THE CAMPUS of Allegheny College

Vol 106 Number 3 Meadville, PA., Published Since 1876 September 30, 1982

First ASG Meeting: Silvis Announces Plan To Reduce Campus Crime Larry Silvis, Allegheny secur- appealed to the administration Council approved the ity director, proposed a new for funds. appointment of Doug McGee as program of crime prevention student voting chairman. Rulka said in the future Tuesday at ASG's initial council The next council meeting will $10.00 will be added to each meeting held in Caflish. be held October 5 in Crawford student activities fee. Lounge. The new program concen- trates on steps for students to ASG Vice President Rita She also told council that take to reduce crime oppor- Ober announced that a guest each representative will be tunities, Silvis said. ieaker will be invited to each required to sign-up for a com- council meeting. mittee, Silvis said his office now offers engraving for students' valuable personal items. Security marks each item with the Record Support Achieved student's motor vehicle oper- by Chris Shipley Monies raised in the Annual ator's license number and Fund drive are used where the registers it with the National "This was our best year yet," need is greatest on campus, Crime In formation Center meeting expenses not covered by (NCIC). reported Ron Heath, director of annual support. At the close of tuition. The security office owns two the annual fund year on June "Without the Allegheny engravers and has ordered more. 30, goals for dollar amounts and students we wouldn't have Silvis said escort servicemen alumni supports had been met. reached our goal," said Heath, will be on random foot patrol The Cabot Corporation refering to the phonathon this around campus, and will com- offered a challenge grant of February. Three hundred and municate with the main office. $25,000 to raise $75,000 in new one students gave their time to They will also answer calls or increased alumni gifts. Three make this year's phonathon the through hand radios. thousand two hundred and most successful. twenty two alumni increased "Our goal was $700,000 and Silvis said he looks to the their gifts and 892 made first 6000 alumni donors. When we Security director Larry Silvis proposes new crime prevention pro- student body for support on this gifts to the annual fund to meet closed the books we had raised gram to the ASG Council at Tuesday's meeting. program through ASG represen- the challenge with a total of $700,8000.54 and had received HAMILTON PHOTO tatives. $130,605. 6004 alumni donations." Pending approval by the ASG Treasurer Joyce Rulka alumni committee of the board announced that the admini- of trustees, the 1982-83 Annual Invasion Crisis Affects Allegheny stration will furnish $14,000 and Fund goal is tenetively set at ASG $5,000 to finance this $850,000. "I'm optimistic," said year's Kaldron. by Chris Allison Ertug, however, does Heath, "but it will take a lot of Greek Allegheny student not agree. Last year, owing to low sales, hard work from the entire John Georgiadis agrees with the After a three day delay, an the Kaldron resorted to an ASG Allegheny College community-- United States occupation of He said, "I can't expect agreement was reached Tuesday loan to reconcile a deficit. This administration, faculty, stu- Beirut, but doesn't lay the entire people whose families were on a withdrawl of Israeli troops year the yearbook committee dents, alumni, and friends." blame upon the United States. murdered there to stop fighting from Beirut's airport, opening and lay down their guns. Just the way for Wednesday's landing stay out of my country." of 1200 U.S. Marines. News of Georgiadis said, "It's an this occupation hit home for international situation. I feel In his news conference many Allegheny foreign stu- that the Israeli occupation was Tuesday night, President Reagan dents. completely unjustified, but what said the Marines will remain in Lebanon until all foreign troops Turkish Allegheny student happened, happened." (meaning both Syrian and Israeli Sacit Ertug said that he agrees Georgiadis added that he expects forces) leave the war ravaged with the presence of a United the United States occupation to country. States peace keeping force, but end hostilities. blames the United States for the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Ertug said, "The guilty one is INSIDE the United States because they let the Israelies invade Lebanon. World News page 5 "If the United States said, `No, you can't go !' to the Israeli New computers Arrive page 6 government, they wouldn't have gone." Jean Brodie Comes to Allegheny page 7 Ertug added, "Now I'm gld David Johansen and guest stars stormin' Norman Nardini and the the United States is doing Tigers will be appearing at Henderson Auditorium Friday evening, something about the situation Football Team Wins First page 9 October 1. Story on page eight over there." Page 2 Thursday, September 30, 1982 CAMPUS PRO Looking At ROTC CON What bothers the alleged free D.W. Braithwaite, Director of On March 10, 1976 Captain H. money for military programs. The thinkers of this campus isn't the Corporate Employment for U.S. E. Nestlerode announced that Alle- only government agency with extra fact that they weren't consulted or Steel Corporation, adds, "ROTC gheny was being dropped from the money for education is the mili- that they don't like the added training while pursuing a college Air Force's ROTC program. tary. By seeking to reestablish an tifr curriculum. What really bothers degree enables an individual to Reasons cited were, ". . . small ROTC program, Allegheny can them are the uniforms and the develop leadership skills con- Allegheny enrollment, cutback in hope to tap some of these re- discipline. currently with academic skills. This defense spending, and an increasing sources. Those people say that the combination is excellent back- demand for officers with technical If this trend is followed by uniformity, discipline and austerity ground for entrance into manage- skills. . . ." Students in the pro- Allegheny and other liberal arts of the military life warp a person's ment. Thus, ROTC graduates not gram were forced to transfer to institutions, could it be compromis- creativity. But isn't the ultimate only have the personal satisfaction schools with more permanent pro- ing the philosophy of a liberal arts goal of that uniformity the protect- of rendering a service to their grams. If only "some students" are education? ion of our individuality? country, but are developing qual- interested, can Allegheny respon- A liberal arts education attempts It is ironic to see self-proclaimed ifications for movement into the sibly seek reestablishment of a to show its students a method of freedom fighters attempt to deny industrial mainstream." new Army ROTC program? problem solving through logic and others the right to choose a life- Unlike the Women's Stucties reasoning. To understand world style. What right do those alleg- Allegheny senior and ROTC minor which was actively peti- problems, students examine cul- gedly open minded have to de- Cadet J.C. Mehling wants to make tioned for by students, the ROTC tures and philosophies of other nounce the career objectives of that move. Mehling said, "Through program is being reinstituted with peoples to gain insights toward another? Let those who choose to leadership, discipline and inter- little regard for student input. If solutions. By understanding the march to the beat of a familiar action with people, I'm going to be students felt that they needed the theory of things we understand the drummer do just that. marketable in the business world." ROTC program, wouldn't they have "why" of problems. For many, the Reserve Officer In a real sense, the absence of gone out of their way in trying to The structure of military disci- Training Corps is a way out. Using ROTC from any college campus establish it? pline, even in the form of an ROTC handsome ROTC scholarships, denies its students the right to program, teaches unquestioning many who have the brains for choose an officer training curric- On January 23, 1981, the obedience, ". . . ours is not to admission to Allegheny, but not ulum without attending one of faculty voted to seek reestablish- question why, ours is but to do or the hefty bank accounts, will be the service academies. And ROTC is ment of an ROTC program at die. . . ." Military thinking seeks able to attend. a choice. Allegheny. After five years without simple solutions without under- Not only is ROTC a way out, an ROTC program, why is the standing complex causes. it's a way in. Director of Career Allegheny. student Bob Lupica college trying to reestablish one? The philosophy behind a liberal Services Ted Gemmel says, "For said, "It (ROTC) doesn't really Why the sudden shift in senti- arts education and the philosophy that group, it can be lucrative bother me because we are free to ments? behind military reasoning are two financially ." choose." Chris Allison The shift of money away from opposing concepts. If money has education has created a fiscal bind shifted away from education to- at many colleges. While decreasing ward the military, should the focus THE CAMPUS money for educational programs, of a liberal arts education follow? of Allegheny College the government has increased J ack Donner

