47th Annual General Conference of International Atomic Energy Agency World urged to review policy of technology denial to developing countries Chairman, Atomic Energy Commis- sion, Mr. Parvez Butt has urged the ad- vanced countries to take a fresh look at their policy of technology denial to developing countries. Addressing the 47th Annual Gen- eral Conference of International Atomic En- ergy Agency (IAEA), held in Vienna, Austria, from 16-19 September, 2003, he said that the embargoes and restrictions on transfer of advanced technologies is hampering the In- ternational Atomic Energy Agency’s efforts to transform the developing countries from de- pendence to self-reliance.

Mr. Parvez Butt stressed that an important requirement of Pakistan, as a developing country, is access to equipment and material from the industrially advanced countries. However, various embargoes and restric- tions on the availability of such equipment act as an impediment in accelerating economic development of many countries, which have attained a certain level of advancement with the IAEA’s Technical Cooperation Pro- Mr. Parvez Butt, Chairman PAEC, addressing the 47th Annual General Conference of the IAEA in gramme. “This policy has not been result Vienna, Austria, on 17 September, 2003 as Head of the Delegation from Pakistan oriented in the past nor it would be in the future. We would like that Standing Advisory should deliberate on this matter and advise prominent countries in the developing world Group on Technical Cooperation (SAGTAC) the Agency on how to facilitate the transfer of where nuclear electricity can play a vital role technology from the advanced countries to in its economic development. We have been the developing countries in an effective and encouraged by the reported bright future of Pakistan elected to the IAEA sustainable manner.” in the USA and in South Asia Board of Governors and the Pacific region. We are also extremely Pakistan has made significant achievements sensitive to the risk of industrial pollution Pakistan has been elected as a member of the in the peaceful application of nuclear energy expected as a result of economic growth. IAEA Board of Governors for the period 2003- for the socio-economic uplift of the country. This further obligates us to resort to the nu- 2005. These advancements were in line with our clear power in the coming years. Pakistan is national social and economic developmental fully alive to this situation and will move for- Pakistan’s candidature for the membership of plans where our nuclear activities made con- ward to enhance the use of nuclear power for the executive organ of the IAEA was unani- tributions either in a direct way or they were its economic development with a proper en- mously decided by the Middle East & South instrumental as complimentary activities to ergy mix. Our excellent operational and Asia (MESA) Group at the International the main programmes of the country. safety record of our two nuclear power plants, Atomic Energy Agency. KANUPP and CHASNUPP, and the exist- In the field of agriculture alone, the applica- ence of a reliable infrastructure relevant to Pakistan has previously served on the Board tion of nuclear techniques has led to an in- the nuclear power plants have encouraged for fourteen terms. The re-election of Pakistan creased revenue of Rs. 6 billion per year. us to acquire another nuclear power station to the IAEA’s Board of Governors speaks of With this money, a small to medium sized similar to CHASNUPP. the trust and confidence that the international can be installed every six nuclear community places in Pakistan for its to seven years. This is the regenerative effect PAEC Chairman further stated that future relentless efforts to promote the objectives of of introducing nuclear technology in Pakistan activities will not be limited merely to the the Agency and the interests of the developing and we appreciate the cooperation of IAEA, installation of more power plants but to fur- member states. the Chairman added. ther extend the utilisation of these facilities for powering desalination plants. “We are ac- Mr. Parvez Butt, Chairman PAEC attended the “The acquisition of sustainable energy for the tively working with IAEA for establishing the meeting of the Board held on 23 September, economic development is the right and the country’s first demonstration desalination 2003, as Governor from Pakistan. necessity of every country. This reality has unit at KANUPP. We are keen to play serious been amply recognized in the Statute of the role in the international efforts to promote Agency. Pakistan is perhaps one of the most international project on innovative nuclear reactors and fuel cycle so that Pakistan could tury. These changes are presenting taxing benefit from safe, cost-effective and prolif- challenges to the Agency in fulfillment of its Pakistan has made significant eration-resistant nuclear power plants.” central role as a promoter of world prosperity achievements in the peaceful through the safe and peaceful uses of nu- application of nuclear energy Pakistan’s cooperation with the Agency in the clear technologies. My country has been area of safeguards had always remained ex- watching with interest and appreciation the for the socio-economic uplift emplary and we have had a spotless record. way the Agency is taking these challenges of the country. These We believe in credible, effective and eco- and steering itself clear through the difficul- nomically viable safeguards of the Agency. ties with commendable skills and wisdom. advancements were in line “We once again assure the world community We are pleased that the statutory interests of with our national social and that we are fully committed to the cause of the Member States, particularly those of the the Agency’s safeguards system. Pakistan developing countries, have been given due economic developmental will put all its efforts to keep the safeguards importance while toiling through these new plans where the nuclear fully functional and will oppose any impedi- challenges. Pakistan will continue to provide ments which could negatively effect its its full cooperation to the Agency in its future activities made contributions smooth operation. endeavours, he said. either in a direct way or they

