11. L--r THIT SUN, SUNDAY, MARCH 17, .1918. ITWO NEW AMERICAN IN A DAY AT METROPOLITAN AlthouM, Leonard, MalateiU, Resell-tslia- n, Olorla," Bononclnl; "The Pretty, Crea- the trenches comprise Carlos Balzedo's English airs and old French and Italian Bads, Moch and d'Angelo. Mr. ture," Old English, fitorace; vleiit In Old .Sonata Form" - "Deh .'Tour Choruses numbers. CONCERTS OF THE WEEK. Pap! will conduct. e non tardar," "None dl Klgaro," Mo. for men's voices and harp, Maurice Slavery Days "Boris Oodunov" on eve'-nln- : inNewOrleans the Theme Thursday sart "l.'en voce poco fa," "Barblcro dl Pavel's two choruses, "Nlcoletto" and The Falxcdo Harp Knaemble, Carlos SUNDAY Symphony Society, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. Eddy Uiown, with Mme. Homer, Delaunol. Slvllla," Rossini; Hell Hong from "Trols Beaux Olseaux du Paradls," and Tor-padl- e, Balzedo leader, assisted by Clreta Galli-Curc-i, Howard, Mattfeld and Sparkes, and "Laktnc," flute, Dcllbcs ; Klorent Schmltt's "Chant do Ouerre." violinist, Carnegie Hall, G P. M. Amelita recital, of One, with "SolveJ? soprano, will give second con- t an Indian Maiden, Messrs. Dldur. De. Segurola, Grieg ; Orccnwood solo, voices plane, a Hippodrome, 3 P. M. concert, House,, That Rothler, Rons," "Under the for m4n's and cert on Friday evening, Mnrdi 22, In Althouse, Audlslo, Illoch, Tree," Buzxl-rercl- a ; "I.;i Crepuseule." which sung by Bada. nossl, were all written and first f harp encsmblo will 8:30 P. M. - Schlegel and Mr. ; Hlbella ; In In war. numbers are Aeolian Hall. The of the- Other. neachlfllan. Papl will Marsenet Ballata, Concerto soldiers the Other bo In compositions MONDAY Lambert Murphy, tenor, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. Leopold conduct. D, for flute, Chamlnnde; Sir. Heron Hrnlims's "Where'er I go," for six voice heard of Rameau. Couperln, Dandrleu, Halnt-Ama- and Godowsky, pianist; Anna Fitziu, soprano, joint recital, Carnegie "lAmore del Tre lie" on Friday eve- guer: "Minuet do Martini." "Les unsafe parts: Klgar's "The Bhowcr" and "SSere- i Rlmsky-Korsakof- Debussy, and with Mies Torpadlo aa the Hall, M. Aeolian Hall, ning with Mmes. Mujlo, Tif-fan- Rosette" and "Au bord de la fontalne." nade," "Farewell, 8:16 P. Clara. Pasvolsky, contralto, 8:15 Ksnders. singer In three parts an- pastouretlen eighteenth rentury, i nn old a number of P. M. Humanitarian concert, Carnegie Hall, 8:15 P. M. Br W. J. HENDERSON. Arden and Robeson and Meesrs. of the Carnival," and Netherland hearing Cult Caruso, Amato, arranged by Wcckerlln ; Khadow Hong "Hymn of Thanks." which concludo the nounced for a first American TUESDAY Musical Carnegie Hall, P. M. Maurice Is Marrione. Bada and pur Vleux Art Society, 8:30 not a day for dissertation, but for diuemination of useful flute, programme, It year called "Jeunes Chansons des Rite-Carlto- Audlslo. , Mr. Moranionl will conduct. ( from "Dlnorah," with Meyerbeer. and with the Jubilee Dumesnil, plnnist, n Hotel, P. M. - Airs," of Andre Alexandre-George- s Hue, ballroom of the 3:30 THIS interesting information provided for the general good by On Thursday afternoon there will be of tho society, and of Dr. Frank Dam- M. special resell as Its conductor. and In a group of Debussy's songs. For Herman Sandby, cellist, Aeolian Hall, 8:15 P. J. Guard, publicity agitator of Metropolitan a matinee as follows: Act III. .Leopold Uodowsky, the flowing Rus- give WEDNESDAY Aeolian Hall, 3 M. Victor the Opera "Alda," Mmes. Muxlo and Robeson, the third selection Mr. Salzedo will Mcrwin Howe, pianist, P. (somewhat sian pianist, will give a recital for the a harp solo performance of a new ballad Riart, pianist in lecture recital, under auspices of Philharmonic Bout. His words condensed) follow: Messrs. Martlnelll and Chalmers Act benefit of Tub Sun Tobacco Fund on Tho all Chopin programme for the Gatti-Casaz- Mar-don- written by himself. Society, General Manager Giulio of the Metropolitan dpera III. "Lucia," Mme. Barrientos, Mr. f Thursday evening, March 21, In Aeolian fourth recital In the scries by Maurice Hotel Plaza, 3 P. M. ; M. complete his promised Act I. "Pagllaccl." Mme. Gaston, Hall. Ills programme In composed of Dumesnll, French pianist, at the n THURSDAY Philharmonic Socioty, Carnegie Hall, 8:30 P. Company will programme of novelties and