Itwo New American Operas in a Day at Metropolitan
11. L--r THIT SUN, SUNDAY, MARCH 17, .1918. ITWO NEW AMERICAN OPERAS IN A DAY AT METROPOLITAN AlthouM, Leonard, MalateiU, Resell-tslia- n, Olorla," Bononclnl; "The Pretty, Crea- the trenches comprise Carlos Balzedo's English airs and old French and Italian Bads, Moch and d'Angelo. Mr. ture," Old English, fitorace; vleiit In Old .Sonata Form" - "Deh .'Tour Choruses numbers. CONCERTS OF THE WEEK. Pap! will conduct. e non tardar," "None dl Klgaro," Mo. for men's voices and harp, Maurice Slavery Days "Boris Oodunov" on eve'-nln- : inNewOrleans the Theme Thursday sart "l.'en voce poco fa," "Barblcro dl Pavel's two choruses, "Nlcoletto" and The Falxcdo Harp Knaemble, Carlos SUNDAY Symphony Society, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. Eddy Uiown, with Mme. Homer, Delaunol. Slvllla," Rossini; Hell Hong from "Trols Beaux Olseaux du Paradls," and Tor-padl- e, Balzedo leader, assisted by Clreta Galli-Curc-i, Howard, Mattfeld and Sparkes, and "Laktnc," flute, Dcllbcs ; Klorent Schmltt's "Chant do Ouerre." violinist, Carnegie Hall, G P. M. Amelita recital, of One, with "SolveJ? soprano, will give second con- t an Indian Maiden, Messrs. Dldur. De. Segurola, Grieg ; Orccnwood solo, voices plane, a Hippodrome, 3 P. M. Opera concert, Metropolitan Opera House,, That Rothler, Rons," "Under the for tenor m4n's and cert on Friday evening, Mnrdi 22, In Althouse, Audlslo, Illoch, Tree," Buzxl-rercl- a ; "I.;i Crepuseule." which sung by Bada. nossl, were all written and first f harp encsmblo will 8:30 P. M. - Schlegel and Mr. ; Hlbella ; In In war. numbers are Aeolian Hall. The of the- Other.
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