Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information


abortions, 465 Adler, Maximilian, 487, 520, 533 artificial methods, 631 administration (department), 182–4 forced, 465, 613 internal regulations for, 423–4 demographics, 269, 619 administrative squadrons, 607 punishment for, 121 Adorno, Theodor W., 817, 820 Abraham, P., 527 Africa, 6 abuse, 100, 114, 306 Agudah, 162 deportation, 60, 102 Agudas Jisroel World Organization, 769 elder, 596 air defense, 436 illness reporting, 583 Aktualita (Prague weekly newsreel), 148 medical, 440 Albalan, Isza, 700 medication, 439 Alexander in Jerusalem (Kafka), 550 ration card, 322 alienation, age group, 596 SS, 117, 431, 629 amenorrhea, 464–5 youth, 596 American Joint Distribution Committee, 176 accommodation, 596 Amstetten, 238 active people, 591 Ančerl, Karel, 523 activity reports, 220 , 653 adjudication (memorandum, May 1945), apothecary, 144 402–3 appeals, 411 Adler, Friedrich, 524 chamber, 409 Adler, Gertrud, 453 rights to, 425 Adler, H. G., 803–8, 810–27 arbitration system, 606 Adorno and, 818 Arendt, Hannah, 816, 823 Arendt and, 823–4 Argonauts of the Western Pacific Baeck and, 808–9 (Malinowski), 812 Broch and, 809, 814 Argutinsky-Dolgorukow, Elsbeth, 542 Canetti and, 814 armbands (OD, September 22, 1942), 117 intent for Theresienstadt 1941–1945, army workshops (Bauhof), 80, 111 811–12 Aronson-Lindt, Heda, 523 Nietzsche and, 809 arrests, 53, 70, 73, 129, 157, 431, 662 personal experiences in camps, 621–2 bunker, 670 Simmel and, 813 causes for, 16, 242, 427 Steiner and, 814 house, 492


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

830 Index

arrests (cont.) Baum, Fritz, 529 justifying, 11 Bäumel, G., 482, 489 post office staff (OD, February 16, 1943), Bäumel, Richard, 530 106 Bauschowitz (Bohušovice), 23–4, 69 procedures for, 428 train station, 110, 227, 235 arts, 541 Bautzen, battle of, 703 Aryan Street, 87 Bavaria, 167, 176 Asia, 6 beautification (Verschönerung), 125–47, 152, Association of Czech Jews in 157, 280, 285, 614–15, 618, 741, 765 (Svaz Čechů-židů v Československé recreation and, 520 republice), 257 second, 163–6 Auditing Office (Revisionsstelle), 429 Becher, Kurt, 150, 162, 165 Auschwirz: Zeugnisse und Berichte beds, 290 (Auschwitz: Testimonies and Reports, Beer, Th. Otto, 527 Adler, Langbein, Lingens-Reiner), 825 behavior (individual) Auschwitz main concentration camp, 14, 17, cooperative, 581 19, 161, 622, 746 typology of, 585 Birkenau and, 108 Bełżec extermination camp, 45, 606 established, 604 Bełżyce, 714 gassing suspended (November 2, 1944), Bergel, Karl, 20, 66, 71–3, 81, 109, 117, 120, 617 130, 135, 141, 168, 564 Jews to be sent to, 610 Bergen-Belsen main concentration camp, medical experiments on children at, 48, 759 134, 144, 165–6, 481, 676, 699, 749, section B IIb (family camp), 49, 629, 731 763 dissolution of, 616, 630 as a convalescent, transit, and exchange Auschwitz Museum (Poland), 825 camp, 49 Aussenberg, Dolfi, 541, 544 as privileged camp, 781 Aussig, 23, 168, 382, 393 Bergh, S. V. D., 529 Australia, 6 Bergmann, Rudolf, 213 Austria, 159, 512, 614, 616–18 Berman, Karel, 523 Austrian Civil Law Code, 407 Bernadotte, Folke, 163, 746 autopsies, 470 Beruschky, 117 Bialystok [Białystok] Ghetto, 241 Baas, Franz, 464 Birkenau (Auschwitz) main concentration/ Bachrich, P., 450 extermination camp, 45, 108, 127, Bacon, Jehuda, 490 146, 691 Baeck, Leo, 159, 174, 206, 210, 215–16, as code name for Auschwitz, 766 261, 318, 533, 611, 617, 622, 806 deceptions around, 108 Adler and, 808–9 established, 606 Chelmno gas vans and, 127 as family camp, 698 Eppstein and, 155, 215 work deployment, 629 funeral address of, 540 births Judaism and, 597 birthday celebrations, 212, 371, 377 personality of, 215 contraception, 144 Welfare Department and, 476, 500 demographics, 34, 144, 269, 465, 619, 673 bank, 124, 136, 144 forbidden, 469 Barneveld camp for privileged Jews, 153, black market, 324 157, 682 blocked accounts, 7 Bartels, Rolf L. A., 381–2, 664 Bloemendaal, Alice, 529 barter, 324, 374 blood, mixed (Mischlinge), 18, 153, 156, baths, 171, 453, 480, 483, 605, 607 240, 259, 615, 639, 657 delousing (Desinfektionsbad), 200, 361 Kallmeijer list, 677

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 831

Blumenthal, Otto, 530 camp tally, 126 Bock, Philipp, 470 Canetti, Elias, 225, 811 Bohemia, 512 cannibalism, 631, 760, 793 Böhm, Arno, 48, 698 cards Böhm, Max, 530 clothing, 9 Böll, Heinrich, 806, 818 file, 4 Bonn, 264 identity, 66, 100, 131, 221, 323, 353, 683 Bonn, Hanuš, 16 citizen’s(Bürgerlegitimation), 57, 59 bonuses Council of Elders, 211 food, 315–19, 607, 610, 612 verified, 794 labor, 99, 143, 311, 314, 607 worker, 247, 354, 607, 612 regular (Zubussen and Dekaden), index 327, 393 logistical, 390–1 sardines, 160 main product (MPCI), 391 sick (Krankenzubussen), 328 laundry, 482 useless (Schmonzes), 495 patient (Kleine Krankenkarte), 444 Book Registration Group post, 42, 50, 76, 106, 108, 174, 605, 609, (Bucherfassungsgruppe), 539 612, 649, 657, 748 books, 534–9 from Auschwitz, 686 prayer, 536, 539 restrictions on, 509 boys’ home, 144 writing rotation (Schreibturnus) for, 509 Bracher, Karl Dietrich, 818 ration (Bezugsscheine), 10, 29, 57, 69, 105, Brachmann, Willy, 698 187, 295, 655–6 Brahn, Max, 530 military (Lebensmittelstammkarte), 57 Brandt, Rudolf, 150, 163 OD (September 13, 1942), 105 Braunfeld, Arthur, 450 provisional, 230 bread (categories), 607, 612, 616 special, 185 Breslau, 637, 698 ration card (Essenkarte), 247, 322–3 Broch, Hermann, 564, 809, 816 savings, 103 broken people, 589 small health care, 612 Browning, Christopher R., 826 soap, 57 Brundibár (Krása), 552 care of the sick (Krankenbetreuung), 199, Brünn, 11 471 brutal people, 591 Castelin, Carl, 533 Buber, Israel Martin, 818 cattle cars, 233, 235, 247, 624, 627, 649, Buchenwald main concentration camp, 11, 711, 763 166, 173, 566, 589, 622, 720, 810 censorship, 510 Buchmüller, Werner, 164 censuses, 77, 266, 614 Budapest Rescue Committee, 162 1941 (December 25), 605 Budweis, 78, 233, 732 1943 Bühler, Josef, 19 November 11, 129–33 building administration, 187 November 19, 131 building elder, 68, 77, 288, 406 November 24, 131 buildings, uses, 275 OD (October 28, 1942), 118 Bürckel Operation (October 1940), 14 OD (November 10, 1943), 130 Burckhardt, Karl, 163, 786 Central America, 6 Burger, Anton, 107, 114, 120, 130, 133, 148, Central Association of German Citizens of 377, 413, 465, 686, 765 Jewish Faith (Centralverein deutscher Edelstein and, 129 Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens), 259 Günther and, 134 Central Bakery, 110, 307 burials, 410, 471, 644 Central Bath, 110, 137, 144 butcher, 144 OD (May 18, 1942), 81

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

832 Index

Central Building Maintenance Office (GEZ), effects of camp on, 507 197 exchange, 637 Central Bureau for Jewish Emigration, 603, life in the block, 495 608 OD (February 16, 1942), 82 Central Butcher and Smokehouse (Selcherei), working, 502 404 children’s homes, 144 Central Labor Office, 184–5, 316, 326–7, children’s pavilion, 135, 140, 144 348 chlorination, 100 documents pertaining to, 349–57 choice, individual, 585 Central Laboratory, 453 Christianity, 540 Central Laundry, 110, 359, 399 Claussen, Heinrich, 378 Central Lost Property Office, 92, 419 cleaning service, 360 Central Materials and Inventory clinics, outpatient (Ambulanzen), 64, 68–9, Administration, 190 199, 392, 612 Central Medical Supply Warehouse 1942, 447, 606 (Zentralheilmittellager), 200, 444 1943, 449 Central Mortuary, 91, 233, 470 E IIIa (lung disease), 612 Central Office (Zentralamt), 4, 7, 603 health units and, 444 Protectorate and, 5 services to, 445 RSHA IV B 4 and, 5 visiting, 445 Central Office (Zentralstelle), 7, 754 written agenda of, 393 Central Office for Jewish Emigration in clothing Bohemia and Moravia, 4, 781 Central Clothes Mending Workshop, 109 Central Office for the Regulation of the warehouse (Kleiderkammer), 68, 92–3, Jewish Question in Bohemia and 155, 231, 389 Moravia, 5, 608 theft from, 231, 359, 432 Central Ration Card Office (zentrale winter (OD, October 20, 1942), 94 Essenskartenstelle), 322 coerced community (Zwangsgemeinschaft), Central Receiving Office, 183 205, 558, 576, 804 Central Reception Office (OD, January 28, coffee house, 106, 124, 485, 520, 541, 610 1942), 78 OD (December 6, 1942), 106 Central Registry (Zentralevidenz), 31, 182, coffins, 471 244, 266, 348 cohabitation arrangement, 243 Central Secretariat, 28, 181, 183, 347 Cohen, David, 215, 650 Central Supply Office (Zentralproviantur), Cohen, Hermann, 537 189, 230, 316, 390, 405 Cohn, Ludwig, 530 Central Warehouse (Zentrallager), 373, 390, collectivism, pseudo-, 578 484 Community Guard (previously, Ghetto certificate of release, 382 Guard, GW), 425–8, 434 chalutz (Zionist-Socialist) worldview, 580 responsibilities, 426 chamber music, 523 community house (Gemeinschaftshaus), 137, change of residence, 52 140, 538, 616 Channukah, 540 Complaints Office, 183 character Complete Solution to the Jewish Question, changing, 581–9 604 Jewish, 223, 571 comradeship evenings types, 589–93 (Kameradschaftsabende, OD, Chelmno extermination camp, 15, 17 December 28, 1941), 75, 605 established, 605 concerts, 520, 522–3, 541 gas vans, 127 concessions, 167 children, 126 confusion (Bewusstseinstruebung), 463 effects of camp on, 495–8 connections (Beziehungen), 223

