Tomorr6#-Last Dpuble Mea*« Oualvml y i — Beatrice Blackwood of the all thdiM who will a velvet Department, Cheney Broth­ Mrs. Andrew Jesperaon of 48 this w«ek to b« on ers, is spending a two weeks’ vaoa- Stamp Day In July! North School street, la company win Confer With Town Coon- tlila aventng at 6:80 in New Hampshire. with her sister, Mrs. Neils Sorensen stolsn goods and also taken to the of Holcomb street, Hartford, left scl W. S. Hyde on Tax Sit­ Stafford Springs barracks. The executive commltee of the uation and Assessment Local Gronp Charged With Again Officers Koss sad Griffin Shop In Both Theso Sdward Von Deck and laat night on an extended trip to Merchants Division of the Chamber the Pacific Coast They wlU visit A ppeals. went to BS School street to try and WOMAN PREDICTS ■, Barbara Jean, o t Weak- of Commerce will meet at the another sister, Mrs. Otaf Blmonaen Taking Auto Eqaipment locate the other man that they D. C , Mra Walter Henacha Chamber office tomorrow morning at Tacoma, Washington, and sever­ wanted and learned that ho was not Stores F or EAST HAMPTON HER OWN DEATH At King: Edward’s First ^‘Outdoor Court” rlaBi Jack and Janet and Mra. at 1 1 o'clock. al other places in the West, includ­ TIm Selectmen and Town Counsel at home. Shortly after 1 o’clock McCollum returned to Man- ing Vancouver, B. C. They plan to William 8. Hyde will confer at 8 from DobsonviDe Station. Epram Sylvester, who Uveo at 88 .. laat nlgbt after apendlng Told Friends For 20 Years She LOYAUST PLANES BOMtf return by the Northern route and to o’clock tonight In the Municipal , weeka at the McCollum cot- ariee Camille Mastrlopletro, daugh­ School stteet returned'homo and BANK WILL PAY be absent about six weeka. building concerning plans for man­ Waa Ready After She Saw at Myrtle Beach, Milford. ter of Dominick Mastrlopletro of 177 waa arrested. He was booked at Spruce street, and John B. Falkow- aging the tax collector's office after After working in Manchester for the Manchester poUoe statton and Husband’s Grave. skl, son of Mrs. John Falkowakl of Paul Fitsgerald was the guest' of August 18 when Collector George H. ^ e n at once by the state police­ _ _ j. John Campbell and daugb- William Mullln at his oottags in Howe’s resignation la effective and two days State Policeman Arthur OFF TOMORROW 68 Maple street, have applied at the man to RockvUle where ho was London, July 28.— (A P)—For 1*, Gertrude and Bernice C^mp- South Covent^ yesterday as wars the possibility of compromising the Koss of the Stafford Barracks of ^ Mra. Robert J. Gorman and office of the town clerk for a mar­ locked up. He was charged with twenty years Mrs. Roatna Kemp REBELS IN MOUNTAINS Mr. and Mrs. William House. MBhter, Roberta Gorman, returned riage license. appeals to the Superior Court of sev­ the State Police, with Officer Ru­ theft of Calgary, Canada, had told eral grand list assessments. dolph Wlrtalla and Officer Raymond AU five men arere -presented be­ her friends: "When I have seen ^ ^ g -h t after a two weeke* atay at Mark Hewitt, Jr., ^ho has been Depositors to Get Thdr t Coleman cottage. Old Lyme Women of the Moose will hold It is generally expected that Ed­ Griffin made five arrests between fore the RockvUle City Court this my hust^d’s grave at 'Vlmy employed at the Manchester Dairy ward McKnigbt, accountant of the Saturday afternoon and 1:80 this morning, but on request of the state Ammunition Dumps Destroy- ^ their regular meeting this evening Ice Cream Company for the past 16 Ridge I shall be prepared to at 8 o’clock at the Home club on H. N. Alexander company of certi­ morning that will probably end the poUce the cases of aU were conti^ Money from FDIC Under die.” years, has been named as acting fied public accountants, will be re­ series of thefts of automobile tires, ued until Thursday as tW e.are cer­ American Refugees Mlaa Mary Loftus of Thompson- Bratnard place. manager of the plant since the She fulfilled her wish Sunday, tained as supervisor of the collec­ tubes and other accessories that tain details on which the state po­ as one of the pilgrims to the ed hy Defenders of Ma­ Be spent the week end Tialttng death of P. J. O’Leary. tor's office until a new collector la ■" Mrs. John HI. Dwyer of Birch Mr. and Mrs. William Kronlck of have been stolen from the Gordon Uce wish to check before malmig Insurance Pact; Kopple- unveiling of the Canadian war elected in October. Tire company of DobsonviUe. their formal detaUed report to the it Stephen street left yesterday for At- F. A. Nickerson, agent of the memorial