World Urged to Review Policy of Technology Denial to Developing Countries Chairman, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commis- Sion, Mr
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SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER, 2003 47th Annual General Conference of International Atomic Energy Agency World urged to review policy of technology denial to developing countries Chairman, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commis- sion, Mr. Parvez Butt has urged the ad- vanced countries to take a fresh look at their policy of technology denial to developing countries. Addressing the 47th Annual Gen- eral Conference of International Atomic En- ergy Agency (IAEA), held in Vienna, Austria, from 16-19 September, 2003, he said that the embargoes and restrictions on transfer of advanced technologies is hampering the In- ternational Atomic Energy Agency’s efforts to transform the developing countries from de- pendence to self-reliance. Mr. Parvez Butt stressed that an important requirement of Pakistan, as a developing country, is access to equipment and material from the industrially advanced countries. However, various embargoes and restric- tions on the availability of such equipment act as an impediment in accelerating economic development of many countries, which have attained a certain level of advancement with the IAEA’s Technical Cooperation Pro- Mr. Parvez Butt, Chairman PAEC, addressing the 47th Annual General Conference of the IAEA in gramme. “This policy has not been result Vienna, Austria, on 17 September, 2003 as Head of the Delegation from Pakistan oriented in the past nor it would be in the future. We would like that Standing Advisory should deliberate on this matter and advise prominent countries in the developing world Group on Technical Cooperation (SAGTAC) the Agency on how to facilitate the transfer of where nuclear electricity can play a vital role technology from the advanced countries to in its economic development. We have been the developing countries in an effective and encouraged by the reported bright future of Pakistan elected to the IAEA sustainable manner.” nuclear power in the USA and in South Asia Board of Governors and the Pacific region. We are also extremely Pakistan has made significant achievements sensitive to the risk of industrial pollution Pakistan has been elected as a member of the in the peaceful application of nuclear energy expected as a result of economic growth. IAEA Board of Governors for the period 2003- for the socio-economic uplift of the country. This further obligates us to resort to the nu- 2005. These advancements were in line with our clear power in the coming years. Pakistan is national social and economic developmental fully alive to this situation and will move for- Pakistan’s candidature for the membership of plans where our nuclear activities made con- ward to enhance the use of nuclear power for the executive organ of the IAEA was unani- tributions either in a direct way or they were its economic development with a proper en- mously decided by the Middle East & South instrumental as complimentary activities to ergy mix. Our excellent operational and Asia (MESA) Group at the International the main programmes of the country. safety record of our two nuclear power plants, Atomic Energy Agency. KANUPP and CHASNUPP, and the exist- In the field of agriculture alone, the applica- ence of a reliable infrastructure relevant to Pakistan has previously served on the Board tion of nuclear techniques has led to an in- the nuclear power plants have encouraged for fourteen terms. The re-election of Pakistan creased revenue of Rs. 6 billion per year. us to acquire another nuclear power station to the IAEA’s Board of Governors speaks of With this money, a small to medium sized similar to CHASNUPP. the trust and confidence that the international nuclear power plant can be installed every six nuclear community places in Pakistan for its to seven years. This is the regenerative effect PAEC Chairman further stated that future relentless efforts to promote the objectives of of introducing nuclear technology in Pakistan activities will not be limited merely to the the Agency and the interests of the developing and we appreciate the cooperation of IAEA, installation of more power plants but to fur- member states. the Chairman added. ther extend the utilisation of these facilities for powering desalination plants. “We are ac- Mr. Parvez Butt, Chairman PAEC attended the “The acquisition of sustainable energy for the tively working with IAEA for establishing the meeting of the Board held on 23 September, economic development is the right and the country’s first demonstration desalination 2003, as Governor from Pakistan. necessity of every country. This reality has unit at KANUPP. We are keen to play serious been amply recognized in the Statute of the role in the international efforts to promote Agency. Pakistan is perhaps one of the most international project on innovative nuclear reactors and fuel cycle so that Pakistan could tury. These changes are presenting taxing benefit from safe, cost-effective and prolif- challenges to