North Shore Music Festival
JANUARY 20, 1923 AND /AMERICAN ENDEAVOR. IN GRAND OPERA, SYMPHONY' ^ND CHAMBER. MUSIC AND CLASSIC DANCING By IZETTA MAY McHENRY BEETHOVEN ASSOCIATION NORTH SHORE MUSIC FESTIVAL American Operatic and Oratorio Sing Offer* Brilliant Program at Third Con er, Dies After Illness of Several cert of Series Months Thr third ronrrrt (iTro thla tpaion bj tfa* Plans Announced for Fifteenth Season—Several BoctboTPn A.wxiatlon pruTpd on* of thr moit At bis home In New York City, Oeorite J. PBjoyablp pTpDt, of the year In New York. American Artists To Be Soloists Hamlin, one of this country's beat-known The aMlatioit artUta were: Ilarold Bauer, tenors, parsed away on the afternoon of Janu¬ Pablo Caeala. Jaoquea Tfaibaud, Mme. C'barlea ary 11 after an lllnerr eitendinc over aereral Cahier and Albert Htoesael, and thla impo«lsK The datee for the fifteenth Music PeatWal Gates, eoprano; Mabel Garrison, soprano; months. Mr. Hamlin was tbe flrrt artist to array of aoloiata aenrpd to attract an audirore have beep announced by tbe Chicago North Giuseppe Danise, baritone; Beniamino Gigli, present a procram of the ronca of Rl(4iard which completely niled Aeotlan Hall on the Shore FestiTsl Aatociation as May 24 to May tenor; Margaret Matzenauer, merzo-«oprano; Btrauas In America, and be created aereral evenins of January 8. BertboTen'a Trio In 30. The feat'Tal will be held at Erankton, Edith Mason, soprano; Tito Srhipa. tenor; oratorio parts and ten oyiera rolet. Hla alnc- H Flat, Op. TO, No. 2. played by Meaara. Bauer, III., In tbe Patten tlymnaalum of Nortbweatern Bose Lutiger Gannon, contralto, and Theo.
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