University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository El Independiente, 1894-1913 (Las Vegas, New New Mexico Historical Mexico)

2-22-1900 El independiente (Las Vegas, N.M.), 02-22-1900 La Ciá . Publicista de "El Independiente"

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para disimular su verdadero ín- fi dole, el vulgo presto descubro do 1 i ALUCINAM qUo pie cojea y lo califica en su 0 Ferretería de la Calle del Puente. verdadero valor. Sus mayores q esfuerzos tienen que convertirse m m 0 en traiciones y conspiraciones 011 0 ARADOS 0 pie hace befa lo la moralidad y LA A del PUEBLO 0 0 De que Tener do la lealtad y vende cuanto hay 1 q Todos tamaños y más baratos qui en ningúu otro lugar. 0 Muchos Pretenden do sagrado y apreeiable. s I úiiU-- di' comprar. 0 0 Vengan l vernos 0 Influencia y Dominio Sobre Sin embargo, los pájaros le 0 0 mal agüero que le ste género so II 0 0 han aparecido le vez en cuando 1 '1 Las Masas Populares en los horizontes políticos de al- 0 0 gunos condados del Territorio de Veotai 2 I '1 logra- Los gobiernos popularos son Aquella porción do las masas po- Nuevo México jamás han i 0 deenii-nenci- a, 0 'f coinuni-lailo- do 'levarse á una posición ir W 2 muy bcnólieos fU'.i las s pularos 011 quienes el interés y la 1 0 (lonilooxisten.pcro 110 hay codicia os móvil poderoso en sus ero en muchos casos han 0 conseguido 1 iliiila quo taiiilnou tionoiiHUS cor-iaisa- s. preferencias políticas, suele ser el adquirir notoriedad tes 0 0 por medio de cizaña y el enre- 0 Xo puoilo haber liber- baluarte y el apoyo principal do la 0 tad sin (no sean part icipos deolla los demagogos y el úyeo funda- do. Son en el seno lo cualquier '1 partido político ví- Terrctcria de la Calle toilos los elementos dudosos que mento do su efímera popularidad. verdaderas 0 Del Puente, Conocida don Luis 0 oonglomemcióii de Donde subsiste la independencia boras emponzoñadas pie tratan tic eoiiiponeii la Per la ferretería 0 ve- 0 votantes. Asi como el tribuno y la robustez do entendimiento do destilar su veneno por las 0 la. á jiopular, el orador elocuente y el la política toma un giro poco pro- nas le. organización pie i i .1. .1 político eminente son compañe- picio á las reputaciones averia- I (I 'I I l 'I ll V N I (I (' IM V I tlJII't'I I'M I KülllOVt ÍÓIÍIOS HUOStrO )rCSC!ltO ros inseparables de los gobiernos das que blasonan do figurar co- propagar íi desmoralización y ($ ; v desorganización entro aquellos 'A 1 PLAZA ; libres, no lo son menos los polí- mo mentores y guías del pueblo. ni: qai íimíIm ó ",,.,. n,WK,lmn ..lilbnb, Cu ClMrtel COSil (leí (lilit 1 10 UC Abril m ifiTinmA ticos tramposos y sin escrúpulo, Los demagogos vulgares igno- ..v.. fa"I tA. Lü IILNUN IJL llnLUIflUIl NUEVA ocasiones oportunas son iustru-- mi y los demagogos, cuya misión rantes no pueden hacer papel ' fiití todo lotiuo nos sea posible de mies- - sobre la tierra pareco sor enga- en lugares donde reina la igno- montos poderosos pura '1 mal y Frente al Banco de San Miguel. cual el simún del desierto petrifi- ñar y corromper al pfleblo. VA rancia, pero también sucede que (ÍÚ tro presente surtido dispondremos fe detiiiigogismo es una institu- donde la. civilización est A muy can con su aliento la robustez y "fttrj (1? la más Ofrecen Baratos ción antiquísima quo ha floreci- avanzada so upareoo. una clase lozanía organización $ á ventus' lorzadas Dando á todos Precios floreciente, listos entes desgra- do en todos los paison y 011 todon más peligrosa pie sabe emplear Especiales: 1 ciados, de instintos perversos y Estas son unas de Nuestras Ofertas los tiempos bajo todas las for- 011 sus proyectos oilo el refina- una oportunidad rara para asegurar vr do malevolencia sin límites, ata- do soreconocoba-j- o miento de la maldad. H Esta venta mas gobiernoy Todos conocen la, historia del can con ferocidad peculiar el mé-- l tratos, en electos secos y zapatos. 1 íi TI b Fs oor . . sus diferentes disfraces porque demagogo William X. lo donde quiera, pie lo eiicueii-- 1 Dinero al siempre da. el mismo fruto. Lws notorio Vi VI kd nln- - u i vi I ti II t! I rl U .'i SE fariseos fueron los demagogos Tweed, omnímodo fundado en el ran. y por un intímenlo so t Contado ciñan de ellos podrían reem- bíbli'-o- s que en generaciones pos- fraude y en el robo lo hizo por un pie Cuiden Espacio plazar a h'ivs superiores á quien- este Carranclancs Amoskeag, vale 7c yarda 6c teriores lian encontrado muchos tiempo el ídolo de ht democracia de Xueva York, l'ste stijel o reu- es la not urnleza y la Lienzo 4-- Fruit cf the Loom 01 I.nndsilalu 9c imitadores y discípulos. Las ma- descomunal, un dotado de cualidades pie aque- m Manta de yarda de ancha, 1,. b. brown, la yarda. . . . 6c sas del pueblo sou genemlmonle nía á un descaro LA TIENDA DEL PUEBLO 'A ros-pot- o llos nunca pindén manifestar. Lienzo Cambrai, Knitilit, la yarda 9c crédulas v en muchas cosas pre alucinaniieuto y sin paralelo ó la com lición, les viene tocando EAST US VEGAS, 120 6th St. Lienzo Cambrai, LonJsdal", clase de 12c., ahora lie, tieren seguir ciegamente á aque- a su imporlunoia influjo. mi s el premio del es 1 democrat de la impostor pie Lienzo r, todos oleres, r.huia 4c llos une les dan too ros consejos y Las masas descubierto y desenmascarado Flanela Shaker, clase Sr., aboia 6c las guian pérfidamente al preci- - gran ciudad de .Nueva York ve 011 él su l- cuando más pretendo' establecer Llanda de niños, co'oies cremarusa y azul, clase de 12c ()C pieio de su propia ruina. K11 los neraban y admiraban oxtret'Mjda cari- su genuiiiidad. Queen Kider Down, calidad de 35c, ahora 24c países donde más florece la de iberalidad y su Kl deinegogisinoy alucíuaniii l- dad ostentosa que lio titu- Flanelas para acampar, la i luso de ihc. por magogia so encuentra natural ito son compañeros inseparables d.' & American Shitting l'rints, valen 7c, en esta ver. ta 5c mente el manejo de la cosa pu beaba en gastar miliares lus y ó ctcs íhacieiM iiiio la mala STKHN N AUN. robaba, al y los Prints, mejores fumas, incluso Simpson's & American . . 6c blica 011 estado deplorable, pues posos que erario yerba en el lerreno más ingrato el Sateen Negro, dase de loe por VA la doctrina de los demagogos aplicaba en socorrerá los p bres. yesféril. Poutbí pueblo nec- lercancias Generales. de- esita más de hombres do integri- Negro, clase le j 2 po toe profesionales so funda en el des- La udniiraíHón popiJar'de ia Satecn Jí, dad y de juicio para curar los de honradez y do la bue- mocracia llegó á su colmo cuan- Compran Lana, Cucro.i y Zaleas y toda clase de precio la males do iiue la comunidad pude- - do-Io- s del es-tud- o na fé y en la adopción mé- do eligió il Tweed senador ce, allí es donde se presenta osla I Producios del Vais, ROSENTHAL HERMANOS. todos más perniciosos y dignos y so propuso que se levan- plaga destructora pie con su ig- siem- Si Quieren Tratamiento. de censura. tara una estatua en honordetaa norancia y doíueliu1czllevu on traen grande hombro, vino el cataclis- pre las cosas á peor lerreno y La historia nos ha legado los nuevas cargas y mo cuando se descubrió la enor- procura echar nombres do algunos demagogos nuevos infortunios sobre los infe- do dinero montan notables quo debieron su inmor- me cantidad lices (pie han tenido la desgracia Vallan U la tienda de DON SIMON. Hay corral que roñaron í wmm talidad infamo á los males que do á millones de fundar sus esperanzas de me- para acomodar los .Marchantes. fflüS ó Tweed y su camarilla del erario joramiento cu polilla tan ESI A á lo ilus- causaron su patria Puente.....;. LAS VBíJAS, NEW MEXICO. municipal y el ídolo cayó desmo- Calle del tro do las víctimas quesucutnbie-ro- n y hecho pedazos on me- MOREÑOS bajo sus maquinaciones. El ronado De. LOS está dio del escarnio y execración do Catalina y el Clodio romanos todo el pueblo del estado. Los ofrecen ejemplos monstruosos del E. ROSENWALD é HIJO. quo antes porfiaban por aplaudir ahora lista para recibir á grado á que pueden llegar las y ensalzar i'i Tweed oran los (pie perversidades y odios políticos, "Plaza" más aspavientos hicieron cunti- y la decantada austeridad do sus Marchantes y Amigos en claro el grado do Marcos l5ruto y sus aliados en la do se supo iniquidad do que balda dado conspiración contra Julio (V'sar gBomBBacionsx, muestra. Kl deinagogisnio do 7 solo sirven para demoMnir cuan 61 TEflTflPllEHTO...3) unido á deshonestidad, IP implacable es el ódio do los ouvi- - Tweed, dejó por un tiempo desprestigiar liosi s é i nept os oont ra el merit o dafl la democracia de Xueva llegado un surtido nuevo de Efectos, el más hermoso y barato n,ue rdadero. Kl derTiagogisino en DE Nos lia VENTA CERRAR mas presto recia fué el que caueó la muerto lorie, aparecieron jamás hemos leiiido. nuevos profetas (pie con igual le Sócrates y el destiorrodoAris- - maldad y más disimulo si; dedi tratamiento en nuestro establecimiento y será para tides y do muchos otros hombres Todos reciben buen caron A practicar fielmente las lustres v de las guerras civiles 1 De vtf numerosos marchantes y amigos hacernos una visita ara lootrinns del gran demagogo, el de nuestros pío ocasionaron al finia ruinado lumo do cuya grandeza y nluei- - examinar nuestros efectos. NO DF.JI'.N I)K LLLÍJAR. as comunidades griegas. Lsto desvaneció cuando manifiesta que ea todos tiempos nainíentoso murió sólo y ubandonadoeti una I & IARACIL 1 deinagogisnio ha sido un ins STROILSSE BACI íroel. INFECTOS INVIERNO trumento para el mal y que con 1o- - I hAnr&ñn2. l'n frente del Hotel Castañeda viene estar alerta para atajar Vm Nuevo México 110 hemos IVIUrtillUa 1;l lUb 1:n t.aza Nueva . r 1 . 1 1 en el sus malos unios nnsrui uonue nido personajes tan ilustres hemos te sea posible cada voz pie so pre- crimen, pero en cambio PRECIOS MUY REDUCIDOS sento en cualquiera comunidad. nido muchos políticos de poco pret eiicíones, que e Kl pueblo es débil Kiompre y mu vuelo y grandes Kleffasate Surtido se han considerado como perso I llas veces ignorante y croo con najes predestinados á na reinado Tenemos un ran surtido de buenos efectos, y para que mucha frecuencia que os oro to en que disfrutarían del PARA se desengañen vengan á examinarlos. do lo qtM' relumbra. Cuando se brillante ilimit mía none en manos do los demngn- - placer lo una influencia tasa, (iciieral-mont- o Vestidos do Otoño gos presenta el mismo especti'icu v do un botín sin variedades y estilos nm modernos, los cuales no tienen su se estas estrellas solitarias liara hombres, las lo que si un ciego pusiese bajo ! (le seliil-iuioie- z on 'IVrt itnf in. la dirección do otro ciego. cuyo crepúsculo Vestido nero para hombre, No 232S, de invierno .or $3.30. Vestido tiene el brillode iinaliuterna apa- lis cualidad peculiar del deuia i Win, i n. 1100. de casimir. un unen .V No. de liura lana, in 1 1... : ..4 1... eslAn pagadas de si mis 7t Taui- - ei ni ico nM Mfo.i gada, s Un vestido un!. No. 7561, Í9.50. "'o"lsino iiuiiani vestido pardo, No. 1100, en el no re- CAMPO. un mas pie creen divisar HACER sobretodos y ulsters, Nunct habíamos tenido en mano S'irti ce creer que de su dietorio depon un trono político completo. en las opiniones y acción do las moto porvenir do tan una masas populares, peroToalmente que jterpel uará para ellos Venta de Zapatos. para aquellos que siguen los peo supremacía insuM'rnble. Pero os- le- Nuestro Surtido de Primavera - te uluciuamient o cusí siempre Tara Kangaroo, valen $3.30, los vende res métodos de la política hombre, de L.Tiueta ne igual resultado que un sueño el trabajo, con media bucIj, ciosa jamás tienen ni pueden U mos $2 so. Zapatos de hombre para 9üc ó unos! Zapato finos a. que reclaman eri- - H'sadílla ipii' halaga por 7nL. H- - hombr,. i.ara el valen $1.50 por $2.50. ner la iullueiiHa ' , .... Zaoatos finos ' de señoras, cuantos momentos al sonador y s.)-j- - luir 1ro honradas é inte Nuestro COMPRADOR ti.ín i las personas El Cual ra señora?, van." ciinnnni. te- , Trni-mu- s selectísimo de zapatos para mu le conduce al , r- - .,r en un surtido ligoiil.os. Al fin el buen sentido cu seguida triste de Hamilton Hrown Shoe Ce. y Urown X chachas.' de hs bien conocidas firmas del Kiieblo viene á descubrir lo rreno de la realidad. puede Shoe Co. verdadero do lo falso y apreciar haber en ningiiii individuo supe- Mstá Comprando en los Mercados del Oriente sino lo viene por Sombreros I lermosos.. en su valor real las pretensiones rioridad alguno vis. naturaleza v educación y por las sombreros para señoras, compues de superioridad con que se re liemos traído un hermoso surtido de posea y lo gran - i cualidades que de to. ron seda v tcrcúmpl. Cucrtxr, v cnaí'ias de seda y elegantes caas. ten los harlalaiiosdela política Puede engrandecer su retrato en nuestra tienda fuera costo compre estimación de suseoueíu- - VMoan v se dcscn, nne halm 11 lo estado en Nueva York Cuando el pueblo despierta do su genu la variado y á un precio muy iedi;i ido, (pie por falta de espacio no d dúdanos, l'n sujeto del carácter ; un surtido let a i " o v conoce la realidad ó deiin l'- e- j podemos enumerar. los hechos entóneos quedan dos. do un Jtnlas Jsca rióle ' indict Arnold jamás puede hacer armadas las maquinaciones de ó CALLE voces-d- un Washington ti 11 denuigogísiiio y so pone en evi las E ROSENWALD e. HIJO t DEL IHJENTE delicia la nulidad desús redamos Lincoln, pues por más que haga j PROCEDIMIENTOS. los intereses de Antonio Romero, del Vedao Eanchez, precinto 15, sopor No hay para que ser Feo. La corte suprema del territo aquella localidad la cantidad de El Independiente pto. No. 15, y que el dicho Antonio ciento de asesamiento cancelado de La mujer que es amable en rostro, sus sesiones $,",000, esca pá ndose en seguida Del Cuerpo de Comisionados de Condado rio ha prorrogado Romero, se encuentra deliecuente en 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, sien- - cuerpo y disposición siempre tiene del Condado de Mora. hasta Mayo en cuyo tiempo se con su botiu sin que nadie los sus tasaciones por los siguientes añosá do excesivo. amigos, pero la que desee ese atractivo St Publics lot Jutvet por debe guardar su salud. Si está débil reunirán los jueces anun- molestara. Estaos una sensa sabers por 1884, por Prudencio Maestas, pto. todos para (Continuación.) $3.74; 189 2, 9, y enfermiza, será nerviosa é irritable. SALAZAR Y BACA, ciar sus decisiones sobre las cau- ción de primera clase y denota Ahora cuenta aprobada á Juan Luis $5.84; por 1893, $10.95:9; por 1894, asesamientos cancelados de 1886, Si tiene constipación ó enfermedad de PROPIETARIOS. 18, por $1.88:7; por 895 ,896, siendo erróneo. los ríñones, su sangre impura le causará sas que les fueron sometidas du una ciudad que ya tiene preten Director Martinez, del precinto Na Pr KKKiytt H.Salasar espinillas, ronchas, erupciones en el . $7.43; por 1897, por 1898; Bilisandro Ortega, pto. por do iUxvia C. t Baca. . .Editor KfponMible traer la caja de boletas 70 millas, 5c. $16.3; 35, 50 rante el término reciente. siones metropolitana. cutis y una complexión miserable. Los milla, $5.28:7; según la declaración dice que ciento de asesamientos cancelados de Kiilrilo como matrU d gnnd e'a) en U $3.50. Amargos Eléctricos son la mejor me- de Lm Vega, N . M. tos tlrta enrregis-tració- n, una injusticia ha sido echa en sus 1892, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, Kl proyecto de ley introducido Salvó su Vida. A Agapito Salazar, juez de 1895, dicina para regular el estómago, higa- - Precio de Nnscricion: precinto No. 10, elección ge- y pide que una rebaja de 1897, siendo excesivo. do y ríñones y purifica la sangre. Re en la cámara por el Hon. Tedro Mr. J. E. Lelly, ciudadano promi- $20. sea echa de la suma de todas sus fuerza los nervios, da los ojos, nente de Hannibal, Mo., fué salvado re- Por no H neral, afio 1898, $3.00 Amado Blea, pto. 54, todo asesa brillo á Perca para alivio de personas una espantosa, tasaciones, el á envés-tig- ar hace la piel liza y sedosa y da una cientemente de muerte Pur uU motet, ... Ahora la corte toma receso hasta las cuerno procede miento cancelado de 1866, siendo que hayan estado en poseción ile- complexión rica. Hace de una inva- Contando de ella dice: "Fui atacado 2 p. m. las cédulas del dicho Antonio Ro- CouneiUn ttiflmn el pwlo do I imrrlclfn lidad una mujer encantadora. Se gal de terrenos mercenados, es por Fiebre Tifoida, la cual se me tor- dlwr httrarUbltwwiit rffliitili. MC LA mero, y por el año de 1884 se encuen- t'"r SESION TARDE. El tesorero y o colector tué vedde por c. y $100 la botella en nó en pulmonía. Se me endurecieron dtx-r- i dlrljir 50 un paso en la buena dirección y Todwnnnlrolón La según tra que no tenia ninguna propiedad ta-sa- 8ALAZAK T BACA. corte se reunió su receso ordenado marcar "pagado" sobre lis- la botica ríe Murphey-Va- n Petten y los boles. Estaba tan débil que no y se le rebaja por completo $3.7 la casa de Urowne & se dirije á hacer justicia á mu poJia sentarme aún en la cama Nada d! la sesión de la mañana; presentes 4; tas de tasación $44.05, tasación de en Manzanares. i me daba alivio. Esperaba morir tos oficiales que componen la misma, por el año de 1S93 se encuentra que chas víctimas del sistema de San Miguel y Mora. Juan Otero por el año 1895, pto. 9, del Dr. de la tasación fué errónea en la suma de pronto de tisis, cuando supe luego se procedió al despacho de ne- apareciendo al cuerpo que habia pa mercedes que estaba en uso bajo New Díscorvery. botella BJn nltiimt mnl1Tt',tn durcmn U'lirldii Nadie paga licencia por aspi- King's Una qua $125.00 y se le concede lo exención o In de adrián la raoua quieran gocios. gado la misma, pero no habia recibido los gobiernos de España y Méx-- i me dio un alivio grande. Continué mmcrlhlrMá Kl Inir.rHit'KT Ib mandar el de $200.00 haciendo el rebajo total de rar á cualquier empleo, pero el lmiort de la Minnriclíin Junto onu la 6rten. Ahora se presenta Juan Emilio Lu- crédito por Cárlos Gabaldon, colector; ico. usándola, y ahora estoy sano y robus- jan,' y demuestra un recibo de tasación $325.00, y esta cantidad debe ser re- buen gusto y la decencia aconse- to, no puedo decir lo suficiente en su DE 1900 también cargar dicha suma á dicho JUEVKSFEIUtKUO 22 bajada de la tasación de 1893, ahora el arri- alabanza." Esta medicina maravillo por $1.50 fecha Junio 10, de 1897, da Gabaldon por faltar dar cuenta de la jan que zapatero no pase Libre para los que Sufren. el ante dicho reclamante promete arre- sa es la cura más pronta y eficaz para do por Agapito Abeytia, Jr., alguacil y marcar "pagado" en las lis- ba del zapato ni el bausán déla Podemos curar y restaurar su salud, NncsTUO territorio ó misma todas las enfermedades de la garganta propina mayor, el cual no aparece acreditado á glar el balance en ántes del dia 10 aunque halla estado enfermo lar tas de tasación. polvareda. por y bofes, se vende por 50 y $1.00 la por el cuiuiuo. favor de Emilio y del presente mes, y asi será aprobada lun dicho Juan Lujan, El cuerpo se pronogó hasta maña- go tiempo y perdido la pa- botella en la botica de Murphey-Van-Pette- n se le ordena al colector de darle crédi esta petición. ciencia buscando alivio. Por medio y en la casa de Brbwne & Man- La riqueza mineral do de Nue- na á las 10 a. m. Espuña y los españoles tienen to en su tasación por la suma, A Epimenio Martinez, por asisten- de nueva preparación medi- zanares. 2 dicha Atestigua: Wm. Fkank, Pte. razón para recordar sus glorias nuestra vo México no e fAbuln. y anotar la persona que la recibió. cia de prisioneros, á Macedonio Utu cal garantizamos una cura permanen- Gregorio Várela, Escribano. guerra en las Filipinas ha tos y Manuel Loveto, en Wagon antiguas porque son las (micas te de toda clase de enfermedades par- La i Ahora se presenta Esquipula Galle Por R. L. M. Ross, Diputado. La agricultura necesita adqui- de ticulares á los hombres, especialmente dado pábulo á varios debates gos, juez de paz del precinto No. 21, Mound, $12.00. que los enaltecen en un siglo debilidad, nerviosidad, emisiones, ca-t- ai im'w viu'lo o nuentro territo- Ahora la en el senado de los rir é informa que el último trimestre del corte toma receso hasta las Si el triunfo de una facción en un derrotas é infortunios como ha ro estomacal, catarro de la vejiga, acrimoniosos 2 p. m. ríño- los cuales rio. afta de 1899, no hubo ningún ingreso partido fuera motivo suficiente para sido para ellos el siglo diez y nue toda clase de desórdenes de los Estados Unidos, en que reportar á esta Hon. corte. (Se Continuará.) nes, vericocele, hernias, insomnia, do- el que la parte derrotada á ve. Senador Pettigrew de South El hot in Lien repart ido Huele renunciara lor de cabeza, reumas, gonorrhea, en- Ahora se presenta Manuel Arellano, hecho el papel de de- sus principios y se apartara de sus f- venenamiento de la sangre, etc. Dakota ha consolar Ion t iluten ,y afligido in- PROCEDIMIENTOS á juez de paz, del precinto No. 9, é Vemos el espíritu Escriba sin dilación, una ilas entónces nunca podía subsistir nin- con gusto dando fensor tie los insurrectos y ami- forma á esta Hon. hasta la matuteros corte, que Del Cuerpo de Comisionados de marcial tic terri- cuidadosa descripción de sus sínto- guna organización política y todas se varios colegas go tío la humanidad por elección fecha no ha habido ingresos que repor Condado del Condado de mas, envié roe para cubrir los gastos hp toriales tjuo con lanza en ristre y de flete y le enviaremos inmediatamen- propia. Lástima que los alcan- El pueblo no ititerena poco tar á esta oficina en su último trimes San Miguel. desmoronarían en la primera divergen- visera calada se acometen con la te fuera de todo costo una muestra de n! mucho en lun prnonulidaden tre del año de 1899. cia que ocurriese. Lo y losen-sat- o ces y la elocuencia del senador propio nuestra medicina, la cual le dará el Pto. 5, !a resignación de Manuel de Koldanes. Sus lec- de Cuenta aprobada á Manuel Arella- es medici- gallardía alivio medici- platista no sean ni siquiera de se- la prensa. Segura, juez de paz, fué presentada ha que cada uno tome su tan deseado. Nuestra no, como supervisor de caminos, del tores tienen más sobrada razón na es la que se necesita para enferme- y adoptada por este cuerpo, y Fidel na con la mayor gracia posible y seso-met- a gunda orden. Loh polílieoH inelindroHOH mie- precinto No. 9, por el año 1899, $5. con amena dades sexuales. Nieto nombrado en su lugar. á la mayoría. para satisfacerse tan Ahora se presenta Eresquez, len tener la conciencia ancha y la J. J. lectura y el público queda ins En el congreso se está discu- juez de paz, precinto No. i,é informa El tosorero y io colector fué La Inglaterra ha cambiado do manga también. La convención territorial republica- truido. tiendo actualmente una ley más 4 esta Hon. corte, que durante el úl ordenado marcar "pagado" en las lis generales en la campaña del lilieral dé pensiones, cuyo provis- o na que se reunirá en Socorro el día timo trimestre por el año de 1899, no tas te tasación de 1892, el asesamien-t- 17 Trnusvaal, pero no ha podido La política fM'inicioHa en aque- to principal es igualar todas las ha habido ninguna multa que repor de Donaciano Herrera, en el pre-cint- o de Marzo, promete ser un cuerpo re Con tan hábil y experto mane lla que no quiere reconocer el mm-rit- o cambiar la suerte do la guerra. pensiones cierta cantidad tar ante este cuerpo. 37, en la suma de $6.61, teníen presentativo de los jo ewmo el que tiene no es extra hasta principales caudi Lo mismo lluller que Roberts se donde fe halla. tío un recibo del pago de la misma, y á modo tie hacer justicia igual á Ahora se presente Prcciliano Salas, llos y de la generalidad del partido, y ño que la penitenciaria territo con- los Es pro- el y io han estrellado hasta ahora todos pensionados. juez de paz del precinto No. 13, é in tesorero colector fue or ó La arrogancia ch el veneno y la es probable que toda dificultad des- rial sea una institución modelo bable que esta medida sea adop- forma á este Hon. cuerpo que no hubo denado cargar dicha suma á J. L. Lo tra la tenacidad de los Ilóeros y el Iiih avenencia que pueda surgir será amis- en cuanto A ecouomia y buena con algunas modificaciones. conciliación oh antídoto de ingresos que reportar á esta oficina por pez, mayor y colector, por la táctica do los oficiales que los tada orgauizncioiK'H polit icas. el último cuarto de faltar dar ciédito i la misma en tas tosamente arreglada, dejando á la or- auiiiimst ración. En menos que 1899. dirigen. El Nervio do Hierrpde lllsmnrck Ahora se presenta Epifanio Espino listas de tasación. También recibir ganización más fuerte é invencible que un uño se han gastado allí fifí, Era el resultado de su buena salud. IIakta ahora mientra granero sa, jufz de paz del precinto No. 3, é $2.72 tn pago total de la tasación de nunca. 000 en mejoras y todo marcha En Albuquerque se están publi Albendrio ndómnito y energía tre- neceni-taino- informa á Manuclita C. de Jaramillo, pto. 26, h Calorado y el oriente y M esta Hon. corte que no hay viento en popa. cando cuatro periódicos en espu menda no se encuentran en donde el año ingresos que reHrtar á esta oficina por 1893, su asesamiento habiéndose Nuestro hermoso estómago, ríñones é intestinos están tenerlo en cana para me- capitolio nue Hay hombres tie cierta talla ñol, hecho que indica que los el último trimestre de aprobado errónea y por esto reducida fuera de órden Si queréis poseer es- drar. 1899. vo en la capital del territorio pa- quo pretenden ser caudillos, pero hispa de Cuenta aprobada á Epifanio Espi á producir dicha cantidad de tasación tas cualidades y el suceso que traen rece desgraciadamente nucieron para Las siguientes correcciones ase- estar ya concluido y sólo aquella localidad han encontra- (Consigo, úsese las Dr. King.sNew Life J)oh noza, supervisor de caminos. $5.00. de - ser mandados y 110 mandar. Su charla tañen de la prensa tío I Pilis. Desarrollan tedos los poderes Cuenta aprobada á George A. Bcr sanüentns prévios á 1899, fueron or falta que los manipuladores alucinación momentánea respec- do un sitio favorable para ejer- aben como ne han de hncer bu del seso y cuerpo. Se venden por ge, superuisor de caminos, denados por razón de haberse hecho la obra adquieran suficiente pu to á sus nitritos encuentra expe- $5.00. cer su profesión con fruto. Dicen 25 c. en la botica de Murphey-Va- n rosas en caso ngeno pero no en asesamientos erróneos y excesivos. dito desengaño. Ahora se presenta Luciano Medina, junza pura anunciar el hecho ofi que en la abundancia está el pe- Patten y en la casa de IJrowne & el propio. Nciwmuceno Garcia, pto. todos Manzaneres. 2 juez de paz del precinto No. 25, i in 20, cialmente. Las Erupciones Volcánicas ligro pero también suele estur la forma á la corte no habido asesamientos cancelados de los años Son las erupciones del que ha in sublimes, pero seguridad. Aviso. Las leyes de reuttiM parece quo 1894.5.6-7-8- , siendo erróneos. cutis roban á la vida del placer, gresas que reportar á esta oficina, y al del Las jeremiadas al estilo bíblico Salve, las Los administradores del estado no han tenido e) misino tiempo como supervisor de Gregorio Mares, pto. 26, todos ase líucklen's Arnica cura; hasta hora finado Juan Andres Garcia, dan aviso e ya no están en orden para los también cura llagas viejas causadas La plaza de Las ('rucos parece de su precinto, infoima que los samientos cancelados-d- los años 1894 efecto desawt roso pío muchos por la fiebre, ulceras, quemaduras, pa- que la Hon. corte de pruebas ha fija- y erróneo profetas tie la calamidad, y sus que está tomando los humos de caminos en buena órden, además so- - 1895, siendo drastros, predecían. callos y toda clase de erup- do el dia 15 de Marzo de 1900, y ce- mete su resignación y la misma si Maurio Tapia, pto. 24, todos ase lamentos so han convertido en ciones de La en una metrópoli, si hemos do juz- ha la piel. mejor cura rrar su administración. Sarniento cancelados de los años la tierra para almorranas. Se vende La ley propuesta para el ar- do aprobada. 189 1, gruñidos que denotan su descon- gar por lo sucedido allí reciente- Paulo García, 1893, siendo erróneos. por 35c. la caja en la botica de Murph- Cuenta aprobada á Joseph Gileley, el do mente. Un do ro- riendo de los terrenos de punteo tento con estado cosas ey-Van Petten y en la casa de par bandidos Celso Garbia, por la cabeza un monttís, según Isidro Jirón, pto. 63, 50 por ciento nube ío el de gato Browne & Manzanares. 2 bó en pleno dia do un banco do Administradores. es una pie oscui hoii de asesamientos de y certificado presentado, $1.00. 1893 1894 can eouto de los born'gueros. celado, como excesivo. Ahora se presenta Pablo llasquez, Anastacio Duran, pto. 38, todos ase- - juez de paz del precinto No. 16, é in las facciones políticas dentro satínenlos de cancelados La forma á esta coite que no hubo ningún 1892 como Tienda las Barata de Las Vegas de un partido comienzan con mu erróneos. ingreso que reportar á esta oficina por VINATERIA cha facilidad, tero su existencia el último cuarto det año 1899, Antonio liaros, pto. 38, todos ase- samientos de 1893 cancelados, siendo cuele wr prolongada. Cuenla aprobada á Pablo llasquez, V Calle del Puente, Junto á la Acequia; A erróneos. supervisor de caminos del precinto No DE LOS -- y Fragua de Julian. Con el Rotuloj-- T 4 ANGELES l)ts enunos de la ambición se 16, por el o fio de 1899, $5.00. Estado de Uenito Márquez, ptos Colorado, Plan Vieja íj a creen gigantes hasta el momento Cuenta aprobada á Luciano Metli- - 39 y 40 50 I ciento de asesamien- ENFRENTE AL HOTEL CASTAÑEDA na, supervisor de caminos, precinto tos de 1897 y 1898 cancelados, sien en que llegan A prueba prac- Xo Podemos dar " Enumerar lodos ks Artículos de Nueslso Inmenso Surtido, Muestra aijui No. 25, $5 00 do excesivos. pira tica de la nulidad do sus tama- - Traficante en Licores al Menudeo Ahora se presenta Gregorio Lucero, Clemrnte Estrada, pto, 37, todos Pobíeos Algunos Precios. fios. por medio de una petición informa á asesamientos de 1891 y 1893 cauccla- - este dos como erróneos. Vino de por el jralon. Whinkloa y HranüioH por ó cuerpo que el ha compuesto un Zapatos buenos para Hombres, at elástico abrochados, precio ordina-ri- o CiKitTos elementos do nuestro Mitchell, botella. La Mejor Calidad A predo baratíninioH. pedazo de camino á la orilla de su pro Tomas pto. 20, exención $1.50, nuestro precio $1.25- - y otros á precios mas bajos conforme la cali- pueblo se señalan por sus pre los años dad. Botas y zapatos para Mujeres y piedad, situada en el precinto No. 2, regular de $200 otorgada por Hombres, Niños en gran variedad. io-rid- Un surtido nuevo de sombreros para Hombre? y Niños de estilos y tensiones exageradas tie sujM'i y pitle que dicho camino sea reconocí- - 1893 y 1884, asesamientos anteriores Charles Goldammer todos a todos precios, de 50c arriba. sobrt? do como camino público, siendo erróneos. sus prójimos, sin ti cucrrio ha Apartado Postal No. 100, F.nt Lau Vejran, N. M. Buena Manta y Lienzo 20 yardas por $1. aprobado la Ideólas Gallegos, pto. 44, todos echar un recuertlo A íu estatlo petición, y s; le se ordena Colchas á5oc. Colchas blancas y grandes á 50c. asesamiento de 1 886 original. al dicho Gregorio Lucero, de entregar cancelados, no Acabamos de desempacar un grande y hermoso surtido de sombreros ese camino al supervisor de caminos siendo dueño de propiedad. Compuestos, para Señoras y Niñas, los vendemos á precios que desafian competición. Tápalos negros de estambre muy dfl precinto No. 2, y al mismo tiempo Eugenio Ortiz, pto. 32, todos ase grandes precio ordinario Amii'xou diputado dilcongi-e-s- I2.00 y demás respecto á tápalos. le samicntos de 1895 y 1866 cancelados WM. FRANK. nacional procuran por todos se ordena al peticionario de poner dos visos públicos, uno en el lugar por razón de no ter dueño de propic los medios A su alca neo sacrificar donde cambió el camino, y el otro en dad. A Nuevo México en do la Comerciante en Mercancías Generales vendemos atorróles mas Baratos otro. aras co la estafeta del mismo precinto, notifi Eilomcno Crespin, pta ll, todos w dicia de las y á asesamientos cancelados de 1891 y ip eorjomcionos ino cando los habitantes de tal cambió. y un buen y completo surtido de toda ríase de abarrotes ó necesarios para el noptdios. Cuenta aprobada á Sahara Pacheco, 1892 y 50 por ciento de 1894., uso de la casa. También llamo la atención especial al completo surtido de También tenemos todos los artículos que se necesitan para donas. Cu- juez de paz y oficio supervisor de siendo erróneo y excesivo. e. remedios y, muy necesarios en un lugar donde no hay doctor. To- pones para los hermosos trastos de plata se darán con cada compra. La voz de la ruluiiinia es la nr caminos del precinto Na 3, el año Santiago Salazar, pta 22, todos w das son medicinas bien conocidas y de gran reputación, como son las de los mu favorita thuifpit'lloHH're8th'K- - de 1899, $5 00. üc 1892 cancelados, por RESPETUOSAMENTE, razón de su graciados vencidos de Ahora la corte se queda t n receso muerte. Drs. J, H. McLean, Chamberlain y Ayer, que ron su G. MONTAÑO, Propietario. hasta mañana á las diez de la 1. m. Andres Salaz, pta 39, una tercera JOSE propia bajeza y ruindad procu-Mi- l La Famosa Sanadora y Aceite Hechicero, Aprobado por: parte del asesamiento de 1891 cance de esa manera "umeillnr el Compro Lana, Cueros, Saleas, Huevos, Botellas)' toda clase de produc Atestigua: E. II. Biarnhaum, lado, siendo excesiva A. A. SENEGAL, ugeuo. tos del paii Se venden también Licores, Vinos, Cigarros y Tabocos. Esta cic. mérito Tito Mium., Presidente. miguel Várela, pto. 64, todos asesa blecimiento tn Los Alamos, N. M. Escribano de Condada mientos de 1891, 1892 y 1993 cance- Kl (obernador Koosevelt iv-hu- so Cuando se hallan pagado $40 en la ac- Por PtDko A. Diputado. lados cerno erróneos. Ort:;a, Southwestern ción de 40c no se requieren más pagos la raudjdufiiro vice pren-dencia- l, 1 l'clije Ribera, pta 1, todos sesa. F. G. al mes NIEMS. -- ID A Cuesta $10 por 25 porciones A pif-sidente- en micntos de y porque aspira. ser Jutfves dia 4, de Enero de 1900. 1891 1892 cancelados, Costo total $1,000, suma recibida por el w-- o Joyero y Savings, Loan la elección tie 11)01. La corte fué Mamada al órden á tas siendo erróneos. accionista $2,500. Ganancia total $1,. 10 a. m., los honorables José Ma. Apodac, pto. 38, por &&&& Relojero Practico. 500. Y por qué si es ginete agre-lr- o presentes E. 50 G. C. RAGAN. no, and Building l'aga de 4 a 6 por ciento sobre depó- II. Uiarnbaum. presidente, ciento de asesamientos de 1893.4-- 5 6, y deba jugar bien suscartas? Eiancisco mtU do 30 afín de exp- sitos. Pacheco, Lucas Maestas, miembios, cancelados como excesivos. rímela empleado eon algu- HiiC'Kir da i. A. Iteall. tuTtMlitailaH Association Tito Melcndcz, escribano, por Julio Hernandez, po. t, todos ase na rana nm Ixís (.'.seronen de la se Pedro tie lo Fetation t'nidoM, época samientos cancelados de A. Ortega, dbutado, Rafael Remero 1891, siendo cumpnne toda elane do re- Oficina ca East Las Vejas, Esquina en la Calle 8, Douglas. $100 CADA ACCION pareeen A los antiguos solamen- erróneos. el ano do Por Eotograiias finas. y Lopez, alguacil mayor, por Modesto in?, llene toda te en el herramienta necenaria y ruido que meten, jero (Jarcia diputado. Pedro Márquez, pta 20, reducción mtede hmvr pieza nuevo Directores. sus discursos son Ix)S procedimientos pn'vios de asesamiento de $125 sobre ovejas, lomtitmoqueeu la fabrica, fueron también tiene un completo Hacemos ictratos dcsJe ta- en 1895, siendo el errónea na mescolanza de plagios y dis- leidoi y los mUmos fueron arrobos, y mismo Mirtidoderelnjeny Joyería. maño crayon hasta tamaño HENRY G. COORS, V. A. MANZANARES, luego se Ijiuriano Ubbarri, pío. asesa Calle del "tiente Lau Vejran, N., N. Presidente. parates. Eso lo oonoeeu al vue- procedió al despacho de nc. 44. natural. Marcos de todos e. miento sobre 80 acres de tierra gocios. cance Ni'KHTiiA THOMAS ROSS, J. S. DUNCAN, lo todos los inteligentes, lado, año ndininint ración terri tamaños y precios. Espe- pero en 1891, como erróneo. Segundo e. Vice-Presiden- Ahora se Mas- Tercer te presenta Melquíades - Librado Ribera, pta todos torial parece ner una jM'satlilIa cialidad en fotografías sobre nada rebaja la presunción de los 32, ase ARTHUR N. JORDAN, A. I). HIGGINS, careftas, y por medio tie una declara- samientos cancelados la prenna y raibon y platina. de 1891 y 1892, pura jHdititpierti Licenciado y Auditor. U'iiüOA. ción Jurada informa que él representa siendo erróneo. Secretario. Las Vigas, : 1 : Ntw Mtxico HOMER J. KENDALL, Manejador General El 32. Matías Ribera, Pablo Riben 8100 liceo ni misa 100 Independiente. ico. Kicera y acá. i.os lectores ue ote per - 33. lose Deniesio Crespin, Basilio j aie taián al satnr que hay al menus lotica de la Compañía Winters una enfermeded temible que la ciencia Ufé LLAMADA PARA LA CONVENCION RE- Lopez, Hlas Vigil, Miguel Maestas. ha podido curar en todos sus grados, DE CONDADO. Pedro Casaus, Donaciano San- PUBLICANA 34. y esta es el Catarro. F.l Remedio de Tna Voz de Alarma." Sucesores de E. G. MURPHEY y Compañía. Una convención de delegados de doval, Tomas Gomales. Hall para el Catarro es la única cura Blas Ortega, la Kseltitjlo i uu iu ero'aute H'.rito que oictefia como a ha perdido !a fuel a los votantes republicanos del Condado 35. Ortega, Balisando positiva conocida entre fraternidad ;o FARMACEUTICOS Nicolas Gallegos. medica. Siendo el catan o enferme- SEXUAL y ce puedo rvciipcranio. St' manda en mhre cerrado, franco ralla, y BOTICARIOS. de San Miguel es por esta llamada pa- dad constitucional requiere tratamien- al recibo de 2 en paia el porte. 36. Jose E. Romero, Octaviano reunirse la to constitucional. El Remedio de Somos lipnni Ipale ciecia istan eu curar t.,doi loa casosde dearreilo de loa ra en ciudad de Las Vegas Sandoval, Ramon (íarcia. Hu'l para el Catarro se toma interna-ment- e .. Hiñónos y la Dobilidiul í á las de la mañana del dia Sábado, Iltjtoi, sexual iniputoucia. io 37. Pablo Duran, Juan Vigil, Blas y actúa directamente en la san- Sí (i los, (JoiKHiTa, Derrainos nocturnos, (Jota El su clase más complete 24 de Febrero, 1900, en la casa de Garcia. gre y las superficies mucosas del sis- m Military tema destruyendo así el mal y dando Est roe hoz, el fin de- 38. Refugio Torres, José Felipe cortes, con de eligir catorce y permanentemente. en el Territorio. fuerza al paciente y ayudando á la na- (ourapldeí Homo curado mlleaen mi pre phut eant. To- Montano, José Domingo Lucero. da curta non KHardadai privadamente y cnntetida en cerrad,) CON-St'I.T- legados á la convención territorial que turaleza en su obra de construcción. Is ob'e Chaves, Francisco Mar- l'OK COKKKO (.atATIS. Kseriba I'd. eu luvléa olamente, i 39. Juan Los propietarios tienen tanta fe en el la$ Prescripciones prepararán será tenida en Socoto el dia 17 de DR. W. II. SAUXDl'RS & CO., fíaTTodas se con el mavor cuidado, a tin, Francisco Sais. poder curativo, que tífrecen Cien Pe- todas horas del día 6 de la noche. Marzo,-1900- , para el propósito de no- 40. Cecilio Jaramillo. sos por cualquier caso que falle en Chicago, 111. AGENTES Y Diríjanse, F. & DE GRAPATHONES UTENCILIOS minar delegados á la convención na- 41. Candelario Flores. curar. J. CHENEY Co., Toledo, O. lodos los boti:a-rio- s cional que se reunirá en Filadclfia, 43. José Lorenzo Gurule, Pablo lo venden, 7 sets. v.Los votantes republicanos del con- Martin, Martin Gurule. Las Pildoras de Hall para Familias .TIENDA NUEVA DE, 44. Emiterio Chaves, Juan Chaves, son las mejores. dado están cordialmente invitados pa-r- a TA1M KTAS PK0FKSI0XA LES. -- LA HÍ TA DV.l-r- Felix Chaves. Aviso. reunirse bajo esta llamada para to- Lucrecio Lucero, Encarnación DOCTOR 45. Por esta se notificad todas las per mar parte en el escogimiento de dele- Gutierrez. A. T. Y SANTA ROMBROyDELGADO, Valdez, José Domingo ó FE sonas que deban que les deba el es- gados á esta convención. 47- - tado de Jove Salazar y Sanchez, fina- F. B. RO ERO Los diferentes precintos estaran in- 51. Anastacio Lucero, Jesús Ara- Atchison, Topcka y Santa l e, ferro do. De venir y saldar sus cuentas ó COMERCIANTES EN Pablo Fresquez. carril del Golfo, Colorado y Fe, titulados al número de delegados co- gón, ' Santa presentar su leclamo por las debidas. Las Vegas, N. M. ferrocarril Ma. Aguilar. Atlántico y Pacifico. mo sigue: 52, José ElJl'VICKN Cokpova, Oficina en su residencia, Telefono 54. Cleofes Garcia, Abenisio Gar- 51. Efectos Secos y Abarrotes, No. delegates. Maria M. Dk Salazar, COCHES DORMITORIOS, Precinct No. 1, San Miguel 2 cia, Lino Blea. Administiadores. & - " " 2, La, 4 Ve-lard- e. V HEDER VEEDER- Cuesta 55. Ricardo B. Gomez, Cirilo Nuestro suitido Je efectos es de lo más fresco, acabados de traer del oriente " " 3, Kl Macho 2 SIN CAMBIO Aviso. Abogados y Consejeros nuestro surtido de abarrotes es de lo más selecto. " " 4, El Tecolote 3 56. Felipe Tafoya, Damacio Vare-l- a, .Habiendo mi espomi l'laeula KN LEY. Tara " 5, Las Vegas Sur 4 Chicago, Ciudad de Mexico, t'rncllenn en todua liu corlea del Territorio " " fi, Concepción 1 Isidoro Trujillo. .Molina de Homero abandonado San Diego y . Tam-bie- n 1 para Galveston y " " 7, Los Alamos '..'2 57. Ray mundo Martin, David Ma- el dia. 10 de Kiuto en la- noelie mi RoitT. lOLMAN, O. A. I.AKRAZOI.G. puntos princi- 11 8, Pecos 4 pales de Texas. estas, Dolores Medina. mesa y lecho no res- 11 casa, seré llolmaii y Larrazolo, 9, Las Vegas Arriba . .2 58. Raymundo Nieto, Leandro Ara- MAQUINA DE MOLER ponsable ninguna deuda que W. Black, G. 1 & T. A., ti 10, Chaperito 3 por J. gón, Manuel Segura. AHOGADOS EN LEY ti 11, San Gerónimo 5 incurra después de la fecha arri- Toieka, Kansas. 61. Sixto Armijo. Víctor Lucero, Las Vegas, N. M. N. M. 12, llowe 2 ba nw'iicionada. Chas F Jonf.s, agent Las Vegas. De Las Vegas, 13, 1 Donaciano Trujiljo. Rociada KstabUcidoacn el edificio del I'r. M. K, lea 11 4t. Ilo.ii;i(. T"rrl-to- 14, Sapelló 1 62. Delubin Gonzales, Octaviano I'htok iiiaral. I'raetiean en tixla bm coite del i io y aleiiderAn eon earner, y puntualidad á 11 15, 1 R. Manuelitas lo qua e limcolirileii. Propietario, Maestas, Manuel D. Maestas. nuxocloa J. SMITH, 1(, Union La Notice of Publication. Larunita.'.l 63. Victoriano Ivquibel, Daiio 17, San Patricio 1 L. G. FORT, CERCA DE EA CASA REDONDA, Atencio, Sandoval. Distrii'l Coui't, County of San Miijm'l, 18, San Lorenzo 1 Juan - Roi-ba- Tii'i itdiy of New 7v. 20, Joya Larga 1 64. Jose I. Garcia, Francisco l, vis Liiriue A. Met 'uniicll, Abogado en Ley, Ofrecemos vender harina de Flor y segunda, después de ser de la mejor, 22, Sabinoso 3 Abian Mce I'laiutitTI competirlo ningún comercio de Las N. M. ofresco á precio tan barato que no puede 23, San José 4 ; H;iz;i Nueva, Las Vegas, 65. Luis Sena, Santiago Archuleta, .s. Vegas, Hagauos una visita para que lo puedan creer mejor. 24, La :i .7 t i, ( t Liendre Lorenzo Valdez. nan I'lilitii ais. 2."), Pella. Blanca 1 Ih'Fl'IKklllt-i- . i (It EUSEBIO CHACON, Una Institución 2, Las Vegas Norte 7 'J'Sie Haul fondunls .luuii I'liliarri, Humanal 28, Cabra Springs 3 AVISO. Ma. Jiumit I'liban i, und licr luiblminl Abobado y Consejero. Ko lia v niobatilcniente cu lo Esta (l ITuiUiii Se halla en mi poder desde el dia lloniun Martin, Ani.tlo l'liluirri, Na ni medico ni institución a; 29, East Las Vegas 8 TiotH! Kti lenpai'lio en Nfnn. 1, q.iü haya proporcionado á los pobre l.'l jULÜIj 0SANttIGUEL 10, Cañón Manuelitas 12 de Setiembre, una potranca colora Mir I'liliarri, Jose Scfci'ino iliarii, Alius del I'rimi'r Buiumi Nueional desgraciados tan lienelicio que la 31, Virginia Martinez nml her husband Uuivci V'italinc Co. de Hammond, ElPuertecito da de un año de edad con esta marca Lux Vfra, : : : : NVw M xico. 32, El Pueblo Felix Mai liiii'.Tlionn-- i I Holer, Majr-- o Ind. QB en la pierna izquierda. La perso- e I 'nnvell í'.ikI her lmslmnil Win. F. K-t- a CMitpiflia se conipone de un 33, Los Vigiles 4V. ;i ml un- AHLERS! minien do médicos europeo que du o na que se considere derechosa á dicho Cnnvell. John fjuiuley, the Dr. F. C. 34, Las Mujas known heirs of nil the following per-Hon- s, rante inuoho.i aílo han hecho una .Jo.-- i'HMocialidad 35, Las Gallinas...... 3 animal puede recobrarlo de mi en el to wit: Antonio I'liliarri, de la enfermedades Box M ( , DENTISTA ita les y serretas. No importa fcl la 3(. Peñasco Blanco...... 1 lugar de mi residencia en La Fragua, Sr., .low iyuel arcta, Fanstin I'li- per-no- pueda parecer complicada liarri and Mary Herbert, deceased enfermedad . . 37, Cerrito - rt N. M. wlio in t!u i;- Hf'j 1 inii' iiinile elaini Edificio Primer B;mco iaciiralile, il tratamiento combinad ".' 38, Los Torres ...2 adverse to ihe estate of plaintilT in the itilemo v externo n falta jamas Micukl Apodaca. 8:30 A. M TO 12 M. 3!), 4t ileneribed, al- efectuar la curación aun cuando el TeeolitiUfc ...1 jireniises her inafter and M so all unknown claimants of interests Horas de Oficfna I 30 P. M. TO 5 P. paciente haya tentado vanamente por 40, Bernal ...1 CO P, M. TO 9 P. M the plaietill in lots 1 ni a. 'i is anos de recobrar la virilidad i 41, adverseto allot Liberty ...1 GRATIS PARA HOMHRRS. anil 2 in block .'i of Marline. Adiliiini perdida. 11 M. 41), Ixw Fuertes ...1 to Las Vt'ííiis, arc hereby notilied that Las Vegas, N. Los que sufren de falta Je vluor, 11 o Cualquier hombre iti escriba al sute Med Dis- iiiHioteiicia, CKiierniatnrrca. órnanos 44, Ojitos Frión a suit has been co'iunenced in naid ó Tvjlr:' ical 807 Hiliflclo Kort en,'oip.t.)s, desorden Ioh 11 Institute, Eli'ktnm, trict Co'irt bv said tihiintiH, in which de riflones 45, El Aguila 2 40SK L KIBKKA. 4ialialltoCi Wayne, Ind., imede obtener gratín un pmim'te prwys thatnpon n liiml hearinyr la vejiga, debilidad general n otra 1 plaudit 47, Hot Springs do un tcmeiiu Cant-n- i iiiniavlllneo que bu cu of said cause his tille and estate in and Aírente de reelpinnj en 'contra del (obierno enferimslail secreta causada iKir niaat 51, San Ignacio .1 railo mi'i'S .te hombrea que hau sufrido por to those certain lots and parcels of real fV'leral por K'iilooei etc. m: b ielu i (' excesiva indulgencia sexual, Santa Fe, Nuevo Mexico. 111 le Ki. l.aa (iiicliiH el local Imhi'KMHtií, dvle-ri- í2, Alamositas 1 a íi" di! los efíi tu de debilidad sexual, retulla-do- s estate, situate, lvinji and beiiiyf in the VcKua, N. M. o dejar de aprovechar esta de indiscreet' 11, perdida prematura de tuer County of aforesaid, and o: asio;i (pie se les ofrece para curarlo 51, Colonias Arriba 2 San Mincl, fcjTEI curso de estudios comprende los ramos elementales y comercial ta y memoria, debilidad en la eialdn, váiiccn described us follows, to w it : por tm simple tratamiento casero 4 1M IIDKSIIU 55, Trementina coutiaeclou de parirá. Se envía cu tmacartera All of lots 1 and 2 in block .'1 of Mar-tin- e LAIJOIlUAniKHA l'ara (ernonstrar la valor de nuestro en ingle's; lecciones de francés, espaftól, alemán, fonografía y escritura tipo- 5(1, Agua 1 común. Kserilmii hoy. Addition , as shown tt it ir.ii' iito estatuó listo á enviar Sarea to Iis (IRADA. de química, ensayo minerales y música instrumental. ó A b('r- - ):!. pacientes una gráfica. El estudio de 57, Canon Largo 3 on the plat of said Addition onlileaml K m padre, bcriniiuo capono ndii to lu muestra era tis record in ottice of the 1'rohale raí tu ni'.' Ttiiemoi un remedí iie cura el lo Iv;t.i iiiuestia de tratamiento con ven al HERMANO BOTULIMI. (i 1 ÍTINKI.AKIO. of the conocí mien- Por más pormenores dirijjnse 58, Komeroville. el euiil miele rr dado con 6 lu ;il paciente de que él puede CU' Clerk and Recorder of said K.l.vle por y adjun- cerá 11 01, 3 to del paciente. purl ieulare rn r ;c. Emplazado.. County of San Miguel, New Mexico, be to una cilam pilla de i i ceutavoi para darle i i (2, Im Manga 1 A. T. & s. F. established Ileitis.' t lie estaleand pro-per- t liiri.iHune en Itmle al l'!lvcrs:U Vitalino Co., in - .V o ad- lr- )V. II. N.tuiiiiera " f,3, 1 y of said plaintilT against the ( bleuuo 111. .. " San Pablo wruT IIOCNI). ii'.iri'. Iluinmoiid, Ind. verse claim or claims of the said defen- - " " 04, Las Vegas Centro. . .9 So. I'iim. arrive IMS p. m Depart l:4.'i p.m. DE LA CIUDAD.- Ü dants or any or either of them, and CAllNICERA " " 5, 2 No. 17 Ham errlve S Z5 p.m. Depart W p.m. Guadalupe , . and each and o. M.i t rein lit Depart ( .w a m that the said defendants, Señorns Débiles y Nerviosus. M. ('. DK Haca, Secretario. Wet bound California limited, Arrhe at fi:00 every of t heni be forever barred and Herardo Flores SI puillilreiiio leer bu coiazono de la. M'lio- - 111. and dentina at ti i a. in. on Mouday, estopped from ha in;.' or claitnin;,' any rn, enmi miIo M tlHtl lo nilrlinleiilo que .e 11 Uay, mid Saturday. Komeiío, Hi Friday y in E. rto. ritrht or title to said lots mid premises Herrero Carrocero. expim cían. La ileblliibule. Ii iiieullea lian p:i-d- al de l - esta elegante carniccria que se ha abierto lad" poinente Los siguientes son las comisiones MKT HOUND. adverse to plaintilT, ami that the plain-tilT- 's Ido linn iuvaliilo.eiiire inujerea iiuecual- No. 22 l'aaa arrive 1 20 p m. Hep. 1: 0 p. m. i ii leí h olía i u.. ; i lene i i. mIlmiiio He loa. un de title to said lands und premises be l'.n su taller se ejecuta toda clase de r I , ' la plaa vieja, se conservará siempre en mano abasto centrales de los diferentes precintos: No. Pana, arrive 4:IV a. in. Dep. 4: 0 a. in. eniilitei In 'in no Nervlouldad. Ixbllblad o. !4 Nreiht ..liep.7:3U a. m. forever ipiicted and set at rest, and trabajo de fragua y carrocería. Se liobir de CNpalda, Polor ile aabea. Cansancio ilT Iriltiieiou lie la cum, A pel lio variable, lioa.o. Monday, Tilín- - that the plaint may have such other Lázaro Sandoval. Florencio Kat bcimul CalKnriiW limited. y esmero, llaced-l- e eieifo, l'erlo'bm doloroHoa, lrolorea peuoiua. Leu 1. day, Thnmday Saturday, arrive) a 4. a. m. us hare ron prontitud and und further relief to the said court non a, i iirro o r.piniiia cu la cara, imiorca Dep. SO a. Placido Baca, 3 in. may be eijuitable in the premises. una visita y quedareis convencidos. eu luí i 'lerHK, i 'jen iiunoiiloa, alia ueci;cii!a Ro- ite Nohoiroii piHleni" curarla No ".porta No. 2 in train; No. 1 la ami That unless you enter oiir appea- Situado al su de la casa de don Carne Fresca, 2. Leandro V. Villanueva, Catan-n- o Deliver California míen baa patudo l d. y hiiva frai a.ado i u 17 in No. tlin Mexico tram. rance the said suit on or before the curtirla I iiühiilla p ir correo ea abnolutaineitte Étll JL.t wja 1, 2, mualdo Baca. Padia, Jorge Pacheco. Hauta re branch tram cunucrt with Not. JtUh la.v of March A. I). I'.KKi, a judg- .II I II i, I curaule, arl lo iIImiiui 3, 17 22 ii aid Puerco, 4, and ment will be rendered aaii'.at you by No iierinlla una Lia ixedleo la operen. Nnno-- de Res, de Carnero y de Todas las órdenes se sirvirán con esmero Sandoval, tron III de N'len 3. Juan de los Reyes default. ciiinieiiioii iiecnldnd cortar. prontitud. HOT Sl'KINHS IlKASCtt. tro nuevo uu ioilode tralamleiiui ea nave, mo Sandoval, Santiago Lujanw Hr.rr.NMN'i IIdmi ito, Benigno Martinez, delado y iiiíiadble lia doctorea ilela fainllla Dionicio VvtuQ-- a. Mot ..10 a. I.v m. Ar SwIiiim ni. Clerk 4th Judicial District Court. Iih'i tiHlii'lo 4 Int. por ano- - y adu no e.ta I d cu y Griego, Miguel Esqui I.v l.aa ViKtti 11 :X)a. in. Ar Hprinu r.UWiii lada: e'l" anlniueiite la aliviaran nor aiuiiu Maes Montano, Propietarios. 4. Eugenio V.-a-a. I 1:. Hyhon Comerciante en Lv I.a p m. Ar 1M Hpili'Vi p in. T. '.Mills. Ijh Vevus. ' i tieiuio 1'rriTiHnlio ipie la cureinoa en all pro- bel, José Lobato. I.v l.aa Viiía II tu p in. Ar lloi H.irinir I CM p in. Sidicilor for iibiintilT. pia eiea por nucHtro nuevo tratamiento, ( leu-t- iripm 1' m. 1 í klfu.1,1 Ia Viiiaift ' "' M'"uir January -- ", c.tAn cniadat. ioi i(ué no lo ba do Zacarías Valdez, Juan Ulibam, I.v Hot MpriiiKu V ) a in. Ar I a Veirni Hi: 10 a in er I il : l.e rcmitirciiun por coireo, ron iólo.n 5.. I.v llntsprliia ( V : . . p m Ar l.aa Vena 12 p in. ABARROTES, liidli a' lóu, nnenlro Client louarli en blanco de IVndran un descuento de ao y 2$ por ciento loi quecompren 2 ;iil p C' Jose L. Ortiz. I.v Hot Snrlnifii 2:f.1 P in. Ar Im in. sluiciiiui", y il i re moa a I'd loque opluainoa de ron uñero al contado en la tienda de Hot H rllik'i 4:10 p m. Ar Iji Veitaa 4 40 p in. an cao alu un centavo. Itecii'-ril- I .tK) cariíir 6. Victor Araron; Juan Garcia y Lv Hot HpriiiK i H 1' in. Ar l. Vean p in. l'aga dinero al contado por Lana, oho mi cria s, r n o miardada conlldeneia extrte'aiiieiiKi y ern contelaliia en obre cer Cueros y aleas. Mi comercio esta - (.iniedlHlaiiienle Gonzales, Filadelfio Márquez. N'o I and 2. 1'aeidc ailantlrexirea, have Pull rado en mulé, aeom 1 piifiiiiiilo una 4 la rea o drawlnu'-roo- m tourlut epInK la plaza Vieja de as Vegas, estampilla de i el, para man palai car, situado en a Severo Baca, Wm. Frank, ca and coaelie u ChiraKoand l.o pueia. 7. i 17 Calle del Tacifico. -- Han Weiro and hall Kraneiaco, and No'a Dr. X. ll.SauiKlerH K (O. PAVESA D. Pino, Pedro Ribera, cara coaehen IKE 8. Manuel ami 22 have Pullman palace avd Tiene en corrección toda clase de 111. betweeu ChlcaKi anil tlietl yol Mexico. CliiriiKO, Julian Lujan. los mejores vinos, licores cigarros y ta MiMirliHCne cute i.ctlfi'llco. Sanchez, Hound I In tlcketa to poluta nol over IMS mile" bacos. 9. Eligió Chavez, Emilio at teu per rent, le luctioii. CommiaDle EN EFECTOS SECOS Y ABARROTES, B. Gallegos. Citv of Mexico and return ATKXCION. Juan Knnud trln tli'keta K Ji.fl.70 khmI fornix mouth. ANASTACIO CORIiOVA HIJO. 10. Santos Lopez, Dolores Lucero, NO ( ONUI V SUS KKTKATOH A AGENTES. I'aKarl prfrlo urna lio poi f ommiitatloti tlckrta between L Vfiaa and l'asttos eu Los TK A 11 N Jesús Ma. Quintana. Hot irniK, 10 rlilet II t' J. tiMid 0 day a. IUKICIAMEN1K. CON Esnuibel, Feo. Garcia, CHAM. r. JONKM. Alamitos. Esafc- - 11. Felix Vega, N. M. I.OS ARTISTAS. Au. lit, l.aa ta Las Vegas, N PRODUCTOS DEL PAIS. de la Cruz Roybal. lose M. F.n la l'Iaza liaremos á cualquiera que nos man- Hii extrniaii O'iiiif rolo queda al pouiunta lis l.i plain, n la aqulua dl edlDciod O'ürli u 12. Samuel Denis, Antonio Archu- - ilo un ictrato uno de Tamaño Natural Personally Vieja. ó Esquibel. en Aceite, Crayon Pastel fuera de cos- leta, José por la U Daremos una recompensa introducir nuestro su Felipe Sanche, José Ignacio Conducted .'. to pata t:abajo 13. aprenención y convicción de cualquie jictioi. Parecer exacto, altamente ar. Martinez, Isidro Bustamante. Excursions I Vd. Puede j ra persona que se encuentre cortando tístico, y el retorno pronto de retratos T. Raywood & Co. Olivario Mon ó este J. 14. Ambrosio Vigil, transformando las señales de cloros se garantiza. Mándenos su re- Importadores y Traficantes en toya, to the East Vencer ganado. trato de una vez. Ni I 15. Juan Peiea, Pablo Gurule, Via the Santa Fe Route. a TRY THE RÜT1STS OKION, ütt Main SI. Sandoval. I 1 canor Three tint ) a week Irom La Vctrat Ese Resfrio llalla.. raa LICORES AL POR MAYOI " KEVY HOME" 16. Guadalupe Trujillo, José Rafae !u Improved o Ule- - iin men pulliiiaii I'ouriJt MerpiraM'ara. gfíT'Se necesitan Agentes Locales Salazar, Francisco Ulibarri. Iletterthaii er lielore, at loaent I ponmblt ratea. Esta Noche. IJRANDIKS Y WHISK1KS. Va ecuniloii rondu' tora, Tranquilino Maldonado, Medios y 17, Alio daily tervice l'tee'l Ll nuevo tratamiento i ientífi- - Cuartillos t$ y 50 Centavos. - 15 25 Centavos. Tenorio, Apolonio Roival. Kaiiaii(:it a id ( Fortaleza Restaurada Jentin iollctted. co p.i ra resinados es cono' ido s)fc.U r I r"r 'itia-n- a IIU mu iíhhIii V. Joxna, Ak'cuI. j VINO DEI. PAIS Y DE CALIFORNIA. Donaciano Ixpez, Monta Ciua Tal)- - I '''' h' r"'" lo "''I-"- ' j8. José '. contó "MemleU Pynainir. L M I" in H''"l I W - á Precios K'-.- '"' n i Centavos por llotclla. Vendemos baratos. Maes. A T HKOL'LAK IIOt.'KM. ules'', tabletita '' 1 ll amina. 25 fio, Domingo 6O0I) MKAW 'ruinando lina y; l'i'"' A' or (rav Hue b ' C'Ív' I I"'" ' M.'H'i mul be aatüifartorT cada cuatro horas y do al aros. R a li --..m i' un o. Santiago Wallace. Ke Itouto pri.le. It.elf J iV ti t'inal. Calle drl l'ufule, LAS YEUAS, NEW MEXICO. uiiC"in)ttblu TliaHanta i i i wtiio e i im qu n e y ami Inn.' 1 los resfriados Martinez, Isidro Her on It ivxi m l Mar. ilinliiir rooun i t;irsc, iuttar.l lodos ,Í't'.Í Higiuio e..nnter. There are nine letlcr. Iireaklal. noche, 2. a rved at $ en la p imcr,! l'a'a les. dinner and .upper ar colieineiit I iTto d: m f)tiirit Manuel Chaves, Leandro Jime ha-ce- ren, Amp.e time it foraü míala. friados h Iiiosos los t nales n ill rn Hpn ititiar é fii (jolcni ias por todo el i i' f i 6 rn't n n h ,i. nez. ntir c i.i- q r fien k'kh. í l i' . r flav I M Gallegos Jose I). Segu l'AHTIDA DE MM COR KOH. cuetp i, ti'iiKJse una cada dos ho- - II f i GO. 23. Roman U.TMWW q t i 4 in pnl u t titira rn. BROWNE & y i Iiurnt k l'frt - Hit i no Miguel Segura ! Vcffa al Fue te Summer, hii liiyendo ! ras y dos al acostarse, cuando v (( lot nil qu cttun Flores, Ie it l ra, Ijií iloiila. K.ilen, Kauta, rn p b "i uí tihpríti'l r u f'rriilo, riUt HA Aliloncliico, :"a, ., se riccja tome un'ly o una lirdMNi n t da 'Sanchez, Apolonio (le l.lil.a Bie iré e m iim, 4 i t lm tttat ntinciA 24. Jesus Mi. irllirto íuIí-illlll- tins y A'Mia iitft q U qn .une, Mlerculcay Vlerner, jr llexa loa illa 1' leinonada lo mas caliente que la ffií fnrdi tt kn mal Comerciantes í ulñrAi h.t f n tn el mrti u(i á fin ri hat ft le tatxr Ramires, Julian Herrera, Juan José , y con ni- - fU9 t.u il nina U lomji'fu vun tul Ha om, Incluyendo Cha-- jnieda beber abíjese cir(ii'ti qui Vea al y . Miri mul-- dr ti ctlo aKijr (liaLiuiMo á nmn 'af Kl Cuervo, Itell Hancti, i i - Quintana. Iirilo, i.allliiatHpr'iiir. H,l.i y ni ma riiiuicn- tV.fjii rt U r(tiA du qn ni A qn n qnirr4 , la nema- a. Ln- - ruines rí nv Knde.-- aletrea quf ine In p da, m4 cttmü el Iramrttumo que y Matías Sanchez. lien ! día "f te el resfriado habrá desaparecí- - 23. lie hlwolc 1 Vlcriie. 1 uii KTtii, por n fiio de lo tul me vlvio el vlrr y ta MATOIKL, ,.i..nraa Mlud de ifW de sufrir Abeytia, p. a- - ...... , do. l'iüase dttire iht.mnu, FOR Pilar i J AL 26. Joe Martí. Alamo Vetraupara iora, iiiciujeoo,. y CIBCUUñS iiiipolíTKi.i, df rtmtir eenitruilre, ntniiMtre rrvi I., tre. vie-- a á '.i WRITE FOR , ri-- , uU yro d leí Manuel Sena, Rcducindo Cha-fre- s, IK I"' H" la'laale &Z$: rtc l qie hn rnihiUnml ,í8. y llega and Ihcir vti-li- laTinaiia- - el Ma t Juevea J t Mcndcls D) manic Tabules. Bcwina Maihineawa manulactiira m tim ttif ttei tfu bo fttrrrfxe hir le vtl. you any oilier. Yo h erntr-ner-r Zaleas y recibirán nuestra atención Sena. lmdlaiiBlluleliU.a. pricfa befura punhaM firrtone'inftite feterln de pv I.a rompra y venta de Una, rieles Juan di 4 la rn U csti'i4 de mrdiiAmrfiioe que etuntrn roa ( ' 'KaixraiiM. veen t S l NEW K0MESEWIXQMJIC1IIHE CO., LiriKi qn hflen en entim m que di nm especial., Ramon Her- - t'r I' 1 la botica de THE Pablo MV'" "I''- Valen 25: en eMe rrmofli'i rln $, No hique vender, 30. K Htitn-.?- ., Uuirndo m! irai..p..rlai'lon n la linea del fuerta Ve- - i Murphey-Víi- n IVttcn, Las y HI. HI V rera. or rarrua). eon ib rabalb. paia el a,1(iara. . V. rtimim, W, fnla . M. .,, d Hn rwl-".i'al- UajiU,U GUSTAVO ALMEDA, I ? lia-o- jr Mor. ,.r camiaj an N. Martínez, Susano erif tarrif- llalla, Ieaa. East Las Vegas y Socorro Cresencio K r-- oiuun Diento por uu Lux V 405 IUvenawood 111 ji, y I. 'aue f0 I AL tB .Montano, Jesús Ma. 0W. e da aupaudat- - Muerte de una Respetable Señora. Entusiasmo Republicano. BUENOS PROSPEWOb El Independiente esa La actividad que se manifiesta 1 1 THE El Viernes 1 5 de Febrero 1900, en todos los condados del territorio Contrapesados por Temores Graves para in9Q esti- - inFi S Public loi Juaveg por falleció en iiernalülo, N. M.. la con motivo de las convenciones de con- El Porvenir de la Industria Ovejera PLAZA Y BACA, mada y respetable Sra. Maria de Jesús dado para nombrar delegados á lacón- - SALAZ AR MAS BARATO Y MEJOR PROPIETARIOS. l'erca de Castillo, madre de nuestro vención territorial que tendrá lugar en Ksta industria, que hasta la fecha es ESTE ES EL LUGAR EN DONDE COMPRAK Ensiqui H.8aLi., lrtreitr querido y lino amigo ti Hon, Pedro Socorro el dia 17 del próximo Marzo, la principal y más productiva que exis Makoil C. tu Baca, .Edltctf ha llegado en los Castillo, y tia de Don retiro Terca, nn rnoha Mente v ron. te en el territorio, .!;., al apogeo de su ptos- - La fina , , tres años Ultimos nuestro presente delegado. c usivade a robustez y prosperidad de , ESTUFAS,AiA 1 tr m deludo'? nrincinal- - , . Suscriciou: da Si a., contaba al tiempo de su ulti i i 1 ' i Precio de que ei paruuo y iu - . , 1 . 1 . Aa oisiruta ' ivuuu- mente a ia oecretacion oe una 117 uc - . . 00 ma exnniac.on ano, 5 7 Por an ano,.... lí j w dad de que habiendo armonía y unión tar)fa que prcteje dicha ndusuia con- - Por mete, ... 1.00 uli de haber sufrido fiebre - dia, después enire-- sus miembros, su sunremacia se- ,ra comnetición extranjera. Los re l 1 años. Como M tan Infimo nwtn do susrrlclín malaria por el periodo de 3 Ante r.í democracia está sultados han sido favorables en extre- - dbn nhhhm. hirsrlsrilfmente Mntifti, rontinuada. La COCINAD riormt-nt-e Rozaba de una salud robus á los criadores de ganado lanar y Tods eonmntcirlftn deberá dlrljlr sin fuerza y casi exánime y se mantie- - nio AALAZAR Y MACA." ano en au Esta e stufa bien hecha, ta. , a i, ... u gananciales van cada I tnAn nrnmplia un DOrvenir completa la que venderemos era hermana ld finado Don Jose L n.nin puestas rivalidades entre los republi- - ntíítnprn .nú v venlaioso. PtrO de por este mes por Noticias Locales. Fe rea. - canos produzcan una división y al mis- repentC han surgido las cuestiones del Kl Sábado con un numeroso séqui mo tiempo la rehabilitación y resurec- - arrendamiento de los terrenos puuncos Don Basilio Maes, do Fwos, pasó se condujo el cadáver de la Sr2. días de la emana en la ciudad. to ción del moribundo partido. No nos de pasteo y el tratado de reprocidaa Maria d Jetus Perca de Castillo á la con la República Ambas . piTpara;loiip pa- engañamos al afirmar que los princi- - $6.40 Se tán haciendo las im , ... . cosas oirecen un ci;kio ra la siembra por loa hortelanos de lo catedral donde tuvieron lugar ü tieniu Número OIOS C1CI pal 11 o rcpuuiiuaiiw " . . . , , . .,..,. ,,. Con un chifion, es 7, alrededores de Las Vejus. '" Horno de buen tamaño, cose estu- la nrimera tendrá el objeto de consti- - Don Pedro Casan, de Fulton, ü De I i ofrecieron como timo tributo. la vo en la ciudad el Lunes panado con caudillos y hombres principales de )a cria dC ganado lanar en mono bien el pan; muy barata por i tur marchó la comitiva donde entre negocio de lriportancla. allí oicanizacjón, y que estos no permití- - polio y propiedad de las grandes cor flores y Ligrimas fueron inhumados sus su ocu-a- . Kl Hon. Trinidad Homero, nartió pu rán que las disensiones y discordias poraciones y hará abandonar au do ovejas en el Condado individuales, 1 ra rancho queridos despojos. .i.:..srtM. ormino A n3r Ic5o á los empresarios do Mora, el Martes panado. al el es v la teminrl.1. ni ir irá de oar a par los Quf. ti espltilu vital hendir be- - $o40 tido y lo conduzcan á la derrota, y La ola fi la fué alzo severa, pero lo de los Estados Unidos al in ocupe el sitial que el autor tic puestos y rayos del viejo pació, el de los jeles de la or- - ardiente brillantes guirán ejemplo mcnw a d(J ,ana e se ,)rodure Sol han con au beso acabado iron el lo creado le depatc; y que sus hijos y io ganización nacional que en todos tiem. Ln )a República Argentina, que monta de Acero Hielo. E! Esplendido Range der del rey deudos hallen el en su "TRIUMPH" co""'hi pos han subordinado las preferencias anualmente á 500 millones de libras Don José iirnaeio Martin y su faml w las cuales á pesar del derecho diferen Ha, de Ilociada, visitáronla ciudad la han rnnfirmado con Se Vende Solamente por con negocios (inte el cial y del costo de trasportación se emana pasada No nos jaetumoH do tlliíritroiws, ee unanimidad la voluntad de la mayoría I 1 - .( í t u- Kn n n n 1D I1 lL:'l'-:- .... fina ' T IJil.'wLi i ir. 1.1 Juez do prueba. -- A ' i, i " t don le eorn, pondo aquel quo no e, la mlnoría r ' h a,)oyo de 7Z Tre a A' I Las sijjuiM:ites personas han decía ente ríiiiTo jerque ahora no le buque- - ' ñas producidas en este n IU Y r. CHAS. LFELD pruebas tmlhi-,- desde que por medio de concesiones acertadas y la do- - rado 811 intención d hacer sus dado miis que el fan Inuch0 os precios de lana Plaza Flu- - de La finalo en entrada de domicilio: traqueó no ha tenido la oportunidad necesarias. Si los republicanos de pro- - mtsilcai ,0 más lamentable del caso Bar-a-, Apolonia Gonzalo y Atil hue-.- tarco ej,Tcerulil.iM!ropia(y)eona dirigir acerladamen- - es la probabilidad de que ambas me. VfVimrfnAnrrm m:yr.r. sISV.-.W'- w "ff Vr Tiene sus agujeros de 8 pulgadas. Ca- - 1 V ce'a Gonzales. funiiM, colocándolas en niploos legisla- . . y está muy se lleven á efecto. La ley para lentón grande, Gabinete alto ti vos y ihn.MUM buscundole maridite te la coiriente de entusiasmo que en la didas Don Feline (Jarcia. d I Trementl bien compuesta con níquel brillante, es ciH-ntid- figurado. Si el arriendo de los terrenos pi'.bhcos de A último de asuenen,. re;na en ,as flas república- - perfecto en todo particular y ua, estuvo en la ciudad - arluaidail un Range lu Isla de Klciia sirvió dejtrl- . ha sido ya introducido en el - la emana panada con neirocios partí Saiiia pasteo ó , no hay duda que el partido surge hbm Nui-olco- Santa Llena misma ñas, á Vo se olvidó hacernos una favnrecedür,8 Garantizado fulares. i .1- o Enteramente .. ..u.,.i,. 1u ru. t r .. - 1...... placentera visita. " ra mas íuerie y roousio uc c.s.s , dpulajos y senadores de Wyoming, la l'eim perdió el etnquitin do antaño, , . . , Hemos vendido dozenas de ellos en " Kl Dr. M. F. DmaralH 'tuvo en la para td funeral por ' r i ' n " ' r c - ó lml.oeoiitrü.ución ' ' ti Las Vegas y vecindad sin que no haya metrópoli procedenUj de la anticua que vericueto rehusó cumplir con el de- - mócrata?. Las diferencias de opinión mejante''iMUJsoporte se puede temerquedi- - venido una queja. uln-d- o 1 1 t....:V.AA histórica eapltul, estrechando en . ... I..4. Vn neruejiaure. t(.pmiliaZidns por una unidad cna icy sea aprooaua luu iaunu..k Cosen de iodo con perfecta satisfacción. la mano de tus numerónos amibos MIÍRTC" cuant0 al tratado con la Argentina, no Otros Ranges podran tener mas com- y dando Ojeada al tnlvendo la ciu- ACCIDENTAL. más firme y sólida y el partido podrá una y . cosa para que tensa fuerza y otros arreglos, pero para todo mAs jrrandí y Jjmno dul U'rrito-rio- . , . . . , falta otra posturas dad reí ... ucves pasaco en a . , . l'or cart.t liiii.i ti nresentar á a oposición veniaera , . . . j.., A.. perteneciente al uso ordinario el electo sino la aprouacion uci sciuuo aquello es igual á todos, y en esta por l ion joso K;unircz, uecsia ciuuau, campaña un tuerte inquetirantauie que federaj aI cual ha sido sometido ya "TRIUMIC Si loa demócratas ae eHTan hasta mucho menos qúe en otro buen "Range"' l Sa- - y desa- - r d pur-tld- o escrita por Leandro Jimenez, ti a llenará de nueva confusión has funestas consecuencias de estas ' A- - v 'v4,i '" , 4 que o materialize U dívUd.'n ('ti ' i i "'J republicano pura dur coinlcn.o & bilioso, contiene la intausta noticia de n. n. ..,.....,.. mm dm medírta rpr.ier.ln ron mavor fuer la llamada de ua fuerzan para la cam- ha- lana de que JostL.on Can ia habia sido - se ne- - obre los productores de que no habrá ah0Ia más que nunca es cuando pana venidera, do cierto .. . M..,...A U!vieA i ror ín un mil omnilr ...l. s 1,uc,u " " t muerto en llanos oía J i--a el campo rmU que una ola lol n liado ti n CC8lU II1;U la supicmaiia republicana para todos sus habitantes, lalvezpo- - territorial en el próliu otoño. ,, , ,,. ... ,, tlT,w w...u - parad bienestar y prosper.daa ae. ,o ,emos ,)accr a Loa siguientes on lo nombre d; lo . o,,.. gu.. pueiji,, je Nuevo Mexico, pues a ser corresponde delcgadoa que fueron VMColdoa en 1u r conjurar c peligro, pero j 1 . t.s r 8011 junta del precinto No. f4, que fuó ti rcicnoa tana tiuuo sigue; quebrantada esa supicmacia volvería- - 0j interesados y a los que desean de 'rra4 la I lac ia ms días nm el finado hala mos á experimentar los males de que corazón el bien del territorio no per- - ó con gabinete alto y calentón portátil Homero, V. A, 8pifH, .Sabino Lujan, - donar n desocan y viendo que tarda- ,,ranle cuatro afl0s de E. H. Saluzar, Jotie I, (arela, Johh S. que se lleven a canoV!?!""laics mcuiua i. Kftquiltt'l.C'lenu-nt- Angel, Antonio Mu-dri- l, llK'i lo.Hiuu o. 1.1 no., .jominat-,,')!- demócrata. Losmiembros iiesar de la noca influencia de un ter $33.50. Calixtro (íurule. su bust a. halla- - ,,, ,,., U lorio algo puede hacer por medio de de humbles c:i luc uc paruuo repuiJiimnui.tip,, suu iwiuu ..n y de los amigos que y m ln i -- i sus rcircscntantes Kl (iabaldon do con una pistola al lado y - y de "BAIN" muelo 0jLtrcilo dc soldado valientes y ague- ,cnga en el congreso, mayormente si Tenemos ahora para vender Arados, Semillas y todo clase de Implementos Carros mano, Homan, respondieron la nm-n- a una hci ida 111 la pierna, la cual buc- claro los siniestros resulta- - panada ti una cita, vlnlenno de tenia rridos ,1,1c solamente necesitan de - se ponen en ' ...... t -.. Am. . v.l IrfltT. Itowe, hipar de u reüldeneia, en don- atl.ii aba que ti he. ho había....sido un alcanzare! U05.luc f ",,lt"ur "r1" ' n ducccion y manijo para reciprocidad' traerían' consigo. de vendiendo lieorca hIii li- Jo La hanetado 1.1 m no, ai mi nie. iin.iuu y R os jctcs republicanos son p;n tardanza está peligro y se oe cencia. l)ecpue d pttiíar al tlrero 0 trunf0( a ti para su ism- - uemora. lo correepondlente, refrenaron para de eda l, deja lamentar scnHatog y prudente no omitirán dili Deoorarsin Cilaries Plaza u hgan-- s donde cgulran el de á su esposa y un nido. pratia muerte Kemia alguna ara utilizar este cntu- - LISTA No. 7. sut vocaclone. SI la i,.n,cm,ioi y su comandante siasmo y fé de sus partidarios en bene- - jt Hiuit'li1? lisia (lo ntrtilH Loarcpuhlleanoa del precinto do Lo creen t (.tur libres de la Hecha do Cu- - flc0 v provecho de la organización. imm'Iiumih'O cm cuta ostnfolii, mu Estudiantes en Jurisprudencia. Alamo, tuvleroD m reunion primaria - pido, quo metan cu su embrollo á per- Hciinuin do instrucción pú y miJUiunlnH or la Kl Young. de precinto el panado y íuo muy hit superintendente Hernandez Ilneit 1c y smm Muo nada hacen, hallarán ),.S,.,AH llUi'M oftTllt 1 I VhlVH) harmonioHa. Loh Menores Wm. Frunk luurr ni fU, f,,,MM. fl din 7 do blica tiene V mi disposición varia po 1 1 I v Vt. (i fueron eeoj:l- - . . . t. st. .t s.i 11 .k II olJ 1 111 111 11 1 . i f W t Albino alleiro. igualmente con enpoiidid.w. il m. siciones de apremlisaje en una scnela do eooo delcL'aJoi para atender á Im - sojívin explica lo Miníente: ; :. . . Me (I I.P'H di' DkiOinlM-- t(Ml de ley, t - convemdón republicana de rondado liando 111 .,m.nre no obliga a pe- , .1 . rSKiru1... .1 v. 'vilndrKr.-.- l Mrs. N. M., 17, Í'.KID. ,., ...... 1.. - -- n m,.hIh Santa Fó, Feb. 10 NU 1,10 m- , que tendril en ciudad el dia uír el lo vecinos de- - n - Mijo arlo o.omulupl. - TRAFICANTES luar,, de para I el ('dejriode- Nash CONflKS eta Hii.1.hi1 cuanto, en I. '"'' .1 a .. .1.. ill: i.,.,.. II. Dril Auli'ctii Por ttie ,V I11IO '"I- - , Mrs. 21 del prívente. ponenloiiur de la lla, al ( V.liq.mcrr quo IITII1(IJ 11IUHIJOUI' ,Httu, jlmtll M it Price Cnr.l! ville 'n Nashville, Tenn., ha suplica ! 1110- pum'rVrtiHlmo o apalanca,' U colisldei ar quo del til! HOT t'l - Uom,.- - tre ('ljr laño Martines, ladrón de reer h Jnillll, flll'lllltÍZlldo "IVií;,,11 do al ahajo firmado de nombrar cielo á la tierra nada ha.V oculto. ,.J il para (i 'stu- - f oveiiu". capturado reelenUMiienle ior jp 1m orid. l'nl.ncildo Xo ie U l'uui'iílmun.U.. jóvenes de su territorio el Alguacil Mayor i.'lcofe? Uit..siiHl henry dio libre eu el departamento de ley en Diputado I I llisíerismu en U rrensa. u nmno. pues no Imy turquina .i c KinlrlKiii'i'. Kiinmii Homero en el Jilo Calorado, recibirá lü. ti lit o. K. dicho eoleirio. dicho nombramiento in Y I Miimii'l la prensa - ; 1 Sit ii ú ú u ruur dilBittda entencla el Jtu . ( uitos oigúiuis Je tcrrito- . . . ' : v.'.:í . Trupllo Mnrrt! titula lo nombrados instrucción ior U VPiKiorpinrmHiiina- - ;jy Ulolmbiijo, Truilllo lili vl.l y Nujteríor . I . ley basta urruduitr.-- recibir 1 W. J. Mills un día de Ma nil I.ti. j i.firf.jn 3 li li. n.i I..I A. V. Tenerlo INslm recularen alll - 4.. ..1 í.ii'.u Kullh emana. K d rccordarne que Mai ti iin-ini- iMuiii. n',.,,,üi iii lining UnieírriiuilsoAuto- - Tsfov Hllvimo admisión ú la barra. cadus de la danza de San Victo, si se en Utensilios de Escritorio nes e el minino ugeto que fuó couvu H.nnMS,, surtido do lvlou'H dok .'..,. l'or lo tanto, Yo, el abajo tirmado, Comerciantes VilLt' ó el vm,i1'iuh Hiipei inte.iili nte de instrucción pública Wdo en anon panadon tren afUm de ha de juzgar por estado perpetuo de jn.ssa y do bolsa, eadciuiH, anillos JJJ;"t .tie México, por esta doy nrUlón. pero quien efm'tuó mi 11 ht,,'.jA'.v Nuevo uiso cm'hik y en que se ha- - jiuIsoh y lodo lo (pío pertcneco histciinu 15 de Marzo, A. D. ánte do cumplir el termino d 11 m u- - I A MuuisitoJJ."''1Msniiel Wslteu Hmllh Wm quo hasta i dia i I1U1M1UI",MI" c tencia. lian, au abandonado toda disi u. I"" wton irvihu liliHi, recibiré aplicaciones para tal y K. S. LAZA It, re- siiínaccrcj cios nunca vistos. Ll trabajo II. nombramiento, de cnulquier jóven Librería en Inglés y Español Smilble afrdldl V.l Douilnuo pamli de referentes ásil conipostiua so lian'tn A n Administrador do Convos. sidiendo en el territorio que desee api - A U 11 de la noche pasó á mejor vida partido y se han constituido en piopio dnecion. I'sta ch nucstia oferta ar por admisión libren dicho colegio, 'el Jorenclto, Mlguol Delgado, hijo que- Kl (oincnianto Don Honijíno cronistas y repuitadoies de lo que pa- iV: y tomar esta oportunidad projiieia. do Don Felipe Delgado y Lucero 1.F4AX HlllKltA. X. rido Martínez, juipt los mejores pre Todo los periódico del territorio Local en la Estafeta, Tlnza Vieja., Las Veas, Mí y Dona Kplmenia lo Delgado, den sa en el partido republicano. o . u i a n . oíos iicir Innn. eiii'i-os- zaleas v to son suplicados d reproducir esta no- pue de padecer una corta )eiio)a to es dei ir que todo lo observan y . (laclase ile producios uei puis. ticia. M. ('. pk Baca, enfermedad que solamente duró tre Hoy día u Je se celebró hai,-a- visita antes de ir il Pu- lo ni reu-- uim Superintend, nte tic Instrucción dlaa. Mk'ui lilo al tleuiiio do hii iiiuci cuentan de lo que realmen la ceremonia nupcial de uno de losj5-- otra parte. blica de Nuevo México. te contaba 6 ano, ttmencH y lDdiande te es, pues iu vista csti velada por ti empresarios de Las Vegas, M AKGAK'ITO MISINO, Gerente. edad, jiero era un jovenclto muy bri venes más K, !,;,, t.oll(K.Jo wl,,Jltcm, Iom estrabismo de la preocupación y xrti llante, dejando a nun padre uml li. Manuel Mae, con la hermosa y sim- - Silvano (ialleus, lia establecido en el nm amargo llanto. Sun funera deseo de fa'sifii ar luí hei líos y perju- pática Flores, Chapen- - ira Gr.inde y Selecto Sur el Lunes panado ú Sta. Josefa de m oficina de zapateiia dos pin n "n les tuvieron lugar dicar l.i reputación de sus contrarios. oficina y Chas J!. ncnücrson - las dos de la tarde, y ti último ret- to. Ixis desposorios tuvieron lugar en tas al oriento de esta V ido de Mercan- c scnujinies l i . (3c os fueron sepultado en el cementerio Regularmente, procederes est A listo para toda cías Director r la capilla del Chápenlo. ciasGene- - católico. Extendemos A los afligido ol'ieieii un poco espectáculo divertido de roinposturas que a el selecon tunfrilcs y o 0 O padres mientra mil nmcenui Nimpnlin i Imbalsamatlor m A ios pbsciva luits y ponen en claro fien, (ami'itiza darla mejor vb rales 7r de condolencia en momentos do tuu el Sapcllo se verificaron hoy los ..fl-lu- it Se dará pronta acerbo dolor. hasta que extremi st! lia llegado clán-te- s desposorios de la Sta. (umecinda bus- Atención a otdos biHuraciasi'iiossio-uiei- i O Algunas voces les parceo á la muje- i'idetoko pjitt.Jo dcmóirata. Su Dimos pedidas. tos, de Roc iada, con el jóven Vicente eiilinll.-rii- los decaídas qne ciertamente dt'bcn ..o. mío, lian remitido res Í.I.H1 tor ocuparse de asuntos republi o La cura más feimple pare e Haca. (luilinte la semana ci jre,io aeia M,xú) riione No. 22 una tarea lmMlble. canos ha sobicciogajo tanto su imagi ixikim:npikntk Kiiscrietón a l.i. i .isYiMi " " 2ÍI0. o perdida de suetio y dolot es la atormen- Fulton, Pa 1 Becctiaclilo Especialidad en tan á tal grado que le no vale nación que ya ni siquieri discurren un Pedro Casaus, $100; J. part? 1 COTiO el '.k la íifpnnfnn fifi Kl dia 26 de Febrero se unirán en Abun. 109 R. 9 al CL la pena vivir. La I'rencrlpclón Favo- trido Chavez, Abiquid, $1.00; Kast Las Veja, U Pl . V J M IU bjiuiiv'wu " modo racional de f.tbiicar su novele- A r (D rita del Dr. l'lerce hlo para ella. los dulces lazos del himineo joven Rcxüada, $1 Norte de la Oficina del Telcgra-Xraf- o timiti Funerales, cora-Hiel- o Kl ti dio Pacheco, .00 Descubrimiento Aurífero del Dr. ,l sumi-rd'.tia- ría. Peto fa'ta de verdades n Western Union. Barato es surtido, Fierce se blxo para ella. VA pritm 10 Nicasio Ortega, ron la Sta. Virginia 00 femeninos, Küsvq es para los males e mro al pú!iliouu abundante aco- - , euuwmu.Mw..... Piex!c3. vesilüiiras y para su sitema en general. AuiIioh .... - Irunlla lomará ui;jr dicho evento líMinoriiilii v i'criuoetiMite. V lout .! 41111.11, 1 . .. . o. pío un mipoMi j iaovcoa-- " ' suplen un curso de trataml-.-nt- cientí-fle- inuo, o o La 'l'resrrfpeióij t'avoi íta" ce la salud, regula la acción lo AVISO. zan son lita Jas. Do se lo dulces del , órganos todasi ni ;irlt aqui (jue laos matrimonio yeriaenel difieio I'iluc. en Iu femeiilno. .Saca fuera Fc-- r este doy aviso a la persona que Imnurezas, á lo nervio sigue que la generalidad de duda- - sean las simpáticas una pallo Kl Sr. Lucero 17) las da fuerra ls pata parejas del puente. que ya hace tiempo que se uvCv concierna, V0A "JH'seubil-mínt- o Ao Inflamación. Kl - quítala danos cura'.'a de espanto en lo cadena de son invita A todos sus amibos y pa- o Aurífero" da aetencia, quita trtá constante felicidad, haya en mi poder, con rni bestia un por lo una visita - V o la lo re- .jue hapia lag pa- jrV la Indigestión, promueve almlacii'u, ciue rda. iota a pirudai ie - nuestros mejores deseos. caballo prieto bole con cuatro o ' lus-ositp- lllütl- - llena mejilla y cuello con carne . .. eiinnilomilol ll olio la ls fei.dosorgu.oi, y 4be que j Insten. ; ta blanca con marca sipuicntes: .1 M nvor sólida y trae laelasMqw; de la juven- ,,a cosa cu su inca de ET 'S' l,,,1( V1 la espalda izquierda y venteado tud. mo proviene de dc..ganiaacidn men. ' todi) ! traba jo í.ecl.o Yen t ilir-ni't- a l.i la marca y cii-tttv- o X, en pierni con misma y Envkm 0011 bu 21 i lal ,rfT,Mo.1.Jap..rcnt.aiieJaJe. ra con sus amibos. Cuando les (Il MU0,.' Mitisfaeción. tf. ai rnsnsiiáo. ífl en iss el fierro preferido es este R en la uN o' en de 1 cent ., hoU invite i tomar una comí do licor msloreraurlcasCiíOrlem LW b Noticia U a de La Frsterni- - derecha. La persona que se ?Q M 11 i'N ( w iis- - " llieior. ll.Míl l.H A antma!, l'ijxnmtry McIh'aI ÁmhocíhI ion, cinto No. r, M tendrán Lov dia'J '.2, , . . , dad Hermauable No. 102, tencM sus considere derechosa dicho 'K in- ,1 k".v 'll '"'l",líl me )o los y e btunvnrñ jnHU un jcni- - . 1! .trd. l.. n.lo. i .i J l,'",P' 1" tolo lo Viernes década Hdrí obtenerlo paan cosfo lwa', ' Iv'( liKC), (11 Sí-iis- I vplitíl el y este aviso. )1 Gerente. J'4r.iV'n ('mninon eomla.lo. KÍpi.cluio No. r, stu ln- - "ios. por J. en e sa!0n de lo Knight l'hytia, curridos MAKO AK1TO Iilar i ' AdviMcr. .. titulado ú euulro Ithvados. fastall. .Ma kt til, l.a H'as, .. m. un la plaza nueva. Jksvs Ma. SanciiíZ, HI