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 833

consciousness, 585 expanded, 214 construction, 10, 47 power of, 210 Bauschowitz rail line, 110, 608 privileges of, 211 beds, 219, 605 reforming Birkenau, 678 OD (October 3, 1942), 96 box, 329 OD (January 31, 1943), 96 camp, 78 reorganization of barracks, 81, 107, 111, 329 October 1, 1942, 213 wells, 100 MdS (December 13, 1944), 159–60 chlorination facility, 100, 372 theft and, 207 crematorium, 607 coupons, shop (Bezugsscheine), 397 Department, 196 courts gas chambers, 163, 365 ghetto, 121 group (Barackenbaugruppe), 167, 252 criminal judgments, 433 road, 78, 330 judgments, 432 staff (Aufbau-Stab), 154 procedures for, 410–11 Construction Kommando juvenile, 121, 417 (Aufbaukommando, AK), 26–7, 64, labor, 121, 414–16 244, 248, 393, 432 Cow, The (Hofer), 546 contraband, 83, 160 crafts, 541 deadline for surrendering (OD, June 9, crate fabrication (Kisten-Produktion), 388 1943), 120 cremations, 76, 163, 410, 644 extending grace period for (OD, May 15, crematoria, 81, 471, 609, 691 1942), 84 Birkenau, 716 list of items considered, 230 Mauthausen, 631 OD (December 24, 1941), 84 criminal code of the Detective Department, 612 OD (January 18, 1942), 83 Criminal Guard (Kriminalwache, Kripo), cooperation (OD, November 24, 1942), 122 433, 754 cooperators, 591 criminality, in Theresienstadt (1942), 432 corruption, 231, 564, 567, 665 Croatia, 76 Baeck and, 215 Crowds and Power (Canetti), 814 butcher, 305 cultural life, 12 deportation, 699 Council of Elders and, 534 distribution point, 304–5 informal, 519 Economics Department, 304, 309 organized, 519 Edelstein functionaries, 63, 206, 750 roots of, 531 Eppstein and, 753 curfews, 140, 144, 160, 222, 265, 285, 497, kitchen, 305, 319 608, 610, 612, 618 leadership, 304 barracks, 77 Lowenstein and, 114 census, 118, 130 Löwinger and, 273 extending nutritional professionals, 405 OD (June 26, 1942), 83 Office of Economic Supervision and, 433 OD (October 4, 1942), 87 rations, 316 prewar, 8 Schliesser and, 377 violations, armed response to (OD, August SS, 13, 379, 402, 568 29, 1942), 117 food, 309 Czechoslovakia, 50, 89 Transport Management Department and, emigration from, 51 227 Germans expelled from, 177 Westerbork, 134 Munich agreement and, 3 Council of Elders, 22, 25, 28, 406, 408, 604 Czerba, Franz, 513 March 14, 1943, resolution, 425 Czerniakow, Adam, 753

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

834 Index

Daluege, Kurt, 15 Blechhammer, 630 day centers (Tagesheime), 500 Bochum, 648 death notifications, 91 Bonn, 648 decision-making authority (Weisungsrecht), Bremen, 648 10 Breslau, 641, 648, 668 Dedicated to the Members of the Security Brünn, 15, 17, 65, 641 Services (poem), 545 Buchenwald, 37, 658, 701 defamation (Beleidigung), 411, 417–18 Budapest, 648 reciprocal (gegenseitige Beleidigung), call up (Einberufung), 245–8 417 Celle, 41, 500 defense counsels, 413–14 Central Europe, 14, 604 Deggendorf, 176, 763 Chelmno, 634 deghettoization, 255 Chemnitz, 648 Deiner, Elise, 529 Cologne, 15, 89, 91–2, 157, 456, 627, 641, delousing, 93, 109, 127 648, 700, 703, 719 Denmark, 159, 512, 614, 617 Construction Kommando (AK), 244, 248, sabotage in, 639 432 dental equipment, 445 Czechoslovakia, 37 Department IV (Investigating and Combating Danzig, 37, 697 Opponents), 5 Darmstadt, 648 Department of Health and Social Welfare, 29 deceptions around, 90 Department of Internal Administration, 28, Denmark, 37, 132, 614, 638–40, 740 185–8, 335, 474 departing, 240–8 deployment offices, 185, 408 Department (Prague JKG), 16, 31 deportation/transport, 6–7, 10, 13–20, 52 Dortmund, 641, 648 Aachen, 648 Dresden, 52, 668, 677 after 1939, 13 Duisburg, 648 aid service, 57 Düsseldorf, 15, 641, 648 Altreich (Old Reich Germany), 89, 697 Düsseldorf-Aachen, 668 Amsterdam, 53, 107 the East, 250–1, 641 arriving, 227–40 exemptions from, 249 asset identification, 58 first (February 22, 1940), 604 assistance (Transporthilfe), 227 OD (January 5, 1942), 76 Augsburg, 648, 723 OD (September 11, 1942), 121 Auschwitz, 44, 49, 53, 128, 130, 134, 450, OD (April 24, 1943), 248 500, 610–11, 628, 633, 695, 703, OD (April 26, 1943), 248–9 722, 780 OD (April 27, 1943), 249 concluded, 617 exemptions, 253, 260 Austria, 37, 607 Flößberg, 37 average ages during, 92 Flossenbürg, 37 Bamberg, 694 France, 604, 702, 708 Bayreuth, 694 France and, 14 Belgium, 702 Frankfurt, 15, 648, 657 Belorussia, 44 Frankfurt on Main, 641 Bergen-Belsen, 37, 41, 45, 53, 147, 162, Fürth, 694 615, 631, 657–8, 722, 768, 796 Gelsenkirchen, 648 Berlin, 15, 32, 52, 89, 92, 641, 647, 668 Germany, 12, 17, 32, 37, 92, 607, 628, Bialystok [Białystok] Ghetto, 35, 48, 647 613–14, 697 first, 624 Bielefeld, 648 Gleina-Rehmsdorf, 37 Bielitz, 723 Göring and, 14 Birkenau (Auschwitz), 42, 50, 108, 656, 774 Göttingen, 648

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 835

Greater Germany, 736 of the elderly (Alterstransport), 41, 104, Gröditz, 37 250 group (Sammeltransporte), 31, 40 official summons, 55–60 Hagen, 648 orders, 15 halted (March 23, 1940), 604 Osnabrück, 648 Hamburg, 15, 641, 648, 668, 699 Ossow, 43, 607 Hanover, 641, 648, 790 Östmark, 89, 697 Helmbrechts, 37 Ostrau, 234–5, 723, 800 Hildesheim, 648 overview, 32, 38 Himmler and, 13 Palestine, 700 Holland, 37, 612, 676, 742 illegal, 604 individual travelers (Einzelzuwachs), 32, Penig, 37 40 Piaski, 42, 606 Isbica/Izbica, 42–3, 606 planning for, 644 Jewish community and, 716–19 Plauen, 648, 738 Jungfernhof, 694 Poland, 13–15, 603–4, 702, 704–7 Kassel, 641, 648 Prague, 14–15, 53–4, 65, 89, 641 Kattowitz, 723 property declaration, 56 Kauffering, 700 protection from, 133 Kessel, 794–6 Protectorate, 604, 668, 683, 697 Kiel, 648 punishment, 50 Koblenz, 648 Raasika, 44, 609 Kovno, 15 Raguhn, 37, 631 Krefeld, 648 Ravensbrück, 53, 722 Kreuzlingen, 769 real estate, 56 Leipzig, 648 reasons for exemption from, 101 Leitmeritz, 37, 654, 700, 703 Regen, 661 lightning (Blitztransporte), 233 Regensburg, 648 Lípa, 53 registration as prelude to, 11 lists, 31, 54 Reich territory, 42 Terezín Ghetto (Czech publication), 33 Rejowiece (Reowitz), 43, 606 Łódź, 15, 17, 634, 645, 705 responsibilities for, 226 Lübeck, 648 return, 174 Lublin, 42, 607, 714–15 Riesa, 42 Ludwigshafen, 648 Riga, 15, 41–2, 605, 645, 694 Luxembourg, 15, 37, 648 705 Magdeburg, 648 Sachsenhausen, 37, 701, 722 Mainz, 648 Saloniki Ghetto, 53, 716 Majdanek, 44 Scharfenstein, 37 Mauthausen, 722 Schlieben, 37 memorandum (March 17, 1942), 43 Schnarchenreuth bei Hof, 661 memorandum (February 3, 1945), 162 Schwarzheide, 37, 698 Meuselwitz, 37 separating Jews for, 43 Minsk, 15, 17, 609, 645, 705 Sered, 233, 722 Munich, 32, 89, 92, 641, 648 settlement area, 26 IKG hospital evacuation, 756 sinister nature of, 248 Münster, 641, 648 Slovakia, 657 number (Transportnummer), 31–2 Sobibór, 44 Nuremberg, 641, 648, 694–5 Stettin, 714 OD (April 23 and 24, 1942), 248 Stuttgart, 641 OD (January 10, 1943), 46 Stutthof, 698 Öderan, 37 Sudetengau, 52, 697