revivals Wal-puur- ls distinguished Rus- Atwood-Bake- Messrs. Caruso and Do Luca; works by Chopin, us follows Sonata, 11 on Tuesday nfternoon, March Leopold Auer, tho Martha r, soprano, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. .Frances 1917-1- 8 by Night sian teacher of tho violin, will glvo his (or the season of presenting Saturday afternoon, March 23, Ballet from,"Fast." Miss flat minor, opus 35 ; six preludes, Fan 19, for tho benefit of "La Protection du Pelton-Jone- s, harpsichord recital, Princess Theatre, 3 P. M. (Hill, Mr. Bonflgllo and corps de ballet. Polonaise, Nocturne, minor; No. 2" Is ns follows: Prelude, first violin ( recital In America at Car- (or the first time on any stage, 's American tasia F Refnrmo Leopold Godowsky, piano recital' benefit THE SUN Tobacco "" os? Saturday evening will Value, A Mazurkas, Im D waltzes, C sharp and (1 negie Hull on .Saturday afternoon, March for : flat: Three flat; flat: M. ,ptra in two acts, "Shanewis the Robin Woman," and Henry F. Gilbert's nocturne, F' sharp ; maJiurkas, A minor 23. His vrogramme Is as follows: Ho- - Fund, Aeolian Hnll, 8:15 P. laerican ballet pantomime, "The Dance in Place Congo." The book of and I) major; study, In B; ballad. In V nata. In A, Handel; Andante In C and FRIDAY Philharmonic Society, Carnegie Hall, 2:30 P. M. Salzedo 'military polonaise. j Gavotte In E, Bach; Concerto, Nardlnl ; Harp Ensemble, Greta Torpndle, soprano, soloist', Aeolian Hall, Cadman's opera is by Mme. Nello Richmond while Mr. J jlr, Eberhart, Tho organization for which these TO-- : sonata in u, locaicin ; nercnaue ana 8:15 P. M. Gilbert found the inspiration for his work in a sketch of old Creole days Itals are being given has Its hcadquar-- I Vivace, Haydn-Aue- r; Chaconnc, Vltall. SATURDAY Leopold Auer, violinist, Carnejrie Hall, 2:30 P. M. Rus- a Sew Orleans, by George W. Cable. sian Symphony Society, Carnegie Hall, 8:30 P. M. Leila Holter-hof- f, Hobert Moranzoni will direct the opera, in the preparation of which soprano, Aeolian Hull, 8:15 P. M. Kaufman Quartet, Wash- ington Irving High P. M. Stige Director Ordynski and Chorus Master Setti have participated. School, 8:15 Norman-Bel-Geddc- s, The scenery is by James Fox and who also designed oA.tnmes. l WOl.FiOJtS' MUSICAL liVnV.AV anmunrci Ottokar Bartik is responsible for the training in of the ballet the CARNEGIE HALL, SAT. AFT.," MARCH 23, at 2:30 Gilbert work. Pierre Monteux will direct the performance. T he scene picture of Old Place Congo and costumes' were designed by Livingston putt SHANKWIR. for treachery, she throws the bow LEOPOLD AUER Opera In Two Acts. and arrow far from her. WANDA BOGUTSKA -STEIN at the Piano. Alice ueniie Though j,:i:'.t'' all the other Indiana had i tMMf. OP TtCKI'.TS 7f.c. tl.OO. IZ.O'l. OX Yin. jvnimeen I'KOtllt tl.60. NOW SU.E Everlon jiowaru .left ut the begtnnlnir.of the altercation, lOl.r MARTKKPIKCFNl AT CAHNKC.IK IIAI.L. (HTKINWAY PIANO. Kvy .....Marie Sundellus Philip Ilarjo j0Ml Paul Althouse watches the scene from behind a tree. Aa Shanewls repulses N. Y. HIPPODROME SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 31 phlllp ThomaH Chalmers ALMA EFREM j Indians Angelo Uada. Pletro Lionel Harjo rushes out, snatches up Audlslo. .Max Hiocn, .Marie i.aurenu. thp bow and arjow end shoots the H.h School Girls Marie Tiffany, Cecil young man straight In the heart. rden. myitis iinue. eni viarwicK. Shane wis runs back; she and Amy Tlin IJANCR IN PLAC12 CONGO. kneel beside him, while Mrs. Everton GLUCK e. i ZIMBALIST frantically attempts to drag Amy from iore tioema v.ani the scene. Shanewls looks upward ...... Giuseppe Bonflgllo - r.wion aymg, " Tls well. In death thou art SEAT SALE TOMORROW (MOH.) rr!;i;r,,.r!;?"