. . I ',.' , .. ':: ,,,'!\"" • . EXHIBITB .... ,". ':.,' , "",',,' SERIES 2007PROJECi

: .~ .. :'" ' " . .'

, " :', " . ,'" ..\,~:;: ,:::~:l," . '. District 1 \ . I '."..... '·".i' I , :: ."~"';·I;,\'-::'~ ':",: '" . • In the area generally bounded by N.;W. '27th Ave, N.W. 23 rd St.~ N.W. 20~ Ay~;:ji~i(rN.~.·. North River·Dr., including the area, bounded by N.W, 30th PI., N.W. 14th St:;·'N:W. '2211d " '.:'- Ave., and N.W. 7th St. and any ~dClitional streets as required - project..co~~pl1e.nts ,. ".:, " , .. ' .. include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoratioi!.t'c\ll'bS, '. '" '. g~tters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, llghting i~J;?.Ri9Y~fri~:q.ts,. ' ':, .' ft. .:. landscaping, signage, and striping. ) .t.:...... !.;~;;:):',.:'., .. ," ;... :,," ,',::,.' ...... ' • In the area generally bqunded by N.j'W. 23 rd'Ave, N.W. 31 st St., N.W. 24th Ave.,·~~:,~.W~,> . :-::.;:::" . ,;',' '.: th ,th th st nd 35 St.; N.W. 34 Ave. from 14th 'ttl 17th St: N.W! 18 Terr. from :l1 tQ .. 32 St:,. N.W ..... "'''.' .:-:.'.-: rd rd . I'M·fi ttl. Iii' "', _.j.';:&.,," 'I '.: ,~: :,~. . 43 Ave., N.W. 43. Ct., N;W. 43 't PI. rom N.W. 5 to NW 7 St. and.anY'!·k,\UultlOna "::'" '; ", .. , ,::,·!!'"i·: :' streets as recluired - project compo~ents include: the design·and constructiOl:l; ofx1ght-p( .. ~.· ':. : ' ,,,' ' way enhancements including resurfacing of asphalt. pavement;. swale ;(;,te~r6;~a.tio.ti, '. ..." " sidewalk repairs, landscaping, striping, and drainage as needed. .. ". , :'!;'.,

th 1l • In the area ~ellerally bounded by N.W. 27th Ave., N.W. 38 St., N.W. 22 i:l A~e.> and' ... · N.W. 28 th St.> including an area bounded by N.W. 18th Ave., N.W. 20th St., N.W. 14th Ave., and N.W. North River Dr/ and atiy additional streets as required :- project components include:. th~. design .and construction of roadway' l'esurfa:6ing,swale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage imp1'ovements, sidewalk replacement, .lighting improvements, lalldscaping, signag~, and striping. I I • In the area generally bounded by N.W. 20 th St., N.W. 7th Ave., SR 836, and N.W. 17th Ave. - projeot components include:' the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, sidewalk 1'eplacement~ ADA ramps, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, and landscaping.

th • In the area generally bounded by m.w. nnd Ave., N.W. 38 St., N.W. 17th Ave., and N.W. 28 th St., .including an area bdunded by'N.W. 22 nd Ave, N.W. 20th St.,·N.W. 1t h Ave. and N. W. North River Dr. Additional streets as required - project components include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, alld striping. I

M IAMIJ4197251.7 B-1 .. Dis,rict 2 j I • In the area generally bounded by N.W. 1st Ave., N..B.· 20th st.~ Biscayne Bay, Mi~ni ruver - project components .include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacin,g, swale restoration, curbs, gutters. drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement; lighting impro~ements, landscaping, signage, and striping. : :'. '.' .. • In the area east of Biscayne Blvd. on N.E. 83 rd Rd., 85th St., and 86th St'. ~ ~ro!i:t.·· .. '...... ":"';: components include: ·the design and constnlCtj<)l1 of roadway to inClude' milling' and' . .". resurfacing, swale restorations, new sidewalks, landscaping and ro~dway s~ripping .....; ';-,,: ":'" .; '.. .' ," ::'. ;.< . , . . th th th '". • In an area generally bounded by·N.E. 6 Ct., N.B. 8 Ave., N.B. 76 St., N.E. lOtll Ave., " ',,',' Litter River and N.B. nnd Ten', - project components include: 'th~ ~onstruction of.' . '; ."" " roadway improvements, including construction of lstorni drainage, storm wate~ pump . .. station, watei' quality structure, roadway milling and resurfacing, sidewalk replacem~nt) " "

construction of curbs, gutters, ADA ramps, and swale res~oration. , ,',I '.' • III the area generally bounded by N.B. 69th .St" N.B. 72l1d St.,· Bis~ayne Bl~d. and Biscayne Way - project components include: the .consti·uction of roadway improvements, including construction of storl11 dl'ainage, storm water pump station, water quality structnre, roadway milling and resurfacing, sidewalk.·replacement, construction of clJrbs, gutters, ADA ramps, and swale restoration. I . • In the area generally bounded by N.W. 2nd Ave.; N.W. - N.B. 34th St., N.E. 39th St., and

Biscayne· Bay, including any additional streets as required M project components· include: the design !;ll1d construction of roadway resurfacing, swale l'estor!1tion, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, Hghting improvements, landscaping, J J 'signage, and striping.

