohnnyB. Goode’, 559 Understanding Popular Music, 329 Shadows, 407 Shuman, Mort, 327, 432 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Earl of, 46 Paris, 327 Shakespeare, William, 225, 516 Sibelius, Jean, 5, 45, 55, 70, 73, 94, 103, The Tempest, 225–6, 516 196–7, 369, 370, 371, 499, 530, 533, Shakti, 413 664 shakuhachi, 22, 525 The Bard,73 Shakur, Tupac, 573 Finlandia, 499 Shangri-Las, 447 Oceanides,73 Shankar, Ravi, 664 symphonies, 70 Shattuck, Roger, 216 Symphony no. 1, 70, 103–4 Shaw, Artie, 141, 397 Symphony no. 4, 70 Artie Shaw GramercyFive, 148 Symphony no. 7, 70 Shaw, George Bernard, 76, 92, 104 Tapiola, 197 Candida, 104 Sieczynsky, Rudolf, 311 sheet music, 58, 97, 113, 160, 166, 329, 428, ‘Wien, du Stadt meiner Tr¨aume’, 311 429 Siegel, Ralph, 331 Shelton, Anne, 317, 329 ‘Ein bißchenFrieden’, 331 shenqu, 23, 24 Silvester, Victor, 316 Sherman, Cindy, 46 Ballroom Orchestra, 316 Sherman, Joe, 319 Modern Ballroom Dancing, 316 ‘Ramblin’ Rose’, 319 ‘Silver Strings’, 316 Sherman, Noel, 319 simanjemanje, 606 ‘Ramblin’ Rose’, 319 Simon and Garfunkel, 439 Shifrin, Lalo, 44, 413 ‘A Simple DesultoryPhilippic’, 439 Bullitt, 413 Simon, Paul, 438–9, 563–4, 565, 577, 586, Mission: Impossible, 413 587–8, 596 Starsky and Hutch, 413 ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’, 577 shimmy, 156, 169, 175, 178, 182 Graceland, 563, 586, 587–8 Shipton, Alyn, 141 ‘Homeless’, 563 Shirelles, 563, 571 ‘You can call me Al’, 587–8

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Simoni, Renato, 203 Social Realism, 288–9, 298–300, 302, 456 Sinatra, Frank, 3, 15, 307, 317, 318, 319–20, Societyof Creative Musicians, 233 321, 329, 397, 406, 432, 441, 447, 664 Solidor, Suzy, 329 ‘How About You’, 320 Solti, Georg, 492, 493, 665 In the Wee Small Hours, 441 Sondheim, Stephen, 324, 325, 665 ‘I’ve Got You under MySkin’, 320 Follies, 324 ‘Old Devil Moon’, 319 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Songs for Swingin’ Lovers, 319, 321, 441 Forum, 324 ‘Too Marvelous for Words’, 320 A Little Night Music, 324 ‘You’re Getting To Be a Habit with Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Me’, 320 Street, 324 Singer, Winaretta, 169 West Side Story, 323–4 Sissle, Noble, 322 song contests, 3, 329, 330, 331 Shuffle Along, 322 Sonic Arts Union, 468, 469 Sitwell, Edith, 183 Sonic Youth, 549, 567 Sitwell, Sacheverell, 183 SonnyBoyWilliamson, 127 Size, DJ Roni, 487, 575 sonorism, see Polish sonorism Skavlan, Petter, 331 Sony, 58, 481, 483, 484, 499, 500, 502 ‘Nocturne’, 331 soukous, 594 skiffle, 435 soul, 439, 440, 444, 478, 490, 555, 563, 571, Sklovsky, Viktor, 268 572, 605 Skryabin, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, 77, 109, Soul Stirrers, 425 214, 215, 219–20, 664 Source Magazine, 474, 476 Mysterium, 214–15, 219 Sousa, John Philip, 127, 160, 170, 315 Slick, Grace, 449 South America, 116, 274, 290–6, 352 Slits, 559 Revolutions of, 287 Slobin, Mark, 27 Southern, Eileen, 444–5 Slonimsky, Nicolas, 187 Music of Black Americans, 444–5 Music since 1900, 187 Souvtschinsky, Pierre, 266 Slyand the FamilyStone ( see also Stone, Soviet Communism (see also Sly), 562, 665 communism), 60–1, 62–3, 64–5, 