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

836 Index

deportation/transport (cont.) Destruction of the European Jews, The Svatobořice, 53 (Hilberg), 822 Sweden, 40–1, 161, 165, 713, 742, 745 Detective Department (DD, formerly police Switzerland, 40–1, 49, 161–2, 167, 618, criminal law), 418, 425 695 1944 report, 434 technology and procedures for, 51–60 responsibilities of, 433 Teschen, 723 Devil and Damned (Kautsky), 575 Theresienstadt, 27, 38–51, 78, 152–7, 162, diagnostic procedures, superfluous, 440–2 168, 171–2, 174, 239, 244, 248, 280, directives (Weisungen), 82, 154, 222 500, 605, 608–9, 611, 614, 616–18, Disciplinary Tribunal, 424–5 654, 673, 678, 683, 695, 711, 735–6, discipline, 72 742, 749, 763, 765, 767–8 diseases and epidemics, 21, 438, 445, 644, official records, 160 664 Thuringia, 648 cancer, 730 Trawniki, 43, 607 chickenpox, 460 Treblinka, 42, 44 colitis, 454–6 Trier, 648 conjunctivitis, 448, 460, 611, 619 Tröglitz, 37 deficiency, 461–2 Trostinetz, 44, 608–9 diarrhea, 284, 501 Ulm, 790 dysentery, 655 Upper Silesia, 648 encephalitis, 457–8, 652, 697 versus transport, 26 enteritis, 93, 113, 454–6, 609, 611 via erysipelas, 459, 793 Buchenwald, 695 heart, 462 Budweis, 630 hepatitis, 459, 611 Constance, 669 imaginary, 439 Katowitz, 630 infantile paralysis, 458 Ostrau, 630 infectious, 26, 448 Prague, 630 jaundice, 113, 501, 619 Stuttgart, 790 lung, 462 Vienna, 12, 14–15, 32, 52, 89, 91–2, 456, measles, 113, 460, 611 641–705, 723 meningitis, 453 Vittel, 699 mumps, 460 Warsaw, 42, 606 phlegmons, 793 Westerbork, 53, 677–8, 768 pneumococcal pneumonia, 454, 730 Wiesbaden, 648 pneumomeningococcus, 453 Wilischtal, 37 poliomyelitis, 458 work deployment, 41, 107, 123, 132, 136, psychological predisposition to, 438 613 psychological suicide, 442 OD (September 8, 1943), 123 rubella, 460 Worms, 648 scarlet fever, 70, 113, 457, 501, 609 Württemberg-Baden, 673 611 Würzburg, 648, 694 spotted fever, 618–19 Zamość, 43, 606 symptoms connected to camp, 438 Zossen, 146 tuberculosis, 459, 655, 729–30 Zschopau, 37 typhoid, 163, 172–3, 176–7, 286, 455–7, Zulia, 607 499, 746 Zwodau, 37 typhus, 113, 449, 461, 501, 611, 654–5, Der neue Tag (Prague daily newspaper), 4, 7, 659, 681, 730, 789, 793, 799 107 whooping cough, 460 Desnos, Robert, 821 disinfection facility, 109, 127, 199, 232, 289, destiny, 557–60, 567 655

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 837

distribution personality of, 96, 209 clothes, 470 work group plan, 78 food, 68, 70, 99, 239, 298 Zionism and, 260, 650 bread, 307, 656 Edelstein, Mirjam, 235 margarine, 80 education, 10, 488–9, 495–6, 499–500 milk (OD, January 1, 1942), 80 advisory board (Erziehungsbeirat), 487 of imported goods, 373–4 political, 503–4 Loewenstein and, 115, 307 school (L 417), 490 mail, 106 Educational Services Department, 202 package, 136 Ehrmann, Lisa, 622 points (Provianturen), 189 Eichinger, Herbert, 527 Distribution Office, 94, 104, 397 Eichmann, Adolf, 151, 163, 513, 645, 678–9, district elder (Bezirksaeltester), 406, 408 706, 748, 819 documents, atrocity, 160–1 beautification and, 137 Doderer, Heimito von, 818 Central Office and, 4 Doetinchen intern camp, 683 children’s exchange and, 49 Dormitzer, Else, 530, 534 deportation/transport and, 51 Draft Structure of the Ghetto Administration, extermination and, 680, 686 28 personality of, 679 organizational plan and, 28 RSHA IV B 4 and, 5 Drancy transit camp for Jews, 151, 241 Theresienstadt and, 17, 20, 123 dualism, material, 561–2 transport orders and, 243 Duckwitz, Georg Ferdined, 53, 640 Eichmann in Jerusalem (Arendt), 823 Duke, S., 529 Elbert, Erwin, 213 Dunant, Paul, 37, 164, 167–70, 173–6 elderly, 442, 486, 498 785–7 health of, 445 duty to salute (Grußpflicht), 428, 605, 615 treatment of, 397, 476, 506 OD (December 21, 1941), 72 electrical devices, 291–2 OD (March 6, 1944), 140 OD (October 3, 1942), 118 OD (June 18, 1944), 140 electricity usage (OD, February 25, 1941), 77 Elsabe munitions factory, 638 Economic Control Office emigration (aliyah), 3–6, 18–19, 705 (Wirtschaftspruefstelle, Wipo), 306, after 1939, 5–6 428–9 before Munich agreement, 3 Economics Department, 29, 195–6, 357–9, British Empire and, 5 474 Cuba and, 6 Economics Police (Wirtschaftspolize), 404 demographics of, 1939, 4 economy destinations, 6 brothel, 596 halted (October 1, 1941), 604 essential needs, 396 Holland/Belgium occupations and, 6 external, 374–90 illegal (through Poland and Slovakia), 4 internal, 374, 390–6 Italy and, 6 petty, 396–9 Japan and, 6 small enterprise, 374 legal, 6 Edelstein, Jakob, 4, 14, 17, 20, 27, 64, 66, Lisbon and, 6 124, 209–10, 235, 319, 579, 604, Palestine and, 6, 139 611, 614, 645, 652, 782 Palestine Office and, 4 children and, 501 quotas (Czechoslovakia, Germany, elderly and, 501 Austria), 5 Eppstein and, 96 Russia and, 6 executed, 616, 629, 748 Shanghai and, 6 Loewenstein and, 116 Spain and, 6

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838 Index

emigration (aliyah) (cont.) deterrent, 82 Sweden and, 6 Edelstein and, 75 United States and, 5 Edelstein’s, 130 versus SS regulation, 5 machinery of, 19 Emigration Fund for Bohemia and Moravia, public, 11 7, 10, 30, 52, 381 secret (Sonderbehandlung), 48 confiscated property and, 7 staffing and procedures for, 73, 411 employees expenditures categorizing, 183 camp maintenance, 380 deployment (Einsatz), 183 prisoner, 380 England, 49 Experimentaltheologie (Adler), 809 Enker, Max, 676 experiments Eppstein, Paul, 96, 138, 152, 165, 210 animal, 439 319–20, 533, 611, 616, 652, 743 historical, 208 753, 766 medical, 48, 442, 472 arrest and fate of, 154, 614 melted gold, 472 Edelstein and, 98 extermination, 101, 685 escape attempt, 766 Eichmann and, 162, 678–80 inspection deceptions of, 141–3 as Final Solution to the Jewish Question, Loewenstein and, 116 13, 51, 679 personality of, 97, 209–10, 672 Globke and, 686 visitors and, 141, 148 Günther and, 680 Erfurt, 237 Hitler’s final orders for collective escape (November 11, 1941), 604 attempts, 119, 147, 410, 712 Hitler’s targets for, 14, 603 OD (February 15, 1944), 147 isolation as preliminary stage of, 21 reporting (memorandum, May 1943), mass, 240 269–70 moral and physical, 594, 818 successful, 129, 737, 750 of life unworthy of living (lebensunwerten Essence of Judaism, The (Baeck), 809 Lebens), 562, 564 ethnic cleansing (Pilsen), 15 National Socialism and, 13 ethos, camp, 593–5 as pseudoreligious salvation, 573, 653, 679 European Executive Council of the Union of RF-SS and, 680 Orthodox Rabbis of the United States SS and, 154, 177, 262 of America, 769 Subgroup IV B 4 and, 5 evacuation, 37, 112, 643 through community leaders, 16 civilian polulation of Theresienstadt, 86 toward war’s end, 151 to the East, 18 unfit prisoners and, 46 Kessel, 794–6 unprofitability of, 664 memorandum (January 13, 1944), 273 Sered, 722 family breakup, 422 Small Fortress (Kleine Festung), 787 family research (circumcision registries), 184 synomyns for, 52 farm guards (Flurenwärter), 117 transfer and, 19 fearful people, 589 Evian Conference, 825 Feigl, A., 482 eviction, 412 fellowship evenings (Kameradschaftsabende), exchange operations, 49, 163, 689, 773 520 children, 49, 128 fever thermometers (OD, February 16, 1942), Palestine, 6, 128 81 Polish, 128 Fidler, Johannes (Hans Fiedler), 59 Switzerland, 128 file notes (petitions from JKG to Central executions, 119, 605–6 Office), 20

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 839

ordering Edelstein to direct Theresienstadt sugar, 294, 296, 307, 312 work, 27 sweet buns, 313 Final Solution (extermination), 13, 566 tea (herbal), 311 574–5, 686–8 tomatoes, 308 Heydrich and, 18, 674 turnip jam (Rübe), 307 Himmler and, 18 typical menus, 314–15 Himmler and Mussolini and, 699 distribution, 319–23 Hitler and, 13 nutrition, 323–4 November 11, 1941, call for, 18 1941, 605 Finance Department, 29, 198–9 1942, 297, 308 fire department, 436 unreliable records on, 294 fire station, 144 packages, 317–18, 321 Fischl, Alfred, 581 perishable, 373 fleas, 289 prison, 430 Fleischmann, Karel, 443, 450, 474–6, 480, requirements, 384–5 529, 543, 792 requisitions from stores, 385 Flossenbürg main concentration camp, 167, food stamps (Dekaden), 185, 316 760 Förster, J. B., 523 food, 9, 595 France, 14 bonuses, 315–19 Frank, Karl Hermann, 14, 37, 140, 167–8, consumption, 294 174, 513, 725–6, 765, 769, 786 barley, 310 Frankenhuis, Maurice, 159 bread, 294, 296, 455 Frdek-Mistek, 13 buckwheat, 311 Freiberger, Rudolf, 213, 386, 533 cereals, 310 Freiheit des Menschen, Die: Aufsatze zur coffee, 294 Soziologie and Geschichte (On coffee substitute, 311 Human Freedom: Sociological and dried vegetables, 310 Historical Essays, Adler), 824 dumplings, 313 Freudenfeld, R., 523 extracts, 311 Frey, Kurt, 527 flour, 313 Frick, Hans, 4 hash, 309 Friediger, Max, 141, 214 individual meals (Speisen), 309–15 Friedmann, Desider, 96, 214, 533 laborers, 294, 307 resignation (OD, April 5, 1943), 119 lettuce, 308 Friedmann, Franz, 138, 650 margarine, 294, 307, 311, 455 Friedmann, Hugo, 537 meat, 294, 296, 309–10 Friedmann, Richard Israel, 662–6 milk, 308, 312 Edelstein and, 662–3 millet, 310 Eppstein and, 665–6 noodles, 313 perceptions of Theresienstadt, 665 OD (March 12, 1942), 296 Friedrich II, Emperor, 24 peas, 310 Fritsch, Karl, 678 potatoes, 294, 304, 312 funding (Theresienstadt), 379 prisoner (OD, March 8, 1942), 295 funerals, 76, 470 rabbit paste, 308 furniture, 125 root vegetables, 308, 310 salami, 308 Gärtner-Geiringer, Hilde, 523 salt, 308 gas chambers, 48, 109, 124, 126, 135, 149, sauerkraut, 310 171, 173, 453, 564, 649, 712 semolina, 310 Auschwitz, 108, 127, 240, 437, 563, 604, September 1944, 385 629–30, 635, 659, 731, 748, 801 soup, 294 ordered to be destroyed, 617