- jjama Ottokar Bartik trine!" :'""" The story of "Shanewls," as given Slave !) Theme. CARNEGIE Completely Sold Out the HALL. the librettist, Is n follows: Including Stage Seats tr Every Sunday afternoon ,n old Xetv SAT. AFT. Admission on Sal Mrs. J! Asher Kvcrton. a wealthy Orleans In the days of long ago, the On llnv of f'nneert. HEIFETZ I ri. slaves were given a couple In llo.lmi widow and prominent club woman of of hours of APRIL 6th Complc Irlv Mold Out free time. AT ?:.W. (HTKINWAY tjuthcrn California, has become Hastening to the "Place PIANO) nrliirttuR hlnxr Srl. Congo," a solitary and picturesque In Shanewls, a beautiful odu-tile- d tr.Ot.ltN II 41.1 . UK ATS N' . place on TO-M'- n. Indian girl of musical promise. the outsklrt" of tho city, they 4T. Ill CIIK'KKItlNU there Indulged In danc- fONO llEl'ITM, UY LAMBERT MURPHY 11 NO. ijdin?r her to New York for vocal themselves wild ing. In rude love making, sing- Apr. H, 1 I mnlnE. years study in the Aeiillnn Hall, Mon. Kit., hi :l.1. rrinct ai lioulrr. I luir... Mar. VI. ni .1. After several ing of songs, In I IIAIM'SII'IIOKH ItUCIT l. wis the furious express fltM.KS jlunt Is Invited by her benefactress quasi-lmrbarl- A. slon of o emotion. to ipend the summer In her bungalow PELTON-JONE- The fame of these picturesque revels LET. UUAKTcT S ) the sea. spread far nnd wide. Gentle folk were !..T Ui:TI'L Of THE .sKAbii.V .11 l.il', Al ii'MAll The Indian Girl's Sang. attracted and came to look at the curi- A few days Amy ous sights and to listen to the swe.et afterward Everton songs. homo after a month's visit In CARNEGIE HALL mix ami kxoox Spaniards, VicTUrv. Recital. h East, following her graduation Indians, half breeds and iH TW :nm adventurers of all kinds swelled the itKlH Vassar, and In honor of both crli Mrs. Everton gives a dinner. throng, which was Indeed a motley gathering. All Eddy dtr.ee and muslcale. Bhanewia, who this has been wonderf- IB ul:'- toirt abAt by Ocorge W. Cable, 1 brown Ms not dine before singing, makes - and it was from his writing that Henry iff first appearance before Mrs. Ever- Met I.ouJon Charltnn. Hnldwi-- i l':.-ti,-i, F. Gilbert derived the original Inspira- Piipllt Accompanied by tcn's guests when sho comes Into the the Anil llor ,, crauon and Ivory music room to elng. tion for his ballet. The Orchestral Society of N. Y. .nllaii Hull. Mind a) .qt M.ir 4, ;, Her Initial number, "The Spring Mr. Gilbert says: "Originally written Max J.koI. Conilurlnr. Tslm-n!a- as a symphonic poem, 'The Dance In 5oc? of the Robin Woman," a n For the neck commencing SEATS 50c to $2.00 ""U; BAUER g CASALS Impend, together with the thrlll- - Place Congo,' when finished, seemed to the Strand Symplmny Orchestra will :g quality of voice, me so dramatic thut I thought It well play for the afternoon concerts "The 1 CARNEGIE HALL Met l.iiudrmChsrlton. Mason llnnilln Piano. her her undoubted Song of Vermland," "Agnete Utrionic ability engaging adapted for stage presentation. I, and the WFP. NT.HT. Mar. 20. at 8:30. and her Mermaid," "Norwegian Bridal 'March" AfoIUii Hall. Hat. Art.. Mar. .. at J. uulf. creato a sensation even among therefore, composed and elaborated a llenent Amerlcnn Krl?iid scenario my music. and 'The Riding Messenger," from ot Aluflrlans In rrumV. J older, more critical guests. for Herman Sandby'4 "Scandinavian Folk "My scenario has, however, been 'arm-s-i H.i!l Lionel Rhodes, the childhood sweet-Ifa- rt Music," tho "Comedy Overture" by llolv T.'1'irs.iiv. ORATORIO FLONZALEY QUARTET modified considerably I and acknowledged fiance of Amy, and changed by Henry Gilbert and the "Irish Rhapsody" Mar JSIii. S:.:i Sni lety nl New York DE LUTECE Mr. Ottokar Bartik, per- TRIO fascinated by the cfiarrn and novelty under whoso of Herbert. Tho noloists for the week Walter Damrnrti, foil. " sonal supervision pro- MME. HELEN STANLEY c: SSancwis. He names her immedl-w'- y tho work Is ato Rosa Llnd, who will sing an aria duced," from "The Daughter of the Reitment" ; JACQUES THIBAUD "Ilnchantress," Robin BACH'S I li.n-- i.rt. "The ren- Matthew rreiteit Toman" The story concerns Itself with the Charles Semrof, barytone, who will ft. MAURICE who calls spring to the der "Klllarney" and "Macushla," CHORUS OF 300 DUMESNIL art, loves of Aurore, the beautiful quad- and fi ft I 0 II 7.V to fz. Management txnidon ("harltoo. and he makes impetuous love Kdlth Sinclair, who will play x. roon girl (played by Miss Galli). Re-m- harpt. BOOlUn r.inplion Orh 'j her behind a screen of palms while "L.i Fourcc" of Zi.bel, Me and "Believe nc.;.- - 1,0 BES?ifs. be pni"sta (played by Mr. Bonflgllo), Is her t. Mirliael'. Choir of t'rc.in. METROPOLITAN arc out on the terrace If A'l Those Kmleartnir Young Charm."