"You want to be taken seriously? Letters To Then do serious work." A Question Of Integrity John Reed The Editor: Managing Editor Bill Grattan Hats off to Campus reporters for Certainly, everyone is getting bel- his "mistake" when he has indicated Layout Editor David McDonald their efforts in covering the mysterious ligerent about knowing exactly what that he does not wish to speak of it? I resignation of Dr. Donald G. Hobson. Assistant Layout Editors • • Lisa Berkenkamp occurred, but have we stopped to urge all to ask themselves the follow- The story, or non-story if I may, was consider what would happen next? ing questions: Suzy Peet2 carefully written and presented with- Frankly, we are ignoring the possible Copy Editor Simon Crum out a trace of sensationalism, which consequences of finding out. I have Do I want to learn the often occurs as a result of little factual details behind Dr. Hob- Assistant Copy Editors Doug Clark considered them and subsequently input. I have not been active in any of hope there will be no further investi- son's resignation because I Cindy Gerrie Allegheny's religious programs and did gation. I do agree that as students of think I can help? Amy Zediker not know Dr. Hobson personally. The Allegheny College, we are indeed Am I just interested in the private affairs of a dis- Editorial Page Editor Kim Comes first I heard of his resignation was "investors" as opposed to "con- through the Campus. After reading all sumers," and that we are entitled to posed chaplain? Asst. Editorial Page Editor .. Dennis Grantham three articles and the editorial, I felt know about many administrative Do I want to find out Editorial Page Cartoonist .... Anne Linaberger that I had been presented with a clear actions that directly affect us. I draw solely because of the Sports Editors Kevin Treu picture of the trials of those reporters the line, however, at decisions con- "challenge" set forth by seeking the truth. They are to be cerning personal matters such as this. the administration's si- Robert Kizer commended for their perseverence. Thus, the real issues at hand are lence?— Assistant Sports Editor Brian Greene There is, however, another point to be morality and responsibility. Again, this is a moral dilemma; we Ad Manager (Art) Susan Brubaker more deeply considered. A journalism textbook asks, "Can a have the "right to know," and Dr. public need justify the reporter's Ad Manager (Business) Ann Dalesandro Hobson has the "right to privacy." It I noticed that student sympathy compromising his integrity?" Dr. is our duty to act responsibly, what- Business Manager Keith White rested primarily with the disposed Dr. Hobson has been described as wise, ever that may mean to us as indivi- Photo Editor Chris Hamilton Hobson. As I've said, I did not know trustworthy, fair, understanding, and duals. As for myself, I believe that him; I am sure he has many good "very concerned with community life Assistant Photo Editor Andrew Gibson when Dr. Hobson declined comment qualities. What is being overlooked is at Allegheny." Such a sensitive man is Head Typist saying he "did not wish to see anyone Barbara Patterson the fact that something did go wrong. surely having difficulty dealing with hurt," he was, in part, referring to Advisor Sonya Jones President Harned and Dean Ford the humiliation of being asked to himself. I for one will respect his would not have taken such serious Members of the Editorial Board are: Chris resign. Should we add to his humilia- request. measures if this was not the case. tion by prying into the exact nature of Amy S. Kline Allison, Kim Comes, Jack Donner, Dennis Grantham, Bill Grattan, Greg Gross, Eric The Campus welcomes all reader response. We reserve the right to reject all letters not meeting our standards of integrity, accuracy, and decency, and to edit for grammatical errors. Deadlines for letters is 5 p.m. the Hansmann, Robert Kizer, Kimberly Rye, Chris Sunday before publication. The letters should be typewritten, double-spaced, and must be signed, with a Shipley, and Katie Willis. phone number for verification. Names may be witheld upon request. CAMPUS Thursday, September 30, 1982 Page 3 No Final Decision Yet by Robert Kizer Since the major decision making bodies of the college In last week's Campus, agreed upon a course of action, Timothy L. Reeves raised some the next step was to contact the questions about the process by Army as to their interest in which an ROTC unit is being Allegheny College. established on this campus. I While the initial contacts were emphasize the word being because being made, a student survey by a full-time ROTC program is not a Randal Miller, Director of reality at Allegheny...yet. Institutional Research, was under- Although the reestablishment taken. The survey contacted 560 of the program may have been the students--over one-quarter of the secret desire or dream of any student population. In typical number of administration, faculty Allegheny fashion, only 210 stu- or staff, the reestablishment dents responded—so much for movement was put on record at a anyone complaining about not faculty meeting in the winter of having student input ! Of those 1981. responding, the highest percen- "Resolved, the Allegheny tage was those students who College, with the Department of favored the reestablishment of the Defense, explore the possibility of program. reestablishing a voluntary Reserve After all of the proper Army Officer Training Corps program at channels have been filled, and all Allegheny College," is the way the proper forms filled out, the the minutes from the faculty Army has a couple of officers a meeting of January 23, 1981 read. couple of days a week at This resolution was passed by a Allegheny this year in order to great majority, although not assess the situation. unanimously, and brought reactions from many different Should everything go well, and sources. we as a college meet the Army's The report of the Committee requirements, Allegheny could on Goals "commends the faculty have an ROTC unit next fall. for seeking reestablishment of an Of course, none of this means ROTC training program." Accord- anything if the Curriculum Co- ing to Dr. Harned, after the Board mmittee doesn't approve of the of Trustees heard of the faculty ROTC course offerings. resolution, "They (the Board of I hope that this brief essay has Trustees) have instructed me to cleared up any questions concern- do whatever possible to try to ing the process that has led to a bring an ROTC unit to military occupation of an office n GeE ANDY, MAYBE WE clicalt-1) HAVE GOTTEN INTELLIVISioN INSTEAD" Allegheny." on the second floor of Bentley. ROTC: Allegheny's Only Cadet Looks Out From Within One of the liveliest and most heated had been in the back of my mind would take time to teach me in this As a student first, and a cadet topics of conversation around campus during this time, but since I liked way. Where were the signs of the second, I can understand completely these days seems to be the issue of Allegheny so much and had no desire horror stories my friends had warned the disgruntled feelings of some ROTC. As Allegheny's only full- to transfer to a school with a ROTC me about? because the whole student body was fledged ROTC cadet, I feel obliged to program, the idea simply stayed where My classes consisted of quite a not consulted before ROTC set up shop in Bentley. I am as much a part give my opinion of the situation; you it was formulated. I then read about number of different things. First aid, of this institution as anyone else, and see, my perspective is looking from the the cross-enrollment program — a military customs and courtesies, mili- like to think that student opinion inside — out, while everyone else's is full-time student at one school could tary history, drill and ceremony, land does, in fact, matter in administrative from quite the opposite direction. take ROTC classes at a nearby college. navigation, communication proce- decisions. If all four classes had been On April 21 of last year, I enlisted My recruiter and I checked out the dures, military intelligence, weapons consulted, though, and the results as a reservist in the United States possibility of my doing this, and that's and military tactics were all taught came back decidedly negative, I Army. The one-weekend-a-month how I began taking ROTC classes at throughout my junior year in prepara- wonder if the administration would participation that the reserves required Edinboro College. tion for getting us (the corps of not still have gone ahead and accepted would provide me with some extra I lacked the car to get up to Edin- cadets) ready for ROTC Advanced the Army's offer to come on campus. spending money. Some people (per- boro three days a week, so my PMS Camp. I spent the first six weeks of As administrators, their job is to haps) would say that enlisting in the (Professbi of Military Science) permit- this past summer at Fort Bragg, N.C. insure the health and well-being of this service is not the brightest way to ted me to attend class once a week (I putting to use all of the things I had college. I am sure they believe that scrounge up a few extra bucks. At the took Greyhound) and individually been taught. I had my confidence ROTC would be a strong asset to this time I did it, however, I felt a need for taught me what I missed during the built through rappelling off of a school and not a liability. a change in my life, a challenge, if you other two class periods. I felt a bit fifty-five foot tower, hanging and The corps can do nothing for will. Basic training provided both of catered to because of this individual- then dropping from a rope suspended present juniors and seniors; perhaps these things, and I was pleased with ized instruction, and was really quite forty feet above a running stream, and this is why they were not originally the decision that I had made. ROTC pleasantly surprised that my captain sliding down a cable over that same stream while only holding onto a surveyed. But ROTC offers quite a lot pulley; I had my intuitive powers to those freshmen and sophomores Letters: Was It Newsworthy? tested on the Leadership Reaction who are willing to accept its challenge. Course, which involved having a To get a first-hand look at what The September issue of the Campus getting into the rarely found muck, I "mission" to accomplish by using military life is like, the Army will send has been widely hailed. I believe much believe you lost sight of your original certain provided materials, and think- any interested student to ROTC Basic of that praise can be attributed to the goal. The Hobson story is an interest- ing about how to obtain the objective Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky for six way you reported on Dr. Donald ing one, but does it warrant a dropped through the proper use of those weeks. No obligation whatsoever is Hobson's resignation. I, too, was nameplate, two feature, page one materials; as platoon sargeant for a incurred after attending this camp, but impressed with your thorough and articles, and two editorials? I think day, I was responsible for the forty- while there, the student's college humane investigation of the story. I not. In pushing the story, you forget one other members of my platoon, transcript is reviewed and compared agree with your stance that the affair's what is news on the campus. In and made sure they got where they with his/her performance during camp. cover up by the administration is but a pursuing the facts behind the story, I had to go when they had to be there; A full scholarship may be offered to microcosm for the secrecy which think you lost a feeling for the facts of my fortitude was also tested, because I those students who excel both aca- shrouds many college actions. It is the story. Hobson's friends became had to eat, work, and sleep with those demically and militarily. The educa- also, as you stated, a sad turn of events first page copy—his curriculum contri- same forty-one people every day for tion obtained during those six weeks is for those close to Hobson. butions became page five. forty-two days. Discipline, pride, invaluable; you learn more things Perhaps, though, the Campus has So, good luck to the "new" responsibility . . I gained a much about yourself faster than you would gone wide of its mark on the Hobson Campus, and congratulations on its better understanding of these words anywhere else. coverage. Obviously, on a campus the investigation. But, watch your step through my association with ROTC; At the very least, the Army, nature of Allegheny's, there is not and your goals when reporting. and I am looking forward to under- through ROTC, is another career much to investigate; not- much to Thank You, standing them even better after my alternative. We all know how 'difficult muckrake. And in the process of Roy R. Robson commissioning on graduation day. continued on pg. 4 Page 4 Thursday, September 30, 1982 CAMPUS From The Professor's Pen THE Dr. James F. Sheridan elegant programs. Kern writes elegant read the first draft of the retrench- Philosophy verse. The students in English- ment document? CAMPUS Philosophy 39 turn out lineelementsof Well--we'll just have to see whether I've been having trouble with some poetic interest using only their Horace can learn to put lines together of Allegheny College Horace recently. Even for a micro- sense of the language and a pair of himself instead of constructing lines computer, he's remarkably obstinate. I dice. When Stu Finder shows up as by choosing among the ten and only think Al Kern went one step too far more sensitive than I am, things have ten sentence forms available in Box 12 when he had me program a Petrarchan gotten out of hand. Janine Fiorina I English, a constraint shared by both Henderson Campus Center sonnet. Horace has gone ape for iambs could figure, but Stu Finder? The next humans and computers. Instead of just Rooms U202, U210 and endrhyme. We respect the fact thing you know, D.T. will start rap- mouthing his conditioning, that is, 724-5386 724-5387 that Horace came to us as a physical sodizing instead of running fullback expressing himself, he'll have to notice intelligence, hence his name, but we dives. that he's written a complex sentence, a don't expect him to start acting like catenation of the form D3+S+UZ, humans. Humans already produce I decided that it was high time that look at some alternatives, and more humans than the planet can Horace quit being an idiot savant. So Lit Review S+UZ+D3, for example, and decide support so we hardly need to add he can PRINT a D3, what humans In last week's issue of the whether the D3 at the end of the line human impersonators to our already waste storage space calling an "adver- Campus there was an article on the gives the line the punch it needs in swollen ranks. Horace is supposed to bial clause." So what? Does he know Allegheny Literary Review and its place in the stanza. Of course, Al will be learning to be a poet, not a hum- that a poet often gets more juice into a plans for the coming year. A number have to explain emphasis to me so that an--or an android. line if he puts a D3 at the head of a of small points need to be "cleaned- I can tell Horace. That's the trouble line rather than in the middle? No! up" regarding the expansion involved with the damn project! People have to Al suggests that my response to I didn't know that until Al showed me in this year's Review. It is true that get smarter in order to help computers Horace stems from the painful how that worked and I haven't told there will be two completely separate to get smarter. But I suppose I memories I have of being raised in Horace about it yet. I teach Horace issues this year for the first time. The shouldn't be obstinate about clinging Connecticut as one of two Irish kids everything he knows about poetry. on-campus edition will be structured to my current level of learning if I'm on an otherwise Italian block. Fonzie Kern teaches me everything I know much as it has been in the past and going to protest against stubborness Gamberdella didn't write no Eyetalian about poetry. This klutz, namely me, will contain only Allegheny student from Horace. A klutz should have sonnets but he did play more than one couldn't write an Italian sonnet to save material. Although Allegheny student some sense of equity, even if I am a tune on my pianna! More likely, I fear my job so what's my fellow klutz, work can and hopefully will appear in human. Or should I have written, that I may end up as the only klutz in Horace, doing turning out combin- the new national edition, it will not be "Even if I am a human, a klutz should the poetry project. Bivens writes ations I didn't program? Maybe he's "favored" as reported last week. This have some sense of equity"? practice would be impossible if the Review hopes to gain a solid national Cadet -- Continued reputation. it is to get a job these days — the all like to think that we are, I think it interviews are few and the applicants unfair to object to at least the oppor- So why have a national issue? many. I see my friends sweating over tunity to participate in such a program It was mentioned in the article that SHARE their resumes, making frantic appoint- as ROTC. this is a way to "further establish ments with Ted Gemmell, and worry- Allegheny as a first rate academic THE COST ing over their future welfare. I have a institution." True. But it will do job already lined up for me for the In closing this already-too-long much more. It will allow Allegheny next three years without ever having letter, I just want to say one final students the chance to see the creative OF LIVING. to send out a cover letter or keep an thing. I, too, worry about our nation's writing of other college students and appointment in Pittsburgh while I defense budget with its resulting cut in compare it to their own. Also, it must should be worrying about social programs, and the threat of be remembered that the Review is run GIVE TO THE getting my comp finished. Participa- nuclear war. I have no desire whatso- completely by Allegheny students. AMERICAN tion in ROTC is not going to be ever to fight in such a war, nor do I They will be exposed to the publica- a requirement for graduation, so those know any cadet or officer who. does. tion of materials on a national scale. CANCER SOCIETY. 5( students who don't support the Yet, I have never regretted my deci- This is a fantastic opportunity. program have nothing to fear. If there sion to become a cadet. I feel that This space contributed as a public service. is no student support at all, the because of this decision, if, God We at the Literary Review program cannot survive and will forbid, a war should break out hope that the whole college will voluntarily leave the campus. How- (incidentally, you would all be on the become involved in this expanded ever, as liberal minded people, as we boat right after me), the training I program. If you have any submissions, have already received might just save questions, or comments, just drop my life. And my life is pretty impor- them to: Allegheny Literary Review, I can't believe I ate the whole thing tant to me. Box 32. Nelson Larkins at John C. Mehling Co-Editor The Sunday Knights Whole Darn by Don Corry and supporting himself with ASG ThiRg Bill Grattan funds. Van Holt parlayed the entire Jim Kaufman ASG bankroll over the summer and SUBS reportedly has it securely hidden away 1. Chopped Ham and Cheese 12. Salami and Cheese Did you notice the construction, in in a package of dehydrated peaches. In front of Alden Hall last week? Today, a secret communique to his followers 2. Chopped Ham, Salami and Cheese 13. Prosuittii, Salami and Cheese . college officials announced the success at Allegheny, Van Holt, the leader 3. Boiled Ham, Salami and Cheese. . 14. Cheese Sub of this construction, the initial state of of SPUSSAC (The Society for the 4. Capicola, Salami and Cheese 15. Tuna Sub the proposed Bousson to Allegheny Prevention of Unneeded Student Natural Gas pipeline. Salaries at Allegheny College) vowed 5. Pepperoni and Cheese 16. Bologna and Cheese to visit as many schools as possible on 6. Hot Meatball Sub 17. Bologna, Salami and Cheese . • Signups for intramural plank steal- his journey to use the pilfered funds to construct a nationwide campaign 7. Hot Sausage Sub 18. Roast Beef Sub ing will be due Thursday, September 30. against the blight of student salaries. 8. Super Sub: 19. Corned Beef and Swiss Cheese 9. Turkay irithessi 20. Italian Super Sub Finally, on a more somber note, Last year's critically acclaimed Best these columnists would like to con- Cbfgat 21. Roast Beef, Turkey, of Sports in the Round has reached its gratulate senior football player Jim Pepperoni and Cheese second printing and these columnists 614 .40 a"eli*"!-* Porter for his fine career at Allegheny. have happily announced that, due to Jim suffered a concussion in Satur- reader demand, The Best of Sunday day's victory over Thiel and will miss All Subs except 6 & 7 include: Knights soon will be forthcoming. the rest of the season. A two year Tomato, Lettuce, Onions, and our own special dressing starter at defensive end and defensive Under the guise of conducting an tackle, Jim's determination and ded- independent study, Tom Van Holt has ication will be sorely missed by the 891 Market Street 724-5016 been biking across the nation this term 1982 Gator tea