• In the area generally bounded by N.W. 2nd Ave., N.W. -N.B. 34th St:, N.W, -N.B. 24th St., and Biscayne Bay, including any additional streets as required - projeCt components include: the design and· construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoration, curbs; gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, lighting' improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping.

• In the al'~a generally bounded by S.W . .39th Ave., S.W. 26th St., S.W. 27th Ave., and S. Dixie Hwy., including any additional streets as required ~ project components include: the design and construction Jof roadway resurfacing, swale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping. I

• In the area known as Marcos Island - project components include: drainage improvements; .

MIAMI/4 I97251.7 District 3 ,.' , .,~ " :"~ • In the area ~enerallY bounded by d.w. 22nd Ave., SR 836; the River~·W::·Fhigle.r .st., S.W. Ii' Ave.; and N.W. ill St.~ including any additional streets as required.- project· components include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing;, swale· restoration, curbs) gutters, dra,imige improvements, sidewalk· l'eplacemenh ..' ..'·~ighting. improvements, landscaping; signag~, and striping. . " ,,', ~, ' I , ", , .'::' ,,:' th I. " • In the area generally bounded b~ N.W. - S.W. 27th Ave., N.W. 7 St., S,\~/.::i-2ili Ave:,', ..' S. W. 8th St., including any additional streets as required - project com:pone;n~-:.inclu4e: I· ' . .' the design an.d 'construction of roadway resurfacing,' swale restora.tion~ curbsi''';$uttel's, .'. . " , drainage improvements, sidewalk I replacement, lighting 'improvements, 'lan4~¢~ping, " signage, and striping. ' " ";',,,rt'::;'''';'/'''' ','" ~,' ,', I, ., ",,", I • "1 '"",,". • • "'} : '~': /' • In the area generally bounded by S.W. 2th Ave., S.W. 8th St., S.W. 22nd Ave.;,ang S.W.,,,, 9th St., including any' additional st~eets as ~equired - project components, inch.id~i" ~e, . ":',}' ' .. design and construction of roadway resUl'facing, swale restoratioll) ':"curbs, ,g'!ltt~rs, .":, ";," ", drainage improvements, sidewalk~ replacement, lighting improvements,"1arrd~capingi ..',,', ';', :.',"':,., signage, and striping. ":,'"" :'. I .. :.,::, ':';";,,:.- • In the area generally bounded by S.W. 17th ' Ave.,. SW 18th St., S.W. 12th Ave:; ~nd··,S.: :.:.. .' .... Dixie HWY'j including any additional stree~s as required - project components i~c1ude: .. :

the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale' restoratioIl j curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement; lighting improvements, landscaping, . signage, and striping. I I . .

• In the area generally bounded by S.W. 17th A~e., S.W. 8th St., S.W. lih Ave., and S.W. 18th St.; ii1cluding any additional sireets as requited - project components include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, 'swale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, side'walk replacement, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, ~nd st1'iping.' ,

• In the area generally bounded by ~.W. 17th Ave., W. Flagler St., S.W. 'l st Ct.; S.W. 1st Ave., 1-95, and S.W. 8th St., including any additional streets as required - project components include: the design land construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping.

• In the area of known as Shenando?-h/Roads including any additional adjacent areas as requi.red - project components include; drainage remediation.

MIAM1/4197251.7 District 4

th th IJ In the area generally bounded by S. W. 16 St., S,W. 27 Ave" S,W. 22!ld St., and S.W. 32 nd Ave. ~ project components include: the design and construction' of a positive stqrm sewer system, road improvements such as damaged sidewalk replacement, damaged curb andlor gutter replacement, ADA compliant ramp construction, l'e~sod of swales, niilling and resurfacing,

• In the area g~nerally bounded by S.W. 3ih Ave., S,W. 16th St., S.W. 24th Ave., a.iJ.d S;W., , " 22nd St., including any additional streets as r~ql).ired - project ,components incl)lde: the' design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoration" ',curbs, gutter~"" drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement" lighting improvcements, landscaping;' signage, and striping.

• In the area generally bounded by S,W. 27th Ave., S.W. 22!ld St., S.W. 17th' Ave. and .s.' Dixie Hwy., including any additional streets as required "'project components inch~de:the, design and constructiOll of roadway resl..ll'faclng, sw~le restoration, curbs; gutters, . ' .. drainage impl'OV~111ents, sidewalk replacement, lighting improvements; landscaping, signage, and striping. ' , ,

• In the area generally bounded by S.W, 4ih Ave., S,W 5ih Ave" W. Flagler St., and S,W, 8th St. - project components include: the construction of a st01111 sewer system, l'oad improvements, such as dan1aged sidewalk replacement, damaged, curb and I, 01' gutter replacement, ADA compliant ramp 'qonsttuction, 're~sod of swales, milling and resurfacing.

.. In the area known as Shenandoah vadous intersections - project components include: the construct.ion of tramc cirCles; including ,related drainage improvements, cW'ba, gutters, I I milling and resurfaCing, landscaping, and pavement markings.