." I.Hm-Itc- I'Ltiio nini Mrs Mr.. MrncU. Harrli-nto- , re-I'i- (urlng. accepted lover, but her grace - Mp Mnn. at s !.". Rlsolello. and Osrar Spirescu and Cnrl Kdouaiilo Munilir. T'ttinan an Kcluald I.aro, De l.ura. Jtothtt-- r Cnnil Moran7o:il beauty have excited pas- M rrrenrnlh. Mmr.Ran--l.en- r. Shanewls is at first shy, but finally, the Jealous close the Brooklyn opera season. H will ternately v ill conduct the orchestra. Mrd.ais 1 l'orrar. rot knowing sion of 'Numa (played by Mr. Bartik). ;.1r. tn Rot or t . :tl e. nnn. Msrtlni'lll.Amato.Althiniti'.'-eKtirol.- i md.l'ni of his engagemeut to the sung by onire Marti-iii-li- be Mme:. Farrar, Sundellus. lhlir. Mat. at 1, III Am Aldu. Mnlo l. iiusliter of her benefactress, she Sparkea and Fornla, and Messrs. Martl- JlaroUl B.iuer. piani.it, ntui Pablo chnliri-- r lit. Act l.urtn. Traced Rods the Dance. Casals', cellii't, will a I Act fields to his wooing conditionally. The r nelll. Whltehlll. Rothler. llada, IteKi make Joint Mardones raslUrrl. Kaston Cariuft, In Aeolian Hall Sunday wfur-iioo- Del.uca Ilsllet from I Oalll. Ilnnttclin, condition Urged on by his passion con- and Laurentl. Miss Galll will dance. aut. is that he go with her to Numa March 24, playing a Minata pro- SYMPHONY rntlrf IJallet CondOlnmeilx, Mnraiuoul, sults the old Mr. Monteux will conduct. 'I at 8. llorU l.ndmion . Ilnmer t;r home on the reservation to see If Voodoo fortune teller, "Frances Peltoxv-- - Jones . gramme such as they have mailo popular SOCIETY OI' NKW YOK1' hur. Drlau. At opera concert VI A I noir. HoHard. Didur AltlMiii. UoOiler, ll.ida, her family bo any bar to his regard. praying for her help to obtain for EtheJ .IKK IXMHOSCII. Cnnd'r. He If pianist, will play. Mnio. Hulda HarpaicKord "R.ecita.1 , for coral seasons In tho pact KAItKMIII (OXIT.ni Cond He consents, interview is him the lnVA nf Aurora Rtir Krl. al i Sll, Amorr dcltrc He, Mulo; Cr.in, and their 1,,ul soprano, Mld- - TRwrtfciay Arnllan Hull. Till, rierllouii al i, mm '.(rminated she nmnlipotoa l.ia .i.ao. tnnini.m. i Lashaiivka and Arthur Princess TKeatre., t MoloIX iinm. .uaitimiiw, inun Mnrannm by the sudden entrance of tk dleton, basso, will sing. Tho orches- At their annual ronc-i- at Carnegie JOnr.r Snt. at J Triple lllll tht tlim- - SliAiiruia. of So- fundi-llui-. Amy with a young man who seeks Hhe Xuma for Remon Is about to reach tra will be under the direction of Rich- Hall the afternoon of March the c.eitli. debut), Hun.ird. Althiue, cat dance girl. a tragic climax, whon ciety of the Friends of Music present the Chatmi'r Cond. Mnranrnnl I time llntirn with the Indian at the height of ard Ha gem a n. I'lair liftlll. Ilntitlsllo. llartlk and llal-- t evi-itr- , Stokow-sk- Cllo. Surprised and annoyed by their .t the dance the warning strokes of the THE WEEK OF OPERA. lopold l let Cond. Monteu. l.'Orttcnln. Kiston, llra-- I HOFMANN I confusion her interruption. 9 o'clock bell are heard calling Metropolitan Opera House. conductor. In the following pro- vi hcottl, Dldur, AlttiQUttP. ton M innonl at the CONCERTS, RECITALS, NOTES OF gramme : Concerto for flute, so- TIHtpt At Hot Offlrr f;o. Knclr. Mcr Amy Lionel, slaves to quarters. at r r.n. ORCHESTRA alouy protests to and Mr. , TO loist, Maquarre suite for orchestra, TO-DA- NIGHT' t f,o !i MUSIC. Y to CONCERT not reassured by hla half hearted , The dancers break off and with ges- MONDAY. 8:13 P. M. "RiKoletto," Mmes. Barrientos and Perini, l.ujjy, concerto for two planus. K flat, HIPPODROME at 3 tlort; to propitiate her. tures of despair begin slowly and re- "Request programmes" will be ghen Messrs. Lazaro, De Luca nnd Rothicr. Mozart, soloists. Mr. tlJiier and Mr. LAST UKCITAI. Til IH SKASON LEGINSKA LASHANSKA CHALMERS The c'.oek strlkts IC, and the ghests luctantly to disperse. Aurore, Remon at the three final Philharmonic concerts WEDNESDAY, 8:15 P. M. "Mmi.Sans-Gene,- " Mme. Farrar, Messrs. , concerto for three pianos I'lanl.te Sojrano Itarit.iii. linen in to departure, and Numa still linger. In C, Bach, soloistK, Mme. Samaroff, Mr. oudurtnr: Y...l.l and 11 IIOLI'.II. take their As Numa In Carnegie Hall on Thurwlay evening Martinelli, Althouse and Amato. GALLI-CUR- CI II VKDMAN I'lVNO 1KI) hleh they do lingerlngly, congratu-a'.ln- i; makes a rush at Remon Aurore stabs and Friday afternoon of this week, and 2 P. M. III. act, Mme. Muzio, Mr. Martinelli; Kauer and Mr. (!abrllowltoh. THURSDAY, "." Homalu In Mrs. Everton and Shanewls, him. But her triumph is short, for on next Sunday afternoon, March 24. "Lucia," III. net, Mme. Barrientos, Mr. Mardones; "," Holland his book. "Some T1'KKT uirlil tfom nny utfenrj- r.l traing Amy laughingly about her at once a slave The "New World" Symphony of driver appears with I. Mme. Mr. Caruso; Night," Sri-enr- Dvorak will be performed at the Thur act, Easton, "Walpursis ballet from Continued on P(iB. HILHARN0NIC iter's Interest In the Indian glrL uplifted whip and the scene closes "Faust," Miss Galli. Mr. Bonli(;lio. UAUKItr "EATS iSII STANDINll ItOOM day and Friday concerts, when It will vv i i with Alt-hou- ii.i, nr. i.ai ii.i ,t or new the note of tragedy. 