“We would like to reiterate our earnest desire “We have further strengthened the security were instrumental as to continue fulfilling all our obligations under measures around our nuclear installations to complimentary activities to existing safeguards agreements. We are avoid any possibility of nuclear terrorism or confident that our cooperation with the of illicit trafficking of nuclear material. In order the main programmes Agency, in this area, will further strengthen to enhance cooperation with the IAEA we are how to overcome the financial problems in a during the coming years”, he said, adding, participating in the Agency’s activities and realistic way". Realizing the importance of “while fully acknowledging the importance of are pleased to renew our commitment to a this matter, Pakistan has consistently ad- safeguards as one of the main pillars of safer world in line with the Agency’s nuclear hered to the practice of paying all its contri- Agency’s activities, my country places equal security plan. Our active participation in the butions in full and in a timely manner emphasis on the balanced approach to other Agency’s initiative to strengthen the Conven- regardless of its economic problems. Paki- Statutory functions of the Agency. We firmly tion on the Physical Protection of Nuclear stan’s support to Agency will continue in the believe that maintenance of a proper balance Materials will continue. We are desirous of an future as well, he assured, and placed on between the promotional aspects and safety early conclusion of the deliberations on the record deep gratitude to the Agency for its or security related concerns in all the CPPNM with the hope that this important help and assistance through its technical co- Agency’s functions is essential to success. It Convention will enable us to enhance our operation programme. is difficult to comprehend why a simple notion capabilities to protect our nuclear installa- of harmonious balance should become a tions and the material in a more effective The Chairman commended the excellent matter of contention among some Member manner. work SAGTAC has been doing for the past States. We would like to emphasize the need several years to refine the Agency’s technical for cohesion and greater understanding Speaking on the Agency’s financial con- cooperation programme. It would be helpful among all the members of the Agency to straints, PAEC Chairman said Pakistan has for the Member States if the recommenda- push forward the Agency’s mandate. This always believed that Agency must be sup- tions of SAGTAC are periodically brought to would enhance its strength and credibility”. ported by the Member States for its financial their notice. He said that Pakistan greatly needs in order to fulfill its statutory obligation. appreciates the role the regional agreements “The world community is witnessing dramatic “We emphasize the need for constituting a are playing in supplementing the develop- changes of the perceptions of international working group of the interested Member mental activities of the Agency. Pakistan has peace and security since the turn of the cen- States to study and advise the Agency on benefited from the programmes of the RCA and would like further strengthening of its activities.

Supporting the idea of formation of the World Nuclear University, he said that Pakistan has already indicated intention to participate in its activities and contribute to its success. “Paki- stan has recently joined the SESAME Pro- ject. The Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East is going to be an international center for research and advanced technology under the auspices of UNESCO and the active sup- port of the IAEA.

The PAEC Chairman extended appreciation for the commendable work the Director Gen- eral has been doing both for the Agency and the Member States in very difficult and chal- lenging international environment of the pre- sent times. He expressed profound sense of gratitude to the Director General, Deputy Di- rectors General and the staff of the Secretar- The delegation from Pakistan to the 47th Annual General Conference of IAEA iat for their valuable help and cooperation to Pakistan throughout the year. International Conference on Current trends in Radiopharmaceuticals

Utilization of nuclear technology remains a vital force behind generating electric power, evolution of high yield soil suitable crop va- rieties, diagnosis and treatment of cancer-re- lated diseases and development of local industry through nuclear techniques and ap- plications. Multi-disciplinary research efforts of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission have resulted in solid contribution to national de- fence, economic development and health care services and focus will remain on all round advancement in these areas. This was stated by Mr. Parvez Butt, Chairman, Paki- stan Atomic Energy Commission while in- augurating the International Conference on Current trends in Radiopharmaceuticals, from 23-25 October, 2003, at . Mr. Parvez Butt, Chairman, PAEC inaugurating the International Conference on Current Trends in Mr. Parvez Butt said cancer related diseases Radiopharmaceuticals, are increasing and a big effort is needed to combat this menace. For running a nuclear that PAEC has an elaborate research and anatomy of the body and hence, offer dis- medical center for public benefit, the major training programme for doctors and technolo- ease specific diagnosis. He also elaborated input by cost are diagnostic and treatment gists needed for its nuclear health care pro- the efforts undertaken by IAEA to combat this kits and medicines, which if imported, are gramme. He said that