CAMPUS Thursday, September 30, 1982 Page 5 Brey Views Future Without Nuclear War World The State Department is now national corporations, and the dominance of the nation-state, monitoring 11 wars on separate concern over global issues — you according to Brey. That treaty battlefields around the world. see that all parts of the system recognized the sovereignty of However, Dr. Gary Brey, assis- are growing exponentially. the nation-state and the nation News tant professor of political Since the end of World War — which has been the most science, sociology and anthro- II, the number of organizations important political organization pology at Allegheny College in with governments as members, in the world politics for approx- Meadville, PA, doesn't really see such as the World Health Organ- imately 300 years. Peacekeeping Troops the nation-state system ending in ization and the World Bank, has "There is also an increasing collapse under a global nuclear tripled. International organiza- importance in world politics war, even with 11 wars in tions composed of private over issues of population Move Into Beirut progress. individuals and private organ- growth, food production, energy French and Italian peacekeeping troops moved into the refugee camps Nor does he see the rise of izations, such as Amnesty Inter- consumption, and world trade, of Beirut on Monday. An additional 1,200 U.S. Marines remained some type of transnational national and the International all of which exhibit exponential offshore awaiting the complete withdrawl of Israeli forces. system of government where Association of Airline Pilots growth patterns," Brey said. Lebanese authorities have confirmed that about 600 people were political boundaries lose much Associations, have grown from "If I had to advocate a killed in the Beirut massacre. Israeli troops had the Beirut camps of their present day meaning, as approximately 500 in 1945 to strategy, I would actively en- surrounded in an effort to root out PLO fighters reported in the world order advocates predict, over 2,500 today. Also the courage countries to build inter- camps. Prime Minister Menachem Begin's Cabinet was scheduled to although political boundaries of number of multi-national cor- dependent networks to provide meet Tuesday for a full judicial inquiry into Israeli conduct during the states are being penetrated more porations has tripled in the more opportunities for coopera- camp killings. and more by economic and post-war era. tive behavior," comments Brey. social forces. The multi-national corpora- "There's no smallpox in the Brey,who presented his paper tion has also become an world today, because countries German Chancellor Challenged extremely important organiza- worked together through the on "Exponential Growth and West German conservative opposition leaders went ahead Monday tion in terms of economic size. World Health Organization. We World Politics" at the Allegheny with a plan to unseat Chancellor Helmut Schmidt this week. In 1976, only 22 nations of the have again agreed to sell grain Environmental Studies Group Helmut Kohl, of the Christian Democrat party said that he still 150 plus members of the Unitied to Russia because we have more seminar on Human/Earth/ plans to oust Schmidt. This decision was made despite a recent Nations were larger in economic than we can use and they don't Energy Relationships, likens the state election vote that swung strongly in Schmidt's direction. size than the largest multi- have enough. And in the United processes in the international Kohl added, however, that a no confidence vote would be con- national corporation. Nations, Russia and the United system to the exponential ducted only "if I have the certain expectation that a majority will growth patterns of natural popu- States are voting very similarly Of the top 100 economic vote for it." lations. on the budget, because it is "In many biological systems, entities in the world, 37 percent mutually beneficial. Everyone were multi-national corporations a pattern of rising exponential knows that positive reinforce- Reagan Under Fire From EEOC while only 40 percent of the growth is followed by a collapse ment works better than negative world's nation-states made the of severe disruption of the reinforcement," continues Brey, Attacks on President Reagan's civil rights policies have come from top' 100 list. system," Brey said. "If you "So I would opt for a reward the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Washington look at a series of processes on The peace of Westphalia in strategy for cooperation Council for Lawyers. The EEOC claims that the number of job the international scene — the 1648 is a generally accepted between countries as a means of discrimination suits approved has dropped sharply while the WCL number of international organi- starting point for an interna- preventing the collapse of the reported that enforcement of school desegregation has all but halted. zations, the number of multi- tional system marked by the international system." Reagan suggests a closer look at the records. Welfare Makes Changes Pi Beta Phi Makes Sorority Pitch Monthly food stamp benefits will increase an average of 8.5 percent this Friday, the first raise since 1980. Along with this increase needs to be furnished. The comes cutbacks in such programs as Medicare and Aid to Families by Dawna Clarke for women. Nationally, there are 116 chapters of Pi Beta Phi, no annual national dues are $20.00. with Dependent Children. Local fees would be voted The new limits on hospital reimbursements by Medicare are Representatives from Pi colonies, 33 alumnae clubs and upon by the chapter and would expected to save $480 million. AFDC now requires job searches for its Beta Phi presented their frat- 184, 000 initiated members. If \applicants before administering aid. ernity Monday night at 7:15 in Pi Beta Phi was established at turn to p. 6 Brooks Alumni Lounge as a Allegheny, Layfayette College prospective fifth sorority to be and Washington and Jefferson installed at Allegheny. Coilge would be included in the Representatives included province. Chapters of Pi Beta Allegheny Outing Club Trip Schedule Director of Extension, Mrs. Phi located in Pennsylvania are Mary Lou Crain, National established at Bucknell, Penn Panhellenic Representative, Mrs. State and Dickinson College. Jane Mills, president of the Financial obligations include Oct. 2-3 White water rafting on the Washington and Jefferson a $45.00 national chartering chapter, Diane Tangolos, and fee, a $15.00 national pledge Youghiogheny River. Exciting weekend vice president of the Miami fee, and a $75.00 national University of Ohio chapter, Gina intitiation fee. According to adventure in Ohiopyle, Pa. Brocola. Mills, "The national fraternity Pi Beta Phi was founded in would pay House Corporation Oct. 8 - 9 Hiking in the Allegheny National 1867 in Monmouth, Illinois and fees exceeding $50.00 per pledge was the first national fraternity since the suite on fourth Brooks Forest. Fun filled weekend just to get away. eY) a2e December 4, 1982 Oct 22-24 Rock climbing at Seneca Rocks, West Virginia. High adventure on the West Virginia mountains.