8 P. M. "," Mme. Homer, Messrs. MUSIC TEACHERS AND i.u ii.hr,, hmmi pj oocrY york Summer Pottttott Scene, be heard for the first time this season THURSDAY, PUPILS. ij riiiiur. .vi im.x i rn. JOSIirSI ItANSKV londllilu. as part of one of the Philharmonic's and Didur. Mt CUa. I,. Warner. D. 1'. McSweenev. T!. second part takes place Ifi Mr. Cadroan deslrei" no one Max. ICIIICKKIUNH I'lAMI Request Program that regular New York subscription nerlci. FRIDAY, 8:30 P. M. "L'Amore Dei Tre Re," Mme. Muzio, Messrs. Martha Balrd, who was graduated with for final concerts of season. CWahoma a few days later. With a slall think he has re- tried to write an The other numbers selected from the Caruso, Amato and Mardones. highest honors ut the New England Con- HALLTu"'3P.pM.2d C4RNF.4.IK II 41.1 p'lur.ble excuse Shanewlfl has left "Indian opera." But he has used In- quests of Philharmonic patrons by Con- servatory. Boston, Mass., last June, and CARNEGIE NrilTliura. !'... h:HP. Xeil I'll. fl..?:JU SATURDAY, 2 P. M. "Shanewi?," Mme. Gentle. Mr. Althouse; K. Mrs. Kverton for the reservation, dian themes. Stransky these two concerts "The who was the winner of grand piano, I'KOiiKAM IM'l L ductor for Dance in Place Congo," Miss Galli, Messrs. Bonftglio and Bertik; the ONLY SIISlI lUX'ITAI. llTorsW's, "New World sjniiihony." "here Lionel has secretly followed her. A genuine ceremonial song aa aunt? Include the Tschalkoweky Overture, forte annually offered through Henry I,. They "L'Oracolo," Mme. Easton, Messrs. Althouse, Scotti and Didur. I .1. are discovered watching the by tho Osage Indians with gourd rat- "1812" ; Debussy's "The Afternoon of a Mason to the most proficient pianist of il lid r All.. Man h .U ut : Bach-Albe- rt the clasn, ''oj.ng scenes of a big summer pow-T- '. tles is used in "paw- - Faun" a Prelude Choral senior had the honor of assist- Tchaikovsky Wagner verbatim the a ...... a I. . n urn. ing Mm. Melba at ;i recent recital at ROSA RAISA Irstoad of being repelled, tht wow" scene. And in the drawlns-LT".1- ;. promptu, A flat; Polonaise, opus 83: I ter.t In Paris. It cares for soldiers who TIIK l.KKVT MXMtW'O OI' Imllldttifi rrhalknviil.v' Al li MiHihnm Manchester, N. H. Pantomimic dances (imci- - l"t I" i - brilliant pageant, the mingling room of ' "?' Sonata, B minor, opus SS. have been Invalided and sent home on TIIK II IC M.O OI'KltA l it. Tl.'keli at Itm lix Mur muslcale the first scene two Tschalkowsky-Waen- er dtvlsc,l and presented for the Hist ! l". 't traditional, A programme .uvount of wounds and Ferlous Illnesses time MAIS io ON Sil A T BOX of transitional and of other native tunes are made use of. by the Misses Pamella and C.er'.tude I r. SKX I MIIKN, ITmliT the iiItl.-- of Ihn haabeenhosen for the last Philharmonic tenor, or- Ol It I'illlRS. I SMrn Jndlan life appeals to his more Lambert Murphy, an American contracted in the trenches. The Hays, ,tmyirr Ituhinstnn Club. l'IIIMI4UMOMf MM II. I nf N'"V ott but in a sophisticated style, since concert of the neason on Sunday after- ganization Is presided over by M. Poln-car- e, twin sisters, of Boise. Idaho, were a I llei Hal U 111 I Oil of who was formerly of the Metropolitan ail l.rclure sne the picturesque. Shanewls herself Is an noon, March 24, In response to the re- reel-ta- prominent feature of a dramatic rcltal Hall. Can't K 23. H Indian with Opera, will Hive a first New Yorl: l President of the French neiubllc. Csrnesle IjiI Sal. Mar. watches with lively Interest the contemporary education and culture. quests of these who were unable to ob- afternoon In Aeolian at the Conservatory Friday afternoon, SYMPHONY rctrads March 13. on pro- about the refreshment booths. Her