February 13, 1981 H* No
Bid*.: KM "-'W .'?< ' FEB 13 1981 \©I.5H James Madison University Friday. February 13, 1981 H* No. 14 { Housing lottery suggested, to affect seniors, juniors By CHRIS WARD One group may run from 0-499, another from James Madison University may eventually 500-999, and so on. adopt a lottery system for housing, but it "The 20 groups would then be put into a hat probably won't come next fall. and we would draw out the numbers of as The Residential Life Committee has been many groups that we had room for," he con- studying "various alternatives" to alleviate tinued, adding that those students whose JMU's housing problem and has made some groups are called would be the ones guaran- recommendations, according to Lin Rose, teed housing, and the rest would be put on director of Residence Halls and Commuting waiting lists. Student Services. "Of course, the first option is to maintain the "WE MAY try to encourage people, current situation, the second is a random especially juniors and seniors, to seek off selection system," Rose said. campus housing," he added. "It would cer- If any lottery was adopted by the university, tainly be a voluntary effort. We would not it would be a limited one including only juniors require people to move on campus. and seniors, according to Rose. "The housing office is in agreement that (Continued on Page 8) there is a preference for guaranteeing housing for freshman and sophomores," he said. UNDER THE lottery system, juniors and side. seniors interested in living on campus the —Although he played a pleasant, mellow following semester would fill out cards in- brand of music almost flawlessly in dicating that interest.
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