. I ',.' , .. ':: ,,,'!\"" • . EXHIBITB .... ,". ':.,' , "",',,' SERIES 2007PROJECi : .~ .. :'" ' " . .' , " :', " . ,'" ..\,~:;: ,:::~:l," . '. District 1 \ . I '."..... '·".i' I , :: ."~"';·I;,\'-::'~ ':",: '" . • In the area generally bounded by N.;W. '27th Ave, N.W. 23 rd St.~ N.W. 20~ Ay~;:ji~i(rN.~.·. North River·Dr., including the area, bounded by N.W, 30th PI., N.W. 14th St:;·'N:W. '2211d " '.:'- Ave., and N.W. 7th St. and any ~dClitional streets as required - project..co~~pl1e.nts ,. ".:, " , .. ' .. include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoratioi!.t'c\ll'bS, '. '" '. g~tters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, llghting i~J;?.Ri9Y~fri~:q.ts,. ' ':, .' ft. .:. landscaping, signage, and striping. ) .t.:...... !.;~;;:):',.:'., .. ," ;... :,," ,',::,.' . ...... ' • In the area generally bqunded by N.j'W. 23 rd'Ave, N.W. 31 st St., N.W. 24th Ave.,·~~:,~.W~,> . :-::.;:::" . ,;',' '.: th ,th th st nd 35 St.; N.W. 34 Ave. from 14th 'ttl 17th St: N.W! 18 Terr. from :l1 tQ .. 32 St:,. N.W ..... "'''.' .:-:.'.-: rd rd . I'M·fi ttl. Iii' "', _.j.';:&.,," 'I '.: ,~: :,~. 43 Ave., N.W. 43. Ct., N;W. 43 't PI. rom N.W. 5 to NW 7 St. and.anY'!·k,\UultlOna "::'" '; ", .. , ,::,·!!'"i·: :' streets as recluired - project compo~ents include: the design·and constructiOl:l; ofx1ght-p( .. ~.· ':. : ' ,,,' ' way enhancements including resurfacing of asphalt. pavement;. swale ;(;,te~r6;~a.tio.ti, '. ..." " sidewalk repairs, landscaping, striping, and drainage as needed. .. ". , :'!;'., th 1l • In the area ~ellerally bounded by N.W. 27th Ave., N.W. 38 St., N.W. 22 i:l A~e.> and' ... · N.W. 28 th St.> including an area bounded by N.W. 18th Ave., N.W. 20th St., N.W. 14th Ave., and N.W. North River Dr/ and atiy additional streets as required :- project components include:. th~. design .and construction of roadway' l'esurfa:6ing,swale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage imp1'ovements, sidewalk replacement, .lighting improvements, lalldscaping, signag~, and striping. I I • In the area generally bounded by N.W. 20 th St., N.W. 7th Ave., SR 836, and N.W. 17th Ave. - projeot components include:' the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, sidewalk 1'eplacement~ ADA ramps, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, and landscaping. th • In the area generally bounded by m.w. nnd Ave., N.W. 38 St., N.W. 17th Ave., and N.W. 28 th St., .including an area bdunded by'N.W. 22 nd Ave, N.W. 20th St.,·N.W. 1t h Ave. and N. W. North River Dr. Additional streets as required - project components include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, alld striping. I M IAMIJ4197251.7 B-1 .. Dis,rict 2 j I • In the area generally bounded by N.W. 1st Ave., N..B.· 20th st.~ Biscayne Bay, Mi~ni ruver - project components .include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacin,g, swale restoration, curbs, gutters. drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement; lighting impro~ements, landscaping, signage, and striping. : :'. '.' .. • In the area east of Biscayne Blvd. on N.E. 83 rd Rd., 85th St., and 86th St'. ~ ~ro!i:t.·· .. '. ......... ":"';: components include: ·the design and constnlCtj<)l1 of roadway to inClude' milling' and' . .". resurfacing, swale restorations, new sidewalks, landscaping and ro~dway s~ripping .....; ';-,,: ":'" .; '.. .' ," ::'. ;.< . , . th th th '". • In an area generally bounded by·N.E. 6 Ct., N.B. 8 Ave., N.B. 76 St., N.E. lOtll Ave., " ',,',' Litter River and N.B. nnd Ten', - project components include: 'th~ ~onstruction of.' . '; ."" " roadway improvements, including construction of lstorni drainage, storm wate~ pump . .. station, watei' quality structure, roadway milling and resurfacing, sidewalk replacem~nt) " " construction of curbs, gutters, ADA ramps, and swale res~oration. , ,',I '.' • III the area generally bounded by N.B. 69th .St" N.B. 72l1d St.,· Bis~ayne Bl~d. and Biscayne Way - project components include: the .consti·uction of roadway improvements, including construction of storl11 dl'ainage, storm water pump station, water quality structnre, roadway milling and resurfacing, sidewalk.