on the bloodsoaked Are Still in Madrid drid; Sharp Fightmg Those who have appealed their For over a year the Gordon Tire prosecuting attorney of the Rock­ heights of Vimy. lantio Cify, where they will spend Manchester station of the Railway property assessments are the BL B. mann Wfll Be Observer. i ^Manchester waa represented by their vacation. company has been reporting to the vUle City Court Then she boarded the steam­ Express, today returned to work Hilliard company, the Rogers Paper state and Rockville police loss of ported in More Than Half ' ut 8S at the gathering of the after a week’s vacation. Manufacturi^ company. Gammons er Antonia at Le Havre. Washington, July 98— (A P )—Re-1, Standing by at Alicante was the Toung Democrats at the out- different article^ from a store locat­ Four boura later she was dead Mrs. Lily Foots, worthy mistress and Holman com puy, Mrs. Susan ed on the south side of Tolland Hartford, July 28— (AP) — Con- orts to the.State Department In- American heavy cruiser ()ulncy, held in Windsor yesterday af- of the Daughters of Liberty No. 126, ROSE MARIE SQUATRITO of a heart attack. which already had on board two Foreman Joseph Skoneski of Com­ Gammons, the Hartford Gas com- avenue at DobsonviUe. It was the All Day TUESDAY gressnm Herman P. Kopplemonn SIcotedIcsted today that Americans who Dozen Cities. ; Boon. Governor Cross and Con- L. O. L. L., has called a meeting of pany No. 1 of the Manchester fire Begtstered BfldwUa, O have been sheltered from Spain’s Americans and one Argentine na­ Kopplemann spoke. and the Savings Bank of opinion of the state poUceman that the officers for tomorrow evening at departmeht, has called a special Is. Oonneetioat and New York. aald today that the Federal Depoott civil strife tn the Emi at Madrid tional. 6:30 in Orange hall. A few seats meeting of the company bo follow the same people must have been en­ Inxurance Corporation will atart to still face the ordeal of light to the A t last reports there were 148 gaged in the several different breaks Graduate BeUevna HoepitaL Madrid, July 28.—Leftlat Spatli''' ^-Mias Pauline Beebe of Maple are available in the bus which the the scheduled drill this evenini pay depoaltora of the clooed Boat sea. refugees quartered in the Embassy _et visited the noted Gaucl Holy outing committee has engaged for The members of the company and with this idea in view has been LABOR TROUBLE While prees dispatebea yeeterday at Madrid. Wendelln did not make struck at a stubborn, 1 1 -day rebt)- , nd exhibit in Horticultural Hall; MAPLES HOSPITAL Hampton Bank and Trust Company Saturday at Playland, Rye beach. meet at 6 o’clock for the drill and LEGION SONS, SCOUTS working on different angles of the 164 Oak S t Dial 8841 The JW.HAL'C CORK said Americana at the Spanish capi­ clear how many intended to make lion with gloves off today, ssndiil|g ^ Saturday. The exhibit, man­ case for some time. One lead tomorrow at 9 a. m. Members or friends may secure at 8 o'clock will hold the business M ANCH isna Coh n- tal were being evacuated by train, the journey to the coast. new„fleets of bombing planes to ured by Joseph and Salvatore them by getting in touch with Mra. pointed to Manchestr snd on Satur­ The Congressman will be on hand Eric • Wendelln, third secretary at His massage, which waa dispatch­ meeting at which time a report will W m i SEA, DOCK blast out Insurgent garrisons and '' ucl of the Island of Malta, con. Annie Johnston, 7090, by tomorrow be given by the representative of ENJOY FINE OUTING day afternoon with the assistance of personally at that hour to see the the Embaasy, advised the depart­ ed aa Asbossador Claude G. ^ w ers I of 60,000,000 piece of conatruc- night. Officer Wirtalla of the local depart­ ilrat instance of this kind in New ment today he planned to take out was believed to have establlehed a exploding rebel ammunition dumoe ' and 1100 electrical moving the company on the house commit­ England where the Federal Bank­ tee. ment three Manchester men were the refugee* Thursday morning. floating American Embaasy aboard In the Guadarraraa mountains whl& ' Many Manchester people Given Party Saturday at Bark- ing Act is Invoked to safeguard de- UNION^FEARED guard this beleaguered capital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, for­ picked up. U IW H e''S0H . In a brief message timed at 1 p- the American Coast Guara Cutter _ave visited the exhibition which Victor Pyka of 27 Durant street, noMtors protected by the corpora­ m.
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