Bid*.: KM "-'W

.'?< ' FEB 13 1981

\©I.5H James Madison University Friday. February 13, 1981 H* No. 14 { Housing lottery suggested, to affect seniors, juniors By CHRIS WARD One group may run from 0-499, another from James Madison University may eventually 500-999, and so on. adopt a lottery system for housing, but it "The 20 groups would then be put into a hat probably won't come next fall. and we would draw out the numbers of as The Residential Life Committee has been many groups that we had room for," he con- studying "various alternatives" to alleviate tinued, adding that those students whose JMU's housing problem and has made some groups are called would be the ones guaran- recommendations, according to Lin Rose, teed housing, and the rest would be put on director of Residence Halls and Commuting waiting lists. Student Services. "Of course, the first option is to maintain the "WE MAY try to encourage people, current situation, the second is a random especially juniors and seniors, to seek off selection system," Rose said. campus housing," he added. "It would cer- If any lottery was adopted by the university, tainly be a voluntary effort. We would not it would be a limited one including only juniors require people to move on campus. and seniors, according to Rose. "The housing office is in agreement that (Continued on Page 8) there is a preference for guaranteeing housing for freshman and sophomores," he said. UNDER THE lottery system, juniors and side. seniors interested in living on campus the —Although he played a pleasant, mellow following semester would fill out cards in- brand of music almost flawlessly in dicating that interest. Godwin Hall Sunday, Christopher Croat Students then would be broken up into was, in one reviewer's opinion, boring. See Photo by Mikt Bltvlni groups. One way is by using the last four digits Folio! page 10. of their social security numbers. CHRISTINE Barnes donates blood in the Panhellenic- "For example, if students were broken into —The VCU-JMU basketball rivalry has an Interfraternity Council blood drive, held this week in the Warren groups using the last four digits in their social University Union ballroom. The annual service project collected off-the-court aspect. Involving a battle of security numbers, running from zero to 9,999, words. See Sports commentary, page IS. 295 pints of blood for the northern Virginia Red Cross. there may .be 20 groups," he explained. Cunningham apologizes to senators for letter By CHRIS WARD letter to legislators regarding student students, he noted. terests of the students," Cunningham Student Government Association membership on Boards of Visitors, He explained that the Executive told senators. President Chuck Cunningham without the senate's knowledge or Council is not always able to get a Cunningham also said he would apologized to the senate Tuesday for approval. consensus from the senate or the send a "letter of clarification" to not conferring with its members on a However, Cunningham was quick to students in every decision it makes members of the House Committee on letter he wrote to the General point out that he did "nothing and "we are elected by the entire Education. The proposal was killed in Assembly. tyrannical" when he submitted the student body to represent them as a committee Feb. 5. Cunningham had been strongly letter, because "Executive Council whole." He cautioned the senate "about criticized by many senators for "not officers are asked to" do what they The apology apparently is a com- getting itself involved with, and en- acting in the best interests of the believe is in the best student interests promise between the senate and tangled in politics and personalities." students" when he submitted the without taking a "straw vote" of the Cunningham, according to sources in "I would rather see the SGA deal the senate, and replaces a much with issues of student interest rather > harsher previous proposal by Senator than the business of headhunting," he Brian Skala calling for Cunningham's added. retraction of the letter and a public Steve Snead, administrative vice Doctor says students' apology to both the senate and the president, noted, "I think it's an in- entire JMU student body. justice that Chuck had to stand up here before this body and apologize. "I WISH TO make it clear that I "We have to make decisions for birth control needs met take this action only so that the students all the time...this body has student senate may finally move on to been more concerned with itself than By CINDY ELMORE constructive matters in the best in- (Continued on Page 7) "It is really to the benefit of students to have it the way it is." According to at least one local family planning expert, James Madison University students needing or using contraceptives are better off without the campus Health Center dispensing or prescribing them. Dr. Malcolm Tenney, regional medical director and JMU faculty instructor teaching "Human Sexuality" and "Pregnancy Control and Abortion" main- tains that the birth control needs of students are adequately met through private physicians and the local Health Department. Contraceptive services by the JMU Health Center are not needed "since the service is being provided and since the need is met and contraceptives are free," Tenney said. "It is a lot less expensive," he added. "The university couldn't very well provide the contraceptives; it's very time consuming. Students would still have to pay about $6 a month at pharmacies (for birth control pills.)" He noted that the pill probably is used by a majority of students using contraceptives, adding, "It has practically no side effects." Of the 3-4,000 persons seen each year by the Family Planning team, about 1.000 are students, Tenney estimated. The Family Planning unit is a part of the Harrisonburg Health Department, located at 227 E. Elizabeth St. "There is a family planning clinic one or two days every week and one night a month that are always full," Tenney said. "Students are welcome in any one clinic."

He conceded, however, that the Family Planning team has "just about got all PfMto kv V* N«»»y« the people they can handle. But I would think a student should be able to get in ONE executive council member claimed Tuesday that senators have more there." concern for themselves than for students. Pictured at Tuesday's meeting are —- Brian Skala. Jeff French and Al Willner. ^

-». J Page 2. THE BREEZE Friday. February 13. 1081 Some complaints voiced Most repairs completed without delay

must be taken care of right DELAYS OF weeks and By KATHY KOROLKOFF away. Those things that can months to repair bathroom Most work orders to repair tiles, broken screens and or replace university property be delayed may take a week or even longer." windows and lamps also were are filled without undue He described emergency revealed by the survey delays, but some problems situations as ones where "not results. may take weeks or months to correcting the problem would Deane explained that correct, according to students be dangerous to life or limb, or "sometimes head residents here. don't put in orders. Normally In a random survey, 68 create hazardous conditions," citing broken water lines and we get the blame for it. percent of students polled said "It does happen quite they either have placed a exposed electrical wires as examples. frequently and if we don't work order in the past or know know there is a work problem, Colleen Sheehan, a "We make sure the house she stated. someone who has. sophomore living in Chap- we can't fix it," he said. Of that number, most The process of submitting a doesn't fall down." said Suzie responded that their orders pelear Hall, placed a work Donnell, Alpha Sigma Alpha Donnell turns in her work order for a new shower drain work order is a complicated orders to a greek coordinator were filled within one week one that begins with a student house manager. "If and had ho complaints con- during the first weeks of fall something goes wrong.' we're who notifies Buildings and semester. Buildings and placing the order with his her Grounds of the problem. cerning delays. resident advisor. responsible for replacing it," The resident advisor then gives the order to the dor- mitory head resident. Ac- 'You kind of get frustrated cording to Cheryl Rae, head TAKE resident of Eagle Hall, she when things don't get fixed passes on the order again to ADVANTAGE her area director. OFUS... Finally, the order is sent to WEVE GOT TIME ON OUR Grounds workers took three HANDS AND WERE However, some students Buildings and Grounds to be GIVING IT voiced dissatisfaction with months to replace it, she said. filled. For emergency AWAY! building and grounds officials Residents of Huffman C303 situations such as electrical or WINTER RATE for taking weeks to fill orders put an order in for a new heat problems, the head MARK'S BIKE and occasionally disregarding bathroom fan upon returning 25% OFF resident can call the workers WITH THIS AD BCVCIES MOPEOS /jfjt>l requests entirely. for spring semester and the •Tune Upi directly, Rae said. •Complete Overhaul* SALES AND StRVlCE IjJfyJ order has not yet been filled. •Acte»*ory IntulUtton Buildings and Grounds Debra Bellinger, a fresh- •Wheel Work SHE EXPLAINED that {Wheelchair!, loo) 4345151 receives an average of 500 man residing in Eagle Hall, orders usually are filled work orders a week depending discovered a hole in her closet without undue delays, but at on "the time of year and the earlier this year where mice times "you kind of get weather," said Phillip Deane, were coming in. frustrated when things don't Buildings and Grounds After placing an emergency get fixed." superintendent. order with her resident ad- The Greek system operates visor, Bellinger waited days slightly differently, with each Tte Body Stoj/ft DELAYS OCCUR, Deane . before finally having her sorority and fraternity em- said, "because those things father cover the hole to keep ploying a house manager. that require immediate action the mice out. REGISTERED JEWELER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY WASHINGTONS Lost items Wilson Jewelers BIRTHDAY SERVICES IN JEWELRY APPRAISING CLEARANCE SALE often found BRIDAL REGISTRY SILVER in WUU ENGRAVING REPAIRING 83 S. MAIN ST. HARRISONBURG, VA TEL. 434-4693 ALL WINTER SHIRTS Whatever happened to that favorite pair of mittens you SWEATER VESTS lost somewhere between your dorm and D hall9 Chances are BLAZERS ETC they could be at the lost and found location at the Warren LUIGI'S 1/2 PRICE University Union information desk. Gwen Davis, clerk at the information desk, compiles a DEE CEE BRAND new list every week of things SUPER SPECIAL reported lost. She keeps all COLORED these lists in a notebook and tries to match the owner with PAINTERS PANTS a lost item when it is turned in. Although the WUU is the only official place for lost - CHINOS AND CORDCHINOSJ items to be turned in, often the secretaries of various so.98 departments keep the item in SMALL CHEESE the department where it was ( lost in case the owner returns $ there. COLORED BIBS - 12.93- In this situation, the PIZZA secretary also notifies the lost and found desk in case the Mon-Thurs 11:00-5:001 owner attempts to find the 1 item there. CORDUROY BIBS- H.98H All unclaimed items are Friday 11:00-2:001 kept two semesters. After this time, they are disposed of to clear out the accumulation. ONIONS AND PEPPERS For example, unclaimed clothes are given to the THRU MONDAY Salvation Army. FREE FOR THE ASKING The most common items FEB 16 lost are clothes, keys, books, checkbooks, mittens and glasses. 101 OS. Main St. 433-1101 .*■