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840 Index

gas chambers (cont.) Givat Chaim, 749 suspended (November 2, 1944), 151 Glas, Julian, 580 Bełżec, 43 Glass, Martha, 821 Birkenau, 691, 766 Glimmerspalterei G.m.b.H., 388 Majdanek, 715 Glücks, Richard, 51, 151 Sobibór, 43 Głusk, 714 Theresienstadt, 618, 657–8, 728 Goetz, Oscar, 530 gas trucks (Duschegubky, devourers of gold, 471 souls), 44 SS and, 472 Gebauer, Berta, 271 Goldschmidt, Arthur, 676 gendarmerie, 64, 66, 86, 229 Goldschmidt, Hermann Levin, 807 513–14 Goldschmied, Fritz, 530 Geneva goods Convention, 169–71, 740 agricultural, 384 lists, 699 camp maintenance, 383–4 Germany, 159, 512, 614, 616–17 free trade in essential, 429 Gerron, Kurt, 148 hygienic, 384 , 7 material, 385 districts, 32 personal, 384 JKG and, 11 Göring, Hermann, 14, 604 RSHA and, 5 Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration victims (memorandum), 271 and, 4 Würzburg, 825 Grabower, Rolf, 533 ghetto court, 106, 605, 612 Graslitz concentration subcamp, 764 convictions by, 402 graves Ghetto Guard (Ghettowache, GW), 28 individual, 471 64, 69, 130, 229, 348, 408, 515, 581, mass, 42, 85, 91, 100, 163, 471 605–6, 610–11 winter, 77 dissolved, 607 Grawinkiel concentration subcamp, 760 responsibilities of, 434–5 Greiser, Arthur, 756 ghettoization, 645 Gross, Berta, 808 Ghetto Law in Theresienstadt, 405 Gross, Bettina, 808 ghettos Grosse Hamburgerstraβe collection camp, administration of, 28 651, 712, 718 admittance segregation, 26 Gross-Rosen main concentration camp, 152 Bialystok [Białystok], 126, 508, 613, 637 group elder, 77, 408 defined, 28 Grünberger, Julius, 213, 533 labor and supply, 379 Grünfeld, Adolf, 529 Łódź, 17, 151, 280, 616 guilt, 564 maintenance (Versorgungsghetto), 101 corruption and, 564 Minsk, 17, 612 covert, 822 old-age, 18–19 defined, 570 Piaski, 43, 727 establishing, 409 residents, 28 historical, 207 Riga, 614, 736 leadership, 206 Saloniki, 711 guiltlessness, 564 self-supporting (Versorgungsghetto), 359 Gulag Archipelago, The (Solzhenitzen), 803 Sokal, 800 Günel, Gerhard, 141 transit, 18–19 Gunskirchen concentration camp, 631 Warsaw, xv, 281 Günther, Hans Friedrich Karl, 4, 15, 21, 27, uprising at (1943), 612 63, 134, 138, 141, 151, 162–4, 166, Zamość, 43, 606 513, 686, 766, 801

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 841

Günther, Rolf, 141, 705, 718 Himmler, Heinrich, 150, 161, 166, 575, 696, Gurs internment camp, 14 747 Gutfeld, Alexander, 469 Auschwitz and, 46 gymnasium, 137 Central Office and, 4 Gypsies, 596, 644 deportation/transport orders and, 51 Eichmann and, 690 Haas, Pavel, 523, 552 Masur and, 618 Habermann, S., 450 Theresienstadt and, 17 Habermas, Jürgen, 815 Hirsch, Fredy, 48, 487, 524, 748 Haindl (Heindl), Rudolf, 117, 133, 148 Hirschfeld, Hans, 453 haircuts, 72, 410 history, 599 hakhsharah, 226 community and, 208 Hamburg Kaserne, 476 contemporary (Zeitgeschichte), 813 Hamburger, Adolphe, 529 as irrational life, 207, 558 Hanhala (Zionist leadership group), 637 Jewish Hantschke (officer in T), 378, 798 Theresienstadt and, 571–8 Hartmann, Walter, 121 simultaneous, 559–71 head counts, 71, 77 Hitler, Adolf, 13, 557, 571 healing gas, 704 , 11 health and hygiene, 362 Hochwald (near Riga), 736 health conditions, 445–54 Hofer, Hans, 524, 546 Health Services Department, 199–200, 338, Höfle, Hans, 43 362, 437 Holland, 159, 254, 512, 614, 616–18 challenges, 113, 126 Edelstein’s mission in, 781 lecture series (1943), 450 home purchase agreements responsibilities of, regarding children, (Heimeinkaufverträge), 52, 91, 379, 487 633, 695 treatment statistics for, 446 homes health units, 442, 444 apprentice, 486, 494 Hechalutz, 622 boys’ and girls’, 486 Hedin, Sven, 264 children’s, 486, 493, 497 heedless people, 590 daily schedule for, 502 Heinz Tecklenburg & Co. (banking house), girls’, 494, 498 52 infants’ and toddlers’, 487 helpers, 592 young worker (Jugendarbeiterheimen), 486 helplessness, 242 youth, 498 Henningsen, Juel, 141, 144–5, 640 Czech (description of life in), 495 Henschel, Moritz, 214 homes for the infirm, 126 Hess, Leo, 213 L 504, 136, 144 Heuss, Theodor, 815–16, 818 Horn, Martin, 17 Heydebreck family camp, 748 Horserød police prison camp, 712 Heydrich, Heinrich, 50, 84, 559, 604, 607, hospitals, 125, 199 645, 725–6, 746, 756 barracks as, 278 Himmler and, 674 bathing facilities, 453 personality of, 674 E IIIa, 278, 444 Theresienstadt and, 17 radiology, 730 Heydrich, Lina, 725–6 TB ward, 459 Heydrich, Reinhard E VI, 175, 278, 444–5, 605–6, 610, 788 Central Office and, 4 garden, 459 as Reichsprotektor, 11 history of, 757 RSHA and, 5 personnel, 448 Hilberg, Raul, 822, 825 radiology, 730

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842 Index

hospitals (cont.) Sudeten, 20, 69, 73, 85, 233, 305 E VII, 463, 606 Theresienstadt, 64 ghetto, 655 whitewashing (OD, February 11, 1942), Jewish (Berlin), 633 64 L 124, 144, 229, 444 kitchens, 282, 287 L 317 (infectious diseases), 444 lights, 287 L 504 (frail elderly), 444 living space, 22, 98 movement to and within, 274, 445 1942, 279, 605–6, 609, 611 outpatient clinics (Ambulanzen), 608 1943, 280, 611, 613–14 Q 217/19 (children), 278, 444 1944, 615–16 Q 403 (particularly infectious diseases), arrangement of, 272 444, 501 memo on proper quartering, 20 Q 710, 444 preferential quarters, 292 Sokol Hall infectious disease, 128 prisoner (OD, November 30, 1942), 93 surgical unit of general, 463 sanitary facilities, 281 visiting hours, 451 regulations for, 286 Höss, Rudolf, 678, 698 sheds, 282 house aides (Hausgehilfen), 144 Hungary, 76, 618 house elders (Hausälteste), 406, 408, 579 Huth, Karl, 450 house guards, 88 Hvass, Frants, 141, 145 house of the Jewish self-administration, 141 hydrogen cyanide, 109 house servants (Hausdienst), 579 hygiene inspection service (AMSI), 200 house services, 99 housing, 98, 134, 265, 275–93 identity attic, 93, 98, 101, 113, 124, 236, 239, controllers, 100 279–80, 283, 447, 475, 608, 610 identification numbers, 139, 227, 266 bedding, 284 Jewish, 503, 505 beds, 282–3 versus Aryan, 9 tunnel (Schlauchbetten), 283 papers, 221 blockhouses, 126, 278, 281 personal identification documents, 10 children’s, 498 illusionists, 591 garrets (Mansarden), 281 Imperial War Museum (London), 825 gender-integrated (OD, January 20, 1942), implementation plan (settlement), 22 67 index, vocational (Arbeitseinsatz), 237 gender segregation, 283 infantilism, 442 heating, 288 infants’ home, 164 houses, 282 infections, 461, 464 Kaserne, 77 information from the self-administration advantages of, 281 (Mitteilungen der Selbstverwaltung, Aussiger, 73 MdS) Bodenbach, 68, 305 1944 Dresden, 67, 69, 115, 170, 305, 498 June 24 (announcing general holiday), entrances to, 285 139 gender segregated, 67 July 11 (announcing Herzl sporting Hamburg, 82, 305, 498 event), 139 Hohenelber, 68, 82, 305 August 31 (referencing transfers), 139 home for the infirm (Siechenheim), 67 infractions, warning (OD, May 2, 1942), 83 Kavalier, 67, 82, 233 insects, 484 Magdeburg, 67, 237 inspections organization, 68–70 food, 472 punishment for visiting restricted (OD, kitchen, 306, 449, 606 December 21, 1941), 72 luggage, 229, 232