the Agency in fulfillment of its Pakistan has made significant eration-resistant nuclear power plants.” central role as a promoter of world prosperity achievements in the peaceful through the safe and peaceful uses of nu- application of nuclear energy Pakistan’s cooperation with the Agency in the clear technologies. My country has been area of safeguards had always remained ex- watching with interest and appreciation the for the socio-economic uplift emplary and we have had a spotless record. way the Agency is taking these challenges of the country. These We believe in credible, effective and eco- and steering itself clear through the difficul- nomically viable safeguards of the Agency. ties with commendable skills and wisdom. advancements were in line “We once again assure the world community We are pleased that the statutory interests of with our national social and that we are fully committed to the cause of the Member States, particularly those of the the Agency’s safeguards system. Pakistan developing countries, have been given due economic developmental will put all its efforts to keep the safeguards importance while toiling through these new plans where the nuclear fully functional and will oppose any impedi- challenges. Pakistan will continue to provide ments which could negatively effect its its full cooperation to the Agency in its future activities made contributions smooth operation. endeavours, he said. either in a direct way or they “We would like to reiterate our earnest desire “We have further strengthened the security were instrumental as to continue fulfilling all our obligations under measures around our nuclear installations to complimentary activities to existing safeguards agreements. We are avoid any possibility of nuclear terrorism or confident that our cooperation with the of illicit trafficking of nuclear material. In order the main programmes Agency, in this area, will further strengthen to enhance cooperation with the IAEA we are how to overcome the financial problems in a during the coming years”, he said, adding, participating in the Agency’s activities and realistic way". Realizing the importance of “while fully acknowledging the importance of are pleased to renew our commitment to a this matter, Pakistan has consistently ad- safeguards as one of the main pillars of safer world in line with the Agency’s nuclear hered to the practice of paying all its contri- Agency’s activities, my country places equal security plan. Our active participation in the butions in full and in a timely manner emphasis on the balanced approach to other Agency’s initiative to strengthen the Conven- regardless of its economic problems. Paki- Statutory functions of the Agency. We firmly tion on the Physical Protection of Nuclear stan’s support to Agency will continue in the believe that maintenance of a proper balance Materials will continue. We are desirous of an future as well, he assured, and placed on between the promotional aspects and safety early conclusion of the deliberations on the record deep gratitude to the Agency for its or security related concerns in all the CPPNM with the hope that this important help and assistance through its technical co- Agency’s functions is essential to success. It Convention will enable us to enhance our operation programme. is difficult to comprehend why a simple notion capabilities to protect our nuclear installa- of harmonious balance should become a tions and the material in a more effective The Chairman commended the excellent matter of contention among some Member manner. work SAGTAC has been doing for the past States. We would like to emphasize the need several years to refine the Agency’s technical for cohesion and greater understanding Speaking on the Agency’s financial con- cooperation programme. It would be helpful among all the members of the Agency to straints, PAEC Chairman said Pakistan has for the Member States if the recommenda- push forward the Agency’s mandate. This always believed that Agency must be sup- tions of SAGTAC are periodically brought to would enhance its strength and credibility”. ported by the Member States for its financial their notice. He said that Pakistan greatly needs in order to fulfill its statutory obligation. appreciates the role the regional agreements “The world community is witnessing dramatic “We emphasize the need for constituting a are playing in supplementing the develop- changes of the perceptions of international working group of the interested Member mental activities of the Agency. Pakistan has peace and security since the turn of the cen- States to study and advise the Agency on benefited from the programmes of the RCA and would like further strengthening of its activities. Supporting the idea of formation of the World Nuclear University, he said that Pakistan has already indicated intention to participate in its activities and contribute to its success. “Paki- stan has recently joined the SESAME Pro- ject. The Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East is going to be an international center for research and advanced technology under the auspices of UNESCO and the active sup- port of the IAEA.