1 the Land of the Hebrews 2 the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires 3

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1 the Land of the Hebrews 2 the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires 3 MAPS 1 The Land of the Hebrews 2 The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires 3 Galilee and Surrounding Areas 4 The Hellenistic Kingdoms, about 170 bc 5 The Roman Empire at the Death of Augustus, ad 14 6 Palestine in New Testament Times 7 The Eastern Mediterranean Lands in the First–Second Centuries ad The Land of the Hebrews Sidon A I Damascus Hill country and desert C a I e Tyre N E S O H n P a e Sea of Galilee n a r N r e J o t r d A a i L n E A R d I S R i v e e Joppa r A M A I T Jericho S I N Jerusalem L I a H H Se A A P D Gaza J U ad e D T C R E S E D E T N G D E S E R A Y I P T B A R A S IN A I PE NI 0 20 40 60 80 kilometres NS ULA Red 0 10 20 30 40 50 miles Sea The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires C a s p i an S ea A S S Y R I Nineveh CYPRUS A E u P A R T HIA p A h r T I a t igris R e S Y s e a M S e d i t e r r a n e a n Ecbatana Damascus E IN ST LE PA Babylon Jerusalem Dead BA Sea B YL ONI Memphis A A R A E G YPT B I A PER S I A Nile Assyrian Empire ca. 700 BC R P ed e r BC s New Babylonian Empire ca.575 i Thebes Se an a G u 0 100 200 300 400 kilometres l f 0 50 100 150 200 miles C I A I L I Tarsus C E up hrates Antioch A I Or ontes R Y Palmyra CYPRUS a S e S n A a I e C I n N a E O Damascus r Sidon H r P e t Tyre E i E d L I Capernaum e L Sea of A M Galilee G Nazareth Jordan River SAMARIA JUDAEA Modein Jerusalem Bethlehem Dead Gaza Sea I D U Principal routes MEA 0 25 50 75 100 kilometres 0 20 40 60 miles EGYPT Galilee and Surrounding Areas The Hellenistic Kingdoms, about 170 BC V olga Jaxartes Danube Aral Sea Panticapaeum Blac MACEDONIA k Sea C a s p i a Athens Pergamum n Oxus Corinth S Ephesus e a M A DIABE e N d E i t e S r Antioch E r L E a U n I A C e Y R Dura-Europos I a S D K n I S E N e a Damascus T M G igris P D I Alexandria R O Jerusalem Indus M DAEA Babylon E O JU F Euphrates T EG H YP PERSIA E T P T P O er LO si M an I ES G u A R lf A B I R A Nile ed Se a 0 250 500 750 1000 kilometres 0 200 400 600 miles The Roman Empire at the Death of Augustus, AD 14 a e S North i c Sea l t B a I C R M A N G E Rhine R I B E S T S A R M A T I A Danube Ara l Sea GAUL D D A CIA A AL C L Danube AN a M S s ITALY l a c k S e p A T B a CAN T H i TABRIA I RA a Rome A CE n AR M PONTUS ME S ACEDO A N NI IA e IA YN a SPAIN ITH IA B LAT GREECE GA M e d Corinth I A i CILIC P A R Carthage t Antioch T H e A I A N r r RI Dura-Europos N a CRETE S U n CYPRUS SY Palmyra Euphrates e a Tigris M n S e a Damascus I D Jerusalem I A Alexandria EGYPT A Nile R R A e d B I 0 250 500 750 1000 kilometres S A e 0 20 40 600 miles a S Y a R I A e A S I I T C I U N R n E E a A O e H P E Capernaum n E Sea of a L I Galilee r L A r G e t i Pella d Caesarea e S Jordan River M A M A R I D A E C Mount Gerizim A P O L I S A A E A R E Jamnia E Jericho P Emmaus Jerusalem Qumran D s s Bethlehem e n r U e a d l i Se W ad J n e a e D a d u J Masada I D U M E A 0 10 20 30 40 miles 0 20 40 60 kilometres Palestine in New Testament Times The Eastern Mediterranean Lands in the First–Second Centuries ad Sinope a Abonoteichus k Se c U S Adriatic Sea Bla N T Hispellum P O Rome IA ON ITALY ED C I A Capua A N Pompeii M THASOS Y N O R ) T H M I B I A S I A Thyatira ( Aegean E Tyrrhenian Psidian Antioch Tyana u Sea Sardis p Iconium h Sea r Philadelphia a Ephesus Lystra t Hieropolis Tarsus e Ionian Tralleis s Sea Eleusis Athens Aphrodisias Corinth Antioch SICI Stymphalus LY Laodicea S Y R I A CYPRUS MALTA Damascus CRETE M e Caesarea Jordan Pella d i t e r r a n e a n S e a Jerusalem Dead Sea Cyrene Alexandria 0 100 200 300 400 kilometres Nile 0 50 100 150 200 miles EGYPT.
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