Call Days Evenings & Weekends Oct. 29-31 White water canoeing on Slippery CLASS BEGINS 10/3 For information call: Rock Creek. Intense day of wet fun. (814) 866-3519 Educational Center, Ltd. Nov.12-14 Caving- low adventure with bats TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 and carbide lamps.

Classes held at Erie Milton Hotel

• Page 6 Thursday, September 30, 1982 CAMPUS CSO Gains New Counselor

by Charlotte Ulintz at Ohio Northern, and most new programs offered at Career recently as an Admissions Coun- Services, including the Resume Alice Mitchell is the selor for Heidelberg College. Writing workshop being held all new Career Counselor at Alleg- through September. heny, bringing with her fresh "Career Services acts as a resource center for occupational ideas for students looking into materials," Mitchell said. "I career opportunities. Mitchell's outside in- wish students would come ear- Working with terests include fencing, carpen- Ted lier, like in their freshman or Gemmell and four student aides, try, and backpacking. sophomore year to explore our Mitchell plans to sponsor many new programs. Sha..hopes to "increase programming in the //,;,;" „ residence halls, and offer a Kishlansky Links /-dte workshop on how to discuss salary negotiations in an inter- view situation. Past And Present Mitchell urges all Mark Kishlansky, associate present. "Professional historians students to become aware of tilt professor of history at the respond to our need to be library." She specified that a University of Chicago, lectured connected to the past, Under- weakness of Allegheny students Tuesday on "The Historian's standing the past on its own /74 as well as most undergraduates is Business." terms is a full-time job." Alice Mitchell, Allegheny's new Career Counselor, becomes set- tied at her new position. HAMI LION PHOTO the "difficulty in finding oc- Kishlansky, whose major Another topic of Kishlan- cupational goals." "Don't al- work is in the field of 17th sky's was the important role that ways base your decisions on the century politics, impressed on history plays in the modern Comp Facilities world. "There are more histor- job market, but on your in- the audience the ever-changing ians today than there were terests, because your interests aspect of history. "History is a growth industry," said Kish- throughout the course of history are more stable," she empha- Expanded lansky. "There must be more combined. Even so, more sized. Allegheny installed an IBM 1963," said director of the each day." people fail to become historians computer center Richard Pleased with the open than ever." 4341 Model 1 computer this student-faculty relations and the summer, a move which doubles Metzger. "In those days it took extensive research accompanying One of the central themes of the central processing speed and about 15 minutes to process the the senior comprehensive, Mit- the lecture was the link between Professor Stephen Lyons, allows the college to expand its average student job. Today, with chell accepted the Career Ser- the past and the present, Kish- who attended Brown University on-line capabilities. the new 4341 process, it takes vices position at Allegheny in lansky said, "To explain the past at the same time as Kishlansky, Seventeen new terminals less than 30 seconds. In 1968, July. At 26, she has spent her the historian must be engaged in noted that "Allegheny was grate- were added, bringing the number we offered one computer course a study of the present." He ful to Professor Kishlansky for of on-line terminals to 31. a year for 15 students. We life counseling undergraduates. continued to explain the histor- coming and his visit has been Fourteen terminals are used now have 11 courses, with over First as an RA and hall director ian's role in linking the'past and extremely educational." by the admissions, alumni, con- 300 students enrolled in the troller's, develor ment, regis- introductory class each year," trar's and student aid offices; the Looking to the future Correction remaining 17 are for student use Metzger said, "As the cost of in Reis Hall. computer hardware continues to The Campus apologizes for come down and our usage goes spelling Dr. Russell Geen's name "Allegheny has come a long up, we hope to add more term- as Green in last week's issue. way since the installation of its inals and microcomputers to our first IBM 1620 Computer in system to better serve the college community." Sorority from 5 GYN CHECK-UPS include monthly pledge/active January, Pi Beta Phi would dues, local pledge fee and a local present a general information ABORTION initiation fee. SERVICES session for interested women. Phi Beta Phi would begin their FREE Mills added that "Academic formal rushing shortly after the PREGNANCY TESTS excellence is our priority." Last other sororities complete theirs. year Pi Beta Phi's had a 2.85. Mills added that, "Plans for CONFIDENTIAL cumulative average. COUNSELING formal rushing and installation When asked what number of can be negotiated with Panhel. We would try to be cooperative Health 's alumnae were in the area, Mills a stated, "There are 50 alumnae with the guidelines and wishes O Services members in the Meadville, Erie set down for us by Panhel." 625 STANWIX ST. DOWNTOWN 1:TrISBURG1 area who would be supportive of When asked about the (412) 562-1900 a new chapter installation." number of pledges Pi Beta Phi While the four existing would take, Mills stated, "It sororities hold formal rush in depends on interest. We do not have a limit. If there are not Capture your group's next special enough pledges, we would have pizza to delay installation." event on video tape! ▪ The representatives expressed spaghetti keep that moment forever! a class distribution preference ▪ salads for a large number of upper- classmen as well as a number of ▪ beer Video Taping Service freshmen, but probably no le ribs Half Moon Bay seniors. Legacies would be the Industries&Sales Co. exception. S fish The national fraternity would S rigatoni also provide a recent graduate of call 555-1498 another chapter to serve as a • 24 sandwiches resident couselor for one or two after 4:00PM years. The job of the counselor according to Grains would be half rate "To educate pledges, intiate 962 Park Avenue to them, and train the officers." college students! The next sorority scheduled We deliver 336-3903 to visit Allegheny is Alpha Zi • Delta on October 4 and 5. CAMPUS Thursday, September 30, 1982 Page 7 Allegheny's Finest: Arts, Drama, and Music Playshop Productions Begin: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