better understanding disease. very expensive and render the treatment of of molecular structure and human genome the disease beyond the reach of the common has made it possible to effectively cure can- The Conference, organized jointly by Paki- man. PAEC is already manufacturing major cer-related diseases. stan Institute of Nuclear Science and Tech- components of these kits and aims at under- nology (PINSTECH), and Nuclear Medicine, taking preparation of more such medicines to Dr. Cornelis Hoefnagel, IAEA expert, ap- Oncology and Radiotherapy Institute (NORI), bring down the cost. prised that nuclear techniques are more pre- with active cooperation of IAEA, was at- cise and effective for the diagnosis of many tended by scientists and doctors from nuclear Dr. Kauser Abdulla Malik, Member (Bio-Sci- diseases, because, by the very nature, they medical centres, R&D centres and organisa- ences) PAEC, in his welcome address said focus on the function of disorder and not the tions engaged in medical products

National Oncology Conference at MINAR Inaugurating the two-day National Oncology equipped with modern facilities. The existing to sterilize syringes to eliminate chances of Conference organised by Multan Institute for medical facilities at Hyderabad, Larkana and contamination. Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy (MI- Quetta will be upgraded. NAR), Mr. Parvez Butt, Chairman Pakistan Dr. Kauser Abdulla Malik, Member, Bio-Sci- Atomic Energy Commission, said that the He said that PAEC has also earned name in ences and Administration, PAEC, in his wel- scientists of PAEC are serving the nation not power-generation by setting up two power come address, said that PAEC’s nuclear only in the field of defence but are also en- plants while the third one is being contem- medical centres have achieved an enviable gaged in application of nuclear technology in plated. It is because of such multifaceted and position with our oncologists and nuclear health, agriculture and industry for socio-eco- diverse initiatives, that PAEC has grown into physicians committed to serve patients in nomic development. a large industrial concern. PAEC is manu- different regions of the country. facturing equipment previously imported by PAEC is rendering invaluable service to the Pakistan. Commission is imparting skills to Dr. Amjad Aziz, Director, MINAR, highlighted ailing humanity specifically in the field of can- the local industry in the form of training and the aims and objectives of the Conference. cer diagnosis and treatment. He said the certification. Due to the efforts of the nuclear The scientific programme of the Conference Commission’s targeted beneficiaries are the scientists the production of several crops comprised of six sessions covering discus- poor patients and poor peasants who cannot has gone up by Rs.6 billion per annum for sions on various issues of cancer prevention, afford costly treatment though they have which the credit solely goes to the PAEC. diagnosis and treatment by eminent special- given their blood and sweat to the country. ists in the field. More than hundred experts PAEC is running 13 medical centers all over He stressed that the excellent efficiency of from all over the country participated and the country where some 3,00,000 cancer PAEC’s nuclear facilities lies in its purely shared their experience in the prevention and patients are being treated annually. Commis- merit-based selection policy, which will not management of cancer. sion wants to expand its medical facilities by be compromised at any cost. PAEC is aiming opening more centers, particularly in the re- to manufacture low cost cancer medicines at Dr. Nadeem Zia Abbasi, Consultant Oncolo- mote areas and currently new medical cen- its own centers for the benefit of common gist, MINAR Cancer Hospital, conducted the ters are being set up at Nawabshah, Gilgit, man. PAEC has set up an irradiation facility proceedings as the Scientific Secretary of the Swat, and Bannu,which will be Conference Joint IAEA-PAEC-PNRA National Workshop on Radiation Protection and Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy PAEC committed to harness nuclear technology for public good with due emphasis on safety and security PAEC is committed to harness nuclear tech- nology for public good and with due empha- sis on safety and security. This was stated by Dr. Masud Ahmed, Member Physical Sci- ences, PAEC while inaugurating joint IAEA- PAEC-PNRA National Workshop on Radiation Protection and Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy, held at NORI, Islamabad.

Dr. Masud lauded the efforts of IAEA for initiating quality assurance programmes for the education of professionals and creating awareness for public good. He assured to extend all possible support and assistance to the Agency in this noble task. The Workshop aimed at improvement of therapeutic condi- tions in the treatment of cancer. With a view to provide a sound basis for addressing the safety related issues emerging out of the use of radiation, PAEC has started M.Sc. pro- gramme in Medical Physics at Pakistan Insti- tute for Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS), as no other university in the country Dr. Masud Ahmed, Member Physical Sciences inaugurating the IAEA-PAEC-PNRA National Workshop awarded degree in this discipline. on Radiation Protection and Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy, held at NORI, Islamabad IAEA Expert in Quality Assurance in Radia- Syed Badshah Hussain, Member Corporate, ensure safe operation of nuclear facilities and tion Therapy, Professor Novatony, high- Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority to protect the radiation workers, general pub- lighted the importance of radiation therapy to (PNRA), said that quality assurance in radia- lic and the environment from the harmful the cancer patients. He emphasised the im- tion therapy is a commitment which results in effect of radiation by formulating and imple- portance