287 ‘Don’t Call Me Nigger, Whitey’, 562 Soweto String Quartet, 608 Smith, Bessie, 126, 130, 665 Spanier, Muggsy, 143 Smith, Clarence ‘Pinetop’, 425 MuggsySpanier Ragtimers, 145 Smith, Harry, 566 Spark, Muriel, 339 Anthology of American Folk Music, 566 The Ballad of Peckham Rye, 339 Smith, Ishmael Wadada Leo, 7 Sparnaay, Harry, 470 Smith, Keely, 320 Specht, Richard, 202–3 Smith, Mamie, 167 Specials, 560 ‘CrazyBlues’, 167 ‘Gangsters’, 560 Smith, Mark E., 578 Spector, Phil, 427, 433, 435, 447, 448, 566, Smith, Patti, 560, 562, 570 569, 665 Horses, 560, 570 ‘Da Doo Ron Ron’, 566 Easter, 562 Spector, Ronnie, 447 ‘Rock ’n’ Roll Nigger’, 562 Spencer Davis Group, 437 Patti Smith Group, 559 Spewack, Bella, 323 Smith, ‘Whispering’ Jack, 317 Kiss Me Kate, 323 Smith, Willie ‘The Lion’, 136 Spewack, Samuel, 323 Smiths, The, 561, 570, 571 Kiss Me Kate, 323 ‘Girlfriend in a Coma’, 570 Spice Girls, 562–3 ‘Rusholme Ruffians’, 561 Spice Girls Present . . . the Best Girl Power Smyth, Ethel, 100, 665 Album ...Ever!, 563 The Wreckers, 100 spirituals, 124, 125, 167, 172, 179, 192, 296, Snelson, John, 325 444

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Spoliansky, Mischa, 171, 172, 328 466, 468, 469, 470, 471, 475, 476, ‘Das lila Lied’, 328 518–19, 521, 532, 555, 666 Springfield, Dusty, 320, 327, 329, 447 Aus den sieben Tagen, 470 Springsteen, Bruce, 565, 566, 567, 594, 666 Carr´e, 356, 454, 458, 469 ‘Born to Run’, 566 Ensemble, 471 The Ghost of Tom Joad, 567 Gesang der J¨unglinge, 355, 356, 453, 458 Squadronaires, the RAF Dance Gruppen, 339, 356, 454, 458 Orchestra, 316 , 455, 460, 464 Stacy, Jess, 143 Klavierst¨ucke V–X, 355 Stadlen, Peter, 340 Klavierst¨uck XI, 355, 358 Stafford, Jo (GI Jo), 317 Klavierst¨uck XII, 518 Stainer, John, 108 Klavierst¨uck XIV, 518 Crucifixion, 108 , 355, 453, 454 Stalin, Joseph, 61, 218, 288, 289, 299, 300, Kontra-Punkte, 354 382 Kreuzspiel, 341, 354 standards, 147, 323, 399, 403 Kurzwellen, 470 Stanford, Charles Villiers, 93, 105, 111, 188 Licht cycle, 518–19 The Travelling Companion, 188 Mantra, 466 Stapleton, Cyril, 308 Mikrophonie I, 459–60, 466 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, 431 , 470 Starsky and Hutch, 413 Momente, 455, 470 State of Bengal, 576 Monophonie, 459 ‘Inertia Creeps’, 576 Originale, 464 Static, 548 Plus-Minus, 470 Stax, 428, 433, 434, 437, 440, 447, 448 Refrain, 356 Steel Porn Rhino, 586 Stimmung, 470 Steele, Tommy, 431 , 464 Stein, Gertrude, 75, 82 Texte zur Musik, 475 Stein, Paul L. Zeitm¨asse, 356 Blossom Time, 205, 208 Zyklus, 356 Heart’s Desire, 205 Stockhausen, Markus, 519 Steinberg, Lewis, 434 Stokowski, Leopold, 481, 666 Steinecke, Wolfgang, 339–40, 355, 358, Stoll, Oswald, 312 360–1, 453 Stoller, Mike, 427, 432, 433, 446 Steiner, Max, 44, 108, 666 ‘Hound Dog’, 446 King Kong, 108, 120 Stolz, Robert, 312 Stephan, Rudolf, 265 ‘Goodbye’, 312 Steps, 499 Stone, Lew, 318 Steuermann, Eduard, 12, 234, 235, 666 Stone, Sly( see also Slyand the Family ‘Styles of Musical Interpretation’, 234 Stone), 413 Stewart, Jim, 433 Stooges, 560 Stewart, Rex, 149 Stranglers, 578 Sticky Fingers, 568 Straus, Oscar, 191 Still, William Grant, 7 Strauss, Johann I, 116, 309 