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THE BREEZE, Friday. February U. mi. Page 3 Executive Council suggests parliamentarian dismissal By CHRIS WARD Revisions Committee) how to word his The Student Government Association presentation so that it would get the approval Executive Council said Tuesday that of the senators." Parliamentarian Ben Thomas should be dismissed from office. IN ADDITION, the statement read, "be has The opinion came in the form of a 3-0 vote made private comments to other (SGA) of- with SGA President Chuck Cunningham and ficials which (criticize) the character of the Legislative Vice President Mark Davison SGA president." abstaining. Sulik told the council after he read the "It is the opinion of the Executive Council statement, "I think he's operated too much that Mr. Benjamin Thomas has not been able behind closed doors. to carry out the duties of his office and it is also "I don't expect him to be perfect, but Ben our opinion that he be dismissed from this has been anything but impartial," he added. office," said SGA Treasurer Bill Sulik in a Cunningham, Sulik, and Administrative Vice statement read to the Executive Council. President Steve Snead also stressed that an Thomas refused to comment on the charges ability to remain impartial was one reason and saidonly that "the charges that I'm aware why Thomas was appointed. of are completely unfounded." Snead was quick to point out that the "main HOWEVER, the Executive Council was point" was the "lack of impartiality" and strongly criticized in Tuesday's senate Thomas' "underhanded dealings." meeting by Chairperson Pro-Tempore Al "We noted from the beginning that we Willner, who said he was "distressed that the wanted someone who was impartial to come council did not inform" him of the opinion. into senate meetings only and rule on con- "I was one of the three people who picked stitutionality," said Cunningham Ben for the job, I think I should have been informed of the vote," Willner said. SULIK ADMITTED however that the vote Sulik said Thomas had lost his "im- was not an easy action for him to take. He partiality" in his dealings with the senate and said, "Ben is a close friend of mine and I'm not should be dismissed. attacking him personally, only his per- In the statement, Sulik also mentioned, formance as Parliamentarian." "Thomas is no longer carrying out the full Cunningham abstained in the vote, as did responsibilities of his office..." Davison. THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT Association Executive Council Citing instances of what Sulik thought were has suggested that Parliamentarian Ben Thomas be dismissed "I think it would be better for me to abstain from office due to "inability to carry out Ids duties." Thomas said misconduct, he told the group, "Thomas has than get involved in a personality conflict that appeared at committee meetings and the charges are "unfounded." Pictured here hi Thomas defending might be perceived as a personal vendetta," his position at Tuesday's meeting. instructed a member (of the Constitutional Cunningham said. Communication building plans formulated By KATHY KOROLKOFF No specifics concerning Plans are underway for a THE COMMITTEE is Equipment Committee of the facilities will also be observed facilities in the structure have scheduled to meet this week School of. Fine Arts and $6.5 million fine arts and been decided upon, he said. by committee members communication building to be where "each of the individuals Communication. before a decision is reached. A building committee was in the various programs will "The next step will be for us constructed on the James selected Wednesday to Obtaining funding for the Madison University campus. identify needs," McConkey to set up hearings and we will project is a "lengthy determine what departments stated. invite faculty members to The 39,000 square foot would have priorities in space process," according to building is tentatively assignment and to discuss William P. Jackameit, scheduled to be located ad- plans with the architect. director of institutional jacent to Duke Fine Arts McConkey chairs the com- research and budget. Center, according to Donald mittee that includes Jay Kain, 'The next stop will be for us To date, the university has L. McConkey, dean of fine arts art department; Joseph submitted a pre-planning and communication. Estock, music department; to set up hearwigs * justification and is currently "I would like to see it Rex Fuller, communication conduction a study on the located in front of Duke, arts department; Ray Sonner, project. Following completion facing Duke, and then have vice president for public af- McConkey said the new come give testimony in terms of the study, JMU will request the two buildings connected fairs, and William Merck, committee will draw heavily of their ideas of needs and funds for the construction to by a glass atrium," McConkey assistant vice president for from information already things they would like to see in the 1982-84 biennium budget. said. business affairs. compiled by the Facilities and the building," he said. Similar (Continued on Page 4) Cases of VD rise nationally; victims often neglect symptoms By JENNIFER YOUNG "too embarrassed" to go to the student Health More than 10 million Americans are infected Center for venereal disease treatment each year with sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases include gonorrhea, sypHllis, SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED diseases are herpes simplex, non-gonoccal urethiUs, lice, spreading because of increased sexual activity scabies and several other less serious diseases by young persons, according to Hicks. Those but which all require medical attention. infected often are unaware of the disease, and According to Barbara Hicks, clinical nurse consequently they do not inform their part- at the Harrisonburg Public Health Depart- ners. Many symptoms are not easily noticed, ment, "students do not know the symptoms, so the disease spreads to invade other parts of and this should be instilled in the program at the body, she noted. . school." The diseases can reoccur because immunity Although Hicks said she did not have figures usually cannot be built up, and there is no on how many VD patients at the center are vaccination against them. James Madison University students, most Sexually transmitted diseases can cause persons who contract veneral diseases are blindness, sterilty and death. Women and ages 19-32. newborn babies are especially vulnerable. "I don't have any statistics locally, but it is Gonorrhea is the second most commonly not any more of a problem here than any other reported communicable disease after the community," Hicks said. common cold. Despite improved treatment According to one nurse at the JMU Health methods, an estimated 1.6 to 2 million cases MMfehy v» Naaaya Center, "Those who do come here ask to speak are reported in America each year. If symp- to a doctor and not to one of the nurses. It is toms occur, they appear three days to three kept confidential between the doctor and the weeks after sexual contact with an infected Kfffssrar •"•■""» -* •• * -**■ student." partner. _ Hicks added that most students would be (Continued on Page 8) Page4. THE BREEZE Friday. February 13.1981 Valentine card prices rise Bv CINDY RUSSELL holiday season. Valentine's buyers this year The most popular Valentine Bill Hancher. manager of are evenly distributed bet- cards being sold this year are the James Madison Univer- ween young and old. and male with Snoopy and Ziggy art- sity bookstore, said Valen- and female, according to work tine's cards bring good sales Hoover and Miller. Valentine's Day is big However, since the store sells Miller said humorous cards business V>re tlian 800 to a limited audience made up are bought mostly by younger million valenmi. cards will be of students, all card sales are persons while older persons exchanged m the United good. In fact. Halloween cards still tend to buy the serious States this >ear. The $1.5 sell just as much as Valen- sentiments. billion card industry claims tine's, he. noted. Valentine's Day is second only to Christmas in the number of PRICES ARE up again this Area florists red roses cards sold. year on cards due to the still are the flowers being Local card shops agreed. overall economy. The average ordered most. Phobe Hoover, manager of price range at Lloyd's is 25 Blakemore Florists on East Lloyd's Hallmark Cards on cents-$2.50. at House of Cards Market Street said more than Main Street, and Dianne 35 cents-$2.50. and at the JMU half of their flower orders for Miller, manager of House of bookstore. 60 cents-$l. All Valentine's Day are going to quarter of their flower orders biggest season. < Cards at Valley Mall, both stores agreed that 75 cents is the JMU campus. According are sent to JMU students. An This year "there seems to claimed Valentine's Day is the average cost of a Valen- to Blue Ridge Florist and Gift employee at Blakemore's said be more men ordering flowers their second biggest-selling tine card. Shop on North Main Street a Valentine's Day is their than usual." she noted.

* Plans FRIDAY U SATURDAY NIGHTS! i Continued from Page 3> At THI tout CHOKlt -A ouiinm mm I At •Gov John Dalton may or don't think it could open much Fine arts and com- Midnight Midnight may not decide to include the before 1984." munication facilities are also project in his budget." McConkey also expressed located in Lincoln House. Jackameit said. concern over the allocation of Zirkle House. Wampler, Converse basement and Ash- ♦H, funds for the facility, stating. H:mn:tiH:iii;i'f-t •THE DECISION he will "Dr. Carrier is very op- by basement. / > tip mi '/ s. make will be based on several timistic about our chances of "I suspect that there is LAST HOUSE obtaining both planning more floor space in those old ON THE LEFT m'AMVj things— amount of money houses then we're going to money and building ap- 1W !»>•••• '« r—'l — - «*••* M . available, what recom- propriation in the next have in the new building," he mendations the State Council biennium budget, but I am,a said. "Not everything in those of Higher Education of little less optimistic than he buildings is going to get into ROTHS l-2«3 Virginia has to make is." the new building." &. % regarding the project, as well McConkey said that, despite as other projects around the the building's size, the facility state." he explained. "It's would only "alleviate some of going to be difficult to get a the crowding" in the fine arts Make this a project of that size funded and communications school. during the 1982-84 biennium." Past projects of relative size HE SAID fine arts and Valentine's Day such as the library addition communications programs and the School of Education are "housed in a series of old to remember with building have taken six to 10 houses and buildings." years from the initial proposal Music department offices to construction, Jackameit are located in Master's specially priced gifts added. House: the scheduling and Funds for the fine arts publicity offices of the music structure were requested in department are in Baker the 1980-82 biennium budget House, and several art but were refused. "Even if department graduate students funding comes through for have offices in Nicholas 1982," Jackameit said. "I House, he noted.


Featuring Stoned Wheat Thins 99 Allouette Cheese 3.49 b. Candy Klsses(Giant) 3.49 Adda Bulk Chocolate 4.49 lb. Diamond Love Bud Diamond Solitaire Cookies (Lg.) 3 tor 1.00 to your Earrings Diamond Ring 1/5 Carat SichelAmourose Wine 1/5 3.99 Add a Gold Bead $49.95 $ 88 $350 Va -T Necklace Value 28 199 an adventure in gourmet shopping and dining Each Diamond V 60 W. Water St. 110 S. Jefferson St. Section £A .IflMngf MEIBS Harrisonburg Lexington CHARGE ACCO JNTS INVITED Vane, Mall BuOgH Trni . . Sl-KCrlClCarOS Harrisonburg TIIK BREEZE, Friday, February 13, 1981, Page 5 JMU professor studies at Goethe Institute

By TERM JONES other faculty members from her German grammar and accross the country, was conversation. The Goethe Institute in awarded a scholarship by the After three years of German Murnau. Germany provides a German Academic Exchange in college, she was competent better knowledge of the Program to attend the in- in language reading. Writing German language in two stitute. her dissertation involved months than do two years of An avid enthusiast of much material written in study at JMU. according to German history and the German and strengthened her Dr. Catherine Boyd. a JMU German language. Boyd reading ability. After her history professor who studied decided to apply for the dissertation was completed, at the institute last summer. scholarship to the Goethe she applied for and won the Boyd. along with seven Institute in order to improve scholarship. The institute provided lodging for each scholarship student in private homes in SuiteOuail Spetiat ^ Murnau, a small agricultural village located in the German state of Bavaria. Boyd and the other foreign students shopped in the Bavarian markets, ate in the Bavarian restaurants and participated in every facet of Bavarian life. TANNING &.■< "%>. o. THE GOETHE Institute CENTER 3r attempted to foster an at- mosphere that encouraged Court Square Village closeness to the German 434-9469 people, Boyd said. Although Prepare for your Spring ■*<» she had previously visited Break & then keep your tan year round! Germany and Austria three times, Boyd had never felt as DR. CATHERINE BOYD. a history professor at JMU, studied at close to the German people as Goethe Institute in Germany last summer. 2 twentv visit memberships $40 she did last summer. Only $20 a person! Living within a German society and being required to speak the language increases one's conversational ability tremendously, Boyd added. FOR ALL YOU DO AT JMU However, she gives the most credit for her vast im- provement to her German class at the institute. "The professor spoke ab- solutely no English...All ex- planations were in German. THIS BUD'S We used a great deal of pantomime to communicate," Boyd said. The class was a cross- section of the world with members from Iran, Iraq, Scotland, India, and many FOR YOU! other countries, she con- tinued, adding that despite the diversity of their nationalities, they were able to com- municate The German language provided a common ground which bound them together, Boyd said. The Institute, which has its headquarters in Munich with 21 schools in Germany and 120 branches abroad, exists solely to teach and promote the German language. The scholarahip awarded by the German Academic Ex- change Program included room, board, tuition, and 800 marks (about $280) for the two-month stay of July and August. It was available to any American faculty member with an interest in the German language, except foreign language professors.