first song, Spring Song tain seats for the TschalkowskyVas;-ne- r Hall. His programme follows: Keclta-tlv- e. Herman Sandby, Danish cellist, will Other numbr the MIC'linr It "The of gramme were selections from "Ma time," RUSSIAN BIART m blankets, the Indian mothers concert given by the Philharmonic "Deeper Peeper Still" ; aria, Klve a rocltal at Aeolian Hall Tuesday the Robin Woman," is based upon a and given by Mao Torrance; Impersonations Mimrsr Ai.rsi in i.KH C'ondiirtnr. l In the nl" l!h Vdbies In boards, Society earlier In the season. Her, Angels. Through. tho evening, March 19, when he will offer a tri.ramI cradle the Tshimian legend and colored with the "Waft by Dorothy Fisher nnd performance Hoiobt JOHN POWELL ViSErp OMI.lt IS .if tocers in regalia tho" white visi- Skies." from "Jephtha." Handel ; "Pass-In- g programme of compositions by Valen- a March '.Hit and 'i.'tid. and aborigines allegory. ,1 l. The OJlbway ; Hlmsky-Korsakof- f, of "The Woman Who Talked." by UrSMA.MKI(I l'ltO(lItMMH VVcii..Mar.VO. at r iix ut (In- lintel on in With Its concert In Aeolian Hall this By," Purcell "Air de S'arRlnt'S." tin Tsehdlkowidty, Sibelius, - I'lau. Mlday attire. The ceremonial ennoe song, ZacharllT Mllrc Illrrt (mwl,TM'hore;pn, Johnfowell. 'I irkrti nl ln- iln used as her "encore," re- Symphony - Demeter and Gladys Darling. . or.js eon movo him strangely, bo afternoon, the Society of Dalayrac; "Over the hUeppe," Oretch Cul, Popper and some candl- Khupodlf gre MS.-- I'lano & Orchfnstra, mains unaltered save that It is rend- New York, Walter Damroscli conduc- anlnoff "The Songs of irula." "In n:vl.m folksongs composed by himself. ami I Orchttiftl porfonaanco tultti I lir 'W his Impulsive love for Shanewls Beginning April i Krnest Blcxh will IN M COKIIIM'i: II I I 1 ered in English. tor, bids farewell to local music lovers the Silence of Night." Rachmaninoff ; Ilyn .Sehkolnlk, violinist, and I.ouls T. I'.SI noiftror.gr In the vivid atmosphere ' glvo a new com so of five lectures on NI'MKKOI'S HI.OI As to the sophistication of style for the present season. This concert, "Chevauchee Cosaque." Fourdrain; -a c.nicnbere, pianist, will assist. TSCHAIKOWSKY'S PATHETIQUE MI'Mtl 1l,ki:lCS I'riilili-li'i- i.f 'hleh belongs to her, ") ".Musical Kxpresslim Through Melody" at - r there need be no questioning since the sixteenth and last In the series for Lettre," Aubert; "I. Ano Wane, Hue ,".nt Hm lllllci- - M- lo'iiiW Hrotliln Kliam Inc. al It tlio David Mamies Music School, 134 Therefore when Philip Harjo, a Is impossible to Sunday subscribers, has a notable pro- Vlelle Chanson Espagnole," Aubert; At his debut recital In Aeolian Hall THE BOOK OF JOB reduce any Indian Sym- i;ast Seventieth street. In thU course Carnegie Hall, Wed. .Aft., Mill. '.';, at .1. oung Indian devoted to the gramme, opening with Elgar'a "Voir t.rlselldls," from the oiwra on Wednesday nfternoon, March 20. m: i fld melody to our scales without some ho will dlcusa melody writing, sound, Mm, itiii'i i i.i traditions, presents Shanewls with phony No. 1. and containing Chopin's "Orlvlldls," Massent ; "The Unfore- Merwin Howe, a youn pianist from THURSDAY, v amount of : rhythem, folk eongs, the evolution MAR. 21, ''VJV.I.'.V poisoned by artificial alteration. But B Minor Concerto and Dvareky's seen." Krott "The Secret of n. Ttnqe." Chicago, will play the following num- arrow once used a if of melody, with characteristic eianiplen friends of music ii i .Hi w the Indian themes, properly sophis- ramp-- 11 nrii'.n M'den of her-'- "Chromatlcon," with Josef Hofmann as Class; "The Crying of Water." ! bers- Svhcrzo, flat minor, llrahms. niioi rni:riti:. the tribe to revenge '' bell-Tlpt- beginning present ticated, serve the purposes of In two , "In Moonlight." 'l'gar : "I sharp, from tho to tho time THE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA upon a white betrayer, he Is the piano soloist the last named Sonata. F Beethoven; Bourree, Gregorian chant, tho polyphouls ts, the drama that is de- Hear a Thrush at Eve," Cadman : "Con- Bach.Salnt-Saen- s ; Nachtstucck, Schu- l.rOI-OI.