Detroit, !Dlclll&All
Home oj the NtfDI AU the of < . AU the Pointes Every ?.iia\ ~\, ,< Thursday Morning ."II~ ews ,i--.1 L -:1 '1\.>1 ~ ~I _,~....'.. Vol, 3o-No. 51 Entered a. Second Cia$! Maller at 15.00Per \'ear the Post Ottlca at Detroit, !dlclll&all. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 18, 1969 JOe PerCOpl' 28 Pages -' Two Sections - Section One , . ~, .' ,. .',", . II~llDI~INt;S Auto Club, Police Join in. S~fetyCampaign Tight Money Puts Many Cases of the ' Unreported, \V.EEK Buyers an d Sellers Says Doctor As Compiled by thl! Grosse Poiflte News Of Home in Bind Deputy'Director County Health Dept, Furnishes Thursday, December 11 News Latest Figures Many Properties for Sale, but Virtual Moratorium on HENRY FORD II, chairman of the Ford Motor Company. Mortgages Brings Frustration to AU Involved By Pepper Whitelaw tilok an anti. pollution pledge In Potential Transactions Hepatitis is at epidemic Wednesday. He said the com. pro p 0 r t ion s in. Grosse pany would tl':r to achieve in By.Phil Loranger Pointe, according to Dr_ the shorte6t possible time pro. There are more homes for sale in The Pointe to. Thomas Hamilton, Deputy ducts and manufacturing facili. day than in recent memory, but a tight money market D ire c tor of the Wayne ties that do not signific,antly has created a real stalemate between buye~ and seller, C 0 u n t y Department of contaminate the atmosphere, according to Robert G. Edgar, a partner in Purdy and Health. He told the NEWS waters or landscape. Mr.
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