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Mole Hill

The Buckhorn Inn

Industrialization in the Valley "i John Kuhn's glass creations -•fi- Ralph isn't the only Hubert Harris provides hope Sampson star for the handicapped Now on sale at the JMU bookstore Page 8. THE BREEZE Friday. February 13. 1981 THE BRIDE'S HOUSE COURT SQUARE VILLAGE i:u-s(ir,:i • VD INVITES YOU TO A (Continued from F»«-ge 3i and is estimated to infect groin or pelvic area, and if Spring & Summer Bridal Fashion about 200,000 persons each any abnormal symptoms Sypn lis ..-. trie most p occur, medical attention Show & Luncheon dangerous oi these diseases. year. Herpes sores may flare Transmitted almost always up. causing an increased risk should be sought im- Sunday , Feb. 15,1981 l:00pn of cancer in women, risk of mediately. The public health by sexual contact, it also can department in Harrisonburg spread by contact where the death or hrain damage. at the Sheraton (pooUide) Possible symptoms for holds two clinics a week to skin is broken or cut. RESERVATIONS NECESSARY t5.25 PER PERSON Herpes is a painful disease veneral diseases occur in the provide treatment. ******************************** ^Housing— * * * * Suuluitt SpMio (Continued from Page 1) * * * Final Ski Clearance Sale * "But some people will * * anticipate the worst—not * Fri-Sat-Mon ONLY * getting on campus housing in * * the lottery and losing room- * * mates—and will move off * campus on their own." We don't mean pizza. * Sk/wear 1/2 off * * And you can make some good bread in * Regardless of the logistics England, France and Germany, too. For JACKETS SWEATERS * of the system, it is not ap- people who like people, there's a whole * parent that the lottery will * * world of interesting work at Busch Gardens. * affect this semester's housing The Old Country—America's only Euro- SKI BBS GLOVES * sign-up, Rose also said, ad- * pean Entertainment Park—needs ride * ETC * ding, "I would not anticipate operators, food service workers, cashiers, * implementing the random musicians, performers, and people-oriented * number system for next people of all ages. * semester." You'll work in beautiful surroundings with * * an international flavor, meet interesting * All Ski Accessories 1/2 off Rose said he will write a people, share some smiles and some memo to Dr. Harold McGee, ' memories and earn a fair wage while you're * vice president for student at it. * * Savor the flavor today. People 18 and over All Ski Equipment 1/4 off * affairs, detailing the options * the Residential Life Com- may apply. * * SKIS BINDINGS * mittee drew up. INTERVIEW DATE: * * According to Rose, McGee Mon., Feb. 16 POLES BOOTS * probably will make a decision 10 a.m. -4 p.m. * Student Center Lobby Coumtry SKI BAGS * in the next few weeks because, James Madison University 0U5CM &»«D€Mi * he said, housing sign-up is WIUIAHSOOMi « * * scheduled for the end of * A//All Warm-UpWarm-up suitsSuits 1/3I/JO" off * February. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H ■a******************************* Till-: BREEZE, Friday, February 13, 1981, Page 9 ^xm febrinqj Clearance Sale! OPEN HOUSE m Down * Thlnsulate Jackets 25% Join us VALKNTINK'S week (7ih llin. I4ll.) lor our open house. ;is we show our "heartwarming" scleclion of grcul Valentines AN Down * Th insulate Uests 20% Off

All Nike Sneakers 20%°"

All Sweaters |5% OFF

M fags, tofts, i Boots 10% «F THE OUTFITTER'S Rolling Mb Skoppln* Center STOP-IN 433-9547 FOOD STORES OF VIRGINIA 1050 South Main St. Harnsonburg, Virginia FEATURING CELEBRATE

Oeer Soft Drinks Candy & Gum Wine Health and Beauty Aids Socks WASHINGTON'S Groceries Sunglasses Party Hose Snacks Hats (Magazines & 3ooks Kegs Ice Ci earn Newspapers Ice Cigarettes Pmball BIRTHDAY Submarines Kilm and Developing Coftee Eggs Keys Made Hoi Chocolate • By Visiting Popcorn Gas and Oil Cocktail Mix Pizza SPANKVS en February 16

Weekend Special Receive FREE One pc. Cherry Cheese - OLD MILL 12 01 cans $2.49 Cake With Minimum $3 Purchase HI SCH 12 oz cans fi.99 ORTLEIBS 12 oz cans fl.89

60W.WAIBJST. HARRGONBURG PHONE 434-7647 110 S. JETOtSONST. LEXINGTON PHONE 434-3338 DAYTONA BEACH Hotin COMPLETE PACKAGE $129 MARCH 7-14,14-21, 21-28; APRIL 11-18 PRICE INCLUDES: • 8 days/7 nights accommodations at International Inn on the beach. • Exclusive Discount Booklet ylr r yB^ Haircuts-Perms • Free admission into international's night club. ^v^ Beard & Moustache Trim • Free live rock band afternoons and evenings. • Welcome Beach/Pool Party ■•^ Valentine • Complimentary beers from Adventures In Travel v DrawingJ for: • Free souvenir sun-visor and flight bag. 50 H* discount oi "Redken" • Full program of optional activities, excursions make-up set and events. Haircuts toJ.M.U. grooming kit Limited Space Act Now Students during Feb formen Mail $25.00 Deposit To: Adventures In Travel Please bring 7 Special- 1200 Post Road East couponyr Curling Irons- $9.95 Westport, Conn. 06880 or write or call for brochure and information (203) 226-7421 Appt. HmWut Not Necessary 433-8891 337 E.Market *r\


Page 10, THE BREEZE Friday, February 13, 1981 Folk) cArts


BY BRYAN POWELL only it hadn't been such an insult to Christopher Cross plays a pleasant, the musicians themselves. Whenever mellow brand . of music which Cross began a guitar solo, the crowd currently has made him a significant roared in unison, and often continued figure in the AM and Top 40 markets to yell for the duration of the solo. across the country. Cross brought his Unfortunately, no one could hear the six-piece band to Godwin Hall Sunday guitar lead. This situation was also and played his music almost evident when Hank Hehnsoft, one of flawlessly. the band's two keyboardists, at- It was boring. tempted to deliver solos on flute and To get right to the crux of the saxophone. Because of the crowd, any matter, there were two very fun- positive effects of these efforts were damental reasons why the concert lost. was dull. The first is the man himself, The problem was at its worst when and the image he projects onstage. noise overwhelmed the captivating The second problem rests in the type introductory passage of "Sailing," the of music Cross offers an audience. group's most popular song to date. Neither statement is meant as an This difficulty with the audience could insult, but both factors are have been eliminated simply and nonetheless troublesome and effectively, if no one had revealed the unavoidable. fact that the show was being recor- ded. THE FIRST order of business is to Despite the aforementioned look at the man himself. His ap- problems, there were many positive pearance was, to be frank, dumpy. moments during the concert. Among Cross is unnattractively overweight, them was the band's performance of and his hair is thinning noticeably on "Sailing," which recreated almost top. His attire did nothing to alleviate perfectly the sound and mood which or de-emphasize either condition made this song a smashing success. Cross' visual projection was poor; he "Ride Like The Wind" also evoked a never did anything to really reach out strong and well-deserved crowd and grab the audience. He preferred response. instead to casually play his guitar Another positive aspect of the show without ever getting genuinely ex- was the talents of James Fenner, who cited about what he was doing. concentrated mainly on the bongos In many ways, the rest of the band but provided musical frills on a presented themselves in the same variety of percussion instruments. way. They were sorely lacking in any Keyboardist Rob Meurer was also sort of stage presence and, con- impressive, and the show would have sequently, did not make a strong been improved had his presence been visual impression. emphasized. A second problem with Sunday For the first time in memory, the night's concert was that Cross' songs sound within Godwin was actually were all quite similar, almost without good. One reason for the good exception. As a result, all but the most acoustics was that Cross was not devoted Cross fan soon found that the exceptionally loud. The other, songs began to run together about probably more important, reason was halfway into the concert. Presenting that the sound crew went to great material in a unique way is a pains to get the sound up to recording monumental task for any performer standards. whose repertoire is not well known, Unfortunately, since the sound crew Pfcrt* by Mlkt atovint and it is a problem with which Cross would not let anyone in before they has not yet come to grips. were had finished the sound check, "We did the song one night (in a discipline is all about." Needless to the doors were opened very late. By bar) and didn't think too much about say, the crowd loved it. A RELATED problem with this that^time, the line outside stretched it. But one of the Eagles was in the At one point, Kempchin played a man's music is that it is very mellow. from Godwin to the Warren audience, and they went and recorded song about an incredible twist of While that in itself is not a problem, of University Union. Many of those who it. So one day I went to my mailbox to marital ties which made him his own course, the problem Sunday was that braved the elements were no doubt get some bills to throw away and grandfather. He also delivered a slow the mellow, friendly mood Cross' disappointed with Cross' perfunctory there was this check for $8000. I blues number entitled "How To band created was inconsistent with performance. thought it was a mistake, so I did the Handle Women." He sang the song in the predominant mood of the crowd. logical thing; I cashed the check and an appropriately slurred, lethargic After a long wait outside in the bitter THE OPENING act for the evening, spent the money as fast as I could. manner,.as the lyrics describing his Harrisonburg cold, the audience was Jack Kempchin, was much more fun When I got back from Peru, I went to ideal way to handle women: ready to get rowdy. Unfortunately, a than Cross, even if his best moments my mailbox and there were several Christopher Cross concert is not the came between songs, not during more checks. In the end I guess I Shut up place to get rowdy. them. Kempchin has to his made about three or four million Shut up Part of the crowd did their best to do songwriting credits such big Eagles' dollars. That's probably why I don't Get out of the way of the tube so anyway. Both Cross and the man hits as "Peaceful Easy Feeling" and give a damn about anything." Go in the kitchen and get me a beer who introduced him mentioned at the "Already Gone." An excellent Shut up show's outset that it was being storyteller, Kempchin introduced Kempchin said this great inflow of recorded for broadcast on ABC radio. "Already Gone" with a story about money has enabled him to live a Kempchin ended his portion of the With this in mind, the audience made the song's origin. As the story goes, he suitable lifestyle. "There are three show by saying that it was time for every effort to be as loud as humanly and one of his songwriting buddies things that I do every day, no matter him to go watch "Get Smart." In possible. had written the song while they were what. Every day I watch TV, eat food retrospect, some of the crowd may The result would have been funny, if both drunk: and take naps. After all that's what have wished they had gone with him. B E 1 I 1 1 photography :r .£^. ^L iS:Id^i. ?^E4£ 2.i2iJ2£ j_?28£i. "■ Bishop show challenges perception City. Although most of us were the way in which he allows games with the mechamics of not composed in a way that not as lucky, we needn't certain parts of the object to the illusion of photography. provides any form of despair, for JMU has its very fall within the frame while Bishop's wit is ironic and own high calibre photographic documentary information. As others do not and by the understated. By finding ob- parts of subjects, they play showcase: The New Image juxtaposition of color. Critic jects which, in a photograph, Gallery. with angle of view and per- Charles Desmarias has will echo formal aspects of the ception. None of these By MARK SUTTON New Image, which has compared Bishop's work to photograph, he points out the Photography is perhaps the displayed the work of many photographs would succeed, if the Blues, in that it surprises ways in which the illusions of the camera angle had been fastest growing artistic prominent photographers in by taking off from familiar the medium are produced. By medium today. Each year the its year of existence, is changed from the one used. themes. doing so, he leads us to The exhibit breaks the rules rosters of beginning photo currently exhibiting the question our own unconscious classes are filled with new photographs of Michael of documentation in order to IN DESMARIAS' words: assumptions about the nature become art. They go beyond budding Adams' and Avedons. Bishop. Bishop, whose New "Blues music is often—and of photography and per- The growing acceptance of Image show consists of a the normal perception which falsely—read as a reliance on ception. 'Philosophical toys,— we apply to commonplace the medium is evidenced by series of found images, has form at the expense of con- the phrase used in the nin- Time magazine's coverage of displayed work in many objects. They exist purely as ten'....One measure of a teenth century to refer to the photographs as art for arts a showing of early French nationally known galleries skillful performer is in his optical toys which prefigured photography at New York's and museums. sake. The Michael Bishop ability to mix the already motion pictures—is an apt exhibit, like all at New Image, Museum of Modern Art. Bishop's work centers on accepted with the unique." term for Bishop's photographs Several James Madison seemingly mundane objects of challenges the bourgeoise Another critic, Charles as well." sensibilities with which we all University students were everyday life. They are made Hagan, said: "In all his work grew up. By doing so, they lucky enough to see that show unique by the angle from from the past decade Michael THESE PHOTOGRAPHS on a recent visit to New York which he photographs them, expand our photographic Bishop has played witty break all the rules. They are consciousness.