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 843

OD (January 19, 1942), 20 Himmler and, 150 picture, 618 Hitler and, 150 public health, 472 National Socialist solution to, 13, 573 results of distribution point, 304 Schellenberg and, 150 room, 117 total solution (Gesamtlösung) to, 14 street, 72 Wannsee conference and, 18 watch and sentry, 427 Jewish Refugee Committee, 649 Institut für Zeitgeschichte (Institute of Jewish Rescue Committee, 137, 151 Contemporary History, Munich), Jewish Samopomoc Spoleczna (self-help, 624, 825 JSS), 43 Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie Jewish self-administration bank, 103, 183, (Amsterdam), 811 348 Investigation, The (Weiss), 824 Jewish World Organization, 151 Isbica/Izbica, 695 Jews Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (IKG), 52, 253, Alsace-Lorraine, 14 707 Altreich, 253 Istanbul, 138 appearance of, 255 as archenemies and symbols of the devil, Jacobsohn, Jakob, 529 732 Janeček, Theodor, 71 Ashkenasi, 255 Janowitz, Leo, 107, 127, 212, 216, 319, 748 Austrian, 259 Jens, Walter, 806 Protectorate and, 3 Jerusalem, 623 Baden, 14 Jewish (yellow) star (Judenstern), 8, 11, 14, Bavarian, 255 72, 74, 133, 162, 175, 377, 514, 573, Bielitz, 14 603–4, 681, 714–15 Bohemian, 17, 20, 24, 101, 784 Jewish Agency, 622 Bohemian-Moravian, 258 Jewish City (memo), 21 Brünn, 21 Jewish Community in Prague (Jüdische Carpatho-Russian, 254 Kultusgemeinde, JKG), 6–7, 11, Central European, 737 15, 51 Communist, 260 Department G, 17, 21 concentrating, 21 Jewish conspiracy, 572 concessions, 151 Jewish councils (choices confronting), 16 Czech, 15, 45, 50, 102, 176, 254, 661, Jewish Cultural Association, See Israelitische 722, 731, 747 Kultusgemeinde (IKG) Danish, 53, 132–3, 142, 153, 157, 165, Jewish Cultural Union (Jüdischer 169, 240, 254, 260, 293, 618, 669, Kulturbund), 12 714, 740, 745–6, 768, 788 Jewish Elder, 406, 408 Danzig, 254 senior, 207 demonization of, 574 Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, 624 disoriented (OD, August 10, 1942), 92 Jewish Museum (Prague), 622, 789, 811 Dresden, 658 Jewish New Year (OD, September 29, 1943), Dutch, 49, 133, 142, 157–8, 167, 254, 128 260, 293, 649, 660, 747, 751 Jewish question Barneveld list, 677 October 10, 1941, discussion on, 645 Eastern, 254 Becher and, 150 evil and, 572 Brandt and, 150 by faith (Glaubensuden), 3, 705 Eichmann and, 164, 704 Galician, 254 emigration/evacuation and, 603 German, 102, 134, 141, 254, 258, 603, Final Solution to, 18–19, 557 714, 747 Heydrich and, 746 Protectorate and, 3

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844 Index

Jews (cont.) Kaddish, 540 regional character and dialects of, 258 Kaff, Bernhard, 520, 522, 553 German/Czech, 258 Kafka, Emil, 16 ghettoization of, in the Protectorate Kafka, Franz, 530, 812 (memo), 25 Kafka, Georg, 545, 549–50 Greek, 700, 711, 716 Kafka, Ottilie, 128 half (Geltungsjuden), 52 Kahn, Franz, 138, 165, 519, 637, 650, 665 hidden (Puttkammer list), 677 Kaiserwald main concentration camp, 719 Hungarian, 49, 53, 159, 162, 254, 260, Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 49, 51, 151, 163 660, 748 Central Office and, 4 Katowice, 14 RSHA and, 5 Latvian, 736 Kamaik, 387 Leipzig, 673 -Leitmeritz, 387 Luxembourg, 254 Kapper, Karl, 547 Moravian, 17, 20, 603, 723, 784 Kasztner, Reszö, 16, 162, 165, 618 mythic ideology and, 571 Kauffering concentration subcamp, 551, 667 neo-Orthodox (Agudists), 262 Kautsky, Benedikt, 566 non-Mosaic, 10 Kersten, Felix, 151, 161, 163 Nuremberg, 694–5 Kielce, 705 old, 687 Kiel-Hassel work education camp, 737 Orthodox, 724 Kien, Peter, 103, 135, 147, 469, 541, 543–4, Ostmark, 253 552, 691 Ostrau, 21 kindhearted people, 593 as the other, 571, 578 King of Atlantis, The (Ullmann), 552 Polish, 170, 176, 254, 660, 662, 706 Kitchen Guard (Küchenwache), 323, 359 Prague, 21, 24, 136, 604 kitchens Protectorate, 142, 253 bakeries (Küchenbäckerei), 294 racial or legal (Geltungsjuden), 3, 50, 573, Central Children’s, 110 705 dietary, 110 Rheinlander, 255 for the sick (Krankenküche, E VI, Q 403, Russian, 783 E III a), 309 Schneidemühl, 14 kosher, 309 as scum of the earth, 437 Loewenstein’s Ghetto Guard (L 313), 319 Sephardic, 255, 262, 677 ritual, 539 Slovakian, 53, 254, 260, 721–2, 731 steam, 144 sorting, 44, 46 Klaber, Josef (imprisonment, OD, June 19, Stettin, 14 1943), 119 Viennese, 14, 53, 95, 253, 259, 604, 796 Kladno forced labor camp for Jews, 74, 78, as wanderers (Ahasvers), 225 514 Western Pomerania, 14 Klang, Heinrich, 165, 216, 402, 530, 533 worthy, 648 Klapp, Erich, 213, 523, 533 Zionist, 258, 260 Klattau, 11 Joint Relief Commission, 742 Klauber, Arnošt (Schmudla), 491–3 Joseph II, Emperor, 24, 257 Klauber, Kurt, 527 Joyce, James, 812 Klein, F. E., 522 Judaism, 517, 578 Klein, Gideon, 503, 520, 523, 553 optimism of, 809 Klepetar, Gertrud, 807 in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 597–9 Knapp, Rudolf, 530 Jungfernhof police camp for Jews, 797 Knoche, Gerhard, 530 justice (Justiz), 402 Kobler, Franz, 816, 820 juvenile court, 612 Kogon, Eugen, 209, 566, 570, 575, 580, 588, code, 612 704, 803, 824

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Index 845

Kohn, Erich, 766 skilled craftspeople (Handwerker), 364 Kolb, Bernhard, 695 slave, 46–7 Kolben, Hans, 545, 551–2 squadrons, 361 Kolin, 676 OD (December 25, 1941), 605 König, Georg, 72 structure of, 370 König, René, 818 types of, 329–30 Königstein concentration subcamp, 154 wage Korherr reports (long and short), 696 lists, 104 Korherr, R., 697 system, 103 Kortner, Margot, 527 women’s, 366–71 Kovanic, Karl, 450 work deployment, 328–49, 680, 771 Kozower, Philipp, 214 1942 annual report, 332 Krämer, Salo, 215 1943, 333 Krása, Hans, 523, 552 1944, 335 Kraus, Karl, 819 offices (Einsatzstellen), 329 Krause (OSTF), 736 structure of, 329–49 Kreta, 24 work duty, 326 Kreuzer, Hermann, 271 workforce (Belegschaft), 139, 328–9. Křivoklát, 78 606–8 Krönert, Benno, 443, 731 working hours (OD, June 28, 1942), 78 Krumey, Hermann, 137, 165 work on Bauschowitz rail (OD, June 8, Kube, Wilhelm, 114 1943), 110 Kulmhof extermination camp, 45 workweek, 158, 607, 609, 617–18 Kunert, Günter, 824 laboratories and support facilities, 200 Kusmin, M. A., 176 Labor Supervision Office, 327 Labor Tribunal, 415 labor, 8, 18, 99 Labor Welfare Office, 185, 327, 474 agricultural, 359 Łagów, 705 aptitude screening for, 111 Landsberg concentration subcamp, 163 civil servants (Beamten), 364 Lang, Ervin, 450 court (OD, May 12, 1943), 121 Langbein, Hermann, 806, 825 deployment Lange, Hans, 737 mobile, 326, 340 Langenstein-Zwieberge concentration regular, 327 subcamp, 622, 810 deployment offices, 328 language, 262 firefighter appreciation (OD, August 21, conflicts, 258 1942), 109 informal form of address (Du-Ansprache), forced, 778 371 Heydrich and, 19 Lautsch firm, 111, 798 impetus to, 325–6 law index, 184, 328 as abstraction of life, 400 integrating into the work force, 326–8 as binding behavorial standards, 400 Jewish, 21 civil, 407–30 job applications (OD, January 20, 1942), community of (Rechtsgemeinschaft), 401 78 criminal, 406–7 job distribution, 363–6 serving German people, 401 monitoring, 100 two spheres of, 401 office, 8, 10 Law of the Jewish Settlement Area outside, 388, 779 Theresienstadt, 405 overview of accomplishments, 371–2 leadership paradox of, 377 Jewish, difficulties of, 206–24 pay, 124 rights of, 206

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846 Index

lectures, 521, 530–4 living space (Lebensraum), 687 categories of, 531 Łódź, xv, 49 Ledeč, Egon, 523 Lodzsher geto (Trunk), 822 _ Lederer, Rudolf, 547 Loewenstein, Karl, 114–16, 120, 129, 206, Lederer, Zdenĕk, 38, 42, 127, 456–7, 459, 210, 261, 306, 318, 402, 443, 613 524 Edelstein and, 114 legacies (mail authorizations left by Eppstein and, 114 deportees), 158 food distribution and, 319–22 Legal Department, 186 personality of, 114 Lehner, Otto, 165–9 loneliness, 596 Leitmeritz concentration subcamp, 22–4, 175, Lublin, 774 260, 330, 514, 638, 692, 784, 800 ghetto work/concentration camp, 781 Lenzing bai Linz concentration subcamp, 704 settlement district, 44 Les Milles internment camp, 14 luggage Lesný, B., 33 accompanying (Mitgepäck), 91, 227, 229, letters, 409 608, 794–5 Levi, Primo, 803 hand, 91, 229, 245, 655 libraries hard and soft, 246 Central Ghetto (Ghettozentralbücherei, OD (August 3, 1942), 92 GZB), 137, 534, 610 OD (December 19, 1942), 94 holdings, 536–9 theft, 229, 231 as a Jewish research library, 537–8 Luther, Martin, 133 OD (November 22, 1942), 535 Luxembourg, 76 Central Medical, 538 lending, 535, 539 machine carpenter’s shop medical, 473 (Maschinentischlerei), 144 popular reading room (Volkslesehalle), 538 Madagascar Plan (Heydrich), 674, 825 reading room, 536 Magic Mountain (Mann), 810 social, 539 mail traveling, 535, 539 ban, 20, 27, 604 use, 9 revoking ban on (OD, September 16, youth, 538–9 1942), 105 lice, 91, 98, 232, 238, 289, 449, 461 service, See postal service Lidice, 84–5, 380, 607 Majdanek main concentration/extermination lighting (memorandum, December 5, 1943), camp, 43–4, 161, 614, 708 288 Malinowski, Bronisław, 805, 812 lights-out, 285 management OD (May 22, 1943), 120 Central Labor Office, 184 lime, 76, 85 Economics Department, 189 chlorinated, 287, 471–2 Health Services and Welfare Departments, Linden Retraining Camp (Lipa), 10 199 Lingens-Reiner, Ella, 464, 569, 576, 825 Technical Department, 196 Lipa reeducation camp (Umschulungslager), Mandler, Robert, 59, 130, 264 31 Manes, Philipp, 532, 709 Lisbon, 138 Mann, Klaus, 685 lists Mann, Thomas, 810 preliminary, 244 Manufacturing Department/Economics protection, 244, 663 Department – Manufacturing (WAP), standing, 677 190, 337 living conditions, pre-beautification Maria Theresa, Empress, 24 (memoranda, March 18 and 25, marriages 1944), 289 childless, 18

