Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information Index abortions, 465 Adler, Maximilian, 487, 520, 533 artificial methods, 631 administration (department), 182–4 forced, 465, 613 internal regulations for, 423–4 demographics, 269, 619 administrative squadrons, 607 punishment for, 121 Adorno, Theodor W., 817, 820 Abraham, P., 527 Africa, 6 abuse, 100, 114, 306 Agudah, 162 deportation, 60, 102 Agudas Jisroel World Organization, 769 elder, 596 air defense, 436 illness reporting, 583 Aktualita (Prague weekly newsreel), 148 medical, 440 Albalan, Isza, 700 medication, 439 Alexander in Jerusalem (Kafka), 550 ration card, 322 alienation, age group, 596 SS, 117, 431, 629 amenorrhea, 464–5 youth, 596 American Joint Distribution Committee, 176 accommodation, 596 Amstetten, 238 active people, 591 Ančerl, Karel, 523 activity reports, 220 antisemitism, 653 adjudication (memorandum, May 1945), apothecary, 144 402–3 appeals, 411 Adler, Friedrich, 524 chamber, 409 Adler, Gertrud, 453 rights to, 425 Adler, H. G., 803–8, 810–27 arbitration system, 606 Adorno and, 818 Arendt, Hannah, 816, 823 Arendt and, 823–4 Argonauts of the Western Pacific Baeck and, 808–9 (Malinowski), 812 Broch and, 809, 814 Argutinsky-Dolgorukow, Elsbeth, 542 Canetti and, 814 armbands (OD, September 22, 1942), 117 intent for Theresienstadt 1941–1945, army workshops (Bauhof), 80, 111 811–12 Aronson-Lindt, Heda, 523 Nietzsche and, 809 arrests, 53, 70, 73, 129, 157, 431, 662 personal experiences in camps, 621–2 bunker, 670 Simmel and, 813 causes for, 16, 242, 427 Steiner and, 814 house, 492 829 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information 830 Index arrests (cont.) Baum, Fritz, 529 justifying, 11 Bäumel, G., 482, 489 post office staff (OD, February 16, 1943), Bäumel, Richard, 530 106 Bauschowitz (Bohušovice), 23–4, 69 procedures for, 428 train station, 110, 227, 235 arts, 541 Bautzen, battle of, 703 Aryan Street, 87 Bavaria, 167, 176 Asia, 6 beautification (Verschönerung), 125–47, 152, Association of Czech Jews in Czechoslovakia 157, 280, 285, 614–15, 618, 741, 765 (Svaz Čechů-židů v Československé recreation and, 520 republice), 257 second, 163–6 Auditing Office (Revisionsstelle), 429 Becher, Kurt, 150, 162, 165 Auschwirz: Zeugnisse und Berichte beds, 290 (Auschwitz: Testimonies and Reports, Beer, Th. Otto, 527 Adler, Langbein, Lingens-Reiner), 825 behavior (individual) Auschwitz main concentration camp, 14, 17, cooperative, 581 19, 161, 622, 746 typology of, 585 Birkenau and, 108 Bełżec extermination camp, 45, 606 established, 604 Bełżyce, 714 gassing suspended (November 2, 1944), Bergel, Karl, 20, 66, 71–3, 81, 109, 117, 120, 617 130, 135, 141, 168, 564 Jews to be sent to, 610 Bergen-Belsen main concentration camp, medical experiments on children at, 48, 759 134, 144, 165–6, 481, 676, 699, 749, section B IIb (family camp), 49, 629, 731 763 dissolution of, 616, 630 as a convalescent, transit, and exchange Auschwitz Museum (Poland), 825 camp, 49 Aussenberg, Dolfi, 541, 544 as privileged camp, 781 Aussig, 23, 168, 382, 393 Bergh, S. V. D., 529 Australia, 6 Bergmann, Rudolf, 213 Austria, 159, 512, 614, 616–18 Berman, Karel, 523 Austrian Civil Law Code, 407 Bernadotte, Folke, 163, 746 autopsies, 470 Beruschky, 117 Bialystok [Białystok] Ghetto, 241 Baas, Franz, 464 Birkenau (Auschwitz) main concentration/ Bachrich, P., 450 extermination camp, 45, 108, 127, Bacon, Jehuda, 490 146, 691 Baeck, Leo, 159, 174, 206, 210, 215–16, as code name for Auschwitz, 766 261, 318, 533, 611, 617, 622, 806 deceptions around, 108 Adler and, 808–9 established, 606 Chelmno gas vans and, 127 as family camp, 698 Eppstein and, 155, 215 work deployment, 629 funeral address of, 540 births Judaism and, 597 birthday celebrations, 212, 371, 377 personality of, 215 contraception, 144 Welfare Department and, 476, 500 demographics, 34, 144, 269, 465, 619, 673 bank, 124, 136, 144 forbidden, 469 Barneveld camp for privileged Jews, 153, black market, 324 157, 682 blocked accounts, 7 Bartels, Rolf L. A., 381–2, 664 Bloemendaal, Alice, 529 barter, 324, 374 blood, mixed (Mischlinge), 18, 153, 156, baths, 171, 453, 480, 483, 605, 607 240, 259, 615, 639, 657 delousing (Desinfektionsbad), 200, 361 Kallmeijer list, 677 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information Index 831 Blumenthal, Otto, 530 camp tally, 126 Bock, Philipp, 470 Canetti, Elias, 225, 811 Bohemia, 512 cannibalism, 631, 760, 793 Böhm, Arno, 48, 698 cards Böhm, Max, 530 clothing, 9 Böll, Heinrich, 806, 818 file, 4 