.CYLINDERS 2M WA = 2-minute wax, 4M WA= 4-minute wax, 4M BA = Edison Blue Amberol, OBT = original box and top, OP = original descriptive pamphlet. Repro B/T = Excellent reproduction Edison orange box and printed top. All others in clean, used boxes. Any mold on wax cylinders is always described. All cylinders not described as in OB (original box with generic top) or OBT (original box and original top) are boxed (most in good quality boxes) with tops and are standard 2¼” diameter. All grading is visual. BESSIE ABOTT [s]. 9360. Edison 2-M Grand B-23. : L’air des bijoux (Gounod). OBT. Just about 1-2. $40.00. ADELINA AGOSTINELLI [s]. Bergamo, 1882-Buenos Aires, 1954. A student in of Giuseppe Quiroli, whom she later married, Agostinelli made her debut in Pavia, 1903, as Giordano’s Fedora. She appeared with suc- cess in South America, Russia, Spain, Eng- land and her native and was on the roster of the Hammerstein Manhattan Opera, 1908-10. One New York press notice indi- cates that her rendering of the “Suicidio” from on a Manhattan Sunday night concert “kept her busy bowing in recognition to applause for three or four minutes”. At she was cast with Battistini in Simon Boccanegra and created for that house in 1911 the Marschallin in their first Rosenkavalier. Her career contin- ued into the mid-1920s, when she retired to Buenos Aires and taught. 9336. Edison BA 28159. LA TRAVIATA: Addio del passato (Verdi). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $30.00. [t] 9364. Edison BA 23198. MARTHA: None so rare (Flotow). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $20.00. BLANCHE ARRAL [s] 9347. Edison 4-M Wax Amberol B-190. LE COEUR ET LA MAIN: Bolero (Lecocq). OBT. Cons. 2. $35.00.

MARIA AVEZZA [s]. See FRANCESCO BLANCHE ARRAL DADDI [t] GIOVANNI BARATTO [b]. Vercelli, 1882-Vercelli, 1934. Baratto’s original training was as an electrician, which supported his vocal studies. In 1908, he made his debut at the Sociale di Biella in Ernani. His career was first in small Italian theaters. Following a tour of Russia and the Far East around 1910, which lasted over a year, he returned to Italy to appear in larger Italian houses such as Torino, , Bologna and Monza. Singing as a guest with opera companies in Egypt and Portugal, Baratto then assumed leading roles at the Naples Teatro San Carlo, including Scarpia and Iago. At the Arena in Verona, 1922, he was Telramund in . One of his par- ticular successes was the part of Jack Rance in Puccini’s La Fanciulla del West, which he first interpreted in 1913 at the Sociale di Como. Baratto’s career continued into the later 1920s. His only recordings were cylinders and unpublished discs for Edison in 1910 and a few sides for a small company in Italy in the 1920s. 9344. Edison BA 22462. : Prologo (Leoncavallo). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $40.00. RUDOLF BERGER [t]. Brno, 1874-, 1915. He made his debut in 1897 as Telramund. Berger had been very successful as a in and Austria in particular when he met Oscar Saenger, the teacher of his to-be wife, Marie Rappold, following a perform- ance of Amfortas (another source states the role was Klingsor) in at Bayreuth in 1908. When Saenger suggested that he was really a , Berger cancelled his European operatic itinerary for the season and sailed for New York to study with Saenger. Upon returning to Ger- many he made his re-entry at the Berlin Opera as Lohengrin and never returned to baritone parts. He was first heard at the in 1914 as Siegmund. Berger’s last appearance was

- 7 - Vocal CYLINDERS as Siegfried in Götterdämmerung, Feb. 18, 1915. He died eight days later of heart problems from which he had apparently been suffering for some time. 9363. U.S. Everlasting Oscar Saenger Singing Record No. 6. : La fleur (Bizet). Piano acc. In German. Announced by Oscar Saenger. Rim information states only “Singaphone No. 6” These Saenger cylinders may be unpublished. I’ve never seen or heard of this series, and I would guess they must have been recorded about the time that U.S. Everlasting went out of business (later 1912). It would seem that they were made to advertise Saenger’s pupils (and thereby Saenger). He refers to Herr Berger in the announcement as “First Tenor of the Royal Opera, Berlin”. It would be fascinating to find out more about this group and what other recordings were made, particularly as this is number six. You will find another in this catalogue under Orville Harrold, also a Saenger pupil. In repro Edison BA box. The surface is slightly rippled, but it plays quite well using a Blue Amberol reproducer. Otherwise it seems clean. 2-3. $150.00. JOHANNES BISCHOFF [b]. Berlin, 1874-Darm- stadt, 1936. Bischoff’s debut was in Cologne, 1899, as Daland in The Flying Dutchman. In 1904-05 he was engaged as Amfortas in a U.S. tour of Wagner’s Parsifal with the Savage Opera Company, appearing in sixty-four American cities. He was subsequently heard throughout Germany, including in the 1909 Berlin premiere of Strauss’s Elektra, and later in the premieres of a number of by composers such as Hindemith, von Reznicek, d’Albert and Gian Francesco Malipiero. His RUDOLF BERGER in his study only recordings were two 1907 Hanover G&T discs and three 1909 Edison cylinders. 9334. Edison BA 26072. DIE WALKÜRE: Wotans Abschied (Wagner). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $50.00. 9357. Edison BA 26092. DER ERLKÖNIG (Schubert). OBT (slightly soiled). Cylinder just about 1-2. $50.00. ALESSANDRO BONCI [t] 9361. Edison BA 29003. FAUST: Salve dimora (Gounod). OBT (worn). Cylinder appears to be just about 1-2. $40.00. 9337. Edison BA 29005. LUISA MILLER: Quando le sere a placido (Verdi). OBT. OP. Just about 1-2. $40.00. ERNESTO CARONNA [b] and LUIGI LUCENTI [bs] 9348. Edison 4-M Wax Amberol B-182. I PURITANI: Suoni la tromba (Bellini). Only form of issue. OB. Cons. 2. $35.00.

LUIGI CILLA [t]. Rimini, 1885- ? . After singing principal parts in Italian provincial theaters, Cilla became internationally famous as an interpreter of roles. At La Scala, he was in the 1911 Italian premiere of La Fanciuilla del West and was active there and at the Rome Costanzi for many seasons between 1910 and 1940. Also, from 1925-1937, he was frequently on the Covent Garden stage and appeared in performances there recorded by HMV (including with Zenatello and Turandot with Martinelli). Cilla’s U.S. debut was in 1910 with the Boston Opera. 9333. Edison Blue Amberol 22442. DON PASQUALE: Com’ è gentil (Donizetti). OBT. Just about 1-2. $50.00. FLORENCIO CONSTANTINO [t] 9359. Edison BA 28140. OTELLO: Morte d’Otello (Verdi). Announced by Constantino. OBT (top has some wear). His death spasms are quite extreme! Cylinder just about 1-2. $30.00. - 8 - Vocal CYLINDERS PETER CORNELIUS [t]. Labjerggaard, Jutland,1865-Snekkersten, nr. Copenhagen, 1934. He originally studied as a baritone and made his initial stage appearance in 1892 as Escamillo. Restudying as a tenor, he then made a second debut in 1899 as the Steersman in Der fliegende Holländer. He added most of the principal tenor Wagnerian roles to his repertoire and gave memorable performances as Siegfried at Bayreuth (1906) and Covent Garden (1908-09). Other opera houses in which he appeared were in , , Karlsruhe, Oslo and Buda- pest. Retiring in 1922, Cornelius made one final appearance in 1927 as Tannhäuser when the engaged tenor became ill. 9332. 2-M Wax Edison 15149. MAJSANG (Lembcke). OB (plain top). Just about 1-2. $35.00. FRANCESCO DADDI [t] 9328. Edison BA 22411. LUCIA: Verranno a te sull’ aura (Donizetti). With MARIA AVEZZA [s]. OBT. IMs. Just about 1-2. $30.00 MARIE DELNA [c] 9349. Edison 4-M Wax Amberol 40029. LA GIOCONDA: Voce di donna (Ponchielli). Only form of issue. OBT. Tiny stkr. on top (original dealer). Cons. 2. $40.00. GEORGES DULIÈRE [bs] 9342. Edison BA 27105. : Bénédiction des Poignards (Meyerbeer). OBT. Just about 1-2. $40.00.