BY BRYAN POWELL With Valentine's Day right around the corner, it's a good time to consider the role music plays in affairs of the heart. Below are some which are best suited for setting the right mood when you are alone with the one you love. For Lovers Only:

BREEZIN' GEORGE BENSON Benson is the premier jazz guitarist of our age, and this is a marvelously crafted collection of warm, delightful moods.

WINELIGHT GROVER WASHINGTON, JR. Grover Washington unleashes vivid images with a saxophone. This also happens to currently be one of the Valentines Day: best selling jazz albums in the nation.

I'M IN YOU PETER FRAMPTON A buyer's guide This album was a critical failure. Compared to its By MARK SUTTON The Lennons, in my*opinion, were predecessor, Frampton Comes Alive, it was a com- Well, it's the Valentine's Day season again, the most famous couple of our times, not just mercial failure, as well (after all, it only sold four time for maudlin outpourings of sentimentalist for being John Lennon and anybody, but for the million copies). Nonetheless, Frampton has some ex- rubbish and all that, right? I used to think so, two of them and their sheer total togetherness. cellent mellow moments here, particularly on the title being of the opinion that this kind of thing Double Fantasy is the capstone of one of the track and others, such as "St. Thomas" and "You Don't should go on every day if you really love the great romances of this century, while Lennon's Have To Worry." Overall, it's quite enjoyable. person, and all. But being newly single tends to solo work was filled with songs of love for put a new face on that though, and this Yoko. For anyone who believes in love at its GREATEST HITS Valentine's Day will take on a peculiar attitude most intense and sincere. CARLY SIMON because of it. This woman has a remarkably sexy voice and ob- Elsewhere on this page, you can find out ELVIS COSTELLO viously has had some excellent songwriters along the what LPs to buy if you're interested in MY AIM IS TRUE, THIS YEAR'S MODEL, v way. seducing (a) your regular lover, or (b) any ARMED FORCES, GET HAPPY, TAKING . ) ■stranger off the street. Here, however, is a list LIBERTIES, TRUTH RISE of Valentine's Day LPs for thinking people. You might notice that the list above contains HERB ALBERT This list is in no way intended to be a guide for all of Costello's LPs. That's because each one Luke Spencer and Laura Baldwin remember this one the lovelorn, but rather a loose compilation of contains some kind of significant statement very well. Don't you think so, G.H. fans? LPs containing significant statements on love about love or romance. It is bitter, cynical or romance. persons like Costello who used to be the biggest 13 romantics. THE DOORS BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN: For those times when you both are very stoned. THE WILD. THE INNOCENT, AND THE E THE NEW YORK DOLLS STREET SHUFFLE TOO MUCH, TOO SOON RUMOURS Side two of this LP contains probably the JOHNNY THUNDERS FLEETWOOD MAC man's most romantic work. The three songs SO ALONE Although this album has its less interesting moments, here are a statement of defiant romanticism in One might not think of the Dolls as a par- its best moments are very good. This album is essential the face of all the odds. A touching, moving ticularly romantic band, but Johansen and to anyone who fancies himself (or herself) a lover. statement from Springsteen from before his company were true romantics at heart. Check working class hero stage. out "Human Being" on this LP if you don't I HEAR SOME BLUES DOWNSTAIRS believe me. Thunders is obsessed with the FENTON ROBINSON romantic on So Alone, and that obsession Fenton Robinson combines raucous blues roots with ANIMAL NOTES or WHITE MUSIC produces the standout cuts "You Can't Put jazzy guitar work to create a very powerful album. Crack the Sky has long been regarded as one Your Arms Around A Memory," "She's So Selected favorite cuts include "West Side Baby" and the of the most intelligent of the overlooked Ohio Untouchable" and "Subway Train." slower "As The Years Go Passing By." This man also bands. Animal Notes is included here for the has a great voice. songs "Maybe I Can Fool Everybody DEVO Tonight," which is probably what everybody FREEDOMOFCHOICE SLOWHAND on campus tells themselves before going to a No sense picking out cuts on this one, ERIC CLAPTON party, and "Rangers at Midnight," a story of a because the whole LP is about love in one form This album features the sentimental "Wonderful man who joins the mounties to get away from or another. "It's never straight up and down" Tonight" and the irresistible instrumental "Peaches his girlfriend. White Music is littered with And Diesel." satements on love, most noticably on the tunes BUZZCOCKS "All American Boy," "Hot Razors in My SINGLES GOING STEADY And last but not least: Heart," and "Suspicion." Boy, and you thought that Johnny Thunders Any recent album by Rod Stewart. Women seem to was obsessed. Well, Pete Shelly of the Buzz- like this guy (no, I don't know why either). JOHN LENNON AND YOKO ONO cocks makes him look like a dilettante. Shelly DOUBLE FANTASY was born with romance in his blood, I guess, With this assortment of tunes, the owner is equipped JOHN LENNON because he writes about it constantly. He alsoSO •;.\ for evenings of romance, fun and frolic. The rest is up to IMAGINE, MINI) GAMES, PLASTIC ONO covers all the bases, from first meetings you. BAND final breakups and contempt. A must. Page 12. THE BREEZE Friday. February 13. 1981 UPB EVENTS

Ycstorday t * b«au!ilul memory. ^beqeenter^ttic Today i* tt<« r**t ol youi Uto.

""Chapter Two' is Neil Simon's most deeply felt work., the script is pure Dave Hou gold Marsha Mason is outstanding' - GENE SHALIT. NBC IV and VALLEY EXPRESS February 13 & 14 7:30, 10:00 February 12 8:30 G/S Theater WUU Ballroom CELEBRATE MADISON'S VICTORY $1.25 w/ID $1.75 guest AGAINST VCUAT THE CENTER ATTIC!

STACY LATTISAW with special guest

HOT FLASH Student Coffeehouse featuring Saturday, February 14 RICK 8> DA VE CHARLES WEBB 800 p.m DA VE ANDERSON TIM COLLINS Wilson Hall February 13 8:00 p.m. JMU/ID Advance $3.50 Public & Door $4.50


Ses C/emen/s c/e fa fflCocfe: OCouveaux O^oinis ae Vue FASHION ELEMENTS: NEW POINTS OF FOCUS Sunday February 22, 1981 2:30-5:30 p.m. Make Donations In Advance In the UPB Office $2.50 students $5.00 for Non-Students WUU BALLROOM \ . '.'. Donations Benefit the minority Scholarship Fund

THE BREEZE, Friday, February 13, 1W1, Page 13 'Announcements— Casino Night Checks Available Teachers Jobs Buttons CSC and SGA will sponsor CSAP and BEOG checks for A workshop on writing A Job search workshop will Casino Night Feb. 17, 8-10:30 the fall semester are available applications for teacher NAEA will sponsor p.m. in Chandler's Shenan- at the cashier's window in be held Feb. 1« 2-3 p.m. in the of custom-made buttons in the positions will be held Feb. 18, WUU. Sign up in Career doah Room. The event is free, Wilson, Mon-Fr., 8:30 a.m.-l 3-4 p.m. in the WUU. Sign up P.O. lobby March 2- but only ISO students will be p.m and 1-3:30 p.m. Planning and Placement, 6 and March 30-April l. in Career Planning and Alumnae 208. allowed in at one time. Prizes Placement, Alumnae 208. Valentine outtons or any will be auctioned for casino button from any photo or money. design can be ordered for $1. bteryiewing pre.Leg.1S)cieljr HairCutA-Thon Orders will also be taken for A workshop on interviewing buttons by sending $1, your Creative Writers Sigma Sigma Sigma and name and address to NAEA, techniques will be held Feb. Recent JMU graduates will Full Tilt wUl sponsor a Hair The Now Virginia Review 18, 1-2:30 p.m. in the WUU. discuss law school Box 4189. curriculums at a meeting of Cut-A-Thon Feb. 18 at the Tri- will aw.ird ;t $7,000 fellowship Sign up in Career Planning Sig House. Hair cuts will be $5 in creative writing to a and Placement, Alumnae 208. the Pre-Legal Society Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited. and make-up $3. For ap- Attendance Prize Virginia writer. The pointment (not necessary) recipient: must be a legal call 434-7485. state resident and have lived Photo Lecture YAF The women's basketball here for at least one year, program is offering a $50 cash A member of Ronald prize to the club or have demonstrated out- organization with the most standing ability as a creative Visiting photographer and Reagan's transition team. Jay Student Show writer, and must demonstrate artist, Roger Mertin, will Parker, will speak at a members present at the present a slide lecture Feb. 18 A student art exhibit en- Duchesses game Feb. 18 at 7 financial need. See Todd Zeiss meeting of the Young titled "Three Man Intermedia p.m. against UVa. To be of the English Dept. for ap- at 7 p.m. in Duke DA-100. Americans for Freedom Feb. Admission is free. Acrobatics" will be on display eligible, send a list of mem- plications and for in- 16 at 7:30 p.m. in WUU A. at the Harrisonburg- bership to Box 48, Godwin Hall formation. Rockingham Historical or come by Godwin 116 by WMRA Society, 301 S. Main St., Feb. Feb. 13. For more In- Visiting Scholar NAEA 9-?0. formation, call 6591. WMRA, 90.7 FM, and NPR The National Ar. Education present a five-part series Thomas Flanagan, an Association will sell donuts, Resumes All announcements should be typed English professor of the State called "Memories of School coffee and hot chocolate in double spaced and brought to Th« University of New York, will Segregation," Feb. 19, 20, 23, Duke's lobby at 8 a.m. on A resume writing workshop Breeze ennouncement box In the 24, 26 at 7 p.m. Each show basement of Wine-Price. Pleas* specify give a lecture on "History and Wednesday. A button-making will be held Feb. 17, 1:45-3 In what Issue dates the announcement Imagination in Art" Feb. 16 at features interviews and in- machine will also be available p.m. in the WUU. Sign up in should run. The deadline for an. 10 a.m. in Anthony-Seeger formation regarding for custom-made buttons for nouncements in the Friday Hsu* it noon Career Planning and Tuesday and for the Tuesday issue Is Auditorium. segregation court cases. H. Placement, Alumnae 208. noon Friday. Announcments will not be accepted by phone.