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 847

cohabitation arrangements Merzbachl, Ludwig H., 213, 304, 381 (Lebensgemeinschaften), 422–3 Meuselwitz concentration subcamp, 764 dispensations, 421 Meusier fortress (France), 784 dissolutions, 421 Meyer, Alfred, 19 divorces, 421 Meyer, Léon, 254 mixed (Versippte), 31, 76, 78, 153–4, 254, mica 615, 618, 644, 657, 697, 703, 715, production (Glimmerproduktion), 365 722–3 splitting (Glimmerspalten), 242, 366 non-Jewish, 421 migration, 52 regulations concerning, 420–3 Mildner, Rudolf, 51, 133, 136, 685 martial law, 11 missing persons reports (memorandum, May massification, 568, 595, 598 1943), 269 mass murder, 686, 748, 797 Modliborzyce, 705 Auschwitz, 756 Mohr, J. C. B., 145, 824 authorizing, 756 Möhs, Ernst, 116, 120, 130, 140–1, 151, Birkenau, 774 156, 164, 243, 513, 766, 796 Minsk, 782 money, 103–4 Masur, Norbert, 17, 618 economy, 103–4, 124, 395 materialism, mechanical, 561, 569, 571, 573, ghetto crowns (GK), 103, 139, 295, 395, 578, 600, 815 407, 657 defined, 569 Theresienstadt kronen (Th-Kr), 139, 143 racism and, 563 memorandum (July 9, 1944), 139 materials administration units Monowitz (Auschwitz III) main (Materialverwaltung), 373, 392 concentration camp, 793 Mauthausen main concentration camp, 16, 630 morality, 567, 569, 609 Mautner, Wilhelm, 530 Moravec, Emanuel, 140 Mechanical Engineering Department, 214 Moravia, 512 mechanism, 578 mortality, 126, 464, 466–73, 609 mediation, 417–18 age correlation with, 466 medical equipment, 439 causes of, 466 medical examiner (Vertrauensarzt), 245 country of origin correlation with, 466, medical services, 9 469 medications, 439, 739, 741–2 daily, 93, 98, 144 substitutes for, 439–40 gender statistics for, 466 Meijers, Eduard, 216 war-disabled, 482 Meissner, Alfred, 170, 216 mortuary, 137 melancholy, 463 Moses, 225 memoranda, 183 movement from the building elder (Rundschreiben), of goods, 373–99 72 restricting (OD, July 27, 1942), 88 file (Aktenvermerk), 217–21, 381 movie theaters, 520 results of, 218 Mühlenbau-Industrie A.A. (MAIG), 746 from the Jewish self-administration, 220 Müller, Heinrich, 133, 151, 679 miscellaneous administrative issues, 584 Auschwitz and, 46 miscellaneous economic issues, 381–2 deportation/transport and, 51 memorial services, 540 Heydrich and, 674 Mendl, Tomáš, 808 personality of, 674 Mengele, Josef, 630 RSHA/Gestapo and, 5 Menschen in Auschwitz (People in Munich agreement (1939), 3 Auschwitz, Langbein), 825 Munk, Erich, 138, 213, 245, 465, 474, Mensch und sein Tag, Der (“Man and His 480 Day[s],” Adler), 808 personality of, 443–4

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

848 Index

murder Night of Broken Glass, 825 industrialized, 803 nihilism list (Heydrich), 674 guilt and, 564 mass, 738 National Socialism and, 564 Auschwitz, 123, 501 powerlessness and, 565 Bełżec extermination camp, 43 Nisko on the San concentration camp, 13, Birkenau, 108 723, 800 children, 501 Nohel, Emil, 487 erasing signs of, 162 nonvalue (Unwert), 208 extermination camp, 15 North America, 6 Himmler and, 678 Noskowski, Felix, 534 Höss and, 678 notables (Prominente), 94, 109, 124, 133, Minsk, 381 148, 157, 170, 272, 615, 665, 677 organized, 165 A and B, 264 Wannsee Conference and, 43 accommodations, 293 Murmelstein, Benjamin, 14, 96, 129, 135, exemption from work duty, 326 155, 159, 163, 165, 174, 210, 319, privileges of, 264, 283, 495, 509 525, 539, 611, 616, 618, 692, 754 nothingness, 826 personality of, 97, 722 Notice from the Discussion on October 10, music, 10, 12, 107, 552–3 1941, on the Solution of Jewish musical instruments Questions, 17 forbidden, 520 Notice from the Leadership (December 5, permitted, 520 1941), 65 Musy, Benoit, 165, 669 Nowak, Franz, 51 Musy, Jean-Marie, 161 Nowy Dziennik (Prague daily newspaper), Musy mission, 669, 720, 746 514 numb people, 589 Nagel, Thomas, 806 Nuremberg, 646 nationality, Jewish (nationale Juden), 256–7 -Fürth, 647 National Socialism, 570, 574 Nuremberg Laws, 3, 705 camp consequences of mindset, 569 Nuremberg Trial, 17, 685–6, 746 as a conspiracy, 564–5 Protocol 2376-PS, 51 dualism and, 574 ethics and, 800 Öderan concentration subcamp, 745 ideology of, 563 Oesterreicher, Erich, 215, 326 Manichean components of, 732 office (SS, Dienststelle), 32, 51, 103, 154, reduction of humans in (party formations), 243, 374–5, 386, 406, 419, 472 560 divisions of, 376 roots of, 563 Office of Economic Supervision as salvation through violence, 577 (Wirtschaftsüberwachungsstelle), 428–9 Nebe, Arther, 645 offices, accommodations negligence, 412 (Ubikationskanzleien), 187 Neuengamme main concentration camp, 165, opera, 522 669 Opole, 705 Neuhaus, Leopold, 214, 533 opportunists, 592 New Year’s Thoughts 7505 (Eppstein), 155 optimists, 591 news, 515 Oranienburg, 46 -letters, 220 oratories, 522 -papers, 10, 106, 174, 514 Order by the Reichsprotektor in Bohemia and Niederorschel satellite camp, 622 Moravia Regarding Measures to Niehaus, Heinrich, 121 Accommodate the Jews in Closed Niemöller, Martin, 676 Settlements of February 16, 1942, 30

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 849

Order Constabulary (Ordnungsdienst, OD), OD (September 4, 1942), 87 64, 77, 229, 270, 348, 579, 642 work, 78 Order Guard (Ordnerwache, OW), 84, 86, patronage (Protektion), 223, 243, 245 434–5, 608 penalties renamed, 610 administrative, 408 replaces Ghetto Guard, 607 disciplinary (Dienststrafen), 409, 424 orders, 408 supplementary (RSPe, Nebenstrafen), disciplinary (Strafverfügungen), 413 411–12 of possession, 7 pensions, 8 SS (legally binding), 402 people’s community (Volksgemeinschaft), orders of the day (Tagesbefehlen), 71, 183, Hitler and, 561 210, 509, 605, 694, 772 Perschke, Margit, 799 information from the self-administration Perschke, Oskar, 799 (Mitteilungen der Selbstverwaltung, Personnel Office, 183, 424 MdS), 139 Pesach (holiday of wandering), 225 watch group leader and, 427 pessimists, 590 ordinances pharmacy, 444 juvenile court, 417 Philippsohn, Alfred, 264 labor, 414 Philosophy of New Music (Adorno), 817 Organisation Todt, 760, 799 Piaski, 714 organizational plan (settlement), 22, Picard, Max, 564 181–204 Pick, Robert, 450 centrifugal tendencies of, 204 Pilsen, 11 Draft Structure of the Ghetto Pitter, Premysl, 177, 622, 653 Administration and, 28 placards (blockhouse), 285–7 as mirror pyramid, 205 play, SS’s malicious instinct for, 152 organs of the Jewish settlement, 25 Pohl, Oswald, 46, 51, 151, 680 orientation service, 117, 532 Poláček, Karel, 821 Orpheus (Kafka), 550 Poland, 76, 147 Oslavany forced labor camp for Jews, 78 Poland Commission, 244 Österreicher, Erich, 138 police Ostrau (Moravian Ostrava), 13 criminal Ostrowo work camp, 41, 101 code (Polizeistrafordnung), 402 Otto (OSTF), 117, 511, 755 code (renamed), 612 outside work group Wulkow, 669 law, 407 provisions (Polizeistrafordnung), 425 packages, 374, 407, 509–10, 713 Decree on the Identification of the Jews authorization stickers for, 512 (1941), 8 painting, 542–5 deportation and, 638–9, 642 Palestine, 49, 486 Jewish (Judenpolizei,Jupo),53, 96, 143, 754 list, 677, 699 Protectorate (Czech), 644 Office, 6 regular (Schutzpolizei), 646 pallbearers, 471 Security (Sicherheitspolizei, Sipo), 5 Panenské Břežany (Jungfern-Breschan), 31, Poljak (officer in T), 513 725 Pollak, E., 530 Panorama (Adler), 824 Pollak, Josef, 529 Pappenheim, Adolf, 525 Pollak, Leopold, 530 passes polypragmasy, 440–1 entry (Durchlaßschein), 137, 221–2 Popper, Egon, 27, 213 Schleuse entry, 229 Popper, Max, 529 transit, 66, 68, 82, 86 population individual, 66 1930–35, 603

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850 Index

population (cont.) religion, 261–2 1941, 604 social structures, 262–6 July 31, 608 women, 366–7 August 1, 608 health statistics, 451 August 31, 608 medical professionals (1942–44), 452 September, 609 Protectorate (1941), 604 September 15, 609 Portugal, 512, 773 October 1, 610 Posen, 41 October 31, 610 Posen work camp, 17 December 31, 610 postal service, 76, 105–6, 174, 348, 509 1942 authorization stickers, 512 January 1, 605 mail authorizations (Postvollmächte), 512 April 1, 606 memorandum (June 1943), 510 May 1, 606 memorandum (August 1943), 509, 512 June 1, 607 revising July 1, 608 OD (September 24, 1942), 106 September 30, 609 OD (May 24, 1943), 106 1942–44, 252 post office, 9, 136, 144 1943 potatoes February 1, 611 chemical-technical reports, 304 February 16, 611 memorandum (December 1944), 304 March 31, 612 power, 568 June 1, 612 good and, 572 July 31, 613 powerlessness, 558, 560, 565, 572 August 8, 613 powers of attorney (predeporation, OD, November 30, 614 October 16, 1942), 106 1944 Prague, 8 January 1, 615 exhibition palace (Messepalast), 59 January 31, 615 influence on Theresienstadt, 3 May 14, 615 -Leitmeritz road, 87, 177 May 22, 616 trade fair hall (Mustermesse), 59 June 30, 364 prayer room, 540 July 31, 616 precious metals, 471 1945 pregnancies, 465–6, 613 January 1, 617 memorandum (August 21, 1943), 465 February 28, 618 memorandum (March 18, 1944), 465 April, 771 Preiss, Erika, 527 April 20, 618 Premature Death (Kolben), 551 May 1, 618 Princip, Gavilo, 25 May 5, 618 prison code, 613 Altreich (Old Reich Germany), 604, 616 prisoners civilian, evacuated, 606 negotiating release of, 115 demographics, 252 rules for, 429–30 age, 253, 605–18, 672, 776 Prochnik, Robert, 33, 38, 155, 159, 210, children, 507 212, 456–7, 459–60, 754 countries of origin, 253–61, 614, production (Produktion), 386 616–18, 648, 673, 675, 701–2, 733, bed, 93 770, 772 OD (December 23, 1941, February employment analysis (1943), 298, 315 5 and 22, 1942), 78 escapes, 269 bedding pad, 93 language, 256–8, 262 box (Kisten), 111 missing persons, 269 coffin, 93