ANNA GULBRANDSEN-CALVERT [c]. 9341. Edison BA 9232. BISSAM, BISSAM, BAADNE; IFJOR GJAET EG GEITIN; EIN LITEN GUT IFRA TISTEDALEN (Swedish Songs). OBT. Box is a bit worn although cylinder is just about 1-2. $25.00. ORVILLE HARROLD [t] 1878-1933. Harrold’s career began in in 1906. After studies with Oscar Saenger in 1910, he made his debut with Hammerstein’s Manhattan Opera and appeared subsequently as a leading tenor with several U.S. companies, including the Chicago Opera and the Met. He retired from the latter in 1924 and then sang in vaudeville. 9362. U.S. Everlasting Oscar Saenger Singing Record No. 7. THE SNOWY BREASTED PEARL (Robinson). Piano acc. Announced by Oscar Saenger. Rim information states only “Singaphone No. 7”. These Saenger cylinders may be unpublished. I’ve never seen or heard of this series, and I would guess they must have been recorded about the time that U.S. Everlasting went out of business. It would seem that they were made to advertise Saenger’s pupils (and thereby Saenger). It would be fascinating to find out more about this group and what other recordings were made, particularly as this is number seven. You will find one other in this catalogue under Rudolf Berger, who Saenger retrained as a tenor. In repro Edison BA box. The surface is slightly rippled, but it plays acceptably using a Blue Amberol reproducer. Otherwise it seems clean. 3. $50.00. ALLAN C. HINCKLEY [bs]. Gloucester, MA, 1877-Yonkers, NY, 1954. He studied in New York and then with Siegfried Wagner at Bayreuth and made his debut at as King Henry in Lohengrin. His Covent Garden debut was in 1904 and he returned there in 1907 and again in 1910. At Bayreuth he was Hagen (1906) and Hunding and King Henry (1908). From 1908 until 1911 and again 1913-1914 he was a member of the Metropolitan Opera, singing a number of Wagnerian parts as well as Ramfis (), Sparafucile (), Capulet (Roméo et Juliette) and Tommaso (Tiefland). 9345. U.S. Everlasting 4-M 34017. TANNHÄU- ALLAN C. HINCKLEY SER: O du mein holder Abendstern (Wag-

- 9 - Vocal CYLINDERS ner). Title information on rim has vanished (as is the case with most U.S. Ever- lastings) but surface appears to be just about 1-2. $100.00. 9358. U.S. Everlasting 4-M AM 1300. BEDOUIN LOVE SONG (Pinsuti). OB. Rim information partially present. Surface appears just about 1-2. $75.00. KARL JÖRN [t] 9331. 4-M Wax Edison 40042. : Le rêve (Massenet). In French. OBT. Just about 1-2. $40.00.

THEODOR LATTERMANN [bs-b]. Frankfurt am Main,1880-Seehof near Berlin, 1926. Lattermann originally studied with tenor Andreas Dippel and made his debut in Barnem, 1907. From 1908 he was associated with the Hamburg Opera for most of his career, although he sang as a guest with a number of other companies. Along with his wife, contralto Ottlie Metzger, Lattermann appeared in the U.S. as a member of the German Opera Company, which included the American premiere of d’Albert’s Die toten Augen. 9335. Edison BA 26094. WAFFENSCHMIED: Auch ich wär ein Jüngling (Lortzing). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $35.00. EMMA LOEFFLER (s). Born in Pittsburgh, PA, of German ancestry, Loeffler studied in with Emile Artaud and and appeared in French repertoire in Ghent and Bruges. Returning to the U.S., she was booked by Oscar Hammerstein for the first two seasons of his Manhattan Opera. She took a stage name, “Regina d’Arta” or “Régine Arta”, and during that first (1906-07) season made her debut as Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni with Russ, Donalda, Bonci, Gilibert and Ancona, later appearing as Micaëla in Carmen with Bressler-Gianoli and Dalmorès. Feeling that she wasn’t being provided with enough work, she broke her two season contract and went into vaudeville. When this didn’t work to her satisfaction, she then proceeded to Germany and a return to opera, where she appeared in Colmar, Mainz, Düsseldorf and Darmstadt, also touring two seasons with The Carl Rosa English Opera Company. Returning to the U.S., she gave a recital in New York’s Aeolian Hall with marked success. Her only recordings seem to have been two cylinders for Edison, dating from around 1914. 9325. Edison BA 26178. O SCHÖNE ZEIT (Goetz). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 9339. Edison BA 26191. WENN DIE SCHWALBEN HEIMWÄRTS ZIEH’N (Franz Abt). IMs. Orig. B/T. Just about 1-2. $25.00. [t]. Hopkinsville, KY, 1874-New York City, 1953. Martin’s musical talent was not at first encouraged by his family, an uncle, in fact, declaring “ ‘if he is determined to become a musician the best thing to do would be to take him into a four-acre lot and shoot him,’ a fate usually saved for unmanageable horses.” [as reported by Michael Bott in The Record Collector, XXVI/2]. He first studied composition at with MacDowell, beginning in 1896. Vocal studies began in earnest with Sbriglia and Escalaïs in Paris, 1901, as well as coaching with . His debut was in Nantes, France, 1904, as Gounod’s Faust, and he was first heard at the Met in 1907 as Faust in Boïto’s Mefistofele. He studied further with Caruso’s teacher, Lombardi, and was even given some lessons (mostly pointers) by Caruso himself. Martin’s Metropolitan career was successful and continued through 1915, although there are reports that tensions between Mrs. Martin (who felt his salary should be com- mensurate with that of Caruso, as they sang a similar repertoire) and the management may well have led to his departure from the company. A re- turn for one performance in 1917 was a disaster (a result of his ill health that evening), although he RICCARDO MARTIN had much better luck with the Chicago Opera and several touring companies in which he participated. His career ended in the late 1920s. He was the first American tenor to have appeared at the Metropolitan Opera in leading roles. 9366. Edison 4-M Wax Amberol B-181. : E lucevan le stelle (Puccini). Only form of issue. Not OBT. Just about 1-2. $40.00. 9354. Edison 4-M Wax Amberol B-191. : Brindisi (Mascagni). With chorus. Only form of issue. OBT. Just about 1-2. $40.00.