■ J

MIDWAY MARKET THURSDAY-SUNDAY Budweissr 12pk. '4.45 Budweiser Bar Bottles (24) '7.& M olson '2.79 Busch Bar Bottles (24) '7.49 Mickey Malt Liquor '1.89 Strohs 16oz. Boomers (24) 8.49 OldMillwaukee 12 pk. '3.89 Busch Bottles '1.89

Michelob -Reg. and Light '2.59 OUMillwaukee 114 kegs '15.95 OldMillwaukee 1/2keg '2595 Lite '2.29 Busch 1/2 keg '27.95 Strohs 12 oz. cans '219 Banquet Fried Chicken 2 lbs. *3.39 Coke, Sprite, Tab Mr. Pibb 16 oz. 'i$9 Pretzels 4 lb Box *3.89 Potatoe Chips 1 lb. bag ' 1.79 Mama's Cookies 3/ *1.59 Ice 10 lbs. '.89 Slim Jims (24) '4.99 tm ODU receives media pressure Conference formation faces time barrier By DAVID TEEL UNC'-WILMINGTON s facility holds 6,100 but be forced into an independent status. The prospects for the formation of a regional George Mason's gym does not meet Boone's ODU does not have a football team, which allows it basketball conference which would include James guidelines. However, a new arena is under con- to distribute more of its travel budget to basketball. Madison University can be easily summarized. Time struction at the Fairfax school which will seat 5,200. This permits them to consider other conferences is running out. The project is expected to be completed for the 1982- where more travel would be required. JMU does not "If we don't do anything in the next 30 days I'd say 83 season. have that luxury. our chances are slim of getting the conference off the Athletic officials at both schools have indicated an A NORFOLK columnist wrote, "A league of ground," said JMU athletic director Dean Enters. interest in establishing conference affiliation. statewide schools without Virginia, Virginia Tech, The major hurdle remains the selection of a sixth Because the five have been unable to agree on the VCU and VMI has little statewide appeal and no member for the group. The National Collegiate final member, ODU athletic director James Jarrett chance of image building beyond the area." Athletic Association requires a minimum of six has been under media pressure in the Norfolk area to. That is not necessarily true. If George Mason were schools in a conference for official recognition. abandon the regional conference and seek mem- selected, the Washington media center could be used Five schools have indicated a strong commitment bership in an established league. The Sun Belt to great advantage. Also with travel costs continuing to the regional group, including the College of Conference has been mentioned as a strong to escalate, VCU, which travels to Alabama, Georgia William and Mary, the University of Richmond, East possibility. and Florida for conference games, might be per- Carolina University, JMU and Old Dominion What the press has claimed is that being a major suaded to join a conference whose geographic span is University. independent in basketball is not advantageous. They less. Ehlers said he believes the viable candidates for are probably right. At this time, athletic officials at VCU say they are the remaining spot are the University of North Independents have no chance to earn an automatic committed to the Sun Belt. Carolina-Wilmington and George Mason University. bid to the NCAA tournament, they have a tougher One can see the bind Ehlers is in. Future basketball Richmond athletic director Chuck Boone has been time scheduling opponents on a consistent basis and schedules are in the planning stages and yet he quoted in The Virginian Pilot and The Ledger Star as they cannot develop conference rivalries. cannot be too commital. saying that a sixth member would have to have an JMU does not have the flexibility enjoyed by ODU. Ehlers concedes, "At this point Old Dominion is the arena with a seating capacity of at least 5,000. If this conference fails to materialize, the Dukes will key."

Wrestlers whip Indians 28-17 Herb seals Dukes9 come-from-behind win By DAVE FAC1NOU to a 5-5 draw. left in the match. "This was the biggest win in JMU's 126-pound Alex Corbin got two near falls the school's wrestling Boyar pinned Ray Brougham and a reversal in the final history." late in the third period to give minutes for a 10-4 win that These words were the the Dukes an 8-2 lead. gave the Dukes a 22-14 lead. opinion of James Madison William and Mary closed "He was tough," Corbin University assistant wrestling the gap to 8-6 as state champ said. "I got him in a five-point coach John Licata after the Bill Pincus recorded a major move near the end or it might Dukes defeated the College of decision over Brian have been the other way this William and Mary here Langlinais at the 134-pound time." Tuesday 28-17. division. William and Mary won the "Our goal at the start of the The result was the same at final match, as Jeff Deal year was to defeat two of our the 142-pound weight, as state decisioned JMU's John better in-state rivals," said champ Bill Swezey from Kubush at heavyweight 7-5. head coach Dick Besnier. William and Mary earned a The win raised the Dukes' 'This win makes our goal major decision over the record to 8-3 on the year, while complete." Dukes' Gary Curwin 12-3. The William and Mary dropped to The teams to which Besnier win gave the Indians their 9-7-1. was referring are Old first lead of the match, 10-8. Photo by Mik. Bwvmi Dominion University and The Dukes fell behind by six "We were superior from the 158 weight on," said Besnier. JMU'S Vic Bowman (top) wrestles against William and Mary's William and Mary. The Dukes after the 150-pound divison, as Gary Beelen Tuesday in Godwin Hall. Bowman won by a superior defeated ODU earlier in the the Indians picked up their "It was just a great win for the decision, 15-3. The Dukes went on to win the match 28-17. year. straight major decision when school." "We were emotionally Doug Lagarde defeated ready," Besnier said. "It was JMU's Tom Stewart 13-4. the best the team has wrestled Vic Bowman recorded a 15-3 all year. This was the biggest superior decision over win since I have been here." William and Mary's Gary The win was sweet for Beelen at 158 pounds to cut the Besnier because his alma- Tribe's margin to one at 14-13. mater is William and Mary, Bowman got a two-point and since he used to coach takedown with 20 seconds left wrestling there. in the match to give JMU five The Dukes, who were helped points. by three pins, had to come back from a six-point deficit. THE DUKES took the lead It was not until JMU's Chuck for good in the 167-pound Herb pinned his man at the weight as co-captain Paul 190-pound weight that the win Morina pinned William and was secure. Herb's pin gave Mary's John Reid late in the the Dukes an insurmountable third period, giving the Dukes 14-point lead. the lead for good 19-14. It was the first pin in two "THE THREE sticks helped years for Morina. a lot," Besnier said. "I put all the weight on him Commenting on JMU's I could get," Morina strategy, Besnier said." recalled."It felt good to get a William and Mary has a pin. Reid told me he had never superior team in the lower been pinned before which weights. We knew if we could made it even better." stay close until the 158-pound At the 177-pound class, a division, we would have a rematch of the state finals chance to win." pitted JMU's Dan Corbin and ~P The Dukes won four of the Greg Fronczak. In that first last five weights. match, Corbin pinned PIMM »v Mtkt itovin. In the opening match bet- Fronczak. Corbin took a quick ONE of the Dukes' pins was recorded by Paul The JMU co-captain wrestled at 167 pounds P ween JMU's Scott Palmer and 3-1 lead in the first period, Morina, his first in two years. Marina, wearing and gave the Dukes the lead in the match with Scott Olson, the two wrestled only to fall behind 4-3 with 2:00 the black mask, pinned the Indians' John Reid. his win. VCU-JMU i reserve the right to holler back9 - Kottak By DAVID TEEL No longer is this matchup merely but that other players might. For those in attendance the scene a showcase for competitive spirit. It Dukes coach Lou Campanelli does remains quite vivid. The date is Feb. has evolved into a war of words and not hide his opinion about VCU. 3, 1979 and a packed, zany Godwin perhaps this is what makes the "They are very cocky, extremely Hall crowd is in delirium after Steve rivalry so enticing. Tt is obvious cocky. I think they look down on us," Stielper's 22-foot juniper has put these two teams just don't like each he said, adding, "I think that kind of James Madison University in front other. feeling was passed down from Dana of Virginia Commonwealth Kirk." University 68-67 with seven seconds PLAYERS NATURALLY don't Ah yes, Dana Kirk, the former left in overtime. want to fuel an opponent's fire prior VCU coach and now head man at Memphis State University. He was a Penny Elliot's to a game, very animated figure along the two free throws so their com- Rams' bench and was also ex- with no time ments are tremely vocal. remaining in an reserved. But extra session had JMU seniors like KIRK MAY HAVE initiated the dashed the hopes Steve Blackmon word battle with his statement after of a similar crowd concede they the 1979 game at JMU. "I'm the previous year. remember especially pleased with the idea of But this time is Kodak's outburst. taking away the satisfaction from different. The When reminded them. They called it the biggest crowd anticipates of the game two game in their history and we took it as the Rams years ago, Kottak away from them." inbound the bali. smiled but denied At that point a win over VCU The seven ticks of any specific hand

would have been the most important -•■ signals. "They all the clock seem win in the program's history and more like 70 and come in and Kirk was rubbing JMU's noses in a Pfcota fey MM* Mavlat at the last split holler." Kottak defeat. "He's always ripping KOTTAK calls the VCU-JMU second Monty Knight launches a 30- joked. "So I reserve the right to somebody or something," Cam- rivalry a natural. The Dukes and footer that hits all net. holler back." panelli retorted that night. Rams are meeting for the ninth Godwin Hall is silent but for a Kottak called the rivalry "a When Kirk took off for Tennessee time. small band of VCU fans celebrating. natural," adding that when two the Rams brought in J.D. Barnett, ference games are much more But that isn't all—now Ram forward teams in the same state play so but things have not changed much. important for his team and that the Danny Kottak prances in front of the many close games, a rivalry is "I really don't think Barnett rivalry really is a fabrication of the JMU student section flashing half of bound to develbp. respects us as much as other JMU student body. a peace sign. "When the crowd here gets fired teams," Campanelli noted, and When Barnett goes to Godwin Hall That single act may have done up, it fires up the team," Kottak Barnett's comments seem to prove Thursday and observes the intensity more to intensify the basketball explained. "When we go out there Campanelli correct. The VCU of both teams and the crowd, rivalry between the two schools than nobody is going to give an inch." mentor has chosen to play down any perhaps he will change his tune. As all of the overtime and close con- The senior forward from rivalry between the Rams and far as respect goes, a JMU victory tests put together. It also signified a Louisville indicated he has no Dukes. would do wonders to cure that new level of the rivalry. personal anomosity toward JMU, He indicated that Sun Belt Con- problem. Swimmers attribute success to new 'mental conditioning By CHRIS HARRIS but the subjects are aware of Emmerling's "Stretchout; close your eyes; make yourself every word. Techniques Emmerling calls as comfortable as you can." Sounds like a "visualizaton" are then used to aid first the great way to spend class, but 21 of the state's swimmers and then the divers in visualizing best women swimmers find this procedure a the perfect race or dive. way to improve their performances. No movement or sound came from Benson or Dr. David Emmerling of the Counseling and her team, as they listened in this deeply Student Development Center here has been relaxed state. As he finished speaking to the working with the women's swimming team on swimmers, Emmerling told them to continue a program of what he terms "mental con- relaxing and visualizing themselves in perfect ditioning" since the start of this season. The performances. He then turned his talk to the obvious success enjoyed by the Duchesses, divers. who sport a mark of 12-2 as the dual meet Both groups were taken through the length of season ended Feb. 7, is in part due to the their event, with each technical element run assistance of Emmerling, says Head Coach through, to the end of the event. Rose Ann Benson. As the talk ended, Emmerling began to bring Virginia Tech was one of only two teams to the team out of its collective state of relaxation beat the Duchesses in 1980-81, but it was only by by counting to 10, saying that the further along a single point. Benson repeatedly has praised he got, the more alert each would become. the efforts of Emmerling in aiding her charges' efforts. "Every swimmer we have AT THE count of 10, sound and movement had her best time of the year against Tech, and resumed in the room, as the team arose from (diver) Kim Russell hit every one of her dives their relaxed state. Although the entire ex- the best all year except for one." perience lasted only IS minutes, it had a Emmerling reads from a prepared script, positive effect on all present. which he says is standard practice. The script Several team members talked about the can be used for any purpose, with adjustments effect of the relaxation techniques. Diver Patty to bring the script in line with the person or Logue said,"I fell asleep until I heard him say group he happens to be working with. "Rose diving." Ann and I sat down and prepared this together. The extent to which people can be affected She filled in the technical aspects," said "varies from person to person", said Em- Emmerling. merling, who has been performing this service Twenty-five people, excluding Emmerling, for three years. were lying on the floor, or whatever furniture When first exposed to these techniques, was available in the darkened room. Em- many people do not reach the full extent of . merling's calm, quiet voice began to relax relaxation that experience can bring he said those present. adding that while the novelty of the experience may at first inhibit the extent of relaxation, BEGINNING WITH the feet and working many people soon overcome these feelings. upwards, one is told to relax and feel warmth Emmerling has' worked with several James in various parts of the body. As this warmth Madison University sports programs, in- Pfcoto by Vo Nitaya spreads through the body, a feeling of cluding men's and women's swimming, III: JMU fencing team won its second match of the season heaviness and relaxation begins to envelop the women's track and cross country, and until Vednesday against the University of Virginia. Here the particiapnts. this year, women's basketball. Drs. Teresa lucheiaes' Jackie Booth (left) competes against June Hastings, As Emmerling begins counting down from Gonzalez and Shirley Cobb are working with cslie Mt-Arthur was the top winner for JMU with four victories. 10, the relaxation deepens almost into sleep. this year's women's basketball program. Classifieds o»«ne*»'y by Garry Trudeau