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 851

factories, 111 psychosis, camp, 463 mica, 111 Public Enterprises Department, 214 paper goods, 111 public facilities and services, 360–1 plants, 81 public health care, 472 women’s clothing, 111 Public Health Office, 200 productivity public reading room, 137 registry (Evidenz der Arbeitsleistung), 328 Public Works Department, 197 workshop (memorandum, 1942), 377–8 Puhze, Edgar, 378 Professional Assembly, 28 punishment, 577 professions, 138, 344, 352, 447 collective, 82, 118 freelance, 364 OD (October 27, 1942), 106 independent, 363 corporal, 114 Jews excluded from, 8 for escape attempts (OD, April 9, 1943), nourishing, 579 119 nutritional, 403 guilt and, 570 women and, 368, 478 recinding (OD, May 10, 1943), 120 profiteering, 407 Pürglitz forced labor camp for Jews, 355 property Purim, 540 abandoned, 8 confiscating, 5, 11, 795 quarantines, 47, 49, 174, 176, 234, 238, 446, decedents’, 419 461, 619 declarations, 11 A II, 68, 94, 610 personal block 14, 712 deportee, 7 C III, 800 emigration fund and, 10 deceptive, 698 liquidating, 7 KZ-ers, 170 order banning disposal of (1931), 7 L 605, 289 Pross, Harry, 824 lice, 109, 610 prostheses, 481 OD (November 5, 1942), 93 prostitution, 243 Quittner, Oscar, 533 protection, 242, 245, 248, 263, 442 lists, 133, 211 R List, 717 Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, 3, race laws, 255, 259, 573 159, 603 race theory, 255 demographics of, 3 racism (defined), 562 Protestants, 153 radio, 514 provisioning, 26, 80, 98, 297 Raguhn concentration subcamp, 633, 796 centers (Proviantur), 115 Rahm, Karl, 16, 132, 140–1, 146, 151, 156, margarine ration (OD, May 26, 1942), 80 162–3, 169, 174, 243, 525, 765–6 plans, 100 Eppstein and, 155 replenishment ration (OD, April 15, 1942), personality of, 134 80 Rasch, Otto, 645 soap ration (OD, May 2, 1942), 81 Raska, Karel, 654 soup (OD, December 22, 1941), 79 Ratibor, 719 Průša (Czech officer), 783 rationing commission, 80, 606 pseudologia phantastica, 591 rationing service, 323, 348, 359 Psychiatric Department, 144 rations, 170, 741 psychiatry, 732 bread, 307–8, 605, 613 psychological disorders, 462–3 convalescent bonuses psychology, practical camp, 561–87 (Rekonvaleszentenzubusse, reko), 317 Psychology of Life in Theresienstadt (Utitz), extra (Nachschub), 316 557 ration cards, 322–3

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852 Index

rations (cont.) Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration, 4 supplementary (Zusatzkost), 158, 319, 607 Reich Chamber of Literature unprepared foodstuffs, 307–8 (Reichsschriftumskammer), 816 Raudnitz, 23, 390 Reich Citizenship Law, 13 Ravensbrück concentration camp, 712–13, 749 Reich Home for the Aged, 476 Real Assets Section (Sachgüterreferates), 484 Reich laws, 598 realists, 590 Reich Representation of Jews in Germany reality, 581, 585–7 (Reichsvertretung der Juden in Adler and three levels of, 814–15 Deutschland), 808 applied, 586 Reich Security Main Office changing, 585 (Reichssicherheitshauptamt, RSHA), confusion of past and present, 581, 585 5, 112, 376, 574, 603, 826 displaced, 586, 595 Reichsprotektor, 7, 11, 30 historical, 812 Reichssippenamt, 636 National Socialism and, 586 Reiner, Karel, 552 negating present, 581, 585 Reinisch, Otto, 245 reclamation, 76 Reis, Siegmund, 533 Recognition (Kapper), 547 Reise, Eine (The Journey, Adler), 824 recreation (Freizeitgestaltung), 140, 204, 363, Reiss, Ernst, 440, 450 481, 491, 502 Reitlinger, Gerhard, 825 activities, 519 release (deghettoized, entghettoisiert), 40 Office, 106 Relico (relief arm of World Jewish Congress), sample programs, 530 317 Red Cross, 167, 169, 241 religious life, 539–41 Czech, 174, 618 religious observation Danish, 133, 318, 740–1 memorandum (March 25, 1944), 540 German, 120, 134, 612, 740–1 restricting attendance (OD, December 23, International (IRC), 37, 145, 151, 161, 1941), 75 163, 165, 168–9, 174–5, 317, 618, religious services, 10 656, 686, 740, 821 rent, 8 commission of, 501 Reowitz Delegation, 43 Theresienstadt visit, 695–740, 744, 785 repair shops, 359 League of National Societies, 773 OD (December 23, 1941), 79 Swedish, 151, 161, 165–6, 169, 318 repatriations, 163, 176, 618 Swiss, 170 to Denmark, 711 Redlich, Egon, 487, 529, 821 resettlement, 747, 752, 800 refugees, 6, 133 from Berlin, 716 Austrian, 254 from Izbica, 721 German, 177, 254 from Theresienstadt Protectorate, 3 Aryan civilian population, 86 Theresienstadt, 708 residence, change of permanent, 8 Refugee-Welfare Institute of the resistance, internal, 7 Czechoslovak Ministry of Social restricted areas, 410 Welfare, 4 restrictions (on Jews), 8–10 Regen, 365, 779 retraining courses, 10 registration, 11, 54 retrials, 411 Registry Office and Funeral Department, 187 Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 17, 641 regression, infantile, 464 Riegner, Gerhart, 145 Reich Association of Jews in Germany Riesa, 154 (Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Riga main concentration camp, 644, 736, 797 Deutschland), 6, 52, 95, 253, 603, rights 695–6 Christian, 262

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 853

Council of Elders, 423, 429 Schuler, Alfred, 652 human, 82 Schwarz, Ada, 523 leadership, 327 Schwarzheide concentration subcamp, 550 preferential (labor deployment), 158 hunger march from, 703 previous ownership, 7 search operation (OD, June 16, 1942), 85 private property, 407–8 Sebald, W. G., 824 Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie secretariat and economic planning and (Amsterdam), 624, 825 oversight departments, 29 ritual dietary laws, 539 Security and Order Service (SOD), 187 Rivesaltes internment camp, 14 Security Office, 433–4 Robinson, Jacob, 823 Security Police (Sicherheitspolizei, Sipo), 5 roll call, 71, 73–4, 131 Security Service (, SD), 5, room elder, 68, 288, 408 114–16, 121 Rosenberg, Alfred, 135, 571 security services (Sicherheitswesen), 348, 413, Rosenthal, Ernst, 405, 707 609, 674 Rossel, Maurice, 141, 145 abolition of main division (Hauptabteilung Rosting, Helger, 639 Sicherheitswesen), 418 Roth, Cecil, 816 dissolved, 613 Roudnice, 11, 30 seders, 540 rules of procedure (Council of Elders), segregation 216–22 arrival, 26 Rumania, 76 Bialstok children and, 241 rumors, 515 gender, 67, 605 Russia, 14, 699 infectious, 128 Seidl, Siegfried, 20, 26, 64, 66, 73–4, 85, 97, sabotage, 370, 706 114–15, 118–20, 129, 135, 217, Sachsenhausen main concentration camp, 377–8, 408, 410, 587, 686, 763 644, 712–13, 749 Edelstein and, 123, 129 Salaspils work education/police prison camp, sentencing, conditional, 411 670, 797 Sered transit camp for Jews, 158, 233, 260, sanitary facilities, 200 722 Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) settlement plan (Theresienstadt), 94 settlement project, 6 Sever, Max, 21, 213 Schächter, Raffael, 522, 524 sewage, 472, 644 Schächtner, Adolf, 523 Sheep of Lidice, The (Weber), 549 Schachwitz bei Dresden concentration Shek, Y. Z., 622 subcamp, 746 shipping groups, 361 Schapira, David, 533 shopping hours, 9 Schellenberg, Walter, 150 shrouds, 470 Schlesinger, Arthur, 513 Si questo è un uomo? (If This a Man/Survival Schleuse, 90, 102, 132, 228, 241, 246–7, in Auschwitz, Levi), 803 274 sickbeds, 144 locations of (1942–44), 228 sickness procedures in, 246 as protection from transport, 243, 245 Schlieben concentration subcamp, 715, 745 reporting (memorandum, June 6, 1943), Schliesser, Karl, 21, 115, 153–4, 213, 319, 583–4 376–7, 381 Siebeck, Hans-Georg, 816–17 Schnarchenreuth bei Hof, 365 Siebeck, Oscar, 816 Schoeps, Hans-Joachim, 824 Siegmann, Georg, 530 Scholem, Gershom, 818 Simmel, Georg, 813 Schön, A., 533 Simon, James, 530 Schul, Siegfried, 553 Sin, Otakar, 523