- 10 - Vocal CYLINDERS CARL NEBE [bs] 9329. Edison BA 26033. DIE BEIDEN GRENADIERE (Schumann). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $30.00. PAUL PAPSDORF [t]. , 1881-Trelleberg [], 1941. Papsdorf was a church singer as a youth and made his adult tenor debut around 1910 in Altenburg (Thuringia). Subsequently, he appeared in Bremen and had great success, 1919-25, with the Berlin- Charlottenburg Opera. His career seems to have continued in various German operatic centers until his death. While he was particularly noted as a Wagnerian tenor, he also appeared in the principal tenor roles of Die toten Augen and Tiefland (both d’Albert) and Meyerbeer’s Le Prophète, among other parts. Success also greeted him on the concert stage. He apparently made only the recording listed below. 9327. Edison BA 26141. LOHENGRIN: Gralserzählung (Wagner). OBT. IMs. Just about 1-2. $50.00. PAUL PAYAN [bs] 9343. Edison BA 27041. LE COR (Flégier). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $35.00. 9320. Edison BA 27108. LA JUIVE: Si la rigeur (Halévy). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $35.00. MARIE RAPPOLD [s] 9346. Edison 4-M Wax Amberol 30033. : Timor di me … D’amor sull’ ali rosee (Verdi). Only form of issue. Attractive singing. Good trills and a comfortable high D flat (twice). OBT. Cons. 2. $30.00. ANTONIO SCOTTI [b] 9351. Edison 2-M Wax Grand Opera B-5. DON PASQUALE: Pure siccome un angelo (Donizetti). Reg. 2-M box and top. Cylinder is just about 1-2. $75.00.

PAUL SEEBACH [b]. 1879-Schwerin, 1959. He was a chorister with the Vienna Hofoper until making his debut as Don Alfonso in Così fan tutte in Wiesbaden, 1903. He subsequently appeared in various German houses, including Strassburg, Klagenfurt, Magdeburg, Königsberg, Chemnitz and Danzig, among others. Seebach was, from 1934 to 1950, with the Schwerin Staats- oper and later taught. 9322. Edison BA 26107. DER FLIEGENDE HÖLLANDER: Arie des Daland (Wagner). Orig. B/T. IMs on top. Just about 1-2. $40.00. 9319. Edison BA 26123. LES HUGUENOTS: Piff-Paff-Puff (Meyerbeer). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $40.00. [t] 9355,. Edison4-M Wax Grand Opera Amberol 40031. ALESSANDRO STRADELLA: Serenade (Flotow). OBT (dealer’s label on side. Slightly soiled). Cylinder appears to be just about 1-2. $60.00. MARGUERITE SYLVA [s]. , 1875 – Glen- dale, CA, 1957. Sylva was born Marguerite Alice Hélène Smith. Her father was a Belgian physician of American parentage. After studies in Paris, Sylva made her debut in London as Carmen in 1892. She was with the Paris Opéra- Comique, 1892-1907, and also sang in Berlin and Vienna, as well as the Philadelphia and Chicago Opera companies. She had sung the role of Carmen at least 600 times over a forty year period. In 1911, Sylva temporarily entered the operetta world and appeared in the first New York presentation of Lehar’s Gypsy Love. Unfortunately, she had been ill for several days before the premiere, and she had to cede her role during the first act of the opening to her understudy, Phyllis Partington. Partington did so well that it was announced she would continue in the part until Miss Sylva’s complete recovery and then would alternate performances with her. Prior to the premiere, Sylva, along with two other members of the original cast, the conductor and orchestra, were hired by Edison to record a series of cylinder excerpts from the operetta. In later years, Sylva appeared as a character actress in a few Hollywood films. Her death occurred when, while driving to give a voice CARL HAYDN (see Sylva, item #9367) lesson, she lost control of her car and crashed into a house. She had been given the auto a year earlier as a guest on the TV show “This Is Your Life”. - 11 - Vocal, Instrumental CYLINDERS 9350. Edison 4-M Wax Amberol 28003. GYPSY LOVE: I Will Give You All For Love Ever- lasting (Lehár). Conducted by Louis F. Gottschalk (Music Director of the 1911 Broadway production that starred Sylva). Just about 1-2. $35.00. 9367. Edison 4-M Wax Amberol 28004. GYPSY LOVE: There Is a Land of Fancy (Lehár). With CARL HAYDN [t]. This is the only known recording of Haydn (Vienna, 1880- ? ), who was purportedly a direct descendant of Franz Josef Haydn. He came to America at the age of seven and returned to Vienna two years later, revisiting the U.S. at the age of 12 in a tour as a boy soprano. After his voice changed to a tenor, he was accepted at the Vienna Royal Conservatory. He then trained further in Italy with Gastaldon and Vannini and in Paris with Massenet and Thomé, returning to Vienna for studies with Ulanowsky. His career seems mostly to have been as a star in operetta in the U.S., although according to one article he sang with the Vienna Opera for a period in the early 1900s. Interestingly, Who’s Who in Music for 1927 (U.S. publication) gives his birthplace as New York and states that he studied with Max Heinrich in Chicago, William Shakespeare in England and that he made his debut in New Orleans in 1903. Here he is mentioned primarily as an operatic, oratorio and concert tenor. OBT. Box is a bit worn. Cylinder is just about 1-2. $50.00 GIOVANNI TEGONINI (orig. TEGONI) [t]. Parma, 1877 - ? . His debut appears to have been in Trento, 1901, at the Teatro Sociale. He subsequently traveled throughout Italy through at least 1916, appearing in many houses including Milan’s Teatro Lyrico and Teatro dal Verme, Bologna’s Teatro Verdi, Bari’s Teatro Petruzzelli and the Teatro Rossini in Venice, just to cite a few. He was also heard in Spain (Teatro Reale in Madrid) and in . 9318. Edison BA 22472. TOSCA: Recondita armonia (Puccini). Repro Box/Top. Just about 1-2. $60.00. [s] 9353. Edison BA 28237. FAUST: Air des bijoux (Gounod). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $25.00. HEDWIG ZIMMER [s]. 9326. EdisonBA 26137. AVE MARIA (Schubert). Repro B/T. Just about 1-2. $30.00.

Instrumental CYLINDERS HERMAN SANDBY [cellist]. Zeeland, Denmark, 1883-1966. Sanby studied for five years at the Frankfurt Conservatory with Hugo Becker. At the age of 15 he was invited to play at Buckingham Palace for Queen Victoria. His formal debut was with the Copenhagen Orchestral Society in January, 1900. Following a tour of the U.S. in 1903-04. he returned to and toured with pianist Percy Grainger, who became a lifelong friend of Sandby. Sandby was a vegetarian and eventually converted Grainger to a vegetarian diet. From 1908-09 through five subsequent seasons, Sandby was a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra, his only orchestral post. While in Philadelphia, several of his compositions were premiered there, including a cello concerto (this in Feb., 1916). He returned to Europe and lived in Denmark until his death. – Internet sources. 9356. Edison BA 28220. JOCELYN: Berceuse (Godard). OB. Just about 1-2. $20.00. ALBERT SPALDING [violinist]. Chicago, 1888-1953. Among the most important American violinists of the past century, Spalding studied inter- nationally and made his debut in Paris in 1906. Successful performances in Vienna and London and a tour of England followed. His New York debut took place with the NY Symphony in 1908. He then was heard throughout the world until his retirement in HERMAN SANDBY 1950. As an aside, his father (James Walter Spalding) and his uncle (Hall of Fame baseball pitcher Albert Spalding) created the A.G. Spalding sporting goods company. 9352. Edison BA 23183. SOUVENIR OF MOSCOW (Wienaiwski). B/T. Just about 1-2. $30.00. - 12 - Personality CYLINDERS GEOFFREY O’HARA (composer, singer, lecturer, here a musico- logist). Chatam, Ontario, Canada, 1882-St. Petersburg, FL, 1967. O’Hara left Canada in 1904 for New York, where he joined Lew Dockstader’s Minstrels. Subsequently he appeared as a baritone in operetta in Daily’s Theater in New York. In addition to being a vocalist, Mr. O’Hara was a composer of over 500 popular and art songs, hymns and choral pieces, some recorded at the time by performers as varied as Billy Murray (K-K- K Katy) and (Your Eyes Have Told Me What I Did Not Know). In 1913 he was appointed by the U.S. Department of the Interior to record the tribal songs and music of American Indian tribes. Later he taught and was notably a lecturer. 9368. Edison BA 2451. NAVAJO INDIAN SONGS. O’Hara introduces and performs with tom-tom a group of Navajo songs. Scarce. Repro BT. Just GEOFFREY O'HARA in later years as a lecturer/entertainer about 1-2. $25.00.