YOU MEAN, LIKE WELL. YOU'RE YOW6 „ , For Sale MARRIAGE71D0N7 r nr 50 HOW'S RICK7 AW PLANS STILL. DICK AND I <%°P J± WE DID IT FORTHE SC HI B SI ITS FOR SALE: THAT YOUNG nu uFc I SHOULD KNOW. TO TELL YOU LIVED TOGETHER. W>! GRANDCHILDREN. THE TRUTH, WE NEV- Buy your reversible, full f* .MAN OF %J?f BE AWARE FOR 35 YEARS *%*?* THEIR FRIENDS I'LL comfort wear before the you**, 6t£sS, OF'£M Toeer BEFORE WE GOT %ffim ' WERETEASING- BET. warm weather hits. Shirts- DEAR'' ^C3Y. AROUNDT0 TALK- MARRIED °'Zy°U THEM i ING ABOUT IT. I BOTHER? pants only $8.00: S14.00 a set 4>, . \ Call Mike at 5302 nil: uoss::Don't miss the show of the year. 2 tickets available to see Bruce Springsteen at Hampton Coliseum on March 2. Call Bob at 4849. JKKPS. CARS. TRICKS available thru government Sr^Sr- agencies. Manv sell for under S200. Call 602-941-8014. ext. H290 for your directory onflow Our Hero by Matt Wagner to purchase. lflAX WVb TRAPPED TH6 FIENDS SPRINGSTEEN TICKETS B^ DIS&UISIW& MIASELF tf> Ak) KOR SALE: Hampton. Va. OLD MM! AMD AJOIO..- concert. March 5. Call Mark. 5731.

HONDA HAWK 400cc. 1978. good condition, nice bike, sissy bar. crash bar. low ••■« mileage. $1050 or best offer, call Mike at 433-1942. KOR SALE Diamond engagement rings, pearl earring.- and necklaces, other fine gemstones. Call Wm. Carrevas Diamonds Ltd. campus sales rep. Bud Batten at 434-6232 or write Box 335 WANT TO SAVE JtS on Do Drop Inn by Mark Legan personal care products, dormitory care products, car care products. laundry' products. For information contact Matthew Richmond. THIS IS A time B& Mo-rice some . [THIS IS All ?A*.T A Hanson Hall Room B101B. STWDlftG id wwi UAS> ffi? 0p r-fcovJ.rtC Of- phone 5569. Wednesdays 7 • 9 THAOWf* A » , P.M.. fcOCK AT , t Services TYPING SER- HEAP../ VICE: Dissertations, theses, reports, etc 17 years ex- perience. .80 per page. Call Mrs. Price. 879-9935 Help Wanted W ' N OVERSEAS JOBS - Sum- mer or year round. Europe. South America. Australia. Asia. All fields. $500-1200 Wanted THANKS to all those who VALERIE LYNN: To my HAPPY VALENTINES monthly Sightseeing. Free made my Birthday more than one and only sweetheart: I DAY. HON. info. Write IJC Box 52-VA4. (ROSS COl NTRY a 24-hour experience. My love you very much. Please I didn't write the last one Corona Del Mar. CA 92625. SKI touring trip to Western cards are on display, "come be my valentine. DOUGLAS. but couldn't resist this time. Maryland Feb 20.21.22. up and see them sometime." You don't like sweets so I Registration and information BK. JENNIFER LEIGH. Come can't give you candy but I Lost available at Land-Sea NANCY IN B304C, Our eyes run with me along the sea . . . think I've got something you'll Passages. 14 E. Water Str. Happy Valentines Day. Love. MISSING!! Would a have met-so have we. Have a enjoy! Thanks for being my phone 433-2177. Deadline for J.B. Valentine. Love, Your Brown- resident of Garber. Hanson, or registration is very near! drunken 20th! Bet you'd never Weaver who took a leather guess there were five of us. WIZARD: Be mine always, Eyed LitUe Girl. coat from Gifford please AZTEC SUNGODDESSES. (please). GUESS WHO. return it. You have a brother ROOT, You understand me FLORIDA KEYS DIVE more than I do myself named Rusty. I know it was TRIP during Spring Break. OLD MAN: Love runs deep. taken by mistake. No sometimes. You're crazy, but Now accepting registrations. Valentine I'm still yours. Happy I'm glad you'rearound. I may questions asked. Please call March 7 -14. For information Valentines Day! LITTLE 4652. have a long way to go, but I'm and registration phone or drop Personals GIRL. on my way! Not to mention by Land - Sea Passages. 14 E. ALPHA SIGMA TAU! Jan. you owe me two dinners and Courses Water Street. 433-2177. HUFF. B-301. My valentine lur you - a dinner on me i after Julie. Terri. Stephanie, and three bottles! Love ya, LAST CHANCE to register pavday!) Love to all 5. Susan, thanks for an excellent PRETTY RED. for Winter Backpacking Happy V-day. KATHY. time Saturday nite! What Course: lecture to be held Personals dinner? No more dancing on BRYON. I'm still waiting on tonight, course trip to George MO: So you finally got what TO THE GIRL WITH THE tabletops for this one. Happy your call. I take it you're Washington National Forest Valentines Day! Love much. playing hard to get. because I Sat - Sun. More information you wanted? I just hope the SEXY EARLOBES: Happy :S.N. Flame' doesn't get too J. know you remember. Love. phone Land-Sea Passages. Valentines Day. Love you. hot to burn ... or vise versa. KAREN. 433-2177. THE BEAR. GREENE 2. Thanks for all Ill miss you. the happy moments you have JOHNS.: Happy Valentines TO MY P.C. given me. Let's not stop here. For Rent CONGRATULATIONS to Day. To the greatest 1980 CONGRESSMAN: From your not so. secret ad- graduate of JMU! Thanks for TOWNHOUSE FOR the xi pledge class of Delta Congratulations! I am so mirer. Love. MAGIC. Sigma Pi. THE BROTHERS. the best Valentine's present RENT to females. March - proud of you! Wish I had a ever - YOU! Love. YOUR May. completely furnished. gray sweatshirt just like DEAR LOST IN THE LADY. MELINDA G. Close proximity to campus. TO PHIL 4:19 (W5.5.10): I yours. Hope you meant to WOODS: We don't have to For more info call 134-8275. really appreciate your write soon. Hee Hee. Happy wait for Spring. We can hang TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT thoughtfulness these last few Valentines Day. Love. D.T. through anything. So. if your HANSON B202B: Thanks TO FEMALES: 1981-82 weeks. However I can't really bait is very nice we may for the absolutely wild time academic year (Also enjoy the gifts without choose to melt your ice. Saturday night. Definitely >»r available for summer). knowing why you sent them KEVIN, On this special day Though you think you're very unforgetable! No more Completely furnished with and possibly who you are. I wish vou a HAPPY hot. to hang with us fish you springs in couches for me! washer, dryer, dishwasher Please reply. Thanks VALENTINES DAY cannot. Happy V.D. Love, Happy Valentines Dav. STILL Call 434-8275. NUMBER 319. SWEETHEART. MARCY. THE LANDSHARKS. HUNGOVER J. TIIK BREEZE, Friday. February 13, 1981, Page 17 Valentine Madisonman by Scott Worner Personals c- RfloCAAieRcd,.... CIGFRY. you're the best thins thats ever happened to me. Love you lots, UbfebAieBeue,- SCRUFFY. K(y Heart BegiitaTftTfoa ~~ TO TIIK BROTHERS AND LITTLE SISTERS OF SIGMA U>k0t9Tlci«liOfcyimI W: Vail are great, and I can't tell you how proud I am to be a little sister! I'm looking forward to many more excellent and crazy times! Love always. LISA DIBON. SNOWBUNNY, Happy Valentines!! Thanks for everything . . . keep it up and MA. You really choked me MUSHY. After 5 years and 4 • TIGGERS are wonderful J.S.I ALIAS B.M.): Happy you just might spoil me. Just up Saturday night. For- months, you're "still the one". things. Love. Pooh. remember . . . I'm capable of Valentines Day and a great tunately. I made a speedy Happy Valentines Day! I love big hug with love. YOUR surprises too! "Yo" SMILES recovery! I'll do the seven you. MUSHIE. KIM. High-top Nikes and NEW "ROOMIE". shirts only if one of them is 90. converging smiles hold me in an intrigueing Time Warp Happy Valentines Day! M2 LAURA. JANE. SUZANNE. SEAP . We've hit our three GREEK ROW BABE. I through every illusory action, DONNA. JAN: Happy month mark with who knows HUFFMAN II SIX TlON: want and need for you to be but "I Don't Mind", "My Aim how many more to go. Let's Valentines Day! Thanks for Happy Valentines Day! You 'my valentine. Those other is True". DG. being the best friends anyone keep up our public affection to all are the best! Have a great years you have been "His". could ever ask for. I'm glad I keep the talk going. The big M day! Love. SUSIE. Please be mine. Desperately IF IT'S NOT TODAY THEN was lucky enough to be looks closer and clearer and yours, IVAN. ITMUSTBETAMARA. Have "stuck" with all of you for so the big C is fading. You can TO CJM: Words can not a Happy Valentines Day. long. Can't wait for the party; have my SWP forever accurately describe my HEY BALU. I LOVE YOU!! What do you say we spend it we are definitely long over- Saturday. I love you. SUSAN. feelings for you because you I'm glad you're mine!! together? Love "ERROL". due. Love ya lots, KIM. have brought so much joy and CONSERVATIVE BOB, happiness to a hectic life. AGS: To the only valentine TO THE HEAD OF THE Your sleep lacks its rem. A May I always show you how JUDY PRZYBOCKI. May I've ever had who'd rather problem indeed, whence does cupid meander his way to watch basketball than play BURGER KING IN- dear you are to me. not just on Hoffman 204 and shoot his SPECTION TEAM. Som- it stem? The goddess must Valentines Day but all with me. Happy Valentines nambulistic fantasies coupled tease you and make things so through the year. RAC. potent arrows of love into our Day and Happy 3rd An- hearts, souls, and shoelaces. I with poetic fragments - a la blue, or you ate one too many, niversary! Let's keep this one Moody Blues - dance like a green M&M. Mr. V. RETT: Read only the first missed you so bad last going. YES! Love and kisses, letter in each word. Alfred weekend; I hope yovr sister ALWAYS SECOND. anarchic gypsies in me brain says hello and is looking hard has a great one this weekend. as we embark hand-in hand BKEB: You're mine. from the abstract scholarly YOURS. whenever your name comes Love, PART-TIME ROOMIE. HARVEY. Oh my baby, up. S2T. plane to a purely experiencial you're hot with passion; you ecstasy. From the S & M Bag DEAR STORK. Four down, PAULA B.. Happy Valen- always make me, yearn for company to out of body ex- two to go! The waiting is slow, JMU, Roses are red, violets tines Day. When are you more action!!!! Happy but soon we will be together - are blue. I went to Maryland, periences - you are coming home again? It's a, Valentines Day!! Love Ya! exhilarating and creative!!! you and me. In a world of our but I really miss you. See You dog's life around here without Suzy Homemaker. own. begin a new home. Friday . . . SPIL. Happy Birthday. Wanna be you! Love, CHUCK. Valentines? YOUR TAPE Cherish the years we dated, BOO. Happy B-Day and V- MEASURE HOLDER. and be glad that we waited. I SMILEY: Thanks for being Day! You had better behave love you. THE FUTURE you. I'm having a great JOHN, I Love You! Keep while I'm gone. I've hired semester and I can't wait for hangin' Babe, and so will I. TEQUILA SHIELA. Thanks MRS. STORK. several James Bonds! I love for helping to keep those nasty Lauderdale. Happy Valen- Happy Valentines Day. Love you lots and lots! Oh yeah, tines Day and Happy Bir- Ya, B.P. Zonk Cities away. You're a N., I don't want to be a when do I get my "carrots"? super-neat girl (if you'd only "stranger". Go out with me thday!! Love. SCHNIFFLES. Always and forever, JUDY!! Roses are red, stop yawning in Muzak and I'll teach you how to BOOBOO. class!). Have a great pronounce existentialism. T. TIM MY WIGGINS. I Love violets are blue, Judy Pr- zybocki I'm crazy about you. Valentines Day. ROTGUT You!! Signed MOI (L.B.E.). TO MY SWEETHEARTS RICK. MY SWEET BUGGA: Love, THE MONOPOLY. ON LINE 4: Along with John You're my valentine forever, HAPPY HEARTS DAY. and Tom. keep up the good Boobs, Janicine. Henna, Poco, DAN B. DEAR. Happy SKC: You're the best won't be long before we're work and have a Happy valentine any girl could wish cruising to Florida. You know Shelley Jean, Smurf, Gimlet, Valentines to my one and only Valentines Day. BOB. Barry, Mary. Hillroller, sugarpie. Congra tulations for. You're all I want for how good we cruise together. Valentines Day and every Thanks for making my life Bernwell. Kelvin, and those at farmer! Love, TOOTS. B.L.W.. Happy Valentines Lynchburg College. Love, day. Happy second Valentines crazy . . . but wonderful. Day cutie. Chocolate chip Day. ILY, BLA. MS, Potatoes A La Gravy could BLANCHE AND LAVITICUS. M.F.R.S.R., Nothing is squares and road trips never taste as good. Let's impossible with love. I love forever. Just wait till Friday D.T.. Roses are red, or you. Don't forget M.M. MOOBIRD. Valentines Day meet in the A.M. whenever whatever. Violets and the night. Love. THE PLUS. means lots of guacamoos for possible. Yowsah. I knew I (someday!) Happy Valen- Caribbean arc-blue. I wish I tines Day. L.A.Y.I.P. me! You know that you have wanted you since that first could tell you in person - but TO MY CRAZY ROOMIES my heart 365 days a year. day (with my hot nuts hat), the Breeze will just have to AT 1121 K, Hi! Guess who? Your funky Valentine. JOHN- that eyening by the lake, and do: Happy Valentines Day. I ECE, All I need is you and Just wanted to wish you a BOY. since - that first delicious love you, miss you, etc. your happiness. That's all I happy Valentine's! Love ya, omelet. Love you, BOO. SUSAN. need. Han^v Valentines Day, YOUR SECRET ADMIRER. FRED B-SECTION: Hey de°- you. D. Babies! You are one big bunch TO MY MESS. Happy of sweethearts! "THE R.A.". STINNY. Lots of wuv & Valentines Day! Thanks for kisses to my favorite & only filling life with love . . . SUSAN, BARB, CINDY, valentine. Thanks. K. grrrowl! You're everything I CYNTHIA, CINDY, LEANN: ever want - just the thought of Truth talks, Luigi runs, and you makes me BEAM! quarters are great! (I'm OLD MAN LUMBERJACK: Looking forward to dancing it L* Happy Valentines Day and talkin' BLAST.) Here's to up in your arms tonight and losers (and cold water)! Happy Birthday. Thanks for always! I love you, YOUR GIVE FLOWERS cleaning out my bank account Love, MOM. <3** TO YOUR VALENTINE! and refrigerator. It's almost BIRD. PS. B.B. loves T.T.M four months. Think we'll K-FACE: This one stays as is. CORSAGES, CUT FLOWERS make it? Oh, I almost forgot. TO F.E.E., Thanks for That was nasty-nasty. being you. You're super Revenge will be sweet. And Happy New Years 1983! Love special. But - what was your VALENTINE ARRANGEMENTS. you, CLEO. whoev*"- wrote me the love name again? Could you spell notes! KOUBA-CAN YOU ANP BUD VASES. that please? Love, J.D. BACK IT UP?—I can. Happy POODER. Be my Valentine V-day, you spaz-faces. I love and I'll EAT YOU UP! I love BRYAN: Happy 21st birthday you too. BROWN EYES. you. Happy Valentines Day. from all of us. THE WINE Love, Tricia. PRICE CELLAR RATS. All classified ads should be brought to BABOO: Happy Valentines The Breeie office In the basement ol Wine Prict. with payment enclosed and Day! I know you're going to F.K. C. B., K.: You scuzzes issue dates specified, no later than noon enjoy both the known and the are the sweetest suities and Tuesday tor Friday's issue, and no later than noon Friday for Tuesday's Issue unknown. Things are going to roomies of all. Happy Ratesarel'5 for 0 3S words.SI 50 for 26 H3H-Sl3b WtaKK^X 'lAA** ClOSBDSUN. work out, I hope. All my love, Valentine's Day! We love ya, SO words, n SO for SI '5 words, and t OS BABYLON BOY. THE TWO MUCKRAKERS •or each additional word above 11 Page 18, THE BREEZE Friday, February 13, 1981 Viewpoint—

