President Reiterates Pakistan's Firm Resolve Not to Indulge in Nuclear
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JULY - AUGUST, 2003 Nuclear assets under strong custodial control President reiterates Pakistan’s firm resolve not to indulge in nuclear proliferation Addressing the Special Session of the 28th and evolved a strategy of improving literacy on health, education and human resource International Nathiagali Summer College on rate through universalisation of education development. The government had made Physics and Contemporary Needs, Presi- and adult literacy, improving quality of pri- available massive grants for scientific re- dent General Pervez Musharraf reiterated Pakistan’s firm resolve not to indulge in nu- clear proliferation, saying the strong custo- dial control would never allow the country’s nuclear assets go into wrong hands. Paki- stan’s nuclear programme was totally indige- nous and in response to the threat faced by the country. Pakistan, he said, was following the strategy of minimum defensive deter- rence, the country was not in the arms race but would maintain such deterrence at all levels. Reaffirming Pakistan’s desire for peace in South Asia through peaceful reso- lution of all disputes, he said there had to be a balance in conventional and un-conven- tional means of power and this balance must never be disturbed in the interest of the peace in the region. He said Pakistan Atomic Energy Commis- sion has played a pivotal role in the national security. Supporting the expansion of nuclear power in Pakistan to pursue a reliable mix of different kinds of electricity production, he referred to the cheaper sources of energy production like hydro, coal, gas and atomic President of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf addressing the Special Session of the energy, but regretted that due to poor policies 28th International Nathiagali Summer College in the recent past, over seventy percent of the country’s electricity needs were being gener- ated through oil which is very costly. The mary and secondary education and setting search and upgrading laboratories. By the government is now concentrating on Thar up the Higher Education Commission to im- grace of Allah, the economy was showing coal, nuclear power and hydro electricity and prove it at university and college levels where improvement and as it continues to converting the oil fired plants to gas so as to the standard was very poor. He said the strengthen, the funds for education and sci- save on import of furnace oil. By this strate- government is promoting the education of ence and technology would also increase. gic shift in its objectives of developing its own modern subjects in addition to religious edu- resources, more funds would be available for cation so that the Madrassa students could In his welcome address, Mr. Parvez Butt, priority projects like human resource devel- come into the mainstream of national life. Chairman, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commis- opment, education, health and poverty alle- sion said that PAEC will utilize all its re- viation. General Pervez Musharraf expressed dis- sources, its diverse expertise and its may over the poverty and backwardness of innovative and highly dedicated manpower to The government is totally committed to es- the Ummah and said the only reason for this help fulfill the dream of the President of a tablish a very strong technological infrastruc- was lack of technological development, as peaceful, strong, progressive and prosper- ture in the country to help resolve problems the Muslim world was not concentrating on ous Pakistan. being faced by the people of Pakistan. He scientific education. The way forward was said since 1999 education and science and through enlightenment, moderation, realizing He said Pakistan was among the few coun- technology had remained a top priority. The our shortcomings and handicaps and moving tries in the world which can boast of more government took a holistic view of education through human resource development. We than 30 years of experience in operating must emancipate ourselves by concentrating nuclear power plants. There was a remark- able resurgence in nuclear power in many regions of the world. The Chairman said that Pakistan’s second nuclear power plant sup- plied by China, was operating well. He re- called that during the recent visit to China by Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, a memorandum was signed under which China would supply as commercial contract, its twin second unit. He said Pakistan was an active member of international organisations such as World Association of Nuclear Operators, the CANDU Owners Group, the London based World Nuclear Association and the Interna- tional Atomic Energy Agency. The coopera- tion with IAEA in the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology is exemplary. Explaining the aims and objectives of the College, Prof. Dr. Riazuddin, Director NCP, said investment in frontiers of science is im- perative for progress because the socio-eco- nomic development depends upon progress NPTC Awards in