TOMO VI. LAS VEGAS, NUEVO MEXICO, JUEVES 22 DE FEBRERO DE 1000. NO. 50 TAX LIST SUPPLEMENT. Garcia Jose y Chavez NOTICE. Ortiz, Jesus Me Baros Juante Dios zales w alley. Taxes 4.21, penalty Saudoval, Santiago 10.43, jenalty 2.01, printing 35c, 1891-9- 2. 50 v land bd n D Ara- for 1891. Improvements on gov- for 1894. 100 v land bd n river s 1.05, printer's cost .IV, total $5.01 for for 1892. 50 v land at Juan Pais total 13.41 2.24, Mesa w R e M Montoya gón s M Gonzales e river w Ace- of ernment land. Taxes iienalty Salinns Jose Jose bd n and e unoccupied land s R Martinez, Juan I To the Delinquent Taxpayers quia: 4 lots in No. 3 bd by street 50c, printing 35c, total $3.15 (auna: 100 v land bd n river s for 1892; 40 v land bd n Codillos s Mendoza w B Jarauiillo. Taxes for 1893; 80 v temporal land bd n . Miguel VY" in pot No 3 bd n Aragón w Ace- San County. Perea, A Garcia mesa R Salinas e Jose M diteh eF Flores w J Villeneuva, 3.95, jH'nalty 98, printing 35c, total T Martinez s S Apodaea e river w for 1891. 300 yds in "pet 32 under Gauna; residence on La Cuesta bd house on same land. Taxes 2.21, quia s S Baca e river. Taxes 85.28. , hill, house on plazita, bd n and s s n and a w 55c, 35c, to- 9.00, penalty 2.40, printing 35c, to- F Martinez e and w Taxes To all persons named in the annexed ditrf'h, bd n Garcia Homero, public land J Gonzalas penalty printer's cost Steward, S O hills. Julian Sandoval, e and w by grant; c N Aragón. Taxes 1.18, penalty tal $3.11 tal 812.35 for 1892; house at Anton 5.55, jenalty 1.28, printing 3V, list: Gallegos, 200 varas in Rincón de Bernel, 100 29c, printing 35e, total $1.82. Ortiz Desiderio Desiderio Chico. Taxes 3.25, penalty 81c, total 7.18 You are hereby notified that on the 1891-9- 32 v in Juapel, boundary unknown; Haras, Jose Inocencio for year 1892; 20 v land bd n hill s for land and house printing 3V, total 81.41. Montoya, Perfecto first Monday in May, A. D. 1000, be- houso in San Miguel. Taxes 5.07, for 1802; 50 viand bd n ditch s CValencia eBaea w Ramirez:house same place. Taxes 9.87, penalty Salas, Toribio for year 1891, 214 v land bd n ar- tween the hours of ten o'clock in the penalty 1.41, printing 35c, total Pecos river e L Baros v Catnrino, La Cuesta. Taxes 1.39, penalty 2.40, printing 35e, total $12.08. for 1H92; (0 varas land bd n Rov. royo s hill w D Domínguez. Taxes Gallegos, Marcial to- forenoon and four o'clock in the after- 87.43 80 v land bd u L Lucero s J Duran 34c, printing 3V, total 82.08 Redon s .1 1' Gurule e main ditch 5.03, jienalty 1.40, printing 3V, 1891-9- Rivera, Julian e road w A Montano; house at La Ortiz. Jose de Jesus for One 3 room house at w Kev Redon. Taxes 1.41, penalty tal 7.38 noon of said day, at the Court House Taxes 1.01, for 1J2. Fifty varas at San Mi- Cuesta bd n common rights s Can-a- d 100 v land u hill s E Lucero w J La Cuesta. jtenalty .TV, printing 3V, total 82.11 Montoya, Teodoro, estate of in San Miguel county, I nhall offer w it u. Taxes 4.18, 1.42, G (Jarcia on 40c, printing IV, total $2.30. 1897. Personal projKTty. Taxes guel, bd n J A Dimas, e diteh, penalty ( eJ Salas, house Sandoval, Dionicio for Gonzales, for sale and sell to the best bidder Jose Padilla; two-roo- house, bd printing 35c, total 85.95 same land. Taxes 3.81, penalty Santiago for 1890-0- 80 acres land boo 4 twp 3.00, penalty 70c, printing 35o, to- 1891-9- cash, the property described in the fol- n arroya, s J Ortega, e Feosio Duran Manuel 9.V, printing 3tV, total 85.11 for personal property. 10 rango 12 e and dwelling tal 1.17 1891-0- Taxes 80.00, jienalty 1.50, printing lowing list, and shall continue said Rivera, w acequia, Taxes 2.23, for one house 12 varas Ortiz, Marcelino house. Texas 7.43, jtenalty 1.85, Martinez, Encarnación land bd n M Prioste s E Gallegos for 1892; 27 v bd n 3V, total $7.&5 for 1891-- 2, 200 v land ltd n J Mar- sale from day to day until all the penalty 55c, printing 35c, total land Jose printing 3V, total 89.03 83.15 e mesa w river. Taxes 1.00, pen- Flores s Pecos river e D Saiz w Gurule, Jose Publo Santa Fe Mountain Club tinez a L Lojtez w common rights e hereinafter described property shall 1891-9- 30 Rivera, Teodosio alty 4le, printer's cost 35c, total Jose Flores. Taxes 1.30, penalty for v land bd n Salas The nw 4 nw 4 sec 19 twp 17 n r 12 summit of hills, and one house and Ix; sold due there- s P e river w Acequia; 21 v 1.30, prin- or until the amount for 1892. Two-roo- house and $2.42 32c, printer's cost 3V, total $2.97 Pino e. Taxes 1.30, jtenalty 34c, printing lot. Taxes 5.23, penalty 1) on shall be paid or realized. And in lot in San Miguel. Taxes 1.04, Duran Jacinto Ortiz, Felix land bd n Montayo e Bonavides 3V, total 82.05. ting 3V, total 80.83 1891-2- n by same. Taxes 2.33, penalty case there is no purchaser in good penalty 41c, printing 35c, total for ; 300 v land bd n by Lean- for 1892; 10 v land bd n ditch s Várela, Escolástico Montoya Casiano 58c, 35c. 3.20. 100 dro s river w Aniceto Montano; Pecos w same e printing total 1892 ; 40 n s for 1892, v land bd n Q Lucero faith bidding upon said property, then 82.40 river Canoncita. for yds land Ruperto Salazar, Jose L one house. Taxes 3.04, penalty Taxes 1.47, penalty 30c, printer's Gonzales, Salvador Jose Aguilar w ditch, house s G Valdez e same w river, two the same will bo struck off to San 4 1894-5-G-- for 1890; 143 acres land sec and rooms bd n common rights a A for 8. One house and lot 91c, printer's cost .'IV, total $4.90 cost ,1V, total $2.18 bd n Bonifacio (arela a C Haca e sec 20. 14.21, 3.55, w Miguel county as the purchaser. 200 ft from e to w, 70 from n to s, Flores, Carlos B Ortiz, Antonio Taxes penalty and w street. Taxes 8.08, jtenalty Garcia e P Montoya same. .'$5, $18.11 Makgahito Romeko, at San Miguel, bd n Julian San- for 1897-- 8. 70 yds land pet 2 bd n for 1892; 100 v land bd n Pecos printing total 2.02, jtriuting 35c, total 10.45 Taxes 2.41, jieualty 00c, printing 1) Gilnioro, G II B 3V, total 83.30 Treasurer and Collector of San Mi- doval, s and w Ambrosio Tapia, e Flores s R Flores e public pro- river s hill e F Pacheco w J M for 1897; 271 acres land w 2 se 4 sw PRECINCT NO. 4 Montoya, Gebriol guel County, N. M. public property. Taxes 5.83, pen- perty w river; house and lot bd n (auna; house La Cuesta bd n J D 4 ne 4 se 4 lots 10 and 11 nw 4 se 4 1892-- D Mon- alty 1.48, printing 35e, total 87.00 public property s I) Garduño, e J UriosU; s L Pacheco e town w can- Ajiodaca, y II Santiago for one houso bd n M w 3.91, 2.99, 74c, see 33 and 37 twp 18 r 12 e. Taxes for 175 v land bd n toya s and w J Ma Montoya e bill. PPECINCT NO. I. Sandoval, Lázaro (auna street. Taxes adita. Taxes jienalty 11.80, 3.70, 1-- -8. , penalty printing 3V, G Martinez s Griego e F Mar- Taxes 0.05, jtenalty printing for 1889 -'- 91 Ill varas land penalty 97c, printing total printing 35, total 84.08 J Bar-barit- total 818.85 w 300 v J 35c, 7.91 Aragón, de Garcia bd n D Prioste, s J Sandoval, e 85.23 Ortiz Jesus Ma. tinez road; land bd n total 1891. 1894-9- (Jarcia, Guadalupe Lomas w 3 Montoya, Jose Tercio fur An interest in the San river, w arroya; an orchard and a Flores, Felipe' for Improvements on gov- Romero e Las river; 1802-- 8, throe-roo- m 100 1891-2-0-- for 1892; 50 varas land bd n R for Miguel del Badogrant, one lot, house, bd n plaza, s street, e (5 for 180 yds laud bd n J ernment land at Guapolates. J room house at Tecolate bd n house at 20 wide, n Rael e and s M Silva w A Aranda, e Hernan- Tecolote. Taxes 1.73, jxmalty varas long by varas bd Romero? w Jose Ma Daran. Taxes M Prada s J Villanneva w same e Taxes 11.48, jtenalty 2.87, printing Zamora s R Padilla J A M s house. Taxes 3.48, penalty w G Ajiodaca. Taxes $15.84, 43o,, printer' cost 35c, $2.51 Castellanio, F Garcia, eF 10.98, penalty 2.21, printing 35c, river, 40 yds lot and house bd n 35c, total $14.70 dez total w OGc, 87c, print ing 35c, total 84.70 3.90, , Montoya, Garcia, F Gueris. Taxes total 814.07 M Garduño s KTafoya e church Pacheco, Manuel jtenalty printing total Nasario penalty 10c, printing 35c, total Solano, Miguel w P Lucero. Taxes 7.30, penalty for 1892; 13 v land bd n and s hill Granston, L T 820.15 for year 1892, 50 yds land and 81.17 1.84 35c, M w for 1892; 50 yards land in Anton Aldoroto; Rosarlo house. Taxes 4.34, jtenalty 1.08, for 1892. Thirty-tw- o and one-ha- lf printing total 89.55 e Sena Altagracia Gutierrez; Chico and house and lot. 1893-4-- 500 v jtrintlng 3V, total $0.77 Aguilar Francisco varas irrigated land at Pecos Flores, Estefano y Jose de Ortiz 50 v land bd n M Baros s P Mon- for uncultivated 1892. irri- Taxes 3.28, penalty 82c, printing of Bor- Mares, Tomas for Thirty varas land river; house at San Miguel. Tax- for 1891; 100 v land bd n by hills s tano e E Aragón w B Baca, and land bd n ridge hills s F gated, 20 Miguel, 3.V, total 84.45 rego e w Taxes 22.00, for 1892, 40 v land bd u small hill varas East San es 1.40, penalty 35c, printing 35c, Pecos rivere Juanita Salas wJose house at La Cuesta bd n M Pri- hill river. 10 20 II I jar, Bartolo jtenalty 5.00, 35:, total s J M Valdez e C Montoya, threa-rooi- u varas more at Pinavetoso, total 82.10 G Garcia: one house. Taxes 2.25, oste s hill e canadita w ditch. printing 1893; 40 v bd e R Gon 828.07 house. Taxes 4.28, j)enalty varas Antonchico; three room Trujillo, Juan penalty 50c, printer's cost 3.V, Taxes 2.07, penalty 00, printing,35, for land house. 1.33, 31e, zales w and s Pecos river. Taxes Manuel 1.07, jtrlntor's cost 35c, total , Taxes penalty for 1892. House in San Jose at total $3.10 total 83.08 Bernal, 3V, 62.05 3.01, jtenalty 7ie, printing 3V total 100 vara $5.70 printing total Anconde Sarraseno. Taxes 1.98, Flores Dionicio Pacheco, Librado mf' for Aguilarde, Baca Esprena , 1.891.-- 1891-2- ; 12 $1.15 land bd n Domínguez s and e com- Ortiz, Eugenio penalty 49-- printing 35c, total for one house 40 v land bd for varas land bd n P 1890. in Hernandez, V Martinez. for 1892, 40 yds land bd n road s for Ninety varas land 82.82 n river s Chacon e Villaneuvo. Montana s R Aaragon e M Pa- Susano mon rights Halarlo e w House in pet 3 bd n Beingou Mon- 20.47, 5.11, Pecos river u E'ltomero w Salazar, San Miguel, bd ditch, Pecos Tapia, Juan de Dios Taxes 4.03, penalty 1.15, printer's checo w P Pacheco; one house. Taxes jtenalty printing n I) Sena, s J B Fayst; 20 toya s Ant Sena e street w hill. 35c, 825.93. 10 viand at Garambullo bd n Po river, for 1891. Personal property. cost 3V, total 80.13 Taxes 99c, penalty 24c, printer's total 10 Taxes 1.17, jtenalty 29c, printing Salazar G Salazar o Pecos riv- varas land at Antonchico: varas Taxes 1.08, penalty 42c, printing Flores Jose cost 35c, total $1.58 Ensinias, Francisco v at house in 1S91-- 3V, total 81.81. for 1892. 50 v lund bd n and s T er w ditch, 50 land bd n S G s F Pinabetoso: and stable 35e, total 82.45 for one house and personal Ramiros, Reyes 1 e Pecos w San Miguel. Taxes 5.07, penalty property. Taxes 2.30, penalty 09c, 1892 ; 20 v bd n Javamillo, Telesfor Otero e river w F (arela, house. river ditch, Vigil, Ignacio de Lopez for year land 1.27, printing 35c, total 80.0! printing .TV, total 83.30 diteh e s G Alarcon w Ma for 1892. 70 v land on lot Anton Taxes 1.89, jtenalty 47c, jtrintlng also houso and lot. Taxes 1.84, for 1891. Land bd e Pecos river, and J Bastamente, Simon Flores, Rumaldo Taxes 1.52, penalty 38c, Chico. Taxes 10.38, jtenalty 4.09, 3-- total 2.71. jwnalty 40o, Printing .TV, total n J Gallegos, s Rita de Sena; a Ramiros. for 181)2. Seventy-fiv- e varas tem- for 181)1-- 80 v land bd n M Ma- 3.V, total 82.25 printing 3V, total 820.82. Ensinias, Jesus 2."5. house and lot in San Jose. Taxes printer's cost poral land at La Mostanda, San s A w by the Lucero, Rufina for 1891-- 2, 50 v land bd n M Gar- Rael y Herrera, Martin 4.07, 1.01, 35o, dril Madril river, Rivera, Desiderio penalty printing 1890-97-9- 100 for 1891,500 v bd Miguel; ine room in San Miguel. house on same. Taxes 3.87, pen- for 1892; 50 v land bd n Pecos riv- for acres land sec cia s hill e M Martinez w road. land n A Baca total $5.43 Miguel w Taxes 1.(55, penalty 41c, printing alty 9te, printer's cost .'55c, total er s ditch e R Salinas w Pecos riv- 29 twj) 17 r 12 bd n M Gonzalos s Taxes 1 ic, 19c, printer' Sanchez river and house. Zamora, Taxes 2.35, 35c, total $2.41 Ramon $5.18 er, house bd n ditch s hill e R Benigno e public land w Franco cost 3V, total $1.31 jtenalty 58c, for 1891. A house and in 35c, 3.28 Haca, Monico lot San Gallegos, Pablo Salinas w common rights. Taxes Gonzales 200 v land in precinct 8 Gonzales, Encarnación total ID Miguel. Taxes 1.91, penalty 47c, 100 Romero, Seforino for 1891. one house; varas for 1891-2- ; personal property. 1.94, penalty 48e, printing 3V, to- bd n E (ouzales s samo e same for 1892. Two houses at El Burro 35e, 82.73 125 land, bd n Dolores Sena, s J B printing total Taxes 1.45, penalty 3tie, 'printer's tal $2.77 uerns bd n main ditch house on ltd n J Tafoya s J Montaya e road for 1801, v laud bd n A Baca Fayet, e Auguia del Medio, w cost 3V, total 83.10 Ribera Desiderio same laud. Taxes 17.75, jtenalty w common rights. Taxes l.til, s Miguel Sanehez w river, 100 v 194. by 40 n PRECINCT NO. 2. 4.43, 35c, 822.53 land bd u Jose a S Rome- river; val varas, by Gallegos, M Ricardo for 1891-2- : 53 v land bd n river s printing total nenalty 40oi printing 3.V, total Romero t Agui- 1S91-2- ro e hill, js-- 44. Taxes, 3.74, pen- Douaciano Tapia, s by Jose Aragón, Juan do Dios for : 50 v land bd n E Tafo-y- a mesae J Solima w Pecos river. Montano, Estoban 82.30. w alty Ü.V, 35, 85.02 lar, e Vicente Ortega y L Tapia, for 1890 to '98. 100 ft bd n Pecos e Sedillo e Chacon w acequia. Taxes 2.99, penalty 74c, printing for 18ü2. Two acres land bd n (Jarza, Fanstin de la print lug total 2U Raol, by Auguia del Media; varas in river s acequia madre e Tomas Taxes 3.70, penalty 93c, printing TV, total 84.08 road e Antonio Aguilar w Pecos for 1892. 228 v land bd n Buca Martin 1891-2-4-- 400 v laud bd n San Miguel, n Vicinte Ortega, A Bachiche w M Aragon;housc and 35, total 85.05 Ramiros, Petra river, 2 room house. Taxes 3.30, Fruuclsco s tattle land o M (Jarcia for F w 1891-2- .TV, jm'U-alt- Trujillo hill e river w road, Tapia, e acequie madre, by Jose lot bd n and s common rights e Giron, Jose Merced for ; 9 v land bd n Franco 82c, printing total w C Domínguez. Taxes 2.11, 20 1391-2- 81.17. house at El Burro Taxes 0.14, Aguilar; varas in Antonchico: Epimeuio Gutierres w T Bachichi. for : 3!) v bind bd n and e F Sais s D Ortiz e acequia w Pecos 52c, jtrintlng 3V, total $2.08 150 jienalty 2.28 3V, varas in Pinabetoso; one house Taxes 4.0", penalty 1.01, printing Sais s hill w Villaneuva one river. Taxes 1.50, penalty 37c, Martinez y (Jarcia Valentin Gutierre., Cruz jtriuting total in Miguel. Taxas' 1.10, pen- Can-onci- 1892, 50 v n UK) 11.77 San 35, total 0.18. house bd u eom'n'Mi rights e ta printing 35c, total $2.22 for land bd Tomas for 1892. v land bd n T Pa f alty 27c, printing 35e, total 81.72 Aragón, N'abor e Jesus Gonzales w on Salas Luis Gutierre, o ronl w N Apodaea. checo s J Gonzales e and west Sanche., Merced Baca, Manuel 3.12, jtenalty 85c, for 181)2, jtrojterty. Taxes for 1895-0- ; UK) varas land bd n A alley. Taxes 1.10, penalty 27c, for 1891-2- ; 25 v land bd n Franco Taxes printing common rights; 2 houses bd n J 1895-0- . - 1.70, jtenalty 42c, jtrluU-r'- s cost 3V, for Personal property. Madril s F Gallegos w rivere hill; printer's cost 35c, total 81.70 Sais, s I) Ortiz e ditch w river. 35c, total 4.02. Trujillo s G Martin croad w com- 3.48, 87c, total $2.47 Taxes penalty printing house and lot at La Cuesta bd n Gonzales, Juan Jose Taxes 3.54 penalty 88c, printing Montoya. Juan nw ut Tuxes 1.82. nciiultv 35c, $4.70 1892. 20 n M Sedillo, Romaldo total public land s public land w J 1) for 1892; 250 v land bdn ditch s 35, total 81.77 for v land bd J 4V, jtrintlng 35c, total 82.02. w for 1891-2- , 200 v laud bd n C Ana-y- a Chavez, Valentón Baros e public land. Taxes 11.71, Pecos river e same w L Flores. Tenorio, ( 'atarino Gallegos s C Rael main ditch e Gallegos, Filomeno 1801-2- . w for 100 varas, bd n 50.-- , 197-8- 10.') Pecos house 15x40 bd n 1891-2- , mesa cunoucito de Domín- penalty 1.17, printing .T5c, total Taxes 2.02, jtenalty printing for ; varas land bd n A river; Jose for years real estuto and guez. Taxes 3.21, 80, prin- of Alvino Haca, s David 80.23 35e, total 82.87 Madril e common rights s F Galle- Rael s ditch w Jose Rafael Luna jiorsonal jirojiorty. Taxes 1.17, jtenalty w resi- ting .35, total 4.30 Prioste, e road, road: a Aragón, Estofan a Gardino, Dolores gos w river; dwelling house bd n e Johus M Gallegos. Taxes 2.17, penalty 29c, jtrlntor's cost 3V, dence in del Chami-ze- l. 35c, a 1 Sandoval, Jose Albino house arroya for 1891; 700 varas land bd n by E for 1892; 30 v land bd n and e F and e street s Celio Lucero n A js'iialty 54c, printing tot total $1.81 C.23, 'jtenalty for 1891, real jtersonal Taxes 1.55, Quintana F Baca e Pecos Saiz s hill w M Villaneuva: house Martinez. Taxes 10.51, pen- $3.00. Gurule, Jesus estate and river . printing 35c, total $8.13 Martinez, Domingo 1891-- 50 n ar- projH-rty- Taxes 2.12, jtenalty 53e, w acequia; UK) V land bd n M Pa- at La Cuesta bd n common rights alty 4.12, printing 35c, total for years' v land bd Esquiltel, Jose for 1897-9- 150 v land, same w Do- printing 3V, total 3.00. checo s P Pacheco e N Alarcon w s Canadita e Jesus Gonzales w an 820.98 house roya s sume e A Gultorrez for 1894. 100 ydo land, bd n mesa, Taxes 0.90, 1.74, Salazar, Jose Andreas B Baca; one house. Taxes 8.32, alley. Taxes 2.02, penalty 0.V, Prioste, Manuel land. penulty mingo Pacheco. Taxes 2.00, 1888-9- Gallegos, s S Esqnibel, w , 89.05 5b-- , 2.92 for 400 v land at Tecolote eE penalty 2.0S, printer's cost 35c; to- printer's cost 35c, total for 1892: 25 v land bd n hill s river printing total printing 35c, total mesa; Miguel, bd n Las Vegas grant s C Sena e a house in San tal $10.75 Gutierres Jesus c h' C Lucero and house. Pino, Pedro Griego, Eleutorlo 1891-9- 27 A Ajiodaca w M Montoya one about U miles south of Bernaleo. Aragón, Jose Fabian for 1892: house at La Cuesta bd n Taxes 2.01, penalty 05c, prin- for v land bd n Jose for 1891, personal jirojiorty Taxes J Taxes 1.31, penalty 32c, printing Gurule s same e w house at Tecolote. Taxes 17.93, for 1891; one house 20 varas bd n hill Jesus Gonzales e and w ter's cost 35c, total $3.01 river acequia. 1.87, jtenalty 4W, trlnter's cost 3.5c, total 11.98 Taxes 4.04, jHiialty 1.01, printing jtenalty 4.48, jtrintlng 3V, total Pecos river s mesa e Celso Baca w same. Taxes 1.17, penalty 29c, Villanneva, Manuel IV, total $2.08 Gonzales, Loreto 3.V, 5.40. 22.70 M Velasquez. Taxes 1.10 penalty printer's cost 3.V, total Í1.HI for 1892. 100 v land bd n and w, total Hornundoz Julio for 18112. Twenty-fou- r varas land Roy Ta- Sandoval, Juan Inosetieio 20c, printing 35c, total 81.72 Lucero Francisco 1) r lores, e Dolorllas (.aruimo, s Pudilla. Joso Otero for 1892; 150 v land bd n J A 1.22, pen- 1891-9- 3 for 1892. 150 v laud bd n R Pa- at San Miguel. Taxes Armijo, Tranquilino for year 1892; 45 v land bd n ditch Hill. Taxes 5.99, penalty 1.49, for house in precinct bd foya s J Jaramillo e road w hill, w alty 30V, printing 35c, total 1.87 s w A n Main street e another street back Taxes 7.03, jsnalty dilla A Bs k e river ridge of for 1891-- 2; onehouselT varas land R Tenorio e F Baca Gon- printing 3V, total $7.83. one house. Guerin, Miguel A s M Silva e Celso Bai-a- . Taxes .TV, 89.13 hill; 2 houses at Plaza del Burro bd n I) Lucero a mesa e M Pache- zales. Taxes 1.31, penalty 32c, 1.75, printing total for 1892. Two-roo- m house In San 19.75, tialty 4.93, printing 3.V, bd n J (riego s the jtlaza e Joso co w Gutierrez. Taxes 1.38, pen- printer's cost .'15c, total $1.98 PRECINCT NO. 3. js Herrera y Rolval Pablo Miguel, bd n old road to Las 825.00 Albino w J (riego. Taxes 5.97, alty 31c, printing 35c, Lucero, Juan Aguila, total for 1894. 400 v land bd n Crestón total Jesus 1.19, Vegas Church ut, e Rev fayet, w 1HJ1-2- ; Raol y Luna, Jose w house jtenalty jtrintlng 35e, total 82.07. for years house bd n hill for 1891, 00 v land bd e by Jose s road Sabinal e ridge, 194, 4 Si 1891-9- 7.81. FGuelra. Taxes penalty (or one house bd M 4. 4.08, jtenalty 1.02, Alarcon, Nestor s Jesus Gonzalos e unu w same. Salas w P Aruiigo. 50 vara land in t Taxes printing 35c, total $2.77 n s and w jtublic land e Tomas 5.15 Trujillo, Martin for 1893. 50 v land bd n, M Pri- Taxes 2.52, js'iialty (3c, printing bd n Barcia s Jose Valencia: Uv printing 3V, total Garcia, Trinidad Duran, Taxes 2.15, jtenalty 53e, for 1h91, 50 v land bd n arroyo oste e A Apodaea s E Aragón w 35, total 83.50 bd n S Sandoval 50 varas. Taxes Lucero, Gregorio for 181)3-5-7-- 8. 1,000 varas land at printing .TV, total 83.03. n mesae Domínguez w Domínguez. main house and w Madril, Jose Felipe 11.80, 3.70, prinllng .TV, for 1893; 150 v toinjioral land bd diteh: lot bd penalty 1.74, Los Trigos, bd n J Sandoval, s P 191-2- , Romero, Juana s T A Taxes tenalty 43c, jtrintlng Hills e road s G Alarcon w society for house bd n F C do Baca total $18.85. J Gutierrez Mae e Trujillo CO 1891-9- ct 2.52 Rivera, e hills, w Feeos river; for one house and lot jire-cln- w 35c, total house. Taxes 5.09, penalty 1.27. s L Lucero e town. Taxes 90c, Aragón, Isidoro T Maes, house at Tecolote bd n bd n P Baea, s Libra-- No. 3. Taxes 1.01, jtenalty Trujillo, F.pifanio varas land, penalty 24c, 35c, to- 1891-9- Jose A Trujillo D Domínguez o printing 3V. total $0.71. printer's cost for 2. One house and lot bd do Bivera, o mesa, w Sierra. 47c, printing 3V, total 2.73. w 8.21, for 1892. 4 10 v land bd k and e Apodaea, Atllano tal $1.55 n Gerhard w mountains s river T Maes L Gonzales, Taxes Taxes 0.92, penalty 2.40, printing .TV common rights w R Portolles. for 1893. 53 v land bd e G New- Madril, Manuel Pecos e road. Taxes 2.72, penalty Romero, Paoual jtenalty 2.00, jtrintlng total 73c, u 35c, total $12.37 ü 1891-9- 10.05 Taxes 2.95, intlng man w N Alarcon s B Baca n 1891-2- : varas land bd u M Sena 08e, printing .'IV, total 13.75 for 30 v land bd n Joso Hartman, Geo V 35c, total 1.03. Mesa: 25 v bd w J Salas e L Salas s R Flores e hill w river. Taxes Almanzar, Fcrniin Gurule s Salas e river w Hill, Lojioz, Simon for 1891. 500 varas land with im 5.03, 1893-4-5- ; 500 v land bd n E Ron- Trujillo, (rogore n Benito Haca w Mesa; house and 1.18, penalty 29c, printing 35c, to- for 1892; IS v land In precpict 3 bd house and lot. Taxes penally for provements about four miles north w for 1892. 200 v land bd n Herrera lot La Cuesta bd w Juana Salas tal 81.82 n P Pino s Sob Gurule e Pecos 1.40, printing .TV, total 87.38. quillo s Sandoval e L Trujillo of San Miguel. Taxes 7.18, pen house on above laud, house s common rights o eanon w hill. e and n mesa h road. Taxes 8.23, Martinez, Manuel A river w main ditch. Taxes 1.12, Rael y Sánchez, Juan road, alty 1.79, printing 35e, total 9.32 n Montoya s Taxes 1.89, penalty 47c, jtrintlng penalty 2.05, printing 35c, total for 1891-2-7-- 101) varas land bd n penalty 28c, printing 35e, total tjr''l8!2. Four room house and at Tecolote bd Jose Lopez, w 3V, total 2.71. Isidro 810.03. Cleilio Lucero s La Angostura e $1.75 stable In oast side of Anton Chico, street e J M Montoya Ignacio for 1892. Thirty-seve- n varas land 8.21, Haca Vidal La Mesa w river; one Baca, Albina Taxes 4.80, js nalty 1.20, printing Medina. Taxes jtenalty 2.00, Tafoya, Juan Antonia irrigated, bd n, s, e and w Fran 35c, total 10.05 for 1892. 200 v land bd t Hernan- for 191-2- ; one house and personal houso bd n and e common lot s N for 100 acres of 3V, total 80.35. printing cisguita Aguilar, four-roo- house Lobato, Jose dos S Ajiodaca e road w hill; property. Taxes 1.55, penalty 3S, Alarcon w road. Taxes 10.2.), pen- land and improvement. Taxes Homero, Esteban at San Miguel. Taxes 1.52, js-- for 1892, two-roo- m house ttt Teco- 2 houses n and west common printing 35e, total 82.28 alty. 2.57, printing 35, total $13.21. 18.78, penalty 4.09, printing IV, for 1892. Personal proerty ulty 38c, printing 35c, total 82.25 lote, two-roo- house at Las Ve- rights Bnd e Hernando.. Taxca Baca Francisco Martinez, Albino total 23.82. Taxes 2.71, 07c, jirlutlng Leyba, ose Manuel gas. Taxes 2.90, js nalty 72o, prln-in- g 1.13, 2Ho, printlug 3V, to- for 1891-2- : one house 19 varas for JS92, 50 v land bd n Pecos Baca, Antonio Jose , 35c, total 83.73. for 181)1!. Three-roo- m house in 35, total 3.97 tal 1.70. land bd n Pecos river s hill v F rivers V Gonzales e F Baca w A for 2. o v land o Miguel. 1.42, penalty iJ Rivera, Enrique San Taxes w 1.70, pen- Gonzales, A s Montoya, Justo Estate of Valdez, Feliciana Sena H Haca. Taxes house on same. Taxes river n Baca road. Taxes for 1897; 12 acres see 12 twp 17 35c, total 12.22 r 1893-4-- v M 45c, printing 41c, 35c, 82.55 1.72, jtenalty 43c, 13,30, iwnalty 3.34, for 400 bd u Ribera for 19T; 340 v land bd n C Gutier- alty printing total printer's cost printing 3V, 12 e and improvement. Taxes Notado, llamón $2.50 T Esqnibel w Common rights, re samo e and w by the ridge. Baca Florencio 35e, total total 817.05. 11.77, 2.94, 3.V, 18!)5- -. Oí) land penalty printing 4. for Estate; varas 1891-2- house a nl lot jtroolnct Taxes Taxes 0.71, jsmalty 1.07, jtrintlng for ; 15 varas land bdn Juan Madril Francisco Bullock, L1I 815.00 at Ivos bd n Sandoval, s total 20.18, 5.04, 3V, Trigos, J Martinez s mesa e Jose Martinez for year 1892: 25 v land bd n J for 1897; 100 acres land sec 27 twp jsnalty jtrintlng .TV, total 8.73 L IíOpfz, w river, e ditch; a piece y Sanchez, Jose tot 25.57 w .H Aragón; 8 varas land bn n Gardino s ditch e Flores w Pa- 11) r 12 e and Improvement. Taxes al Vigil, Franoiseo of land near same; 10 varas at for 1891-92- ; one house Hnd lot In 125 rivers A Gonzales w Jose Mar dilla. Taxes 1,'M, jtenalty 38c, 15.05, penalty 3.70, printing .TV, Montoya, Cresenrlo for 1897. vara land bd n road San Miguel grant; 30 varas land Antonchico. Taxes 8.19, jtenalty ltd n Martinez. Taxes 4.07, penalty 1.10, printing 3V, total 82.02 total 119.10 for 1893: 250 v toinjioral land river w Ellsworth e F Martinez; at Loa Trigos, bd sides by pub 2.04, printing 35c, total $10.58. Vial-jtand- o w all printing 35c, total 80.18 Madril, Juan Cordova, Romijio and common rights e J house bd n pla.a J Gonzales lie domain; 50 land at Ber w house In K ( 1.09, vanis Aragón, Ruuialdo for 18'.2, house and lot ut La Cues- One house 2 room bl n common Sanchez, Donnclano Gutierres a road c riego. Taxes, nal, bd n and common rights, for 1891-9- one house and lot In town bil n A Angel C Gutierres 42c, for IM'.rj- - .. v land ltd n mesa s ta. Taxes 2.34, jsnalty 58, prin- rights s Anto J Montoya. Taxes penalty printing 3V, total Jesus Coris, w la mesa. Taxes Antonchico. Taxes 5.39, penalty e D w road. Taxes (1.71, 2.4(1. river e Juan Gallegos w F Chavez, ter's cost 35c, total $3.27 7.09, jtenalty 1.92, printing 3V, Duran 21.75, jtenalty 5.43, prinllng .TV LT4, printing 32e, total 7.08. Iwnalty 1.07, jtrintlng 3V, total 50 v land bd n mesa s middle Montano Aniceto total 9.90 total 827.53 8.73 ditch e L Lucero w F Garcia: for 1892 ; 40 v land bd n 1eandro Guilders, W H bisnoros, Manuel Ortiz, Ciriado Martille., house bd n Pablo Archibcque s J Luceros ditch c J Duran wJ A for 189H; Improvement on nw 4 for 1891 92; one acre of laud bd e Hilario for 191. 100 acres of land not Sis-noro- s. 1893; 125 v land toinjioral ltd n (al legos w La Loma. Taxes 3.23, Flores; (0 v laud bd n H Padilla sec 9 twp 17 n range 12 e. Taxes diteh w river u J Romero for patented. Taxes 2.15, jtenalty Clc o I) Montoya w F penalty Me, printing 35, total sditchcJA Flores w P Lucero; 0.H2, js'nalty 1.70, printing 3V, Taxes nalty 1.88, road river printing 35c, total 83.41 at Twoloto. Taxc 4.38 liOUxH bd n hill ditch A Gon total 8.87 printing 3V, total 9.77 Villi house v w alies road V Manzanare for e 1S'j1-.- EL INDEPENDIENTE, Puertecito. For year ". Duran, Jesus Ma J ear IM. Jaxe 10.31, penalty Taxes Jara, between Mora and San Mi- 3.1, penalty (IV, prin-t- r' for 1.891-- One house and PRECINCT No 8. years 7-8. Taxes 31.92, ."1.V, lot at guel line; one house 7. printer's eot total ÍM2.1 cost t-- pet Taxes av, total JLa Gonceeion. Taxes 1.09, pen Apodara, penalty 7.08, printer's cost av, SALAZAR & BACA, Publishers. (ionzalex .enobio Hiljera. 24.46, )enalty 6.11, printing 35c, Porfirio Juanita de Baca alty 42e, total 40.25 :$ printing 3.V, total 92.W .'K).92 for 50 v land for 1V., lot bk 3 Kihlbcrtf's plat lot 17 II J H, 100 iaíid total bd e vara under Garcia, Lui Montoya w N Silva, Vicente - Maes, Manuel Tachias s river n Taxes 7.4'., penalty 1.87, ditch for year 1 J 1 ür,.x Taxes 24.3.", ior . For years 1892 to '95, lot 3 bk 507 SUPPLEMENT. print 1.71 Jkcsiaenee house at La for 1895, a piece of land ditch. Taxes .jHualty 13.37, Inu total fi.08, jirinter' at Canon lot 9 bk I Old eost a. Concejicion. Taxes 1.2!), printing 57.22 Town of Las Vegas, Gutierrez, ("iVore .'lo.78 ienalty del Airua north ib of ac, total total Hice "a ty PRICKCT NO. 32e, printing 3V, total $1.0(1 Lu"a de Ilael survey. Taxes ,10.07, 5. for 1S02 to 'ill, personal property N river, alxmt seven miles from Hot Teita, estate of Rosenthal, L IiOpez y Torres 9.17, printer's cost .IV, to- Taxe 4.21, 1.07, Joe Springs, a piece ior iwj. a v land bd n Jose Angel, Pablo penalty printinyr lots 3, 4, block Hi KlhllK-r- i of land at Los i 'at ior m2. Hi'sidence house La Hael s tal 4(5.19 50x1(53 .In', total e:.7i 18(18. Alamos bd n river s Montoya Grant Antonio Martin e river w bd n A. Martinez s roail c 'faxes 7.!), penalty J.:7 Concepción. Ulibarri, de Lopez Carlota (Jairia, Clcilio Taxes 2.50, penalty line e M Harrold w M ditch; house in Anton Chico bd e callejón v road for 1891. Taxe prinUT's eost ac, total 10.21 one, Crespin. about Urn acres of for 1;!I2 to printing 3,c, total 82.85 house and lot MaT Sais w public Taxes land in precinct .ne, penalty,' printing, .TV, 'ill, lot 5 bk I Kl r.oyba!, Vicente a Las Vigiles bd n road. 5. 1, Lopez, Antonio 5(5.91, penalty 14.22, For year 189Ü. Taxes 58.05, 1.U1 urvey. laxes r,.27, penalty 1.57, 1802-.1- , and s road e my father w Quintana. printing 35c, Total, For years lot 1, 2, 3 bk 20 for penalty 14.(i(i, 193. 50 v land pet bd i Taxes 10.59, total 71.48. printer's cost 33c, printing u,lnl 1!) r penalty 2.(4, Archibeque, Ensebio ,h, ami lots bk Kihlb-r- plat printing total $73.(50 Jaramiilo, Jo.hi? rivers ditch e H Benvidez w San 3.5c, total 13,58 Mink, Juan A a house for 1891 iMl o by A Flores laxe 0.0.1, penalty 2.27, jirin to 1 885-9- 2. Ulibarri Ramon for lKiil, One house, Iipez. Taxe 3.98, penalty 99c Mares, Marcos for House and lot in An- X Hais, 8 Romero and lot bd n ter cost 71 o ly hill. Tasen a, total ill. ninety-tw- one-ha- lf G. FNplnosa w 35c, total $5.32 for 1891-- ton Chico; land and house varas land Je, penalty, 22 , printing?, .'IV FeliM' Anel by Hoybal, Antonio House and lot at Los Juan Martinez, Benigno 1 precinct 5, bound n A Ortiz, s 1.45 t. Hinojo e by Alamos. Taxes 9.21, ais; lot in Anton Chico. Taxes and Total, Sandoval. Taxes for 18!H. Lot 31, H, js-- t penalty 2.30, blk A for 1892. 14( yard e F A Manzanares, w ditch, 100 !!', penalty 17c, it) land bd n pub printing 3V, '58, penalty 14.09, printing 35c, Arniljo, Francin-- printing .Tic, to -- irriirited land. Taxe 22.71 total 11.80 varas land lal 1.21 lie road s Gallinas river e Santos Martinez, total i().h2. precinct 24, bound s oneheuse, luí ii ,To.o F Chavez, r.42, printing a-- , Josefa de Garcia total Ixipez w A Almanzar. Taxes 3.42, Nelson, Manuela Jose D Martinez. For year 1895. w hy street s same e Jaramillo, Joko 28.48 for 1891. Fifty vara land, bd n Lorenzo penalty 8.V, Taxes 142.95, penalty 35.73, prin- one hotiKo nnd lot, bd n G Fnpi printing av, total Sapello river, s hiUs, e N ior ihsu. House in Anton Chico Loi,, for 191. Taxes. 1.17, mi. Homero, Anton A, estate of Harrold; cost 3.V, w fl.02 bet ween street and ter's total 179.03 nalty, 29c, OV. noun, Felipe Aritrel, by G Hi About 30 one house and lot at Los Alamos Catholic church Total forl8!l.r. acre tempo Montaño de w Ulibarri, Ramon iiojom, e by for 1W1, Almanzar, Ma Jemis 40x10 ft. Taxes .1.15, public street, land at Los Ks l.L Sandoval, ral and at Fuertaeito bd n by penalty 70c, 1891-2-3-4-- rty ...... for 1892. (0 v for 183 v o;v, land La Concepción printing Joe, total 1.20 teritos. Taxes 74.05, penalty 18.51, land in Armtjo, Joe Inocencio penalty I7o, printing common, one iraci land between 1(X) ien bd n table land s Gallinas w a-- , Vegas; v in Los Ojos b n by lot 1, .(."'. J otal 51.21 river Ortega, G Leandro printing total 92.91 2, 3, block 10, Kihibrrg La Vejia and l'uerteeito bd N s by same e C 1891-- Spark, Win Herra same w road e boun- 18(58. Jow Ortiz Martinez. Taxes 2.03, for Two-roo- house plot Tftxci t reston e and n common at Los 1 Tif . - .... rights m;n.-y,-- fm daries 2.50 v lMil-2-5-- 50c, ranch; with improve- 4. penalty printing ,'15c, total ior acres .23.51, 2. per rent 5.88, for One hoime and lot l'uerteeito. Taxe .18?, Alamos, bd s Sapello river, e Ma- land sec 4 Í52.8K ments; 100 v bd e bil n twp 19 n r 14 e. Taxes 28,08, n J Martinez s printer cost .IV, total, 29.77 National treet Juan Haca I'.ic, printing f.'i.U nuel Beltran, w C Garcia, 23x30 ft. penal 3,e, toUl Ortega, Narciso ty 7.17, e Gallinas river w w Aceimia e Htrcet. TaveM 21.(11, Taxes 2.39, printing .IV, total $,'5(5.20 Chaperito Aragón, Simon Senacal, A A penalty 59c, printing 100 iorJW.t-4- . House in f). road; v two houses in pet No 5 penalty o.(Kl, printinj,' U, pet Taxe av, total house and lot, hounded n by Chavez air, total lot 7, block 1 Klhlberi,' plat bd n 2").:iJ 37.45, penalty 9.3(1, printing 35c, PRECINCTÑo4. by J Montoya s I) Lopez e street, ft Matilda c 18ti, two lots and Hael, Julio Gutierrez, house in pre total SI7.1H. Jacobaon, Isaac middle acequia w Pacific Kihlbertr, t 1892-7- . street. No. 4, w FO clm-- ,,. 18Ü4-5-0-- for 100 varas Mmt Bernard street, For year land, bd n Taxes 142.95, lota 1 to 8 b 5 Vigil Doroteo for years 1891 to '95, 50 v land bd penalty 35.70, print- lor lwm-- i. Tuxes ,1.0,', penalty Kihlberj,' plat, W,H, Taxe 10.!)!), penalty 2.78, Loneas, s Sapello river, w J Mon- prin 1892-3- . 40 n P Herrera s 1! ing aV, total 179.(X! l 1 for v land La Concep Lucero e Sando per ent jtrintot-'- cost lot in jict .', Jot to 8 b ter cost .toe, total 114.12 toya, e Win Frank. Taxes 7.0(1, Vigil ción lid n vai; another piece bought H Luciano , total 1.10 12 Kihlbcrtf plat liiK, for year Sand u val, Gallinas river a main penalty 1.70, .T5c, of Juan printing total lot J, b 9. For 8. ditch e Santos Ix.pez w Sena. Taxes 42.55, years Anaya, Jose Ignacio TaX(,H 7 i,,( ..r)al. lot 3, C Martinez. 9.17 penalty 10.GH, block 51, precinct For io.jvc.-- , ty4..17, faxes 10.81, penalty 2.70, printer s cost aw, total 53. GO i.uv, penalty t. , t, prirr mij-ivn- IUIKJ, IlOllllll w printer' eont total year 18Ü.VU-- 7. I). 37, printing Sanchez, Francisco tarui a, Taxe pen 13.8(1 cost aw, 22,21 35c, total 1891-- Jacobson, Jacob, minor icr's total 34.12 by old river, hills e Ignacio ulty 2.31, printer' t 3V, for A house and lot, bd n coi tolal J89.M-0-- 8. Lucero, llafael 12,(H1 Sapello ior 50 v land bd n A Malaxar, n JVtra lJavn, land tern PRECINCT river, s S Lopez, e A 1 XJ NO. 7. Sena, T , . T . .. . 0 Arehiilola a poral in precinct 5, Improvements acre land on the A Ortiz jfrant Sdndoval, Telcsfora Mieyta, w M Jiminez. Taxes .125, jmnalty .juiuuau iieuai e 0 is Almanzar, Apounario (heir if) Hosario w bd n hill h M 81c, Valdez Gonzales. Taxes 34.17, for and house, another tract of land river e Mares, w U bouse and lot precinct ", bound w for 1893. printing 35c, total UAl Fifty va A piece of land at Los 0.&4, In Lucero, house, r,...., t - .. penalty printing 3V, total ras & M -, precinct (;. For 1895-f- l, at Chaperito, house Trujillo, Antonio land P add, bd n ace-- years ,.u macs, ami e ;viaes, n Alamos, 11 e H Aragón, w J Lopez, 4.10(1 1892.3-4-I- quia, s laxe I.,!!, penalty 2. per cent, tLVejrayear,18W. Taxe ,ri.2I, rucilii! street, n s for 190 varas river, e C Martinez, w O lot bound hills, river. Taxes 8.(5, pen- land Montoya, Jose Ma. .r.'c, penalty 1.30, printer' a-- , Montano; house on 40 printer cost .(., total if2..Tt cost (iarduno, and w C Garcia, alty 2.17, priming 3.V, Lome, Colorado, s Sapello river, e P M; varas, (i.8ii total Í11.21 ior 494 Araron, Matea total alley. 1808. M Harrold, w acres land bd w road, s river, e M Ortiz, For year Taxe 3.03, Archuleta, Andrea JesusGarcia. Taxes in n Lopez V. Montoya grant, residence house, B ranch in precinct (5, Improre-men- ti G'alleyo penalty 1892-3- ltl.5(i, Martinez: ranch at 78c, printer's cost .IV, for . Fifty viwas land, penalty 4.14, printing 35c, Sabiroso. V bd n ...... 1 A...... )(0 acres added by vara land bd n 9-- assessor Taxes 107.99, on Kiimc, house and lot, in Haca T Ho- total H.i-t s toiai 1. Ml penalty 41.99 print- hill, Sapello river, e A S eria. w Taxes 1(58.41, precinct .., mero e liver W ditch, fur IHOM penalty 42.10, print ing 35c, total 210.33 bound n bv 1' J y voiir Sandoval, Martin L lot at Lo M ...... , ...... J " I)ez; Alamos, bd n J ing .j.., total 210.80 i' uno l year axe .'l.O.'l, penalty '", prln. noiise AMOINTS sirrci, or .. and lot precinct bound Gallegos, "''" I,,k'u f, n s road, e Q Gallegos, w J 0VR $25.00. Homero, Jose N(77. l92-7-- . i..,ul tpir I M ...... , 1 Ma PRECINCT Tnxi'H 17.1.1 n total ÍI.13 ..i,--,- n nun e i. M puonc land, w Gallegos. Taxes 7.54, penalty 1891 4.2, printer" Lleon, Florencio J'licific NOTICE for to '98, 125 v land bd n Archuleta, Jose I rostlV, total,!.'!.! street, one lot same pre 88e, printing .TV, $8.77 ó for 1 Mill total Givens s S Homero w for 189.1 to 8. 1(50 Auge!, raido 2. One houm and lot, cinct, liound e alley, C'respin, La Cima acres land pet Cecilio Severo To Tax-Pave- Taxes 1.7k, the Delinauent rs nf mesa. Taxes .11.55, penalty 20, bd n Red hills, s o lor mu. ..Oxlffi bd n A Martinez penalty II. print iijí Garcia w ame, n (iarduno. for 1892. 78, river, A For A log house at Los .TV, w road c w total P2..7 l!i(l-7- . printing total .19.78. Sena, L Lopez, house and lot Callejón road. Taxi years Tiixe ('..HI, penalty mo. Taxes 1.29, San Miguel County. at Llcon, penalty Valdez, José Manuel Los Alamos, bd w M ., penalty l.'Ie, .15, Florencio 3.-- , J Gallegos, e printing total - printer cost total 10.02 printing J.r, total !.! '. To the tax-payer- s, for 1891 to '94, 200 v Q Gallegos, s 1.93 omt hoiihc and lot, for 3801-2- . Sanlino, Asencio M delinquent known land bd n D road, n J Gallegos. de Cresnin., , Melouhnles 1 w .11.32, Arch beque, Fust-bi- Taxes 1.78, penalty li 181 and unknown, in the following Tallo mesa e river, 100 v land Taxes penalty 8.44, lie, print for CM, house and lot Kihlberj? forl895-t- . 231 tax printing acres of land at bd n Henevides w 15c, ior a vi, A In. un. , av. Total ir2.r7 i pint 00x17.". list: by the Pecos e total (). Taxes (.72, penalty Lis Alamos. Tax 's 9.43, Martiiie?, 1.1-- penalty You Felipe Sanchez. .'50.25, Crespin, Santiago l loren n Kal i by J tornero Apolonío printing 8.5(l are hereby notified that I will Taxes hill. 3V, total -- , printing 3.e, 112.13 , one total apply to penalty 7.50, .15. for 1891 to 8. 13(5 iaxe 8e, rrnalty 22.-- printing house and lot, bd n by I, Vitfil Sandoval, Casimiro the district court of the printing total varas land, bd n Fuentas. Ivomaldo '58.1(5 Colc:-ad- w, ri.-- i T. Arguello, e I'nion w 18111. county of San Miguel, in the Terri- hill, s Sapello c total utiect, for one house and lot. Tor 1M94. Seventy-s- river, by Kevv i x varas land at tory of New L Lujan, Armij ), Francisco Mexico sti eet, for '!1 '!l2 'll.l Taxes r3e, penalty Mexico, on the wM Harold; a pieeo of , 13e, printing Lo Alamos. Taxes 3,94, PRECINCT Taxes 8.2-1- penalty No 5. land bd n, ior i"m, une lunise bd n ; penalty 2.07, printing If 1.01 sand e by Jose Montoya. ,m. 'V, total wc, print ing 3.c, total 5.27 Baca, Fernando Chavez w by iflO.71 Sotonil ,1. Taxes 8.1.59, penalty 20.89, street same e I,o- - .. lolal Sanchez, Hito Hay of Aiiril 1)., 5-- 0 printing allego, Lucas E 900, lot B G and in Montoya, house old town 104.8.1 reiiz.i Ix.prz. Taxe 1.17, Guadalupe for 1 8ÍH 2. v loe, total penalty au land pet 4 bd n ior im,-t- . A piece of land San- - .iv, punting for irz. i(t loj.ik a M; lot Ó hy O for judgment ,Ih, total I1 Homero by Common e A guijuehi grant. 2.23, against all of blk fil, Taxes pen iru-.M-.,-(,-- i , JlftCJ South fwis Vejfii, Hice Haca w 120 the parties fol-- , . I'"' Two acres land "rV uncsa: v pet 40 bd n named in the ' ... in, uity i.c, printing av, total 3.13 i , i . wnaltvOTi ' " Ht 3,,t'' 1894. 1.4 it 1 Ntirvey. I axe.- lii.lll, jM'iialt 4.2.'l, at Los W n for h and 2, block 4 v main road arroyo e H Gallegos, lowing delinquent tax list o, i H Gallegos, e 1 t - Martinez; Fmiterio and A1. nom-- printing ,Tc, ?21..'i2 ,o same, s nat'l road, w - ami on total one against the per-son- al Albino B Gal- lot Fneille htrect bd lor house bd n (; Sanchez for 1M)7, 4,-- y lauds, real estate and nebra.l v,.ii.. .. t Homero, ( laml bd n and s hill ' n Kiiicon Htrect a A M 'have, Loiiez F Sanchez property rn,'" V Ity 10.50, Gonzales; e Sapello street w Ha- e J M de Martinez w K mentioned and de- for 189a U U .,. Bosenwald, 1 lot 7 at;dH, see 21, 5. forlWi2. Lot (i, L, edd 7 V Printing a.c, total 31.05 pet Tines blkHCA bato. Taxes 8.11, penalty scribed therein for the amount of pet 2 , , 1 - . 2.02, anot iier portion bd n said (4, lot bk 2 Hic.e.'s tilnt ?.27, I,.,.,. ,.f ... ii. The Luceros i.k:i ' ... inalty 1.M1. printing av, mi ve,'us, íiicir sur print injr ,'I.V, S?10. delinquent taxes, i, i,....., ,. , . " 'taca Ma Ignacio total IS. river e L M Gallegos w M together with the . la) v'"ztt'. t. G de ni luuu umier ditcn, v 1895-- 7. tul vey. J'unc 20.71, .eimllv KmiU'i-i- for 100 acres of Ó.I8 Sadillo, costs, penalties and interest pi-- t land, bd n Martinez. Taxes 13.(15, penalty due and 5 bd n F Lopez s M L Delgado Haca, Treiudad printing aV, total 2(;,27 1M1I1-- unpaid hill of el Bado, a hill, e J M Gon- for Onehouseand lot : lot thereon, and for an order to c w I . ,t Marcoit F, .mi, printing ,lc, total 17.41 Santa I'e r r Pacific street. iom ., o, n t, j In "'17 8, blk 130 sell said property zales, w T Martin: 18 acres, bd n Mirvey old Kihlber's plat Garcia, Luis F to satisfy such laxes 43.70, penalty 10.92, ... piece of lam) luuxl200 prin and e river, s w lowii, precinct Tor yearn ls',1. f.rt bd ri M 1808. Taxes IMW, 18KIÍ-9- judgment, and will within ditch, A Gallegos; penalty 1.07, for loo v land bd 11 thirty days ting.1V, total 51.97 iti. .it. ii hills s i', 'l axen 21.Hi, j.( unity :.,27, ii n i i iioiirri e river w accijuia a.c, after the rendition of two acres at Sabimosa, bd n river, prin printing total j8.70 river e Jose A Montoya w Miguel such judgment Detterick, Mark ter m eoht .;., total 2i;.72 mii'lre house thereon, for year 1im, Uliiiarri, against the property 8 ditch, e H Trujillo. w P Griego; Amador arela, House thereon. Taxes described in the for 1H9.1, lot.l, 4 ,k 5 Kihlherg plat Hiven, Taxes 4.!Hl, prin-te-- one aero laud Tliomai penalty 121, ' house in precinct ,", following list, offer the same for 180H. at Sabinoso, bd n C bound w Ma 11.01, penalty. 2.70, printing 3.V, sale Taxes C7.8.1, penalty 1(5.95, thirty-liv- e s Ho-mer- .'.V, i..Vi , Homero, H Martín, e w o; vhiih wide, liound eot total Juana Herrera at public auction at the east front ..m-- hill, de Flibarri, . total 11.1 door priming total 85.1.1 Montano, .lose ( i 300 acres i ileum hir't, e tu, jrevervliii Maximiano Fadin, w Gaussain, of the court house in Las Vegas, San rierrera de at Sanguijuela, bd him...... i i.., ..... t l'aclllestreet. Ftigcnio Ulibarri, Juana Ma n M wori, k M Araron, n I i.i .... c Mu Miguel county, New Mexico, Gallegos, s I V (lallegos, e nn.iorl. Juana Herrera de Flibarri, lorjMOl. Personal to the varas land in jict 5 bd n For year slrcet e iteeiiiÍH w property. Tax jo A grant line, w Juana 1W. Thxcn 1.,.2, pen-Hlt- v street, for car oné house in Highest and ber.t Jiidder ( Gonzales, one precinct (1, bound n es (i.l'l, penalty l.(!o, for cash, or rtiz s I libarri de G w main ditch printcr'H . Taxes 10.7m, av in house. Taxes (0.81, penalty 15.20, rod Xn; total penalty 2.(i'., Felipe IMnudo, Hcfn-ii- Fsui-bel- , total 8..'i8 the event there are no bidders the c r A Manzanares; - , 250 tern 2.2.- printer' a'-- varas printing av, 70..K1 cost total 13.82 w J property will be sold ...... 1 1 i : . , , , total Jose Lopez, e main ditch. Gallegos, Sllviano to the count v. ,...... pet nu n llanr.iiii, A 1' Moniana, Aifapito oiiiu Herrera (allego, Clotilde For years l!M!-7- -. M AH(l A RITO HOMKIIO, Taxes (i.2!l, 101 in'i-j- . n . . jiei w l fersoiial rera i Herrera e Imer 1892-5-;-7-- proM-rt- house and lot n A property for for years bd C Canover penalty l.."7, a-- , Collector oí San Miguel Four acres land at 1S. printer' cost 1 axes i(i, óte, Co., N. M. tecito Pedregoso, one house 5 -- . 1'acillc penalty printing pet Taxes 1H.07, jwimlty 4. (Hi, sli'eet e neeijiiiii w street, total V2I Antonchieo and trees; a lot in Las total .!.(. bd n F A Manzanares s Amador for years y Vegas, old town, printer' cot .Y,., .'0,12 lr,.H. Taxes lO.ii.'J, pen-ult- Ulibarrl, (iiiuecindo PRfiCINCT No I. Pacific st, bd n , Gallegos, Jose N Ulibarri w Pacific e lliu-a- ttl 2.1m, street same Porfirio Amado, s .lose Ma pi Inter' cost aV, total lot 3, block .'.3, f. ... 1W.ll .. , . . . Haca, y Ma do Hice' urvey, i.M .ltt.. varas lid n Gonzales Pablo land, for years IH'.io-- Taxes 3H.30, ju i fl.Ki.1 ruiy land, Gonzales, e L Lopez, w proK ty for yetim h!i2-.'- b house ami lot 1892 Pacific st, precinct ;, hound'n hills, s Sapello river, w (J Montova for years to 8, Forty-thre- e penalty 9.59, printer's cost .TV, Tuxe 1.1011, Martinez, Amlri 75 ft. Taxes 28.83, 7.20, penalty alley, Ho-bled- o, penalty Vicente Lopez, e F eA Gallegos. Taxes 3.74, varas land, bd n Julius Sandoval, total J8..K for I8!i2, Ve-- as penalty printing 35c, pi Inter' eoht 'X; total, lfl.71 acres at Las w , total 30.38 Maximiano. For .1-- s P Jaramillo, e middle ITommel, Luis bk" vear .k', jirintlng total 5.0; ditch, w Gallegos, ' IJifa, Fúñenlo C and La Monilla, lots .'I, 4 17 lx..J-l-l.-7-- de Martinez Juanita Taxes 21.0."., Julian .18 lot 1 b 3 KillK-r- penalty (arela, Casilda Sandoval; varas land plat 18i;8, lot 1892-3-- JM , m ImW and 5. 1.50 I.. Kihllieru'' inuii , for at. fri l,i,. nl , T . vara land I.o I' ill i - t if i 1 I . with 2.1 i, tint lili il..lrt, ior iahi-- House 'mil tree, bd ii river, s road, house feet, tor years 0 -- and lot Los Ala h i botlliilcd v by I'iicii',, w iMiiuity ...2i, printing .IV, total UiiutTÍ, (iiimct p Alamos, n river, a hill, w .1 M !r,v, eilitlo mos, bd 11 river, w ditch: 28 varas 7.8. Taxes 25.70, No Í2U.72 Sapello river, s Win land, bd penalty 0.42, Gonzales, alley 4, n ;n,H lilu.kwell, e for 1802, lot.-lb- 5.1 n I) e Brígida de Gallego...... old.Town La Frank, e 1 Momlragon, w M0.1 Tapia, s W Honk, e P Jar-mill- o; . printer's cost .TV, total 32.47 I u blji' Htrei t. .laninez, iioiore Taxes 4.1.22, penalty 10.80, Foryeum 1nímí.;.h, Veas, llle.iV survey. Taxes 8..V, portion of Knnuer, F printinir 1H!I2.:I, luya, i axes .1.12, penalty 78c, house known as .15c, Taxes II..', I, 2..'iM, for lots 7. 8 bk 1.11 Klh - penalty, 2.14, total 54.37 pr(. printing :iv, total printing ,1.?, total 1. 25 Albino Baca in San Miguel. Tax- lots 1,2,3,4,. b 30 Kihlherg plat ti r' rout 0.V, 11.77 berj; plat Hfi. Taxes 7.21, OH Johnson, Lawrence W total p,.. ill. Gonzales, es 12,94, penalty .121, 2 b Jhi-B- , Pedro priming av, i(i, lot J Rice's survey. Taxes Maitlim M de ally 12, printing .'IV, total ill. Hi riiharri, I'abb, for 1890, 100 acses sec 30 twp 17 for 1891-2- . Personal total Í. H5.52 W.00, penalty 24.91, printer's r Mac, I'alili, f.-- property cost 22 for 22 l.k MM r 1802, a-- , ene i. Taxes 01.18, Hice', pint lots, 1, 4 Kill.-Imtí- jienalty lt 2,3, bk 13 í' 1 u Gallegos, Jose K total 124.92 1VI2-.1- , acs .0.1, penalty .sic, Las Km for lot 4, .',,(! ,k ihl-bet'- printing 15.29, printing ,1V, 7(5.82 Wt'H, v land. Taxen K 1880-9-'9- total plat is;s. Taxe 2o,ho. mc, total 2.88 for 200 varas land at Lewis, E N iHUulty plat lsiiS. Taxes 7.i;il, M de Gallegos, Isabel M2, .I'), printer' cost p,.. I'nally ,'..21, printer' Kl Banblo, bd n , cost .IV, to (Jonzales, Hcgimi F Romero, s I) personal property for vears 1897- - 'IV, IIH.H.', ally l.U'J, .'.'h-- for 189(1 to '98, total printing total í'.i.Wi un U T.. ), - I ,. . .. improvements in Tt. r' ior 1 !i. House and lot at L,h Gallegos, e acequia, w Pecos river; lUAcn on. n, penalty u. is, prin Chavea, Julio Martinez, Apolonío M ranch at Las Alamos and La Gote- I'libarri, Hita I' Alamos, 50 varas at San ter s cost a-- , 4(5.27 K4-2-- 1 ld n C Martinez, e Geroneino, bd total hoiiHC ;,, fur ditch, ra. prln-tin- g mi' precinct bound n by One house nn.l h.t , for HOI. o,,e Taxes 38.01, penalty 9.05, house In common rights; 50 Ber-ne- l, Lopez, Ivorenzo I l Fas Vciras wj c .'lOx.'lll, varas at II. lit I',.- , - II (.allego, Deagiie, 35 Civilio tJarcia, Candi.lo .. i e ...i on e .In,,,. c, total 48.01 nion racilic streel- - ...... !!.... n i axe bd n K Jnrammillo, for 1892. Lot 11, blk 30, bledo, e street w by h, ...c, printing arroya, old town of Gallegos y Garcia, IHimcia, w have?, nt. Mexl.'o strict. i i ill. ai ri; one , w Albino G house ami lot No In-- total 3.10 e and common right: house Las Vegas, Rice's survey ; 4, -7. at lot , s Imij.-.j.-I-,0- Taxes .211. blk for 1H97-8- 220 v roryeui 2.07, printing bd n ( i laml bd s river e Taxe Anel J Montova e I Gallegos, J M San Miguel, bd all sides common o, old town of Las Vegas, 21.12, p, 'IV, total ÍKI.7I Rice J N Gallegos unity ui.l printer' Mi-ee- -. n hill w A Gallegos, coni laxe (,.;il, ttiult V I'.)- fights. Taxes 42.87, 10.71, survey; lot 20, blk 11, f.'iViij OUtulii, Haf.wl ior House at Pajarito. Tax- - penalty parcel of 13 v land bd n total '"i, printing .., total 8,23 river s Jose Galle- e i.9tl, penalty 1.99. printing .XV, printing .lie, total 3193 land about 200 v. Taxes 45.(1.5, Clemente, Simon fr Hill, one house ami lot. Vitfü, Luciano gos e Santiago Gallegos. Taxes total H)..'K Hartado, Julio penalty 11.41, printing .TV, Taxes l.o:i, ,- ..., M I . .1 total 40.00. n incce ,i KIIKI pi t clnct ., ltOx2iH) p..,,;,!, p, ttl1 M II l8.HC,..9'!m-1.5-(5-7- penalty 7..V, printing .15c, inr mi ,i ok n old town of Garcia, y Otero Miguel for -. Twenty 57.41 feet, bound II V Hell, l . a, total ifl.r! total 48.10 J.a c;ia, Lice' survey. 1892. vara land under ditch, bd Lojh'z, Taxes fur A piece of land three-roo- m n Juan Francisco, heirs e w IViitfcr, Jaffa A , and Martinez, bnrrl, river, , lMms, Co -- 71.-- Valentine ace(ni;t, W, penalty printer' Tapia, s Lot 1(5 F L v 'farming h.i i, ai i . cost hoiie, 11 n of Josefa (Jarcia, e A Tapia, 70! land. on .... ., ,;.,...i i...... l sisters Morcy, for 175 v fiiini. ear 1"'.''7. Taxe INI.1 in JM-- ,i i w 3V, total U)8 w 197, land tdn river s hill, lir ditch; land in pet 1, Galis-te- o Taxes 1II.N0. 27.9.1 1 e same, sand w bd n nenaltv rim. 12.12, i ' Martille s . Harrold. Taxes w penult,, .1.0,1, pi lu-- street i Wallaii-- ' S Aragón e J Gonzales, 301) v John m lng eot Mu--.-- . 3.95, Road, s L Martinez, e av, total 140.10 I ,i. - ...... unity 98c, printing to-t- al mesa, I total t .1. .V - mi- Mi-,-c- , " .IV, land hi n hill s " ior M ar for ls:2. lo! I, w M I river e L Aragón, v bk i:. KihllMTtfV 65.28 Sepadel Chinal: 0 varas pet 34, N A s p R j Co Carabajal Mt rceJci l.,V,, penalty l.n.l, Inw. Taxes 75 v land bd n hill s river, house 2.3, ;.,., bd n, s and e A Dimas, w two and one-ha- lf printer' Garcia, Miguel J river; miles railroad on forlH.i;it 'U... H.M.ual cost av, total I'i'l.'l t same. Taxes 32.70, pioperiv. printer' cost iM-- 1, penalty total $127 for IN92. House land in bd n L Lopes, and track in pet 3 Bridge Tasen .Vi!.', Mil, l'adilia, Muximiano l, and lot lm Ala 8.19, printing .15c, 41.30 ual'y print In.; c w total M.M-cy- , L Baca, L proportioned mos, 11 ii and Sandoval; a piece assessment for bene- - o Tv, total 7;i7 house in js't .'i for nUCINCT NO. e Sisters of Fran-isc- j ear Taxi 6. of land, bd n M lit of , and w Salano, Ogito, school district No 1, ('(mover, A C isnalty 111,-- Harrold. Taxes 9.15, pen- foryear for 1890. printer' cost Aragón, Simon e 1895. Total value of property. alty 2.28, printing .IV, mesa, w road; house, bd n I) Taxes .559.30, penalty 139.82, for l";i.j. Jut 2 bk I U.-,.- - av, total i.::2 total 11.78 Taxes 71.05, 17.91. i lll V(.v f"' A house; bd ii S Tapia, s w printer's penalty print- I Flibarri, Garcia, Jurado Jose and Ambrosio Tapia, e cost .TV, total 099.47 Taxei, 'a lilla, J use Manuel ing 3V, total 9.91 Laea. "street, w same, e an alley, Taxe public property. Taxe Manzanares, F A 2.IKI, ,'t'.-- , for ls2. House and 11.5, j.rintin four lots Kihlb, rjr plat prt .',, 1.35. lot, bd n Gonzales, de M Juanita total t li..r. penalty .lie. prinl iiig penalty 45.2(5, for 1892, .11 M I toial Hidge of Iima, s A w printing .IV, total F A Rice's plat FkijiiíIk'I Victor iaiiH for .Mars vi l to jso;, Taxe 2.03 Sena, Galle- lt for 1890. Total value of gos, 270.ÍU! Las Vegas, one property. 21.1m, H .1. 4 1 e Josefa Martinez, 20x50 tract of land for l.T.'H, land Ml iiulty . printer' ft. Taxes 115.53, penalty print-in- g I'icilm J.uinbrc cost Amalla, .li, Severo Leyba, Timoteo 100 8-- li 28.88, av, Taxes 2.8.1, penalty 7oc. printing acres. Taxes 27.98, penal bd n C Ittanehard w lio-nier- o total for .'He, total 144.70 road to h92. Twenty ara land, bd n for ty ium, 1 Vililht, Jone IV, total .I.M One house and printing .IV, total 15.32 lie M A Di inr.i aU e L J,.,. , Lopez, Lorenzo Assignee !, ...... Jguintana, CSai,-- v ,pH ,, w Gallegos, lot in the switch of A A S Martinez, Felix i i..., Isidoro V T F It H lS88-a--'9- I . Titea ."1.45, ioi Mill lo Hi, lots I, Ii, 7 ,k for pi nalty. L.'lii. ,i, lil Mttiiimis bous,, in 1..1 41.10, for 1892, 20 Total value of rher: for l"9o-7- , one piece of Taxes penalty 10.27, print-ln- g lot bk F M Rice's plat p' intiui,','i.v, total 7. n; Klhll plat Isiis. Taxe 13.01, land at property. Taxes 275.22, f all sides common HglitT.,A,.,, aV, 51-7- egas, .190 penalty 3.2i, l anoncita Azul Sanguijuela (.'rant total v. Taxes 59.39, (8.80, 1 printing jirintlng ,1V, Carria y Flore, Manm X; total l.t, penalty 42c, printing 3. Urtado, penalty total .'44 .37 il'i.Cl V total 11 s Jose Ma Martinez n Ma Igua- Pablo 14.8, printing .IV, total .'Ml ;. . Í2.45 Montoya, Jose vara land pet bd n 1892 4. Irrl-gate- 71.58 for to loo varas land d, ' ria Gonzale de Baca w lK.85-5-9-'li- , i Hosenberji', Juan A for rnnch J i; Miande, c Archuleta. Manuel different jtarcel Padilla, Jose Ix-o- Total value of lots 7, n Kihllwr-- Bernal e mesa. Taxes 1,N., pen house on Tirolote W )iHlM- h, bo pat for MC. F,3 vrt.-a- .120 proiKTty. Taxes .179.31, rhi r,,. ls, land, bdticom-moi- i 1.70, , same; acres of land, bd one ranch )et29at Vegoso enally lot am) Iioiim- - ally printing.'!.-- total 23. 8 all canyon 94.82, UlhoiiM'Mlid i t t st for vear rights, printing aV, total 174.48 ju ."bdnTivolotf river, e ami w Sam,, Hunter, Samuel side by Sau Miguel grant; three, bd n Jesus Morale road e mesa m - to M' 'J'axe 20.2'., Sandoval, Mm-- X Martin, w- penalty .. I ax- w le Martinez, Luisa i;lt Andele l'l -, (H'tialtv . roomed watered lin- - common rights, h,t printer' .'IV, i'l iC, House and lot, bd u house and lo, i;j i, for Ni.i.,r r;me . cost total i 41,7-- P 189 -'- 9.1. Total value fur year 1i2-"- '.m printing a. tu, i.,eiiii-iu- house 1 of prop, Lolllcio, Monologan, e M Montoya, w i'i on same; varas and lot, for year hii.M .,',.,. Ttaxm pina!t Josefa Archulelo, Francisco ii ci ty. Taxes 201.73. penally 05.43,, p,i,(. I land temporal, n L p Taxe 74.2H, ' 3, 2, I KlhllM-rt- f Garcia. Taxe 3.37, 81 )enaty 18.57, 'IV, plat s()s tl. nalty Ixz, printing 35c, total 327.51 In font total 17.02 frlW2. Thirty vara cultivated Mondovai, e nml w ait unoccupied painter' .TV. 9.Í.20 house lliereou, for year printing aV, total 4.5tl cot total GHllegn, J0H p Coin, land al L t onceK-iou- . 150 nioma Taxes Taxes Manijo, Hefujlo land; vara temporal land, bd ',rl,'h'd, G W 12.F, snalty 3,11, prln-te- r' 1.17, 1. .t 1 1 1 .t, i., i . . for 1.889. Total value 1HJ varan .' l penalty 29c. n M .. of property. laml pet bd n printing 3V, to- for 1S92. Km vara laud Salano, , e and w bv nobodv. h n o i.iee-- plat, house and eoft aV, total il.Vtil tal 1.M at IO Taxe .1125, 8.41, Indiana ave e F Taxe 1.15.21, .11.81, lot, for year l9.'l-4-...7.- printing Cornwall w j.-- penalty Homero, )t m,Ii i Alamo. Taxe 2.30. ixmnliv r.iv, print, Taxes .IV, 42.01 hotiw- - Haca, Juan L I. 1(59.40 . 4, total tliMi ami imp t r,.,, f,,r ó ,15c, .1..10 lng av, total penalty 10.43, 21 p-- t printing total cost lot b 2'i for , Sand.,val A Hro's, year jear 'or 1"9. One hous.i I I... 1.1 M-- N2. Juan Taxi 2.Mi', Mna!ty hi,. 11 total .2 lu. taxes iio,', ni Montosa, Maximo PRECINCT 18S9. , is nalty IV, H (.01111 for Total v.W, printer'p ci,h ,'U-- prlnUrV les, e Street, w No 2. Romero, value of pro,K.rty. tot al I2H..V ,'tV, alley. Taxes for 192. House and lot Josefa cost total 2..'i5. at rada, Jesus Ma Taxes 44.11, H rmJty penalty for 1 89-9- 2 J1.08, Gomr.ttlc y I priming 3V, SajH-ll- year to '95. ,1, 4 printing Viff'iwz, .Wuh H'.mii o, Alamos, Isl . w IS92-.1- ; lot Antonio A river, G for 100 v Gal-o- n .15c, total 55.70 T.". .. . total Í3.2S land ld n F .12 i 1.. ..,1 . ri e Montoya, bk Kihlherg plat 18.18. Taxes II thirty aeii s of temporal laud, Jone, J Taxes .1.85, K Tufoya e I Wo Sandoval, A Chavez; I'eliciaiio river w hill; KU52, penalty 7.05, Joe AIJ I.i'ijbaU rin r w Ilou-- i bound penalty IN'v, .TV, prlntrr's cost rovillu common i ijfhis, a , printing total .1 room for 1889. Total a p,ve of lor Ih'il.2-3- One hou. house bd n M Baca X total a8.(52 valve of properly. road, houc, .Kj vara land 11 land In Vi and lot Las a and I'u. rusdto, (1. common rights e ditch w M Taxe 0(5.4.1, A Cotízale t Taxe 8.S0, 2 Baca. Sih a. Juan jsMialty 10.(50, printing c L l.oH e Lo 2i. Medí ano, Jose Miguel , bound n Cri stuu, a common Taxe 29.2-í- prln-te- 3V, ,131 1 ismelty 7..12, r' lot 4 total rlht, IV, total f 1.23 Ior 1894. block G Ule,' mirvey, one li acre land at U cost aV, total 30.93 lot and house precinct 3. For Continued on Page 3. Hoibal, Francisco de Martinez. penalty 0.55, printing 35e. Total J Gutierrez w E (Jarcia, house on ENGLISH "CALL TURKEY OUR EL NIGHT." HONORS FOURTH NIAQARA'S VOICES, INDEPENDIENTE, for 1893. A piece of land 40 yds $.U10 same. Taxes 39.19, penalty 9.79, How Students llecome Fall Fledged Saltan's Kepreieatatlve Raised a Flag a half of one and one-ha- lf Myer, L printing 3.V:, total $19.33 They Ara Not Rumbling-- or Rapid, and house J BarrUter. on tho Nut Ion1 Ittrthdar. but SALAZAR & BACA, Publishers. in corral. for 18IH5-- 7, 50 v land two miles Quintana, lázaro rianireot and Silvery. interest stablcand Recently "call night" of Hilary terra There are no less than thirty embas 5(5.17, Vegas bd n N S Bel-de- n for 1892 '98, 100 acres land and Niagara has many ana some Taxes penalty 14.01, printing north Las to took place at the four Inns of court. sies and legations In capi- voices, the rational of them are thus 35c, total $70.52 s F A Manzanares e Mora impvts at Canada Juan Atenclo bd "Call night," it may be premised, Is tal, representlngg as many ot described by Mrs. nations van Rensselaer In tho Ceutury: SUPPLEMENT. Routlege, Joseph road w Gallinas river, 82 i v land w A Cadena s Swabaeker e O Roi- - th night upon which those students of the globe. Of those only recogniz "And one the noise of Niagara? Alarming 1880. Total amount. Taxes bd nN Baca s N S Belden e Mora ral w M Pena. Taxes 20.73, pen- the Inn who have "eaten their din- ed and participated la the universal for things have been said about it, but .33.37, w Taxes alty 6.08, pr!:iting3.V,, total $:13.70 ner," or, In other words, have kept the celebration of the most glorious Fourth Continued from 2. 133.50, penalty printing aV, road Gallinas river. they are not true. It is a great and Pae requisite number of terms, and who of July this country has in total $107.22 55.81, ienalty 13.95, printing 35c, Rivera, Manuel .known mighty noise, but It is not, as Henne- Gallegos, Anieeta de Montoya have In many years, says Washington total $70.11 for , 330 acres land "satisfied the examiner the the pin 1891-2-7-- Hoibal, Hilario thought, an 'outrageous noise.' It for 8. Forty-tw- o varas Post. The Sau-tillan- public examination," are called to the residence of the Turkish for 1892 to '98, 100 acres land see Neuhauser, Emil at Enciero bd n L Martinez s Is not a roar. It does not drown the land, bd w Jose A Montoya, e Jose bar. It Is usual for those who intend minister on Q street, near Eighteenth 32 twp 17 n range 13 e, one log and for 1898, 83 acres land pet 9 bd n o J Gutierrez w B Gut- voice or stun the ears. Even at the E Gallegos, common to present to street. Is a very comfortable and at- n property; themselves for "call" dine actual foot of the falls It Is not op- one adobe house. Taxes 45.12, S F Heinler s and e land formerly ierrez. Taxes (3.92, penalty 15.98, tractive building. It was conspicuous 13 varas land, bd w and c Jose N in the hall of the Inn on "call night," pressive. It is much less rough thau penalty 11.29, printing 3V", total of Cohen w Mora road. Taxes printing 35c, total, $80.25 because from the flagstaff, which ex- Gallegos, n river, s common prop- and they must appear, says the Lon- the sound of heavy surf steadier, 850.75 28.23, penalty 7.(15, printing 35c, Roy bal, Jose E tends from a second story window, erty; a house and lot 15x15 at. Loa don Mall, In the orthodox evening more homogeneous, less metallic, very Roival, Atanacio total $35.03 for 1893 to 5. KW 4, see 20, twp din- there was displayed a Turkish flag la Alamos Taxes 37.20, penalty 9.31, dress. Shortly before the close of deep and strong, yet mellow and soft; 1887-- 9 17 13 100 honor of this nation's day. It for to '97, 5 acres Pecos Queen, James n, R e, acres. Taxes ner the "panniers" (superior beings of natal soft. 1 mean, in its quality. As to tho printing 35c, total $40.92 was flung to the breeze early In the grant bd n Merced del Valle s Pe- for 189S, 100 acres land west of 28.03, penalty 7.00, printing, .TV, the genus "waiter") go around the hall noise of the rapids, there Is none more Mondragon, Pedro morning, almost as soon as sun had cos river w L Rivera, .100 acres Mora road. Taxes 37.24, penalty total $35.38 telling those whose Intention It Is to the musical. It is neither rumbling nor for 1891 to 4. ICO aeres land at risen and when the morning air had 32 twp G 12 impvts. 9.31, printing 35c, total $10.90 offer themselves for the "call" that It sharp. It Is clear, plangent, silvery. sec range e and beg-.- to echo the popping of thousands Pastosa, bd n tie camp, s Ilayward, It Is so like voice brook-m- uch 73.09, penalty 18.27, printing Valdez, Pedro Antonio PARAGRAPHS WITH POINTS. is time for them to begin to think of the of a steep 11 K Ala- Taxes of firecrackers. It was quite conspicu- e road, w Co: lot at Los In- magnified, but not made coarser 35e, total 991.71 for 1SS0, total property. Taxes something more Important than the ous on the street Its ground, mos 20x33 varas, bd n river, s S Aguinaldo Is doing well considering rich red or more harsh that, after we have Salazar, Jesusita 28.35, penalty 7.08, printing 33e, ner man. Such students then leave the with Its white crescent, standing out Caseus, e Me Beltran, w Jose M that he is not paced by a train. hall, gowns and known It, each liquid call from a for- 1892 $35.78 and, wearing their in marked contrast to the rud, for to 5. Ten acres cultivated total One day some savant will discover brilliant est hillside will seem, like the odor of Medran and house. Taxes 29.84, bands, repair to the anteroom of the white and blue of the national colors, land at Pecos. 'leases 27.57, pen- Williams, J F the French crisis germ and put un- grapevine, a greeting from Niagara. It penalty 7. 40, printing 35c, total It benchers. While waiting there they which were to be seen in all directions 0.89, 35c, $34.81 for 1893 to 8. Thirty-liv- e and one-ha- lf is an inspiriting, an exhilarating $37.05 alty printing total der a glass case. are in of seniority marshaled order along the street. It was not taken sound, like Sena, Ensebio v from water ditch to Mora By showing persistency In I. freshness, coolness, vitality Potter, O V a running e., as members of the Inn and are down until sunset. Secretary of State 1891 n Mer- road, bd n Miss A Spark-mu- Itself made audible. And yet it Is a to '97, 150 yds land bd land of for office some men manage to acquire shortly ushered presence of Hay cus- , for 1893 to 8. Land in pet 7, bd s into the was asked whether It was the lulling sound. When we have looked ced del Valley s river o M Hoibal P Roth, e Mora road, w a vested right In public support. the who theatrical tom for- Wapello river, e and w A Sena, n benchers, are, in for the representatives ot a out upon the American rapids tor w Hoibal. Taxes 99.08, penalty ditch; 50 v, 50 v from water ditch By the time the rainy season In the parlance, "discovered" enjoying their eign nation to participate In cele- acequia de la Jora, measuring from J the many days, it Is hard to remember con- 24.92, printing 35e, total $124.95 to Gallinas river, bd n Miss A Philippines is ended all of Otis' men nuts and wine In true bration of a national holiday of the s to w 150 varas. Taxes 29.(55, pen- tented Ufe amid motionless surround- George Sparknian, s Maestos, e water should be accomplished swimmers. style on the hard mahogany. The stu- country to which they are accredited. ings; $37.41 Shoub, and so, when we have slept be- ally 7.41, printing 35c, total pon ta- he said, Is not necessary. for 18iK!-7-- 100 acres land see ditch, w Gallinas rivar. Taxes Now If the president will only dents, who are ranged around the "No," "it side them for many nights, it is hard Sena, Tomas on Embassies legations always cele- 24 and 19, twp 10 n, H 12 e. Taxes 155.32, penalty 38.84, printing 35e, der what he heard from the New ble, are next supplied each with a and to think of happy sleep In an empty for 1891 to 3. 100 varas land pet 5, England girl graduates should ba brate their own holidays by displaying 07.80, penalty 10.05, printing 35c, total $194.51 all glass, and the "pannier" comes around silence. Still another kind of music is bd n Tecolote river, e Hafael Mar- well. with decanters, "port, their own colors, but they do not ci- total $85.17 giving choice of audible at Niagara. It must be list tinez, s river; house and lot at Los PRECINCT No 10. The American citizen who Is not in claret or Madeira." When the glasses ten recognize the holidays of the na- ened for on quiet nights, but then it Vijil, Esmarejilflo tion to which they are accredited. Alaiiuw. Taxes 33.15, penalty 8.28, Coleman it Straus, Fanny some manner connected with a Dewey are charged, the treasurer, or the will t?e heard. It Is like the voice of an for 1891 to 8. 127 yds laud, bd n E "Hut tho Turkish legation Is display- printing 35c, total $11.78 for 1S80. Ain't Tuxes reception committee must feel rather senior bencher present, addresses the orchestra so very far awaj that Its s E w assessed. ing a flag," was suggested. "The rela- Vijil, Bougemont, e ditch, lonesome. students with words of wisdom and en- notes are attenuated to an incredible 215.45, penalty 0110, printing .3.V, tions between the and PRECINCT No same; 125 yds land, bd n O C de The Spanish people must have moro couragement for the The curi delicacy and are Intermittently per- 8. total $.'507.10 future. Turkey," said Secretary Hay, with a Arinijo, Francisco Baca, s J Pino, e Pecos river, w enlightenment than we give them cred ous and observant might get a glimpse ceived, as though wafted upon varla Conant, James smile, "are very cordial ludeed. Tho for 1895 8. ltJO land sec 7, ditch. Taxes 20.28, penalty (.57, it for. They are now making a row Into the characters of those budding ble zephyrs. It la the most subtile, the to acres for Ain't sultan Is very friendly to us. The no- 35c, $'13.70 18(. assessed. Taxes taxes. watch- most mysterious music In the world. two 13, 11 10; 35 varas laud pet 8, printing total about their "counsel learned In the law" by tion of the Turkish minister la a mark 172.10, penalty 43.01, printing aV, ing during What Is its origin? Why should we bd n P Vijil, s M Arinijo, w river, Vijil, Foribio The Colonial Dames do not appear their faces and demeanor 1 it of $215.55 of unusual friendliness, the lack ask? Such fairy-lik- e sounds ought not Ninety total to be represented In the International this harangue. Some look deeply In- e ditch; 33 varas land, bd n M for yds flags at tho other residences Is by no to bo explained. Their appeal is to tho Bowman, Samuel H Council of Women; they are ablo terested, as If It were most seri Armijo, s Ed Arinijo, w river, e land, bd n D Lujan, 8 A B Vijil, but the means a mark of disrespect." "Did not Imagination only. They are so faint, for 1890 to 9. Ain't ussesed. Taxes to fight their own battles. ous moment In Uvea, as, indeed, It ditch: one house. Taxes e V Lujar., w Lujan, and Improve- their the American embassy In London raise so far away, that they almost escape 105.20, psnalty 20.30, printing 3.5c, Nansen is going to try to discover Is; some try to follow suit, as they flag queen's birth- 50.10, penalty 12.27, printing 35c, ments. Taxes 23.70, penalty 5.94, a in honor of the the ear. as the lunar bow and the fluted total $131.85 the South Pole. He found the North think they ought to look solemn on day?" "Oh, yes," was the reply, "anu total $02.72 printing 35c, total $30.05 tints ot the American falls almost Gallegos y (Jarcia, Jose Pole so cold that he wants to get as such an occasion; others look bored, we generally recognize grand occa- escape the eye. And yet we need not Baca, Santiago Valencia, Hosalio away for 1892 to 5. Seventy-liv- e v land, far from it as possible. some amused, and many cast longing sions abroad." fear to lose them, for they are as real for 1880-7-8-- Total amount. for 1892 to 8. Five acres land, bd Chaperito; 100 v pet 38; 50 v Los The insect craze comes at a most op glances at the brimming glasses they as the deep bass of tho cataracts." Taxes 70.72, penalty 19.18, printing n J M Sena, s and e river, w hill; portune bugologlsts hold, doubtless thinking near and Torres; bouse on the 75 v's. Taxes time. The had "so RAILROAD TROUBLES IN CUBA. 35c, total S90.25 house at Pajarito. Taxes about exhausted their stock of material yet so far." But all these things hava 09.57, penalty 17.39, printing 35c, I'p One'a Anatomy PREPARING FOR A NEW PLAY. Cooper & Co 44.72, penalty 11.18, printing 35c, for differences of opinion. an end, even a treasurer's speech, and Thing Which Shake total $87.31 anit One'a Feellnga. for 1885. Total amount. Taxes total $50.25 Oom Paul will watch the mobiliza at its close he proposes the health of Completa Model In Mlnlwturx ot Scenery Gilberton, Pablo one wishes to leave Havana by 48.30, 12.07, 35e, Valley Ranching Co tion of the British fleet from a safe the students. It Is then the duty of the When Made llcfore Production. penalty printing 18.92 5. for to Personal property. thirty-fiv- e Is fall to see something of the 'eal Cuba preparation a new play, total $00. 72 for 188!). Total amount. Taxes standpoint. Ho la miles senior student to reply, which he The for as Taxes 31.85, penalty 7.98, printing say, to take a trip to Pinar del Rio scenery la is Chavez, Meliton 30.08, penalty 7.07, printing 35c, from the sea, and the Transvaal has no expected to do In a few grateful words, far as the concerned, 35c, total $40.18 fleet to bo destroyed. and, as one good turn deserves an- or to Clenfuegos he must get up very most Interesting. A complete model for 1892 to 4. Thirty acres culti- total $38.70 Martin, E II other, he proposes the health of "the early, says Harper's Weekly. The In miniature is made, about the size vated land in Pecos. Taxes 199.87, Warbin, Daniel through leave at 8 o'clock In the for 1893 to 5. Assessment ain't. THE FEMININE treasurer and the masters of the trains of one of the German toy theaters seen penalty 49.91, printing 35c, total for 1892. House and improve- OBSERVER. I engineer ot Taxes 40.43, penalty ll.CO, printing bench," which his fellows drink right morning. asked the chief in the shops. The picture Is carefully $250.10 ments. Taxes 28.75, jtonalty 7.18, railroad to del Rio why so painted, any, and aV, total $58.38 How few cushions are apparently gladly, for, If the truth be told, they the Pinar the rocks, If there be Dulton, Juhn printing 35e, total $30.28 early a start was made for a town only the foliage are cut out, and all the de Robledo, Franco F made for anything but show. most of them by this time think the for 1891-3-- 100 acres land and proceedings are beginning to get a lit- 10 miles away, and he said it was so tails arc followed with no less thought PRECINCT No Í). lor 1 100 acres land at Women ought to be able to play pok impvts bd n I? Gonzales s, e and w tle dry. It is all over; the glasses are to get back the same day. The than when the real affair is attacked. Mrs L arroya de los Conchas, bd n (Ja- er well. They are so good at bluffing. 17 12, live-roo- m Archibald, Cora quondam American travelor is not only likely The work Is done in water color, sec range house at A good cure for a wife's Is collected, and tho students for 300 acres with bino (Jomes, s Henry Huneke, e insomnia to grumble when ho is compelled to mounted on pasteboard, and if ths Pecos. Taxes 37.84, penalty 9.40, for her husband to come home earlier. file out, fully enrolled members of the Improvements 33 miles n of Las mountain, w Puerteeito Conchas; noble army of "the briefless," most to hurry to the station In the thick gloom scheme be an Interior there are real U'intingJ35c, total $47.05 The hurry of work before a pleasure Vegas, bd n Sanguijuela grant, e house at Chaperito, bd n G Ortega, fight, some to honor and of the early morning, but when ho curtains in Miniature, flights of steps, Espinosa, Ma del Kayo trip takes away half of enjoyment. stand with s public st, e mesa, w its reaches the station and finds that he and the hangings, all seriously worked 1893-4-5-7-- A T & S F R R, s by Cavanaugh, st. Taxes distinction, and alas! not a few to fall for Sixty acres land There Is apparently nothing so easy out. It Is sou. 