Miss JMU protest . Prof power The "annual" Miss James Madison University contest has died a timely death, and we are shedding no tears for it. We never liked the beauty pageant. But the significance of the ending is in the cause of death—faculty involvement. The pageant will be no more because of a lack of interest and a faculty petition protesting the event, according to last year's director Anne Lyndrup. Dr. Ray Sonner, vice-president for university relations, says the event was discontinued because "the university could use the time and money towards things more important." We agree with Sonner only on one point. Last year's pageant was supposed to be self-supporting, so money should not be an issue. We do agree, however, that the event is a waste of time. As the faculty petition stated, the "presence on campus of a 'Miss America' pageant undermines values important to an academic community." At least the an- M nual Ms. Madison contest is a tradition entwined in the school spirit of Homecoming weekend. The Miss JMU contest was a commercial publicity stunt if not blatant sexism. . The 57 faculty members wno signed the petition last year set a good example. The protest may not be the sole reason the pageant won't be this year, but it certainly is a contributing factor. Faculty pressure may not have forced the administration to halt Housing makes JMU unique the show, but it certainly cast a different light on the situation. Faculty took an active role in university decision-making. By TERRI JONES rooms off-campus, students are taking ad- This is both laudable and unusual. JMU faculty members do not Ah, housing. At freshman orientation you vantage of their on-campus housing op- commonly take public stands on campus issues; many of them were told that James Madison University portunity. Also more freshmen are showing up will not even talk to reporters for fear of publicity. The Faculty enrollment had leveled off at 8,000 and was one and fewer are dropping out. Thus over- Senate does not follow the Student Government Association's lead of the few schools that guaranteed on-campus crowding of on-campus housing has reached in formulating bills of opinion. housing for all undergraduates. You believed undeniable proportions. We hope this faculty involvement is a precedent. We would like this in a gullible freshman way. Housing For several years, the administration has to see the faculty more involved in campus issues—publicly of- became something that you could take for been able to narrowly scrape by with trailers fering opinions and solutions to campus problems. granted. and hotel accommodations, but they can no When you became a sophomore, you won- longer afford to cover their mistakes with dered why some freshmen had been housed in temporary remedies. Howard Johnson's if the school had not in- If the Commission on Student „Services Send housing solutions creased its enrollment. chooses the lottery or the reversed seniority Your junior year, freshman again are system, their errors which created housing A lottery to solve the on-campus housing problem would be "the housed in Howard Johnson and some freshmen overcrowding will be compounded by their worst alternative" according to Dr. Harold McGee, vice women are housed in Belle Meade. You wonder reneging of guaranteed housing. You were president for student affairs. Although the administration has what is happening. promised housing as a freshman; why should been saying this since September, no other alternative has been devised or deeply considered. In fact, the administration has not devoted much time to the problem at all. The possibility of a lottery was announced five months ago, and a committee only started studying the problem A lottery or reverted seniority system one month ago. We welcome any letters offering solutions for the crowded on- would renege on guaranteed housing. campus housing problem.

