GLOVES New Shades for Fall Appraiser's Report Shows Foxhal! Cloves of Splendid Make and Quality Are Offered .Ts Conaf Fur

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GLOVES New Shades for Fall Appraiser's Report Shows Foxhal! Cloves of Splendid Make and Quality Are Offered .Ts Conaf Fur TUTTJlAT.a.flirPT'BiTrBlaTl tTt fflf. 'ft 4. A ASO FOH TfttUKt. ftapnr Bri.le UNTIL FURTHER NOT1CL tlYjSI It- tlark-a- . I V as .ao I otni.r ifro i ,i Hun i o tAimmnatt ) Marguerite Sylva'9 Hand a verbal v ill to Hie tr li " The groom -- Why no aJ. sweetheart? BUSINESS HOURS 10 A. M. to C P. M. etio compiling ati.iut meatless i no linnet i waa tnttming now He Jl). jut ougtit he thankful that we r"i I t.jltrnitle 1 J be. Jack, If I bad never Stunning Carmen; living meiille.H ilavi. n i )nii. I RiccardoMartinBack "Seein' Things At Night" Bg Sylretter Rawling. 8YL.VA MARGUERITE Good Business! H laat ntaht far roaMeentti airaat ARMat riflh ... tha KOth tn bar oparatlo A previoun offering racAi aa iM brought roMvlt& that TO MOTHERS! Guard your kiddies apiinst Umi .itaca career. Tha arforma-n- r of were extremely ratifying;. torpid liver, tour stomach, constipated bowels Blzct'a opera, tn wnlah aha laanhed f which generate poisons. These "inside" poisons thn impo.alna; aonra, took placo at rtu Hence We Repeatt 16 circulate to the brain, producing bad dreams, then Park Theatre, under Uia ausploea of OUR GREAT FALL SALE the Ftoclaty of Amaiiean Slrurara. Tt a feverish head. Unless you "work" out these proved to be the moat unpreaatva of Two Rousing Values poisons you will have a real sick youngster shortly. the awlnty'a ofTarinr It sraa ed MEANS Special Sale Items Cascarets are a candy cathartic, Ideal for children. by a crowded audtfinoa. Mm in Cost only 10 cents a box. Read below! dylva'a rypsy oliaxntta inrt la becoaoa In Every Section a claaalc. Aa Oajve'a Carman atood in the eatlmatloa of a pruviooa MEN'S CLOTHING ao Bylva'a Carmen atanda to A Great Special Purchase of fSSB .' this. Bar conception of the charso ter, worked oat to the email eel detail, SUITS TOPCOATS seemad apontavneotia. Trie aubtlaty of Special, A LARGE SPECIALTY STORE aeduoUveneira. tha torrent of paaain 15.75 Special. 12.50 u.nd AdTanre Pall styles, perfect foi Pall early the forfetCulnaaa of It when Its fit rtoitaMt aad f Extra Values in oourae i.i run, tha gnli of lealouay, ting and properly tailored high Winter wear smartly cut aad well fitting a wide WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S und tha tigerish cruelty of tha woroui grada fabrics ia Tarious browns, included ia MEN'S. MERINO UNDERWEAR ar lection of fabrics are Cray, MEANS MEN'S HOSIERY, CLOVES all tound expression to m oompoalte greea aod gray snlzturaa. All FURNISHINGS. navy blues and blacks, as ell as WOOLENS, BOYS' picture, tier voice responded to the regular, INFANTS' FURNISHINGS. DRAPERIES tisea extra long aad green aad brown tnixturaa. ar inQnit variety of her emotion. But, extra short ooes locloded. Regular and stout fisea dear lime, tiylra, bow oouid Carra-- i, iaaooUted only with bn (funds and sol- Also This Fall Sale Value ENOUGH SAID! diers, aii.iru that priceless shawl tlaaat you wore in L,illia Postla'a Inn? $4.95 Men's Hats 7. TTTT. Keep Curinen to her muttons, pleasj! IM Miscellaneous Needs iticcardu Martin, long a stranger r Pali dour stjles blsck. green, olive, tan and brown sll sites. ua, w&h warmly woicomnd aa Don SATURDAY At Fall Sale Prieaa Joaa. He waa a plciureaque Ugurii, JS commaudins; In acuon. sins;lnc too tt 51 Half H 1.97 Hor woi-eea- r stridently aa Is his wont, eapoclally Mack, while aad Day colore lisle sole, keei and ten 10 the Quwcr sonf, hut earryios; Is Misses' It waa a shock, because Mr. slight Imperfertiona. Martin la ao artist, to aoe him rtae In the Coat and Suit Departments fpm the feet of Carmen, ihu J CM9SNS 5rocfnw 91 after I Children Inve Cascarets because they taste like candy. When your flower aong, and bow in acknowledg- Mnny new models at special prices make it an exceptionally II ark cotton don bla beat aad toe or aiaea S ta Rt,. child has a white tongue, feverish breath, foul stomach, give Caacareu ment of the upplauae. rHEFonrtaantk Waal FlftB A.aaaa interesting lny. itutb Miller, taking the plac f anytime to "work" the nasty bile, souring food and bowel poison from Kianoa Saroya, was Somers'a HmndhmnhUts . .19 who announced SUITS Hdosea p aa Micaela, nang, acted and lookixl a99 the clogged-u- places. You needn't coax even cross, sick children to '.bp part admirably. BROADCLOTH AND VELOUR Small or large Ultlals plain as Offering ECONOMY SUITS