Stills, Stephen, 566 Strauss, Johann II, 47, 95, 188, 191, 203 Sting, 595 Die Fledermaus, 188 Stipe, Michael, 570 Der Zigeunerbaron, 188 Stivell, Alan, 585 Strauss, Richard, 5, 47, 51, 55, 62, 71, 72, stochastics (see also indeterminacy), 344, 76, 86, 93, 100–1, 103, 111, 119, 187, 357, 458 195, 196, 199–200, 203, 206, 208, 276, Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 218, 339, 340, 286, 287, 302, 369, 371–3, 374, 667 341–2, 343, 350, 351, 354–7, 358, 359, Eine Alpensinfonie,72 360, 366, 372, 374, 392, 413, 453, Also sprach Zarathustra,72 454–5, 456, 457–8, 459, 460, 461, 464, Ariadne auf Naxos, 71, 199

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Strauss, Richard (cont.) Symphonies of Wind Instruments, 78, 266, Capriccio, 93, 287 267 Elektra, 71, 76, 86, 93 Symphony in E flat, 69 Four Last Songs, 371, 373 , 268, 301 Die Frau ohne Schatten, 196 Wind Octet, 265, 267–8, 277 Friedenstag, 287 Stravinsky, Soulima, 268 Guntram, 196 Strayhorn, Billy, 144, 149, 667 Die Liebe der Danae, 47 A Streetcar Named Desire, 406 Metamorphosen, 371, 373 Streisand, Barbara, 332 Don Quixote, 118 stride piano, see piano: stride Der Rosenkavalier, 101, 119, 199, 286, 372 Strindberg, August, 82 Salome, 47, 71, 200 Strobel, Heinrich, 338, 355 Die schweigsame Frau, 287 Stroheim, Erich von, 207 Symphonia Domestica,72 Strong, Barrett, 433 Tod und Verkl¨arung, 372 Stuckenschmidt, Hans, 182, 233 Stravinsky, Igor, 5, 14, 47, 55, 69, 73, 75, 76, Studio fur¨ Elektronische Musik, 338, 343, 78, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 101, 103, 119, 354, 476 150, 156, 157, 165–6, 168, 175, 189, Sudwestfunk,¨ 337, 338, 346 190, 193, 203, 204, 207, 217, 229, 237, Suede, 578 244, 251, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265–9, Sufaris, 434 272, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, ‘Wipe Out’, 434 286, 300–1, 336, 346, 364, 367, 369, Sugarhill Gang, 572 371, 375, 376, 378, 389, 407, 408, 444, ‘Rapper’s Delight’, 572 509, 510, 525, 526, 545, 546, 667 Sullivan, Arthur, 93, 95, 99, 100, 105, 118, Apollon musag`ete, 262, 277 321 Le baiser de la f´ee, 266 ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’, 93 Bogoroditse devo (Blessed Virgin), 301 Summa Cum Laude Orchestra, 145 Capriccio, 268 Summer, Donna, 478, 555 Concerto for Piano and Wind, 268–9, 277 ‘Hot Stuff’, 478 Concerto for Two Pianos, 268 Summers, Dorothy, 311 ‘Dumbarton Oaks’ Concerto, 193 Summit, Jeffrey, 25–7 Ebony Concerto, 408 Sun Ra, 411 The Firebird, 101, 119, 267 Myth-Science Arkestra, 411 Mass, 301 Sunshine Girl, The, 157, 158 , 266, 277 Superior, 128 Les noces, 73–4, 267, 277 Supremes, 434, 560, 563 , 207, 262, 268, 276, 277 ‘Some Things You Never Get Used Orpheus, 262, 371 To’, 560 Pers´ephone, 262, 277 ‘You Can’t HurryLove’, 560 Petrushka, 83, 101, 119 surf music, 434 Piano–Rag Music, 165, 166 Surrealism, 347 Piano Sonata, 268, 277 Suso, FodayMusa, 584, 589–90, 591, 603 Poetics of Music, 266 ‘Spring Waterfall’, 603 Polka, 265 Sutermeister, Heinrich, 62 , 83, 266, 272 Suzuki, Daisetz, 349 Ragtime for Eleven Instruments, 165, 166 Suzuki method, 50 The Rite of Spring (Le sacre du Swarsenski, Hans, 469 printemps), 14, 73–4, 77, 84, 88, 101, ‘Sweet Georgia Brown’, 148 168, 267, 278, 286, 301, 346 swing (rhythm), 125, 128, 136, 138, 145, Scherzo fantastique, 103 304, 318, 398 Serenade in A for piano, 268 swing (style) (see also big band), 123, 135, Simvol’ ver¨ı (Symbol of Faith), 301 141, 313, 316–17, 395, 396, 397, 398, The Soldier’s Tale (L’Histoire du Soldat), 165, 401, 402, 408 166, 265 small band swing, 144, 147–9