of exchange of individual experi- safety and quality and attainment of these menting effective regulations. Mr. M. Afsar, ences for making radiotherapy to cancer desired results came through good education Coordinator of the Workshop, explained the patients a success and without costly errors. and training of personnel administering the aims and objectives of the Workshop. treatment. He reiterated PNRA’s mission to National Executive Symposium on Technologies Developed for Commercialization - Challenges and Opportunities Nuclear Institute for Food & Agriculture lauded achievements of PAEC in various sec- showcase its research for the benefit of in- (NIFA), Peshawar, in collaboration with Small tors for national development. vestors and the farmers. & Medium Enterprise Development Authority (SMEDA) and Export Promotion Bureau Dr. Kausar Abdulla Malik, Member Bios- Chief Organizer of the symposium, Dr. Ih- (EPB), organised “National Executive Sym- ciences, PAEC, said that the transfer of tech- sanullah said that this symposium was organ- posium on Technologies Developed for nology to the users was of utmost importance ized as a first attempt to dig out the hidden Commercialization - Challenges and Oppor- to develop indigenous production. The devel- knowledge and technologies, which could tunities, from September 21-22, 2003. The opment of high yield, soil suitable crops by have a potential to play a viable role in giving Symposium, comprising five technical ses- PAEC resulted in a significant enhancement boost to the economy of the country. It would sions and panel discussions, was attended in the agri production and to complement provide an opportunity to the R&D organiza- by over 200 participants comprising policy these efforts, role of industry is important for tions to highlight and discuss their commer- makers, scientists, engineers, economists, value addition. He highlighted the importance cially feasible projects before a gathering of academician and students. An exhibition was of maintaining quality, in view of coming era policy makers and investors. An endeavor also arranged to introduce R&D achieve- of the World Trade Organization (WTO). would be made to create a workable liaison ments and product range of organizations. between R&D organizations and industry, a Dr. Sanaullah Khattak, Director NIFA, ex- long felt missing link between the two sectors. Inaugurating the symposium, NWFP Minister plained the role and achievements of NIFA for for Food, Excise and Taxation, Mr. Fazale boosting the agricultural productivity in the The symposium was helpful in increasing Rabbani called for providing all possible facili- country. Dr. Jamil Qureshi, former Director public awareness about the scientific and ties to the scientists in order to achieve high NIFA presented the aims and objectives of the technological advancements made in the agricultural growth in the country and empha- symposium and urged the need for scientific country. The potential investors were ap- sised bridging the missing link between the research in the competitive regime. Director prised about the setting up of feasible tech- researchers and growers for maximum utili- EPB, Mr. Tauheed Jan, emphasised R&D nologies based on sound R&D work to boost zation of indigenous achievements of nuclear efforts in the agri sector,being the mainstay of the socio-economic condition of the people by technology for the benefit of mankind. He economy. Mr. Sultan Tiwana, General Man- the commercialization of developed technolo- ager, SMEDA proposed that PAEC should gies. Chairman PAEC’s presentation at World Nuclear Association Annual Symposium - 2003 Joint ventures suggested for setting up nuclear power plants As a result of international collabora- knowledge sharing. And this improvement is for over 25 years and is carrying out the tion, Pakistan has benefited tremen- in spite of the difficulties created by the so- refurbishment required for re-Iicensing indi- called anti-nuclear organizations. genously and from its own financial re- dously from nuclear technology and sources. The safety-related assistance suggests resolve for knowledge sharing In East Asia, nuclear power plants continue provided by IAEA, WANO and COG is highly and technology transfer to usher in an to be built to meet the ever increasing de- appreciated. era of cheap and safe electricity to boost mand for electricity. On the .other hand, industrial output, create more jobs and countries like Pakistan are finding it difficult Our second nuclear power plant, CHAS- contribute to peace, prosperity and se- to develop nuclear power. According to our NUPP, began operation in September, 2000 curity worldwide. This was stated by current assessment, based on official eco- and is presently operating quite well. We nomic growth targets, the projected electric- have plans to start work on its twin in the near Mr. Parvez Butt, Chairman, Pakistan ity generation capacity requirements in future. During the construction of the first unit Atomic Energy Commission, at the Pakistan by the year 2020 will be some as many as 3,000 workers were directly in- World Nuclear Association annual 44,000 MWe up from 18,000 MWe installed volved. It has contributed significantly to the Symposium - 2003, held in London on presently. The plans are to build an addi- local economy and the advantages to the 5 September, 2003. Excerpts from his talk tional 10,000 MWe hydro capacity, leaving a community continue to accrue. Installation of titled “Knowledge Sharing for Sustainable gap of some 16,000 MWe, which could be the second unit at Chashma would boost the Development of Nuclear Power - An Invest- met by burning coal, nuclear power or im- economy creating many more jobs. ment for Future Generations”: ported gas. Use of imported oil for power generation is prohibitively expensive. Pakistan has a meticulous record in safety, Pakistan is an active member of the IAEA, safeguards and security. Both our nuclear WANO and COG and we