'thing that would delight w arroyo de Pecos. Taxes 107.90, 49..T5, penalty 12.a't, printing .'15c, In the coming battle of life. must pay about 5 cents a mile in gold, at La Pasada and a house in same as telling other people how to spend 7 to 8 cents a Span- the heart ot a boy and furnish hlni with penalty 20.97, .35e, total $02.03 and from mile in one-ha- lf printing total money. place; of a house at Pecos, their ish silver, to ride In the back-breaki- endless amusement. These models are $135.22 Sena, Antonio A pet BIO SHIPS AND SWIFT. piece Is 40 varas land and improvements dog is like a child it is cars known as first-cla- ss carriages, and kept until after the produced, Baca, de Los A for 1802-0-- 200 v land, bd n A at Pecos. Taxes 122.87, penalty Maria beautiful to the owner, no matter what The Great Kantern of (Hit Outdone that for an ordinary trunk he must and are then put away on shelves, alas! 18!i0. Sena, s Garduño, e 30.71, printing 35e, total $153.93 for Six v land, bd n Silva- J Gallinas it looks like. the Modern Oceanic pay about half fare, he Is Inclined to only to warp and to become covered river, w 2i K) v pet 10, n Gonzales, Juanita Martinez na Baca, s Amndo L Baca, e Pecos road; bd Why Is It that we are always most For years the Great Eastern held the scoff at the primitive mode of travel, with dust. Hut the master painter's s w 50 v docs not by any Gal-lego- creek, w Gallinas 349 v land Harrow pass, Sena, road; prone to dawdle when Is siae. and It was thought work end here means, for 1893. Land, bd e Juanita s, river: there the record for and long for the luxury of the stage at n bight of hills, s pet 38, bd n R Atencio, s Silviano greatest need of hurry? that she was too large to be of service coach Journeying on a western moun for there are lights to be arranged, w the Gallegos', s and n they Sapello river, w same, e Amado Archuleta, e Gallinas river, w If men only knew what a long way a except for the one thing that has tain road. The amazing amount of since play an Important part la hills; land on Los Alamos river, performance, Cae Baca. Taxes 4.19, penalty hills; 123 v pet 10, bd n Feliz little kindness goes with a woman they made her famous for all time, the lay- computation by the tlrket agent be the and must be regulat- bd n Las Lomas, s same, w M ed by the scheme of color; so there are 1.04, printing 35c, total $5.58 (Jarcia, s R liaros, e Gallinas river, could tako great Journeys at very little ing of the first Atlantic cable. Hut now fore he sells a ticket, the smoky lamps. Gonzalos, e Gallegos; land on the expense. long conferences with electricians and Bernal, Romaldo Sde w road; pasture land, bd u table comes the Ooeanlc.succesKfully launch- tho three preliminary footings by the river, bd w S Martinez, e public The woman has nauti ed January, and dwarfs the former many discussions with the makers of for 1892 to 8. 200 acres Sangui- land, s river, e common rights, who the most last engine before tho train starts, the final land, n ditch, s house and im- cal attire for voyage across Great was GSO feet glass shades whereby the exact tints bd A w Doles; a house 50x(i0 ft, her the giant. The Eastern ringing of a bell by the baggagemaster 1 i juela, n Juan Bernal, e Pecos may be obtained. When every provement. Taxes i.73, penalty ocean is generally so ill that she haa long; the Oceanic is 704 three city as a signal ,á really go- detail w 130.20, bd n 8 that the tr .'W..18, 35c, $181.20 creek, Crestón. Taxes Cicilio Gallegos, and e no 22 has beeu setilcd, then the great acres printing total , chance to wear It. blocks! The Oceanic needs feet of ing, the crowded condl of the aisles, penalty 31.05, printing .T5c, total rouu, w alley, axes pen of canvas are spread Gabaldon, de Nestorita i Some women swear with their eyes water to float her, even when unload choked with luggage for .Ich the pas on the paint 17(1.00 25.02, .'55c, 892-0-- ? alty printing total frames and the drawing begun. I,arge for 1 7 H. Kaneh and house when a man steps on their gowns, al ed; 15'4 feet sufilced for the Great sengers do not care to pay toll, and Baca, $128.40 china pots are used for the colors. at Pecos pet 8, known as Santiago Valerio though they would he very much Eastern. The latter vessel displace every man in the train, from tho con- 1894-5-- 112 v Galli- These are filled with paints, which are Haca bd n Mae Várela, e for land on shocked at the Imputation. an amount of water weighing 11,814 ductor down to tho barefooted brake-- ranch, IrTíCÍNCTNo1. mixed with water and a size, en- nas river, lieUveen river and roads Some persons who are said to close- tons. The new ship odds 6,200 tons to roan, smoking tobacco of varying de and Pecos river, s Flavie Silva, w the Apodaea. Nicolas ormous brushes put the pigment on the plazas. Taxes 32.00, penalty 8,15, ly resemble us mako us feel a cer- figures. She Is 68 feet wldo and grees is likely meseta on Pecos grant. Taxes for 1893 to !M, 400 v land that those of excellence all this is and well-know- canvas. It wonderful to watch the printing 35c, total $41.10 tain n expression, "double 49 feet deep. to weary tho American used 193.81, penalty 49.92, printing 35c, house and IdO acres land in La traveler artist who dsshes cs the pint with no Me Uic.a. Taxes 117.9-i- . br quits," would be preferably the lat The Oceanic Is not expected to be to tho luxury of Pullman cars. A few total S250.O8 iaca, vinaüo o nenaltv apparent care and who has to work 1X97-- 125 v 9 bd 29.49, printing 35c, total $147.82 ter if the double In question really did very speedy. In which she differs from hard Jolts soon after the train leaves Ed for land pet n fast to cover the surface before the Long, closely Hal-Lun- g, M Esquibel. Jose F resemble us. Philadelphia the a torpedo boat dentroyer the station bring up to the Imagina 1HS5. both sides by Mrs C de Baca, color dries, which It does quickly. for Total amount. Taxes Times. In Germany for the Chinese gov tion the prospect 010 v land Sapello bd n on both for 1807. Ijund at San (Jerónimo, built of a miserable trip, New York Commercial Advertiser. 49.02, iM'nalty 12.40, printing 35e, This vessel made 40.8 miles one Is M C Taxes bd n 1J Gutierrez, s D Martinez, w eminent. and Inclined at tho very outset 02.37 sides by Mrs de Baca. total D Nnioklng ConiBri menta. per hour in a heavy sea, which Is by to rail at the crudities of travel by 29.57, penalty 7.39, printing 35c, J Esquiocl, e Martinez: house A Limit of Riches. Maes, Basilio European have smoking far the fastest time ever made by a cars In tho Island of Cuba. total $37.31 and lot in San (Jerónimo, bd n (J railroads There Is a little hotel uenr one of tho fur 1892 to 350 yds at Los Va- compartments men and women's boat, and Is almost equal to railway Blyth, iA'onard II arela, w hills, e ditch. Taxes for railroad stations In Washington. It Is lletta bd n Bartolo Vigil s M Iloi-b- al compartments. They have now to deal speed. Haunted Orave of IlrltUli Officer. 1880, of property. Taxes 30.72, penalty 7.08, printing 35c, an place, to which an e w Taxes for value paBscngors who Insist on It is pleasant to add, In speaking of Abu and public lands. total $38.75 with womiu In Hamed, In the Soudan, is the elevator Is unknown, and the hall boy 88.73, penalty 22.18, printing 35c. men's ships, (hat shlp-bulldln- g seems to have 07.83, penalty 10.95, printing 35c, nmiklng and will not go Into the grave of a Drttlgh. officer which has the on duty at night Is a little old negro total $111.2(5 Fort, L C & Springer, F Helgluin, where the new lease of life In this coun- total S85.13 compartment. taken i reputation among the tribes of the who has traveled up and down the Gallegos, de Baca Elvlva for 1894 to 8. (4l acres land pet 11, now puts UP try. Many Americans regret that most Martinez, Juan List cases have arisen, Soudun of being haunted. It Is the stairs with satchels for more than thir for 1892. 4(H) yds land in Upper known as the Lynch ranch, 'faxes the sign, "Smoking forbidden," on all of cur enormous foreign trade is car- resting place of Major Sidney of tho for 1892 to '98, 127 yds land at El ty years. All the patrons of the house u o V 129.52. penalty 32.33, printing 35c, women's comportments. ried by vessels built and owned In oth- duke of Cornwall's üght Infantry, and w Las Vegas, bd J A Baca, know old Kph well. As he was tolling Machí bd n ditch s M Gonzales " Ms lley In the Egyptian army, who was Baca, e ditch, w Gallinas river, a total $102.25 er countries; but it probable that ahead of one who had come In at mid hill e Pecos river, 207 yds land at be long. conn shot while charging at head of his house. Taxes 20.21, penalty (1.55, Crespln, Filitneno Machín to Ture Htitniiucrlnf. this will not for This the night, bis patient, bent, old look ratucr Pecos bd n J Martinez s Ma Beat- try now first In the production regiment, the Tenth Soudanese, In printing total $.'13.11 for 100 acres and In a I'ennsylvanlan's device for th ranks touched a sympathetic cord somewhere ing e Pecos river w mesa. Taxes steel, the material used for the tho battle ot Abu Hamod, August 7, Ed Improvements, bd n common road, c;:ri' of stammering a pair ot slotted of In the traveler, who said: 35c, Robert, F 1897. Tho natives are convinced that 54.37, penalty 13.59, printing plates are cojnneeted by a nar-:v,- v PuIIdlng of modern ships. Therefore. "Eph, If you had a dollor for every for 1893 to 7. 1(H) acres land about s J Montano, c J Roival. Tuxes r.tallic It Is watched regularly every night by toful $08.31 Lnto close proxlm-U- y wo ought to be able to compete with time you've come up thene stairs you'd two miles n of East Las Vegas, bd 40.15, penally 10.03, printing .'15c, nrck and bent ghoHts of the native soldiers who Martinez, of tho tho world in this buslnees. Many of the be a rich man, wouldn't you?" ( Pedro $50.53 to bo placed on cither side Hamed, who n Hot Springs, s Long & Olney, w total millions of dollars' worth of ships are were killed at Abu and This was too much for Eph's Imag for 1S92 to '98, 207 v land bd n B unpue, the neck having an adjusting mount guard over dead com- top of mesa.'e Mora road; 100 (Jarcia, Gutierrez today being constructed In our ship, their ination to take In. He dropped tha Martinez s F, Martinez w ditch e ec.'iw to clamp the plates In place. mander's tomb, challenging, with acres land 2 J miles n of East Lus for Nincty-m- yards St. Nicholas. satchels on the floor and stood still In Pecos river. Taxes 39.10, penalty every military detail, all passers-by- . Vegas, bd w Mora road, n N E aerea land and improvements in amazed contemplation. 0.79, printing 35c, total ÍI9.30 Are I.IrIiU no ( lnirch titéenle. Po Implicitly is this legend credited by s I) Sun Gerónimo, east side of plaza "Doss," ho said, "ef I had a cent Peterson, e arroyo Pecos, An Innovation in church work has She Knew III I'onUtepn, the blacks that none of them will, after Martinez, Domingo 4 ef I only had a cent fur evvy timo," McDonald. Taxes 198.(S4, penalty acres laud and improvements in by Immomuel Dap- - They are telling a story up on the dusk, approach the grave. Any one for 1892 to ".Hi, 150 v land at Pecos broil tho placing and he picked up the satchel and 49.0(1, printing 35c, total $218.(55 San (Jerónimo, west, side of plaza. t'st Church of two great arc lights up-- West Side which may or may not doing so Is believed to be promptly and a house. Taxes 30.01, penalty a rising young polltl trudged along, lost In a vlfcluu of what Hugenholts Bros Taxes 38.18, penalty 9.54, printing r-- i the highest point of tho steeplt. be trueabout baited by a phantom sentry, and even 7.50, printing 35e, total $37.80 a bloated bondholder he would hava 1897-8- , who has unusually large feet. His (In Arabic) turn amount property. Taxes aV, total $18.07 The tower is 225 feet high, and ths clan the words "Guard, cent a trip. Ortiz, Antonio and Juan Is a lovable old woman, and soma been on a 50.18, penalty 14.04, printing .'(5c. Gutierre., Jose de Jesus Üshts can be seen for more than Uva mother out!" ore often plainly heard for 1885. Total amount. Taxes He deaf. She lives In a flat la ths distance oft across ihe desert. total $70.57 fur 1891 to 4. 1.M) acres land and Ulles. .in 32.20, penalty 8.05, printing 35c, neighborhood of Grant's tomb, and Is Itland's l.llirary. Harvey, Fred improvements. Tuxes 39.80, pen Congressman total $10.00 always delighted by a visit from her New The library of the late ally 9.4(5, printing .1.1c, $19.07 l.arg;4it Dairy. York' fnlnt. for 1898, personal property. Taxes total son. When the United States cruiser llllit bor-- It. V. Illand of Missouri, numbering & dairy In the "world Is PcrhriDB the highest point In the Ortiz, Juan Bro 50.22, 12.55, 35e, Gutierres, Gregorio The largest 150 an estimated av- penalty printing Hrooklyn, which was anchored in tha 0ugh of Manhattan 'is at Ninety-sixt- h some volumes of . agri- 188(.y.9-'90-l-2-- Newark, forlH!ii-5- About 1,000 yds Fifty-tw- o 'Mird fourteen miles from total $03 12 for Hudson, off the tomb, on Memorial street and Madison avenue. This li erage cost of $2.50 each, was lutely sold of the ". J., the minimum number of cows cultural land at the opening acres south of plaza fian (Jerónimo day, fired a salute of twenty-on- e guns, where the New York Central Railroad at auction In Shelblna, Mo., for ill. Hot Springs Hotel ':pt being 1.000. The proprietor runa Pecos grant, bd n mouth of canon u nouso in Han ueronimo; u acres the old lady was observed to start, fix tunnel begins, and from this elevation for lXlHi, total proK'rly. Taxes 3 r.tnrh In Iowa for the special pur and laud of P Valencia, s land of In plaza of Kuu cap and smooth down htr apron. a fine view Is obtained ot Harlem to Oldut ('reatara. 210.10, penalty 52.52, printing .'15c, the (Jerónimo, and rc;o supplying his dulry cows. hir w of with said, with a sweet smile: Long living In the P Herch, e and edge of canon. house in the ranch. Taxes 1 10.73, Thn she the north and tho East river and The oldest creature total $202.97 Is coming; I his foot- - One can look over Taxi 110.50, '29.12, print- penalty 35.1, printing 31c, total "George hear Inland to tho east. world belongs to Walter Rothschild. Remandes, nisi ado sbeps on the New York Trib flve-stor- y houses ot quar ing 35c, total $145.97 Esta $170.20 STRAY FACTS. stairs." tho roofs of tho It Is a giant tortoise, weighing a 1887-8-9-'9- Washington Heights for Total value of une. . Harlem cleor to ter of a ton, and It has a known Ufa Ortiz V Amo Anto Jose Gallegos, Simon many In property. Taxes 35.02, penalty While cursing his daughter for mar- and distinguish points the ot 150 years. for 1889-- Total amount. Tax for 1892-1- . 800 y hind, bd n A ills Dronx. 8.75, printing 3V, total $44.12 rying against wishes a Tax as man Norwegians I.U Longrit. borouxh ot the es 47.00, penalty 11.90, printing Crespln, screek, o fence, w hill From here there Is a sharp decline fell dead. In Norway the average lengtn of life Trlnrc's Warning. 59.a5 Lopez, J L Taxes 32.62, to river, and the tall chimney 35c, total penalty 8.15, printing In m Great Rrltaln mined 202,042,. Is greater than In any other country tho East Wales has warn'd Ml for 1893-6-7-- A piece of land pet Nlnety-flft- h street The Prince of 35c, toUil $11.12 000 tons of coal. The United State globe. at the foot of East Pecos Itiver Fish and Ico Co on the very high brother Freo Masons not to make 9, bd n A Baca, s A Baca, e ditch, (ioing, Tomos mined !9fi,2S2,00O does sot look so from tais for 1885-- 0. Totul amount. Taxes cheap by wearing their Ma w It is altogether sight wen themselves river; a tract of land at Las 1890-3-4-- happiness of home cen altitude. 100.00, 20.05, printnig .IV for pros-rt- as book Of the world's annual yield of petro- Much of the sonic regalia on ordinary occasions. D ft N days. worth seeing. Conchas, bd n Gonzales, 1 1(5.33, leum, 5,000,000,000 gallons, the ters In the refrigerator these total il.'Vl.OO show, Taxes jienalty 29.08 United e w un one-hal- f. Matlm. Hleai and public domain; printing .'tic, total $145.70 States produces Tha Keipreted Liquor. Quintana, Antonio Lake Turns Ited. early to rise," mur Without divided interest In the Piedrt Thomas The republic of Venezuela contains: "Early to bed an' In Llvorpool 1m:M-(1-7-- Holland, There Is a district in for A piece of land COG, 139 square Lake Morat, In Switzerland, has the Meandering Mike, "them's my Lumbre ranch; one lot and bous for 1891 to 8, 100 acres land, lions. miles. It Is larger than, mured by 60,000 people where Intox pet 8, s mouth of curious property of turning red every you've been asleep habited bd n B Kolval, at Hot Springs; one tract of land any country In Europe except Russia.. sentiments." "Dut cannot bo bought. on same, no description. Tuxes years, owing presence of icating liquor canon, Las Iridios grant, w Pe at Tecolote. Taxes 92.07, penalty The wheat crop of the world this, ten to the In a barn all day," protested nodding 211.35, penally 52.83, printing 35c, certain aquatic plants, which are not Is what I'm tellin' cos river, house on same land. 23.10, $110.18 year Is estimated at 2,504,000,000 bush-- , "Which Jes' printing aV, total total $201.53 any lake In the world. iet. HOMEMADE PHILOSOPHY. Taxes 215.00, penalty 01.41, print els. Last year's was 2,748,000,000 bush-- , known in other you. In dls warm weatner tie oniy Martinez, Pablo Lobato, is to early In ing 35c, $.307.42 Sena els, proper programme retire total - yoo are a penny short on a rail- for 195 to 8. House and lot, bd w for 1M92 to (I. bid acres land at San Country That II un tit Itogi, mornln' an- git up jes It & Tho strawberry crop was worth from; da wock; if yoo are Hoibal Cleto Co Ma Martinez, s M an' makes road ticket, yoou but Jose plaza, eJ Pablo, bd n S Lobato, s twenty-flv- e a dogs In Homwell County, South hsdows aather . common fifteen to thousand dollars-- The ahead, yoo ride on a ror iT.M-i- rour aere lana on w wasn- - a mlllyn dollcrze Martinez, R Sanchez. Taxes u Estebunarmijo, w I) Mar- day Mich--Iga- n. Carolina, are returned at a valuation travel cool an' comfortable. right, for ten days to one town In free pass. Pecos river, bd n F Silva, s 102.75, the assessed Star. penalty 25.08, printing 35c, tinez. Taxes 41.73, penalty 11.18, ot (12,830, whllo value of lngton life, Gonzales, v w Man 'takes hlz chances In JUt river, ditch, house total 1 2.78 .'líe, $50.20 the entire property of the county In printing totul , ...!, In London. goats Is IZOI. I we same as '' ur a i on same land. 'Taxes jwn C Martinez, Martina Smallpoi sheep and i.iml , Mo Donald Daniel thing duz; but if he turns out imrty well and ally 21.17, printing .'IV-- total Only one doath from smallpox hasi Do you think it Is quite the to 1890 to '98, lots 8, 9 lik 27, Mills for 1M17-- 8, ,350 varas land pet 11 foreign sale-- -- is au- 1 hogs up a few doliera, ha se he dun 1121.21 registered In during thS'Ii Over 83 per cent ot all gQ 0Q th6 lUg,r. Yes, It it an bd u ben Londn Kihlkrg' addition. Taxes 20.20, L Murtinez S Santilluiios . e past twelve mouths. pVa.ttn.rlna ara- Women. ÍAmohllS " " uion. 3.32, penalty 81c, printing aw, to (Jarcia. Felix rw. i 1... 1 OI Las Vegas 30X.30 yds, bd n S Otero, 112 v land, bd n w river, laxe ., peu". 4.51 for , and w povernment Uugenionl, Llzardo 8 A Baca, e ditch, w common tal 8, bd n, e Iirinting 35c, total ".' J and s Jose Ma liaros, e Gallinas INDEPENDIENTE, 7.(8, for 18513. Cultivated land atl'ecos 3.04, penalty 7ic, Poloco, Candido EL l.mwrt and lot. Taxes rights. Taxes w main ditch, house and lot: 4.51, penalty Várela. Martin 1880-8- Taxes river, 3.V, total and a house. Taxes 35e, 1.15 for total property. penalty l.l2, printing 8. Ten acres land, bd printing total 38 bd e J Garduño, w Filaros, 1.12, printing 35c, total 5.!8 for 18ti to 9.24, penalty 2.31, printing 35c, to- yds, $iU5 Sandoval, w Latino Garcia, Sabino D Gonzales, two-roo- m & Baca, Publishers. n Dionicio 11.!0 s liaros, n SaU:ar Pvoival, Aterido Taxes 18!2. at Las Vegas tal Lxniro, Afiapito Oonzaku, e and w Cuchilla. for Lot i'pper house. Taxes 14.43, penalty 3.00, for 1880. Total amount, laxes s Melino Romero, Ignacio , 20 yds, bd n J A Maca, for 1H!:1 400 varas land temporal, 3V-- 8.37, H'nalty 2.00, printing 35e, printing 3V, total 18.38 SUPPLEMENT. 10.25, 2.50, printing w common for 181(1-- Three acres land at no description, houe on ani. total 10.81 Archibeque, c ditch, Garduño, Gregoria total 13.10 1.84, ienalty 40c, San Antonio town and improve- Taxe 0.51, !or.aliy 2.37, printing Kpifanio rights. Taxes 1892. Two-roo- honse at NO. 8. Viiil, ments. Taxes 1.01, penalty 25e, for PRMNCT Rivera. Andres Tax- printing .'15c, total 2.05 1.34, penalty H2.23 i 1885 7. Total amount. 3V, total 18ÍK1-7-- for to Chaperito. Taxes for 8. 140 yds land, bd printing 35e, total 1.01 Armijo, Fernando penalty 2.02, printing .35c, Garcia, Santiago 35c, total 2.02 J.uian. Santiago M a Pecos river, e IV es 8.(5, I) M 33c, printing 1801-3-- Strong, San Salazar, for 4 100 acres I anada 10.40 for IWL One. lot in Plaza A f,. K acres lanu noi o total 185)1-- Garduño, Josefa A itnn llivera, w Enuterlo Haca, Taxes for Total unit. Taxes CO bd n by San in improvements. m yd Antonio and Two-roo- Alamosita, Taxes 2.31, nally Taxes 15.11, Williams, Chas 3V, for 15!2. house and lot w hills and house In Pecos. iwnalty 32c, printing 3.V, to- 4.41, IH'nalty 1.10, printing doval e bv A Sandoval 3Tn', $3.27 185)4 to 0. Improvements on 1.30, bd n A Sena, s Fro 5ft.', printing' total alty 3.78, printing 35c, total 10.27 for 5.80 21 yds land, improvement. Taxes tal 1.5)7 total 3.85, Pecos river, s f , se i, se w i, sec 12, ne i, nv c Gallinas river. Taxes 3V, Martinez, Francisco Silva, Flavio i Santillanes, Martin Sais, 24.99, ivnalty (5.21, printing 13, twp 2 n, It e. Taxes Garcia, Juan de Jesus 90c, printing 35c, total 207 v land bd nPMar 1801-- 75 v land bd n S Haca i, see 1801-- and lot at Up- penalty forlSít!, for 101-2- . in Sau Antonio for House total 31.58 11.55, penally 2.88, printing 3V, for House 5.10 V Sandoval w Fecos river s Várela e river w ditch and Vegas, on the east side. Climaeo tinez h Joso town on east side. 35 yds. Taxes per Las llaeu. J 7.75, penalty 1.01, 3.85, penalty We, total 14.78 Gomez, Jesus n J Ortiz a e ditch. Taxes Impvts. Taxes 35c, to Taxes 1.10, penalty 20c, printing for 1891, II v land bl 2.70, penalty 00c, printing Three-roo- adobe honse 35c, total 10.0S 35c, total 15.10 1.80 for 1892. . If W 1'cWW Blld printing Iirinting PRECINCT NO. 9. 3V, total Wnnnovnl llilli tal 3.83 at, Taxes 2.13, penalty 2.80, Octaviano Luciano Chaperito. 11.20, ja-- alty Martinez. Juana Seiura. A de Otero, Dolore Serrano, ImpU. Taxe v Garcia, Joso 53e, 33c, total 3.01 VHrds bd 18UI-2-0-- 25 v land Oil n J pet 5). for 181)1-- Property Upper lias printing 33c, total 14.35 land nJ for for 1807, house and lot 185)1-- House and lot ut printing w ditch, for 1.28, Gallegos, Jesus H Martineze Tecos riv F, llougemont e ditch 14.13, penalty 3.53, printing bd n Vegas. Taxes 5.12, penalty Kmiterio Martinez Taxe per Vegas 20x50 yds e and Haca. 4. 10, iieiialty Las for 1892. Seventy-fiv- v land 10 n w Taxes 21.45. )enalty ami impvts. Taxes 18.01 s J M Iirinting 35e, total 0.75 for 1893, a t e i o' 2 twp r l" er hills. 35f, total I lie ardo Lujan, e ditch, v 38; 50 v land 27.10 ing 35c, total 5.17 Guadalupe V de 250 v land: 100 pd see. 11, 100 acre. Taxe 5.30, printing 35c, total 1.02, print Aragón, Kcrnabe. w Gurcia. laxes Sanchez, , n i e i Gonzales, F at Los Torres and improvements. to- Sandoval, Fermi nio 1M02. San for 18113. 200 v land, bd n hapello 9.88, penalty 2.47, printing 3V, Martinez v Fsplnosa, Juan for House and lot in 3.53, penalty 88c, printing 3V, to 4.73, printing 1801, :M) yds land bd nJuan s of Sapello, e S Haca. Taxes 14.92, penalty 12.70 137 vds land at Fit-o- for Antonio, bd n alley, a and e Pedro tal 4.70 river, hills tal fls!t7.H. w same on same 35c, total 20.00 a A San Haca n G Herbert e hills w road, 30x30 ft. Taxe w C de Baca, house Blonger, Joseph river, bd n F Martinez, Ortiz, Garcia, Fernando Agapito T-tw- impvts. Taxes 5.10, penalty 1.81 bd n alley, s town, e Gallegos, 18513. rw it w house at and 1.17, penalty 2!c, 35c, total 185)1-- and lot at Up- and house for West i, iloval. e ditch, river; for House 181)1-- and lot in 1.27, 3V, total 0.72 w same, pet 9. for A house w sw w 28, í'i-co- . penalty 1.10, iirinting A ue, Mehcio 25x50 yds, bd n Pablo Martinez, 15, K 128; i, i, Tnxes 4.01. rehilao, per Las Vegas Chaperito. Taxes 3.30, penally H 12.20, penalty 3.05, printing 1- 10- H7, Sandoval, Dionicio 1802. kit in San w Taxes twp It - ' - Taxt'' 1, n" prln'inii 35e, total 0.15 for House and road, n ditch, e (Jarcia, 4.55 1. muí 2. impvts on land. Taxes 15.0 8tc, printing 35c, total alty 2.21, printing 3V, total 11.43 for Antonio, lid n Sabo Gareia, ditch. Taxes 3.02, penalty 75c, 3.V, total Mova, Luis Maria 41c, 35c, to-to- l Garcia, Isabel 1.78, penalty printing public house, e M Tafoya & Mro, 35c, 1.12 Sanchez, Ramon CLavez, Gabriel for K.I2, 125 v land at Torrlsonos printing total 1891-- Residence in Chape- t 2.57 1888, total property. Taxes for to '95, v lurid jx-- 20 and e w plaza, 50x50. Taxe 1.20, pen Kafael for 58c, for Nil ht i, rldirc of mountain (auna, to- Taxes 2.31, penalty Sena, Juan 1.00 im- 8.32, penalty 2.08, printing35c, rito. w M n Sajiello four-roo- alty 32c, printing 35c, total 1891. and lot and bd e and Harrold w Kolval, house for House 3.27 ; creek J 1801-2- , two-roo- Pe printing 35c, total , for house in tal $10.75 river dit'.-h- homo on aaiiw land. 1.01, 25c, prlntinjr Browne, C W, assigne provements. Taxes 7.28, penalty Taxei penalty 1.1'., 37e, prin- Gonzales, Gabriel 10.39, iwnalty 4.0il, printing cos. Taxes penally 181)0 to '!8, lot in Upper Las totul !).4. Spears, A B Taxes 35c, 1.01 for 1.82, printing 3V, 185)1-2- . 12.84, total 35c, 2.21 7. Real estate ana for A bouse. Taxes 3.V. total 20.83 ting total Vegas, improvements on same. Grzelachowski, Alexander for 1!3 to Oeoiye 19.01, penalty 3.21. printing 35c, total Herbert, Sena, Tibnreio 12.50, penalty 3.12 printing in personal property. Taxes Childers, W H . in Taxes for 1805. An old house Upper for lt5-7- A lions and lot pd 20 acres land and one 35c, total 10.40 18H1, 40 a res timber land at for 1805, 35c, total 15.5)7 Vegas. Taxes 5.71), penalty penalty 4.75, printing for 8, Taxea 12.02, penalty 2.13, Las Gonzales, Rafael I'ecos. bonne. Taxes 8.43, penalty M 21.11 canon next to land of Field . Baca Cde, Mrs 1.44, printing 35c, total 7.58 lWa 3.00, printinjf 35-- total $15.37 10.5)1 18!l-2- . A jacal iu Chaperito. 35c, e. for .& Taxes 5.21, jana-ll- printing total 1800 to 8. Sixty-nin- V laud of Tafoya, Tomas Clancev. for Greenwood, L J, Kstate 1.80, 45c, printing Ortiz, Hilario Fiicarnai-lo- 181)2 to 0. One lot and im- Taxes penalty 1.31, printing 3V, total 0.92 Sena, pet' 0, bd n Luis Baca, s A L for 185)3. ne i, ee. 21, twp 10, 1114 for 18511-- 35c, total 2.00 for líüil to ,!tM, Si v laud inherited for 100 vds laud and impvts , provements, bd n school district CortfZ. Agapito Bai-a- e ditch, w Gallina river; e. Taxes 0.31, penalty 1.58, print tie llaca. Taxes 5.27, penalty e Garcia, Simon fnp1S!tí.l 150 vara land at Kl from Altagraciiil' house, etc. Taxes 50 v land, bd n Silvano Baca, s 8.27 property, A Baca de Montoya, ing 35c., total 1893-4- . v pet 4o, Pd n 13.31, penalty 3.32, printing 35c, 3.V, 0.5)3 & w public house, for 300 land Macho, Ma Salazar, a Kq 1.31, iirinting total Amado LBaca, e Pecos creek, w G N Tafova Bro's, bdn Gordon. M C Lucero, e ami w mesa, a Teles 80 tot al 10.1l'l Segura, r ubi an Sap-- 134" Taxes 5.87, penalty 1.10, printing J Rowal, t Pecos river, w road; Gallina river; 552 v land at for 181)1. In Las Vljiles 80.x 12.45, penalty e Lucero. Taxes Ortiz, 1HH2. Twenty-liv- varas lamí, Sap-pell- o 7.08 for vnr bind. I.d n. m and e A San Juan for pello, bd n 388 v lying n of v,ls land, bd n road, s Gallinas 35c, total Fe-eo- s 3.11, 35c, total 15.91 uu for 1H1H-5- . 1H2 varas land at bd n Jose Vijil, a L Huisinoiite, e 104 iirinting doval, w hill. bone river, e Amado L Baca, river, e M Sanchez, w Jose M San PRECINCT NO 10. in Pecos. w diU'h, Gonzales, Martius 12.10, penalty 3.10 grant, residence nubile domain, v bd n naid river, hills, e Amado bd n by road stable. Tun's ehez; a piece of land m bd n 3.22, 80c, printing 20i for 1893. Three-roo- house, 15.85 Taxes penalty house. Taxes 1.18, penalty 11 w Taxed w Apodaea, Juan printing 3V, tot al Baca, Kamon Sanchez. h public ditch, e Garcia, publk w M ul 1.37 .82 f.,r 1891-2- . 1252 v land, bd n h A Duran, a road, e A Duran, and others 35c, tot printing 35c, total 21.77, penalty 5.4 1, printing 35c, of land bd n road Cbilder ditch: a piece w (iallinas Taxes 7.12, penalty do 1 Sena, s II Gallegos, L Flore. 1W5-15-- 7. timber Ortiz, Susana Sandoval, Antonio 50 w for Forty arre total 27. e mill side and Mill Gordon, 9.25 for lH'.tO. 175 varas land pet H, lid twit to 7. 230 varas land in river, e hills. Taxes 7.48, penalty 1.78, printing 35c, total tnnil nt lWs canon, next to land f,. Baca Florencio Maes, s mill ditch: land abuut six hHperanza, h ;v V s A Fi' 1.87, 35c, total 9.70 Jaramillo y Baca, Desiderio 1 with Improve n Aa Ma del Ilayo Pecos, lid Sandoval, Taxes printing of Field it 'lane.v, for 1885, total of property. miles from Las Vegas, bd n road 14.97, pen- .lit it I .riri It Sniidoval. o ditch, w w Ain't assessed. Taxes 21.15, bun. hill, e Peco.i river. Taxes 2.5c, to- .1 M podacu, Josefa. ineiit thereon. Taxe 8.05, penalty 2.01, printing leading to Springs, e San If19.0(5 hoiiHi) land, Taxes 4.13, 35c, 18D1-- 2. and lot at alty 3.71, printing 3V, total 5.2'.l. 35c, total 20.83 liills, same 13,12, penally 3.35, printing 10.41 for House altv tii lntinsr tal ehez. m and w Gallinas river; also liv 1.1)1. iiriiitintr 35c, total 17.12 Chanerito. Taxes 2.20, penalty Lucero, Francisco Dorreíl, K A FrrguMn, J 11 total P F Taxes 8.07, pen Baker, one ditch value. 1895-8- . v pet 10; 100 5.r,i Vicente 55c, printing 3V, total 3.10 for 150 laud for N8. .''20 aere land Iwiug tin Sandoval, for 188(1, total value of property. 2.01. print inir 35c, total f 10.43 4 ultv v land, bd n main ditch, river, e Krnllv rnne h a valle de la Osha FatU', Ham for 18H1. Flghty acres land sec 3.32, penulty 83c, printing Archuleta, Silvera Taxes Hendricks, K B w G Gallegos: 50 v 1 Mill, 4 acres land bd n ltoibal 10, U 12 e. Taxes .'1.25, penalty for 1892. Three-roo- house at L Jaramillo, part ofland described a follow for twp 35c, total 1.50 1H!I". 100 v land, bd n Dave e w river, 00 v land 110 f.. 2.50, penalty land pet 10, bd n ditch, s river, e . r.u 4 3!. 11 1, III 1. M 00 h Valencia hill 82c, printing 35c, total v Gallegos, (.'Imperito. Taxes J iIt t Of" Baca Antonio Jones, e Mora road, s Hot Springs Taxes 0.57, bd n M Fino canon e river w Mlgm-- (2e, 35c, total 3.47 A Alurcon, w church. both twp 17 n, It 13 . Taxe 7.83, Várela, 185, total value of property. 12.38, penalty printing for w S Puis. Taxes 1.31), 35c, totul hills. Taxes 5.17, jwnalty 181H-- 100 acres of land am Atencio v Garcia, Ma Dolores penalty printing jwnalty 1.95, printing 35r, total for Taxes 4.74, penalty 1.18, printing 3.00, iirinting 3V, total 15.82 35c, 7.10 penal 1893-4- . 150 v hind pet 10, house 8.31 H0. 13 printing total Improvements. Tuxes 4.53, 35c, total 0.27 for V 0.O1 Herrera, Mil ton n ditch, s st, e Lucero, Dolores Payne, V ty 1.13, printing 3V, total tie Vigil, on same land, bd Tiun. John Baca Juanita 1801-- San Antonio 2) IH'.d 8. Improvements on for Lot at M Duran, w M Gallegos. Taxes for 185)2. Rouse and lot yds 1892-0-7-- house at the for to Viiil, Foitaclo 1887, property. Taxes for One for total n common s place railed 23x70 v, bd right, O HO. iirinting to square, bd n Jesus Gomez, leo- the Poco and Mora ioviriimeiit laud at for Three acres land. 11.17, penalty 2.80, printing 3V, nen altv 2.45. 3', Forte in e road, s Puis. w Apadoco. Taxes 23.11, penalty F. Mde Jose Gallegos, 12.00 nuro Salas, e plaza, J river. Tate 18.21, penalty 4.55, Manzanares. bd n Viiil, s same, e Pecos, total 11.08 tal 2H.2.3 Taxes 1.85, penalty 10c, printing Taxes 1.25, penalty 32c, printing 35c, 23.1l 5.77, printing 35c, w K Vijil. Taxes 13.50, penalty Maros, Francisco printing total llacu, Damacio 2.00 M $17.32 35c, total 1891-2- . and lot and 35c, total fl.!0 Gonzales, F.pinienio Faodo Itauion 3.37, printing 35c, total for 1805. House in pet 5 and two for A house 1HS0. Total amount. Taxes Hernandez. Carlos L I.Oi, pen Lucero, Jose (Jo for 1891, till v land bd n H Gonzales for Várela, Josefa acres of land, bd n ditch, e and w improvements, 'laxes 18UI. property. 1893. Twenty-fiv- e v land pet w 111.02, penalty 4.!"H, iirinting 3V 181)1. Seventy-live- , yds laud, for Personal alty 49c, printing 35r, total 2.81 for M C ilnil.hl e hill Peco river, for Uita Tamora. Taxes 1.H5, penalty 1.00, penalty 2V, printing 10, bd n main ditch, Gallinas Mi I'd r. 1' Conale h F total 25.25 bd n F Silva, s C Valencia, e river, 35c, 2.00 Taxes Baca y Dm an, Luis v land 40e, printing total o: Ma penalty 53c 35c, 1.00 1H92. in river, w Teod Salas, e Juan Gonzales e hill w Peco river, 50 Pino, Jesus w illicit. Tnxcs2.13. Maca, l'Vladillo total for Residence bouse 127 v bd n S Pino s e 50 v land pet 10 more. n H Gonzale sCItoibal for W2, land printing 3V, total 3.01 181)1. v land Hado de Jaramillo, Josi ('Imperito in place known as v land bd for Fifiv 1 - Pecos w hills, lmpvt.4 e v nu 2.31, Taxes 4.34, penalty 1.08, jirinting e hill w Peco river, onprove- F Ouintiinae Viiil, Des litarlo Juan Pais and improvements. for 181)2. Seventy-liv- lano, Llano. Taxes penalty Hi penalty 0.5c, printing 18111 2: to Woilriiru,.-- . m I) e 3.25 35c. total 5.77 incut. Taxes 3.25, penalty Taxes 31, for to 4. varas land, lal Taxes 10.57, penalty 4.11, printing si JarainiUo, 3V, total 1.11 35e, tot al 5.11 e Kpifanio Vijil, w Aii a house on sam. Marcelino Lucero, Felipe N jirintlng 35c, total i n ditch, 3.V, total 21.00 Loiha, road, liaros, pen- 38, bd n Francisco Cut via l'ino, Manuel ionio Itovbel and the river. Tax Barcia, Santiago described land. Taxes 1.94, for 1892. Fifty v land pet for 1892. 100 v land, bd n main to '05, one acre land bd n 3V, 3V, total 2.77 main ditch, c 11 river, e L Jara- for lo '90, .'! v land. Tuxen for 10 es 10.11, 402, printing for 181)1. Improvement on land. alty 48c, printing f.Hllitois river. ditch, h Gallinas Nl e w 5)5, two-roo- m 13.77, penalty 3.4, print Inif 35.', to Archuleta s (Quintana rivir total 20.18 Taxes 3.07, penalty 01c, printing Jaramilb, Dolores Atencio. w M Flores. Tuxes millo, w Greg (al legos; 12.110, 3.IKI, in-- ' 35c, s hill. Tuxes penalty IS1I1--- ultv 'Jlc. Int total house, bd n T Lucero, main tal Í17..MÍ Vijil, Jose 3.V, total .1.03 f,. 1 House ill Upper Las 35c, 15.35 Fifty-seve- n w convent. Taxes Cabaldon, Unman printing total for 1Mi2. varas land Barcia, Jose Veas 25 vdii. Taxes 5.3i, penalty 1.58 ditch, e sanie, old a 35c, to- Two-roo- at Pi Sabino Múrela, 1 2.93, 73c, printing for Iioiimc in Pecos, bd ii Franco for I si . Improvement on land, 1.32, printing 35c, totul 0.97 Chavez, Julio penalty .50 .1 a , K . IHIH.'J, v laud bd n Pino w Lomas-- in 40 yd 1.01 t !,.,-- Iwl eoinmon rlL'htM. Taxe for Til.urcio Kolval, e river, Taxes 1.71, penalty 42c, printing Jones, David for 1893. House pd tal w hill and Impvts, M s s J Salas, e L O 1.5, )H'iialty 4!c, prlntiui? 35c, to arrovo e river 25 varas laud, bd u Vijil, 3V, total 2.18 for 18(11. KiL'htv acres land, bd square, lid n road, t Lucero, Jose D 7 v n J s M Pino t w w Taxes 1891, Twenty-liv- e v land, bd n tal Í2.H2 land bd Pino Franco Segura, e Lomas, river, Barcia, Feliciano Mora road, n J M Martinez, and f. Alurcon. J S Salas, for whill. Taxes 4.21, penalty 1.53, 1.13, 1.13, printin 35c. to- - vv T N Salas, e hies Carlo", Oa'oildoii river Taxes penalty iirinting for N1. Improvements on land. w road to Hot Springs. Tuxes 4.55, penalty ditch, s river, ! t 05, i.i'iiiiiu 3.5c. total 5.0(l 50 v land situated in plu-cit- a tor 1n2, piece of laml at ;. total ro."! TitA.M 1.75, penalty l.ic, printing 5.88, penalty 1.47, printing 35c, tal 0.03 Piiion; Taxen Pino, J nsto I .eon and pet 10. Taxes 2.07, pen- Triton and a 1"( Imam'. Vijil, Mauro 3V, total --'.53 total 7.70 'urpenter, to- improvements on land. e bd 1S1MÍ. Taxes 3V, total 2.93 15.58, panalty 3.K'.t, printing 3V, for Nil, for 18ÍI2. Twenty-liv- yd land, Baca, Andrea do Montoya Kennedy, P .1 for Ain't assessed. alty 51c, iirinting Taxes 1.71, penalty 42c, printing I', Vijil, e at niMiiiltv 1.75. lirintiii'' 35e, to tal IH'.2 n liuisinout, Jose for 18D2-- 3. A piece of land for 1885, total value property. 7i) Martinez, Salvador Gonzalo, Fneai nación 35c, lot 1 flM public domain, w ditch, Fppcr Las Vegas and an old Taxes 4.22, penalty 1.05, printing tal 9.10 Residence in Chaperito. Taxes .1 for IV;. Total amount. Taxes (,iilnt ano. Ignacio house. Taxes 1.00, penalty 41c, house. Taxes 8.512, penalty 2.03, 35e, total 5.02 Duran, Anastacio KB, penalty 20c, printing 3V, to- 10-2- . 1O0 land, bd n A f,,. 1898. 175 v land net .58. bd n 15.1H, 3.87, printing 35c, for print tug 35c, total 2.12 printing 35c, total 12.20 Iing, K V and O'ney, F K tal 1.05 s M Armijo, c main ditch, w im- Gallegos, e river, w total 10.71 Vljil, Vljil, lturtolomc Maca, Kluterio for 18D2. 10) ucres land and river. J Montova, Manuel i'ivi'r; house same laud and iv.rj. 170 land, bd n a house on C.onzalec, louiie!uiio for acres for 1802. 100 v land at Sapello, provements, 80 being on the Mora common rights, for 1892. House, bd n Feo liaros, 2.1 pen- w 1 Kit La improvements, Taxes M Maes, e and Vegas, house at Chaperito, bd for I. residence lioiiso lit public land, s bd ii Sapello river, alto of Sape- road 31 miles north of Las same: one G Garduño, w road, e street. . 1.07 V. Oalle-fos- alty 51c, printing 35c, total house. Taxes M Ja- - wall, s st, e L Cueva on loud of public land and llo, e 11 Montoya, w Gude de und formerly owned by Cof n three yds from Taxe 1.32, penalty 33c, printing v ausun 10.58, 2.04, 35c, 1.11, Taxes 1.91, Taxes 5.11, penalty 1.28, printing (juiuiana. penally printing Sanchez. Taxes 4.45, penalty cobi and now enclosed by a wire Duran, w L Atencio. 3V, total 2.M acres ai 13.57 w side noniiltv 47c. orLitiiur , total total $0.77 for total printing 3V, total 5.01 fence. 80 acres land on - ' Mad red, Josefa Josefa and iniiiroveiuents. Taxes 2.30, 3 n of 2.73 (onzale de Várela, arela. Juan Collins, Tom Mora road about miles Iis for 1892-4- . Fifty v land, bd n Pe-eo- s 5!) Iirinting 35e, total n for ÍS'.U, two plct'i'S tf land at penalty for 1VI2. ne acre land, bd Luis for 1885, amount of property. Vclmis. the same was taken up by Duran, Hilario Jesus (allego, Jose Maros, e 3.30 e lo Maca, w 1892. 2(H) v land, bd n pond, s crautcoutaiuIiigH acres.Taxe. Kiverti, hill, Kinder Taxes 3.22, penalty 80c, printing one Bernard G Henderson and for river, w main ditch; 100 v land pet 35c, to (Juiiiiaiia, Albino Taxes 3.3.1, penalty 81c, print- e bushy hill, w Laurianoliill. 12.02, iM iialty 3.15. printing hill. 3V, total 1.37 now' enclosed by wire fence. Taxes road, 38, bd n Jesus (allego, D Aten- 18:12, 4 yd laud at Pecos, 1.58 30x100 ft, bd n, , w boun tal 10.12 for ing 35c, total Corls, Filomano 11.(12, penalty 3.(55, printing 3e a house cio, e river, w main st: two-roo- m Taxes 1.31, penalty 32 printing Taxe Conzalcs, Kuearnaelou arela, .lose for 1802. House and lot pet o, bd total Í18.02 daries Apolonio Duran. house und lot 50x00 v, bd n G Gar- , 3V, total 1.0S 1M1I2. n 98c, Ing 35c, to for l.'l-C'- 2 acres bind on land for Three acres land, Pd n Kstcfaua FaJina, V Silva, e Lobato. Albino 3.93, penalty print duño, s creek, e road, w F Garcia. . acres ltafael C Valencia, e river, w 5.20 claimed bv M dmales, t,uintana, F Silva, road. Taxes 2.31, penalty 58c, for 1891-2- . House at Uper Las tal Taxes 8.40, penalty 2.10, printing I for IW2, house at IVco. laxe 2.31, land d it S Gonzales h Martinez ditch, house. Taxes printing 3V, total 3.27 Winn, east side of town. Taxe Duran, Narciso 3.V, total 10.85 3.5,-- , to- 3 laud 2 01, penalty .),, printing 5.V, iirinting 30c, total 35c, to- 1893-5-0-7-- Severity v land w hills e IVco river, acres penally Castillo, Pantaleon S. 87, penalty Otic, iirinting for Ortega, Ma Itinor . - 12.80 10. Loma, s river, e L in- boundaries, house at La tal 3.27 bd ii Five-roo- m for 18H3. House and lot petit. tal 5.18 mi for 1892. house nt WO land Pecos grant (.iiilnt ;inn, D.iiiiingo w one room house, bd Cueva, acre Valencia, Juan Taxe (1.15, ienalty 1.33, printing IMWZ, Jose Cresencio Salas, river: Chaperito. Taxe 1.40, penalty i- 1802, in Pecos. Taxes W I) 111 ft A Lucero w Ma- for a houst 1891-2- . Upper n and st, e Luis Duran, bd n P Pad for Twentv yds land at 35e, total 8.0-- for Small house at 35c, printing 35c, totul 2.10 1.70, sna!ty 41c, printing 35c, to- - Tax- Taxes 21.07, iwnalty 11,,.. e Ionia drv land. Taxes Peco-- , bd n and s J M Valencia, e Domínguez, Andre Las Vegas, east side of town. Atencio. Otcga, Da reo 0.12, 3V-- , to tal 2..V 70c, 3V, 5.20, printing 35c, total 20.08 21.51. jfualty w fence. house: M 1S02. House and lot ut Fppcr es 3.04, penalty printing for 1892. Three-roo- hous. nt (jiiiutana, Teodoro for trl :m.!s vara land at Pajarito, bd n A Las Vegas, bd u alley, a Mesías, e total 1.15 Flores, Florentino Chaperito, lid n Rafael (arela, tor 15H2, 2 acres of land and a 1MH-- A house and corral of Gonzal. s, Catalino Pi ada, rock, e and w river. Tax w 75 yd square. Martinez, Jose Ma for and w ditch. Taxe 1.29, en- - FCrespin, river, road, t lH'.ii; Tliii'tv-tlv- e vara bouse in Peco. Taxe 1.45, Upper u pii-c- in Canada del for to 8. es 10.75, penalty 2.08, printing 3V, Taxes 1.87, iwnalty 40c, printing for 1892. Home and lot at stone and penalty 32c, printing 35c, totall.!X bd n Martin alty 30,', pi luting 35c, total 2.10 11.11, Taxes 1.97. penalty 49c, lurid at Las Francos. total 13.78 3V, total 2.08 Las Vega 25 v. Taxe lcn India. Ortega, Mr Lina V Martinez, xv La Onliitiiiia, llernaU'l 114.2.1 3V, total 2.8t r.d ii. s Pulro Valencia, Jesus Garrard, Mr C M ulty 2.77, printing 35c, total printing for 1891. Reidence in Cliai rito. .. river; 50 varus for 15! 2. I' yds luiid tul n J Manuel Cuchilla, e Pe for :t, F.ltfhtv varas land, bd for 188,5, total valae proerty. Montova de Baca, Tomaso Flores. Taxe 80e, iwnalty 21c, printing Vá- (Julutaiiit, Val-'iici- e dilcli N2 Ancón, h.l u Martin J it 18U2-3- . bouse and a for 1889. Ain't assessed. Taxe land at n .1 M Valencia, s Se Vaca, v Taxe 15.13, iwnalty 3.78, printing for Residence 35c, total tfl.42 Cu- w same, house yds at I Won 1.51. 3V, Martinez, w La bxH . Taxas 0.81, penalty (.00, iwnalty printing to rela, Pedro Hint it in, w river, hoiisi 3V, total 10.20 irardcn 't Ortega, Klijio 5.18, Taxes 2.8D, penalty 72c, printing nit public road. Taxes 3V, totul 8.80 tal 7.ir2 18-.i- l chilla, e Taxes 0.77, penally 2.41, printing i allego, Simon 1.70, printing for to 3. Sixty v land, 11 n 3V, total :;V, total 3.00 1.37, printing 3V, total fl2..5i! for 1807, house and lot Kan An Martinez y Garcia Jose Ma (allego, ('cilio ditch, s Gallina river, w Teodoslo Foilial, Ma Suzana 50x35 1892. House at Chatwrtto, bd 7.20 tonio. Taxes 2.73, penalty OHc, for 1894 to 0. House and lot for Salas, e Juan Sales, and Improv- for NjI, 30 v land bd n F. Vigil s Vijil, Ascncion A e ditch 3.70 bd n alley, P Martinez, e ii Diirnn. Auto Sena, Taxes 10.551, jwnalty 2.00, lle.h, I'Jr for 1H07-8- . Thirty-nin- e yds land, printing 3V, total yd, ement. A Garcia e and w tnlllditch. Taxes 15.39, w M 3.09, wn a bouse Hud lot in I'tvo y road, w F Duran. Taxe Gonzale. Taxes 3V, total 13.(57 for Nl. ."5c, to- bd n A Viiil. P Villi, e hill, w (allego García, Juan ju inting 3.53, s nalty f.M, printing 3.84, 35c, total alty 92e, printing 3V, total 4.5HÍ bd Mail Haca n rock and WW for 1807-- 100 v land bd u Jose jwnalty printing Inez Un 1.83 liver. Taxes 3.72, penalty I'inon, fide of tal A lO-- 19.58 Taxe pine treeo hill won viet printing 35c, total Í5.K Várela Santiago lobato e (allego. Fertiandito for 1888. Arn't assessed. Kolhal de llivera, Monica 1 P,i-- Tax. 2.(", Junalty w rights, 100 acre at Ortiz, de Gabano Dionicio f.,v 1892. i0 v land, n main 8.10, cnalty 2.04, printing 35c, to- rier. n buto common , for lH'.fJ, KM v land In Peco Jal Valencia, Miguel Guardian n H 1892. I'iO acre laud, bd Isidro, e Loma, w .Vie, pi intiiig35-- totul 2.85 ...... , , i t Canon del Agua bd n eiinonelto for ditch, San tal 10.55 ver w ii. 1"H5, Total amount. Taxes raiiL'c r e aim Anas i.oiyui, for C Juan Padilla, e house, bd n st, , e IVii-grlii- a Canon del Agua e road and public road. river: a Rivera, Cresencio Lujn, v land in I Wo bd n range river 22.00. ismalty 5.51, printing 3V, w same. Tuxes 8.10, penulty 1891-2- . il, 2i laud bd n public IVlgado w Montón de Java, house ridge of Crestón, and w same. Taxes for House in Chuiwrlto. for 0 r w K four-roo- 27.02 v 3 Koibal Sena and total llodri-gur- to- - 1 a 1.70, 41c, printing 3V, 10.47 H Armijo c- Foco river w pel bd n J Várela L 2.02, rint ing total Taxe 1.8(i, 40c,. iirinting land house Taxes U5, 1.73 1.04, penalty 20c, prin- Várela, Francisco A Lobato w common right. tal 2.55 35c, total 2.07 hill. Taxes 35,', e (allego, Ricardo pi loting total f'.03 for lHH.t-- 0 to '08, 5 acre land lid n ting 3 total l.Ci Taxes 12.48, wnalty 3.12, printing Ortiz, l'tslro for 1892. Klghteen v land, bd n (J Salas, IConor llivera, I'edro 11 Vigil w e ridgi 1891-2- Kolval J and 15.05 . Twenty yds land I 1891-2- . Forty-seve- n v land, , .TV, total for Gallegos, P Aragón, e (iallinas for bd Luct-ro- G lieulgno for 1H'.I.'I. A piece of land sec 18, house und lot pet 8. Taxes 15.71, Fernando Las Vegas und improvements. w hills, house and lot! 25 v n ditch, river, w S Salas, c Gar- 185C 00 acre land at Macho I1 Garcia, river, for two II 12: aere at IWo penalty 3.02, printing 35c, total 4.93, IH'nalty 1.23, printing Lucero, .550 acre for 18'.)8, about 2v) v land pet 0 bd Taxe land, bd n Fred Baca, H Sena, e dillo; a house and lot same laud. ltd n Iluflna and 2 acrr. Taxe 7.3J, penalty 15I.08 ,3V, 0.51 , 1.70, n A Homero, and o roadw Mora total stiit-t- w main ditch. Taxe 1.29, Taxe 15.81, jienalty ju inting more bd n Andre Gonzale eede l.K, printing 3V, total 51.55 Vigil, Florentino road, a house js-- t 9 bd n road t Otero, Feliciano iwnalty 32.'. printing 35c, total .TV, total 8.80 ,f hill w river. 4J acre more bd n Ana-taci- o llivera, lf 40 one-ha- acre landbd p A w Taxe f..p isi)2. In Sau Antonio Y. o JíU h w forN3, ditch Lujan ditch. Itt 1.90 Kulzbitcher. ioul A Gonzaleft Gonzales for 1H5KI to 0. One and one-hal- f ell V (.luintana ridge w river e ditch. 3.88, jH'Ualty ti7e printing 3V, to- yd sou uro, bd n N i'ro, 1893. Interest iu Antonio m 13 for liver, two-roo- house at Ma Men. land under cultivation am (allego. Lucero Jose Ricardo Taxe 7.31, jwnalty 12, printing .'i.2i 'tVtiiil!,,. dit4'h. w ftrei't. Taxe grant, known a private land nlde rights, publi tal for 1892. Klghteen V land pet 45, Ortiz cho bd on all ein'ou one-hal- f aeiv temp.iral in liV, printing 3V, to- - 3.V, total !. Gitt n, Mrs Maltha 2.01, penalty e clulni No. 12. Taxe 9.51, i natty two room niorea!ove Fl Macho phs-- e o." laud, 3 acre mi bd ti G Gallegos, P Aragón, irrant; a ! Vl.01 Vah ucia, Abrani for 18118. about 4o acre loud lvt .V) t n 7. printing 3V, total 12.23 U Taxe 5.12, 11. 10. 12 river, w ditch; v 38, bd wiminon rl"hu. d. r dhvh, Mf twp II i , Iii-- nzo IHW-- . for n:t.Vii-8- t0 acre land, bd w bd n J M Ward P Neason e A t Otero, 3.80, M'tiulty Salas, Juan F iK naltjf 1.28, print lug 35c, total Taxe ll.wl, penalty 2.5H, printing hills. Taxe w La w Mora two-rjot- n for 1S91 to 3. 1it at Upper La N.I2. KM v bd n Julio ;.:.; 1' Várela, IWo grant, Green road, 3V, --5.17 for laud, 3V, total !'. 15 A e t, printing total eutva, e Cuchilla, with Improve house ine place, one house t 0, Vega 25 v. bd n Ciwpin, Chavvz, Gallina. river, e J Cde . Lop-z- Jose Dolores llivera, lorenzo 8 Pablo Martin, w ditvli. Taxes (arela. Teodoro Lucero, w Ksinerejildo Alarcon. incuts. Taxe 7.b, is nalty 1.87, 100 acre land of Mora road t 18'.r2-3- , I A is-- e of land, .1 a.-- A piece of laud 1. .58c, for hou? at Wo, no other for 1803. t 4.01, 11.81, (wnatty 3.70, printing 3V, for N'2. Taxe 2.31, penalty priuti.ig Iirinting 3V, total '.t.71 Taxe 18.11, penalty printing e Taxes 7.20, penalty ,,,.1. r iliii li. m.-- 11. Imp 10, II l: bd n Andre Garcift, - T Solas, .'I5e. total t3.27 description. 3.V, 23. 0 total I8.8H 4 Vijil, Pablo total 2.18. jwn- 1.8, priiitlng 3V, total '.35 hotisv on i:nite laud. Taxes Poloco, Transito launas, w river. Taxes Contlnpcd 5. 1M7-H- . Tt.lrtv-iiin- e yd land Ga.Icgo. Simon to Pnfic l.22. PrintiiiL 3V, total for Taxes alty 51c, printing 5e, total ÍJ.U7 Lucero, Kulina r Is''- ,wt "l U1,IR' lor 18.0, total property, i bd n A Vijil, t II Vakueia, bill, -' Íorl6ü3to5. 250 rara laud t . fO.i-- Elder, Andrew penalty 44c, printing 35c, total Trujillo, Filomeno Pajarito with two-roo- house Pecos rivers A Vaga e R Flores. linas river; 17 v land pet 15, bd n EL INDEPENDIENTE, for 1891. Six acres land and im- $2.56 for 1891-- Improvements and same place. Taxes 2.00, penalty Taxes 11.11, penalty 3.52, printing Sape.Uo river, s hills, e David provements, bd n Shetield, s Chas Martinez, J M houso at san Gerónimo. Taxes 67e, prititing-35e- , total $3.71 35V, total $17.98 Baca, w Luis Baca; 39 v land pet 35e, to- 11, bd n s Sapello e SALAZAR & BACA, Publishers. D, e Trujillo, w Shetield. Taxes for 1893, 900 v land temporal bd n 2.30, penalty 57c, printing Guilierrez, Jose J Sena, Jose Maria hills, river, 1891-2- , 1.10, penalty 27c, printing 35e, to- hills s river e Jose Matias w sum- tal $3.22 for 1892. 350 yds land at Rental, for 80 yds bd n l iver s R David Baca, w Luis Baca. Taxes 2.00, tal $1.72 mit of hills. Taxes 6,95, penalty Ulibarri, Dario bd n R R track, s deep creek, w Valeucia e Pecos river w Cuchilla, 8.00, penalty printing 35c, SUPPLEMENT. Esquibel, Miguel Garcia 1.73, printing, 35c, total $9.03 for 1891-2- . 150 yds cultivated land road, e rid ye of cañón, 100 yds in same precinct. Taxes total $10.35 , 2.22, 35c, to- Baca, Dav id for 1891. A house and lot at San Montoya, Parelita and improvements. Taxes 4.48, house. Taxes penalty 55e, 3.60, penalty 90c, priuting w 100 n C 1.12. 35c, total printing 35e, total $3.12 tal $1.85 for 189(5 to '03, 7 v land p t Mn Continued from Page 4. Gerónimo. Taxes 2.05, penalty for 1893, acres land bd penalty printing Cam-bo- s Sena, s e Ro- 51c, printing 35e, total $2.91 Gallegos s Win Marr e A J $5.95 Garcia, Antonio Jose Juan Tad Baca Estefana Baca 1893. 1S91-- 100 Pajari- w 54; v Garduño, Marcos w common land. Taxes 2.32, Valdez, Rafael for 200 yds temporal land, for yds land la mero's ditch Gallinas river Sena y Padilla, Juan 9 Este- 1891-2- 35c, 1892, 400 v land bd bd n J Ortiz, s J Esquibel, o R R. to bd n D Montoya s road e river land pet bd n Tad Baca O . One acre land; bd n penalty 58e, printing total for at Reunion 1802. 2,-j- v 38, bd n for for land ict n Montoya e A Lo- w mesa; house and lot 25x75, bd n road w R Valencia. Taxes 2.59, fana Baca e Peeos creek w Galli- and 8 creek, e P Apadocio, w M $3.25 R Montoya s J Anto Sena, s Franco Saiz, e river, 35c, 17 pet 11 bd n 2.00, Mivera Felipe bato w M Rivera. Taxes 1.58, W Archuleta, s road, e Archuleta, penalty 01c, printing total nas river, viand o; Quintana. Taxes penalty 50c, w main ditch; one house at Chap-erit- 1893, 100 acres land bd n 11 Gar- penalty 39e, printing 35V, total w road, and improvements. Taxes $3.58 Sapello river s hill e Estefana t printing 35c, total $2.85 for 100 acres land jx-- 45, bd n .Tie, w 30 v land Garduño, Tomas cia s E Baca e C Rivera w hills, 2.32 0.77, penalty 1.09, printing Valencia, Juan Baca Trinidad Baca, Lorenzo Lucero, w Antonio Sena, 1891 In 8 14 e . Taxes 2.34, penalty 58c, pruning Vigil, Refugio total $8.81 for to '94, a house pet jict bd n hills s Sapello river Taxes 10.20, for 1891. Land, bd n S Garduño, e common rights. 1892-- 3, 200 v Hernandez, and a house at Pajarito. Taxes Estefana Baca w Trinidad Baca. 8 O e w F Esqui 35e, total $3.27 for land at Reunion Julio penalty 2.55, printing 35c, total Rivera, Guitcrres, Taxes Martinez, Francisco bd n F Baca s J Sanchez e road w for 1891, land in pet 4 bd n J Ta- - 1.U1, penalty o. i, priming, Taxes 8.00, penalty 2.00, printing $13.10 bel; house in San Gerónimo. 1891-2- . 2.42, foya s e road and im- total $29.30 35c, total $10.35 .i.20, penalty bOe printing .J.H', to- for 100 acres of land, house erek. Taxes 9.09, penalty J Jaramillo Sena, Ma Juana de Gonzales $12.40 provements. Taxes 2.07, Valencia, Tibureio Baca, Estefana tal $1.35 in rito del cabo Lauro. Taxes printing 35e, total penalty for 1892. 150 v land, bd n main GUV, 1891-- 1(H) 7 9 7.70, penalty 1.92, printing 35c, to- Wigton, EV printing 35c, total $3.08 for v land bd n Pecos a for 1896 to '98, v land pet bd n Gar- Garcia, Aniceto ditch, s Gallinas river, e D 12(1 11, Kazlewski, e same w J Gutierrez. Tuxes David Baca, s Genova Baca o Ro- for 1891. Five acres Tecolote river tal $9.97 for acres pet Tomas river duño, w Victor Analla, house two 1892. Taxes 3.88, 99c, printing 35e, mero ditch w Gallinas river, 51 v five miles n of San (Jerónimo: Martinez, Natividad no description. Taxes 24.98, pen- for Personal property. penalty 50 v, bd n common about rooms; lot e $31.57 2.02, 05c, 35e, to- $5.20 land pet 9 bd n David Baca s one lot in San (Jerónimo. Taxes for 1891. Seventy-thre- acres land alty 0.24. printing 35e, total penalty printing total rights, s road, w E Sena, e Emilia $3.02 Genova Baca e Peeos creek w 35c, to- and improvements, lxl n P Espe- Winey, M C tal Valencia, Rosario 3.85, 93e, 2.61, penalty 00c, printing Chavez. Taxes penalty 1894-- 100 11, Koslowski, Martin for 1893. Land at Pajarito, bd n Gallinas river, 17 v land pet 14 lid tal $3.05 ranza, s F Martin, e G llórela. for acres land pet printing 35c, total $5.13 pen- for 1893. 100 acres land at hills, s and w river, e J M Valen- n Sapello river s hills e Geneva Garcia y Garcia, Miguel Taxes 1.29, penalty 32c, printing no description. Taxes 12.50, prairie Sena, Epifanio 3.12, 35c, $15.97 Arroya Pecos, house on same cia, house at Pajarito. Baca w David Baca 39 v land pot for 1891-2- . House at San Geróni- 35c, total $1.90 alty printing total for 18!2. Residence house at y Francisco land. Taxes 6.53, penalty 1.38, 11 bd n hills s Sapello river e mo. Taxes 2.09, penalty 52c, print- Martinez, Leandro Zamora pricInct N07l3. Chaperito. Tases 1.94, penalty for 1892, house at San Gerónimo, printing 35c, total $8.2(5 Genova Baca w David Baca. Taxes 35c, total $2.90 for 1891. 100 acres land and house M it 48c, printing 35c, total 2.77 ing A rehuleta, anuel a 8.00, penalty 2.00, printing 35c, in olaza. land government. Taxes 02 v land bd n J Gonzales s D Ar- Martinez, Luis Ma Qdo Garcia, Silveria for l92,one house, lot and impvts. - Saes y U Francisco w for 1892. Fifty v land, bd n D total $10.35 1891. 100 land and im 4.55, penalty 1.13, printing 35c, to mijo e F Rivera E Baca. Taxes 1S92-3-- C'hap- for aeres Taxes 1.11, penally 27c, priming for House and lot 1.78, penalty 44c, printing, 35c to- Laub, s M Archuleta, e R R, vv Baca, Ester provements, sec 10, twp 16, R 14 e. tal $(5.03 35c, $1.73 erito, also a stable; 130 v land pet hills, house. Taxes 2.85, total for 1890 to '98, 7 v land pet 9 bd n Taxes 1.57, penalty 39c, printing Martinez, Rufino tal $2.57 Burciugo, 38, bd n Juan Sena, a Antonio penalty 71c, printing 35c, total Aleadlo Juan Bacas F Manzanares e Ro- 35e, total $2.31 (on 1892. 107 v land cultivated, 110 lot pet 1.3. Duran, e Gallinas river, w main PRECINCT No 12. $3.91 for 192, house and mero ditch w Gallinas river, 5J v y Montoya, Juan uncultivated, bd n C Maes, s La 1.27, 31, printing ditch. Taxes 13.00, penalty 3.25, Garcia Alarid, Casimero Taxes penally hind pel, 9 bd n Juan Baca 1(50 e Armijo, w Gonzales. Montoya, Damasio sF for 1891. acres and improve- Roybal, P 1891-2,7- $1.93 printing 35c, total $16.(50 for 5 acres bd n Pecos riv- for 1892. House at Pajarito, uo 35c, total Manzanares o Peeos creek w Juan ments in San Gerónimo. Taxes Taxes 1.72, penalty 43c, printing Buckingham, M Salas, Ma Tomasita er s same eR Garcia w river. description. Taxes 1.19, penalty Albert 'linen, 17 v land pet M bd n Sapello 71c, 35c, to 35c, total $2.50 1892-3- , 1 1 x 2.85, penalty printing sw sw o i sw se i for 1S92. Thirty-si- v land, bd n Taxes 3.01, penalty 90e, printing 29c, printing 35V, total $1.83 for i river s h.Us e IVeos creek w J turn tal $3.91 Montano, llerculauo see 27 two 19 n r 11 e. Taxes main ditch, b river, e II Alarcon, 35e, total $4.86 Montoya, Donaciano Baca. 39 v hind pet 11 bd n hüls s Gonzales y Roibal, Jose for 1892. Ihree-roo- house, lxl n 5.40, printing 35c, w Salas, 50 v land more on Alarid, Jose de la Cruz KK) v 21.61, penalty Sapello e Los Montoyns w Ferel s M e D for 1892. land at Pajarito river for 1891. Land and improvements common rights, Esquibel,, 1891-2- , $27.30 same place, house on same. for 300x350 v land bd n and house. Taxes 1.22, total Juan B;ica. Taxes 8.00, in Gerónimo. Taxes 1.93, pen- Martinez, w st. laxes l.oo, pen Taxes 5.77, penalty .1.44, printing San railroad smesoe public land w B penalty 30e, printing 35e, total Bustos, Isidro 2.00, printing 35c, total $10.35 alty 48e, printing 35c, total $2.70 alty 20c, printing 35c, total $1.60 1800, a and lot and im 35c, total 17.50 Read, house in Rowe wall. Taxes $1.87 for house Buen, Genova Gonzales, Adriano Maes, Carlota to- town of Santo Vino Tapia, Guadalujie 6.50, penalty 1.02, printing 35e, Montoya, Dario provements at for 190 to '98, 7 v laud pet 9 bd n 150 im- for 1892. Four acres land and im o for 1891 to 3. acres and bd n Bartolo Martinez s Idal for 1892. Forty v land at Chape-rit- tal $8.47 for 1892. 260 v land, bd u Archu Eidcfaiia Baca Juan BacaeI'o-lite- t provements government land. provements, bd n J Coca, s I) Ar Bustos o Trujillo w public at the drainage, 42 in the Archuleta, Marcos let a, s river, e A Prada, w Archu Roman o ditch w Gallinas river, 5J v 19.SK5, penalty 4.99, priming mijo, e hill, w A Gomes; house bd 2.71, penalty 02c plaza; house on first land. Taxes Taxes for 1891, 100 viand in Pajarito and let a, house. Taxes 2.08, road. Taxes hind pet 9 bd n Estefana Baca s 35c, total $25.30 n st. s M Gonzales, c road. Taxes 35c, $3.08 5.77, penalty 1.44, printing 35c, to-- . improvements, 60 yds bd n D penulty 52e, printing 35e, total printing total Juan Baca e Pecos ereek w Galli- simon 1.90, penalty 47c, printing 35c, tO' tal $7.50 Gonzales, Flores s hills e Pecos river. Taxes $2.95 Dailv, Bernard nas river, 17 v land pet 11 hd u 1891 to 3. Eight acres land, bd tal $2.72 1897-- 100 acres land at Rod Velasguez, Tomas for 2.59, penalty 61c, printing 35e, total Montoya, Loreta de Prada for Kstefann Baca s hills e Estefano n Lucero, w river, s M swa Nelson, Mrs A B sw sec 22 tw p 19 n r 14 e forl8!)2-3- . Thirty v land, bd n Jose $3.58 1893 to 0. Land Rowd, bd n ad a i Baca w Juan Baca, 39 v land pet 1897, 244 and 155 land for at e common property; six for acres 9.55, penalty printing F.s-tef- Jesus Gallegos, s Rafael Garcia, e backer, Archuleta, Mauricio Dirke, s mountain, c and w river, Taxes 2.3, I I bd u hills h Sapello river e 3 4 n J of ne see 13 and bd n M Swabacker, w lots and i 1891-2- , $12.28 ditch and hills, w river; house acres land, for 100 yds land bd n and s house and lot at Rowe. Taxes 35c, total a Baca w Juan Baca. Tuxes s N Aragón, e hills; seven 14, 9 acres see 13 twp 10 r 14 e, two Eligió 25x50 ft, bd n ditch, s Alarcon, e river, F Archuleta e A Ortiz w Archule- 15.00, penalty 3.75, printing 35c, Gallegos, 8.00, penalty 2.0;, printing 35c, to- n w S houses on same lands. Taxes 1897, 40 of land w 8.31, penalty acres land, bd J Gutierrez, ta, a house on same land. Taxso $19.10 for aeres atltoci tal $10.35 R Salas, st. Taxes 35c, total s Swabacker; and house 11.31, penalty 2.82, printing to- n S (! Baca s J Pandarles. 2.07, printing 35e, total 110.73 Gonzales, 6.35, jM'nalty 1.58, printing 35c, Montoya, David ndabd Baca, Antonio (' de, estate of (Jerónimo. Taxes 14.38, total $14.48 15.74, penalty 3.93, printing in San tal $8.28 for 1891, 400 v land bd uM Archu- Taxes for 190, 100 acres land on Teco- PRECINCT NO. 11. 3 59, 35c, total Quintana. Macedonio 35e, $20.02 I penalty printing Archuleta, Antonio w rehule-let- a, total lote river bd e Dold heirs w ter- . leta s river e A lirada A for 1891-2- Four acres land and 1891-3- , lxl n R Armijo, Rafael $18.32 for 000 yds land improvements. Taxes 2.40, Ground, T J rera. s Tecolote river n common land and Gonzales, Donaciano iinprovemedts in San Gerónimo e w rail- 1893 '90, personal property for 1892. Eighty acres Samaran s mesa canuda penalty 00c, printing 35c, total for to rights. Taxes 3.50, penalty 89c, n 10, s C for 1897. 100 acres land at San Taxes 5.55, penalty 1.38, printing two-roo- Pa- 15.59, penalty 3.89, priuting improvements, bd sec road line, houso at $3.35 Taxes printing 35c, total $i.0 16. (Jerónimo, bd n W Allison, s A 35c, total $7.28 1.31, Gallegos, e D .Crespin, w sec jarita. Taxes 5.25, penalty Montoya, Juun 35c, total 19.83 Crfspin, Ambrosio Campos, e Mrs Carr, w M Salazer, Rivera, Benito $0.91 Anselmo Taxes 1.37, penalty 34c, printing printing 35c, total for 1891, 100 v land In Ruodas bd Gonzales, for 1893, 100 v land bd u river, s $2.0(1 house on same. Taxes 1.77, pen- for 1892 to '91, 330 v land bd ti S 192-3- , 160 acres land and im 35e, total Archuleta, Sotero n Las Cuevitas s river o same w for mesae E Montoya w 1) Arehiboque, 35c, $2.50 Englishmen w 19 2-- alty 44c, printing total (Jarcia s e river 1891-2- , u A Ar- se sec twp r two-roo- Apodaca, Zenobio for 60 yds land bd El Llano. Taxes 1.2(1, penalty 30e, provements i II house on sume land. toad to Tecolote, 240 v land bd n Improve for 1892. 100 v land at Encurno, Gonzales, Francisco chuleta s J M Sena e railroad lino 35c, $1.85 e, a house, a house and Taxes 4X5, penalty 1.21, printing w printing total 1891-3- . sixty-seve- n road s table land e D Martinez P U.V. pet 11, bd ii G Gutunes, s S Salos, for acres land w mesa, house. Taxes Ortiz, Manuel ments at Rociada. Taxes 35c, total $6,53 1.87, Armijo, house and lot. Taxes 35c, tienaltv 1.03. printing 35c, total e and w hills. Taxes penalty and improvements; land and house 9.5c, penalty 23c, printing total for 1891 to '94, 400 v land at Rowe, Domínguez, Doroteo 35c, $2.08 Taxes 7.77, pen- 4.52, penalty 3.04, printer 35c, total $20.50 40c, printing total at San Gerónimo. $1.53 two-roo- house at Rowe, Taxes for 1892. House lit Sapello, bd n $10.00 $18.50 II Apodaca, Antonio alty 1.94, priming 35c, total Archuleta, Eugenio 17.0(5, penalty 4.26, printing 35e, to- Hunt, R M Trujillo, s Loreta, w M Coriz, Rivera, Jose de la Cm;'. 1892-- 1897, property. Taxes for 1893 to '97, 200 v temHral land Gutierres, Esteban for 1 to '98, 100 yds land bd n tal $21.67 for personal eM Trujillo. Taxes K; penalty Ri- 1891-2- . for 1892, 5 acres land and impvts 35c, total bd n Fort s N Apodaca e Mcl for Two acres land in San Fructuoso Ortiz s F Archuleta o Ortiz, Fructuoso 3.02, penalty 75c, printing 2le, printing .Vic, total $1.55 Geróni- 3.44, bd n F Gardino s J Gonzales e A one $1.12 vera w hill, house at San Gerónimo. Taxes penalty road w railroad company, for 1S91-2-4-- 100 v land bd n pub Dontlngoez, Julian Gomez" w F Rivera. Taxes 1.52, mo bd n M Roybal a T Martinez e 80c, printing 35c, total $4.05 room. Taxes 17.80, penalty 4.45, lic land s R Archuleta o road w Jaritmillo, Agapito fur 191. One house nt Sapello, 3Se, printing 35c, total 1892-3-- 43 of land and ditch w road. Taxes 13.20, penal- Garcia, Atanaeio penalty printing 35c, total $22.00 railroad line. Taxes 3.79, penalty for acres hd e land of D Domínguez, w land $2.25 and a house. Taxes ty 4,30, printing 35c, total $17.85 for 1802 to 4. Fourteen acres land Archuleta, Manuel 94c, printing 35c, total $5.08 improvements of Sapello church, n same, s public Roybal, Casildo 5.95, printing lie Atencio, Dario at San Gerónimo, bd n P Montoya, for 1892, 200 yds land bd n Luis Ortiz, Jose Antonio 23.83, penalty road. Tuxes 09e, penalty 17c, for 1891-2- . House and lot at Sun $30.13 for 1893, land between pet 11 and s Desmarais. e and w hills: 320 Martinez s P Archuleta o railroad for 1892. 150 yds land, bd n S total printing 35c, total $1.21 un- .1 Gerónimo. Taxes 8.71, penalty 3, 5 acres, 15 acres same place acres land at La Reunion, bd n company w L Montoya, one house. Ortiz, s road, c Ruedos creek, w John, Henry Flores, Zenobio w 2.17, printing 35c, total $11.23 property, laxes cultivated bd n the same s road to Gutierres, s C Ortez, o road, J C Taxes 2.85, penalty 71c, printing road, house. Taxes 1.68, for 18!2, personal for 1892. House and lot no de- w A 22.84, 5.71, 3,74, 93c, printing .'VV, total San Pablo e Juan SantillaneB Roybal. Taxes penalty Roybal, Lorenzo 35c, total $3.91 penalty 42c, printing , total penalty scription. Taxes 2.81, penalty 70c, Crespin n Gonzales, 4 acres culti printing 35c, total $28.90 for l9l to 8. 300 v land temporal, Archuleta, Marcos $2.45 $5,02 printing 35e, total $3. Ml vated, 113 uncultivated bd n and s. Gutierres, Jesus bd n (i (Jarcia, s Englishmen, e for 1892, 50 v land at Pajarito hd n Padilla, Cristobal Lujan, Desiderio Gamut, Carlos w 1892. v n Archu- 1891, thre.'-fourth- s of an acre P Santillanes e G Guiterrez road for Eight acres land and im river, w road: 210 land, bd F Salas s R Samara e A for 1892-3- . 200 v land, bd n Cruz for for 192. House U La- - Tusas 18x ' 3.39, w J two-roo- m it tract of land lit. Rociada and to San Pablo, two rooms at San provements. Taxes penalty road, s mesa, e D Martinez, leta w mesa and house. Alarid, h and w road, c hills; 1. 30. Tuxes 1.05, penally '20c, print- (Jerónimo. hoiiHC. Taxes 1.02, penalty Gerónimo and lot bd n S Garda e 81c, printing 3.1c, total $1.58 Armijo: house at San Taxes 1.04, penalty 4lc, printing v laud Las Colonias, bd n Suzano one ing 35c, Utnl $1.66 3.5c, total $1 .62-- river w public road, one house, Gutierrez, Reyes Taxes 22.00, penalty o..0, printing 35c, total $2.40 Garcia, s Bautista,' w hills; house 25c, printing Gomez, Dionicio corral and stable at Llano Largo. for 1891-2-- 150 acres land, lxl n 35c, total $27.85 Archuleta, Jesus ut Rowe. Taxes 6.21, ienalty Martinez, Sension for 1892. 120 v land at Ln Tusas, property. Taxes Taxes 6.40, penalty 1.00, printing Town & Esquibel, s road, e Mel Roybal, Jose dela Cruz for 1892, 150 v land bd n and s font 1.57, printing 35c, total $8.21 for bd n road, s river, e F Baca, w J penalty l.oo, printing .lie, to 35c, total $8.35 Rivera, w J Duran; two acres at for 1893. 100 acres land, bd n A hill w steep hill eblne nxk. Taxes Nestor, Padilla l.iri, Ma Tafoyn. Tuxes 3.47, penalty improvements, bd n 1.42, 35c, 35c, total tal 15.37 Atencio, PaulitaMdo La Cuesta and Garcia, s Lomas, e ridge, w deep penalty printing for 1892-- 3. 200 yds land, bd n Gde 86c, printing 's1, total tl.8 for 1895. A piece at San Pablo pet road, s Sales, w common rights, e canon: house at San (Jerónimo, bd $2.12 C Alarid, s A Venavldcs, e moun Montoya, leodora (ionics, Ramon lSül, land in Rociada od n J 03, land pet 11, a house at San Ge- main ditch. Taxes 21.79, penalty n s M Roybal, c F Garduño, Archuleta, Antonio Qdo tain, w road: vds land, lxl n for for 191-2- . One house at Sapello. ditch, l.0 w s A Trujillo e mesa , rónimo, a house and lot at San 5.41, printing 35c, total $27.58 w road. Taxes 9.51, penalty 2.37, for 1892. One house at Bautista Roybal, s S Garcia, A Martinez Tuxes Olí-- penally 2le, printing one house and lot bd n Pablo. Taxes 2.24, penalty 50c, Gonzales, Gullermo printing 35e, total $12.23 Pajarito. Taxes 1.17, penalty 29c, and w mountains. Taxes 0.9 R Lujan, 35c, total $1.58 N s public land o D Lu- printing 35c, total $3.15 for 1892. Three acres land, txl n printing 35e, total $1.81 lien nltv 2.49. printiiti 35o, total Martinez Gonzales, Francisco Roybal, Manuel Taxes 4.03, penal- s hills, e S Gonzales, w L Maes: jan w L Lujan. 191-2- . ut Armijo, Perfecto and for 1893. Five acres land, bd n J Archuleta, Francisco $12.81 for One house ( 35c, total $5.38 18t)2 V twp 10 n, lot San Jerónimo, lxl 1891 8 . 350 at Rowe, ty 1.'", printing for to 4. house and at L Bcnavidcs, s A (Jarcia, e river, for to r land Quintana, Esmerejihlo Sapello, bd n land of Cielo Olivas, 12.92, pen- w s M (Jarcia, C Apo w C , Martinez, Jose Ignacio e. R 13 e, 100 acres. Taxes n road, and c lxl n rito, lxl n Jose Esquibel, s and for 1892-1- 200 v temporal land Las 8 public road, saine, w land of w Loma; temporal land, 50 v land lid n alty 3.20, printing 35c, total 110.47 daca. Taxes 1.3(5, penalty 34c, Gavaldon, c road: 60 yds land, bd Ti Il'os. net 12. and house. for church. Taxes 1.27, penalty 31c, s lomas, e Dario Ulibarri, w P Martinez, e 3.5c, $2.05 s Gde 1) Valencia, w a .Tiiriiiiii'lo s Joko Baca y Garcia, Felipe printing total Apadaea; a piece of land, lxl n Mc- n R Flores, Taxes 22.09, penalty 5.67, prltitln printing '!5c, total $1.93 w house on samo land. 1882. 250 v land La Reunion, Gonzales, Jose , canon de los Ruedos, e Pecos ,T5e, $28.71 river hills, for at Coy, 8 Anto Crespin, e Juan Abey-tia- total Gu una, .lose z; - 12.02, 3.00, printing 1892. Eighty-thre- v land tem- 250 v land. Taxes penalty 1891-2- . n bd n F Garcia, s R Vijil, e R for 30 land In river; residence on the Rolbal, Carrion Ma for House and lot, bd w D Armijo; acres $15.37 Montoya, and Improve- Taxes 2.10, penalty tiOc Taxes 17.31, penalty 4.33, lntlng v bd n J 35e, total s Valdez, w wl! ixral. pet 8, bd n E Armijo, 8 L Rivera, e ju for 1892. Thirty land, public road, .lose 73c, 35c, total $3.35 35e, $22.02 K Kalazar, Antonio e ments. Taxes 2.95, penalty printing river, w hills; house, bd n total Guiterrez, s Archuleta, eRSan Ramon Gomez, land of ioelia do for 192, 150 v hind bd n river s D 30c, printing 35c, total $4.03 Gonzales, Jose Goracia AjMxlaca, e town, Benjamin, Thomas J ehez, w Euslvias, house Valdez. Taxes 1.23, jienalty Cruz Ruival, s A Rudulph w public do- for 1892. One and one-ha- lf acres, 1892. Personal property, lax- 24c, lUistos 35c, Daea, Eulojio w road; a house on lirst described for Taxes 09c, penalty printing printing total 1.8 35e, main, house ami lot bd n M Ar- for 1892. 100 acres land and im- bd n and w G Cutieres, s J (Jomes, 11.70, 2.92, es 5.85, jsinalty 1.40, printing 35c, total $1.58 Garcia, Antonio land. Tuxes penalty D Bustos e C Bustos w provements, bd n and s B Esquibel, e ditch. Taxes 1.73, penalty 43 total $7.00 Read, Mrs Benjamin M chuleta h for 191. A log house, Taxis printing 35c, total $14.97 Rudulph. Taxes 7.41, penalty eS Esquilel, w F Rivera. Taxes printing 35c, total $2.51 Baca, Isabel de Sena for 191 to 7. 207 yds land, bd E 2.91, penalty 73c, printing 35e, Roybal, Pablo 1.8(5, printing 35c, total $9.05 1.92. jxmalty 48c, printing 35c, Gonzales, Severiano for 1893 to 8. , A portion of land M Archuleta, s Pecos river, total $1.02 for 1891-2- . Five acre land in San Ma Antonio total $2.75 for 1892-3- . Fifty-fiv- e acres land at pet 12, lxl e river, w mountain, s S Peflasco, and a portion of land In Trujillo, Jariilulllo, Jesus 13c, .1 (Jerónimo. Taxes 54c, penalty 18'.i2-5-- 150 v land lxl n Ig El Valla, bd n J liarela, s F ( Jon Ortiz, n Faustin (Jarcia. Taxes de Las Ruedas. Taxes for for 1892. 800 v a Las Aguajes, lei Crespin, Antonio $1.02 ti, Itlncnn w printing 35c, sotal 35c, :to nacio D Bustos n J Panderics for 192-3- . House ami lot, bd n zales, e M Gonzales, w Benavidez, 32.(58, penalty 8.17, printing 3.50, penalty 5.89, printing n hills, s F Pacheco, pT Jaramillo, R A range. Taxes 23.73, penalty 5.9.1, creek, F Martinez, e river, w one acre at El Rito de Los (Jon Swabacker, total $11.20 total $29.80 w F Gonzales, one house 11x10 on for 1892, lot at San (Jerónimo 30x printing 35e, total $:W).0l road; 200 v land at La Joya, bd n zales, improvements on same. Tax Carrion, Cruz Head, Ortiz Ouofas do sume land. Taxes 6.97, penalty 3(5 three-roo- v. house. Taxes 1891-- two-roo- m Vigil, Juan M Roybal, hill, M Quintana, w es 10.75, penalty 2.0S, printing 35c, house at Rowe. for 1898. 267 yds land at Rowe, 1.71, printing 35e, total $9.00 42e, 35e, to two-roo- m houso and lot 5.73, ' penalty 1.43, total $13.78 1.70, penalty printing Taxes 1.27, penalty 3lc, printing n M Archuleta, Pecos river for 152, hill. Taxes bd Taxes Jaramillo, Francisco tal, $2.47 35c, $1.93 and Impvts In Rociada. printing 35e, total $7.51 Herrera, Juan total a- niece of land at Rincón de las for 192. House at Las Alamos ...... 1.6H, penalty 42c, printing 35c, Cadena, Antonio for 1891-- sixty acres land and Swabaehcr, Miguel Dean, Juliano Ruedos. Taxes 0.28, ts nalty !.! 11x10 ft. Taxes 90c, penalty 24c, 1892-3- , 8 Impvts 8. 160 total $2.45 for 1891 to 5. 160 acres and im- Improvements, bd n siena Valvin, for acres land and for 195 to acres desert printing 35c, total $8.20 printing 35c, total $1.55 M w s Sandoval, e E bd n H (J s J L e ditch w river, lot land, residence house. Taxes 18.77, provements. 1x1 n L Macs, s sivarillos. P Read Benjamin PRtCINT NO. 14. Lucero, Gregorio (Jerónimo Gerónimo. Taxes 10.39, 4.69, printing 35c, total w Refujio. Tax- Esquibel; a house in san at San penalty 18H8-9- 1 lot at Las Pena, o Jaramillo, for to '93, 207x175x150 bd Archuleta, M Romero for 192. House and 5.31, printing .Tc, Taxes 3.28, penalty 82c, printing nenaltv 2.58. minting 35, total $23.81 s IV bd n st, F Montoya, o es 21.25, penulty houso of Marcos Archuleta for 191. A house and lot at Sap-e- l Tusas, 35c, total $4.45 $13.33 w I) Romero. Taxes . total 120.01 Duran, Mariano cos river e Orilla del Peñasco lo, bd w road, o D Romero, s J Martinez, l- - 3.5c, Camios, Joso Juliano, Maes Santillanes, Juan B for 1892. One house at Rowe, Taxes 17.80, penally 4.45. printing Gallegos, n road. Taxes 2.22, jienalty 55e, printing , Juan 191-2- . property find 1892-3- 300 v land bd n P San 50 v land at 3.12 for Ain't personal for 1891 to 5. 100 acres land for v land at same place; 35e, total $22.00 00c, penally 15c, printing 35c, total total penalty 95c, C Archuleta e Nasario w bd n A J s Paja assessed. Taxes 3.s3, Improvements, lxl n Ban Gerónimo tillanes Ruedos, Alarid, Real, Benjamin N $1.10 Lucera, Juan $5.13 e. w Santillanes, and log house bd canon, e Pecos w hills. 2 Opto printing 35c, total s Clark, bordo del rito, sierra J lot rito river, f,... 18(11. land nt I 'a i arito. Taxes Abcvta. Jose Leon for 191-- Tract of land at n S Sanchez s G Olguin e Dad w 2.13, jx-- alty 53c, printing 5(H) and Crespin, Juan Taxes 17.2, penalty 4.25, printing Taxes 1.00, M'iialty 25e, printing 35c, to for 18!il-2- . 150 v land and log Bonito con, v land 191-2- . 1x1 n L Taxes 3.45, jxmalty 80c, print $3.01 for Eighty v land, 35c, total $21.02 hill. 35c, total tal $1.60 house. Taxes 2.55, penalty 03 house on land, bd s houso of V Roival, 1.00 Martinez, s F Rivera, o Lobato, Alearlo ing35c, total f Enslnias, Tibnrcio printing 35c, total $3.53 Neeolas R, e Juan Gonzales, n J In Sandoval, Angustln w V Esquibel; a house and lot 192-3- . 100 Marcelino 1892. 130 yds temporal Jand, Trujillo, w F Gonzales. Taxes for acres land and lin Sabedra, for for 1892. Thirty v land at r.i Baca. Eleuterlo Gerónimo. Taxes 1.51, penalty 1893. Nineteen land, bd s a w 100 v Sa Ho. 5.57, penalty 1.39, printing 35c, San provements. Taxes 12.38, penalty for acres bd n road, J Elídanlas, hill, Macho, Isl n J Sandoval, s F San- for 191. land at 37c, printing 35c, total 2.23 $15.82 A Crespin, s F Esquibel, e S (Jal Taxes 5.70, penalty 69e, 35c $7.31 3.(9, printing 35c, total n house. doval, c hill, w river. Taxes 1.82, Taxes 2.79, penalty printing total Duran, Antonio legos, w A Baca; a house at San 1.11, 35c, total $7.55 Lopez, Petra Loiwz, Felix printing penalty 45c, printing 35c, total total 3 for 1892. House and lot, bd n R Gerónimo, bd n creek, s F Martin, Brito, Teolllo for 197-8- . 100 v land, lxl u river; for 1891. Four acres land and Ira Enslnias, Pablo $2.02 - Garcia, it creek, u hill, w common A Crespin, w st. Taxes 0.15, pen residence house mesa, e T Montoya, w D Archi- tirovements, bd n J Gonzales, 8 e for 1892. 130 yd i rairlo land, bd Sanchez, Ramon for 192. One rights. Taxes ixte, penalty 22c, alty 1.53, printing 35c, total i?.03 1.40, penalty &e, printing beque, house on same land. Taxes Gallegos, w A Madril, e common n N Enslnias, s P Archuleta, e for 1892-- 3. v land at Rowe, Taxas 35c, total $1.47 :) 3.09, jxmalty 92c, printing 35o, printing property. Taxes 1.O0, penalty Sehelield, Jame hill, w road; a small piece of land bd n P Enchilas, s A Ortiz, e small 3.5c, tot al $2.17 Dionicio, total $1.90 Gutierres 40c, printing 3.e, total tl.Hi for 1891-- lOOa-r- land pet 11, at Lbs Ruedos, bd n and i hills, e hill, w F Archuleta. Taxes 7.29, Baca, do Tefoyo Josefa for 1892. Sixty-on- e acres land, bd Ley Im, Rafael no description. Taxes Z.. pen- A Btva, w J J nermltv 1.82. PI ItltlllL' 35(', total for 1892 lo 5. Five acres land, il Bun-tillan- Lopez, Jose . sap- n M Gallegos, a Esquibel, w C alty 3.12, printing 35e, total $15.97 house. Taxes (5.70, 1.67, nroad, s rivrr, o Camr Bnca, w for 191-2- 100 acres land at for 1891 to 3. Two acres land in f'MO Gon- c Antonio Madrid. Taxes $8.72 Baca,; 6 acres land, Isl n ello, bd n laud of river, a J lxl n E Schefleld, John printing 35c, total Sena, Tlburelo Tcof to- san Gerónimo, swabacker, w house 3.44, penalty 80V, paint ing 35c, etc. road, h same, w Cain Baca, e Host zales, c road, J Trujillo, Lopez, e hills, w river; four acres for 1894-- 100 acres land pet 11, no Gutierrez, Julio J for 1803. Uno log house and tal $4.05 Baca. Taxes 6.06, 1.51, on laud. Taxes 10.70, m alt y 2.09, land and Improvements en el rito description. Taxes 12.50, penalty for 191 to 7. 3(10 yds laud at Taxes 12.14, 3.03, printing Ijiquilsl, Nicho! 35c, total $7.92 printing .Tie, total 1.10 lid s 3.12, printing 35e, total $15.97 Rowe, bd n A Ortiz, Loman, w 35c, total $15.52 printing 1893-4-7-- 8, de Gonzales, n P Gonzalss, for 1) aen.g land 1x1 n Haca, Trinidad Montoya, Juan A same, e. river. Taxes 10,57, pen- M R R track, earroyadel Canoncito; Shauh k Gavaldon V 1 jtquibol Qulrino Aragón e J StraiiMticr, Amanda v land pet 9, 1892. 