Modern and Ancient Literary Criticism of the Gospels

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Modern and Ancient Literary Criticism of the Gospels Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament Herausgeber/Editor Jörg Frey (Zürich) Mitherausgeber/Associate Editors Markus Bockmuehl (Oxford) ∙ James A. Kelhoffer (Uppsala) Tobias Nicklas (Regensburg) ∙ Janet Spittler (Charlottesville, VA) J. Ross Wagner (Durham, NC) 451 Modern and Ancient Literary Criticism of the Gospels Continuing the Debate on Gospel Genre(s) Edited by Robert Matthew Calhoun, David P. Moessner, and Tobias Nicklas Mohr Siebeck Robert Matthew Calhoun, born 1971; 2011 Ph.D. in New Testament and Early Christian Lit- erature from the University of Chicago; since 2016 Research Assistant to the A. A. Bradford Chair, Texas Christian University. David P. Moessner, 1983 Dr. theol., University of Basel (Switzerland); since 2008 Honor- ary Research Associate in the Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria (South Africa); since 2010 Faculty Associate in New Testament, Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Nether- lands); since 2012 A. A. Bradford Chair and Professor of Religion, Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, Texas, USA); since 2019 Senior Fellow of the ‘Centre for Advanced Studies’ (Regensburg, Germany). Tobias Nicklas, born 1967; 2000 Promotion; 2004 Habilitation; since 2007 Professor of New Testament at Universität Regensburg (Germany); Research Associate at the Department of New Testament, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein (South Africa); since 2018 Direc- tor of the Centre for Advanced Studies “Beyond Canon,” Universität Regensburg (Germany); since 2019 Adjunct Ordinary Professor at the Catholic University of America (Washington, District of Columbia, USA). ISBN 978-3-16-159413-7 / eISBN 978-3-16-159414-4 DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-159414-4 ISSN 0512-1604 / eISSN 2568-7476 (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament) The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliogra- phie; detailed bibliographic data are available at © 2020 Mohr Siebeck Tübingen, Germany. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form (beyond that permitted by copyright law) without the publisher’s written permission. This applies particularly to re- productions, translations and storage and processing in electronic systems. The book was typeset by epline in Böblingen using Minion typeface, printed on non-aging paper by Gulde Druck in Tübingen, and bound by Buchbinderei Spinner in Ottersweier. Printed in Germany. Preface and Acknowledgments The present volume originated in a conference held at Texas Christian Univer- sity (Fort Worth, Texas) on November 14 and 15, 2018, which was sponsored jointly by TCU’s AddRan College of Liberal Arts and the Department of Religion in collaboration with the A. A. Bradford Chair of Religion, titled “The Gospels and Ancient Literary Criticism: Continuing the Debate on Gospel Genre(s).” A conference volume of this magnitude with a diverse group of scholars from more than ten countries does not come together without the special expertise and support of administrators and staff who went beyond the normal ‘calls of duty’ to provide top notch facilities with special amenities, all infused with invit- ing hospitality. We especially thank the Dean of the AddRan College, Prof. An- drew Schoolmaster; the past and present Chairs of the Department of Religion, Profs. Nadia Lahutsky and Sage Elwell, respectively, together with Laurie Loken, Administrative Assistant of the Department of Religion; and the event planners and colleagues of TCU’s Brown-Lupton University Union for their extra effort to make our conference a most memorable experience. The editors wish to thank the scholars whose essays appear herein, as well as several others who presented papers or were respondents in the conference: Profs. Helen K. Bond, M. Eugene Boring, Patricia A. Duncan, Shelly A. Mat- thews, Edward J. McMahon II, Mikeal C. Parsons, Todd D. Still, Johan C. Thom, and Trevor W. Thompson. We are also grateful for the help provided by our stu- dent assistant, Paige Easley. We are grateful as well to the National Library of Greece in Athens for permission to use images from Cod. gr. 151 (GA 758, ff. 88v and 143v), and for beautiful reproductions of the same. Finally, we thank Prof. Dr. Jörg Frey and the associate editors of Wissenschaft- liche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament for including our volume in this illustrious series, as well as Katharina Gutekunst, Elena Müller, Tobias Stäbler, Tobias Weiß, and their associates at Mohr Siebeck for their expert production. David P. Moessner Tobias Nicklas Robert Matthew Calhoun Table of Contents Preface and Acknowledgements ...................................... V List of Abbreviations ................................................. XI David P. Moessner, Tobias Nicklas, and Robert Matthew Calhoun Introduction ........................................................ 