• In the area known as various int.ersections - project components include: the cOJ;1stnlCtion of traffic circles, including related drainage improvements, curbs, gutters, milling and resUl'facing~ landscaping, and pavement markings.

• In the area know as Shenandoah/Flagami -, project components include: dr~inage remediation.

District 5 ) I

J • In :the area ~enerally bounded by N.W, 17th Ave. arid N. W. ,19 th Ave., from N.W. 45 th 81. to N.W. 57! St., including N.W. 18 th Ave. fro111 N.W. 431'd St. to N.W. 57th St., but not including N. W. 46th 811: and N. W. 54th St. - project components include: the construction of roadway improvement, including milling and resurfacing, s,idewalk repairs, upgrading swale areas to'provide parking, turf block, curbs, gutters, stonn drainage improvements, pavement markings.

MJAMJl4197251.7 B-4 ,. .. . .:e.'" • In the area generally bounded byNJW. 2nd Ave., N.W. 40th St., N. Miami Ave.~ and N.W. 46th 81. ~ project components influde: the constnlction of l~oadwa.y im.p!'9.ye~ents, including milling and resurfacing, sidewalk repairs, street widening, curhs~)~I'gutters, pavement marking, landscaping, and stonn drainage as needed. .

• N.B. 38th St. from N, Miami Ave.; to N.B. 2nd Ave. - project compol1ents.jn.~j~d~: the. construction of roadway impl'Ov¢ments, including reconfiguring ex:i,sting .. ~oadway .

section, milling and resurfacing; landscaping, lighting, and, associate4: ~. 'drainage . ",:' ' . , '. improvements, . ,.. ~:.. ,. ,', " ~ I· • , .. nd nd • In the area generally bounded by 1>1.E. 2 Ave., N.E. 72 , 81., Florida EastCo4~~' Rail line, and N.B. 62 nd St. ...:. project components include: the design arid conStruc#q.~ of ,a . . . 4 v~~'iet~ of ~tl'eetscape rel~ted il~np'rovements; s?cl~ as' entran:~e gatewa~s;.:::.1~ghting, dlrectlOnal slgns, landscapmg, mllling and resuriacmg, and dl'amage modlfic.a:~+qp,s ·as ...::' . .:~: :... . needed. '.'" . I "". . , . • In the area generally b~unded by J.. Miami Ave., N.B, 48 th St., N,E, 2nd Ave" N,li;.44th " :: ..:::.:;. ':': " St. - project components include: ~he construction of roadway improvemertts';:'stich".as:.:- "'.: ..... :.:.,': " milling and resurfacing, road reconstruction, curbs, sidewalks, meqians, s't()n,l1 9r~in~g~, .',' \.'.' . ,,, and pavement markings. I ..' " /';:. . . :'.," . '.' " ' .... ,' , '.

• North River Dr. from N.W. 7th Selta N.W.'11 th PI. .- project compone~ts inclu.de: "the, : construction of roadway improvements, such as roadway reconstruction, sidewalks,"

associated drainage,• l1'\ndscaping, andI· streetlighting.

I • Citywide ~ project components include: Miscellaneous sidewalk' 'replacements and construction of ADA improvements)

. • In the arya generally bounded by W. Flagler St., S.W. 8th St.~· S.W. 67 u1 Ave., and S.W. 62l\cl Ave. ~ project components include: the construction of a storm sewer' system, road improvements, such as damaged *idewalk replacemel1t~ damaged curb and/or gutter replacement, ADA compliant ramp yonstruction, re~sod of swales, milling & resurfacing. " . , I th • In an area generally bounded by N.W. 7th St., W. Flagler St., N.W. 57 Ave., and N.W; 52nd Ave. - project components include: the construction of a stonn sewer system, road improvements, such as damaged sidewalk replacement) damaged curb andlor gl:ltter replacem,ent, ADA compliant ramp Gonstruction, re~sod of swales, milling & resurfacing.

• In the area known as Silvet' 'Bluff, which includes various intersections within District 2 and District 4 ~ project components include: the construction of traffic circles) including related drainage improvements, curbs, gutters) milling &. resurfacing, landscaping, and pavement markings. . .

MIAMJ/419725J.7 ,. S.W. 32nd Ave . .from U.s. 1 to S.W. 22nd St. (also known as ) - project compol1ents include: the construction of roadway improvements, including l'esurfacing~ swale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, lighting improvements" landscaping, signage, !illd striping. '

0.1' if such project components cannot be constructed. as provided above, such other roadway and sidewalk improvements, as may be dete1TI1ined by the City, including but not limited to resurfacing, swale restoration~ curbs, glltters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping, in the areas descri~'Y4, , , .' above or in any other areas as may be determined by t,he ,City. '

" '

