Towards a Global Programme on Market Access: Opportunities and Options Report prepared for IFAD1 Sheila Page April 2003 ODI 111, Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7JD Tel: +44 20 7922 0300 Fax: +44 20 7922 0399 Email:
[email protected] Contents Summary 1 Market access as an instrument of development 3 What do we mean by market access? 5 Poverty and markets 7 The stages of ‘market access’ 7 Awareness of possibility of exporting 8 Familiarity with buyers 8 Familiarity with standards, including health and safety 9 Access to equipment and other inputs 10 Access to investment capital 10 Access to working capital 10 Access to appropriate labour 10 Technology 11 Organisation and orientation of firm 11 Legal regimes 11 Transport and communications, local 11 Transport and communications, international 12 Tariffs and non-tariff barriers 12 Other trading conditions 13 Which problems matter, for how long? 13 Different ways of providing market access: advantages and disadvantages 14 Direct foreign investment and ownership 14 Large direct private buyers 15 Initiatives by developing country producers 16 Alternative trading companies 17 Export promotion agencies (and other local government policy) 21 Import promotion agencies 22 Aid programmes 23 Targeted technical research 24 Agencies promoting small production 25 Complementarities and differences among market structures 26 Possible initiatives by IFAD 30 2 Table 1 How different initiatives affect the necessary conditions for market access 33 Table 2 Direct and Indirect Effects on Poverty 35 Table