by Jeannie Clarkson However, one girl finally grows Clarke, Mary Gilson , June wise to Miss Brodie and her ways Harmon, Debbie Skinner, and "We experience life and and eventually turns against her. Lynn Echnoz. The production is death and love in this play," says being stage-managed by Tanya Linn. Dr. John Hanners, Allegheny Richard P. Overmyer, Alle- Drama professor, who is cur- gheny Drama professor and rently directing The Prime of Performances of The Prime Managing Director of the Play- as the Playshop of Miss Jean Brodie will be Miss Jean Brodie shop Theatre, will play the role Theatre's first production of the October 15th and 16th at 8:15 of the art teacher, and The Prime of Miss Jean p.m., October 17th at 2 :30 p.m., season. Allegheny English professor, October 22nd and 23rd at 8:15 Brodie, by Jay Allen adapted Rhoda Sherwood, will play the p.m. and October 24th at 2:30 from the novel by Muriel Spark, role of the nun. Student cast p.m. in the Playshop Theatre. is the story of a dramatic and members include Herb Logan, Ticket prices are $3.00 for very flamboyant teacher who Kathi Kern, Allison White, Anne adults and $1.00 for senior says, "Give me a girl at an Linaberger, Karen Miller, Illene impressionable age, and I'll make Reiner, Andrew Gibson, citizens and non-Allegheny her mine for life." Suzanne O'Keefe, Katharine students.

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie opened on Broadway in Jamison Well Received 1969 and had one of the greatest Students act as students at rehersal for The Prime of Miss Jean leading women's roles in by Andy Hladio It was enjoyable to follow the twentieth century theatre. Zoe songs in English while listening Brodie. HAMILTON PHOTO Caldwell won the Tony award to the German renditions. In Vicki Jamison, a soprano, for the best performance by an the song "Standchen," Alec • gave a faculty recital at Shaeffer actress in the role of Miss Chien excelled on the piano. And when the Cottage is closed, Auditorium on Sunday, Septem- Brodie, and the Playshop The last three songs exempli- ber 26. She was accompanied try next door at Theatre has been fortunate fied the tremendous talent of by Alec Chien on the piano. enough to secure a guest artist Jamison. "Willow Song," a The first four selections were for this role. melancholy aria, set a somber The Parkway Diner performed well and selected mood. This was followed by a wisely. With "Fain Would I lively song, "Monica's Waltz." The play spans the lives of Change that Note" and During this song, Jamison same homemade goodness Brodie's students from age "Crabbed Age and Youth," "waltzed" about stage, appealing as the Cottage! twelve to seventeen, and the Jamison put the audience in a to the audience with facial light, happy mood. "The Silver audience watches their maturity expressions and actions. In the Open Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Mon. — Sat. and changing attitudes about Swan" and "Flow not so Fast, finale, Jamison displayed her both themselves and their ye Fountains" were grave melo- extensive voice range and proved Sunda o en till 1 PM teacher. "The play deals with dies but inserted between the that she is an excellent per- profound themes in both serious merry ones provided a good former. and comic ways,"says the direc- change of pace. The audience showed its tor, "but mostly with authority After a brief break, Jamison approval by requesting two found and later authority returned and did four Richard encores. With Alec Chien on the THE rejected." Jean Brodie is idolized Strauss songs. Though all were piano, and Vicki Jamison sing- by her students, and she molds sung in German, the program ing, this provided a most enjoy- their minds in her own image. provided an English translation. able evening. HAIR COMPANY

*simira16 s -at To 64406V1 Commut Ige W(59tes all a great sdhoot dear fine drams — casual atmosphere ethartieS is open (DoncSa -Sa-turOacp for tvnct and dinner aria 5vn6a,y 1-?(Y) 794 PARK AVENUE for reservations catt 724-8300 724-6685 a Page 8 Thursday, September 30, 1982 CAMPUS `Rock & Roll Singer' Johansen Hits Allegheny

by Jeanne Cobetto such classic rock & roll tunes as generally agreed upon by all to different type of audience at his Johansen's shows are pure the Eric Burdon (& the Animals) be phenomenal. concerts--and he progresses right dynamism--pumped full of Allegheny has a knack for medley ("We Gotta Get Outta along with them. Rather than dramatic physical gestures to introducing rising stars to the This Place"/"Don't Bring Me "I'm not a rock star, I'm a having to "lambaste them into punctuate his live songs. "I campus and surrounding corn- Down"/"It's My Life"), the rock & roll singer," is how getting up and dancing and consider myself an entertainer," munity. Such performers as Four Tops' "Reach Out, I'll Be Johansen describes himself. "As enjoying themselves," the atti- says Johansen. With Stormin' Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, There," in addition to Johan- far as rock & roll is concerned, I tude is "more participatory." Norman Nardini & the Tigers and the Charlie Daniels Band sen's own compositions ranging really consider myself a classi- warming up the audience, Friday have entertained the unsuspect- from a melancholy failed cist." night's concert in the C.C. ing crowds at Allegheny shortly romance ("Frenchette") to a Says Johansen, "My job now is Auditorium promises to be one before becoming national stars. personal fashion-anthem entitled After years with the Dolls' to take people into a room and hell of a good time. David The image surrounding David "Funky But Chic." outrageous and confrontational help them just blow the roof off Johansen is ready to kick it Johansen is reminiscent of these reputation, Johansen now sees a it." out at Allegheny--don't miss it. earlier crowd-pleasers. In a lengthy August 22, 1982 New York Times article, Robert Johansen, former "lead singer Palmer offers nothing but praise and ringleader" of the New York for this nationally up and coming Trapezoid Performs Variety Dolls, has been called New York artist named David Johansen. City's "favorite rock & roll "He is one of rock's most son" for the past decade. Now assured interpretive singers. . . . on his own as a solo artist, Mr. Johansen's voice . . . has "They were excellent!" The band, which is based in swing, folk music, strong original grown richer and deeper over the the mountains of West Virginia, songs and sweet harmonies," and Johansen & Co. will perform ". . very artistic, and appeal- years." And his stage presence is consists of Paul Reisler (guitar as a "delightful musical melange their individual renditions of ing to all kinds of people." and hammered dulcimer), that covers much of this coun- "We enjoyed Trapezoid's per- Lorraine Duisit (vocals, mandola try's musical origins." (New formance more than any other and bowed psaltery), Ralph York Times) Public Event we've seen in the Gordon (bass and cello) and past few years at Allegheny." Freyda Epstein (vocals and Trapezoid certainly proved that they are diverse and ex- These are some of the com- fiddle). Combining a strong and tremely talented. ments heard by those leaving the unique vocal blend with a Celebrate Life! Trapezoid concert, which variety of acoustic instruments, After the performance, mem- opened the Public Events Series the Zoids explore a variety of bers of the audience were invited this past Friday evening at Ford music--drawing from the frame- to try out the many instruments dtp Memorial Chapel. The perform- work and texture of older music used by the band. The audience ance was enjoyed equally by to create a personalized and didn't need much prodding, and young and old, student and dramatically hard driving sound after the main performance Help the March of Dimes community, conservatives and of their own. Their perfor- several people had their first liberals. It was a good mix of mances have been described as chance at playing a bowed Fight Birth Defects music and a good, varied audi- "an engaging blend of old fiddle psaltery, a hammered dulcimer, ence. tunes, Irish melodies, jazzy and a mandola. CC BAND DANCE with Slate and Pearl Saturday, October 2nd 9:30PM-1:30AM CC Lobby