- SrillillHSVI Cnnrtllltm Aeolian Hall, li I. .1112 r'l'Jed and Shane-H- all that can be works. Registration Ihun. lilt. .Man nl assures Harjo that I In secration," Manney, Charles Il.ikcr will mann; Arabesque, Debussy; syniphonlsts, the moderns. manded the name of art. Arabesque, In this course is open to tho public Samaroff Bauer Gabrilowrtsch never have uso for such a The Russian Symphony Society, Mod- be at the piano. A rue Oldbers; .Fantasy, F minor: Noc- MJH. turne, V.; G .Vie, METROPOLITAN OPEBA HOUSE. est Altschuler, conductor, will give Its Ballade, minor, Chopin. TlrUela. 2..'.0 to M0 'i or Tax eitral, at Lionel end Phanewle attract much fifth and subscription1 concert on Clara Pasvolsky, Russian contralto, lloi imlre, and Helen I W, ;ntii St. GODOWSKY last with Frances Foster the piano, will attention. eTpeclally among the white Saturday evening, "March 23, In Carnegie at I'ndcr the auspices of the Philhar- THIS HOtllETT N. Y .""nn Tobacio I unil The premieres give u programme of Russian songs to- New Choral CARNEGIE HALL SUN. AFT. MAR. 31 .1; .Iiih.h . iv?ie. A Jazz band young people of Charles Wakefield Hall. John Powell, pianist, will be tho monic Society of New York the sixth Mut Ijini.. I'. i. of morrow evening In Aeolian Hall. M Cadman's American opera "Shanewls" programme, a Itusitlan-America- n Her and Inpt lecture recital by Victor Blart KAHTKIC M'S'IIXY Concert by JOHN I., 'er.a4e them and young high school soloist. The Mima-sorgsk- y koi:mmi:nicii, fond. leullan Hull. Kal. I'.tit.. iril al Mli. Henry programme follows: "A Star," i.oi'ik - V and F. Gilbert's American ballet one. Is announced as follows : will take place on Wednesday afternoon, I'Ali., Al-ltl- 4 Hull l.- -l 1'l.imi Hr- ltal 'I'liU MIM II wis hover around, by the ; HI fHS, Camede allured pantomime "The Dance In Place Congo"" Lore, Fire Bird," "Fateful Moment," "Whether March 20, at the Hotel Plaza. The sub- nd?ome Callfornlan. Lionel begs Iluislan Folk "The 'Tls Day," "Oh. If You Could, My Iyive," will be the feature of General Manager new, first time, Tscherepnln ; "Khapsodle ject Is on tho programme of the Phil- McC0RMACK Wanewii to ln-o- n 's Tschalkowsky I "Do Not Ask Mi Why." leave early, but she repertoire at the Metro- Negre," for piano and orchestra, new, harmonic concerts of March 21 and 22, Verdi s Requiem staving to the end. politan Opera House this week. They Ldadoff; aria from "Russian nnd I.ud-mlla- ," Thursday evening Friday SEATS AT Jl, JI.50 i00 NOW AJW-- LEVITZKI first time, manuscript, John Towell, Mr. and afternoon. Marred Allim ltr.k i will place on Saturday aria from "A Life for tho Thar." mil .Mitt Ch.ii, I 1) V HI III MANN lltll'IN I'mciMllllui' take afternoon Powell at the piano; aulte, "At the The programme follows: Prelude, choral Arthur llarkell Arthur Mlddleton llU'iff li tlit u lit Glinka; from 76c QrHf e W i i. Mirr 1TK I S' V Y PIANO Met IMNIKI. MKI! Ileiriigr of Ilarjo, when "L'Oracolo" will be given aria "Khovantclilna." fugue, Bach-Aber- t; TlcUeta tl S0tn llox M fit with Fair," "Sketches of American Fun," first Moussorgsky; "The Sleeping Princess." anI Symphony No. " Whe them, making a triple bill. Hoochec-Coo- D, New ; over- - Hall, All . Inrll I, nl :l. e crowd all dc-f- tj orchestral performance; t ; "The World," Dvorak CARNEGIE HALL, "ViV. V.".'- "MAX IN E ELLIOTT'S THEATRE t'arnrle riiun. has nearly On d opera Rorodlne: Sellm's Song, R.ilakiriff " i i i top The man n ill be sung by Beauty, Merry-go-roun- d, ture, "1S12," Tschalkowsky; "The Af- mi.aii itr.i mil.. k,oHis are stripped, and chee Dance, Circassian "Forgotten," "Hopak," MnuKsorksky , Hrnw, Mmes. Alice Gentle, (her first appearance Banjo Pick- ternoon nf a Faun," Debussy ; prelude to has aroepted tho polBoned Snake Charmer, "A Gruslan Song," Pomazansky ; at the Metropolitan), Howard, Sunde- - 'Tathet-Ique,- "Din Mclstcrslnger," Wagner. "ojv from Ilarjo, er, John Powell; Symphony, " "Charmed by a Rose's Radiance," YVETTE GUILBERT Mrs. Everton and llus. Tiffany and Arden and Messrs. e, FITZIU MATZENAUER y hjs en nn Tschalkowsky. ; "So Passes Our Youth," o traveling costume. Chalmers, Bada, Audlsio, Hloch Atwnod-BaUe- r. TnrMliiT Aft.. Anrll JnH. :l A I Malashkln ; Time," Rachmani- Martha, soprano, will at I'ltANK I I'Oltl.l T III; I'lAMI in- - "'Tls I rlday Afl., " Rlli, " .1 llai'iiK'IA.Inlii- -. j1'"''11' 'i check Lionel's mad and Laurentl, Mr. Moranzoni conduct- Brown, violinist, I T. ; give a recital Thursday afternoon, Hmllttlii' Mat Sleilia , Eddy with noff serenade from "The Stone Guest," unday Eve,, " ?lh, S:l." .eli .liliun f ing. The principals In the Gilbert ballet March '.'I, In Hall, pro- Shanewls. He refuses Grunberg at the piano, will give IiIb Dargomcljsky. All the songs will be Aeolian Her GODOWSKY TH'KKTH 13 to 80c KXAHK I'lAMI I.).. Mi ll, ,. 