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

854 Index

Singer, Oskar, 450 Stahl, Heinrich, 96, 214 singing/whistling (OD, October 9, 1942), 118 Stahl, Karl, 214 Sittard-Eynbroek quarantine camp, 649 Stahlecker, Franz, 4 Skarabis, Richens, 66 Stahlecker concentration camp, 644 Skarżysko Kamienna concentration camp, Stargardt, Otto, 676 715 starvation, reasons for, 304–6 slavery, 375, 565, 680, 725–6 state, deification of, 560 defined, 565 status massification (Vermassung) and, 566 lists (memorandum, March 25, 1944), 267 SS, 565 record (Standführung), 266–9 Sleepwalkers (Broch), 809 Stein, Otto, 542 Slovakia, 76, 617–18 Steiner, Franz Baermann, 565, 805–6, Small Fortress (Kleine Festung), 23, 40, 147, 810–11, 813 157, 174, 654–5, 769, 785, 793 sterilization, 18 as a police prison, 604, 655, 659 Stern, Erich, 530 smoking, 9, 83, 119, 133, 165, 170, 324 Stern, Norbert, 728 OD (February 26, 1943), 119 Stern, Walt., 530 smuggling (Schleussens), 404 storage and businesses, 195 nutritional professionals, 405 stores (Verschleißstellen), 104–5 soap, 284, 606–7 Strängnäs, 714 Sobibór extermination camp, 45, 134, 607 Strauss, Hermann, 214, 450, 473 social events, 212 Strauss, Leo, 482 social relations, 595–7 Streicher, Julius, 571, 574 Social Services Department, 202 Stricker, Robert, 206, 214, 318 society (as condition of communities), 208 strong-willed people, 592 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 803 Stuckart, Wilhelm, 686 Sonneberger, E., 530 Stuczka (Stuschka), Franz, 669 Soubenitz, 22 Stutthof main concentration camp, 151, 791 source documentation, 622–4 Succoth, 540 South America, 6 Sudetengau, 3 Soviet Paradise (Berlin exhibit), 706 suicides, 469, 472 Space Management Office, 186, 273 demographics, 269 Special Account H, 52 sulfur pits (Birkemau), 691 special camp regulations, 606, 611–12 summons forms, 221 special deployment, 365 supervision of homes (Youth Welfare Office), special treatment (Sonderbehandlung, SB, 214 extermination), 45, 48, 447, 574, 628, surgical medicine, 463–4 696, 755–6 Susiec, 43 Spier, Joe, 138, 148–9, 683 Svatobořice internment camp, 11, 671 spitting (OD, February 16 and 17, 1943), Svenk, Karl, 526, 546 118 Sweden, 53, 512, 711, 788 sports, 521, 534 Switzerland, 512 Springer, Erich, 144 synchronization, 595 squadron elders, 327 squadrons (OD, December 25, 1941), 77 Tabor, 15 SS (), 563, 618 tariff commission, 184 deceit, 241 Taussig, Fritz (Fritta), 543, 691 goals at Theresienstadt, 509 Technical Department, 29, 196–8, 338 power of, 513 Teicher, S., 450 SS-Staat, Der (The Theory and Practice of telephones, 8 Hell, Kogon), 803, 816 Teschen, 552 staff, privileges of, 211 theater, 137, 521–2

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 855

theft (Schleusen), 206, 318, 593 legal establishment of, 29 comrade, 318 liberation of, 158–75, 618 from deportees, 233, 733 life in, 207–24 fuel, 490 liquidation trust (Liquidationsmasse), 623 package, 510–11 lithograph of, 138 ration card, 493 as an old-age ghetto, 18 SS, 379 as a new Israel, 716 Theresienstadt 1941–1945 (Adler), 809, 816 original intent of, 718, 747, 778 Arendt and, 823 overcrowding at, 136 author intent, 811–12 overview (1941–45), 619 Broch and, 810 as a paradise settlement, 123, 132, 146, forensic argument in, 813 148, 172, 204, 240, 587 Hilberg and, 823 as a period in Jewish history, 571–8 interdisciplinary orientation of, 807 population Kunert and, 824 after 1944 deportations, 157, 165 mechanical materialism and, 826 between 1941 (November 24) and 1945 moral failure and, 820–2 (May 8), 177 premise for, 810 at liberation, 176 as proof of Final Solution, 819 property and assets of, 761 publication of, 815–18 Protectorate and, 3 reaction to, and impact of, 818–27 as a provisional camp, 344 uniqueness of, 803–4 provisioning, 69–70 as view from nowhere, 806 Red Cross visit to, 695–740 Theresienstadt Dreams (Lederer), 547 second anniversary of (OD, November 24, Theresienstadt ghetto/police prison camp, 5 1943), 128 administrative departments, 69 as self-supporting, 359 Department of Internal Administration, simultaneous history and, 559–71 69 site description, 24–5 Economics Department, 69 South Barracks (Südbaracken), as a Finance Department, 69 children’s camp, 49 Health Services Department, 69 as a spa, 90 Technical Department, 69 SS and, 13 as an archival put-aside site (Ausweiche), surrender ordered, 618 112 unique role of, 17–18, 20 children’s home, 68 as a Zionist model camp, 260 civilizing (Zivilisierung), 82 Theresienstadt March (Svenk), 546 as a collection camp, 3, 17 Theresienstadt soccer league, 534 criteria for deportation to, 239 time, 278 demographics of (1930), 22 tobacco, 413, 433 designated a ghetto, 604 toilet guard, 286 districts, 94 Tolstoy, Fedor, 815 file notes establishing, 20–30 total solution (Gesamtlösung) film , 147–9, 163 Göring and, 14 financing sources, 381 Heydrich and, 14 gender segregation, 71 town band, 520 as a historical experiment, 558, 627 trafficking, 413 history of, 24–5 transfer orders, provisional and permanent, housing, 66–8 273, 275 initial hours of, 27 transfer regulations, March 30, 1942, excerpt inspections, 165–6 from, 274 intercamp hostility, 89 transport and traffic, 361–2 as a Jewish settlement, 123, 139 Transport Management Department, 188

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

856 Index

Transport of the Elderly (Weber), 548 Völkischer Beobachter (Nazi newspaper), 13 Traveler to the North Pole, The (Kolben), 551 von Luckwald, Erich, 164 Trawniki concentration subcamp/forced von Moyland, Steengracht, 145 labor camp for Jews, 43, 607 von Neurath, Konstentin, 4, 603 Treblinka extermination camp, 45, 251, 610, von Stengel, Elisabeth, 500 688 von Thadden, Eberhard, 49, 120, 141, 164 established, 608 Vrba, Rudolf, 750 trespass, authorizing armed response to (OD, August 28, 1942), 117 Wahler, I. E., 645 Trial, The (Kafka), 812 Waldsee labor camp, 701, 748 Trostinetz extermination camp, 782 wandering, 225–6 Trunk, Isaiah, 822 National Socialism and, 226 Tuchel, Willy, 736 Wannsee Turkey, 512 Conference (January 20, 1942), 5, 17–18, Türmitz, 23 20, 43, 52, 133, 605, 686, 707, 803, Tyrol, 167 825 Protocol, 18–19, 154, 644, 678, 752 Ullmann, Viktor, 522–3, 552, 582, 808 War and Peace (Tolstoy), 815 Ulysses (Joyce), 812 War Refugee Board, 720, 750 Ungar, Otto, 543–4 washroom usage (OD, December 19, 1941), uniform repair workshop, 111 77 Union of Orthodox Rabbis in the United Wasserbrenner, C., 450 States and Canada, 162, 720 Wasserman, D., 529 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), water 76 ration, 605 unsichtbare Wand, Der (The Invisible Wall, scarcity of, 81, 100, 605 Adler), 805–6, 815, 824 service, 77, 284 Utitz, Emil, 148, 519, 533–5, 557, 586 supply, 80 works, 109 Vašiček, Zdeněk, 807 waywardness, 489 Vedder, Aaron, 175 Weber, Ilse, 548 Vedem (We Lead, Schkid newspaper), 491 Weber, Max, 810 Velká Losenice-Sázava work camp, Weidmann, František, 21, 539 621, 807 Weidmann, Franz, 215 verheimlichte Wahrheit, Die: Weil, Franz, 530 Theresienstadter Dokumente (The Weil, Hanne, 538 Hidden Truth: Theresienstadt Weinberger, Hans, 708 Documents, Adler), 824 Weinberger, Robert (Vinczi), 326 vermin, 93, 109, 113, 232, 288, 481, 596, Weiner, Erich, 524 731 Weininger, Otto, 575 verwaltete Mensch, Der: Studien zur Weinmann, Rudolf, 141, 145, 164 Deportation der Juden aus Weiss, Peter, 824 Deutschland (Administrated Man: Weiss, Vladimir, 304 Studies on the Deportation of Jews out Weizsäcker, Ernst, 800 of Germany, Adler), 824–6 welfare and care, 362–3 Věstník (Prague newspaper), 624 Welfare Department, 199–200 Vevey, 708 activity reports (1944), 484 Vienna, 138 caseload (June 1943), 480 Vilna, xv challenges, 484 Vlajka (Czech Nazi group), 11 personnel, 478, 483–4 Vogel, Georg, 176, 216, 261 report on work and plans (October 1943), Volhynian Germans, 14 480

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information

Index 857

responsibilities, 477 Wüstehoff (government senior inspector), type and range of care, 479 378, 798 Weltsch, Robert, 824 Westerbork transit camp for Jews, 32, 133, Yad Vashem (Israel), 624, 825 151, 158, 241, 260, 656, 683, 700, Youth Helps, 505–6 710 youth homes, 136 Wetzler, Alfred, 750 Youth Welfare Office, 201–2, 339, 363, 416, white bakery, 144 486–508 White Russia, 688 challenges of, 487–98 Wiener Library (London), 624 organizational evolution of (origins and Willheim, Siegfried, 650 development), 498–507 Windecker, Adolf, 49 personnel, 488 Windermere, 649 failures of, 488 Windholz, Walter, 523 public welfare (offene Fürsorge), 499 Winzern internment camp, 176, 651 responsibilities of, 486–7 wishes for Jewish New Year (OD, September Zionism and, 486–7, 503–4 11, 1942), 121 Wisliceny, Dieter, 162 Zeitz, 797 Wolff-Eisner, A., 449, 455–6, 459, 468 Zelenka, František, 148, 524 Wölffing, Jakob, 214 Zelenka Group, 306 women Zionism, 138, 146, 212–13, 226, 256–8, pregnant (OD, July 7, 1943), 121 262, 636 working, 366–71 Youth Welfare Office and, 486–7, 503–4 Women’s International Zionist Organization Zossen concentration subcamp, 153, 156–7, (WIZO), 636 162 Worf, Jiří, 527 Zossen work detail group, 615, 618 work deployment, 328, 365 Zucker, Otto, 27, 66, 130, 132, 138, 153–4, workers’ welfare (Arbeiterbetreuung), 210, 212, 319, 529, 533, 604, 363 614, 616 World Jewish Congress, 743, 773 Zwickau, 37 Wulkow, 779 Zyklon/Zyklon B hydrogen cyanide, 381, Wüstegiersdorf concentration subcamp, 453, 678 760 as a disinfectant, 801

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