EDISON DIAMOND-DISCS SS=early “smooth surface” (laminated, 1912-1915); RC= “Edison Re-Creation” Paper Label (1921- 1924); ER= “Edison Record” Paper Label (1924-1929). All others (1915-1920) have various forms of “etched” black centers. All explanatory talks are by Harry E. Humphrey unless otherwise indicated. Edison discs pick up marks and rubs easily, so unless really extraordinary, top copies will probably be graded “cons. 2”. There should be no difference in sound between records graded “just about 1-2” and those “2” and any other with “superficial” connected with the grading. The same applies to all the other recordings listed in this catalogue. As Edison often issued multiple takes (the letters following the matrix numbers indicate the take), collectors may find comparisons of these interesting. Sometimes the different takes were made during the same session, but other times there could be months or even years separating them. Likewise the takes can be remarkably similar or noticeably different. It’s often possible to see, in comparing multiple takes, that one might be shorter than another. PIERRE A. ASSELIN [t] 9001. ER 74003 [6066-B/6070-C]. MANON: Le Rêve (Massenet) / : Elle ne croyait pas (Thomas). Just about 1-2 $20.00. TORCOM BÉZAZIAN [b] 9000. ER 74014 [7139-A/7310-G]. LE DERNIER TANGO [CHANSON ARGENTINE) (Doloire) / AIMER [CHANSON NAPOLITINE] (de Cristofaro). In French. Lt. superficial rubs, gen. 2. $12.00. ALESSANDRO BONCI [t] 9053. RC 83013 [2278-A/2551-F]. RIGOLETTO: La donna è mobile (Verdi) / EXPLANA- ALESSANDRO BONCI TORY TALK. Excellent pressing. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00.

- 13 - VOCAL EDISON DIAMOND-DISCS 9054. RC 83023 [2098-B/2723-B]. SERENADE (Gounod) / EXPLANATORY TALK. Side one slight (harmless) rim ripples and one harmless rub, cons. 2. Side two few lbl. tears and pencil mks, cons. 2. $15.00. LUCREZIA BORI [s] 9029. ER 82289 [2229-A/4876-A]. SONNAM- BULA: Ah! non credea mirarti (Bel- lini) / MARIE SUNDELIUS [s]. CAR- MEN: Je dis que rien m’epouvante (Bizet). BOTH LABELS were signed for me by the respective artists. Each singer commented on her records in letters at the time. Said Sundelius in 1956, “I had no idea these were in existence, having none myself. I do remember that to me they were the only records I made that I liked.” Of the Sonnambula side, Lucrezia Bori reported, “To me it is a perfect recording … One [does] not hear any of the colorature of today sing it like that. It may interest you to know that when I made that recording I had never heard the opera nor the before. I was asked if I would like to record it. I explained that I did not know it but that I would be willing to try it so the music was handed to me. … A day or two later I made the recording, having studied the music and interpretation by myself. It is a gem.” Ah, modesty! But then again most collectors would surely agree with LUCREZIA BORI. "Hello Central ...!" her opinion. A really touching perform- ance. Minor lbl. tears and creases. Lt. rubs, cons. 2. $60.00. ERNESTO CARONNA [b] 9005. ER 60026 [6402-B/6404-B]. LA CAMPANA [COUPLET ALDEANO] (Costa) / EL GUITARRICO: Serenata (Pérez Soriano). Just about 1-2. $20.00. ANNA CASE [s] 9036. ER 82078 [3796-G/2720-B]. LA PERLE DU BRÉSIL: Charmant oiseau (David) / EXPLANATORY TALK. Few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $10.00. GUIDO CICCOLINI [t]. See: JULIA HEINRICH [s] ERNEST DAVIS [t]. Born in Iola, KS, he at- tended Bethany College, making his debut there in Mendelssohn’s Elijah at the age of 19. He was with a touring Boston Opera troupe for a period, appearing with them as Rhadames, Manrico, Samson, Turiddu, and so on. During 1926, he was with the Cincinnati Opera, singing the Duke, Rhadames and Alfredo. Despite the heft of his voice, he is reported to have had an easy top, including a high D. He also appeared frequently in oratorio, music festivals and recitals into the 1930s. 9010. ER (elec.) 52153. WHEN SHADOWS FALL O’ER THE CANYON WALL (Loth) / J. LESTER HABERKORN [b]. ROBIN HOOD: Brown October Ale (De Koven). Mr. Haberkorn (Chatsworth, IL, 1885-1963) J. LESTER HABERKORN 'in female attire" for his was a man of many entertainment talents, vaudeville act having sung in opera but mainly in vaudeville and minstrel show tours. He appeared in blackface, as a woman, a singer and a comic. This seems to be his only recording. Just about 1-2. $30.00.