200 v land at Ktipello, on same land. 1894. estate notdeserilx'd. for 1890 to 8. Seven foa alty 2.04, printing 3V,, total $13.51 for 1897, 173 0 acres of land residence house for Real Esquilx l w T Montoya, land at Rio bd n Luis Baca. David Baca, f bd n and s hills, e ar,d. w Hilarlo 1 Taxes 0.44, penalty 1.01, printing Taxes 13.15, penalty W, printing 1 1x1 n Madrid, Antonio s w J s o i sec 34 twp 17, and lots 100 laud Tecolote, i acres, G Várela $10.78 Romero's diU'h, w Gallinas river; Montoya, and a house; ? l''1" 2 and s of see 3 twp J!5c, total $8.10 35c, total e w Joso L Benevldez. for 192, Hcres land and and e i ne i lxl 8 river Taxes Salinarron, Boque 51 v land is t9, n Luis Baca, 9..T8, 2.34, printing 35e, to- lxl n hill I) Martinez 16 n r 14. Taxes .II, penally Garcia, Juan w Continued to Pnge 0. penalty 1891 100 v land bd n David Baeu, c Pecos creek, Gal $8.02 1891-2- , loo land temporal for to tal 2.07 o road w Guttiercz. Taxes 1.17, 1.53, printing 35c, total for at 21c, Benigno 2nd Montoya, Pablo w in Antonchico grant, Taxes 4.00, jienalty 1.17, jirinting Taxes 84c, jienalty printing Hlea, hd n hills A Lucero e river jirovemeuts 80 bd 11 and w A TV, total 1.40 for 181)1, 47 v land at San Jose bd for 1S98, v land EL IMPENDIENTE, COO v temporal, 4(X) v long, a house. Taxes 11.21, jienalty 35c, total 0.21 creek, s e S Duran s C Garcia e main ditch, 90 2.80, 14.30 Connan, Louis Arellanes, Seferino n G Montano Luis Tafoya hd d hills w Montoya c llafael j.rinting 3V, total 8 F Fsqui-be- 181)1-- vv one house viand bd n J Gallegos l for 1801-2- . One house in Las Colo- for Fighty v land at Garcia middle dit'jh, Lucero s J Maentas, log house on Sisneros, Jose do Loa Ilcycs w river, house Sala zar & Baca, Publishers. Gid-din- g, 2.0i, jtenalty e H Montano 181)2. of residence at rí itw, hd n at, a P Heoney, e F and house on same land. at San Jose. Taxes sa'tieiand. Taxes 22.20, for Ho'ise n a Lucero e J Garcia w 18.(10, 3.52, jienalty 88c, juinting 51c, printing TV, total 2.02 bd jila.a J 5..Vi, .TV, f2H.lO de La Junta. Taxes W7n, w mt. Taxea jtenalty Taxes jirinting total jda.a 11 Taxes 14.14, penalty SUPPLEMENT. 23.00 TV, total 4.75 Blca, Leandro Montana. 21c. nrintlnur 35c, total 4.05, iuinting TV, total , Sandoval, .low N oenaltv 3.53, 3V-- total 18.02 Archul a, M Iluiina for 1892. Thirty-seve- n v land, bd n printing for 1U, 100 v land ltd n edge of 1.50 resiin, iiuvm 181)1-- w main Martinez, Sostenes Continued from Pae 5. for 181)1-- Fifty v; 150 v situated for 100 v land, ImI n T Vijil, s P Martinez, e river, tiinlter M Padilla w n Sandoval c Saiz, Francisco Seventy-fiv- e v s w e ditch, one-roo- house. Taxes for 1KH2. 3 K) yds, hd n M J ira-mill- in Las Colonias, hd n river, a ace- Morales, F Garcia, hill, river, house and lot ict l't. Taxes for J n .7 it 2.17, 51c, 3V, to- land San Jose, bd (allegos, at Jo a Largo, luí n hills, river, a w , w Martinez, e T Ullbarri, liver, house on same land. Taxes jienalty juinting 4.75. jienalty 1.18, jirinting .TV, to- Mica Martine., hilh 0 quia, P w improve-ment- s. .3.00 g J Vijil, e Pecos river, main w F Manzanares, and Taxes L't.'l, jienalty lie, HW v land temjKiral aituated at 2.78, jienalty COc, jirinting TV, tal tal o.24 river. 50 v de los Taxes 1 S.lVl, jtenalty LOO, 3.82 Chavez, Lorenzo ditch, land Ojitos Sanche., Jose M jirinting TV, total 2.12 lower village; Iiouhc of reaideiuie total sa s Gonzales, n road e printing TV, total 23.07 Manuel for 1801-- 4 to '08, 50 v land at P for H)5, ISO v land hd n Ceja 8 Sai,, Lázaro at La Colonias. Taxes 3.10, jien- Chavez, 1888-,i)- s e F Chavez, w San Miguel grant, Monto , Jone Ignacio 1802. v n T 77c, jirinting T5c, total 1.22 , for l. Fighty acres, a piece bd n E Flores river Mallas Padilla e river w Nicanor for Fifty land, hd alty 14.04, for 1892, and lot at Tusan 10, 17, 24, house w J I nouse ai house San Jose. Taxes jien- house Sandoval, house and lot. Taxes Sai., s J Martine., w common Domínguez, Pedro of land sec twp r river liallegos, w 10.04, penalty alty 3.00, jirinting TV, total 18.05 bd n J Gallegos ditch v Mreet 11 1801-2- . 17.32, penalty 4.33, same place. Taxes r.t!0, jHMiiiHy 1.40, irinting 35c, to- rights, e river; 50 v laud, hd J for Fifty v land in on land. Taxes Pacheco. Taxrn penalty TV', 22.00 2.51, juinting TV, total 12.00 Montoya, Melquíades T i", tal f7..Tt Marline,, a A Gallegos, w common Colonias, hd n L Mares, a Anto A jirinting total 1.14, .'.V, total o.0l! Chavez, Francisco for 1S91. One residence stone printing Vigil Hanion rights, e Pecos river; portion of Homero, w river, e ditch; residence Chavez, Aniceto 1802. A) 1891-- piece of land ut house. Taxes 1.00, jtenalty 25c, Mares, Mario t Colonias, hd n for Ten acres land and for one for lrt'.Ni, loo viand js-- 15 hd n land tor pasture, hetween Pecos house at Las P 1X91-- Tut, 1.00 fur Value of improve- . acres, house on same land. Taxes Monte del Ojo de los Ksquieulas, printing total ridge a A Vigil e river wM Lojm-- and Gallinas rivers; house, hd n Mares, a I) Gonzales, w P Gon- house and hit at Laa Tusas, e, 4.00, jienalty 1.00, juinting TV one house at San Jose. Taxes Martinez, Pedro ment, Taxes 2.H5, jienalty 71c, jirinting road, a U Sismeros, w house and zales, common tights. Taxes lid n Antonio Arcliiltoque, h (' 5.35 1.03, jienalty 40e, jirinting TV, to- for 1891. Twenty-on- e v land San TV, total $3.!U lot, e road. Taxes 10.04, jienalty 7.88, jienalty 1.97, jirinting 35c, total Gauns, e t, w Im Montoya. !?2.38 Jose, bd n L Hlea, 8 ( Haca, e Vigil, Francisco J 2.00, jirinting TV, total 13.05 total 10.20 Frankeuthal, Simon tal Taxes 4.54, jtenalty 1.13, printing Improvement on school section in Chavez, Gabriel river, w fence, a piece of land tem- forlHItH, 50 v land hd n Antonio P Sandova!, Juan H (atierre., J Ma Twenty-fou- de losFsquipiilas. Taxes TV, total 0.02 Coli-nla- s, 5.00 fer 1892. r v land, bd jtoral ojo w for 181H5-- Ninety-liv- e v land at for 1801. Fifty v land at Las La Cinta Canon. Tuxes Vigil h S.Maes e river Ceja 35c, to- Montoya, Juan V w 1.40, jirinting TV', total, n hills, s Peeos river, e L Chavez, l.f7, jienalty 49c, jirinting two-roo- 50 v Pecos river, hd 11 Juan Ortiz, hd n PCresjiin, s P Mares, penalty one house, 2.81 for 1891. Fifty-fiv- e v land Ias 7.T5 w P Chavez, one-ha- lf interest in tal land hd n H Vigil h Ma K Padilla Tihurcio Sena, e ditch, w Pecos common rights, e river: 35 v land Tusas, lid 11 Archilieqne, 11 Chavez, de Antonio fence of tcmjtaral land. Taxes Ortiz, Domingo e Crestón w Ceja lüicinosa, 40 v river. Taxes 3.011, ienalty Ít2c, no description; house and lot in arela, (allegos Arehibeqne, w Chavez: 05 v land 1801 (. A of land, bd 5.37, jienalty 1.34, juinting TV, for 1891. One house at San Jose laud hd n common rights n river e printing 35c, total 1.'.H Iam Colonias, ltd n Jesus Hinojos, for to tract at Lax Tusas, bd n river, s Chavez, n s e A Lujan, w S 87.00 Taxes 1.07, jienalty 40c, jirinting Julian Padilla w Ma F.ulogta Pa TrujiHo, Heg'no h Arito Gutierrez, w public st and river, road, total Arch i beque, w Homero: house on Taxes Chavez, Placido T5c, total 2.81 tilla, 100 v laud at Canada An for 18H1-- One adolte room at La Anto Gutierre.. Taxes 4.02, jien- Martin, one house land. lid com- TV-- , Fnlra-nos- a, & and lot at Tusas, n 1.83, 1.00, TV, total 5.37 17.15, jienalty 4.28, juinting for 1892. Thirty v land in Padilla, Jose Co gohtilu ImI n Ma J (allego h S Junta. Taxes 7.35, jienalty alty jirinting . mon rights, n F M, e F Montoya, 21.78 bd n hills, s river, e (J Chav for 1894, a mill at Aneon Sarrisi-no- Macao Crestón w Middle Cuchilla. jirinting TV, total 11.53 Gonzalo, Fust ami o total w(i Lucero. Taxes 4.25, penalty 181)1-- ez, w C Hucanegra, 22 v laml, bd Taxes 13.15, jienalty 3.20, Taxes 7.75, jienalty 1.113, printing Valdc,, M alias for Fifty v land Iis Colo- (arela, Francisco TV-- , 10.70 l.tx'i, printing TV, total 5.00 LGon-zale- s, 1801 4. 100 ut Sa- n s e A Chavez, w .lose jirinting total 3V, total 10.03 for 18111-- Houso and lot at La nias, hd n common rights, h for to yds land river, hill, Montoya, T5 v same D Cesarlo Junta, hd n G Gutierre,, w F Gu- w river, e common rights. bulosa, and house on same land. Ma Vais, temjtornl Segura, Jose for 1892, house and lot hd n Hired No jirint- house Fntranosa. for 1894 to '98, 111) v land bd n PRIICINCT U. tierrez, h .1 Pail ilia, t; H Martinez. Taxes 3.03, jienalty 75c, jirinting Taxes 23.21, penalty 5.80, place, e w Town. s e A Lopez w M Segu- Arvhilcque street Ajiodaea, Nicolas Taxes 1.08, jienalty 42c, jirinting :t.V, total 1.13 ing TV:, total 20.30 Taxes 2.82, ienalty 70c, printing ditch river Taxes 3.41, penalty 8íc, jirinting IH'.m;. v TV', 02 v bd n Juan Gonzales for :iJ5 land at Lagunita, 35c, total 2.45 Gallegos, Maximiliano Gallegos, Jose Ma total 3.87 ra, land TV, 1.05 1801-- x w and s Manuel (on.ales e river, total hd n Je Do Apolínea, s IhMinanos for 1801-2- . Fifty v land Las Colo for for Forty-si- v land at Dimos, Herculano Marline., Jose Lruiriano creek, e 'J'ecolotc creek, w small a e 1897-- 4 acres land at Fntro-nos- a house jict 23 bd n ALojiez s road e lUnCINCTNol7. mas, lul 11 dam, s Anto Lujan, w Sabinosa, bd n river, acequia, for JX02, 33 land lid 11 (W 11 w vv NTafoya. for yds jtct It hill; v land, hd UijH'r Hjirlng, Marras, Gregorio old acequia, e river; pasture land Ma Padilla, w II Martin, onehouso ltd n Juanita Padilla river, Ignacio Segura Taxes road w e Anaeleto Olivan w 18112. A housi' at Puerto de A Nieto 15.59, jienalty 3.80, printing 35c, and s hiring helovv, e creek, small for Las Colonias, hd n dam, a It llaea, on same land. Taxes 1.00, (ten- house and lot bd Jose on sume, Taxes Tuxes 0.08, penally 2 1.51, 19.83 river, house hill, house, corral and Luna. w mesa, e river; residence house uity 47c, juinting 35c, total 2.72 Leal y Chavez. Taxes penalty total 1.4- -, penalty TV, jirinting TV, to- 5,fi5, 1.31, int ing TV, toUil 11.70 2.23 G slalile. Taxes janalty ju Im Colonias. Taxca 8.00, jienalty (allegos, Luis 37c, juinting 35c, total Street, Joe 12.12 Coranudo, Andrea 1801-2- . Sabino-sa- , i I 1895 to '07, tal . printing TV, total 2.M), juinting 35V, total 10.35 for 101 v land at Kh q u be , Florencio for personal jirojierty. Martinc?.; 1802, de 1803-4- . 23, a Anastasio Cordoha, Juan A for House at Puerto Gutierrez, Faust in bd n A Jlinenes, s V Lobato, e for 100 v land jtct bd Taxes 23.09, jtenalty 5,92, jirinting 1892, and T lWtl, Luna. 1.81, jienalty lOt Menigrio TV-- , 29.90 for house lot al Las for Thirty yils land, hd Taxes for 18! One log house Las river, w jiiiblie road, bouse on nlazu, 40 v laud, bd n total bd H Aiehiltequo H W 35c, 2.05 w mime JMiullegoH. aCriu (arela, 0 river, printing total Colonias, hd n Anto Valde., s jiuo same land. Tuxes 8.12, jienalty Hlea, s rio Pecos, e M Gurule, Segura, Asencion. o D Homero. Taxes w HOt & 10. 1803, U0 v at Sar- Ktmt, hills. Taxes 3.50, jienalty Guttman Friedman lie si, e G Chavez.wconunon rights. 2.03, ju inting 35c, total 10.50 A Uliliarri, also a house jict for land Aneon 1.ÍKI, 4Tc, .'Vic, total 1.W) for 1 Hill . A niece of houiiht 90 v n s Po- printing jirinting 35c, total land Taxes 1.31), jienalty 31c, jirinting Garcia, Laundente Taxes 3.30, jtenalty 82c, jirinting rasino, land bd loma 12.72 U government. 7.01 Cordova, Manuel from S Taxes 35c, total 2.08 for 1801-- Three acres land at 35c, total 4.47 cos river e D Lucero wF Martinez, Montoya, Toma ImI 11 oenaltv 1.75, iirintintf 35c, totnl ,7) v bd n s G tor iwu. House, cointuon Gutierre., Felijie Sabinosa, bd 11 river, e P Griego, Flores, Fsquipula land loma Lucero e 1X90-- 7, for 158 v land bd n river, s w 0.11 Subi-inos- a. w rights, s uud e I)iego (allegos, for 181)1-- One house Colo w Chavez, road, house at for 1801, 95Í v land at Fntranosa sanie Jose. L Perea, house near I Lo-jh'- Iis hill e .hi at) Martin w Mi a Taxes 1.85, ienalty 40i G allegos, ('reséñelo 1.55, 11 L e w depot. 0.31, jtenalty 1.58, road. nias, hd n jiuhllc ut, a st, w Jose G Tuxes 0.20, jienalty bd hills s Chavez road Taxes 100 v land lid n riv- 181)1-- Personal frentón jirinting Tic, total 2.i for jiroierty Gutierre., e M Gutierrez. Taxes jirinting 3V, total 8.10 Auto Gallegos, 75 v land temporal printing TV, total 8.27 w 1) Homero, 4.00, 1.01, jirinting M er 0 Juan Gallegos (ion.iiles, Juan Taxes jienalty 2.08, 71c, 35. Howe, J W bd n fence a fence c arroyo w Segura. M iguel penalty juinting ' a house. Taxes lx.75, jienalty 1W1-2- . 3V, 5.42 1801. .7)0 for Hesidcnce at La JunU total total 4.07 for 1X08, imjiroveiuontri on govern Gallegos, 17 v land, temjtoral, at for v land San Jose, bd 4. 08, .Tie, 23.78 11 printing total Taxes 1.07, jienalty 2'', juinting Hunter, W ment land. Taxi's 22.31, ejialty Fntranosa bd n fence h fence e S 11 acequia nedera, e G Ilivera, w A Pacheco, Miguel TV, total fl.OS for 1!2. Personal irojierty 5.70, jirinting 35c, total 28.80 (allegos w F Chavez, 03 v land at Lopez, 00 v land San Jose, ltd n C 1891-2- . o rRECINCT NO. 20. for Seventy-tw- v land in (auna, Hlcardo Taxes 22.32, jienalty 5.58, jirinting Howe, J M Las Calabazo bd n hill s river e ( rtiz, s V Segura, e liver, w fence, bd L Fnllcrbudos, n summit of the for 111-2- . Hesidencc at La Junta TV, total 28.25 Illooin, Charles F for 1808, 100 acres laud se 1 twp A Haca v H w M Desmuráis, one land teiiijtoral adjoining same and hilN, river, Sunche., w 11 Pa Taxes 1.00, jienalty 4!c, irlnting Hinojos, Mariano for 1880 value taxable. Taxes 10nr23e. Taxes 11.73, jtenalty house at Fntranosa. Taxes 3.00, house San Jose. Taxes 5.03, jien- checo. Taxen 3.88, icnalty f7c TV, total Í2.H0 for 1802. House at Puerto de Lima 8.70, jienalty 2.10, juinting 3V 3.08, piinting TV', total 18.70 jienalty 01c, juinting 3V, total alty 1.40, jirinting TV, total 7.38 printing .Tic, total 5.20 (arela, Juan Taxes 4.22, jienalty 1.05, jirinting total 11.33' Jimenes, Leandro 1.02 Stonewall, J C . e 5.(12 Kuivul, Guadalupe forlMHl-2- Tueuty-llv- v land La TV, total CamplieU A Austen, for 1X1)1-- Fifty yds land at Sa- Gonzales, Hen ta for 1892 to 5. Personal property. 1891-- 2. for One house and lot. Junta, hd a ! Mondrogou, s Longville, H A for 1880, value taxable. Taxes binosa, bd n F Garcia, s A Jim for 1808, 125 yds land at Ancor de Taxes 14.10, jienalty 3.52, printing Taxes 2.34, penalty X':, printing (Jarcia, e river, w the village, for 1801. An undivided interest in 21.02, 5.18, juinting 35c, enez, e river, w jmhiic road. Taxes Sarrasino, 50 v land on the other TV, total 17.97 TV, total 3.25 caliiu same jilaee. 'I'axes 1.8(1, the Atrita Neifra irrant. Taxes total 27.75 3.43, jtenalty 85c, juinting TV', side of the river at Ancón de Sar- Santiago, Garcia Antonio 2. 00, 50e, TV, to six-roo- Ilodrigucs, tienalty 45c, jiriutinir 3.V, total jienalty jirint ing (.'have,, Gabriel total .(3 racino, one house, hall for 1801-- 3 to '95, 00 v land at San for 1 Sll . One at Sapello, ifJ.OO 2.85 houe tal for 181)2. 150 v land, ltd 11 Sajiello Lobato, Vicente way unit corrals. laxes jd.iki, Jose bd n H Illea s M A Duran, e 1.30, .'He, Taxes penally jirinting (auna, Catat ino ljOe., Nicanor river, a ditch, e and w Harrold for 1802. Fifty v land, bd n river, jienalty 4.10, juinting TV, total Inez Sena w river, 15 v land at San TV, total 2.05 18111-- 1802. for HcNidence at La Junta for Personul iroierty,inilsr Taxes 4.38, penalty 1.00, juinting s public land, w L (allegos, e 21.17' Jose bd 11 F (Jarcia s Tajiia e main - Homero, Severed no hd n ( (uittei'res, s J Padilla Taxes 5.51, jienalty 1.37,- jirinting TV, total 5.82 creek, house same land Taxes (allegos, Ignacio ditch w Ma Duran, ti5 v laud at 1X91-- One rcnidencc house - 7.23 for at roao, e village, J axes 1,11, peli- TV, total Chave,, Angustia 1.00, jienalty 41c, jirinting 35e, for 1X91 to '97, 40 v land San Jose San Jose bd n F Garcías MA Sapi-llo- . Taxen 2. 10, penalty lite, al alty TV, printing .TV, total 2.13 Ijojic., Antonio for 1803, Seventy-liv- e v laud jm total 2.42 bd 11 1) Lucero s S Martinez w Duran e road and ditch w river,

TV, tola! 3.35 1110-2-. de 1 jirinting Gutierrez, Teodoro for House lit Puerto 20, bd 0 Garcia y Wallace, w M Martine., Jchus e, Pecos river, 52 v land ut one piece land bd n road a river e I Romero, Jiifui for Nil . Tuxes 7.70, iieiialtv l.'.M 11 I!u-fa- el y Hesidencc at La Junta Luna. Jimenez, 1nna Colorado, a river for 1802. Kighty v laud, lid n San Jose bd n M Montoya s S ditch vv road. Taxes 11.09, jieu-all- 1MM-- for Personal property. 11 ( 11I TV, 10.05 , hd common rihU, s N irrre, j.rinting total Taxca 4.55, tenalty 1.13, jirinting Mares, h 11 Martine., e anil w Martinez w Hosenthal e Pecos 2.77, jirinting TV-- total 2.05, penalty I'rfie, printing w .lie-- e I) Taxes roan, e common rignis, laxes Morillo, 35c, total 0.03 no, house 011 same land. Taxes cos liver, 00 v land ut San Jose bd 14.21 ,'I.V, 3.liU H2c, 1HH2. 100 acres a housi ttlnl ienalty 23c, ju inting TV, total for land, Kggert, Frit. 3.7X, penalty Ole, jirinting 35c, n II Martinez 1 D Lucero w S Trujillo, Juan, Nicola and corral. Taxes 21.51, jienalty íi.r for 1887, value taxable. Taxes total 5.07 Haca e II Martinez, 25 v land bd n for 1X91-- Thirty v land, bd 11 P for lw.2, bonne at Sapello, 11x10. ( 5..'H, TV, 27.27 auna, Mariano ju inting total 22.85. ieua1ty 5.22, iuinting 35c, Morales, Teodosio and e S Hacae and w Hio Pecos, Padilla, s A Padilla, e ditch, w P Taxes 1.22, penalty ,'lOc, luting I8!l-'J- , pi for HcNidence house at La Muni., (regorio total 28.02 for 1801-- One acre land and house in San Jose bd n Houian Padilla, house in San Jose, Aneon .TV, total 11 181U. A d l7 Junta, hd C Valcsijuc?., s J A for house in Puerto (Jonales, Jose Mel y Hermano and house at Sabino- Fnsinias a H Gallegos w town e Sarasino. Taxes 3.09, jienalty 92c, Kalazar, l''di jm w 1.08, 41l( (auna, L Sal,, 0 road. Taxes Luna. Taxes jienalty for 200 v land Jova sa. Taxes 3.11, jtenalty 78c, juint- street. Taxes 4.91, jtenalty 1.22, juinting .TV, total 1.90 , for ls92, house and lot at Sapello 1. 35;-- 2.82 , 10, penalty 2 Ic, printing to jirinting TV. total Iirga. Taxes 22.45, )enalty 5.0 ing TV-- total 1.27 jirinting TV', total 0.48 Tofoya, (Juiriuno ltd n roail h creek w I) Homero e 1.80 Page, N tal Francis iu inting 35c, total 28.41 Maes, llafael (allegos, Ilicardo for 1891-2- . Personal property. 1km7-'U- 0 T Montoya. Tate 2.11, penalty . 430 acres and 1X01-2- 1804-5- , nullum, Tomas for Garcia, Abraham for . Fighty v land at Sa- for 300 yards land in jtct 23 Taxes 1.21, (icnalty 30c, printing 3.:tO Ode, printing TV, total iM'.Mi 8. in luijirovenieiits, e i, nw 1, and e , for to House and lot for 1802. 10O acres land Joya binosa, ltd w S Sunche., e J Mar- bd n F (allegos s, o and w com- TV-- total 1.80 Sanche., (!uadaliie II de iM't. 5.1 1.11 15, 7, 10O Hi. Taxes 5, hw L sec tw) r 23 e! acres Iirga. Taxes 2.71, jienalty 07. tinez, one house on same land. mon rights, .7) yard land bd n M Tofoya, Demetrio v 11 s for 1"92, 200 land lid river pi TV, 7.41 e 1, iv 1, and lots 3, I, sec 1, .TV-- , luting total jirinting total 3.73 Taxes 3.00, penalty 02c, jirinting Mica 8 M Duran w river e Inez for 1X91-- Twelve v laml San '11 w 0 one-ha-lilf hill, e .mill liara Itanial, Gallegos y Flores, Julian 11. r 20 e; l.V.I acres; 3.00, Garcia, Ncpoinuce no TV, total 4.00 Sena. Taxes jienalty 7V, Jose, bd n J Tajtiu, h O Montano, .'Mix to, I , house on iBiue, land house y in s 1, nw 1, nw , sw 1X01-2-- TV-- for wis. Fifty latitl at LosChu interest and for Seventy-liv- e v land Homero, Martin jirinting total 1.10 e rito del Agua Caliente, w Pecos t'pM-- r n - at Las Vegas hd common 11 M , 15, 25 70, 1'iiileidh, hd J L (ionales, a sin- tji7, r e: lot pet 20, bd n Ijoma Colorado, for 1X01.2. One residence house at Gallegos, Fugenio liver, one house San Jose. Taxes right- - e street w huiih1, Taxes uncu, w 200.10, 71.71, print e reii inns, iiermanous Taxes Sujm IIo river, e I) Garcia, J Wal Sabino, Taxes 2.12, js'iialty 00c, for 1X04 to '97, 80 v land bd n S 97c, penalty 21c, printing TV, total H.01, iHitalty 2.25, printing TV, creek: tract of hind at Agunl Ing TV, total 371.3.1 lace, w M .Ilmeness. Taxes 5.80, iuinting TV', total 3.37 Martinez s C Garcia w A liibarrl 1.7! total 11.01 bile Maca, n mesa, e Teco' Sals, Andres penalty 1.45, printing 35c, total Hornera y Gutierrez, Pedro cditch, ranch ut La Sierra, house Tofoya, Luis Tnijillo, Julian lote Taxes 4.51, jienalty 1HH2. 172 acres ranch at F.I 18U1-- river. for 7.00 for Lund Sabinosa, house in San Jose, bd u L Sanchez s road for 1801. Seventeen v land San for 1x92, bid acres laud at t'auon-cil- o 1.1 i, iriutiug TV, total ?0.2 ()ito. sec 22, 17, 17. 17, twp 17, r 2: 1.70, penalty 4lc, w M imjivts in Krocnig, Alfred A on same. Taxes Gurrule, San Jose. Jose, bd 11 G Montano, a P Mica, e I'd ( dc la Ijtguulta n l.uiie allegos, Anselmo and 27: house at de Luna IHD5-U- . I'ucrto for A tract of land. Taxi juinting 3V, total 2.58 Tuxes 11.08, jtenalty 2.99, jirinting acequia, w Peeos river, house at Mound Sanguijuela grant e for Fifty v html, hd n 10.05, jienalty 2.51, TV-- , l,r. !t Taxes jirinting 24.11, penalty 0.02. printing TV Sorrells, D II total 15.32 San Jose. Taxes 1.89, jtenalty river w mound, house on ero Sais, s J Padilla, e TV-- , 12.01 river, total total 30.48 House and improvement at La Garcia, Juan, estate of 47c, jirinting TV', total 2.71 name laud, liotisn in Sajadlo. Taxes lilcll, a Imil.e. luxes 1. HI, s' Zamora, Mariano Marr, William Cinta. Taxes 20.27, js nulty 5.51, for 1891!, 100 v land ltd n Nieves Tapia, Juan 4.iI, 1.22. int ing.'iV, to- , ju ally 1.77, printing TV, total 11.22 for l"ll 2. A lióm e ut Puerto dt 18U1 4. TV-- 20.13 Lucero Dono w for to Personal iropcrly jirinting total Sandoval river e for 1892. Forty-eigh- t and one-ha- lf tal fl.l .laratuillo, Francisco Luna. Taxes 5.:ii, jieualtv 1.3: Taxes 18.03, 4.73, hills, .7) v land bd n Mid s (tenuity printing Shine, Arthur Padilla v land, bd 11 J Segura, h ( Mon- Valdes, Stocha lv.rj. I.M v .TV1, for land, hd ti Sism ju inting total 0.07 TV. total 21.01 for 1X02-0- . 10O acre land and ini Jose Padillo w Peeos river e hills, 35 IÜI tano, e lues Taina, w J Segura, for 1)1. UA and house feet ros, s I i w common 100 Marline., Martine, Ilijinto jirovements. Taxes 0.30, penalty a house same land, v more v land, ImI n G Montano, a L San- ! e A x sijuare, lot J I, lot of J rights, e river; home, hd 11 No. 18. 1811.1. 12.05 15.00, Plil.CINCT for Fifty v land M't 22 2.31, priming TV, total laud. Taxes jtenalty 3.75, chez, e and w hills, house w ( 11 aUo , Valdc.. iauua, arroa, 11111I common rights, s J Cutler Fiisiuias, Meruardo 22 TV-- 19.10 house in H't on school land Shoutin, llolierts iuinting total nt San Jose, bd n S Vigil, h 11 Fn- one house on land. Taxes 72r, re., e road. Taxes 7.57, cnalty for 1HUI. House in jx t IS. Taxi Taxes 15.1'., jienalty 4.04, printing for lxol. cattle. Taxes 21.05, pen (riego, Hsquijitila sinias, e w ISc, 3.V, total town, road. Taxes snalty printing l.S'.i, ju inting TV, H.M 1.05, jiena'.ty 2(h', printing TV, tot al TV-- , 1892. 11 total total 20.58 alty 5.20, jirinting TV', total 20.00 for Sixty acres land, bd J 3.31, jtenalty 82c, jirinting TV, to- 1.2" Miguel 1.00 1 Martine. Mitchell, Tomas SI une, D F F Herrera, a Almanzar, e and w tal 1.48 for 18H2. 2H1 yds land at Angas (arela, Pa Id o 1803-4-. 18DO-- 100 land sec 21 fence, house on same Taxes TRICINCT NO. 13. for Forty v land at Jova for acres land. Tafoya Doroteo hd n a M I .TV-- , tura, river, hills, e to forlHul. Personal iri)ieity. Taxi Ijirga. Taxes 10.25, jtenalty 2.5ft, twp 18 r 20 e. Taxes 18.11, 1.00, jienalty 41c, jirinting 1895-0- , Gallegos, Itoitiln'o for 275 v land ltd 11 G Tafo- mero, w I. Aragón, one housi 4.07, js'iiaily 1.01, juinting ?.5i inting TV', total 13.10 iM'tialtv 4.52. iiriulinir 35c, total total 2.42 forlttt'1. One house ilaa dc Los iu ya a road w M Segura e A Gon- 3 axes (..III, s nalty 1.1m, printing total 5.4.1 Mondragon, 22.08 (arela, Ignacio Motilo; as. Taxes l.tlH, js tialty 42c, Pedro zales, a house pet 23. Taxes H.lili, TV', 1 total K03 Hertsier, M for 18D0 to 8. About 1(H) aerea anil Traister, Dt! for 1892. Fifteen v land, bd 11 M pi inting 3.V, total f.' t" jienalty 2.10, juinting 3V, total Marline, I truno ls07. Taxe In Miguel Mora for 1808, 52 ) acres land on sees 11 Marline., a same, e liver, w ditch, CUrcin y Homero, Manuel for Personal irojM'rty. San and counties 11.17 .501 v 15 v 11 for l.iJ. land at Angostura 02.51. is'iialiv 15.0.1, iiriulinir TV divided by San llo river, ImI 11 hills, and 1- - twp li n r i e. laxes land, bd Inca Sena, s S for lH'.i.'l Sevelity-li- e v laud, lid Ullbarri, Atanaeio rantdi ulCorrisito, s t 41, and ini to- w S 80 v total 78.51 a same, e M Luda, w Jose Wallace 18.31, penalty 4.57, printing 35c, Garcia, e hill, Garcia, lxr2-4-5--- Thirty-fiv- e n 1 Montoya, e Jems Padilla, w for v land, juoveniciits. Taxis ll,48, Lucero, 20, 23.23 laud, ltd n J Griego, M Sanchez, river, ditch, And adohv houso on l.euudi'0. houso and lot pet lul n liver. tal bd u Martinez, s J Ulibarrl, e l."7, inting TV, 1 w ju total 2t.70 for IW1 to 4. Personol jirojK'rty Samuel, w J M Medran, e M Met Trujillo, Union e P Tapia, J A Gallegos, w saine jdacc: 75 v laud temporal, ran middle ditch, river, 20 v laud, Maitiut., iKsiderio Taxes 21.28, ienally ti.(7, 'I axes 5.08, 142, for lxol. 100 v land Sabinosa, house, bd n common rights, s road, boundaries tut aliovc. Taxes juinting jienaltr printing bd n liver, a Pecos river, e C nine 1SU2. !Ml , , for uls at Angostura TV-- .'10.70 TV-- 11 w e M 1.78, total lotal 7.45 Isl river, a hill, e S Arehlanes, street, Tafoya. Taxes (arela, w M Martinez, 20 v, bd n 12.Nl, js nalty 3.2o, ju inting M ltd u river, s Homero, w hill, w J Chavez, house 011 same. jK'iialty 41c, jirinting TV, total total Ortega, Piiuiliano Homero, Antonio M Sanchez, a river, e J Ulibarri, river, a house. O.iW, 18D2-3- . 2.51 Taxes is nalty for lsiiii. House at Montoy for Fifty v laud, bd 11 Taxes 2.87, penalty 71c, juinting M K! Lucero, Alhina road w Gurule, v, ltd 11 J A (alle- 2.12. j.rinting TV, 12.45 1 total irraut, Isl n Crcsautos Sais, p n river, 0 and w Harrold, housi' tut TV, total 3.03 Herrera, Juan Tomas a M Martin, for iH'.si, :m v land 11 and gos, e middle ditch, w ll Montoya, Luis w 15 1.74 for 1891-- 400 v land ut Los liitos ,lds, s and yds. Taxes name laud. Taxes 1.1.41. ls'nalty 11 Mon- hills s !i Hanche. w 11 t'havcz, . liver, house, bd G fur l!7-8- House, corral and 4.1c, TV, 3.30, bd n A Almanzar s 11 Lucero e iiiiI-t- y js'tialty printing total printing TV, total 17.15 PRIiCINCT No a Hoy w house 11x40, Taxes 10.:J7, jm 2. tano, bal, e toad, Hoybal. t tahle in et M. Taxes, jH'n 2.52 Trujillo, Gregorio summit of hills w road, Jin) v land 2-- 13.31 Tomas Taxes 10.49, jtenalty 2.02, printing j.rinting .TV, total 4.01, TV, .'0,57 Archuleta, alty printing total Homero, Juan for 1802. 10O acres In ills- - at Hito de los Tablas hd e hills 13.4(1 Padilla y (i arria, Jesus land for lxol-2- , one house and initrove-incut- s TV, total Ortiz, Cuadalui' lUHi. 011 gov Taxca 2.70, üc, road 11 camino de las Muías w .f Las lor improvements j.ute. jionalty Miguel aw itch. Taxes Vijil. Isidoro for Tract laud at IS!.-,- . x San lsi. for Stxty-sl- v land in s t land. Taxes 0.115, iuinting TV', 3.83 hills. Taxes 4.14, (tenuity 1.11, Manuch'tas, l.d tt N Martin, a eminent total 1.70, ja nally 42c, iuinting TV1, to- for lsirj. loo v laud temporal, bd 37, ltd 11 Mel Martine., Tecolote 1.73, i luting TV, 0.03 Printing TV1, total 5.90 i 11 total Trujillo, Gabriel n Al same, w It . mi i' road. Taxes tal 2.47 Vijil, house San Juso creek, e Juan Agnllar, v H Sala Siil.haehcr, Louis for 1802. 100 acres land in disjinte. Lucero, Donaelauo , 2.13, js'r.alty, . tinting .TV, Hlea, (nadnlnM' hd n town, h road, e Lucero, w M zar; ' v land at ( 3iujiadcros, 1M'3-5n- . - 1891. Thirty-eigh- t v lo for Sis- 0, twp 12. r Taxes 2.85, s'iially 71c, printing 1x91-2- , for land San Uital 1.01 for 40 v land bd 11 G Mon- Tafoya, 28 v, hd 11 M Tafoya, a L hd 11 Itolores Lucero, J (on.ales .TV I 41 F a e, 80 lot acres. Taxes 21.53, TV, total 3.01 Jose, bd Trujillo, J (alle- w Padilla, LVuiiu!a , tano S Garcia t II (arela w L Hlea, e liver, hills. Taxes 2.02, e cri-ek- coiumon rights, housi 0.1.1, w M 12 v iH iialty juinting 3V, toUil Trujillo, Juan gos, e river, Garuie, land TV-- , forl'ft'l. lo v land at Manuele- - Tafoya, 10 v more bd 11 liver (icnalty .Vic, printing total anu' taxes 4,,.i, H'iialiy 1.1. 11.01 for 1802. Ii'iO aeren land in disputo. San Jose, bd 11 Martinez, a F Tru- Ws, IhI 11 river, s hill, e F Garcia, ditch e P Vigil, H v more, three-roo- 2.87 jirinting .TV, total 0.2! St (ueutin, ,1 (' 3.21. (tetialty jillo, e river, w Anto Hiu a y Haca. S tíare'a: Wt v land at Manuel- U Taxes 8lc,iintingTV, house. Taxes 1.28, jienalty Vijil, IVdro Slcantar I) I .ro-ert- 21 v bd 11 s Pueheco, Jose i Crn. for pcr.onal total 1.(0 laml San Jose, ditch, 1891-2- . ito, ImI n Cuchilla, s river, e J 32c, jirinting TV', total 1.95 for , Ninety-liv- e v laml San for 1,2. Seventy-liv- e v land, hd Taxes In. 77. M'iialty 4 Wallai-c- , Thomas l iver, e ( Lucero, w A Segura. Papilla.' A Padillu:!) v laud at !, Ilios, Na.ario Jose, ImI 11 liver, ditch, e Pecos II hills, s l iver, v Hosu IV'lieeo print lug TV-- , total f25.iW "08, lttO html Taxes 1.08, jienalty 17, printing Maine lelos, 1,J n river, river, e foriximto acres pet for 1891, 1.1 v land tit Fntrauo.a river, w H Hlea, piive of land tem- TV-- , 1.!W w Anto Pachis'o; a house, hd Slatlcry, Michael 35, Isl 11 Cerro Pelón. Taxes total A Padilla, w H Padilla, one hout bd 11 river s hills e Fresque, w J de poral, residence house in San Jose, and eouuiion rights, for 1H05. Personal jirojicrty. Taxes 21.00. jienalty 5.27, printing Lucero, and lot. Taxe 3.S"I, Wtc, stnil, IV, J Gallegos, temporal land, one Jose F a Mexican mill. Taxes 2.52. jten- 4.'-'- JiiHuii Sisneros. Taxes l, s'ii It.on. nalty 1.52, printing TV", to- 20.71 1S92. Three-roo- 11 , pt luting .TTs", total fcVtJ is total house at Fntranosa. Taxes 4.75, for house, hd alty OT-- printing 3.V; total 3.71 alty 1.07, jirinting TV, 5.71 Padilla, Mattan total tal 7.!! Wilcox, James jtenalty 1.18, printing TV, total M Martine., road, w H Montano, Homero, Sostenes 1XH1I-0- vttliirt forlH'.i:i-4- . l.'s) land. IhU river, for taxable. Taxea (!.2H e st. Taxes 1.4(1, jienalty 30c, 100 yils Angostura, 10.04, 1.70,. TV-- , n loma, e A Padilla, w M Sando- rrlv.2. at IMUXINCT NO. li). jienalty printing 35c, Hlea, llonlguo 1st printing total 2.17 lid 11 river, a hill, w H total 21.15 val, house on Mame lain). Taxes cn'k, Haca, Fraiii Ui'ii for 1X01, 37 v land at San Jose bd IiH ., Carlota U de MailiiM', a htnise. Taxes (i.71, js naliy '11', pt lot ing TV, total for lxol-2- . Thirty-on- e v hind at n I Vigil P Martine. e river w for I xim, on,, Miiiill tract of laud nt Mnaliy 1.07. printing .TV, total TRÍCINÍ NO. 22. LwO Las Colonias, one lioiw,. und lot at ditch, one house in San Jo-- e. 8an .luxe, one tract of land at Ta- , 8.73 Hoclii-z- Pdro sine place, bd ti C Homero, n jiuh-li- e Aragón, Antonio Taxes 1.20, penalty 30c, juinting blazón. Taxes 2.73, ox,., H'iiik ro, y G Miguel for U'Ji to "J" l'K) v land, loíúiün kt, w M Gutierrez, t.h!ic t. for lxnl-2- . llotiM.' at TV, total f l.M J.rinting TV, total 3.7li for ltv. I'M acre laud and iui Salino. La Liendre bd n road s L Tapia e AMOUNTS alty 52.93, jirinting .Tie, total PRtCINCT NO. 20 dosft, houso on ame land. Taxes 200.41, jienalty 50.10, printing 35, OMR $25.00. ' EL INDEPENDIENTE, Campo Santos W M Urloste, a ' $2t5.00 50.80, 14.20, jirinting 35c, total $250.80. Crcspin, Melquíades ! ' residence houso at La Liendre, (riego, Joso total $71.35 ; . ; Markland, Edith L ' ".' T.''. PRECINCT NO. 12 for 1893 to (i. Land In pet 7, bd e SALAZAR & BACA, Publishers. another small house. Taxes 5.11, for 2(X yds land at Ross, Robert : i. ... lots 19 to 36, block 12, lots 19 to 1) Moutoya, w J Montoya, n Sap-ell- o ' IH'nalty 1.27, printing 35c, total Gutierrez, Jesus Puerto Luna, IhI n Serrano, s A for 188(5, total tax, Taxes 100.99, 30 P & M addition. For years river, s Canoncito azul. Taxes ! 1 $0.73 for 1891-- 3 to '08, 200 v land in Padilla, w river, e government jHnulty 20. 74, printing 35e, total 1803 to 8. Taxes 28.88,' penalty 45.02, jienalty 11.25, printing 35c, Cor-veet- o ; 7.47, 3Tx $37.70 SUPPLEMENT. Salas, Manuel Ruedas bd n Canuda Camino land, bouse ut same place. Taxes $131.08 . printer' ctist total total $50.02 ' for 1891-- 100 v land ut La Lien- s A Prada e river w moun- 113.33, penally 23.44, jirinting 35c, Spark, J W Mernin, John v.'; Gonzalos, Jose dre bd e Urioste w J M Lucero, u tains. Taxes 31.11, jienalty 7.78, total $142.12 for 1888-89- , total tax. Taxes 85.37, lots 22, 23, block 58 P & M addi- PRECINCT NO. 24. for 280 yds land in river s common rights, a house jirinting 35e, total $.'0.27 Labadie, Roman A jienalty 41.34, printing 35c, total tion. For years 1891 to 8. Taxes Sun Miguel county. Taxes 94.34, Araron, Francisco same. land. Taxes 2.57, penalty Gnbaldon, Carlos for 1888-0-'0U-- 1. Personal property. $127.00 4LG9, jienulty 10.42, printer's cost 181)1-- 2, jienalty 23.58, printing 35c, total for 50 v land San Jose bd n 04c, printing 35e, total $3.50 for 18!ll to 8. 400 yds land in Los Taxes .'10.25, penalty 7.50, printing .Slano, MeGuire 35c, total 52.40 - ; $118.27 " ' M Araron s bill e river w river, a Tapia, Louis Trijos grant: pole bouse in Kowe. 35c, total $38.10 for 1892 to 8. 320 acres land and Maxwell, Luisa - : 1.07, Guttnian & Friedman bouse at La Liendre. Taxes for 1892. Twenty v land, bd n Taxes 1S)7.00, jienalty 40.25, jirint- Labadie, Lorenzoo Improvement. Taxes 254. 23, jH'n- liouse and lot situated on n e side 35c, for 1893 to (t. Two pieces of land penalty 40c, printing total main ditch, s river, e M Otero, w A ing 35e, total $210.00 for 1. Land situated alty (53.55, printing 35c, total of jila.a, bound w public' Btreet, a lniugbt of U S government. Taxes 82.81 Lopez, 40 v more, bd n Gallinas Herch, P ut Santa Rosa, being no J of no i, $318.13 M Desmarais, w public street, 09.74, jH'nalty 17.43, printing 35c, Araron, Agajiito river, s common rights, e L Tupia, for 1894. About 3, (XX) acres ut see 24, twp 8 n, of r 21 e, in-ln- 40 Walker, James projierty of M Desmarais, for total $87.52 for 1802, residence bouse at La w M Tapia, house same pet. Taxas Pecos river in jict 12, 300 v agri- acre; w i of nw i, se i of nw i for 1894 to '90, cattle, etc. Taxes years 1805 to 8. Taxes 59.45, jien- Kroeiiig, Win, and others Liendre. Taxes 1.92, penalty 48c, 1.78, penalty 44c, printing 35c, cultural land and orchard. Taxes and no i of sw i of sec 19, twp 8 n, 55.71, penally 13.93, printing 35c, alty 14.80, printer's cost 35e, total for 1885, value taxable. Taxes printing 30c, total 82.75 total $2.57 98.05, penalty 24.00, jirinting 35c, of r 22 e, being 100 acres; proerty total $70.02 $74.0(5 07.02, jH'nalty 10.90, jirinting 35c, Gomez, Teodoro Tapia, Langino total $123.0(5 in Santa Rosa jn-- t 21, for 1892. Williamson, Juke Maher, W J 1891-- 2, total $84.87 ...... for a house at Canada for 1892. Forty v land, bd n J L Laub, J L Taxes 359.84, jienalty 89.90, print- luni hit cattle, etc. Tuxes lots 11, 12, block 59 P & M addi- 2.87, penalty 71c, Kroenig, Alexander 18irj to 8. Aguilar. Taxes Martinez, 8 same, e L Tupia, w for 1807. 14,500 acres land, 4.5(H) ing 35c, total $158.25 39.07, jienalty 9.91, jirinting 35c, tion, for years Taxes for 188(5, value taxable. Tuxes printing 35c, total $3.93 common rights, house, bd acres on Las Trijos grant, und Montoya, Antonio total $19.93 20.54, jienalty 7.38, printer's cost 13.41, jienalty 10.80, printing 35c, Garcia, Julian n M Tupia, s common rights, e M 10,000 acres on the Pecos grunt: for Personal prop- Wells, S H 25c, total $37.27 1891-- 2, 2K) v La Liendre total 854.05 1894-- 100 8 Newlin, S for land Tapia, v J L Martinez. Taxes house und lot ut Howe. Taxes erty. Taxes 32.45, penalty 8.11, for acres land sw twp J w s e Kroenig, L H 1802. 8, A, bd n C Aragón river arroyo LOU, penalty 41c, printing 35c, 259.80, jienalty 04.95. printing 33c, jirinting 35c, total $10.91 18r20. Taxes .34.08, penalty 8.52, for year Lot blk bd n 2.08, for 1895. 100 acres of land on the sume. Taxes 10.72, penalty total $2.42 total $325.10 jirinlitig 35o, lotal $42.95 D Destilaríais, 8 bridge st, w Pub Sajiello river, til) acres at La Jara printing 35c, total 813.75 Tapia, Severo Prada, Agustín PRECINCT No. 18 Warder, Lutz Bucu, e W A Vincent. Taxes 20.00 Tuxes 44.74, 11.18, Jose M t 1891-- ranch. 1880, Taxes 80.95, jienalty 7.41, printing 35, total (Jarcia, for 1800 to '98, 200 v land jH-- 24 bd for one house at Howe four for totul tax. 1891-- Baron, Augustin jirinting 35c, total $50.27 for 25 v land at Le Liendre n common rights s Gallinas river rooms. 400 v prairie land bd n jienalty 21.73, jirinting 35c, total $37.42. e for 1893 to 7. All that certain tract Lucero, Soledad A bd n J A Lopez s F Martinez e Tata Aragón w Agapita Aragón, Pecos river s S Archuleta o hill w $109.03 Parsons, (' of land containing (555,408 0 for 1891 to 7. 100 acres land at 21 8, 9 M river w bill, a house. Taxes 5.32, house on above land. Taxes 5.72 Duck Laub. Tuxes 27.34, jienalty lot h lots 0, 7,8 b P k acres, known as the Pablo Montoya Joya Larga. Taxes 20.94, PRtCINCT 1802 to '98. lenalty 1.33, printing 35e, total penalty 1.43, printing 35c, total 0.83. jirinting 35c, total $34,52 No. 23 addition, for years $7.00 grant, situated in San Miguel 0.73, jirinting 35c, total $34.02 Taxes 32.30, penalty 8.07, jirin-ter- 's $7.50 Pate, Sam Dimus, Ajuirielo Ma 1(50 county, New Mexico, being a jiart Matt, JoM'jih cost 35e, total $10.72 (Jarcia, Jesus 1895 to 8. in Knta-Chave- Ulibarri, llamón for acres land for 181)2 to (5. Fifty v land z, 1802, residence at Liendre. of land claim No 41, revised in for 1894 to 8. Personal projMTty. IVichurd, (Jeo W for la for 1893-4- . 144 v land, bd n river, San Miguel grant, pet 51, house nosa, bd e F s common and couftrmed by an act of con- Tuxes 574.52, jienalty 143.03, print- lots 1 to 11, b 100 Kihlberg plat, Taxes 3.94, penalty 98c, printing s Jose Martinez, e and w hills. ut Howe. Taxes 54.45, jienalty $718.50 rights, w D Chavez, n , 122 v 3.5c, total 5.27 $08.41 gress of II S of America, approved ing 35c, total about 2 acres land near cemetery Tuxes 2.88, penalty 72c, printing 13.01, printing 35e, total land, bd w hills, s and w river, eG (Jarcia, Rodrigo November 29, 18(50, and entitled an Ma n sor, Serapio described in deed from Ronquillo 35c, total $3.95 Quintana, Virginio ( Jullegos, 89 v land, bd n hills, 8 1892, 9 v land bd n common act to confirm certain private land for 181)2 to 8. 100 acres land in pet and wife to Prichard (recorded for for 1891 to '95, 200 v temporal w to-wi- t: Pecos river, e J A Gallegos, Mar-Martin- PRtCINCT NO 23. claims on will as follows, 20, no descrijition. Taxes 50.17. 37 390), 1891 s Gallinas river e J L two-roo- Book ji for yeurs to rights land at Las Trigos and hills, 521 v lund, lid n hills, s Pe- w D Martinez. Taxes bd on the Red river from Rincón jienalty 12.54, jirinting 35c, total '98. Taxes 124.01, penalty 31.15, J Balerío, Gerónimo house at Los Trigos, Taxes cos river, e A IMinas, w H Dimas, 40c, 35c, to- de la Cinta to the Trinchera, and $03.00 printer's cost 25c, total $150.11 1.90, iH'nalty printing for 1891. Thirty-seve- n v land, bd 27.49, jienalty 0.87, jirinting 35e, 100 del to Mule 32 trees, bouse and v tal $2.83 $34.71 from arroya Cuervo Schliidelholtz, Anton laihbun Shoo Co J Hamirez, n A Vialpando, e hill, total lund, bd n river, 8 F Chavez, e J G springs, claiming tho first jiurt of for 1X91-- Personal jirojierty. jirojierty, for years 181X1 Gonzales, Jose w hill, house, bd 8 Montoyu, n Ruiz, Romaldo w Taxes 04.15, Montoya, deoeaset son 414.33, 103.58, jirint- Manias, Chavez. 1802. Twenty-liv- e v land, bd n 1892-7-- slave of F Taxes jHnulty to '98. Tuxes 212.85, jienalty 3.21, for p. Montoya, w land !upe. fur One house at Lupe, J 4(5,820 jienulty 10.03, jirinting 35c, total s (J Montano, w J Lo- of Pablo Montoya, grantee4 ing 35o, total $518.2ii printer 'a cost 35e, totul $2(50.41 hill, river, e Taxes 2.25, penalty 50c, prinUng Howe. Taxes 30.88, jienalty 7.72, $80.53 75 bd n s river, acres. Taxes 1582.20, penalty Welsh, T F Ross, Funnie M pez, v land, river, 35e, total $3.10 jirinting 35c, total $38.05 Martinez, Marcelino w common rights, 170.50, pi inting 35c, total $853.05 for 1891-2- . Improvements on ranch. lots 23,24 b71 P & M addition, for e J Gonzales, Duran, Benigno Ruiz. Pedro for 1895 to '07, 50 v lund bd n C land. 3.31, Lojicz, Carlota Ude Taxes 355.4, jienalty 88.80, print- yeurs 18!K) to '08. Taxes 20.40, house on ame Taxes for 1892.1iouse and lot pet 25. Taxes for 1801 to '98, land in Pceosgrunt Gurclu, deceased, Fo Tupia e 35c, for 1894 to 8. An undivided inter- ing 35c, total $144.05 jienalty 7.35, printer' cost 35e, penalty 82c, printing total 1.49, 37c, 35c, to- bd n Arroyo Pecos s El Pueblo w M jienalty printing 18, hill w river, 180 v lund bd n A $4.48 est in the Montoya grant, JH't Wendling Cuttle Co total $37.10 tal $2.21 river e common rights. Taxes Duran s (' (Jarcia w M A Duron e and two lots at the Hot Springs. for 181)3. Personal proierty. Taxes loniero, Ant A (estate of) Gonzales, Audición 255.91, jienalty (3.97, jirinting 35c, 17 Jullegos. Elijio 9.0.1, hill, v land bd n Jose A Galle- 1802. v land, bd e I.) Taxes 350.14, jienalty jirint- 01.20, iH'nalty 10.05, jirinting 35e, about 0 acres of land at Puerto-elt- o for Eighty for 1891. 2X) v land at Perca toll 120.23 gos s Flo EsijuilH'! w river c A ing 35e, $415.52 $80.00 n common s e M Mares, w A Chavez, n common M totul totul bd L Loiiez lilunco, bd n S Baca, s J Panda- Wasson, C I'llbarrl, a two-roo- m house.Taxos house name land. Lojiez & (Jullegos Watrous, Sr. S B, estate of Gonzales w Peñasco de las loml-tu- s, rights, s river, rles, e same, w river, house same for 1801 to '97 , 200 v land in Las 29.29, jienalty 7.32, jirinting 35c, 1.12, for 181I0 to 8. Personul projierty. for 1887 to '89, value taxable. Taxes a tract of land forming tho Taxes 4.51, jienalty printing land. Taxes 10.00, penalty 2.74, Calabazas bd n hills s Pecos river $:!0.90 Tuxes 82.2(5, jienalty 20.50, jirinting 72.87, jienalty 18.21, printing 35c, total cunada between Las Vegas and 35c, total $5.98 printing 35c, total $14.08 w M Desmarais e hills. Taxes Ortiz, Felijie de Garcia 35e, total $103.17 total $01.43 first puertee ito east side of ores-to- n, Herrera, Joso Antonio 89.29, jienalty 22.32, jirinting 35c, 1891-- Galle- Gilbert, James for 75 v land bd n E 4 1891, 550 v land, temporal bd n Lojiez, Jose L lot 2, block T, north tif lot for for 1801-2- . Log bouse, bd n R total $111.90 gos s T Garcia w A Ulibarri del Ague s I) for 18)( to 8. Personal projierty. No. west tif county jail, precinct 20, Mesa del Canon Chavez, s, e and w Jose (Jarcia. PRtCINCT 22 ediU'h, 77xl(X) v bind bd n and s w arroyo, 250 v land PRECINCT NO 13 Tuxes (50.03, penalty 10.05, jirinting lot 6, block H, lot and old house Maes e mesa Taxes 1.0'.), jienalty 40c, printing Barry, Tomas L M Murtinez w Pecos river e ditch. 35c, total $83.03 for year 181(4 to 8. Taxes 70.09, Canon del Agua, a house Canon 35e, $2.83 Daily Lizzie for 1889-9- total tux. Taxes 4.1.71 52.93, 13.23, total Tuxes penalty jirinting 17."4, 35 Taxes 10.97, penalty for 1894 'OH, n 1 ne é n no Lojiez, jienalty printer's cost del Aguu. (Jarcia, Jose to i i Francisco 11.13, jirinting 35c, total ,'I5e, total $00.51 35c, $14.00 sec 33, sw sw e J nwj se 1801. 300 v in Vegas, total $80.08 2.74, printing total for 1891-2- . Personal projierty. i i i for land Ius $57.52 ad ilia, Jose y Jimenez, Juan Jose sec 27 all in twji 19 n r 11 e. bd n 8 J Rivera, c river, loniero Luisa Herrera Taxes 4.40. jienalty 1.10, printing riiharri, Bradford, J W, Estate of for 1895, 300 v lund JH't 23bdnP 82.10, 20.52, jirinting w in Las w 1 of lot 4, bl.H'k 108 Kihlberg for 1892. Personal property. 35c., total $5.85 Taxes jienalty common rights, house for 1892. Cattle. Tuxes 95.20, s (Jurcia e w Baca Juun river 1808, 18!)1 Taxes 14.87, penalty 3.71, printing 35e, total $102.07 Vegas. Tuxes 48.28, penulty 12.07, 35c, jilut for yeurs (Jarcia, Jesus penalty 23.80, jirinting total . ditch, and improvements. Taxes $18.93 35c, $00.70 Tnxes 20.73, jH'nalty 0.(58, prin- 35c, total for 1891-2- . 200 v land Peñasco Falk, Achiles jirinting totul $110.35 45.59, 11.39, jirinting 35o, jienulty 35o, $.33.7(1 1807-8- , 100 and one ranch Marcelino, A ter's cost total Lopez, Vicente 1h1 n (Jarcia, 8 FSanchcz, for acres Paul Robert . Blanco, J Burton, total $57.33 F. 1891 70 La Li- 34.15, ienalty laymond, S for to '93. v land at e river, w hill, house on same land. ut Rociuda. Taxes for 1893 to 7. All that certain for 1882 to 7. 100 acres land and 'eren, J L, Estate of 57-1- bltH'k 74 fc M n G Gonzales s J M 8.53, 35c, total $43.03 of containing 055,4(58 18, 10. P addition for years endre bd Tuxes 13.07, penalty 3.20, jirinting jirinting tract land iiiiirovemcnts, 17, twp r 1893 250 v Jose, ' sir for to 8. land Sun 181)2 80.25, w ditch, a house acres, known as the to 8. Taxes (M iialty Gallegos e river 35c, total $10.08 Sparks, William Pablo Taxes 213.00, jienalty 00.91, print- bd n road, s 11 Ortega, n F Ortiz, Taxes 11.85, penalty 181)3-- 102 acres land and in Sun 21.31, cost 35o, total same place. Lucero, Alejandro for about Montoya grant, situated ing 35c, total $304.92 w M Gurule, (50 v lund, bd n main $15.10 N M, $107.91 2.90, printing 35c, total for 1891. One house and iniprove-ment- s inipvts, house, farm, etc. Tuxes Miguel county, being a part Clinton & Fraister, A Segura, w ditch, s unknown, e Sena Bros Lucero, Jesus Taxes 4.92, 30.95, jienalty 9.23, jirinting 35c, of land claim No 41, revised in 1893, 320 acres land H't 22. bd at Trementina. for A Lucero, bouse and orchard, 1801-0- im- 1801, 150 v Liendre, 840.53 act of con- for years House and for land at La jienalty 1.23, jirinting 35c, total total und confirmed by an Taxes 270.00, 00.15, jirint- n lima Villi. nubile road, e L 3(H) U jirovements at La Jaritu. Taxes v land Canada Aguilar, a gress tif S of America, approved .'15e, $310.10 ien-tot- ul $0.50 PRECINCT NO 15 ing totul Sanchez, w st. Tuxes 130.28, house. Taxes 0.40, penalty 1.00, November 29, 1800, and entitled an 20.20, jienalty 0.55, printing 35, Montoya, Juun M Lucero, .lose Rafael Christ iuu, Arthur alty 32.57, printing 35e, 35c., total $8.35 confirm (irivute land total 33.10. printing for 1892, house and lot bd n and w act to certain 1894 to '00 , cuttle, etc. Tuxes 1891-3-5-1- 200 land in for $103.20 for yds to-wi- Sena, Trinidad LojH'Z, Jose Andres Guad Montoya a F Martine.c road. claims on will as follows, t: 41.03, jienalty 10.25, jirintiiig 35c, n A Burros, Ulibarri, Atilano 1891-02-9- e Torromoto, bd P for years House and 1892. Seventy-liv- v land, bd bd on the Red from Rincón t for Taxes 1.84. jienalty 40c, printing river total $51.03 1891, four-roo- m house js-- 23 Sanchez, e J A Macstas, w to lirst for a bd n and II Homero, w Gon- n J Gonzales, s J M Gallegos, e de la Cinta to the Trinchera, and lot 35c, total $2.05 ut Lobas, bd Duncan, J T bd n M A Durun 8 Eug Gallegos e w pick; a jiarcel of land zales st, e acequia. Tuxes 25.43, main ditch, Gallinas river, Montoya, Ma Guadalupe from arroya del Cuervo to Mule 1887, total tux. Taxes 81.81, w A Du- n a rock, e Chavez, s F Padilla, w for Murce Gurrulo Miguel (5.35, 35, 8 e jH'iiulty jirinting total house, bd n A Quintana, road, for 1H92, 100 v land bd n road s F siirimrs. claimiuir the first part of jH'iiulty 21.20, printing 35c, totul In 1 bd n Ro- hills: one house and 0(X) yds more, run, a house jict No $.12.13. J J Quintana, w A Ramiros' house. w M Montoya, slave of F Montoya, deceased, son $100.30 p Amista- Martinez hill e J bd n S F Sandoval, w hills, e hills. man Ortiz s Jose Vigil Segura, Neiomuelno Taxes 3.15, penalty 78c, printing of Pablo Montoya, grantee, 40,820 no houso and imjirovcmcnt. Taxes Taxes 28.02, penalty 7.15, printing (Jon.ulcs, Crest rlo Vigil w JDonacluno Sandoval. 5, bile $4.28 (582.28, 170.50, for years Lot 35c, total 4.47, 1.11, 35c, to- acres. Tuxes jienalty for 1892 to 7. K50 acres land In 0.92, (H jienalty printing 35c, total $:i.l2 Tuxes 27.09, H'nalty inting D old town of Las Vegas, precinct Lopez, Marto tal $5.93 jirinting 35c, totul $853.(15 22. no description. Taxes Maestos, J tin n a Ma isa 35c, total $31.90 2(5. Taxes 73.59, jienulty 18.39, for 1893-7-- Seventy.-on- e v land, Ortiz, Preciliuno 38.(K, 9.00, jirinting J5c Martinez, Francisco for 280 yds land, bd 35, $92.31. 1891-5- . jirinting total bd u ditch, s river, e Juan Quin- 1893, 5 25 bd n for One house in jict 18. $48.07 for acres laud in jict n river, s J A Maestos, w F. San- total PRtCINCT No. 24 Sandoval, Jose Atunucio tana, w Tomas Quintana, liouse Ma s San- Taxes 39.29, jienalty 9.82, jirinting y Manuel (í Montoya and e Juan 100 n ditch, s A (Jar- Gonzales Duran, do Maes 1892, 1893, 1803. fi.29, chez; yds bd Aragón, Punlitu for year on samo land. Taxes penalty w 22 35c, totul $19.40 18H8-'9- 0 0. 100 acres land chez direct line of sec and 23, for to 1893-4-0-7-- cia, e river, w road, two houses for Sixty v land, bd IM 1, blk N, old town of Las Ve 1.57, printing .35e, total $8.21 3J bd n C s A Suaso e Waddingham, Wilson and liiiroveincnt8 at Subliiosa, acres, Duran same precinct. Taxes 47.20, jien- s river, u hills, w S Tuplu, e J gus. Tuxes 33.40, ienalty 8.30, 1893 to 7. The Interest of New net; Maes, Iginio Mora grant line w rivor, a house for bd n M A Padilla, w 28, s mesa, I alty 11.80, jirinting 35c, total $50.35 Oulntuna. K0 acre ih-- 21, bd n jirinting 35, total 42.17. for 1895 to '98, CO v land Ixl n Mexico Land & Live Stock Co in 21, twp 17. 77.51, jH'ii and lot at the jiluzilu. Taxes Maestos, Jose Antonio c see Taxes J M Gallegos, e F LtijH1., s w S Tapia of land Jillls, Sandovul, Juun Canon del Agua river 0.02, leu ally 1.05, 35c, all cf that certain tract nltv 19.37. printing 35c, total , jirinting 7(H) v bd house In same js-t- t for laud, w Cunnda seca, for yeurs Lot Milk e J J Quintana, house in jn-- 24 $8.02 known us Antonchleo grunt, situ- $97.23 total n P Maestos, s public, road, p S Tuxes 45.47, jH'iiulty 11.30, printing 85, old town of Las Vegas, jire Taxes 21.02, penalty 5.40, prlntinj; Teófilo ated in Sun Miguel county, terri- Manuel Murtinez, Bleu, w common land; 03 viand, Gonzales, 35o, totul $57.18 clnct 20. Taxes .38.29. jsmalty 35c, total $27.37 1894-- 7, 125 v 11 San- tory of New Mexico, lielng private 4. J(iO aert-- for land bd n bd n loma, s bill, e II (Joke, w R for to Bucu, Gruolano ( tie 9.57, jirinting 35, totul $18.21. Mariuez, Hrigido chez a TSuuzo e Mora grant line,w bind claim No 29, described in und laud at Sun Pútrido, sec 7, twp Lucero; 1X) v land, bd u M Galle- for 1891-- 7 to ,98, 120 v land at La Sena, Trinidad for 1890, 100 acres land at Canada house and on confirmed by an act of Congress, 10, 21, 20 land under culti- hills, improvement gos, s Domínguez, e hills, w road, r acres Liendre bd n river s fence e M C i tif lot 2, block D, house and lot de Aguilar bd n road hill e creek G.78, tif U S of America, approved June 100 Hincón de same land. Taxes (tenuity bouse on the 93 varas land. vation; acres land de Baca w M C de Baca. Taxi precinct 20, 35x80 on Gonzalo w Candalario Aragón, a house in 1.09, jirinting 35c, total $8.82 1, 1800, and entitled, an act to con Cueva, residence on same land; Taxes 82.03, jienalty 20.(55, jirinting la .11.98, 13.74, printing 35e, stmt, for yea! Canada de Aguilar and land.Taxes Ortiz, Teodoro firm certain private land claims in at Oliruln, house five 35e, total- - $103.03 iirois'itv total $09.07 Thxoh $30.90, 9.22, prin- 8.01, penalty 2,10, printing 35e, to the territory of New Mexico, and 117.55, for 1891. Personal iiroperty. Taxes Perea, Juan rooms. Taxes Baca, T mus (J ter's cost 35c, total $10.47 tal 811.15 2.35, jieiiulty 58c, .Vic, bounded as follows, to-wi-t: bd 3(5.38, 35c, total $1H4.28 jirinting total for 18113 to '98, 50 v land bd n riv printing for 1892, 100 acres land and im Serrano, Senolelo Márquez, Francisco $3.28 Antonio Ortiz grant, ridge of er s road e FCurule w J Hamirez, Huntington, FrBiik provement at Pajarito. Taxes 100 acres land section 9,townshlp for 1892. 100 v land, bd n river, Padilla, Casimiro Piedra Pintada and tho mesa di tax. Taxes 210,13, jienalty 150 v land bd n and 8 J Padilla w Total 43.53, jH'nalty 10.88, jirinting 35o, 7 or 22, n e , for years 1893 to 8. n Geof & Desmarais, e canon, w (Juadalujie, e the Sabino springs $203.(1 for 191. A hou use and lot at Pu and e bills, and impvts. Tuxes 52.53, printing 35c, total total $51.70 Tuxes 44.01, jienalty 11, prin- common rights, 20 v land more, no the alto do 1os Esteros, where the & McDowell ñusco Blanco, bd n jiublle road, s J 54.70, jienalty 13.09, jirinting 35c, Heckle Garcia, Rcnljio ter's cost 35c, totul $.VJ!5 Inundarles, houso 25xi5, bd n G river forms a canon IhIow when 1893 7. on H Martinc., i M Padilla, w J total $(8.8(1 for to Imjirovements for 1894. 100 acres land In ts't 21 Sena, Timoteo Maro tie., s. and w common .32c, tho men were killed, w by thceiiesta 20, 17, 21 e. Tuxes f Ilumine.. Taxes 1.29, jienalty Sandoval, Nicanor sec twp r bd n Canoncito del Cerrlto, house and lot precinct 20, bound 45c l Taxes 1.80, penalty and little hills, the bounda 139.59, 35c, IXX) rights. jirinting 35e, total $1.90 1x85-89-9- 558.30, jienulty printing for 3 to '98, 130 v irrigat- arroyo, w mesa, e B Margreez, n Volmer, s street running to printing 35c, total $2.00 l ies of El Budo, exception how $098.30 Sunche., Mutias ed hind by (500 v long bd n F Gar totul v land In the rincón tif the women river, e Voltner, w road to Hot ever, to much tif said tract as b M - Lconard, Jumes 8. Martinez, Jose Leandro for !!)- to six, UNI acses land tul n fia e M Sandoval w loma s river, houso at Aguilar on samo land Sjirlngs, for years 1890-- Taxe 100 situated in the counties of Guada 1895 to '98, 10O acres land set for 1892. acres pasture land A Sunche, a A Suazo c und w 00 v land by 2X) v long bd n river for Taxes 41.(5.'., H'iialty 11.15, printing 33.80, js nalty 8.40, printer' cost M Gullcgos, e F lujie and Bernalillo, also that cor 22 twp 18 20. Taxes 111.40 bd n hills, J liljl, house on same land. Taxes s rouu e Meliton Mona w common r 35c, total $50.13 35c, total $12.07 - tain tract of land known as the 35.315. 35e, total Imez. w Canada- Seca. Taxes 15.18, penalty 3.7!, jirinting 35c, 85 v by 250 v long bd isuialtv urintini: Martinez y Homero, Juan Mr H E rights, land grant, in Salzeutter, 1.12, printing 35 Antonio Ortiz sltuuted $177.17 1(50 4.51, penalty total $10.32 n river h Juan Perca o Jose Maes for 1891 to 8. acres land at lot 7, block 4 Rn nohl's addition, the county tif San Miguel, territory McCartney, Win A total $5.98 Sunchez, Juan w F Gurule, 475 v land at Anton El oio do La Tufoyas (n't 21, with for year 1805 to 7. Tuxe 15.57, " Mexico, land of New being private for 1880, totul tax. Taxe 1,51 1.00, 25.99, Medino, Candelario for 1891, 10 v land Ht Puñusco Chico bd n B Arguello s river e Improvement. Taxes js-- 3.89, printer's cost 35o, No 42, deserilied in and eon-firm- 400 v claim 377.ÍX), printing 35c, total (i 49, .35c, for 1801 to '93, about land at Blanco hd n K Sunche, 8 A San where the Tecolote river joins the alty printing total total $10.49 by un act tif Congress of the $1889. 85 Aguilar, a houso on sumo w w hills, two-roo- house on Montuno, Jose Gabriel Sandoval, Juan A Canada che, river e Crestón, house on river U S of America, aiijiroved Novem Martin, Juan 1892-- Taxes 17.30, 4.32, printing same land. Taxes 2.72, the 135 v luiiil above described. for 5 to '98, 70 v land bd n lot 1, bliH'k n W addition, bouse ber 1, 18(50, and rntitled, an act to for 1888 to '90. total tax. Taxes 35c, total I21.07 08c, jirinting .'I5e, total $3.75 Taxes 87.20, penalty 21.81, printing Aragón J Gonzales o Gallina and bit, for years confirm certain private land claims 37.37, penalty 9.31, jirinting, 3." 35c, totul $109.42 river w bills, 00 acres land bd n Taxes .'18.20, jienalty 9.57, prin- Quintana y Vigil, Juan J Sanchez, Manuel in the territory tif New Mexico total $17.00 pucrtuolto S Duran erldgcblll ter's cost 35o, total $18.21 1800, (0 v and orchard pet - to-w- for land for 1891. A house and hit at Pen- and bounded as follows, it PRtCINCT No. 16 Mahan, George w.I Gallegos, house at La Liendre Strousso V Coleman 24 bd n Do Maes t Ma Dolores Blunco, bd n K Gallegos, 8, t azco canon del aguila.N road leading to 1888 1X1. tax. . for to total Taxes bd n J Aragón J M (Jullegos w for year 1803. Personal proH-rty- Mac w and hills. 75 v land at and w M Sanchez. Taxes 2.08, pen Lucero, Pablo Las Conchas, e by small table land 184.28, 40.07, printing 35 79.IX), 41.71, jirint- 33 road s Gallinas P Aragón t owner. Taxes Taxes 178.80, penalty pot bd n public 35c, $2.95 1K1HJ-7-- ulty 52c, jirinting total 8. 180 v land, bd n ut Ijis Conchas, w by canon of $2.30.7(1 w for total iH'iialtv 19.75. nrlntlnir .V total ing 35o, total $223.92 river e Guad Cretin Hita 4,4.30.85, jienalty Gallegos, s and e Mel ANidacu, w Latiriano. Taxes Martinez, llijunic $99.10 Quintana, two-roo- bouse and lot Tafoya, Jesus Ma ItUnd's I.nrrr. common rights; 5X) v at Ios Chu 1,100.21, jirinting 35e, total $5,540.41 for Fifty acres land del Agua. Taxes 1.14 of late Congressman Maes, Damaclo lot 4, block M, 88 feet from e to w, at Canon The library the i pudcro, bd ri Julio Ensinlas, and Improvement H't 22, house 18S8-1- jH'rsonal wnnltv 28c. urintlmr 35c, total It V. Bland of Missouri, numbering for proH'rty 30 feet wide, bound e C Ilfeld, w Dolores Lucero, e and w common PRtCINCT NO. 19. tin school land Sablnosa. Taxe 53.20, 13.30, printing $1.77 orne 150 volumes of an estimated av Taxe penalty Carmen street, s Santa Ana street, was lately sold rights, a bouse In same jireciiict Bucu, Jose Maria 58.78. iM'iialt v 11.09. print luir 35c $5t5.85 Runners, Apolonlo erage cost of 12.50 each, 35c, total n C Ilfeld, lot bliH'k L south side in Shelbina, Mo., for Taxes 41.00, jienalty 11.10, jirinting for 100 acres land total 173.82 Quintana, Augustin (2 for 1892. Seventtxn v land, bd at auction iu. of Santa Ana street, feet from .'15c, total $50. 17 Santa Rosa, house and stable same Padilla, Miguel Antonio, Estate of 1800, projierty. Taxe common rights, Gallinas river for s to n, 48 feet from e to w, bound Oldast Creature. Pacheco, Julian place, well; a parcel of land above for 100 acres land 39.31, 9,83, printing 35c e I) Martinez, w J Martini'., bouse s C Romero, n Santa Ana ulreet, Tht oldest creature living In the for 1892. 1X) v land, bd n A (al Colonias, house at Colonias. Taxe and Imjirovements Sablimsa. total $19.52 and lot. bd n main ditch, h road, e H Peí a, w Cutarlao Homero, world belongs to Walter Rothschild, legos, s (J Motirogun, w town, i 51.40, penalty 13.01, printing 35 Taxes 380.35, 90.5s, print- ( Jose A I,opez. w road. Tnxes lot 9, block N west side of nureh tt Is a Kiant tortoise, weighing a quar- - Pecos rlvrr; bxi v west side of total $08.12 ing 35c, total f8.3.28 PRtCINCT No. 23 1.28. 32c, printing 35c, street, 80 feet front, bound n F penalty tcr of a ton, and It has a known life Pecos: a tract of lurid known ut Gomales, Donuciano Prlgmoro, John total $1.95 Hunt, H 11 Jimenez, H Gallegos, e Church of 150 years. Pajarito creek: residence houst' 181.-8-'91-- 150 v land Las for 1892 to (1. Improvement on for 2. Sandoval, Jose for 1H91-- lJnd and Improve street, w dit;h of our Lady of Sor- bd n town, m road, w J (Jurcia, e J A Gonzales Taxes 181.00, Colonias, bd n mesa, b ranch at Sablnosa. 1, 1880-'- U.'l 8. for 1892. .300 v land, bd n road, 8 ments, lot 7, 8, W Vegas, rows, for year to rrlnca's Wsrnlnf. Padilla. Taxes 20.25, penalty 0.50, w e residence penalty 45.25, printing 35 totul e. L Sanchez, river; jHinalty 12.00 L Ta jila, e grave yard, w M I'rl-ist- hU 3. 4. ft. Taxe 48.27. Taxes "3.25, jenalty 18.31, prin- The Prince of Wales has warned printing 35c, totul $.'0.10 house Las Colonias. Taxes HXI.84 $220.(X Taxes 2.C1, jienalty 05e, not to make jirinting 35o, total MOOI ter' cost 35c, toial $91.91 brother Free Masons nenaltv 25.21. printing 35o, total HoH.rts, H II printing 35e, total $3.01 cheap by wearing their Ma- PRÍCÍÑCT Tapia, Maria Hita themselves No. l7 120.40 for 18!Xi-7- , house and Improve- Sanchez, Jose Esplrldeon sonic regalia on ordinary occasions. PRtCINCT No. 26 houso and lot precinct 20, bound w Dodge, lluuioii Gonales, Domuclo ment precinct 22. Taxe 11.87, for 192. Throe-roo- m house at La and wife V Madrll, river, P Baca, w M 1mh;.7.h.'91-2- . 1h88-'9I-- 210 viand Las Co jsnally 10.40, printing 35, total Morrison, Arthur 1.28, 32c, Llqunr. for Forty acres land for 1891 8. Liendre. Taxes VYHhnat $52.08 lottt, hlk X, tino dwelling houso. Aragón, for yor years to Liverpool In- and improvement at Puerto d bunas, 50 v land Ia Colonias, one printing 35c, total $1.95 There Is a district In bd n (Jarcia, w road, court Saxes 00.85, penalty 13.21, prin- Intox- Luna, 27, two 7, r 22, house bouse. Taxes 58.85, penalty 11 Homero, Francisco J by 0.000 people where sec $7(5.41 ' Sandoval, Jose Leandro habited 1(55 Sabi- - house t, J A Baca. Taxes ter's cost 35c, total cannot b bought same place. Taxes 211.72, pen jirinting 35c, total $73.91 for 1891 to 7. v lund at i lor 1891-2- , 30 r land, 50 r laud at icating Jiyior Gonzales, Mariano de Lucero 35c, 10.80 blk M, house and lot, Kihlberg ya, w J Archils3Cue ; a lot, Pineda, Noverta Tramliley, Peter PRÍCINCT NO. 26. printer's eost total 1893 '98. Lots 4, 5, 2-- for years to Cluxton, M plat 1808. Taxes 19.02, jienalty same place. Taxes penalty for year 1892. Lot 2, blk II, lot for years 1893-- 8. Lots 1 to 10, J blk 109, first extension. Tares Aragón, Dolores lot 7, block 70, survey by Mark 4.75, printing .35, total 24.12. 57, printing 35, total 3.23. and improvements. Taxes 2.C4, Trembley's sub div. Taxes 24.33, 1892-3- . 49.50, jienalty 12.39, jirinting Ti, for year Lot 2, blk 3, Las Howell, amended by J Campbell, Garcia, Juliana Montoya, Ajiolonio penalty 00, printing .35, total 3.03. jienalty 6.08, printing TV, total total 02.30. Vegas extension Kihlberg's pial. having a frontage of 52 feet on N for year 1892. Lot 10, blk X, Mor-- t for years 1891-9- A house and Phelps, Sam .'0.76 Gallegos, Rafael Taxes 11.01. penalty 2.73, M avenue, 175 feci survey of M lson ave. Taxes 3.09, jicnaHy 92, lot precinct 20, West Las Vegas, for 1892. Lots 8, 9, blk 2, Pendar- - Trijillo, Jesus 1891-92-9- One house printing .35, tolallH.ll. Howell. For year 1W.V0. Taxes printing 35, total 1.90. Klhllierg's plat 1808. Taxes 3.10, ies add. Taxes 2.01, penalty 00, lot 121x00 and small fence, bound for vears and lot West Las Vegas, bd n Auble W S 3.38, tienaltv 84c, printer's cost Garcia, 1 jienalty 77, printing .'15, total 4.22. printing .15, total 2.80. n the brothers, s and e street, w w street, s acequia, w M Tafoya, e houw and lot precinct 20, e to 35e, total 4.57 for years 1892 to 1894. I,ot 12, blk Montoya, Jose Prince L H the brothers, for years 1895 to 8. J T Sandoval. Taxes 20.43, jien- 115, n to e 08 feet, bound n lot No Constant, Helen 102, house and lot, Kilillsr('s for year 1892. Lot 8, blk 112, Kihl- - lot 4 b 1 P Trembley subdivision, Taxes 17.55, jenalty 4.38, jirinter's J 4, s road, c alley No 3, w alley 1892 '97. 22.79, altv C,G0, printing Ti, total 33.38. lots 12 to 10, l'orter & Mills addi plat 1808. Taxes 15.13, jTen.-It- y licrg plat, 1808; lot 2L blk G, old for years to Taxes cost TV, total 22.28 1894-5-0-- 7. A No ft. For yearn Hon. For years 1805 to 8. Taxes 3.85, printing 35, total 19.03. town of Las Vegas. Taxes 21.89, penalty 5.09, printer's cost TV, Francisco, Trujillo Hinojos, Juan improvements. Taxes 3.88, penalty 97e, prin- 0.20, penalty 1.5(1, printer's eost Gallegos, G Mde. penalty 5.47, jirlntlng 35, total total 28.83 for years 1891 to '95. House and 190 acres land and 1894 to 8. Taxes 49.43, ter's cost TV, total 5.20 35e, total 8.17 for year loSw. Improvements on 27.71. Peruda, Jose lot. Taxes 7.33, jienalty 1.83, For years Lawrence four-roo- 12.T5, jirinter's eost TV, Augustus, Campbell, George ranch at Iis Alamos and L Mares, Gregoria house and lot, two printing .15, total 9.51 penalty Iot4,bl0, about HxOOfcet, jirecinct one houso precinct 20, liound n Gotera. Taxes 8.81, jienalty 2.20, for years 1893-5-. Lot 18, blk 1, lot adobe houses and luftiber bd Trambley, Peter, administrator oí the total 02.13 20. year 1WÍ3-4-5-Í- Taxes M For Garcia, s Hnfacl (íon.ales, printing 35c, total 11-- and house ct 20. Taxes 21.74, street s street e H Becker w N estate of E Pinard Howe, W 19.50, penalty 4.85, cost 1892-0-- 5, on Gon- irinter's street, w liOpez street, tor years Garcia, Kemijlo penalty 5.43, printing 3V, total Segura, for rears Taxes lot 7, 8, blk 111, Kihlberg's plat, lot 3, block situated TV, $24.70 M total 18!5 to 8. Taxes 4.40, for years 18V2 to '94' Lot 12, 27.52 9.00, penalty 2.22, printer's eost 1808, lot and house. Taxes 0.48, zales street, bound Naranjo. M 7. Alarid, J II 1.11, printer's cost 35c, total 5.92 blk 103, Kihlberg's plai 1808, Montoya, Dorningo TV, total 11.57 jienalty 171, jirinting 35, total For years Taxes 1891-92-1- House Las for years Cha vex y Chave?:, Jose Las Vegas exemp. Taxes 15.43, for 1893. Lot 13, blk L, old town Pino, Jose de la Cruz 8.90. 03.91, penalty 13.97, printer's cost Vegas, lid n R a e ame, four-roo- 80.23 Pena, and for years 1891-9- House and lot penalty 3.85, or luting 35, total Las Vegas. Taxes 7.34, penalty house and hit at Las Trujillo, Macario total w Taxes 9.01, jienalty 2.40, road. West Las Vegas. Taxes 4.08, pen 19.03. 1.83, jirlnting 3V, total 9.52 Veiras bd n Bernalillo street s N for years 1891-9- One house and Harrison, et al 35, total 12.30. M jirlnüng alty 1.02, printing 35, total 5.45. (arela, Luisa y Lujan Montoya, Josefa Nde T Cordova e J Ulibarri de Gon lot West Las Vegas, bd n Anto lot 6, block d d P A addition, Jose Allures, Castellano, Dionicio for year 1803. aA 2, blk Q, jict for 1803. Fifty varas land, bd n zales w Church street, for years Chavez., w L Lopez, s Camilo, e P 190 varas of land above ditch, lot ...... lUíH-IHL- .. T .I- - 1 un.l rHJCT J'.'.-.-"-'.- J..'.--- HM i 1892-7-- 40 A M 190 J"l for 1891. 30 acres at Tor a lote. 20. Taxes 7.34, jienalty 1.83, print A Ulibarri. s Gutierrez, e and w Taxes 4.10, penalty 1.01 Baca, taxes 3.24, jienalty 81, jiriut 14, block P addition, In jiiecinet 20 from n to s 100 ft, ditch. grant, bd n bv Mounds or J Sán ing 35, total 9.52. river. Taxes 7, penalty 59e jirinter's eost TV, total 5.55 ing 35, total 1.10. varas land under For from w to e !." ft, btl w Bernalillo 129.15, chez, s Alto ensinoHO) o Dry Green, K G in inting Tic, total 3.31 Preston, Geo B Romulo, Ulibarri A Co years 1894 to 7. Taxes 3, st, s lot e by st, w Ixiez av, w de-- 2 1 112 32.51, eost TV, Lakes, Laguna Hiedra; for yepr 1893. Persinal jirojierty Martinez, Jose Anastacio lot b Kihlberg jdat, lot and for years 1892-- 3. Lot 4, blk K, jienalty printer's house on same. Taxes 4.08, jien-alt- y tracts of land at Tres Hermanos, Taxes 5.00, jienalty 1.20, jiriuting for years 1893-8- . House and lot house jict 20, for years 1801 to '98, old town of Las Vegas. Taxes total 102.03 1.02, printing Ti, total 5.15. a house and lot at Teeolate, bd 35, total 0.07. bd n T H Mills, s F Haca, e street Taxes 0.80, penalty 14.21, jirin 9.44, jienalty 2.30, jirinting Tj, total Hartman A Weil Arinljo, Je M l,eonarda n JJ Guitciras, a F Montoya, Garcia, Juan w F.ulogio Salas. Taxes 12.17 ter's cost TV, total 71.42 - 12.15. a piece of land not plotted known for years 1892-O- .t U,i 3, blk 92, J Lobato, w public road. Taxes for years 1802-9- Lots 1, 2, 3, penalty 3.04, printing 3V, total Padilla, Juan Valdez, Ricardo as the Desmarais garden jilat, Las Kihllierif's plat of 1808; lot 5, blk 5.03, jienalty 1.45, printing 35, to blk 87, Kihlberg tilat 1808, Taxes 15.50 for year 1891. 100 acres land, one for year 1891. House and lot West Vegas, bound w ditch, n Gallinas 2, Bernalillo st. Taxes, 8.01, jkti-alt- v 12 tal 7.43. 12.72, jienalty 3.18, jiriuting 25, Maentos, Frederico house and lot West Las Vegas, bd Las Vegas, bd w G WT n street, s alley, e river, lots to 11.15. Prichard, 2.10, printing 35, total t 100, 1, 2, 3, block 79, Hemes, Dolores total 10.25. for year 1893. House and lot js-- n N Deli; ado, s P Lucero, e N M jmblic road, s arroyo, e N Tru 22, block lots Armijo, Domingo 1893-4- for years . Lot 1, blk HI Ilollenwager, L 20, bd n L M Maestos, s I) Sando ave. Taxes 4.98, penalty 1.24 jillo. Taxes 5.14, penalty 1.38, lot 5, block 77 Kihlberg plat, jire- for yenr 1892. Lot 2, block Ber- Klhlberg plat, 1808. Taxes 5.1.0, all of block 44, lot 15, block 45 1 val, e alley, w street. Taxes 2.20, jirinting T5, total 0.57. jirinting 35, total (5.87. cinct 20. For years 1890 to 8. nalillo street, 229 feet front, 170-31- 4 penalty 1.27, printing 35, total A M addition. For years 1891 to jienalty 55c, printing 35c, total Romero, Mrs M K Veeder, Jno D Taxes 2(5.80, jienalty G.70, jirin- WW, pen triangular form. Taxes 0.72. 1892-99- . 8, .TV, $33.85 0. Taxes 24.12, jienalty 0.03, ju in 3.10 for years Lot blk personal jirojx-rt- for year 1898. ter's eost total alty 1.49, printing X, total 17.82. Destilarían, M F cost 35c, total .'10.50 Maes, Lorenzo de Uaestos old town of Las Vegas, house and Hartman, GW I) ter's Taxes 12.35, jienalty 3.08, jirinter's Aragón, Jomo 1890--7. for 1891. About 40 acres farming Helnmun, F W for year 1893. One acre of land lot. Taxes 32.31, jienalty 8.0' cost TV, 15.78 jiersonal jirojierty for years Lot 1, bloek 94, firm exteiiHion to total land situated s of Las Veas, bd n lots 10, 11, block 13 PA M addi bd n H Jaramillo, a P Padilla, printing 35, total 40.73. A Taxes 159.82, jienalty 39.95, prin- 1 Wright Williamson Old Town, K ilii erg's map 1808. $200.12 formerly of JI Gonzales, s Gal lion. For years 1800 to 8. Taxes aequia, w Pecos river, one lot blk Homero, Isidora lot 1 block 79 A M ter's cost 35c, total Taxes 3.95, penalty 98, printing 35, P addition, finas river and public road, e Gal 1.97, penalty 49c, printer's eost 97, KlhllK-r- plat of 1808. Taxes for year 1892. Lot 4, blk 97, Kihl Harrison, et al 5.28. also all of block 75, 95x120, for total Unas w Taxe 2.81 9.87, TV 18(58, 1893 '95. Lot G D D, river, public road. 35c, tot al penalty 2.47. printing lierg's plat, lots and ira years 1895-- 0. Taxes 2.74, penalty for years to Aragón, Maria , 17.25, jienalty 4.31, printing .35, to Hen-era- Calerlclu total 12.71 Taxes 3.51, jienalty 8 08c, jirinter's eost 35c, 3.77 190 varas land above ditch, lot for year 1892. Lot 3, block 102, total tal 21.91. lot 1, bloek 80, Klhlberg jdat 18(H Montoya, Ma Luisa de jirinting 35, total 1.73. 11, II O, 190 varas land under Las Vegas, extensión Kilillierg' Wesche, O E Domínguez., Altagraela fifty-fo- house on same. For for 1894. Lot 7, blk W, Las Ve llubio, Carlos 7, 85 ditcji n of Porter A Mills' add. 1808. lot block Kihlberg jilat, for plat Taxes 2.05, jienalty 51, 22.55, house and lot pet 20 bd n Kanta years Taxes 11.8( gas jict 20, Taxes 0.20, jienalty for year 1892. Lot 1, blk 159, Kihl years 1892 8. Taxes 10.98, Tazes 90.20, jienalty jirinting printing 35, total 2.1)1. to jien- Ana street s Santa Fe street e jienalty 3.71, jirinter's cost 35c 1.50, j.rlnting 35c., total 8.17 berg's first extension of Las Ve alty 4.99, 35, total 113.10. Aragón, Dolores jirinter's cost 35c, total I'ereida w Silvano Gallegos, for total 18.92 Martinez y Chavez, Jose Ma gas, house and lot. Taxes 3.15, 25.32 Holman A Lnrrazolo for years 1892-9- Lot 2, blk 1)3, years 18ii.Uo 1808. Taxes 20.01 Hicks, Joi-do- M for vear 1895. Lots 2. 3. blk 94 jienalty 78, printing 35, total 1.28, for year 1893. Personal jiroiierty. lot and house, Las Vegan exten Weil, August penalty 5.W, printer's cost 3.V all of bloek 20 P A M addition Kihlberg's plat of 1808. Taxc Romero, Mrs M E lots 5, 0, 72 A M Taxes 25.47, jienalty 0.30, jirlnting sion Kilillierg' 18)58. Taxen block P addition, plat 25.30 1891-9- total For years 1890 to 8. Taxes 18.52, 1.70, jienalty 42c, jirlntlng 35c, total for years One house and for 1890-8- . TV, total 12.18 11.01, 2.75, 35, years Taxes 3.30, jien- jienalty printing to Duran, 1(5.07, I'onardo jienalty 4.03, printer's eost 35b, 2.47 lot on National st. Taxes alty 82c, jirinter's eost TV, total Jimenez, Fernando tnltl4.ll. (J lot b M Las Vegas old town, for tot al 23.50 McClntle, W H jienalty 4.10, tirintlng T5, total 1.17 for years 1891 to '94. House and Alarld, Eugenio years Taxes 1578 Hudson, J 11 lots 4, 5, block 33 P A M addition 21.18. J lot in West Las Vegas, bd n by for year 1892. Ixiln ft, 10, blk 80, Ward, II penalty 3.91, cost 1892-9- 3, 95, printer's X . for years Lot blk For years Taxes Roberts, Mrs Jennie foryear 189.i. Estate, house and street, s R Pineda, e public street, Heeond street, Kilillierg' plat, 20.07 total Klhlberg plat 1808. Taxes, 10.71 7.59. penalty 1.89, printer's cost lots 9, 10, 11 b 81 Kihllierg plat of brewery in 20, w public house. Taxes 30.51, 1808. Taxes 3.32, jienalty, 83, jirliit lot north jict Dukes A N jienalty 2.08, printing 35, total 35c, total 9.83 1808 Las Vegas extension, for year jienalty 7.02, printing 35, total lng.Ti, tot al 1.50. laxes 10.19, penalty 2.51, jirinting half lots 13 and 14, 15, 10, 17, 18 b 13.77. Moore, Domingo 1890. Taxes 20.11, jienalty 5.00, 38.48. Altagrueia, Dominguen TV, total 13.08 71 1 V M addition, for years 18ii Jlfeld, Llldwig house and lot precinct 20, from jirinter's eost TV, total 25.10 La Rue, J A for years A,t 5, blk Ward, Louisa to '118. Taxes 7.30, penalty 1.82 iiersoiial properly for 'year 1897, to s 00 feet, e to w 32, bound n I- Romero, Jesus Ma for year 189.1. Ileal estate. Taxes 1', Las Vegan, precinct 20. Taxes house and lot north of brewery printer's cost 35c, total !U7 Taxes 4.23, penalty 1.05, jirin Moore de Delgado, s to w 11 Gal houso and lot precinct 20, for 27.51, penalty G.87, printing 35, to- 20.01, jienalty 5.iH, printing 35, to near the river, for vear 1897 Dunn, Murió P ter's cost 35e, total 5,03 legos, e Church street, l or years years 1894 to (5. Taxhs 2.31, jien Taxes 12.11, tal 31.73. tal f25.3i i. jienalty 4.02, printer tract of hind pet 20, 8x130 varan Jimenez, Feo 1897-- Taxes 4.90, jienalty 1.8: alty 57c, jirinter's cost TV, total Vegas Co. Haca, Candelario eost TV, total 10.48 Las Brewing for years 18!)5-- Taxes 13.91 house and lot Las Vegas bd jirinter's eost 35c, total 7.07 3.23 for year 1893. Lots 3 to 12 and for years 189.1-4-- Piece of land jienalty 3.47, irinter's cost 35i a F Solano e A Padilla w M J i me Martin, A II Rothgeb, G A AMOUNTS OYER 17 and 18, blk 3 M. Romero add, 325 varan, precinct 20. Taxes 19.20, 17.7.1 $23.00. total nez, for years 1894 to '98. Taxi , lots 31, block a Hlanchard A O iHTsonal property for year 1897, part of 1 and 2, 19, 20, blk 3, Rom-er- o jieiialty 4.80, printing 35, total Duran, Ix'ouiirdo 5.28, jienalty 1.32, jirinter's cost addition for year 1898. Taxe 18,15, jienalty 4.53, jirin Baca y Sandoval Franco 1 2, 2, Rom- 24.35. Taxes add; lots and blk for Lot 0, blk M .'15c total 0.95 21.22. nena It v 0.05. printer's eost ter's cost TV, total 23.03 for years 1880-91-9- 2. One house ero add. Taxes 311.95, jienalty Baca, Filadelllo Town of Old Las Vegas and Santa Jaramillo, Julian 3V, total $30.02 Smith, Oriundo and lot in Las Vegas, bd n Mar 77.5)8, jirinting Ti, total 390.28. lor personal pruticriv. Juxcn 13.2-5- , i;., Ana st. Taxes jienalty 3.31 one-ha- lf lot 2 b 95 Kihlberg addi Martin, Minnie K lots 11, 4 of 12, block 1 M Romero tinez, w alley, s L Pinard, e by Lojiez y Baca, Lorenzo 21.73, .'15, ' penalty M8, printing .'15, 18!l-2-- printing total 10.91 Hon in pet 20, for years 4 to 1, 34 lots, block a Hlanchard addition, for year 1898. F.slatc street. Taxes 07.07, jienalty 10.70, 1892. 5, Old total 31.20. for year Lot blk II, Duval, Alfred 98. Taxes 20.73, jienaltv 5.18 Co addition for year 18!)8. Taxes Shirk, Chas C jirinting .15, total 81.18. Haca, Jone Rafael Town Las Vegas, Lopez hall. iersonal irnMTty for year 1898 printer's cost 35c, tot til 120..'I0 20.99, jienalty 4.29, printer's cost for years 1891-9- Lot to 30, blk Brown, .1 M Taxes 34,32, jienalty 8.58, printing for yearn 1892-0- Loin 1, 2, blk 3.'M, laxes jienalty 8e, juin J iminez, Manuel F 33c, 25.03 19, Porter A Mills add; lot 30, 80, lots 20, 27, 28, block 58, P A M .'15, 10, lirst extension of Lan Vegan, total total 43.25. ter's cost 35c, total 3.77 for year 1893. One house 21 Miller, Chas F 88, 89, F PL, Porter A Mills add addition. For years 1892 to 8, del KililU-rg- ' add, lots and house La Voz Pueblo Forsythe, II F bd n arroya, s J M Tofoy a, e street block 43 P A M addition for years lot 11, 12, blk 71, Porter A Mill Taxes 27.24, jienalty 0.81, prin 1891.92. Taxes 1I.C2. ualty 2.75, jirinting for Personal jiroiierty. year 1895. Miguel A I .1.07, 1897-- 8. for Nary axes jienalty file, jiriuting Taxes 0.40. penalty 1.01 add; half of lots 13 to 18, blk 71 ter's eost TV, total $31.40 Taxes 40.T5, jienalty 11.58, jirinting 35, total 14.12. Mm Ko to, dee'd, their interest 35c, total 1.93 jirinter's cost TV, total 8.12 Porter A Mills add; half of lots Cordova, N T T5, total 58.28. Haca y Garcia. Felipe by secured foreclosure of inort Jimenez, Manuel Martinez, Felix 13 to 18, block 19, Porter A Mills lot VI, n s for year 192. 250 land, bd block Rico plat, five Lojiez, Jose L yards 1893-7- . t gage on the adobe building north for years One house iM-- for year 1892, Lot 3, blk N, old add. Taxes 15.95, penalty 3.73, room 20, 0 n M s e house lots to house known as the Baca hall bd Rivrru, and J Gura of plaza, one-ha- lf Interest In 20, bd u and w public street, n N town of Las Vezas; lot 10, blk 10 jirlntlng 35, total 20.03. block 27 M A K n Taxes 2.D7, jienalty 74, printing 35, 2, addition, plat and s street e Romero jirojierty piece of ground north of 1893-4-5-7-- court Uoiiiero.eNazarie Homero. Taxi old town of Las Vegas. Taxe Sanchez, Felipe 47. For years 1895 8. w 2(5, 8. total 1.(10. to Taxes street in jiet for years house und jail plated, one-hal- f 1892-9- not 17.17, penalty 4.:i0, jiriuting .Tn 11.51, jsnalty 3.(52, printing T for Lots 3, 4, 3, blk '.'