CC BIG BUCK FLICK Life of Brian Wednesday,October 6th at 9:00PM CC Auditorium admission is $1.00 Sports Shorts 10 Campus Sports Colgrove wins again 11

Thursday, September 30, 1982 page 9 Penalties and turnovers plague AC Gators Grab First Win by Keven Treu failed to capitalize on good field line after a punt and moved Sports Editor position. quickly down the field, but Despite the shortcomings, disaster struck when they For the second consecutive Allegheny clearly gave the im- reached the three. Tailback Bob veek the Allegheny football pression of being the more Murray lost three yards, a earn failed to play up to its talented team. holding penalty cost ten more, bility, but this time it didn't "We dominated them phys- and after two plays gained only .ost them the game. The Gators ically," stated Head Coach Sam eight yards, Rob Bruce's field urned what could have been a Timer. "I felt confident goal effort went wide left. augher into an exciting contest throughout the game despite the After dodging that bullet, the s they edged an inferior Thiel score." Tomcats drove steadily toward quad 21-19. The closeness of the score the Gator goal line. Running It wasn't as much a case of was probably an indication that, back Woodie Pippens capped the he Tomcats playing over their at least subconsciously, the drive with a one yard plunge eads as it was a case of missed players knew they were better, over the top, and Thiel was on pportunities and giveaways by and let that knowledge affect the board first. Gator Dave llegheny. The Gators termin- their performance at times. Hood blocked the extra point, ted a few drives with crucial Allegheny's first and biggest though, so the score stood at urnovers and penalties, sus- missed opportunity came on 6-0. ained one Thiel scoring drive their third possession. The It didn't take Allegheny long ith penalties and generally Gators started at Thiel's 41 yd. to get back. Runs by Murray and Randy Lamendola moved the Gators into position, and then Murray broke away for a thirty five yard touchdown run. Bruce's conversion made it 7-6.

Thiel appeared to be moving on their next series, but the Gator pass defense shut them down. Linebacker Mike Eberth Jay Clayton (above) was a dominating force for the Allegheny followed a fine defensive play by defense when the Gators met Thiel on Saturday. Clayton was Marc Calderone with an inter- credited with three sacks on the afternoon. GIBSON PHOTO ception that put Allegheny in Wilson off base in paper business at midfield. The offense covered the Golfers ninth in California In last Wednesday's Meadville Tribune, Allegheny soccer coach distance in ten plays, the big one By Brian Greene In second place in the team Russ Wilson was quoted as saying, "from the time they scored that being a third down reception by ikss't Sports Editor race was I.U.P. with a 387 total, first goal, what happened was a complete disgrace to the name of Ron Lamendola at the Thiel 14. The Allegheny college golfers followed by Cal State with a Allegheny soccer....we totally lost our determination and desire to Murray later scored his second ran into bad weather but also 397 score. win." touchdown of the day as he horrendous golf Monday as the The lone bright spot for the Wilson's comments followed Allegheny's game against Grove carried it over from the three. linksters shot their highest score Gators was the play of junior Gator s blew a 2-0 first half lead in bowing to City. In the game, the A third-and-sixteen pass in- in eight years. The tournament Bob Bradley as he hit 16 greens the Grovers 3-2. His comments raise questions concerning Wilson's terference call and a fifteen yard was the California State Invitat- in regulation, but took 40 putts ability to coach his team and his judgement, or rather lack of it, in face mask penalty on Allegheny ional at Nemocolin, Country to shoot a 77. Co-captains Matt making such harsh statements. gave Thiel a hard shove toward Club in California, Pa. The Clarke and Ed Podufal shot 81 According to two team members, the comments will definitely the goal line on their next series. Gators shot a team aggregate and 87 respectively while fresh- affect the relationship between players and coach. "There is no way Woodie Pippens scored his 416 for a ninth place finish in men Fred Ermes shot 82. Senior that he has our respect as a team," said one Gator. And, "I couldn't second touchdown from the the 16 team field . Greg Sexton and sophomore believe it. Nobody was really too pleased with him the next day at one, and Allegheny's lead was That finsh was one of the Brian Greene took up the rear practice. He doesn't relate well to the team anyway, and this won't 14-12. worst for Allegheny in many with 89 and 94 respectively. help matters," was the comment of another team member. A pass interference call years. Slippery Rock captured The Gators, hoping to re- against Thiel gave Allegheny the the team title with a 384 total bound somewhat, will be in ball at the Thiel 22, but the half and their players, Dave Metz and action Thursday as they host the Should apologize to team ended before they could score Jim Hagstrom, swept the individ- annual Gator Invitational out at again. ual titles with 73 and 74 respect- Meadville C.C. Play begins in the Since his main responsibility is to coach the soccer team, Wilson cont. on p. 10 ively. shotgun format at 12:30. should have considered this before venting his anger. If, on the other hand, Wilson's comments were made in a fit of anger following a tough loss, his comments could be excused; provided he gathered the team together, explained what happened and apologized. He did not do this. Booters Dominate Pitt--Bradford, 5-2 Some people may argue that Wilson made his comments as a motivational device. If this was the case, Wilson should have con- fined his comments to the team, and not made them a matter up for enough to win but not up to A source close to the team public ridicule. No coach should ever do this to his team. By Brian Greene their potential throughout. said Coach Wilson felt that While I cannot and will not ever agree with what Wilson did, I players Dave Barker, Bill Reed Ass't Sports Editor The Gator second-stringers do not wish to condemn him as someone who should not be allowed played more in the second half and Gary Blewitt played an to coach college athletics. As one of the soccer players said, "I think The Allegheny soccer team exceptional game and was very was in action Saturday at of the game, in order to develop he's trying to change his attitude, but the solution has to come from their abilities. Sam Bellin scored pleased with their performance. him, not us." Bradford as they played The goal for the Gators now is Pitt-Bradford in a non-con- his first goal in two years on the Nothing has to be public, but Wilson must resolve the situation Allegheny team. to put together two good halves within the team. ference game. The booters in the same game. emerged victorious by a score of 5-2 in a game which they virt- Sophomore Ted Skattum also ually dominated. A Tasty Tidbit contributed a goal. Ted's brother Allegheny sports a 2-1-1 for A team member said that Dag was unfortunately injured in the season. They play their first Don't be surprised if Bob Murray isn't in the lineup when the Allegheny coach Russ Wilson the game and will be out indef- P A C game Saturday against football team lines up on Saturday. felt that the team played well initely with a leg injury. perenially tough Bethany Bisons.