- 14 - VOCAL EDISON DIAMOND-DISCS CONSUELO ESCOBAR DE CASTRO [s] 9019. ER 80752 [7179-A/4820-B]. FAUST: Final Trio (Gounod). With ALBERT LIND- QUEST [t], VIRGILIO LAZZARI [bs] / THOMAS CHALMERS [b]. FAUST: Dio possente (Gounod). Both in Italian. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. YVONNE DE TRÉVILLE [s]. Galveston, TX, 1981 – New York City, 1954. Born of a French father and American mother, de Tréville was raised speaking both French and English. Her early studies were on the harp and violin, followed by voice with Albert Patton and Charles J. Lederer. At the age of sixteen she made her debut with the Castle Square Opera Company in NYC as Marguerite in Faust. Her European debut was at the Paris Opéra-Comique, probably as a result of studies with Mathilde Marchesi in the 1902 period. She was also heard at the Brussels Théâtre de for three seasons as well as at the Vienna Opera. She was equally popular in Russia, singing for a period with the opera in Petrograd and making guest appearances elsewhere in that country. Her most frequently performed role was Lakmé, but she also was heard in much of the standard coloratura repertoire as well as in concert tours. She recorded only for Edison. 9044. ER 82334 [4979-B/5024-C]. LAKMÉ: Où va la jeune Indoue (Delibes) / KATHLEEN HOWARD [c]. SAMSON ET DALILA: Prin- temps qui commence (Saint-Saëns). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. ELEONORA DI CISNEROS [c] 9052. SS 83022 [2126-A]. LES HUGUENOTS: Nobil Signori, salute! (Meyerbeer). Early single-sided issue. This and following item discontinued in 1916. Couple lams. on blank side. Surface has a light greyish cast, but plays quite well electrically (1.5 mil stylus), some lt. noise toward end.. Cons. 3-4.. $25.00. 9051. SS 83024 [2127-A]. LA GIOCONDA: Voce di donna (Ponchielli). Early single-sided issue. Tiny lam. in blank side. Just about 1-2. $40.00. MARIA DUCHÈNE [c]. Billard, France,1884- ?. Information as to Duchène’s life and studies in France aren’t readily traceable. What is known is that she arrived in New York in 1907. Little seems to be known of her activities here other than she played the run of ’s Naughty Marietta in 1910 as Adah, “a Quadroon slave”. Her next reported venture was the stage of the Metropolitan Opera, 1912-16, where she gave over 160 perfomances in roles such as Amneris, Giulietta (Tales of Hoffmann), La Cieca (La Gioconda) and the Met premiere of Boris Godounov as well as the world premiere of Charpentier’s Julien. There is then another shadowy period until 1931, when she appeared with César Vezzani on a wonderful French Disque Gramophone recording (six sides) of a scene from Samson et Dalila. The labels still credit her sixteen years later as “du Métropolitan-Opera”. 9018. ER 80766 [2682-A/2683-B]. LE PROPHÈTE: ELEONORA DI CISNEROS in unknown role Ah, mon fils (Meyerbeer) / IL TROVATORE: Stride la vampa (Verdi). Superficial rubs (mostly outer rim areas), cons. 2-3. $15.00. CHARLES HACKETT [t] 9013. SS 88070 [1062-B/1258-A]. BOHEMIAN GIRL: Then You’ll Remember Me / MARIE NARELLE [s]. KILLARNEY (both Balfe). Short lived issue. Just about 1-2. $25.00.

SUE HARVARD [s]. A native of Dowlais, Wales but raised in New Castle, PA, Harvard was primarily a church, oratorio and concert singer. Her vocal studies were in Pittsburgh and in 1914 in Germany with Leon Rains, but further details haven’t turned up. She sang as soloist with the London Symphony and various U.S. orchestras. Her New York recital debut was at Aeolian Hall in 1918. During the season of 1920-21, she was on the Met roster, singing the Priestess in Aida, as well as small roles in Lohengrin, L’Amore dei Tre Re and L’Oiseau Bleu. Her career continued until at least 1940, mostly in concert, church and oratorio work. Aside from the single electrically re- corded item below, here only discs were acoustics for Operaphone (vertically cut, reissued on other - 15 - VOCAL EDISON DIAMOND-DISCS labels, such as “All-Star”) and one disc for Victor in 1913. 9008. ER (elec.) 52524 [19032-A/19033-B]. SOFTLY AND TENDERLY (Thompson) / THOMAS MUIR [t]. IN THE GARDEN (Miles). Both with orch. and chorus. Just about 1-2. $30.00. JULIA HEINRICH [s] 9041. ER 82541 [3943-A/4141-A]. IL TROVATORE: Ai nosti monti (Verdi). With GUIDO CICCOLINI [t] / JOHN CHARLES THOMAS [speaker]. EXPLANATORY TALK. Despite the label designation of the Explanatory Talk being given by Harry Humphrey, it is indeed J. C. Thomas, who, at this early date (1914) in his career had not yet perfected his Italian pronunciation. “Il Trovatore” is repeatedly “Il TRAH-va-tory” and “Guido” Ciccolini becomes “Gee-do”. Nice pressing. Superficial rubs, 2. $15.00. FRIEDA HEMPEL [s] 9034. ER 82171 [6714-C/6817-G]. SILENT NIGHT (Gruber) / O HOLY NIGHT (Adam). Cons. 2. $12.00. 9030. ER 82230 [7738-A/7362-A]. THE HERDSMAN’S SONG [NORWEGIAN ECHO SONG] (Thrane) / MARIE TIFFANY [s]. PEER GYNT: Solvejg’s Vise (Grieg). Both in Nor- wegian. Side one piano acc. Coenraad Bos. Few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $12.00. 9031. ER 82240 [8011-C/8005-B]. MERRY WIDOW: Waltz (Lehár) / THE ANGEL’S SERENADE (Braga). Side two with ALBERT SPALDING [violin]. Piano acc. Robert Gaylor. Small lbl. tear side one. Lt. superficial rubs, 2. $10.00. 9045. ER 82325 [8422-H/9550-A]. THE BIRD SONG (Taubert); THE NIGHT WIND (Roland Farley) / ELF AND FAIRY (Densmore). Label side two signed by Hempel. Few lt. mks., 2. $40.00. HEINRICH HENSEL [t] 9037. SS 82051 [1410-A]. STÄND- CHEN (Schubert). Early single-sided issue. Rare. Discontinued in 1916. Cons. 2. $20.00. KARL JÖRN [t] 9050. RC 83053 [4560-B/4814-A]. LA FORZA DEL DESTINO: Solenne in quest’ ora (Verdi). With ARTHUR MIDDLETON [b] / EXPLANATORY TALK. Lt. rubs, 2. $12.00. HEINRICH KNOTE [t]. This extremely rare record was both issued and cut out in 1913. The Edison file materials list it as sung by Heinrich Hensel, but it certainly isn’t Hensel’s voice (to my ears). On the other hand, Heinrich Knote did record for Edison but his one record scheduled for issue, 82514 (matrices 729/731) never appeared. I’m virtually certain that it is Knote. There is at least one other known error similar to this. HEINRICH HENSEL as Parsifal Edison 82502 (matrix 869) is listed in the Edison files as by Lucrezia Bori and it appears in a group of Bori matrices (868-870), yet it is definitely the voice of contralto Eleonora Di Cisneros! Such mixups must have occurred somehow or other in numbering the matrices. 9038. SS 82016 [625-(4)/2007-(3)]. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Siciliana (Mascagni). With harp. In German / REED MILLER [t]. AH, MOON OF MY DELIGHT (Liza Leh- mann). Side one some rim roughness but surface cons. 2. Side two one tiny lam. just into grooves, otherwise 2. $125.00.