-- , jienalty lO.O.i, printer s eost Taxes 00.05, jienalty 10.00, Baen, Mei lucían In Interest unother ideee of total 22.18 total 18.48. of this lots, Kihlberg's jilat, lot TV., total 83.02 83.(50 house and lot bound n J It Haca printer's eost TV, total ground north of court house and Koogler, J H Maes de J. Marta inijirovcmcnts. Taxes 10.91 Carruth, A s Dorotlo Sunilaval, e and J Lojiez y Sena Lorenzo Leandro Jail not ilaU'd. Taxes (1.02, ii 7 b 45 A M N, jh lot P add, lot in Las for vears 1891 to '93. Lot 5, blk iieualty 2.72, jirlnting .15, total lots 14, 15, block 72, P A M addi lots 2, 3, block 159 Kihlberg jilat Jimenez, w Juan Corlz. For alty 1.05, jirinting 'X; total 8.02 Vegas jict 20, for years 1894 to '98, old town of Las Vegas. Taxi 13.98. 85 1 turn, fractional block P A M 1808. For years 1891 to 0. Taxes years Taxes 7.04, M'ii Falk, Julius Taxen 5.8(1, jM'iialty 1.45, ju in 0.95, jienalty 1.73, jirlnting 35, to Shirk K H addition, lots 2, 3, block 33, A 31.50, jienalty 7.89, printer's altv 1.70, TV, - P cost printer's cost total fractional b 83 A- M addition for P ter's cost 35e, total 7.00 tal 9.03. for years Half of M addition, fractional block 08 1 TV, total $39.80 9.15 year Taxes 4.02, lW. jienalty Kihlberg, FO Montoya, (Julrlno lots 13, 14, 15, 10, 17, 18, blk 19, A M addition. For years 1892 to S A Haca, Daniel (' , Lujan, Co I. is), rintcr's cost 3 5.37 11 15 A M F. 4 total lot b P add for year for year 1892. of lots 3, 4, Porter A Mills add. Taxes 12.8 8. Taxes 78.01, jienalty 19.50, 1897-8- . for 1891-92- . Land in precinct 20. jiersonal jirojierty for years Fall-vie- Town Co N F. 1811 J to '98. Taxes 11.38, jienalty blk 105, Klhllierg's plat of 1808, Iieualty 3.21, jiriuting 35, jirinter's TV, 97.80 Taxes 9.25, penalty 2.31, printing total cost total Taxes 35.53, penalty 8.88, jirin- for year 1893. I,oln 1 to 30, blk 48 2.8, ju lnter's cost 35c, totalH.5' taxes 4.39, jienalty 1.09, printing 35, 10.43. Collins, 35, total 11.91, Añila L ter's eost TV, total 11.70 P k M add, lots 1 to .'10, hlk 31 Klttner, D II total WiT 40, M Iiecker, Romualdo S Trujillo, Vicente blocks s, P A addition La Tourette, J A M & M 1 1803. 1 30, add, lots to 30, blk 28, P & for year Lots to blk Madvil, Viviana for year 1892. Lots 5 to 10, blk For years 1897-- 8. Taxes 58.14 house and lot bound n Santa 1 all of blocks 40, 55, 50 P A M ad- M add, lots 1 to 30, blk 10 P A M 02, Porter A Mills' add. Taxc for years 1892 to '95. Lots 1,2, 177, Kihlberg's plat, 1808, 12 lot jienalty 14.53, 35 stmt, Pub! i; ntreet, e K Del printer's eost dition. For years 1891 to 8. add, lots 9 to 20, blk 10 PA M add, 10.50, jienalty 4.12, jirlntlng 35, to blk 1(12, Kihlberg's jilat, 1808, house. Taxes 9.00, jienalty total 73.02 gano, w j tvretiia. for years and Taxes 107.85, jienalty 41.90, jirin- lots 1 to 30, blk H PA M add, lots lal 20.97. house and lot. Taxes .32.08, jien 2. 4(. 35, 12.35. Case, Onis 1895-0-7-- Taxes 10.50, penalty printing total ter's cost TV, total $210.10 5,(1, blk 71 PA M add, lot 19, blk Labadie, Jesasita alty 8.02, printing Ti, total 10.45, lots 1 to 9, lots 19 to 30, block 70 4.8.1, printer's cost TV, total 2.0 Trujillo, Marcelina Mills, Fancha C 58 A M add. 21.15, ,K-- for year 1891. House and N M P Taxes lot West ColonlzCo 1892. 0, 2, For years 1895 to 8. Taxes 4 Hena vides, lVrfecta for year Los blk old lot 3, bloek a, lot 13, block 72, lot alty 0.(1., printing .Tie, total .'10.53 Las Vegan and improvements lots 3, 4, 7, block 71, lots 11 to 15, jienalty 10. 50, jirinter's cost TV for year 1892, J f (,t 4, blk K8, town of Las Vegas, lot and house, 15, 32 Gonzales, do Taxes 3.49, 87, 35, 20 A block Hlanchard addition, Lucero Mariano penalty printing block P M addition, for years Taxes 5.37, 1.31, total 53.18 first extension of Las Vegan, jienalty jirlnting 1890--7. lots 4, 5, 109, Kllills-r- 4.71. Bridge street. For years bloek plat total 1800 to 8. Taxes 10.45, jsnalty T5, Donkins, Lizzie V Kihllierg plat 108. Taxes total 7.00. Tuxes 07.07, jienalty 10.70, jirin- 1808. For years 1890 to 8. Taxes Lucero, Carlos 2.01, printer's cost TV, total 13.41 lot 30, block 30, P A M addition 50, printing 35, total Smith, W S and Jennie A ter's cost TV, total 85.18 21.04, js nalty (1.01, printer's cost bouse and lot bd n Santa Ana Narvaez, Fco lots 2, 3, block 45, P A M addi 3.10. lot 13, block 45 P A M addition Mernin, T G 35c, total 30,4 stm t e C Lucero s Silvano Galle lots 5, 0 b 109 Klhlberg tion. years 1892 to 8. Hooth, W M II 1898. 4.10, For Taxes Anselmo gos w N M ave, 09 '98 for year Taxes jienalty for yeurs 1891 to '94. Lots 4, 5, I ,t Gonzales, another lot feet ami lot. for rears 1893 to 80.33, jienalty 20.08, jirinter's eost for VPMr l9l I.TIM. I.llt " primer s cosí .ne, m.m blk 33, P A M add. Taxen 103.01, luí aeren lana mrtlon 14, town- - bd n lot 3 s H Haca e creek w Ho Taxes 13.11, jienalty 3.87, prla i.o, loiai TV, total 100.70 two lots and house, Marjoriti add penalty .15, 10 one-fourt- h 1805 17-- Shujiji, W 40.90, jirlntlng total ship n r 23 e, s e mero st, for years to '98 Tie, 33 II 4.92, 1.23, ter's cost total Dank Ins, Wni V laxes jienalty printing 7, 80 21)4.80. limine and lot at Hoeiada. For Taxen 2.99, jienelty 74e, julii Ornela, Pablo lot block Kihlberg addition lots 0 11 b 84 A M 3.1, total fü-i- to P addition yearn 1800 to 8. 35c, ti, niocK litce s survey map Martin Bros. Hredensteiw, I) Taxes 7.82, ter's eost total 1.8 lots 8, 9 h 00 Kihllierg plat 1808 lot li lots 22 to 28 b 84 fractional 78 PA t Kit, 1892 8, 34, 1.U5, ju lnter's cost 35e, total Larra.ola, () A house and lot in js-- 04, years house and for ocars to M 1895 1898, for year 180.1. Lots blk A, old lot 2, .1, block 11, prednct 20, for addition, for years to 10.12 jMrsonal jirojsity for yearn 18007, 1895 to '97. Taxes 24.94, penalty Taxes 31.54, jienalty 8.03, jn-l- town and imjirovements. Taxes For years 29.1-0.7-- Taxes 8.37, Taxes 30.11, jienalty 9.02, prin Garcia, Amistarla Taxen 23,03, jienalty 3.75, juin 0.23, jirinter's eost TV, 31.5: ter's eost TV, total 43.52 15.48 58.45, jienalty 11.80, jirinting 35, penalty 2.09, juliiter's cost 3.V total ter's cost Tie, total lot 5, block 111 KlhlU-r- 29.13 7.1.00. total 101 jdat 1808. ter's eost 3V, total O'Kecfe, Wni Schlink, J P De Valkey, J A total For years Lobato, Jose 19 Hell, Lizzie Taxes lots 21, 22. 23 b 57 P A M addition, lot 27, block P A M addition lots 1 to 10 P A M addition Inc b Mills, Byron T 22.05, 18112 -- 5.00, ju's cost for years to '94. Lot 3, blk for years 189T4-5-- 8. Taxes 7.04, for years 1890 to 8. Tuxes 11.84 20, 13 32, 4 b 13 180.1 0. lots I to 30, block 42. Porter A lots to lot 00, lot for years to Thirty acres 35c, total 28.00 S, old town of Las Vegas, and im jienalty 1.91, printer's eost TV, jienalty 2.90, jirinter's cost TV b 59, of 01 A M of on A Mills addition. Years ls95-0- - all P addition, for land adjoining W, Porter lor GallcL'os. lYtra Taxes 12.83, 7-- jienalty total 9.00 toal 15.15 years 1895 '98. Mills 3, blk 8. Taxes (9.30, penalty 17.31, to Taxes 80.88, add, lot A, Hlanchard for 1891-91-1S- !. One house and lot 3.21, printing 35, total 10.41. julntcr's cost 35o, total s7.()3 Ortega, Luisa Segura y EsquiU-- l Manuel jienalty 21.72, jirinter's cost TV, add, Bridge st, lot 13, blk 72, Por- West Las Vegas, 175 ft long Iojhz, Hamuudo 1892-9,3- . Helle, Miss Hernard by 50 for Lot 4, blk 2, old town, forty varas land In jirecinct 21, total 108.95 ter A Mills add. Taxes 154.74, ft ii J M Martinet,! stm t, jwrsonal irojierty for year 1808, lot and lmirovements. Taxes, 38.08, one-nu- n opten house in Las Vegas precinct 20, Examiner Pub Co printing TV, total ion, pi, Kliillsrg w strm t.e street. Taxes 10.11, jhmi-all- y Taxes 7.28, penalty 1.82, irln 10.39, 2.59. printing 35, to 193.77 piai, r or year i '.hi, juxes bound n Luisa Mora, s Santa Ana jiersonal jirojierty for year 1897. i". 4.C3, printing .35, Uilal 20.52. ter's cost 35c, total 9.45 13.33. 11.80, js nalty 2.95, printer'! cost tal street, for years 1895 to 8. Taxes Taxes 71.00, enalty 17.70, prin Martin, P J (Estate) Calieron, Ladislado McKnlght, Jane Ortega, Kdwyen 35c, total 15.10 (5.85, jienalty 1.71, prinUr's cost ter's eost TV, total (50.27 for years 189.'l-ó-- 8. Personal jiroji- for 189L92. One, houne and lot lot 5, block 00 P A M addition, 1893. 8, blk 85, Hums, for year Lot Klhl TV, total 8.91 Emmett, L erty. Taxes 98.80, jienalty 21.70, PC A Las Vegas Cevaran Land Coin. For years Taxet lierg plat of 18(8. Taxes 5.87, jn-- lots 1 to 0, 28 to 30, bks k 80, I A Stevenson, Mm E C for years 1892 to '97. Personal jirlnting TV, total 123.85 Co. Taxes 12.50, Hiialty 3.11, l i. U', .t.Ki, printer s cost 1.40, TV, 7.08 M l'.i-5-7-- alty j.rinting total addition. For years lots 4, 5, block 73, lot 5, block 59, proierty, Taxes 27.32, jienalty Mills, T II . lu iiiling .'15, total 10.05. 3V, total 10.02 Olivas, Francisco xaxes .(.fin, prin P A M addition, for years l8!K!-- 7, O.8.!, printing Ti, total 31.50. lots 5 to 11 Mills A Chapman ad- allegos, Casio Mever, L J for year 1893. Jot 1, blk O Las ter" cost 35c, U.I hi 28.78 4.08, 1.02, ernamau H A 188G.'92-.T-4-5-7-- HU-'.r- Taxes penalty prin dition. For years for J earn J. b,t 2, blk 80, lots I, 5, bhs-- 83 P A M addition. Vegas, 20. Taxes 0,42, Bockcr, Tiinotea ter's eost TV, total 5.43 lot li 32, lots 4, 5 b 45 P A M Taxes 140.08, jienalty 30.71, West Las Vegan plat, 50x75, bd n For ear 18U4 to 8. Taxes H.O0, l.tüt, printing TV, total 8.37 js rsonal projn rty for years 1807-- 8 addition, for years jirinter's TV, fotal, 184.07 G Herrera, s L Haca, e Isóbato si 3.52, printer's cost .TV, O'Keefe. Win Sanchez, Andrea de Lara cost Taxt." 7.88, snalty 1.H7, prin Taxes 28.59, jienalty 0.04, jirin-ter'- s No 35, w - No. 29. total 17.90 for year ISitt. Lots 9, 10, 11, blk Mills, Mary E 10:.i) ln- st Taxes. for years 1893 to 5. Lota 21, 22. ter'wost .T', total h7, Lan Vegas 1st extension Kihl- - cost TV, total '15.58 3.75, 93, printing 35, total Montoya Hron 23, blk 57, l'orter A Mills add. Mills A Kihllierg addition to Hot Hooth, Modesto Griego de Ortiz, , 8.07, Bcrsabela Sju-ings- 5.i a js rsonal jiroS'i ly for year 1808, Taxes 0.04, jienalty 1.00, lierg's maji. Taxes cnalty 1T5 lots claimed by P. S. lots 1.1, 18, block 2, M Homero jiriuting lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, b 100 Kihlberg (liegos, Fabian Taxes 10.31, jnnalty 2.57, prliv TV, total 8.05 2.01, j.rinting TV, total 10.43 as jht survey made by surveyor addition, house and lots (or year jdat 1808, for years 1893-4-- 0. for year 181C. Ix.t 13, blk X, Har- ter's eost, 35c, total 13.23 Ortiz, de Maxwell Luisa Salazar, Miguel Rice, lots 1,2, 3, .4, b, 111 Las 108, Taxes 1.84, 1.21, taxes 20.50, penalty 0.02, jirin- rison avenue, Taxes 4 22, Martineey Chavez Jose Ma year 1895. and for year 189T One-ha- lf north lot Vegas Kihllierg mai. For years prinUr's eost .Tie, total 0.40 for House lot, bd ter's cost TV, total 11.47 l.(5, prinll'ig 35, Uital 5.02. 2, 3, bhs-- 94 Klhllierg 2, blk T, Las Vegas, lots 1 to 11, 1880-'9- 1 to 8. Taxes 017.54, jdat n street, e ditch, a H L Hrown, w Ganr.ales, Manuel ChamU'i laifl, (íeo II 18'si "181, 150.38, Garcia, Dolóle for years u 8. Taxes 4.99, t. Taxes 10.98, ien-alt- y blk Kihllierg jdat. Taxes printer's cost TV, Gonzales stm 100 8, year 0 12, 19, 1892-U- 1.21, acres land section township for U to blk for years 1 5, jirinter's cost TV, ienalty 3.20, TV, total 771.27 l.t blk U 4.2, ju luting TV, total 21.57 12.ÍT jirlntlng 10 'oiler !.Mills add; lots 1 to 9, blk Uital 0..5H n, 24 e, jirecinct 22, house pre- k egas. axes jkii-alt- y total 10.38 Mantas, N rasillas i Ortiz. Vidal cinct 20, n Jose (heirs of) "0, Forter Mills add; lot 19 MalU-uf- , bound Josefa Ortiz., k to 2.:t8, ju lniing .Ti, total (12.28. Win for year 1892. Lot 12, blk I, old Stevenson, II R a tract of land juiblic street, c M w at Crestón bound n .'!, blk 70,1'orter & Mills add. 1, 83 1808 J Tafoya, Galios, Pabh lot block Klhlberg jdat town, house ami lot. Taxes 10.08, for year 1895. 4, 5, blk 73, .1 A Hinojos, h F 11.30. fitn Jose Montoya. For yearn 1894-0-7-- Ronquillo, e Taxes 2.81, printing 18!H. 02-9- hows., fur years 18!4 7. for years One to Taxes 7.85, Iciiulty 2.07, printing Ti, total Porter A Mills add. Taxen 8.V, w Crestón, two-roo- 35, total 14.55. Taxes 30.80, jsnalty 9.20, house w Las lx 1.1N, Tío-rot- and lot Vegas, ti street, julnter's cost 3V, 13.70. 21c, TV, bound n L M ea jsnalty jirlntlng total jirinter's cost TV, 10.35 de Maentan, Fernando o w 111.10 total Camarctia s It Pena, H Homero, It IVna, total Jose de la 1.41 Sandoval, w tltoy, e public ' 'no, Crux Gust, Henry kits 6, 7, 8, block 104, county map 11.41, .1.35, Taxes jienalty j.rlntlng Montoya, niijH'rto y H years 1892-7-- 13, M, street, lots 2. 3, 4 Klhlls-r- for Iit blk Todos lo, Lucero lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, block 182 Kihl-Inr- g jdat. surrty of F O Klhlberg, ICil.l-be- r 35, total 15.11. for year 8. lM. One house Wet old town of Las Vegas, previne for year 18' 5. lVisoniil jiroperty. plat 1808. For years 1803 to Taxes 29.95, ' addition, 190 de ( CU Por years lor jtari Gngon, Ilis Ln bd s Art hilKHjue, 20. 4.10, int-lii- 7.48, Viga, n Taxes, jienalty 1.01, ju tf Taxes 5.10, jienalty 1.27, printing Tuxes 27.04. 0.70, innalty jultner'. cot TV, lo t. Taxes 8.11, enalty '.10,1 for jiars to li(.J. Lot 5, t, e M Tafo- - 37.78 12 íuta Ana J 33, total 5.55. Tic, total 3.72 j't inter'! eost TV, total .í4.1j total that portion which was by decree est in the Preston Heck grant, on Pecos creek, possession title, Holmes, H J Mexican Filigree Jewelry Co the ground and with a small tri- EL INDEPENDIENTE, of thy District Court of San Mi- confirmed private land grant No. 1 for 1X95, $10.77. Taxes (34.98, for '80. Iits 10 to 19, b 22, San far 1800. Personal jiroperty. angular cut on the top, running guel county separated from the by act of Congress of June 21, 1800, jienalty 154.74, printing 35c, total M ignel Town Co.. Taxes 28.80, Taxes 112.18, jienalty 28.04, jirlnt- thence s 3 degrees 40 min, w 5.03 7.20, jirlnting 35e, total ing 3.V, $110.57 chains, thence s 52 degrees, e 30.50 SALAZAR & BACA, Publishers. main portion of grant, one house partly with and partly without $794.07 total on government land, interest in water. Taxes 322.14. penalty 80.53, Cox, F.llaWC $;w;.35 Mares, Vicente chains thence 5.33 degrees, e 21.00 18X0 - the Preston Heck grant oubdde the printing 3-- total $403.02 for 1891, part of lots 3 to,7, b 29, Hamlin, K L for to '91, a certain lot or jiar- chains, thence a 20 degrees, e 37.4$ '.( 8. W of lots 15 to 17, b cel of land in Kast chains, a 58 degrees, e 12 e SUPPLEMENT. Anton Chico grant, one-eig- of Woodrum & Davis, WT San Miguel Town Co addition. for to i situated Las chains, One-nint- h two-thir- 554.93. penalty 138.73, print- 39, Hill Site T Co add an indicated Vegas at a jdaee known as Zlon 12, a 48 degrees 30 min, e 10.70 one-thir- d interest in the P. Heck for 1800 to 8. of Taxes Heck 35c, tota". $004.01 on map as A H C, lots 1 to 5. b 3, Hill addition, measuring 80 feet chains, e00 chains, w 212 18-10-0 AMOUNTS OVER grant, being on the undisputed jair-tio- interest in Preston ing $25.00. w 1(10 1(5-1- one-nint- two-thir- & 188.90, by by w 155 more 7,802 acres at 5(o jxr acre, grant $2,000.00, h of Dailey, H llfeld Haca add. Taxes lile feet long and bd n chains, or less Heck 1803-0-- 120 acres land 27, jienalty 47.22, ju inting 35e, total J SKlston, s by H W Hond, e by to Pecos creek with impvts on one-eight- h of one-thir- d interest in interest in Preston for sw PRECINCT No. 26 the portion in dispute, 5,410 acres grant undisputed portion 13,078 twp 19 n, r 14 e, w i, ne i. ne t, nw $2.30.47 Main st and w by projH'rty of IIW same, thence following the Pecos Sebln-n- . one-nint- h of 100 acres land see 22, twp 19 n, r Hollingsworth, Julia P . Hruce and Mrs K N Taxes creek tolieginning known as the The II G McDonald Co at 30c per acre. Taxes 1,480.71, acres at 50c, $0,080.00, i, 12, b 141.77, . .'15.41, Netterln-r- & two-third- s in Heck 14 e, sw Taxes 45.03, penalty for '08. Lots 13, 2, Hosen- penalty jirinting 35c, Webb tract contain- personal property for years 1893-5-- penalty 370.17, printing 35c, total interest Preston i. in disputo 0,029 at 30c, 11.50, printing .'IV-- , total $5(5.88 wald V Co add, residence thereon. total 177.5( ing abont 2,043 acres. Taxes Taxes 300. 73, penalty 77.43, l,a51.23 grant acres Taxes 35.03, jienalty 8.75, ju inting MonU'zuma Club 380.00, 95.15, jirinting 35c, $.'587.51 Colman, Joseph $2,899.00. Taxes 2.103.70, penalty Dailey, Lizzie F printer's cost 35e, total . 3.5c, $2,029.07 for 1880 to 8. 100 acres land sec 35c, total $14.13 for '93 to 5; jirojH-rty- total $17(1 10 The Singer M'f'g Co for 1802. House and impvts on i 525.92, printing total twp 19 14 sw sw J, Jacob, N M Taxes 32.70, jnmalty 8.17, jirlnting Pace Hell 1804-0-7-- 27, n, r e, i, i, e k personal property for years 8. sect ion govt land near Ft Sumner, PRECINCT NO. '93-- 4; 3.V, $41.22 '97. 2, 3, b 1, 42.20, 10.55, printing 29. sw i, nw i, se i, 100 acres land see for jirojicrty. total for Lots Las Vegas Taxes 05.(50, penalty 16.41, Taxes penalty ' 33, twp 19 n, r 14 e, n i, ne 4, n I, Taxes 140.IK5, penalty 30,74, jirlnt- Marcus, L J Town Co add. Taxes 40.53, pen- printer's cost 3V, total $72.42 35c, total 853.10 Antonio, Alarid nw Taxes 52.02, penalty 13.15, ing :15c, total $183.1X5 fur '93; jirojicrty. Taxes alty 11.03, jirinting .IV, total Trajillo, Manuela Chaves, Tomasa H do for 1S93 to 8. Personal property. , 159.10, penalty 30.79, print- printing 35c, total $(0.07 Johnson, F M 30.52, 7.03, jirinting 3.5c, $58.51 lots 3, 4, 5, block 162 Kihlberg for 100-4- 100 acres land at La Ga- Taxes Dan is, A for '98, Personal jirojK-rty- . Taxes total $38.50 ritehard, Geo YVT years 1802 8. Taxes rita bd by government land on all ing 35c, total $190.30 plat, for to 35c, 9, of Mass for 1804-t- t. Lots 27, blk 24 A, 20.01, 7.40, McCormic, Thomas for 1880, lots 8 and blk 23, San 0.1.03, penalty 15.75, jirinter's cost sides, house ia same precinct.Taxes Mien, Chas W, 2, one-eigh- th In w Town 1880-'05-0-- 8. 15, 10, blk .ion hill add, 30 building lots. total $37.30 interest i se i and Miguel Co addition. Taxes 35c, total $79.13 53.50, penalty 13.30, printing 35c, for Lots M 33.70, Taxes 38.88, penalty 9.72, printing Jager, Frank 1 sw i see 18 twp 14 n r 22 e, for 177.40, 44.30, printing 35c, Titlcbaum, Ailolph total $(7.33 31, S T S Co add. Taxes 8.44, ?.5e, total 35c, total $4X.95 for '80 to 8. Lots 35 to 7, b 1, T 1898. Taxes 81.80, jienalty 20.15, total $222.17 1 20, block 10, 1 to 30, block Chavez, Lázaro penalty printing lots to 49.13, jienalty inting 35, $102.00 rent ice, Mrs L 1X80-80-0- Davis, A Homero add. Taxes ju total F 1 10, 1 :V, for total assessment. $12.58 14, to 30, block to block '87-8- Abromowski, for '95-7-- Lots 27, 28, b 24a, 12.28, ju inting .Tic, total $01.70 McSchooler, M M for lots 8, 9, b 1, Ortega ad- 28, 1 to 30, block 31, 1 to 30, block Taxes 35.73, penalty 8.03, printing Julius - 11 13, 43.51, 10.K7, '07-- 10, 20, b 27, lot 23, .ion hill add. Taxes G7.50, jh-ii- Jaramillo, Agajiito lots to bO, Ioiez,Sulzbacker dition. Taxes jienalty 44, lot 10, block 58, lots 5, (5, block 35c, total $45.01 for Lots b 23, 25 8, b 30, S M T Co, atty 10.80, printing 35c, total for 1S90 to 8. A tract of land for- A; llnseuwald addition of the Kl jirinting35e, total $54.73 71 P & M addition, lot 10, block 2, Chavez, Francisco lots to 58, 50, b 2, add, $8480 merly of Hilly Green, 11 all sides Dorado Town Co, lots 15 to 18 b 3 Padilla, Fernando 2, 3, 4, 5, 0 Mills A for 1807, house and improvements lots Pablo Haca kts block & Vego- n of 13, 14, b 15, Lojm-- Kdwardz, FA & Hiehl J common rights. Taxes 39.88, 'jien- Hlanchard Co addition, 100 acres land at Canon del Chapman addition, lots .'15, 30, on government land. Taxes 42.24, also i lots Taxes 84.08, penalty 21.02, for '98. Lots 21, 22, b 9, Iopey, alty 9.07, 35c, total $50.20 thereon, for lX98.Taxes so, bd n and s common rights, w block 15, lots 14, 15, 10, block 11, penalty 10.50, printing 35c, total add. printing 35c, total $105.45 Sulzbaeher & Hosenwald add and Juterbock, Carl 1.12, jienalty 20.10; printing 35c, same e Jose Padilla, house and lot lots 4, 5, block 10, i lot 10 Mills & $53.15. impvts. Taxes 29.01, penalty 7.10, for 189. to 7. A frame shoji on total 100.87 pet 29, n F. Valdez s and c street w Kihlberg addition, lots 5, 0 Las Dickenson, W L Armour Packing Co Chndwick es- Moore, K M Haen, for years 1885-9- 3 to '97. n '88, Taxes printing 35c, total $37.30 Main st e of land of J Vegas Hot Springs, for years for 1800 to "OS, one-eight- h of one-i- for personal property. 41.22, 10.30, 35c, Fort, Mrs Lockie K tate. Taxes 54.94, jienalty 13.73, lots 8, !, 10,11 12, blk 2, 40 feet of Taxes (57.10, penalty 10.71), 1801-0-7-- Heck penalty printing Taxes 177.04, penalty third interest the P. .10 $51.87 for 1804-0-- Lots 20, 21, blk 20, S jirlnting 3.V, tot al $09.02 south end of lots 8, 0, 10, 11, 12, at 35c, total $84. 44.42, printer's cost 35c, total grant, being on the undisputed total .1 M T S 103.34, pen- Kinsley, Chus K J J Lojiez's addition to Kl Dorado (juinley & Henjamin, portion, 7,802 acres at 50c, one- - Hiehl, Co add. Taxes $222.41 12, 1891 189(5-- '07-- Pt property, lots alty 25.08, printing 35c, totul for 1894-- 0 to 8. Lot 20, blk Town comjiany, for years to jirojierty for years eighth of one-thir- d interest in the for rsonal Veeder & Veeder 40.43, 11 to 14, b 2, llfeld add. Taxes $125.77 Pablo Haca add. Taxes 4.. id, '97. Taxes 185.74, Taxes .53.40, jienalty 15.30, jirinting for years 1805-7-- 8. Property P Hock grant, beiny in the por- 7.03, 35c, Fisher, Harriet jienalty 13.94, juinting 35e, total print lug.'IV, total 1232.52 35c, total 07.17 known as Frank Chapman's, bd n tion In dispute, 5,110 acres at 30c. ."1.73, penalty printing for '91-- personal property. Taxes $.58.05 Mutihey, P J Quituo, Jennie public street to the court house, e Taxes 423.07, penalty 105.91, print- total $10.01 13.03, 35c, 11 A lots 1,2, 3, blk 3SM T Co addi- lots 10, 17 blk 3, Hosenwald & Co 35e, total $520.93 Hell, J H 52.14, penalty printing Kistler, public street and plaza, s Mary ing 188S-9-9- 1800-7-. 10, 11, 15, 10, blk 1803 '08. Taxes years 2 to 1887-'0- 3 0. Lots 24, 25, blk total $05.52 for Lots tion, for years to addition, for Dold, w Antoc and Homero & Ksquibel, llefugio for to (7.00, Falk, Archiles 2, lots 51 to 8, blk 7, lot II, blk 81.21, 20.30, juinting 35c, '00. Taxes 90.21, jienalty 10.00, convent, property known as Total assessment. Taxes 48 77, 1, J Homero add. Taxes Padre 3, HO-- $80.05 10.90, printing 35c, total for 1895-0- . Ranch at Hociada, 100 37, Hill Site Town Co add, lots total $101. jirinting ,V, tot al the Wooster property and a lot jienalty 12.10, printing 35c . total penalty acres not cultivated, pet 13, house 4, blk 10, Las Vegas Town Co add, Mendenhall, A J Itansome, Lucy e w ditch; $01.31 $84.85 on the rear, bd river and '80-7- ; b 50, '97-- Hell, Mrs Kate A on Main st K Las Vegas. Taxes in subdivision of lots 7 to 12, blk for west 50 ft lots2l, 22, for Lot 0, b 25 A, Ziou hill one-sixt- h in Neafus an undivided interest Fleming k (5.00, 13.19, 1805 to 8. Lot s 18 to 21, blk 2, 28.97, penalty 7.24, printing 35e, 12. Taxes 210 02, 52.05,, Hill Site Town Co. Taxes add. Taxes 52.77, the Mills & Dold add ,to the Las for 1880, total assessment. Taxes for add. 34.08, total $.30.50 jirlnting 35e, total $203.02 jienalty 10.27, juinting 3.V, total ju inting 3V, total $00.31 Vegas Hot Springs, and all the 28.00, penalty 7.01. printing 35c, Pablo Haca Taxes 35c, Green, Alfred Kihllierg, FO $71.71 Hyan, James P right and interest of Henry Dold total $35.42 penalty 8.07, printing total for 1893 to 8. 100 acres land, bd n for 1X03 to 8. Lot at the foot of Martinez, Felix lots 13, 14, blk 1, Fairvlew addi- in the Antonio Ortiz grant, and Gallegos, Juanita $43.70 W Green, s C W Wiley, e A G Campo Santa fronting Plibarri st for 800 acres at tion, for years 18n3 to '90. Taxes thereon, for 1X88 to" '90. Total assessment. Hernd, August the Hatch ranch situated one-ha- ll .10.90, 22, 35c, (5. w J II one-ha- lf old Mora roud. Taxes 28.31, 1.95, value of impvts $50.00, jirlnting Taxes 108.40, 27 12, print- for 1803 to Personal property. Green, Ward, about lot 12, blk 45, P & M add. Taxes penalty . 75.74, 15.93, printing mile n of K Las Vegas. Taxes 7.(VX, jirinting 35c, total $.'55.77 interest in a tract of land at total $10.47 541.15, 1311.03, 35e, ing 35c, tot al $135.90 Taxes penalty penalty printing A r, jtropcr-189- 0. :15c, $00.02 450.21, penalty 114.05, printing 35c, Johnson, Col H M Canoncito de la Piedra Lumbre, Hossier HatTnci real estate $080.53 total total Gonzales. Marcos In-lo- Las 27.01, Hell, George W total $570.20 for 1X91, jiersonal jirojicrty. Taxes situated the town of ty, for year Taxes Ulibarri, Kornulo for 1804 to '90, a house at Mesa 35c, commencing at n point jienalty (UK), jirlnting 35c, for 1804 to 8. Lots 33, 34, blk 1, F utierrez, Guadalupe, Kstate of 09.75, jienalty 24.93, juinting Vegas, total 4, block K, one-ha- lf interest in 50.37, 14.84, lot Uiea. Taxes penalty 1 1 from Las .14.88 Homero add. Taxes 119.73, pen- 120 v land 1J miles se of H depot total $125.03 where the road crosses house and lot Rite's plat, for printing 35c, total $74.50 Agus-tinan- d 23.93, printing 35c, total bd n W A Lizarri. s F A Manza-nare- s, Krocnig, G A Vegas to Las Valles de San Sjicncer L M, Keller, W H years 1801 to 8. Taxes .'$5.03, pen- alty Gonzales, Florentino w river, e hills, a piin-- e of for "93r4; jirojicrty. Taxes thence running in a direct for 1880, real estate. Thxcs 31.33, 35c, $149.95 alty 8.75, printer's cost total IliO Kl Coro-zo- 35c, 880 yds on the 7.83, jirinting .'15c, acres land situated at Huek, A P hind near La Cuesta. Taxes 52.10, 20.41, 0.00, jirlnting line west to a jioint total $1413 bd n A Gonzales, w, a and e $.5.3.30 thence In a trian- $39.51 for 18. Lots 17, 18, blk 2, KLV penalty 13.04, printing 35e, total total Gallinas river, Ulibarri, Augustina Mary, of, public land, house on same land. T Co add. Taxes 101.34, penalty $05.58 Kline, Phoebe gular line running along said river Scullcn, estate lot 14, block I Kihllterg plat, 50.52, 14.13, 880 thence said 5, b Taxes penalty printing 25..33, printing 35c, total $127.02 Green, Mrs Martha for '98. Lots D, K, F, Hill Site yds to a point, to lot A, Hosenwald addition. house and lot, for years 1803 to 8. 35c, total $71.I0 for 1803 to 7. 1(50 acres land, bd n Town Co mid, a subdivisionof lots road 8X0 yds running east, running Tuxes 20.10, jienalty 0.52, jirinting 0.32, Hrooks, K K Taxes 37.20, penalty printer's G 15 18, 39, Site northerly along said road 880 yds 35c, total $32.97 Lopez, Santiago for '93-7-- Lots 2,3, 10 to 13, b 32, W Green, s C W Wiley, e A i of lots to b Hill cost 35c, total 40.01 SturriH-k- , 1803-- one-hal- (57.88, jien- to the of beginning, pasture James for 5 to '08. t i HeJ s i and w i S M T Co add, lots 1, 2, b 34, lots Green, w J II Ward, about f Town Co add. Taxes jioint & Veeder Veeder 1 35e, land, 1 interest, being 80 acres, for '80, lots 25 to 2 J, blk 3s. San of sw i cee twp 12 r 23 e, 100 12, 13, b 51, II S T Co. Taxes mile n of K Las Vegas. Taxes alty 10.07, juinting total all those houses and lots in pre - $100.00, lots 9, 10, 13, 14, Miguel Town Co Taxes acres, house on same land, a house 52.05, jienalty 13.10, printing 35c, 321.78, penalty 80.44, printing 35c, $85.20 value addition. cinct 20 known as the F Chapman add, house and lot front 43.08, jinnalty 10,77 35c, at La Garita. Taxes. 70.(M, total $00.10 total $402.57 Kline, ST ion hill juinting bound n public street Ve- - property, 19.7(5, 35c, Fred '08. Lots 15, IX, 10, b 31, San Ing on Inter Ocean st, K J.aa total $54.20 jienalty printing total Hrooks A Co .." . (iusler, for leading to court house, e Pacilic 30, 31, b ln W Las chlott, C $00.15 for '08. Personal property. Taxes for '03: subdivision of lots 20 to Miguel Town Co add, lots cas, one lot situated J M w I) liH-ate- 18X0-0- street, s Dold, D O'Hryan Is-in- 42.30, Catho- 0 'OS, 4 , 35c, 34, b 7, Las Vegas Town Co, 1, Pablo Haca add. Taxes Vegas, back of the for to lots to 8, b -- as Lyon, W S (3.45, penalty 15.80, printing and C C, a piece of land known .50.87, 10.57, juinting 35e, total lic church measuring 0 ft wide by Hcidlinger addition. Taxes 150.80, for 1894 to '00, personal property. total $79.00 25x140 ft. Taxes jienalty jienalty the Wooden property and a trian 213 long and bd n by Anlclto jienalty 39.91, 35-- , Kva N 12.71, jirlnting 35c, total $03.a' $53.22 ft jirlnting total Taxes Ki9.40.pcnalty 42.35.jirinting Hrowne, , gular on the rear of said property, Haca jirojH-rty- s Serafín Poloco $200.15 35c, $212.10 for '80.90, lots 8,9 and 18, blk 2, (.Jolden Hule Clothing Co Ijcwis, Amos F W ditch, total . bound e Gallinas river, '91-5- projM-rty- Gallegos, Sellman Hamlin, Martinez addition. Taxes 44.20, for ; jiersonal jtroH'rty. Taxes for 1890 to 8. Personal e public st, wCundilario k 12, 45 & M Lopez, Jose L llf.-l- lot block P addition, one-hal- f in a and lots 1 10 blk 3, Haca penalty 11.07, printing .'I5e, total 215.89, penalty 53.07, printing 35c, Taxes 1.38.00, jienalty 34.52, printing Interest house to k undivided interest in the An for 1888. Total assessment. Taxes an total $270.21 35c. total $172.00 lot situated in W Las Vegas, said addition, for years 1805 to '97. 1805 KI2.87, penalty 25.71, printing 35c, $55.71 tonio Ortiz grant, for years '' 190 ftH-- t long by 105 feet Taxes 51.91, 12.07 inting Horden, Golden Hule Grocery Co Lewis, Mrs H lot ju 8. (87. 74, 171.03, total $128.03 III! Taxes 1894-- 0 8. 1, 2, 3, bd n Hlo Arriba, st, 35c, total $05.23 for personal property, for '04; procrty. Taxes for to Part of lots wide and printer's cost 3.5.;, total $800.02 Ixuk-- de Chavez, Martita M Tuxes st, e Jose Auto Cuinios, Shultz, F II Taxes 403.50, penalty 115.87, print 41.03, jienalty 10.23, 35c, blk 21, H T Co add. Hcrnalillo 192-3- . Wells, Win for 250 v laud in pet 5, two 180.7(5. 42.09, jirlnting 35e, w Jose Inez Murtlnez, house and jirojieity for years 180(5 ing .Tic, total $570.72 total $51.01 jienalty one stone quarry, known as Well's rooms and lot in ix't 01. Taxes $213.80 lot In K Las Vegas, lot II, b,ll, to '98. Taxes 09.80, jienalty 17.40, 4 Grant, Ollie total one-ha- lf Hell stone fiuarry, located 33.54, penalty 8.:H, printing 35c V Lojh-- z add, lot 2, Seminary hill jirlnting 3.V, total $S7.07 '01: 2, b 1, Las Vegas Town for '91; 25 ft west end of lots 2, 3, Itong, Klisha of Vegas, for lot 113.12, mile from the town Las total $12.27 1X91-2-- 0 8. Lots 1.1, 11, add. Taxes 452.50, Smith, Hon Thomas Co. Taxes 50.83, penalty 12.07, b 8, situated on Douglas avenue. for for to stone quarry sw of Las 1890-- 7. also red Méndez, Hafael . Taxes 30.31, jienalty 9.07, ju inling blk 10, II S T Co. Taxes :K9.93, jirlnting 35c, total $505.97 real estate jiroK-rt- for years In-lo- printing 35c, total $03.88 Veiras. three miles for 1802 7. 100 land, bd n 77.4X, .15c, total New Lus Vegas Town Co Taxes 34.45, 8.01, for to acres Hrush, T S 35c, total $45.73 juinting years 1880 -'0- 1-7. Taxes 25.5C unknown lots 0, 7, 8 and 23 to .'Kl, blk 1, lots jirlnting .IV, total $13.41 J Duran, s F Segura, e 100 acres land, commencing north' Hartman, (! W $387.70 penalty 0.30, printer's cost 3V w S inipvls. 19, 21), 21, blk 2, lots 10, 17, 18, blk Sporledcr, Chas II land, Garduño and west corner of the property of for 1X95 to 7. Lots 7, 8, blk 25, Itcwis, Ike total $32.30 215.20, 53.81, print 30 1800 8. Lots 11, 14, blk 40, 3. lots 14 to 20, blk 4, lots 9 to 31, an Interest In the Las Vegas grant Taxes penalty Hartman ,V Weil, about 20 miles .ion hill, baildlng lots. Tuxes for to Waddingham, Wilson .Yk jien- - blk 8, 0, 9 10, blk 11, lots 7, 8, three miles northeast of Lus Ve- ing35c. total $200.42 00.10, jienalty 10.54, . ju inting II ST Co add. Taxes il.lO, lots - north of Las Vegas, fronting on interest of the N M L A- Live Stock 17.79. printing IV, total 15 to 20, blk 12, LV T Co addition gas, bd n and e T W Hay ward a McKeller, David Mora road a distance of 314 feet, total $3.(5 altv of land 1 800.(1. 408.5: des-crijiti- Co in all that certain tract 1880-'0- 1 8. One-nint- h two for vears Taxes unknown jutrties; for moro for to of thence in an easterly direction oni Henriijuez, de Mrs KO $89.30 known as the Antonchico grant penalty .IV, w ith conn-t- y thirds of the undivided interest in 1891-2-4-- Lots 12, 13, 1 4, blk Long, F, V 102.13. printing total see jilat on lile and one-ha- lf miles to the bank of for No 20, 1801-- being private laud claim Preston-Hec- k -- 1 '03-4--5; lots 511.00 clerk, for years Taxes grant, l.í.üifi acres the Arroyo Pecos, thence in 27 S M T Co add, lots 12, 13, for property; grant s A: bound Antonio Ortiz one-nint- h two-thir- (5 18 lots Nissou Ilerzog 84.10, 21.04, ju inting IV, at 50c, $0,080.25; of southerly direction 850 feet to the blk 27. lots to 12, blk , lots 29, :, b A, Hosenwald's add, Peidra Pintada and mesa de Gua Tuxes jirojH-rt- for year 1800. total $105.58 of the in dispute interest in north line of Hartman k Weil, to 24, blk it, lots 15 to 20, blk 13. 14. b 40. H S T Co add. with the 1 dalupe e, Sabino Spring Preston-Hec- k 20, 27.55, 35c, Tuxes 98.77, jienalty 21.00, jirlnting Sjiilemaii, F. grant, 0,020 acres at thence along said line or fence of lots 30 to 34, blk 8, lots 15 to 110.23, jirlnting alto de los Ksteros, where river 3,7(50.94, pen- 21 35c, total $123.81 lot 40 feet on Main street lying ad- 30c, $1.988.70. Taxes A of blk 0, lots 13 to 17, blk H, lots total $138.13 la-lo- Hartman Weil to the place forms a canon where the 40.23, 11, .1 Mason k (Jrin-- jacent and to the west of 40 feet alty printing 35c, total beginning, together with the barn to 20, blk 11, lots 8 to 13. blk Lutz, It men were killed w, the Cuenta and property. Taxes for 1897. Personal property. Tuxes owned by C Moise west of Sloan, $1,701.52 and improvements: lots 15 to 17, b lots 1,2, 3, 24 to 28, blk 12, Hen for 93: the little Hernal hills the boun Mares, de Sena 574.40, jienalty 54.94, 13.73, jirlnting 35t 3H.12, 7.53, jirlnting 3.V residence in Kast Las Vegas, lot 9, Longina 38, Hill Site Co addition, for 1891 rlquezadd. Taxes darv line of Kl Hado, except so total $.38.00 blk 3,Fairvlew Town Co, for years for 1803 to '95. 80 acres land at Kl Taxes 83.22, penalty 20.80, printing 143.02, ju inting 35e. total $718.40 total $09.22 much thereof as lies within the n s e N K Norman. Joseih 1890 to '98. Tuxes 38.43, penalty Cuervo bd road mesa F.Ho 35c, 104.37 Harvey, Mrs L A IjcwIh, total '80-8- 2, counties of Hcrnalillo and Guada w Delgado. '98. 21 and 2. b 12, Las for 8 to '90, lot 31, b Ho 9.00, printing 35c, total $18.38 mero Juan Taxes Council, S A for 1X05 to 8. Lots 23, 21, blk 30, for Iits lnpe counties, that certain tract of penalty 0.47, printing 35c Town Co add und imjivts Hinwald addition. Taxes 45.04 'famine k Walson, 25.01. for 1804 to 8. Lots 1, 2, blk A, II S T Co add. I axes 4 .00, en- - Vegas land known as the Antonio Ortiz 32.73 42.30, jienalty 10.57, irintlng 11.20. printing 35c, totul lots 1, 2, blk 7, Las Vegas Town total Hosenwald k Co add, being sub- alty 1140, iriutinf 35c, total $57.35 Taxes grant laing private land claim No Jose! $.53,22 $50.05 Co, for year 1890. Tuxes 152.29 Quintana, Juan division lots A H C I) K F. Taxes Hay ward, James G 35e, total Aguilar, s . 42, bound n canon del 1H03-4- , jn-- t 01 bd Ii-wi- Normund, Joseph ,18.07, jirlnting 35c, total for 00 v land n 1887-8-'I- to 7. 27 to W, IilltZ, w 180.29, 40.57, printing 35e, for Lots road leading to Las Conchas, Aragón w e C, '98. Lots 11 to II, b l.i, Hueiio for 1880-8- 8 to '90, lot 31, blk $100.71 Corazón P river total $2.13.21 blk 11, Martinez ft Fort add. Taxes for del Laureano. Hosenwald addition. Taxes 45.04 11 Carton Aragón, 50 v land bd n M Urlostt 123.39, 40.84, 3T Vista add and Impvts. Taxes Tictlebaum, John , jienalty jirlnting imijH-rty- school dis- Carruth, J A 3.5c, 11.23. minting 35c, total 900 of laud live miles from $250 m T Ouintana w acémila e liver 72.33, iicnalty 18.08, printing isnaltv acres to 7. Personal total 103.78 No 4. Taxes 827.08, ImI for $90.7(5 $50.02 the new court house, land former trict 1(0 acres land at Pefries Holzmun, Phillip total 200.77, printer's cost 35c, total Is property. Taxes 483.80, penalty NetU rls T A ly known as Cultlns' ranch, plat C Mares a V Duran w and e mesa, 1880-'9- 2 (1. $005.17 for to Subdivision of licvy, iMiwani 120.90, printing 35c, total 188,(-H- 0, rso In $1034.20 2-- for real estate and js of said land recorded county house on same land. Taxes 20.08, 21 24, 21, 50 '80-7- ; lot b 8, 1. V T t o add, lots to blk ft front, for 7.73, Wosley, Nellie Cavanatigh, M J mil. Tuxes .'10.02. lR'liiltv clerk's olliee, 1,19.1 0 acres js'iuilty 7.42, printing 35c, total 100 on 5lh st south end next 0, 7, 20 to 3, b 40, Huena Vista i ft deep lots years 1802-3- , ju-o- for 1881-1- . Hunch and Impvts 3 jirlnting .IV, total $.19.00 land adjoining the above tract, for $37.45 to alley, S M T S Co add. Taxes Taxes 29.39, 7.31, .rlnting Taxes 31.55, 7.88, miles nw of city limits, blk 25, one Ortiz, Juan, Kstate of formerly known as J A A CarjHT rrlv. Stoncroad, Mrs Hanna 497.03, 121.40, jirlnting 35c, 35c, total $37.08 $.19.78. 58 1894-7-- 23 5, blk 1 1888, printing 35, total 3, story house ft front' corner 8th for Ixits to land, platted January 9, plat for Personal prop-42.3- total $022.38 and Nat'l sts, house in U'vy, A Pablo Haca add. Taxes 101.21 duly recorded in county clerk's city. Taxes 100.33, penalty Higglns, A D for '80: lots 18 to 21. b 20, S M T FRtCINCT NO. 28. rear of above lot. Taxes 82.84, iH imltv 40.30. printing 35c, total otllce, filO acres of hind known as printing 35c, total $212.01 Itots 20 to 22, blk 22, San Miguel Co. Taxes 20.12. M, penalty 20.71. printing 35c, total 201.80 J II Tlethbaum'a house ranch Hrown. L P, Trustee Sierra, Heymundo Town Co add. Taxes 150.71, js-- 35c, total $.3.00 105.90 jirlnliiig November 7, 1887, two-third- s 100 sec 8, Mrs land, idalted for 1801. One-nint- h of for 102 to 7. acres land altv 39.17. printing 35c, total O'Kcifc, PC I.lddil, J A in 2-- t 12. 13. b 3, Hlanchard jilat on record the county clerk's the, Preston-Hec- k grant twp r c jH-- 28, house at Kl C'arruth, Mrs Clara for '04: lots interest in $190.23 '80; 20 22, b 13, F Marti for lots to .1, add otllce, lots 21 to 23 lncluslvu,blkl2, 34. .V, 8.03, 18 . A piece of land on the r Co 5, b Martinez being undisputed jsnt ion of 13,078 Cuervo. Taxes penalty for Hat-fne- f Hosier k add, lot ncz. Taxes 04.80. iH.nalty 10.21 addition, said lots across h nw 8th Main sts K 41.75, 10.43, printing Homero acres at 5ite, $00.89; one-nint- of printing 35e, total $13.53 corner of and for 1890 to 8. Itot 4, Idk 25, build- Taxes IV, total $81.42 ' dis- L V. 100.98, 27.49, juinting. 35c, $52.53 arroyo Pecos across tho creek, for two-third- s Interest jHirt ion In Sena, Pedro Taxes ing lots. Taxes 03.01, total D J years 1890 to '98. Taxes 187.02, ,029 30c, Í28.78. for 1X02 to 4. Piece of land at Kl printing .Tie, total $137.82 13.25, 35c, $00.01 Otero, Ma, estate of, pute acres at jirlnting total --- , for '80-9- : lots 13. 11. b S M T 3 (1, b 23, San 40.75, jirlnting 35c, total Taxes 141.30, penalty 35.32, print- Cuervo and impvts. Taxes 72.89, Carruth, Ciar II Hoiuicr Hros for 80 to '88, lots to 8, Vegas Town '97-- 8. Co, lot 11, b Las Taxi 231.12 ing 35c, total $ 170.97 jKMialty lx.22, printing 35c, total for A piece of land or lot for lots 3 to 8, b 3, c of II Miguel Town Co addition. 28. 1. Kl Dorado Town Hoot Shiw Co $91.40 nw corner of 8th and Main sts, K (50.55, Co. lot b 173. 43, 13.35, jirinting 3V The Siorleder k Hays, bulls H. Snfllns add. Taxes . Las Vegas and Taxes Co. Taxes 28.07, 7.01, $217.13 for '97. Personal jirojH-rty- Taxoa for 103 to . Piece, of land sec 23, Sanchez, Nicolas impvt. altv 10.03. printing 35c, total $83.53 total 1(10.08, 27.49, printing 3.5c, jirlnting 3.5c, total $35.43 Francisco 88.83, 22.20, jirlnting .'IV, two 12 n, r 33 c, 100 acres. Taxes for 1803 to '90, personal property. 1 1 ill k Nlsson Ornelas, 7.02, 137.82 M M lot 18. blk 2. T Homero addition total 111.3K (4.K7, penalty 10.10, printing 35c, Taxes 30.50, penalty printing total for '93 to 5; jirojM-rt- Milllgan, 1897-8- . lAit 28, blk 19, San ra 180.11o '00. Taxc 37.58 Ti ltlebaum, John II total 35c, total $38.47 Carpenter, Kliza Taxes 91.90, jienalty 23.74, print- - fur for ven m.ii 35c, 1890, $29.24 Hros for '90, lots 4 and 5,1 3, Pablo $119.05 Miguel Town Co add. Tuxes ltv 9.39. printing total Taxes for Heggs,UC Stoncroad ing 35c, total , - ...... ". 1891, $18.90. Two-eigh- ,11.1 Hi .15c, jiroH-rty- for 1887-8-'91-- ts one-thir- d f. -- 58.11,, printing 17.32 1x80-'9- 3 7. 100 at for of nuca auuiuoii. iaxi-- for to acres land .", Houghton, O L be- penalty 0.34, printing 35c, $7.1.30 C 91 acres land at Arroyo lVcoa, Ccrrlso, ImI n Corazón, a Hot interest in the Heck grant total for '93-4- ; lot 7, 13 to 17, b 8, Las total Oldham, it 188 1 ginning east hank of said arroyo, w Cononcito. the undisputed jHirtlon of 15,725 $32.15 lots 22 to i, b A II jiroH-rt- for years Springs, c Carriso, Vegas Town Co add, Martin, 1 Lo-jM-- 90-- running east to north line of at-50- two-eight- s z, 2 ".HI. Tuxes 80.15, initially Taxes (30.80, 157.71, print- acres $78.02: of Cochran, Irm.l 10, and i of lot 2, b 10, Las Vegas for 1893-7-. Iits21, 22, blk 0. to two-eight- $108.1X1 Ixipez to point of intersection of d one-tlili- d 21.53, 35e, I7MH.92 one-thir- interest In the Heck of Interest add. Taxea 712.10, jsm- - Sulzbaeher Ac Hosenwald add. jirlnting total ing 35c, total Town Co Netterburg Lopejs, then north in t k Catron, Thomas U grant in dispute portion of 10,833 In the Preston Heck grant, the altv 178.02. lulnting 35c. total Taxes 58.42, jienalty 11.00, jirlnting Oakley, Hols-r- - for 1892, $0.48; 940 aerea - Kirtion, 15,725 acres; 19 21, Ixijh- to arroya, 1801 to 8. Six-ninth- s of two- acre at 30e, $32.40. Taxes 2,2f8.ix, undisputed $.io.47 total 173.37 for '87 to '89, lots to for IV, two miles east of Laa two-eight- of one-thir- d Interest 219.11, H!iialty land about Interest In Preston-Hec- k penalty 507.04, printing 35c, total H lefner, Joe addition. Taxes thirds tho Mernin, John commencing southeast cor- $2,835.57 in the Preston Heck grant, in dls .IV, total $274.23 Vegas, grant, as the grant known as re- for '93 to 5; prosrty. for 180O-7-8- . Itot 15, blk 22, San 51.77, jirlnting 1x90-9- 1 ner of Netterburg, 80 chains north, port No 1, within county of Wart ni m'c, J pute. 10.K53 acres, for Taxes 117.93, 29.18, printing Miguel Co. Taxes 112.59, (Julck Hcuiainln the Town Priest, k 88 chaina west, 80 chains to jilace 1807-- $597.49; about one and e . San Miguel, 83,808 acres undis- for improvements on Heck situated :Vhí, total 118.7(5 28.11, jirlnting 3V, total 1897-8- . A certain jilei-- of land for lieglnnlng, for 1892, $10.20. Kn-ter- 78.(50. one-ha- lf niiithi-Uf- t of I --a of 41,034; 57,770 in dis- .'rant, pet 28. Taxes miles lUin, M ImI on the east bank of puted. crea Henni J $111.08 located Vegas, 80 acres, on Pecos creek, , and land situated 17,312.80. Taxes 15,04(1.42, 19.07, printing .W, total '80. Lot, (I, b w, ami iois i, creek, 19 0 chaina w of pute, for T O Picoa mllt-- a possession 1x02, 112.15; Mernin, about two east of Laa Vegas 3,080.00, 35c, iox.71 title, for H ti. t. V T Co. nart 11. 12. b 2. S . of sec ,twp 1(1 n, isnalty printing for 1895 to 8. Pcrsouul jiros-rty- the se corner 1 possession title is-- $19.9.1X17 W T on 'ecos creek, add. Taxes 235.00, 1(5 w ith a blue total Woodrum. MTCn Taves 18.5.0H, js'iially 40.27, jirint-i- e, said marked 10, 1S0H, 2.1.007 acre land, undi for 1803, X.05; on Piros creek, ultv .58.07. printing 35c, total Continued on Poc Cochran, I rati for Xk, total llmu stone rock 0x0x18 luche act In d - 3.02 1290.22 li one-nint- h to-tlilr- inter- title, for lift!, for law to 'ya, uno-ha- lutereat ln vldod o' Iubcíuu Vise, David Drow n, C V, Aasignee January 20, 1X81; lot 35, 30, b 10 Johnson, Mmma S 4l, Buena Vista addition. Taxe Heinken, II D EL INDEPENDIENTE, 1H00-- 10. 7, b 4.82, '94: 0, 7, b 48, Vista for '88-8- east half of lot 13, 14, b for i if lot 3, lot 3, 17, Mill A Kihlla rg addition; lot for '80, lot 8, 50 Buena Vista 10.35, penalty jirinting 3V, for lots Buena 2, Homero addition. Taxea 38.40, 18, 10, LI Dorado add, that near b 30, San Miguel Town Co; lot 7 Town comjiany audition. Taxe total 24.53 Town Co add. Taxe5.44. jH'nalty 1.3(3, 7.15 Salazar & Bac, Publishers. jH'nalty ÍUHI, prinUng .Tic, tedal Campo Santo bd a follow, w to 10, b.J3, San Miguel Town Co, 3.23, jienalty 80c, printing.TV, total Moore, Wm W jirinting 35c, total Í48..T' Cha Meyer, e J Brown, n alley, lot 13, b 31, San Miguel Town Co; 4.38 for '.5-8(- 3, fracthmal blk O, Mills Hogers, Samuel

lf 9 12, 1, SUPPLEMENT. Vin!'Ht, W A one undivided i Interna in the undivided one-ha- of, lot Hi, b 2, Kelley. M A Hold addition. Taxes 10.04, for "Jl: lots to b Martinez hit fi, 7, b 1, Fairview company Duran tract from arroya l'ei'o to Mill A Chapman addition. Taxe for '08. Lotn 23, 21, b 4, Blanchard jienalty 2.00, printing TV, total add, e 52 ft of this lot. Taxes 10.81, 15.ÍM1, jK'nalty 3.97, 13.(35 19.78, jienalty 4.94, printing TV, Continued from Page 9. addition, for year railroad track. Taxe 15.01, pen- jienalty 4.93, printing TV, add. Taxe 41.82, jienalty 10.45, printing .TV, alty 3.75, printing .TV, total $10.11 total 25.11 jirinting TV, total 20.22 Morgan, Mary total 25.07 total 52.(32 Blodgi'tt, Ii F (Jonzale, Apalonio Klivea, Chas A for 1S85-8- lots 31 and 32, blk 24, HolMTt, L II containing CIO a Itay-jiol- arrea follow: '89-'03-- ,'$IX) 20.39, '89, 23 24, 3, d Vwder, J D W for 8. Fifty ft w froi.t of for '08. v land, bd n K Ho- for '89, lot 23 to 32, b 0, Itaynolds ion Hill addition. Taxe for lot and b Cewuneneing at southeast corner lot 22 to 27 inc, Lucero addition, loU 2t, 22, b b 50, Hill Kite 7 wn mero, M (lotízala, e common A Harrold' addition. Taxe jienalty 5.00, jir inting TV, total A Harrold' addition. Taxes of land claimed by S. A Net t a tra-- t of land lying at the inter-sectio- n Co. Taxe 24.74, penalty right, w Loa Valle Trail. Taxe 0.78, iienalty 2.44 jirinting TV, total 25.3 3.11, 8.5c, jirinting 35c, which is also the southeast of Uliinrhard and printing TV, total .I0.37 5.08, penalty 1.42, printing TV, 12.53 McCray, Abraham total 4.01 Ho- Ulibarrl corner of land claimed by K A htree bd n F Kihlbcrg a lilan-char- d Holton, J F total 7.25 King, Julia for '93; lot 11, 12, b 8, Martinez Homero Town Co mero, running south HO chains, e t, Htrcet e went line lot 27 of for '08; lot 27, 28, b 2, I'ablo lia-- for 1807. Lot 0, 7, blk 44, Huena for '80: lot 5, b 10, S M T Co add. Fort add. Taxes 10.17, penalty for 1880, lot 25 to 27, b 11, T Ho- 80 SO thence chain, north chains, (S.34, Taxe 7.74, jienalty 1.93, printing 2.54, TV, 13.00 mero addition, 1 to 12 ine, b , Luce'ro addition w Ulibarri wtrirt, add. Taxe 7.05, l.8, ViataTownCo add. Taxe jirinting total lots 80 chains to Iwjf inning , for 1893-4- for year 1800 to 'it8. Taxes 211.77, printing TV, total ?0.03 penalty 1.58, printing .TV, total TV, total 10.02 MeKenney, T A 12, T Homero addition. Taxe 21.71. Taxes &5.53, penalty 21.38, penalty 52.St4, printing .TV, total Horden. Mr H H 88.27 Kidler, James W for '80-7- : lot 1, 2, 3, b 1, Lopez 1.38, jienalty 31c, printing TV, total printing TV, total 107.20 4205.0(3 for '04; lot in Diamond at, bd n P (oodard, Mr A C for '80. Lot 17, 18, b 2, L V TCo add, lot 1, 2, 3, b 10, Lockhart 2.07 ' Teitlebaum, Adoljh Sandoval, e K M Ilrooka, one lot for 1807. Lot 11, blk 2, Koaen-wal- d add. Taxe 10.07, iienalty 2. (Hi, subdivision. Taxes 12.15, penalty Roberts, Belinda tract of land on the east sido of PRüCINCT No Í28. in Main t, bd w V A Civen, e F A Co add. Taxe 21.15, jien- jirinting TV, total 13.08 3.03, printing 3.V, total 15.53 for 188(1, exeejit south 25 fiet, lot 1, Wginning at the Arroyo Pecos, 5.28, 20.78 Mitchell, A 13, Taxes 1 i (.! Montgomery, a above lot at Main alty printing TV, total Koble, Susan Chas b Hosenwald addition. I Veo at the acn, Lui A east bank of Arroyo '80. I.ot (i, b 17, add. '8(3: 8, 9, 12 14, Ii2, Baca 22.25, penalty 5.5(5, TV, for 1803, 100 v land in pet 28.Taxe at. Taxe 10.33, pnalty 4.08, Geit, Henry for Lopez for lot to printing southeast corner of name, east 4.(30, 4.21, 1.05, .TV-- , printing TV, total 20.70 for '03; interewt in Las Vega TaxeH jienalty 1.17, jirinting add. Taxe penalty total 28.10 along the north line of Lorenzo 3.05, 08c, printing to- T J grant, this land i in La Vega TV, total 0.21 jirinting TV, total 5.01 Howe, Kobert Lojiez'ti land, containing about tal $5.28 Him, for 1805-0-- property. grant near Azul. Taxea 0.51, jien- Laridstrum, Gertrude Marble, M A for 1880, lot 11 and 12, blk 10, eight aeren more or less, a ame Hura, incluí upe Cde l'eronal Taxe 20.21, penalty 5.05, printing alty 2.37, printing TV, total 12.23 for ,88 t. '!K, lot 28 and 29, b 1, for '8(3; lot 8, b 21, San Miguel M A K II. Taxes 4.37, penalty 1.09, , land being platted a O'Keefe ad for 103 to (. 100 yd land x t 28. 35c, total Í25.01 (onzalea, Patricio Pablo Baca addition. Taxe Town Co add. Taxes 12.22, jien printing TV, total 5.81 dition, 5(1 v land in width, tunning Taxe 22.02, Tt."i printing Hromley, Mary A for '04; hoitae and lot, lid n W A 14.02, jienalty 3.50, printing 35c, alty 3.05, jirinting 35c, total 15.02 Ityan. Josejih II from the of way and the pro- - .TV, total Í27.K7 right 188(5, 3, M I''. 'OX. JVraonuI property. Taxe (iiven, ai'quia, e P Sandoval, total 17.87 Martinez A Fort for lot b 2, A K 1st II. y 1 Doraett, Mi A for jK-rt- of N M 8 It II Co to Ar i'-- M 1, 7, - penalty 2.38, printing TV, w A Cedlllo. Taxe 4.35, penalty Lucero, Antonio A Baca, Cde for '80 to '00; lot 2, b Marti Taxe 4.37, jnuialty 1.00, printing royo Peco, bd on the south by for 1805, l(i3 acre land o 1 ci- 2 total 11.25 1.08, printing TV, total 5.78 for 1807. Lot 15 to 20, 22, blk 40, nez A Fort add, lots 7, 8, 23 to 09, TV, total 5.81 Browne A Manzanare land, cost twp 13 r 21 e. Taxe 7.21, Marcher, J L and oilier (J allego, Hugh Bueno Vita add. Taxe 14.80, 1 8, Martinez A Firt add, lot 14, Reynolds, L If by Arroyo de I 'won, north George penalty 1.81, printing 35c, total for '80 to '8X, lot 8, b 1, Martinez for 1800, lot 8, blk 3, lloneii-wal- d jienalty 3.75, jirinting TV, total 15, li 9, Martinez A Fort add. for '87, lots 11, 12, b 10 T J. Dinkell and La Vega lia and Í0.40 Taxe 2.10, 54c, A Co.' Taxe 28.85 Taxes 23.38, jienalty 5.84, jirinting Homero addition. Taxes 5.(30, Eleetrltj Light Co.' property, bd Domínguez,, Concepción addition. penalty addition. printing .TV, total $3.05 2.52, penalty (.'ta, printing 3.V, total Lucero, M ary J 35c, total 29.57 piMalty 1.40, jirinting 35c, total went N M A S I' It It Co, said for 1M2. TTotihu on govt land. Mird, M 3.50 for 1807-8- . Lots 0, 10, blk 12, Lo Moore, J M $7.T5 land known a Teitlebaum addi . Taxe LfHi, penalty 41e, in lntlng lot 13 and b 50. Hill Site, lot Holme A Barber jm'Z, Sulebachi'r A Sandoval add for '80; personal jirojierty. Taxes Roberts, Clarence tion: lot 7, blk A, Bosenwuld ad ,'J.V, total $2.42 li, 2 and 3, b S3, FO Klhltierg plat of for 18!t0. property. Taxe Taxe 8.33, jienalty 2.08, jirinting 5,30, jienalty 1.32, printing 35c, fur '97. Lot 2, b B, Hosenwald dition, lot 21, blk 24 A. Ion Hill Knainia, Antonio Peronal IHvtii, Imh Vega, for 1801. Taxe 10.75. 21.70, jienalty 5.4 1, printing TV, TV, total 10.70 total 0.97 add. Taxes 4.02, jienalty 1.00, addition, Merger's addition, om-hal- f for total aHeMment. Tuxe penalty 2.00, .TV, 27.55 Levy, Henry McKelvey, James jirinting TV, total 5.37 of lot 2). blk 24A, ion Hill 2l.:i3, penally 5.83, printing TV, printing total total 13.82 I fougliton, Mary for 1X01, lot 13 and 14, b 34, San for '80-0-'9- lot 2, b 10, T Homero Stone, Frank II addition, BTgcr' addition, lot 11 total $20.51 J Harries, Wm II for 1807. Lot 5 to 10, blk 2, Ilfeld Miguel Town Co addition. Taxe add. Taxes 23.07, penalty 5.91 for '20, lot 10, b 1, T Homero add. blk 21, lot 30, 31, 32, blk .1, Orti (JonzaleH, Id'Hiidro '8IÍ-0- lot 2, 3 4, 1, A 7.02, 4.03, jieneltv 1.00, jirinting TV, jirinting 35c, total 29.03 Tuxes 8.90, jienalty 2.22, ga' addition, piece vacant land for 1802. Hone, ImI ii H Homero, for and blk Baca add. Taxe jienalty printing T 11.30, l.!K), 5..TX Wm 35, 11.47 adjoining Ortega, addition, ex II (onulea, o V Maripiez, w A Itomero addition. Taxes printing.TV., total 0.87 total Mariond, total 2.81, Hay T V Ix vy, II for '8(3; n 4, nw i, sec 30, twji7,r 25. Soss, M tending from right of way of rail t!on'.uh. Taxe 1.10, penalty 20c, penalty printing 35c, total ward, Ta-- , 14.5H 1X07. 10, 15, for lxol, peraonal; lot 13 and 14, Tuxes 11.24, jienalty 2.81, jirinting for '88-8- lots 19 to 39 ine b 13, road 5 feel north: part lot, 2, blk printing total l.M for Lot blk Loj.ez ( I Iloone, add. Taxe 15.80, 3.0(1, b.'ll, Miguel Town Co TV, total 14.40 Milis A II addition, Taxes 1, Fnirview addition; lot 0 to 13, ívotig, LA iros Frank jienalty Sau addi '1)7, for '00, lot 22, b 2, ItiMcuwald ad- printing TV, 20.17 tion. Taxe 5.55, jienalty 1.38 Mareiilino, Paul 5.07, jienalty 1.2(3, jirinting 3V, 25 to 32. blk : lot 8 to K, 2 to forlH05to perKonal property. total Taxe 5.30, penalty 1.32, TV, 7.28 for '80: 1, li 1, add. 110.08 32, blk 10; lot 7 to 18, 21 to 32, Taxe 12.45, )M'iiaity 3.11, printing dition. Iluberty, Annie jirinting total lot Ortega total 'printing 35c, Í0.07 Lot 20 to 28, 37, S Co Luring, Pu trick Taxes 3.42, jienalty 85c, jirinting Sweet, M J blk 11, lot 7 to Infraction of lot 3V, total 15,02 total blk II T W li Taxe 2.8. for '07. 12, b 1, T TV, 4.(32 188(3, 10 blk 2, F Lucero 1", blk 1, fractions of lot J and Ortiz, (uiidalupo Hunker, add. 11.42, jienalty Iit Itomero total for lot '01-5- ; 35c, 14.02 add. 2.75, jienalty 03 Mrs Mary S 11.70, 17, blk 2, lUynold' A Harrold for 1802. IVrMoiial property. Taxes for peronul property. Taxe printing total Taxe March, addition. Taxes jienalty 24.08, penalty 8.02, Hunt, K 35c, 3.73 for 'itx. 29, b 31, Miguel 2.94, 3.V, 15.05 ad.Iition: lot 1, 2, Hito lit, 31, 32, 2.31, penalty 58c, printing .TV, total printing TV, II printing total Lot San jirinting total 13,27 total ?32. 15 for 1X00; hits 7 8, b 02, La Lojiez, Jose L Town Ce and impvt. Taxes 11.25 Silvers blk 1. T 1 tornero addition; lot 4, and Synthia, Chavez, Doroteo Vega 1, 180(3-- Lot 8, 9 ,10, 11, rienalty 2.81, .TV, 18SI3 "89, 11, 1, r,, i.ik 2: b.t, blk 10, T ito Olguin d Ilium, Domingo Town Co udditlon, lot 2 for blk S jirinting total for to lot b Lojiez, '08, 3, A Ml 11.41 mero addition; lot 1, 4, 5, 0, blk for 1800, 81 v hind pet 23 bd n hill for Houhc and lot at La and b 102, Lua Vega Town It L add upper Dorado. Sulzbacher A Stern addition. Taxes Taxea 2.37, 50e, 17.10, Taxe 22.IK), 5.50, Miller, 22.40, 5.(31, 32. San Miguel; lot fl to 10, blk river e Anto (allegos w Joren.o Vega. penalty company addition. Taxe jienalty jirinting Jas L penalty jirinting 35c, 3.5c, 31 27.85 1807-8- . 32, San Miguel; lot 13, blk 31, San Chavez, 50 v land pet 23 bd n hill printing total 33. iienalty 4.27, j.rinting TV, ttjtal .TV, total for Lots 13, 14, blk 1, Fair total 28.42 Nicola 21.72 view Miguel; lot 3, 4, 7 to it, blk 5o. a river e Jo.e le J (allego, w Cordova, T Lundtrum, Gertrude add, residence in same SnoulTer, J B 'OX. Bucuu Vista addition; lot 1,2. Kmil Ditna, a dwelling Iiouhc bd n for Ivit2.'Ia, b A, H Homero (allego, Liten L' for '88 to 'ÍK), lot 2X, 29, b 1, Taxes 10.15, jienalty 4.78, jirinting for 1880, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 9, - add. Taxe 20.21, 5.05, 1801. 2(H) v , 21.2X 11.31, blk ., l'ablu Hac addition: lot 17, hill a Jo Angel Diina e l'anla- H'iialtj' for land Lou Alamo, Pablo Baca addition. Tuxes tot al Lojiez addition. Taxes printing 35c, 2ó.(il bd n M 14.02, 3.50, Montgomery, Mrs b 2, l'ablu Haca addition; lot 18, Icon Dima w H Dlma. Taxe total common right, by J jienalty jirinting TV, L J jienalty 2.82, jirinting TV, total CatTarcteo, Mr Maggie 17.87 1807. A jiiece 14.48 lit, b 48. Buena Vista addition; lot 4.2H, penalty 1.07, printing TV, Loni Gurda, w llar total for vacant of land '88-8- h,t 1, b 7,'t, A 320 Ltt Vega StrcH't l(K)x75 10, b 4'i, Huena Vista addition; lot total 5.70 for rold: acre on La ega grant; Kflilway Co south side of Main st ft, lid Slrossner, Annie Mill additi 0, 10, b 50, Dor- lot 0 10 one-ha- lf 1 '08. n st, s 1XX0, 12, 20, b 10, T Itomero udditlon, for (Juiiitiuio, KantiM lot and ami of 8, for Peronal jiroperty. Tuxe main Catharine Brooks, for lot b 11, Lojiez addi- 1X07-- ter A, Mill Taxe 22.12, 31, 0.(15, 10.33, 4.08, w M Otic, 1800. Taxe 245.52 for Iiouhc at Valle, pet 2s, udditlon. Hill Site Town Co. Taxe jienalty jirinting TV, J Ileejis, J Borden. Taxe tion. Taxes 3.87, jienalty Adoljih TUtlcbaum bd n and e public domain a 1' Ho H'iiaIty 5.53, printing .TV, total jienalty 2.20, limiting 35c, total total 20.70 15.8(3, jienalty 3.90, printing TV printing 35c, total 5.18 28.00 11.00 Mr Mary H 20.17 lot 17, b 2. I'ablo liaca addition; mero w mcHii. Taeg 5.02, Li'wi, total St Dennies, Gedion C 1' 'OX. Marble, 1XX0-8- lot 1. 2 b.", I'ablo liaca addition enalty 1.21, printing .TV, total Collin, Greenwood, I'ter, Jr for Personal property. Taxe Mis MattieM for lot 31, b , T Itomero lot 22, b 2, 1X01, 1(30 21 0.77, 1.00, TV, 1XMV97-8- . Lot 10, blk 8, 4.8(3, 20 feet lot 2, b 1, Fair-vie- addi í'i.r.l I'ablo liaca for acre, nc i ace twp penalty printing for Las Taxes 19.44, penalty printing ( ,. addition. Taxe 7.23, penalty 1.X0, lit r n 14 e, Imh total X.81 Vegas . Town Co. Taxes 33.37, TV, 24.05 tion; lot 21 and one-hal- f 2.r, Mer Kohledo, 'andido llaat Vega. Taxe total TV, ,'I.m A ger addition, ion Hill; lot 7, bA, forlHOM, 431 v land at Itomerovllle printing total 0.38 5.50, jienalty 1.32, printing Ltipez (allego lu'iialty 8.34, printing 3V, total Shiller, A ' Hosenwald addition: lot 21, 25, b bd n (' (arela T Itomero e hill w Creapln, Joe total 0.07 for '08, 220 v land s and near the 12.00 lot 3, blk 25 A, l'ablu Baca addi- two 10, town of M La Gulli-n- a one-thir- d 1, T Hornero addition; I ola .'10 to CrcHton, houe and lot pel 511 n Iiouhc, precinct l'ledre (allegar, Hugh Vegas, on the May, F Henry tion, interest, for year Lumbre, for 1H01-0- 5.30, 8, bd n V 1897. 11 11, 48 189(3. 32, b.'l, Oruga addition; limd ad- - Otero, catate of. a and w at reel e Taxe for '00. i.ot b 3, Hi.aenwald A river, Juan Ulibarri, s for Lots to blk Taxe 4.13, jienalty 1.03, Joining woolen mill; Klevtrh alley, 'luxe 3.(10, penalty 00c, penally 1.31, printing TV, total Co add. Ta Xe 2.52: penalty 03c, L de Msquibel, p Pi-co- s creek, w Buena Vista Town Ci. Taxes juinting TV, total 5.51 7.08 y Light plant, llrowne A Manza printing.TV, total 45 printing .TV, total 3.50 Gallina river. Taxe 21.15, jam-alt- 22.84, jienalty 5.71, jirinting 35 Standish, W S nares addition, 120x140 feet, and Hoy bal de Chave, Tomaa Carroll, William Gardner, O M 5.28, jirinting TV, total 20.78 total 28.00 jiersonal property for year 1890. Meld-linge- 1801. 100 100 for '87. lot 11 to IX, I, - , r' for '87,-80-0- 0, 13, 14, b 1, McKnight, Franci V McWilliams, John M Taxes 11.97, 2.90, east of railroad truck: lot il to 13, , for acre and impvt, lot penalty jirinting addition, .5.00, lot 24 25, b 5x, Ve- '88 23 30 25 to 32, b !, Itaynold'H ft Har- ucrca of hind at La (arltn t 28, Taxe Fairvlew addition. Taxes 21.00, and Mast li for to '00, lots to inc, b 2 35c, total 15.31 1.10, 35c, ga M A A rold' addition; lot 7 to 10,21 to cc 10, twp 10, r 23. Taxe 22.00, penalty printing total jienalty 5.40, printing TV, total P addition. Taxe 1.32, Kaynold's Ilarrold's addition Senecal, A A 7..T5 T'lc, . 32. b 11, Kuynold' A Ilarrold'a ivnaliy 5.07, printing TV, total 27.35 p'nalty prining IV, total laxes li.l.i, j.enalty4. 28. jirinting jiersonal projierty for 1895 to '97, Mi addition; lot 8 to U, 27 to 32, b Í28.71 Carr, Hickman, WiuT 2.00 TV, total 21.78 Taxes 5.57, iienalty 1.39, printing for lxo7. 1 111 Mart inez, Juan Morgan, 7.31 10, Hayoold'a A Hart-old- ' addi Sena, Manuel l'eronul property. Taxe for '87, lot to 4, b 5, Dorado George TV, total , 1880-!H- ), 1801 HI 10.58, penalty 2.01, printing .TV, Town Co 27, 2X for lxoi-2- house und lot Must Las for lots 31 and 32, blk Shupp, W H tion: lot 7 to Hi, b 12, Huynold' for to '08, lOOucrr laud at addition, . lot 13.57 3.01, HOT, A Mucoid' addition; lot 3, 4, 7, Cuervo, precinct 28. Taxe 13.17, total b 2, Baca addition. Taxe 7.08, V'ga. Taxes jienalty A 21, ion Hill. Taxes 24.04 lots 3, 4, blk 5, Pablo Baca addij Cook, V TV, 0.01, 8, D, b 10, south hide railroud Miialty 3.20, printing TV, total J Iienalty 1.02, printing .TV., total jirinting total 4.80 jienalty printing 35c, total tion, for years 1893 to '98. Taxes track, T Homero addition', lot lit, 4M0.81 for 1807-- IVrxoinil iro)H'rty. 0.05 Martim'z, A 30.40 20.01, penalty 5.X), printing TV, ( Taxe 5.20, 1.32, 181K)-0- b 40, It net) a Vista aodillon; lot Solano, 'real Ino penalty printing Hunt, H II for a small house and lot Noyes, Geo W total 25.3! ticn-- .. .TV, total fO.Ot; 7, 1 fronting on Tilden lot 41, b 1, 1807. 20 22, 22, 23, h 12, T Homero addition, for W5 Hud lot in li Ve for '!. uU 8, 02 and lot 1, street, for Lots to blk Turney, Salhe e hide arroyo; part of lot 10 to 10, ga, 20. Taxe 1.82, Caldwell, F.ll 2, 3, b Ki2, t.a Wga Town Co Ortega addition and Imjirove-meri- t, Itoaenwald A Co add, lots 10, 20, for '80, lot 10, I. 31, Sun Miguel 'SO-'0- 0, 7, 4 (i blk 1, T Homero addition; lot 1, Mualty 45c, printing .TV, total for ti,u ami n 4 of 8, add. Taxe 17.10, penalty 4.27, lot and 5, fect off blk A, Hosenwald add, lots 5, Town comjiuny addition. Taxe b, Homero 15.04, 2, 4 8, 5, blk 2, T Homero addition; lot 2.02 T add. Taxe printing TV, total 21.72 Lucero addition, b lot Lucero blk Martin A Fort add. Taxes 5,05, penalty 1.23, printing TV, penalty .'i.Xit, .TV, 24 21, 31, 32, b 1, T Homero udditlon: Sena, (iillcrmo A printing total Ball A Many addition. Taxe jienalty 11.39, penalty 3.59, printing TV total 0.03 10.15 '1(8. (1.05, (il lot 1, 4, 5, It, b 32, Sun Miguel ad for H07, pcraoual property. Taxe for IVraoual 1'i'oi.crtv. Ta.x' jirinting TV, total 30. Neely, Mary Samuel, S C Connelly, F, v '85-- 17, dition; lot 0 to 10, b .13: lot 13, b 3.10, penalty 70c, printing 3,V, inn 3.01, iienalty 80c, printing TV Michaels, J F for lot blk 31, San Miguel for '87, lot 33, 31, b 50, Buena 'Itx. 15, b 1.3(3 31. San Miguel addition; lot 3, 4, total f 1,30 for Lot it, T Itomero total for '88, Jot 2, 3, b 8, Mast Las Town Co addition. Taxes 17.5(3 VistuTown Co addition. Tuxes Vi-- add ami impvt. Taxe 0.35, pen- Goodwin, Mra M H Vi'gas addition. Taxea 13.20, 4.39, TV, 1.23, 7, It, b.Vi. Huena U addition; Sena llro.e jienalty jirinting total penalty 30c, jirinting 35c, alty 1.58, printing.TV, total 8.28 M .1, 3.31, 'to total 1.88 lot 18, 10. b 48, Ibana V Uu ad for 1X02, Two acre land at Juan Mlnton, Matute of penalty jirinting TV, total 22.. Dague, '04-- 1(3.02 Schullcn, Mary, dition. ToUl amount, 155.00, for l'tii, Imhihc and corral at La Jarita. llorton J for houae and lotOL Hough '., Ogden, F C estate of, 1 Sim, '85-8(- HIT. Tate 12,8(1, M'iialty 3.21, printing for I'eraonal property. Taxea ton. Taxe 12.04, penalty 3.01, Me Ge, Jisejih A for lots 4 to 7 b 8, I, S for '87, lot 5, b A Hosenwald addi- 4.02, penalty 1.23, 'X8-8- (3, I. 45, por- 1'art of 0 to 13 and 2. to .TV, totnl i 10.42 printing .TV, printing TV, total 15.40 for Jot and Stern addition. Tuxes 24.90, tion. Tuxe 13.05, jienulty 3.20, 32, b it, lUytiold' A Harrold' Semi, Alejandro total '.50 Hamblin A Countable ter Mills' addition. Taxe 1.03, li.24, jirinting .Tic, total jirinting TV, totul !0.(i(; Dnrgan, addition; lot K to 10 inc and 25 to for X02. I'eiNonal proierty, Taxe Patrick for 04; peraonal projierty. Taxe 25c, jirinting TV, total 31.58 Sena, Andre lxOI-3t- o 7. 13, 10, 1.03 35 inc, b 10, Kn mold's A Mar 11.00, penalty, printing 35c, for Lot blk T 4.54, penalty 1.13, j.rinting TV, O'Conner, T B lazes on real estate and rold' addition; urt of lot 7 to 11 total f 1.8.5 Itomero add. Taxea 13.43, ih-ii- - total 0.52 Martinez, Virginia jiersonul jirojierty for years IS'. projierty, for 'OX. Tuxes 3.05, 3.35, TV-- , Kay-iiold- alty printing 17.13 .1 75 feet of lot 12, b 14, lot 12 b 14, 10.00, inc, and 25 to 32 Inc. b 11, 'n Sulu, Lpluii'iiio total Haimon, Tlio Taxes jienalty 2.05, jirinting jienulty 7(ic, prining TV, total Duncan, John M LojH-z- , ion, 13.(30 A Hurt-old- ' addition; lot for 18!2 to 4. Thirty v laud tempo- for '80. I.t 35, b 2, Itoaenwald L bouse and lot, for 3.V, total 4.10 I, I for '87, lot 15 to lx, 7, Mill A 180X. 1(3.02, 7 to 11, b 12, U vii, .Id' A llur-rold'- ral 10 2 liouae on auine land, bd add. Taxe 7.10. penalty 1.70, Taxe jienalty 4.23, Oakley, F Sena, Fruncisco F K 1 add ilioiilMlUliv In ion of lot common right. Taxe 17.53. pen- addition, lot to 4, 0 and 10, b print ing TV, total 0.30 printing.TV, total 21.50 jiersonal jirojici ty, for '98. Taxes lots 8 to 10, b 13, L S A Hosen- 30 to 32, li 3, Ortega' addition, alty I..'IX, printing TV, total Í22.20 10, Milla A. K addition. Taxe HopkliiN, S J Morris, C 20.04, jienalty 5,1(3, printing 35c, wald 'a addition, with improve- 12.2.x, penalty .T.07. printing .Ta-- , for '80. 24, b 7, lot 0, 7, b 32, S M T Co, for 1808. total 20,15 and land extending to, the right f Sala. Lugenio Lot Lua Vega ments, for 1808. Tuxes 11.80, total 15.70 Town Co. Taxe 21.15, jienalty 5.2x, jirinting Ortiz, Gnadalujie way of railroad company, laing for 1x02. Two-roo- houae in ct Taxe 10.11, jienalty janalty 3.70, printing TV, total Mad A January 2.52, TV, 20.78 fV . . , . ... feet: .Vt v v t ImI .1 irint ing TV, tot al 12.08 total lor i'.; jiersonai projiei'iy. 18.85 about l'loo also land 28, loo land (n-- 2. n (arela. luxes for IX'H), b,t 27 and 21, 3 Mclheiscr Bro l.i.OO, 3.77, near Licet rie Liyht plant known Taea 20.10, ualty .".(. printing blk Ilartman, Annie jirinting TV, Taylor, J W Pablo Haca addition. Taxe 5.45, '08. for lX'.Ki. 10.12 '8(3-8- a Tictlclwum' adilit ion, extend- .TV, total 1 25. 5.5 for Lot 7, 8, b 2.5, ion hill Undivided interest in total for lots 8 to 11, blk 44, nally 1..TT, M ing to Arroyo l'ceoi, adjoining printing 3V, total add, houae and lot. Taxe 21.15, the La Vega grant, ranch at La Petterson, N Buena Vista udditlon. Taxes 12. 10, I' libarrl, Hey ino A Son 7. 13 Mneiei ro, 1807-8- . I'er-on- al I Iron ne A ManiMiuaiva Co.' ad-- o jienalty 5.38, printing 3.V, total Cueva, ranch at the two for jiroperty jN'nalty 3.10, jirinting .TV, totul f..r 101, 100 acre land and im- ilion, across the railroud Feiden, Harriet ' 20.78 ranche on La Vega grant. laxe l'J.Oo, jH'nalty .1.01, printing 15.85 al provement at a l rita, bd n F for '80. lots J, I.!, :i, Fairvlew add. llaydon. Wm Taxes 15,71, pinalty 3.12, printing ".TV, teilul 15.11 Taylor, A track of ATAS It It Co; lot p.ibli, laud, a Julia mean de Huerto, e 8.70, a 17, I. Taxe nalty 2.17, printing for 'Itx. Heal Taxe C...T5, TV, total 1?.48 for '89, 14 Id, 1 -, '.'ii, I'ablo Ituca addition; w A catate'. Poi'Ur, MlialH'th hits to Itay- Cubrid (oiiliilea, Sena, bonne TV, 11.22 y lot 1 2 b 5, linca ad- total icuulty 1.58, J.rinting 35c, total Martinez (arela, Vicente for '88, lot 22, 23, 4 nolds A Taxes and Pablo on land. Taxe 0.52, penalty 2.TX, b Pablo Ilarrold's addition. F.biu'r, 1X00-- 7. 10 10, 21, 25, 31, 32, John 8.28 for House Kt 20, bd n 2.11, jH'nalty 52c, TV, dition: lot to b printing TV-- 12.25 Baca addition. Taxa 3.30, printing total f for 1X;H), lot TI and .11, 2, 1, T "tornero addition; part of lota blk Hume, S A Martin John, Jame Lynn, e Ma JK'nalty 8c, printing .TV, total total 2.9X Howrnwuhr 4 and .5, h 2. T Humero addition; addition. Taxe for '08. Lot 22. I. 1, Ml Dorado Apoducn, wC Blanchard. Taxe 1.55 Twitchell, H M PKIiCINCT No l2) '8.01. penalty 2.00, 15.11, 3.78, lot X I, 1, 10, 2V b lo, T Homero printing TV, add. Taxe 3.20, enalty 8,le, printing TV, Posey, McCurdy for '97-- 8. Personal procrty.TuxcH lot ul 10.30 total 10.27 addition, ucroa the truck of the Alible, V S printing.TV, total 4.35 for '88, lots 1 to 3, b B, Ho- ll.(7, penalty 2.91, printing.TV, Fi'Wh r, Mr V L Hunaacker, McKinney. T A railroad company; lot 3,4, it, b bit II, 13, b.iO, San Miguel Town Ira senwald addition. Taxe (.72, total 14.93 '80-7- , for lxoil, h.t 10 and 11, 1.1k 2, '08. 23, for lot 1 to 3, b 10, I,M'k-har- t' 5t, Huena Vita addition; lot 1! b vompauy addition. Taxe 0.31, for Lot b 7, La Vega jienalty 1.0X, jirinting .TV, total Wise, J II T Homero addition. Tax' 14.5.5, Town Co add. 0.52, Taxes 12.15, 40, Hcunn irla addition; lot 1. enalty 2.3't, printing TV, total Tuxe penalty ubdiviini. 8.75 for 188:5, part of lot 37, 38, 33 to lanalty 3,ta, 3.(13, I, 5, it, b :i2, Shii Miguel Town t 'o 12.02 printing TV, total 2.38, j.rinting TV, total 13.25 penalty printing TV, total Pierce, J W T5, b 10, San Miguel Tuwn Co IX. 511 H5..M ti 11, 33, Hogan. Annie M 18X.V0, ( 7, Taxes 4.37, 1.09, adilition; lot to h San .1 M for ts uti i.ik 4S, p malty Albright, '80-0- Fort, 30-3-2, 13, b 31, LC for ,,i 2i to I. 10, MiU'lu'll.Cha A printing TV, total 5.81 Miguel Town Co; lot San for 'MMto, lota 27 20. Buena Vista additton. Tuxes9..T3, t.i, San for lxii.5-0- . '87, 8, fl, 12 14, Miguel Town Co; lot 7, b A, Ho Peraonal proja'rty. llaynold'n A II iwldltlon. Taxe for lot to b 2, jienulty 2.33, j.rinting TV, total Wells, L It Miguel Town Co addition. Taxe Taxea lli.oit, ecu A Co adilition; 20 H'iialty .5.21, printing 5.4H, JH'nalty LIO, printing Pablo Haca addition. Taxes 3.83, 12.01 for 1880, lot Hi 17, blk 1, wall feet of 10. 10, penalty 4.K5, printing 3V, and lot 2, b 1, Fairvirw Town Co addi-tic- 3 , total 20.5.5 7.15 penult' ftV, printing TV, total A Í24.00 Perry, J M Blanchard Co adilition. Taxes o to 8 acre laud aero Ar- total FrledNon, M J mIhoii, 5.13 HI Harry 188(3-8- 8, lot 30 32. 34, 7.59, penalty 1.89, TV, d 1 to blk printing royo 'ceo, near atone build- Onc-th1- '80-00- Aramillo, I'erfectei for '0X. intercat in hit for , lota 1 C, 11, 12, 15, 1(3, 9.83 ing, formerly belonging to Netu-r-burg- , to Mendenhull, S S Hill Site addition. Taxe 14.10. total for 1X07. 10, blk 1, boue and 1 to 17 inclusive, b A, 13, latul laing plutu-- 0'K te l.t Pablo Baca b Porter A M. Taxe 2.04, for .7, lot 7, 8, b 5, 111 Dorado jienalty 3.(32, printing TV, total Wilcox, Lute lot 111 (oN'y, A add. Taxe 0.(15, additiou, for lx'.ix. Sulbaelier Stern penalty 2.23, IHnalty 73c, jirinllng .TV, total Town 'ompany. Tuxe 18.(3,, IH.4 for '80-8- lots 27 ami 2X, b 31, Hill lv7-!tt- - add, birmi rly of Fernandez Mitch-1- L luting Total Uc for year to pi aV,ttal 11.03 1.02 jHiialty 4.00, printing TV, total Page, Mra S I) Site Town Co addition. Taxe Taxe 1.74, (a nalty 1.18, print-In- g HH Taie 1,822.20, penalty 4V..59. Freeman, F M llatriaon, Tlmma 23.043 for '87, lots 15 to 17, b 13, Buena 18.(30, jH'nalty 4.(55, printing .Ta', .V', total fo.27 '80-0- printing TV, grand total 2,278.21 for '87, lot 0. one-hal- f of 8, b for lot 22 U 21, b 34, McCarthy A Co, Perry Vista addition. Ta.x 4.00, total 23.(50 Aragón, Marco Ulibarrl, Hita Mare de T Homero addition. Taxe 0.78 Hill Situ addition. Taxe 7.57, for '87, lot r, b22, San Miguel penalty 1.15, printing TV, total Wlthrow, Henry 32 v ! w 1 J to- 105-0-. bid land 20, S) lamí al Depot hoU a T for jkI )! penalty 2.44, printing TV, total penalty l.xo, printing TV, total Town Co addition. Taxe 10.74, 0.10 for 1880, lot to 12, b 21, La rnero Pe-- 11 M Martini'., a J Nieto, w 0.81 e Arroyo n acido canon de 12.57 Iienalty 2.(38, jirinting TV, tut al ltayw(d, T J Vega Town Co udditlon. Taxes Sandoval, for to '08. la tabla, e M Arrhihcijnc, a houe. Ingerton, Martha 14.48. 3.02, jear li3 Fltzgi rrell, J J 13.77 for '8X, bit (i, south half of lot . b penalty printing 35c, Taxi penalty 11. 10, Taxe 22.50, ri,('.2. 'IK); lot 18, b It), 18.45 44.i, printing printing for 1MU, 10.(10 acre, the tindivide.l for T Homero add Miner, A H 4. Itaynold'H total TV,; TV, addition. Taxe total tot tl 2.47 one-hal- f Taxe .1.45, L'lo, printing Weil, Al and A D of a trad .f land on the for 's7, triangular lot in 12.45, 3.11. printing 3V, Biggins 1'IíbaiTÍ, Juan Drown, TV, total 7.10 lot 1 to 4, li .,. lyiiiez, Sulzbacher Ana eat aide of Arroyo Poco, near 3.85, total 15.91 v addition. Tuxin A KoHcnwald of Ml bl Uud bd n t; Hoaiero a (i Cha- eii bouac and lot In Hunt Lu Jone, C F Dorado Town to llat La Vega, a per plat, penalty lic, jirinting .TV, total Klndpxter, It W company, for 'Ox, Taxes 21.15, vez w for 1hiJ 'OT. 1 river, yer to Vega, 13K 28 fe t, Taxe C.Cl, made by for '08. 22. 23, 40, Bueno penalty 5.28, FO Davl,C F aurveyc.l 5.1(1 for '04; lot 15, b 10. .Urn hill odd. jirinting TV, total 30.75, iiHlty íi.les, printing penalty I Vtata add ami impvt. Taxe 20. I m Ta" (5, printing TV, total in lxx.5; raid land waa deeded by MaJge. II V I50.Ü.Í 13.02, HMiaItv 4.U5, jiilntiug TV.. Taxe 18.15, jH'nalty 4.53, printing Sk, total 8.(il Cflao Haca tu V A ' Netterberif, total 20. U for '80, eaut half of lott 13 to 18,b TV, WUl Í2J.U3 Continued to Page II. 4.02. penalty l.i : lirmt injf G ai via, Franci-e- o PRECINCT NO. 81. Valasquez, Antonio Tuxes 5.10, jienalty 1.27, priuting Salazar, Hon) an tí Co EL INDEPENDIENTE, total 8(5.12 for l!i2. 100 v hind, bd e A Mon-toya.w- l) for 1892: .VI v land bd n P Lucero, 3V, total 85.72 for 1898, HI v land bd n road, a Sena. Jose 1) Trujillo, n and s hills, poJaca, Cresjiin s H Sena, e mesa, w Pecos river, 8 Ortiz, Hafael Pecos river, e height of mesa, w for 1897; 10 yds land bd n C Mar- house on same land. Taxes 4.00, for 1892-- 5 to 8, ,50 v land bd n road, v bd n P Lucero, s P Lopez, e Pe- for 1892, 100 acres at Canada del Ceja del Chhnanal, 09 v land at Publishers. 3(5. SALAZAR & BACA, tin, s J Ijoncz, e mesa, w river, jienalty l.n, printing 3V, total s main ditch, e L Salazar, w J Sal- cos river, w 1) Baca. Taxes 2.31. Pueblo, sec 8 twp 117, r Los Trigos, bd n J Sandoval, 8 house and lot bd n mesa, s plaza, 85.35 azar, 30 v land bd n J M Hivera, jienalty 5$v, jirinting 35c, total house on same place. Taxes creek, e ditch, w Pecos river, á y e ditch, s Ma Do los w 83.27 17.47, jienalty 4.30, 3V of land in same jilaee and e road, w mesa. Taxes 0.79, jkmi-alt- Gonzales, Patricio Gallego, tract SUPPLEMENT. three-roo- m 1.09, jirinting av, total 88.83 for lv.H, 350 v land bd n river, s J E Gallegos, 20 v land bd n J Ma Valasquez, Benito total $22.18 house. Taxes 10.22, Silva. Juan Fac Montoy a, o Cuchilla, w Benig- Hivera, s Mr. I) Gallegos, e J C for 1892-5-- 7 ; 25 v laud lid n mesa, s Ortega, N'abor jienalty 2.55, jirinting 35c, total Continued from Page 10. w Lucero, H w M Ve- 1891-2- ; $12.12 for 1891-- jiersonal projierty. Taxes no Trujillo, house on same. Taxes Chavez, hills, and a house same P e Jaramillo. for one house at Pueblo. 3 9.90, 1.47, lasquez, 15 v n mesa, s P 1.27, jienalty 31c, 1 13.0-1- jienalty 3.20, jirinting 3.V, 5.18, jienalty 1.29, printing V, land. Taxes jienalty land bd Taxes jirinting Trujillo, Jose Abeyta, Pablo A w 1891 '9(5, total 810.05 total 80.82 jirinting 35c, total 811.72 Lucero, e H Jaramillo, P Lucero, 3V, total $l.3 for to jiersonal property, 1895; a dwelling house. Taxes 3.(54, for Sandoval, Juan Herrera, Hosalia Baca, Julian 25 v land bd n road, s Pecos river, Ortiz, Anto Jose Taxes 11.59, jienalty printing 1.31, penalty 32c, printing 3V, 1898, 00 v 31, bd n w H e J one 1894 , 20 v IkI n Hivera, $18 58 for 1892, lot 8, b 9 llomuuldo Baca for 1892, 50 v land bd n Felix for land, p.t Jaramillo, Flores, for land P 3V, total total $1.98 w w M 10 v n w addition. Taxes 1.78, penelty 41c, Torres, s M Montoya, e M Lojiez, river, s mesa, e L Lucero, J house same land, land bd s li íadril, reeos river, e aiieh, ierras, Jose P Anderson, O Willa n v Hibe-ra- , 1894 jirinting 3V, total 82.57 foot of hills, house and lot same Prada, house near land, bd mesa, s Luis Ensinias, e P Lucero, 20 land bd n B Madril, s F for to '97, house at El Pueblo, for 1892, lots 18,19, b 2, llosenwald 'XV', s Montano, w w H 10.17, w M s w Shield, Geo II jilaee. Taxes 1.32, jienalty ditch, road, e Juan Lojiez. Taxes jienalty river, e diteh, house in El bd n J Homero, P Hivera, & Co addition, 23 feet east of 82.(K 3.28, 2.54, 3T, $13.0(1 Pueblo, bd n A Chavez, 8 E ditch. 11.71, for 1893 to 5; jiersonal projierty. jirinting 3V, total Esquipula Tafoya. Taxes printing total Juan F Ortiz, emain Taxes lots 18 19. Taxas 19.11, w C and 1.31, Herrera, Juan I 'a bio jienalty 82c, jirinting 3V, total Velasquez, FelijH' Vigil, Madril, e road. Taxes jienalty 292, jirinting 3V, total ' Taxes 5.27, jienalty jirinting penalty 1.80, Toe, total w 1) 81.45 for 1891-- in )iet31. 4.,'iVt, penalty 1,08, 3V, $14.08 35e, total $7.93 for 1892. 150 v land bd c and one house printing $24.05 Miguel Tuxes 1.42, 35c, jirinting $5.70 Scott, George A Herrera, n and s hills. Taxes Baca, jienalty total Trujillo, Murcilino Brown, Jose 1892; bd 82.12 Benito 1891-2- ; residence El for 1891; lots 11, 12, b 8, Martinez 8.04, jienalty 2.01, jirinting 3V, for house at Chupaderos 3V, total Padilla, for house at for 1892, house and lot in Hast Las n F Archuleta, s G Gonzales, e Williams, II C for 1391-2- ; log house and impvtuut Pueblo. Tuxes 1.57, jienalty 59c, & Fort add. Taxes 7.20, jienalty total 810.40 Vegas, bd n N A Givcns, s Lopez w Taxes 2.82, jien- for 1894-5- , imjirovements on gov El Blanco, two rooms jk'I 3V, $2.31 1.81, jirinting 35c, total 89.42 laramijlo. Juan F road, ilains. Canon jirinting total ditch, e Sandoval. wA Sedillo, 70c, 32. 