I ,



M1AM1I4l97251.7 "nus ll

SERIES 2009 PROJECT District 1 • In the area generally bounded by N.W. 27'h Ave, N.W. 7th st, N.W. 17111 Ave .., and N.W: 3ath St., including the area along N.W. 36th St. from N.W, 27th Ave. west to the CIty limits; and N.W. 22nd Ave., N.W. 20 th St., N.W. 17(h Ave., and State Rd. 836 ~proJect components include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale, restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, ADA cornpliant ramps, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage', and striping,

th • In the area generally bounded by N.W. 36 SL l N.W. 7t~Ave"State Rd, 836, and N.W', 1ylh Ave .•proJectcomponents inc,lude: thedesign and construction of rO/adway resurfacing,swale restoration. curbs, gutters" drainelge improvements, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, lighting Improvements,

landscaping l signage, and ,striping~

• tn the area generally bounded by Tamiami Canal to N.W.3rd St., ai1d N,W. 42 '1d Ave, to the City limits, and th,e area generally bounded by N.W. 20th St., N,W. 420d Ave., N;W, 7th St,(:lnd N.W. 27th Ave. -project components Include: the design and co,nstruction of roadway resurfacing, swals restoration, curbs,gutters, drainage improvements! sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping. DistrIct 2 \\I In the areaS generally bounded by N,W. 1$t Ave" N,r;. 14th St, Biscayne Bay, and Miami River, and N.W', 2nd Ave" N,E. 14th St, and N.I:;:. 3(3th St., and Biscayne th th Bay, and the area generally bounded by N.E. 36 St, N.E. 87 St, N.E. 4th Ct., and Biscayne Bay -proJect components Incl'ude: the desIgn and construction of roadway impr6vememts, including milling and resurfacing, curbs, gutters, striping, swele restoration, sidewalk replacement; ADA compliant rampe, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, and draInage Improvements,

.. In the area of South Miami Ave, Rd. from S.W. 1st Ct. to S, Miami Ave. -project components include: the: construction of roadw.ay improvements including street reconstruction, resurfaCing, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, lighting Improvements, ,andscap,nSUBMiTIEB'j NTO THE PUBLIC REC'ORD FOR ITEMEi/. ON • In the area eestof Biscayne Blvd. on N.E . .83Jd Rd., 85 th St., and8.6 tl1 81. -project components incl.ude: the. design and construction of roadway to inc.lude milling and resurfacing, swale restorations, new sIdewalks, landscaping and roadway striping.

• Inan area generally bounded by N.E. 86 th St., N.E. 83 rd Terr., Biscayne Blvd., and East Dixie Hwy. -project components include; the construction of ro:adway improvements, including millIng and resurfacing,striplng, swale restoration, sidewalk r~placement, ADA compl.iant ramps, and drainage improvements.

tb tli • In the area generally bOl,lnded by N.E, 58 St., N.E. 77th St, N.E. 4 Ct., and Biscayne Blvd. -project components inolude: the construction of roadway improvements, including, m'jlling and res.\;Jrfadng, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, drainag.e Improvements .and landsoaping.

• In~he areas generally bounded by the Miami River, S.W.1st Ave., Rickenbacker c.swy., ahd Biscayne Bay, ,and S.W. 27th Ave., S. Dixie Hwy., Rickenba.cker Cswy., and BIscayne Bay, and the ·~rea gener.ally bOUhd~d by S.W. 241h St., S.W. 27th Ave., N. Prospect Dr., Biscayne Bay, and the City limits to the. west -project oomponents include: the design and cOI"lstructionof roadway improvements, incLuding milling and resurfacIng, curbs, gutters, striping, swale restoration, sidewa.lk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, lighting improvements, landscaping" sfgnage !;lnd drain(:lge improvement$'.

II In the area of Bird Ave. from U.S. 1 to Aviation Ave. and McDonald St. from U.S. 1 to Jackson Ave. -project components inQlude: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale, restoratloh, curbs, gutters, drainage Improvements, sicl.ewalk teplaQement, AQA ~ompliant ramps, Il.ghting improvements, designated bicycle lanes, landscaping,· slgnage,and striping.

• In the area of Venetian Causeway from Herald Plaza to the City .limits ~project components include;, the de.slgn and construction of roadway resurfacing, sWals restoration, Curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, Iightin9 improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping.

II In the area knowh as South Grove "project components Include: the design and construction of speed humps and roadway improvements, including mi.lling and resurfacing] swale restoration,drainag·e improvements, sign age; and striping.

th • In the arei.il along U.S~ 1 from 19 Ave. to 17th Ave. -project components; include:

roadway improvements, including. milling and. resurfacing f curbs, gutters, replacementbf the existing roadway wall, and landsoaping.

,,'.. :...... : .... ,.... :: .... • In the area known as San Ma'rcoand Biscayne Islands -project components Include: drainage improvements, roadway improvements, milling and resurfacing, curbs, gutters, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, swele restoration, landscaping, s,lgnage, and striping,

District 3 • In the area along N.W. S. River Dr. from N,W. 1at S1. to N.W.. 41h St. -project components include: thedesfgn and constructIon oJ roadway resurfacing, curbs, gutters, drainage [mprovements, sidewalk replacement, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping.

• In the areas generally bound;tpd by N.W. 9th St., N;W. 1ih Ave., W. Flagler St., ih arid N.W. 22nd Ave., and N,W.• 7th St, N.W. 14th Ct., N.W. glh St.,and N,W.17 Ave .. -project components'!rrclude: the design and construction of drainage, system, resurfacing, curbs,gutters, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, and striping.