appreciate the tre- A popular saying amongst nuclear operators power plants are under IAEA safeguards. We mendous sharing of knowledge that takes is that a “nuclear accident anywhere is a have demonstrated the capability to safely place in these fora. But we also have to face nuclear accident everywhere". On the same operate nuclear power plants. We need to set embargoes, restrictions and denial of infor- analogy, one could say that a “nuclear power up many more. We know that these plants mation and technology. Pakistan has only plant anywhere avoids greenhouse gases will help generate jobs, accelerate economic recently joined World Nuclear Association. everywhere”. In our region, where economic development and bring smiles to our people. We have joined WNA to interact with a more development is picking up, we are experienc- We believe that increased use of this energy diverse nuclear community and further en- ing a unique phenomenon during winters. A resource is bound to lead to a more prosper- hance cooperation, particularly in nuclear huge cloud of smog covers the vast area ous, peaceful and secure world. power. It also provides us an opportunity to along the Himalayan mountains from near share our views. We hope that , all of us Islamabad in Pakistan to Calcutta in India. It We welcome the safety related information together, can change the situation for the badly disrupts life and economic activities. and exchange of operating experience avail- better of us, I repeat, ‘for all of us’. According to some experts, this recent phe- able to us but, we feel that denial of equip- nomenon, which is getting worse with time, ment is not reasonable. The 68% increase in Nuclear power electricity is economical, eco- is a direct result of increased burning of coal the growth of nuclear energy in the period friendly and an energy source of the future. in our neighboring country as its economy is 1986 to 2002 in OECD countries contrasts The OECD countries are investing some US growing. And we will soon join them in burn- sharply to low growth in the regions having $ 2,700 million per year in public sector re- ing coal from our recently discovered vast restricted access to technology and materi- search and development in nuclear fission coal fields at “Thar”. als. and a comparable amount is also being in- vested by the private nuclear industry. The During the last 3 years, our nuclear power In addition to cooperation in the related fields West, it seems, is waiting impatiently to in- generation has avoided the release of about of agriculture, medicine and industry, the crease on a large scale, its share of nuclear 4 million tons of carbon dioxide; a small, but greatest impact of international cooperation power generation. The reduction in green- nevertheless significant figure. This is the is in nuclear power generation. This is a huge house gases, the economic advantages, the situation in a country which has a large popu- industry. “There is, and has been, substantial impetus to industrial development and the lation and a small per capita energy con- cooperation in nuclear power technology be- resulting increase in well being and happi- sumption but good experience in operating tween, among others, industrial giants in the ness of the people needs no elaboration. nuclear power plants. The choice is between USA with utilities in France, Japan and Ko- polluting fossil fuels or environment friendly rea. Subsequently, there was cooperation With the sharing of nuclear power experience nuclear power. between France and China also. We in Paki- worldwide under the aegis of IAEA and stan look forward to such cooperation. We WANO, nuclear power industry worldwide Pakistan started work on its first nuclear feel that for lasting peace in the world, no has seen tremendous improvements in reli- power plant as long ago as 1965. This plant people should be denied the advantage of ability, availability and sustainability. Safety “KANUPP”, a CANDU-type is now undergo- economic development. We need to find a breeds reliability. Greater reliability leads to ing re-Iifing after having completed its design way out to alley the concerns of some gov- greater revenues and greater viability. In the life in December 2002. While, we can boast ernments on nuclear proliferation. OECD countries, for example, where embar- of being amongst the “oldest generators of goes on technical and material exchange do nuclear electricity in the world", we wish We would like to suggest joint ventures for not apply, in the period 1986 to 2002 while KANUPP had a higher availability factor. setting up nuclear power plants in Pakistan. the number of operating NPPs increased by While we had access to operational experi- To alleviate proliferation and other concerns, 10%, from 324 to 355, the electricity gener- ence and safety related information, nuclear power plants can be treated in a ated increased from 1,372 Tera Watt Hours KANUPP’s availability has been low because special manner. Several NPPs could be con- to 2,309 TeraWatt Hours, an impressive in- of denial of equipment and services. structed in a designated zone, the bounda- crease of 68%1. This is the advantage of KANUPP has been self-sufficient financially ries of which are specially secured to the satisfaction of all concerned. It can be en- the last 4 years. And, I might add here, a through reduction in the Rich - Poor Gap, sured that the plant and the associated facili- sizable fraction of the patients in the centers which will enhance peace, prosperity and ties are fully safeguarded. This could be a located near the Afghan border were refu- security all over the world. The “Global Vil- solution for Pakistan. gees from that country. The fees charged at lage" concept could be realized much earlier. these medical centers are very nominal and Pakistan is very fortunate in having the sup- in most cases the treatment is gratis. We are May I therefore suggest that we resolve to port of the international community in its