- 16 -

VOCAL EDISON DIAMOND-DISCS MARIO LAURENTI [b] 9023. RC 82200 [6506-C/6635-B]. ATTILA: Dagl’ immortali verdici (Verdi) / GUIDO CICCOLINI [t]. IL TROVATORE: Ah si, ben mio (Verdi). Lt. rubs, cons. 2. $12.00. 9033. ER 82219 [6823-C/6457-A]. LOVE IS MINE (Gartner) / MARIE RAPPOLD [s]. SING ME LOVE’S LULLABY (Theodore Morse). Minor lbl. crease side one. Cons. 2. $10.00. 9024. RC 82264 [6531-B/7653-C]. LA DANZA (Rossini) / IL LIBRO SANTO (Pinsuti). Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $12.00. CAROLINA LAZZARI [c]. Milford, MA, 1891-Stony Creek, CT, 1946. After study in Milano at the Collegio delle Orsolino and in New York with William S. Brady, Lazzari appeared with the Chicago Opera 1917-19 and the Met 1919-20. claimed that his method of scientific voice analysis discovered Lazzari in 1916. It is true that she began recording for Edison then and continued until 1921. A trial disc was made for Victor in 1925 but there were no subsequent commercial recordings. At any rate she received fine reviews for two seasons with the Chicago Opera and her one performance (Amneris in Aida) with the Met. Subsequently she toured as a solo recitalist and with Alda, Hackett and De Luca as “The Metropolitan Opera Quartet”. She later taught. Rumor has it that her career was limited as a result of stage fright. For many years she operated a voice studio at the Metropolitan Opera House and taught for various periods such show business personalities as Betty Garrett, Dennis Day and Judy Garland. 9025. ER 80357 [5351-A/5613-A]. DREAMS (Strelezki) / VER- CAROLINA LAZZARI NON DALHART [t]. THE SUN- SHINE OF YOUR SMILE (Ray). Dalhart was at the time a “legitimate” tenor and had been a member of the Century Opera Company. Through his work in recording he became subsequently known as a popular and then a country singer. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $12.00. GIOVANNI MARTINELLI [t] 9042. ER [elec.] 82351 [19047-A/19050-A]. AIDA: Celeste Aida (Verdi) / MARTA: M’appari (Flotow). One of the major Edison rarities. Just about 1-2. $250.00. JOSÉ MOJICA [t] 9004. ER 60049 [10378-B/10383-A]. SECRETO ETERNO [ETERNAL SECRET] (Enriquez) / LEJOS DE TI [FAR FROM THEE] (Ponce). Rare. Piano acc. John Burckhardt. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $40.00. 9016. ER 80794 [9531-A/9532-B]. PRINCESITA (Padilla) / AL PIE DE TU VENTANA (Jiménez). Lt. superficial rubs, 2. $15.00. 9017. ER 80794 [9531-B/9352-C]. Same as preceding listing but different takes both sides. Lt. superficial rubs, gen. 2. $15.00. CLAUDIA MUZIO [s] 9022. ER 82267 [8392-B/8397-A]. BIANCA E FERNANDO: Sorgi, o Padre (Bellini) / LA FORZA DEL DESTINO: Pace, mio Dio! (Verdi). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. 9046. ER 82300 [8427-C/8429-A]. L’AFRICAINE: Figlio del sol (Meyerbeer) / RINALDO: Lascia ch’io pianga (Händel). Cons. 2. $15.00. 9047. ER 82300 [8427-B/8429-B]. Same as previous listing but different takes both sides. Lt. rubs, 2. $15.00. - 17 - VOCAL EDISON DIAMOND-DISCS MARIE NARELLE [s]. Nr. Temora, New South Wales, 1870-Chipping Norton, Ox- ford, England, 1941. Born Catherine Mary (Molly) Ryan, she adopted the stage name Marie Narelle after study with Melba’s first teacher, Mary Ellen Christian, who had been a student of Manuel Garcia. She later studied in Sydney with Mo. Stefani. Her repertoire included and concert literature, but it was as a singer of Irish and Scottish songs that she became celebrated. Her first U.K. appearance was at the Cork Exhibition in 1902 (although an obituary notes it was at Royal Albert Hall, also 1902, with ), in which an unknown John McCormack also appeared. Narelle and McCormack joined forces again in the U.S. in 1904 at the St. Louis Exhibition as well as in later years with Narelle serving as an assisting artist to McCormack. Narelle made several U.S. tours, settling here for a period, and was also a great success in Australia. Her first marriage ended in divorce in 1909, her husband having been an abusive alchoholic. She remarried much more happily in the U.S. in 1911. A particularly rewarding event for Narelle was a 1921 Carnegie Hall charity concert in which she shared the stage with her two daughters, Rita (a ) and Kathleen (a pianist). Her final concert appearance was at New York’s Town Hall in 1931. She recorded only for Edison. 9012. SS 50103 [2288-A/2368-A]. THE PRETTY MAID MILKING HER COW (arr. J. C. Johnson) / VERNON ARCHIBALD [b]. MARITANA: Hear Me, Gentle Maritana (Wallace). Scarce. Discontinued in 1916. Few lt. mks. Cons. 2. $20.00. 9013. SS 80070 [1062-B/1258-A]. KILLARNEY / CHARLES HACKETT [t]. BOHEMIAN GIRL: Then You’ll Remember Me (both Balfe). Another short lived issue. Just about 1-2. $25.00. 9015. SS 88124 [2298-C/2471-A]. THE HARP THAT ONCE THRO’ TARA’S HALL (Moore) / MARIE KAISER [s], VERNON ARCHIBALD [b]. MARITANA: In Turn What Say You? (Wallace). Again, scarce. All these Narelles were deleted in 1916. Lam. crk. in rim side two (just to first groove), otherwise just about 1-2. $20.00. MARIE RAPPOLD [s]. See: MARIO LAURENTI [b], ALICE VERLET [s], [t] AALTJE NOORDEWIER-REDDINGIUS (s]. Deurne, Netherlands, 1868-Hilversum, 1949. One of the most noted concert artists of her era, Noordewier-Reddingius was active from 1888 well into the 1930s. She originally studed at the Amsterdam Conservatory with Johannes Messchaert and subsequently became a celebrated teacher herself. Her only recordings were late acoustics for Edison in 1927 and electrical Columbia discs a few years later. 9002. ER 73013 [11390-C/11391-C]. KOMM, SÜSSER TOD (Bach) / O HEER, DIE DAER KOM UN MET SANG (composer?). Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $20.00. BETSY LANE SHEPHERD [s] 9014. ER 50069 [9331-C/1285-K]. BONNIE SWEET BESSIE (Gilbert) / THOMAS CHAL- MERS [b]. FORGOTTEN (Cowles). Side one with chorus. Side two assisted by an un-credited ELISABETH SPENCER [s]. Side one scarce 1925 remake of the original recording by Marie Narelle. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $12.00. Cantor JOSEF SHLISKY [t] 9007. ER 59514 [9141-C/9147-B]. KOIL ADONAI. With Choir. / REGINA PRAGER [s]. SHULAMITH: Excerpt (Goldfaden). With piano. Prager (Lemberg, 1866-1949) was a leading Yiddish operetta star and made her U.S. debut at the Thalia Theater in NYC, 1897. Although she was born in 1866, she preferred to give 1874 as her birth year. Cons. 2. $20.00. [s] 9035. RC 82159 [6603-H/6608-C]. I’SE GWINE BACK TO DIXIE (White) / MY CURLY- HEADED BABBY (Clutsam). Minor lbl. soiling side two. Lt. rubs, gen. 2. $12.00.