• In the areas generally bounded! by N,W. 91h St., N,W. 12111 Ave" W, Flagler st, and N.W, 22ndAve" 8ndN.W; 7th St., N.W. 22"d Av.e., W. Flagler St, and N.W. th 27 .Ave.,·and the area,gener~Uy bounde'd by S.W.27'h Ave., S,W. glh St, S.W. 121~ Ave" and W. Flagler St~proJ~ct ,?omponeO,t!:llncJude: the design and

constructfon of roadway res'urfacihg i ,ewals re~~ioration,curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, lighting improvements, landscaping, 8lgnag9, and striping.

• In the areas generally bounded by S,W. 17th Ave".S,W. 8lh St, S.W. 12th Ave., and S. DIxie Hwy.: and S.W. 12th Ave., S,W. th St., and N.W. S, River Dr.; and

S,W. 7th St., S.W. 1ih Ave, I and S. Dixie Hwy. ~proJect components include: the design and construction of roadway resurf.aCing , swale restoration, curbS, gutters, drainage improvements, sid\9watk, replacement, ADA compliant ramps, lighting improvements, landscaping, slgnage, alid striping,

Dlsirlct 4 .. Inthe area generally bounded by S.W.16ih St., S.W. 27th Ave., S,W. 22nd St.} and S;W. 32 nd Ave. ~project cQmponents include road improvements to include sidewalk replacement, curb and/or gutter replacement, .ADA compliant r1:\mp constructionTsWa!e restoratlo-n, landscaping, sl9nage, milling and resurfacing, and striping,

• In the areas generally bounded by S,W. 37 th Ave., N,W. 7th St., S.W. 27th Ave. and S. W, 24111 St., and N.W: 4Std .Ave., N,W,.7'h St., N.W. 37'11 Ave.,. S.W. 8th St., , ...... Ih . ih' ". th·. and the area generally bounded by S.W. 27 Ave., S.W, 9 St., S.W, 17 Ave., and S. Dixie Hwy, Mproject componentslne.lude:. the des'jgn and construotlon oJ roadway resurfacing, awele restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage Improvements,


... ; ... .; ..,,;,", .. :. ," ,.'~': .... " .;!> ..... :,: ... '••..• ...... ~:; sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, lighting improvements, landscaping, sighage,snd striping.

• In the area generally bounded by Tamlami Canal Rd., N;W. 3rd St., S.W. 43rd Ave., and S.W. a1h S1. ..;project components include! the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swa!e restoration, ct.!rb$,,9'utters, drainag.e improvements, sidewalk replacement, ADA compllant ramps, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping.

• In the area known as Shenandoah various iniers.eclions ~projectcomponents Include:, the construction oftraffib circle$, includling related drainage Improvements; curbs, gutters, milling and re,8u.rfac.lng, landscaping,and pavement markings.

• In the area known as Flagami various intateegti.ons -project components include: the construction of traffio clrcles;,includlng :reletleddrainageimprovements, curbs, gutters, milling and resurfacing, landscaping'randpavement markings.

• In the area known 'as Sliver 'Sluff v~ir~PusJrit~rse9tlons "project components include:. the construction of trafficdlfdl~~,~lrielhdln.grelated drainage improvements, curbs,9utfers, milling ~ri'dire$GrfaCin9, landscaping, and pavement markings.

District 5 41 In the areas known as Lii2erty City,Qur[y Taylorang S!d~nf,i ~1$taHeights, generally bounded by N.W. 19th AVe.~1 N.W. 58th St, N.E. 4th Ct., and N.W. 361h St., and N,W. 17 111 Ave" N,W. 71 6t St., N.E 41h Ct.,and N, W,58th St. .,project components include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoration, curbs,gutters, drainage improvements! sidewalk replacement ADA compliant ramps" lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping.

• In the areas knowo as Oa~ Grove, and Lit!leRivec,generall:y Rounded th 1t) r!,' "';1' by N• W,. 7-" Ave' '."' NI W." 79 St ~.t 'N .~i 4'\hCt' ' .. , N,.• W'" '. • 7'1:;1 St '. an'd'. N.• ·w' :" Ml",m,'.1,!,,: ...... 'C:·t ··t., 1h N.E, 84 St. j N.E. 4th Pl., and N.E l~)hSt~proJect oomponents inolude·;, the, " design ahd construction of roadwaYl~$Urfaolng, awale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements,sid~W~!k replacement, ADA compliant ramps; lighting improvements, landscaplngj:signage,and stripIng.

th st G In the areas generally bounded by N:W! 7th AVI$., N,W. 36 St., N.W~ 1 Ave., andthe MlamiRlver, and State Rd. 836, N.W. 7'h Ave., and the Miami River, including the areas knowo asWynwi?od and ~proJect components lnc.lude: the design' and constructlQh Of roadway resurfacing, ·sweJe restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement,ADA compliant

ramps, lighting Improvements t Iandscaplng, signage, and striping. I'}, .f

e Northwest Road and Storm Sewer Improvements project in the area generally bounded by N,W. 71 81 St., N,W, 7th Ave. .., N.W. 62nQ St..: and N.W. 12th Ave­ project components include: the oonstruotion of drainag,e improvements., milling and resurfacing., cl.1rbs, gutters, sidewalks replacement, ADA compliant ramps, and swale restoration,

Heights Improvements Phase II in the area generally bounded by N, nd th th Miami Ave. j N.W. 2 Ave" N,W, 40 St., and N.W. 46 St. -project components incluoe: the design and construction ·of roadway improvement, Including widening and milling and resurfaCing,. swale restoration, curbs,gutlers.; drainag.e improvements, sidewaJI< replacement, ADA compliant ramps, landscaping, and striping.