1.30, jicuaity 32c, jirint- Shellenbcrger, Louis for 1898, 300 v land bd s and w alty jirinting 3V, total ernment land at place known as Taxes Velasquez, Noberto 1.52, 22x112 ft. Taxes 0.09, penalty .1 Baca, Douiacio EmjHdrado. Taxes 22.52, jienalty ing 3V, total $1.97 1894 to '98, jiersonal projierty. for 1894; jiersonal property. Taxes hills, n Montoya, e Aug Vigil, ior jirinting 35e, total $7.9(5 1892; 50 v bd n M Apolín- 5,03, jirinting 3V, 5.91, jienalty 1.17, 18.15, jienalty 4.53, printing 35c, house and lot. Taxes 15.83. for land total,$28.,50 Paco, Patrocinio Taxes jirinting Haca, Mrs Manuela .'55c, ea, s F Medina, e Pecos river, w for 1892, 128 viand at Los Diegos. 35c, total $7.73 total $23.03 jienalty 3.95, jirinting total PRlicTÑCTNo. for 1892, house and lot in East Las ditch, 00 v land bd n M Aiodacu, Taxes 3.23, jienalty 80c, jirinting Velasquez, Benito Smith, Vina J 820.13 v egas, bd u and w I' Padilla, s S s A Lucero, e Pecos w ditch, Anaytt, Jose Ignacio 3V, total $4.38 for 1894-5- , 151 v laud, different for 1895; lots 23 to 25, b 2, P Baca Lujan, llamón river, 2.15, y 1891-2- A Clements, c street. Taxes house on same. 4.52, Jien-ult- for ; 40 v land ut La Trngua Padilla, Juan A jilaces. Taxes 2.(59, jienalty G7cf add. Taxes 8.14, jienalty 2.03, for 1898, :;80 v land bd n Cuchilla, Taxes 53e, printing 3V, total M w Cuchilla, 1.13, printing 35c, total $0.00 bd n road, s river, e Salazar, w H for 1892, personal jiropcrty. Taxes jirinting 3.V, total $3.71 penalty jirinting 35c, total .? 10.52 s ande J Trujillo, Chavez, Desiderio Salazar. Taxes 3.03, jienalty 90c, 1.05, penalty 20c, jirinting 35c, Vijil, Juan Esteban .V3.03 Torres, Jose Amado house same land, bd n road, s P fVfra C E x Co e w Taxes for 1892; residence house jict 31. H inting 3V. total 84.88 total $1.00 for 1891 to 3; 99 v land bd n ace- for 1891-9- 35 yards land at La Sanchez, and Cuchilla. 1892, slaughter house in pet 29. Taxes 2.90, jienalty 72e, jirinting Ajiodaca. Jose Abran Quintana, J Esteban quia, 8 river, e J Homero, w J Ho- Liendre, bd n Main ditch, s river, e jienalty 05c, jirinting 3V, total Taxes 2.(18, penalty 52e, printing 35c, total $3.97 for 1892: two-roo- house ut for 1891-2- ; jiersonal property. mero. Taxes 11.93, yiettulty 2.98, Ajiolonio Hamires, w Isidro Quin- 83.02 3V, total $2.95 Chavez, Camilo Trngua. Taxes 1.78, penalty 44c, Taxes 1.59, jienalty 39c, jirinting jirinting 3V, total $15.20 tana, one lot .V feet wide by 175 Lujan, Juan Emilio Hates, W J & Elston, J A 1891-- 1892-0-- 25 v land bdn S Baca, jirinting 3V, total 82.57 3V, total $2.31 feet deeji in Las Vegas. Taxes for 100 v land at Ma miel for PRtCÍicTÑo733. 1895: lots 15 to 20, b 3, 1 Ifeld & s e Pecos n mesa, 00 Homero, Jose M for 1.13, 35c, lid e F Torres, w A Vigil, n J Baca, river, Baca, Martin 552x;!iX) 5.72, jienalty printing Haca add, a tract of land v bd n J Ma Chavez, u F Gonzales, for 1891-2- ; 50 v land bd n mesa, B L for 1890, 110 v land at Barranco, total 87.50 and s hills. Taxes 4,89, jienalty Archuleta, Hamon ft n of b 3, Ilfeld & Baca add. e Pecos river, w mesa, 30 v bd n Salazar, e F Chavez, w C Ajiodaca. bd n diteh, s river, e Ene Lucero, Thaver & llaydon I. 22, ju ining 3V, total 80.40 for 1892; 25 v land at Ojito. Taxes Taxes 7.03, penalty 1.70, printing F Gonzales, s T Gonzales, e M Tuxes 7.32, jienalty 1.83, printing w Pablo Hivera, 14 v land bd n for 1895: lots 20, 21, b 29, Sun Mi- Lojiez, Miguel, 2.02, jienalty 50c, jirinting 3V, total 35c, Herrera, w ditch. Taxes 0.07, 35c, total 89.50 ditch, sriver, e P Lojiez, wL $2.87 guel Town Co add. Taxes 8.80, for 1891-2- , 100 v land at Manueli-tas- . Bernes, W II lienaltv 1.51, jirinting 3.V, total Chavez, Antonio Sena, 2X v land, oivhard and im- jienalty 2.20, jirinting 55c, total lid e H Herrera, w E Lujan, n Cresjiin, Jose IVulesio for 1880: lot 4, b 1, Homero add. 87.93 for 1891-- 2; 30 v land at Pucrtccito provements. Taxes 3.40, jienalty 1892; 50 v M a 811.35 ditch, s river, 25 v land at, Manu- for lund bd n Otero, Taxes 1.85, penalty 1.21, printing Duran, Juan bd n E Lobato, s J Lobato, e Piros 8V, jirinting 3V, total $1.00 w Teitlebaum, Leo el it as, bd e hills, w M Herrera, u F Padilla, e and crestón, liouse 35e, total $0.11 , for 1892; 53 v laud bd n road, s river, w mesa, 5 v land at Pucrtc- Hivera, Jose L und lot, 00 v land more or less bd 1892-3- : one-ha- lf of lot 25, b 24a. and s hills, 75 v land at Manueli-tas- for M Bald, Geo river, e C Salazar, w L Salazar, a cito lid n Prioste, s J Lobuto, e for 1893 to '98, an undivided inter 8 e w Taxes 3(5 building lots Zion hill add, lot bd c and w hills, n river, s A Vijil, and fence. for 188(5: lot 12, b 13, Lopez, Sulz-bach- house, 25 v land pet 23 bd n J Pecos river, w mesa, a house in est in San Miguel grant, undivided 2.84, 71c, 3V, 1, b 1, Lucero add, lot 4, b 1, nine hills, also one house. Taxes 7.90, penalty jirintiiig & Stern add. Taxes 0.09, Tajtia, s M Padilla, e L Sanchez, Pucrtccito pet 31. Taxes 1.48, jien- interest, in the Sanguijuela grant, ft of e side of Lucero add, lot 5, b jienalty 1.97. jirinting 35c, total total 83.90 penalty 1.52, printing 35c, total 10(1 v land bd n loma, s J C Galle- alty 37c, jirinting 35c, total 82.20 20 v land ut El Pueblo, bd n L Hi 11 M 32, San Miguel Town Co add. 10.22 Coy, 87.90 gos, e A Homero, w river. Taxes Cordova, Abran vera, w river, s Gallinas river, e 1892-3- : 100 Sangui- 0.37, jienalty 1.5!, jirinting for yds laud ut Taxes Montoya, Hafael 1891-2- ; 45 v de 15,81, Burger, V M 3.21, jienalty 8ite, jirinting 35c, for land ut Bado ditch, und a limine. Taxes juela bd n S Polaco, h J A Baca, 35c, total $8.31 1891-2- , 100 v laud at Canoncito, for 1880; lot 23, b 21a, Zion hill for total 84.30 Juan Pais bd u acequia, w Jose jienalty 3.95, priuting 3V, total w Taxes C W c and Sanguijuela grant. Ujitigrove, bd e E Valesijuez, w S Montoya, n 1 add. Taxes 1.09, penalty 42c, Gonzales, Manuela Sanchez, s river, e Melquides San- f20.1 14.87, jienalty 3.71, printing a5e, jiersonal projierty for 1898, Faxes and s hills, a liouse. Taxes 9.03, printing 35c, total $2.4(1 for 1892; 21 v land bd n A (riego, chez. Taxes 1(5.12, jienalty 4.03, Homero y Sena, Juan total $18.93 4.23, jienalty 1.05, jirinting 35c, 2.25, 35, total W M jienalty jirinting s L w mesa, e Pecos jirinting .'55c, total 820.50 for 1891-2- : 100 v lund at Colonias Beeson, 85.(13 Gonzales, Fresguez, Felipe total II. 03 19 bd s Homero, e for 1S92, a triangular piece of river, house same land. Taxes Duran, Juan let n P Sena, P for 1891-2- : 50 v land in E Ojito bd argas, Tomas M ground on west side of main street Montoya, lleves 1.25, jienalty 31c, printing 3V, for 1892 : 53 v land bd n road, s river, w mesa, a house ut Colonias. w roud, s B Fresquez, house on for 191, one house, no descrijition. and on west side M E church on for 1891-2- : 400 v land at Hincón total 81.91 Ajiodaeu, o V Salazar, w L Sula-za- r, Taxes 1.43, jienalty 35c, printing same lund. Taxes 2.53, jienalty Taxes 1.55, jienalty 38c, jirinting west side of and adjoining the nar- Bonito, bd e L Quintana, wL San- Herrera, And ales io house isanie jilaee. Taxes 3.74, 3V. total $2.13 03o, jirinting 3V, total $3.51 .IV, total 82 22 row alley of said church property. chez, n Canoncito of Capulín s for 1892; jiersonal projierty. Taxes 93c, jirinting 3V, total Hivera, Ma Guadalujie K Fresquez, Bartolo Wright, J Medio. Taxes 1891-2- ; 50 v El Taxes 2.45, penalty Ole, printing hills of Canada del 2.08, jienalty 07c, jirinting 35c, total $5.02 for land at Pueblo for 1892-3- ; house and lot ut Las for 1891-5- : real estate. Taxes 21.74, 35c, total 83.41 5.15, jienalty 1.28, printing 35c 83.70 Duran, Máximo bd n Hivera, road, e acequia, w Vijiles mid tract of land ut. San- jienalty 0.18, jirinting 3,V, total Curaco, Ortiz total 80.7-- Lucero y Garcia, Dolores for 1892; one two-roo- house. river, one house at El Pueblo. Taxes 13.38, jienalty 831.27 guijuela. 1891-2-- 3.44, 8t5c, for 1897-8- ; improvements on gov't Montoya, Jose Damacio for 5 to "98, 40 v land in jict Taxes 1.21, jienalty 31c, jirinting Taxes jienalty jirinting 3.31, jirinting 3V, total 817.07 illiams, George H $1.05 land at Guajolotes. Taxes 17.25, for 1891-- 30 v land at Manuel 31, bd n ditch, s river, e C Marti 3.V, total $1.!HI 3V, total Garcia, Jose 1) for '88, lots 20 to 25, b 27, Mills v penalty 4.31, jirinting 35c, total its bd n ami s summit of hills, nez, w M Manzanures, a piece- of arela, Antonio Homero, Manuel 1895 to 7; a tract of land bd n Kihlberg addition. Taxes 3.18, eS for 821.91 Montova, w C Lucero. laxes land not described, 50 v land in for 1892; 12 v land bd n ditch, s J for 1892, jiersonal projierty. Taxes Sjiringn, s common rights, jienalty 87c, juiiiting 3V, total Hot Dunk in, J N 3.13, penalty 85c, jirinting 3.V Chujiaderos, jict 37, bd n P Lucero Garcia, e hills, w S Martinez, 2.01, penult v 51c, printing 3.V, house and lot bd n Simon Fres- 81.70 for 18S0; lots 15 to 19, b, and lots 1 total 81. (3 s A Baca, e arroyo, w ditchfaxes house on same. Tuxes 1.19, jien- total $2.10 quez, s public road, u Ia'oii Orte- Williamson ,v Jones to 4, 9, 10, b 10, Mills & Kihlberg 21.71, jienalty 5.42, jirinting 3V, alty 29c, printing 35c, total 81.83 Hoybal, Benigno w 3.0(5, ienalty 91c, 2, Montoya. Facundo ga, st. Taxes for '93; lots 55 to 7, b Pablo 1892-3- , add. Taxes 13.48, penalty 3.37, total $27.48 Gonzales, Dolores for 100 v lund bd n road, s jirinting 3V, total $1.92 add. Taxes 7.32, jienalty for 1892 to '98,200 viand bd n A Baca 1891-2- ; v w Gallegos, Hoybal, printing 35c, total $17.20 M w Ieyva, Florencio lor 30 lund und one house. hills, P eS Garcia, Cristena 1.83, jirinting 35c, total 89.10 Lucero, s Gallegos, e and 1.82, 4.n house on sumo Intnl. Taxen 11.94, 1(KI Ebb, Daniel hills, house on same laud. Taxes for 1894, 100 v land at Las Diegos. Taxes ienalty jirinting for 1892; v land at El Ojito bd Wells, SH XV, for ISSii: lot 2, b Fairview add imnvts at Hincón de Chima!, 320 .Tic, total $2.02 jienalty 2.98, jirinting total n D Baca, s F Sanche., two-roo- Lot on Main st and lot on Zion 10.79, jienalty 1.19, printing 3V, Taxes 7.20, penalty 1.80, printing acres at Hincón del Chiuial, Gallegos, Altugracia 815.27 house. Tuxes 3.18, jienalty 79c, hill and inijivts on same. Taxes total 21.33 35c, total 89.35 house at Los Diegos. Taxes 20.70, for 1891-2- ; 50 v land at Barranco, Hendon, Ma Vicenta jirinting 3V, total $1.32 10.5", jienalty 2 04, jirinting 35c, Montoya. Jesus Ma Finane, Wra jienalty 5.19, jirinting 35c, total Colorado bd n river, hT Hivera, e for 1892f liouse at Pueblo, 50 yds M C total 813.5(5 for 1892, 150 v land bd e and w J 1 Gordon, fur 18S0: half interest lots 23. 24, b $20.30 mesa, w river. Taxes 2.79, jienalty square, lot and grist mill. Taxes 1892; 80x.'l3 yds bd n road, Jaramillo, n and s hills. Taxes for laud Wells, William (19c, $3.83 1.70, jienalty 42, jirinting 35c, 3, Baca add. Taxes 2.18, penalty jirinting 3V, total m Gallinas river, e M Sanchez, w for "HO-'9- Lots 21 to 4, b 1, llo- 10.01, penalty 2.05, jirinting 35c Lojm'Z, Porlirio 51c, printing 35c, total$3.07 Gallegos, Pelazio totul 82.47 J M Sanchez, land bd n road, a senwald iv Co add. Taxes 17.30, total 813.01 for 1892; 29 v land in Purtecito bd First Congregational Church for 1891; 200 v land Garanbullo bd Hivera y Murtiiuz, Francisco ditch, e Gurcia, w ditch, lund bd n jienalty 4 31, jirinting 35c, total Martinez, n ditch, s L Ensinias, w H Jara UK) Lots 15, 10, b 40, Zion hill add, Francisco n L Salazar, s B Hoybal, e river, for 1894 to '98. v land bd nC road, e mill site of M G Gordon, w 822.05 ó v bd n A for 1892, jiersonal property. Taxi millo, e P Lucero, land e (5 Tuxes 4.21, penalty 1.05, jirinting w ditch, one house at El Pueblo. Hivera, sC Ulibarri, ditch, wJ P. Maes, h mill diteh, land about Williamson, W S 1.99, jienalty 49c. iriiiting 35c, Velasijuez, s D Ensinias, e P Ln 35e, total $5.01 Taxes 3.49, ienalty 87c, jirinting Martinez, house on same place miles, from bd n road to Sjirlngs, e lots 55 to 57, 1)2, Pablo Baca ad- 82.83 cero, w D Baca, house 15x25, Gallegos, F.ncarnaeeon total 3V, total $1.71 Taxes 15.19, penalty 1.51, printing J M Sanchez, s and w Gallinas dition, for years 1890-- 5 to '98. Taxes 1.19, ienalty 29c, jirinting for 1894-5-7-- 50 v land and Montoya, Antonio Gallegos, Vidal ,'tV, total $8.08 Tuxes 9.:td, jieuulty 2.34, for 47.10, 11.77, river. Taxes jienalty jirinting .'IV, total 81.83 1891-2- and residence property. Taxes for 193 to '95,02 v land, temporal for : jiroierty Hivera, Santiago jirinting 3V, total $12.05 3.V, total 859.22 7.79, penalty 1.54, jrinting 35c, bd n B Gallegos, s .1 Vigil, c Can Lucero, Encarnación Taxes 1.20, iicnally 30c, jirinting for 1894 to '!Hi, house and lot at Hernandez, Francisco A ' Weil, w 150 Ma 3.37, total 810.08 ail it del Bocio, Sapi llo river for 1892: v bd n J Homero, 3V, total $1.85 El Pueblo. Taxes for 1892; house and lot ut Los Vi- jiersonal jirojierty, for year 19(5. , Garcia, Manuel Taxes 11.71, jienalty 2.93, juiiiting e main ditch, w Pecos river, .o v G allen-os- Ma Maxima 81c, printing 3.V, total $1.50 jiles. Tuxes 1.79, jienalty 41c, .'53.17, jienalty 8.29, Taxes printing w n M m 1891-2- ; bd for 1892-- lot 2.50 feet long by 3D 35c, total 815.02 lid e creek, ditch, Lucero, for 30 v land Los Tregos Salazar, Juan jirinting 3V, total $2.58 35c, total 811.81 feet wide, bd n E Homero, w Galli Martinez, Jose Lino, A Baca, house on same. Taxes n M Hivera, s N Hhera, e mesa, w for 18SÜ, 50 v land bd n river, s J Lojiez, Tomas Wilhrow Itarsom 1.32, 35c, Hi, 1.01 ( w ditch, nas river, s Ulibarri, e E Homero. 190, 450 v land bd n Tcrre 5.30, penalty jirinting river. Tuxes 4 J jienalty al legos, e Pecos river, for 1892; 97 v land bd n common '87. 12 b 21, Mi- for for lots 9 to San 8(5.97 -.-- , Taxes 2.40, jenalty 01c, jirinting monte hill, s Canada de los Can total jirinting 3V, total $5.12 house sume laud, luxes rights, J M Martínez, w B Lojiez, guel Town Co addition. Taxes penult v 50c. printing 3V, total 35c, total 83.42 cotas, e J I) Lucero, w Sorteóos Lucero, Pablo Gallegos, Jose Encarnación I - u 72 v lund at Sapello bd n Anicilo 12.28, jienalty 3.07, jirinting 3.V, Gatehol, A P Lucero, house on same jilaci for .'0 v land bd n 1 for 1898, 200 v land bd n D G ul le $3.10 Crcspin, e.1 D LC Pacheo, house total 815.70 for 188(1; lots 7, 8, b 9, San Miguel Tuxes 1.09, ienalty print in Gonzales, s S Montano, e main gos, h river, e hill w T Homero Saluzar, Jose Dolores at Los Vijiles. Taxes 9.93, jienalty Walker, W in 1891-2- ; house Garnin Town Co add. Taxes 2.01 , jienalty 3V, total 81.71 diteh, w I Lucero, Id v land lid n bouse on wtine land and house for ono at 2.48, riuting 35c, total $12.70 '80-8- real estate. Taxes 9.90. 1.78, 41c, 50c, jirinting 35c, total 82.8(5 main ditch, s river, e S Montano, San M'iL'iiel. Tuxes 10.59. penalty bullo. Taxes jienalty LoiM'Z, Bucilio jienalty 2.47, jirinting 3V, total Ortega, Jose Patricio $2.57 Gillies, G M w T Lucero. 13 v land bd n main 2.(11, jirinting .'55c, totul $13.58 ju iiiting 3V, total for 1892; personal projierty. laxes 812.72 for 192, one house and lot in jict 188(1; 15, 10, 1) Hurtado, Bunion Sena, Luisa jirinting 3V for lot b T Homero 30. Taxes 1.19, jienalty 29c print ditch, h Lucero, e P Manza 3.3(5, penalty 81c, Young, James v 1891 3; 50 v in Pueblo add, lot 3, b 1, Fairview add and nares, w P Gonzales, 18 v land bd for 1891 to 3; 00 land ut Los Tn for to land totul $1.55 '89-'97-- 22, li 2, ing 3.V, total $13 for Lot Pablo s C bd ii D s J 'Homero, e ft of h side of lot 2. Taxes 20.03, n hill, s L Encinias, e B Vala? gos bd n J Sandoval, (arda Gallegos, Martinez, Santiago Baca add. Taxes 21.88, jienalty Ouintaiia, Lorenzo 4(5 v 32 5.00. printing .'IV, total w H Velasquez, 50 v land bd c. ditch, w river, a Hour mill am diteh, w river, land in Jict 1891 to 7; one house and lot, 0.) tienaltv 191-2- (juez, for 5.12, jirinting 3V, total 827.70 for : 400 v land at Terro n C e diteh, 825.38 n hill, s L Encinias, w i: Martinez, lot, one house and lot at Los Tn bd n J Homero, Sena, yds land ami imjivts. Taxes 411.33, Zuber, Hugo Monte, bd e by E Lucero, w In 32 bd n A Greenfield, J no e A Valasquez, a house. Taxes iros, a small house at table land w river, 00 v land jiet jienalty 12.33, printing 3V, total for '97. .Lots 25 to 8, b 39, II S T .Montoya, n lulls or I annua ue ios e w 188(5; 15 to 18, b 30 and 13, 21.70, jienalty 0.19, jirinting 3V, of San Miguel. Taxes 15.71, icn Gallegos, h H Delgado, ditch, 8H2.01 for lots 8. 2.11, jirint- s 250 v Co. Taxes lO.jicnalty Sobos, Canada de Cajiulin, . ... IA $20.0: river, in iMt 32. Taxes 14, b 20, San Miguel Town Co add loiai J' . ulty 3.93, jirinting 35c, total one house Maes, Jose Mu ing 35c, total 810.92 land Canada del Hoeio, bd c by A l.l.L'J. printing 3.V Taxes 10.07, jienalty 2.00, jirinting Lobuto, Juan nenaltv 3.30. for 18; i2; house und lot pet .33. Vigil w J Es(iiiliel,n J iuiiituna, h Manzanares, Manuel 1891-2- ; 25 v land at Pucrtccito totul 8K5.87 KHe, lM92-5t- o for Taxes 2.35, jienalty jirinting 3.v, total mri house on for 8; 80 v land bd n M PRIXINCTNoJiO. summit of hills, a laud. bd n A Chavez, s M Herrera, Sena, Cutnrlno Lucero, Iundro, Estate of Martinez, s A Sandoval, e J Hi 3V, totul $3.28 Taxes 10.71, ienalty 2.(57, printing 1895-0- , KiO . w 25 v Puertecito v lund bd n Hilarlo 1895; jirojK-rty- Taxe Aragón, Jesus river, mesa, lund for Macs, Antonio for jiersonal 3.V, 13.73 veril, w Pecos river, house on 1892, 450 total A Chavez, s F Prioste, e Lojiez, s P Jaruinlllo, river, w 33 11.41. nena tv 2.8.. printing for v land at Los Agua- same. Taxes 8.97, jienalty 2.21, bd it for 1892; 300 v land jct bd all n s e Trujillo, Humalda w mesa. Taxes 3..T.I, jienalty ditch. 50 v laud, bdn and s hills, e 12 v s total 811.01 jes, bd and hills, P Aragón, jirinting 35c, total $11. .50 river, side A and B Vijll, of the 9.1 1, for 192, 1KI v land bd e J Lucero. 35c, $1.58 Jesus Homero, w J Padlllo, Martinez y Sena, Pedro w I) Homero. Taxes jienalty Manzanares, Pablo 8(c, printing total house, house same pet. Tuxes 9.28, 35c, 811.77 wP J Garcia, n and s hills, ulso a house and lot. Tuxes 11.ÍH, 3V, for 1892, 150 acres land at Ojo del jirúiting total for 1892; 100 v land bd u E (allí Iyyliu, Francisco 2.18, jienalty 02c, juinting J house. Taxes 3.75, jienalty 93c, 1891-2- ; 125 v lund at Iais Trigos nenaltv 2.97 printing 35c, totul Medio, pet 29, bd n Canoncito Alire, Jose lomillo gos, s M Ortiz, e main ditch, w for total $3.15 jirinting 3V, total $5.03 100 land within the limits of $25.22 Piedra Lumbre, s Canoncito de for 195, 100 acres land sec 20 twji Pecos river, 30 v land bd n main aeres Mares, Jose Maria 125 v at Ino Abajo, c Lou Valles pathway and 12 Tuxes 2.87, jienalty 1.21, Trujillo. Jose Ma Lucero, w Las Vegas grant, Las Sulu.ur, Petrol for 1891; one house at El Llano s rll. ditch, h Pecos river, el) V 1892, house 1' Taxes 15.10, jK iiulty 3.77, for 1892. 28 v lund bd n Sala 1.00, penalty ( Hio Gallinas. Tuxes 93e, jienalty jirinting 3.V, total 81.43 for and lot about S Lucero, house. Tuxes 3.89, Diegos. and Impvts. Taxes 1.25, 35c, total $19.22 zar, h V Salazar, w ditch, e river, $2.35 1 23c, jirhiting 35c, total 81.51 Uelarde, Encarnación yds square. Taxes penalty nenaltv 97c. nrintinir 35c, total jirinting 40c, jirinting 3V, total 191-2- , 171 v Manueli-tas- , 31c, irinting3.V, 81.01 house on same land. Taxes 2.23, J auuel, Hoybal for land ut total $5.21 Leylta, Natividad Mejias, Juan nenaltv 55c. printing 3V, total ' for 1892, house and lot, bd n F bd ii J Jaramillo, w K Moli Trujillo, Desiderio Montano, J nan for 1891-2- : one residence house. for 1891-2- ; 18 v land und a small ami u hills, on $.1.13 1.87, ieualty Manzanares, w river, h A Torres tiva, s also a house for 1892, loll v land bd e and w P J for 1892; 83 v lund bd e J Baca, w Taxes 1.23, jienalty 30c, printing house jict 3a Taxes Taxes 8,73, ienalty Saluzar, Luciano $2.08 ? pasture. Taxes 93i same land. Garcia, u and s hills, 100 v luud, w 3V, total $1.88 K5e, priuting 35c, total common E Tn fova, h mesa, Pecos river, i 3.V, 811.20 iw'l 't im limit tul i nenaltv ZV: printing 35c, total 2.1, jirinting total bd e DValde, w J Barcia, n Cana- 10 v land bd e 11 Gallegos, w and Lobato, Teodoslo , Ivcr.e'j Duran, w E Homero, I'O'rT'i-iri,- , 81.51 Barcia, Encarnación da Hoeio, s hills. Taxes 5.27, n same, house on Hamcland. Taxes for 1891; interest In Los Diegos, acres land at. Canuda v land bd n ditch, h river, e for 1892, 250 V land terniorul. bd e jienalty 1.31, jirinting 3V, total 2.91, enalty 72c, jirinting 3V, and lot. Taxes 4.31 de Sebust iun, two miles n of La Ortega Clemente one liouse w house on w Vigil, n Jose Várela, Sulu.ur, C Aiodaca, .'53. 1892. 10. b 1. add und Pedro 85.93 total $3.1-- jienalty 1.07, printing 3V, total Vijiles, house pet Taxes 7.21, for lot Stern ' - 7.38, ienulty V Tuxes 2. 1(5, penalty- same land. Taxes the east nlde frontín h Várela. Trujillo, Juan Munucl Hivera, Jesus Ma 85.73 jieiiulty 1.81, print ing 3V, total one lot on l.Ml, ju iiiting 3V, total $9.57 Ole, inting 3V, total 83.42 1891-2- , Hailroad avenue, 18 feet front by ju for 33 v land bd n und for 08 v land ut Esteritos, $9.10 Lojiez, Hilario Luis Cusaus, Maria 11 w 32, 150 v land .'51 Sena, 120 feet deep, bd n II Talbot, s Lujan, e Canada Uoeillo. one house iet utLos 1892, residence house in J l Ortega, Sebastian n for 33 v bd n K Sena, I for 1892 to '95, 235 v land bd and (15 v (18 v for 1892, land JuanOrtego, e Arroyo Salada, Sapello rh'er, land bd n B Esteritos, more, house 4.92, ienalty 123, juinting for 1892-- 4 to 8; Ii50 acres laud bd n Taxes w F 15 v lund shills,cJ Jaramillo, w H Vigil, 32. 4.52, Sena, ditch, e Sena, w railroad track. Tases 1.02, jienalty Trujillo, h J Montoya, e Canada jict Taxes 18.10, jienalty 3V, total $0.50 Fivsqiiez, m road, e C Pudilla, L house on same land. Taxes 21.50, bd n J Sena, s J E Senil, w diteh, e 1.00, jirinting 35c, total $5.37 Hoeio, w Sapello river. Tuxes jirinting 35c, total 822.97 Ortega, s P Padilln, e foot of cres- 5.39, 35c, 1ipcz, Prudencio 22 v land bd n G Sena, nenaltv printing total 7.33, jienalty 1.83, Sandoval, A Ortiz, 20 acre Prada, Jesus Ma printing Albino 1892-3-. lot. Taxes tón, w ridge of hill, about .3D for house and F e V y Martinez, w 827 9.51 1891-2- , lot ut Puer-tis'it- Senu, Hivera C for 1803-7-; 50 v land bd n E To total for house and 2.31. printing 3." land bd n Fresquez, s road, e U.l't. isnaltv diteh, 11 v land bd H Sena, Mon w Espinosa. Matilde bd n m road, bd n fova. h L Baca, e mesa, river Trujillo, Benigno hills, National $1191 Padilla, w L Ortega, lot It 1891-- WO total river, w diteh, house on for viand at Man ind- n Garcia, w Do Slsncro Taxe tuno, e and lot, Tuxes 0.01, penalty 1.05, jirinting for 1897, II aeres agricultural lund J Lucero, Peregrina Archuleta, also house bd e Jose Espinosa, w Facun- 3V, same land. Taxes 3.53, jHnalty 35c, $8,(11 ita, re 1.85, penalty 40c, jirinting 23.58, 5.89, irintlug total jict 3d, 38 acres jia-tu- laud and 1893-4- , 83 v land at El Pueblo, TaxcH penalty do Montoya, n hill, s summit of for 88c, printing 3V, total $1.7ti Priscal, Frank a house. Taxes 5.58, jienalty 1.39, total $2.00 e mesa, w 3V, total $29.82 7.35, bd n THivcra, s F Sena, 18W-88.9- and one house. Taxes Ignacio 3 blk 4, hill, .'5.5c, Tupia. Juan D Salazar, Jose for yearn lot ii iuliiig total 87.32 .1 E Vigil, 00 v land, bd n J Vigil, Padilla, Marcelino 1897-8- , 31, 1.0 n 1891-2- t 9.57, jienalty 13, juinting 3V, total for 50 v lund, rt for ; 40 v laud is-- 32 bd n Baca addition. Taxes w ditch. Taxi's 1891-2- ; .V) v lund at Sanguijue- Valdez, Dolores p road, s and e F Helia, w for 2.39, 89.51 H Salazar, h river, wD diteh, and e C Ajiodaca, J w jiciialty jirinting av. total 1891-2- , 10 v 7.47, jienalty 1.8(5, printing 3V, la bd u F A Maiiz.inarc, ami for land at Cauoncita 51 v bd n J Homero, 15 32 bd n ditch, 112.31 Gallegos. Juan Pedro, land, A naya, v lund ct jH'iialty jict 30, bd e B al leg' s, w A Mon total 9.(18 M Padilla. Taxes 2.79, '91, 1(0 land und s J Duran, o Montoya, w V Sala- e J Anaya, w S Salazar, hills Pierce, N li for 192 to acres (59c, jirinting 3V, total $3.8,1 tova, n hills, summit of hill, and und bd n, and o G Montano, Qulrino Taxes 3.43, jienalty 1891-9- real Improvements, also .'Ml v land bdn zar, house lot ouo house. for estate. Taxes jilio-e- . 5.7(5, 1892, 40 v bd n ditch, s house on same Taxes w It for land $1.03 Polaco, Candido 2.20, jirinting muí s hills, e I) Herrera, w S Mar- Duran, Gallegos. Taxes 8V, jirinting 3V, total 10.05, jienalty 3V. lienaltv 1.41. iiriutiug 3"n', total Pccom river, w C Sena, e K Galle- for 1892; 80 acres land bd n G Ta- Taxes 10.85, jMii.ilty 1.21, 3.28, H'iialty 82c, jirinting 3.V, Sal azur, Benigno total 12.0 tin. $7.55 gos, house on same land. Taxes e Pecos creek, w Mora road $21.41 total 8115 for 1891 to 051 v land on the foya, Husscll, B Hice ju inting 3V, total irlnting 3.V, '9, y Vigil, Trujillo, Ana Ma 1.8 1, penalty 45c, house saine land. Taxes 1.00, len-alt- for 1892, jhtsoiiuI irojerty. Tuxes Garcia. Pei'ro Bunion Fragua diteh, Garambullo diteh 1897, Mo v 1891-2- , 50 v land in jiet 31, bd n total $2.05 41c, printing aV, total $2.12 2.08, penalty 52c, jirinting 3V, total for 192, (50 v land.hd n it ml s hills, for land at Mamielitas for and at' Suluar. Taxes 12.11, l w M f ( M ApoOaea, n N Salazar, e ditch, Ortiz, Cerifico 82.95 o B Gallegos, w Jesus Vigil. Taxes bd e iver, jojiez, n 'lichilla. jieuulty 3.02, jirinting 3V, total 1892, no A Vigil. Taxes 2.73, w Taxes 2.72, jienalty 08e, for house on a ranch, Both, P 2.57, jienaltj 0c, printing 3V, jieuulty 0i river. $15.18 Continued to Pnc l'2. 83.7'j lilting 3V, total 83.75 lioiindarleit and 25 yd improved. for 192, personal projierty. Taxes total $3.5(5 jirinting total jd 3 (5, b 4, T Antonio an I w I (onzalen, one house In jnnalty 1.30, printing .'55c, total Várela, Victoriano 200.04, jH'nalty 05.23, jirinting aV, add, lots to Fairview Flores, EL INDEPENDIENTE, Lan Muían. Taxes 2.2, penalty for 1801-2- ; 300 v land at Canada Uital 8320.52 Co add, hits 0 to lo, b .'!', San Mi- for 1801 to '08, 400 v la id in Pa- 5, b bd 11 by 11 Zamuro, s A .Vle, prliitiiijí av, total 3.17 Montoya de Lujan, Juliana del ItiM'io bd e l! Alivrs, w bordo Teitleliauni, Adolph guel Tow n Co add, lots 0, A, jarito, N w 175 v 7, 25( ; lots 1, 2, lots 30 to Archuleta, e hill, river, Salaxar & Baca, Publishers. Sanehcz, Florencio for 1800-- v land, I d n road, s of hill, n road, s hill, one house. for 1801 all that jiart lying e of subdivision of land in La Baca, bd A (Jalle-go- s, for 1HV1 to '113, a tract of land pet Porfirio Sanchez, e tha hill, w hill, Taxes7.72, jienalty 1.03, printing lot 21, b 2, at corner of 7th and 32, b 3, Ortega add. Tuxes 2258, nJ .'55c, s S e w 23. bd n La Cueva, a ditch, e rito.w 114 v land at Peñasco Blanco, IkI n av, total 10.00 Jackson ots and (rand ave, L V T jienalty 5t.47, printing total Casaus, ditch, hill, SUPPLEMENT. 250 v land in 34, one house in ditch, onehonne atlxia HitonTaxea hill, h Lawring, e F Sanch z, w Vijil, Vicente S Co add, lot 1, b 1, K Las egas Í2S2.70 jct 1801-2- ; 31. Taxes 125.03, penalty lO.lió, Hnalty 2.0(1, prntiin a"e, Terromote hllls.and Improvements. for 305 v land (anada del T Co add, lot 1, b 1, E Ii V Hosen- - Veeder & Veeder pet Continued from Page II. 157.38 total 113.00 Taxes 11.00, penalty 2.70, printing Bocio bd e J Vljil, w watering wald's add, lots 1,2, b 48, T Ho- for 1804 to 8; lot 5, b 1, Las Vegas 31.40, jirinting 3.V, total Venavides, Natividad av, total Í11.17 jdaee, n and a hills, one house. mero add, lots 18, 10, b 18, ; L V Town Co add, lots 22 to 27, Lucen Hurtado, Bcngino y Manuel owe C Martinez, J 11 1802 to 4: about 1,000 yds land for 1S91-- 2, 200 v land bd n hill, a Montoya, Jose Taxes 7.28, jwnalty 1.82, printing Buena Vista add, lots to 10, b add, a jiiece of land lying at the for for 1894 to (i; 150 v land bd n F s K Pecos river, e (5 Henavides, w F for 1802, 2i"i v land, bd n I) l'rea-- l aV, total 0.45 75, E L V T Homero add, lots 24, Intersection of Blanchard and bd u Pablo Tapia, (Juerrera. Martinez, s F Padilla, e ridge, w w 50.75, jienalty Hcnaviih'H, house In Kl (Juzano. que., h IiLojmz, e S Wallace, v J 25, b 100, T Homero add, lots 31, I'llbarrl sts. Taxes 122.85, penalty mesa, Seja. 'Faxes Gallinas river, house amo laud. 11.03, jirinting 3.V, $75.03 Tax!s 3.a3, penalty 8Hc, printing Lucero, one house. Taxes 4.3", AMOUNTS OYIR $25.00. 32, b 1, K I- - V T Homero add, lot 4, 30.71, jirinting 35c, total 153.01 total Taxes 11.(54, penalty 2.91, printing aV. total 4.7(l jienalty 1.00, printing 2'k:, total b 2, K LV T Homero add, lots 1, 3, Wright, Joseph Hlveru, Arito Abad 14.00 10,-- .IV, totiil , PRfOINCT NO. 29 18S3-:i- 2 '00, v 11 Venavedi-z- Fermín ' 65.80 4 to 10, 25 to 27, b 10, K L V T Ho for 1S02, lots 10 to 21, b 5, Blan- for to land bd Padilla, Filar t V. s Isabel Baca, e Pe- to 'Ul-f- i, 100 v land, jx-- Maes, Nicanor mero add, lots 20 to 23, b 12, L chard it Co addition. Taxes 27.43, B Jarainillo, Ml) n forlHOl Adams, F for 1892; aeren land bd P 0.85, cos river, w ditch, 15 v land bd n 31, Kl bd n A Venavide., for 1802, 170 v land at Canada del for 1880 to 8; 4 to 11, b 4, ld VT Homero add, lot 14. b 0, K L I'enalty printing 35c, total Sanchez, e J Homero, a A Marti- (uzano, lots s 31.03 V ltcndou, s C Sena e Pecos river, hFOi Ií., e Pcm-o- river, w river, Terromote, bd e and w A Barras, & Co add.' Taxes 103.74. V T Homero add, lots 25, 20, b 3, nez., w 8 Hornero. Taxes 1.80, F.1 X w ditch. 'Faxes 31.83, jienalty 8.70, two phrees land, m134, (uza- n t Sandoval, s old road to Mora. jienalty 48.43, jirinting aV , total lots 1, 2. b 5, Pablo Ba.ui add, lots Whnber, F ltna)ty 47e, printing3V, total 2.71 13.88 no, bd ii hills of Hlo de la Haca, a Taxes 2.38, penalty C2c, jirinting 212.52 10 to 21, 30 building lots 24a, Zion for 1805 to 7: lots 10 to 12, b 0, T jirinting 3V, total Padilla, Faustin 1st mesa, e Henavides, w P.enavide., S5e, total 13.15 Buck, A P hill KL V, lots 7,8, 10, b 3, Fair- - Homero add. Taxcs07. il!, jienalty Hivera, Jesus Ma, for 1803: 100 aeren land at La 88-0- 40 v an orchard at Cinzano, one house Maestos, Pablo for 1800 to 8; lots 17, 18, I. L V T view Town Co K L V, lots 3 to 0, b 10.30 printing 35c, total 881.17 for to land at Monia bd n 1' Padilla. ('Padilla, I) s M at LI (uzano. Taxes, for 1801 to 4; 400 v laud at Canada Co add. 205).G2, jienalty 2, Fairv'u'W Town Co K L V, lots 0 Wiley, Chas Fragua, bd n Sandoval, J w 30 v land at Taxes e and gov't land. '05-0- 18 e w 50 v jH tialty 3.U, printing 3V, total Hiea bd e and w summit of bill, n 52.48, jirinting 35c, 202.37 to 10, b 33, 1'! L V S M T Co add, for to lots to 24 Hivera, ditch, river, land, Laa Vijiicbd n ditch, a river, e total 17.41 road, s A mole hill. Taxes 20.48, lots 5, 0, subdivision of 12, K L V, inc, b 38, Hill Site addition. Taxes bd n Luciano, s D Sandoval, e riv- S Ortega, w M ( name Coleman, Mrs Fannie arela, house 30 v 11 White, H V jMnalty 5.12, jirinting 3V, total 1805; 31, 32, b 24a, San b A Hosenwald add, lots 30 to 32, 300.8, penalty 07.70, jirinting 35c, er, w mesa, land bd P Sena, land. Taxes ..27, jH:nalty 1.T.1, for lots for property .Taxes Í25.05 Miguel Town Co add. Taxes b 3, K L V Ortega add. Taxes total 88.S0 s Luciano, house at Kl Pueblo, printing .Te, totul 811.03 3.43, jienalty KV, printing aV, Martinez, Toman 188.10, jienalty 47.04, jirinting .'15c, Walker, Louis Tuxes 11.42. jier.alty Kl.lo.jirintlng Homero, Nazario 30.11, jienalty 7.53, jirinting .IV, total 14.(53 for 1801-2- : 300 v land lit Canada total 235.58 for '03-- personal property. Taxes 35c, total 850.87 for 1802 to 7: house and lot ld n total m.') de ( 'orrales bd e A Vijil, w K Adoljih 134.02, iienaity 3,1.50, jirinting 35c, rtado, Benigno e w Los Cochran, Mrs A Tietlebaum, IMd & Mills, a F Padilla, nt, precinct" 100 n as Juan (arela, n hill, one bouse 1805; 21 20, b B, Baca All that jiarcel of land lying west total 107.87 for 1805 to 'OS, acres land bd A T & S F 11 II. Taxes I08, for lots to P place. Taxes 3.01, penalty 32, b Wooster, HS K (Herrero, Plo Tajiia, e mesa, 1.52, 7.05 Aramia, Antonio same add, a jiiece of land bd s Main st, of lot ., extending lo the east piinline 3V, total '07-- (i!) 'Fri- 1S!2, HiO acres land bd n A 08c, printing 3V, total 5,27 w & n the right of way owned by for Lots 27, 8, b 17, Lopez w Chimal, v land at Los Sanche., Zenobia for Browne Manzanares Co, line of s H eCanoneito Maestos, Celzo HO11 1 H H, add. Taxes 57.30, penalty 12.84, ges, bd 11 Julian Sandoval, s creek 1K12; 7 le Sandoval, (arela, and e alley. Taxes 30.34, penalty H on the lot Ljirings for acres land Canada 75 v Mora, w Herrera, house for 1801-2- : 200 v land at Canada de :!8.37 bd h bv the line of Tilden , printing 35c, total (4.58 e ditch, w Pe;;os river, more Tlo Sebastian, 3 mile of Hot de Jesus 7.58, jirinting .'.V, total north on same, Taxea ).'', penalty 1. "A los Ixibon bi e bill, w liill, n nuil s Neil n by the line of alley, w by Wiley, C W in same jilace, a threo-roo- house. Springs, 50 v bd i), .plaza de Ion Caigan, south 1 4.17, inga'Ki, t?7." M house on same land. 1880-8-- 3 0, 7, 18 Hot H for. Lots 18 to 21, b 38 Taxes 50.71, penalty iriitin? Kl print total Sandoval, for lots to h lots tlit'east line of the Springs Vijiles at Ojito, log house at 2IX) Taxes 3.31, jienalty H.'ic, jirinting I 7 11, H of land 0 of tin Hill Site add, v land running 35c, total 71.23 Loa Vijilen. Tuxea 1.11, penally fjedoiix, Holxirt to 22, h 8, lots to b Marti- right wav. the for 1H1I3 to 100 v land bd n F aV, total $1.52 Jk 17, 1, une'lvided i Interest in the follow e of Mora road along s line of Mi 20v, print liig.av, total 1.83 '!, nez Fort add, lot b Lope., PRtCINCT NO. 33. J do n I) Homero, c road, w Martine., Niizarlo A 7, b ing rn'opei'tv: n of sw and tin tifien h s une 10 arroyo l eeiw, a Tafoya, (eorge if tix, Sulzbaeher Stern add, lot (rizelachowski, Alex river. Taxen 11.82, penalty 3.70, for 1801.2; (Kl v land at Canada de 1, Lopez, & add. sw of the se sec 1. se of se 1 jiiece of land adjoin ing M albeughes for 1802; W v land lion (allinas bd Sulzbaeher Stern i i for 1803 to 8; 2,800 acres land in printing 33c, total tlH.87 los Lobos bd e H Lucero, w and n 12.52, n i of sw w i "of se J see 2, n 1 of iV Bruce on w, being 80 acres. n M Baca, earn! w nuiiinilt of hilln, Taxes 50.08, jienalty printing i Sanguijuela grant and 200 acres Sandoval, Juan ( Mwstos, s hill. Taxes 1 4.(10, 02.05 se sec 4, se and n of sw set jiersoual jirojierty. Taxes 177.70, bonne and lot Loa Vijilen bd n Z IV, total i i i in Las Vegas grant, one house for 18!H to '04. 50 v land at Las jienalty 3.IÍ0, jirinting .'!5c, total 3, 1 4, se of 4 st penalty 41.44. jirinting 35c, total a F w A Chad wick, Samuel e of sel see i m Sanche, Padilla, Ortega, 222.55 , and one lot and house. Taxes (allinas, bd u (í (arela, scommon if 18.07 1800, lots 27, 28, b 4, ion Hill see 1, all this projierty in twji 4 11, other lots at lis (allinas. Taxes for 705. 5!i, penalty 170.30, printing aV, samo, w Hume, one bonne Marcs, Juan de Mala 21 e of n 111 s i sw Walscn ,t 'Famine 1.02, 4ne, 3V, rights, e addition, 3210, one lot bottom of of r meridian, 8,82.33 penalty printing 1 total 1801-2- 4 1801, 2, and lot at Las (allinas, bd n J for : 300 v land at Canada tic Main street, F.ast Las Vegas, bd n sec 5, s i of se 4 s tif sw for lots and b 7, Las total 2.75 Maes, Manuel s square of town, c los bd e L Flores, w II !, nw 4 ne sec. 7, twp 1 Vegas Town couipanv. Taxes Trujillo, Juan M Jarainilla, corrales Main street, south and west lot 23, b sec of -l to 8; pió acres land road, w Montoya. Taxes 19.H0, Lujan, ii and s hill, one log house. c, containing 874 105.N0, jienalty 20.45, jirinting 35c, for for 1805: (m v land bd u and w 0, numero addition, e a triangle. n, r2l 4.IH1, printing av, total Taxes 4.71, penalty 1.18, jirinting ennveyed leaving inter- total 132.00 one section of land at canon del Juliana Motitoya, u and a 33 penalty Taxes 38.C7, jienalty 0.0(5, jirinting Interest Ste-phe- agua, house on same, one lot jict 925.17 av, total $0.27 in of n Wiley, C land, e and w I Union Lujan, and aV, tot al Í18.0H est undivided interest 4 for I8v(i-s.'0- 3 to 5: 33. Taxes 118.41, jienalty 20.01, We, Sandoval, Adolfo Padilla, Maximiano Fink, Calvin Fuller, valve 00.00, lots' to real estate w river. Taxes !.!!, penalty jirinting 3.V, total 148.40 1801 '111, MO acres land La 1802, 100 v n 18S(;-0-'!K- 0, 17, V V f; laxes .Í8.1.10, jienalty 0.1.70, jirint jirinting 3 V, total 2.83 for to at for moro or less, bd for lots 20 to28, b27 and b L Mills Chaiunan 10.70, s w ing ac, total 170.33 Vijil, Mariano Jarlta, one house. Taxes Caiiotieito, loma, iuesa,(.' jioinl lots 25 to 28, b San Miguel Town add. Printing 3.V. nUCINCT NO. 34. iM'tialty 2.IÜI, iiitntltig a';e, total where two join, a bouse Young, Pat for 1800; lit) v temporal land and canudas Co add, lots 23, 21, b 34, Hill Site Tietlebaum, Adolph Aragón, Teodoro (H3.HO Taxes 8.82, iienalty 2.2i, 1805: 2 to 4, 7 0. b 5(1, tor 0 1 Aits 28. 20, I 2, Ortega VA) v irrigated land. Taxes 7.08, jirinting add, jiersoual jiroperty. Taxes , for lots to for 1802 to '08, 311 yards at Hio de Schoonuiaker, H 11 aV, total f 1.37 Vista add, lots 18, lo, 1, 48. add. 'Faxes 47.05, penalty 11.70 jienalty 1.W, printing 3V, total 107.73, penalty 101.03, jirinting av, Buena la Baca, bd 11 Seferino Flores, w 1801, improvements on govern- y 10, 40, jirinting 35c, total 50.1(1 110.32 for Padilla (Jarcia, Santiago total 510.01 Buena Vista add, lot b loma, s river, e A Casaus, and ment land, precinct Xt. Taxes for 1MII-2- : 150 v land Vista add, lot 17, b 2, Pab- Vljil, Agajilto cañada (al legos, Albino B Buena PRLCINCT No. :J0 house. 'Faxes 30.01, jienalty 0.15, (1.31, penalty l.")7,prlnting aV, total los Lobos bd e hills, w S Lojiez, ll 1805; lo lots 1,2, b 5, 1801 5.7-- 8; for 3 acres land at Los Ala Baca add, Pablo 40.11 for to 30 v land bd Diibiiijue Co printing 3V, total ÍÜ.23 N Martinez, s F Sandoval, house add, lots 1, 2, 1 1 to 10, 20 to Cattle ditch, h river, w road, e F Vljil, 50 inns. Taxes 51.88, jienalty 13.72, Baca Flores. Alejo for 18SS, jii v . sanui land. Taxes 2.50, jienalty 20, 31,32, b 1, Homero add, lots I, jiersonal Djitit 'Faxes v land crestón, one house In jirinting 35, total (8.05 for 1S05 to 08, 1,000 v hind bd 11 near NO. 551. 10, l.'!8.ii(l, .Tm-- , PRCINCT 36 (lie, 13.58 3 10, 10, 30 jn nalty printing M.t 33, printing av, total (ntierrez, (uadaluie to b Homero add, lots N w cue flour mill, ono atable, total. 003.35 hills, s Martin, e river, hill, a Padilla, Ma (regorio for ls,H; 320 acres land at Augna to 32, b 3, Ortega add. lots 1, 4, 5, Taxes ld.ól, penalty 4.12, printing AjNxlaca, Ma (nadaluw (iallegos, Kmiterio ,: house and lot at Kl Cabello, jictül. for 1801-2- ; 150 v land cunada !i 0, b 32, Miguel Town Co, lots Bros total 20.08 for 1SD1-2- ; 200 v land Canada de Verdi', ranch known as the Andres San Taxes 5O.(i0,ienalty 12.07, jirinting cornil) s bd e w A 10, b 33, jiersoual jirojierty. 'Faxes 100.45, los bd w M los Sandoval, Carena ranch. Taxes 31.00, pctr 0 to San Miguel Town Co, .Tic, 03,71 Corales a J (arela, jienalty 42.30, jirinting 35c, total PRICINCT NO. 34. Vljil, n wall, s summit of bill, one 7.75, .'IV, 30.10 lot 13, b 31, San Miguel Town Co, total (arria, n and a hill, one. log house. ally jirinting total ' 212.10 Marl inez, Neeolas housi sanie jilace. Taxes 2.10, Hurt, M S kit 7, b A, Hosenwald add, lot 3, 1801 .500 Aragón, Dtniacino Taxes 3.21, penalty 80c, printing Conzales de for to '08, v laud at La IH'iialty 52c, jirinting av, total b 10, Vegas Co, 10, Pacheco, Simona 14.3(1 1802 to '01, jiersoual Las Town lot 11 1801-2- , 25 v bd by land of aV, total for jiroierly 1801 Baca, jict 34, bd and s hills, e H for land M to '07,ersonal projierty.Taxes Í2.07 Taxes 1 l.'l.20,penalty .'15.80, printing b 30, San iguel Town Co mid, w 100 Teodoro one-roo- house. A bey ta, Jose Dolores 45.0.8, Flores, S (arela, aeres land Araron, 3, jienalty 11.10, jirinting 3.V, 230 v Padilla, Miguel Antonio total 170.35 lot 10, b Fairview Town Co add, Kl Taxes 1.41, jnnalty .TV, printing for 1M2; land at cañada le .V, total 57'.'iW at Kusinoso, jict 31, one house for 1801; 2011 v land Koeiada bd w lots 3, 4, Fairview Town Co add. 3.V, total 2.11 Iíím ío bd w and n hills, e J Várela, Holland, Thomas Martinez, at La Baca. Taxes '38.07 Hamlrcs, n Mora 2, b 1, Luciano Vljil. 11.07, J boundary of for 18S0 to 'SKI; lots 1, 2, b 20, San lot Fairview Town Co add, jienalty 1.51, ..Tic, Araron, Juan A miren wJM Taxes iwnalty for 1801 to '08; .'(o y land at ju inting total grant, s Tecolote river, e J H Du- Miguel Town add. Tuxes 53.77, lots 4, 5, b, Homero add, lots 0 to 17.03' for 102 to '07, 2nn v land n 2.30, printing 3.V, total Í12.71 Ci bd ll 100 v w .V Har-rol- d Canoncito, i J (iallegos, s.f Haros, ran, land at Koeladn bd penalty 13,41, jirinting .'IV, total 10, 25 to 32, b 0, Kaynolds Ortiz, main ditch, n Hlo la Haca, e road, Agapito 11 w Trinidad Sanchez, n H river, 8 to 1(5, 21, 32, Ii 10, I'anderies, and sin it of hills, J Marline., h . add, lots 180-01- 1 w J (oiualcM. Taxes 11,70, for 1801 2: 3Hl v land at Term 07.50 a house for to 'OS, S7 v land at e .1 H Martin. Tuxes 5.00. Haynolds & add, 7 on same land. Taxes jionalty Mrs A M lliurolds lots (1111110, 11 nnalty 3.07, printing 3V, total inote bd e summit of hill, w road, Hart, 57.48, 11.37, bd F Bciiavldes, S A 17 ,V penalty jirinting 3V, 1.40, jirinting 35c, total 7.83 1 802 '!U, 7, I 0, 10 10, to 32, b 11, Haynolds FN) 18.72 n N Maes, h A Luc.iro, a house. for to lot Homual 72.20 Vcimvidrs, w Pecos river, v 7 10, b 12. total 3.1.1, (.in lut ana, Juiiu do Baca addition. Taxes 38.50, HaiTolds add, lots to land bd n C s Amgon, Jose Miguel Taxes 12.'2, (K iialty printing Montoya, Julianita de Sanchez Hoiviil. Pecos river, for 1801-2- ; 500 v land bd e Agustu-ra- , Havnolds ,V Harrolds add, lot 17 (ion-rule- r, av, ÍK1.00 jienalty 0.04, printing 35c, total u lomas, a jiiece of html bd n lo for 1802, I. v l n I) total 1803 v 11 lundb 1,. & for to '05, 200 land bd and w summit of hill, n T Martin, 18,15 b Haynolds Harrold's add, mas, s w v w Francisco, H(idart s w river, Benavides, house J (onalcs, loma, 1 hills, e Lomo, T Sanche., h J Kiuibrl, one house jdaiv, lots to 17, b 2, Haynolds Har- twii-rooi- 73 V saine on same river, n house. Taxen for 1801; laud Peñasco Illan- licyba, Francisco house on loo v laud, another at Fultoh Tnxci 13.iiii, jienalty 3.41, jirinting rolds add, lot 25, b 10, T Homero same land, land iet A M Ho-il.- ii 1803-5- : 1(H) v Los Da switch. Taxes 42.00 :V13, jictialty CV, printing 3V, total co bd n J Hodarte, a J for land at 30, bd n s railroad 3.V, total 17.42 add, lots 21 to 23, b 12, T Homero road, B Trujillo, e and 3.03 te, e and w hill. Taxes 4.11, gos, two houses on same land, 320 w jienalty 10.07, jii luting 3V, total 13, 17 to 10, b 1, hills, house on same land, 100 v 1.02, totJil Hodarte, Antonio land Kl ('Initial, house at add, lot T Home- 53.71 Haca, Iluli na penalty printing 3V, acres at pet 30. l,d 11 M Lu- 1801; 175 v Blan- add, 7, 8, Ii 3, J Trujillo, s It H for land Paliase ro lots Fairview add, 1801 'H3, ty. ". Las Vegas. Taxes 30.80, penalty w Sena. Jose D, etat? of, for to jnrsnnal jiiojhi 4, jan, e and hills. 'Faxes (8.J3, e and w summit of n 1' Bo- lots 5, 0, b Fairview add, lots 12 1 1 Jose llomingo co hill, 0.07, printing 35c, total 50.21 for I.8.1 tti '!)8, hind in 1 (uzano Taxen 12.11, penalty 3.23, printing Fresipie., jienalty 17.03, print in jf il n pen- 11, Miguel 35c, total lHOl-2- art a, same. Tuxes 1.25, to b31, San Co add, 31. for ; 2iK) v land atTcrromote, Levy, Alex 85.53 jireeiiict Tax is 80. 01, jienalty 3V, total tltv.2 1.01 2, 0, 10, ally 31e, jirinting 3V, total 10, 20. b 20, Mi- - lots 27, b T Homero add, 21.05, .'15c, 108.01 Benavldc-i- . Juan bil e J Moutoyti, w K Lucero, n foi' 1802, lots San Owens Co jirinting total Haiulres, Jose F, lot 20, 1, 12, T Homero ad.l, lot 11, Cattle 1802-0- , 1 I) Lucero, one log house. l'ih'I Town Co addition. Taxes for 13 y bind bd n river, n hill, J for property-Taxe- 1807-- Ho-cili- 11 0, T add, lots 10, b PRICIVCT No. H.iil, 1.02, for laud at Canada del 34.85, 8.71, av, Homero 20, 33 F Ht iiavidfH, e main ditch, w Pec on Taxes penalty printing jienalty jirinting 407.70, 121.12, printing .'15c, 11 21, .'10 jienalty ( 8,48 bd n A Vigil, s Cuchilla, e 13.01 building lots Zion hill add. 'bene, Leopoldo river, a two-roo- house. Tax cm aV, total total total 022.17 Lucero, w A Vigil, html at Terre-liiot- Taxes 305.52, penalty 70.38, print- os, 320 10.93, 2.73, .'IV, Flol'i's, F.llgellio Martinez, Virginia acres land and penalty printing 382.25 (Juiiitana. Juan 18111-2:20- bd n road, s P Doiniinjucz, e ing aV, total improvements, bd n M B for 0 v land le for 1802. (51J acres land under ditch Hoybah.s añada for 500 v 11 w Cuchilla, Tietlebaum, Adolph land bd H Mar- los bd e M w J do P.Miiestas, bouse on and land, bd n II (nú Ortega, e A Sandoval, w summit Knninian, Pablo corralen (arela, jiasture tinez, s L (.luintana, e A w land at Cunada de Bis-io- . Taxes for 1802: lots 12 to 10, 21 to 20, 32, 'igil, of hill. Taxes 358.00, jienalty 80.74 18.11-2- , M w and s hill, log zales, n and river, e river, w or real and jnTsonal pro-Hit- Mares, on road Canada de los 150 0.01, penalty 1.72, jirinting .IV, 33, 1. 1, T Homero add, lot 4. b2,T Ornos, viand jirinting 35c, total ,110.08 Taxes, penally 1.02. house Taxes 5.22, js'iialty 1.30, road to Homervlllo, 20 acres land at Canon tie total 8.08 Homero add, lots 1,3 to 10, 23 to las Mauuitas, bd e A liCroux, Louis total 13. 4." printing .'IV, total ÍÜ.87 about two miles south of Las Ve w printing aV, 27, b 10, T Homero add, Vigil, J Vigil, s Cuchilla de Hamon Sanche., Pedro gas, lot 12, b 14, L Lojhz, Zion east side for 1801 to '05, (0 acres land, lo( Floren, Sevci ino (arela, Tecolotenos, 11 Cuchilla 1802, 5'HI v Canada, of H H track, lots 20 23, b 12, T del Hio, v Ir- , lsiil-2- : 4Ki v for land de los Kant 11, b 11 to land and one house, 20 acres for 1801-2- 150 v land at La Vara, for land al anuda Hill to LasVegas, lot one house le los (li bil u w H I. Hir- Homero add, lot I. b I, Las Vegas Canada nos, Atn-h- bd w n Padil-In- , Lobos, and hills, e I, to rigated land, 30 acres teniioral bd n l iver, m Mil", e ditch, w IiíIIn, e hill, hill, S liOiez,y.ionllill F.LV.houseand house Canon de s (i Maeslas, 100 v lam! at Town Co add, lot 1, Hosenwald Las Manuelitas. land, llO 4.80, pen-all- y er, 40.07, 10.01, bl, acres pasture land. 'Faxes pi) v Ian I al La Vaca, bd k and n s J Padilla. Taxes lotTaxes jienalty print'g Taxes 25.25, jienalty 0,31, Maiiticlitas, luí e A Lucero, w blue add, lots 1. 2, b 1, T Homero add, jirinting 112.05, jienalty 28.01, w I'm v land 1.22, printing aV, total .47 .'IV, total 50.13 printing av, La Vara river, hill, l8, 10, b 48, aV, total 31.01 rock, ii loma, s river. Taxes I lots Buena Vista add, total 110.11 at La Vuca, bd n hill, h llio le la (arela, Margarita Montezuma Lodge OOF, No 4 Tens Ier, 13.(55, 25, 20, b 3, Pablo Ixinis ; v penally 3.11, prhiling aV, 180), II lots Buco add, Ortega, Bclisandro Jcmim Munjuez, w for 2i0 land at Canada le for lot bd, F.ast Las Vegas, 'PI-7-- Yaca, e Hlo de .'Hi for P02 to jiersoual total 117.41 lots 10, 20, 21, b 21, or building jiro- for 1S02 to '08, Mil acres land at La Ha'H, one boiue In La Vaca. Ion corralen bd e L Apodaca, w K Jaffa's suIhIIvísíoii, T V T Co 71.17, la add, 7, 8, 10, b 3, jierty. 'Faxes jn nalty 17.8i, n Sanchez, Fruiieisco lots Zion hill lots Junta, bd n LChene, s J Padilla, e M iiaity Flores, n and summit of hill. addition and Improvements. Taxes Taxi it.W, l.Jli, pi Intlntr ( jirinting 35c,- total 80.08 for 1802-3- , .Mt v laud, bd u summit Fairview T 'o add, lots 3 to 0, b 4, A Sandoval, w Tom Wallace, and 3V, total I7.H3 Taxen 3.32, M'iialty 83,', printing 52.1X1, penalty 13.22, printing 3V, Vigil, Antonio f e A w Fairview T Co add, lots Oto lo, h Jose av, total H.V) hills, de Sanchez, h hills, total 150.47 a house. Taxes 30.31, jn nalty Ti Inlla4 for 1803 to '08, .500 v laud bd 11 rioii. A Sanchez, and a house. Taxes 32, San Miguel Town Co add, sub- H 0.8.3, 35c, 10.52 lWil-2- , Merri'ia, printing total for fen v land at La Maca, Juanita Martinez, Benigno, F.state of Vigil, Valdez, e w 2.1 1. division of lots 1, 2, 5, (i, b A, cF and hills. 00 v land 8.58, penalty printing 18o.ito5; 241.70, San Padilla, Nejiomiiseno ltd 11 river, k nr.Mjula. K Flore, for l!2. at Peñasco for real est ate. Taxes 'Faxes 53.(17, jienalty 13.41. 11.07 Migiu'l Town Co add, lots 30 lo 32, for 1801 to '07, 17(1 v land bd n hill w A Caati. Tun'H 1.12, X'iiu1ty Illanco, bd n A Herrera, A Ho- jienalty 00.41, printing .'IV, total 3.V, total 07.13 Sandoval, Tírelo b 3, Ortega add, lots 30 to .'12, b 3. if Canada del Medio, n Trujen, e 4Hc, printing X"c, total 12.7 llarte, e hill, w road. Taxes 2.45, 302.5.8 Vigil, liemigio tie, 100 3, een M'iially 01c, ,1V, for 102, v hind al Canada los Ortega add near Holler mill, lot saine, w Padilla, 200 v bind f "oincaleN, Toma priming total Prlilemorc, John for HOI '08, ,TKI v to land at Can- t Iiobos, bd n and s hills, e II Ai bp, Las Vegas Town Co add. los ritos, jN-- .35, bd 'urlHül-2- , boiiM-a- l 3.ll for 1801, ranch and hnjivts, Taxes e hills, 'i1' La Va'a. 110.08, oncito ile e A Vigil, w J Sandoval. Tuves l.WI, Taxes jn nalty 38.10, printing w road, 11 and n Toe, Amistarlo 12.10, jH iialty 10.51, printing 3.V, Trújetele, one Taxe2.3l, pnalty pilutini,' lleri'irt. w A Vigil, 11 and s point penalty 47e, iriiiling 3.V, total :iV, total 188. k.i of hill, a house. 'Faxes 51.81, 12.05, av, .'1.23 for lHH2,5n v land bd ii A Siha, s total 53.08 jienalty total Teitleliauni, house on same land. 'Faxes 00.3s, p 2.71 Adolph jirinting 3V, .totul 05. H F Herrera, w road, Taxen W V 1 ('arela, Pedro hill. Hawlins. 1801: in penally 5.1 10, priming ,3V, Sanchez, Toribio for interest loH ncren land total Francisco A for l"'!-:'- , one honor al m Vara. 2.1m, iH'iialty iMie, printing .TV, total for 1801, a ranch in jn t No 11, 75.82 1so;i 5,1 with improvements on the mesa e l.i.iMi for to '05, v land, bd u A n for 1801 '08, 200 yds land in js't TaxeM 1.71, jtenalty printing containing 1.505 acres, bd by Lan Vegas, 01 ti Sanchez, s F, A e w of iteren near the 35, bd s summit of hill, w 2.1S Herrera. Sefcrlno Sanche., and Lstefano Armijo, w mountains, s PRIXINCI No. 31 n hill total arroyo, in 101 1 a, hills, house tui Minie land. Taxes i interest acres Martin. Padilla, loo yds land Mantn I for 1802, 'St v land, Isl n LdHto, s Manuel Herrera, e by arroyo. (riego, Andres eS f'areia, grant hind on the mesa, OOo acres in .15, bd s 10.41, penalty 2.00, 1812-3-- jict road, n I'Sandowil, HhIiii tl, v Hiid w printing 3V, for 0 to8; hi, v laud bd 11 .1 for IHirJ, M v lun.l at (.nzano, bd u Anlo Ionian. Taxen Taxes 28.10, js'iialty 7.10, jirinting 3 w F licroiix. lOO Uital 1.1.30 land milts from court house, i'N Padilla. yds Pi-eo- , 2.31, 58e, .'tV, Lom z, e same, s mesa, w Loh- - i'lver, liver, e A Heliavl-vide- jn nalty printing total aV, total 15.85 J land jM't 35, luí s road, 11 Padilla, w l''rancisco place formerly known as Collin's '.V 1.27 Sandoval, A C, house on same land. 'Faxes .33.18 road, c hills, one hoiisr in l X, w T ar la, v lamí bd n Hujh', administrator 11, 12, b 10, Ju 1MI3-I-- :nm v land ranch, lots Lopez add, .'00 ytls land - f.r at Canada 1 801, iK'iialty at Canada detioCi- river, h F (arela, w river, e A Hcrr ra, 'iiudelarlo for lots and houses In Hast 13 1, printing .U, total Fren-jue- lots to pi, b T Homero add, eilio, bd s 11 w lnol-2- ; de los Lobos, bd e rldge.w I) 12.20 (arela, J (arela, Torio-lita- n 100 v laud at Penanro Vejran, llmavidc, inoiv Und at for Las being on the southern cor- 4, b 2, Homero 32, N Padilla, added by (J ii S n M lot T add. lots eJ (arria, bd n A Silva, a A HodorU Padilla, Sandoval, F.lghth (iallegos, Jose K 100. bot mcioinrcd. Taxcit 4.77, Illanco ner of Jackson and streets, lots 31, 1, C, 'Faxes 15M.SI. jienalty on name 18,73, b T Homero add, lots 0 to w e house laud. Taxes 21 for 1803; 2hi v 11 .'0.7O ju inting 3.V, lanalty LI'., printing av, total Mil, olil roail, one liouxc. to 21, b 3, Las Vejian Town Co b landbd CAjiailuca, total l!8.80 jHOialty 4 18, 10. ai. S Miguel Town Co. lots 5, Taxen 7.81, n nalty 1.1.", printing jirinting a"s, totul addition and improvements. Taxes s P Lucero, e rive:, w mesa, 2 v Wallace, Thomas M.31 0, 1 b A, Hosenwald add, lot bl2, 1MI2 M) n. 23 70 ,1 for to "1H, yds Iir-g- .'t'n, total fill. II 210.11, jienalty, jirinting 3V, land bd n V Salazur, s Baca, ( at Joya (únzale, 'rewni'io Homero add, lots 23, 24, b lo, Hu- bd 11 Ped Sandoval. Miguel w Hills, s river e F IWC, 31 v land l 31. Tavex Lucero, Lunchlo total 270.00 river, ditch, In v laud at (aran-hull- o for at for 101-2- ; 2' v laud lit mero add, lot 5, b 2, Homero add, Wallace. wM Harrold, at 1m Jarl- 111-2- ; I'M v cunada Hujs', A C, est ate of, bd n V 1.20, t.'iinlly ltU; a"tc, for laud atTereomote n J Salazar,, ta. bd 11 B Ortega, n hill, e J Pa- printing ios Lobos bd e hills, w old lot I), b 1, Homero add. lot 13, b 0, Uital ll . ltd e I) Fresiue., w L (Quintana, n for 1802, lot 21 to 21, 33. b.'l.Las Ve- e river, w hills. PH) v land at San dilla, w A Lucero, deceased. 'Faxes road, n J Sandoval, s S Miirtin, Homero add, Taxes 105,30, jHiialty print in 3V, (ouzalcK, Hilarlo bills, canon del capulín, one gas Town company, Taxen 320.20, (erouiino no ilescrijition, 50 v ll.ol, ( Taxes (5.8i J, jM iialty 1.71, i luting altv 20.31, iriuting 3.V, total total 55.40 plai-e- . jn nalty 82.31, printing 3V, for lM'.C, 23J v land al Iaíh Muía. name Taxes 4.05, total 132.07 laud at Beriial, one house at Uri- 35c, total 8.i.l2 411.02 nal, two NOilÍB. IkI n loman, a Hio le la Vwa, r lo- 1.01, printing aV, total Tietlebaum. Adolph houses at San Miguel. PRÍCINXT Vigil, Pedro 18 K)41 con ict 20 181'3: all g 'Faxes lh.0'1, penalty 12.21. Milentas, man, w II (ou.alcn, 10 v land bd for 1K01-2- , I'm v laud bd n ) Tru- for that jiiece of laud (regorio Lo-z- , Santiago Sena Jose w of 32, b.'l, .'IV, total 01.51 for 1802 to '07, ."n 0 v land. ( n Hlo le UVa a, a S (arela, e jillo, n V Várela, w Koeil-lo- , extending to the 'anada Canada for 1803: 152 v land IhI n Chavez, a Los bd 11 V , lHHM.til 3 4ii) v Ter-r'inot- 9 w Lobos, Sanchez, s X w alr--o Iioum-- for t land at east line of the eight of ay owned Sena, Andahfio , river, J (otialin, house same land. Taxes 3.30, Martille-- w s K J LtijK'., w river, mesa, 100 acre 1807-8- , Lojh'z. Suudoval. Is M Mon- r H for loo v 11 M Taxea 1(5.84, p nilty 4.21, pi luting Sandoval, wj jienalty Mc, by the H comjiany 011 the Hot hind bd J 'Faxes 25.14. penalty 0.28. printing av, total ict liTi, house name land. Taxes printing total toya, n S Martin, a L Aragón, l.Vi Speings road, n by 11 line of Tilden Chavez, s.ID Sena, e road, w Vic, total 31.77 a, 110.25, jn nalty 20.IHI, jirinting aV, house on same land. Taxen 1(1.7(5, nt, n by s line of alley, e line of liver, house and lot, Isl 11 mesa, Maestas, i.oring Aurelia Martlner, Sünon Vigil, Jose Dolores 115.00 4 10, .'LV, total 1, road, e .1 D Sena, w tor 1802 to .'01, fur 1W1-- UU acre lun.l h Ojito Hiialty printing total for 1802, 400 v laud, bd tl am n by ' Hot Sprinirs rlht of way, lot b ('Bachicha. parrel of land at Steward. Bols'it!, Pena Blanca. 'Faxes 25. Ml, n- rel-dene- r2i.:to 1, Las Vegan Town Co add, lots 'Faxes penalty 0.20, printing del Kneinona, 31, mk! t' the ransda, e J F.sijuIIn'I, w J 5, ('., 7, b 15.45, for 180; lots 20. San av-- , jinialty ju lnl ing 3V, "total Liiii'ro, Soicnos 3.01, 18, 10, b 48. B V T Co add. lots 12 lot al 11.07 houne. Taxen 10. IS. penult) Vigil. Taven inanity 1,0, Miiiuel Town Co add. Taxes 47.20, 2.10 11.1.13 for H2, v land Canada del printing .'IV, total 7.:i to 10. b I, T Homero add, lots 32, 2.2, print hiif a'f, total jniialiy 11.80, priming 35c, total PRICIVCT No. 32 Segura, Nes,iiiiiceno bd n and n hills. I, at, b 1, 1. I. IhoI-2-i- ; t Martin, 'rckcnetu Mitlio, .Mir. Várela. V'..Ti T Homero add, lot 2, for H; of a ranch Je ( iit Ih-t- 1V.U-2- , i n w 102, 70 v bd n 111 Chine., at ina de l.iiiintana situated at wit fur lío a land In Ojito liner., Aguaje, house on name for land and s hills, baujil, T Homt add, lots I. 3 lo lo, 25, Blanco Tieth Adoljih for Is. '2 to 3.) v land Lot Trigos n Hie line of Mora and LnklnoMt, pel 34, one land. Taxes 4.23. nnnliy 1.0."., e I) Trujillo, w C Trujillo, at Can-fi- n 1801; V 27, b 10. T Homero add, lots 2(1 to San for loin 2, 3. b 10, Lan bil Ii tl 11 ni, s creek, e ditch, W old Miguel counties eoiiHisting of iidtl Imiiiih', Taxc 4. .'A 1.13, pi lining av, total 15.111 Manuelitas, 210 v laud at Cana- 23. b 12, T 1 1 ni 0 eo h ts 25, 20, 10 v jnnalty Vegan Mills A ( Impuuin add. add, river, hind bd n.l Homero, s tii'ies 0d 11 F Bac y Sandoval, i Lucero, Juan de Plon BiH'lllo, bd n und n 't, B w 2 v ca-uu- n, print uir aV, total da hills, e ll Taxes 101.75, jH iially I8.C18, print- b Pablo Baca add, lots I. 2. 5, b Jaraiiiillo. e river, hilN. Maria e and w niuninit of 3(11 j OrteK, JoieMÍn for 102, r land, Cmiadn d. Várela, w IS Abevtia. Taxes 5.10, Pablo Haca add, lots 10, 21, b land at Tecolote 4 bil llMToyo. hill or crestón, ami itnivts, house ing .IV, total 213.78 2, n lntil-2- , Ara-g.í- ., hills, It w rock", for m land bd n , e .allium, house mi place. Tuxes l8li,',HI, jm'II- - yU al La Mllo, n and hills, e L jM'iially 1.37, printing 3.V, t ,t u I 2lu, 30 building lots Zion hill, lots saine Teitleliauni. Adolph nil alme laud. 'Faxes .Vl.Oii, 40.72, Ü . altv printing 35c, total Mtljít, J t "1, bd LUI, li.Vl, V W L Mat tiii. Ta 3.23, 7.21 M Í. ...I ... . 1 ir - ' ' WM, W . . I J Á iib, 7, , 10, a Fairviww Town Co 11.10, prlutli,fc' av, total ;i,17 Í211.U7 Saiz Nabor y Pantaleon Saiz Imps, lomas, e J Ma liaros, w L bd n R Gonzales: EL INDEPENDIENTE, aJM Ajiodaca. e Morales, Ajiolinario 10.31, penalty 4.07, printing 35c, nas river, B Madril, e and w "113, 30 18SO-'91-- for 191 to v land at Cerrito, Flores, house same place. Taxes w 2; road, river, one house Iis Tor for 00 v land iiet 39 Ik! c total 20.73 mesa, house on north Bide. Taxes IkI n V Ulibarri, s V Ulibarri, e 5.38, jienalty 1.34. jirinting 3V, res. 10.32, 2.58, Taxes jienalty river, w hills, n i Aragón, H Garcia de Cordova, Carlota 10.73, penalty 2.(58, printing 35c, river, v C Estrada, and a piece of total 87.07 printing .Tie, total 813.25 JSalz, & BACA, Publishers. one house upjMT town bd n for 18u2, KXl acres land.Taxes 10.90, total 13.76 SALAZAR land at Taxes 19.49, Flores, Cerrito. Leónidas Sena, Marcelino Aragón, 8 P Baea. Taxes 11.17, jienalty 2.49, jirinting 35c, total Gurule, Jose Lorenzo penalty 4.87, printing 35c, total for 1892-- 5 to 8; 00 yds land bd n for 1802, 50 v land bd n river, i jienalty 2.79, jirinting 35c, total $13.80 for 1892-3- , 85 v land bd n main 24.71 river, s ditch, o G Flores, w M N w SUPPLEMENT. ditch, e Gonzales, A Sena, 814.31 Garcia, Jesus ditch, Gallinas river, e J Gon- Salazar, Francisco Flores, log house 10. sar.-.- and room jict house on land. Taxes 3.74, Olguin, Juan llosalio for 1892, 12 acres land at Manueli-ta- . zales, w Saiz, also a house. Taxes for 1801-2- , 50 v land at Lagunita. Taxes 8.00, penalty 2.24, printing jienalty 93e, PRECINCT jirinting 35c, total for 1802; a jiiece of land jet 39 bd Taxes 11.33, jienalty 2.83, 10.14, jienalty 2.53, jirinting .35c, No. 37. n s Mesita 35c, $11.55 bd arroyo, del Medio, e total 85.02 n, e and w common rights, 50 yds printing &V, total 14.53 total 813.02 Apodaca l'ablo E Lucero, w F Lopez, one house at Flores, Daniel Trujillo, Victor jict 48, house jiet 39. Taxes 4.30, Howard, U II Jaramillo, 'Perfecto , Chupadero. Taxes 1.80, penalty for 18118, 00 v land, 38, n 1802-.- for 1801-2- a tract of land, pet 37, pet bd for house bd n V Lucero, s jienalty 1.09, jirinting 35c, total for ISO, house and improvement for 1893, house at Los Fuertes. 45e, printing 35c, total 82.00 ditch, s hills, e .Juan Flores, w 11 V 11 bd n Angostura, 8 river, e mesa, w Trujillo, e Torres, w J Mon- 85.80 on government land. Taxes 6.52, Taxes 17.43, penalty 4.35, jirinting Abran Baca, pet 10, bd ri A Du- - 150 v river, about 200 yds, 150 v land a Tenorio, a house, tano, land bd n common Olguiu, Camilo jienalty 1.03, jirinting 35c, total av, total 22.13 for 1S92, 100x100 v land ran, s e .1 Marce- 188(5 Viandante, bd n mesa, s riv- bought road, Garcia, rights, s Gallinas river, e 11 Tor for to a tract of land $8.50 Mare u 8, Toma from M Lucero, January, 1802. lino Haras, Taxes 2.35, penalty res, w M 9.80, pet 30 er, w river. Taxes 7.53, penalty Anaya. Taxes bd n E Martinez, k same, e Hunt, William for 1893, 225 v land bd 8 F Chavez, Taxes 10.80, jienalty 2.71, 58c, .Tic, $3.28 1.88, printing "35c, total 89.70 printing printing total jienalty 2.40, jirinting 35e, total river, w hill, one house and 50 v for 1892, impvts at Canon Apache. w C Sals, e mesa, n river, house 35e, $13.92 Apodaca, Jose Darlo total Flores y Ksquibcl, Manuel ; 812.07 land. Taxes 13.28, jienalty 3.32, Taxes 17.50, jienalty 4.39, printing on same land. Taxes 7.04, a, Trujillo, Guadalupe for 1898, till v hind, bd n Tk-- . for 1891 to '93, 40 v land at Lagu-nit- ditch, s Trujillo y Martinez, Jose F jirinting .Tie, total 810.95 total 822.33 penalty 1.70, printing TV, total 18H2, w 1801-2- bd n II Ortega, 8 Arroyo del for house at Lagunita, bd hills, e Juana Flores, w llamón for : 100 v land Los Torres Isl Olguin, Juan B Lucero, Faustin 89.15 e s common Baca, 10, n Du- n 1800-1- Tecolote, e sanie w N Apodaea, 50 road, ditch. land.Taxes house at jict bd A Gallinas river, s common rights, for ; 14 yds land jiet 39 bd 8 for 1893, house in jiet 41 on Montoya, Susano 1.41, jienalty .Vic, printing 35c, ran, e w M 11 w .1 v land at Lagunita, bd n J A Apo- total s road, J Garcia, Baraf. e Mendosa, T Vaiverde, one Aragón, n F Hail, e river, w government land. Taxes 4.14, for 1895 to '97, 100 acres land bd e 82.11 Taxes 2.07, jienalty Otic, house (i.03, daca, s Arroya del Tecolote, w N jirinting same land. Taxes jien- ditch, a tract of land Canon Blan-- i jienalty 1.03, jirinting 35c, total Eduvigen Maes, w Canuto Maes, e Trujillo, 1 loman 35c, 83.0,8 Apodaea, one house. Taxes 13.29, total alty 1.05, printing 35e, total 88.03 o, one house and lot ujijier town $5.52 Francisco, n road. Taxes 20.70, for 1S02, house at Piuavetoso, bd Gonzales, Luciano Valdez, penalty 4.32, printing Tie, total lorenzo bd e public land, w hill, n and s Maestes, Marcos jienalty 5.17, jirinting 35c, total 817.91) on all sides common lands. Taxes for 1801; 12 ) v land Los Torres, 80 for 1801-2- ; 3(X1 v land tcmjioral at el vacant land. Taxes 9.39, jienalty for 1802, land and improvements $20.22 1.19. penalty 29c, printing 35e, tot al v land IjOs Torres bd n Juan arroyo de Los M 2.34, Apodaca, Neeolas , Garcia, Conidias bd n jirinting 3ie, total $12.08 Canon Vigil. Taxes 0.01, penalty Quintana, Juan D J $1.83 s Martinez, Mesitas Montaño- A w for 1892-4-- 2(H) v land at La La- J a Poloniino, 8 Dold, arroyo, e Perca de Lucero, Miguela 1,50, jirinting 35c, total $7.8(3 for 189,1, 100 v land bd e river, w Trujillo y Martinez., Jose Francisco sas, w Gallinas river, one house road, one house n 1801-2- ; 30 gunita, bd n mesita, s and e creek, at Chajierito bd for 02 yds land jict bd n Ortega, Pedro mesa, n J (Jarcia, 8 B Sais, 1893; 100 v w D A)odaca, 100 v land bd n Io- for land Los Torres bd Los Torres. Taxes 5.20, penalty road, s A Alarcon, w T Valasqnez, M Lucero, e river, w ditch, s Auto for 1801 -- 2, one house on gov- house on same land. Taxes 5.45, n s nia, s creek, e M Ortega, w L Baca, river, common rights, e K Men 1.31, jirinting 35c, total 80.92 editch. Taxes 11.52, penalty 3.03, Homo, one house ujijier town bd e ernment land. Taxes 4.13, jienalty '1.36, jirinting 35c, total 30 v land, bd s M Apodaea, e creek, doza, w F Vaiverde, a liaise. Taxes Gonzales, Nejioinuceno jirinting 35e, total $18.50 road, w hill, n N Lucero, g L Saiz. jienalty 1.03, jirinting Tic, total 87.10 w loma, a house. Taxes 17.89, 5.8(i, jienalty 1.41, printing 35c, for 1891 to 4: 100 v land Los Térros Vaiverde, Beyes Taxes 7.00, penalty 1.70, jirinting 85.51 Saiz, Hamon penalty 4.47, printing 35c, total total $7.02 b I n river, s acequia madre, e Can- for 1891 to 4; 70 v land I,os Torres 35c, total 89.17 Phillips, J A for 1802,80 v land bd n A Madril, 22.71 Trujillo, Florentino ada, w Marcelino Sena, one log bd n hills, s river, e Arguello, w H Homo, Antimio for 1893, house and imjivts, jict 41. s and e J Quintana, w A Madril, Aragón, Jose de la Cruz for 1892: house bd n and w jwblie house saine land Taxes 11.05, Torres, 50 v land Los Torres and for 1892: 40 v land bd n M Perca, s Taxes 10.90, jienalty 2.71,;jirinting house in samo precinct. Taxes for 1892, 50 v land bd n Pecos river land, e A Salano, s L Trujillo. jienalty 2.01, jirinting 35c, total one house Los Torres. Taxes I. Sisneros, , e Peeos river, w lo- 35c., total $14.02 2.73, jienalty Rc, jirinting 35o, s J Maes, w J Pena, house on same Taxes 2.25, jienalty 50c, printing $14.91 10.98, penalty 4.24. printing .'15c, mas, house same land. Taxes Ulibarri, Felix y Luciano total 8.3.70 land. Taxes 1.33, penalty 33, print- .'!5e, total 83.1(1 Gonzales, Ma Luciano total 821.57 4.28, penalty 1.07, printing 35c, houses. Taxes 3.50, jienalty 87c,

$2,-0- Trujillo, Cruz f:ir 1892 0: 80 n ing 35e, total to yds land bd main Vaiverde, Florencio total 85.70 printing av, total PRECINCT NO. 44. Arellano, Eniterio for 1802: house at. Pinavetosa bd all ditch, s river, e 11 Flores, w J F for 1802-97-0- 40 v land, bd n riv- Had, Candelario PRECINCT NO. 42, Archibeque, for 1892: 30 v land bd n and a river, sides jniblic land. Taxes 1.08, Moya, house on same land. Taxes er, s common rights, c, P Vaiverde, for 1804; house jict 39 bd n st, s Petra for 1892. 30 bd n s e and w A'Quintnna, 20 acres tem- jienalty 27c, jirinting 35c, total 20.77, jienalty 5.19, jirinting 35e, w 11 Mendoza. 50 v land mln river, Hosalio, w alley, e H B Borden. Aragón, llleardo acres land and B poral land. Taxes 1.11, penalty 81.70 total $20.31 s common rights, e F Trujillo, w H Taxes 11.40, jienalty 2.80, jirinting for 1892. 200 yds land bd e J A Gonzales, c iublic land, w Pecos river, pet 8, 20 27e, printing 35c, total 1.73 Ulibarri, Victoriano Gonzales, Jose Hafael Mendoza, house, same town. Taxes .Tie, total 814.07 Baea, P Aragón, w M Serna, n acres land Loa

