Itwo New American Operas in a Day at Metropolitan

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Itwo New American Operas in a Day at Metropolitan 11. L--r THIT SUN, SUNDAY, MARCH 17, .1918. ITWO NEW AMERICAN OPERAS IN A DAY AT METROPOLITAN AlthouM, Leonard, MalateiU, Resell-tslia- n, Olorla," Bononclnl; "The Pretty, Crea- the trenches comprise Carlos Balzedo's English airs and old French and Italian Bads, Moch and d'Angelo. Mr. ture," Old English, fitorace; vleiit In Old .Sonata Form" - "Deh .'Tour Choruses numbers. CONCERTS OF THE WEEK. Pap! will conduct. e non tardar," "None dl Klgaro," Mo. for men's voices and harp, Maurice Slavery Days "Boris Oodunov" on eve'-nln- : inNewOrleans the Theme Thursday sart "l.'en voce poco fa," "Barblcro dl Pavel's two choruses, "Nlcoletto" and The Falxcdo Harp Knaemble, Carlos SUNDAY Symphony Society, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. Eddy Uiown, with Mme. Homer, Delaunol. Slvllla," Rossini; Hell Hong from "Trols Beaux Olseaux du Paradls," and Tor-padl- e, Balzedo leader, assisted by Clreta Galli-Curc-i, Howard, Mattfeld and Sparkes, and "Laktnc," flute, Dcllbcs ; Klorent Schmltt's "Chant do Ouerre." violinist, Carnegie Hall, G P. M. Amelita recital, of One, with "SolveJ? soprano, will give second con- t an Indian Maiden, Messrs. Dldur. De. Segurola, Grieg ; Orccnwood solo, voices plane, a Hippodrome, 3 P. M. Opera concert, Metropolitan Opera House,, That Rothler, Rons," "Under the for tenor m4n's and cert on Friday evening, Mnrdi 22, In Althouse, Audlslo, Illoch, Tree," Buzxl-rercl- a ; "I.;i Crepuseule." which sung by Bada. nossl, were all written and first f harp encsmblo will 8:30 P. M. - Schlegel and Mr. ; Hlbella ; In In war. numbers are Aeolian Hall. The of the- Other. neachlfllan. Papl will Marsenet Ballata, Concerto soldiers the Other bo In compositions MONDAY Lambert Murphy, tenor, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. Leopold conduct. D, for flute, Chamlnnde; Sir. Heron Hrnlims's "Where'er I go," for six voice heard of Rameau. Couperln, Dandrleu, Halnt-Ama- and Godowsky, pianist; Anna Fitziu, soprano, joint recital, Carnegie "lAmore del Tre lie" on Friday eve- guer: "Minuet do Martini." "Les unsafe parts: Klgar's "The Bhowcr" and "SSere- i Rlmsky-Korsakof- Debussy, and with Mies Torpadlo aa the Hall, M. Aeolian Hall, ning with Mmes. Mujlo, Tif-fan- Rosette" and "Au bord de la fontalne." nade," "Farewell, 8:16 P. Clara. Pasvolsky, contralto, 8:15 Ksnders. singer In three parts an- pastouretlen eighteenth rentury, i nn old a number of P. M. Humanitarian concert, Carnegie Hall, 8:15 P. M. Br W. J. HENDERSON. Arden and Robeson and Meesrs. of the Carnival," and Netherland hearing Cult Caruso, Amato, arranged by Wcckerlln ; Khadow Hong "Hymn of Thanks." which concludo the nounced for a first American TUESDAY Musical Carnegie Hall, P. M. Maurice Is Marrione. Bada and pur Vleux Art Society, 8:30 not a day for dissertation, but for diuemination of useful flute, programme, It year called "Jeunes Chansons des Rite-Carlto- Audlslo. , Mr. Moranionl will conduct. ( from "Dlnorah," with Meyerbeer. and with the Jubilee Dumesnil, plnnist, n Hotel, P. M. - Airs," of Andre Alexandre-George- s Hue, ballroom