Bonn, 264 identity, 66, 100, 131, 221, 323, 353, 683 Bonn, Hanuš, 16 citizen’s(Bürgerlegitimation), 57, 59 bonuses Council of Elders, 211 food, 315–19, 607, 610, 612 verified, 794 labor, 99, 143, 311, 314, 607 worker, 247, 354, 607, 612 regular (Zubussen and Dekaden), index 327, 393 logistical, 390–1 sardines, 160 main product (MPCI), 391 sick (Krankenzubussen), 328 laundry, 482 useless (Schmonzes), 495 patient (Kleine Krankenkarte), 444 Book Registration Group post, 42, 50, 76, 106, 108, 174, 605, 609, (Bucherfassungsgruppe), 539 612, 649, 657, 748 books, 534–9 from Auschwitz, 686 prayer, 536, 539 restrictions on, 509 boys’ home, 144 writing rotation (Schreibturnus) for, 509 Bracher, Karl Dietrich, 818 ration (Bezugsscheine), 10, 29, 57, 69, 105, Brachmann, Willy, 698 187, 295, 655–6 Brahn, Max, 530 military (Lebensmittelstammkarte), 57 Brandt, Rudolf, 150, 163 OD (September 13, 1942), 105 Braunfeld, Arthur, 450 provisional, 230 bread (categories), 607, 612, 616 special, 185 Breslau, 637, 698 ration card (Essenkarte), 247, 322–3 Broch, Hermann, 564, 809, 816 savings, 103 broken people, 589 small health care, 612 Browning, Christopher R., 826 soap, 57 Brundibár (Krása), 552 care of the sick (Krankenbetreuung), 199, Brünn, 11 471 brutal people, 591 Castelin, Carl, 533 Buber, Israel Martin, 818 cattle cars, 233, 235, 247, 624, 627, 649, Buchenwald main concentration camp, 11, 711, 763 166, 173, 566, 589, 622, 720, 810 censorship, 510 Buchmüller, Werner, 164 censuses, 77, 266, 614 Budapest Rescue Committee, 162 1941 (December 25), 605 Budweis, 78, 233, 732 1943 Bühler, Josef, 19 November 11, 129–33 building administration, 187 November 19, 131 building elder, 68, 77, 288, 406 November 24, 131 buildings, uses, 275 OD (October 28, 1942), 118 Bürckel Operation (October 1940), 14 OD (November 10, 1943), 130 Burckhardt, Karl, 163, 786 Central America, 6 Burger, Anton, 107, 114, 120, 130, 133, 148, Central Association of German Citizens of 377, 413, 465, 686, 765 Jewish Faith (Centralverein deutscher Edelstein and, 129 Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens), 259 Günther and, 134 Central Bakery, 110, 307 burials, 410, 471, 644 Central Bath, 110, 137, 144 butcher, 144 OD (May 18, 1942), 81 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88146-3 — Theresienstadt 1941–1945 H. G. Adler, Translated by Belinda Cooper, General editor Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Afterword by Jeremy Adler, Assisted by Benton Arnovitz Index More Information 832 Index Central Building Maintenance Office (GEZ), effects of camp on, 507 197 exchange, 637 Central Bureau for Jewish Emigration, 603, life in the block, 495 608 OD (February 16, 1942), 82 Central Butcher and Smokehouse (Selcherei), working, 502 404 children’s homes, 144 Central Labor Office, 184–5, 316, 326–7, children’s pavilion, 135, 140, 144 348 chlorination, 100 documents pertaining to, 349–57 choice, individual, 585 Central Laboratory, 453 Christianity, 540 Central Laundry, 110, 359, 399 Claussen, Heinrich, 378 Central Lost Property Office, 92, 419 cleaning service, 360 Central Materials and Inventory clinics, outpatient (Ambulanzen), 64, 68–9, Administration, 190 199, 392, 612 Central Medical Supply Warehouse 1942, 447, 606 (Zentralheilmittellager), 200, 444 1943, 449 Central Mortuary, 91, 233, 470 E IIIa (lung disease), 612 Central Office (Zentralamt), 4, 7, 603 health units and, 444 Protectorate and, 5 services to, 445 RSHA IV B 4 and, 5 visiting, 445 Central Office (Zentralstelle), 7, 754 written agenda of, 393 Central Office for Jewish Emigration in clothing Bohemia and Moravia, 4, 781 Central Clothes Mending Workshop, 109 Central Office for the Regulation of the warehouse (Kleiderkammer), 68, 92–3, Jewish Question in Bohemia and 155, 231, 389 Moravia, 5, 608 theft from, 231, 359, 432 Central Ration Card Office (zentrale winter (OD, October 20, 1942), 94 Essenskartenstelle), 322 coerced community (Zwangsgemeinschaft), Central Receiving Office, 183 205, 558, 576, 804 Central Reception Office (OD, January 28, coffee house, 106, 124, 485, 520, 541, 610 1942), 78 OD (December 6, 1942), 106 Central Registry (Zentralevidenz), 31, 182, coffins, 471 244, 266, 348 cohabitation arrangement, 243 Central Secretariat, 28, 181, 183, 347 Cohen, David, 215, 650 Central Supply Office (Zentralproviantur), Cohen, Hermann, 537 189, 230, 316, 390, 405 Cohn, Ludwig, 530 Central Warehouse (Zentrallager), 373, 390, collectivism,
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