Multi-District II Citywide -project components include: Miscellaneous sideWalk replacements and construction of ADA compliant improvements,

• In the area generally bounded by Biscayne Blvd" Miami Ave·., BE. 2nd St., and N.E. 3rd St.,and along N,W. 8th St. from N.W. 2nd Ave to N.E. 2odAve. -project componentsihcl.ude: the construction of road improvement€l" such as damaged sideWalk replacement, damaged curb and/or gutter replacemel1t, drainage system impro\ieme.nts, ADA compli~l!t rarnpconstructlon, milling and resurfacing, lighting, randscaping! and pavement markings includIng crosswa·lks.

.. In an area generally b.ounded by N.W. 20 th St., State Rd. 836, N.W, 7Ih Ave.., and N.W.17th Ave. -prbjectoomponents inClude: the de.slgn and construction of roadway improvements, such as damag,ed sidewalk replacement,· damaged curb andiorgutter replacement, APA compli.ant ramp Gon$truction, milling and resurfacing, and landscaping,

th th st st 1I In the area generally bounded by S. 9 St., S. 10 St., S,W. 1 Ave., and $ ,E'" 1 Ave. -projeGt components in.clude: theccnstruction of a pump station and drainage systernimprovements, roadway improvements, including miliingand resurfacing,c.urbsandJorgutter replaCement,andsldewalk reconstruction.

Or if such project components cannot be cqnstructed as provided above, such other roadway a.nd sidewalk improvements, as may be delermined by the City,. Induding but not .limited to milling and resurfacing, swale r~storation, curbs, gutters., drainage tmprovernents, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant improvements, lighting improvements, lands.caping, signage, and striping, in the :areas described above or in any other areas as may be determined hy the City.

.. : . :.;:" .....' ' ...... : ."!.:::'. . :':. ,> .. ,:.' '" ,.,~ ... , ". =, ,/.. ; .~I .•. ," SlJBSTrrUTED

Exhibit B Series 2009 Project

~. .. !.,,:: SERIES 2009 PROJECT

• In the rea generally bounded by N.W. 2.ih Ave, N.W, ih St., N.W. :l.i" Ave., and N,W. 38th ,st., indudiri the area along N.W. 35th St. from N.W, 27th Ave. west to the City limits, and N.W, 22'111 Ave.! N, W: Olh St., N.W. 17'h Ave" and State Rd. 836 -project components include: the design and constru on ofroadway resurfacing, swale restoration., curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, dewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps,lighting Improvements, ·Iand.scaplng, signae,andstriptng.

• In the area general1y bnded by N.W, 36 th St., N.W. th Ave.,. State Rd, 836, and NoW, lih Ave. - project .componentsinclu e: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoration, curbs, gutters, ina.ge Improvements, sidewalk replacement, AbA compliant ramps,lIghting improvements, ndscapilisy :s:lgnage, and strtplng..

rd nd II In the area generally bounded by Ta iainlCanal to N.W. 3 St., and N.W. 42 Ave. to the City limits, and the area generally bounde . yN',W, 20th St., NoW. 42 nd Ave., NW. 7tt! St., and NoW. 27th Ave.. -project co~ponents include: tl!li design and constru~tion of roadway resurfacing., swale restoration, curbs, guttel'si drainage I provements,. sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, lighting Improvements, landscaping, sl age, C'1nd striping.

District 2

• In the areas generally bounded by N,W.l'l Ave., N.E.14 to, 8lscayne Bay, and Miami River, and N.W. 2nd Ave., N.E •. 14th St., and N.E, 36lh St., and alsea" e Bay, and the'area generally th bounde.d by N.S.36 St, N.E. Sii, St., N,E. 4th Ct .. , and SisCaV(l Bay-project components Include: the design and construction of ,roadway Improvements, . clu~ing mHllns. ami resurfacing, curbs; gutters, striping, swele restoration, sidewalk re . acement, .ADA com.pllant ramps, lighting !lrlprovemerits, Ii'!ndscaplng, s'lgMge, and drainage fm roVemerrts.

• In the area.of South Miarhl Ave. Rd. from S.W.lst ct. to S. Mia.m.i Ave, .prO . ctcompohents Include: the construction of roadway frnprovemel'lts Including street reconstNc;tl.on, resurfacing, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, lighting'! provements, landscaping, signage, and striping. SUBSTIT'UTED

• In the area e.ast of BJscayne Blvd. on N. E.133,d Rd .• 85th St., and S.6th St. -proje.ct components Include: the design and constructIon of roadway to include milHngandresurfacing, swale restorations, new sidewalks, landscaping ,and roadway striping.