of the 3:30 THIS interesting information provided for the general good by On Thursday afternoon there will be of tho society, and of Dr. Frank Dam- M. special resell as Its conductor. and In a group of Debussy's songs. For Herman Sandby, cellist, Aeolian Hall, 8:15 P. J. Guard, publicity agitator of Metropolitan a matinee as follows: Act III. .Leopold Uodowsky, the flowing Rus- give WEDNESDAY Aeolian Hall, 3 M. Victor the Opera "Alda," Mmes. Muxlo and Robeson, the third selection Mr. Salzedo will Mcrwin Howe, pianist, P. (somewhat sian pianist, will give a recital for the a harp solo performance of a new ballad Riart, pianist in lecture recital, under auspices of Philharmonic Bout. His words condensed) follow: Messrs. Martlnelll and Chalmers Act benefit of Tub Sun Tobacco Fund on Tho all Chopin programme for the Gatti-Casaz- Mar-don- written by himself. Society, General Manager Giulio of the Metropolitan dpera III. "Lucia," Mme. Barrientos, Mr. f Thursday evening, March 21, In Aeolian fourth recital In the scries by Maurice Hotel Plaza, 3 P. M. ; M. complete his promised Act I. "Pagllaccl." Mme. Gaston, Hall. Ills programme In composed of Dumesnll, French pianist, at the n THURSDAY Philharmonic Socioty, Carnegie Hall, 8:30 P. Company will programme of novelties and revivals Wal-puur- ls distinguished Rus- Atwood-Bake- Messrs. Caruso and Do Luca; works by Chopin, us follows Sonata, 11 on Tuesday nfternoon, March Leopold Auer, tho Martha r, soprano, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. .Frances 1917-1- 8 by Night sian teacher of tho violin, will glvo his (or the season of presenting Saturday afternoon, March 23, Ballet from,"Fast." Miss flat minor, opus 35 ; six preludes, Fan 19, for tho benefit of "La Protection du Pelton-Jone- s, harpsichord recital, Princess Theatre, 3 P. M. (Hill, Mr. Bonflgllo and corps de ballet. Polonaise, Nocturne, minor; No. 2" Is ns follows: Prelude, first violin ( recital In America at Car- (or the first time on any stage, Charles Wakefield Cadman's American tasia F Refnrmo Leopold Godowsky, piano recital' benefit THE SUN Tobacco "Carmen" os? Saturday evening will Value, A Mazurkas, Im D waltzes, C sharp and (1 negie Hull on .Saturday afternoon, March for : flat: Three flat; flat: M. ,ptra in two acts, "Shanewis the Robin Woman," and Henry F. Gilbert's nocturne, F' sharp ; maJiurkas, A minor 23. His vrogramme Is as follows: Ho- - Fund, Aeolian Hnll, 8:15 P. laerican ballet pantomime, "The Dance in Place Congo." The book of and I) major; study, In B; ballad. In V nata. In A, Handel; Andante In C and FRIDAY Philharmonic Society, Carnegie Hall, 2:30 P. M. Salzedo 'military polonaise. j Gavotte In E, Bach; Concerto, Nardlnl ; Harp Ensemble, Greta Torpndle, soprano, soloist', Aeolian Hall, Cadman's opera is by Mme. Nello Richmond while Mr. J jlr, Eberhart, Tho organization for which these TO-- : sonata in u, locaicin ; nercnaue ana 8:15 P. M. Gilbert found the inspiration for his work in a sketch of old Creole days Itals are being given has Its hcadquar-- I Vivace, Haydn-Aue- r; Chaconnc, Vltall. SATURDAY Leopold Auer, violinist, Carnejrie Hall, 2:30 P. M. Rus- a Sew Orleans, by George W. Cable. sian Symphony Society, Carnegie