- 18 - VOCAL EDISON DIAMOND-DISCS EMILIA VERGERI [s] 9006. ER 60019 [6301-B/6302-B]. EL CARRO DEL SOL (Serrano) / LUZ AMELIA AVILÉS [s]. EL REY QU RABIÓ: ¡Ay de Mi! (Chapi). Cons. 2. 20.00. ALICE VERLET [s]. See also GIOVANNI ZENATELLO [t] 9028. SS 82080 [3501-B/3635-B]. RIGOLETTO: Caro nome (Verdi) / EXPLANATORY TALK. Cons. 2. $12.00. 9040. ER 82561 [6387-C/6587-A]. PARLA-VALSE (Arditi) / CARMENA-WALTZ (H. Lane Wilson). Lt. superficial rubs, 2. $15.00. 9021. ER 82573 [4783-A/6265-B]. THAÏS: Te souvient-il (Massenet). With ARTHUR MIDDLETON [bs-b] / MARIE RAPPOLD [s], TAURINO PARVIS [b]. IL TROVA- TORE: Mira d’acerbe lagrime (Verdi). Cons. 2. $15.00. LAURENCE (HYDE) WOLFE [t]. New York City, 1893-Hawaii, 1946. He studied voice in New York with William S. Brady and made his operatic debut as Rodolfo (La Boheme) in Ulm, Germany. He also appeared two seasons as a member of the Opera, studying there with Prof. von Fuchs. While in Europe he made various guest appearances in Austria, Germany and Hungary. Wolfe’s American recital debut was at New York’s Town Hall in 1928. His solitary Edison disc was issued in September, 1929, just shortly before the company went out of business in November of that year. In 1937, Wolfe moved to Hawaii, where he died in 1946. 9009. ER 52468 [18850-G/18909-B]. FISCHERWEISE / IM ABENDROT (both Schubert). Piano acc. Walter Golde. Just about 1-2. $30.00. GIOVANNI ZENATELLO [t] 9020. ER 82201 [5250-B/5023-C]. UN BALLO IN MASCHERA: Di tu’ se fedele. With Apollo Grand Opera Chorus of Boston / AIDA: Fuggiam gli ardori (Verdi). Side two with MARIE RAPPOLD [s]. Lt. superficial rubs, cons. 2. $15.00. 9048. ER 82294 [4412-A/4867-C]. CARMEN: Romanza del Fiore (Bizet) / FAUST: Laisse- moi (Gounod). Side two with ALICE VERLET [s]. Cons. 2. $15.00. 9039. ER 82571 [5002-A/5020-B]. OTELLO: Morte d’Otello / AIDA: Pur ti riveggo (both Verdi). Side two with MARIE RAPPOLD [s]. Lt. superficial mks., 2. $15.00. INSTRUMENTAL EDISON DIAMOND-DISCS CARL FLESCH [violinist] 9026. ER 80865 [10819-C/10821-B]. RONDINO [ON A THEME BY BEETHOVEN] (Kreisler) / AUS DER MEIMAT (Smetana). With Kurt Ruhrseitz [piano]. Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $15.00. VÁŠA PŘÍHODA [violinist] 9032. ER 82225 [7786-C/7801-B]. LUCIA: Sextette (Donizetti, arr. St.-Lubin) / DUMKA (Jos. Suk, Op. 7, arr. Fr. Ondříček). Excellent pressing, cons. 2. $15.00. 9049. ER 82293 [8413-B/8415-A]. SYMPHONIE ESPAGNOLE: Andante (Lalo) / AIR (Mattheson-Burmester); RUINS OF ATHENS: Turkish March (Beethoven-Auer). Fine pressing. One very tiny bump near end side one, few lightest mks., cons. 2. $15.00. SERGEI RACHMANINOFF [pianist/composer] 9055. ER 82187 [6742-C/6744-C]. PRELUDE IN C# MINOR, Op. 3 / POLKA DE W. R. (both Rachmaninoff). Label side two signed by Rachmaninoff. Very lt. rubs, cons. 2. $250.00. ALBERT SPALDING [violinist] 9043. ER 82342 [3375-B/5059-B]. HUNGARIAN DANCE No. 6 (Brahms-Joachim) / RO- MANZA ANDALUZA, Op. 22, No. 3 (de Sarasate). Piano acc. André Benoist. Minor lbl. tears both sides but surfaces just about 1-2. $15.00. SPOKEN & PERSONALITY EDISON DIAMOND-DISCS THOMAS A EDISON [speaker] 9011. RC 50509 [6540-A/6509-B]. LET US NOT FORGET (Speech) / N.Y. MILITARY BAND. NATIONAL AIRS OF THE ALLIES. Cons. 2. $75.00. EDITH THAYER [entertainer] 9027. ER (elec.) 52431 [18800-A/18801-B]. I’D LOVE TO BE A MONKEY IN THE ZOO (White) / DON’T YOU WANT A PUSSY WUSSY CAT? (Fitz). Piano acc. Few lightest mks., cons. 2. $30.00. - 19 - PATHÉ VERTICALLY CUT DISCS CS=center start (“etched center”), PL=paper label (outside start). SS=single sided. All 11½” unless otherwise described. EMMA ALBANI [s] 5228. 11½” CS Pathé 50330/50331. XERXES: Largo (Händel) / AVE MARIA (Bach- Gounod). Cons. 2. $150.00. HENRI ALBERS [b] 5205. 11½” CS Pathé 961/999. LE CHE- MINEAU: Chanson du Moisson-neur (Leroux) / TOSCA: Si pour de beaux yeux (Puccini). While Dufranne created the title role (Le Chemineau/ The Vagabond) in the Opéra-Co- mique premiere in 1907, Albers shared the part there with him for over fifteen years. Cons. 2. $12.00. MARIO ANCONA [b] 5210. 11½” CS Pathé 4300/4305. CHAN- SON DE L’ADIEU (Tosti) /L’HEURE EXQUISE (Hahn). Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $35.00. 5229. 11½” CS Pathé 4309/4318. DON GIOVANNI: Serenata (Mozart) / BALLO IN MASCHERA: Eri tu (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $35.00. 5220. 11½” CS Pathé 4317/4323. DAM- NATION OF FAUST: Serenata / DAMNATION OF FAUST: Canzone delle rose (Berlioz). Just about 1-2. $35.00. 5221. 11½” CS Pathé 4320/4325. OTELLO: Era la notte (Verdi) / LA FAVORITA: Vien, Leonora (Donizetti). Just about 1-2. $35.00. AMADEO BASSI [t]. See: TITTA RUFFO HENRI ALBERS as Le Chemineaux [b] in this section. CELESTINA BONINSEGNA [s] 5215. 11½” CS Pathé 84138/84346. FORZA DEL DESTINO: La vergine degli angeli (Verdi) / AVE MARIA (Bach-Gounod). Just about 1-2. $15.00. LÉON CAMPAGNOLA [t] 5208. 11½” PL Green French Pathé No.3172 [2018/2019]. PRIÈRE (Octave Cremieux) / CHANSON DE L’ADIEU (Tosti). Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $15.00. JUANITA CARRACIOLO [s]. See: AURELIANO PERTILE [t] in this section. LINA CAVALIERI [s]. See: LUCIEN MURATORE [t] in this section. ENRICO CARUSO [t] 5216. 11½” CS Pathé 84003/84006 [cylinder transfers 63091/63034]. TU NON MI VOI PIÙ BENE (Pini-Corsi) / HUGUENOTS: Qui sotto il ciel (Meyerbeer). Few lt. mks. Nice copy. 2. $75.00. 5218. 11½” CS Pathé 84003/84004 [cylinder transfers 10918/10671]. TU NON MI VOI PIÙ BENE (Pini-Corsi) / TOSCA: E lucean le stelle (Puccini). 2. $70.00. 5231. 11½” CS Pathé 84003/84004 [cylinder transfers 63091/63055]. TU NON MI VOI PIÙ BENE (Pini-Corsi) / TOSCA: E lucean le stelle (Puccini). 2. $70.00. 5230. 