Thia La Me in Ml Colour.• (Pie Unda Mccartney) XTC Tour Cancelled XTC's TOUR II Off
PAUL McCAR'™EY: "Thia la me in Ml colour.• (Pie Unda McCartney) XTC tour cancelled XTC'S TOUR II Off. eea... Of 101.W'll'lfl plal'II NYe been pootponed.""'"""''' .. -They ~• hOPlnu- to stidl to ChW t'89Ch9du'-d dates.. bul the angtt'"t illne9a ii IOO MriOut to, ~~~':,.., ~ IO •n 8lf"/ cMtM Ull'lllf Ana(s health It stable," NkJaspo~n. 11cbt holder'I can dalm ...,,bouu"'~ ftorn __ II• .,...,. ..._.. JAPAN: In OM ,,,_ JAPAN SQUASH SPLIT RUMOURS TOUR CONFIRMED JAPAN A RE not tpflttlng up •.• end U1ey",.. golf'l9 on the r011d to prov. ltl Thay lw¥9 c:onflnned ti.Ir btgot,at ewr tour, which klck1 Off In the autumn. lit le befnO lllf'ltlOUt'IOe now to Mop rufflOiUf'I Of • epkt. 8ut they wlll continue tMlr -,le) Or,lcf ______ A__ .,_Y_Moglc~ .u• McCartney's enttU1d '8emboo ~a.le' whkh I• due out ahonty. war ----And he I• du. to ,-oord en EP with Jaipan drummer Stew Ja-naen later In the Spftr19 whlctl wtll tNture • num• Of othw muakl.. n1, ~•=::...Mick Kem el-.o plane • ~ ..,... Mtd I• IJktily to pl1y on the forthcoming Robert ::..i~~~~ n. tout ldcb Oft - 0. Poirt9mouth Gulldhllll on 11Ded "Tug OI W•'- I • Bunnymen Oc:too.r 20 end 21. Then: ..-0yGao,geMatlin-- Bngtlton Dom. 22, O.. egow Sparks pants who last wo,ked wlth A.Pollo 25, Eolnbu,vh McCartney on 1he Beatles Play-a. album breaking _27_2$,_Clty---Ctty HIii ,0 end 31, ~ De n. at,u,n , ..,.-es the ECHO ANO The Bunr,mtn are SPAAKSA£lEASE.- ·--·-m"\IIIO'k d ,ome aocoi1,p$f"1CI to tele&M their first alngll this Bi~nghem Odeon 2.
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