Hall, 8:30 P. M. Leila Holter-hof- f, Hobert Moranzoni will direct the opera, in the preparation of which soprano, Aeolian Hull, 8:15 P. M. Kaufman Quartet, Wash- ington Irving High P. M. Stige Director Ordynski and Chorus Master Setti have participated. School, 8:15 Norman-Bel-Geddc- s, The scenery is by James Fox and who also designed oA.tnmes. l WOl.FiOJtS' MUSICAL liVnV.AV anmunrci Ottokar Bartik is responsible for the training in of the ballet the CARNEGIE HALL, SAT. AFT.," MARCH 23, at 2:30 Gilbert work. Pierre Monteux will direct the performance. T he scene picture of Old Place Congo and costumes' were designed by Livingston putt SHANKWIR. for treachery, she throws the bow LEOPOLD AUER Opera In Two Acts. and arrow far from her. WANDA BOGUTSKA -STEIN at the Piano. Alice ueniie Though j,:i:'.t'' all the other Indiana had i tMMf. OP TtCKI'.TS 7f.c. tl.OO. IZ.O'l. OX Yin. jvnimeen I'KOtllt tl.60. NOW SU.E Everlon jiowaru .left ut the begtnnlnir.of the altercation, lOl.r MARTKKPIKCFNl AT CAHNKC.IK IIAI.L. (HTKINWAY PIANO. Kvy .....Marie Sundellus Philip Ilarjo j0Ml Paul Althouse watches the scene from behind a tree. Aa Shanewls repulses N. Y. HIPPODROME SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 31 phlllp ThomaH Chalmers ALMA EFREM j Indians Angelo Uada. Pletro Lionel Harjo rushes out, snatches up Audlslo. .Max Hiocn, .Marie i.aurenu. thp bow and arjow end shoots the H.h School Girls Marie Tiffany, Cecil young man straight In the heart. rden. myitis iinue. eni viarwicK. Shane wis runs back; she and Amy Tlin IJANCR IN PLAC12 CONGO. kneel beside him, while Mrs. Everton GLUCK e. i ZIMBALIST frantically attempts to drag Amy from iore tioema v.ani the scene. Shanewls looks upward . ......Giuseppe Bonflgllo - r.wion aymg, " Tls well. In death thou art SEAT SALE TOMORROW (MOH.) rr!;i;r,,.r!;?"- jjama Ottokar Bartik trine!" :'""" The story of "Shanewls," as given Slave !) Theme. CARNEGIE Completely Sold Out the HALL. the librettist, Is n follows: Including Stage Seats tr Every Sunday afternoon ,n old Xetv SAT. AFT. Admission on Sal Mrs. J! Asher Kvcrton. a wealthy Orleans In the days of long ago, the On llnv of f'nneert. HEIFETZ I ri. slaves were given a couple In llo.lmi widow and prominent club woman of of hours of APRIL 6th Complc Irlv Mold Out free time. AT ?:.W. (HTKINWAY tjuthcrn California, has become Hastening to the "Place PIANO) nrliirttuR hlnxr Srl. Congo," a solitary and picturesque In Shanewls, a beautiful odu-tile- d tr.Ot.ltN II 41.1 . UK ATS N' . place on TO-M'- n. Indian girl of musical promise. the outsklrt" of tho city, they 4T. Ill CIIK'KKItlNU there Indulged In danc- fONO llEl'ITM, UY LAMBERT MURPHY 11 NO. ijdin?r her to New York for vocal themselves wild ing. In rude love making, sing- Apr. H, 1 I mnlnE. years study in the Aeiillnn Hall, Mon. Kit., hi :l.1. rrinct ai lioulrr. I luir... Mar. VI. ni .1. After several ing of songs, In I IIAIM'SII'IIOKH ItUCIT l. wis the furious express fltM.KS jlunt Is Invited by her benefactress quasi-lmrbarl- A. slon of o emotion. to ipend the summer In her bungalow PELTON-JONE- The fame of these picturesque revels LET. UUAKTcT S ) the sea. spread far nnd wide.
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