3-- Ojito bd n G Lucero, 8 Baca, Apolonio for 1802: 00 v land bd n J Duran, s for 1802; 50 yds laud Los Torres. 9.33, iieiialty 2.33, "printing Had, Anastacio P Pacheco. Taxes 4.08, jienalty Frios F Girón, Herrera, w Ortiz, for 1892, 14 v land, bd n and s com- M Saiz, e Pecos river, w river, Taxes 1.55, jienalty 38c, jirinting total $12.01 for 1895; house and ranch at Chu-jiani- 1.17, printing 35c, fital 80.20 eN a house. Taxes 2.83, jienalty 70c, mon rights, e Tecolote creek, w house and garden. Taxes 2 05, 35c, total 82.28 Sjiring. Taxen 18.45, jien- Hasan, Jesus Ma jirinting 33e, 3.88 common rights, house same land. jienalty 73c, jirinting 35c, total Lucero, Nieves PRECINCT NO. 39 alty 4.01, jirinting 3V, total $23.41 for 1802. 20 acres land Agua Ne- total Taxes 1.33, penalty 3.3c, printing 84.03 for 181)2 to 4; 050 yds land bd g Sisneros, Cruz gra and two-roo- house. Taxes Apodaea, Trinidad Baca y Jaramillo, Juan 35c total 2.01 ditch, e A Baros, v hill, land at for 1801-2- ; one house upcr town 5.3.3, jienalty 1.33, jirinting Tie, for 1897, 50 v land at ElAguila, bd PRECINCT No. 38 for 1891-2- ; ti v land bd n M Perca, Baea, Seferina Chajierito grant, house near land. bd e P Herrera, w Carpió, n county total $7.01 n plaza, s J Garcia, e Gallinas w ditch, h Auto Homero, e Peeos 18!)2, 50 v land, bd n Lucero, s Aragón, Hafael Taxes 19.71. jienalty 4.92, jirinting house, 8 A Ortiz. Taxes 7.37, jien- Cliavez, Jose G river, w hills, house and lot same for river, me house same jdace.Taxes L Lucero, e creek, w common for 191 to 5; 100 v land Los Torres .Tic, total 824.98 alty 184, iirlntitigTie, total 89.50 for 1802. 80 yds land bd n J J jilaee. Taxs 1.89, jienalty 45c, 5.22, jienalty 1.30, printing Tic, to- 50 v bd n lomas, s Tec- bd n road, s w L Montano, e Lobato, Jose Had, Felix Carabajal, 8 J Hinojo, o river, w printing Tie, total 82.00 rights, land, river, tal $(.87 olote creek, e J Aguilar, house J E Archuleta, land at Los Torres, for 18111-- 100 v land Los Torres bd for 1892; 150 v land bd n Celso road. Taxes 5.52, jienalty 1.38, Barrero, Francisco Baca, same land. Taxes 3.27, penalty 81c, one house and imjivts. Taxes 18.79, n river, s hill, e J Lojiez, w II Ara- Perfecto Baca, w Pecos river, s same, e jirinting 3.V, total $7.25 50 v land near Hito del Tecolote for 18U1-2- ; 30 v bd n M printing 35c, total $4.43 penalty 4.0!, jirinting 35c, total gón, one house on same land and land J common rights, 11 v more and Chavez, Matilde bd n Alderete, w B Salaz, 8 and e w hills, 8 e Peeos Bustos, Anastacio 823.83 one house in Chajierito. Taxes Baca, F Garcia, one house. Taxes 5.40, penalty for 1892. 40 acres laud linpvt bd H lloival, one house same land. and inijivts, 100 v jict for 1892, 70 v land, bd n river, a naya, Monico 8.25, jienalty 2.00, jirinting 35c, river, land 1.35, jirinting .Tie, total 87.10 u M Olivas, A Padilla, w road. Taxes 2.14, jienalty 53c, jirinting 39 M w 1891-3-tit- bd n Lucero, Peeos river, ditch, wM Montoya, e J M Quin- for o 8; 200 v Ian J bd n total $10.00 Sisneros, Meleton Taxes 3.70, jienalty 94e, printing 35e, tot al 83.02 s Leon Homo, o hills, me house tana, and a house. Taxes 3.75, road, s river, w L Montano, e J E Lucero. Julian for 1892; 50 v land bd n arroyo 3.V, total 85.05 Chavez, Felix Anton Chico bd n Silverio Baea, w penalty 93c, printing 35c, total Archuleta, land Torres, one for 1898, 15o v land, jict 38, bd u del Oso, w ditch, 8 J Sena, e Pecos Chavez, Santiago fur 1892 to 5. 100 acres land Hito ls 8 vacant land, same, e hills. Taxes 7 Azan-cot- t, 85.03 house and imivts. Taxes 10.19, mesita. s river, e Juan Moya, w river, house. Taxc 4.75, for 18H2. acres land bd n Salado and a house. Taxes 13.44, 10.12, jienalty 2.51, jirinting .Tic, Domínguez, Albino jienalty 4.04,printing35c, total $20.58 fence, 177 v land, bd n fence, s jienalty 1.18, jirinting Tie, total Sito Hiimires, w and e Jose jienalty 5.86, jirinting TV, total total 813.00 for 1892, 100 v land bd n V Ulibar-ri- , Arguello, Aseneion river, e P Arguello, W L Monta- 80.28 Griego. Taxes 2.59, jienalty 04c, 29.05 1801-- 2 no, house at Los Torres. Taxes Baca, Liberato I, jirinting .'IV, total 83.58 8 river, e C Estrada, w same, for to 4. a tract of land Sisneros, JonI' Crespin, Jose Ignacio Taxes 3.40, known as the del medio 12.20, penalty 3.05 jirinting 35c, for 1891-2- ; one small house Anton-chic- for 1892; 45 v land bd n J Sena, w Camjios, Alejo house on same land. Terrenos for 1891-2- . 400 v land jict 44 lid u total 15.00 Taxes 2.84, jienalty 71c, ditch, s Garcia, e a for 1801. 130 yds land Puerto le penalty 80c, printing 35c, total bd n hill and cerito Colorado, s the F Peeos river, J Giron, P Sandoval, e mesa, w Montano y Gonzales, Luis jirinting .Tie, total 83.!H) house. 3.18, jienalty 79c, Luna bd n T Flores, 8 S Serano, 84.07 jioint of the Canada del medio and Taxes vacant land, house. Taxes 8.10, Savegil, e Mesita, n com- for 1801-2- : 5o v land Los Iiojn bd n Baca, jirinting 35e, total $1.32 w Grezolachowki. Taxes 3.88, Estrada, Clemente land of, J Cleofas Iieiialty 2.02, jirinting ,'I5c, total s 1801-2- ; Anton-chic- o jienalty 97e, jirinting 35c, total for 1802, 175 v land , bd n A Do- mon rights consisting of 300 v from J Arrgon, Gallinas river, e J for one small house Sandoval, Juan Cijiriano 810.17 $5.20 mínguez, s river, e and w N Saiz, n to s, and same from e to w, one Duran, w ditch, one house in bd n jilaza, w B Baca, 8 for 1802; 1.50 v bd n C Sandoval, s Cochran, Mrs A E house and garden. Taxes 2.30, house pet 38. Taxes 10.19, penalty I,ojas. 'laxes 3.18, jienalty 70c. road, e P Baca. Taxes 2.84, jien- H Had, e river, w common rights, Carabajal, Mercedes 1801-2- . for 1800 to '98, 1:'0 acres land, sec penalty 57c, printing .15c, total 4.04, printing .Tic, total $20.58 jirinting 35c, total $1.32 alty 71e, jirinting 35c, total two-roo- house. Taxes 7.29, jien- for 120 acres laud and 7, 19, twp 13 n r 17 e, sw i of ne i and 3.22 ngel, Fransisco Montano, Juan Pedro Baca, 1 'lut arco alty 1.82, jirinting 35c, total 89.40 see 17, twp r 22. w i of se i, 40 ocrea land sec 30 twp Ensinias, Julio for 1802: HiO v land bd n A Duran, for 1801-2- : 50 v land l.os Torres, for 1801; 100 acres land, a tract of Urloste, Jose Taxes 11.07. jienalty 3.00, jirinting .Tie, $18 08 13 n r 17 e, nw 1 of ne 1. Taxes for 1893; 50 v land bd n J Gonzales, 8 A Sena, e rio Gallinas, w moa, one house same jilaee. Taxes 3.17, govt land, oii houw same land. for 1802; 50 v land jiet 30 bd u total 0.04, jienalty 1.66, jirinting TV, 8 P Lucero, e Bornal creek, w house same land. Taxes 3.27, jien- jieualty 70c, jirinting 35c, total Taxes 3.72, jienalty 93c, jirinting ditch, s river, w J Mora, two-roo- m Grego, Jose L 18U1-- total 8.05 common rights, 37 v bd n M Marti- alty 81c, prinlingTie, total 84.13 81.31 . 35e, total 85.00 house. Taxes 4.40, jienalty 1.11, for 91 v land west of Puerto n N 8 Cresjiin, Donaciano nez, 8 Tecolote creek, e .J (erízales, Aguilar, Placido Montano, Jose Patricio Baca, Juan Nejionuaeelno jirinting 35c, total 85.92 de Luna bd Gutierres, J S 1891-2- 7.83, v w C Baca, one house. Taxes 5.S0, for M2 to to 8: 75 v land bd u Gal-lin- for 18U2: loo v li,l ii i (million rights, for : 00 yds laud pet 39 bd n Carabal, Taxes jienalty 1.95, for 1893, 200 land bd e Isidro M) w penalty 1.45, jirin'.ing 35e, total river, s main ditch, e J J Du- 8 river, e 11 Torres, w Manco Anaya, L Sisneros, s Silverio Baca, e PRIXINCT jirinting 3.V, total 10.13 Giron, vacant land, n Laurlano 'e Grego, E 87.00 ran, w J in. house same land. house same jict. Taxi's 3.83, jien- river, w ditch, one house iuAuton-chlc- o Browne, C W, Assignee Juan Ulibarri, Juan Cresiin, log 1 891 2. One de house on land. 3.18, Gonzales, Francisco Taxes 19.02, jienalty 4.90, printing alty 95c, jirinting 35c, total $5.13 bd n B Sais, s hill, c L Sis- for 1800. 120 v irairie land.Taxes for house Puerto Taxes Luna. Taxes 10.88, jicnulty 2.72, penalty 79c, jirinting 35e, for 1891-- 3 to '97, 75 v land b n A 35c, total 824.87 Montana. Manuel B neros, w J Baca, impvts, one house 5.70, penalty 1.42, jirinting 35c, total 1892; v jirinting 3V, total $13.95 $1.32 Baca, 8 E Baca, e common rights, Arguello, Pelagio for 50 laud bd u river, s Antonehico bd n hill, S Baca, c total 87.07 w public road, 30 v land bd n M for 1802: 1U v land bd n F Montoya, ditch, e 11 Aragón, w Jijiez, house ditch, w vacant land. Taxes 11.05, Jaramillo, Ajiolouarlo Hinojos, Juan Gabuldon, Manuel for 1802. House Puerto du Luna. 1892. 270 v land bd n M Ho- Martinez, s F Lopez, e L Herrera, s Gallinas river, e L Lojiez, w J on same. Taxes 1.80, jienalty 47c, jienalty 2.91, jirinting 35c, total for 1801-- 00 v land La Garita; for Taxes 4.99, jienalty 1.24, jirinting mero, T e Maestas, w w J Aguilar, 51 v land bd n little Lucero, 5(1 v land bd n hills, s river, jirinting 35c, total 82.7! $14.91 bd n hill, s arroyo, e J H Salazar, Parlo, J T i 5.-- , 2 1 t. it al 80.58 .Taxes 2.08, penalty 07c, mesa, 8 A Lucero, e L Apodaca, w e L Gonzales, w li Vaiverde, house Montano, Luis Castillo, Jose w Dias, 15 v land La Garita. Pino. Lucero, Jesus 3.70 J Aguilar, 200 v land at Puertocito, same jilaee. Taxes 5.41, jienalty for 1802: loo v land bd n Mesitas, 8 for 1801: one house Antonehico bd Taxes 5.17, jienalty 1.29, printing jirinting av, total for 1892. 100 acre mesa Ara- bd e mesa, w river, n Prioste, s T 1.35, jirinting .Tc, total $7.11 river, w T Koybal, house at jilacita. n M Maes, e J Baca, w and 8 road. 35e, total $0.81 land Gonzales, Jesus I) Prioste, house at Las Chupaderos. Apodaca. Jose Ma Taxes 3.5'., jienalty 80c, jirinting Taxes 1.53, ienalty 39c, jirinting Jaramillo, Oecilio gón bd n Lucero, common for 1892 to 5. 100 viand bd n L e M Lucero, w Sandoval, M M Venav-ide- s, Taxes 18.08, penalty 4.57, printing for 1893 to '90. 200 v land at Los Tie, total $4.83 Tic, total 82.32 for 1802. 40 yds land bd n, s and lands, J Maestos, Trujillo, e A one residence house. Taxc 12.17, w hills, 35c, total $23.00 Torres. bd n A D 1 Joival.s C M artinez Martinez. nacleto Castillo, llomaldo e A Salazar, w T Mares y Sena. house same land. 1801-2- 1801-2- ; 3.04, jirinting Tic, 13.57, 3.39, Gonzales, Julian w river, e ditch, house on same for : 50 v land l.os Torres bd for a tract if land bd n Taxes 3.30, jienalty 84c, printing jienalty total Taxes jienalty jirinting 815.50 .'1.V, $17.31 for 18112 to '95, 17 v land, bd n E land. Taxes 18.70, jienalty 4.07, ii J M Anidaca, sJG Martinez, c road, h B Lucero, e F Sais, w N 35e, total 81.55 total de H Baca, a J Ensinias, e Canon Tres jirinting 35c, total 823,72 ol ditch, w river, 150 v laud l,o Castillo, one house at Tecolote bd Lucero, Ensebio Martinez Silva, Amistada Herrera, Juanita 1801-2- . 150 v M for 13 acres land sec 1, twp for 1890 to '98, about 10 acres land Hermanos, w common land, lot bd Anaya. Mauricio Torres, tcmjioral land, one e Lucero, w J Inés Lucero, n for 1801-2- . One house at San Jos. s i, 22, New Gallstco. Taxc in 5, n n E Baca, s common lands, e J for 1891. 200 v land, house on same house i,os Torres. Taxes 11.48, ditch, s hill. Taxi-- 8. 14, penalty Taxes 4.40, jienalty 1.10, printing r house jict bd heir of Francisco 12.74, jienalty 3.18, printing 3-- deceased, Gonzales, w common lands. Taxes land. Taxes 4.00, jienalty 1.15, jienalty 3.02, jirinting 35c, total 2.03, jirinting .Tic, total 810.52 .Tc, total 85.85 Lopez, 8 Hosenwald, e total 10.27 w 82 9.18, penalty 2.29, printing 35e,total jirinting 3-- total $0.10 $18.15 (atierres, Kosalia Márquez, Juana Gallinas river, Homeroville, Nieto, Marcos land, pet 44, bd n 811.82 Arguillo, Placido Martinez, Jose Guadalujie for 18U1 ; one house Tecolote bd s for 1802. 50 v land bd n Santa acre Guadalujie 0. Nlc-an- oi 1801-2- for 1802. 100 acre land sec twji Hidalgo, Cerro of Salitre, e Gonzales, Cresencio for 1894, 75 v land bd n Gallinas for : 5o v hind J.os Torres bd L Aragón, n ditch, c and w A Or- Hita, 8 C Jaramillo, e lomas, w 7, r 22, house at Puerto le Luna. Herrera, w Lorenzo for 1898: 21 v land peai bd n river, river, s main ditch, e J J Duran, w n A Martinez, s river, e old ditch, tega, 125 v land jict 39 bd o river, creek, a house same laud. Taxes Iijiez, Taxes (i.38, jienalty 1.59, printing 190 of land. s V Gonzales, e river, w hills. J Sena, a house thereon. Taxes w river, one hoiisu Uis Torres. w A Ortega, n river, i ditch, 200 v 2.30, ienalty 59e, printing Tic, acres arid Taxes :tV, 8.32 17.51, 4.37, Taxes 1.31, penalty 32e, printing 1.59, penalty 3 e, printing .Tv, total Taxes 4.81, penalty 1.20, printing; land temiorul bd e F Haca, w N total 83.30 total jienalty jirinting 3.V, Olona, Manuel 22.23 35c, total $1.98 $2..' 35c, total 80.3 i Ortega, crei'k, n mesa. Taxes Homero, Gerónimo total for 1891-2- . 100 acre and Imjivts Herrera, M Herrera, Luis Aguilar, Jose Pablo Martinez, Matins 2.21, jienalty 55c, jirinting .Tic, to- for 1892. 200 yds land bd n mesa, Pablo ranch at Pu.irto de Luna sec 8, twji 1892. 80 acres pet 44, for 1892, 50 v land bd n creek, w for 1895 to "98, 100 v land bd n and for 1892, 50 v land bd n 11 Vaiver- tal $,3.11 Tres hermano cree', e lime for land lot 7, r 21. Taxes 23.02 jieualty 5.90, and house at Ojitos. Taxes and 8 Tecolote creek, e common 8 ditch, w Jose Lobato, e Juan Sen. de, s A Apodaea, e J Martinez., w Lucero, Nerio stones, w creek, 05 v land bd n jirinting 3V, total 29.87 4.15, jienalty 1.03, pi intlcg .'IV, to- rights, house same place. Taxes Taxes 23.31, jienalty 5.83, printing mesita, 50 v land bd n ditch, s riv- for 1802; house bd II A J Lucero, 8 Santa Fe road, 8 M Ortiz, e G San- i 'ere a, Manuel 85.53 2.17, jienalty 54c, printing 35c, .Tic, total 82H.52 er, e. Archuleta, w S Martinez, 25v M Perca, o ditch, w lomas, house doval, w J Maes, house at Denial. tal for 1802. 25 v land bd n T Hala, de Ulibarri, total 3.00 Apodaca, Franeisquita, "minor", at Im Liendre, bd n F Martinez, s 25x75, 30 v land bd n P Baca, M Taxes 4.73, jienalty 1.18, printing Herrera Juana P w land, Ara- 18113 250 1897-8,5- w w Pachaco, govt eT for to '95, acres of land bd Montano, Tomas 0 v land, pet 38, bd n Aio-dac- a, and e creek, common rights, Lucero, e Pecos river, lomas. 35c. total 80.20 gón, house same laud. Taxes n J J Herrera, public road, w N for 1895: house and lot pet 37. Taxes 8 A Martin, e river, w hills, hoiiss same place. Taxes ,0.00, Taxes 3.80, jienalty 95c, printing Homero, Pedro 2.38. 59c, jirinting .Tie, e common rights. Taxe 2.41, penalty 00c, printing 35c, total house on same. Taxes 4.02, penalty 1.05, jirinting .'15c, total .Tie, total 85.20 for 181)2. Personal jiroperty. Taxes llenera, total 11.10, jienalty 2.17, jirhitlng TV, $3.30 jienalty 1.15, printing 35c, total 88.00 Lucero y Homo, Juan 8.91. ienalty 2.23, printing 35c, total , 1891-2- Pacheco, Desiderio total 14.22 Manzanares, llamón $0.12 Martinez, Jose le Jesus for ; 100 v land pet 29 bd n $11.52 for 1892. 25 v land bd n and P J Iron, Manuel for 1890: 100 v farming land bd a Baca, Benito for 1892, 30 v laud and improve- Mesita, w river, n A J Baea, Homero, Victor Pacheo, w govt land, o river, for 1892. 100 Here land and int Pecos river, e ditch, 8 F Quintana, for 191-2- ; 50 v land jict 38, one ments in jirecinct 38. Taxes 2.01. Jaramillo, 50 v land jxl 4H bd e for 1892. 250 v land bd n J Marti- house same land. Tuxes 5.92, jien- jirovements bd n P Sandovnl, 8 3 w Epitacio Quintana. Taxes 4.34. houuu on same land. Taxes, 3. (Hi, jienalty 51c. printing 35c, total Gutierrez, w J It Olguina, n river, nez, J D Jaramillo, e w alty 1.48, jirinting 3V, total 7.75 Flores, e A Garda, w mesa. Taxen penalty 1.08, printing .Tic, total jienalty 07c, printing 35c, total $2.90 8 hills, one house In njijier town rocks, house bd n It Gallego, Had, Francisco 3.56, jienalty 89c, printing Tic, to- $5.77 $4.11 Moya, Jiian Feo bd n J Castillo, 8 P Baca, c H ere k, e P Saiz, w (3 Esjilnosa. for 1802. house west side tal 1,80 Manzanares, Agapita d M Baca, Teodoro for 1802 to 'in, 27$ v land bd n Olguinl, w t.ucero. Tuxe 10.12, Taxes 2.02, jienalty 05c, jirinting of Puerto de Luna. Taxes 4.72, J Iron, Sixto Me-sit- a m S jienalty 2.53, jirinting 35c, total for 1897-8- : 181 v land b,l n und s . for 1891; 112 v land jict 38 bd n Main ditch, Gallinas river, e 35c, total 83.02 jienalty 1.18, printing Tic, total for 1892. 00 acre land and imjivts Ixis Quintanus, w ditch, e river, Colorado, s J Martinez, w Mon- Mur ine., w L Gonzales, house m 813.00 Saiz, Pedro $0.25 bd n J Jiron, H Iloyval, e F Bar- house and lot. Taxes 17.92, penalty tano, e mesa, one house on hame same. Taxes 21.09, penalty 5.12, Lucero, Pedro for 1801-- 400 v land tcinjiornl Cieillc B w M Taxes 4.46, 35c. 1801-- 2; 30 yds land bd n mesa, Sanchez, reros, Jiron. jien- 4.48, printing , total 822.75 land. Taxes 4.20, jienalty 1.05, jirinting total $27.40 for bd n J J Ortiz, one hoiiseiu Berual. for 1802. Log house at Puerto de alty 1.1 1, jirinting av, total $5,92 35c, total $5.00 divas, Jone Ignacio s river, e F Gonzales, w Chucero, Taxes (1.12, js'iialty 1.53, jirinting Ortega, Santiago jirinting 2.71, í, 15 Luna. Taxes 10,80, js'iialty Jiron, Facundo for 1892, KM) v land at Pinavetoso, Baca, Andres for 1892, house and lot at Iis Tor-re- acres land Antonehico grant, 35e, total 8.00 printing TV, total $13.92 for 1892. 21 acre land hd n and s lid n A Lucero, s and e .1 M Agui-li- r, for 1092; imjivts on land Aguaje Taves 1.09, jienalty 27c, jirint- one house at ujijier town bd e Salazar, Saturnino w M A UK) Sanchez y Hcdillo, Jose P ArchilHque, e M Herrera, w J w A Lucero, a house. Taxes del Saletre. Taxes 4.30, jienalty ing 35e, total 81.71 ditch, road, n Lucero, for 1891-- v land bd n D for 1801-- 50 v land Puerto de Ortiz, house same jdace. Taxes 3.20, jienalty 82e, printing 35c. 1.09, iirlnting 35c, total 85.80 Palomino, Manuel Homo, Taxes 5.M5, penalty 1.40, Martinez, Victor Homero, t 17.0(1 Luna bd u Ii Testu, J Labadlc, e 2.25, jienalty 50c, printing 3.V, to- total $4.40 Baca, llamón for 1 Hit ; a tract of land at l& Con- jirinting .Tie, total creek, w hill, one house In Denial. l iver, w M Chavez, one hoiiso aauie tal 3.10 Ortega, Ilafael for 1892: 50 v land lid n river, s lo- idias. Taxes L.'h!, jienalty .'We, Mora, Jose Francisco Taxes 2.23, jienalty 50c, jirinting 181M liliice. Taxes 9.97, jienalty 2.44, Lucero, Jose M v e. mas, M Flores, w .1 jirinting 35c, total 2.05 for to 7; 50 v land bd ti hills, 3.5c, $3.17 for 1892, 180 land bd n mesa. e J Duran, total 12.7(1 river, w UrlosU', e hill Peeos jii luting 35e, total for 180.T5, 36 acres lsnd bd n N Tecolote creek, m A Lucero, w G house on ame. Taxes 2.21, jien- Padilla de Martine., Florentina v Silva, Valentin Sala, 8 A Morrison, e (J Ulibarri, house same land. Taxes alty 5ie, jirinting .Tic, total for 1891 to I: 150 v lamíais Torre liver, 2HI same boundaries. Trujillo, for 1801-- One residence hou-- e w J Baca, a house on same land. 1.38.printing 35e, total Duran, Aniceto lid n II Gonzales, J M Ajiodaca, e Tuxe 9.07, jK iialty 2.41, printing Ajiodnca, Antonio 5.52, penalty 11.15, 11.37, oiiehoui-eltwTorreH- at Alamo Gordo. Taxes Taxes jienalty 2.84, jirinting 17.25 for '91,225 v land bd n river. J Ga- road, w river, . 35c, total 812.13 for 1893, 200 v land, pet 11, bd A jienalty 4.78, 35c, Tic, 11.50 Martinez, Jose Benito M w printing total total Padilla, Nabor llegos, w common l ights, o river, Taxes 21.87, penalty 5.19, jirinting Ajiodaca, e HUhtii, ridge, 181HÍ; 20 v bd n 10.28 Lucero y Giron, Antonio for 181)1 '9,3, house In El Ccr-ri- house on same hind. Taxes 3.81, 35c, total Ír27.7l for land Puerteeito and one house. Tate 7.47, to one Sanchez, Jose H for 113,100 acresland,temjiorol,bdF 2.55, 95c, jirinting 35e, Quintana. Margarita L ! Colorado, n river, w Fernando janalty 1.80, printing 35c, total Taxes 10.22. jienalty jienalty total 1801-2- . Feo two-roo- for One house Puerto de Salas, n F Gonzales, e ridge, w printing 35c, $13.12 85.11 for 18H2, house at Las Lajas. Taxes Baca, c Martinez, $0.08 total Luna. Taxes 3.72, jienalty 03c, mesa. Taxes 2.56, 64c, Durun, Juan .lose jienaliy 4 mí, jirinting 35c, house on above land, lot and mill Burke, M jnalty Had, Eleuterio 1(, Mr. ."i.0() 1801-2:5- jit ltitlng 35c, total printing 35c, $3.55 0 v 38 at i.l.o ii Fernando 100 total for 18ÍP2, 20 v land bd n and 8 A for land jct bd n total 82.00 Peuazco ld for 18113, acre at Liberty, see s u e PHbarri, Teófilo Montano y Herrera, Pablo Quintana, e river, w G Garduño, river, hills, e J D Iiiez, w P liad, .luán Haca, hill, and Fernando Ttwi 12 n r 30 e. Taxc 12.08, 2892-3- , .V v I 2.78, for 1892. House near Carrizo, for 1892 to 4. 160 acres laud Los house, on same land. Taxes 2.(2, Aguilar. 50 v land jict38 Is! n river, for land at 1.a jijas, Baea. Taxes jtenalty 00c, jienalty 3.17, printing 35c, total Taxes 417, jienalty 1.04, jirinting Montanos, two-roo- m house 50c, s hills, e II Baca, w J Sena, one bd ii G Jilea, 8 and e river, w J D jirinting Tie, total $3.82 10.20 same jienalty printing 35c, total 5.50 ' Macs, av, total place. Taxes 15.78, jieualty 3.94, 82.87 house and Imjivts pet 38. Taxes Iipez, house on same land. Taxes Matins Flore, ( 'ainlelarlo 101-2- lHOl-- 2, printing av, total $20.07 Salazar, Jose Hafael 11.25. jienalty 2.81, printing 35c, 9.80, penalty 2.10. pintlng av, for : one house at ujijier town for 100 acre land at Liber- PRECINCT No. 43 w .1 f rl892, residence, house nt Chit-pulcro- s. total 811.11 total $12.07 bd e ditch, road, n creek, ty, bd ranch of MeBroom.e Baca 4.72, 1.18, n w house Chavez, JosoMa Conlnued 14. Tuxet 1.78, penalty He, Flore, Gregorio . Iloyval, Francisco Castillo. Taxes jienally Montoya same, to Poo ; - 1891 v 1802-3- , 100 v n printing 3V, total 42.57 for 18H2-7- 00 yds land bd n lio Gal- for to 3; 50 land Los Turres printing Th, total $0.25 and imjivts amo land. Taxes for laud bd Galli 12 y Manuel vegoso creek, s .Maori I s uain, e I) Jones and w ditch, lots 11, Alat id, Francineo penalty 1.01, printing 35c, total PRECINCT No. 47. Flores Padilla, K) w and 13, block . Taxes isi.OO, EL INDEPENDIENTE, 5,58 for 1802 to 3 yds land bd n mesa, river .house on same.Taxe.s for lSíí.t-- 4, 2") v land in precinct Hrinkley, Anuerson Buros, w 25.72, penalty 0.43, 3V, nenaltv 24.15. printing 3V , total 11.42, Hunda, main ditch, s lomas, e M printing 45, description. Taxes Juan 18!H-- 7, no for lots 14 and 15, b , Mills $32.50 $121.10 1801-2- Haca, on same. Taxes total 2.H5, printing 35c, total for . 25 v land Hado de H house Salazar & Baca, Publishers. & Chapman addition. Taxes 0.81, Tt;', Hobart, II F, Mrs 11.02 Juan Dais bd e Jaramillo, w Gal- 27.25, penalty printing PRtCINCT NO. 3.12, 78c, 35c,total 44. -- 00-91, 14, 15, f penalty printing $34.11 for 18S7 lots 10.17, Francisco legos. 11 ditch, s river, house same total Duran, ÍI.25 Herrera Hrothers blk 27, Mills and Kihllterg addi- SUPPLEMENT. Ala-i'i- 3.01, '5c, Gonzales, Dionidoand Wife lust v bd n K place. Taxes penalty 18S8-0- 3 for l.i2. land agent for to '03, a tract of land, 47--, Hrewster, A K, of land, 320 acres tion, (tct and impvts. Taxes w K adeds-hous- e 35c, total for 1801; a tract s river, Alarid, printing 1880-0- lot at L V jtet 44, Vegas grant,.bd n G Continued from Page 13. for one houseand lund ut I,us Conidias, house and Iis 31.30, penalty 7.84, jirinting TV, same land. Taxes 3.70, Ilust uníante, Hafaid w on Hot Springs, M & K's addition Gonzales, L Lojiez, e Old Santa total 830.58 '"" 1S01-2- . 100 v lund pet 40 I 1 e impvts. Taxes 37.00, penalty 0.40, fl4e, juinting total for w 15 10 bd e a Fe trail, w limits of grant, 2,00u .', 10, half of lot blk 35c, $40.75 Kihlberg. F O Morrison, t'eeiliu O do $5.05 J Sanchez, w J D Homero, n d'.. h, printing totul vacant lot, unknown owner, w same, acres. Taxes 220.70, penalty 55.10, 1803 "08, 2(18 Mills & for 1897-8- , ranch at Salitre, less Taxes (Jarcia, Gregorio for to lots. Duran, Marcos s river, 0110 house. l.78, wagon road printing TV, total 27(5.33 Ijojh'7., on tho north hill, 1802 300 land ltd n Kihlberg addition on Mountain than 100 aero, M n and J 1X02. 100 v bd n F Maes- jtcnalty 3.41, jirinting 35c, t ial for to f: yds for laud und railroad track. Taxes 12.83, Herrera, Nicanor and Lope, streets, lots 1 and 2, b Taxes 2.72, jtcnalty (58c, printing 17.57 mesa, s Gallinas river, house, on e w lomas, houxe on 18S5-0-0-0- 0 05 30 tos, river, nenaltv 3.20, printing 35c, total for to '08, acres 1, Mills it Chapman addition. TV, 93.75 'l-ú- Tuxes 121.80, penalty 31;21, total Taxes , Haca, Filadellio same sane. 10.38 land, precinct 41, bd n X Herrera, Taxes 72.02, poialty 18.23, jirinting Martinez, Hujier to 1.70 lH.rj. 1 v land Ixl n diwui, s jirinting 35c, total 9150.42 printing 3.V, total for Hash s and w J .1 Herrera, house and 1891-- 2. IiiU) John TV, totul 91.50 for 290 v land jn t 44 river, e J Manpiez, w Jose de H IjOjtez, Hoinun (areia, Francisco for l8!l-2- ; real and personal pro improvements thereon. Taxes P Salado,' one house and lot West . 25 v In) H for 18.15 to '08, 200 v hind bd n riv Martin, J forlMH-2- One house pet 45 and Gonzales, land n Padil M 212.23, 53.05, 35c, w perty, no description. Taxes jtcnalty printing for 1893 to '08, lot 7, h 2, Mills & 1m Vega bd e lobato st, I'ha .50 5.15, la, a Lucero, e ditch, w (week, er, s diteh, w J J Duran, e Manuel v land. Taxes penalty J 1.3S, 35c, total 205.03 1. 4.07, penalty printing total Kihlberg add, lot 0 b 15, Hold's coi st, s U Ksquils Taxes inting 35c, total f.7H house and lot (ict 4(1. Taxes 20,38, Flores. Tuxes 20.31, (tenuity 7.3: 1.2, (u $7.25 Herrera, J nan J udd. 31.38, jtcnalty 1.01, printing .'tie, total penalty 5.00, printing 35c, total jirinting TV, total 30.08 Taxes 7.8, (iallegof, (regorio for 1804 to 'OS, ,500 acres land bd n ÍÓ.43 Hrooks, LH jirinting TV, total SS39.57 lSI'1-2- . 113 v 4. n fJ5.82 Ixjp3z, Jose Dolores for land jct 3, tI for lots 17 and 18, b Sotero Gonzales, s J II de I'libar Lantrv, H it Son Macstos y (Jarcia, Juan 1" w e tract of lund bd S (rutlerrei, s Aragón, hills, Gallegos, Iíconor & e N w road 30.) v 10. Mills Kihlberg addition to ri, Herrera, Teco'ote for l9i-(- 5 to 8. A piece of land U for 1892 to 4. land ut Hito 45. lHltl-2- , .'iO v Hado dt n river, w nill, e river, s Juuu (Jallinas river, one house. s't for land 11 12, 8: 200 luud bd n J II de Ulibar- - e road, Hot Springs, lots and b acres acres ltd n Gallinas river, s A T it Salado bd n road, Albino, Taxes 7.00, js'iialty 1.70, printing Juan 1'als bd e Hard a, w M Hael. Tuxes 41.81. penalty 11.21. Mi'ls & Kihlberg addition to Hot ri, M Trujillo, e Tecolote road, S F H H Co, w road and lot of J w J M Gabaldon, 225 v land Los (1.17 , d s house printing 35c, total 50.10 35c, total Casan.-- n itch, river, one 1.14 w del Salitre. Tuxes 20.0!), mesa, L Ornela, Springs. Taxes 4.50, jtcnalty Cerro II Ward. Taxes 40.0(1, jtcnalty Hitos bd n and s y Atañólo (í same laud. Taxes 2.00, penalty Rivera, Pablo i.areia (H inting 35c, total 0.0S penalty 0.07, jirinting 35c, total 10.24, 35c, $51.55 w It Zamoia, house. Taxes 07c, Cíe, total $3.71 for 1802 to '!)(!, 300 v land Isl n riv- jirinting total for lHiil Ut 3. 70 v land Los Tro prlning Nlcolus T $33.71 , (HTialty unu' Cordova, M Mills, Mrs M E 13.31. XII, print "'i jos bd n M (iarela, s 0 Lucero, ( (únzales, Jose del Hoyo er, a lomas, e Huras, house on for 1802 to '01, lot 0, blk 27, Mills . for 1801-5- . 200 viand on the old total 917.02 w river, for 1W1-- 50 v land Hado dc same land and a house at Chaperi-to- PRíicÍNCT summit of mesa, ííallinus Noi5. Ve-gu- & Kihlberg'a addition. Taxes race truck 4 miles nw of Las s Maestos, Agustín one house same land. Taxes 12.03, Juan Pais bd e F Ham, wA Cor Taxes 40.77, penalty 12.41, Gonzales, Ignacio 80 bd n and s 5.27, penalty 1.31, printing 35c, on the Hot Springs H H, foa 1892. acres land (tenuity 4.15, (Hinting Xv, total dova, 25 yds same place bd e self, jirinting TV, total 802.50 for 1802 to 4. 100 v land pet 45, w K Sanchez, total 0.03 bought of F Chapinan bd s .1 Hay-nold- s, mesas, V Chavez, Í17.13 w J Martinez, 0110 house bd e F Trujillo, Jose Francisco house on same land. Taxes .i8.l.), bd sides by J Danzlger, Mrs H n Jesus Martini"., e Galli- house and lot all (íarcia, de M l'eleelana Haca, w J Márquez. Taxes 4.84 foe 1801 to 0: 80 v lund Los Lojus (tenuity 7.10, printing 35c, total 4.58, 1.1, for 18SI7. frame house ut Hot nas river, w hills, i undivided in- Maestos. Taxes 1WJ2. KK) v land bd n .1 M penalty 1.21. printing .35c, total bd n hill, s river, e P Gonzales, w $3(5. 10 for bd n LJ & M build Kihl- TV, total 90.07 Springs, store Hi) terest land adjoining Mills it jirinting Mica, a A Knelnias, w river, one-roo- 0.40 J Martinez. v land 1ah Ijojus Huneke, Henry iug. Taxes 5.10, penalty 1 bergs udd to Hot Sjirings, i inter- Morrison, Arthur Taxes 5.48, penalty same as above, but temporal, one for 1802. Hunch ut Anto Ortiz house. Lopez, J Felipe printing '35c, totul Í0.72 to Hot for 1892 to 4. 70 aeres, small ritneh 7.2!) Lojas. Taxes 37.20, 3,215 n est in Mills it Holds udd 1.37, total 1HD1-- 37 house Los grant, being acres bd printing X; for v land liado de Juan DeV Z 4, 5, 10: nt Salitore bd u .J Lucero, s J alley, A 40 Sjirings, excepting blks Gale., Nabor w M Vijil penalty 0.30, printing TV, total w A Dold, s mesa, e Conchas, Pais bd c Juan Padilla, for 1805 to 8. Lot 22, b 17, Mills 22, 25, 20, 20, 30, 33, 31, 37, 38, pe?., w hills, e road. Taxes 8.U, 910.85 pet 45, no lots for lsD2. Lund Uts (iallinna ltd n n ditch, s river, one house Hado acres description. Taxes jienaity 2.0.'!, print ing TV, total & Kihlberg add. Taxes 2.04, pen 41, 42 b 2, 1, 5,0, 73, 74, 77, 78, 81, A Sena.e Aho ld, w common rights, de Juan Pais bd w T Homero, e M 133.70, penalty 33.41, jirinting TV, 10.52 ally 51c, printing 35c, total $2.00 PRECINCT No 9. 82 1)3, 3, 4,7, 8,11, 12, 15, 1(5, 19, 20, a hills. Tuxes 15.30, (tenuity 3.81, Vijil. Taxes 3.75, penalty O.'k total 107.58 Mouloya, y Gallegos, I ; ah rid F.ngh'tnan, John 23 b 5, 23, 24, 25, 28, 20, 32, 33 b 7, (irintiug 35e, total $1'.).55 85.03 lhiea, Pascual Jaruinillo, Torihio printing 35c, total for 1805 to 8. KK) v land ltd n J M 5, 0, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, for 1H)3, one house, pet 44, and (allego, Juan .low for 188(5 to '02: 400 v land pet 30 bd for 1803 to '07, 250 v land bd n 9, 25 son Tuxes CO I, Martinez, F.liseo Lucero, s M Maes, e bank, w creek. 20 b 0, 47, 48, 51, 52, 5(5 It 10, 5, (t, 9, lot vards art. 1H'.i2. 50 Montosa (let n G Sisneros, w ditch, s road, e river, s J Apodacu, vv river, c Apo for viand for 18!)2. 37 yds laud bd n ditch, s 17.20, penalty 4.32, 5, 14, 1, 2, 5, (t, tt, nenaltv 1.51. Diintinir Xx'. total Taxes printing 1 10ltl3, 1, 2, Ob 45, house on saniij land. Taxas 'ecos river, one house and fence daca, another piece of land in $7.1)0 river, e F Homero, w J Duran, 15, total 21.00 10, 13, 14 1)20, 8, 11, 12, 15, 10, 19, 4.11S. iienahv 1.17. tulutlng 35c, to on same land. Taxes 173.53, pen- the same precinct. Tuxes 23.88, h'.use on same, 21 yds bd n J Du- ''.splnosa, Agapito 20 b 21, all of b 25, lots 45, 40, 40, Maestas, Mucedoiiio Í0.20 alty 43.38, nrii.ting 35c, total penult v 5.07, printing TV, total tal H 1801-- y V land, preeinet 41, ran, w summit of Montosa, s for 100 land, tempo 50, 53, 54, 57, 58, (51, (2, (15, 00, (ii), for 1894, l,(0;i Garcia, At nuncio $217.20 830.20 2.70, Mink, e road. Taxes 7.42, 1 enalty ral, about one milo south of pet 47, 70, 73, 74, 77, 78, 81, 82, 85, 80, 89, house on amo land. 'Taxes 1S01, !)lt v In 45, Haae, Fernando Lucero, Htunaldo for laud precinct C1M12 I't'M'., TV, total 1.85, printing X; total one log housu semo place. Taxes 00, 93, 91 b 27, 1, 2, 5, 0, 9, 10, 13, jsnalty printing on same land, Taxes 0.20, for 150 v bind bd n for 1801 to 4. 200 v lund Kl Agui- house 1 :!4 Martinez, M 11 1,27, penalty .00, (irintiug 35c, 15 to 17, 21, 22, 25, 20. 20, 30, 33, 93.80 (tenuity 1.55, printing :15c, total mid hills, w same, s river, e H Marcus, la bd n P Lucero, s H Hamilton, w lu02. 75 v lund ltd n main total 85.08 1. 28, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 10, 10, 20, Ortiz, Juan f.M.10 for 3 houses ut Antonehico. Tuxes ditch, o river, 75 v land tcmjiorul M 2-- l'M-O.- I 'ÍIH, 250 v laud bd n h e Gallegos, Fried sum, J 23, 21,27, 31, 32 b 20, 1, 2, 5, 0, for to H ditch, Pecos river, F 102.01, penalty 25.0(5, jirinting 35c, pet 15, one house same lund. Taxes Hamilton, J 8, C ( F (aliemos, w ridge, e I w T Homero, two-roo- house bd n for 1803 to '08, lots 3 und 4, b 0, 10, 13. 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 20, 20, tti., for 1NIH, 450 v land, pet 10, Villa of total 128.(15 1 1.07. penalty 11.24. printing 35c 12.52, penalty 3.1., M Vijil, a J e Lopez, w Mills A. Kihlberg addition to Hot 30, 33, 34, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 40 b 30, Lope.. Tuxes Agullur, 75x100; 25 v land at sana Padilla, F Lucero, Mariano total $50,50 ing TV, total 10.00 road. Taxes 3.70, penalty Die, Springs, lots 41 und 42,1) 27, Mills Mills it Kihlbergs aid ta Hot print f place, 150 v laud near the resl forl8!Ktto2;00yds land pet 30 bd Tafoya, Alfonso 35c, total 10.05 & Kihlberg addition to Hot Tuxes 05.95, jtenulty l'lno, Tomas denee of the. laic Homnaldo Lie (irintiug e river, vv hills, n M Lucero, s V for 1802 to '05, 500 v land ltd n P Springs. 1M2 1. OoO v land bd in pet Springs, lots 13 and 14, b 7, Mills 23.98, (irintiug TV, totul 120.28 for to cero. Taxes 10.02, (tenuity 2.7.1, Malilonado, Hamou l.nccro, 200 yds land pet 30 bd e Maros, s M Selgado, w river, e &. 41, ono-roo- house. Taxes 101-2- . Kihlberg addition to Hot O'llourk, Michael lot and printing 35c, total íll.0) for 25 v land Hado de hills, w river, n J Prioste, s M lomas, house in sume net. Tuxes 188(5-0- 11.70, 2.W I, ltd lug TV, 11 Springs. Taxes 20.40, penalty Til) 0 to "08, lots 10 und II, jienaity pi Lucero, Ma Juan Pais bd e Juramill", w Perca, temporal, yds land Mon- 00.30. penalty 17.32, printing 35t for Antonio 5.11, TV, 25.02 total 115.05 11 printing total blk 5, Las Vegas Hot Sjirings Co for licito '110, 150 v land, precinct ace(ula, s river, ditch, one house tosa bd e river, w hill, n A t.ucero, totul !?8t.07 Forsythe, II F with dwelling house and Hinco, Ueluvliio 45, house on same land. Taxes ami lot in Iludo de Juan Pals ltd s s F Mues, temporal, 80 v land ltd addition, 1803-- 5 to '08, 1 and 2 b 0 I8ii2. .'Kit v Kito Salado 11 for lots impvts. Tu,es 118.40, penalty for laud 18.20, penally 4.57, printing 35c, K Sunche., public road. Taxes n ditch, h creek, e J P Agullur, w PRECINCT No A(. 1x1 V Homero, e 11 Mills & Chapman addition. Taxes 20.01, TV, 9148.42 n (ionales, T 23.21 2.81, (tenuity 71r, printing 35c, total K Gonzales, one house upper An- allegos, Tomas printing total total 35c, w K Sunehez, one house, 7.12, penalty 1.78, printing S KK) H Martin'., Lucero, llljlnio 3.!K) tonehico bd e common rights, w for 1880-- to "ill. v land pet 40 Preston, Geo 80.25 21- - 1, Taxes 3.57, jeiia!ty tdic, printing total M n w Ma s river, for 1891 to '98, lots 10 to blk for lHXt-7-- l.'IH v land ltd 11 .1 de I) Montano, Francisco hill, s P Haca, n J Olgunl. Taxes bd ditch, Martinez, 91.78 Hanson, II Hot TV, total Lm-ero- , 1H1H-- J 10.13, e Al nil, one same a Mills it Chapman addition, Homero, s Halacl w J d for 2. 50 v land pet 40 bd eC 40.51, (tenuity (Minting 35c, house lauil, y for 1803, Jots 5, 0 and 7, twp 17 r pet 10 Springs, uud impvts. Tuxes 55.05, Homero I'iuo, rruucihco I) Lucero, e Gauinac. river, u Sandovnl, w Homero, n ditch, s total $51.02 tract of land Las Colonias 4. .'SoO v I lito Ha 11 e, 100 acres. Tuxes 0.51, 13.70, Tie, for 1892 to land Jar-autill- o, Tuxes 55.10, penulty 13.87, print in penulty jirinting total house, bd n H Lucero, s, e and w river, 00 v luud pet 40 ll n H lado, bonne on same. Taxes 12.75, penalty 2.37, printing Tic, toti.1 PRECINCT NO. AO. 35c, 00.71 $09.10 prairie. Tuxes 23.32, penalty 5.H:i, s .1 Sandoval, one house í totul (tenuity 3.18, jirintlug total 2.23 Dowler, C Pulleli, ( 'lurenee X; (trinling .'Cm', total Í20.50 pet 10 I id s F Homero, 11 public ionzalcs, Jtntn .V Koogler, J II W G 1801-- 2. 1801-2- 1S07-- 2, 4 5, b 21, 10.2S Lucero, de Tuxes 0.11, 1.53, for 320 acres and impvts for . 50 v lund pet 40 bd u J for lots 3, and Juan Dios road. penally 18, Ktigcnio, as Igneo of 11 Ho for 1801 to 8. Lots 0, 12 to 15, M v undivided half, Mills .V Kihl- Homero. for 1'.2, a niece of land at Mon printing :Ct, total .02 farming und grazing lund. Tuxes Murtuez, s Homero, e hill, 210 mero & Bros 10, b2, Mills A Gnupmiin 1st add 50.20, penalty 11.81, printing TV, luud in Antonehico ltd n J P Sun berg addition. Tuxes 8.03, jienulty toso, 11 pice of land and a housi Olguln. v Kl .Iens to 1 Springs, lots 10, 11, It 17 for 1895 to '98, 50 land at Su 5.1'i.t, lot total 973.42 doval. s road, w ditch, e road, 130 2.23, printing TV, total 911.51 in precinct 45. Taxes 1 sill-J- . 31) bd e - for One house pet M it. Chapman 1st add Hot 1) litre, lid 11 Hafael Lujan, (ndu- ills to v land Sun Gerónimo ltd n A Go Veeder, John W itetiultv 1. II, printing 3"h', total J Jaramillo, w public road. Taxes w Springs, lots 20, 27, b 10, Mills it PRECINCT NO. 41 1895 8. i in- 1uh' Hael, road.e incsltu Taxes 7.41 inez, s F Hlveru, e sume, v J Ui- - for to An undivided 3.10, (tenuity 77c, printing 35c, total Kihlbergs to' Hot, Springs, lots 5.71, penalty 1.12, priming TV, Lope, K(!llHllu add A poduca, Nicolas veru, one house at Antonehico terest in the follow ing lots at U22 !, 10, 13. II, b 0, Mills it Chapman 1803, Vegas Hot the in- total 7.48 ls'.rj, v Ixl u for oni! house at Can in de Tuxes 20. 10, penulty 7.20, print in Springs, being for c land main .lose Albino 17.80, Padilla, add to Hot Springs. Taxes Tuxes 103.51, K im!ty25.88, of John und Henry Dold: Homero, Canulio ditch, s river, w M Martini.''., s F Vigil. 35c, total 30.83 terest 18 0-- 05 d forlsOl-2- . ttiHJ v 4 lid 11 for ds bind Hado penalty 1.05, printing Tic, total TV, lots 1 to 1, 12 to 15 b 8, lots 27, 28" land let ("ollegott, W v laud bd n J Torres, jirinting total 12.7i Marque, Juan bd n Sanchez, s 11 w K Suliehe,, s A Ho Juan Pais P $23.10 Hulluril, Mu v It 1. 10, 13. 11. lots 32, 35, 30 F Cotízales, s road, w main ditch, c rivi Sellar for to '02. 75 luud Hado lots 8.99, Jaruinillo, e same, w grunt, 0111 Koogler, John II 1803, w I of J s sw 30, 40, 13, 47, 48, 51, 52, 55, 50, mero c t have?.. Taxes pen house In precinct 45. Taxes 5.311, for kc and i of Juan Pais bd e L Casados, w Haca li, house Mudo de Juan l ilis tul u for 180 to 8. Lots 01 to 0.1, b 0, 8, 12, 1(5. 10,20 b "i" alty2.2, pi luting .'1.V, total, 91158 penalty 1.31, printing 35c, total sec 10 tw o 12 r 30, 100 acres and and impvts, 37 v land pet 40 bd e 50. 00. 7. 11. 15. vacant land, s P road, e F Galle Mill i ,t Chupiuuu add to Hot 25.3(5. 27, 28, 31 0, 9 b 13, Homero, r'runrlseo t"7.ti5 dwelling house. Tuxes mad, w P F.squihel und impvts, lots 23,21, b lot w 0.75, 1.03, 11 gos, vacant laud. Taxes Springs. Tuxos 7.'2, penally (5.31, 1 8 10 10, 17, for 192, 31 v land bl Saludo Lucero, Hufttcl (tenuity printing TV, total 175 v lund Mudo de Juan Puis ltd e lots to 3, to b lots II, l.oS, 35e, total 10 w penally printing printing 3V, total 00 32.05 M 5iN) 18, 21 b 11, lots 1, 2, 5, 0 b 15, lots ereek, s mesa, e It Pluo, lots, for 1H!I2 to 'IMi, lU5v lund bd n II N riibarrl, w Jaruinillo, v fN.78 ( ( 1 7 20, 11 creek, mesa, e (alli-1111- Kennedy, 'o, ltd to 3. to 9, 13. 10, 17, 19, 21, house bd s saint Lucero, h H Lucero, e Hio Joseph Dutchess 'attic lund Mudo dc Juuu Pais n river, .1 8.03, Perca, Marcelino WI3-Ü-- 1, 3, it 2, for 1801 '03, 800 100 21, 25 b 17, nil Mills Chapman land, w I'ino. Tuxes w J Lucero, 23 v land bd n for lots 2 and to acres land s common rights, one house on t TV, for 18(11.2. 50 v land Hado de Juan V in 2 10 20, lOOacres 1st add Hot Springs: following 2.15, printing total Tomas Lucero, s river, e M Mues, Martinez addition to Fast Las acres sre tt r same land, one house. Tuxes to Lucero, w J Sunehez, H 2, .t in sec 0 twit 10 r 27, 10 ) acres In lots owned absolutely: lots 1 to 4 b HI. i:i w 11 Cif'Hpin, one house precinct Plllsbde.J iras, lots and 0. block Mills 103.2, penalty 25.57, (irintiug 3V, 10 v land Hado de 21 10 20, 100 7, lots' 15 19, 17 21 It 2, two-roo- and hunvts. Kihlberg Tuxes 7.20, sec twp r acres iu sec to 10,11, to llodrlgue?., Cosine 45, house (M t 10. Taxes addition. total $130.20 1 1891-2- , ltd e M w 12 20, 100 10 11, 12 It 8, 31, 32, 37, 20, 80 for house in ift 44. Taxes lrt.Wi, jsTialty 4.70, printing 35c, Juan Pals Manue., penalti' 1.80, printing TV, total twp Kl r acres in sec lots lots one house Hado de Juan 10 27. 1.2.), PRECINCT NO. 17. udd 3.04, (K'nulty ie, printing TV total Í23.H5 Maruez, fO.T) twp r Tuxes 2,03 bl, Mills it Kihlbergs and w Honwell, VV J total 94.15 Madrll, .ltse Pais ltd e J Lucero, J Sanchez, I'doux, Felipe penalty .508,55, printing 35c, total Mills it Chajimans 1st add to Hot and itnpvtrt. Tuxes 5.KI, tenully 82,543.10 for 1803 to '08, lots 10 und west Taxes 88.35, jtcnalty Hovval. l'ornrlo for 102, house ami Improvements for 101-2- , .50 v land, at Las Gal- Springs. Kl J. 25, ju intlng ICtc, totul $0.110 Dennis, F. hull of 15, b 10 Mills .t Kihlberg 22.00, TV, total $110.00 for lMi2lo '94. loo aeres land at bd n Concluís creek, s e and w linas, bd nil Lucero, w Desiderio printing 1801 'Ü3, addition. Taxes 40.00, (tenuity Venado, liel house and lot the public domain. Taxes 7.47, Pudilla, Heiiigno y Zuron Homero, s Trujillo, e Tcnjeijuez, for to 100 acres land and Venuvides, Vjctorio 10.21. (irintiug 3.V, $51.58 I 17.10, I8II2. 101 n A I impvts, lund Monto) u grout. total for 1892 to '98, 100 acres land it n name place. Taxes I faulty 1.H0, prlt.titig 35c, total for yds laud bd Pa one house, (s'l L0, West jis Vegas neiir 21.80 .1 11 e ditch, w Tuxes 208.83, (tenuity 52.20, print Uooker, L L J Martin, s A F.spinosa, e crestón, 4.20. j.rititlng TV, total 11.08 dilla, s Mink, main bd 11 Sabiuia I'libarrl, w T Lucero 1802 1 1, two-roo- ing TV, $201.38 for to '08, lots to w Taxes 37.93, penalty Kalus, Marcos I'urras, Macllio II Jaramillo, housi s M Cusuus.e New Mexico avenue. total springs. du I ( 'attic Co blk , Mills it Kihlberg 9.48, (irintiug TV, 47.70 for 1892, lOOid land bd n J Orlu. for 1SH1-2- , 35i) v laud bd n Alarid. Taxes ,4' M'iuilty 1..'5, (irintiug Tuxes 4.55, (tenuity 1.13, printing Fon jic total .1 1802-3- , 320 itn addition Hot Spring, lots 3,4,7, V 'elder, F.dward m J Lucero, e Ma Lucero, w buna w river, e Tafoya, a nieslta, Xk; total Í7.I0 TV, totul (li .03 for acres land uud i 8, b 11, Mills it Kihlberg addition 12, 10, 19, house at same p! uce. Taxes 4.05, house at Gallinas. Taxes 10.58, Pcdre, Sunche. Murtiucz, Juan provenients, s i of nw i w i of tie for 1802, lots 7, 8, 11, 15, 11 to Hot Springs. 53.80, 1 sec 3.25 twp r 31. Tuxes 1,705.37 Taxes 20, b 11, Mills ii Kihlberg addi- tsnaltv l.oi. tulnting X; total penally 2.01, printing 35c, tot 11 for l4',). 75 v land liado de Juan for 18 )1. 100 acres land ltd s V (tenuity 411.00, 35c, penulty 13.17, (tiinting TV, total tion, lots'). 10, 13, II, b 17, Millsit 5.41 1 13.57 Pais bd w M Sanche'., e ('Sanchez Vauavides, e crestón of middle print ing total 92,200. HI $07.71 Kihlberg udd it ion, lots 20, 27, 30, Sanche, Kstcbun S ilgado, Mariano it ditch, s river, MO v lund Hado canon, w Ojito de Ocliou. Taxes , James , Doll, Mary 31, 31, Tt, 39, 40, b 27. Mills it for 191 to 4. W aeres, a tract of forlH02-5- .V) v laud bd n Julian, de Juan Pals bd n H Sunehez, N 3.02, penelty 7V, printing TV, Gaynor, for 1801 to '03, 400 lund und for 1805 to 8. An undivided i in- Kihlberg addition. Taxes 4.80, 2.50 yds land pel 41, s H Tafo) a, e Julian, w riu (olíules, and impvts, one huusi total $4.12 acres landjct4l, terest in lots 27, 28, 10, 13, 14, 7, 8, Tt, two-roo- improvements, s i nw J sw se penalty 1.21, printing total house 011 same land. Taxes 18.17, und a house. Tax s Mudo de Jiimi Puis bd n A Hael, t Teitlcbauin, Adolph 11 11, 12, 15, 10, 10, 20, 23, 21, 27, 31, H02-3-- sees 3 and 25 twp r 30. Taxes i!.42 penalty 4.51, printing X', total 21.H5, Hiialty .21, printing 35c, C Sunche.. Tuxes 7.77, penalty for 5 to '!s, lots 4, 5, It 10, 032.02, 233.00 Th 32, T5, :t0, 30, 40. 43, 4!, 47, 8, 51,52, M ) uud wife total Ml. 41 1.01, printing 35e, total flO.OO Mills it Kihlberg's addition, lots penalty (irintiug Wright, tolul 91,105 37 55, 50, 50, OO.Oblks 1, 7, 0, 18; lots f( r 1808, house and lot in Kililiterg Tafo) a, Francisco Kut l v Arauda, Auastacia I, 5, 0. b 17, Mills A Kihlberg's Goldsmith, Abe 1, 2, 3, H, 0, 10, II, 17, 18, 21 b 10: it Mills addition to Hot Springs. lCT No. 43 for l"l2 to '.H'., 200 v land bd n A for Mil-:'- , .50 y luud Iludo de Juan addition, lots 2, 3, b 10, Mills it 1801-2- , 100 lots 1. 2, 5, 0 h II: lots 1 to 3, 7 to 1.17, 1.C4, mi s w Taxes 10.58, for acres land, no dual Taxes penalty (irintiug Tufo) a, and lotu.i,, Hio Galli Puis bd 11 P Sunehez, asume, v M Kihlberg's addition. Aliu id, Kncatnueioii proof of same, Taxes 101, 7i 10, 12. 13, 10, 17, 20, 21, 25, 20 It 17: 35c, total $5.50 nas. Taxes 21.55, (K'nulty 0.13, 11 penult y 4.11, (irintiug TV, total Sanchez, one house liiulo ilc J tut 1 TK v 11 Mam 18.00, lots to 4, 12 to 15, b 18 Mills it for IMA 'HI, land bd 35c, $21.07 penalty (irintiug TV, total Woodworth, Saimirí printing total f'iLU't Puis bd e P Sanchez, w and 11 va illou, v Teolilo, s Alai id, e end of 9213.80 Chapinan add to Hot Springs. for 1898, lot 2, Ii 5 Hot Spring add. Trtl'il'lo, Jose lne. euut land, s ditch. Taxes 0.00, Woodworth, John 17.11, 4.37, F, Taxes 58.32, penally 11.58, jirinting 8de tnesa. Taxes jsnalty pm 03 Johnson, J Tuxes 3.23, jienulty (irintiug for ls'.rj to ''.ill, v laiul bd 11 A penally 1.52, printing 3,"c, total for to 7. Lot 2. b 5, Hot 22.21 1802, 100 w TV, tot ul $73.25 printing TV, total w mid. 18.50, for acres land i of sw 35c, total !il.38 Lucero, H Lucero, e river, Í7.1MÍ Springs Taxes pcnuOy - Aragón de Alarid, ííürr.üa lie se J of ne 1 sees 0 and 10 tw Flood, Isua- Wright it Moss u i 1 iiiuii. Taxe 23.07, ietiulty 4.02. printing 3V, total 623.47 IV) In t 45, Homero, Facundo f ir 1805 to 8. 3 frac of b 1, Mills 1895 for l"!1!, v land s 5.!il, printing 35e, total Í2H.03 12 n r 35 e and impvts. Taxe for to '97, house and lot in for 1 Mi 75 v Ln.i Hado de Juan Holds udd to Dot Springs. Tuxes liniire on sHlnc land. Taxes 5.!il, Tofo) a, Heilucluilo 2.1.01, penalty 7.41, printing TV t Mills it Kihlberg addition t Hot w Marti-pe- z, AMOUNTS OMR ."."i 1.47, ."i5c, total Pais bd e F Montano, K $25.00. $37.40 33.18, penalty 8.20, (irintiug held In Mrs. O jsnally printing for lA-2- . UM v luud temporal total Springs, name of n ditch, n river, one house Joseph totul $11.82 wife. Tuxes, 81.77, jienulty f7.7J bd n Selga, .1 1' w Wilht. Tofoya, river, Mudo dc J nan bd w K Marti- N AjmiiIh Pals I'KtCINCT 7. l8sl-2- , one house prints Gordon, M G 21.19, TV, 9100.31 a, Trlndud 4. Lili-- , one house 011 same laud for and printing total 1 lle., e F Montano. Taxes O.P., Arinljo, Manuel 1803 M.H, a for KW, TO v land In pn-cin- on government land. Tuxes 33. 15 for to tract of lund Taxes 3.77, penally i'le, printing .'I'm-- , Wail, Moor j js'iialty 1.51. printing total ("hi v 37 bd u 11 w for lso land pet Plucita de los Vigiles ltd (dazu, t J tJureia, e river, Is5.n0 penalty 8.30, printing TV, totul la 1880 M9, 1890 '98, 12 .'V, total H for to to loti s S8.1 (Jiiiniauu, s mesa, e river, w ditch, uud Hot Springs, about six miles hill, liouxe 011 sumo land. Taxt Vlgi", D 12.10 und 13, 0 27, Mills it Kihlla-r- :), .T J.e Sanche, t 'aslano u house. Tuxes. 70.41, penalty from L'is Vegas, bd n roud run- 2.2.1, 57e, printing for '.tj 3, 10 v land at Mont co, Prentice, Henry L the Park house, Lus 1KD1-- I 17.00, .V, for .V)y Inn Mudo de Juan p; luting total I80--.- ning on cast kMc of Gallinas riv- total? 1.21 house ut same place. Taxes t..'V", lor. I, iiymi acres pi e mesa Vegas I lot Sjirings. Taxes 170.09, Pals bd w P Sanche, e A G al le- Lucero, Pablo er, w the said Hot Springs, s Apodacu, rieponuet no iM'iialtv 2.'l, printing Xm tolul He loutlo and wire fence, extend jienulty 42.07, printing TV, totul 37, - v .1 I gón, 11 ditch, s river, one house for 50 yds land, )H't b n ditch, i- Garcia, w a Jor lKiJ.:V. 72 land bd ti Í12.0I Ing from said mesa across the ditch: certain 213.71 I'.nsinlus, D Lucero, e common be- Apoduea, s I. A podara, river, e Mudo dc Juan Pais bd a Gallegos, J MaKeii riaiiis, tul n wire teitce lot or parrel of lund situated Vigil, Santón F. Young, Abraham two-roo- w 50 v land, pet 31, tu! n J ild 50 v more and P Sanche.. Taxes 0.70, (tenuity rights, one-hal- f interest TilTuny tween Hot Springs and Pln.n de ditch, for lv02, hoiwe In precinct 4 Cattl 8. 7, 8, b 10, .Tie, Gallegos, s Al Aistduca, w for to Lots boti-- e. Taxetf (s.l!). i.alty 4.02. :4I, printi ig total I2.55 ande one-hal- f Interest los Vigiles and about six miles js bounded by vacant laud, Taxes Co, of Tillan .t Tuxes 72.03, common bind, 10 v land I id n and s Mills Kihl'MTgudd. , 41. from Las Vgas, bo n road lead- printing '!, total IZM 2.3H, penally 5lc, (irlnllng .'Cm-- Sanche, Salainon hoiiso and impvts, pet Taxi penulty l8.o;, jirinting TV, totul t) u H D Lucero, e und w eounnou lands. 0.853.(K, penally 1.713.25, n ing on i list und north side of Gul-lina- s ApodaM. I'raneiwo total .l .32 for K'J. ucris laud bd ju nt ' $10.38 i- -. 25.23, (tenuity (5.30, fot 1W2 to b Oix rts land at Muldoliudo, s.l D Gallegos, w It Taxes printing TV, totul $8,500.00 river t i said Hot Springs, e T,m TV, total .11.8.8 by mill sits of M G Gordon, n Ortiz grunt and impvt. PRICINCT NO. 40 Jiirunilllo, e ditch, house on same STRAY FACTS. ls.,'i, 4.1, (irintiug X-- , land. Taxes 7.10, (tenuity 1.77, Miin.anurcs, ('reséñelo PRECINCT NO 42 binds of II Macs, s mill ditch, one for 4 to 0; dwelling house at , Aragón, Franc'sco prii ting Tic, total It i. 22 lVrcn, F.lia-t- Kslate (if lot or parcel of ltnd sit intcl While cursing his daughter for mar- ( Taxes 25.01, is'.il-:'- . 7 (tii-c- en Ito. pciiulty 0.4. Los VI, and Hot rying Ida withes a Texas man AjMjdaca, IVsiderio for acres of laml, a V l.t si Junto for !!)', 40 ids lund pit 12, one 'lies against lie... Tic, 932.77 U H11r.u1 at . (irintiug total Gl'li-tc- e, 1'iO I about siv mil s from fell dead. x 'l. 50 v lurid bd u (f land ltadod'Jiiau I'aUlnln 18'.i-2- 37 v land Iludo dc house Nuevo ere Las if for Juan M .1 Mn.u:uires, Luis Vegas, bd n by leading In 1S9S Great Urltaln mined 202.042,-00- 0 S (Gutierres, w iiiiiiu ditch, e Hio huiiclie., Sanchez, i acri's Pais. I.d e P i:qulliel. w N Jaru- land sec 0, twp 7, r 2:', and h jivts r.iad tast d for 1 "03 to 0; 175 v land bd n S and north site of tons of coal. The United States (Jalllnas, ho'tre same land. Taxes laud, a piece of land at Undo inillo, n ditch, ilvir, house tm Taxes 41.10, penalty 10.20, jirinting Gallinas river I Oiilntauu, e river, w uiteh. ahou ,( M mined 13fi.2S2.000 3.11, penalty 77e, iriiitiug:i.'s'l total Juan I'ais bl n J Homero, h '.hi same lund. Taxes 3.13, TV, total 51.83 to Hot Springs, e land of Jose j Of the world's unntial yield of petro- 1.03 pla.ado, one house on sauie luud Taxes 40.07, penalty n.M, ya p,,,., Mulialm Sunehez, s und w Gallina river, it K; printing 35c, total f 1.0.1 leum. 5.000,000,000 gallons, the United Aragón, ltMro y tian la Ta "s 10..VI, penalty 2.30, printing .(., tctui for 1802. 101 a res lund see's lieing luniU through which was produces one-hal- I'liburtl, Ililurio M Slates for bud bd ii K X.; total ("13.H und 0, t vp 7, r 22. Taxes 20.00 the mill ditch of G Gordon. ltot. W for 41 yds land H.ulo de The rejitihllc of Venezuela contains a C Apodacu, tíallinas Ku'U, Vicente PKUCiNCTNotttt. (icr.ulty 0.07, pi luting TV, totul Taxes 81.08, penalty 20.42. printing (ill', Juan Pals bd s H Sanche, n J C06,l."i9 sqnaie miles. It Is larger than river, w i.miii ditch, s v laud bd 11 for 1V.U. 2. .J7 v land Hado di Hao-A- D N Í33.71 Tie, total ln2.45 Sanche, one Imiiim I! info dc J,ma any country tu Europe except Uussla. 1 (1 d F. ? .Ul- ltd e .1 Duran, w for 1801 to 3 ,!0: one-thir- Inter- Ilciiuric', A li (allego, t Kailcgos, Juan I'ais s 11 crop of the world this Pais Isl and s Juan Mucpie. PRECINCT NO 43 The wheat na t river, w main ditch, IS land I'rlost, n ditch, s river, one house est It bouse i'l West Vegas. for n to 'iw, 40 acres lai.d year Is t S.C04,000.000 bush- Taxes 0.3.1, penalty 1.58, (n lnting estimated bd (Í Gallego. Taxes 21.14, jm h- -; Undo ilc .1 nun and one houst Tuxes 1.80.31, iMUinlty 45.08, print- - (iarela y Gonzales, Gregorio running from Mora roud west one-L- a was 2,743,000.000 l'ai Xh; total 8.:V, els. Last year's ". aj riuUui; Xtc, total t.0.52 and lot tauiu place. Taxe i.l'J, jüf TV, total 225.77 for 1808, 300 v land, pet 43, bd n If mile on east of Mora t'oad, u .).'C, Goimtles, 8 A Sandoval, e Daily, Taxes penalty penalty printing 35e, total Vaur, JA 30.d, penalty i.M. printiniJ Ksipiibcl, Nicolas provements. 3.2, 0c, w J 305.10, pen- U IMPENDIENTE, for 1805, land at San Ignacio with total 838.77 Cotízales. Tases for 1802-3- , 100 acres land, bd n V 82ivprinting 35c, total 81.45 85.28 thereon. Taxes 41.71, Gallegos, Jose Francisco alty 7C.H7, printing 3.V, total $:i82.21 F.squibel, s I Aragón, w T Mon- Gonzales, Jose Salazar, Ltnota a house "08, 4 land Ut Montoya, Jtiso -- 7 b ."Mi Kihl- penalty printing .TV, total' for 115 to acres Salazar a, e V Ksquibel, house on same. for 1801-2- . one cabin and lot j et for 1801 2, part of lot K42, & Baca, Publishers. to) go bd n (Quinto Herre- for 1802 to 7; 775 yd land bd n and w I) Crespin, s berg's plat 1808, 23 feet front 852.48 Canon Taxes Iti.OO, penalty 4.15, printing 01, bd n S Barda, w H 1.08, ra, Ntlam, e river.wla mesa. Taxes s Sapello river, e llarrold, VV. total 821.10 J Salazar, 0 nn alley. Taxes by 175 feet deep. Taxes SUPPLEMENT. PRICINCT NO. 52. 35.40, penalty 8.80, printing 35c, Montoya, 2M yds land Chaperito, Jof-- 2.70, 3V, total penalty 40c, printing 35c, total L jienalty MV,printing Puer-tecitob.ln- II oniez, total 8H.07 150 yds IiOs Gallinas, 250 yds for 1801 to '93. K0 ac res land bd n 83.83 $2.82 Brea, Valentin Continued ir-oi- Montoya, l) Ho- Pnfie 15. I.) B 1801 v pet 52 bd Santillanes, Jose de J load, s ridge, e L Jaramillo, vv Gonzales. Patricio Sager, Alfred for to 3. 125 laud w for 1801 to '00, a tract of land w ith mero, o bill, hill, 8 aeren land on same land. for 1801, .TOO yds land and 10 for 1801, personal property. Taxes n F Lovato, w L Olivas, c river, Aragón, one house Taxes Mosquero bl n, s, e ani w vacant Gania, Antonio calm, 2.00, 74c, printing 3V, total 50 v Dorninguez, s L impvts on Mora river. Taxes 10.47, penalty 2.(11, printing house at Manuelita, one .it penalty land bd n T in Iáí Vegas for ,'V) 1 31.12, 7.73, land, interest grant, 1S:2; v land l n Garcia, s Manv.l-ita- s, 8 LOS vv 100 v bd n M penalty printing 3.e, It 3.".c, total i:i.4.'l Manuelitas, KM v land at Olivas, river, land 1x1 D f 830.20 100 v land Los Alamos n loma, s Trujillo, vv road, 40 v land bd n 100 of Miguel Montoya, s A Duran, e and vv total Gutierrez, Juan Jose acres of land, a trac: Saramaca, w Montoya, l'.W A S; river, e road, II Sena. s P Anulla, e road. Taxes 8 10, 24. for 1801, one piece of land In P land. Taxes Santistevan, Juan for 1802, 10Ü acres land in San land sec tvvp r Taxes mesa, house on same 1x1 s 8.80, for 1808, personal property. Taxes yds ii Sapello river, main penalty 2.21, printing 3.V, 1 VV, M add, adjoining the piece of land 8.01, 35c, Miguel grant and impvts. Taxes 24.03, ten alt y 0.2!, printing 32.01, penalty printing ilitch, w Crespin, KM total 811.42 KMX), penalty 25.20, printing ,'!V e llarrold, T (i.25, penalty 1.50, printing 3V,total total $31.51 appertaining to Francisco. Taxes total 810.40 total $120.35 yds nd n main ditch, 8 canon Azul, (allego, Daniel $8.1(1 Garcia, Guadalupe 1,50, 37c, printing 3V, total Cordova, Anastacio e road, w II Montoya. Taxes .504.04, for 1892; 100 v land Sanguijuela bd 1805-0-- 1 5, b 50, Kibl-ber- g 82.22 Giron, Jose D for lots to for 1802 to 8. KM v laud Kmpla- - PRECINCT NoTsS 120.10, 35c, total n D (ali- penalty printing lVrea. s L do Martinez, e v house in pet 04 bd n L Smith, Ira 0.1 for 1802 to '04. 840 land at the plat, zado pet bd n and s hills, close linivvne, L P 8031.15 emos, vv 121 v Lou Ala- 1802 Kihllierg foot of hill, A (Sold, s I) Wells, e and vv st. Taxes for to 8; lot 4, b 77, vv mesa, bd n F Ortiz, s Castilla A Sandoval, M llarrold, house for 1804: ()0 aerea land Homero-vill- i Martinez, Telesforo mos bd n river, h common right plat. Taxes 23.78, penalty 5.04, no, e A Padilla, w J Gutierrez 11.55, penalty 3.3, printing Xh; pet 52 on Las Vegas t and impvts at Alamosa road two miles s of for 1801 to 4; 50 v land jK-- 01 bd n e F Garcia, w L ihs Martinez, 1874 $18.53 printing 35e, total 830.07 Taxes 21.01, penalty 5.40, printin;. total govt laud. Taxes 42.47, iwnulty bd n hill, e Bomeroville road and 8 hills, M (alle- v Sapello river, e J land bd n common rights, s river, (Sarcia, Tullio, Angelo de & Co $"'3.14 M , 3V, total Í27.3 Cecilio 10.02, printing 55c, total rk'htof vvav of N S P H B vv M Martinez, KM v land pot w I) 1800-7- go, Trnjillo, e Chas Ilfeld, house 107-8- , :t00 acres land., pet 58, for ; personal procrty. w Jaramillo, Jose de La Luz for Cordova, Anastacio ,v Son Co, s Bomeroville ranch, Lopez. (.1 bd n Sapello river, s Ap Cor- and n h L 1 3.00, lot bd common rights, 1800.-- 8, KM n Lopez, s (' tobledo, e road, Taxes 14.05, penalty printing 1803-5-- for acres land at San bd L for Personal proinrty. Taxes 31 .01, penalty 7.70, printing dova, e J Lucero, w Anto Martinez. Loilez, w L do Martinez,, o road Gomez, e, 1) vv pet 04, bd 11 Mon-sime- r, VV, total $18.00 28.01, l'ablo. bd n Luisita D crestón, house Taxes 112.01, penalty print- 3.V, total 8.30,15 Taxes 37.08, penalty 9.40, printing Tuxes 21.00, penalty 4.42, printing w Lopez, w street, house Trujillo, Juan F ' Martinez, s G Martinez, J Jara e L ing TV, total $140.40 Lopez, Lorenzo 35c, total 847.82 :Ve, total 82Ü. Hi Martinez, s nnd vv for 1801 to 0; lot 20, b 40, house millo, 30 v land same place, bd n petó, bd n E Lopez y Montano, Jose for 103 to 7: one tract of land pi Sandoval, Juan Gallegos, Acasio s. I) bouse pet 5, bd n and lot pet 04 Chavez st. Taxes public road, e and Martinez, e streets, Sobedrt for 1802 to 5. 100 v land Colora- 58, boundaries and number of acres for 18!1 to 8; KM acres land Kl Mi- for lsul to 3: 50 v land Kmplazado 1) s 18.07, penalty 0.52, penalty 1.03, printing 35c, to- 52. Luisita Gomez, house at San Montano. Taxes do river, house in net Taxes unknown, one tract of land M't 50 lagro, C J Bernalillo. Taxes 30.43, bd n hill, h Sapello river, e M Ho $23.08 tal $8.50 Pablo. Taxes 0.40, penalty 1.00, 4.(i0, printing 35c, total 25.88, jienalty 0.47, printing 35c, Ama area. Tuxes 75.17, pen penalty 0.10, printing .TV, total w road, 000 v land Canada tuero, printing Xk total 88.35 Garcia, German Trujillo, Juan total $32.7(1 ally 18.20, printing :VV, total 803.81 815.8' s A t 1801-2- , K 3, Bonita bd n Feo (.allozos, Jose 1807-8- , house and lot jn-- (4, for lot 20, blk Bice's Jaramillo, Tomas for Montano, Juan Jose Macs, Caimito Sena, .loso Sanchez, v Acasio Gallegos, e Jf Vegas, Taxes 12.8(5, Dolorei for to '07, a piece of land, pet bd n K Martinez, s street, e alley, plat, Las for 1801 to 4. 215 v laud bd n land 1801 to 0: a of land et T8 ' n . for trait for 1801 to 7; 100 ucres land bd Kl . 1 fit O j Armijo, 218 v land Mestino bd n w S,! vv puone street, penalty 3.21, printing 35e, total 0:!, bd n trail of Las Muías, laxes ..o, ofP Montoya, s hill of Piedra bd n I. Lopez, s A Montoya, e road S Lopez, a common rights, w J V 11 Martinez, e Lope., h Jose 110 00c, mdnting 35c, total $10.42 vv (Jarcia, s mesa, e Fco Armijo, nenaltv Lumbre, mesa, e mesa, house on vv summit of hill, one house und Martin, e common rights. Taxes Gallctros, vv fence of Lopez. Taxi's Amador v land, bd n S Archuleta, vv Fco 84.87 Ulibarri, same land. Taxes 31.21, penalty lot pet 5 Las Vegas bd n C Mures tt.14, Tic, .'Cm 30,57. penalty printing 10. "I, )enalty printing 1801, house, pet 04, bd n F 1 2., Jaramillo, s mesa, e Antonio Ar- Hernandez, J M for one 8.55, print ing .TV, total 813.1 vv alley, s ditch, e L Lopez. Taxe - total $10.('(i total i:t.Ti 4 4, 45x 201 feet, Delgado, h B F.squibel, vv J J Io- mijo, '(00 v land, pet ti3, over the for 1808, lot b 20.;il. nena tv .l2. nrinliU'' Sandoval, isidro Garcia, J use C mesa, one small house on same. part of lot 3 b 4, 7jx201 feet, Bice's pez, e acequia anil impvts. Taxes HUCINCT NO. 54. $33.48 total for 101-- 3 to 8: 100 aere land at for lH-2- : .) v land pet 11 l"i com 1.52, 38. 5.08, penalty 1.12, printing 35c, Taxes 12.04, penalty 3.23, printing survey. Taxei penalty Montoya, Susana Milagro. Taxes 107.80, penalty nion rights and property of Luisa ing 35e, total $2.25. total 87.45 Bowles, W B O'M 35c, total 810.52 print for 1803 to 5: v land bd n 11.05, printing 3V, total $210.10 Sandoval de .Martinez. Taxes 5. 52 Jacobsou, Isaac Valdez, Carinelio for 103 to '08, 100 ticres land w ith Martinez, Gregorio Maes, e J J Nieto, w hills. Taxes Sandoval. Luisa de Martinez 1.38, 35e, 1800-7- : 50 v Kl Tecolote 1802-7- ; 04. in pet 54. Taxes nenaltv minting total 1803-4- , 100 n for land for house and lot pet impvts thereon, 3.V, for acres land, bd J 20.17, penalty 7.20, printing for 102 to 5-- ,'MK) v land bd n lo- 7.25 v bd 11 s S Bernal, 2.57, 12.28, 3V, s I) Coca, e ridge, vv A Archuleta, Taxes 10.28, penalty printing 40.12, penalty printing 830.81 Jaramillo, total mas, b common rights, n J A San- Jimenez, l'aneho Jose Valdez. vv L Gonzales. Taxes 3.V, total $13.20 total 801.75 foot of mountains. Taxes 8.33, doval, e 1) Gallegos, 1(H) v land bd ; KM v 01 l.d 4.81), 3.V, 59 for 1801 land pet 2.(18, 35c, total 10.45, penalty printing Weil, A Garcia, Clcofas PRECINCT No. penalty printing n river, s lomas, w llarrold, 500 v Sapello river, s hills, e SUi An total 824.00 for 1807; personal property. Taxes for 105-8- , 300 v land in pet 51, bd Day, George M H'.7(i land Sanguijuela grant. Taxes (onzalcK, vv 1) (arcia. Kill aCIC; 11.82, penalty 2.05, printing 3.V, n Pilar Bleu, s S (Jarcia, e river, vv for 101 to 'SKI, 100 acres land and Olguin, Porlilio Kooghler, J II 1)38.81, 231.71, !VV, Ha s sec tvvp 10 u 30 e. Taxes penalty printing land, a tract Lt.s Conchas bd n for 1801 to ';)4, 1(10 acres land, pet for lS'.Ki; lots 5 to 0, Bamon Pli total 815.12 hill, one house bd u Lino Blea, impvts, i r 3-- total 81,172.00 jado de la Verela, vv Mel Jimenez 01. Taxes 1.5' Whit lock. John M Cayetano Garcia, e S Garcia, vv 55. 12, penalty 13.78, printing 03, bd n P Santillanes. s Bordo de barri add in pet Jose Atanucio 1801, 1, n 27.04, 0.70, $00.25 Sanloval, s M. Jimenez, e vacant lain!, one vv e 1 30c, printing Xh; total for 100 acres land n i he hills. Taxes penalty total la Cuchilla, mountain, Florea, ienaltv for 102 to 5-- 450 v land bd u and house and 1I pet (1 bd n A Sena, on 82.32 i nvv i, sec 8 tvvp 14 r 21 e, KM acres printing 35c, total 831.15 Day Bros & Co one house same land. Taxes s lomas, e L S de Martinez, w A Andres Gonzales, c 1' Jaramillo. vv n i s 1 n J svv 1 sec 8 tvvp 14 r 24 e, Bosuer, Max KM acres land and improvements, 13.24, penalty 3.3J, printing 35e, Lujan, Sabino Cordova, 1H) v land Sanguijuela 1.00, 1 8 KM and K n 30 Taxes 140.82, public st. Taxes 4.30, penalty 1801-1-- 0 to 8; house and lot p Kill acres s i lie ne i sec for 101 to '07, acres land i see tvvp r c. total 1.00 for is vv v 33.50, bd e Gallegos, Pines. 400 land printing Xn; total 5.'l 01 vv Margarito tvv p 14 r 21 e. Taxes 18.05, penalty house anil impvts. Taxes penally 35.20, printing 35c, total Pena, Jose Ma and wife bd e .lose llibera, 11 K Ho- .TV, n Gallegos, 8 Lucero, Antonio 8H0 v 03, bd n Padilla, s Albino Abevtia, n So 4.00, printing 35c, total $23.00 penalty 8.30, printing total 8170.42 for 101, land, pet mero, e Fugenlo, vv V Ioez, lot 1801-2- : 12 Longiuo for vds land and a house vv Taxes 21.02, penalty 0.1 Welsh, Daniel 842.30 Ksquibel, common rights, same, s same, e corro st. and house Alamos, house and 1.4 1. 1.30, 1MU, 544 v 11, Kl Bin-co- n one in precinct 51. Iw Taxes penalty printing 1 35c, total 831.05 for land pet for 103, house B Uvera, one house on same land, printing lot Mesteno, lumber house pet 20 3.V, total f7.15 bd n (J Montoya, vv J M (Jut PRECINCT Taxes 30.32, penalty 0.3, printing KM v lan I. l.reeiuct 03. Taxes Lopez, llaymundo fir und Bernalillo sts, M 810.50 between Church Lucero. Guadalipe 8.114, .'I5e, 18,15 to 7: lot 0, b 2, Bice's plat ting, s K Armijo, e vacant land, :W, total penaltv 201, printing for Castillo, Jose house pet 20. house in Hot for 103: 100 v land bd n ditch, s 15,23, 3.30 one loir shantv 011 same land Lackey, W S total iHU.40 pet 04. Taxes penalty for 102 to 'Oil, improvements on 401.01, penalty v (i 2.03, 320 of land, iec-tio- n Springs. Taxes river, e J Lucero, J Martinez, Xh; total 810.38 and Improvements. Taxes 151.54, for 103. acres Sanchez. .lesus printing government laud. Taxes 122.00, printing .'15c, total $014.83 50 v land bd n, a and e J Lucero, 45c, iiriuting 35c, total 21, twp 11 r .Tie. Taxes UL'.OO, for 101, 80 v land, pet 03, bd n Lucero, Cruz nenaltv penalty 37.88, printing 35c, total house on same land. Taxes 4.78. 1802-7-- 04 83.43 penalty 25.07, printing Xh; total 62 common right, s G Chavez, e com for house and lot pet 8180.77 PRECINCT No. .'IV, penalty 1.10, printing total 11 8128.71 111011 rights, vv 1) Coca and P San- bd Creek street, c J unit a An Castillo, Antonio ion.ales, Deluvino (..'2 vv M 18.71, Matt, Joseph v La Man- tillanes, one small house pet 03. Prioste. Taxes penalty for 1V.15, 1(H) v land bd n and s for 101 to '07, 400 land AMOUNTS OMR 1 Martinez, Antonio 1.00, 823.73 $25.00. for OI 2,32n acres laud and impvts A Flores, Taxes penalty 1.72, printing printing 35c, total Canon Largo, w Kl Baño, e creek. ga, bd n G Vigil, s e (.. 1 21 for 103-4- : 5.) v land bd e I) Garcia, sec 10 tvvp n r e. Taxes w G KM v land 35c, total 88.05 Lopez de Chavez, Marta Taxes-20.70- . penalty 7. 15, print ing crestón, Ortiz, pet n river, s hills, vv V Lucero, house ' 01 151.01. penalty 112.00, printing 3V, Varrera, Ma ( 250 v land, one house in net prlcinct no. 50. .Tie, $37.50 5, Bomeroville, bd n Ortiz, sand total 8501.80 on same land. Taxes 21.51, peitalty 1.S03-4- , F.1 Taxes 18.05 total vv Km) v 32, for 100 acres land at ilito and improvements. Fuentes, Manuel Decker, II e mesa, mesa, land, pet 0.12, printing .'VV, total 10.08 4.73, Xh; tot Sanchez, Juan n mesita, and e Salado. Canon iiel Pino Kael, pet penalty printing for 1801. K') land Narbois, land fo. personal property, Taxes Kl Pueblo, bd Martin. Juan 824.(13" 10. for 10.1. sw sec 31 tvvp 10 r .'VI, 03, house on same land. Taxes Los Alamos pet 7, KM acres land 20.03, penalty 7.48. printing 3V, same, w arroyo, and Impvts. Taxes for 1801-2- : Kill v land pet 1 bd n KM acres of land. Taxes 37.75, 14. 1, penalty 3.70, printing 35c, Lobatode Aragón, Candida (entiba, one house Gclioba. Taxes total 837.70 10.00. penulty 12.41, printing Xe, Sanello river, e Ius egas road, lot nenaltv 0.13, orbiting TV, total total 818.81! for 1801, one house and in 30.82, pcnulty 0.05, printing .'15c, Moya, Juan total 8 I2.42 s hill, vv S Lopez, and impvts. Taxi 817.53 04, and improvements. total $5(1.12 for 1801 to '01, one house at llcnriiuez, Antonio Taxes 5.70. penalty 1.44, printing PRtCINCT NO. 64. 50c, printing 35c, total '01, 00 v land bd n B penalty lie, (Jarcia, Gregorio Aguaje near Los Conchas. Taxes PRECINCT No. 60 for 102 to .'IV, total $7.50 81.05 Jaramillo, w crestón. Taxes 30.75, Abeytia, Pilar for 18!. One house Vega de 47.05, penalty 11.01, print ing 3V, Armijo, Manuel Homero, Nicolas Merry, If II Co penalty 0.18, printing .TV, total for 1801-- 0 to 8. Personal property. Homero. Taxes 33.2, penalty 8.45, total 850.01 1801-2- 1 for 103: 150 v land pet 37, house for : 5tM v land temporal pctl Taxes 810.28 Taxes 4.80, penalty 1.25, "printing for 101, personal property. printing .TV, total 812.02 Ortiz, Jose Lucero, vv of Ojo Boni- on same land, one house Bebiutto. bd n J hills 11.07, penally 2.00, printing Xh; KM ut Madrid, Ma Dolores 35c, 80.42 Gallegos, Albino B 1803 to '08, acres land .""Ml. .1 total for Taxes 17, penalty 12.01, printing to, h arroyo of Sanguijuela, e 815.31 '03, 150 v land, pet 02, Armijo, Miguel total for 1801. 75 v laud bd n Sapello Las Conchas, sec 5 tw p 13 n r 25 e, for 101 to on Taxed VV, total $03.43 Gonzales, one bouse same. I) Martinez, Santiago ... ttm - á I... fh 'IU l.d n J J Herrera. 8 Gonzales, e for 1802, lot 18 K 3, lot and river, laxes .Si.oi, penany iv" house and impvts on same, bd n Brooks, Walter II 4.1"). penalty 1.0.3, printing 35c, 1801, bd 11 vv plat. Taxes 11.18, for one house and lot TV, $47.27 I,a de Trementina, s hills, arroyo, hill, and impvts. Taxes house Bice's printing total Ceja la for 1802-3- ; house on ranch, corral total a street, vv Lobato street, s 27.07. penalty 0 70, printing 35c, penalty 2.70, printing 35c, total Gallegos, Dion icio e Kiistaijuino (Jarcia, vv Bomahlo and stable. Taxes 25.82, penally Sena, Francisco (Jarcia, e by heirs of Castillo. total 834.18 $14.32 for 101-2- . 80 v land bd n Quemo Trujillo. Taxes 70.03, penalty 0.45, printing 35c, total $32.02 for 101-2- : KM v land pet til bd Taxes 50c, penalty 11c, print ing 35c, Maestas, Of lav iuno Anula, Paula Gallegos, e F Gallegos, s and 10.02, printing TV, total 05.10 Bargas, lose n Sapello river, amain ditch, e J 81.05 '07, 5(MI v land La 1802-08- , 8 und 0 block 00, total 100 acres land and (Juincey and Las Vegas Cattle for 101 to at 7.2"), for lots common rights, The for 1801 to 3; KM acres land pet 00, Monto) a, and impvts. Taxes Montano, Gregorio Manga, bd n 1) Maestas, s An to Kihlberg's plat 1808. Taxes 10.21, impvts Hincón Colorado sec5,tvv Company sec 13, twp 14, r .M, one house on penalty 1.81, printing VV, total 101-2- , lot 0 b 07, Kihl-2.7- 2, w 300 for 8, 1 Garcia, e Jaramillo, mesita, penalty 2.55, printing 35e, total 30. r 31. house same land. Taxes for 1807-- vv I se sw sec IS twp same land. Taxes 20.51, penalty 0.4l berg's, plat 1808. Taxes .T5t v land pet 32, Kl Pueblo, and 813.11 137.75, penalty 31.43, printing It ii r 22 and improvements on .'VV, 8.13.52 G 35c, 0.03, printing total Saiz. ltafaeladu penalty 08c, printing total rth Taxes 53.25, penalty 13.31, Alderets, Bosario total 8172.53 same, (less om-fou- n turned by impvts. 1801 to 7; house and lot pet (1. Gallegos, Knnlterio for Kihlln-rg'- s 83.75 printing 3V, total f0ll.Ul for 1802, lot 3 b 07, Gallegos. Brigada de F I) Mc('ormiek). Taxes 20.4, 101 to 3; KM acres land and loo v laud bd n river, loma, e 1) for Gonzales 11 at. 1808. 2.53, penalty 03c, Mares, Bernardo 1801-- 8 land and im- 0.02, printing .'VV, total Montano, Ma de 1.1.78, Taxes for ucres )'iia!ty impvts pet. (M, Bincoii Colorado, Ulibarri, w F Jimenez. Tuxes for 1801, one lot pet. 04, bd 11 by- for 1802 to '07, 0(M acres land and printing 35c, total $3,51 provements, land in Ios Alamos $33.15 KM acre land and impvts pet (mi, penalty 3.44, ,'VV, total street, vv S Várela, s street. Taxes impvts, in pet 50, bd n, J Ma Ho- Armijo. Tomas and one house on govt land. Tuxes Ojo del Medio, a tract of laud pet Í17.57 40e. permit) 10c, printing TV, total mero, s hill, e H Montoya, w creek. for 1801, one house und lot pet 24, 42.37, penalty Kl.50, printing .Tic, riUCINCT 56 7, Los Alamos and house pet (M, 8,V Taxes 51.01, penalty 12.0'), printing bd 11 Luz Chavez, w arroyo, total Genova. Taxes 1,015.20, enalty Maestas, Armijo, Mieanor .TV, 801.8(1 PRECINCT No 02. street, M Armijo. Taxes OU Seeundino Gallegos, Albino (J . total eJ for 1H01 to 8. 3(M v land pet .50 bd 253.80, printing 35c, total 81,20'.i..T" penalty 15c, printing 35c, total for 1801, one log house precinct for 1802. (id v land bd n and s --- , Trujillo, Maccdonio Gonzales, Jesus Salas, s K Trujillo, e la M Iranila, Albino 01, lot 50x75 feet. Taxes 8.V, 40 n Tomas for 8'.il to '08, 400 v land bd n N for 1N!2-:VK- v laud al Salitre, bd 81.10 e A B Gallegos, w L Gallegos, for 1801 to 3; 100 acres land pet 0(1, penalty 21c, printing TV, total mesa, w Lynch, house on same. s M Maestas, e O Maestas, e creek, Brow n, Jose v land pet 7 bd w M Gallegos, 8 S 1" llertvra, n L Maestas, s F Trujillo, Taxes 04.45, penalty 10.11, printing house on same land see 11, twp 105-- $1.41 -- w creek, and Improvements. Taxe w Kl Cet ro. Taxes 21.52. penalty for 1. Personal property Gallegos, n and h , house on 25.02, penalty .2.i, .'VV, total 88(1.01 Taxes printing 13.73, .TV, $27.25 5.18, 1.37, Martinez, Pedro govt land pet 50. Taxes 43.00, 51.03, js'iialty printing 5.38, printing 35c, total Taxes penalty printing Benito .TV, total $31.02 for 1801-- 3 to 0: lot i, b N, Bice's Baca y Lopez, total 8'.0.(l :t5c, total $7.20 penalty 10.10, printing .TV, total .1 Manriijuez, Antonio to M. .'MM v laud in Los Martinez, Pablo ( plat pet 01. Tuxes 22.81, penalty for 100 for 1H01-2- : 'Mil v land, pet 02. bd n Baca y iurcia, Felipe 851.35 Galle- for 1803: nersonal properly. Taxes FREC1NCT NO. 63 5.70, printing ."15c, total $2.80 Concluís bd n Truchas, s B S Jaramillo. w crestón, s hill, e for IN', house ami lot pet . hit 11 Jaramillo, Tomas 31.00, penalty 7.77, printing :'5 Meyer, L J gos, e I) Padilla, w F Homero. (Jarcia, Jueobo track and impvts. Taxes a ml h public street, e New Mix ico for 102. Ileal and M'isoiial prop- railroad 25.H2, 0.45, total 830.21 1 n 102-1-- 0 3 I. 00. Taxes penalty printing for 102 '05, 3iM v land bd F A vv for lots to 5, 37.22, Ó.03, penalty 1.4'. printing 35c, avenue, alley, home and lot pet to: erty, no description. Taxes Sisneros, Francisco A Taxes Kl.'KI, penalty 4,'KI, printing Xh; total 832.02. Trujeijuez, vv a lake, e crisUm, 45 87. :H 01, bd 11 P Sena, s F Lucero, e F penalty 0.:to, printing .'VV, total 1803; KM v land pet 30, I'M acre total Padilla. Desiderio for v laud bd n F Padilla, s crestón, e Miihlonado.w Chavez street. Taxes 35c, total $20.35 810.87 101-3-4-- 0 KM land pet 00. Taxes 30.05, penalty Montoya. Ilomuldo Martinez, Manuel for to 8. acres land and w - , two-roo- home. Taxes , 12..'), penalty, printing 8I0.K) 18Í17-8- 10') land, pet 02. .:; 11 Kl Valle, s 0.10, printing 3V, total 1 Ji.V, for acres 1805-0- ; KM pet 20 bd Mestc no net 50 bd 50,21. 4.00, printing total 815.80 for acres land NO. 51. bd n N Macst as, s Tecolote mesa, PRtCINCT del Mesteno, e Liiguin- - Welsh, Fred A 11 public land, s river, eM Aragón, Caiioiicito total 870.05 Beltrun, Placido pen-asc- vv Taxes Falk, A ih-- 1801 to .1; ami fence pc S Sena. Montoya. vv ( J tu de Antonio, w ojo for house Gregorio eP 101-2- . Anuya, house on same land, San Gutierrez, 35c, for pi rsonal ro)erly. Taxes for 1805 to "08, 100 ucres land with 52. 00. Taxes 75.48, penalty 18.02, 8.17. penalty 2.4 printing one lot bd n A Montoya, s public ranch al Los ojitos pet for 101 to '07, I'l acres land bd n 05e. penalty Kic, printing 35c, total 51, Taxes TV, 801.45 total 1 10.50 Impvts thereon, precinct 017 yds land bd n M Trujillo, s M printing total Beiiav idcs, hJ F Ksipiibel, w 1) 81.10 laud, w Tecolote st, e public laud. J L penalty 10.04, printing TV, vv Ortiz, Jiimecindo Taxes 3.00, penalty 00c, printing 7.58, Maestos, e Mesita Colorado, Aléñelo, e river, 17 acres land lain Barcia, ( amito 80H.57 1801 to '03. 35il v laud pet 02. total Salitre creek, ranch in pet II bd n PRECINCT No. 61 G A- Desmuráis, 8 J D Conzalcs, w for for 10, house and lot bd u bilis, :5c, total $5.30 bd n G Vigil, vv point of mesita, e Jlefuglo (Jarcia, Jose Antonio road t:i Kneierrilo, s Martina river, o common right-- 17 acres J Várela, e. S Várela, w Jose Ortega. ragou, Sai.t lago '07, 200 v land bd n e to Gallina-.- , vv In 38, and im- Armijo, crestón, one house in for 102 to Martinez, road 101-- I land precinct house J c Taxes l..'i2, penalty íle, for 101, ore lot Las Vegas, for to ; 175 v land bd u an w Medina, on the 32.70, name land. Taxes 8.54. 1, Vegas bd 11 river, s road, e town, T canon del Kncierro, house provements in pet 03. Taxes on the printing 3.5c, total 82.(M value 83 one lot Las Sapello river, e V Martinez, w M 2.13. printing 35c. total s e Q house on name land. Taxes 100 ucres, house lit Mesteno, house penalty H.12, printing 35c, total pcnal'y Castellano, Bionii-i- J Aramia, common rights, Martinez, 30 v land bd n lomas, u 85, 27.7, penalty 0.01, printing 35c, ntSalistre. Taxes 4 i.0. penalty 41.17 $11.02 for 103 to 8; portion of laud Ti es Trujillo, one lot In Las Vegas house. Taxes 133.50, É.T5.07 TV, 855.32 11 s - total 10.00, printing total Lol.nto, Sclia Vemiv idt s, I loman I li ríñanos, Miguel grant, bd J Leon Padilla, priming 35c, total $107.05 San F.I mí i.oc-alc- s. w 85. Scott, (i O 105 to '08, 100 acres land at for 1'.2, 4'M v lami u 'i and lot ("nave, st pet M, Trujillo, common rights, Thro 11 nal, Juan A lor house 1500 1, vv 1, for 101. acres land, ranch Hito, bd n Kl Hito, s mcsa,w Mon hC Ilfeld. c creek, w fisit of Incise and lot Tecolote. Taxes Taxei 07c, penalty 21c, pi ting for 1808, KM ucres land, in; for 101: tract of land bd n road, 1 G O Scott ranch,; m , $1.50 twp II r 11 e. known us the vv toya and I) Marline., a house there- hill, font-roo- house. Taxes 0.05, l'.'H, penalty 4.27, printing 35.-- 3.V, total w i se i se 11, F Martinez, u Pecos canon, cres-- j .'1.5c. 50.01, 11.IM, lying between Vegas and San on. Taxes 47.55, penalty 118, penalty 1.20. printing total total 821.70 Pierce, A II Taxes printing lis ton, 2,030 acres in Sanguijuela (Jerónimo. Tuxes l,72, penalty printing TV, total "5;i,78 $0.(ii ( 'ai l, Carmen for 101-2- , crsona! property .Taxes .V.V,. total 87H.30 grain, resíllense house Sanguijuela. 12.18, printing 35c, total 801.25 Montoya, Trinidad Vigil. Guadalupe for IhOI to 0; personal property. 3.72, penalty 0.'!c, printing .TV, total Padillu. José Antonio Taxes 28.13, penalty 7.03. printing Trujillo, Albino, heirs of to '05, one and lot $5.1 HI 1M0I ) v 51, for 101 house 41 at ii Man- 5.10, 1.35, t '07, 050 land, pet 3V, total 835.51 for 1U0S, acres land Taxes penalty printing for ('.- for 1''2 to -. 4 i yds land bd n in pet 03, and land. Taxe IV5.55, ga, 10" acres bind at Canon del total 87.10 Patron, Pedro bd n 1,111, w rit;i, road, e hill, (Joualcs, .le Mart Inez Jimnii.i :; .1 Smith, s J M Trujillo, n foot of V5.1, I penalty printing totul Ileal, and impvts thereon. ( 'leu. ente, ( '1 avez for 101-2- , one piece of laic) in 25 Iv land lying above the land for l0l-2- : 100 v land pel 7 b n and 88, Pino crestón, w San (Jerónimo mad. $11.78 Taxes 8.80, penalty 2.21, printing for lWil-2- , one bouse and lot et 01, I I n V Lobato, s street, w F above described, lid n A Jaramillo h common rights, n Ma Gonzales de Taxes 30.21, penalty 11.05, printing Wells, Daniel .TV, total 811.12 01. b l n P Oatcga, w street, J Herrera, e Kd Patron, lot 21, s P Vigil, e Pacheco, one house at Baca, w A Gallegos, and impvts, a VV, totul 815.01 for '08, 400 v land pet 01. Jaramillo, e Fcrmh), and improve- block i; 3, Bice's plat- - Taxes San Ignacio, bd n road, w An to of land Los Alamos bd e 101 to Zumora. Sosteno Young, 41.8(1, 11.20, 1.21, 30c, 2.73, penalty 08c, printing 3V, total Jarcia, Garcia. Taxes Pat Martin, wM ( Jallegos, a piece of Taxes penalty printing 1801-3- . 313 v land, pet 02. lid n ments. Taxei penalty s" Padilhl.e for for 180 to '03. One ranch con- .TV, :JCM).:V5 printing .TV, total $1.80 83.70 0.18, penalty 21.72, printing TV, land Kl Azul, one house in Los total J de I) Madril. vv M Maestas, s J taining about 450 acres at Agua ( 'leofes, Armijo total 8123.25 Alauiis. Tuxes 121.25, penulty Martin, e hill. 105 v land jh-- 02, Padilla, Bunion n A W Sebbens, w A STRAY FACTS. area bd (M, 102, lot 2 b G(i, pet 04. Taxes 101-2- , v 31. printing 35c, totul 8155.00 bd n Monea Spring, w M Maestas, for for 10 land west side Pacheco, Julio s of e Marijuez, Sisters Charity, daughter mar- 2.54, penalty 03c, printing .TV, total of Vcgus, bd n Co-- l 1H03-4-- 50 Jimenez, Valentin While cursing his for h K Zamora, e Cuchilla, one small crestón Las J for viand, 't0l,bd crestón, house and impvts ousauic. ; KM ( ry BKalixttla man $.1.52 -, B o w s Sapello river, e for 101 to acre I.s 'onehus Ins wiihci a Texas house. Taxes 5.04., penalty 1.41, W Willi ims, crestón, n public right, Taxes 105. 4'!, pcnulty 2(1.30, print- m I e w fell doad. 11 51, bd u bd li hills, .h) lies, same, printing .T.V, 87.42 Desmoid, A , one house at Ijin Vegas lid M llarrold, 72 v land, pet $132.17 tnl ing .IV, total 31. 7.80, In 1808 Great Britain mined 202,042, 1801, lots (land b 31, San by Juan Gonzales, s Ilicardo public right, s Sapello river, e F canon. Tuxes 1. penalty for 3, 000 tuns of coal. Tho j 35c, total $30.70 United States one-thir- d inter- Aliey tía, e street, w an alley. Taxes Pacheco, W 1. Pacheco, house on printing PRECINCT No 03. Miguel Town Co, rtUGINCT NO. r7 minml 196.282,000 0. 18, 2.20, .TV, 31 7, penalty! IoH'., Santiago est in one house und lot, West Las penalty printing same land. Taxes yield petro- At.meio, Darlo ' í t v Of the world's annual of Vegas, Chaveü street. Tux 5.82, total 811.82 7.00. nrlnting total 10.18 Benedict, George for I'.i2 i 8; I'M laud bd n river, n - '; leum, 6,000,000,000 gallons, the United for 101 to 'H, 2()acres land bd 1807, rty. Tuxes s lomas, c town, w D Fliburrl, penalty 1.45, printing 35c, total & ( for ersonal propi one-hal- f. San- Hita ra, Felipe Bro Padillu. Jose anito State produces town of Sun Pablo, e Juan 7.57, ."5c, house and lot bd ii B Martinez, 87.02 for 108, personal propi rty. Taxi for 102 to '07, 425 v land at San 3t)..'lt, printing Th republic of Venezuela contains tillanes, w A Cri spin, 4 acres land , and e 1'' Sena, w road. Tuxes 81,45, Ksqllibel, Necolas 7.57, penalty 1.80, printing Xh; Ignacio, bd n F Ortiz, A (onza-Ies- total 838.42 in pet 11, 113 acres land M n Las 20.T.I, 2"-'- Ig- penalty print ing .Tic, total 1801, 150 e road, ") v land at San Cordovu, Pedro any country lu Europe except G Sutler-lez- , for acres land and cabin, total $0.1 Russia. Tusas, P Sunt illanes, u '07,' 70 v 57, bd 1'I2.10 3.22, Homero, Jose nacio, ld n A .laraudllo. s I . .Jara- for 1801 to land, pit The wheat crop of the world this w road, housi; and Han Taxes ismalty w'. printing Dolores lot ut O S Ascención, 70 v Lucero, Jestlii 35c, total $1.37 for 101-2- , one house ami lot pet millo, e river.w A Jarainilla.TaxcH n river, 8 hill, year U estimated at 2,504,000,000 bush- - Gerónimo, house, and lot at San for 1M2 7; KM) acre and Impvts, 01. bil n by F Houquillo, s Cleofes, 77.07, N'iialty 10.10, printing .Vic, bind bd u Bastólo Archuleta, to els. Last year's was 2.718,000.000 12.-- , Ksitiibel, Juan Taxi s icnalty 3.07. , Tablo. llvt-r- w S Tuxtn l'X) aerea ("anon Bonito bd n 1MH, iuwJ uud im- - c and w Tuxe 3.05, total W7,l e tut'nu, Sula.ur. J 1. prltitiiiü 35c, UiUl 815.72 fur 100 urns stmt.

1 I ve Mnall house. Taxt.'H 11.1,'t, penalty i Jaramillo, Luis mesa, e fence of J Montoya, An- Ijee, Fort & Sjiringer Medina, Jose Leon. Garcia, Hanilio EL INDEPENDIENTE, í j (740 sit-uat- 1892-3- , ,'., pi intiu.Tie, total ílS..'!-- for W-2- 2K0 v land ltd n and gostura de Ion latinen, one houne for 1891. aeren laud being for 18!3to '95, 40 fruit trees and a for jiersonal pro,,mv Fuentes, K.tiiion hiils, o A Jaramillo, v I) c. in t 57. Taxen 4.41, jienalty 1.10, about nw from La Vegas wire fence, two houses in pet 57, Taxes 22.21, penalty 5.5'.:, pr,ni,r , for 10 acre land and iiu-p- t Taxen;, penalty 1.21. printing Tie, total $.".bti and known an the Camp ranch. Taxes 3.84, jienalty OGc, jirinting 35c, total $23.1.5. SALA ZAR & BACA, Publishers. ovetnentn, one house on Kfttiie prill! invr 35e, total $0.5.S Taxen 15.90, penalty 3.99, printing 35c, total $5.15 Ivy, James PRtCINCT NQ. 53 hind. Taxes ÍU.'i, penalty 2.:i'), Medina, l'ulilo Tic, total $20.30 Martinez, Leandro for 1802, one house at Hurm and SUPPLEMENT. printing Tie, total f I2.1i for lsdl to 'Six. 7t.K v laud, pasture Cordova, Agapito Montoya, Donaciauo for 1892 to '94, 40 acres land pet improvements on ranch. Taxes CJolleifon (J de) 1892-3- . 320 n H 9.91, do aileron, Kstefana at Canada Ojo del Venado, for 1891-2- , 7". v land at Hada de for aeres land bd 57, house on same land. Taxe jienalty 2.47, jirinting 3V, iMftJ. Kit y for land Lou Alamos, Iioihc and lot on parue land. Ta.ven I Lojiez, s M Rivera, e M A Jara- 10.91, jienalty 2.73, jirinting Tic, ttial $12.73 PRtCINCT No. 48 Juan Pain, d n acequio, w II bl n H Martinez, e 1) liitlleiron, n 20.71 , 5.1ÍI, w 9.84, $13.99 Law, pciiahy printing 35c, 11 ink, 8 rivtr, e J del Hayo Gon- millo, J Várela. Taxes total Frank Armijo, Vicente and w rihtn, a tract of total 20.31 zales. Taxen 21.42, enaky 5.35, jienalty 2.2, printing Tie, total Martinez, Jone Maria for 1.892-- lt'iO acres huid, s i se i fur 1891-2- , 100 v land, temporal, IkI land pet '0 tec 12, iwp ., r ol, one Maes, Jesiin M printing 3V, total $27.12 $11.77 for 1891 to "93, 7 acres of land ami s I sw sec 20 ivp 17 u r 31 e. liouse l.'i..'Hi, KI2-- it V Trujillo, n C Hael, e and tin name. Taxen pen- for 30l v laud bd n Kito (arcia, Jaeobo Márquez, Polonio and house on same. Taxes 12.89, Taxes 13.75, jienalty 3.43, jirinting alty 3.31. printiiiir 3"ic, n 10O 5(1 IkI 35,-- , river, no honno, jiet 48, El Llano, tutal ílT.tió de los Chavt z, edge of hills, e J for 1801, 300 v land, H't (!3, bd a T for 1891. v land pet n penalty 3.22, printing Tie, total total $17.53 ( y FnuicUeo, M " M w - Tul e J Augilar, w Mel (únzale aileron (allego, F Várela, houw- at lloival, n F A Trujequez, w by a Nicolosa Hlea, w Canoncito del $1(5.10 Martini ., Jose Pablo forl-'!i- 2. 1H0 'faxes 0.82, jienalty 1,7o, printing aeren land no title. San f guachi. Taxes 5.81, lake, o crestón, 45 v land, pet 03, Agua Zarca, h Antonio Gonzales, Maestas, Eugenio for 1891, personal jirtqierty. Taxes T-e-, Taxen Ó.I.), penalty I. JO, l. l'i, in:,' 35e, 1891 tota) $87 printing print tota,! $7.05 bd a Fo Padilla, h erenton, one e Monte Largo, one houne on same for to '91, 73 v land, jict 57. 8.59, jienalty 2.11, printing 35c, , Armijo, Elíseo total f7.1i Medina, Juan house, on ame. Taxes 0.02, land, one tract of laud at Monte bd n river, s E Coca, house on total $11.0 1X91-2- , Oonzalen, for une honne 150xl50,jiluza Julian for too v land bd u John K. jienalty 2.25, printing Tic, total Largo. Taxen 3.37, penalty 84e, same land. Taxes 10.49, jienalty Iloybal, Felijie . tie Llano, bd w S Griego, n jinbli for lk!2. Jlon .e in p.-i- .'ill. Taxen h I, e J A Aragón, w K ?11.02 jirinting 35e, total $4.50 2.02, jirinting 35c, total $13.40 for 18113, e se e i ne i, sees 29 12.3!i, penally 3.0;, Í ruad. Taxes 3.91, jwnally 97c, pi ntit, 3"v. Cimtro, liouse btl n river, n roa 1, e Nieto, Francisca Mr Merival, Drego Montoya, Maria Donaciano ami 32, twp 10 r 33, lüo acres. total .1 w t jirinting 3V, total $5.23 er.Kl Haca, A Marque. Taxes 15.12, (or 1801-2- , 90 v land at Lan (lalli for 1x91. A tract of land jn-- 50 for 1893, 2'X) v land, jict 57, bd e Tuxes 9.88, jienalty 2.47, printing Lair, l'i link Gonzales y Armijo, Manuel penalty 3. 78, printing 35e, total nan, bd n nummit of hill, summit Ojo del MenUmo bd n Gallinas river, w acequia, houne on same 35c, total $12.70 1 V 1891-- 2, W for 1SU2. acres land n J, , i'lS.1.25 or v land, pet 33, lid n hc of hill, c 1) Salaz, w II (arela, one river, s Ojo del Pina vete, w Ojo del land. Taxes 12.20, jienalty .1.0(5, Taylor, P S ami h , aw i, rit ti 20, 17 J l1 G arela, incnita de AntoHaeu twp n, r Márquez, Federico house, petSó, lid n by plaza, s riv- Peñasco. Taxes 2.30, jienalty Site, jirinting Tie, total $15.07 for 1802, personal jiroperty. Taxes e. I.IW, deceased, o river, w ditch, me Taxei 1.17. print- for 200 v land lid n hills, er, e I) Salaz, w Leandro Jara- printing 35c, total $3.30 Olivas, Maria Dolores 8.51, iienalty 2.12, print ing Tic .total Tn-- , ing F, I)u-rii- n. house l'laza del Llana, bd 8 public total '.20 F Oureiu, w fiarcia, e C millo. Taxes 8.11, penalty 2.03, Martinez, Felix y Torres for 1894-5- , house and lot jict 57. $10.98 Molina, road, n Vicente Trujillo. Taxes Taxi s 3.00, penalty 77c, printing 35c, total 10.4(1 for 1897-8- ; 300 v land jiet 50 bd n Taxes 10.40, penalty 2.00, printing Trujillo, Juan for Uesitli 4.51, jienulty 1.12, print inj; 3V, 12. nee holme pet Ó0. printing 35c, total 1.21 Padilla, Apolonio oi lio Armijo, s L Torren, e and w 35c, total $13.35 fur 180.!, one hou.-- at I'evuelto. $5.98 Taxen 1.12, penalty 1.03, piintin;,' Mart) iiez, At a inicio 1801-- total for 100 yds land bd h num-niimm- it foot of the mena, a houne. Taxes Romero, Jose de la Cruz Taxes 17.09, jienalty 4.27, printing Tie, ti.r) Is'.rj. 150 v (íoiizalen, Juan total tor land bd n and n of hill, n Guadalupe Mar- 5.15, jienalty 1.2(1, printing Tie, to- for 1891, 000 yds 'and, jict 57, at 3.5c. total Í21.71 Mlraritla, Alhinn A for 1892, 200 v lal.d bd J T Salí-d- i loma, e J (anda, w F Ortiz, tin, w I) e Pa- tal (;."( Snbinoso, one houne on same land. Trujillo, Jose Mn " Sandoval, Sabino va!, o road, s and w road. for l.!2. impvtnon land jict hoiiMti and lot. bd n river, h town, e dilla, one house. Taxen 5.81, Padilla, llamón Taxes 15.32, jienalty .1.83, printing fin 1893, one house at. Hevuelto.