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swing band, see big band Orchestral Suite no. 4 (‘Mozartiana’), 271 symbolism, 79, 80, 82 Symphony no. 6 (‘Path´etique’), 103 Symons, Arthur, 79 Teagarden, Jack, 135, 140, 145 symphonic jazz, 154, 156, 170, 408–10 techno (see also electronic dance synthesizer, 464, 487, 518, 555, 564, 593 music), 487, 555, 573, 586, 587, 595 Szell, George, 50, 667 technology, 92, 123, 237, 239, 302–3, 428, Szymanowski, Karol, 47, 77, 668 481, 506–8, 522, 553, 564–5, 566–7, 568, 589–90, 595 Tagg, Philip, 443, 444 in the non-Western world, 18, 19, 22–5, Tailleferre, Germaine, 174 34, 36, 37 Violin Sonata, 174 Teitelbaum, Richard (see also Musica Tairov, Alexander, 299 Elettronica Viva), 469 Evipetskiye nochi (Egyptian nights), television, 310, 312–13, 315, 413, 430, 501 299 sitcom, 422, 430, 431 Takemitsu, Toru, 346, 457, 668 Television (band), 559 Requiem, 346 Temple, Julien, 558 Talbot, Howard, 95 The Filth and the Fairy, 558 Talking Heads, 559, 569, 585 Templeton, Alec, 111 ‘Houses in Motion’, 569 ‘Bach Goes to Town’, 111 Remains in Light, 585 Temptations, The, 434, 440 Tamusuza, Justinian, 607 ‘Papa Was a Rolling Stone’, 440 Abakadde Abaagalana Be Balima Termen, Lev, 219, 221 Akambugu, 607 rhythmicon, 221 Ekitundu Ekisooka, 607 Les Tetes Brul´ees, 594 Tan Dun, 44, 668 Tezenas, Susanne, 337, 343, 349 tanci,23 Thackray, Jake, 327 Tangerine Dream, 555 Thatcher, Margaret, 492 tango, 98, 156, 157–8, 165, 166, 172, 176, Them, The, 437, 559 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 239, 312, 531 Theoretical Girls, 548 Finnish, 309 Theodorakis, Mikis, 669 ‘Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay’, 94 Theosophy, 207, 214 Taruskin, Richard, 103, 382, 383, 555 Th´er´emin, L´eon, see Termen, Lev Tate Modern, 52, 506, 535 Thill, Georges, 3 Tatum, Art, 137, 148, 668 ‘third stream’, 183, 409–10, 413 Tauber, Richard, 3, 12–13, 186, 188, 189, Thomas, Carla, 422 198–202, 203–6, 207–8, 311, 668 Thomas, Dylan, 339 Blossom Time, 205, 208 Under Milk Wood, 339 Heart’s Desire, 205 Thomas, Rufus, 422 The Singing Dream, 206 Thompson, Ben, 572 Taucher, Kurt, 202 Thompson, Virgil, 133, 349 Taupin, Bernie, 577 Thorn, Tracey, 575 ‘Border Song (HolyMoses)’, 577 Thornhill, Claude, 150, 404 Tavernier, Bertrand, 407 Thornton, Big Mama, 446 ’Round Midnight, 407 ‘Hound Dog’, 446 Taxi Driver, 407 Thorpe, Richard Taylor, Cecil, 410, 469, 668 The Great Caruso, 312 Unit Structures, 410 369th InfantryBand, 167 Taylor, Helen, 311 Tilzer, Harryvon [Harold Gumm], 117 ‘Bless this House’, 311 timbre, 167, 458, 459, 464, 470 Taylor, James, 565 Tin Pan Alley, 94, 97–9, 110, 116, 317–21, Taylor, Timothy, 35 323, 324, 330, 432, 570 Tchaikovsky, Piotr Illyich, 60, 69, 94, 101, African-American impact on, 98 103, 106, 107, 172, 263, 266, 271, 302 rhythms, 98–9 1812 Overture, 172 ‘Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay’, 94