11½” CS Pathé 84004/84006 [cylinder transfers 10671/10670]. TOSCA: E luceano le stelle (Puccini) / HUGUENOTS: Qui sotto il ciel (Meyerbeer). Just about 1-2. $80.00. FLORENCIO CONSTANTINO [t] 5235. 11½” CS Pathé SS 4271. IRIS: Apri la tua finestra (Mascagni). 2. $8.00. - 20 - PATHÉ VERTICALLY CUT DISCS GALASSI DI LORENZO [s]. See: ISMAELE VOLTOLINI [t] in this section. Cesena, 1883-Milano, 1954. Di Lorenzo, a student of Franco Manucci, made her debut in 1916 at the Poletama Verdi in Vercelli as Musetta in La Boheme. She appeared in a number of other Italian theaters up to 1932 as well as a 1923 season in Santiago, Chile, in roles such as Suzel (in Amico Fritz), Violetta, Gilda, Nedda and Mimì. In later years she resided at the Verdi Casa di Ri- poso in Milano. ELISE ELIZZA [s] 5226. 11½” CS Pathé 19276/19278. IL TROVATORE: D’amor sull’ ali rosee [Kerkerarie] (Verdi) / SOLVEIG’S LIED (Grieg). Minor superficial rubs. 2. $20.00. HELENE ELSNER [s] 5201. 10½ Blue PL Pathé 1043 [55793/55796]. AENNCHEN VON THARAU (Becker) / ICH WOLLT’ MEINE LIEBER ERGÖSSE MICH (Mendelssohn). With MARIA FUCHS [ms?]. Few lt. rubs, 2. $8.00. CHARLES FONTAINE [t] 5202. 11½” Grey PL Pathé 59080 [1970.x./2109.x.]. LAKMÉ: Fantasie aux ailes d’or (Delibes) / CARMEN: La fleur (Bizet). Just about 1-2. $10.00. YVONNE GALL [s] 5206. 11½” Green PL Fr. Pathé No. 0509 [80860/200150]. TOSCA: Vissi d’arte / TOSCA: Notre doux nid (Puccini). Side one in Italian. Side two in French. Cons. 2. $10.00. MARIA GALVANY [s] 5213. 11½” CS Pathé 4130/4131. L’INCANTATRICE (Arditi) / BIONDO! (Marino). Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $35.00. ARISTODEMO GIORGINI [t] 5232. 11½” PL Green Disco Pathé No.10029 [86247/86248]. FEDORA: Mia madre, la mia vecchia madre [Racconto di Loris] (Giordano). Two sides. Few lt. rubs. Cons. 2. $25.00. PETER LORDMANN [b] 5200. 10½” Blue PL Pathé 1054 [54568/55688]. DER WANDERER (Schubert) / DIE LOTOSBLUME (Schumann). Cons. 2. $10.00. Dr. JÓSEF MANN [t] 5214. 11½” CS Pathé 51757/51980. AVE MARIA (Schubert) / AVE MARIA (Cherubini). Just about 1-2. $35.00. 5211. 11½” CS Pathé 51978/51982. KOZAK [COSSACK] / SMUTNO [SADNESS]. Polish songs. Just about 1-2. $35.00. ADOLPHE MARÉCHAL [t]. Liège 1867- Brussels, 1935. Maréchal made his debut in Dijon in 1891. In 1895 he was first heard at the Opéra-Comique where his roles included major lyric parts as well as world creations in works such as Louise (Charpentier), Grisélidis and Jongleur de Notre-Dame (both Massenet) and La Reine Fiammette (Leroux). His appearances also included Monte Carlo, the Brussels Opera and Nice. At the early age of 40, Maréchal concluded his brilliant career because of poor health (further information not known) and he retired to Brussels. 5225. 11½” CS Pathé 329/323. LE JON- GLEUR DE NOTRE-DAME: Air du tenor / MANON: Ah, fuyez, douce image (Massenet). Top copy of this ADOLPHE MARÉCHAL as Le Jongleur de Notre-Dame rare creator record. Just about 1-2. $250.00 - 21 - PATHÉ VERTICALLY CUT DISCS JOHN McCORMACK [t] 2172. 9½” CS Pathé 77686/77687. COME BACK TO ERIN (Claribel) / THE DEAR LITTLE SHAMROCK (Cherry). Fine copy. Cons. 2. $75.00. LUCIEN MURATORE [t] 5224. 11½” PL Grey Pathé 64003 [E65530/E65484]. LA MARSEILLAISE (de l’Isle) / LE FORÊT DE NOËL (Margis). Side two with LINA CAVALIERI [s]. Cons. 2. $12.00. CLAUDIA MUZIO [s] 5222. 11½” Grey PL SS Pathé 54039 [66735?]. GOOD MORNING SUE [BONJOUR SUZON] (Delibes). In English. Just about 1-2. $15.00. AURELIANO PERTILE [t] 5217. 11½” Purple PL Italian Pathé No.12595 [86919/86920]. MEFISTOFELE: Il tuo cuor (Boïto) / : Via dell’ anima in pena (Puccini). Both with JUANITA CARRACIOLO [s]. Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $20.00. GABRIELLE RITTER-CIAMPI [s] 5227. 11½” PL Green Disque Pathé No.0381 [310/311]. CÉLÈBRES VARIATIONS (Rode) / BOHEME: Quando m’en vo (Puccini). Both in Italian. Side one a really remarkable technical display. Cons. 2. $20.00. TITTA RUFFO [b] 5219. 11½” CS Pathé 4213/4260. MIA SPOSA SARÀ LA MIA BANDIERA (Rotoli) / LA BOHÈME: O Mimì, tu più non torni (Puccini). Side two with AMADEO BASSI [t]. Piano acc. Excellent copy, cons. 2. $20.00. JOSEF SCHWARZ [b] 5212. 11½” CS Pathé 51261/51266. PAGLIACCI: Prolog (Leoncavallo) / AFRICAINE: Ballade des Nelusko (Meyerbeer). Just about 1-2. $30.00. ALBERT VAGUET [s] 5233. 11½” CS Pathé 4968/P.2106. L’ANDALOUSE [AUBADE ESPAGNOLE] (Leonca- vallo) / NOËL (Adam). Cons. 2. $12.00. 5207. 11½” Brown PL Disque Pathé No.3096 [335/4990]. SÉRÉNADE DU PASSANT (Massenet). / LE PREMIER JOUR DU JE VIS JEANNE (Chizat). Just about 1-2. $8.00. ALINE VALLANDRI [s] 5203. 11½” CS Pathé 688/691. : Valse (Gounod) / LAKMÉ: Air des Clochettes (Bizet). Excellent copy. Cons. 2. $15.00. ISMAELE VOLTOLINI [t] 5234. 11½” Purple PL Disco Pathé No.12622 [88157/88158]. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Tu qui Santuzza? / CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: No, no Turiddu (Mascagni). With GALASSI DI LORENZO [s]. Cons. 2. $15.00. RABBI STEPHEN S. WISE [speaker, noted orator]. Budapest, 1874 – New York City, NY, 1949. [Portrait of Rabbi Wise bottom left. “The Cause” bottom right]. 5209. 11½” PL Blk. Pathé 30305 [65289/65288]. WOMEN AND DEMOCRACY (Speech for Woman Suffrage) / MRS. RAYMOND BROWN (GERTRUDE FOSTER) [Pres., NY State Suffrage Ass’n]. WHY WOMEN WANT THE VOTE (Speech). Mrs. Brown was originally a pianist who had studied in Berlin with Xaver Schar- wenka and in Paris with Delaborde. She made her debut with the Berlin Phil- harmonic in 1889. She la- ter became increasingly in- volved in Women’s Suf- frage and was elected Pres- ident of the NYS Suffrage Association in 1914, re- maining active in women’s rights causes until her death. Exceptional rarity. Just about 1-2. $100.00.

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