science. This importance is being recog- At the sidelines of Special Session of Nathiagali Summer Colege, the President awarded cash nized by Pakistan and by investing more in prizes and merit certificates to five outstanding young students, the winners of 6th National science we are trying to come out of the Physics Talent Contest, organised by Pakistan Institute for Engineering and Applied Sciences vicious circle of poverty and lack of re- (PIEAS). Apart from the prizes given by the PAEC, the President also announced cash prize sources. of Rs 100,000 for Umer Sadiq , Rs 50,000 for Wajahat Faheem, Rs 25,000 for Talal for securing first, second and third position respectively. Mr. Ahmed Qureshi and Hamoon Zafar won the The invited faculty consisted of ten renowned honourable mention. scientists from Austria, Canada, China, Ger- many, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland and USA. The audience consisted of nearly 140 par- haus from IAEA who gave an overview of use The concept of Delay - Delay - Delay - Decay ticipants including twenty foreign delegates of PSA in design, operation and maintenance - Decay - Decay, introduced by Dr. David from Azerbaijan, Brunei, Bangladesh, China, of NPP with emphasis on the need of identi- Meneley reverberated throughout the week- Egypt, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Nepal, fying weaknesses in design through PSA. long proceedings and almost all the speakers Sri Lanka, U.K. and USA. Participants from Safety Performance Indicators (SPI) and Se- not only agreed to this concept but also Pakistan included scientists form research vere Accident Management program of IAEA stressed the need that measures either organizations, universities and colleges. was described. IAEA is developing a sub-set through design or procedures should be of SPI which can be used by the regulators taken to delay the progression of severe ac- Nathiagali Scientific Discourse - for monitoring the safety performance of a cident as the decay heat even after shutdown plant. In severe accident management, es- of the plant is around 1% of the total power 2003 timates of time scale during the in-vessel of the reactor which reduces to about 0.1% phenomena and the need to incorporate de- in 8 to 10 days. The best way to ensure this The scientific sessions of the College began sign features that can prevent the severe delay is to keep cooling the fuel. In modern in real earnest from the afternoon of the 30th accident in PWR or delay the progression of CANDU this is possible because of the avail- June. The first academic week of the College severe accident using preventive and mitiga- ability of large amount of moderator water. was devoted to the Safety of High Technol- tive strategies were discussed. Dr. Neihaus also stressed on the need of high ogy Systems, and the second week focussed reliability approach in design and operation on Condensed Matter Physics. He also described the IAEA Incident Report- where culture of reliability is essential and ing System (IRS) and the International Nu- denial of responsibility should be avoided at The scientific programme began with the clear Event Scale (INES). all cost. very exciting lectures of Dr. Fredrich Nei- Glimpses from the inaugural session of the 28th INSC at Nathiagali Dr. Xioang Benhe gave very useful presen- tation on the current status of Chinese nu- clear industry. He stressed the need for management of design, quality assurance, independent verification, use of operational experience feedback and severe accident management considerations quite early in the design of NPP. His most useful presen- tation from Pakistan’s point of view was the operational experience feedback from PWR and PHWR. Dr. Xioang divulged at length on ten significant safety concerns in both the PWR and PHWR. He explained their causes, safety significance and measures that should be taken to prevent them. Dr. Reiner Schmidt from CERN talked about safety including fire prevention, detection and mitigation in new large accelerator facili- ties such as CMS in CERN, and risk reduc- tion in chemical industry, and radiation protection and the development and applica- CERN-PAEC Protocol tion of BS-115 “Radiation Protection guide- lines ” of IAEA. In continuation of its efforts to actively col- namely Canada. India, Israel, Japan. Russia laborate with international organizations en- and the USA. These are the only non-Euro- Dr. Kerstine Dahlgren from IAEA talked gaged in scientific and engineering research, pean nations that so far have made a sub- about the concept and common under- Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission signed stantial contribution to ‘one of the costliest. standing of “safety culture” and the different another protocol with CERN (European Or- most challenging and exciting cutting-edge stages in the development of safety culture ganization for Nuclear Research), Geneva, projects of the new millennium: the Large in nuclear power plant. She stressed the for special contribution by Pakistan towards Hadron Collider at CERN which will start op- need for the top management commitment LHC Project.