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Tinctoris, Johannes, 270 two-step, 160, 426 Terminorum musicae diffinitorium, 270 Tynjanov, Jury, 268 Tindersticks, 567 Tzara, Tristan, 82, 216 Tio, Lorenzo, 129, 135 Tiomkin, Dimitri, 108, 669 Uhr, Billy, 329 Tipica Orchestra, 310 ‘Tears’, 329 Tippett, Michael, 207, 293, 296–7, 304, 382, Ulrich, Lars, 478, 479 389, 390, 392, 510, 669 Umm Kulth¯um,24, 26, 670 A Child of Our Time, 296–7 Ungaretti, G., 353 Concerto for Double String United Nations, 563 Orchestra, 296 , 115, 152, 179, 195, 235, Tizol, Juan, 140 256, 463, 475 TKZ Family, 606 universities, 45, 345 Toch, Ernst, 44 music courses, 43 Tollerton, Nell, 307 as patron of modernism, 345, 455, 475 ‘Cruising Down the River’, 307 U.N.K.L.E., 576 Tom and Jerry(aka Simon and Unplugged, 567 Garfunkel), 438 Upton, Bertha, 163 ‘Hey, Schoolgirl’, 438 Ussachevsky, Vladimir, 338, 345 Tommasini, Vincenzo, 266, 273 Ustvol’skaya, Galina, 670 Le donne di buon umore, 266, 273 U2, 332, 569, 670 Toop, David, 502, 504 Achtung Baby, 569 Torke, Michael, 550, 669 ‘Within You Without You’, 569 Ash, 550 Uzoigwe, Joshua, 597, 599, 602 Ecstatic Orange, 550 Four Igbo Folk Songs, 597 Javelin, 550 Toscanini, Arturo, 13, 58, 481, 493, 669 Vadim Roger, 407 Tour´e, Ali Fakar, 594, 670 Sait-on jamais (No Sun in Venice), 403, Tovey, Donald Francis, 230, 539 407 ‘The Main Stream of Music’, 230 Valens, Ritchie, 428, 431 Townshend, Pete, 425, 566 Valentin, Val, 574 transistor, 466, 483 Valentino, Rudolf, 447 transmission, see dissemination Vallee, Rudy, 317, 329, 447 Trenet, Charles, 97, 327 Vandor, Ivan (see also Musica Elettronica ‘Boum’, 97 Viva), 469 A Tribe Called Quest, 562, 573 Var`ese, Edgard, 7, 70, 76, 190, 214, 216–17, ‘Sucka N∗∗∗a’, 562 218, 219–21, 222, 224, 225, 340, 459, tribute albums, 567 510, 670 Tricky, 575, 576 Am´eriques, 217 Maxinquaye, 575 Arcana, 217 Trojahn, Manfred, 508 Densit´e 220, 557–79 Truman, Harry, 43 D´eserts, 217 Trumbauer, Frankie, 132 Ecuatorial, 220 ‘Singing the Blues’, 132 Espace, 219, 221, 224 Tucholsky, Kurt, 172, 328 Hyperprism, 217 Tudor, David, 12, 345, 350, 355–6, 358, Int´egrales, 217 359, 464, 470, 670 International Composers’ Guild, 190, 217 tuning (see also microtones), 215, 221, 225, Ionisation, 220, 222, 340 459, 515, 547–9 Octandre, 217 Turner, Joe, 433 Offrandes, 217 Turner, Tina, 563 Pan American Association of Composers Tveitt, Geirr, 5 (PAAC), 217, 220 twelve-tone music, see serialism La Po`eme ´electronique, 217 Twitty, Conway, 426 La Procession de Verg`es, 217

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Varian, John O., 214 Vlijmen, Jan van, 471 variety, 96, 157, 311, 312–13, 314, 318, 430, Reconstructie, 471 432 Vodery, Will, 183 Varna, Henri, 313 Volans, Kevin, 587–8, 608, 609–10, 671 ‘J’ai deux amours’, 313 Cover Him With Grass, 610 vaudeville, 92, 94, 95, 96, 105, 126, 129, Hunting: Gathering, 610 134, 157, 167, 176, 194, 312, 314, Mbira, 610 320, 482 She Who Sleeps with a Small Blanket, 610 Vaughan, Sarah, 401 White