Page 10 Thursday, September 30, 1982 CAMPUS Sports Shorts

Bargaining continues in NFL Strike

Another bargaining session is scheduled on Thursday between negotiators for the NFL striking players and the owners. After a six hour negotiation session last Sunday it appeared almost impossible that an agreement could be reached in time for next weekend's 14 games to be played. Unofficial estimates put the price tag on the first week of the strike at close to $70 million. A second Sunday without the games would extract additional costs, not only for the players but in gate receipts, television networks, and for the cities where the games are to be played. Pitt, Penn State Rated High

The A.P. ratings for college football came out this week and the two major Pennsylvanian schools, Pitt and Penn State, wei-e ranked two and three, respectively. Washington was still ranked number one. Pittsburgh beat Illinois this week in a defensive battle, 20-6, while Penn State defeated Nebraska in a thriller by the score of 27-24. Allegheny's Randy Lamendola (no. 11) rounds the corner on his way to a big gain for the Gators Lamendola led Allegheny to a 21-19 win over PAC rival Thiel on Saturday at Robertson Field. Lamendol St. Louis Clinches NL East and the Gators will travel to Bethany on Saturday to face the Bisons. G IBSON PH OT 0

In baseball, the pennant races tightened up as St.. Louis became the first team to clinch their division. They topped the N.L. East. In the N.L. West, Los Angeles holds a slim one game lead over Heat and Injury Hurt Ha rriers Atlanta and the San Francisco Giants. In the A.L. East, Milwaukee close--give and take the whole holds a slim two game lead over Baltimore, and finally, in the A.L. by Keven Treu muggy climate a few runners way." West, California is close to clinching their division as they hold a Sports Editor turned in sub-par performances In the end, Allegheny came four and one-half game lead over Kansas City. on anot her hilly course. Oppressive heat and the up on the short end of a 26-29 absence of several top runners score that surely would have All things considered, the Perry Returns from Suspension hurt the Allegheny men's cross been different if the missing Gators were still impressive in country team in two separate runners had been there. the mee . The A team placed Forty three year old Gaylord Perry returned from his ten game competitions last week. Placing for the Gators were eighth an d the B team finished suspension to win his three hundred and seventh major league game, On Wednesday, the Gators Tim Dowdall (second), Paul fourteentl tops among active pitchers. Perry was suspended for the first time in travelled to Bethany to face a Metzger (fourth), Bill Tomer his career for allegedly throwing a spitball against the Kansas City comparatively weak Bison (sixth), Joe Rog (seventh), and Runnin g well for Allegheny Royals. Perry, with his sixth major league team, beat the Chicago squad. The team left several of Kevin McKenna (tenth). in the 21 5 runner field were White Sox in his return performance. their best runners behind for On Saturday, Allegheny went Tom Held 24th), Roger Nelson training reasons. That is, they to I.U.P. to face 18 other teams (41st), Day e Wechter (46th), worked out right through the in the I.U.P. Invitational. Once Ken Gray 47th), Bill Tomer Clampett wins Southern Open meet day rather than miss the again, a missing man hurt the (56th), Tim Dowdall (60th), day for a relatively easy corn- Gators. John Cannon, the Alistair Mcd onald (72nd) and In golf this week, Bobby Clampett won his first golf tournament petition. second runner, wasn't available Paul Metzger 78th). on the pro tour after finishing second four times. The second year Despite the missing runners, to compete. superstar fired a final round eight under par 64 in winning the the Gator squad performed well This time there was an Southern Open. He nipped fast closing Hale Irwin, who shot a The Gator next travel to on a hilly course. According. to additional problem--the heat. blistering final round of 61 to finish second. Fredonia St. on Saturday for the one team member, "It was really Due to the high temperature and Fredonia St. Inv itational. Football cont from p. 9

Two's Company The second half started on a ished with 108 yards on the Fortunately, t he defense, led good note for the Gators as day. by Bob Fraser an d Jay Clayton, The place to be... defensive back Jerome Nelson Allegheny got the ball again was once again playing well. intercepted a Thiel pass at the six times, and moved deep into They kept the To meats off the Tomcat 39. A third down Thiel territory every time, but board until just 48 seconds * Wednesday & Friday reception by Nate Paskey to they never put another score on remained, when they scored on a 12 oz. Draft Beer Special the 13 was the big play of this the board. Three times on four yard pass. An onside kick scoring drive. Shortly after, fumbles (at the Thiel 42, 21 and failed, and Gator quarterback Murray got his third touchdown *Friday & Saturday 23) and twice on downs (3 and Chris Brodman fell on the ball of the day when he ran two 39), the Gators lost the ball--and twice to end the game Lots of Dancing with a D.J. yards up the middle. He fin- the scoring opportunity.

* SaturdayHappy Hour 10-12 PM Coach Timer's reaction was a Send a surprise to someone special simple one. "We're pleased with Sat.-Mon.-Pizza $2.69 take the win. We did some things well and others poorly. We may out available have been a little flat after our Drive thru for 6-packs open till Your balloons good effort against Frostburg." can be delivered He praised his offensive line's 11PM weekdays play. "We blocked the heck out by: of them. The blocking on that and till 35 yard run by Bob was beauti- 1 AM weekends ful." a clown and Sundays Commenting on Bethany, a playboy bunny Saturday's opponent, Timer in formal attire said, "They're 2-0 and have a or you can pick them up yourself fine quarterback in Jeff Mattich. 1 412 North We'll have to play super to stay Street Discount to-college studen in the game. They always play with intensity and this is their 556 2576 197 N. Main Street 336-4310 homecoming. We'll be proud to be there." CAMPUS Thursday, September 30, 1982 Page 11 Lost to Eventual Champs

Spikers Third at Wheeling •

by Kevin Treu against the other six twice, and good fight but lost to eventual Sports Editor then the top four squads accord- tournament winner Thiel, 15-13 ing to records met in a single and 15-8. Much is made in the world of elimination playoff to determine In the consolation match, sports about the intangible value the champion. once again facing a team that of experience to a team. There The four freshmen and two had triumphed over them pre- are those who argue that you sophomores that comprise Alle- viously, Allegheny defeated can't win when it's lacking, and gheny's starting team put to- John Carroll, 12-15, 15-10 and then there are those who claim gether a 5-7 record in the 15-13 to capture the third place that it's really not important. competition against the rest of trophy, Coach Rhonda Seagraves and her the field, including narrow losses "We started slowly on Fri- women's volleyball team are to Thiel and West Liberty, the day," commented Seagraves, trying to make a point for the eventual champ and runner-up. "and again on Saturday, but we latter argument this season. This mark was the fourth best, pulled it together at the end." Fielding a squad with a total but it was the same as Bethany's, She cited Gwen Herron as the of no more than two years of so the Gators had to go into a team's brightest spot for the WKC playing experience, the one game playoff. tournament. "She was probably Gators placed third in the 1982 In last year's tournament, the best, that is the most consis- Wheeling College Invitational Allegheny also faced a playoff tent." The serving of Amy last weekend. In doing so, they game to see if they would make Kissinger also drevi praise. "She finished two places higher than the final four, but in that only missed one in 18 games. they did a year ago. instance they fell to John Carroll That helped a lot." The seven team field included and had to settle for fifth place. Seagraves commented on the West Liberty State College, John This time, they defeated a youth of the squad. "The team Carroll, CMU, Wheeling College, Bethany team that had beaten is really young. Margaret Certo Bethany and Thiel, as well as them earlier in the tournament. (a sophomore) is our only Allegheny. Each team competed The Gators then put up a returning starter."

Netters fall to Slippery Rock aisftwir Allegheny's women's volleyball team recorded a third place finish by David Gibbs gheny coach Susie Fain said, first Women's Keystone Confer- Sports Writer "We play Slippery Rock again ence match at home against at the Wheeling Invitational last weekend. A young squad, the team later in the season, and I hope Behrend on Saturday. is hoping that youthful enthusiasm can pay off this season. Allegheny's women's tennis we can give them a tougher GIBSON PHOTO team suffered their second de- match then." But it was not to feat of the season at the hands be, as Allegheny's top players. of the Slippery Rock Rockets including Becky Buster (number Colgrove First at IUP Invitational yesterday, as they fell by a score one singles) and Jenny Wall by Rhonda Franklin course. "She had a super time. It The team has added the of 8-1. Earlier in the year, (number two singles), were dom- Sports Writer was a tough course to run," service of freshman Nina Allegheny suffered an identical inated by the Rocket's defensive beamed head coach Fiore Ber- Skattum. Skattum will be com- 8-1 defeat at the hands of the style of play. Despite a first place finish by gamasco after the race. peting for the team soon. Rockets. Today's match had been All-American Jennifer Colgrove, Allegheny's only win came at rescheduled from Monday be- Allegheny's women's cross Although Bergamasco did not cause of bad weather, and the number six singles, as Jane Allen country team finished a disap- Other Allegheny finishers feel that the girls had a real good defeated Slippery Rock's Debbie Gators will play another make- pointing eighth in the thirteen included Beth Saxton in 30th effort, he explained that they Abbate. In the first match, up match today when they face team field at last Saturday's place, "an outstanding finish for had trained through the meet Allen was again a part of Alle- I.U.P. In what is one of the I.U.P. Invitational. a freshman," according to and were expecting much better gheny's only win, as she teamed busiest weeks on their schedule, Bergamasco; Julie Meyer in 50th results this weekend. On Satur- the Gators with Corrine Kraemer to win at will also travel to Colgrove defeated 114 other position; Kerry Logan in 70th, day the women will run at the third doubles. Westminster for a match on runners with a winning time of and Tammi Schmieler, who Fredonia State Invitational in After the first match, Alle- Friday, and return to play their 18:21 on the hilly 3.1 mile finished 95th in the field. New York. Gators Induct six into Hall of Fame Allegheny College will induct late Harry C. "Hoppy" Miller their awards following the six alumni into its Athletic Hall '23, Braden P. "Coonie" Hughes dinner. of Fame October 15-16, 1982. '29, Arthur H. Gratz '40, Bruce On Saturday, the permanent Allegheny began the Hall of T. Olderman '61, and Michael C. Hall of Fame plaques displayed Fame January 30-31, 1981, with Ganey '70. in the David Mead Field House HAIR SPECIALISTS 16 charter members, and added A special reception will be lobby will be unveiled at 11 a.m. six members last October. held October 15 at the Holiday Tickets for the reception and L_ FAMILY "HAIR CARE" SALON _1 Those to be inducted in Inn, Conneaut Lake Road, at dinner are available at the October on Homecoming week- 6:30 p.m., followed by a dinner Alumni Affairs Office of Alle- end are: the late W. Branch at 7:30 p.m. The honorees or gheny College for $15 per Welcomes Allegheny Students Rickey, Coach 1904-1905, the their representatives will receive person. back by offering: IM Results $3.00 OFF on a Independant League Shampoo, Haircut & Style Coronas 6 Ramble rs 6 (REGULAR $10.00 VALUE) Ravine 1st forfeited to 80 Proof Swamp Rats 20 Exiler 16 NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY! VooDoos 8 Muff Divers 6 69er 52 Clubbers 0 * Coupon only valid with Kim or Susan *