>.»■ JMU should not forget is popular attributes

Then you learn that the school's enrollment you be denied housing as a senior? has skyrocketed to over 8,800, and that housing Instead of adding error to error, the ad- Founded 1922 changes to alleviate overcrowding are being ministration should aim toward wiping its considered by the Commission on Student slate clean. Services. Editor Cindy Elmore One of the methods being considered is a JMU HAS always boasted of its rare ability Managing Editor Tricia Fischetti lottery, in which rooms are allotted according to house all undergraduates; this ability is a Business Manager James Saunders to a random number system. Another method significant aspect of the school's appeal. In being studied is a reversed seniority system. being guaranteed housing, students do not News Editor Donna Sizemore Instead of seniors having first choice of have to worry about finding a place to live, Editorial Editor Chris Kouba campus housing, sophomores and then, juniors transportaion to and from campus is not Feature Editor Mark Sutton take top priority. Seniors who are unable to necessary,' and the student is saved a great Assistant Feature Editor Bryan Powell secure a room on campus are forced to look for deal of expense. It also sets JMU apart from Sports Editors David Teel, Rich Amacher housing elsewhere. larger schools such as University of Virginia Photography Editor Mike Blevins and Virginia Tech. The administration should Graphics Editor Pat Cooke HERE YOU ARE a junior, naively expecting think twice before eliminating this unique Production Manager Martha Stevens to secure that coveted room in Hoffman Hall attribute. Advisers Flip De Luca, Alan Neckowitz, for which you nave scratched and clawed for To retain guaranteed housing not only for David Wendelken two years until suddenly reality intervenes. current students, but for future students, the Newsroom 433-6127 If the Commission on Student Services administration would be wise to accept only Business Office 433-65% passes either the lottery or the reversed the number of freshmen that can be housed on "To ttw press alone, chequered asIt it wiih jbuits, iht world Is Indebted lor seniority system, you will be lucky if you can campus. Also, more accurately anticipating all tin irlumphs which have boon gained by reason and humanity over error get a cheap corner in the back room of the A & the number of students who wish to remain on and oppression." James Madison P. campus would help prevent overcrowded The Breeze is published every Tuesday and Friday unless otherwise noted- All of this trouble has surfaced because conditions. Correspondence should be addressed to The Breeze. Wine Price Building. If neccessary, more campus housing should James Madison university. Harrisonburg. Virginia 27807. students are finally calling the ad- Letters to the editor *rt welcomed. AM letters must be typed, signed, and ministration's bluff For years, JMU has ac- be provided or the freshman class should be include the author's address and telephone number lor verification Unsigned cepted more freshmen than the campus could reduced to less than the usual level of 1500, so letters will not be published Unsolicited editorials may be used as guest spots. house expecting may of them to either not that space for all undergraduates can be All material is edited at the discretion ol the editor. show up or to drop out within the first three provided on campus. Unsigned editorials give the malorlty opinion ol The Breete editors. Let- weeks of school. JMU also has blindly JMU is growing and competing more equally lers. columns, reviews and guestspots are the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those ol The Breete editors or the students, faculty or stall ol guaranteed housing to undergraduates (ex- with Old Dominion University, UVA and Va. Mr James Madison University. cluding transfer students), anticipating that Tech. On its way up, JMU should not forget the Comments and complaints about The Breeie should be addressed to Cindy qualities that have made it unique among other Elmore, editor of The Breeie. many will choose to live off campus. Suddenly, because of the rising costs for apartments and Virginia schools. . Readers' Forum UPB movie mishap, crew's inaction were irritating To the editor: The Blues. The film broke student remarking to another, plaint, there is a plea to any After attending James during the last five minutes "It's like reading a book and who saw the movie. If anyone Madison University for four and the crew decided hot to fix having someone ripping out can remember the events years, I have had to put up it. the last few pages." following the concert at with many aggravating times. After the first two intense To the crew that night: I Carnegie Hall, please contact I have been through the hours of the film, University realize it was 12:30 and you me and tell me if th« lady dies registrations when I couldn't Program Board refused to had already seen the movie or lives to a ripe age of 93. get my class even when I show the end. The usher three times, but the refusal to groveled at the professor's rationalized the crew's show "just the credits" was a I would like to know what feet, the many nights of Honey decision by telling the lack of professionalism and an happens in "the last few Dipped Chicken and Vanilla students "they were just going injustice to every student who pages" of this movie that I Pudding with Fruit Cocktail to show the credits anyway." paid $1.25 to see the movie. involuntarily missed. mixec in, and the movies in perienced a more frustrating The audience, quiet with In addition to this com- Kathy Showalter Wilson Hall when the film and irritating moment as disbelief, reluctantly left the broke every 15 minutes. Saturday night during the late theater. But I have never ex- showing of The Lady Sings While leaving, I overheard a Annual event 'Excellent9best describes 'Streamers' To the editor: dering meditations instantly something we easily overlook This is the feeling I had and brought me forcefully into and simply label "life." Formal fever after seeing the play the play. Beautiful! Streamers Sunday night. Jim Green and Greg Ed Wright and Ben Boyer— By MIKE RICKARD Payne—you were both ex- excellent. Pardon the Extravagance is in the eyes of the beholder. Perhaps It was an excellent play. cellent. The vividness of repetition of the word "ex- this keen observation best reflects the mixed feelings that Matt Janes. It was full of life; personality displayed by you cellent," but it is the ap- accompany James Madison University's annual formal all aspects of life, even death. guys was superb. propriate word. season. It wasn't bullshit, and it Steve Perez—your com- It was an excellent pjay. certainty wasn't smothered positon was a flavorful one; Matt Janes. You, the director, To avoid both the sin of stereotyping and a flock of hate with a single drop of pseudo- your performance also. It was have my applause^Yxfu are a mail accusing this innocent, objective writer of piggish politeness. flawlessly played. man who deserves a little chauvinism, the following dialogue wisely has been left Jim Smith—you were ex- praise for you fine work. Your unaccredited. The perceptive reader can make his or her cellent. You drew me into the Mark Legan—I could feel talent, as well as that of all own judgement as to which drama with a magnetic your agony, your frustration, persons involved, deserves line belongs to which sex. portrayal of character that your simple honest acclaim. You have made grasped my presence com- bewilderment at the in- people think. That in itself is "I just can't wait. It's pletely. Your compelling credible complexity of the an exemplary feat. going to be so exciting.'' passion seized my mean- Michael I'nruh essentially non-describable "I guess it'll be something diff ferent, Visitation, alcohol policies are needed but nothing to wet my pants over." To the editor: visitation are not at all and a lot of fun, but haying too It is clear from Steve unreasonable. Who can study much party nine can hurt "1 can just taste Cooke's editorial on housing or sleep, if there are parties study time. It is important for all the delicious food until all hours of the night? policies (The Breeze, Feb. 10) students to learn to budget filet mignon, salad, that he has not given the Visitation and alcohol their time during their first "Victorian" state of affairs policies are for the benefit of year; the university life is not soup with crackers..." enough thought. the students, not their easy for everyone. "Alcohol." Apparently he never has parents. What do parents have As for living in an apart- been exposed to "Victorian" to do with the policy? Parents ment, true, there are no "They'll dim the policy. Not too many years do not set the policy—the curfews or people checking on lights and put on ago and even today, some university does. Parents do how much beer you have at a some soft, * schools require that anyone not pick the students' type of party, but there are still other mellow going anywhere has to sign housing—it is the students' people of whom to be con- M music out, tell where they were preference on his or her ap- siderate. going and be back by a pliction for admission. The situation is different in specific time. This is in ad- As for being "forced" to live a university setting. Parties dition to no in-room visitation in residence halls such as are fine, but there must be a and no alcohol. Universities Eagle or Glick, these dorms limit set to compromise and colleges have come a long are mainly to provide a between students who want to way since then. transition for freshmen and party and those who do not. 'What's this about ties?' True, restrictive policies do give upperclassmen a chance Melissa Beveridge exist here, but they are not for to get into dorms they want. the administration. They are New college students need a Editor's note: The writer lives for the students and do serve a transition to university in a seven-day visitation, to slow-dance to..." real purpose. True, there are lifestyle. Parties are great alcohol-permitted dormitory. "...And drink to..." people who would like 24-hour "All the girls will get dressed up in their fancy dresses, visitation and all the alcohol 9 and the guys will be all decked out in suits and ties." they want, but there also are D-hall 'no smoking signs "Ties?" students who want limited "Everyone will be classy and sophisticated, acting like visitation without alcohol. To the editor: can recall no deaths from real adults for once." I have talked to many As a concerned student of nicotine-itis. "What's this tie business?" people who like the policies James Madison University, I It seems only fair that we "The guys will sport their boutinieres and the girls their just as they are. When people find one of the several new non-smoking students deserve beautiful flowers..." r> want to sleep or study, they regulations at Gibbons Dining the right to eat without the "Flowers?" <* know that they will be able to Hall particularly disturbing. white shadow overtaking our "...rose corsages, daisies, carnations..." do so. The times set for Why have the "please don't lungs. "I guess I could pick some somewhere." smoke" signs been removed? Blanche Wingfield "Oh, and the romance of it all—slow dancing and soft Sometimes it is hard enough Editor's note: Hank Moody, conversation..." to digest D-hall food without I) hall manager, responds "After-dance nightcaps in my room." Letters cigarette fumes adding to the that the "thank you for not "Couples will be cuddling, relaxing and enjoying Send letters to the editor distaste. It is a fact that the smoking" signs still are themselves." to The Breeze, Wine-Price majority of students today posted in I) halls 2 and S. as "Yeah, really getting wild—intoxication, dancing on the Building. Typed, double- would rather not have tar and well as Salads Plus in tables." spaced letters are nicotine from cigarettes in- Chandler Hall. D-halls 3 and 4 "It's going to be so elegant and wonderful" preferred; all letters must fecting their lungs. and Dukes' Grll are "and expensive." include the author's name, It seems that wijh the signs designated as smoking areas. "I can hardly wait; I'm so excited." V*0» up, smokers managed fine in The Eatery and The Steak "I need a drink." address and telephone waiting until they had left D- House currently have no number. !*■»»<.«-J.«,»•• " hail'to have a light At least 1 policy on smoking. •■•.••^-■..•«• »e» .*»»••••«*»•*»*'■** Paue 20. THE BREEZE Friday. February 13. 1981 ■ *. Short run'becomes 17 mile ordeal t*>r student 'I must have scared him really bad because he just stood there ready to hit me' By TRICIA F1SCHETTI looking for a place to stop to ask for What started out as a "short little directions or to make a phone call, but run" for frequent marathon runner she said what few farmhouses she did Linda Gribben turned out to be a 17 '* pass did not have lights on. "So I just mile ordeal that found her hiding kept running and running," she said. under a church pew in Mount Solon. Having grown up in Northern Gribben. a James Madison Virginia. Gribben said she was "not University senior, runs about 40 miles used to being in the country at all." a week usually in and around Harrisonburg. On Feb. 1, she decided AFTER TWO hours and 25 minutes to try a route "out in the country" of non-stop running and "lots of recommended to her by a friend. prayers," Gribben saw what she Taking a right off Main Street onto described as "a big, beautiful church Mosby Road, Gribben started her run on the top of a hill." She later found at about 5 p.m. and soon found herself out that the church. Mossy Creek "in the country surrounded by lots of Presbyterian Church in Mount Solon, cows and sheep." was built in the 18th century. "I "I must have missed a turn thought it would be safe," she said. somewhere" Gribben said she When Gribben got to the church, thought to herself when she saw a sign many people were leaving in cars. She for Dayton limits. "But I kept running was too embarrassed to ask them for and running." help, and hoped instead to find the When it started to rain, Gribben pastor inside. began to feel anxious about finding Wet, nervous and a little scared, her way back home, but felt sure she Gribben looked around the old church was running in the right direction for the minister. Finding it empty, she when she passed The Candlelight Inn decided to sit in the sanctuary until he in Bridgewater. What she didn't returned or at least until it stopped realize was that she was running raining. Amazingly enough, she said south on Rt.42 instead of north. she wasn't tired from her long run, which she estimated to have been 17% more. But I just wanted to get home. card, so if she had a dorm mother who Soon Gribben found herself out in "If I hadn't stopped at the church, I needed an explanation of her the country again, looking, she said, miles. "Usually by the time I've run 15 miles, I'm really tired," she said. don't know where I'd be right now," whereabouts, he could be reached to "like a drowned rat." Since it was explain. now dark and getting late, she began "But, then, I felt like I could run 10 she said with a smile. "Probably in another town." Gribben waited in the old church for The minister told Gribben that he about an hour when she heard men's too jogged in Mount Solon when he voices entering downstairs. "I heard first moved there several years ago, one man say, 'Joe, you go this way and that the people were mystified at and we'll go this way. We'll get him!'" this form of exercise. Most of the small population of Mount Solon work HAVING LEFT a light on in the hard all day on their farms, getting up church, Gribben decided the men and going to bed with the sun, Gribben thought she was a burglar. She was learned, and they cannot understand frightened when she saw they were the sense of wasting energy running. carrying clubs, so she hid under one of "The people there are cautious with the pews and waited. strangers," she added. Soon, one of the men searching the Gribben phoned her room before church saw her. "I must have scared leaving Mount Solon, and her return him really bad," she recalled, home was a relief to her friends, "because he just stood there with this especially to a suitemate who feared club raised up, as if he was going to hit she had been kidnapped. She baked me." cookies the next day and returned to

The people there are cautious with strangers'

When he shouted at her, asking who the church with a friend to thank she was and what she was doing there, MacArthur again for his help. Gribben said she could only muster at With six years of running ex- first, "I'm lost. Please don't hit me." perience, Gribben competed in the Standing up, she tried to explain to Marine Corps Marathon in the men what happened. "You're Washington, D.C. last November, never going to believe this," she told finishing in the top 20 percent of the them, "but I'm a JMU student, and I women entrants. She also will run in was out jogging and got lost." Virginia Beach's Shamrock Marathon But, according to Gribben, the in March. She says the main lesson townspeople did not understand how she learned from this particular or why she was that far from running experience is "to never go Harrisonburg, and if she was, where running late at night, especially when was her car? Fortunately, the you're not sure where you are going." church's young minister, who had She added she has since thought of all been away on a overnight trip, the things that could have happened to returned and offered to help Gribben. her, and is thankful she remained The minister, Rev. Rick MacArthur, safe. took her to his home adjacent to the "I'm more cautious now," said church and offered her cookies and Gribben, who will begin student milk before driving her to JMU where teaching home economics in her she is a resident of Hoffman Hall. former Alexandria high school next "IT WAS really nice of him," block. "I'm known for getting lost, so Gribben said, "especially since he I always go running quite a few hours had been driving all night." before sunset, so if I get lost, at least MacArthur also offered Gribben his it'll be in the daylight."

LINDA GRIBBEN, left, runs 40 miles a week and participates in marathons. Of her experience In Mount Solon, the JMU senior says, "I'm more cautious now. I Ptioto "iv Carl W. to^rnoMn always go running quite a few hours before sunset."