Man Sleeps, 587–8, 610 Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 70, 88, 103, 106, Volharding, De, 545 109, 111, 115, 193, 207, 371, 373–4, Vostrak, Zbynek, 456 381, 485, 671 Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis, 373 Wagner, Richard, 47–8, 51, 60, 62, 69, 79, Four Last Songs, 373 80, 93, 94, 100, 106, 107, 118, 120, 187, Linden Lea, 111 195, 199, 207, 211, 228, 252, 257, 280, The Pilgrim’s Progress, 373 302, 489, 511, 554, 600 Sinfonia antartica, 106 Der fliegende Holl¨ander, 207 Symphony no. 1 (‘A Sea Symphony’), 88 G¨otterd¨ammerung, 211 Symphony no. 3 (‘A Pastoral Die Meistersinger, 94, 118 Symphony’), 70 Parsifal, 511 Symphony no. 4, 207 Das Rheingold, 489 Symphony no. 6, 371, 373, 374 The Ring, 120, 489, 511, 554 Vaughan Williams, Ursula, 373 Siegfried, 211 Vechten, Carl Van, 133 Tristan und Isolde, 76, 79, 211 Vedova, Emilio, 354 Wagner, Siegfried, 207 Vega, Suzanne, 569–70 Wainwright, Loudon III, 565 99.9 F, 570 Waits, Tom, 569 Solitude Standing, 569–70 Walker, Scott, 327 ‘Luka’, 569 Walkman, 12, 483, 484, 500 ‘Tom’s Diner’, 569–70 Waller, ‘Fats’, 136, 672 Velez, Glen, 585 Walser, Martin, 276 Velvet Underground, 496, 547, 560, 574, Walser, Rob, 443, 444 671 Walter, Bruno, 50, 187, 188, 672 ‘Heroin’, 547 Walters, Ethel, 126 Velvet Underground, 574 Walton, William, 182–3, 672 Venuti, Joe, 135, 140 Fac¸ade, 183 Verdi, Giuseppe, 56, 116, 268, 553 waltz, 99, 126, 141, 156, 166, 321, 421 Aida, 99, 118 Ward, Helen, 141 Il trovatore,99 Warhol, Andy, 46 Vienna Workers’ Chorus, 235 Waring, Fred, 315 Vierk, Lois, 548 Warlock, Peter, 111 GO Guitars, 548 Warren, Harry, 96, 320 Tusk, 548 ‘You’re Getting To Be A Habit with Vietnam War, 441, 472, 475 Me’, 320 Vig, Butch, 565 Warwick, Dionne, 320, 329 Villa-Lobos, Heitor, 274, 671 Washington, Geno, 560 Bachianas brasileiras, 274 Waters, Muddy, 436, 437 Chˆoros, 274 Watkins, Glenn E., 160 Vincent, Gene, 308 Watters, Lu, 145, 146 Viola, Bill, 46 Waxman, Franz, 108, 672 virtuosity, 30, 71, 166, 167, 437, 442, 470, ‘WayDown Yonder in New Orleans’, 148 471, 519, 521, 559 Weather Girls, 563 anti-virtuosity, 467 Weather Report, 413 Vivaldi, Antonio, 488 Mr Gone, 413

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Weatherly, Fred, 311, 312 Der Weg der Verheissung (The Eternal ‘The HolyCity’,312 Road), 300 ‘Roses of Picardy’, 311 Der Zar l¨asst sich photographieren, 180–1 ‘Up from Somerset’, 311 Weingartner, Felix, 51, 673 Weavers, 438 Weininger, Otto, 82 Webb, Roy, 108 Weintraub, Stefan, 171 Weber, Carl Maria von, 268 Weintraub Syncopators, 171 Weber, Max, 331 Weiss, Adolph, 220, 236 Webern, Anton, 13, 45, 70, 71, 75, 81, 82, Weiss, Peter, 472 88, 115, 228, 232, 233, 235, 236, 237–8, Die Ermittlung, 472 241, 243–4, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252–4, Weissman, Adolf, 197–8, 202 255, 256, 274, 282, 340, 341–2, 347, Der klingende Garten, Impressionen 348, 350, 352, 361, 374, 460, 509, 510, ¨uber das Erotische in der Musik, 197–8 672 Welenga, Wes, 586 Bagatelles, 243 Wes, 586 Concerto, op. 24, 253, 341 Weller, Paul, 561 Five Canons on Latin Texts, 254 ‘The Changingman’, 561 Five Pieces for String Quartet, op. 5, 