'oitu will" Ilhene-Bato- Ariillan Hall. I'rl. al ill u with pantomime be Miss Galli and Messrs. season gramme contains songs by 7.11'. ifturn them and final recital of the this afternoon sung In Russian and the singer will ,'Sr, Me. ai.00 GALLI-CURC- Mr. con- Bus-m- r, I MATINEE nncw ins love for Shanewls. Ronflglio and Bartik, Monteux In Carnegie Hall, Ills programme Is wear a Russian costume, Palingren, Faurc, Orovloz, Fljan, BOX OKI'lCK NOW OPKN Mi,s HARP ducting. "L'Oracolo" will be sung by as follows: Beethoven, Sonata, opus 4T, Cliausson, Wyman, Foster, Andrews, I JC AMI S.I - 1 Salzedo Ensemble anil HUM ANITA III AN MAOA.INK n ''"" ! l .s Mmes. Easton Braslau and Messrs. "Kreutxer" ; Bruch, Concerto, a minor; The Musical Society, nt Its twen-ly-flf- Densmore, Chabrlcr and Fisher. Mell- wSF.ATS AM. and COM Kit I "l eiigagrmcnt to Amy, Art A iltr.TA TOIirAllli:. Snr.llio. Althouse, Hcottl, Dldur, Rossi and Au- In Q ; Beethoven-Aue- r, aril Hageman will be the piano. I ImwhIiI. o!d eirli,.im... V wtMiM Beethoven. Romance anniversary spring concert nn at .Ml Theatre Dlr l4illiarllie A. llaiiiiiinii. witn nrorn. She Insists dlslo, Mr, Moranzoni conducting. ; Society vUCItt 'mi, Ticket "Chorus of the Dervishes'' Tuesday evening In Carnegie Hall will musical mt Hotel, li'v :tM St. "rrMMrln;r (o n, Pelton-Jone- s, A Hun HI .1. him Amy, thus Other operas of the week will be: Cramer-Brow- Rondlno ; Arbos, perform Palestrlna's "Htabat Mater" for Frances harpsichord PKANK DAMHOSCH Director I'HOXKH 4IWS.4IM1-4IH0.IH4- liRI'.KI.Ct Punch Judy Thea.. Alt Mircli nt "Rlgoletto" evening, with 1& player. nsMsted by PIANO UKCITAI. I'ltlMi: j,. io .irH, r.verton. Tango; Krelsler, altana (Arabo double chorus, LotU'e "Cruclflxus" for Ixulse MacMahan. 25TH SEASON Aeolian Wert. '.'0, .'I, 'X Barrientos, Perlnl, Egener soprano, give fHtSStn Hall. Alt.. Marill al slif denounces tho white Mmes. and Spanish Gypsy dance of the eighteenth ten voice parts, Bruckner's "Ave Maria' will a recital on Thursday Tl-K- PIANO r. AT OAIINEOIK IIAI.L H. KVfl., UKCITAI. ' M ll,,all,,H Mattfeld, and Messrs. lAzaro, De Luca, century) ; Cul, 21, I WOODMANSEE rihe wit" I'T people. Orentale; Bazlnnl, "Ia and Bach's motet. "Sing Ye," among Its afternoon, March at the Princess rIPKINO CONCKKT M.ntCII IB. ' 'IMare.s Rothler, Rossi, Bada, Reschigllan, d'An- Ronde des Lutlns." customary examples of unaccompanied Theatre. The programme, In Mx groups, TicLeW. Program and 1'roipertui at Office ,,. her Intention of Society, E.I 41!d Met. Il.ii'iisel & Jiini. MaMin Hiiiiliu I'lanri gelo and Laurentl. Mr. Moranzoni will choral hymns of the Latin liturgy. Sours contains for harplschord one of workn Musical Art W. Bt. Merwin Howe to .eelt refuge nalll-Cur- Aeolian HiUI, Aft.. S. Mgl Hneiliel A .Innei. Hamiln conduct. Amelita will give a recital from the French battle front a by Phlllpp i:. Bach, J. 8. Hear-Intt- l, Tlnm. Mur. it, at Piinn. Aeolian Hall, Monilai r.K.. Mar. 1.1, ill HsU "''s,, Ilf,;,r to recover form Bach and SONO ItKCITAL MAItTIIA 'rom " fi'l. "Madame Sana-Gen- on Wednesday at the Hippodrome this afternoon with novel eecnnd part of the programme, nnd three, styled In their order, AI.OI.IA IIAI.I. fONG UECIT.Wr t'l AHA 'V""ni1- - I Kvg.. SitS P.wiKjnlzing the evening, with Mmes. Sparkes,'! her assisting artists, Manuel Berenguer, preceded by "The Kpangied Ban- Kllzabethan Descriptive, Neil uuonr.rv Farrar, Star lira, French ATWOOD-BAKE- R Olio lletllal.ll. SANDBY distance between her and Curtis, Egener, Fornla and Mattreid, and flutist, and Homer Samuels, pianist, ner" and the "Marseillaise," harmonized Pieces and Court and Country Dances, Mgt. K, I'.. Julioiton. CLEMENS 'other maid who sought revenge De Hegurola, Following Is the programme; by Carlos Salzedo, Some songs from Mirt. Antonla flswyer, Ine, Chlrkering Piano. (KTRINWAY Messrs. Martlnelll, Amato, "Per la and for voice one group each of old PIANO). Mft AntonlaSare' lnc MaionAlaiulliPuni

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