ef- in the process of setting up 5 additional such usher in an era of cheap and safe nuclear forts to apply nuclear technology in centers. electricity for posterity. This needs knowl- agriculture, medicine and industry. As a re- edge sharing and will boost industrial output, sult of this international collaboration and I wholeheartedly support the idea of estab- create more jobs, and contribute to peace, knowledge sharing, Pakistan has benefited lishing the World Nuclear University, as it prosperity and security worldwide. President tremendously in the development of new va- would play a vital role in disseminating knowl- Eisenhower’s dream was to harness the tre- rieties of various agriculture crops. Our cot- edge about peaceful use of nuclear energy. mendous energy in the atom for the benefit ton and rice exports have increased and PAEC has a full fledged university, PIEAS, of mankind. This is my dream too and I am contributed significantly to increase in our which imparts education at Master’s and sure that we all share it. gross national product. Additional income of Ph.D. level in areas of Nuclear Engineering, some $100 million per year is estimated from Nuclear Medicine, Systems Engineering and [Editor’s note: The World Nuclear Associa- crops developed by nuclear techniques at at the B.S. level in Computer Sciences. I tion (WNA), erstwhile The Uranium Institute, our agriculture institutes. With this kind of request that PIEAS be associated with seeks to promote the peaceful uses of atomic money a small to medium sized nuclear World Nuclear University as such interna- energy. This annual symposium is a premier power plant can be added every 5 to 6 years. tional linkages play a crucial role for the good event for the international nuclear industry, In the field of agriculture, Pakistan has of humanity. We are sharing our knowledge bringing together a large number of repre- shared its development with many countries by training professionals from many coun- sentatives of organisations involved in all through the IAEA. tries at these hospitals. In addition many stages of nuclear fuel cycle from all over the foreigners have received M.Sc. Nuclear world. The opening day session of this sym- In the field of health care, knowledge sharing Medicine degrees at our training centers. posium was dedicated to the memory of has increased our grasp of nuclear diagnos- President Eisenhower and his famous “At- tics and therapeutic techniques. In the proc- Knowledge sharing leads to a win-win situ- oms for Peace” speech in December 1953 ess we have set up 13 nuclear medical ation for all, with benefits to the world as a which paved way for the creation of IAEA and centers all over Pakistan. Over a million pa- whole. Knowledge sharing increases busi- diversified use of atomic energy towards tients have been treated at these centers in ness worldwide. Egalitarianism is enhanced peaceful purposes.]

8th National Physics Talent Contest PAEC to remain at the forefront of grooming scientific talent Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission will re- main at the forefront of initiatives aimed at grooming scientific talent. This was stated by Chairman PAEC Mr. Parvez Butt while ad- dressing a ceremony of certificate distribu- tion to the winners of 8th National Physics Talent Contest (NPTC), an activity under- taken by PAEC every year for popularizing science among the youth. Winners of 7th NPTC were also given away cash prizes on behalf of President General Pervez Mushar- raf. The President had announced these prizes of Rs 100,000, Rs 50,000 and Rs. 25,000 to the students securing 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions respectively, in addition to the cash prizes from PAEC, on the occasion of a special session of 28th International Nathiagali Summer College on July 7, 2003, an event of international scientific signifi- cance. [Reported in June-August 2003 issue of PakAtom.] upon brilliant work of its scientists and engi- test and its future programme.The winners of neers, and the existing generation has risen the 7th national Physics Talent Contest were Mr. Parvez Butt said PAEC felt strengthened to the occasion by providing security and selected after Nationwide screening test and and rewarded by President General Pervez scientific infrastructure for the country de- several experimental camps where they Musharraf’s personal interest in this national spite heavy odds in their way, by forsaking were trained and tested by eminent scien- task which is amply reflected by manifold attractive careers abroad. He urged the youth tists. These young students represented increase in science and technology budget to come up with similar sacrifices by choosing Pakistan in 34th International Physics Olym- during the last few years. Mr. Butt declared to work for the country after completion of piad held in Taiwan in July and won laurels that PAEC owes its success entirely to merit their studies. for the country by winning a bronze at the and growth of its scientists and engineers. Olympiad. Nearly 60 countries including sci- National progress and prosperity depends Dr. Abdullah Sadiq, Rector, PIEAS explained entifically advanced countries participated. the working of National Physics Talent Con- Bridging the gap between production and demand of electricity in the coming years Nuclear power best option for Pakistan Addressing the inaugural session of the Sec- ond National Conference on “Non-Destruc- tive Testing”, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on Strategic Programme, Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad said that technology to generate nu- clear electricity being fully mature, safe, cost competitive and large-scale source, is the best option for Pakistan to bridge the gap between production and demand in the com- ing years. The Conference was organised by National Centre for Non-Destructive Testing (NCNDT), SES Directorate of PAEC. The first Conference was held in October 2001.

Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad, a former Chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, was of the view that fossil fuel being presently the mainstay of our electricity generation is im- ported and prohibitively expensive, apart from being a polluter of the environment. It is a likely cause of global warming, which has created dangerously erratic climatic condi- tions - drought at one place and floods at another. Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on Strategic Programme, presiding over the the Inaugural Ceremony of Second National Conference on “Non-Destructive Testing” The nuclear technology is the ultimate choice abreast of new technological advances to As at present the NCNDT has trained more for Pakistan to meet its future energy require- meet the challenges of the 21st century. The than 1600 persons (through 142 courses. It ments. To achieve higher level of GDP, Commission has the honour of being pioneer remains to be the only institution in Pakistan approximately 30,000 MW electricity will be of quality culture in its own programme and that is producing certified NDT inspectors. needed in the coming decade and to meet in imparting the same to the local industry in Besides, third party inspection has also been such degree of electricity demand, we will the form of training and certification of weld- started to benefit the national industry. Life have to exploit our available energy option ers, NDT inspectors, designers and manu- assessment and failure analysis services are like coal and hydro. Despite exploitation of facturing methods. Almost all the also being provided. This activity is quite these resources along with renewables, big Non-Destructive Testing personnel working appropriate and timely keeping in view the gap will be left for nuclear to bridge. in various organizations of the country have aged condition of local industrial plants. been trained and certified by PAEC. He reit- NCNDT has shown great progress and Pakistan has a big incentive to go for nuclear erated that PAEC’s entire technical skills and promise through its regular training and cer- option as it has developed an extensive infra- know-how are available to the industry and it tification programme and expert services structure necessary for nuclear power. A big plans to enhance this cooperation with the open both to public and private sectors. It is responsibility and a challenge lies for Paki- local manufacturers in line with the national well in touch with local industries and re- stan Atomic Energy Commission for this ven- development. search institutions. It also has good contacts ture. He expressed optimism that given the with the relevant institutions abroad. resources of manpower, technical compe- About the future power generation pro- tency and available infrastructure, PAEC will gramme of the Commission, Parvez Butt said The Conference provided a national forum to certainly meet this gigantic national task as “we must resort to all available options of present research and development work, demonstrated by its indigenization suc- power generation including hydro and coal overview the advancements and share mu- cesses. and added that PAEC is fully prepared to tual experiences in the field of NDT, the pre- meet the remaining gap of demand through sent state of development of NDT technology The role of NDT in modern industry cannot nuclear if it is entrusted to PAEC.” in Pakistan. The Conference comprised eight be overemphasized. It is now one of the most technical sessions focusing on main themes essential requirements for areas such as Director, National Center for Non-Destructive of current status and development of NDT modern production, transportation, commu- Testing (NCNDT), Mr. Asghar Ali Khan activities, NDT during fabrication, In-service nication as well as defence. “PAEC’s pio- traced the development of Non-Destructive inspection, non-conventional methods of neering role for establishing assist-industry Testing facilities in Pakistan. Realising the NDT, NDT of concrete, condition assess- skills and techniques in the form of welding, importance of NDT for producing quality ment of plants. Scientists, engineers, man- non-destructive testing, designing and products, PAEC established facilities and de- agers and professionals of the field in a large manufacturing will go a long way for the veloped expertise in NDT and made it avail- number attended this conference. Local in- promotion of its own programme and the able to industry in Pakistan to upgrade and dustry was well represented and an exhibi- local industry,” Dr. lshfaq added. improve the overall national manufacturing tion was also arranged for projecting various capability .Thus started regular training of equipment and services in NDT. In his welcome address, Mr. Parvez Butt, persons from industry. NCNDT has also con- Chairman PAEC stated that the economic tinued to provide expert advice and services Dr. M. Asif Khan, SPE, NCNDT, conducted progress and prosperity of a nation depends to various industries. the proceedings as Secretary of the Confer- mainly on the production of quality products. ence. It is necessary for a country like ours to keep PAEC develops virus resistant The participants also visited cotton fields regularly, NIFA is undoubtedly contributing where all the prevailing varieties grown in significantly in providing the trained man- cotton Sindh were growing side by side to the varie- power. This training would certainly provide ties evolved by this Institute and appreciated the participants with new insights and skills The National Institute for Biotechnology and the candidate lines of cotton developed by to become more knowledgeable and more Genetic Engineering (NIBGE) has been able the Institute and showed their keen interest productive. to eliminate Cotton Leaf Curl Virus (CLCV) in these lines especially NIA 76, NIA 77 and which caused heavy loss to cotton crop in NIA 79 for their outstanding performance in The organizer of the course, Dr. Ihsanullah 1990s by developing genetically engineered boll bearings and uniform opening. The visi- said that NIFA has qualified and trained man- cotton variety. This was disclosed by Dr. tors also appreciated