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ABC 6 No. 1 Prospects 0 Jerry's Kids forfeited to Grass Stains This coupon must be presented at appointment Baby Gators 18 Char's Angels 6 Offer Expires Oct. 31: 1982 Hard Corps forfeited to Waco's 0 Hard Corps 50 Char's Angels 0 Page 12 Thursday, September 30, 1982 CAMPUS Captain Sensible: Music Not Noise Bruce, his guitar and some and my favorite on here is a wall Various Artists--Life in the zations, The Clash, XTC, the by Captain Sensible harmonica. The songs are about of sound opus that reminds me European Theatre (Elektra) Stranglers, Madness, Peter David Johansen--Live It Up the small towns all across the of David Bowie. I think if leader Gabriel, The Jam, and many (Blue Sky) U.S.A. Most anything in these devoted more time more are here on one disc. If songs could be set in any small to this LP than he devoted to On one , you can hear you have been wondering what If you count the two or medium sized town. He making The Wall, this would be twelve of England's best rock modern music is all about, then reminds me a lot of Bob Dylan. Johansen recorded as the leader outstanding. But, I guess we and roll bands. Each of these get this album. You'll enjoy of the legendary New York have to wait another year for groups has contributed one song some of the best rock around, Dolls, then this is his sixth Billy Joel--The Nylon Curtain another Boomtown Rats album. for this LP. With all proceeds and help oppose nuclear arms album— Usually, live records (Columbia) going to five anti-nuclear organi- and power. tend to be a greatest hits pack- Iggy Pop--Zombie Birdhouse age that may have different Billy Joel unleashes some (Animal) versions of the artist's best anger and comes up with a pretty songs. So why make a live good record. All of these songs Iggy Pop got his start in 1968 In Addition album when you have virtually seem to deal with the many ways you can be frustrated with with a band called the Stooges, no greatest hits? Because in a The following items were not included in the monthly activities concert situation, David Johan- life, The music is typical Billy and he's been putting out LPs Joel, but that feeling of frustra- ever since. Zombie Birdhouse is calendar. If you have information of interest to the college com- sen is at his best and this live munity, please send it to the Campus Center Director's office. Dead- album proves it. He is a great tion really seems to make things his latest and best work since click. A sobering effort. David Bowie helped him out line for information is noon on Monday. For more information on rock 'n' roller and a real show- each event, contact the appropriate department. man live. Pick up this record for about five years ago. The songs are statements on life in Amer- a real good time. Better yet, for -- less than the price of this record, (Columbia) ica. Topics include: our addic- October 4 you can have a great time with tion to television; life as a rat two great bands this Friday. It's I never could put my thumb race; the many depressing days; Public Lecture:"Mahatna Gandhi's Restatement of Hinduism" by a deal you shouldn't let pass by on the Boomtown Rats' sound. how our lives are filled with Prof. K.L. Seshagifi Rao, member of the religious studies department Their last album, Mond() Bongo, work. The music reminds me of of the University of Virginia--8 p.m. in Ford Chapel. Bruce Springsteen-Nebrusku along with this one, shows the many different groups. On some (Columbia) . Rats expanding the horizons of songs, it sounds like a modern the pop music they play. Where day Doors. On some other tunes October 5 Nebraska is a very eerie was an excellent a Talking Head influence can be album. I like it. It reminds me album, V Deep is lacking but it heard. Iggy Pop has gone far too Career Services will present a workshop for seniors who don't have of sitting around a campfire, and has some good moments. Some long without being recognized in time to prepare for future interviews. Basics of resume writing, in- . one guy is playing his guitar and songs here are kind of funk-rock, the rock & roll world. Hope- terviewing skills and job-search techniques will be covered at CS fully, Zombie Birdhouse will singing his songs. That's all it is. another is a good stab at reggae Library, Reis Hall. change all that. A general information meeting about study-abroad programs will be held 4 p.m. at the Campus Center Activities Room. Featured will be Dr. Rao who will lead the Allegheny-University of Virginia program classifieds classifieds classifieds in India next year.

October 7 RECRUITMENT UPDATE LOST: A Theta pin with Virginia Would you like to eat in South? New additions — sign-ups at the Murphy inscribed on the back. If Are you now in the 21-meal plan and CSO on a first come-first serve basis. The Counseling Center will present Beyond the Diet, A Lifestyle found, please return to box 414 or eating in Brooks? Let's make a call 333-6506. Great sentimental switch and both be happy! Approach to Weight Control, at the Counseling Center Group Room Consolidated NatLira I Gas Com- value. REWARD OFFERED! Call 337-6955 and ask for Marti. 17:om. 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. pany (Pittsburgh PA). Financial Auditors: economics majors only. The Allegheny Literary Review s sonals personals personals EDP Auditor: economics majors Is your organization planning a dance looking for a Business Manager fo in the future? Is so, WARC can with at least nine hours computer the organization. If you arc: science only. — October 27. supply DJ, records, and equipment Dear Ruxx, Blue, interested in this position, please for a fee. Contact WARC at box C Happy twenty-first. Congrat- Thanks for the laughs, drop your name, box number and University of Pittsburgh Graduate for more details. ulations on your new status; legal and the smiles and tears. phone number to Allegheny Literary School of Business (MBA): Novem- drunkard. Will you be spending more Thanks for the fun we've Review , box 32. ber 15. evenings in Ravine now? shared thru the years. Are you a martial artist? Do you Love, Thanks for the crayfish, and Central Intelligence Agency if you have any poetry, photo- need people to work out with? If so, your harem the wet clothes too! But (Washington, D.C.): International graphy, short drama, art work, or get your kicks with the Martial Arts most of all, thanks for Ted Kennedy appears "in studies, political science, math and short stories that you would like to Club. We meet Thursdays at 7p.m. being you. cognito" at weekend recital; Cousin computer science majors only — see in the Allegheny Literary Review, and Saturdays at 2 p.m. in the Loser. It and Thing help with article; and November 12. please submit them to Box 32, now. multi-purpose room of the gym. If interested, drop us a line at box 173, our room looks like a bomb hit or stop by during our workouts. it--Time for Racketball Therapy!

Congratulations to Karen, Lois, and Dine in the cozy antique decor o Gemma on becoming Theta sisters. BAGELS You're terrific and We love you! (cream cheese and plain) On sale in the C.C.Be ready for next Mom, week's Big Buck Flick Life of Brian. Bag your face! The Cottage Bring your change! The Kids Good Home Cooking

On the Premises, Same Day *Homemade pies, rolls, and soup FILM SERVICE *Creamed Chicken on biscuits *Salad bar in by 10 AM *Roast turkey ready by 4 PM . . . and lots more (Color Negative only)

1041 Park Avenue 724-1865 Luncheons 11 :30-1 :30 Mon.-Sat. VAN TUIL Dinners 5:00-8:00 Fri. & Sat. Sunday Dinners Noon-7:00 Discount Photo Supplies 10% Discount to Allegheny Stimilents 209 Chestnut St. 336-5315 Ban uet Facilities Available at Special Prices alb