1 Part One The Question of Genre and the Gospels Richard A. Burridge The Gospels and Ancient Biography: 25 Years On, 1993–2018 ........... 9 Werner H. Kelber On “Mastering the Genre” ............................................ 57 Michal Beth Dinkler What Is a Genre? Contemporary Genre Theory and the Gospels ........ 77 Elizabeth E. Shively A Critique of Richard Burridge’s Genre Theory: From a One-Dimensional to a Multi-Dimensional Approach to Gospel Genre .... 97 Carl Johan Berglund The Genre(s) of the Gospels: Expectations from the Second Century ..... 113 Sandra Huebenthal What’s Form Got to Do with It? Preliminaries on the Impact of Social Memory Theory for the Study of Biblical Intertextuality ........... 145 Part Two Mark as Narrative in the Light of Ancient and Modern Criticism Cilliers Breytenbach The Gospel according to Mark: The Yardstick for Comparing the Gospels with Ancient Texts ............ 179 VIII Table of Contents Margaret M. Mitchell Mark, the Long-Form Pauline εὐαγγέλιον ............................. 201 Stefan Alkier Das Markusevangelium als Tragikomödie lesen ........................ 219 David P. Moessner Mark’s Mysterious ‘Beginning’ (1:1–3) as the Hermeneutical Code to Mark’s ‘Messianic Secret’ . 243 C. Clifton Black The Kijé Effect: Revenants in the Markan Passion Narrative ............. 273 Justin Marc Smith Famous (or Not So Famous) Last Words: Last and Dying Words in Greco-Roman Biography and Mark 15:34 Revisited .................. 307 Geert Van Oyen Actio according to Quintilian (Institutio oratoria 11.3) and the Performance of the Gospel of Mark ................................... 335 Part Three The Growth of the Gospel Tradition in Early Christian Literary Culture R. Alan Culpepper The Foundations of Matthean Ethics .................................. 359 Wolfgang Grünstäudl Continuity and Discontinuity in Luke’s Gospel: Luke 9:51 and the Pre-Jerusalem Phase as a Test Case ................... 381 John A. Darr Reading Luke-Acts as Scriptural History and Philosophical Biography: A Pragmatic Approach to Lukan Intertextuality and Genre .............. 397 Thomas R. Hatina Intertextual Transformations of Jesus: John as Mnemomyth ............. 417 Paul N. Anderson Revelation and Rhetoric in John 9:1–10:21: Two Dialogical Modes Operative within the Johannine Narrative ........ 441 Table of Contents IX Tobias Nicklas Second-Century Gospels as “Re-Enactments” of Earlier Writings: Examples from the Gospel of Peter .................................... 471 List of Contributors ................................................. 487 General Bibliography ................................................ 489 Index of References .................................................. 541 Index of Modern Authors . 571 Index of Subjects .................................................... 585 List of Abbreviations AB (AYB) Anchor (Yale) Bible ABRL (AYBRL) Anchor (Yale) Bible Reference Library AcBib Academia Biblica AcT Acta Theologica AJEC Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity AJP American Journal of Philology AmJT American Journal of Theology AnBib Analecta Biblica ANE Ancient Near East ANRW H. Temporini and W. Haase, eds., Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1972–) ANTC Abingdon New Testament Commentaries ASE Annali di storia dell’esegesi ATANT Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments AThR Anglican Theological Review ATLAMS American Theological Library Association Monograph Series BAR Biblical Archaeology Review BBB Bonner biblische Beiträge BECNT Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament BETL Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium BEvT Beiträge zur evangelischen Theologie BHT Beiträge zur historischen Theologie Bib Biblica BibInt Biblical Interpretation BibInt Biblical Interpretation Series BibSem The Biblical Seminar BICS Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies BMSSEC Baylor Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity BNTC Black’s New Testament Commentaries BPC Biblical Performance Criticism BSGRT Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana BSNA Biblical Scholarship in North America BTB Biblical Theology Bulletin BThS Biblisch-theologische Schwerpunkte BThSt Biblisch-theologische Studien BTS Biblical Tools and Studies Budé Collection des universités de France, publiée sous le patronage de l’Association Guillaume Budé BWANT Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament BZ Biblische Zeitschrift XII List of Abbreviations BZNW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft CBET
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