·replacement, construction of clJrbs, gutters, ADA ramps, and swale restoration. I . • In the area generally bounded by N.W. 2nd Ave.; N.W. - N.B. 34th St., N.E. 39th St., and Biscayne· Bay, including any additional streets as required M project components· include: the design !;ll1d construction of roadway resurfacing, swale l'estor!1tion, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, Hghting improvements, landscaping, J J 'signage, and striping. • In the area generally bounded by N.W. 2nd Ave., N.W. -N.B. 34th St:, N.W, -N.B. 24th St., and Biscayne Bay, including any additional streets as required - projeCt components include: the design and· construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoration, curbs; gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, lighting' improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping. • In the al'~a generally bounded by S.W . .39th Ave., S.W. 26th St., S.W. 27th Ave., and S. Dixie Hwy., including any additional streets as required ~ project components include: the design and construction Jof roadway resurfacing, swale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping. I • In the area known as Marcos Island - project components include: drainage improvements; . MIAMI/4 I97251.7 District 3 ,.' , .,~ " :"~ • In the area ~enerallY bounded by d.w. 22nd Ave., SR 836; the Miami River~·W::·Fhigle.r .st., S.W. Ii' Ave.; and N.W. ill St.~ including any additional streets as required.- project· components include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing;, swale· restoration, curbs) gutters, dra,imige improvements, sidewalk· l'eplacemenh ..' ..'·~ighting. improvements, landscaping; signag~, and striping. " ,,', ~, ' I , ", , .'::' ,,:' th I. " • In the area generally bounded b~ N.W. - S.W. 27th Ave., N.W. 7 St., S,\~/.::i-2ili Ave:,', ..' S. W. 8th St., including any additional streets as required - project com:pone;n~-:.inclu4e: I· ' . .' the design an.d 'construction of roadway resurfacing,' swale restora.tion~ curbsi''';$uttel's, .'. " , drainage improvements, sidewalk I replacement, lighting 'improvements, 'lan4~¢~ping, " signage, and striping. ' " ";',,,rt'::;'''';'/'''' ','" ~,' ,', I, ., ",,", I • "1 '"",,". • • "'} : '~': /' • In the area generally bounded by S.W. 2th Ave., S.W. 8th St., S.W. 22nd Ave.;,ang S.W.,,,, 9th St., including any' additional st~eets as ~equired - project components, inch.id~i" ~e, . ":',}' ' .. design and construction of roadway resUl'facing, swale restoratioll) ':"curbs, ,g'!ltt~rs, .":, ";," ", drainage improvements, sidewalk~ replacement, lighting improvements,"1arrd~capingi ..',,', ';', :.',"':,., signage, and striping. ":,'"" :'. I .. :.,::, ':';";,,:.- • In the area generally bounded by S.W. 17th ' Ave.,. SW 18th St., S.W. 12th Ave:; ~nd··,S.: :.:.. .' .... Dixie HWY'j including any additional stree~s as required - project components i~c1ude: .. : the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale' restoratioIl j curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement; lighting improvements, landscaping, . signage, and striping. I I . • In the area generally bounded by S.W. 17th A~e., S.W. 8th St., S.W. lih Ave., and S.W. 18th St.; ii1cluding any additional sireets as requited - project components include: the design and construction of roadway resurfacing, 'swale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, side'walk replacement, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, ~nd st1'iping.' , • In the area generally bounded by ~.W. 17th Ave., W. Flagler St., S.W. 'l st Ct.; S.W. 1st Ave., 1-95, and S.W. 8th St., including any additional streets as required - project components include: the design land construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoration, curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, lighting improvements, landscaping, signage, and striping. • In the area of known as Shenando?-h/Roads including any additional adjacent areas as requi.red - project components include; drainage remediation. MIAM1/4197251.7 District 4 th th IJ In the area generally bounded by S. W. 16 St., S,W. 27 Ave" S,W. 22!ld St., and S.W. 32 nd Ave. ~ project components include: the design and construction' of a positive stqrm sewer system, road improvements such as damaged sidewalk replacement, damaged curb andlor gutter replacement, ADA compliant ramp construction, l'e~sod of swales, niilling and resurfacing, • In the area g~nerally bounded by S.W. 3ih Ave., S,W. 16th St., S.W. 24th Ave., a.iJ.d S;W., , " 22nd St., including any additional streets as r~ql).ired - project ,components incl)lde: the' design and construction of roadway resurfacing, swale restoration" ',curbs, gutter~"" drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement" lighting improvcements, landscaping;' signage, and striping. • In the area generally bounded by S,W. 27th Ave., S.W. 22!ld St., S.W. 17th' Ave. and .s.' Dixie Hwy., including any additional streets as required "'project components inch~de:the, design and constructiOll of roadway resl..ll'faclng, sw~le restoration, curbs; gutters, . ' .. drainage impl'OV~111ents, sidewalk replacement, lighting improvements; landscaping, signage, and striping. ' , , • In the area generally bounded by S.W, 4ih Ave., S,W 5ih Ave" W. Flagler St., and S,W, 8th St. - project components
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