• I,. an area genenilly bound eo by N.E. 861h St., N.E~ 83 rd Terr., Biscayne ~Ivd., and East D.h(i~ Hwy. -pr ect components Include: thecollstructlon of rQadway improvements, Including milling and , lng,strlping, swale r:estoratlon, sidewalk replacement, ADAcompUant rampsJand

th • In the area ge ~rally bounded by N.e·. 58 St., N.E, 77tr. St., N.t. 4th Ct., and Biscayne Blvd. w prolectcompon ts include: the construction of roadway improvements, Including, milling and resurfacing, sidew .k replacement, ADA compliant ramps, dra.lnage Improvements and landscaping.

• In the areas generally bou ,ad by the Miami River;S.w.l.'J Ave., Rickenbacker Cswy., and Bls,cayhe Bay, and S.W. 27'h e., S. Dixie Hwy., Rl.ckenbackerCswy., and Biscayne Bay, and the area generally bounded by S; . 4th St., SoW. 2ih Ave., 'N. Prospect Dr., BIscayne Bay, and the City Jlmfts to,the wes't "project co' onents Include: the design and construction pf roadway Impr"vements, including inrlllng an esurracjng, curbs, guttersi striping, swah!) restoration, sidewalk r.epfacement, ADA cOl"(lpirant mps, lighting lmpr.ovements, la:ndscaping,slgnage and drainage improvements.

" tn the: area of Bird Ave. from U.S. 1 to Aviation ve. and McOonald Sf. from U.S. 1 to Jackson AVe. -proJect components Include~ the design an construction of roadway resurfaCing, swale restoration, cl,lrbs, gUtters, drainage improvements; !dewal~ replacement; ADA compliant ramps, lighting ImproVements, designated bicycle Ian landscaplng,signage; and striping.

" In the area of Venetian causeway from Hera.ld Plaza to the tv limits -project components include: the design and constru~ion of roadway resurta<;lng, . ale restQratlon, ,curbs, gutters, dra:lnage:irrwovements, sideWalk replijcement, lighting i,mpr6ve ents, landscaping, sfghage, and striping'.

• In the areil known as South Grove -project components include: the des n and construction of ,speed humps ~nd roadway Improvements, incli~qfng milling and resurfatln'!\\swale restoration, drainage Improvements, ~ignage, and striping. .'

" In the: area along U.S. 1 from lSth Ave. to lth Ave. -project components include: r dway improvements, Includlngmilling and re-surfacing, curbs, gutters, replacement of the' Isting roadway wall, and landsc.aping. In the area known as San Marco and Biscayne ISlands-project components Include: drainage improvements, roa'dway Improvement's, milllf1~andre$urfacing,curbs, gutters,.sldewalk eplacement, ADA compliant ramps,swale' restor.iltloni 'landscaping, sign age, and striping.

District 3

along N.W, S. River Dr. from N,W'l'j, st to N.W. 4t11 ,St.·proJect components Include: the design a d construction of roadway resurfacifi;gi cu:rbs, gutters, drl.'linage improvements, sidewalk repla ement, ilghtlng Improvements, land~ca:pihg, signage,and striping.

th • In the areas genera ,bounded by N.w, 9 St.} N,.w,l'lhAve ., W. Flagler St., and N.W. ;Z;ZQd Ave., and N.W. 71h St., N,W, 4t~ Ct., N.W, 9111 St., ~nd, N!W.17t~ Ave.~project components Include.: the

design and construction f dralnage'system, resur'faclogt curbs, gutters,sidewalk replacement! ADA compliantramps,an trlplng.

0d II In the areas generally bounded y N.W., 9'hSt, , N,W. 12,tb,i\ve" W. Flagler St., and N.W. 22 Ave., and N.W. th St., N.W. 2Z nd Ave., . Flagler $t., and N~W. 27th Ave., and the l,1rea generally bounded by s.w.2ih Ave" SW. 911 t.,S.W.12t!1 Ave~ial1d W. Flagler St ·projectcomponents Include: the design and construction 0 roadwayrestirTl.ldng, swale. restoration,curbs, gutters, drainage lmprovements,sldewalk repla manti ADAco'mpllant'ramps, llghtlng improvements, landscaping, slgnage, and striping.

• In the areas generally bounded by S.W. iiI! Ave. S.W, g!h St., S.W. lill Ave., and S. DixIe HWY,i and S.W. 12th Ave., s.w. in St.,and N.W. S. River r~; and s,w. 7th St., S.W. 12th Ave., and S, Dixie Hwy. -project components Induda: the deslgnnd construction of roadway resurfa,c1ng, swale restoration, curbs} gutters, drainage lmproveme ts, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant f('lmpS, lighting Improvements, landscaping,.sl , age, and stripIng,

District 4

th nd • In the area generally bounded by S.W. 16 St., S.W, 27'h Ave., S.W. ,nd St.,and S.W. 3Z Ave.· project components Incluc;le road Improvements to fnc/ude sidewall< lacernent, curb and/or gutter replacement, ADA compliant ramp construction, swale, restoratlo milling and resurfacing,and striping.