fleaiga. Fca-mlll- o. Special Saturday la in- arealh take these harmless candy "Cascarets." They never gripe never Herri ."'omtt woj a dashing SPECIAL 23.50 SPECIAL He acted tho famous Toreador UlO'li'll SUITS jure. Cascarets never disappoint the worried mother. Each 10 cent box Sr.rral attractive 8.t4 Men's HmndhnthUtt ' aong better than he sang it. Mlanone thia prioa. Somu new .11 ' come at Thrse suits are in the Vfdoseta contains directions and dote for children aged one year old and upwards. de i, '"' i and Florence Mulford were pluah collars, others .OS Pranquita Mercedea, bave shailra of IVLin and castor, laarge alaa. toft finisa. Advt. and and tbe caat how nvrrlay velvet ri.llare. included 1'rauklln Biker, Waltor TenderfootDressShoes Embroidery aad burkle aa well as brown, aavy I - ' - Orecne, Howard White and Harv y (rstures and burgundy smart serges Wilson. Tbe incidental dances wara belts are furtbar Por man aad boys ...T. 9 THEATRES noted. black; also SO by I.' I art and Laurka Kurylo. FOR WOMEN to be In nary and our reg. halfdosea... .49 - Expert Dentistry Onrn mora it la r t to call Oifnrds sre included la this WINTER GARDEN the A VARIETY OF STYLES-SPECIA- Rft&fta attention of Mr. Hinshaw to the Im- group. These suits eshibit J4 portance of more If or- - 99. 50 t Jatmn e99 rehearsals the - gaa tatlon of which ha Is president is Wool poplins and serges in long, slender lines, and rry Pot women and children- eicel-len- t 5acs to make a lasting Impression. Mr 7.85 navy, brown, burgundy and new designs. valtta sold anly ky the Hagamart, who conducted laat nlg.r Mark, in maay becoming half doceta. must bavn been at bla wits and somo- - All Size Ml Width, asodels, show dlversa treat- Finer salts from 49.00 np tlmas, as tbe chorus lagged behind r rollers, pleat-iag- s tt.ST fmheefaa 1.99 ments of cuffs, black, g;iJloped away from him. And that aad new rffecta. Individual models. For men and women silk chorus ts intelligent. It needs only i Fashionable, high-cu- t models. Dnrk brown tyitli fnwn color ad uimb b.!xmS fabrlw Tadasil Why Suffer with decayed, aching, mHster hand to train It Why not bandies. tinslirhtly teeth I ran restore your Mr. Illnsh.iw, borrow Fanlln statu but'knkin tops to match; new long vamp laata, light welted FROCKS DRESSES-SPECI- .IS MMmm . ."7.":. 1 mouth to a healthy and normal con- from Mr. Oattl for two or three hours (uili-s- , high Ixmis leather, or medium militury heels. JTCHOICE OF THREE STYLES NEW SATIN AL .3 dition at small cost. a day? And. please Mr. Hinshaw, Sash millinery sad hair how .tll.OO widths black, wbita aad colors I Specialize in Extraction an extra back drop. It waa discon SPECIAL 10.0O TThf b"t Dlav rr srrn In lO certing to find IJIIas Pastla's Inn At tblt price are dresses year, ami msrn fhrm all." absolutely Pain- Combine Sty pleated 8 J. KHiifrnnnrr th i.lrtn Teeth extracted fronting the square In Seville. Tenderfoot Shoes Comfort with lei Three eiceptioaal models la with strsigbt or J4 jrfcfcwts. .TTT 3 "With I hail written it." Trrfn O m. less either by means of my Loral skirts, and Russian tunic Millinery ano) ha r how widths Anaesthetic or the administration, of "The Harbor of Seville" waa Bun? Shoe Department Second Floor. navy blue serge, feature rlfrrts. One style sbows bast rtdorts p al and fancy stripes. I' I llTL Al , L Hi (ras. by Kan Carlo Grand Opera Com- braid embroidery In this I HAL photM Brjtiit J7 Vw,i a-- AAf the ten Mfi Superior crown and bridge work. pany at the SMibort Theatre Uttl braid ar embroidery trim group are alo a number of t .IS Buttons erf. 34 W;LV' dre-s- ALICE FOREVER Hates that fit. PUllngl that laat nlrht, and a competent cast pleassd attractive sample dresses in Novelty aad paarV s aad suit I n Queena mlng, collars nr cdlarlcts navy BRADY AFTER Work. large nudlcnco. Maiio sai THEATRES PHOTO PLAYS. errge and aatm Colnfs Guaranteed Moderate Prices we'l. and hor Ion and blai k ii,. r.. I.t.r II - 1" Rolna styles. ft). I., wns all tha more appreciated e o r m m s Coney Banding 1.4 3 CtNlURY M V M A .1.1... it. IW. LYCHJivr r. 3 tl.S of her dtrtlrtilt rolo .f the nlpht be ua Tlrnm. A .il I SI f in. reversible and lined lilaik. fore. Joseph Mover was I'lgaro, Pn HUMP! brown, white. SKINNER DUMPTT Alwava Heat- - .VI. 7.1c. a O Dr.ASKINS raccl was Alinavlva, (srvl was Ba OTIS wtm Binding Braid . alO Jin CfcNTI 111 lUfcATIlK vr 11. SO. tolo and de Blasl BaslHo. Alice J4 CLN RY G Kb Myv''KT DENTIST Homer and Luciano Rossini roundel Ntw AtTTslirtfarfn Su4tft-T- i T" 28tV SATURDAY Black silk!.' ia.
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