81, Wellesz, Egon, 276 248 Wells, Dickie, 143 Five Sacred Songs, op. 15, 254 Wells, H. G., 76 Kinderst¨uck, 243 Wells, Kitty, 446 ‘Mein Weg geht jetzt voruber’,¨ 243 Wellstood, Dick, 136 orchestration of the Ricercar from Bach’s Wemba, Papa, 673 Musical Offering, 241, 247 Werfel, Franz, 300 The Path to New Music, 237, 238, 241, 243, West, Mae, 205 251, 252 West and Other (see also hybrids and Six Pieces for Orchestra, op. 6, 71, 88 hybridization), 8, 65, 85, 155 String Quartet, op. 28, 253, 254 non-Western impact on Western String Trio, op. 20, 244 musics, 301, 349, 352, 514, 600, 611 Symphony, op. 21, 235, 248, 253–4, Western impact on non-Western 347 musics, 18–37, 490, 598–602 Variations, op. 27, 340 Westdeutscher Rundfunk, 337, 338, 354 Variations, op. 30, 248 Westendorf, Thomas, 312 Webster, Ben, 149 ‘I’ll Take You Home Again Webster, Paul, 312 Kathleen’, 312 ‘The Loveliest Night of the Year’, 312 Westernization, 29, 31, 34, 37, 124, 125, Wechter, Julius, 311 396–7, 407–10, 490, 497, 584 Spanish Flea, 311 Westwood, Vivienne, 558 Wedding Present, 565 While I Live, 310 Seamonsters, 565 ‘Whispering’, 148 Weems, Ted, 315 White, John, 543 Weil, Cynthia, 432 White, Pearl, 165 Weill, Kurt, 13, 84, 101, 115, 157, 172, 173, Whiteman, Paul, 119, 134, 135, 138, 139, 180, 181, 189, 229, 237, 239, 247, 300, 154, 156, 170, 172, 173, 176, 178, 314, 322–3, 432, 673 315, 673 Aufsteig und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny, 172 ‘Experiment in Modern Music’, 154 Die Dreigroschenoper, 173, 181, 323 Jazz, 170 ‘Moritat’, 323 ‘Whispering’, 315 ‘Here I’ll stay’, 101 Whitfield, David, 320 Lady in the Dark, 323 Whitfield, Norman, 433 ‘Mack the Knife’, 323, 432 Whiting, Margaret, 320 Mahogany-Songspiel, 180 Whiting, Richard A., 320 Der Protagonist, 180 ‘Too Marvelous for Words’, 320 Royal Palace, 180 Whiting, Stephen, 163, 165

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Whitman, Walt, 82 Wire, 578 Whittall, Arnold, 296, 297, 530 Witherspoon, Jimmy, 426 Who, The, 441, 442, 490, 558, 563, 673 Wodehouse, P. G., 99 Tommy, 442, 490 Wolf, Hugo, 111 The Who Sell Out, 568 Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno, 188 Wiene, Robert, 191 Gli Amanti sposi, 188 The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, 191 Wolfe, Julia, 546 Wi´ener, Jean, 168–9, 174, 175 Lick, 546 Album Wi´ener-Doucet, 169 Wolff, Christian, 344, 349, 351, 462, Concerto franco-am´ericain, 169 673 Olive chez les n`egres, ou Le village blanc, 169, Wolpe, Stefan, 674 175 Wolverines, 130–1 Sonatine syncop´ee, 169 Wolzogen, Ernst von, 182 Trois blues chantes, 169 Uberbrettl¨ Kabarett, 182 Wilde, Oscar, 101, 345 WOMAD (World of Music and Dance), Salome, 101 497 Wilder, Thornton, 376 women, empowerment of, 422, 440, 562–3, The Long Christmas Dinner, 376 579 Willemetz, Albert, 321 women in music, 1, 3, 14, 110, 315, 316, ‘Mon Homme’ aka ‘MyMan’, 321–2 320–1, 445, 562 Williams, Andy, 307, 319, 329 composers, 311 ‘Music to Watch Girls By’, 307 excluded from the canon, 446 ‘Ramblin’ Rose’, 319 in the recording industry, 448 Williams, Bert, 95 Wonder, Stevie, 594, 674 Williams, Charles, 310 Wood, Haydn, 311 ‘The Dream of Olwen’, 310 ‘Roses of Picardy’, 311 Williams, Christopher, 4, 7 Woodforde-Finden, Amy, 111 Williams, Clarence, 131 Indian Love Lyrics, 111 Williams, Cootie, 136, 143, 149 Wooding, Sam, 172, 173 Williams, Hank, 425–6, 446 The Chocolate Kiddies Revue, 172 Williams, John, 44, 332, 502, 673 Woodstock festival, 419, 442, 449, 483 Star Wars, 502 Woolf, Virgina, 75, 76, 82, 86, 119 Williams, Paul (architect), 346 To the Lighthouse,86 Williams, Paul (editor of Crawdaddy), 468 Workers’ Symphony, 232, 235, 236, 238, Williams, Raymond, 561 239, 247, 255 Williams, Tony, 404 World Bank, 592 Wills, Bob, 426 ‘world beat’, 34, 35, 586 Wilson, Brian, 427, 434, 441, 569 ‘world music’, 9, 33–5, 183, 414, 490, 493, Wilson, Carl, 434 496, 539, 563–4, 586–90, 592, 596, Wilson, Dennis, 434 602, 609 Wilson, Edmund Jr., 154 World War, First, 4, 61, 109, 130, 134, 136, Wilson, Garland, 316 156, 177, 178, 187, 189, 191, 208, 228, Wilson, Robert, 551–2, 553 237, 245, 246, 261, 264, 272, 273, 277, The CIVIL warS, 553 279, 282, 286, 287, 310, 315, 321 Wilson, Sandy, 322 World War, Second, 4, 5, 6, 14, 18, 140, The Boy Friend, 322 144, 147, 150, 176, 177, 183, 200, 208, Wilson, Teddy, 137, 147, 148, 149, 313, 221, 233, 239, 248, 256, 273, 287, 292, 316 301, 307, 316, 328, 336, 361, 365, 373, Winckelmann, J. J., 261 380, 383, 395, 397, 419, 422, 435, 438 Winkler, Max, 106–7 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 54 Winley, Tanya, 572 Wurlitzer (see also cinema organ), 97 ‘Vicious Rap’, 572 Wyk, Arnold von, 674 Winwood, Stevie, 437 Wyman, Bill, 437 ‘Gimme Some Lovin’, 437 Wynn, Nan, 112

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Xenakis, Iannis, 343–4, 357, 455, 458, 475, youth and youth culture, 10, 317, 411, 674 422–3, 432, 440, 498, 523, 560, 562 , 458 Yuasa, Joji, 457 Kraanerg, 455 Yun, Isang, 457 Metastasis, 344 Loyang, 457 Musiques formelles, 475 R´eak, 457 Nomos Gamma, 455 Yvain, Maurice, 175, 321–2 Persepolis, 455 ‘Mon Homme’ aka ‘MyMan’, 321–2 , 344, 357, 458 Ta Bouche, 322 Syrmos, 458 Terretektorh, 455 Zandonai, 188, 290 Xu Yinping, 23 I cavalieri de Ekebu, 188 Zappa, Frank, 498, 675 Yamaha DX-7 keyboard, 564 Zarzuela, 309 Yamashta, Stomu, 471 Zawinul, Joe (see also Weather Report), 413, Yardbirds, 437 595 Yes, 490 Zazeela, Marian, 550–1 Tales from Topographic Oceans, 490, 568 Zeitoper, see opera: Zeitoper Yorke, Thom, 578 Zemlinsky, Alexander von, 111, 200, 252, Youmans, Vincent, 99, 175 675 No, No, Nanette, 99, 175 Zhdanov, Andrei, 61, 288 Young, Ben, 576 Zhu Jiesheng, 23 ‘Napoli Trip’, 576 Ziegfeld Follies, 321 Young, La Monte, 225, 466–7, 468, 502, Ziegler, Anne, 312 508, 541, 547, 548, 549, 550–1, 554, Ziegler, Hans Severus, 194 674 Zimmermann, Bernd Alois, 459–60, 675 Composition #7 1960, 466 Dialoge, 459 Dream Houses, 225, 550–1 Pr´esence, 459 String Trio, 466 Die Soldaten, 459 The Theatre of Eternal Music, 225, 547 Zorn, John, 11, 585, 675 The Well-Tuned Piano, 547 ‘Forbidden Fruit’, 585 Young, Lester, 143, 148, 149, 404 zouk, 594 The Kansas CityFive, 149 Zukor, Adolph, 105 ‘Me, Myself and I’, 149 Zwilich, Ellen Taaffe, 676 Young, Neil, 566 zydeco, 421, 426

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