the performance of power and good facilities for conducting such Kauser Abdulla Malik, Member (Bio-Sci- “Chandi-95" and the newly released cotton important courses which serve as an essen- ences), PAEC, while addressing the “World variety “Sohni”. The participants were shown tial tool for the participants to enhance their Cotton Bio-tech Moot” held at International the performance of sugarcane variety NIA 98 technical capabilities. So far NIFA has pro- Centre for Biosaline Agriculture in Dubai. and other promising lines. vided training to more than 600 participants in different courses. This project is a joint venture among the NIA is playing an important role in the man- University of Arizona, USA, John Innes Cen- agement of insect pests of important crops Dr. Sanaullah Khan Khattak, Director NIFA tre, UK and NIBGE, Faisalabad, Pakistan. through eco-friendly techniques. All these ac- highlighted the achievements made by The six-year project was sponsored by the tivities were practically explained in the field NIFA’s scientists in the field of food and agri- International Cotton Advisory Committee to the farmers for the control of insect pests culture and the efforts made in human re- (ICAC) and funded by the Common Fund for of rice, cotton and sugarcane crops. The source development for sustainable Commodities (CFC). farmers showed keen interest in the bio-con- agriculture productivity. trol technology developed by NIA for man- The recovery of cotton production in Pakistan agement of the cotton bollworms and the Welfare Activities of PAEC from 6.8 million bales to currently 10.8 million sugarcane borers. Dr. Naqvi, Director NIA, bales is a testimony of focused research and thanked the growers for their participation in Foundation deep interest and funding by various govern- the function and promised to hold Field Days ment and international agencies to solve the for each crop regularly so that the farm- PAEC Foundation spent Rs. 7.860 million epidemic of CLCV. He elaborated the pio- ers/growers could get more information during the year 2002-2003 under different neering work being done by PAEC for the about research achievements of NIA. schemes for the welfare of PAEC employees. control of CLCV, which has culminated in the The major share of the amount was spent on development of genetically engineered cot- Daughters’ Marriage Grant (Rs. 3.279 m), ton, a variety inherently pest resistant. This is Training Course on Nuclear Misc. CFP Schemes (2.12m), Merit Scholar- presently under cultivation on the fields of Techniques at NIFA ships (1.266 m), Community Welfare & In- progressive farmers for its evaluation and dustrial Homes ( 0.513 m), Educational extension, he added. The 20th postgraduate training course on the Grants (0.302 m) and Widows’ Welfare use of ‘Nuclear and other Advanced Tech- Grants (0.286 m). The conference was attended by 37 scien- niques in Food and Agricultural Research’ tists from 15 countries including USA, UK, was held at NIFA, Peshawar from 8-19 Sep- Under the Foundation’s Haj sponsorship Australia, India, Egypt and Pakistan. Pres- tember, 2003. The course was designed scheme for PAEC employees in BPS 1- entations on research work called for a joint primarily to provide training in the application 15/SPS 1-5, Chairman PAEC conducted the effort for the solution of cotton epidemic by of radiation and radioisotopes and other tech- draw at a simple ceremony held on August proposing guidelines. Dr. Mohammad Al-At- niques in field of food and agriculture. 29, 2003 at PAEC HQ, Islamabad. tar, Director General of International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture, Dubai facilitated the The course comprised 25 lectures and 10 Out of 93 applications, 20 were selected on organization and conduct of this International practical sessions on various aspects of food merit for grant of scholarship of Rs. 6,000 per Conference. and agriculture including basic concepts of annum under the HSS Merit Scholarship radiation, biotechnology, chromatography, Scheme for the children of employees who Cotton/Rice Field Day at NIA spectroscopy, spectrophotometry and appli- secured a minimum of 75% marks in Matricu- cation of nuclear and tracer’s techniques in lation Examination and undergoing studies at Nuclear Institute for Agriculture (NIA), Tan- mutation breeding, soil studies, entomologi- HSS level in science subjects from the aca- dojam, arranged ‘Cotton/Rice Field Day’ on cal studies and food preservation. Experts demic year 2003. 25th September 2003 at the experimental from various centers of PAEC and Agricul- farms. The farmers and the extension officers tural University of Peshawar delivered spe- The Foundation has granted twentyfive of agriculture departments participated in the cialized lectures. The thirty participants were scholarships for undergraduate studies for event and observed the performance of dif- drawn from from research organizations, the children desirous of taking admission in ferent varieties, candidate/advanced lines of teaching staff and post-graduate students. the professional fields of medicine, engineer- these crops. They appreciated the perform- ing, pharmacy and IT related subjects. Out of ance of NIA rice varieties, Shadab, Shua-92, Addressing the concluding ceremony, Qari 25, 15 scholarships are reserved for the em- Khushboo-95 and Sarshar, which have al- Mehmood Provincial Minister for Agriculture, ployees in BPS 1-16/SPS 1-7 and 10 for the ready covered approximately 60% of the cul- Livestock and Cooperation commended the employees in BPS 17 & above/SPS 8 & tivated area in Sindh and Baluchistan. The efforts made by NIFA scientists in different above. farmers showed keen interest in the newly fields of agriculture and food. He emphasized evolved aromatic mutants particularly Bas- the role played by the trained manpower in Two scholarships wil be awarded for post- mati-15-2 and Basmati-20-1. the development of food and agriculture sec- graduate studies in natural sciences, agricul- tor in the country. By organizing such courses ture and engineering.

Edited and produced by M. Munim Awais, Director, International Affairs and Training, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, P. O. Box 1114, Islamabad.