Taxen (Hie, w n, houne cm name land. Tuxes 4,03, ;i.!, peiuliy printing and J Medina. Taxen 4.!!, penalty 1.45, printing Tie, total for 1803. 180 v land bd n J Cor-ri- 35e, total $19.50 Taxes 15.78, jienalty 3.94, printing 3."ie, $5,10 1.1., jirinting 3V, tntul total penalty 1.21, printing 35c, total 7.(11 n W Williams, e crestón. Santillanes, Jose de J 35,-- , total 'S 20.07 0,1.1 MllOntOH, JtlHH $(.58 Sabino, Padilla Taxen 9.09, jieualty 2.27, printing for 1891 to '95, house at Kncinosa. Warren, ,1 L for 1H!2. Heal entattuiiitl perntmu) Ortiz, Ulan Marque., Esteban for 1801-- 100 yds land bd n mim-- J 35c, total $11.71 Taxes 23.41, jienalty 5.85, jirinting ftc 1802, jiersonal projierty. Taxes 1892; 87 v M property. Taxen for 101-2- . One for land bd n road, e 103, penalty house and lot btl i it. of hill, e Nepomnceno Padilla, Homero, Sosteno 35e, total $29.01 22.01, penalty 5.50, printing .15c, 11 4.211, printing 35e, (olal Í21.38 n river, n I w ( 1802-3- . IOC Gonznles, river, w Sanchez, '.inplasudo, Lucero, w Apolonio Padilla, n Francineo A for aeres land jict 50. total $27.80 - Mtintoyti, I)omiii.'o e Medina, 2H v l 1.1. PRECINCT No houne un sume land. Tuxes 3,23, laud, temporal, Trujequez, 100 yds land bd n the Taxes W), penalty 3.40, jirinting 58. for S'!l-- 2. 11,0 w Nro.60 junalty 80e, jirinting 3V, total aeren land Canon II Apoduea, e (onzalcs, river, w Francisco Andren Truje- 35e, total $17.35 Aragón, Marcos PRC!CT (lei n $4.38 Monquero, huiine name laiul. Jüto tie lon Chavez. 10.12, ' Taxes quez. Taxes 10.18, penalty 2.54, Homero, Sotero for 1893 to 7; 100 acres land bd 11 Chacon, Manuel G Márquez, Mu laxen 8.87, penalty 2.21, print in penuity 2.00, printing 35e, 1802. KiO Jcsas if total printing 3.V, total $13.07 for acres land Agua Za- Craven's ranch, s C w Hin- for 181)3: jiersonal jiroporiy. Taxes for 1802: lo v land bd n main Tie, total fll. 13 813.37 Taxes Sena, lleytnundo lea. 0.12, iienalty 1.53, cón de la Tablozon. Taxes 10.5(5, 0.2Í, penalty 1.55; jirinting .Tic, w Muniz, retiro Sanchez, Mariano ditch, rivtT, e S Martínez, J A for 191, 100 aeren jand licetion 4 jirinting 35c, total $8.00 jienalty 2.04, jirinting 35c, total total M.ll Gonzales, three-roo- bd for 18(11.2. A piece of laud Vejfa for 101, 72 v laud at house n Dnyerbatlor. ,twp 4 n r 24 e. Taxen 10.17, Salan, Toman, Kntate of $13.55 Chacolí, J e.e (regoldo road, 8 e I Márquez tie Uoinero, hminc on nuine hind. Oil n mesa, h river, e Mar- 1893-4- . 500 main ditch, Sister penalty 4.04, printing .Tic, total for yds landbd n and Barbero, Abel for r-0- personal jroiertv. Taxes w .1 A 4.41, Tnxen 10.52, penalty 2.H.'!, jiriritin garita, w J ! Pacheco, 100 v 1892-3- ; Gonzulen. Taxes land $20.50 h N Armijo, c hills, w Lynch for 400 v land jict 58, house 7.15, ienalty 1.7S, jirinting 3"c, 1.10, I 35c, total 13.50 at Las Tusan, In) n penalty printing tie, total ri ver, h mesa, e ranch, houne on same land. Taxes on same land. Taxes 13.98, jien- total 60.23 $5.M Martinez, Felix M Prioste, u I I PRECINCT NO. 4 omero. 300 v land, 2.88, penalty 72e, printing 35c, alty .1.49, printing $17.82 Garcia, Jose Dolores Mond rayón, George for 18(11-- One honne mi ovt at I an Tmnis, lnl u river, n mesa, e total .3.95 Chavez, Armijo, 1 'hitarlo Jose Ma for 891 to 3; one house pet 00 tin for lxol-2- , .10 v linid bd n dlteli, w land. Taxen (1.02, penally 2.15, M Prioste, k F Moatoya, 75 v land for 1892 5: 300 v Tuer- for 1897-- 100 aeren lantl nee 15 Trujillo, Juan de Marta to land Los govt laud. Tuxes 21.15, jienalty CGnrcin, hill which forms the printing Tie, total í 1.82 at Lum Tu-i- bd o river, n mesa, e 1890. 220 bd s mena, n w twp 1(1 n r 13 u and inipvtn there- for yds land bd n Julian tos river, dam, e H 5.28, printing 35e, total $20.78 aneon, one house on land. Quintana, Juan Jo-- t SSena, w S Archibeque, 25 v laud mime on. Taxen 8.32, penalty 2.08, Smith, s Carlos UlibarrI, e cres- Madril, liouse on sameland. Taxen (allego.;, Jo7e Antonio for 100 In at Taxes 0.00, ju nalty 105, printing l!t2. aeren land pet, 50. Las Visiles, bd n Fresqtiez, n w Gjronimo 23.24, jienalty 5.81, Tic, 102-3- printing 35c, total 10.7." tón, San road, house jirinting for ; impvts 011 got land. 3V, fH.íít Tuxen 7.41, penalty ine.'M, e crestón, w hills, house total l.5, pi luiiu niel Howies, John and stable on sume, one house and total $29.40 Taxes 13.58, jienalty .l.'i'.t, printing Paiz, Mauricio 35e, total fÜ.OI iuiprovenientn in pet 51, Taxen 04 Chavez, Vicente for 1MI5-7-- personal property. lot in jict bd n creek, s Tecolote 35c, total $17.32 for 1892 loo v land bd n 1'.Sando- aijfun, Nepoimieerio 11.57, penalty 2.811, printing Tie, for 1891-2- ; Taxes 17.97, penalty 4.49, printing st, e Lorenzo Lojiez, w Jone Leon land at Ojito de Shery Lobato, Manuel .1 m 1V.2. 10(1 val, e Gonzales, road,w A San- for aeren luud :!4, total bd n s e 1892-3- . nr ill.! 3.V, total $22.81 Padilla. Taxes 3.21, iienalty 80c, fence, Puerteeito, crnton, for hupvls on govt land. twp 10, r 1 1, ImimI pet 50, Trajillo, ( 'ai jiio doval, houne and lot name kind. house on F.neitiias, Anastaeio jirinting Tie, total $4.3(1 w U II track, impvtn on same land. Taxes 10,2, penalty 2.55, jirinting Taxes .'t.17, itenalty 79c, printing name. Taxen 11,01, penalty 3.51, for l.sdl-2- . loo v land, temporal, Trujillo, Taxes 3.58. jienalty 89c, printing for 1801-- 3 to '07, 100 acres govern- Isidro 35c, total il.'i.b) 1 bd w .1 .Tw, tt l;i $1.31 print iiiir 35c, total ÍI7.ÍHI Toi lldo Uoibnl, e M Calle- 35c, 1 ment lam) with iinpvtn thereon. for 18(i.8. A tract of land Agua total $4.82 Mart inez, lamon Homero, Juan ros n I'll Kilo, n hills, and im- PRÉCÍÑNoTÍ Taxes 22.84, penalty 5.71, printing Zarca bd n Mianor Armijo, s F Gutierrez, Caunto for 102-3- ; 100 acres and impvts. for 1891-2- ; 75 v land bd c Toman provements. Yue.s 1.03, for 1891-2- ; 100 v penalty 35c, total $23.(H) Martinez y Torres, e Kncinosa, w land Hincón de la Taxes 17.50, penalty 4.37, printing w x 1.00, Intliig 35e, 5.38 Gutierres, J Jaramillo, n river, Armijo, Jose Maria pi total (arcia, Sugano fence of Lynch, ranch house there- Tablazón bd n C Sena, s F Gutier- :!5,', ital $22.22 hill, 20 v land bd w T Uomerti, e 1801 2, 10 Vigil, Pedro rez, e w i for aeren hind and for 200 v land, pet 51, on. Taxes(!.71, jienalty 1.08, print- arroyo, summit of crestón, Mol mi, Ft! iei ano I MU public lain), n and s common ineiitn nt Lan I for 2. 250 v hoc lnl u L Ar- - ing 35e, $8.74 and imjivts. Taxes 2.27, penalty linpennan, bd bd n Abran Ortiz, n Cayetano Gar-td- a, total for propel ly.Taxes rights, 50 v land bd e T Koiuero, it nnmiiiil of hills, n ehlllelll, h crestón, eToriliio oi-- v A 50c, printing Tic, total $.1.18 mountain, e e and w hills, one house bd u Trujillo, Pedro .11.87. jienalty 2.0 , jirinting 35c, w .1 . u Jarumillti, n name, a hllln, one Henry, w 7.01, rito, anil impvls. Taxas 1890 8. 50 bd Gonzales, Francisco a I iiarker. Tuxes by school house, n common rights, for to Land jict n lot í'15.18 house de Los Montoyun. l.'.IM, 22.1 w, penalty 5.52, printing 35e, for 1891-2- ; a of bd n l'laza penally prinliief ,'.', total e by public roatl. Taxen 29.37, Antonio I'.neinian, s Julian Smith, tract land Marque, .estor Tuxes 8.50, jienalty 4.11, 10.27 total i 27.05 of Vallen, s , e C Mar- printing jienalty 7.31, jirinting .Vie, e foot of erenton, w Hordo, house road Las for 15'. C; 100 ucres land sees 12 and ( total J.V, $1.1.1)5 I Van-l- y rt Antonio w E total Araron, 'uneual i, $27.00 and imjivts thereon. Taxes 3.04, tinez, Maen, land Hincón de la 13, twp 11, r 30 e, and impvts 50 v lllvas, Felix for I Mil 2, 50 v for lsl.i, i',(l aeres liiml it. Snpello 70c, 35c, Tablozon. Taxes 5.04, jienalty lamí al Las Patcheco, Julio Iienalty jirinting total hind Autonehieo bd 11 ditch, s for 18U2; 75 v lamí lid n I river, bd ,1 H 1.41, $7.40 road, btl n river, n creel,, c '1' Panderie. Kiíicon 1H95, $1.15 jirinting 35c, total river, oN Martin, w i ' for 72 v land at Sapillo, bd n J Homero. Martlne, e ditch, w river, loo v (ionzilh'H, w Coloia. in, e f '.alazar, w Mr Lobato, Miguel Araron, one hull e on ditch, n river, w Luisa Patcheco, e Várela, Marios Ti.e 12.52, pi unity 3.03, jirinting land bd ii .( Almiar, s J I' San- name Tavtn J5.37, round, hoii e ami loi ni San 1H92 100 for 1891-2- ; 300 v land pet 58 bd u J land. penalty Florencio Patcheco, HI v laud at for to 4. acres land Canon 35c, total $15. 90 ,1 .1 bd F, A II ; ; o, doval, e ditch, w river. Tuxes 3.81, print iuf .'!.'', total ;..'. ii Maes, s r li, Alamo bd n A Urona, s A Jara-lnill- J Nieto, s road of San Agustín, e Miranda. Jose Dolores ' Sapi llo, bd n ditch, n w Ma- , river, lx.Ci, penalty 4 . i , printing Tn-- ( in e T arela, w VM 3'onoi io. Taven I) 1) summit of mesa, w jiublic road and raifou, Iiei'oi riano Sanchez, e .aliove land, 4 v e Montoya, w Costinas. for 101 to 3; 100 aeres laud ami ?23.0d JMI l.2i'', penally Loó, 35", 3.4(5, imjivts. Taxes 8.00, 2.10, total for t,i 'U, llo v in, in Lan printing latid In iet 35. Taxen 11.53, Taxes 13.85, jienalty jirinting jienalty imjivts Canuda de Ion Carros, sett Sanche, y Sedil!;!, Kafat 1 IkI total ro.07 $17.0(5 jirinting 35c, $11.27 Itmpt lisas, n common rights, e jienalty 2.HS, jirinting 35e, 3.5c, total total 12, twill. r 30, house on same ( total 1x92; 50 v M Arii-iu- corge P for land lnl n roatl, mind Sulaar, v M i, s Ihnilo Weeks, $11.70' Várela, Manuel Lojiez, J L land. Taxes 19.02, jienalty 4.75, p:!i,"-s- , w F Chavez, e E MariUez, 82 yds tie Jains, mill impvts, ltnt v hmtl for laud ut Sap. 11... for ls'.H! to 8. 100 aeren land Can- for 189X; tt tract of land Puertecit.o jirinting 35c, total $21.12 17.13, land bil e roatl, w Ionian, XI yards below Las Dispiiisas, one house penalty 1,35, printing 35e, PRIX1NCT NO. 55. ada Alamosa bd n F Ursua, n A and imjivts thereon. Taxes 10.38, Martin, Manuel S html, bd o II Griego, n J Sanchez, In preeinet 51. 15.10, total w F. jienulty 4.09, jirinting .Tic, total Taxes penalty 1 )omey, Mary A Itaeoii Jaramillo, e and Cortinas. for ls0l (o one resilience house four-roo- house ami a two-roo- 3.85, print injf 15c, 11.08. 2.77, $20.82 total rL. PRICiCTr-io.5- for Inim, lots Nos, 1 ami 2, n 1 of Taxes jienalty jirinting jict 00. Taxes 10.32, jienulty 1.08, house, Taxen 5.90, penalty 1.22, Arch u let a, JcniiH 35c, total $11.20 Medrano, Jose Miguel 35c, ne j of section 2 twp 13 11 r 21 e of printing total $20.75 printing .Tic, total $7.47 for IK! 500 y nt La l y I . n for 1x92; 100 acres land bd n T land acá uceri Jaa New Mexico meridian, imjirove-ineiit- s Williams, W H Martille, Jose F bd n w Ala-Hilto- lvi.3 7. loll v i 1898. 50 w (riego, s Canoncito, e road, w J PRECINCT NO. 49 hill, Canon of for to land bd o thereon. Taxes 0.82, penalty for. A tract of land lift for 1S93; real estate and personal n J , 1 Montoya, houne on name lordo de Jai'itas, (. nto I'.aea, h Angostura, v ine-- a lied, 1.70, jirinting 35c, total $8.87 of lis Vegas known as the lock y lantl. jirojierty. one house jict 0O. Taxes (iaieia, one holme ou hoime 0.09, 1.52, Taxen 15.11, jienalty 3.77, irinting 11.07, Aragón, Francisco nuilie Intnl. river on same. Taxc 11.11. ( onzales, Florentino ranch. Taxen jienalty jienalty 3.00, jirinting 35c. 191-2- , Fslcr-lion- , 12.5S, .'1. 1, $7.1X5 .35c, $19.2.1 for 25 v lam) at Lon Taxen penalty prii.iin;,' penalty 2 t0, printing 35t total for 192, 100 aeren land at Corazón jirinting 35c, total total total $18. (8 10.07 E l P..N Marino, Dolores bd u, a arroyo, w M Te, total i btl n A Gonzalrn, s common rights, Marcos, N'estiir Araron, Jone K IMiliClfNCT No for 1X92; 200 v lantl bd n C Sena, s Aragón, e l,t liarían, one house, Maro, Valentin e and w same, ntv 23 twp 00. Taxes 57. for 1UI3, 100 acres land pet 00. and fence. Taxes 0.97, for 100 v land at San L'iia-ci- a for Ki to c. 225 v Alamo, F Gutierrez, e road, w summit of corral land 12,02, ienalty 3.15, jirinting 35c, Aragón, Nestor T.ixt"-2i.02- penalty 3.o, jirinting erenton, bd n C 1.71, ,'t.V, lnl n ''ratielscti Loiliul, n Ji l.ii lid li F Lobato, n w L( 0 as, o. lot and house jet5 Inmalty printing total and total H0.12 for 1X94 to "'.Hi. a log house at 35c. total $27.37 fcO.IMt K, e Ma I in w K Ca-tr- o, 50 v w Mares, w alley, s ditch, e L Uijicz. J llecos, e river. laud bd P Domiii-- .lanjier, Anthony, enlate f Taxes 18.09, jienulty 4.52, Trujillo, Antonio Jose de la Cruz one house and lot at Fmplazadu dc n L i it as, e ri er, w Taxes 5.90, jienalty 1.47, jirinting Araron, in., hills, for 1934, 10O aeren lantl nw i nee jirinting 35c, total 22.9tl for 103: SO acres lantl ju t 00, house ft temporal, San liriiacio, bd r. S.ipi llo river, n Phi v hind bd n M Montoya. n A 35c, total $7.72 lantl, 12 twji 13 n r 22 e. Taxen 18.03, Aguilar, Hafael 011 same. Taxes 4.19, jienalty 1.12, Montoya, Agustín irt !'.', I.d ti puhlic road, h arroyo, (ardtiuo, e rivir, w (íinluno. liman, e river, w hills. Taxen jienalty 4.51, jirinting 3.5c, total for 1891 to '(Hi, houne at Kiminosa. jirinting 35c, total $5.00 w U.Oi, penalty 2.!o, 10. On, l.t'2, for 1893; 000 v land pet 8. Taxes e name, name, one hotinc and Taxes print in;; pciialtv printing 35c, 22.S9 Taxen 10.01, jienalty 2.50, printing Vljil, Presentación G 1 5.28, jienalty 1.32, 35c, impvtH on name land. Taxen .'I.H7, Th, total f total 3.5c, $12.8(5 printing li Kirk, Milton total for l".i3; iersonnl jiri't i ty. Taxes tM',c, t a, ( ,N total $(.95 penalty printinj,' .Tic, total Areliiili Manuel 'ordo a. icolas T 11 1 1 for ls'.i5, 157 acres land, Aguilar, Jose 1.51 , penalty 2.87, jirinting 35c, for ls. i2. 100 v at s, I sir;. 0, 27, 17, Montoya, Jone D html Lus for Lot b in pet of lie 111 of nw i, see (i twji for 1892 to '91, 200 v land jict 57, $11.7.1 1891-2- total n ( Ara-tfol- l, N't-'- for : 175 v land Tablozon bd lttu'ti, b'lll ami hills, t La (lot Sprilign Isihlberg 11 lUcardo lis II 11 r 21 e. Taxes 5.7!, lnl ami e mesa, a river. Taxes Vijil, Luciano w II (Itieke. 4.H.I, iV add, u J Gutierrez, w erenton, s Aragón for lVil-2- , one hoimc liix.'k) at Lok Tuxes Mills impvls, a hoime on ieiially 1.45, jirinting .35c, total 7.80, penalty 1.95, jirinting .Tie, and imjivtn. Taxes 4.12, jienalty for ls;i.;: one house pet 00. Taxen F.nlt't'iton. Taxen .'l.tki, ienalty I'lc, penalty 1.21. pi hit in;f total govt land a Alamosa pet 52, 7.59 total $10.10 1.03, 8.58, pena'.ty 2.14, jirinting 3.V, 0.12 Taxes 20.3 1, peiialt.v 5.07, printing jirinting 3V, total $'.50 printing .'I.V, Lucero, Cruz Haca, Crcncuriatio total 11.07 35c, 25.72 Montoya, Aguntin Maca Facundo lillntos, I anión A total tor years 197-8- , 100 aeren lamí, for 1S97-8- , 1(50 acres land jK't 57, n 1891-2- t Vijil. Preridiauo ( Manuel for ; 000 v land temjioral jn-- f..r 1V.U 2, T.'i v land at for tV.J v land, pet 51. ii Ollale, K't55, set'titiii 9twjil4 11 r 20 e, i sw 1 s 1, sw i net; 8 and ne i i:t l'.'l 58 10.54, for 103; jiersonal )iroieity. Taxen for Pol to I, 0. wis laud bd u 7 and impvts. Taxes iien- bil n ditch, creek, e V Haca, hill, w Antu (att'ia, n Henry ami iinjiroveinenU thiTeon. Taxen se 1 nee twp 7 n r 10 e. Taxes 10.20, jienalty 2.57, 35c, X alty 2.03, printing 3.V, total $13.52 printing w Auto I tornero, ImpMn, LM v (ioeke, c lloiilo of Las Incitas, and s land ot Lovato, e river, w N.30, jK'iialty 2.09, printing 3.5c, 10.92, jienalty 2.73, printing Tie, Martinez y Haca, Juan total $15.21 laiul La pet Id, n rlv-- t alne of improvements. Tuve mesa, hoime on saine laud. Tases total total 1I.00 at Junta, $100 t Vljil. Pri citliano ll for 1891-2- ; One house jn-- .58 Tablo- 10.27, penalty 2.57, 35e, J r, hllln, w Canoiicito, e J Itaea, 1.03, )eiiait 1.00. printuiif.Th'.total printing lacros, Juan 18!i2; NO bd n w summit of for iersonal jiropt rty. Taes f.5.:w total i'l'I.IO PRECINCT 56 18113, zon (eronimo, ouo houne at lMn I'.nteriton. Taxen for U5 v land, ct 57, bd n C 5.81. to- a C Sena, Sena, anil penally 1.10, printing 35c, I". Molitova, Miguel crestón, e (' 8.07. penulty 2.'l, print intf Tic, lilake. II Armijo, ( Homero, s road, 0 river, houne $7.05 sn 'irilta impvts. Taxes 4.05, jienalty 1.10, tal l'.0-7- , 1, b 5 for to 3. SO v laud bd n L 4.49, totul ÍKI.I1 for l"l at San I'edro. 1 v,i7. A .50 btl on the same lund. Taxes 1) for tract of land )et printing Tic, total $0.K! Vellu, Presentat ton L IT.'iO, penalty I. (Oixas h I! línea, e river, w mesa. 1.12, lipez, Bonifacio Taxes II. print inif n N Armijo, 8 F Martinez y Gar- jienalty jirinting Tic, total for 18!2: jiersonal jiroperty. Taxen , Maen, Edwyen lrt'l-2- , 3"h-- $22.42 hou a on same laud. Taxen 0.3O, for v land at I.n Cueva, total cia, e numinit of Fañosa, w Lj nehV $5.90 0.21. jM'iialty 1.50, juiiiting 35c, t penalty 2.32, printing total for 1891 to 5; 15 acres land lnl n A pet 4'), tine ranch altove La Cueva, iilliyos, J nan fence, house on name. Taxes 3.55, (Jarcia, Jose Antonio total $".15 1V1-2- , el 1.17 1895-0-, (5 Montoya, s canon, e Gonzulen one tioii! al La Cueva. Tiixen for 133 v laud, pet 51, bd e jienalty 1.39, printing Tie, total for acres lantl and imjivts w ) m Mares, Juan ranch, w ridge of erenton. Taxes PRLCIXCT 7."1, l.W, printing T1, J Hue.i, Kiniii iii, liorilo of $7.20 in nee 17 ami twp 17, 20 r land bd No. 61 Is'tj-.l- . TV-- , I for. I, Und in pet 52 btl u M 22.90, 5.72, total r-t.- La Jarita, u ordo de la Canadá. n road, s Teotloclo Morales, w Las jsnalty jirinting Itaea, Seraliii Armijo, Si.-t-o n I w $28.97 de Dio.t and iuiprovt ineiits, Taxc 3.71. Martin, P loiniugiicz, e ami .50 Jaran, e river, liouse on same land. total Martinez, Juan for 1S91-- 3 to 7. 200 v and jict 0; , for 191 to jiersonal iropeity. 'Jtiv eiialty tl.t,-- 3'-- ', lui a. house on same land. Taxes 10.91, jienalty 4.23, printing Nieto, Juan .lone tor lamí at Lon later- priming total btl n hills, n L Haca, e C Wei- - Taxes 8.28, 2.07, 2, 1,05, 35c 1893; 1,000 v btl n F.l Taxes jienalty jirinting lid n ditch, n w l'ar-ran- , Í5.02 peimlty printing 35c, total $21.49 for land Canon ita, creek, lt giuid, w L I t)M'.. Tuxen 1(5.11, Tie. total $10.70 M (areiu, Pedro total M.12 Gomez, Anuceto de la Tablozon, s Canon de Jara- e Cutiericz, one hmifc. jienalty 4.03, jirinting 33, total Aragón y Chavez, I w Taxes 12.39. lcandrti at Lun KnU'i iteit. laxen .11 1. penal- for (3 V bind (.1 .' I lis. M.trtiiie, llafael for 1S0Í 5, a tract of land Im- millo, i river, road. lV.. 2i..5tt for lo.i; 2k) v lamí lnl n Teotiosio ( 1", for so v pet 52 3.09, 3V, total 7'V, pi intluy Tic, total 1 1.27 j tensas, ld ba ke, w ( btivia. H'.'l. land Iis provement s, precinct 37. Taxes printing ti ell y Lojiez, Vteente Tru i io, s J uau J Nieto, e Gallinas btl 11 n C lia- Haca $15.83 l'arran, n Hoitltiol Tll'lljas, i Itnidoof .Manumitas nrroui, 11.35, iienalty 24, pi luting Tie, l'clint 5. 500 bd 11 w 7.07, w for 1802 to aeren land river, roatl. Taxes jienalty , F-t- ble, e mima, two houses in . 2."i ci Canada, tme house nt river, total $11.54 for t lamí ut U PRÍXINCT Ñ0T5O. 1.91. $0.0.1 52. 1.50, La Trucha, n H (liegos, e P Pa- printing 3V, total lxl ti common name, Tcn2.w!i, penalty 72c, printing pet Taxi H.2 penalty Garcia, Antonio rihln, dilla, u S Homero. Tuxen .ri0.97. Ajnilonio, ( 01 ilova K Haca, e T one hoiim' 3V, tutal t'.W rint ing 3' , total t2 t.l'i for 1802 to '94, 2X0 yards land, jict llames, It W Araron, ienalty 12.71, jirinting 35c, total for 1x02: tract of land iilsiut 3)0 lantl. Taxen (allt'on. Ma Molito II. Jo-- c 57, btl n roatl, n T Morales, w hills, for 1882, jiersonal projierty. Toxen ni the naine 4.2'. .loe 0.(H ucres more or less, house, L( Ala-moM- 10.41, 2.00, 3V, Miialty I priiitiui; Tn'. total for 1V2, 150 v land, lid li Lito tie for ls'.il. iJ acres laud n e river, houne on name land. Taxes penalty; jirinting .''. Chavez, Jone M 130 v land bd 11 J Martinez, n J 1 11 $13.30 &.'V Ion hint , n hills, ,. M i,lvn, bd foot of n river, 17.91, jienalty 4.48, printing IV, total for 4. 120 aeren land Agua Lucero, e G Martini z, w A Marti-tine- .. v, i t hills, hou-- e 11 to Parran, roiel. I11 V land bd n hills, loud r, e one on same total $22.77 Caviness, John Komuldo Zarca. Tuxen (.OH, penalty 1.05, Taxen 4.78, penally 1.19, . e T Medina, w land. Ta ves, penalty 1.22, for 1892, personal i ty. Taxes for 1m:i1-2- :h v land Vm i P l'n".iiiez. Taxtn projs ht Im j Hernandez y Garcia, Jesus jirinting 3V, total $H.K j I'l'iiitiug .'55c, total $'.32 5.(i, penalty I . )s pi nt ing .35,', tola) print lug 35. , total is!. 15 11.13, jienalty .1.53, jirinting 35c, ImI n by Honlo, h .1 Itivera, e for 101-5- , houne in 57, En- ' y. Lnqilibel, Jose Ignacio jict at Armijo, Jose ( Í7.77 M 111 un .', .nun I Antonio total $18.01 Cruz Araron, one houc and tme .50 cierro. Tuxen 7.13, jienulty 1.78, y for Iv.H. A tract of land ju t far 1803; houne and lot 10x10 ju t 01. ia, for ln. land pt t 52 bd 11 Day.J N eoiiai. Taxen ."i.f.H, jM tmlty 1.12, (lart Pablo Kl. printing 35c, 19.20 bd 11 A Chavez, n A (Vmlallrt, e top total Taxes 1.51, jienalty 1.13. irlnting for jviij, .Vti v hind bd u 1 Vi r, s I i' 11, w the jioiul for 1892, real estate and Impvtn. il llitili Tic, total t't.i't Canada Herrera, Francisco 3.5c, $0.(i2 i oí crestón, w Lorenzo IiM'..Tttxen 11-- total n of'.a. one hou-- e on same lantl. Taxen js nalty 2.83, irintlng iirrl, Jie.0 llallis, F Van la, e C lloival, 197-8- , one-roo- l'lil il.01, jx nalty 270, ju iiiting Tie, for frame house. (Olíales, Jesllsltil e i 1.20, 3V, 314.53 for H'l-2- , :a r t 1j hon-- ri2'i. Taves 3.11, p. aiu latís 12, piniil'N printing 0.01, 1.(55, total land Cuera. total 1 11.15 Taxes penalty printing for 50 v lantl 77c, 35c, 4 1. 21 35c, total r'ti.37 Elklns, W N pet l'.l, bd n hill, m Fectin l iver, w pi'ui'ing total 35c, total 18.01 bd n Sapello river, s hill, e Ma Muni:'., Je-e- n M for 1893, 100 acres of land not in, Fermín Garcia. Santtm 1 Va l libatrl, lloiiifiicio mh ., (arc Huntington, Frank Igua de Haca, w V Martinez, 30 v v ut. 1891. 118 v I 50 btl n descrilsnl. Taxes 17.81, junalty tint' ho..-- e ou nutne land. Tavt for l,m0 bind Lus (or s',itto.'i. lloiiH' pet 52. Tiivn for laiul jk bd n 1M4. aeren see 25 twp land San lln river, s J Salido n n v C for luí land 1.15, jirinting Tic, total $22.01 .151, penalty ''Se, prlntlnu' Tn', total btl It common right , 13. CO, jienalty 1.15. inting 35e, juiblit1 roatl, (eronimo, w A fi IS 25 e Mil.e Lupe Martinez, Martinez. w n S crestón, 3o n r and Imjivts. Taxes Garcia, Pablo H77 lllttlioii Arc hu'e!ii, t II (omKi total S2LI0 Gonzale, e Taxes 10. 10, 4.11, 3.15, penalty 79c, printing 33c, total peindty jirinting im i i .1 v html Imjivjn pet 30. ri u, it nee ami wnprm mi ut on Tafot s, uau ami Taxen for 1893, jsTsonal iroperty. Taxen Tie. total $21.02 NO. I $1.29 3-- PRICINCI 50 name. Taxes 7.77, penalty 1.1 I for SH7. loo f land f. need, two 3.05, penalty 91c, print ing .Tic, total 21.52, junalty U3, printing Gotl.iles, .lose houses ut, .Mamoso, 9.52, 1.91 t print hi T total f Taxes Montoya tie Medina, $11.00 lk0l-2- : jn-- 01 btl ArrhiiicU. Tt tidoi ti l'.'t Maria Hriglda total for lot Kmidoatlti I ii.ilty 2.5' 3.V. , Joliii, lent y printing total Lojiez, Albino tor 192-5- 150 v In n JoseL Garcia, Luciana 11 C onulen, s vv nt. Mel for lWd-2- . One hoimc on (,'nvt ' e 1 U for ls'.rj.'!, (,er, hmd b. j lM(2-3- . s 1) land. TrtXen .'.M, n nallv 117, at ad for i.l aeren lamí tal n It Medina, Medina, e J do J San for 1801, one house in precinct 5'., Martinez. Taxen 4.72, penalty 1.18, printiti Tn-- , total 7.2.l of Sii l'o ihir. Taxes in 22, TrujiUo, Mifiiel i.oN', ü P Jaramillo, e A I'mua. tilhiucn, w mesa, one house in government land. Taxen 10.58, I'l lni ini 3.V, total $'.25 Lit u. Jone líodr li'o I't iialty 155, printing 35 total i for H:1. Plit inn,) 1.21, 17.98, nce, ;iAmaii Taxes 4X, jienalty printing sume place. Taxes penalty Iienalty 4.14, jirinting 35c, total 1(1. . I'jO Contnuctl to Pujjo for l'Jl-2- 6cií luud panlure, Í23.10 de Lu Ltroiic bd 11 river, foot of 35c, total U1 4.40, printing 35c, total $22.82 $21.07 Taxes 32.00, penalty 8.01", print in 52.80, penalty 13.20. printing IV, wit: Lying on both of Pecos Crespin, 1..38, OWNERS-AMOUN- EL INDEPENDIENTE, sides Donaciauo Taxes 5.55, penalty printing UNKNOWN TS 3V, total $40.35 total $00.35 river extending from eastern boun for 1892, lots 2 and 3, blk 01, 3V, total $7.28 LESS THAN $2S.OO. Larrazola, Mrs Maria G bury of Pecos Pueblo to the Gu- KihllK't-g'- plat 18(58. Taxes 3.41, Martinez, Felix PRIiCINCT No (53. LOPKZ, SULZBACHER k KOSDNWALD for 189..I-7-- house and lot pet (4 sano ami to t ie line of the juris penalty 85c, printing 35c, total for 1892; lot 1, b A, Rice's plat, SALAZAR & BACA, Publishers. ADDITION. situated corner National st and X Baca, Leon y Lucero diction of t'.e San Miguel del $1.01 one lot and house. Taxes 21.21, Lot 13, blk 2, for 1897. Taxes 48c, M ave, 50x150 ft.- - Taxes 80.28, for 1893 to '98, 100 acres hind sec 4 Bado grant and excluding the Duran, Dolores penalty 5.30, printing 35e, total jienalty 12c, printiug 33c, penalty 21.57, printing 35c, total twpll. Taxes 29.17, penalty. 7.29, portions listed by divers persons, for 1S93, lot 10 and 114, blk D, $25.80 total SUPPLEMENT. 95o $108.20 printing 35c, total $.0.81 for 18(7 to Taxes 074.42, Rice's plat. Taxes 15.10, penalty Marti-iez- , Jose Gabriel Lot 10, blk 2, for 1897. Taxes 48c, pen- Lopez, J L (ionales, Manuela R de penalty 158.0 ', total $8:J.(U 3.77, printing 3V, total $19.22 for 1892: iK'rsonal property. Taxes Continued from Page 16. 12e, 35c, 95c 1891-3-0-- alty jirlntlng total for 8; house and lot on for 1892-7-- 8, 320 acres laud and im- Domínguez, Doroteo 1.05, penalty 20c, printing 35c, total LAS VI itASCKANT. Lot 17, blk 2, for 1897. Taxes 48e, pen- South Pacific st bd n and w streets, provements at .as Conchas. Taxes for 1892: lot, 7, b L T, Rice's plat. $1.00 That certain tract of land known as alty 12c, printing 35c, total 95e AMOUNTS OVER $25.00. s T Romero, e F Ixijiez. Taxes 85.20, penalty 21.39, printing 35c, Taxes 2.39, penalty 59c, printing Mares, Fabrlc'ans the 'Las Vegas Grant'' granted Lot 18, blk 2, for 1894-7- . Taxes 4.11, 179.01, penalty 44.91, printing 35c, total $100.85 35c, total S3. 33 for 1897-8- , lot 1 b L, Rice's platt. by Mexico to Juande Dios Maes jienalty 1.03, printing 35c, total & total $224.90 Gutierrez, Jose A Kl Hour, John D S Taxes 7.01, penalty l.!H), Allen Leicham printing $5.49 1892-3- , I'M) and others, in the original grant for 1895--6. All the types, presses, Moreno, Dolores for viand, bd n lomas, s for 1893, real estate. Taxes 4.39, 3V, toUil $9.8(5 papers and bounded as follows to Lot 19, blk 2, for 1894-7- . Taxes 4.11, eases, galleys, stones, leads, rules, for 1894 to (5; lots 4 to 0, b 03, Kihl-ber- g river, e J M Gutierrez, w J Jime- penalty 1.09, printing 3V, total Padilla, Jose I'oii wit: On the north by Sapello riv- jienalty 1.03, printing 3V, total desks, paper cutter, used in print- plat 18(58. Taxes 20.07, pen- nez, at Los Alamo, house at Las $5.83 for 1892; lot 5, b B, lot and house. er, on the south by the Antonio $5.49 ing a newspaper known as the alty 0.20, printing 35c, total $32.08 Ventanas. Taxes 10.15, penalty Flores, ( erardo Taxes 2.01, penalty 50c, printing Ortiz grant, on the east by the , Lot 20, blk 2, for 1894-- 7. Taxes 4.11, Stock Grower and Farmer and sit- Mares, Bonefacio 10.11, printing .'55c, total $."0.9 1 forl8)3-5-0- 100 v land at Homero-vill- c. :!5e, total $2.80 Aguaje de la Yegua, on the west jienalty 1.03, printing 35c, total uated in what is known as the for 1891-2-- 5 to 8: lot 2, b W, house Gutierrez: Juan M one lot and house, pet 04, Rivera, Jose ... - by the San Miguel did Bado grant $5.49 Stock Grower building gn Bridge and lot pet 04. Taxes 31.57, pen- for 1892-3- . UK) v land at Las Ala- lpt 15, blk C, Rice's plat. Taxes for 1892: lot 8, b I), Rice's plat. and containing 49(5,44(5 acres ac- Lot 20, blk 2, for 1894-- 7. Taxes 4.11, st, Las Vegas. Taxes 39.73, pen- alty 7.89, printing .'15c, total $39.81 mos, b I n loma, s river, e 1) I'li-barr- i, 13.43, penalty 3.35, printing 35e, Taxes 3.79, penalty 94c, printing cording to the survey made by the penalty 1.03, printing 35c, total alty 9.93, printing 35c, total $50.01 Martinez, Carlos w J A Gutierrez. Taxes total $17.13 3V, total $5.08 U. S. government in 1800, the ori- $5.49 Baca, Dominga N for 1892 to '95-- part in house in 90.57, penalty 22.01, printing 35c, Froster, James Benito, Rivera ginal plat and field notes of such Lot 27, blk 2, for "94-- Taxes 4.11, for Lot 22, b 2, Riee'e plat, pet (4. Taxes 30.03. penalty 7.50, total $1 13.5(5 for 1892 to 5: lots 0 to 9, b 158, lots for 1892; lot 4, b T, Rice's plat. 18. survey being now on tilo in the of- l jienalty 1.03, printing 35c, total interest in a house at Las Vegas. printing 35c, total $37.88 Gallegos. Albino 1 to 4, b 18:1, Klhlberg plat 1808. Taxes 2.99, penalty 74c, printing t fice of the U. S. Surveyor General $5.49 Taxes 110.10, penalty 27.54, printiug M deGobletz, Estefana for ISi'S, 100 acres of land at Las Taxes 1(5. 10, penalty 4.02, printing 3.V, total $4.08 us- - Lot 28, 2, '07. 48c, 1892-4-5-7-- of New Mexico. Less as was blk for Taxes pen 33e, total $138.05 for 8. house and lot for- Conchas, formerly of J L Ioiez. 3V, total $20.47 Romero, Antonio Abad sessed by divers claimants for the alty 12c, jirinting 3V, total 9.V Billogas, Presiciano merly of Miguela Maes, bd w G 100 acres of laud same place, pur- Gonzales de Brown, Rosalia for 1892; lot 2, b E, Rice's plati 1887 1898 20, blk 2, for '97. Taxes 48c, - years to inclusive, taxes 1892-3- ; Iit jxn- for 1892-3-- 5 to 8. Lot (57, b C8, Kihl-ber- g Ribera, s E do Martinez, e llfeld, chased from Jesus Ma Ulibarri, 73 for lot 8, b 70, Kihlbcrg Taxes 2.01, penalty 50c, printing 74,028.14. penally 18.507.0.3, total alty 12e, jirlntlng 3.V, total 95c plat 18(58. Taxes 38.07, pen- n M Rudulph, house on Moreno v land at Los Alamos. Taxes plat. 1808. Taxes 14.55, 3.V, totul $2.8(5 $92,535.17. Lot 30, blk 2, for 97. Taxes 48c, jx'n- - alty 0.59, prining 35c, total $47.03 street, bd n street, s and w B Mares 40.S7, penalty 11.71, printing 3.V, 3.03, printing 35c, total $18.53 Romero, Petra alty 12c, printing 35c, total 95c Baca, Martina M de e Gregorio Ribera. Taxes 31.58, t it al $58.93 MOKA GHANT. Gonzales, Juan Antonio for 1892-3- ; lots 1, 3, b K, Rice's Lot 31, blk 2, for '97. Taxes 48c, jien 1891 8. 04 v land jict 5 bd n penalty 5.39, printing 35c, total Huneke, Henry for 1892: lots 2, 3, b 00, Klhlberg survey, two houses and lots. Taxes for to That certain tract of, 'and known as alty 12c, jirinting 35c, total 95c L Lopez, g Andres Martinez, w nat $37 32 for lv'97, 3,215 acres grazing land by Mex- pint 1808, two lots and house. 9.00, 2.41, printing 3V "Mora Grunt" granted Lot 32, blk 2, for '97. Taxes 4&e, jien 33 v Mackel, John B at Las Conchas creek in Ortiz Tuxes 5.28, penalty 1.32, printing total $12.42 road, e river, land San Jose, ico ln8.'i5 to Jose Tapia and others alty 12c, 35c, 9.V 1898, printing total house and lot pet (4. Taxes 52.77, for jiersonal property. Taxes grant , house on saine, 40 acres of 19, 1859, as re- 3V, total $0.95 Ryan, II J and approved July UA 33, blk 2, for '97. Taxes 48 ;, jieu- - 13.19, printing .35c, total 30.90, penalty 7.72, printing .'IV, grazing land on topof the ceja, dry (ionzales, Gregorio for 1892, lot 7. blk 70, Kihl- lenalty port No. 32, bounded as follows: alty 12c, jirinting 35e, total 95e $00.31 total $.'8.97 land. Taxes 121.59, penalty 31.14. for 1892: lot 3,b ti3, Kihlticrg plat herg's plat, 1808. Taxes 2.89, On the north by Ocate river, south Lot 34, blk 2, for '97. Tuxes 48c. pen- - Baca, Federio Medina, Francisco printing 35c, total $150.08 1808, one house and lot. Taxes penalty 72c, printing 35c, total by Sapello river, on the east by alty 12c, jirinting 35c, total 9-- 1890 8; lot 11, b N, for 1892 to 5; lots 4, 5, b 05, Kihl-ber- g Jimenez, 2.25, penalty 51c, printing 35c, $3.90 for to Rice's Francisco the Aguaje de la Yegua undonthe Lot 35, blk 2, for '97. Taxes 48c, pen house. 43.25, plat, two lots and house. for 1893-4- . 100 v laud, pet 7, bd n total $3.10 loybul, Andres plat, lot and Taxes west by the Estillero, containing alty 12c, jirinting 35c, total 95c 10.81, 35c, Taxes 2(5.15, penalty 0.53, printing Chas s Rafaela Sais, Garcia, Rodrigo for 1892, lot 4, blk B, Rice's plat, jienalty printing total llfeld, eaudw in all 827,021 acres, but this assess- liOt 30, blk 2, for '97. Taxes 48c, pen $54.41 35c, total $33.03 hills, a house in Las Vegas, pet 20, for 1892-3- : lot 1, b K K, Rice's one lot and house. Taxes 2.13, ment covers only the portion in alty 12c, printing .Tic, total 95c Cajal, Marcs, Gregorio 1(50 acres land bd n .luán Griego, s survey. Taxes 8.03, penalty 2.15, penalty 53e, printing 3V, total Antonio San Miguel county excluding the Iit 37, blk 2, for '97. Taxes 48c, pen 1891 '93, personal for 1892 to 5; lot 11, b C, Rice's M Manga, w mesa, printing 3V, total $11.13 3.01 for to property. Jimenez, elji portions returned by divers per- alty 12c, jirinting 35e, total 9.V Taxes 43.41, 10.85, printing plat, lot and house. Taxes 29.11, one room in pet 20, bd Manuel Garduño, Francisco Uvera, Jose L y Hno penalty sons for years 1887 to 1K98, taxes Lot 38, blk 2, for '97. Taxes 48c, jien 35c, $54.01 penalty 7.3(5, printing 35c, total Jimenez. Taxes 53.07, penalty for 1892: lot 7, b 07, Kihlbcrg plat for 1893, personal property. Taxes total 19.428.88, jienalty 4,857.22, total alty 12c, printing 35c, total 95c Chavez, $37.15 13.21'), prin'.ing 35c, total $'50.08 1808. Taxes 2.25, penulty 50e, 17.35, penalty 4.33, printing 35e, George $24.280,10. Lot 39, blk 2, for '97. Taxes 18c, jien Mackel, B 35c, $3.10 $22.03 for 1891 to '95, 100 acres land at John Jimenez, Nicolas printing total total i).V J'KCOS CHANT. alty 12c, jirinting 35c, total El one house on same. for 1898, personal property. Taxes for 1894 to '!t.S, bid acres land at Gobletz, l'jitefano, M de Roiuiiiillo, Felix Cuervo, Lot 40, blk 2, for '97. Taxes 48c, jien 1897-8- , 1893-4- , 34.23, 8.55, 30.90, jienalty 7.72, printing 3.V, Las Conchas, bd u Mel s That certain tract of land known us for house and lot formerly for 500 v land bd n J M Taxes penalty printing Jimenez, alty 12c, printing 35c, total 9V 35c, $43.13 total $38.97 old w mesa, e M F the Pecos grant made to the Pueb- of Miguela Maes, bd w (! Rivera, Muestas, s old road, e Calasa hill, total fence, Jimenez.: Lot 4, blk 9, for '92 to Taxes 13.81, l'apa, Felix lo de Pecos and confirmed by the a K de Martinez, e. llfeld, n M Ru- w rldgi) of hill. Taxes 5.8.1, Coblitz, Anthony Taxes 20.52, penalty 0.03, pruning jienalty 3.45, printing 35c, total for 1894 to fi; lots 3 to 5, b 71, Kihl-bea- g for 1893 to 8; lot pet 01, 94 ft from 3V, total $33.50 U S congress by an act entitled, dulph, house on Moreno street, bd penalty 1.40, printing 3.V, total ü $17.01 18(58. Taxes 50.81, pen- n to s, 123 ft e to w, bd n Estofano an act to confirm the land claims n street, s and w B Mares, $7.07 plat Mil 1. blk 1.1, for '92 to Taxes 8.31, Martinez, s st, e Smith, w Mestus, UNKNOVV.N "owÑLliS of certain pueblos and towns of Gregorio Rivera. Taxes 8.51, Sanford, Mrs alty 12.70, printing 35c, total $03.80 jienalty 2.08, printing 3V, total 1 8, b 8, 4 lots house b the territory of New Mexico and penalty 2.12, 3V, total 1892-3- , 2, blk D, plat. Delgado, Juan and Wife lots to and printing for lot Rice's $10.74 A 1 wT"-:-t 1. forl89-3-4-rtto8;lotsl- 3, 8 bd s Washington st, e Pacific st, ANTOXl'IIICil (11 NT. containing as surveyed $10.98 Taxes 0.11, penalty printing 3, b S, 2, blk 13, for '92 to Taxes 8.31 04. 87.44, 4 more lots same b on PaciOe st. icrcs, excluding the portions as- Harrison, Sid 3V, total $7.98 lit Rice's plat pet Taxes A certain tract of laud known as the jienalty 2.08, jirlntlng 3V, total Taxes 71.88, 17.97, sessed by divers persons, for 1887 1892: lot 0, b I) D, n of Porter Stumps, penalty 21.80, printing 35, total penalty printing Antonchico grant made by Mexico for George $10.74 3.V, total 8! XI. 20 to IV.w. Taxes 3,729.57, penalty iV Mills add, 190 v land above for 1892-3- , lot!, block 29, Klhl-- 1 $109.05 in 182'2 f Mmuel Ribera and Lot 3, blk 13, for '92 to Taxes 8.31, igmore, V W 1132.39, total $4.C(d.9! ditch, lot 14, b 40, n of Porter & erg's plat 1808, lot and house. Esquibel, Severiana ea'led the Antonchico grant in the jienalty 2.08, printing 3.V, total 1897, Mills add, I'.KI v land above ditch. Taxes 1 1.57, is'iialty 2.89, printing for 1894 to 8. 100 v land in Las for jiersonal property. Taxes original grant papers and therein PUKSTiiN HKCK CHANT. $10.71 Vegas bd n Jorga Chavez, s Eu- 121.20, penalty 30.30, printing 35c, as follows: n Antonchico Taxes 23.37, penalty 5.É4, printing 3V, total $14.81 bounded A certain tract of land known as the Lot 4, blk 13, for '92 to Taxes 8.31, w total $151.85 3V, total $2.1.50 Sandoval, ( 'asiiniro genio Romero, e hills, river, Ortiz grant line, s ridge of Piedra Beck grant, which was jienalty 2.08, jirinting 3V, total Preston 1, 29, Kihl- bd n Romero, Eugenio Guade-lnp- e, H inojos, Jesiisita for 1892, lot blk house and lot Las Vegas Juan Pintada and the mesita de made by Mexico to Juan Esteban $10.74 for 1893 to '95-- lot 3, blk K R for 1892; lot 2, b 30, Kihlbcrg plat, herg's plat, 1808. Taxes 2.01, J Lopez, s Aniceto C Abeytia, e e Sabino Spring with the Pino and culled Ojito del Rio de Uit 5, blk 13, for '92 to Taxes 8.31, w 128.43, Ride's plat, pet 01, 57 v land, lots lot and house. Tuxes 1.08, pen- penalty 5 printing IV, total .ditch, Pacific st. Taxes alto de los Esteros where the men Las Gallinas in the original grant jienalty 2.08, printing .35c, total 351-- , 21 to 20, blk (,), Rice's plat, pet 01. alty 42 printing 3V, total $2.45 $2.80 penalty 42.10, printing total were killed, w by the Cuesta mid papers, and therein hounded as $10.74 $1(50.88 Tuxes 4852.3,pcnalty 121. 31, printing boun- Herrera, Juan Jose Salazar, .lose the little Berna! hills, the follows, to wit: On the north by I.otl,hlkl7, for '92-3-- Tuxes 4.01. 35c, total $000.89 for 1892: lots 1 to 3, b 05, Kihllierg for 18'.i2-- lots 4, 5 and 0, blk (52, Esquibel, Jose S dary of the I'd Bado and contain- farm of Antonio Ortiz and the jienalty 1.15, jirlntlng 3V, total the 3 Taxes 1808, 1891-- 3 100 bd Ribera, Rita L de 0 plat 1808, lots and house. Klhlberg plat three lots and for to 8; acres land ing :7,5''7 acres, acenrdlng Mesa del Aguaje de la Yegua, on $0.11 1893 to 8; Las Vegas bd 5.37, penalty 1.34, printing 3V, house. Tuxes 9.08, penalty 2.27, house, lot for house U '92-3-- all sides public domain, to survey made by the S gov't the south by the Pecos river, east Lot 2. blk 17, for Taxes 4.01, bd sides n Justa Montoya, w Pacific st, s D 1S78, field total $7.(NI printing 'IV, total $11.70 and inipvts El Cuervo all in the olllclal plat and by Mesa de Pajarita and west by jienalty 1.15, jirintliig 3V, total 5 bd all Perez, e Gonzales st. Taxes (55.81, lloiiliu, John Sanchez, Gabriel common right, one lot pet notes of which survey are now on point of the Mesa Clr.ipaina, con- $(.11 penalty 10.45, printing 35c, total U for 18;)5, lots 37 and 3H, blk 80, for 1892, lot 2, blk K K, Rico's plat. sides common rights. Tuxes 100.33, tile in of S surveyor '92-3-t- i. the taining 318,I','.I972-1X- ) acres, accord- Lot 3, blk 17, for Taxes 4.01, $82.01 T G Davis' plat. Taxes 3.84, Taxo 2.89, penalty 72c, printing penalty 20.58, printing 35c, total for New Mexico, as epeeiiilly re- ing to survey milite by the United penulty 1.15, printing 35c, total Ribera, Gregorio penalty 9(c, printing total 3.V, total $3. 90 $133.30 ferred to herein for fmther States government in the year $0.11 for 1892 to C; lot 11, b C, Rice's of Ü5.15 Trujillo, Nicefor Esquibel, Refugio of boundaries said lM'iil, the original plat and field Lot 9, blk 12, for '93-- Taxes 5.00, 52.24, 13.00, 1892, 8, blk plat. 1891-- 3 8; house and lot Las plat. Taxes penalty now in said sur- ilaramillo, Jose for lot L, Rice's for to grant and papers Holes of which survey are now on jienalty 1.41, jirinting 3V, total bd n M s S Esqui- printiug 3V, total $05.05 ollice tiled, and for 1892; lot I, b 30, Klhlberg plat Taxes 2.12, penalty fiV, printing Vegas Esquibel, veyor general's file in the ollice of the United $7.42 18(58, one lot and house. Taxes 3V, total $3.0 J lad, e ditch, w Juan Jose Lopez. Sais, Juana known as report number -- 9: ex- 10, 12, '93-4- . 5.0(5, , States Surveyor General of New Iit blk for Tuxes 28.70, 7.17, for 1892-3- lot 10, blk C, Rice's by 1.58, penalty 39c, printing 3V, to- Trujillo, Mannelita Taxes penalty printing cluding all that portion listed Mi xieo, to here- jienalty 1.41, jirinting .'IV, total specially referred 1892-3- , $.'5.22 plat. Taxes 20.82, penalty (5.70, tal $2.32 for lot 22, blk K 3. Rice's 35e, total W Wiidinghniu ami others and all in for further description of the $7.42 printing 35c, total $.'$3.87 Lopez, Felipe platt, lot and house. Taxes (1.9(5, Forsythe, F which is situated in grants in Ber- boundaries of said grant, filed and Lot 14, blk 13. for '1)3. Taxes 2.03, 18UI-5- , 10, L, 1893-- 6 4 79, B Shupp, W H for lot blk F Rice's penalty 1.71, printing 3V, total for to 8: lots to 0, b nalillo and Guadalupe comities, known as grant No. 1, for years jienalty 51c, jirlntlng 3V, total lots 1 5, b 157, B for 1892 to 8; piece of land and 1887 10,757.21, plat, pet 01, 50 v land, pet 5, for- $3.05 R unimproved, to for to 189. Taxes 18s7 to 1893 inclusive, excluding $2.89 (57, un- two-stor- y blasksmith shop, wagon $45,91(5.51 merly owned by F L heirs. Taxes Trujillo, Juan F R unimproved, lots 1, 2, b penally 9,lS9.:ti). total all portions listed by divers per- Ixit 4, blk II, for '93. Taxes 2.03, jien 28.09, and carriage shop, bd n Bridge st, 12.52, penalty 4.13, printing .'IV, for 1894-5-- house and lot, pet improved. Taxes penalty AN'i'o.Mo oUTl. i. It A XT. of Miguel alty 51, jirinting 35e, total $2.89 sons and outride San ( 0.52, 7.02, $35.40 b Sisters of Loreto, w J Stern, e total $17.(K 4, on Chavez street. Taxes printing 35c, total of land known as county. Total taxes 25,753.30, a) 3. blk 9, for '93. Taxes 2.03, pen Paulina Kihlbcrg, another prop- That certain tract Larazola, O A penalty 1.03, printing 35c, total Garcia, Juan Andres (5,438.31, total $32,191.70 alty 51c, jirinting 3.V. total $2.89 the Antonio Ortiz Grant, grautid penalty 1898, Taxes $8.50 1892-- 4 11, 12, 13, b E, erty on Moreno st, bd n Moreno for personal procrty. for to 8; lots in Antonio Ortiz Ut 10, blk 9, for '93. Taxes 2.03, jien- by Spain I8l9tn K 35c Taxes 40.59, pen- st, s E Rosenwald, w E Romero, e SAN MIUt'KL l'KL 1IA1 CHANT. 11.39, penalty 2.8, printing Trujillo, Juan M Rice's survey. 4- alty 51c, jirinting 3V, total $2.89 and known us report -', approved , 10.11, 35c, $51.08 E Rosenwald, lots 8, 9, b 78, Klhl-- . of land known as total $11.58 for 1892-3- lot 0, blk K, Rice's alty printing total 1, 18011 That certain tract 1, blk 4, for '92. Tuxes 2.43, jien- 1,077.82, November and bounded as Lucero, plat, and house. Taxes 10.7(5, Iit Adelaide) berg plat. Taxes icnalty Miguel del Bado grant, made Antonio lot , Gonzales, follows: On the north the Cuñada San alty 51c, prlntliig-.TV- total $33 .'55c, $1,317.02 Mar-iue- z, 1892: 3, 102, Klhlberg plat penalty 2.09, printing 3V, total 1891 8; a part of house and 209.15, printing total by Spain in 1794 to Lorenzo for lot 4, y for to a de Agilitar, south the road going Lot 2, blk for '92. Taxes 2.43, jien-ult- 33x15 ft,, opposite Saiz, Jose G containing 315,500 acres, as 1808. Taxes 2.25, penalty 50c, $13.80 lot Pacific st to Las Conchas, on the east the 51c, jirlntlng 35c, total $3.29 1893-4-- 3, ' 35c, $3.10 .foso I nes house in 04. for lot b M, Rice's plat. shown by olllciiil plat and field printing total Trujillo, (5, Friedman Bros, pet lands of Las Conchas, Lot blk 4, for '92. Taxes 2.43. 100.72, 25.18. print- small table Lucero, ( 'ordova Antonio for 1892, lot 23, blk V. 3, Rice's Taxes 131.84, ienalty 40.21, printing Taxes penalty Hot 'S in the Ollice of the Ulliteu 51c, jirlntlng 3V, total $3.29 on the west the Canon de Umrlutio 1M2; 3, 4, 00, Klhlberg 3.20, .35c, $231.40 ing 3V, total $120.25 Surveyor General of New for lots b plat, lot and house. Taxes total containing as surveyed, 153,9'.' Slates Uit 7, blk 4, for "92. Taxes 2.43, jien- Salas, Antonio A and known as report in plat 18(58. Tuxes 1.58. 39c, penalty 81c. printing 35c, total Gonzales, Maunela R de excluding por Mexico, alty 51c, jirlntlng .'IV, total $3.29 1893-5-0- ; . acres, those $2.32 $4.42 1893-4-- 320 sec 4, for personal jiroiM-rlv- No. 119, excluding the portions as- printing 3V, total for acres land tions listed by divers persons for I,ot 1, blk 5, for '92. Taxes 2.13, jien- 20 144.87, Taxes 179.(55, penalty 44.91, print- persons, for years IiOpez, Juan Jose Torres, Lorenzo twpll n, r e. Taxes 2.170.(57 sessed by divers alty 51c, jirinting 3V, total $3.29 years 1HS7, 1SH, JS98, taxes 1893-4- , .IV, ing 3V, total $224.91 inclusive. Taxes $18,-190.2- for lot 9, blk i, Rice's plat. for 1892, lotl. blk GG, lot and penalty 30.21, printing total 511.17, total 18h7tol898 Lot 2, blk 5, for '92. Tuxes 2.43, pen- $''1,-215.- Taxes H.0,3, penalty 2.15, printing one precinct 04. Taxes $181.43 Sena, Patricio penult v 12,019.05, total house alty 51c, jirinting 3V, total $3.29 for 18- -, lot 10 Rice's plat, pet 04. 35c, total $11.13 1.58, 39c, printing 3V, Goazales, Manuela, R de AUl'A MmiIU i.IIAM. Lot 3, blk 5, for '92. Tuxes 2.43, ien-alt- y n a g a , A It agrac la $2.32 1893, 320 sec 4 Taxes 33.03, penalty 8.25, printing La r r a total $3.29 for acres land Up of land known as TK( oLOTI', CHANT. 51c, jirlntlng 35c, total 3.V, $11.03 That certain tract for 1893, one house and lot on Turrletas, Candida 11, r 20 e. Taxes 51.78, penalty total 4, blk 5, for "92. Tuxes 2.43, jien- the Agua Negra grant made by of land known as w s Ut 35c, $05.07 Schick & Strong That certain trad Pacific street, bd n and street, for 1M'.c.;j, lot 4, blk I', nice s 12.94, printing total Mexico November 19, 18J, to alty 51c, jirlntlng 3V, total $3.29 1891, 1 blk 1, Hubbel add. the Tecolote (irant over the town T Romero, e F Lopez. Taxes plat, lot and house. Taxm 7.01, Hubbell, Mrs M Y, estate of for lot Ixit 9, blk 5, for 92. Tuxes 2.43, jien- Antonio Sandoval and approved ol Tecolote, mude by Mexico ill 0.91, 1.73c, printing :i5i penalty 1.91, printing 35c, total 1893-1-7-- 8, Hub-be- ll Taxes 41.90, penalty 10.47, printing penally for lot 23, blk , 15, 1S57, In alty 01c, printing 35c, total $3.39 September surveyed 182-- to Salvador Montoya, and tut $9.02 $9.91) Taxes 109.95, 3.V, total $52.72 al 10, '92. 2.4.1, subdivision. 17,3'. I 0 Uit blk 5, for Taxes jien- 177, being acres, tht i ailed the Tecolote Grant In the 27.48, 35c, total Tafoya, Guadalupe Martinez, Petra Trujillo, Toriblo penalty printing ullicial and field notes of I alty Ole, ju lnting 35c, total $3.39 plat sal original crant miners and known for 1893, lots 8 and 9, blk 07, 1892-3- , (I, blk F, Rice's plat. for 1891 to 0; lots 3 to 5, b til, Kihl- for lot 11, 5, y $137.78 survey tiled In . Lot blk for '92. Taxes 2.43, jicn-alt- being tl ollice of as report No. 7. said grant approved Kihlherg's plat 108. Taxes 5.80, Taxes 8.31, penalty 2.08, printing Hubbell, Estate of bcrg plat. Taxes 31.91, penalty 61c, printing 35c, totul $3.39 the U S surveyor Li neral for New December 21, 1 850 and confirmed penalty 1.19, prlntinir .'15c, total 3V, $10.77 7.97, printing 3V, total $10.23 total e, for 18ÍK5; lots 2, 3, Hubbell add plat. 12, blk 5, for "92. Taxes 2.43, pen-Ol- Mexico, anil known as report No December 2, 18..H, surveyed in 1859 7.70 Ut 31.52. penalty 7.88, printing Thorp, M Vigil, Secundlno Taxes 12, and described as follows, to fid jirinting .IV, totul $3.30 1892 8; 2, b 1 for 2l,o:0 acres mid bounded as Moreno, Dolores for 1893, lot 5 blk L3, Rico's plat. 3.V, total $39.75 for to lot L Rice's Jyit 19, blk 5, for '92. Taxes 1.02. jien- league In each t: wit: One direction, lows, North bv La Cuesta, for 1892-3- , lots I, 5 and (5, blk 03, Taxi 7.27, penalty 1.81, printing plat. Taxes (3.38, penalty 15.81, alty 40c, 3V, total $2.37 Hatron, Vicente north, south, east and west from 18(18. printing printing 35c, total $79.57 south by Puertecilos de Las Galli Klhlberg' plat Taxes 10.7 4, 3V, total $9.43 for 1892 to (5; lot 20, b E '., Rice's the Agua Negra Spring, being finir Lot 20, blk 9, for '92. Taxes 1.02, jien- M nas, eiist by I'd UucMo, west Icy penalty 4.K printing .'IV, total Val.lcz, Cornel in plat. Taxes 40.09, penalty 11.157, Trujillo, Juan de alty 4(c, jirinting 35c, total $2.37 square leagues, ami excluding the I cxclud- - 18ir2-7- , 1891 '93, lot and house Cañón de Tres lennuiioH, $21.27 for lot 7, blk F, Rice printing 35c, total $58.71 for to one Lot 21, blk 9, for '92. Tuxes 1.02, jien- portions listed by divers persons, iiiLf the portions le t;"l by divers Maldonailo, Fermín plat, house and lot. Taxes 10.28. in pet 01, bd n D Perez, s Tecolote $2-3- 1 8-- 40c, 3V, totul 7 Knights of Labor years 7 to 'I'iim k in alty jirinting w Lopez for lii!. persons fur years 187 to 198 for l8'.i5to '97, 150 v laud, tempo- lsnalty 2.57. printing 3V, total ; 8, C. Taxes .street, Ortega, e L ami , . I,ot 22, 9, '92. 1.02, jicn-all- y for 1892 to lot b 875.97. penalty 2I8.ÍIÜ, ii.i..! i 5. . i (J., ...... i .. blk for Taxes 30,30, 7.59, eiilsive, la ves t ., pciiuM.i, ral, one house and hit, n't 04 13.20 40.2(5, jenalty 11.50, printing 3V, imjivts. Taxes penalty 40c, jirinting 35c, Uitul $2.37 printing .Tie, total $:58.3) 1.013.71, total $5,058.57. Taxes 9.58, penalty 2.39, printing total $58.17 JOHN HCOLLV lili A NT. lAt 23, blk 9, for '92. Tuxes 1.02, jien- ;i5c, total $12,32 PRECINCT NO 65 Klhlberg, Pauline T Ulibarri de Lope., Carlota alty 40c, printing 3V, total $2.37 That ci tain tract of land known as PRICINCT NO. 04 Medina, Margarita 1892-5-C-- 8; lot 12, b X, old town for 191; one undivided interest in F.sqnlliel, Jose Ignacio Uit 24, blk 9, for '92. Taxes 1.(12, jien- for the John Scolly Grant, lying and 1892; 1, b It, lot and house for lot , . $2-3- Las Vegas. Taxes 81.59, jienulty the Montoya grant, tract of land a I 'iiblo for 1895-Ci- personal jiroiM-rty- Taxes alty 40c, printing 3V, total 7 being in Sun Migue) nuil Moih 'a, Tuxes 1.08, penalty 42c, printing $102.33 Cuerlio, one Interest s 11.85, 2.90, 35e, 20.39, printing 35e, total El undivided counties, w hlch grant w as made by for 1892; tut 9, h C, Rich survey, penalty printing Vegas 3V, total $2.45 MHtKNZO LOl'KZ ADDITION. Lopez, Lorenzo In the Iiiis grant, land San Mexico In 110 to John Scolly, lot and house. Taxes 5.03, penalty total $15.00 Malbeouf, William Lot 22, blk 14, '98. Taxes 14.85, for 1891-- 3 to 8; 50 v land pet 5 bd s Jose, 2 lots at Hot Springs, Inter- 1.10. priming 35c, total $7..'M Gutierrez y Torres, Juan for Agustín Duran, Guillermo Smith, 1892; personal property. Taxes R in S add, in for 1892 '94, 100 and penally 3.71, jirlntlng 35c, total L' Romero, n J Delgado, e R est L Ixniez interest Gregorio Santiago G Baca, Francisco for to acres land Trujilo, 2.U, penalty 50c, printing 35r $18.91 w ditch, orre dwelling house the El Dorado add, two small 1892-3- : lot 4, bC, Rice's survey Inipvts at F.nclcrro. Taxes 22.41, track, and Francisco Homero, con- for total (51 s E 5, lot $2.0 5.00, TV, Lot 17, blk 14, for '97. Taxes 9.79, and lot jx t bd n Moreno st, houses in pet one house and firmed by an act approved Jui.c Taxes 17 33, penalty l.'5.'I, prlntin; printing total - Maldonado, David jienalty 2.45, H Salazar. e Romero, w Monsle- on the s side of Las Vagas, per- ;:.V, total $22.01 $J8.:to printing 35c, total 21st, 1800 ami entitled "An act ti 1892: lot 5, I L T, Rice's plat, 43.11 pet (54. 323.82, for Mrs $12.59 mer. Taxes 172.10, jienalty sonal property Taxes confirm certain land claims In the Baca, ( Viso McDonald, Ana lot and house, Taxes 3.09, penalty Lot 19, blk 24a, .'Kl 3V, total $215.92 penalty 80.95, printing 35c, total for 1892-3- : lots 1,2, b 71, K Hills rg for 1898, lots 8 and 10, blk A, Kihl- building lots .Ion printing Territory of New Mexico, and cov 92c, print ing 3V, total $4.9(1 (54. Taxes hill add, for '91. Taxes 3.23, jien- Lopex, Felipe $405.12 ering poi lion of pnid grant plat 1808, two lots and housi herg's platt, precinct that Mares, Antonio alty 81c, av, H printing total $l.:t9 for 1893 to 8; lot 10, b F L, house Ulibarri de Lojicz, Carlota lying In San Migiud county and Taxes 11.91, iialty 3.73, printing 13.27, jienalty 3.31, printing 3V, for 1892; lot 13, b (', Rice's plat Lot 20, blk 24a, .W building lots and lot pet 01. Taxes 102.38, pen- for lMil, one undivided interest In 72,.".!S 3V, total $19.02 total $10.9.1 Zloa containing acres, and ex- house,' 3.92, penalty ( ! lot and Taxes hill add, for '91. Taxes 3.23, alty 23.55, printing 3V, total $129.32 the Montoya grant, a tract of land cluding the portion lispil by divers Baca, Manuel de Millhizer Bros 98c, Hiding Í.V, total $5.25 81c, priming 35c, $4.39 Laballc, Tranquilino at El Cuervo, one undivided Inter- fur year for 1892; lot 1, b 00, Kihlliei g plat for 1897, undivided Interest In Las total persons 17 to 5, 3Ü 1897-- 8, lM(s Taxes 3.21 Marcs, Vegas grant, ranch at Las C'uevos, Lot blk 25a, building lots Zion for lot, 2,3, 4, i Klhlberg est In the Las Vegas grant, land elusive, taxes Jii,i),'l5. 13, pi unity lot and house. 189J; u, I) (i i s sur Kl 05. hill add, for '93, Taxes 2.03, jien- plat, two small houses precinct 20. at Sun Jose', two lots at Hot 4,i;('8.78. total iJi.on.ot. ih unit v 8lc. nrlntiiiL' 35c. totul for lot (, ili'J ranch at F.nclcrro, pet Taxes .W.03, vey, lot. and house. Taxes 5.40, 1.30,prlntlng 35c, alty 51c, jirlntlng 35c, total $2.W) Taxes penalty 11.75, printing Springs, Interest In I h A lis'z $1.12 jienalty total .Tie, total $74.13 in the El Dorado 1lS 'II! Ci' iH I ill A N'T. Cluxlon, James M penalty 50c, printing 3V, total 17.17 add, interest SAN MKIUIL TOWN CO. ADDITION. Labadle, Florentina Romero, Mrs add it I'm, three small houses In That cei tiiln tract of laud knuuii as for 1897. lot 7, blk 70, Las $3.10 Torres, Juan Lorenzo :t, "97. - 1897-8- , b A 1(50 t Lot blk 34, for Taxes 1.90. jien- for 4ot U house and lot pet 5, 2-- v laud in iet 5, one Iiiis Trego-- grant, granted by Vegas addition. Taxes 1.5: Morrison, Sarah for; acres land jK-- (55, bd L, lot-1'- alty 47c, printing 35c, total 11.7'J on Pacific street, 75x172 feet, pet house ami lot on the south side Spain in 1M5 to Frnni I c Tru- iHiialtv 38c. printing 3V, total for 1892: lot 11, b adobe house n Tro Candelario, g stone (. Lot 4, blk !4, for U7. Taxen 1.90, pen (54, lot 18 b U old bonne. Taxes of Las Vegas. Taxes 203.92, jillo and others and know n as ic-po- rt $2.25 bd n Pacific st, r J Garcia, e F monument, w andab.rla, e stone w Y vu.rtii ll v alty 17c, printing 3,V, total $'2.72 42.12, jiena'ity 10.(51, printing ;V. penalty 05.08, printing 3.V, total No. 8, approved September Ca.'.au.i, Teodoro Mares, st. Taxes monument, Improvements, land .1, Uit 5, blk 34, for '97. Taxes 1.90, total $53.37 $3:10.2'' 15, 157, confirm! d June' 21, l n, f ,r li t blk It, Rice's plat. 50c, printing 3V, total $3.10 and hiusi) same land. Taxes 17.49 jien- 1 alty 47c, printing 35c, Lworo, licandro I." surveyed in fur 9,i.p; o Tiimm 1. 20, penally 2.81, printing Mares, Josi' P pemlty 4.37, printing 3.V, total total $2.7i Walker, h I;; "' 6; 3 9, b 01, Kihl-ber- g to- - 42 for P9J; lot 10, b F, Rico's plat $25 1 Lot U, blk 34, tor '97. T'J Km"-"- for 192 to lot to for lv-'2-, personal propel ty. Taxes acre and bounded as folloa, 3V, total ell. plat 1808, house uud 1 lot. alty 47cJu--,,""- ' f

Fl IlfnFDFUiniFWTF 1.t 5, Mk 8, for 1802, taxes, K48, pen- - lot 20, llk 51, fur IHM). Taxes t altv 1.02, printing .TV, total 5.44 lot 27. blk 12, for '02 to 0-- taxen !U'.:. 2.02, penalty (Vie, print i jit lot 17. blk 4, for 1803 to "08. Taxes LL l:ULl LilUILIl I Li altv. 1.02, ifintinr y-- total, .45 jier.alty 22e, jinritinir 3V, totall; Lot .', blk 5, fur '93. Taxis 4.07, pen-- ; penalty 2.11, printing ..ic, total 3.02 10.00, jienalty 2.00, printing 35c, Lot 20, blk 11. for 1802, tuxen, 8.10, j fl.ll alty 1.02, print ing 3V, total 4 12.H0 Lot 11, blk 52, for 1805-8- . Taxes 2.02, total 13.07 penaltv, 2.02, printing, 35c, toUl, lot 1), blk .50. for 1H05. Taxen 1.10. lot 1, blk 12, for '02 to 0-- taxes Ü.03, ty 05", prin' ing 35c, total lot 18. blk 4. for 1803 to '08. Taxes Solazar & Baca, Publishers. ID.47 penally 27c, printing 35c, tiiial T. UOMKItO ADDITION. penalty 2.11, jninting :'5c, total 3.02 10.00, jienaltv 2.00, printing 35w, U1 21, block 11, for 102, taxen,8.10, 1.72 lot 25, blk 11, for '02 to 5. Taxen 7.00, 12.:'. Lot 12. blk 52. for 1M(2 to 'ü-- Taxen total 13.07 2.02, print ing, .lie, total, lot K, blk 50, for 1805. Taxen 1.10, penaltv 1.07, jirinting 35c, total lot 2, blk 12, for ",)2 to taxen 0.0!. 7.84, penalty 1.0i; print ing :tV, total lot 10. blk 3, for 1893 to '08. Taxes SUPPLEMENT. 110.47 penalty 27c, printing 35c, total 0.22 penalty 2.4 J, jirinlawi :(". total 10.15 10.00, jienalty 2.00, printing .W, Lot 1, blin-- 3, for 1HÍI2, taxen, 8.10, 1.72 lot 20, blk 11, for '03 to 5. Taxen 7.00, 12..T. Lot 13, blk 52. (or 1802 to 'Od-- Taxen total 13.07 , 1802 cnalty, 2.02, .in-- F, blk .VI, for 1805. Taxen 1.10, penaltv 1.07, jirinting 35c, total lot 3, Mk 12, for '02 to tux-- s 0.03. 7.81, jienaltv 1.00, jirinting Vie, total lot 20. blk 4, for to '08. Taxen printing, total, lot - BLAKCHARD I'O. ADDITION. 110.47 nnaltv 27c, rinting 3-- t tal 0.22 jienalty 2,41, jirinting 3ic, total 10.15 12.03, jienalty 3.23, printing 35e, 11. 52, 1802 '00-- 8. 10.51 D2-3.- 3, 1H!I2, 8.10, 1.72 lot 27, blk 11, for '02 to 5. Taxes 7.00, 12.30 Lot for to Taxes total S, 3, for 7 & 8, taxes, 18.80, Lot. 2, block for taxen, kt blk 0-- pctiultv, 2.02, 3.ic, 20, blk 50, for 1802. Taxes .'JH, icnalty 1.07, jirinting 3V, total lot 4, blk 12, for '02 to tuven 0.03, 74, jienalty 1.00, printing 35e,total lot 13, blk 5, for 1802 to '08. Taxes penalty; 4.07, prSntinj?, 35e, total, printing, total, lot 10.47. v 32i:, printing .'15c, 1 tai jienalty 2.11, printing 35c, total 10.13 12.05, jienaltv 3.01, jirinting 3.V., 0-- '00-8- . 2.172. Lot 3, Mock 3, for 1MI2, taxen. K10 1.05 lo 25. blk 18, for 3)2 to Taxen 12.30 Lot 15. blk 52, for 1802 to Taxen total 15.41 0-- lot p. 1802 tot 6 block . for 92l-7-- 8, taxen, 18.70, penaltv, 2.02, printing, .J.n total, lot 27, blk 50. for 1802. Taxen '.28, 8.00, penaltv 2.12, pruning .!', lot ft, blk 12, for '02 to ttixen 0.0!, 7.8. jienaltv 1.00, jn inting 35e, total 14. blk for to '08. Taxes , 2.11, iftc, 10.15 12.05, jienaltv 3.01, jirinting 35c, penalty, 4.07, printing, 35c, total 10.47. penalty 32c, printing total total ll.lo' jienaltv jirinting total 4, block. 3, for '02, taxen, Í8.10, 1.ÍCÍ lot 20, blk 18, for '02 to 0-- Tuxen 8.00, 12.30 Lot 20, blk 52, for to '00-- Taxes total 15.41 823.72. Ixt , l80:i-r-T)-- penalty, 2.02, pruning, .Joe, total, lot 28, blk 50, for 1802. Taxen 1.28, penalty 2.12, printing 35c, total lotO, blk 12, for '02 to taxen 0.Ü3, ".i-4- jienalty 1.00, printing35e, total lot 1, blk0, for 8. Taxes lot 7, block 3, for taxen, 18.70, icii.'ilty 32', printing .toe, total ill, 10 j.ennltv 2.41, jninting ó'5c, total 10.15 5.97, jienaltv 1.40, printing 35c, penalty, 4.07, printing', 35e, total, Lot 5. block 3, for '!l2. taxen, H.10, 1.05 lot 27, blk 18, for '02 to 0-- Taxen 8.00, 12.30 LotO, blk 43, for 1807. Taxen 3.17, total 7.81 0-- 70;!. 2, I 9, 1893-5-G-- 23.72. penalty, 2.02, printing, 3.K', totul, H'iialtv 2.12, jirinting 35c, total lot 7, blk 12, for '02 to taxes 0.03, penalty jirinting 35c, total lot ilk for Taxes 10.17. SCiy.llACIIKIt HOSKNWAL1 11.10 jienultv 2.11, jirinting 35c, total 451 5.07, jienalty 1.40, printing 35c 1, 'D2-- 5.10, I)IT.Z, k Lt 1, block for Uxtn, 10, 0-- 12.30 7, 13, 1807. 3.17, 7.81 AUDITION. lot 28, blk for '02 to Taxen 8.00, Lot blk for Taxes total 1.52, 3.V, total, TOWN (.'O.'.S ADDITION. 12. '02 0-- 0.03, 70c, 35c, lot 3, 0, 1803-5-0-- 8. ienalty, jirinting, 8N MUit'KL Lot 11, b 0, for 1S08. Taxen 3.17, penalty 2.12, printing 35c, total lot 8, blk for to taxen jienalty jninting total blk for Taxes 2.41, 35c, i" I 1 5.07, 1.40, 3V, 8.97. lot'k 10, for 18!s, taxen, 3.H1, penalty 70c, jninting 35e, total 11.10 jienulty printing total jienalty printing 20, 18, '02 0-- 8.00, 12.30 Loti.'i',' blk 43, for 1807. Taxes 42c, total 7.81 I 3, block 1, for 1897, taxes, 1.0.7, IM'iialty !)., printing 3.x', total, 1.31 lot blk for to Taxen it 10c, 1803-5-- 5.1I. IK'.IS. penalty 2.12, jirinting 35c, total lot 15, blk 13, for '02 to taxen 10.20, jienaltv jirinting 35e, totul lot 20. Mk 0, for Taxi 8 20c, 35e, total, Lot 12, blk 0, for Taxen 3.17, jienalty, printing, blin-- 'D7-- , 11.10 2.55, 35c, 87c. 4.00, jienalty 1.10, printing 35c, sit lot 20, for taxen 8.40, pe- icnalty 70c, printing .'.n-- total jienaltv jninting total 0-- 8.00, 11, 43, 42c. 0.17 nalty 2.11, printing 3.V, total, 10.02 1.31 lot 30, blk 18, for '02 to Tuxen 13.10 Lot blk forlS07. Tuxen total , !.. 0-- ó, '07-8- , 13, "02 10c lot 24, blk 0, 1803. 1.01, lot 19, block for 1897, Uxes, 5.28, lot 24, blk 20, for uxenH 40, penal- I.otO, blk 10, for Tuxen penalty 2.12, printing 35c, total lot 10, blk for to taxes 10.2', jienaltv jirinting 35, total for Taxes 1, 1.10 2.55, 87 c. jienaltv 25c, jirinting 1.01 penalty, 1.32, printing, .'55c, total, ly 2.1 printing .Vic, total 10.02. 10.78, ienuliy 4.04, printing 35c. jienaltv jirinting total W, total 25, 20, 'O'i-- penal-ty2.1- 1, lot 5, blk 18, for '02 to 0-- Taxen 8.00, 13.10 Lot 15, blk 43, for 1807. Taxen 42", lot 25, blk 0, for 1803. Taxes 1.01, iien- - M.itt. lot blk for taxe8.10, total 25.07 '02-M- 2.12, 35c, 17, b!k 13. '02 to taxen 10.20, j.eitaliy 10c, jninting 35e, total alty 25c, jiainting 35c, total $1.01 printing 35c, total 10.02. Lot 10, blk 10, ! to 8. Taxen 10.78, penaltv jirinting total lot for L0, block 5. for "97, taxen, 5.28, .811. Hi' 2.5.5, 35c, 87c. lot 20. 0, for 1803. 1.01, lot lot 20, blk 20, for 8, laxen 8. 10, penal jienully 4.01, jniiiliiig total j:enalty jirinting total blk Taxes jien- 1,1k ",r.' 20, 43. 1807. 23e, 81.01 penalty, 1.32, priming, .'15c, total, ty 2.11, prmtmg.lN1, total 10.02. 25.07 .!, lot 0, 18, for to Taxen 8.li0, Lot blk for Taxes 42c, alty jirint ing 35c, total 1,1k 10c, 3, 180;(. if. 11, '07-- "02-1-- 2.12, 35c, lot 18, 13, for '02 to taxen 10.20, penalty printing 35c, total lot 27, blk for Taxen 1.01, jien- i blk.'io, (.35, penal- 0 jienally printing total i, tu5. lot for taxen Lot II, blk 10, for to 8. Taxen ty 1.5!i, 11.10 jienalty 2.55, printing 35c, total 87c. altv 25c, printing Vic total 1.01 ; M. 1897, 5.28, prinling.'l'ic, total x.2!. 10.78, penalty 4.01, jirinting 35c, lot 21, block :, for taxen, 0-- 21, 43, 1807. 42c, 0, 1803. 1.01, pen- lot 3,'blk 3:1, for '02, tuven O.wi, 25.07 lot 20, blk 18, for '02 to Taxen 8.00, 13.10 Lot blk for Taxes lot 28. blk for Taxes 1.32, total penalty printing 3V, total '05-7-- 2.12, 11, 13, '02 H.2o, 10c, jirinting 3V, 25e, jirinting 35c, 1.01 penalty 2.1o, jninting 35c, total Lot 8, blk II. for Taxen 2.18, penally printing 35c, total lot for to taes jnnaltv total altv total 2 , blk 0, 1803. 1.01, jien-alt- y 0.0.5, Í12.07. jienalty 02c, printing 3.V, total f 11.10 penaltv 2,.m, printing 3..c, total 87c lot for Taxes '00-8- , 21, 18, 0-- 8.011, 13.10 22, blk 43. for 1807. Tuxes 12c, 25c, 35c, 1.01 lot 22, block 4, for t7, tuxes lot II, blk 34. for taxen 20. In. pe- 3.15 lot blk for '02 to Taxen Lot printing total Mk 0, 1803. pen-alt- y 5.05, 35e, Í25.51I '05.7-8- . jienulty 2.12, jirinting 3.V, total lot 20, Ml; 13. for '02 to taxen R20. j.enalty 10'. 'Hinting 35c, total lot 30, for Taxen 1.01, .' nalty printing total Loto, II, for Taxen, 2.18, w penalty 1.32, printing V, total, 2.55, .Vic, h7c. 2V, 35e, 1.01 3 lot 17, blk 20, for '07, taxen 5.31, penal- penally 02c, jirinting 3.ic, total til. 10 penalty printing total printing tot al G.95. 13.10 23. 13, 1807. 42c, lot .1, 12, 1803-4-- 0 ty 1.33, printing 35c, total 7.H). 3.45 lot 22, blk IS, for '02 to Taxen 8.00, Lot blk for Taxes blk for to 8. Taxen 'iit-7- 0-- 2 , 21, blk 13, 02 to lo,:, 35c, 4.83, 1.21, 35c, of lot 2, Mock 2. for '00, taxes. 3.27, lot 12, blk 21, for taxen 18.05, pe- Lot 10, 1, for '05 8, Tau n 2.18, penalty 2.12, printing .tie, total lot for taxen P.2n. penalty jirinling total penalty jirinting 87e. 0.30 penalty 82e, printing 3',e, total nalty 4.51, printing 35c. total 22. Hi penalty 02c, prinling 35c, total ill. 10 penalty, jirinting .., totai total 0-- 13.10 21, 43, 42c, 12, 18!)3-4-(i-- lot 18, blk ti, for '07, taxen 4.23, penalty 3 15 lot. 23, blk 18, for '02 to Taxen 8.00, Lrtt blk for Taxes lot 2, blk for Taxes 4.44. 21, 13, '05-- 10o, 1.21, 35c, 1.00, printing 3.V, total 5.04. I 11, 15, 1808, 21c, jienulty 2.12, printing 35c, total lot blk for taxes lie, pen penaltv printing 35c, total 4.83, penalty jirinting '92-l- , Ait blk for Taxen 11, block 5, for t axe 10.58 I 0.30 lot lot in, It ti, for '07. taxen 1,23. penalty jienulty 0c, prinling 35c, total 05c.;" ally lie, print ing .tic, total oc 87c total 18, 0-- 8.00, blk 43, for 1807. 42c, lot 3, 12, 1803-4-0-- Taxes penalty, 2.04, printing, 35, to 1.00, printing 3.c, total Lot 1.!, blk 15, for "08. Tuxen 24, pen- lot 21, for '02 to Tuxen Lot ,25; 'J'axen blk for ".12 2,12, MAC X lile, 35c, 4.83, jienalty 1.21, 35c, lot, 7, blk 31, for lo '!)7, taxen 3.00, v lie, .i 35c. (5c. penalty jirinting 35c, total l'ABI.O ADDITION'. penally prinling total printing tal, 113.57. al! inting total o.:w peimlty 5,07, printing 35c, 13, li- ll.Ki' 3, bk 2, '02-3-- 8. 0.02, 87c total 12, block 5. for '024!, 10.58, toial Lot blk 15, for 3IX Taxen lí f , k lot for to tuxes lot taxc, 0, 13, '02 0-- tax 10.20, Lot 20, blk 43, for 1807. Taxes 42c, lot 4, blk 12, for Taxes 30.22. li y 0c jirinting 35c, total 05c. lot for to penalty 1.73, jirinting 3V, total penalty 2.04, printing 35c, total, 2.55, 35c, total penalty loe, printing 3.5c, 4.83, jienalty 1.21, 35e, lot 8, blk 31, for '02 to '07, taxen 23.00 Lot 1 1,'blk 15, for '08. 'l axen 21c, jien- penalty printing 0.00. total jirinting 13.57. H.imlty 5.07, 13.10." '02-5-- 87c. total 0.30 printing 35c, total alty Oe, i intilig 35e, total 05c. lot 4, bk 2, for to 8, taxes 0.02, 0-- 50, 1MI2-3-C-- 5, :0.22. v lot 10. blk 13, for '02 to taxen 10.20, Lot lo, bik for Taxes lot blk 12, for Taxes lot 2, block 2. for 1803, 4.07, lot 15, blk 15. for '08. Tuxen 2tc, jien-alt- jienalty 1.73, jirinting 35c, total taxi, (.77, 1.00,print ing 35c, 4.83, 1.21, 35c, lot , blk 31, for '02 to '08, luxe 27.08, (ic, 35c. (5 penalty 2.55, jirinting 3.5c, total 0.00 jienulty total jienalty printing penalty, 1.02, printing 35c, to printing total 0. 30 penally 0.77, printing 35c, total Lot lO.'blk 15, for '08. Tuxen 21c, pen- fl.3.10. lotO, lik 2, for '02-8- , laxen 3.0S, pe- tf'.8 total 5.44. 1 1802-3-0-- (i, 12, '93-4-- 0 Ul, 3(.20. ally ('', jirinting 35c. tolul 05. lot 1, block 13. for '02 to tuxen nalty 77c, printing .'15c, total 1.20 Lot 11. 50, for Taxen lot b for to 8. Taxes 4.83, '02-3- , 1.00, Iv5c, 13, 2. taxen, 8.12, lot, 10, blk 31, '02 27.(W, y 10.20, 2.55, 35c, "08, 0.77, penaltv jirinting jienaltv 1.21, jirihting 35c, total lot block for for to '08, taxen Fy.t 17,' blk 15, for '08. Taxen 2le, .en-alt- jienulty printing lot 7. bk' 2, for taxes 2.11. penally .88.81 if0.30 penalty, 2 03, printing .TV, total, penalty 0,77, printing 3 c, total 0. jirinting 3,'ic, total (.5c, total fl3.10. 53c, jirinting 35e, total 2.00 total 0-- 12, 1802-3-C.-- 7, 12, '113-4-- 0 34.: .0. y lot 12, block 13, '02 to Lot blk 50, for Taxes lot b for to 8. Taxes 4.83, 10.50. lot 18, I.Ik 15, for '08. Tuxen '.!lc, ien-ult- for luxes lot 15, lik 2, for '08, taxes 2.11, penalty '1)8, 0.77, penally 1.00, 35c, 1.21, 35c, lot II, block 31, for '02 to tuxin lie, ii inting 35c, total Ii5c 10.20, penally 2.55, jn inting 35;', i3c, prinl ing .tic, total 2.0!) jirinting jwnalty jirinting total 14, 2, '92-- H.12. 0..T.I - lot Mock for laxen, 2Í.IW, 13.10. j .M penally 0.77, printing .'tie, lot 13, 'blk 5, for "02-- Tuxen (,(H. total lot 10, I, k 2. for '08, taxes 2.11. jienaltv tolul ,'J.V, 13, 13, 1802 0-- Lot Lo, Ink o(, for 15.1.. I axes 2.12, lot 8, b 12, for '03-4-- 0 to 8. 4.83, penalty, 2.03, printing total, total .l20. h unity 1.51, n inting 35e, total lot liloek for to tuxen 53c, jirinting 35c, total 2.03 Taxes 02-3-- o3.', :t.c, 1.21, 3.V, 10.50. lot 12, block 31, for 07, taxen 3.17, pe 7.02 I0.211. penally 2.55, jirinting 35c, to lot 25, bk 2 for 4 to 8, taxes (.70,! penalty jn inting total j.enalty printing total I 117 I , .1 , i .fcic, if 4 111. null ir 1,,'iiit !n.r '15,. 3.00 fti.30 '!t2-- H.12, nalty ic, print ing total 1.2!. lotO. blk II. for '2-- to 7. Taxen 10.45. tal fl'l.10. lot 15. block 2. for taxes. '01-0- '93-4-- lot 13, blk 31, tor '07, 3,17, penal- lot block 13. for '02 taxen Lot 3. blk 51, for 1802 to . Tuxes lot!), blk 12, for 0 to 8. Taxes 4.R3, taxen . )enulty 4.11. jirinting 55c, total 1. to 8.72 2.03, .Te, to (i.8'2, penalty, printing, ty 77, printing 35c, total 4.20. 20.01 10,20, penaltv 2,55, jirinting 35c, lot 55, bk 2, for "01, taxes 1.81, penalty penalty 1.70, jirinting 35c, jK'nalty 1.21, jirinting 3.V, total 10.50. 11, 31, k,v '07, ;i,17, peni.l-t- y 13.K. total .88.87 (?(.:ll tul, lot blk taxen lot 7, blk II, for '02-- 4 to 7. Tuxen total 15c, printing 35c, total $2.01 1, 'Ol-- v '02-3- , 77, '! , 4.2'.i. 15, 13, '02 taxen Lot Mk 51, for 1802 to Taxes lot 25, blk 2. for '07. Taxes 2.12, pen-nlt- lot 1, block 3. for tuxes, 8.12, printing tolul 10.15, ih 'ii it It y 1.11, ininting 35c, lot Mock for to lot 50, bk 2, for '04, taxes 1.M1. j.enalty lot 5, blk 33, 'n7, taxen I11.20, jienalty 2,ii i, ing :1.1c, 2, 01 penalty 1.70. printing 3.5c, 1.03, jirinting .Vic, total 3.o0 2.03, printing, 35c, to for 8.V, nenalty total 20.01 jirinl 45c, printing 3V, total 02, j lot 20, blk 8, '90. Taxen 2.18, 21c, printing 3.V, total 1.41. lot 8, blk II. for '02-7- . Taxen 5.30, total f lot 57, bk 2, for 01, taxes 1.81. penalty total ív8i for jien- tal, 10.50. 2.1, '02-7- , , UIK no- '.o-- 1.04, lot 10, blk for taxei, 13.3m, ,.. penaltv 1.35, .rlnling 35c, total lot!! blk I, for '0.8, taxen 4.14, penalty, 45c. iii'intln.r 3.V. total i"2.l!l il.ol.. ol, tor - to laxes altv jirinting 3V, total 3.57 1X92-3- . '02-- lot block 3, for laxen, 8.12, unity printing .tie, totul 17.07 67.0'. I. II, printing 35c, total 5. On. lot 37 1). bk 8, for 00lo8, taxes 5.38.,, 02, penalty 1.70, jirinting 35c, lot 3, blk 8, for Taxes 2.20, jien- 17, 23, '02-- , ty lot 2(1. '08, 4.41, ,olil1 :fS'S' 1.05, 35c, 3.00 penalty, 2.03, printing, 35c, total, lot blk lor tuen 13.3n,j.,-nal- lot 0, blk II. for '02-7- . Taxen 5.3.1. lilk I, for tuxen p nialty nultv 1.31, jirinling 35c, total 7.07 altv jirinting total b'lk (i. 3.31, printing 3.V, total Í U.07 1,35, jn inting 3V, total 5.nn. tot ',. liU' 7. 'OH 51,. o,. i, .Oil- Lot 8. bik 44, ami improvements then. lot 1, 14, for '02 to Taxes 3.54, 10.50. penally jirinting 35c, total l.ll. for inven ' i 1.804. 32.31, lot, 7, blk 30, for '!!, taxen 4.32. penall v 7.00 it 21, blk I, for '08, taxen 4.11, jienalty 13c, printing 35c, total 0!c ou, for Taxes j.enttlty penalty 88c, jirinting 35e, total '02-3- , H.12, lot 3, block 3, for taxen. 1.08, 3.V, ' '8, ?4.77 printing total 5.75. lot 10, blk II, for '02-7- . Tuxen 5.30, 1.11, pruning 35c, total 5.0n. lot 0. lik 7. for 'IH. taxes ,5le. oeio.llv' Jil'int ing 13, 'IMS, ' Lot 0. 41. 1M1. 3.23, penalty, 2.03, printing, 35c, total lot block 31. for taxen 3.27, pe- penalty 1.35, jirinting 35c. total lot :!.". blk 1, for '08, taxen 4.44, penally 13c. nrhitinir 35c. total 00c blk tor Taxes lot 2, blk 14, for '02 to (i. Taxes 3.44, 10.50. nalty 82c, printing 3.V, total ijtl.41. 7.00 l.ll, printing 35c. total 5.00. lot 7, bk 7, for OS, taxes 51c, penally! penalty hie, printing 3..c, total jienalty 88c, jirinting 35e, total 4.77 lot 0. blk 10, for '0.1. taxen4.07, penal- 1, 13e. :i'' 14, 0. 4. '112-- 8.12, lot 1, blk 2. for '07. Taxen 18c, j.enalty lot 30, blk for 'on, taxen 4.44. penalty printing 35c, total 00c "' fl lot 3, blk for '02 to Taxes 3.54, lot 4. block for laxen. 8, . ; 18. 1802-3- . 1.02. ty 1.U2, printing 35c, total 5.41. 12c, jn inting 35c, total '05c I.I I. printing 35c, total 5.00, lot H. bk 7. for 'OS. laxes 51c. v Lot for Taxes jmealty 88c, printing .IV, total4.77 2 03, printing, 35c, 1.23, penalty, total. lot 10, blk 10, for 3(3, taren 4 07, penal- lot 2. blk 2, for '07. Taxen 18c, penalty lot 37, b I, for in. tuxen 1.1, penulty 13. jirinting 35c. total OOc penalty printing 35c, total lot 4, tille 14. for '02 to (i. Taxes 3.54, 1.02. '! 10.50. ty piihtlng 3.V, total 5.41. 12c, i'lnl ing 3.5c, tolul 0.V 1.11. jirinting 35c, total 5. on. lot 4, bk 4. for taxen 7.15. jie- - '"'u jn naltv 88c, printing .IV, total 4.77 IMI2-3- . lot, 11, blk '!!-!- , 18, 4.02, lot 10, block 4, for '02-3- , luxe, H.12, 20, for '03, tJixen 4.07, penal- lot 3. blk 2, for 07. Taxen ISc, .enulty lot 23. b I, for taxen lie. jienalty null v 1.80, printing 3 V, total fo.nii LotO, for Taxes lot 5, blk 14, for '02 to (i. Taxes 3.54, ty 1.02, printlny :t5e, I penalty 1,23, 3,c, total penalty 2.03, printing, .'5c, total total 5.41. 12, ininting .Tn. total 05c le, jirinl ing t e, total 00c, lot 5, bk I, for taxes 10.72.! printing penaltv 88c, jirinting 35c, total 1.77 lot. 10, blk 30, for '03, taxen 1.07. penal lot. I. blk 2, for '07, Tuxen 48,., penalty lot 38. I, I, for "on, tuxen 4.11, jienally penaltv 2.08, printing 25c, tola lot 0, blk 11, for '02 to 0. Taxes 3.54, 10.50. , , b!2-3- . ty i.o-j- pruning .tw, total 12, printing 35c, total 05c l.ll, printing 35c, total 5.on. ,1:1.7,-- Lot 0, blk .50, for Taxen 3.31, penalty 88e, printing Vic, total 4.77 'U2-3- , K, 2.3, '01-7- '0I-2-- S'le, 35e, lot 11, block 4. for luxe, H.12, lot blk for M, laxen 8.10, penalty lot 5, llk 2. for . Taxen 4.11. lot 12, b 1, for '00, tuxen 1.35, jienalty lot 22, bk 2, for taxes 2.V8. pe-- 1 Jienalty jirinting total lot 7. blk 11, for '02 to 0. Taxen 3.54, 2.02, 35c, I It y 3,-- t'1.10 2.03, 35e, total, pt luting total 10.47. I'l'inilty 1.113, jirinting 35c, lotul iirinling 3.5, total 5.70. nn C.üe, jirinling 35i', total jienaltv 88c, printing W, total 1.77 penalty, printing, .', IMI-'-'- 0, 23, '0:l-- '02-- H, Ink for l. 2.52, lot blk for '02, taxen 8.1(1, penalty 5.40 lot 31, b I, for l. taxen 5.8N, penalty lot 23. bk 2. for taxi's 2.78, penal- - Lot Taxes lot 8, blk 14, for '02 to (i. Taxes 3.54, 10.50. (!'!:, 35e, 2.02, printing .'IV, total 10,17. lot (1, blk 2. for '01-- Taxen 4 11, 1.81, printing 3.5c, total 8.01. ty 0.1, printing 35c, lotal '..82 penalty jirinting total penalty 88c, jirinting 35c, total 4.77 'U2-3- , !2-.'- lí:!"V' lot 17, Mock 4, for tuxes, h.12 lot 18, blk 23, for '02, taxen 8,10, penal- lenalty 1.03, jninting 3.5c, total lot 17, Ii 1, for '02-3- ; taxen (.21. penalty lot 21, bk 2, for l, taxes 2.78, lot 1, blk 14, for '02 to 0. Taxes 3.54, 20. o.l. 1802-3- . 2.,i2. 2.03. 35, tolul ty 2.02, printing 35c, total 10,47. 5.4'.i , inting total ifn.11. ty O'.'c. jirinling 3,5c, total 3.n2 Lot blk for Taxes jienalty 88e, 3.V, 1.77 printing, in :, ('.:! printing total lot 11, 21, 02. 8,10. ".12-- II I, j pentilty , printing 35c, 1 4, 10.:i0. blk for taxen penal- lot 7, blk 2, for Taxen 1.11. lot 18, lil, lor taxen 0.21, penally lot hk 5, for '01, taxes 1.81, jienally total lot 10, blk for '02 to 0. Taxes 3.54, ty 2.02, printing 3.V, 10.47. 1.03, 4.5c. 0 in.' 3.5c. 2. 01 f3..J 88c, 4.77 total jienally printing 35c, total 1.55, printing 35c, total nut total ' penalty prinling W, total f 4, '92-- 1 '!- 8.. :,)- Jot block for taxes, H.J2, '02-3- , ,;' 1.28 1 1, lot blk 33, for -', laven 1.(12, penal- 5.10 lot 10, li 1, for taxen 0.21, penalty lot 31. bk 5, for '01, taxes 1.81, i naltv 1'"' br7 :.2. Taxes, lot 1, blk 14, for '02 to li. Taxen 3.51, H.'naltr, 2.03, jirinting, 35c, to ty 4)c, printing 35c, toiul 2,37. lot 8, blk 2, for '01-- Taxen 1.11, 1.5.5, print ing 35c, total 8.11. IV, printing 35c, total 2.01 jienalty 03.', printing total penalty 8Sc, printing 3.V,total 4.77 2.20 tal, Ul.50. lot 2, blk 31, for '112, taxen 1.02, penalty jienulty 1.03, printing 35c, totul lot 15, I. 2, for 'O1-- laxen 3.3.8. penalty lot 58, bk 2, for '00, taxes 3.27, penalty lot 12, blk 14, for '02 to (i. Taxes 3.54, 40c, printing 3V, Ii2.:i7. 82e. lii'int . total 8Sc, 11), bl.a-- 4, 102-3- , H.l'J total 5,10', prinling ., total rill penalty jirinting W, total 4.77 lot for taxes, .!. ".Ml. 113'1'I.D.v HACA A Dl ! I'D N lot fi, blk 31, for '02, taxen 1.02, 2, '0,-7- . 1, '02-- 3 5, p. lot 50. bk 2. taxes en,!ty 13, 1.11c 11, '92 penalty lot 0, blk for Taxen 1,11, lot b 3, for lo tuxen M.lo. for ' lot for toll. Taxen 3.54, penalty '2.113, 35c, total 1 5, 1, printing 40c, 3.V, total, 2.37. ienalty 1.03, jirinting 35e, tolul unity 2.52, printing 35e, totul 12.07. 82c, print ing 35c, total 1.14 lot Mk for blKl Taxen 7.00, penalty 88c, printing 35c, total 4.77 io.i'di. '02-- Ok 1.00, 1 5 in lot 2, b 3, for 3 to 1, taxen 10.10, jh lot 00, 2, for V., tuxen 3.27, penalty penalty printing 35.', total lot 4, blk U, for '92 to 0. Taxen 3.54, , s: 11, bliK-- JHIKI, iiii.i. hitk town n. addition. lo,' 2, for '01-7- . 4.11. unity 2.52, 35c, 12.07. H2c, printing 35c, total 1. f penalty 8c, jirinting 4.77 lot 5, for laxen, 4.07, lot blk Tuxen printing total '!' W, total lot 3, 2, bk '00, 1.20. I"1 uii for IHI3-l-C- . 8. Taxes 7.00, 15, 14, penalty, 1.02, printing, 35c, to blk :t,for Taxen 11. 33, iciiiilty l.o:i, irinling Vic, total lot, 22, b ;l, for '07, taxen 2.57. penalty lot !. for taxes penally lot blk for '02 to 5. Taxen 3.30, penally ü.8,1, j.rinling 3,.c, lot nlt ü,)'. 04c, printing 35c, total 3.50. 30c, printing 35c, total 1.8.5 penally l.O'i, prinling 35c, total jnmalty Mc, printing Vic, total 4.55 tal, 15.11. - j 71 1.01 U,i 11, blk 2. bu- I Tuxen 1.11, lot 23, I. 3, for '07, tuxen 2.57, J. unity lot 3. bk 0, for '00, taxes 1.20, penally '.5 lot 10, blk 14, for '02 to 5. Taxes 3.30, 12, 5, 1893, 4.07, 4, 30c, lot lo, blk 1. for Taxes 3.V-- , lot block for laxen, lot blk 31, for Tuxen 11.33, jienally l.O.i' iirinling .In', total ote, printing .tic, totul i jirinting 35c, tolul 1A5 penalty 8le, printing total 4.55 penally 2.H3, 3.V, 5.10 38, 1. 3, ''07, 2.57, I, bk 0, '00. taxen 1.20, penalty Imprinting 55e,total lot 1 7, Mk 11, '1)2 i. 3.3(1, pcnulty, 1.02, printing, .'Ik', total, inintlng total lot for laxen penalty lot for penalty ' for to Taxen fl.8.5' 810.20 5.41. HI 51 lot 12, blk 2. for '017. Taxen I II,, print ing .l .e, total f3..i0 3 ic, jirintiii" 35c, total jienalty 81c, jirinting 3V , total 1.55 20, 1, 5, Mk 34, ' Mi. 4.35, lot 5, OI; , '00, taxes 1.20. jn "1 lilk for Taxen 15, Mk 15, '03 5. 3.(4 lot for Taxen penally 1.03, jirinling 35c. total lot 12. b 3, for laxen penally for naltv' lot for to Tijxen lot 2, Mock 1, for ''..', 4.05, 1 taxo, 11.33, penalty 2,83, printing 3.V, to- 5.10 l.o i, printing .1,1c. total i.70 30c, printing 35c, total 1.5 7.88. penalty .07 printing 35c, total penalty 70c, jirinting 3.V, total 1.15 f 10.2 I enalty, 1.01, printing, Vc, totul tal 11.51 lot 13, blk 2, for '04-7- . Taxen 1,11. lot II. b b. 'H2-3- to 0, taxen H.'O, lot 0, bk 0, for '00, laxen 1.20, penally! f lot lo, blk 15, for '03 to 5. Taxes 3.04, 3t lot 5. 1, for .5.11. lot 21, blk .50. for '08. T.en 8.V. icmtlty 1. 01, nling ,'1.5,., t , ,Ut penally 2.2', printing 35c, total c, printing 35c. total fl.8.5 penalty 70e, printing 3.V, total 14.15 lenalty 2b printing 35c, total P.5. 10 11.30. lot 7. bk 0, for Mi, tuxes 1.2n, penally peinilly 1.58, jn inting 55c, total lot 17. blk 15, for 'Otto 5. Taxen S.04, lot St, block 4, for '02, taxen, 4.05, T8.2Í 1.41 lot II, blk 2, for '01-7- . Tuxen 1.11. it 15, Ii in, for '02 3 I to taxiM o.oti 30c, jn inting SV, total 1.8.5 jienulty 70c, printing 30c, total 4.15 1.01, .Vie, 1, 1 jK'nalty, 'printing, total lot 22, blk .50, for '08. 8.V, 2.25, lot 8. I.k 0, 'no, taxes 1.20, jn v blk for si Tuxes lot 1, blk 15, ".13-- Taxen 1.01, 35c, h unity printing 35c, total for trilt " l't for Taxes 3.05, jienulty ininling total 35c, 5.41. iicnulty 21c, priming 35c, tolul HI. on. 30c. jirinting 35e, total el.8.5 penalty 1.58, jirinting penaltv 7(m printing , total 1.10 k5. 10 5s--- 1,11 lot 21, 1. , for '00, taxen 1.31, jienally lot 0, bk 0, for "00, taxes 1.20, penally lot 2. blk 15, for ".13.4. Taxes 3.05, 111, 7, I, 80:i 0 t,, 8. FAIKV1KW ADDITION, lot Uk 50. for 08. Taxen H.V, He, printing .l ie, total 1. 0:1. 30e. print ing :U', tolul fl.8.. bit blk for Taxes jK'nalty 7le, printing 35c, total 4.10 Uii.sKNWAI.D A A DDI I'll f (M.nalty 21c, printing :t5e, tolul I'll. i. lot 22. b in, for '00, laxen 1.31, penalty lot Id, lik 0, for "00, tuxen 1 2., penult v '''tl' penally 1.5s, 3V, lot 3. blk 15, for '03 to 5. Taxes 3.05, 1, 1, 1802 Tuxen . ' ' Lot block for 1.11 Lot 10, lilk 3, for Taxen 3,'c, printing total l. '!'. 30c, print ing 35c, total 81. s5 total 88.27 penalty 70c, printing 3V, total 4.10 10.11. (,il 1803 0 8, , 7.H2, jH'nulty 1.05, printing. 3.5c, lot II, blk 5n, f,,r '08. Tuxen h.V, ptnuliv 1.0.1, print ing Vie, lot 23, I. 10, for 07 8, tuxen 1.52, jienalty lot II, bk 0, lor ",10, lax. s 1.20, penalty '"l s; '' to Taxes lot 4, b 15, for '03 to 5. Taxen 3.0-5- total, 10.12. iHtialty 21c, printing total total 2O.I0 38c, printing 35c, total 2.25. 3ie. printing :i'".c, total vl.8.5 j 0.3 1, penalty 1.58, printing 35c, penalty 71k1, printing 3V, total 4.1 lS!.;U-l.7-8- . 3, 07-- 8, 12, I , Lot II. blk for Taxen 21. b 0, 1..52. lot for '0t, taxes 1.20. penalty ''.tal f8.27 lot 5, 15, '03 5. 1892-- 3 Tax.-"- III lot for laxes penalty bk!. for to Taxes 3.05 Lot 3, blin k 1, for 10.11, 18, 2, lot 12. bik 30, for '08, Taxen KV. penulty l.o3, ininting 3.'m', 3-- prinling 35c, tolul 2.25. 30c. pruning 35c, lota! 1.85 lot blk for Taxes penalty 70c, printing 35, 4.10 7.H2, 1.05. 35c, total penalty, printing, pcnulv 21. printing 3.V, total total 20.1! lot 25, Ii in, for '00, tuxen 1.31, penally lot I, bk P. for '07, taxes 12c, penalty! "' peimlty 1.0!, printing 3V, lot O, b 15, for '93 to 1. Taxen 3.05, 12, 3, j '',,:i1 total, ÍPl.l'i. 1.41 Lot blk for Tuxen mi.., printing :iic, total fi.oo. 3. jirinting 3.V, total !'. '''.'!,', jK iialty 70c, print ing Vie, cotal 4.1(5 111 1 1, iciial(y 1.11.3, 3.5c, '07-- 2, I.k "'' l"05-8- . 2.01. lüit 1, blin k 3, for l8'.2-4-0-7-- Tax.n, lot 3, blk 51, for Hon, Taxen ('..Ic. irinling lot 27, b 10, for laxen 1.51. penalty lot Pi, lor '07, taxen I2e. penally ''t !."' Taxen lot 7, b 15, for '03 to 5. Taxes 3.05, ji'iuiliy loe, printing 3V, tola! total 20.10 one, printing .(.le, total f'2.2 i. 13,', priul ing 3.5c, total IH'e penalty 1V, printing 35e, total penalty 70c, jirinting .TV, total 4.10 10.53, penalty, 2.03, 35c, '03-7-8- . printing, 1 t 1, I, '02-3- , ? i',; r 1.1 blk for Taxen 7.0. lot 2, Ii in, for laxen 5.0'.', jienally lot 3, bk P, for '07, taxes 12. , jienultv lot h, I. 1.5, for '03 to .. Taxen 3.05, total, 13.51. lot 4. blk 51. for '08. Tuxen 03c. penulty 1,70, jirinting 35c, total 1.12, printing 3V, total 7.o, lie, irinl ing 35e, lot alone b't bik 2, for 1Mi7. Taxes 2.12, penalty 7e, printing 3V, total 4.10 Ix.t 2. blin k, 3, for Taxen, tenuity ltíe, printing 3.5c, total 0.10 lot 13. Mk 0, for ',1,5-- taxen 1.5, jienal- lot 0, bk 11, for '05, tuxen 2.20, n nalt.y penalty 53, jn inting 35e, total lot 0, b 15, for '03 to 5. Taxes 3.05, lv.13-7-8- . 10.53, cnalty, 2.03, printing, .'IV, tl.1l Lot 2. blk I, for Tuxen 7.ol, ty 30c, ininting 35c, total 2.25. 5.5e. printing 35e. total f t. b KI.O'I penalty 70c, print ing 3.V, total4.10 lot 5, blk 51. '08. penalty 1.70, printing .'!V, tolul 10. !', lot 10, bk 1 1, for '05, taxen 2.211, "' ' '' for 1 '07. Taxen 2.12, 10, b S. total, 1.1.51. for Taxen Uc. lot bk for ton, taxen, penally lot lo, for '03 to Taxes 3.05, penalty 10c, jirinting :'.'m', total fit. 15 7.7:, penalty 1.05, printing :tic, to- 55c, printing 3V, lota! M.lo penalty 5:'.,', piinting 35c, total penally 70e, printing .Vic, Tax-en- , total4.K Lit 3, Mock 3, for I II 1113, blk 3, for 18113-7-- Taxen 7.01, tal lot II, I.k 11, for '05, Ixen2.20. jienaltv lot 11, I 15, for ".13 to 5. Taxr 3.05. 12.VI, 3.11, printing, lot A. blk 51. for '08, Taxen, penalty 1.70, printing '!.', total lot 17, bk 0, for to 8, uixen o,.c, printing 3 e, lotul t ,10 101 n.n . lor iwi, é axon n.. 1.1, jienalty 7'nt, jirinting.TV. total 4.1(5 0,1.5 .TV, Uital. Í10.O5. penally 0c, printing :1V, total 7.7', penalty 1.05, printing 3.V, to- lot 17, lik 11, for "05, taxes '.'.20, penal- - jienaPv 38c, printing 5V, total lot 12, b l.i, for '03 to 5. Taxen 3.05. 20, 1, i'J.-- . l 14 Lot blk for 1M0. Taxen 5.11. tal 10.00. ty 55c, jn inting Vie, tot il 3,10, .i , jienalty 70c, printing 3.V, total 1.1H 7, block 3, for K;i-7- Taxes, 2.w, f is::.-,- Int I i..iii, I 20. 2. 1.53, it II, blk 51. for '18. Taxen lit', penally print nig .U', total lot 5, bk I. for i to H, laxen lot 18, bk II, for '05, taxes 2.20. penal- lot for 'l axen lot 1.1. I. 15, for ".3 to o. Taxes 3.05, 701, 35c, penalty, printing, total, penalty 10c, printing 35c, total 7.15 in. 2o, penalty 2.5.5, jirinting 35c, to- ty 55c, jirinting 3.5c, tot .1 f 1.10 penalty .c, prinling 3V, total penalty 70c, printing .TV, tot al 4.10 "2.21 ; 3.H5. ÍI.14 Lot 27, b 2, for Jsitii. Taxen 5.11, tal il l in. lot 1, bk 12, for '05, taxen 1.75, penalty lot 1 1, b 15, for '03 to 5. Taxen 3.05, , 51. 'p8. penally 1.30, ininling 3.V, I Ic, 35c. 2.51 lot 5. blk 2. for 105. Taxen 1.53, Litff,bl.n'k 3, for 1801-7- . Tax.--- 2.8. lot V, blk for Tuxe K; total lot 0, bk 13, for to 8, tax. n print ing total K'iialty 70c, print ing3.V, total 4.1! Id,-- , .15,', t tl;tl III.'.'.), 2.5,5, lot 2, bk 12, t5, taxen 1.75, penalty 3Se, prinling 55, total lot .'(, b 10, iM'iialty, 7oc, priming, 3.V, total, h.iiiiv tirlmliif penally print ing 35c, to for jienally for 03. Taxen 1.01, jien- I. II It 2, blk 2, for 18:m. Tuxen 5.41. tal 13.10. I le, print ing .., total f'.'. il f 2.20 ulty 2V, nrintiug 35c, total 1.01 3.H5. i'-- 1"' ,,llr 2. 18 i,5. lot I), bik 51, for '08. Taxen 0.1c. penalty 1.50, printing :tc, total lot 7, bk 13, for to 8, taxen lot 3, lik ', for '05, laxen 1.75, penalty for Taxes 1.51, lot '.'ii, b j:i, for '03, (axes l.o, jienalty Lot3,block4,for lMni-7-. Taxen, 2o, penalty Pie, printing .'IV, total 10.211, peimlty 2.55. jirinting 35c, to- lie, pi inting O.ic, total f2... penalty, :ine, jninting 35c, total 25c, printing 3.V, total 1.01 Lot 20, blk 2, (or lM'0, Taxen .5,41, 4. 20 penulty, 7e, printing, .'l,V, total, (fill tal (M3.H. lot bk 12, for 05. taxen 1.75, ji. nalty ti lot 27. b 13, for '03, taxen l.itl, jienalty V., blk 51, '1'8. penulty I..!;!, printing 3 5c, 8, 41c, 35c, 2.51 lot s. .k 2. for ls.15. Taxes 1.53, 1.S5. lot for Taxen (.'!,, total lot I.k H, for to 8, taxet jirinting total 25c, printing 3V, total 1.01 iietwiltv pie, printing 35e. i!:il 7.1.5 P.2'. penaltv 2.55, printing 35e, to - lotn 1, 2. 3, 4, .1, 0,7. 8, I, pi, 1, 12, II. penally .'We. printing 35c. total lot 28, I, pi, fol. i)3, taxen l.ol, jienalty 4, 1.k',-7- . 2 01 t2.-'- Loll, block for Taxen, Mi, till fitll. blk 2, for I. Tuxen 7.70, tal II. 15, 10. 17. In, ,k is, for '07. 0 25e, printing 3.V, total 11.01. , 7o-- .51. penally l.!.2. piinilng :U', 12, "02 0-- 3.78, : in ,' 3 niialiy, printing, 3.', total, l"t !'. bik for '08. Taxen ;3'. lotul lot '.'8, blk for to Taxen 0.1.3, taxen jn nalty .', pi int j lot 0, blk 2. for 105. Taxen 1.53, lot 21, b 13, for '03, taxes l.ol, 0.07 v, tn unity 10e, printing :tn, total penalty 2.11, prinling 3V, total total M.U8 penally prinling .'I total 25c, printing 35c, totul 1.111 2, ISO 3.0.' t. 1.14 12. blk for I. Tvxen 1 12.30 lotn 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 1,1. 22, lot 3i, b 13, '03, Lot 5, blm k 4, Im'.hUT. Taxen, l.t for laxen 1.01, jienalty for, ienalty 0-- lot 0, blk 35, for '00. Taxen 3.27, 0b, printing .'U', lotul lot 20, lilk 12, for '02 to Tuxen 0.1.3, for '07, taxen 2.31, penally lot 15, bll; 2, forl-0'- 1 to '05. Tux.-- n 25c, in inling 35e, total 1.(11 penaltv, 7oc, total, I.M , printing, IV, nuliv n'.'c, priming ,'.'k', total jic unity 2.11. printing 3.V, total print ing 35c. total 1.24 5..'17, penalty 1.31, jnintiiig 3.V-- lotn 1, 2, 3, 12. 13, 11, 15, 111, 17, 18, 19, :).'. rill Lot 5, blk 3, for I "01. Tuxen 3.i3, fl2.:i' lotn I to 30 inclusive, bk 21, for '07, total f7.o0 Ii 10. for '05, taxen 2.42, jienalty 0 e I, penalty tOc, IV, 0-- 7,.5ii, UA block 4, lKl-7- . lot blk 31. for '00. 'J'axen 5.11, printing total lot 30. 12, Tor '02 to Taxed 'S- taxes jienalty l.sii, printl ig lot 10, blk 2, for lv.i.3 t ;o5. Taxes printing 3.V, total 3.37 f, for ixen, t:.S I.MI 1'inaliy 1.30, priming .'V, total penalty 2,11, printing .'IV, total 35c, lotul 5".V, penalty 1.31. printing 3V-- , loin in to in inclusive, h 11, for 1W, tax- Ve, pi intlnjrT 3V, total, 0, 3, 1801. Tuvt n 7.15 Lot blk for .'t.i'.t. f 12.30 total 'I.0.i en 3.00, 70c, printing Vm, 3.85. i'.!, Ole, 3.V, 0-- lot 5, blk for '1!. Talen 5.41. penally jninling total lot 1, blk 18, for '02 to Taxen h.lül, Itl l'.NA VISTA ADDITION. lot IÍ. blk 2. for ls'.l.J-l- . Taxen 1.8J, total 1.17 11, Mock 1, for 1KH2 Taxi n, (nnaltv 1.30, jiilnting ,1V, total p. na it v 2.12, printing ,U', total penally 00c, jirinting 3V. total lots 4. 5, o, 7, 10, 17. in. pi, b H. for '05, Iit Lot 18, blk 18. for 181.8. Taxen 2.5.3, 12.50, 3.15, printing, 3.V, 7.15 AUDITlnN. til. in f 5.1 taxen 1.70, jnnalty lie, printing 35c lot 0. blk 5i. for 'Oti. Taxen 5.41. lot 2, 18, M.2 0-- n.oo, penalty 05c, printing 35.', total 4, 3. 2.55 '07-8- blk for to Taxes lot blk for 8',.;.' Taxen l.iHi, total total. 10.14). Lot 10, blk It, for . TllXen 7,01, M.51 penalty 1.30, irlnting 3V, total peim't y 2. 12, printing 5.V, t .tul jienalty 2ic, irititing 3 ,', total lotn 11. li, 13, 14, 17. 18. I, 1. for "... 12. blork 1, for 1 112.3-4,5-- Taxen, H'iniliy Mil, printing ;u, total 1ml U, blk 18, for IS'.N. Ti. .xen 2.53. lAt 7.15 ll.lo taxen 1.32, jienalty :i:te, printing 3.ks V0.80 0-- i.'ie, 35c, 12.5!t, jK'iially, 3.15. printing, Ü.V lot 17. blk 50, for 1800. Taxen 3.25, lot 3, blk 18, for '02 to 8. Tuxen N.l',0, penalty Jninting tinal lot ... 3. for s;i:. l.iMi, total 2,iki lmt 10, A, for '07. Taxes 4 .20. 3.51 Taxes hie, jirinting ."tV, total jN'oaltv 2.12, printing 35c, total penalty L7c, 3.V-- , loin 1 to I 11, '05, total, 11 priming total Inclusive, for taxes Ki.lí. I M'.i It 1.(15, ,';5c, totul .50. 1802-3-- 4.41 printing I 1. 10 Lot 7. for T.ixcn 1.10. I. os 1H02-3-4- . 1.9V jienalty 40c. 3.V, to- L)t4, bl M k,3, for Taxi-n- 5.oo priming lot in, ,c Ul, for 8'.H. Taxen 3.2". lot 4, is, for '02 to 0-- tuviM 8.1,0, penally 1.01. printing 3.V, total bit ii, blk 3, for 107. Taxen l.ii',, tal 2.82 10.fi4, 2.IMI, .'IV II. blk A. for Taxen 1.20, 5.5.5 jn nalty, printing, tMiiallv Mc, printing 3V, total lil pinaltv 2.12, printing 35c, total penalty '.'7c, prim'utg 3.V', lotn 1. 2. .1, Ii H, '95, taxen 0e, pe- 10.5, prinling 35e, I, Ik .Vi. total for 12.Í15. 1.11 ;nnai total Lot h, for Tuxen 11.08 Mi-- , t5.00 ll.lo' nalty printing 3.V, total 1.17 lot 10, blk 50, for 1800. Taxen 3.25 lot 0, blk 12, for '02 to 0-- t ixen 0.03, 5.02, penalty, printing 3V, lot 7, blk 3, for b'.7. Taxen Lot I I, blk A, for '07. Taxen J 20. l.un, v jnnaltv Mc, printing .'fie, total p. 2 11, printing .lie, total total ;.37 penalty 27c, a 8 co. m halts printing 3V, las r town audition. unity 1.05, pi luting 3.V. tolul ' I son. total el. 41 f 12 10 Lot 23. blk .V. for Ta:;e2.12. í 1.08 7, 1 Tai.-n- , f'l.UI Lot lock , for M8. (.31. lot 3. blk for 1!H. Taxen 3.25, - 1". bik 12. for '!2 0.8. 0.0 1, M'nuiiy 52c, printing 3V, total lot 8, 3, for ls',17. 5, 11, b k 1,20 lot to taxes blk Taxen l.oi, .'fcV, Lot A. lor 0,. luxen f3.(0 p.'nalty, .Ti, printing, 35e, total, jmiiiiIiv printing , j.enalty 27c, 8c, total .U-- ' h printing Vie, ot. penally prinling total I.., 21, .Vi, 1s;m. 2.12, 1 ".27. 1,41 r ... Lot blk for Taxes f lis 1 802-0- f.i.liO 0-- 53e, lot 21. blk M for . Taxen I..VI. lot II, blk 12, for '02 to taxes 0.0.1, penalty piinting 3w, total luí 0. bik 3. for 1807. 1.IN!, blin k 11, for 1808, Tax- -, 8.40. Mil 15, blk A. for '07. Tuxen 4.20. Taxes Iit. jn'iialty 1.13, piiiiting ,3V, 2 11, 3V, 3.00 27c, total , penally jirinting tolul jienally printing :1V, total jM'iiuh. 1.(15, printing 3'k-- 52, 1 . pcnulty, 2 .11, printing, .Vie, total, '..01 total l'.'3'.l Lot V, for sos. Tax. 2.12, f 1.08 1 5.1 0 3V1, 10.02. Jot 2... blk .V, for 180JJi. Taxen 4.53 lot 12. blk 12. for "02 to 0-- taxes O.O.i, n'imlty .Vic, print ing lotul lot M. blk 3. for ls',17. Taxen LOO, IM'iialty 113, .'Lie, fl.lHl Lot 17, blk 1, If.W, 23.03, jnlming tolai 1,1, 1 hiiiiIiv 2.4!, printing 3'h', total penalty 27c, print 1111; .'U1, for Uxen. 'HADO TOWN CO. ADD. ' lso,5-8- . total M.03 J.J. III'I. 12.30 In.t 7. lilk 52, for Taxes 2.02.. rl.Os P.I, 1. f i penalty, 6.1, pi luting, 3V, total, ,"), 181(1. Lot bl!; 3, for '02 to Taxes 17.8 5'k', 3.V, J lot 20, blk for Taxen 3.25, lot 21. bbl 12, ior '02 to taxei 0.0:1, in'iiul'.v piinting tolul lot 7, blk 4. for I"I2 to ''.'1-7- . Taxen r).24. penulty 4.10, jniiit ln;f 35c, I.VI jn'iialty 81c, jirinting .'IV, total total jienalty 2,41, printing 35c, l.itui 7.01, penally 1.7, printing 35c, f22.04 180.5-- Ltt fi. Ilk .1, for J, Uxen. I.L54. 1.41 12.3 Lot 8, blk 52. for Taxes 2.02, total ..I7 I.t20, blk 3, for '02 to Taxes 0-- Vic, . lot I". blk 51, for Km. Taxen N7c. 2 5, blk 12, for '02 to t,,x,.n 0.f,:l, penally (V, prilling tmal lol 15. 4. 1802 '0-i- lty, ?.38, printing, 3.V, total, 1, 1, lot blk for to Taxen Irn 17.8 penaln 14 jn lming 3V, .It 2 , 22e, jirinting .':,', total jiiiialtv 2.41, printing :tc, total 12.01, penalty 3.23, piiming .Vm-- 17.. jnnalty tolul f22.' 180.5-8- . n f 12.31 U.t 0. blk 52. for Tax. 2.02. t'.lal 10.51 4, , for I8it2, Uxen, 80.4n. 21. blk 3, for '02 to ! 0. Tux. n 3V', IM Ilk p,.. lot 10. blk M. for 1MH!. Tuxen 87e. lit lot bll; Ir-- ior '02 to o.H. taxe., '.1.0:1, penalty piinting totul 10, 4. t 17.83, 1.10, i', lot blk lor vs. Taxes aJt.y, LCJ, ritJttng, total 8,15. M'iialty iin!ing ,'U', lH'iKi'tv 2.1!. pruning 5c, M.02 lo.üü. lotul t'22.04 total penulty 2.01, print ing 3V, 12..1U Lot lo, blk .52, for loj-S- , Tmcl totalI rj.07 Lot 1, blk 5, íur 'l'J. Taxi 4.07, j,t.u.