h • In the areas generally bounded by S.W. 3i" Ave., N.w, t St., S.W.21th Ave. 1:1.. S. W. 241h St., an.d N.w~ 43,d Ave., N.W. 7th St., N,w• .::)i~ Ave., s.w. g!h St., and the area g~neral'· bounded by S.W, :!7 1h Ave" S.W. 9th St., 5.W.17IhAve., and S, Olxle Hwy. "project components!n Ucla: the design and constructiOn of rQadway resurfacing, swale restoration, curbs, gutters, dra age Improvements, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant rampS, lighting improvements,

landscapIng, slgnage j and stripIng,

I, I

.. :' .. , .: ... SUB ITUlEr)

In the. area generally bounded by Tamiamj Canal Rd., N.W. S'd .St" S.W. 43'd Ave., and S,W, 8th St. -project components Include: the d(ilslgnand construction of roadway resurfacing, swale storation, curbs, gutters, drainage Improvements, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant .fa ps, lighting improvemerits~ landscaping, signage, ;!)nd striping.

• In the a ea known as Shenandoah various Intersections "proJect components.lnclude: the. constructl n of traffic clrcic$, Indudlng related drainage improvements, curbs, gutters, mltlin~ and resurfa g,Iandscap.!ng,and pavement markings.

• In the area know as Flagaml various Intersec.iions ·project components 'Indude; the construction of tra C circles, Including related drainage Improvements, curbs, gutters, milling and resurfacing, lands ping, and pavement markings,

• II') the area known as SlIverluffvarlousintersectlons -project components Include: the construction of traffic Circles, eluding related drainage improvements, curbs, gutters, milling and resurfacing, landscaping, an pavement markings,

District 5

1h ti1 th • In the areas gen'erally bounded by N.W.l h Ave" N.W. 58 St., N,E.4 Ct., and N.W. 36 St, and N.W. 17th Ave., N.W. nIt St., N.E.4I.hCt.; od N. W. 58!hSt• -proJect components include: the design and construction of roadway resurfa log, swale restoration, curbs,.8.uUers, drainage. improvements, ·sldewalk replacement, ADAcomp . nt ramps, Ilghtlng Improveme.nts, landscaping, signage,and striping,

• In the areaS generally bounded by N.W. ih Ave" N.W."79 St., N.E. 4th Ct., N.W. 71" St., and th th N.W. Miami ct., N.E. 84 St., N.E. 4th PI:, and N.E 79 St. "pr e.ct components include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, !lwele rastora 'on, curbs, gu.tters, drainage Improvements, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, fig tlng Improvements, land~caplng, slgnage, and striping.

th • In the areas generally bounded by N;W. ih Ave., N:W, S6 St., N.W. lot e., and the Miami River, and StC'lte Rd. 836, N,W. Jlh Ave., andthe Miami River -project comp hents Include: the design. and construction of roadway resurfaCing, swale restoration, curbs, gu ers, draInage Improvements, Sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps, lighting 'improve landscaping, signage, and striping.

• In the area generally bounded by N,W. 71$\ St., N,W, ihAve., N.W, .62"d St., and N,W, i Ih AVe­ proJet..t Gomponentslndude:the construc;tion 'of drainage lmprQvemen~s, mU.ling.an<;i SUBS'TI '''ED

resurfadng, curbs, gutters, sidewalks replacement, ADA com pilant ramps) and swale restor,atlon,

• 'In the area geperally bounded byN. Miami Ave., N.W. 2M Ave., N.W. 401hSt., and N.W. 46'h st.­ proJect components include: the design and construction of roadway Improvement, InCluding widenIng and milling and resurfacing, swale -restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant ramps/landscaping, and striping.

l'y1ultl w Dlstrict

.. CItyWide -project components inc/ude: Miscellaneous sidewalk replacemehts and Cql'isttuctlon ·of ADA compliant Improvements.

r1d • In the area generally bounded by Bisc(lyne Blvd,., Miami Ave., S.E.2 St;, and N.E. Srd St. -project components include: the construction of road improvements".suchas damaged s'ldewalk replacement, damaged curb and/or gutter replacement, drainage system Improvements, ADA compliant rampcoJ1stru,ctlon, milling and resurfacIng, lighting, landscap.lng, andpavernent markings including crosswalks.

.. In an area generally bounded by NoW, 20th St., State Rd. 836, N.W. th Ave,! and N.W.lih Av.e.· project componentsinciude.: the desIgn and construction of roadway improvements, such as damaged sidewalk replacement, damaged curb and/or gutter replacement, ADA compliant rampconstructron,milling and resurfadng, and landscapIng.

th th • Inthe area generally bounded by S. 9 St., S. 10 St., S.W. lIt Ave" and S,E. 1'( Ave, """project components Include: the construction of a pump station and drainage system fmJJrovements, roadway improvements, induding milling and resurfaclng, cutbs and/orgutterreplacement, and sidewalk reconstruction,

Or If such project components cann.ot be constructed as ptcMdedabove,such other roadway and. sidewalk Improvements, as may be dete.rmlned by the Clty,lncludlng but not limited to milling and resurfaclns,swa1e restoration., curbs, gutters., drainage fmprovements, sidewalk replacement, ADA compliant Improvements, Ughtlng improvements, landscapingi signage, and striplng,in the areas described above or In any other areas as may be determined by the City .
